DRIFTWOOD. ,;ArifErzEn FROM THE STREAM OF JOURNAIASM. Miss mil `od, an elderly lady, who lives near La.caytti.', Georgia, while out at her cow peu the other 'day, by' some mishap fell over a rail and brolie the cap of her thigh bone. Soon thereafter she ; sent for her sister, - Mrs. Grier, of Chata- , uoo . ga - County. This latter lady went out next morning to perform the same work, and had the misfortune to fall over the same rail, .break Mg a bone just exactly as her sister did. They both row 'lie in the same room, without the hope - of ever .again being able to walk. ....A French scientist says the day is conning when no oneyon earth Will live and breathe any more except in the equa 42orial zone up to the day when the last family. nearly dead witl.L. cold and bun ger, will sit on the shore of 'the last sea, in'the rays of the sun which will hereaf ter shine, here below on an ambulent toiil)..krevolving aimlcssly'around a useless le•itt and a barren heat. But don't hit this frighten you. Tie says this day will pot cone for a few Millions of years, as the Sciiyud Adventist tells us that the world Mill be consumed in 1841, we shall fortimately escatie being the last family ficv?.ing and starving to -death on' the shoi - c of the last sea. 1 W E.yrn ER PROPHECY. —As Christmas day - • comes this year upon Thursday, the following quotation front an ancient MSS. in the British Museum is pertinent for publication at the outset of W:liger as a prophecy of coming events ' , ,thciiipproaching year : I,t Thurt , day t.te, A x, ILO u 11,1 , q• ye tdiall m:•3l.!wr In ,arts meek, - Ahd halt, ta ths.,-,t, ;Atoll and min; Tta , thaluer .hall be'gat,than , l thy, • :sad hews:, , ha , 11:111111t!y: , Tt,al p•at t. gucd for laud, 0? lilt : All.l pt in , e, .hall dm It' : _ IMO bosh 11,11. day 'I: di Ir-, '.,tl hal I.e. right ....II tar la.': ... ad , he •11;t:t he goad and stable, T. .AS I.e af vecah and rk.asn,al.le, t day tz.• , . ItlTtslog •atpath, II • , 11:011,,. ptittl , ll-.1 a ithaut dflubt A: .1 if srelota ,, , ii i dap hathia, It a'l, Ode. 7.11. •111:111 I.llt Co'lllllloll (4:kr people :th well as children make it tita familiar little prayer: " Ane Now - 1 Lay Me yowl' , to Sleep," is point el out liy at writer in the Erave?;gt. Pro • liablethew ate few person; who do no' . , 1:-.• the definite' "the " before the word Curd " in the scrawl and fourth lines. lly tiny simply make an aflir Mation :ma not an invocation. The wri -I,•r, ttitll v er y 4 ..0 reason, holds that the pia)ci should lie given it't follows: • ‘• A IV). ` , l, t lay tie thoWliilll Ts,, t,, if I .fitaskt berm, I. m,ak , •., T r, lily to take." auvict wits pa.;st;(l by the 1:l_li-11 Pa:Hie:lmM, which 'provided : That all whatet'er age, rank or p!ofes,u , n, whether maids or wi ,l,,ns, who shall, after this act, seduce anti betray into