Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 25, 1879, Image 2

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-41 its ttiski *prim
Towanda, Pa., December itsch, tqfp,
EAR little children where=
Who are watched and
. tenderly .
By father and by 'mother;
Who are comforted by , thelove that lies
In the kindly depths of a sister's eyes
Or the helpful words of a brother:
I charge you by the years to come, '-
When some shall be far sway from home, ,
An:l some shall be gone forever;
Br all you have to feel at the , last • -
When yea stand alone and think of the past,
' That you speak unkindly, never I
For cruel words, nay , even lees,
Words spoken only in thp*htleasnem,
Are keo. against' you aalfteerr
If they made the face of a mother sad,
Or a Mader sister's heart leis glad,
• • Or checked a brother's laughter; ,
Will rise again and they will be heard, -
-And every thoughtless, foolish word, •
That ever your lips have sicken,
After the lapse of years and years, . .
Will wring from you such bitter tears , •
As fait when the heart is broken.
May you never, sever have to say, •
When a warelnsn•the post .on some &oily
day, • "
Its Istericiat your feet is strewing :
`!Bly father had not been bowed so low, • •
Nat: mires:slier:left us long ago, •
Bat for deeds of my misdoing!"
May you never stand alone to weep
Where a Wile sister Heti asleep,
With the flowers twined npon her,
And Imarou would have gone down to the
To save one curl of her shining head
From sorrow or dishonor ;
Yet have to think with bitter tears,
Of some little sin of Your ehl fish years, ,
11.11 your soul is anguish-riven ; •
And cry, when there comeisno word or smile;
"I sinned but I loved you. all the while,
And I wait to be forgiven r •
May you never say of a brother dear,
"Did Ido enough, to aid and cheer, •
Did I try to help and guide him ?
Now the snares of the world about him lie,
And if tualumored he live and die,
I shall wish I were laid beside him :"
Dear little innocent, precious ones,
Be loving, dutiful daughters and sons, - •
To father and to mother '
And, to save you r selves from the bitter pain
That comes when regret and remorse are vain,
Be good to one another! •
Zin young hearts of Christendom
beat 'at the sound of that blessed
holiday -
It has kindled the eyes and quick
ened' the steps of the young folks at
Hillside, for the house has been
astir all the week—every one' on
the watch—for each tnember has a
secret,' and many - a merry joke is
played by the children on each
• Mamma has gone into the' city
several times and always brings
home a bundle, to be , hidden away
carefully until the happy Christmas
But there is' plenty of work the
evening before, and mamma says
that the little ones must be put _off
to - bed early on Christmas eve, there
is so much to be done by the good
spirits is the silent night; .
a Just tell us one sweet story be:,
fore we go, niamrna," said Violet.
• 8. Would you like to hear about the
Krist kindlein children ?" asked .
mamma: • • •
O, yes, that wilt be, so sweet ;
now we 'are all quiet," said Rose. "
With these words; the group of
thildren settled themselves around
mamma* before the open 'grate; the
ruddy blate" of the bituminous coal
the only light in the family moin.ii
With an arm around little Roie,
and' little Paul upon her lap, with-
Violet and Fred on stools ather
feet,.mamma commenced
= "One of the dear friends of little
children tells this stork. It is an old
-legend that oir Christmas eve the,
-Kiist-kindlein came in the form of
a bright, beautiful boy, with waving
auburn hair,' the softest hazel eyes
and with the sweetest smile that
ever lit, up the 'hoe of childhoOd.
With him came an angel, a
beautiful; strong angel,.on theii•er
rand of-love. . • • • •
" • The bells wee ringing out their
merry peals from every belfry in. the
city; the ground was covered with
'crisp snow; the sleighs with their
silver bells flying in every direction;
the shop windows brilliantly lit and
filled with all sorts of beautiful shin
, trig bays ; the windows of all private
houses illuminated too; the streets
:filled with people and their children,
"many a little. urchin stepping up to
- the windows to peep at the happy
=families within. : -
: Above this crowd floated the
":ICristAcindlein and the angel; but the
• people did not see them in the clouds.
