Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 25, 1879, Image 7

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    Atatifori Ntporter,
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Deo• 25, 1879.
THE lost-Offico will be open to-day
(Christmas). from 8.30: to 9.00, 10:30 to
11.30, A. as., and from:s.oo to 6.00, r. i.
ONE week, from tonight• the Naiad re
THE New Year begins one week from
THERE are 450 volumes in the Orwell
Hill Library.
Tin Troy Rod and Gun Club has been
A TICKET to the Naiad reception will
cost you but two dollars.
Do you really believe those slippers will
be an entire surprise to him ?
Tiweitimated cost of making the Sus
quehanna navigable is $130.000.
CHRISTMAS TREE at Churchof the Mes
siah this (Wednesday) evening.
THE horse shoe design will boa popular
Christmas decoration this year.
correspondent says that a new. Bank
is "being talked of in Athens."
Now then get that new leaf ready for
it will soon be time to turn it over.
. Dn. War. RICE, of Rome, is fitting up
a - building in that place for a drug store.
THE bell at the Catholic Church is rung
At 6 A. v., 12 M., and 6 r. sr., every day,
Sostr: one poisoned CRARLEY BETIME
MAN' s valuable bird dog one day last week.
WE hope your turkey will prove to be
a tender one and your pudding well done.
As cold weather increases think if you
have any means of alleviating the lot of
the poor.
THE scholars of both the Institute and
Graded School arc enjoying a two weeks'
Aznmss has a Skating Rink: It is lo
cated in STANLrz'S Block. Roller skates
arc used.
.T. J. BOULAIER started up his new
steam saw and flouring mill, near Troy,
last week.
THE next session of Mr. ACKLEY'S
singing class will be held Wednesday,
.lannary 7.
ITHE Woodruff Dramatic Association
are to appear at Mcrcur Hall on Saturday
evening next.
Anorr three inches of snow fell on
-Sunday night last. Hardly enough for
good sleighing.
- Gums, six more days for him to "pop"
and then leap year. The game is all in
your own hands. •
THE Sunday t'vhool festival of the
Presbyterian Church, takes place this
Wednesday, evening. .
THE had boy defaces walls and fences
with chalkouaking hitFroglyphies that are
not useful uor ornamental.
THE annual festival 'of Christ Church
Sunday-school takes place this(Wednes
day) atteanoon, at 4 o'clock.
Tnoizr. who think Sunday is a long day,
shouldn't grumble at last Sunday. It was
the shortest day of the year.
THE names of the jurymen for next
r` - ear were placed in the Wheel by the
Jury Commissioners this week.
T ERE are one hundred scholars attend
ing the Wyaiusing Aeadetny this vrintet
Three teachers are employed..
;N:L7MEROUS residents of this place are
now away to spend the holiday season
with mends in other localities.
THE Odd Fellows llall at Springfield,
is rapidly approaching completion, and is
to be dedicated at an early date.
Cne miners at Barclay, it is rumored,
are. to have their 'wages advanced twelve
per cent. on the first of January.
J. J. GitiFFrrits, Esq., and Non. .To
sFa•n G. PATTON have their residences in
this place connected by telephone.
rAttion archery k a new game. Of
em(rse eligible young ladies bend the
beau, and aim the arrow ef—eupid.-
IT will be unlawful tokill partridges,
pheasants, wild turkeys. squirrels and
rabbits, after the 31st of this month.
TuE annual festival of Christ Church
Sunday School will be held on Wednesday
afternoon, '2•lth instant, at four o'clock..
JAMES MCINTTI:F., Jr., is erecting a
neat and cosy dwelling house, WI State
street, near the Graded school building.
THE Lellaysrille Adr(rti.ler has post
poned its intended enlargement from Jan
uary Ist to the 2nd of May next. SCTl
Urn townsman A IMAM `]ELL, is mak
ing improvements on Isis farm in Athens
township, in the construction of water
A Loct: - HAvEs firm adCertise in the
publica a of that place, forty bushels of
Bradford county stlell.-bark hickory nuts
for !clic.
L A DoN,rtos was given for the Rev.
DAVID CRAI - T, of WyditiSi'lltr, at'Odd Fel
lows h all, sugar Run, on Tuesday even
ing last.
COMPANY C., of Canton, attended and
took part in the GRANT reception at Phil
adelphia last week. They had about fifty
men in line.
ftEv. C.Gwr, assisted 11 Maj.
VAN CratvE, is holding revival and tem
perance meetings .at the Nail Works
school house.
A LirrErtanv Society bas recently been
formed in Orwell township. It meets one
evening in each week at the "Ridge"`7
Schoo louse.• ;
IT will soon be time: to swear off and
commence keeping . diaries. The time to
quit both will arrive about two weeks
after January Ist.
AT the first j opportunity fill your ice
houses, for the weather prophets have
predicted an open winter, and so far their
heads hate been level.
Tn peg _factory - at Grover, this county,
is running full time and turning out largo
quantities of hoe pegs of every kind,
which find a ready iale.
Curtrn , As. oil street west of Frost's
furniture factors. ;would like work at
'plain sewing, tailoring. carpet making,
or washing awl ironing.
QCITI". a goodly number of parsons
from our neighboring towns have signified
their intention to participate in the Naiad
reception New Years night.
THE store windows on the principal
streets present a beautiful appearance by
gas'light, 'and - are surrounded by crowds.
of delighted people in the evenings.
THE new Church at Grocer. this coun
ty, is nearly completed.. It will be a very
fr structure when finished. It will be
heated by furnaces in the basement.
Err LITTLE, employed at the Agrienl-
Wor4s, Athens, had his right hand
badly lacerp.ted by a bazz-saw on Friday
I I last. Pr. SCOTT dressed the.wonnd,
Tnr, Lehigh Valley Railroad Company,
says the Tnnkbannock Democrat, has an
nounced its intention to raise the wages
of the office men on the flirt proximo.
A Journal eorresixmient says that a
Mr. - VAN AUSTIN, of Smithboro, N. Y.,
has leased Odd Fellows' Rail, at Rome,
this county, and will open,,a drug - store
PowELL kt Co.'s store has been literally
packed with people, daring business hours,
for the past few days. Their sales must
have amounted to many hundreds of doll
ars-each day.
J. F. BLOCHEIt, of Wyalusing, has ship
ped, during the last few weeks, over
twenty-five hundred bushels of buckwheat
besides several hundreds of bushels of
other grains.
THE Tunkbannock correspondent of the
Wilkesbarro Record says: "Thp &oat°.
rial.boom for this district is reported as
hiving started a little too early for all of
the aspirants."
IN response to their advertisement ask-
ing for proposals for the sale of a farm
for poor-house purposes, the County Com
missioners received offers of over fifty
different properties.
THE ladies of tho Catholic Church,
Athens, are to hold . a Fair and Festival
for the benefit of the church, in Eastaz
brook Hall, in that place, during the
present Holiday week.
Mit. H. Tunnr.t.t, has purchased the
Ferry at Sugar Run, formerly owned by
G. FECTCIIEY. Mr. T. is building a new
ferry boat, which will add to the conveni
ence of the traveling,public.