matrimony, Ills Alatcst2.'s subjects, by virtue • i,ts, paints, ew.,lneties, washes, :mi -1 ticial 'tee: 11, iron stays,..tol t-ter ltipr. or high pedal shoes, shall M- Y rill the 0•11alty Of the 1:0X no w in' torce v t galn-t miteheraft-azul like misdemeanors, the Tuarriage nude' suchcircumstan c.,.: c-on of the offending Ftr ty: hail 10: null and void." Snob a law ould make terribfe Nrurkinthis country. % 1:1-.:AN U.l tri rhxrtt , N.—This his tory of a. single lica'n; aixident , all . y iVianted itt a -gat.den at S.Ulthbridgis, Massachn- , setts, is tr.teed by a newspaper corms -I,,meitt. who tigwed out its produce fur th)ce years: Th s e beau .was planted in a 1 . 1. and 'when gathered in the yield, a, C.Olll - fled, ,1,5,11 pc( ctly developed beans from a single IRow, if a single bejn produces 1.517,•14':111N, mid each bean pryduees 1,515 more. Ll suns tut ti of the sef•ond year . P ,fin t would :!,:295,2 . 25, equal to i iS quarts, or ::,;:au 31 my ration, rills lie. the product Now, if Nye plant !he, pr hinet. aid the yield is the same, I.;iNe a plolltet s.2lls,ll:"is,sni).re_ri 1,i1 , 1:, 1, 1 , 1110:. tf ‘,3T 12. ST 1, 1 , 1 , 1 rk. (PI third plantlng would give. the fie,llll,llip (;rea: 'Etern r i vights. I.eales, =I " A,ItICII.II . IIAT. (11, :.\10N1111...-111 addition to 11 , 11,11 111 tilt' Cll/0211S , f ColltaillS a ilia .; tl;e interest to avd "fliers (lilt:IV-led in rural hr..: "•11a. .\'. 4 llcultural Distress in tt ia . a r h " I , ,:trtnint; in I.y 11..n:y ; "Silcca.ss with Prt'ut by E. I'. Itaa.; " Rare Tif.s..s. — t y Salnuel Parsons, Jr.; Thc 111 , si,,,ipt.i Jetties, — anti their of t the pliceS of agi ti total pr-) : ‘ lll.l " ' Allitflais Get home,' 1:1,;c0, , 11 t \co i raits of *Bayard engrays•ti by tole, from:the I ' l ' l and tlat• “ther a rcpro d.,l; tky .litctl;4ltttg, of et•l)unttvau•, Low. p , rtiaits criliqtle. 'ray ( )k h a „, ‘i , .1,1 m.„, tvr ,•• \\ It itArlat•S's , • Skt.!‘ "}•:‘ act, ..; I 1(.111 y J. Itaytli”v4l,"4 - t% t c-!ing 1. >mile] Web :oc: . 1.,-;bttifut slot y, by - : , .yeser! ; IBE y, "A Slgh 1" tile of ••('otOk , lecice, — by Henry James, .k,ugtts . t a!it) tpe t tirst part hi•vc• tiy 04,,r;;;t3 (731 , 10, of ;New fi - . lear4s, the diatlior of, " 1- ;1,? ('re;; , Days, — which has created :•11111 an excellent iinpres. , ,ion in 'the litera ly "The ftein .of Peter the !.y Eilizene Sehtlyler. is noted ed -it“ri.lll%. splen:dill series of Mus t: al e(1 11istorica1 papers, the greatest wolf: , if the s,' , lt yet nialtrtt4keli by any popillar magazine, will h ut in the Jan ana:-s‘ ill enntinne fir two years. 