Vtadfori §tporta, CRAB. U. ALLIL3. LOCAL =troll., Tomas, Pa., Thursday, Dec. 40E9. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Tunas weeks from today is Cbristums. OYSTERS were never better than this season. , BirrrEn and eggs are d6r ,commodi ties just now. TRavicttatt agents are now huating•up the storekeepers. Isstnu soles worn in your shoes wil prevent cold feet. Smolt CRANDALL has started a soap factory at Big Pond. thf THE little ones are beginning to coon e days to Christmas. THE interior of the Church at Herrick vile, is undergoing repairs. BLANKET your horses when you hitch them out of ~, doors these days. LENT beglni ,February 10th. and con tinues'no less than forty days. - PROTItACTED Meetings have been com menced at Glenn Valley, this county. BLIT of our home merehanta and let the town have the benefit of your trade. 'W I T. DAILEY bas' introduced steam power into his flouring mills at Leona. Tun two eittemes of very small and very large bonnets find favor this season. TANTA No. b's reception bas been post potted 'from December 29 to January 29 PROF. ACKLEY'S singing class will meet at the Baptist church, this (Wednesday) ovenitt. l • A PINAFORE troupe has been organized among the young folks of the Episcopal church, Troy. ' tinEumAtes N1i11.4, in Litchfield town ship, were destroyed by lire on Tuesday night of last week. • ONE hundred and eigthty-three pupils attend the Soldiers' Orphan School,' at 'Raiford, Susquehanna county: Ssow drifts four feet high were visible in the highways of Mount Pleasant town ship, Wayne county, last week. • TUERE is a strong probability that the Nail Works at,this place will he put in Operation within a shint time. Tin;' Temperance Union . of Sylvania, gave a very enjoyable entertairimcnt at that place on Thanksgiving evening. 'WATKINS POSVe. " Beau Bake " comes off on Monday evening next, at the Armory. A good time is Anticipated. ONE hundred and twenty persons have united with the M. E. church on the Horn Brook charge, within a short time past. ••-- THE Bu,rlingtotS.correspondent of the Elmira Aqi•ertixer wants a monument built at that place to the memory of Go, LIAR, THE ladies of the Congregational Church, Lellaysville, will give an oyster supper, Christmas, for the benefit of the Church. CHI - RCM of the .Messiah ( Universalist); Ile Y. WILLIAM TAYLOR,: Pastor. At 10. A.x. and 7 r.m., "Paurthe TheoloVian," continued THERE is too much good reading now for any one to waste time over trash..Tbe REPORTER cau be had a whole year for - one dollar. THE carriage shops of FRANK DALY and 11. Bitooss, at Leona, are Moth doing a large businegs, and turning out, some excellent work. THE December Term of our County Courts convened_ on Monday last.. Hon. T. J.-INGHAM, of Sullivan County, pre sides this week. PitovisCiEn meetings are being held in the Baptist church at Troy, and cow siderable interest therein, it is said, seems to have been awakened. Out; dealers are now , receiving their' holiday goods, and we judge by the large supply that they have bought that they contemplate heavy sales.. JAMES NEwmAs had One of his feet quite badly crushed by a large piece of iron falling on it at the Athens Bridge Shops, one day last week. Tu Canton Sentinel says Dr. Wn.soN, of Alba, has a Maltese 'eat that measures :17 inches from his nose to the end of Lis tail, Ile is a great mouser. fine residence.of Mr. GriovE, at Wyalusing,ls nearly ready for occupancy. Its a handsome building, and will com pare favorably with any in that vicinity. ENGINE No. 138, attached to a freight train on the Northern Central railroad, mu off the track at, ,Troy on Thursday last. Nobody hurt and but little damage done. THERE wa; a busineSs "boom" in this cilia e la,st Saturday. Main street was lined with teams and the smiling faces of the meretnints spoke well for the state of AN accident to the coal breaker at Bolden on Wednesday of last week, caused a suspentionl of coal shipments over the State Line Sullivan Railroad for a few days. Tun s esitlence of Hey. Mr. Wot.corr, in Springville, Susquthanna county, was destroyed by tire on, the nigkt of Novem ber ‘22d, together with its contents. In- cured for V,500 IIE Ninth Regiment, N. G., to which Company A. of this places belongs, has been invited to participate in the recep tion to General Ga. xr, at 'Philadelphia, on the 15th inst. • TIIE Athens Gazate of last week says that a Mr. VAN C . 1.1 1 , 1, was quite serious ly injured by the exploSion of a globe valve at the agricultural Works, in that pia - Cc, on Saturday, the Ind ult. A vitir pleasant surprise . party was held at the residence of J.i.MF.B I.lAwir9, Esq., Greenwood, on Thursda , evening last. Quite' a number of young people from thiti place wero in attendance. TITE ladies of the Presbyterian Church of Waverly, and the Book and Ladder Company _No. 2 of that place, are going to have a Loan Exhibition, commencing about Christmas and lasting tiro weeks. . A Dios n-the contributions to the columns of.the ItEroirrEa This week,. is quite a lengthy article from the' pen of President II %I'F.4;. The article is dell written and will nb doubt be read wi h much interest. Anot7 ten days since, d ays the Dusbore It ‘Ticin of the 27th ult., a four or five year old son of PETER °ltAtones fell back ward into a wash-boiler of hot water, and tsar So severely scalded that be died on Saturday. DAvan,lloirrori slaughtered for BENJA -r :%IIN Et.snnEF., of Sheshequin, on Novena • ber :Nth. it.co* belonging to Mr. E. that weighed when dressed 1116 pounds, and . from which V.. 15, pounds of rough tallow was taken: • A txxskrioN at the Congregational par soge, Lellaysville,: Friday evening, No v nber 21st, increased the worldly wealth of the pastor of that Church about $45, besides furnishing all present an enjoy able evening. i • .L x. EXCELLENT . Parr.n. —KnisLot's Clinton RevOliedrf, publisited at Look haven, is one of the neatest printed and best edited papeis in Pennsylvania. Every dweller in Clinton county, be be Republi can or Dem)crat, should take it—and we judge from its cheerful tone that most of them do. • Order; that our readers inarhave the opportunity of an early. -perusal of the President's} Message, we lune .the RE PORT= this week on Wednesday morn ing, instead of Wednesday evening, as is our custom.: A • Gm. C. Wxuarrr, of Forlurrille, BnW van . county, proposes shirting a cheese factory at Ca n ton, next' spring; if a anf dent number of fanners in that vicinity will seU him' milk to warrant the , success of the enterprise IN the cue of Ww. Dammam, _indict ed for the murder of bit son, which came up for trial at Weliaboro, Tioga county, last week, a 114211 d presegui was entered by the District Attorney and the prisoner was discharged. Twit arrival and departure of the To. wanda stage is announced to the citizens of Leßaysville, by the blowing of a born in tho streets of that village. At least so the Adeirtiser of that place says, and of course it must be so. LEINIA, I ,B43D, of W. B. STONE, of Leßoy, was quite severely - injured one day recent ly, by accidently striking his foot with as axe which he was using,- inflicting a wound about three inches in length ea penetrat ing to and injuring the bone. v A MINER by the name of .JuiEs DEVINE was' crashed to death, by a fall of roof rock, in . Barclay mines, on Thursday last.. Be was a married man and leaves a wife and a large family of children to mourn his untimely and sudden death. • Tun. water pipes hare been laid on Main street from the 'Eureka works to the Henry House; No more pipe will be laid.until nest spring, when a large force of workmen 'Willi be employed and the Water'Works pushed to an early comple tion. , ' FEANK OVERTON, son COL E. OVERTON, while skating on the ice just above the railroad bridge, on Thursday left, broke .through into the' river, and but for time ly assistance rendered him by Mr. G. Owew, would undoubtedly have been drowned. SAM Pow., a young man living in Towanda township, in' attempting to get on to a coal train, in t motion at the time near Monrocton ' on Wednesday evening of last week, had a. foot so. badly crushed by the car Wheels that amputation is deemed necessary. A YOUNG man by the name of , Huau SULLIVAN, was quite severely injured by being thrown from a wagon whilst ire turning from.this• place to his home near the "Overshot," on Thursday morning last. Dr. JouNsort attended the injured man and dressed his wounds. WE learn from the buettore Review that the residence of PATRICK LAIIIIIEA, near Campbellsville, Sullivan County, was burned on Tuesday night of last week. Ile had no insurance. Most of the house- Ad goods were , saved. 'The fire was caused by leaving a barrel of hot ashes against the outside of the building. A COUNTERFEIT five dollar bill on the bauktof Troy, Pa., was passed upon a market man by the name of KLINE, Jast Saturday. One of the same kind was passed - upon Mr. A. J. BOALICH. Wash ington Street, last week. It is said that two women are operating with these counterfeits.— Williamsport Bulklin. JUDGING from the fine specimens hang ing at the doors of JORDAN'S meat mar ket, deer-hunters need not go to the . wilds of Canada nor the Adirondacks for sport. Mur,LocK deserves and is hereby tendered our thanks for;an opportunity of testing that the savor fulfilled the promise of the antlered beauties which attracted so much attention. • ' A wHoLE dray; load of Holiday Goods were received by CRoss on Monday last, and he informs us that this is only a small amount of his contemplated stock. Judg ing from the articles we , have , examined, we should say that those; whom CHARLIE cannot suit in the line of gifts for Christ mas or NeW Year's, must be hard inieed to, please. OM • THF. Chtirch of.the Messiah (Universal ist),, was very handsomely decorated for the Thanksgiving services, and the pas tor, Rev. WILT:IAM TAYLOR, -preached a sermon of rare power in the evening, to which a large audience gave the closest attention. The collection for the benefit of the Ladies' AidO3ociety, amounted to $24. 