MyrenEtt. It1:1.N at Troy, sometimes
called the " Academy of Music," is un
dergoii* repairs. When completed, the
Hall will be occupied by the American
Mechanics and Masonic lodges of that
ROUVIIIT CAFFERTY, who was tried for
burglary at Owego last week; was found
guilty by the jury after a few minutes de
liberation, and was "sentenced, by Judge
FOLLETT to twenty years in .inburn
S,UNDAY last was the coldest of the sea-
On , so far. A fresh breeze prevailed, and
nipped the ears and noses of pedestrians.
There has been so little wintry weather
that when it does come it seems unusually
THE arrangements for the Naiad re
ception, at Mercur Hall, on New Years
night, have nearly,, all been completed,
and we have no doubt it will be among
the finest affairs of the .kind ever given in
our village.
Canton. have secured the contract for re
building the steam saw mill of CRANDALL '
& Vuom.ks, recently destroyed by fire.
They also have a contract to build a large
number of stump machines. • -
Wf: send out a large number of extra
copies of the IlEroirrEt: this week to per
sons iu the county who are not regular
subscribers. This gives 'our advertisers
the benefit of an increased circulation
without extra expense to thgm.
F. N. Coo aSWELL, of Iferrickville" is
the owner of a pullet that was hatchet in
May last, that herself hid eggs and
hatlied can five chickens previous to the
20 Itlt of November. That pullet is liable
to be a grand-mother before she is a year
Dn. Jotts C. CuAwroun, one of Will
ianisport's most eminent and esteemed
physicians, was instantly killed, and Dr.
13ruittmt, seriously injured, in attempting
to drive across the railroad track in front
of an approaching train un Monday even
ing of last week.
Foy; several days past the streets of our
village have been filled with people, and
our dealer:sam disposing of a large anioutd:
of their wares. We observe that the lib
eral advertisers are gettidg the lion's
share of the trade, and there is no reason
why it should be. otherwise.
Juig:E BENTLEY has sold the Fair
Grounds in East Towanda to the Brad
ford County Agricultural Society. • The
price paid was $5,000. For the past five
years the Society has occupied the grounds
rent free, and the price at which it now
purchases them is extremely low.
Tus: Pisgah Praying Band, says the
Troy Giuctte, who have been laborbig at
Nichols and River Valley, N. Y., for the
past two weeks, report glorious revival
work at both places, and about one hun
dred conversions havin,2, - taken place at
the two points. They will 'Continue the'
revival work.
A VERY severe fire visited Addition, N.
V., on Tuesday of last week, destroying a
large part of the business portion of the
village. The firm in which Mr. EDWARD
WELLES, son of R. M. WELLE.s, of this
place, is a p . artner, suffered a- loss of
abort $:30,000, tail which there was au in
surance of $15,000.'
CHUItCH of the Messiah (Universalist)
Hey. Wat. TAlmou, Pastor., Christmas
services, with appropriate music, at .7 r.
E. of Christmas day. On Sunday, De
cember at 10+ .t. as. , subject. "The
Christian's Strength in Trial;" at 7 r.
second. lecture on • " Hell in Fable—Hell
in fact."
Tun IltrorrrEn is inclined to brag
about the big Christmas supplement it is
going to print. Our neighbor should re
member that it is not bigness that snakes
the god pewspaper.—..aurnat, Putt,
—Boys, if the grapes are sour, don't
eat them.
.I.l.mEs H. ! SUFFERN, one of the enter
prising business men of state Line, met
with quite a serious accident While haul
ing logs and rolling them in a race to be
run to his mill, tine day recently. lie was
struck by a log and thrown to the ground
receiving some serious bruises, i : ut fortu
nately no bones were broken. •
AT the election of ofliCers of the Athens
Fire 'Department, on MOnday evening of
last week, the followirig gentlemen were
chosen :
President—D. F. PARK.
Chief .Engineer—J. M. ET.Y
Secubd ..-Issistant—ELi. SPALDING
ON Thursdaynight, between the bolus
of ono ;And two, a tire broke out in the
dwelling of NED. WIDMER, on Otange
street, Waverly, N. V. When discovered
the . house was Wiapped in Ilamds, and he
was hardly able to get his wife and chil
dren out. It was quite a line residence,
newly built, and was burned to the ground
with all its contents. There was a small
insurance upon the house and one hun
dred dollars upon the furniture..
.741.c1.x . of our mail subscribers send us
notes, asking the date of their sulbscrip-
Una. If they; will tylnsult the printed
slip with the' t• name attached to their pa
per, they cal see at once how the matter
stands. For instance if after tho name
the tollowing should appear, 1 January,
1580, it means - that their paper is paid for
until January Ist, 18S0. Please examine
the slips on the copy of .your paper.
" TnE young men who stand around
the church doors watching the people
come out,,and trying to smile handsomely
at the girls, will some day hang around
the gates of heaven .while decent people
go in," is what - an exchange predicts will
bo the hereafter of just such young men
of this place ,as have acquired the habit
of loitering about the entrances to our
churches when services are • being held
.therein. •
TIIE Troy House is soon to go into oth
er bands; says the (itizette of that place.
NkTItANILL Font). of 31uncy; has leaSed
it and purchased the turniture,.and will
take possession'as soon as a license can be
obtained,. which will probably be in a
short time.. Troy has been - rethei proud
of her temperance hotel, and there ivill be
general regret to tiee the character of the
house in-this respect changed.
TUE Canton correspondent of the El
mira Fret Press, of Wednesday of last
week, says : "GEORGE BROWNy of Wa
verly, came to Canton about a week ago
to visit a young larly to' whom ho was en
g..aged to be married. He was taken sick
at the residence of Mr. A. 'PORTER and
died last Saturday morning, his disease
being typhoid pneumonia. The body was
taken to Waverly on Monday foil burial."
Do not fail to attend the Johnson Ben
efit at Mercer Hall, to-morrow, Friday,
mira Telegram says thatMitEs P. HowEs,
proprietor of Howes Planing Mill .and
Bash and Bliud Factory at Owego, has
made an assignment to Fitswx L. Oweg o,
a preferred creditor. The employes are
understood to Come next, in the order of
preference. Mr. gown'. liabilities are
SHERIFF DEAN, accompanied by Major
Botulism, of Ridgbury, Wtasran
of Springfield, and E. L. MANLEr, of
Canton, started for Philadelphia on Train
15; Wednesday night of last week, to con r
ray the following named prisoners to the
Eastern Penitentiary t Itztrittx SCHRA
DER, forgery, two years .and three
months. FRANE Ron Ens, aggravated as.
vault and battery, one year and six
months. Jonas Nixtr, larceny, two years
and three months.
MAJOR VAX CLEVE, the temperance
evangelist, delivered a very interesting
address before a large audience at the M.
E. Church, on Sunday evening last. We
,had not the pleasure of being present, but
learn from those who wore that the Mar
jor's address was -an excellent one. We
know the Major to be an earnest advocate
of the"cause he has espoused, and trust
that arrangements will be speedily made
to continue his labors in this county.
WE submit this issue of the RErotrrEtt
to its readers fully believing their verdict•
will be that no single issue of a paper
printed in this county has equalled it. We
do not desire to "brag" of its typograph
ical appearance nor the excellence of its
contents. You can examine the paper
and form your ,own conclusions. We
promised you two weeks ago the best pa
per this week ever printed iu , Northern
Pennsylvania. We believe the promise
has been fulfilled.