111710 All that cutcrhrisc and skill can di; will iloHner maintain the jvsitiqo of Srrih r r erfr9cal of With the ter:4l of the :tigricul- \ln! , arid and. hasines, it}tetcauf the country: will h paal to paper, (111,;,:rxrii , esantlinterests, a t, 4ahll featai;. (Ii the Illagaziae. Pric%•. a year : :15 cents-a number. tr;ithseription,‘ shoilld begin - with the No v, n:h, nninber.!ltuy it of your book-seller -t thy ,ahsez ',pilot). price to the pub nlnNEtt A . • Co., New York. I lit 1, So , .tr :•11!. , ker: , in New ileaford in sevet4l specimens man ostensibly one tt,ii svc:o 4 , . from a })I)i, contrives to simt,z 4 l,. oi'tt .nne t ixo n mole for ... Moult 1,, in, s not *We. ltne of the dea iy r TS d flout the trick of mi,;ll. 2.;:1:111:4 OVt'r Ids UPCII th,. May see, feel and ::.”.11; 11:e lett cannot net them iiikt) . A _PPLICA'rION IN 1)11 - ()RCE. 4, , —T , , '-','1 , .. , earg,.w. - I thtt i•otert of (',,o t . , ! tt,•at 1'1 , 3 , "f ler.ntitttd f 't• N . 571 . Vl,v T .. T. , / ii,i.4 - the siqife, while I blow °ISA] t N ~, m o h,-r,.i.y T:, TiTi..,i th a t . pr t ;,i;v . - 5,.rg..,',1: 1`..: 1 ,*.1 t.. \J . -Ik, WaSthe inixea rei4tk I '''''' ' lrt. ' ". “" '1 " 1 ''' 'n.' -'.l'ou't of (.""C'''''''' , i•lea. of 112,1r , ,t1 ~,t 5.15,, , , f or a divract: frn , m the of ati . ktlnt':lti".l.,,t2tl actin'. in a boti:l rob- 1. ,,, d- -f ~.;.m,,rl""'''Y. a'.' ''''' , 4 "''l 4. "'" l'' "P I, T .. , ,,.. , ,41 .11.'51113V. the 1., li.l‘ . .i. If,. ember. Is. the 111. - 2 - y aall1:1 at a ' FIiSCO till'atAl. .POSNi- 1 Coml. 11,,t, II T , .wah I. ? , it hearing the: t.,1;1,1 ,14 itel;til ',(I1(1;„Iy been througii thti hitt- I va ""' i " ''''' r i ". 7"-'''' . a ' "l ' i.th t ''"' a "' l i ' lae 1 i . ., , ,ii way :ate!), I. p.li thly z 1 , 01..1', :mini. , I ..0.-1W 1'f:ft:I: .I. LE-1 N, Slier-11C. 111 educational pspartment ASSOCIATE,EDITORS E. E. quiKLAN, J. A. 11:11,T, A. T. Mt:LEY Communications may he sent to any oue of the above editors, as may be preferred, and will appear la the Issue at which he has charge. A. T. I..u.i.ei; Editor. PIt()CLA 31A TION. WitErtEAs, Dom PAC art. It. MciithoW, Presblel.t Judge of t hi , 13th i h ntet t o Dhariet,eonsistlcg of the county of Itradford. has issued precept bearing .l .e the Bth day of September, 1 4 79. to the directed, for hohliin a (Marto! tlYer and 'Terminer, Denural fall Delivery, gfuleter Se,sion of the Peace, Corn- Mon Near and llrfilnill*S ('mutt at Towanda,' for the cloudy of P rad ford, commencing mi Monday lIECEMIIItIIt I r, _A.I 7 9. If, IN Mil hoe three' weeks. Settee Is therefore hereby given to the Coroner% and Justker of I h. 9 Peace of the county 44 Brad ford. thatthey' tn. 'ltett awl there In their proper persetts. at 10 "'clod; it the forenoon of said ihly. rr;th ri.r.cfrci.l.l(lll,liNit NM, and other remembrance. to do those things %Melt to their (are appertain be dope ;and thu.,e who arc bound by revogui. zames or otherwi4e, t.. Pr,,,,.elite agaill..t thy priso. hers ht.o are or may be In the jail Or ;laid ranay. are to be then and there to prosecutor agalie,l then Iv , shad be just. Juror . . are requested hebe teal in their alteWianelf, agreeably to their notice Dated at Tots ftleht, the 12th day of November, In Ita year of vor 0110 tlgatlstind right and ,VelltV-ultia . , aol of tho Ithlerewleiwe the I: hl tea 1, tae 000 1111110r . .. 