1 / 2 • E. D. WILDER and eon, have recently completed a very handsome residence at Big Pond. ChESTER HARENESS, post master, at the same place, has also re cently Made quite extensive repairs op his dwelling. Big Pond• promises at no (I . stant day to become quite a business centre, as it bas a number of energetic, go-ahead business men as citizens. ASTIDENT.-A ten-year-old boy of ELI cuArmax, of Towanda township, at tempted t® get on a moving coal train in the Barclay yardarm Thursday afternoon last, but slipped and fell in such a man ner that-one of his feet was caught ander a car wheel and crushed so badly that it had to be amputated. Dr. PRATT attend ed the injured lad, and be is doing as well as could be expected. Tim Athens Gazette says that on Mon day afternoon of last week, WILLIAM SE OAR, of that place, - while working in his shop, stepped on a piece of iron which passed through his boot arid entered •his instep to the depth of over' an. inch. It caused him intense pain, and came near r pioducing lockjaw. But by romt med 'ical treatment., and the use of p mor p phine, he is now on the gain. , Asa BROWN, who 'resided near the Waverly paper mills, was found dead in his bed, on Tuesday morning, of last week. Mr. B. had been in ill health for some liEtlellme, but appeared •no worse when he retired to rest on Monday even ing. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of his death. He was about 45 years of age, and bad been in the employ of the paper mill Company for a number of years past. THE pion services at the M. E. Church on Thanksgiving Day, brought together a large audience. The services were open ed by reading a scripture lesson,",followed by singing by the choir, after which Rev. Dr. STEWART, of the Presbyterian Church, offered an impressive - prayer. The Pastor of the Church, Rev. Mr. Wniowr, preached the sermon, which was pronounced by all who heard it, as a very able and eloquent one. The ,collee tion amounted to $3Z.03. - Tux ladies' hats and bonnets are built this winter in all shapes and sizes, says and exchange, from the plain stiff-rimmed hat to the most approved bonnet fashion ed after a modern coal-scuttle. In the multitudinous assortment every woman ought to be able to suit herself and yet, not be forced to refuse to'l purchase one Style %cause her neit door neighbor has something like it. The milliners have now • struck the right notch, and the American women are .happy. HOWEVER, could we properly keep Thanksgiving, and how ; dull and stale would be the festivities of - the. Holidays without Fvrcu? With his usual care and forethought, baving• accnmmulat ed huge piles of toothsome delicacies o r his own manufacture, he has gone to the great emporium, to add to his stock of the things which; attract the eye and excite the longing appetite of those who' visit his place: - He will open next week for inspection, the rarest best assortment to be found in the cities. FATAL Actumn - T.—A. young Mil by the name of JonN MIFFLIN, who - resided in Berwick, Columbia County, we are in formed, arrived in Onshore, Sullivan County, on Friday evening last, whither he came by private' 'conveyance for the purpose of bunting in the wilds of Sulli van. After his wagon had been placed in the hotel barn, he attempted to take his gun from it when tha piece was discharg ed by the hammer catching, and the charge which it co n ned lodged in the unfortunate - man'sy. He was home diately taken into hotel and medical assistance called to his aid, but his wound was a fatal one, and bellied at about sir. o'clock on Saturday morniag.• A , SINGULAR. case or somnambulism oc curred on West Hill, near this village, on Tuesday night., A man who had been at work for a'fanner a short timer--a cam- Parative "strangerin the place—got up in Ids night clothes,W scrap fields through snow and briers, rks4crol about - half a mile, called at a dwelling and asked for the man of the house. I The door being shut in his fin* bythe frightened woman, he entered a milk house near by. Tint woman r a n to the neighilors for assist anoe,, stuptosing the • min intended bur glary. Wag foind Were with nothing on but his shirt. considerably injured by butswake. Ile clamed to have no recollection of the affair until he was &Wakened by Striking his bead against sametbing in the milk house that inflict ed quite an injury upon his bead. The neighbors think it &genuine case of sleep vr&Wng, as his clothing was found by his bed as be left it upon retiring. • Its the Waverly Advocate of last week, that humilities the foregoing. ABOUT twenty. men left Wel!sboro last week for Georgia, where they are engaged• . to work for the Georgia Land and Lum ber Company, in getting out white pine lumber on the Ocinulgee river, in Telfair county, about 150 miles from the coast. They are to receive 126 per month and traveling expenses to their destinaboui The Agitator says that these men leaving Tioga county to secure work in . CT eorgia is hardly an indication of lack of work in that county, as some may be led to sup pose. Very many of them, who have no families to leeep them , at home, were prompted to Offer their services from a love of adventure and a laudable desire to see something of the Southern country and its inhabitants. . A. PERRBYLVAEIA BORDER TALL 1D the Philadelphia, Weekty Pro as of date November 29th, is commenced a thrilling Pennsylvania historical romance, entitled "The Brady Brothers; or, Bald Eagle's Nest:'" Its scenes will be-Ideated-on the West Branch - of the Susquehanna during that bloody and troubled period immedi ately following the massacre of Wyom ing, and "the great runaway." - Joati BRADY ;.Ida brave and stalwart sons, Jas. and &mum, ; Colonels Prefdar and PLUN KETT, Queen Emma, EAGLE and other border celebrities of that time will figure prominently. ` The theme was sug gested by the late Brady centennial cele bration at Money, and is from the pen of CHARLES McKstaftr„ author of "Our Western - Border," ' "Simon Girty, the White tiavage,"-aid " Captain Jack, the Scout." L SPECIAL OFFER TO LADIES.—NO wo man who has the care of a house can af ford to get along without the Housekeep er, a handwnne illustrated monthly which is so practicarand helpful that it saves any housekeeper time, steps, labbr, and very often trouble and perplexity, which is worse than trork.. It is full of plans and suggestions of use in housekeeping as an egg is of meat. The publishers are bent on introducing it everywhere, and they idler to send it to January 1, 1881, for twenty-five cents, (bare coat. of post age and mailing), to the lady whh first sends three cents from any post ante in the United .States or Canadas, for their grand pictorial plemium list. The rey tar price of the gousekeeper seventy- five cent& They also offer to send Scribner's, Harper's, the Atlantic, Gotley's, Arthur's, Polar's:Lippincott'', or, indeed, any of the mouthy magazines for one year to those who get up small clubs. For speci men copies and Premium List which gives full particulars, address The Housekeeper, Minneapolis, Minnesota. A Seitaxxort MAGAZINTIo—" The Christ mai Argosy." a Magazine' of thirty-two pa g es, says the Wilkes-Bane Record, will be issued during the holidays. It will contain ; "original stories, sketches and poems, written expressly for this number by 'well known writers." Among the more prominent articles are the following: A'poem by Dr. R. SnEvrOx 31acitteszlE, the talented reiriewer, -illustrated ; a story by JOHN EItIOENA BABNETT, illustrated ; a charming love story; by Miss Bu' E. DICKINSON ; an illustrated poedt by,t3tella of Lackairanna ; a sketch by Min! ANNA E.-Dtextissox ; another by Dr. Bows- TICS ;II Christmas poem by Mill!! SUSAN E. DICKINSON ; a statistical essay ,of Scranton, past, present, and future, by Hon. Lamm Puonr.. These are by no means all the magazine will contain, but enough to prove that it will be very read able. If this venture proves a success, it may be that the magazine will become a permanent publication. 'lt is issued by the Argosy Publishing Company, to whose address all orders should be sea. :(k. CORRESPONDENT of the Review, writes thus in regard to the.entertain ment given at Long!is Hall, in Trny, on Thanksgiving evening, by the students of the High School of that place, under the direction of Prof, McCouost : "The High &hail Entertainment of Prof; McCottom, .on Thursday evening, was a s,uccesa, as all he, attempts to do always is. The essays of Miss CARRIE HENDERSON and ALMA MORSE on "Our School Days." and 44 Ccimparison of Time,", Was thoughtful and well writ ten. The recitations of Miss LILLIE JortivsoN, Miss MATTIS HERRICK and Miss NELL OLIVER were finely delivered. The declamation of GEonos LEONARD, JAMES INGHAM', andy CARNOCIIAN were delivered in a laudible`manner. The music was of the finest quality, and the tableaux were gotten up in fine. style. The force of "The Troublesome Ghost," lin which WILL GRANT acted the •'darkey" to perfection, laughed all in a good humor. We would say - id conclusion, that, the Principal, Prof. Mceor.Lost, deserves great praise for tee manner in which the school is conducted, and that Troy is most fortunate in securing his services." [The "Bird of Freedom; " is often the cause of poetic inspiration, and the theme of the patriotic poet. But a Thanksgiv ing turkey seldom brings out 'so much wit, so felicitiously expressed, as the one which was the subject of the following lines. The author, we k ow, ill pardon \ us for allowing our reade to participate in this " feast of reason and ow of soul" fdr we think it too good a flit g to be sel fishly appropriatejli. - g "root?. 'lox 1 A-COLD I" - • "Poor Tom , s a4eold !" Good folks, I beg Your kind Indlegence arbile 1 write, Notlid the protoplasm og egg. 1, But of the concrete creature, bight ' Sir Thomas Turkey. Once I road • About a bird of fashion strange lThat dwelt in Bourbon, as 'tis 1 1- And maybe had no wider range. About that bird the wise men wrote, And quarreled sornetbnes, years ago,. They Crean quarrel (wake a note Or that, and say I told you so).. Some aald the bird eats &maims ; some Declared It "rasa myth of fable, And others vowed by , heaven's blue dome It once had grac e d the Bourbon table. 