WARREN SMiru, hotel keeper at Austin
ville, says the Troy Gazette of last week,
who was slanderously attacked by a cor
respondent of the Welisbaro Agitator has
begun suit against that paper. The ac
cusation was made that Mr. Surruxen
dered a bill of $lOO fOr taking care of the
late DAVID WEr.cit, and that he refused
to give up the body to the relatives until
it was paid. The facts aro very different.
Mr. SMITH'S whole bill for several days
being only, $l5 and the relatives failing to
come for the body, it was buried by the
town commissioners.
day evening of last week a largo barn
belonging to THOMAS BRAND, in Union
towtwhip, Tioga county, Pa., a few miles
from Canton, was burned. • Forty tons of
hay and a largo amount of grain were
destroyed and thirteen .yearlings were
burned to death. A number of farming
utensils of Aany kinds, stored in the barn
,for the winter, were also burned. The
Ori.:in of the lire has not been determined
and the amount of the insurance is un
line% n. The loss fallS between 4110,000
and $15,000.
afternoon last, Mr. WM. MeDoNomin
who resides on the North Branch, about
four - miles east of Lellaysville went up
in his woodi to older a man off who had.
been sent there by 'Jolts McCommie,
claiming he was trespassing. ,McConnic
came up greatly enraged, and after ex
changing a few sharp words, threw a
stick of stove wood, hitting McDo:cot:Gil
on the head, crushing the skull and caus
ing death in about one and a half hours.
MeConNtic has been arrested and passed
over to the Shoritmof Susquehanna county
for safe-keeping..- Lellaysrilte Advertiser,
regular meeting of tee Emlowthent Rank,
Knights of Pythias, held at Castle Mil
Priday evening, the following officers
were elected for the ensiling year :
'President—W. 0. (ioiu
' Vice-President—WAYNE DEFOREST
.C7azplain,-3. P. VANFLEET.
,Seeretary 4ntl Trotsurer—W.l3 - .K.'ELLY.
UltiVC-11. E. BABCOCK.
&titinel—W. D. KEYSER'.
TrFtstees.l. N. CALIFF, 11. E. BAB
Medical E.t.a 1)4 .D. S. PRATT
ILtvE. 'Vona Dr:Ens ItEconnEo.—lt is
astonishing to see how many people there
are who buy valuable properties and then
neglect to record their -deeds. The law
provides that all deeds shall be recorded
within six months after their date, and if
this is not done they shall be void as
against a subsequent purchaser for value.
Some honest old farmer. will find some
day, when it is too late, that he has lost
his property by -keeping his deeds locked
up at home in order to save a small re
cord fee. This" is certainly a false no
tion of economy. The law provides a
method to protect Oder-, and why. not
avail yourselves of it and save trouble and
Tim Commissioners of Bradford Coun
ty have made a selection of a farm for
the Poor llouse, which must commend
itself to every person well informed on
the subject. 'The farm chosen is known
as the "McKean farm," in Burlington,
and comprises about two hundied acres,
with a possible purchase of sixty-five
acres more. The farm is,delightfully sit
uated, and one of thebest in the county,
being mostly rich creek fiat, bounded by
Sugar Creak, well watered and of a very
fertile soil ; and as the location is a central
one, it seems as if the Commissioners had
• done wisely in making the seleetion. The
price to be paid is $lO per acre, which,
considering thequality of the laud, loca
tion, etc., is reasonable enough.' We are
certain. the people will endorse the action
of Commissioners BRADFORD, RANSOM
and liuttsT, and that all the opposition to
the purchase will come from those who
have axes of their own to grind.i— Troy
A CORRI:SPONDENT calls oar attention,
says the Tioga Agitator, to the fact th4t
next year there will be live Sundays, fide
Mondays and tive Tuesdays in the mouth
of August ; but he falls into a.sad mis
take in his conclusion that August is the
only month that has three days five times
named. From the very nature of things,
each mouth that numbers 31 days must .
repeat thieedays of the week tire times,
and there are no less than seven such
trantlis. If our correspondent will look
at the calendar for any year he will see
that January, March, May; July, August
'October and Dectlnher are in this pre
dicament. And if ho will look at the
calendars for this year and n-xt, he will
also find that -there are but two months
in the year that never begin on the same
day of the week as any oilier month.
May and June always stand alone in this
respect, leap-year and all, and they are
the only months that do.
A FAVORITE topic with ancient writers
was the seven wonder S, of the world.
These have come down to us embalmed
in the eloquence of the poet and historian.
One of the w, : on ders of our own time is
that great Faihion Journal—Andrews'
Bazar.• Six 'years ago launched on. the :
sea of journalism, where have berniso
many shiovrecks, to-day with 4 subscrip
tion list of 7:3,000, it stands pee-eniinent,
the acknowledged standard of! American
fahion, absolutely reliable.on all matters
pertaining to the toilet, superbly illus
trated, and brimful of chaste and brilliant
literature. • A adrethi Bazar was founded
in Cincinnati, but the great.demand for it
in the East - lias compelled its publisberto
,establish his main offices in Now York,
where its Fashion, Editorial and Literary
:pe:partments are now conducted.
It its published simultaneously in' both
eities: For $1 per annum every lady can
have this invaluable fashion mentor.
Every yearly subscriber is
with tiOc.worth of Andrews' Bazar Tat
lernA ; and, notwithstanding these won
derfully low iiguresOvith the January
number the publisher will give his new
yearly subscribers a supplement sheet of
designs Worth $lO. Every lady Should
send a year's subScription, _or uye for a
sample R.opy, - -to W. R. ANDREWS, Pub
lisher, Tribune Building, New York.'
The best holiday. present you can make
your friend or friends is a year's subscrip
tion to THE PEPOUTEIt. It will be very
appreciative and a regular weekly re
minder.:Of yJur thoughtfulness and gen
erosity. The price is only $1 'per year, in
I advance, and it will be mailed postpaid to
any part of the United States or Canada.
At ..a cost of• less than two cents each, the
absent_ friend.. can be furnished, every
week, without a thought on your part,
with 'all the local news, which those away
from home know best how to appreciate.
—Hon. EDWARD OVERTON, Jr., is home
for the holidays.
—Rev. DAVID Caarr is Principal' of
the Wyalrusing Academy.
...STERLING QUICK, of Sugar Run, has
purchased a fine trotting horse.
in the office of ELSBREE &S 411:.
—Hon. W. W. KINGSBURY 16 home
from Washington for the holidays.
—Mrs. W. A. PECK, a former resident
of this place, is visiting friends here.
TREODORZ C. thsnnow is studying law
in the office of Dam & Cennoctun.
....Mrs. ADAM INNEN of Grainine cen
tre, is suffering from a protracted ilineaa
—b.-13. STOWELL and wife, of Sugar
Run,. 'visited friends in New York last
week. •
—The children of Dr. BARTLETT, of
Sugar Run, have been seriously ill, 'but
are now convalescing.
SONS, of this place, has gone to Now York
city to spend tho winter.
WATMOUS and the Athena
Braying Band are holding protracted
meetings at Litchfield Centre.