Descending now and then, the
Krist-kindlein would- stop at 'doors
that he was about to enter, but the
'angel said, .‘ Not there, there is dis
cord among them," and so they pas
sed on, for the loving Krist- kindlein
could not press a kiss upOn the
cheek of such.
Then they came to another and
hiore humble home—looking in
through the window, there was a
poor widow and her ion, their-faces
shining with ha —*Mors.' The Wm*
Was very poci,'-b - ut alichire of 'neat
gess. On the table stood a fir tree
with a few colored candles, a few
soave - red apples and
'sugar. -toys, and on the top, with .
outspread, wings, a small candy an =
The two did riot see.m,to walk as
the children of nien did, hut moved
,along with a gliding 'motion, pass
ing through doors.- without •open l •
ing them; and thus they , stood be
fore the astonished -pair, a_soft, halo
around - the head of ;the heautiful
boy, but they did lot see the smile
upon his lovely face. •
' ll You are very ,haliPY," said a
sweet voice, n on this Christmas eve .
uWe ought to be," replied the .
mother,: "when it is. the eve of our
dear. Lord's birthday." ,
":You .seem yew poor," continued
`the voice. r
"We have - our . daily food and
clothing, and we want no - more."
" But your next-door • neighbori
have • everything that riches can
give." •
P"Yes," .said the mother,' "but
without Christ--we have Him; and
don't you see,this beautiful fr tree?
It was sent to us„byone of His dear
servants, so you see we have , friends
too." ,
Where does that •good friend
live ?" inquired the voice.
" It is the ' good Fraulein
_Weiss ;
everybody in Heidelberg knows her.
She has a:Christmas tree to-night for
the children of the poor. Johannes
has been sick and could not go out
on such a c.old night, so she sent us
this pretty tree and a goose with all
its dressing and onions, and a mince
pie, for our Christmas dinner. Ought
we not be happy ? But I wish I
could see the'one that speaks such
kind words.'"'
"That cannot be now," said the
angel, ."but , will be seen hereafter,
so be content"
The ..Krist-kindlein .:then,kissed
the two upon the fdreliea, and
then silently passed through the
closed door to search for the good
,Fraulein. - .
That was a biased kiss, forth
Christ it came the spirit of. tho. Quist
child ; the love, the joy and peace
of heaven ; for these were truly .:the
children of the kingdom. ,
'Passing on they came to the good
Fraulein, whom they found in the
midst oilier group of happy child-
A large gr tree stood 'bit the ta
ble, glittering with colored,balls and
candles, decorated with every , va t rie-,
ty of pretty things made of gilt and
silver paperby Fraulein's Own fiands,.
assisted ,by numerous young Maids,
ready to help one who was always
trying to increase the lappiness'of
She had gathered many, c.ornfitS,
too, so that none , would go away
without something substantial: from
the Christmas .tree. .
They were all:sparkling, hut none
so bright and.merry at. the good
Fraulein, _ and . the Xiist-kindlein
pressed his kiis upori her brow - and
left the same blessing :upon: all whOrn
she pointed out as loving and good.
Fraulein was, forty-five years old,
but the ChriSt-Child dwelt within
that heart with all the freshn*cif
Youth; and ivhen she lay4iwn upon .
her pillow on that Christmas eve, it
was with the sweet kiss of beriedict
lon flooding her warm, loving heart.
And 'so all - that night, beneath
the stars of beaver', the ,angel and
the ICrist-kindlein pasied around and
ere the errand of love was quite end
ed, the day had dawned' and many
a kiss was left upon . the.sweef aces
of the young Sleepers,drearriing
py visions about the coming day
and the` oys of the. bright Christinas
season. .