80, for s century the fight With varying fortunes dragged along; Each wise man vowed that he was right And hence that all thereat were wrong In one thing each ind all agreed— The 'wondrous creature was no more, - But then, some bones rematheCl, indeedi Upon a South.fiei island shore. . ~! But what of thlsl , ".l hear yon say: ~..._,A Well. klme, you know. wakes all things plain bad my doubts for many a day 4 , And truth that lingering doubt has slain. 4 To him who wisely holds his peace, . And bas the faith to watch and watt, Time bringeth knowledge and Increase • And solves all riddles Wen or late. And thus It chanced this very morn. - While I my rose trees trussed with neve A fowl proceeding came to warn And totted my wonder on the raw. This fowl proceeding did proceed - To perch Itself before my door; "I came," it odd. "the poor to feed, But I shall feed, ah, nevermore I". - Anddthen the household gatheredrround , Theirs,/ender everjsmoment grew, t- And every moment airelled the sound— "Oh let name: dodo, do-,do "Eureka to my Joy I cried ; • •• Behold the extinct bugaboo ! The mining link of Bourbon's pride— , The great dodo, dodo, do-do r Up spas the mother of the fleet Methinks nis turkey number two, And of the famous Bradford stock I'll stuff and roast.“ Said I,"dodo I" "Do-do yourself :" the dame replied. "Your myths and riddles I pooh-pooh I'll Matti this bird Thanker:Mars pride . And all the household said do-do I" liked people, thanks. We know not why We have deserved this noble bird; If we hive not deserved It. I Am thankful still to be preferred:7 .• For when this proud old Thomas came • The wolf fled howling front our deor.;. , So may you grow In name and fame - g Blest aye in basket and In store. Ever in debt to you, November 27,.1879. C. A.zinnixa Cots von Dirwroxnix.4— The celebrated Dr. FIELD cured, his pa- tients of diphtheria by sulphur. He put a teaspoonful-of flour eof brimstone into a irmeglassfull of wal.r, and stirred it with his finger insteajtof a spoon. When the aulpher was welt mixed he gave it as a gargle, and in ten minutes the patient . was out of danger. Instead of spitting out the gargle be recomended ,the swal lowing of it. In extreme cases, when the fungus was too nearly closing to allow the gargle, he blew sulphur thrufigh a quill , . into the threat, snd after ; the fungi* had shrunk he gowthe gargle. If tho patient cannot gargle take.a live coal, put it in shovel, and sprinkle a spoonful or %wo of Mar of brimstone upon. it;; let the patient inhale the fumes; and the flanges will die. Brimstone kills every species of fungutrfp a man, beast or plant in a few minutes. THE annual meeting of the Geneiri Ithaca & 'Sayre" Railroad, and Cayuga SoHtheni Itsujroad, (now united under the name of Geneva Ithaca & Sayre Rail road) was held at the First National Bank of Wsverly, N. Y., Nov., 20th. The following, named gentlemen were elected directors : IL A. PROSIER, Sayre, Pa.; HARRT E. PACKER; Manch Chunk Pa.; HowArtn Emelt, Waverly, N. Y.; .ROBERT H. SAYRE, Bethlehem. Pa.; ED WIN A. MostiAN; Aurora, N. Y.; Jour; RUMMY, Ithaca, N. Y.• 'CHAUNCEY P., GM% • Trumansbnrg, -N.Y.; JAMES PATRIWOR, Philadelphia • Witt.trAtt EL LIOTT. Philadelphia; 34111E8 STILLMAN, Philadelphia ; WILLIAM - STEv&ID.ON, Ithaca; Wr W .L. WitiOnT, Geneva. A. PACKER,II. E. PAcEttE, 1101 DIRT R. SAYRE and HOWARD Damn, Executive Committee. PARTRIDGE ?MOLT EE-UNION.—On Thursdsby, November 13, 18'78, the second annual ye-union of the PARTRIDGE family was held at the house of Mr. EDWARD F. PARTRIDGE; in Smithfield township. There were present about fifty persons, ranging from the aged to the babe of a few weeks. The children and babies were numerous, showing that there is no great, danger of the PARTRIDGE blood becoming extinct. The day was remarkably beau tiful, and the young men improved it by having a game of base-ball. A very ex cellent and bountiful dinner was served. The gathering was a very pleasant one in every way, serving the excellent purpose of binding together more intimately the scattered and distant relatives of the fam ily. Tie re-union is to be held-next year at the house of Mr. SCOTT, in North Towanda. • , PERSONAL. —MiSt! SUSIE Ronn, of Siyre, is visit ing friends in Oweko. —Col. E. OVERTON, started for Wash.' ington on Friday last. , STROBIUDOE, of Big Pond, has removed to Ralston, —Mrs. I. 0. BIAGI'''. and daughter NEL LIE, are visiting friends in Philadelphia. —Miss MisritE Wool), daughter of C. C. Wool; is ,visiting friends in New Yoric., NELSON Grwinirr, of Franklin,' is suffering from painful affliction, of the eyes. —Miss KATE Nicnots, of Bath, NIT.; is the guest of Miss LAMM LEONA* of Troy. - —FRANK Lorr, of Gilletts, this conty, is spending the winter with friends at Jericho, N. Y. FRANK GREGG, of Towanda, was in the city Tnursday on business.— Tiff. lianuport Banner. —Rev. M. HAMBLIN, of Troy, will deli ver a lecture entitled "The True Men," at Wellsboro, DecomberAlth. --FRANK PIERCE " of Lellaysvilie, has gone to Moosic,'Lacltawanna County,; to engage in the grocery business. -Iy. W. KixosnunT, of this place, went to Washington on Friday list, where he will remain during the winter. —FINLEY Funms.tt, of .Sylvania, leaves this week for Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he will engage in he grocery and provision tracte, —MONROE PETTINOILL, Of Elmira, has removed to his former home—Leona, this county—where he has engaged in the blacksmitbing business. —Bon. B. Rests JACKSON has been suf fering considerably from over-exertion and a fall sustained Sunday morning.— DusApre Review, g7th ult. -I.lr. EDWARD JONES, of Neath, who has been confined to his bed for several weeks,. we are glad to see is slowly recov ering.--Lenoyaville Advertiser. ..-11KNItY SHAY, for twenty years track foreman of the Erie railroad at Waverly, died at that place Monday night of last week: He was 53 years of age. —Hon. C. F. Nteum.s, of McPherson, Kangas, is paying a short visit in this county. Kansas evidently agrees with him, as he is looking hale and hearty. ; —The Rev. wWit.t.tA3t ManstAn, of Or well. preached last two Sabbaths at Silver Lake, and has received an invitation to become pastor of the Presbyterian Church' in that place. ' • —JamEs Manta, who has been danger ously ill ,for several weeks past, is new thought lo be out of d:inger, and in a fair way to a spec;tly recovery of his tomer good health. —I. H. LsTnitor, late pliblisher of the Democrat, Laporte, moves to Waverly, whore he will buy, a railroad out of his surplus savings in the newspaper business. —Daphore Beattie. —ED. LAM BEAUX, r ecently employed in ROSENFIELD'S clothing store, is now acting as a traveling salesman for the Jinn:sox flitting and polishing iron, man ufactured in this place. —.L. R. FROST and family have removed from this place. to their new home at 'Atlces, near n ßichmond, Va. The good wishes of a host of friends here follow them to their new abiding place. —ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON, District Attorney of Chemung county, has resign ed on account of poor health, and Gover nor . _ROBINSON has appointed J. BLOAT FASSETT, Esq., to fill the vacancy. —E. M. FItOST moved his family and bousehold.goods from Rome to this plaCe on Tuesday. Meiteun has many friends here, who will no doubt be pleased Unit he has become a citizen of Athens.—.4a, ens Gazette, 27th ult. -P. B. PARSONS, Esq., started on a three weeks' western trip on Tuesday of last week.„ftie visits Kansas and Minne rota. Ile is the owner of the "Great Spi rit" Spring; at Cawker City, 'Kansas, and goes to look atter the interests of that great watering Place.—Troy Gazette. —Mr: 11. 11. 7osL i c, son of GEORGE 11. JosLIN, . Durand, 111., has been spend ing some three months with fiieuds in the East. On the Bth of October last he mar ried Miss HELL. WALKER, of Ulster, Brad ford county, and accompanied by his bride, he is visiting old friends and rela tives in Nichols and Owego at the present time. They will go to Durand in about two weeks.—Owego - —Tunes: lawyers were admitted to the legal fraternity of this county' on Monday --3shigs W. Mencutt ' , and 3Aessola Keniv.v, from the office of, RODNEIi MF.RCUR, ,Esq., atiti.isuns T. HALE, from the office of .IsmEs, Woon, Esq. These gentlemen fropt their ability, love of their occupation and industry, promise to at tain-eminence in their pro'ession, and be come ornaments to any bar 'at which they may practice. We wish them success, whether they shall conclude to stay on their "native heather," or try their for tunes in other places. —The marriage bells will ring from Christ Church this (Wednesday) evening, to celebrate the wedding of 'Bliss HELEN . I MERCVE with Rev. Mr. ROSENMILLER. As the fair daughters of this borough, one by one, are taken away, bound in these silken cords; we gracefully acknowl edge the compliment, which, howver, hardly suffices to recompense I.r the , loss nor fills the' gap made in society bir the absence of`those who have been its bright est ornaments. We take occasion to ten der hour hearty congratulations to the bride and 'groom, and invoke for them long years of happiness and Heaven's cest blessings. CIL PROCEEDINGS. At the regn meeting of the Town Council, held on , .iday evening, an or dinance was adop ,on the petition of sundry citizens. openin , an alley to be known as " Ward Alley, " through the late C. L. Ward's homestead lot, run ning:east and.west from Third and Fourth otreets,, to be fifteen feet wide. . • Petitions for the erection of lamp posts were received and referred as follows : • At the intersection of Cherry street and Locust avenner. At the foot of the hill below the real +fence of Samuel Woodford, on Main st. On Phplar street, west of Third street. and one near the corner of Maple and Third streets. ' • H. H. McGaw'a bill of $2B for making pole roc hook and ladder truck wasiorder ed to be paid. Bills were approved and ordered to be paid to the amount of $639;05. The Street Committee were j anthorized to secure a suitable place for impounding cattle after January Ist, 1880.