GEIFFTS, Esq., bas ,returned
home from Washington, D. C 4 to spend
the holidays with his family here.
—Mr. and' Mrs. JAMES W. PLATT, of
Tunkhannock, were the guests of Mrs.
11. BEECUEU MonOAN, Wysauking, last
ETTA ADAMS, who has been via.
iting friends in Ohio and Indiana for sev
eral' weeks, returned on Wednesday.—
C. Ross, a student of the Medical
Departmeut of, the University of Michi
gan, is spending the holidays with his this place.
—Mrs. DORA STEVENS, of Towanda,
has been visiting her .sister, Dirs. R. P.
Ross, and welcomed by numerous friends.
Tunkhannook Democrat
—Rev. S. L. CONGE, is to enter the
evangelistic work at Corning, the -first
week 'of January, 'assisting Rev. Mr.
EARLE, the great Baptist Evangelist.
—Dr. C. HooKEn, of Alba, Professor
C. S. HAGAR, of Sylvania, GEORGE Foss,
of Alba, and H. HAREEMS, started on
Monday last for a health trip to Florida:
--WALLACE LIELLER, who has been hi
the employ of HoilrEs Sc PASSAGE for
nearly , three years past, has resigned his
position and returned to his home in Pike
County. • -
.-40NATITAN STEVENS, Of Macedonia,
died at his residence on Tuesday evening
last, aged about 70 years. A large circle
of relatives and friends will sincerely
mourn.his death.
—Mrs. KtsttlEnt.t, of Saginaw, Michi
gan, is visiting her father, Mr. N. C. NA
GLEE, of Monrocton. She expects to re
main through the winter, and is . accom
panied by her children.-:—Argus:
—Our young friend . BREZEE, of DYE tt
Co.'s, is enjoying a vacation, visiting
hien& in NCw York State, and Mrs.
Guam:iv says he will brim; back with him`
one of the fair maidens of Cooperstown
as his bride.—Rerfetr.
—J. B. and H. W. STALFOUD, of Wya.
lining, with their wives, have lately visit
ed lowa and Nebraska. While pleased
with the country, they are not disposed
to Occhange productive Bradford 'for.
Westcru prairies. —Jour rvil.
—Col. OVEIITON has. introduced a bill
into the Hotise of Representathies author
izing the President of the United States
to re-instate CHARLES rW.Acv on the
active list in the Navy ; which. was read a
first,atid second time, and referred to the
Committee on Naval Affairs. /
—The funeral of Mrs. WILLIAM Max-
TOSII, of Armenia, says the Canton Senti
nel of last week, took placo last Thurs
day. , She was nearly eighty years of age
and , survived her husband about six
months. She was the mother of nineteen
children, many of whom live in this vi
--JOHN VANDERVORT, of Laceyville,
received a telegram last Wednesday, ad
vising him of the death of his father,
ton, N. Y. The deceased was seventy
eight years of age, and one of the early
settlers of Tuscarora township, Bradford
•County.Tunkhannock Democrat, 17th.
Tortm, formerly of this coun
ty, and for several years past a resident
f Luzerne County, is visiting friends
ere. He informs us that ho is; about to
engage in business at Bethlehem. Mr, T.
is not only an excellent business man but
is .:a gentleman of fine social qualities,
who never fails to surround himself with
hosts of warm friends.—Reacw, 17th.
-SANFORD WRITE, aged eighty years,
a highly respected citizen of l'ike, died
at his residence on Saturday morning
last. Thus another pioneer settler, and
good man has passed to his reward, bear
with him the sheaves of righteous
ness, and leaving behind a record honored
and cherished 'by his-
Ad6ertiser, 19th.
—On Monday afternoon, when the:sol
diers of Company I had formed in line; in
readiness for marching to the depot, a lit
tle incident 'occurred sonlewhat out of the
usual routine.. Sergeant J. B. BUTLER
came forward, addressed Captain LAN
DON, and in a neat little speech presented
him with a handsome. sword, the gift of
the Corhpany. Captain LANPON express
ed his thanks in a few fittir.g words, and
the Company marched to the depot.—
Canton Sestina, 19th.
—That genial young gentleman, Tuos.
FIT7MERALD; who has been employed as
a clerk in KIRBY'S drug store for several
years past, has accepted the superintend
ency of WELLES k ACKEY'S drug store at_
Dushore, and will take up his residence
there about the ark. of January. Tom is
an experienced and careful druggist, and
an exemplary young man.. His new .em
ployers will find him the right man for
the place which he has been engaged to
fill, and the people of Hushore a pleasant
salesman to deal with, and an excellent
Saturday morning the hardware store
of 13tA1tDstE7 & SPALDING, of Troy;
was broken into by unknown parties, and
revolvers, pocket knives, razors and :ill
the small change in the.drawer was taken.
One of the plate glass windows in. the door
was broken,' through
. which the burglars
effected an entrance. '
En. REPORTER.—I send you the names
and ages of persons residing in Granville,
of 80 years and umVai.ds Mr. LEVI
TAYLOR, aged 82 ; Jome Ross 88 !JULIUS
; Mrs. JuLrup B ATLEY, 8J;
TAYLOR, 8:3; Mrs. Wurr i r., 80; LYDIA
Ft . Q.En, ; Mrs. GILEE' r tT AYEItS, 90;
Mrs. THOMAS WILf.‘,OX, 82 r ; Mrs. PETER
82; Mrs., J. H. Ross,-82,
The people of Wellsburg, says :the El
mira Gazette, were' shocked on Friday to
hear of the death of.I.oTE WEST, a well
knowtn; young man, aged twenty-eight,
who lad always resided at that place. He
died very suddOly, without a mo'ment's
warning, stricken down in the seeming
full flush of health. Heart disease was
the supposed cause of his demise.
The frame building belonging t 6 HElc
nt STREETER, Esq., situated just north
of Patton's Block, on Main street, was
discovered to be on fire at about three
o'clock a. at., on Tuesday last. The
building was occupied by Mrs. S.H. SWEET
as a millinery _store, and W. - D. • RITIGE
`WAY, as 'a confectionery store and dwel
ling. The fire evidently caught in the
upper part of the building from the china
ney, and whep discovered - had gained
such headway bs to prevent the removal
of anything from the second story—in
fact Mr. and Mrs. RIDGWAY were com
pelled to make a very hasty exit from
their sleeping apartment, which was filled
with smoke end fire, when they were
awakened. Nearly all Of the goods were
removed front
,the first story, although
many of then were ponsidrably damaged.
The Fire Department were promptly on
the ground and prevented the spread of
the fire, although the building in which
it caught was entirely consumed. ‘_
Mr. Rim:Elva had an,.insuranee on his
stock and household goods of $8CIO:
Mrs. SWEET'S stock AVM ins .•
Mr. STREETEn's loss, is about $2,000.
Insurance, $1,200. -
The large plate glass in front of the
store occupied by J. L. KENT, on theop
ppsite site of Main street,' were cracked
.by the heat. •
' How _ truthfully writes: the Towanda
correspondent of the •Blmira Telegrain
-when he as: • "0. 13. Frrcu, thabosii
confectioner, has in his line the Most at
tractive sto in tois place. The foreign
and domesticscandies aro the finest in the
market to be had, while his own Make is
otthe finest terial: Buyers of holiday
goods in thialine will . find it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases. here.