It is true that none had seen the
'aces of the two; but who can dOul:•t
that just such spirits are preseilt in
all where the spirit of holy, - heaven-
IV love animates the.household'.'
Mamma. folcled her hands:: anti
kissed her group 'of rapt listeners,
kir her stony )vas done.' •-` ; •
0 . That is a, beautiful 'story," said
Violet, "1 wonder ill° wrote it."
" I think a kiiid old itory-wrier
named- Hans Anifirion. All the
children hived him but he is gbije
and will never write any incite ividet
" It was a pretty - story I I wish the
Krist-kindlein would kiss the," said
" Yes, mychildren, a' beauti
ful fancy, and it may be true with us
all if we will have it so; we may, all
have that blessed kiss of the Krist;
YeCm) PEoess, of a meLnucholy, poetic
turn, are forever askin4: Ls life worth the
living?" We are willsng to answer if they
tell w, fi s t', whether death is worth' dying
rl"fori,triid bells, 'to the'Aci
he Hying elold, the frosty light;
The year is ln the zught;
cart c wild brand let hies dre,
rold,tbili ring ,
ki the . oeti
ham ill* wow **mow; .
The year is going, let him go;
I , ,i4pg , !x!" filefalse ring in the Rm..
not . . , . . .
, Ring a the plat that saps the mmd,
t , Fornaiakthatherami tee .00100 A.; ." ..--
' . Ring.oat tbefead of rich 'and poor, ,
—Bing inladiaaa le an frnibmii, ~.. .. ..,-...
oats How -dying
'And Ancient forms of rty strife :
t• i Ring in the nobler modesmodes of life, '
t. "Whit sweiteewinumm, pante laws.- '
. outoat the want; &teem ibe.ant
• The ftithleta coldnesi of the tame, •
Bang out, rimto moiniftsii
But ring the faderminstrel y
in. • drhyin
Ring mit false pride in *ft and blood, -
The eiviislinder'amd the to
the love of troth and•ngh47.
'Ring m the common - love of
New out old shapes Of foal desalts,
Meg out,the nanowinginst of gold: •
Ring out the thoosandwats of old, :
Ring In the thousand years of peace..
•• • .
Ring in the vaiiant m>jn and free,
Thelarger hetat, thethidlierhand;
Ring out thetindonlir of the land,
Ring In the Cautisr that, is to be.
;.. . ON NEW. WAR% EVE. ; •
4 -43 WISH there.wasn't a man or a
ch4d on the arth—there now !
Johnny got a shaipbOx on theca'. and
Mittie was set down on a chair with
a jounce that almostshonk the little
house to its foundations; and Mrs.
Wonder proceeded to get supper
for,the man." . They were the tor
ment of her life:—these children and
that" The first thing in the
morning and the last at night'she
was hurrying and working and cOn
triVingAust for them. No peace or
comfort or rest did she know—nor
they either, for that matter. It was
New Year's Eve, and, as is natural
with hi all she had been reviewing
her life for the past five years, and,
just aS a great manyofus_haie : been
after such a retrospect, she
...was a '
good deal disc'nuraged ;, dficouage- ,
malt Seldorn has the effect to make'
us. good r humOred, aid we always
attempt to :believe . that the blame.
lies' with somebody beskie ourselva,
and.we Often' feel that if we could
lift the %Oldie world ,up and set it
down with a jounce, it'would do us:
an an:ming Amount of good just
so Mrs.Vonder felt when she .gave
utterance .to :the . pointed remark at
the. beginning of the: chapter ; and
her feelings were depicted on her
countenance as Mr. Wonder opened
the door t ,and. with an- en quiring look stepiled into the room is she
placed the. last smoking dial' . upon
the tea-table. .