4 awl third. Ell .1. DEAN, She rill. T RIAL LlST.—December Term 1870. . • =1 v, (11.. E atIVI I)3vtd,mit - , ..,XV ra .1 Lrrnp Corbin 40.4.01 nFR . (II . r . I,ant. Co r. Layrint t • pi, ovd.itug T , Av31,,13 hog, tioonis. Life ill, Co r, H A iturbanv; et at :set il4 . liNi 1.4w1. vN NV in Whittwy ).rt.spa,s Seth 1/11:11ICS adlar ( ' W ...... IVvller & EIII% vs I )ensLl, M,.7llalimn's =I D C The s,•ll,rarler C.1:11 to t -ostsa, , b Sarah Jordan vat Olive 'Pox Elliott issue Pahoor av Enzrne Krelvr • aivisval liat r alsoo Mark v- Nirara Itlark elect wt. M Koorer s, itarrett It Footer tot row Pratt vs John sittlitoy appeal P 11orloi/ r, ):‘,l,i a l 3 .1 114..1111:ott vs 1V 11 W iapp `,.%" M Vialt 1, I barlot /.! 1.y.11.‘ ex'r,„ 111.1r4.inq 1/Avid 1,110414: .1 , /v1 1 N.. II 1.711,-y Mt' .A.fot It !tall V.ll IVllllans %irLr(' !'arpt•ntrr Ut , 'lurk'- a.llllr .1 Turk Alt•%3llqt.c. Ettul , v.. 1 N Cole A C t4ttv4ler vs 6rs ,It.key ••• IV,. r •Ictlin Clotitney =I i7.1.1u•1 11 Mai,. ..1 I. Ilwt• i. 11 V.3l.tvonh. , 11r3 , 1 I. Sl3 AsS A 111,, V A...... IV I 3 ei :1,1 l'a & Bco eici't ( ~ 11111:.th f.. 111.111111. SIIII; :Mpg. sl hl NI NI all.a - r w T Clark, et ...... jartlll,oii I.li.rou e A 11•:, - 4•ti.r, ear .1 11 11r3.11ey tv Alwar.k, If kll, ct at I'li . 1•I M CullI1111;:h11111 V- 11.ai141\ 1 :114.1.1 , , 11 - ra,l 1. v. - N,ll:.tv'e: 11 palii••; t r :II Itart,o. v. Win Man 5- I.: rfo: sllcpard .19 - do do do 111. ' do do '. do 11 I: Ir.ghar❑ I , .I:kio. , \lN'roa•s•n t 'al had,. I) 1,111. rAk Wlll 1.1•!I•r. i•t ..0 ~..1...,tt 1. I' 1.0n1. - 1iii...., Win ....irdloo . . debt 5,111..,,1,34,:•••c01ta \\•.,k, let orstable Holiday Ilevouther Vii, IN7V. P. M.: Ma , P ,,, W.S. turd rotttratabie ou 11.1•1,,, 11,c,1111,er 15, 1b75 T..watala, Pa., No, L;., 1 ) - E( 4lS'i'E R'& N ()TIC E.—NOtiee 11 I. lo•rol , ) Os tth, Ithit Moro 100 , I,et•O fr-4 to f fir otlo f• ~f ut• r i.t.•r .1- st- :ft. , th plot for It. ~,,,,,,,, of lii ~,, collo! , of adiothi-ItAttou opott the !ono, thg 1' , 13t. ~ I'; . . P'lual:u -, ..tar! ~f 1 , r.101 \ Pier , 0, Exuent+, I:1 A. I:Ii f T:oy Final a. ci$11:1! .•f 1., it t 4“, oi f ./ . 13 to }';r•t pa 1,1 a,•/•• eira of 1• tato+, T. +.‘ pf Ales:tit 1,1 - 1 loc ill. late .4 Warn, a.e•d. ~ f it'. 1) ,inn the 1 7 zee, .;,,, ,r of IC. Lou l , f.