Fruits of the choicest brand aro displayOd
in quantities, while it is also the place
where lovers of a good smoke will find
the best imported and thifinstio cigars
that can be had." • 1-
St. John's Catholic Church, which has
been undergoing repairs for some 'weeks
past, is now completed, and will k be dedii
cated on Tuesday merning, December . 23d
with appropriate ceremonies. The tritti
rior of the Church, - as renovated, present'
a very attractive appearance. The ceil
ing has been 'handsomely• frescoed, in the
Eastlake style; and is composed of four
pannels, each 4 containing an emblem beau.
titan) , embellished ; also a centre-piece
in which several colors are artistically
blended. The border is perfect in its en
tablature. The architrave,
(Fels- aiul
cornice are of an unique and pleasing de
sign. Each side wall presents three pan
els, with rich border and fine lines of high
color. The taste displayed around the
altar is of a high Order.—Troy Gazette.
- -
These of our readers who are looking
around fori holiday gifts are reminded
that a visit to CnamnEntax's Jewelry
Store on ',gain street, will delight all. search of beautiful and useful
Christmas gifts, can find 'a large and
varied stock to select from. Several of
his show cases are filled' with fine watches
and chains, lovely jewelry of all descrip
tions, such as earrings, pins, sleeve but
tons, cuff pins, , necklaces, charms, scarf
pins, ete. And several cases are filled
with all kinds of silverware, such as
castors, cake baskets, butter dishes,
pickle stands, spoons, forks, and beauti
ful case goods for wedding presents,
ivhile the stock of fancy articles, clocks,
musical instruments, spectacles, revolvers
is complete. You should visit his store
and look at the beautiful display even
though you should desire nothing in his
The Forksville correspondeni of the
Dlishore Review furnishes that Papdrwith
the following particulars of the!, accident
that befell Itlr. ANGLE, of this place, near
Eaglesmere, Sullivan ,county, on the 12th
"A serious accident happened, on Fri
day of last week, about four miles from
Forksville, on the road to Eaglesthere.
A Mr. ANGLE, of Towanda, was driving
a team and spring-wagon belonging to
Mr. DAYTON, and fell _ from the seat,
which was quite high, and it is supposed
he struck his head upon a stone, knock
ing him senseless. Upon recovering the
team had disappeared, the wrap% being
but a few rods from where the accident
occurred. The team bad broken loose
from it and - were not injured ; the wagon
was slightly injured. There is something
mysterious about the affair, as Mr. ANGLE
can give no account of what caused, him
to fall Man the wagon. Severe as Were
his injuries he managed to reach the
house of Mr. WALLACE LITTLE to an ex
hausted condition. Dr. RANDALL, of
Forksville, was summoned and under his
treatment the patient was much relieved
and spent the night as comfortably as his
distressed condition would allow. Satur
day evening be was brought to Forksville,
where he was attended at the Snyder
House by Dr. Wooputam of Towanda.
His condition is consideredljuite serious."
We take .the following account of, the
death of FRED. E. BALLARD!. of Troy,
which occurred on WednesdaY night of
last week, from the Elmira Urizeite
"Our usually quiet village was thrown
into a state of excitement about 'noon
yesterday by the report 'that FRED. E.'
13ALLAnD was found dead in his bed.
Upon icquiry, it was ascertained that the
sad news was too true. His death was.
evidently caused by heart diseate, and he
passed away withoutkt struggle. He was
in his usual health day before yesterday,
and was' down Loin until about ten, and
in the evening eleven o'clock; when he
went home and sat up reading until qtfite
a late hour, as was his usual cuStom, and
retired without making any 'complaint
that he was ill. On account of his sitting
up so late he was not called until about
half-past eleven in the forenoon ; as he
failed to answer, the room was entered
and ho was found lying quietly as though
asleep, hitt on further - examination it was
found that life was extinct. Dr. TRACY
was lamediately called, and he expresed
his opinion that lie had•been dead tome
five pr six hours, as the body was cold
and rigid. He was the youngest son of
Mrs. 0. P. BALLARD. and was aged about
twenty-nine years. The affliction is a sad
blow to hls family, especially his 'mother,
who is a widow.. Ile was a generous,
kind-hearted young man, and a kind and
loving son. The family.have the heart
felt sympathy of the entire conimunity in;
this their sad bersavement."
Two new Good TemplarS' lodges hive
lately been instituted by District Deputy
S. P. WARNER. The first is located at
Fairview- school house, and was organized
December. 3d, with thirty-three charter'
The following officers were elected and
installed by District Deputy A. It.
BoLLE& 'of Susquehanna County, (for
merly of Herrick):
W. ,Vt T.—FumEN'cY. Ross.
11. k -- LINCOLN LEE. ,
IV. T.—N. PLATT. , •
IV: Si—Mxinz NESIUT.
W. C.—L. S. Squirms.
W. S.—J. H. MATsoN.
R. H. S.—Mrs. S. P. WARNER.
P. W. C. T.—Mrs. D. NEstuv. '
Lodge meets Tuesday evening. Name
Herrick Lodge, No. I,OGB.
Herrick Centre Lodge was organized
December 10th, with thirty4wo, charter
members. Meets on Saturday evenings
at Landon School House. The following
is a list of the officers elected for the cur
rent term :
IV. T.—T. 11. MITTEN.
W. F. S."S. G. LANnos. .
lY .3f.—V. S. DURAND. - -
IV. C.—T. S. CAMP.
IV. G.—Jorm CLARE.. -
R. IL s.—Mrs. L. S. SQUIRES. •
W. A. 8.-7DruEi. FULLER.
P. 1K C. - T.-- , GUSTA MITTEN. •
A.' M. Moi.r
The Rev. J. K. Peck having secured
the services of the Pisgah Praying Band
for the past few weeks, first at River
Valley, commencing on Thanksgiving
eve, continuing, ten days, and for two
weeks here, having accomplished much
with God's help, for the people in this
town, and for the Maslen One hundred
and about seventy-live have been to the
alter for prayer, and still the work goes
on. The efforts) of these -wholp-soriled
men—Baster, Ballard, Patridgo and the
"Sunny " Smiths, have blessed all the
families in our village. God speed the
right, is our prayer; and may. their own
firesides; during their absence, be guard-:
'ed and kept by Rim who never slumbers
nor'sleeps. O. P. Q.
Nichols, December 20th, 1870. •
busy weeks, have preceded the holidays,
ind alargeamount of goods have been
sold from the stores. The produce &al
erts have also been busy; and large ship
ments have been made from this station.
~FRED lima...inn, youngest son of the
late 0. P. Bma.sun, died suddenly last
week from heart disease. lie retired at
night apparently in usual health, and was
found dead in his bed - next day. When
found life had been extinct some hours.
... The • various churches will observe
Christmas with appropriate services, and
Sabbath school festivals will be given...