..There; I wish you'd eat I your
supper and get to bed out ofrthe
was the gentle invitation'
for.the children , to . . Oartake Of the
evening meal, and they followed in
structions hurriedly - and - silently as ,
they could. Mr. Wonder; , cyho had
long ago became 'used' to theie lit
tle diversions, got himself oll'down
town: as snort. as .practicable, and the
unhappi, discouraged, overworked,
impatient andfretful wife andlmoth
.ei was left, alohe for the balance of
the eveni:
' -
-It was two hoUri - before she was
able dileet that her workTivaS done
fortheniglit," and that she might
sit down in a, chair to , rest; - for
thOugh men - declare and maintain
that,,women, !as housewiveS, don't
haVe...anYthing much" to do, they
ire mistaken, nevertheless, and wo
men will dispute this - point with
them till, the crack of noon, and
probably., at that important period]
neither will have , arrived any nearer.
'the same - COficlu:sion than ..theY.are
:now. ; Mr. Wonder, as he meander
ed'doiVii town at that identical hOur,
as' wondering what Hannah could
find,:tliat made her so cross
"dniltiredall the time: Why couldn't
her work be done at six'o'cloek, as
was 'his? Anct why couldn't` she
sit down and read, evenings, as he
did ? And . Mrs. Wonder 'might
have, told WM, as 'she had told him
uldmdred times beforto, that -there
ere: some buttnnsoff johnnies
- that niist-beihtt bin-when hetasn't
wearing it, and a rent in Mittles
-apron that , must be sewed tip before
the child wanted it - in the morning;
.andstockiugs tci darn and gloves to
inend,nrida. thousand little things
just right ibr.. women to donf eve
ning; as Grandima. Parsons Used to
.say.l, Mr. Wonder, however, 'was a
very gOod sort of a man, and tried
to make the best of things, add nai
body will maintain that he was to
blame if Nature -hadn'tgiven hire
the sense and-reason to fully under
stand the circumstances of the; cave,
and so, as he sat in , the - club:room,
where he had been indirectly...sent
by Mrs. Wonder, the latter, satty,
the fire at home, aloge,and soon. fell
into a heavY slumber, andas she slept
she &mined . • '
In Wet dream Mrs. Wonder, seem
ed to have been transported to a
strange country, and her arrival and
appearance:4oe- a matter of as
much, curiosity to the people she
met is were they to her. The most
she 'cOuldmake of them Was that
theY were human beings, :but the
manner in which human
were clad,
left it an open question as to which
'sex they belonged Oterfirst impre!;-
sion was
,that they had arisen an
haste that day and each threin an
invertedeoffee-sack over the;;lread
after first cutting a. hole for the eyes
and mouth.- . -
She. seemed to have spent a week
among this mysteriCius cornmunitY,
goickg_whither she pleased and help
ing herself AO -vihateier -she could
find to eat. " She at last discovered
that her .companiOns nrideritood her
position far better than she Under
stood it, heath', and. that they laugh
ed among theinselves as they Watch
ed her inquiring countenance, and
vouchsafed no commentaries ,upon
the situation, until
,she, Unable to
:endure the simppns* and stringeness
of the surroundings,, at? last broke
forth with eager questionings, after
she had discoveied, to her horror,
the true state of the society into
whiCh she had been mysteriously
thiown. .
" Where " are your. . hiiSbands?",.
she inquired one day, finding herself
surrounded by a dozen of the strange
community, whichohe had become
'satisfied, consisted 'of women Only.