“ 14. Fx.,111..r AN tili3lll LAIC, ~1 f r.. 115; . , r 1414,11zi,trator uf C. Ilvury Mor W.SI cle• itfl.ll' 1t141.1. E. 11/aglan11.1:uat.11:111 of Dianra 'i I•vily, litIti.,,•1111(1,•11.1111wr 0. l'er. ry. it! Sexloll., Adwiutarralur of t• 11, 1.11,va-r.ll. VAC "out of 31 al 11,0, A4l tul ri of I.t•wi, \\*llt,it, laic of N•a..lrrraet•d. , ti,,,•jr N(.0,1,;y. tr.;;w ;•),•.;:I) ,91114 ;;; Nv )1.0,10y, ;;i• al rtolml jge Atvom.,7, F,3o,tilkw A.tvk ~r 1.. Ile.tell'ati4l C. U. Ilrlg lima. I kr. ut,o, .1 N,•:•,•Intall I. 11,zu h, I.Lt, CMll2==l V'❑t: 11 ,0 1:11: •tt : Wjlll,,t`tt 11,1isttitt Exocolor of voit ut lm• t-rottrt, rat:. 1- - :oat a r.nt ~r r, th I'. .u.l to. t;ttat;llatt or lia^r n•t 'goo,. tor \'afoot • mluto child of I ficstor inal t h. FoN We of Wy•ox. lil/i.t ..f E. T. To,, 14 rtardlan of tai !PR 3.•,•4.10L1 of V. T. Fivc, 102111111,tra . s,r 1.. of 1 - ,•‘•..“ to 1:,.1..ugh, ar .,, iithc 1:11 1,, i " ' , mini and .10,1 utnr• 11r,t , tuN 11. Smith, lale• vt root' of .1. \V, %Voollburn. Guardian AV, I/1111, 111114 of 1.. 1,. Niod . r. tat, And ;0 , 0 [lo' 111 f.f pri,ll,:ty •t•TnQ !•Y E ul,gr•g:thgl giglgtilllig.trazgEN Igktgt..gw, 'att.( f:,l.itt , ” or v,, .E..L1.• of V. M. 1,111:. •• • .Iggfgrr Mg•rlite. •• '311,.1. " ribgt,.. I.llllls. '• " Pelinati • •• 11,< • •• " V,6i,busk irk. • • •• •• I 'ttstott K. otig•y, •• " I I •• •• )1 . !.r.•11 11. .luol3tgl.g. '.•. th•• ottmliat 4. A.l'. I:.•,zlter Ncf3.•ttilwr I, 1,7 j.. 11 . IN( '0 P(MATION CE. N.JI lot. Is ber,d, vvet, that :41.11. 1,, the I ~Ort ..1 I pt I,f fi ra•lford, • Smit 11.0,1'11a-mllr Hail A fir 1110 ..re,tl , m, ii11(11,.:11, , - u t..tc [(All 1:411A. Ilig or Lnig.• 1 00 111.11 •:Lr Irl 1 , 14:} ; 1.. I'll I:I It• II kftb 1. E. 4.. Ill' TT. .1. 11. I' \.III 1:1; \lt D. P.. 1;1,A 11, i x 4. ' ‘ . 1'1'1.11 ; •ATION IN DI voncE ,1 0 "1 11..1. r , t 1:11,1;'..r.1 4 cmilv. No 7:, Ay 'I ••z.C, .ii.• Ivest 1;.1.) 1: , ..1. ti the C. 4114 tt• I;t•t,i 7i,t, ?for 3 t int, ri. !I•• ot I/11' it, 1-t, ttt , tkit '.l, for )I , :telti4ti, jp, al ti 11111, .1-101 y are IN,- "The =CM r t: I /I.:A 11 A pr , r.i(eArrlt)ll , - „ N , 3 v(»leE —T.. , XX 11). . Jr: la tr • I I'utte 11101, 41 May •T. 1 1 e•U h.• I .•!,y .‘l,p,lr I. poir rt,, a p i ,;;,•,l to ttp , mitt Of 1 4,111 ?tea. of I;ra4T, !'l.lTil v f.r fr 3),d 11,v .31d ("4,11 ~1, 1 ;,1!, c. 1.1, el:Omer I St, I 111 tile e. ht.a, 11,E the ~a,.1 A ng , j fn Ow h ;1!. , 1 plan: you A — ••lid if p5,'11.441.. .1. I)r:.‘ N:sheril A IN I)IVOIt('I. A 1.16-y 5t...1. In Ow cFnirt of nu. 1".••3, nr.vjf..r,) 111. 4i 'l., I•7's th3l 11-nry rinc, ,'pt t• or . 1 tom•c I',,r n , ilv, , ro 11,111 rtta!rimm• y. an.l tll3. .31,1 ri4irl 1,3 r l,l /17! ,.. 4 11••1,•1.i1. i . 1. „,,t1wr I,r. 1,7,, .1 1? th e 1 • ,,u, 11 11 ” 11,1 10 Tn.:m.l3: f ,, ,r h. :1011;.: f Ile ~,i4 .1 1, Iteliry, it th,• 01 , ruk...•.. At wniell Iltilt• at) ]4a,-e•!1 - ”, neat” it i t• ild if yoll I hllik jr:l.l.•r. . . ,INtORCE, tr, itt Court of Collmtf.n of Ji ny; I'4 .rt: r e ty, 31,y T.. Emma appllo.l to no. (' .tirs rounnou ''l 111 - 3.1 f r 1 for 3 .11,..n0 ~f If I 11.14 111 , - i•ort.foq I , f 1 , 7., 1 , 1111 11,1,1 . 3. 