Saturday o merning burglars entered. the
Local Correspondence.
hardware store of BEARDSLEY & SPAM
um, by breaking out* large light from the
front door.* They were evidently in too
much baste td profit largely by the enter
prise, - and after taking . two revolvers,
some knives,razors, cartridges, and a few
other small articles, they went away. The
affair probably' took place about five
o'clock in the morning, as. the - night po
lice did not retire before that' hour and
everything was unmolested up to. that
time, ... Mr. and Mrs.. G. 0. lioLoonn
celebrated the anniversary of their' wed
ding last Friday evening, at the residence
of Mr. ELEAZER PintEROT. 2t. large com
pany of lavited guests were entirtained,
and the elegantly spread 'tables and fine
Music made the evening pass in a very
social and pleasant .manner. .The many
friends of, the host and .hOstess wish that
they may live to celebrate many such an
niversaries, and that the life so pleasant
ly begun may be replete with'all the bless
ings which are vouchsafed' to the fortu
nate. 4,114 i
Troy, December 21?,, 1879.
Por ill° close of '79, we offer the follow
in,g items and reflections. We bad in
tended to give a review of the progress of
our place for the year, but so much has
Icien sent that we desist, only giving a
'few notes : The building of G. 11. Easta
biook is nearly allioc.cupied, being a large
three- story brick conveniently arranged,
with, xcellent basement. The third floor
contains two very nice halls, one of which
'is occupied by the G. N. IL and I. 0. of
0. F. The second floor.hss tWo very fine
offices in front and the rest Arranged in
two suitirof rooms, - one each side of the
hall, which extends the length of the
building, for families. The lower floor is
occupied by the Presbyterians and • the
.Novelty Works Company, the latter hav
ing established a furniture depot in one
of the spacious stores. They occupy the
basement as a store-rooin and work-shop,
and the store is well filled with a fine 'se-
lection of every variety of goods' pertain
ing to their line: They are gentlemen
that will treat customers and others well,
and show their stock free of charge....
The dwelling of- Mr. S. Mitchell is nearly
completed, and addsmuch tO the appear
awe of the street.... The( store Rear
the Bridge Works will soon be.occupied ;
Ed. Wright expects to have a stock of
goods in there for Christmas, and Kellogg
& Maurice will 'move their draughtiog
office - into thp second story of it, where
they will have tine room, well lighted—
the main one 19x50 feet. The building is
24x75 feet. . Messra.lKellogg & Maurice
are building one of their heavy upsetting
machines for the N4iNV Jersey Steel and
Iron Company; of Trenton ;•it will weigh
fourteen tons .... The "Novelty 'Works
have received the past year 75 car-loads
of lumber—an aggregate of 75,000 feet--
besides four or five hundred thousand
feet received by . wagon.... The Athens.
Tannery shut down four days recently to
repair the, boilers, but they cannot afford
to be: idle long with their press of tmsi
ness, ,R. N. •Lowe & Co. succeed ;Ely
Wright in the down-town store and;ad
vett so to be ready for the Christmas
greeting.... All our merchants and deal
ers aro progressing, and we can't begin
'to notice all the improvements, , so pause.
..Mr. C. T. Hull returned yesterday
from Philadelphia ; ho had a splendid
'time, and thinks Grant enjoyed their
camp-fire as well as any of the boys, and
cares but little -for the third term. Char
ley picked up the following gentlemen
and took them with him to the private
reception (so we learn), viz : Sheriff Dean,
Maj. Robinson, Wm. Wigstan and E. L.
Manley-- Mr. and Mrs. Roserimuller
arrived at Sayre yesterday froth their
wedding trig, and are stopping at Mr.
Bishop's Mr. Thomas L. - :mull will
spend the holidays with' his family in
New York Mr. Julius T. Corbin is
home for d few days. He ie a student at
Lafayette College, Eastim, Pa Miss A..
Mary Lubars will be home soon. She is
teaching at Waite Iluven,dnd her success
is shown by the fact of her pupils having
presented her. with several fine presents
thee-clOsing exercises of the term yes
terday Miss Jessie Elsbree and Miss
Emma Watrtius • are home - for holiday
vacation from their school at Bingham
ton, N. Y Miss Libbie Carpenter is
speqing some weeks in Philadelphia
with' friends. Mrs. Capt. J. M. Jackson
is also at the same city visiting relatives.
JL. Frank Hull is home from Kansas
on a visit. Ile is looking rugged and is
becoming a thorough Kansan„...Miss
Minnie Williston teaching the 1" Oven
shire" school this winter: It 'iek a pleas
ant school, and has a worthy and accom
plished teacher.... Mr. Timothy Lahey,
a steady and industrious young man, was
buried this morning. His mother will
feel his loss most severely...l.Mr. E. 11.
Perkins and'family have the 'sympathy of
friends in the loss of a daughter and sis
ter—Mrs. E. C.. clones, of Ogdensburg,
N. Y. She flied December 3d at the res-
idence of lier husband, and will be very
much missed from the circle in which she
moved.... Mrs. J. M.,Ely and family have
been called upon to "part with one most
dear to them—Mrs. G. A. Kinney:- She
was a lady of retineuient and taste, and
though only thirty years of age, occupied
a prominent place in the_hearts of a large
circle of friends and acquainMnces. She
had been gradually lobing her hold on
life for several months,
_and het death
was not'unexpected to her or her friends.
lu the hour of their sad affliction, her
husband and friends may look to her rec
ord and gather comfort, and hole for a
re-union through the faith she had made
her guiding star.... With the compli
ments due the season, I bid you farewell
for '79. • West:
Athens, December 20. •
Susquehanna County
liontroso Democrat, nib
—Considerable scarlet fever is reported
in Susquehanna.
—Susquehanna is now rejoicing over
the report that all the new engines for
the Erie road are hereafter to be-built at
the shop in that place.
—A strange phenomenon partaking
somewhat of the supernatural, occurred
"wear the residence of Isaac Howard, of
Auburn Centre, December 4, 1879.
Thursday evening, about six o'clock, a
large - blaze three feet in diatheter,- was
seen a few rods away in a notitheasterly
direction from the house. As seen by the
family, it appeared to -be on the upper
part of the fence ; and an examination of
)the premises Friday ritorning exhibited a
slight scorching and
more. The
light was - visible but a moment, and its
di'sappearance - was as sudden as its , ap
pearance. Can it be that this was a mete
or, belonging to the great - meteoric shower
prpphesied by some wiseacre in one of our
Ideals? •
Sullivan- Coubty.
• ,
Ftlem the Dustier,, Review, December ITth. -
—John Brown, sr., died at the Ai
dence of his son,- Isaac Brown, in the
town of Elkland, Sullivan county, Fri
day, December, 12, 1879, aged 74 years.
He came to this country from England,
and lias lived in the town in Which ho
died, so long - that he . 1 was , nuinled
among the oldest inhabitants of • the
place. Ile has beep a professed follower.,
of Christ for many years. and a member'
Cof the Baptist church. His funeral took
place on Sunday, December 14th, at
and notwithstanding the day
was chilly and rainy, a respectable con
gregation was present to pay a last
tribute of, respect, and to assist in giving
him a Christian burial.
—lt is no ncommon thing to see
wagons travelit& twenty miles after the
famous Loyal wok. coal, when other coal
could be obtainedlnueb nearer.
—The will ofif, the late George, D. rJack
son was admitted to probatti last Week.
Owing to the absence of witnesses to a
codicil, Ps pro Visions will.:.not be made
public until all 'legal requirements have
been complied. with.