They immediately broke forth in
to the 'most unmistakable expres
'sions of scorn and • ridicule, and at
last, amid the Uproar, she managed
to catch one intelligent answer :
" We drove 'era of tiventy years
ago ; them that wouldn't go with
scOldin' got hot water; an' broom
sticks, an' mop handles, an' rollin'
pins, an' flat-irons an' things, are.,"
she added, shaking a - delicate fist
vigorously, A , we'd like to .see the
man that'd date to step foot on this
soil agin. The truth of the matter
was," she continued, as her compan
ions quieted down so that the audi
ence for whose benefit the informa
tion was given might not"• fail of
hearing, " the truth of the matter
was we got tired of,.'em. There
was their clothes to see to an' their
stockin's to darn, an' their boots to
. an' buttoni
_to sew on, an'
, their" collars 'to fix -of. a - .Sunday
trimnire, and their meals to cook
'three times a day, so we, hadn't no
time for nothin' else ; and we just
put our heads together and declared
war on this • whole tribe, 'an' a sor
rierlookin' set you never saw than
_they was as they took their carpet=
sacks and went over the hills and
far au-ay."" And the speaker pan's
ed to execute ,a gyration Of delight
as she mailed the
' a Bilt the Children—what did you
do with tile poor little , children ?"-
incluireir Mrs. Wonder, her eyes un
consciously filling:with tears at the
thought of the ; little ones crying
after their fathers, a.s they must have
done when they sa* them . going.
away, likely, to never return:
Oh, ve bundled the boys off
with their' fathers, an' tha girls we
kept. with. us. Some of ?ern have
rim away though, an' when they
do that we , never let 'ern come back
—thOirgh it's a fact," '.uttered 'the
speaker in a reflective tone, " none
of 'em ever, attempted to.".
" Well, now," said ,Mrs. Wonder,
"can You tell me liOwicame here,
and ; moreover, hosy I can get away;
fOr I have a' htisi;iirid and' two dear '
little, children at. home, and I can
never be happy away from them. 'I .
c t •
want: to go back imniediately."'
' T. Why r exclainied' a .half ozen
voices, "..we were looking in at our
kitchen. window- the night we 'de
cided to bring you; away and yob
said yoir wished . there wasn't a maxi
or a .chilcl T 'on the.folee of the earth;'
an' we thought Ali would be just
the cf:f9r your waited . till
you ha d got your
.band :off dciiyn
town and theichildien_ in:lied, .and
Whek, you . went; 03, *ileeto` in' your
chair .
we 166 k yon - up and:ennie
away. - -
_Y o rill hare,, t05 . 44,k here
riOnr;for ' ,We....Shoii4 let, yotiput
you'd tell 'Or us. anddien.them men
,Mighth'unt around and :,break ip to
our territory and irilitneget b ack us
and snake us wail' oit - 'erri i s it..../Is
they ..nsecl„to. • Come, . naw,":-they
hegin.tb asSinne: a persuasive tone,
"You better mike: `up your mind to
stay here. We. Hire ; the easiest life
imaginable. We' don't have to
make : or wear fine dresses, you see,
'calis there's' nobc4iweicare for:
It's a great ~saving of time and
bother.".. - f
don't care *anything about all
That," replied Mrs. Worider..
rather be a slave and work on my
hinds and • kneei for those that I
love than to , ; Rile here or anywhere
elle away - from them." * .
Just then it appeared 'that she
saw Mi. .VVonder, a , great -ways off,
leading' the children, and they ap
peaied 'as* if searching for some
thing or some orie . that was lost
She gave a loud shriek of joy_ and
was springing away from the hands
that would have detained her when
she awakened and -63und_The arms
of a real live man about
,her as he
lifted her_back .to, the chair from
-which she had fallen.
Hannah,, what was you
drminraboutin Wond
er, as he looked kindly into her
flushed face and held her feverish
hands-a raiment in • his. , • --- ..._. .
"0, nothing, she answered, eva
siveiy, but to his unbounded sur-,
prise she bent over and kissed him
as she started away to pick up
Johnny who. at that auspicious, orb
ment had fallen out of bed and was
crying'histily, with the pain from, a
bumped nose. - ,
Mrs. Wonder didn't spank Johnny
as she usually did -- when he was so
careless as to fall out of bed in' his
sleep, but brought him put in her
arm chair and rocked him till his
head and heart were healed, then
gently' laid .