1..1 IF: 11 1,11i .I:ti.P• '1; flo• itrt•t3)l , •• • lAhl• h llrnr :1111! Wave you uluy it.lt.tiol if 'you !Li p u}, proor. •AtteifT; • 11'1,ICATION IN DIVOIICE, 1 - 1 , —To \%•!r.1.0” r. 111 flip coeurt pf I.:Qo m—re Vr,..tt.ttft ".thty, f;S".J, T., nr” ~ , .tlhe,l that A Ilee arcy, 5p141-1 to t h e Court of Cremoomi Sr:Oft/lel t,ieettiel v. for a kilv..rce (rims the hood, or 1,,,4 the sale! Ceeorf le•eilettel I , Ceee•tolw•t - Ist, la the in for Atli..., hl 'if 1 0,), :In,t. awl pla,C-Sou Inay Atti think pr•p•r. I'I'I„ICA'rION IN DIVORCE. 1.,13..0n I yin,, hi the Coltrt of .1 ti rit,t• 141aittord • Vipi4. May oar 11..P•1•) 11 , •{Cii . ‘4 that :Margaret LY" 44 - Y". 4 r It, the 'our of coin. 1.1,a. of itralitorl for a alvoree 'Nairn the calif 'otirt lia al.. Mohifay, isj, • 1141, c ossr , l Rothe It Tooalsol,l, for hyaring tbs. cald Margaret "-4 the arlthrti time and 1•11eeyou nfo, attend Proprer. - 1' ET F.l; .1, 1‘1 , :.1 N . , Sherif!. J. T. McCOLLOM, 0.. W. RYAN, Acgat. =I IM al II =ME MEE ttlq , re spa,. , . :11,4•4:1 va/ ll=l . Nei f.t t •Ira• I •11:l• ri r 6E4 W. 131..cKn AV, Prothonotary .4 Itli•lo , y, Exueolot of 4;4 111= E . r ER .1. DEAN. !-Ileri PETER .1. ,I'N, .hrrtl7 taifioabs. ELilaril-VALLEY PENN. 6. NEW YORK BAIL ROADS , Arrangement of Passenger Trains to tare effect 'NOVEMBER ie, 1.4111. M:M=I 3105 TATI4NA A Ns 4.11 I P.M.110.11.1A 4111 . 91 7.0 „..IN iag'raFalls i 1..... 1 Vii,.... L o l ....1....110ffa10... 11 5 5_20 I.:GM__ 7 30 ....I. itoeliegter. 10 On: 6 iv inor,._ .. 9.e)1 ....j ... Lyons...l 817; 5 25 9 50' ; ,... 19 2.51 ....I ...(I"enera :. 2 41) 91.5 14'.... 1141 ....,,... 1 t I.ora, .. 60) 2 4 'G AV,.... 6 00 . ~.1.. A imuni ..1,10 00 ... .19 2:' , 14 40 10300 .. „ ; . ~0,reg,0.. , ; 625. ....01 311935 I 111 8 2.6 ...1.11101r0.... A 2511: 4015 1516 60 1451 9 001 .. AV aVt! riy . ' :1 45 II 5015 4017 55 1 55 , 9 15 ..,..531;1e.... 14 38 . 15 3615 10' t 7 42 S 0.0 g 20!... At hens...l 4 31(11 33.8 04 1 7 33 .1.. 9 30!.. -Milan_ ....:11.4!4 56 . '7 25 g 40!....111g1et .. ... • 1114 , 4 4717 15 3011000 •.3:27%11:D0. '4 C011100;4 30 1 7 CO ~ .lio 111,. wy. , ../uking .....1 0 46' , 6 24!.4 If ~,..,I0 2,01,510*g 510 w... ..'• ..tlO 36 4 16'.... ~..110:101 iturn'erlleldl .....10 30 4'101.... 1 ....1 o . 3l,Frellelitown -.110 20'4 021. •• • !3 00/10 52 . wsalusing - ...?rolos:a :;;!,..... , 3 77111 15'. Larerctisr. 3 07. irm'S 31 I . ..111...4,-.4:14 , F..1 , 12e .... 9 47. 3 301 4.) , - .1 "4411117 ..k) , ! .. , 001 1 p ,1 1 , ... ' 5.6'3 15I_- NEE U '2(l t 5l 11i 1 264 4 25 4 1 9 6 0 52 UVi 6 1 4 I.' 6 2' 10 1 7C^104 4 ) 11145 =MI 44 Me 9 19-3 99 y A I.249:4o•rmili.han'ellr: 2111 , tl - 45.2. 4 . 7920 —ll2 . 4; ramge t 44,2 27'9 20 7 164.2. 7 20 . rov • Fans .... ' 24,2 25 4 501 I ;to 1.5(11 .1 tatetil 1 35' N O.S 9541(11 t 5 121 Ti ut.; Wilk - 11 3 mt • 106 7 3,0 40".4440 I: lot .4'37 ? toVelt ('hunk (1Y 00, I11{_1;5 00 - IS 241 5 , 0 knenlown • ,0 .1007,4 34 '4 20 605.