—The new road down or Cam pbell's
hill is open for travel. It seems to be a
satisfactory investment and the wonder is
that it was not thought of forty years
ago. . •
Tioga Cotinty. - -
From the WeltiMarO A gltator, 'Member 1601.
—The managers of the Blossburg glass
factory have advanced
•wages ten :per
cent. •
- —4Ve are glad to say that Recorder
Botien is recovering from his- recent
Fevere illness.:
—There are now about one hundred
an thirty miners employed at Fall Brook.
—A now baud has been organized at
Mansfield with Fred M. Allen for leader.
—The Fall Brook Coal Company reined
and shipped front Fall Brook about 1.15;00
tins of coal during the months ofOc tober
and November,
A. Laror's Wi5u...... 11 Oh, hosP I do wish
my akin was as clear and soft as yours,"
said a lady to her friend. "Yon can
easily make it so," answered the friend.
-" How ?" inquired the first lady. "By
using Hop Bitters, that makes pure'rioh
bloW and blooming health. It did it for
me, as you observe." Read of it.—
Curio Bulletin. "
Having established a fit : et-class Retail Store in ton
nectlori with their Manufactory, are enabled to sell
goodiat eery fore prices. They have the finest
Furniture Shop In 'Bradford county, and it'is well
.stocked with goods which are warranted in every
respect. :We can make It an object 4o any person
. needing such goods to call. We will show you a
Fine Stock and sell on the best terms. ...For the
Holidays se have grads appropriate, manufactured,
here and fully waranted. Our facilities for furnish.
Ing those imparing to keep hone with comfort
andolegance, are 'Oct excelled. Call at Essva
anoox's Block or the Manufactory.
• December 25, 11177-2 w.
iirt - LEY—liNicgEltßixrfiEltet the, parson
ageT Monroetou. December 17, 1879, by Rev. Hal,
lock Armstrong, Mr. J. H. Willey and ,Miss Ma
rlon Knickerbocker, both of Fratiklia!lale. :
VANDERPOOL-31EltRITT.—At the parsonage.
MonroeWu, DeOeMber 21, 1879, by Rev. Hallock
Armstrong, Mr. Asa Vanderpool and Mlss Elate
Merritt, both of Towanda.
ELY—HUNSINGER.—At the Wyniusing parson
age, by Ret. David Craft. December 16, ICe,
Daniel D. Ely, of Sugar Run, to 'Mitts Sarah
Run:Anger, of Wilmot.
WOLCOTT. In Warren, October 7, 11379, of isb
seem on the lungs, Elmer, son of L ren, B. and
Laufa A. Wu!cab, aged 14 years, a d 1 months.
. if the prayers of Christian parents ;and devoted
friends could have Stayed . Death's Messenger, our
young friend would still gladden the home and
social circle, where he was ever greeted with
pleasure, for ho was beloved by all who know him.
But God had willed otherwise, and, His will Is
best ; for "lie knaweth all things, and doeth all
thlncs well."' Truly, Death lodes a shining
mark." :liner was a faithful and studious. mem
tier orthe'Sabbath school. and will long be missed
there. "De ye also ready, for In sttch an hour as
ye think not, the Son of Man cometh."
Mourn not for the dead t He has gained the bright
Where sorrows of earth can aMierbitn no more;
He tunes his glad lyre triumphant to slug
Hosannas and praises to Bethlehem's King.
Mourn not for the 'dead ! In those mansions of
The grief-laden bosom from sighing will cease ;
For the tears of affliction are wiped from his eyes,.
In the house of theamgols, in realms of the skies.
Mourn nailer your . Elmer Weep not o'er his
tomb ;
'rwas the voice of an angel that summoned him
home. ,
Ile welcomed the' summons, with seraphs to. fly,
And claimed his bright mansion, his home In the
skY. PI •
einneraldealers In Grocerieg' and Produce, , comer .
!Gain and Pine Streets.
6 50a1 7 50 7 oog 9 00
17u 200 1 750 220
Cl ( t 50
Floor per bbl
Flour, pOr sack
Corn 3feal per 100 lbs
Chop Feed
Wheat; per bush
Corn •
@ • 6 41
2064 25 1 25(4 130
6446 64 - 65
6C14r5 64 75
_4(.64 4564 IS
4744/ 60 '.55
60 6 50
Clover seed
Timothy, western,..
Beans, 62 the
Pork: mesS
Dressed hogs •
rl Ca 300
1 000,0 1 50 1 200 1 75
. 0 M. 15 00
Rutter, tubs
. taa2s
OA 0
u 7•;
Rolla •
Eggs, fre,h
Potatoes. per bushel..
1)rlecl apples.... . • ....
eintor.s • • • ....
Veal skill
Sheep , Pelts
Lamp skins
!Ran IlbFertisentents.
I —The property known as the Berry Farm,
ono mile below Milan Station ; consisting of 110
acres, flue-buildings, trait trees and rich produr
tive'land ; will be sold on the best of terms, and
pu,sesston given immediately.
Address REF, & ELMER,
Waverly, N. V.
matAter of the estato of John P. n s the
t i
._ ti. de
ceased. In the Orphans' Court of Bradfor county.
The undersigned. an Auditor appoirde by the
said Court to distribute moneys in the halls of the
Administrator of th;.: above estate, will attend to
the duties of his appointment at his oeire in Trey.
Bradford county. on FRIDAY, the 3d• day of
JANUARY, A. D. 1550. , -at which place and time
all persons are hereby tequired to Make their
claims. before me, or be debarred front roming In
tipmi said fund. - W. E. CHILSON,
Trmy, Dee. 24-w4. . 1
. . :' - Aiulitor. •
the final acennui of I). 11. Crane, committee
of liaac Crane, a lunatic.i 1n the Court of Corn—
mon Pleas of Bradford county, No. 118, Court_
Term, 1865.
The undersigned. an Auditor appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. fen
exeoptions filed to final account of rommitteerwill
attend to the dirties of his appointment at the office
of Davies & Cartiochan. In the Borough of Towan
da. on FRIDAY. the 6th day of FEBIIISAIII'.
1860, at 1 o'clock, O. v.
W..T. DAVIES, Auditor.
Towanda. Dec. 24, 1875....
the estate of A4olreW McQueen, Woof the
township of Ulster. deceased
The Undersigned. an Auditor appointed by the
!Orphan's Court of Rradford Cotinty, to distribute
the fund in hands of the Trustee,raised by the sa!is
of the real estate of said decedent, Will attend to
the duties of hhi apfxdottnent at his office (with
Redney A. Mercur, Esq.,) in Towanda, SAT
URDAY, the 10Tel day of JANUARY, A. U. 1850,
at 10 o'clOck, A. N.. when and where all persons
having claims on said fund Inwd wesent them, or
be forever debarred trout coming - 1n on said fund).
Towanda, Dec. 18, 1879.
The Partnership heretofore existing between
Isabella Rockwell and A. L. Rockwell, under the
firm name of A, L. Rockwell & Co.. Is this day
Monroe, Pa., Nov, 29, is 9.4 n• •
the stockholders hf the First National Bank
or Towanda, for the election of Directors. will be
held at the ofilee , of the Bank. in Towanda, on
TUESDAY, ANUABY 13, 1930. between the
hours of one and three o'clock, P. M.