%. TIIE i NAIL WORKS. we therefore, as constituents urg e you to R. A. Borax? & Co n - Illiktra,'have the ex6cise of prudence and fi delity to leased the Yon Works at this placeler a the trrist thus committed to your bands, terutof years; and will forthwith proceed pledging to you our rutited support in the to tit . ' tho-iiiimihii,lerY in workinr order, discharge of the duties thns imposed: erica a view of st arting the works into ao- On motion, the brothers present - were tire operation at' an early -date. The required to sign the above rasoltitiort, sott members of the contpany aro gentlemen that a copy be sent to t i the Count' Com who have been id ent ifi e d w i t h teenefeete .. missloners. piety-two names were sign. ries of this , kind for years,- and are thor- ed bathe resolution. Aaljmirned„ . weg ht y mete d i n t h e b us i ness. They - A. T. LILLE; mercury. pecttohair° the' Works ; fall operation by the first of January, at the latest. They contemplate employing about .sev enty fivemen at the start, and are san guine that by - ,early spring their trade will warrant the doubling of their force, and the running of the works both day and night. COURT PROCEEDINGS., Court converted Monday, December 1, 1870. The following persons were sworn in as Grand Jurors : L. T. Lewis, Troy township, foreman . ; L. P.. Baldwin, 'Litch field ; H. IL Brooks, Springfield ; Hollis ter Catlin, Canton Township ; Theodore Camp, Wyalusing; Clarence Corbin, War ren; Daniel Donovan, Wyalusing; Exne ry Godard, West Burlington ; Shourisid Gates, Ridgbury •, Delos Herrick, Troy township; E. 8. Keeler, Wyalusing ; Geo. inner, ; Towanda borough ; Arthur Low:. is, Tuscarora ; J. S. Middaugh, Athens borough ;'Seth Morley, Athens township ; L. M. Osborne, Towanda borough ; , W. H. Russell, Jr., Windham y Wilson StreeveY, Overton ; C. L Squires, Pike ; John Tay lor, Tuscarora; Newton Wood, Smith field. • Com. vs. Alonzo Bosworth:-Fornica tion and bastardy. Continued to Febru-. ary term. Corn. vs. G. H. Reynolds—Adultery ; -Com. vs. J. J. Hannon—Selling liquors to minors ; Com: vs. same—Selling liquors on Sunday. Rollo presequi entered in each case on payment , of costs. Eliza J.-Perrin vs.' I. N. Perrin ; G. E. Hulett vs. Bertha D. Hulett-611614m0 in divorce.fiitocted to be issued in etch Abbie E. Hart vs. H. A. Hart;—Alias subpcena directed to be insert. —Sairard vs. Saittrd , ; J. A. Mead vs. Georgie Mead ; Felix Kingsley ys. Jane Kingsley.—Sberiff directed to make proclamation in each case. A..G. Chaffee vs. Clara E. Chaffee.—J. S. Williston, Esq., appointed Commis sioner. Mary K Carman vs. J. W. Carman.— L. ElsbreC, Esq., appointed Commis: sioner. A. W. Allen vs. Emira W. Allen.-431- voree granted; George Nichols vs. L. B. Rassell.—Aii ditor's Report tiled and confirmed ni si. In re the voluntary assignment of 0. D. Nichols for the benefit of his creditors,— Auditor's Report filed. and confirmed ni si. • Report re-committed to Auditor. On motion oft. A. Mercur, Esq., Jas.. , W. Mercur was admitted to practice in the several Courts of Bradford County;, whereupon he was duly sworn. . On motion of It. A. Alercur, Esq., Jack son P. Keeney was admitted to practice iu the several Courts of Bradford - County; whereupon he was duly sworn. On motion of James Wood, Esq., James Tracy Hale wits admitted to practice An the several Courts of Bradford County ; whereupon be was duly sworn. Bradford 1•0411 and Building Associa tion vs. William Kiff ; Phothe A. Harsh vs. George Barns,;-MI. W. Carmer's Ad ministrator va. W H. Gable.--Rules to open judgment. Bradford. Loan and Building Associa; tion vs. George Barns.—Rule to set aside "execution. ' James Collins vs. James Metlar. l —Rule to enjoin Sheriff from selling part :Of de fendant's real estate. g Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Gar nishee'of G. M. Ross. Rule to Bei• aside attachment. Ruth A. Dibble vs. Ebenezer Dibble.— Rule on defendant for an allowanced Frederick Shaft' vs. E. C.' Herrick. little for new trial dificharged. The Graud Jury diaposedpf the follo'w. ing cases: TRUE BILLS. Coln. vF. Cora Jones, alias Emina M. Brown.—Forgery. Com. vs. John Laughlini—Assault and battery. • Corn. vs. Frank Rodgers—Aggravated assault and battery:* ) NOT A TRUE BILL. Coln. vs. John Nixia.—Larco - ny. (Deport up to TuAday -evening.) POMONA GRANGE The following is a condensed report of the proceedings of Pomona Grange, held at Wysox, November 27 and 28, 1871/ : Grange called to orderlby the Worthy Overseer, G. W. GnEtc.w.i Sixty delegates reported in attendance. .Mr5...11. B. 3lottomi delivered an ad-. dress' of welcome, which was responded to by C. D. Ross. Reports from the various Grangesrwere made by the 'following! members of the Visiting Committee :D. Nitt.t.cm, M. CORNELL, C. D. Ross, A. D.. Mess, W. M. SHORES, MYRON KINGSLEY, and Mrs. A. W. TAYLOR. The following officers were elected : Master—A. D. 31mix. Orerseer—L. G. VAxnows. Lecturer—J. E. PIOLLET. Steward—J. 0. ALDER. • Assistant Steward—J. WL MEURITT. Chap/tan—B. P. BOWMAN. Treastrrer—E. Loons. Seeritary--D. KELLU'. Gate Keeper—V. S. LANDON. Ceres—Alts. ELLEN ROCK N7.11f*T.1..F.R. . _ , Pomona—Miss JENN.IE LANDON. Flora—Mrs. H. B. MottoAN, -- Lady Assistant Steward—Miss _EMISA HANSCOM. Executive Committee—WlLl.l4ft CHAM BERI.AIN, S. A. ROCKWEI,I., A. Bi. Cox NELL, L. S. VANHOHN, GEORGE ItIOSCHIP An open session was held in the even-, ing. ! Sisters GEORGE MARCY and CAELIE LENT recited . " Betsey and Lare Out." • Remarks for the good of the order were made by e. D. Ross,_ GEORGE MO.SCRIP, 11. SMITH,. J. E. PIOLLET, E. Loomis, A. M.' CORNELL, L. S. ()ELVER, -- MORSE aneWILLIAIIf CHAMBERLAIN. On motion of J. E. PIOLLET, _GEORGE Moscnli' and, L. S. VANHOUN were ap pointed to dr4ft a resolution, concerning the Poor House. The exercises Were interspersed with music by the choir. Adjourned. Called to ordr at 10 o'clock A. M I)epety Lsnx):4; installed the officers elect who were preserit. The following standing committees were selected : Comniittre on Resotutions—A. T. !AL LEY, IL B. Mo.roAs, GEORGE MpSCRIP. Col4l4ltlee on Finance- Atkoi . & ant; G. L. FULLER, ALLEN YOUNG. Trisitiug Conimitke.;-L. J. OyuEnt R. W. DATH.ING ' A. T. LILLEY,' C. 1.1. R., B. LAPORTE, L. S. VANIIORN. W. H. H. F. JOHNSON, 'MYRON KINGSLEY, WIL LIAM CHASIIIERLAIN, Mrs. SARAH L. BOWMAN and Mrs. A. A. TAYLon. Mrs. H. B. Monoan was apix.inted as essayist, and J. W. Mminrm as declaim er for the next session. The Worthy Master, Secretary and Treasurer were authorized to procnre speakers to address the subordinate Granges during the toming witer, the ex pense to be borne by this Grange. On motion. it was agreed to hold the next session at Standing Stone. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That- the able manner in which• the Farmers' Friend is conducted, meets the entire approbation of this Grange, and that we cheerfully recom mend all Patrons to sustain it. ' Resolved, That we tender our thanks to ,Wysauking Grange for their untiring ef ,ferts to make this meeting pleasant -and 'interesting to the members- of the Order assembled, and to the trustees of the Church for the use of their commodious i house. ' The committee appointed to draft a res olution concerning the Poor House offer ed the following which was adopted : Wtturtgas, Byvote of the electors of t o Bradford County t the lait annual elec tion, the County ,'' minissimers of said connty are autlickized to select a site, purchase gmund'and erect the necessa ry buildings - for the accommodation, of the poor of said cotinty; and in as meth as the people we represent are largely in terested in the said expense, we therefore earnestly and respecfully urge the - said Commissioners that every dollar expend ed by them for the above purpose,- will have to be paid , out of tax money collect-, ed of thepeople ofionr county. Believing that You; the said Commissioners, will be opportuned by interested partici to I Wake ext ravagant purchases and fixtures EVENING EIESSION MORNING SESSION RESOLUTIONS OF:RESPECT. At the last regular meeting of Dashore Lodge, L 0. 0. F.; No. 494, the following resolutions were submitted and passed : Wttenzas, Almighty God, whose hand We recognize iu all things and , to whose will we humbly and submissively yield, has seen tit in Him infinite wisdom.to call from our midst, has fainily and friends, our respected D. D. G. M. and beloved brother, Hen. GEORGE D. JACKSON, Resolved, That'in his. death the (rater .; iiity at large, but more especially Dushore Lodge, No. 494.. L F., hasitmet with an. irreparable loss; inasmuch as he was a most r faithful and e ffi cient • brother, never failing to pe rform the daties4e solving upon him 'promptly,.; cheerfully and efficiently, we will ever cherish his memory and recommend his .esenple worthy of emulation. Resolved, That while, we deeply lament - - ..tzemed and' the demise of our esteemed and faitlitul Prettier, friend and neighbor, we sinebre ly believe and trust that he h asi only been called to a higher degree of honor and usefulness. • Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to his bereaved family, who have sustained a much greater lose than we,in their great af fl iction. esolved, -That our ball and charter taS draped in mourning for the'space of sixty days. Resolved, That those resolutions be placed upon the ,minutes and a copy be sent, to the family, of our deceased broth er. and the publication thereof be solicit-. ed in the Dushore Reileze, Sullivan Derr orratc BRADFORD REPORTER, Bradfotd Argos, Bradford Republican. Towanda Journal, and Gazette and - Bulletin, of Williamsport. , .M..M. PATNE, • 11. IL BLAIR, Com, , CLus. irturzn, Lbca. COREESPOIMENCL SMITHFIELD. . - Thursday morning; Thanksgiving ser vices -were held at the Congregational Church, where a most excellent &union was preached by the Rev. A. TILDEN. In the evening there were two church soeia bles, for the benefit of the young people. Ono was at the residence of Mr. W. A. . Woon, and the other at - the parsonage of the Congritgational Church. Both of these were well attended, and we think profitable. ...Last Friday, evening an en terfainment was given , by the teachers and scholars of the graded" school. And although the evening was very storn.y, the' Disciple Church was well tilled. The exercises consisted of charades, tableaux,: on which chemical lights were` thrown; - music, both instrumental and vocal, and an exercise in calisthenics, by the chil dren, atter which about one hour was taken up by Mr. CRAWVALICI and Mr. Woon, in showing. 