,him back in bed beside
his sister. Little Mittie had cried
herself to sleep, and the mother,
with deep contrition, gently bathed
off the 'tear stains with water, and
some tears not the child's were left
_the cheeks instead, and many
kisses on the soft red lips.
Then Mrs..Wopder went out and
sat down besid& - her husband and
told him her dreain,, and though
there were few 'comments on either
side when it was done, yet it paved
the way for the-happiest New Year's
Day the family had ever,seen. Mr.
Wonder slid out. of the house after
his wife was abed, and asleep, and
for a half honr after his return was
undoing parcels with the slightest
noise possible, and tip-toeing around
in , his stocking feet in the most
ridiculous manner you could imag-,
ine, 'and looking. as pleased, and
silly, and happy as a boy who had
been commended for the act which
he had till then expected - would
bring .hjn a whipping. And we
haven't any ' business to , tell what
they did and said the next morning,
or why Mr. Wonder wasn't seen at
his office until most noon, or how
many told him he was looking un
commonly well, or why he was in
hurry ti) get home at night, and
what the reason was that he, didn't
g 6 downtown =after supper. This
prying into f4rnily matters isn't at
all, becoming, and if anyone - lents
to krioW what was .done with the
skeletUn- that was dragged out of
the cloSet of the I Wonder family
that New Yeir's Eve, they'll have
to inquire of somebody else, that's
Consider how- men reason about
the Bible. „They say. - it contradicts
itselL They say it lacks the marks
of a divine work. Consider: that it
aot one book like a book on the
ccinstitution of the globe or any
other composed by one-mind. It is
not ;a_ book according to the modern
-way in which books are made. On
theccintrary;itis the religious works
that appeared for thousands of years.
It is the religious literature of ages,
the religious light that was 'devel
oped in-the world through long pe
riods, brought together merely for
convenience. ,There . are thirty-six
different writers represented,living
hundreds of years ' apart, • speaking
different languages,subject to-differ
ent governments and , different insti
tutions, and having- ho , knowledge
of each' other's work. There., are •
fifty-seven separate, books or tracts'
which have been <gathered up, and
-the binders: have. made them., one- f ,
that is all. There is a moral ,co
herence About them, a central moral
unity, but . as , 6bjective existences
they are made .tO-. be ' one . bythe
pimple.'eirttunstance_ .of. juxtaposi
tion; , They :might be , printed as'
fifty-seven separate volumes -instead
of- one - .:arid between the 'first and
second': there will be :a: thousand
years; between,: the second and
third along periodivoOd intervene,
and so on. And there :were thou
sands of years: in % which there was
not a scratch of 'a pen, so far c as we
know..- And between the writing of
the first and , the Writing of the last,
empires Kok and, flourished,. and
stumbled and je 4. and wept out : pf
remembrance; new.languages spread
and.. :decreased and passed- away.
-Time performed its. grandest exp_loiti
between the beginning and the end
lig of the so-called one boot •
Tarrra discovers the evil ; Puts
it away. Truth unfolds what =map is;.
grace unfolds what god is. Trutiihrings
out into the light the hidden Workings of
evil in the heart of man.;: grace brings
out, in contrast, the rich and exhaustless
springs of grace in the heart of God ; both
are nrmdfal. Truth for the nurinteitancw
of God's glory ; grace for the establish
ment of our blessing.i Truth. for the. vin
dication of the divine - character and at
tribri e ; grace for the perfect repose of
the sinner's heart and conscience.. How
blessed to know that both grace• and
truth came by Jesus Christ. '
Reporter .Cltibleg List- tor .1880. •
We have made arrangements with the pubibbers
of the lotiowiam periodicals hg which. we am over
soy me of them to econeetke with the ca
at greatly reduced .rates. We with *Mid the IM
POST= with any of the mimed below; far
Ms year, at the beam Imwted i _ • 1•!
Illeparter sod' Weekly Tribune..., fit
" " semi-Weebts • • f'lo
. " " Weekly 200
. .