N. N. BETTS, Cashier.
Towanda, Dee. 4, 1879.
the stockholders of the Towanda Bridge
Company, for the election of a President, Treas
urer and six Managers to serve the ensuing year,
I wlll be held at the First National Bank. Towanda,
hetvreen the hours of one and three o'clock. P. M.
N. N. BETTS, Secretary.
Tnicantla, Dec. 4 1670.
FOR SA undersigned °Rector sate
their property at Omar Creek, Bradford county.
forincrly known as the Gittleman place. Price
four and terms to suit purchaser, if the right party
Apply to or addreis . .
201 East water.sti., Elmira, N. Y.
Nor. 13, 1079-Bwo. .
'meeting of the stockhOldere of the Cillieti3
National Flank of Towanda, for the election tit a
Hoard of Directors and each other busin-as as may
legally come beforp them. will be held at their
•ottice on TIiUIkDAY,-3 A N UARY Writ, MO, be
tween the haunt of f: and 4 o'clock. r.
GEO. A. GUERNSEY, Cashier.
Towanda, Dile. 11,079.
virtue of an Crier issued out of thelOrpbans'
Court of Bradford County, Pa., May 24, 1879. and
continued Deceiriber 15, V• 75, the und , rslgned,
inlnhtrator of the estate of I.olse. tiect;as
ed,"late of Waverly, N. 1'" wlll Sell at pnhlle odsale,
at tile Court House, in Towanda.• Pa., ou MON
DAY, JANUARY 26, 1890, at 3 o , clokk P. it., the
.follovilng described property, viz: • l•
On lot of land situate In Bradford Cmfhty; found
ed. as follows, viz: Beginning at a stake and stones
on the west line of.Jullus Gorham ; thhnce north
3.1 0 east 43' 56 perches to stake and sthkes .on the
line of Ilendon. faruierly William Browotog t
thence south 73° weir. 63 perches to stake 'and
stones on the line of ]tendon lot : then - te south 4i o
crest 59 perches and S links to stake and. stones on
corner of 6. C.,Wells' lot : thence south 720 east 50
perches and 9 links to the place of beginning - ; Ceti-
Limning 24 acres, more or less.
'ALSO—Cue other lot, le:funded as fellows; viz - :
Beginning at the northeast corner, north Sito west
37 perches to where the road from the south inter
sects the road near the bridge, south IS° !west •21
perches on road, south 26 0 west 64 pekhes on road
southwest 27 3-10 porches to a post, south 41 0- east
le . 7-10 perches to a post, north 30' Cast 11l perchei
to. (1, the •place of beginning, containing, 21
acres, more or less, reserving 1 acre and•llimees
on the northwest corner of said lot, being lotdeed
vd to Content' A. Wells. bearing date December
31, A. D.. 1562. the said land being In Orwell town,
ship, lts Bradford County, and deeded to said Lets
S. Gilbert by the Sheriff or said county by - deed
duly acknowledged on the 23d of February, Ask,
and recorded In the Sheilit's and Treasurer's Deed
Book. voltune 4, page 332. etc. , .
- TERMS OF SALE—§IOO at time of sale, ouc-halt
on confirmation, and balance one year from coutir
mation, with interest from contlnnAtion. . .
H. J. II 1.1)W IN, Administrator. •
Y, December 22, 1870.-dec2s.
sl.77a ( ! i l u tu4;iti f e ee t.,: er;
o pcla W nC2l 4 g e tL4 o llltl j r n Vl sti l
s tO ts A , OUtli
POWELL& - .LC.C)'..-_ --- H
Having I made extatsive preparations for
the,HOLTDAY TRADE, Ave would call es;
pedal attention to our MAGNIFICENT
DISPLAY of Good 4 suitable for Preseitts.
In DRESS GOODS our stock is
more complete than ever. Having
availed ourselves
.of the advantages
of the great closing out sales in New
York, we can now offer the greatest
argains in
Black Cashmeres,
Colored Caslimeres,
J. II a
Momie Cloths,
Camel's Hair, •
• - Ptench Suitings;
Plaids, &á. c.
In great variety of Colors and at al
prices, from - forty centto' four dol
lars each.
Ea 10
Cloaks, Shawls,
]l(.y 11
1., 7
OD 1 0
Z? 30
220 24
154 16
6 3
.34. (fak 60
1 On
We have this week received anoth-
.. 076104'2
.... W 3125
0P641 25
er laide stock of Ladies' -Cloaks,
at all prices. Our stock has not
been so complete clurina the season
as now: wOuld particularly call
attention to .the Fit of our Cloaks,
are.which all made eOressly to our
another large stock of Wool Long
Shawls, Beaver Shawls ; and w . onid
call,attention also to great bargains
in Paisley Long and Square Shawls:
comprising all the best styles of seal,
Mink, Beaver and Otter.
We have just opened a large lot of
Imitation Seal, which .we. shall sell
at about one-half the usual price.
now equal to. any Grocery Store, ,you
will find o, full line of
SYRUPS, FLOUR, tkc., are worthy
of your attention. In
At less than Importers' cost,
We have 'also received this week
In' Furs
.our assortment 14rge
Our Groecry - Peprm6nt being
We have a full anl fr'esh
All Goods, partiCularly DomestiC Cotton
Goods, have been, and are, steadily advane-
ing in price.
:of Calicoes, Robe: Prints, Checked - and, Dre,
Sheeting's and Shirting's, Flannels. &e., &c.,
that were bought prev i ous to the
most of which we continue to offer at the
, .
lowest prices ,
'of last; - seal l son.
Towands,.December 18, 1879•w2
Vag javedisonento.
he grhndest display ever made here.
Particular. attention called to the
great variety of Ladies' and Gentle-
Silk -
And Sill Mufflers.
Ladies' Lace Ties and Fichus, Bri-
Ladies', Gentlemons' & 17dIdreni'
A largq assortment of . Elegant,lm-
In.Brocade;Rornan Stripes & Plaids
And a full assortment of small wares.
Germantown Wool,
Best Quality and Full - Weight,
Great : Bargains offered in
Table Linens,-Bleached;-Double
Damask, Half-131each - ed Damask and
Loiim Dice, iTurkey.ted TO-
lings; Turkey Red Spreads, Wool
Spreads in all Colors and Sizes
T 0 W E,L S .
Beautiful - Damask And Huck ToNiels
with Fancy Borders, suitable. for
Holiday Gifts. Also, a great variety.
of cheaper ones in Bleached '
and Half-Bleached. NAPKINS
of all Qualities and Sizes in' every
style, Qolored Doylies, &c., &c
Stock will be - found coniplefc ;
and owing to our early and, extinsive
purchases, we ate, notwithst tiding
the greet,advance in prices,.
enabled to sell these Old
prices. A large display ,of Fancy
. ,
Slippers for the Holiday Trade.
In this stock way be found, also, a
full assortment of Buffalo Rolfes,
Lap Robes and Horse Blankets,
We have a very large , stock
tonne Laces,
3, 4 and 6-button
In all shades.
Latest Novelties in
ported. Eaney
One Shilling a Skein.
An endless \•ariety of
all of which: ill be sold at
and Brownr