'philosophical and chemical experiments, mdst of which were new and pleasing to the audience. The proceeds, about thirty dollars, are to be used ter buying apparatus.for the 'school. —.One More of Mrs. DAvin's chil dteu was buried Saturday. One more is still in a critical condition with 'the diph theria.... The winter schools commenced Monday, December Ist. But three teach ers are to be employed - in the graded school- this winter. Mrs: DArros goes back to the interinediatedepartment. November 29, l!819. . .(?) BENTLEY CREEK. . EDITOR REPORTER : You will un doubtedly think ybur humble correspond ent is either dead or sleepeth ; but I am gratified to say for my own sake such is not - the case. A general dearth of pews seems to pervade the whole social atmos phere, and as I have not the ability to give you . or . readera a lengthy disertation on nothings I have quietly held my peace. ;The question of Poor House , being set tled, our people art! , = now holding their breath until such times as our worthy Commissioners decide as to lbeation, and then then they will get the full measure of criticism that are bestowed on all our public servants. However, we trust and believe that' their action b ei whatever it may, will redound hi-Ibn interest of their constituents .... On Saturday evening, November 29th, the officers and members of Smithfield and Springfield Lodges, I. 0. 0. F., made a friendly visit to Bentley Creek Lodge, I. 0;0, F., No.• 943, and, interspersed as it was, with many warm hearted expressioni of greetings and wel t come, together with an amusing little-an ecdote by E. M. TUTO,N at P. G. V. S. ViNcENT's .expense, served to make it, one of the most pleasant Lodge meetings that I ever attended. Before leaving for their homes, all members present partook of an oyster supper at the house of VIN CENT BALDWIN, rovided for the occa sion by the members of Bentley Creek Lodge, to relieve-the distress of their vis iting brothers, aril as a small return for the moral, feast we had enjoyed so much. ....Allow me to judge, I would say busi ness with 'our merchants here was never better than at presett ; it is a mystery to. ITC where all the goods go to that are brought into this place • but it is very ev identthey are sold. Bentley Creek has a few lively business men to !say the least. ....The Rev. Mr. TILDEN, of Smithfield, filled the pulpit of the Baptist . Church last Sabbath, in the absence.of Rat. P. S. EVERETT; who had_ gone to Wilkes-Bar re. And by , the way, Smithfield is Anita a bandy town to have as a neighbor. If we Want a Doctor of Divinity, or of medi cine, a lawyer, or a school !teacher, we can generally find one over there.. Rimer has it that Rev:. P. S. Evzien goes to Wilkes-Barre in the Spring in *answer to a call .(we hope the report is iiinfounded). We can ltd spare him ; he is Pat and par cel of our- own social circle. But, what e'er conies, we must accept. Buitlis,says (not BouNs of Towanda) • the best' laid' plans of men and mice oft gang aglce. May our yang. Tour s, BETSEY RAKER. FEEBLE Lands.--Those languid, tire some sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet ; that con stant drain that is taking from your sys tem all its elasticity; driving the bloom from your cheeks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, l rendering you'ir ritable and fretful, can easily be removed by the use of that. marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities and obstruc tions of your system are relieved at %nee, while the special cause of periodical pain is permanently removed.. Will you heed this?-Cincinnati Saturday Night. BUSINESS LOCAL. ritTbis NOTICE is intended to in form all persona Indebted to the late firm of Mc- INTYRE h RUSSELL, that - they must make Immediate payment, or coeds srlltbe Made. The books and accounts are In the hands of 1 , Nor, 2.7-wl. • JAMES WOOD, ' Attorney.ai-tair, Towandsh Pa. 1W BRASS MAGIC NIGHT LAMPS only 25cta, and RACKET LANTERNS Meta, and BUCKEYE LANTERNS at 99 Cent Store. 7 - filir Cow* has the best, wearing Shoes for If* floysind Tooths , wear ever offered In Towanda, and at pries withln-pe snarl of all. rif UNDERWEAR of all Inds, bot tom prices at Oct store. • 1 • Ur A kind and gentle Man to let for its keeping this winter. Enquire sit thelizeoursa • omce. • Noy. V. re PRICES WAY DOWN on Gents' Tine end Cain!" Boots at BLUMII, opposite Bee ler* Hotel. Nov, rffr IL,elmplete Dictionar y for 65 cents and Dollar beets for 75eent5. at the ;lc Cent Store. • MO' Yet . . fine Millinery, first abuse Hair Good', Jetaljansass. Gold and, Slive;Unted Card Board, and C b !Wren's Sailor Hats, all on Mrs. W. A. Fielder, 30. 4, Bridle Street. Illeaching and wring erre** especially. • < _ • ,tom' Fpr a good, durable and neat-fitting 8110 E, call at F. J. BLUM'S, oppoo to Seeley's Hotel. -Nov. 27-tt. Tun Grange Mutrial Fire Insurance Company, of Troy, Pa., will hold i,ta an nual meeting for the election of Ofilcers and directors, at the Grange Hall, in Troy, on the second Thursday of Jan nary, 1880, at 10 o'clock. A. M. All policy holders are entitled to vote. B. Pp NEWl{BllttYp Secretary. •D. /M AX; President. la. Our goods are NEW and of. We BEST QUALITY. DscAss k Vocally. -tom' Try our New JAP. TEL j Best in Dsicsaa a V0"0111. The Net store ts headquarters for citodrairt,o!ASSWlLlE.LAMPBpaid LAMP I . l.stures, best goods sad Lowest prices. . IV Provisions of all kinds, of the best comity, at , • Diczui evooonrs. r Bbskespeam . complete, E. P. Roc's *Nom, Yrs J not mereetr boot .4./entst Ranee," and a la* Tarieti of #1.50 and "SAO boots 'tor 99 . Cents, at the 99 Cent More. nor& tom' Choice TEAS and COFFEE. a Specialty ist Discxxx VOCtatill. B. Ronohns challenges compe tition for quality of gond. slut low' prices on Busk Doors, 'Muds and Aladin" s t And al building noh. IMr4 CA_ SR PAID FOR PRODUCE at Oct. O. intim a Vorani-s. ti' The Largest,' Best and Cheapest Ili, of Stag for Lad*, muse and Children'. wear!' (mid at Cosssa's new'store. corner Main and Pine-rte., Tracy k Noble's Block. apt47ll IrirMestra A. J. InwEs & Co., Bing hamton. N. T.—Gentlemen-1 Nand so much re. Ilef froth using the sample bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, for. Catarrh', that I purchased three bottles of large else. wh.eh his almost eared me. I bad . saffensd from Catarrh for tea years ; at times the pale w.uld be so bad that I a►aa obllged:to stay In the house and send for a doctor, I had entirely lost' all sense of smell, Thb Cream Balm, bas worked a miracle for me. I shall persevere In Its um, for I am convhseed It wilt effect a care. . C.'B. UALEY, BlDlThastion, N. Y =1 rir In the whole history of Medicine no preparation basever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation. is AT CU% CWICRRY INCCIOU.AL, which is recognized as the world's remedy for an diseases of the throat and lungs, Its lonrcontlnued series of wonderful ct res In all climates fias made it universally known is a sate and reliable agent to , employ: • Against „ordinal . * eolde,•which are the forerunners of more • serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, .all ways relieving suffering, and often saving life, The protection it affords,. by Its timely use in the throat and lung disorders of children, makes It an Invaluable remedy to be kept alwayson band in every borne. No person can ,afford to be withon It, and these who have once . used• Itj never will. From their knowledge of its composition and et facts, Pbysiclans use the Ciliciii/T 3 PECTORAL extensively Iti their practice, and Clergymen rec ommend it. It Is absolutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always cure where cum are possi ble. Ftir sale by all /eaters. PIED. DIETRICTS.—On NOveinber 28. 1579, at the resi dence of his parents. near linlion 51111, Elmer, son at Jacob and liebecca D4etricts, aged i 4 years. • Taken early when ho went tolling by, because God called him. FITCH.—At Grant Hill. Nov. 10th. Id7o. of diph theria croup. Mary M. daughter of George H. ~and Rebecca A. Fitch, aged six years ten months • and eighteen days. Tunkhannock papers please copy. ' TOWANDA MARKETS. • REPORTED BY STEVEN'S k LONG, General dealer in Groceries and Produce, Pattoril Mork. earner Main and Bridge Streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DSC. 3, NIS. - 1.. i PAYING. , SIMIAN° 6 500 7 SO 7 0004 2.00 1 7004 200 i 1 760 220. T y l l o ou u r r per r sa bb e l k Corn Meal per 100 lha ..,•• Sk . 01 60 Chop Feed • • 0 66 1, 40 Wheat, per bush 1 200 125 1'260 1, 30 Corn I - OM e 0 -`, 36 Rye , ! 0 siip:s 0. TS Oats •• • • 35435 . 6jl . 45 Buckwheat 4.7060 '0 }SS - Clover seed , 66.6r50 Timothy, western 04 611 3 00 Beans, 621bs, 4 1 000 1 - 60 7 :o®l 76 Pork. mess_ Dressed hogs Turkeys Cb'eltens Ducks Geese... J... flame thbulders... Lard Butter. tubs.i... Bolls Eggs, fresh ' Cheese Potatoes. per bushel . Apples Dried app1e5....... Onions BeeswAx . KO .. 8(4'O WA .... ....... iie ii .., 70 (0 70 Za 350 • 30 .. 2202.5 •200 VI 0)031 ... 2401120 35 33 4eer.o 50060 .1(43 (ga3 20 CgREICTZD BY GEO. A. DATTOS —O7OOB 3044123 0001,25 23 1:25 Hides Veal skine Deacons Sheep Pelts Lamp sklnei hem Abveitisementsi, DISSOLUTION Or PARTNER SIIIP. Tile Partnership herettifops existing .between Isabella Rockwell and A. L. - Rockwell, tinder the Arm name of A. L. Rockwell & Co., Is this day dissolved. ISABELLA ROCKWELL, Monroe, Pa., Nor, 29. 