" " Besil-WeZ ITO
" Weekly 11FvenireNst 233
ileml-WeAkty • • 280
" TAlMdelplis Press. • _ 2 10
" Times 2-30
Americiu Agriculturist-- 2 10
Country Gentleman..loo
" Rural New Totter : 2 SS
Hamiirt Ilro4 l * .4; 425
" lazur 4 25
" • " 3240:11M.
Scribner' 4225
St. Macias .. . i SD
" 'Wide Awake - 2 611
" Ilaby Land -. • 1,.25
•r - Otters Living Age... . ..:.
_. 6 00
" • The Minsery ' • 225
" APpleton'a.lonstal • 250
" 1 1 444 . 1ulas8elence Moattily... :. 526
• " Peterson's Magazine. 246
Ginders " • 2 65
." Linincotra • " ..... ,425=
" Atlantic M0nth1y.........:..4 25
11 . Ottlo Farmer' so
" Lancaster Farmer -300
Densoratt without promalain 2 60
" • with prentlum 200
VW . itess garbs.
zi7BOPEAN HOUSE.—A -few doors soutbor
the Noma Homo. Board by Um daT or week on
radtonable terms. Warm meals 'emit at:all hours
gleams at wholesale and ratan. t fat4l2.
S4ll W. BUCK,.. •
1 - -:-:, • ATToftssr-ar-z,Arr,
TO WANDA, ?BSA' 4 : .
' Office—Smith side Papa; Knot, olparite Ward
Hausa. (Nov. 130879.
'E—: 11. -DORMAUL,
. - -. • - -
325 East Water St.-, Sipllra, N.Y-. q
2d Floor ' I ' CARPETS
. -41 b Floor CLOAKS it SHAWLS .
rpper Soon accessible by elevator, - -
-WA "bit of Inspection Is respectfully solicited
. _,. P1;4024CA;, PLusasa & GAS FITTER,
Place of business In Iterent Block, next doer. to
lournurplace, eppoitltoPablle & I nn. •
Plumbing, Gas' kittlnp. Repairing Pumps Or alt
kinds, sad alt Madera Gearing pro:wry attended
to. All srantind it rk In Ills lino tumid give Km,
Dee. 4, •! WM .
. . . .
' • AND SHAVING, AT Title . _ r
- ward.- iitciume.
Shaving . .Farlor
airwe study to please.
D. V. STEDO3I, Proper
' Tottsnds. Ps., July 15;1578. '
pan NATIONAL 8,4.\ K,
CAPITAL AID Ili' • 1125.000
This Bank offers onusuallaciiittes for the trans
action of a general banking business. •
• . • •yi
" I N. N:SETTS Cashier.
JOS. POWiLL. Preslient.
- -1 ' Artri,nrs
- .
CORNER PARR *ND Brrsii pips:Ts, TowAwria,
Val screened; and delivered to any pert of she
Borough: ALL ouukue xFer az ACCOMPANIED
-: TowaruLs. Dee. I, 1t0'9.,- ' - . ,
.. - • .
1i r =
The undeielened hiving purchased from Mr.
McKean the 00/11. YARD
AT THR ifiXtTg c latE n ß o T tr l s tE ; RT, RNA* THE
luu des the paten aim of file old friends and the
,pntile , I shall keeps fallassortment
. , • or all laic.",
BooK .coAL. , A , •
.• AND 6#ALL 64 I. AT ;
-Steen) giants.;
-- •
- - • ETABLES.. - .
The undersigned having rented the old Means.
, Monse Barn, and prodded himself With
• • 7
- .
-U now prepsied to seemmotlate the paNitat
Sirqfew Boggles for tale cheap. •
B. V(. *VANE.
Towinaa,ra n yni, vs, ism tJI
r tieFlobicats.
C4urroic t Pzxx'A.
Near the Depot,
Jot'; L ; NioLTE, rrarie.