1979 tir* T HE ANNUAL ,MEETING OF the stockholders of the First National BMA of Towanda, for the election of Directors. will be held at the office of the Bank. in Towanda, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, INSO. between the hours of one and three o'clock, P. M. N. N. BETTS, ciamer. Towanda, Dec. 4;11171. HE ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of' the_ Towanda Bridge Company, for the election of a President, Treas• uter and six Managers to serre ithe ensuing year, will be held at the First National sank, Tdwanda. Penna.. on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 11180„ between the liours of ene and three o'clock. P. M. N. N. BETTS, Secretary.: Towanda, Dec. 4 1579. - HAY FOR.. SALE ANDFARM —One 'idle east of Burlington Borough, Bradford County, Penult (one of the best In the valley), en Sugar Creek ; containing eo acres, more or less; young orchard, media/ding springs. good house and other outbuildings: Savable for panic- Mars- on premises (Knapp' farm), or o(' D. D. Knapp, Nraverly,,N. Y. Bend In your bids early. November 27, 1875.w4. • DESIRARLE REAL ESTATE YOB SALE.—The undersigned offer for sale their property at Montt Creek, Bradford county, 'formerly known as the alttleman - place. Price low and terms to snit purchaser, it the right party Apply to or address L. ROSENBAUM' & 130Nrk, 20! East Waier;st., Elmira, N. Y. Noe. 13, 1819-kwo. • GI.LMORE 'CO., (Established 1865.) • PENSI•JiNS. INCREASE OF PENSIONS. and all other classes of claims ;tor Soldiers and Soldiers' Hells, prosecuted„ Address with stamp., GILSIO . REA CO., , Washington. D. C, HENRY MERCITR, DEALER IN ANTILRACITN AND SULLIVAN ANTERACITE CI CO -EL X. 7 OONNER PARK AND RIVZR STNINTB, TOWANDA, - Cost screened, and delivered to any parcot the Borough. ALL 0 lI,DIMS MUST SS ACCOMPANTSD_ ST ?HS IC►eu. MERCUIt, Towanda, Dec. 1, 1879 MEAT MARKET. • E. D. RUNDELL; Would rispectfullyasnounee that he Is continuing the Market business at the old stand of Muliock Mundell, and will at all time. keep a full supply of FRESH. • •• , o " 1/ "FitIMS -- `OV- • OYSTERS '• • Constantly on hand. 'Country dealers supplied at city rates. FRESH & SALT MEATS, • GARDEN VEGETABLES, FRUITS, dia. , • W All Goodi delivered Free of Charge. E. D. BUNDELL.. TOiranda. PI. N0T.:17. 479. , GET YOUR HAIR OUT 471.7 AND SHAVING, AT THE etarCl souse Shaving Paripr idirWe study to please. D. V. BTEDGD, Prager -Tosninda, Pa., July 15,1579:. S HERIFF'S SALES.:—By 'virtue ►of sundry writs Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, and to me directed, I Will expose to public sale, at the Court Rouse In Towanda Bor. =O. on . • •• 'FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5211,1875; at 1 o'clock, F. AI,. the following described proper ty to wit ' • No. 1. One tot of land situate In Sonia Creek' township, bounded north by lands of Enos Smith,- east by the highway leading from Elmira to Troy. south by lands of J. R. Cole, and west by lands of J. F. °Men ; eontaining about It an ;cm more or teas, all tospriseed. with t board Muse, I board sta ble and few fruit tress thereon. Seized and taken in'e Mention at' the suit of Wortendyke , to tue of J. L. Pitt, Is. 4. -L. elgti, Also at Mo selle( J. L. Pitt vs, J.S. Anielgb. ~ • No. 4. ALSO--One other kit of "fand:sltnate In Armenia township, hounded north by lands of Albert Smith, twat by lands or Ilner Wood and oth ers. south by lands - of Leßoy Cease,. and west by lands of flosses Scott and lienff Ceeert: containing !Wont 25 agree, more or lea.' .about It improved With 1 framed hease,l•tramed.barn'and an orchard of troll trees thereon. Seised and taken into axe cotton at the Snit of N. M. rotiteroy's use ass. F. T. Rogers. - No. S. 41:40-One other lota land, Waste In SheabequfatoWnship, bounded north -by lands of Addison Midtown, east by lands of Hutchinson Kinney, west bythe Susquehanna river, and on the *Math by lands of Viten Wattles • containing MI urea, morn or less, all. Improved; with 1 framed bonen. Unwed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken into execution at the suit of W. J. Delpnectors. C. Si. Seger.. No. 4. ALSO-One. other lot of land, situate fn Athens Borough, described as follows:- Beginning at a point at the intersection of P.A N. Y. lambi with Malta street; thence south ti e 40" t:ist ket rest stung the weed - side-of _Male street to lands .of Novelty Patentee Worts; thence south 79 0 3 V I west 199 feet along the north side of said lands to P. A N.Y. R. R. lands; thence north 44 0 43' east. 216 feet along the P.lll N. Y.M. R. lands to place of beginning; containing about 16,183 square feet of liand, all Improved ; no buildings. -Seised and taken Into execution at the Butt of Jas. If. Webb; administrator of C. F. Welles, deceased, ish C. W. Clapp. No. 5. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in Towanda Berengb. bounded north,by Poplarstreet, east by land. now or late of H. C. Whltaket, south by Pine street, and west by Westernavenue; being a feet front on Said Poplar street anel l about .140 feet deep, with 1 two-story framed dwelling house, other outbuildings and few fruit trees thereon. No. e. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in Towanda Borough, bounded...earth by lands of B. F. Bowman, east by, lands of Geo. W. Armstrong. south by Poplar street, and west by other lands of M. C. Wells; being about 25 feet front °Weald Pop. larstreet and about 100 feet deep, With' part of a two-story framed dwelling house and few fruit trees thereon. Salted and taken. into execution at the suit of J. P. Kirby and Jas. Wool vs. Geo. P. Cash. James Bryant, Jas. Mclntyre, M. C. Wells and D. S. Pratt, T. Ts. No. 7. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate lit Atheus•Borough. bounded Mirth by the ,Academy lot,' east-by the Susquehanna river, south by lands of Fitch ,A Kinney and Fanny Levett, and west by Main street; . being 148 feet front on said Slain street and 211 feet deep, all Improved; with few fruit trees thereon. - No: CT ALSO-One other lot of land. situate In Athenaltorough, hounded north by lauds of .It. O. Smith tend Thos. Grantham. east by Main street, toed' by lands of Caroline Stephens, awl west by, Chemung river being 09 feet front anti 310 feet_ deep, alt improved, with a two-story framed dweil. fug house and. few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the,sult of The ....Atbens. Buihltue, and Loan Assoctatitiu of Athens, Pa.. vs. -Edward Herrick.' No. 0. ALSO - Ono other lot of land, situate in Canton tovisublp, bounded north by TUVIAI3,I2I creek, east by- lands of B. S. Dartt. by the penile highway leading front Canton to' Lake Nephawin and lands of EA Newmates estate, south by lands of C. M. Bremen. and west by Sullivan street and lands of ,Marcus .Piirter and Its J. Watts; containing about 71 sore.. merea or less, afloat 67 intpreved, • with I franiciL-holese, 2 framed barns and sheds attached, 1 shingle and elder mill combined and orchards'of frlilt trees thereon. • ' No: 10. ALSO-Oyu other let of laud, situate in Canton township, bounded north , by lands of C.Y. Sellaret. east by lands of 'Victor Rockwell, south by land., of the nubbin Stanley estate,- and west by lauds of J. 0. Randall and C. S. Sellard; containing about 23 acres, more or less; no Improveinents. No. 11. ALSO-On.; other lot of land. situate In Canton Borough, bounded north by lands of Harle- - . tun & liartnutft, east and south by lauds of C. O. HaDeton, • and west by public highway leading front Canton to Lake.Nephawitt : containing about N of in sereonitro or leas. used for a mill yard: no buildings. Seised and taken Into execution at the wilt of James coleus va. James Metier. No. 15. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in -Towanda Borough, bounded north - by Court street, east and south by lands of J:0. Frost; and west by Mani street being shout 32 .feet, ron Von S 1 sin street, about 5i feet deep. with 1 three4tory brick building thereon,. know u as ••31outant e'a Corner." No'. 16. ALSO-Oue other lot of laud, situate In Towands,Borongb. bounded north bylands of IL C. Porter's estate, east by Main street. south by lands or Mrs. I'. A. Griffith. and west by second street; containing 1 acre, more or leafy w nth 2 large framed dwelling houses, 1 framed barn, othe f fput. buildings anti few fault trees thereon:- No. 17. ALSO-one other lot of land. Alma In Towanda Borough...out:deft north by lands of , the Pe. a N. Y. Canal & IL R. Co., east by the Susque hanna river, sang' by lands of Win V. Means. - and west by West Street : being the same-piece of lend leased by - 31entanyes to intweta L'amoreux. Seized and.taken hob execution at the suit of The Citizens Bank' Of Waverly, N; Y., 'vs.. J; 1). Mon tanye. ' No. 18. ALSO-Oue other lot of land,. situate In Wyalusing township, described as follows : Begin. •nining at the corner of Prospect al:et - and John street; therice-onlhe line of-said street 1301.1th . 44N° west 5 perches' to the corner of lot No. - 15 ; thence along the line of said lot south 46° cast 7 perches to a corner of lot No. 14 ; thence on line Of said lot' north 44 , 4 0 east 5 perches to a corner on FrOspect alley ; - then along the line of said alley north 46e west 7 perchee o the place of beginning contain. tog as perches, mote or less, all intproved;,,.with 't framed house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into executionat the suit of L. L. Lyon's use vs. Geo, N. Barton, 0. S. Overton arid Edward Smith. No. 19. ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in Warren townshipoleacritted aefollows : Beginning at a_ stake and stones Co theline of land Of•3lyron . Prince,- corner :of Joules Kinney's land ; thence south 58°-west-32 perches; thence south 24 ° east 117 perches to the Lukens' line; thencealong the same north 86° ea5t 1 ,32!.4 perches to a corner of James Kinney's land ; thence along said Klubey's land 117 perches to the' place of beginning; 'con taining 25S acres, more ur less, and being the some land bought of said piny of the thatpart Aprll.ll, 1867. of Clark 'C. Russell and wife. • No. 20. ALSO-One other lot or land, situate in Warren toil nsttip,idesc diked as follows: Beginning at northwest corner of lot; thence north Bs3o east by lands -of P.. Kinney' (above descrlbed lot) 102 rods to corner; thence south '2!•i° west 180 reds to cornerbf lots; Nos. 7, 5 and 10 of Lukens' and ; thence south ss,ite west swung lot No. 102 rodieto corner of tote Nees. 10, 11 and 12; thence along line of lot No. 11 180 rods to a comer the place of be. ginntug ; containing 115 acres, more. or less, and being lot No. 9 of thei.uken land in Warren town• ship aforesaid ; about s's acres Improved; I framed house. 1 framed bain and an orcbard:cf fruit trees thereon. Seized and,taken. Into execution at the :ilt of N; C. Eisbree - vs. Michael Hannan. No. 21. ALSO--One other lot of land, situate In Wyalustng townshtp, described as tottows: Begin ning at a corner on lands belonging to A. Fee and public road running from the public road in front of A. Fee and A. Lewis, running along on high biok opposite the publichrtage across the Wyalu sing creek to the State road; thence running along theline of said road south *s° west II perches to a stene corner on the-line of lane running from said read to a street called Church street; thence along' the line of said lane north 3s o west 8 perches to a. stone corner adjoining. land belonging to B. De. pew; thence along lands of B. anti J. Depewttortle 55° east 11 perches-to a stone corner ou land of J. Depew and A. Fee ; thence slung the line of N. Fee south 35 0 eaitil perches to the place of, begin. ang;•contatulug'ss perches, strict measure„all tm proved„wlth 1 trained house and tot of fruit trees . thereon.? . . - - No. 21. ALSO-One other lot of land,' situate in Wyalusing township, described as follews Begin, ping on the southwesterly side of Front street .in the village of WyalluSing, st a . corner of a lot sold by the above name) Joseph Gaylord to Simeon S. Brown; thence by the said lot south 34° east 3 6-10 perches to the Dim of Bridge street ; thence along said street It perches ma corner; thence north at° west 840 of perch to a corner of Andrew Fee's land; thence on the line Of, Front street south 57 0 west 9 6 10 perches to the place of beginning ; con- . tattling 21i:,perches, more or less, alt improved: no belidings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of .lonathau lloniet vs. John Lynch. • No. 23 ALSO-Defendant's one-half interest In one other lot, piece or parcel.of land, situate In Canton Borough, described astollowe: Beginning et the north end of the dam: thenoe easterty with Mill creek to s post directly north of the gate at the.entrance of the race leading to the grist mill ; thence south to the north bank of Still creek at high water mark ; thence westerly .along the bank of said creek to the dam,; 'thence along said dam to the place of beginning; containing shout la an acre, more or less, together with the ptivtlege of keeping up the dam for mill put-poles.- but not to ,ralset, the water so -high: as to injure the mill ro pperty above on said stream; reserving the rights. reserved by Elias Rockwell in deel to N. S. Lien- • • mark -to thaw the water,,from said dam fur the use - of the grin mill, when not needed for use by :he parties occupying the atxwe described premises.. • I :No. 21. ALSO-One' other lot of land, situate In Canton township, descnbed as follows: Beginning. at a postand stones the northeast corner of a lot of land now owned by N. Smith ; thence south 88° east 54 5-10 rods to a post': thence south 2° west VA perches to a poet and stones on the north Itenk of Towanda creek t thence, by same course to the eentre of said creek.- thence up said creek as It now nun by, its sedersl courses and distances to the southeast corner of - said lot now. owned by N. Smith; thence north 2° east - :32 perches to the place of beginning ; containing 75 acres, more or lees, all improved, with 1 framed house, 3 framed barns and sheds, t Corp-house. other outkuildings • and an orchard et fruit trees thereon. , No. 25. ALSO Defendants' Interest In one other lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Canton. Borough. described as follows: Beginning at, the koutheast l center of a lot or land formerly owned W I K. Seems; thence south 13511 i west 11l 8.12 .feet-to the centre of . Towanda street ; thence north 71Sp° east - ]37 feet Co the lot formerly owned by W. J. Phelps ; thence north 15° west 87 feet to the northwest corsair 4f. said Phelps' lot ; thence' north 71 0 east 22 feet to said Phelps' northeast cor ner ; thence north' 12 0 west 120 feet to a corner in Joseph Beaman's land; thencenorth 89 0 westalong said Beaman's south line 93 feet to the west line of latellormerly owned by C. A. Krtee ; thence south 2Sp° west 132 feet to the place of beginning; con taining an sere. more or less. with 2 framed store buildings. hotel - stand, L framed barn, other ontlmltdings and few fruit trees thereon: ` No. 26. ALSO-One, other lot of land, situate In Canton Baronet, bounded north by lands of - Mrs. 'M. E. White, east by Centre street, west by Troy street, and senthlet (ands of Samuel tlwen and lot of Presbytetian Church;' containing about 1 acre, more or less. with .1 framed house,,l framed barn, other outbnildlnge and few fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Seised and taken tote execution at the suit Of . W. P. Newman vs. James F. Fox, exec titer.. of Janie' Fox, deceased. -' • . - No. 27. ALSO-One other lot of 'land, situate In Towanda Borough, boundedssmith by lot sold to N. P. Brown, east by Fourth street, north ey a lot sold to Mrs. Shipman, and west by an alley or 12 feet whenever opened by John' F. Sterns; said alley-be log belt way from Fourth to Fifth street; said lot being 50 feet wide on said alley, with 2 framed houses, outbuildings andtruittreestbereen. Being the same piety of land conveyed by William MOP- Clip and wife to Andrew J. Noble. by.deed dated July 13, 1575, and recorded In deed,book No. 132, at page 420.,Mc. - No. 28. ALSO-One other tot of land. situate In Towanda Borough, described as follows: Begin niug at the centre of a lane on Mee -of- Francis Watts' land; thence by the same south 78 0 45' - west 1175 5-10 feet to a corner; thence by thesame north V west 297 feet to-a corner of Joseph lecoreit's land: thence hy said Powell's line north 78 0 4S' east 1113 AM feet to aid Joseph Powell's southeast corner ; thence by land of Overton and Betts south 17° east 297 feet to place of beginning; containing 7 acres and 143 perches, more or lees, all Improved, with a framed house and few' fruit trees thereon. Being the same piece of land conveyed by M. C. Mercer and wife :o Andrew J. Noble, by deed dated Aug 0. Ism, and reetirded in deed book No. 117, at page No. 29. ALSO - One other kit of land, situate In Towanda Borough; described -as follows: Begin- 0 bbl. Fin PRIIO 41) I 00 bid. " - 'S= - ~ r !ling on the east olds of Alain street on the north east corner of the lot of James Xaeltlnsfiti ; thence eastwardly along his north Line Ili feet, more or les.. loan alley between Major. and the land of the Bagels - y.IMA' COmpany; , thenos.:novihwardly aloe( said alley 70 feel. mom or isle, to the south It.. of a lot formerly owned by Dr. N. C. Porter ; thence westsnardly aide south line of said' Porter lot 112 test.' More or leas, to the east side of Maln Street aforesaid ; theme socithwardly 70 feet, more or less. to the place of beginning, with large • framed dwelling house. 1 trained barn, • other out.i buildings suit few fruit trees thereon. Being some piece of land conveyed by the Trustees of the first - Presbyterian Church of Towanda to Andrew J. Noble. by deed doted May 10,1671. and reeordefi , la deed book No. 106. at me SO. he .., - ALBo—:One othertot of UM, situate In Towanda Borough. bounded torah by lands of Marta C. Nerdy. east by Western avenue. south by lands of John 7. Means, andwaslitry lends qf Job Morley ; being about 70 feet honk an said Wester:lr* avenue sad about IGO feet deep, with I two framed dmilllOg house thereon. Seized and taken Into exifitutlim at the Malt of Z. L. B. Coatis ire. A. J. • No. 31. !ALSO—One onset* lot or land, situate In Athena townabip,•describerl as follows: Beginning , • at the northeast corner of a lot _deeded by Cyrus • Watford to F. A. Root thence south 114S° emit 120 feet to the west side of Waiford street (It being • a street 30 feet wide and connecting northerly with Bradford street); thence north 2Jse east along Its 'westertcline 10 feet; Humes north 144/6* west 121 feet to Theodore Shim:sal hoesheast - corner ; thence south Zlio west on his nasteen line 50 feet • to the place of beginning; eontillning 6,1100 inure feet of land, with I fraMeddffelling house and few freletrees thereon. belted and taken Into exerts. Bon at the suit pf The Bradford Low and Budd ing Association of Athens Township yr. George Dames. Also at suit of Photo F. Harsh re. same. No. 25. 'ALSO—One - other lot of land. situate Is Athens township, described as fellows: Beginning at the northirest corner of DellriOnd and &Wreath . - Greens and running thence westerly along Mee math street 160 feet tow corner; thence northerly and parallel with Desmond street 60 feet to *cose ner: thence easteriyat s right angle witisDesmend street 150 feet to the we:diluent said street; thence sOutherly along raid street ,to) the tame of begln.• ning; reserving therefrom for highway purposes 4 feet in width along the frotit 6f said lot parallel with said ' Destro nil street. Comprising the laud . ?t" conveyed by Nathaniel B. Reeves to Mary Beeves, • by dee y d dated- F \ ebruary 6, 1•64,,and *welled In • deed book 111, page 450; 1 framed building used for rug store and dwelling house and I framed barn thereon. Seised sod taken intosxeriation at - the suit of The Bradford Loan Mout Building Am elation of Athens Township-vs.. Mazy Reeves and, David A. Reeves. No. 23. ALSO—One other lot of UDC situate In „" West B uril t oriIOWTO hi p. bounded north by lands _1 of Enoch Blackwell, east by ;Abel' lands of F. gtanton; 'tooth by lands of Wtn. McKean. and West - by the public highway ; containing SO acres, more or less. about 451 Mprovied. withl framed house, framed barn With ,sheds attached, 1 franied cOln- • house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In'o execution 'at the snit pf Mrs. Ida •Campbell vs. F L. Stanton. • N 0.34. ALSO—One other lot of- land, situate In West Burlington township:Bounded north by lands of Boeotian' Ballard, east by lands of B. L. Rock well. south by lands of Widow Pruyne„ and west by other lands of L. Stanton and Enoch Black well; containing 60 seres. more or less, about ZS • 'lmproved; nu buildings Seised . and taken Into execution at the suit of M. L. Rockwell vs. F. L. Stanton. - No. 35. ALSO—One other Int-of land, situate In Lilt:bet-1d township., hounded north by, lands of Hawkins, east by the Methodistrarsonage lot, f. south and west by the public highway; containing an ante,. more or less, all imported, with 1 (rimed house, t framed wagon shop, 1 framed barn ' and few fruit trees tbereon. Seised and taken into execution at the suit of Jchn Cowell. administrator • ' of 11. W. Cowell, deceased, Ss. W. NO. 36. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Tuscarora township, bounded north by the public • highway leading from Silv.in toWyalusing, , suuth by landsof A.J. Taylor, and welt_by lands of Wm, . Coburn ; containing SN' acres, more or less, all Go ldin-ed. with I framed house, 1 trained barn and art orchard of fruit tries thereon, Belied and taken • into execution at the snit of W. S. Bennett, now • to Use of Stephen Gorham, vs. C. W. Elliott. No. 37. A 1.50,-One other lot of land, situate In South Waverly Borough, bounded east by Pennsyl vania avenue, north by lands Partial Quick, west and south by lands of. D. ; being• rtsS feet front on said Pennsylvania avenue and 1111.10 feet deep. It being lot No. 157 and part of . lot No. 125. i fs block No.lo. on map of, D. L. F. Clarrs extension of South Waverly, made by Z. Walkei, Orith I framed dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of 'rho Bradford Loan and Building itiaociation of Athens Township vs.-J. F. Shoemaker. No. 35. ALSO—One other lot of land, Situate In Wysoz township, bounded north by lands of V. E.: .. and J. E. Plant. east by lands of J. E.!and V. E. • Ploilerand Joseph Ctnitilti,,south by . WYSIox creek, and west by lands of V. E. and-.r. E. Monet ; tabling shod 99-acres and 03 perches of rand, Being the farm on Wysox creek known as the A. .1. Noble farm ; -reserving and excepting. however, about ji an acre of land on the west side sold to • lienjaniiii Ll 3 er. and also s acres and 115 perches • sold to Henry Passmore next to said Conklin's land, and subject alto to the right of war of V. E. _ Of) and' arrossrlicsatue up n 16.11111 to a lot - lately owned by Geo. S. Stropet and reserving also 1 tile lots contrac'ted or sold to Isaac Martin, C. S. Everson and - wife. E. S. Ralik Chas. Martin. Ben jamin flyer and H. Yaw roe-Moody, Morgan 16 Co ,1 and John Maloney ; the whole amount of said lan mentioned lilts being abourlT acres„ more or less, stout Improved, with I framed house, 1 framed barn and an orchard of. fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of k.j.Noble, to use of A. J. Noble,.H. L. Scott. 8: 15. Pierce, Philip Seebieh and A. eebicb, vs.- WM. Moserip . • and W. S. 3loscrip. • No. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In 31onroetownship. bounded north by lauds of . Sam del Lyon, Benjamin -Northrop, Elon Wilcox, Jameson, and Nelson Gilbert: east by lands of D.. W. Dodge, south by landsof William and Clarence Kellogg and Mrs. If Iller, and west by lands of G. .F. Mnson's estate and Benjamin - Northrop ; con tatting one thousand. (1.000) acres of land, more-or less, Wadi' 250 improved, with Slimmed houses. 1 framed barn, 1 small bay barn with eh: de attached, 1 corn house. 1 water power. saw mill and mill fix tures, I framed building erected for a steant -saw • Mill. and orchards of fruit trees thereon. Being. the same land purchased by li. U. Blackman at Sheriff's sale, Detember 7, 1677 • deed recorded hi - Treasurer's and Sheriff's deed L ' ook No. 5, page 82, he. Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of N. N: Betts, Jr., and Wm. -Mix vs. D. B. Black man. • -- r No, 40, ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In rowanda township, described . as follows: Begin; o ing en the cot tier of Bison and Centre streets as contained and described In I'. Mason's plot and survey of South - Towanda, and running thence south 75V0 east along the Ilneetsaid•Mason street 150 feet to a corner ; thence south - 144° west along line of an alley 541 feet - to a corner„; thence north • 73 0 , 0 west 150 feet to corner of line of said Centre street ; thence north 14'4° east along line of said Centre street 36 feet to the place of. beginning ; being lot N0..77 ofoiald Mason's plot and survey of South Towanda. Seized and taken into execution ate the suit of Irene Mason's use vin Ewd. Croak.. - _ No. 41. ALSO--One other lot of land,situate In Athens township, bounded north by the public • highway, east, south _ and west by lands of Bert Hayden ; containing ls of an acre, more or less,all Improved, yrith 1 brick house therepn, Welled and - taken into execution at the suit of The Bradford 'Loan and Building Association vs: dullus Hayden. Also at snit of same vs. same.' , No. 42. ALSO—One other lot of laud, situate In Pike, township: bounded north, by lands of 3fartio McAllister and S. W. Stevens,-east•-b,y lands of Sirs. Wm. Jones and A. B. Jones, south by lands . 1 Callb Nurss, and west - by 'the public highway ' leading from Stevensville to State - read; containing ' Itt acres and 40 roils of land, more tr less, all im proved, ivitti 1 framed house and other outbuildings . _thereon. Seized and taken" into execution at the Snit of John Birchard, administrator, vs. livery Sherman. PETER S. DEAN.fthertlf. • . Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Nov. 12,1179. , r.• TRIAL LlST.—Deeember Term OM • - , 'Sicoiro wait:. ; i , John Chlition vs E W Decker . ~ , appial 'i Daniel Hensley vs Chas E Noble J ' Issi 3 Natit'l Davidson's ear vs J Leroy-Corbin ampt Joseph Towner is II IV Lano eject . Shaw St co vs'Andrew J Layton trespass Codding a. Russell vs Towanda Bore 8 Dist... debt .Ptiornix Life Ins Co va s H A Burbank et st.. - sct fa 'Jackson Lewis vs Win Whitney trespass Seth Dosne's admr vs C W Doane Dover IVelicr A Ellis vs Dennis MeMsben's admr vs.spt _$ It Farnsworth s.l Cobb issue Dr Depritt vs The Schrader Cull Co.:.:E..trespass sarah Jordan V.ll give I , ox Elliott, ' Issue F I. Painier vs IKagene Keeler , appeal Harrison:Black vs-filram A Mark—. ' eject Wm M 'Keeler VS Barrett 11 Keeler %.a4spt Andrew Pratt vs John Smiley appeal .1 P Horton vs Itobt Bennett: et al asspt .4 .1 Thompson vs W If Dunlap - list C W Clapp vs .)no W Hollenback, et gl....trespass Win II Platt vs Charlotte Wards-Akre. , asspt Lydia Lewis' use vs Peleg Peck's errs asspt Margaret Is Kline'a use vs David Luther, et at. tres Joel Davis vs B Lacey" McAfee' , asspt B C Ilallvs William Drague:..• .:... ...... e ap.-eal . ' " •- . rninv wsii. - • S Kirby vs H C Carpenter - . eject Arthur Cunningham vs It 4 ilousekeucht.trropass. 'Cornelia Turk's admr vs 4 Turk' set fa Alexander Ennis vs .1 N Cole . '.. . :-: .., .. ....:...appeal 1 A Y.Snyder vs li S Ackley • _ appeal Edward Overton's adtnr vs John Conmey " ' Frost*. Sona vs Federal Ins Co asspt Elizabeth Drake. et al, use va S Il Vansworth.. J.ct Brad I.* BAu Atbensys V A'Root - - act fa D.II Walker, et airs Pa &-lkl I' R R Co. • eject. (I C Dollen vs -Eitianan Smitb...-...1 appeal Win 31 Mallory vs Jai I' Clark, et al Apanitlon J C Blum vs iiindrewJ Layton. - . trespass C A Uearenor vs David Ileavebor's ear .- asspt J B Bradley vs Alonzo Itillt e t - al - eject II Cunningham vs David Whipple Brad B !IL Ass TS Nathaniel B Reeves. set fa Daniel 'Jiggers vs Lewis Biles, et at trespass Wm R Dames vs Win May -.:, - - trespaws . Ilinun Huron's use vi Erastns Shepard. —set fa do -\ . do ' do - do do - do do ._ . -- do II B Ingham vs James 3leCrossen --, Catharine D Leffler vs Wm Leder: et al - Ll' Goetchins vs Win Gardner - Subpoenai. Second Week, returnable on Monday, - December 8, • I$7D, at 2 -P. R.; subpoenas,' Tbird Week. returnable on Monday, December L A S, 18794 at 2 P. Y. Towanda, pa., Noir. 14, 1879. IN' BANKRUPTCY.—In the Dis.;., Wet Court of the Betted States, for the Weat ern District of Patinnylvants. In the matter or Orrin. D. Bartlett, bankrupt. la bankruptcy. Wratern District of Pennsylvania. The lien creditorawiii take notice that the under signed. *Register In nanitruptcy In said District, will sit as an Auditor' on .grATGRDAY, the, inn day of DECEMBER, A: D. BM at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his office In the Borough of Towanda, to dis tribute the fund from the Assignee's sale of bankrupt's real estate, when and where'all per setts having claims sealant said fund must present them. or. be forever detained from corning to on "said lurid. • R. A. KER.CtIIt, Register in Bankruptcy. Towanda, Nov. :T.; 1879.w3. AUDITOR'S NOTICE—In th e matter of the voluntary Smigument of S. Wooster, for the benefit of creditors. In Bradford Common Fins, No. 873, February Term, Una - The undersigned, an auditor appointed byttaid. Court to distribute ,funds in the - bands of CodY Smith. assignee. will attend to toe duties of his ap, pointment at his odice in Towanda, Fa., on Intl- DAY, DECFNIIBEit ten. 1879, at, le o'clock, a. in.. where all persons having elats, upon said Nude must present them- or frwever Optioned from coming In upon the same. •_ JOU N KIX, Auditor. • Towandavra., Nor. 13, 1879. 4w ASSIGNEE'S SALE.;-By virtue of au order of the District Court *Vibe United States for the Western District of ['encl. sylvanta, the undersigned will sell at public erudite," et the 'Elwell Moms Towanda, DEMURER 207 u, 1870. et 2 4:00ot% p. at. a certain - lot of deed?, notes, contracts and accotinta 04 J. S. Illackruar,' bankrupt.' Terms, ease. ; W. A. PADK,AIstgII4IO. • .Towanda, pee. 1, 1870411. • - . • Issue GEO. W. BL %CHM AN, d'rothimotary