• fret :10 50420 t 9 101 6 Alt • • P-3 4411 n. • t 1120 '9 _0 1 350 tissot 9 isij"kllattrlithlat 00, 15 1 6:10 s ttk.NeW York) t 6 $Ol :$ 3011(0 ii...3111' 31.1 . 1 1 1.. 311 P 31 8 OW 10.51 8 35i I 3 A II OW 3151 1 , 2 al 4 481 I_ 15 1 3 s I" 5 4 6 401 DS 640. ro Y. 31. .t. 31. It and 13 ton daily. Steering cars nu trains Niagara ?ili aa4 Philailelptda reu i.yeteeiked New Yolk cliaiirs rs on 'rr.tins and IP lietWiien Niagara iladel ph ia Ns if heat c tfange. K. A. PACKER. Supt., • P 3.. :Vim, 10, Ws. I'. dg N. V. It, R. Tram, Fs lout 15 I, and Iwt% , Val ly• CA [talk awl EEZE ME §totOing. tlr .4%. C.:: 400 313 1139 nuT rered his FALL AND WINTER =I STOCK OF COE MO CLOTHING! ISM WHACII RAS NEVER EX EQUALLED ()It EXCEI.O.I. BEFORE IN TOWANDA ! GEMECI3 Quality or Low Prkes. Every Article First-Class PLEASE CALL R EXAMINE BEFORE PURCAASING slr, Foly•AtAl AN DI NOT BE U,S K A COOD OVERC AT, $3l FULL LINE OF HATS & CAPS l'atton's Block, Main-St Towanda. Pa., 1,e,• i, Ltl7l; Ororlicru ':73are. NEtV FIRM *' AND NEW GOODS! -JI. J. Madill 11a.; tiled wp tho uIA store of . 0. A., kflackwith lon floe of CROCKERY, OLASSWIARE CI2fTLERY, SILVER PLATED GOODS ' STONEWARE! BABY WAGONS, YANCY GOODS,. • TOYS, TOYS.! HOUSE FUII'NISIIING GOODS A, great rartetynt LAMPS, LANTEHNS,• CHIMNEYS A NEw` DErARTUIVE Sewing Machines (..t the leading makes sold for Cw+h,at store, at wolvier prices, ACTSIN :s;.EII)LF.S & OIL LA I)IF,S, ,GENTS AN 1) C1111.1)_ILEN Are-Invited to 10 t over our assort tnent. as we .are Ito 411 In our power to please. Ite tocull.cr the place, '4V1.11 STOLE . Towanda. ..ay 10, 1a77 I AI PIZ() VI4EO Agrieulturatl,3lachinery is prep trl.ll TO fortlit.ll the bitfmt Mgt - 141M,, fnr the P , r,r,..7 th , brtn,st, 111112 TUE WIA Titi - F. vitiLLED Vt. 01% • This Is Ili,• twit and clteare.t of alt chilled itiows,-and is att:tidt•d to ay lclotts and work. WIIEEI,EII'S N i:w 1)01'111.E-1; E ARY.O TWO ANI) Tit REF: IP HIA4: -. pow i•-..ns With !steel Rods ;, large truck wlicels/to laton ThIS is :wt eSPellent poWt . r anil-ha , no superior alnung tluulil.•-geared I.ou ers. W6EF.I;EWS TURF:SUE:ICS ASH CLtAN ERS-rjral and traderfthid. caged tf. Wheeler Si .31rellek's New Tht”sher, one of wh lel, will lie en ettilintleil 'artier .11tly Sevoral of her kinds.of Thrcshlng Machines for 44.1 e: fir!. Grfrylr Mr./ Poirvr. n , f Thr.,.h. IV. et apd Doribb-Gr,r,l nn4 ThreW,77-* to l d irfrara. rpt. rAttmEtts• v - AvonlTE•hitAk This is 1.14. , inntt complete rains Drill 14.Alse. Sample, oni I am nreparel tp kupOy anyttanc In the Ilne . ef Farm Icagmim,- Fiiif Skk.leton, tp.•n alid Top ItuK. girs and: r•.r (•ertlaud. Bal4l and Empire I[ag , w•, and Carriagrs. Elnplre at& Jackson FarttrW3gon,, etc. HYDRA I'L CEMENT, ',rust receyreA a Carload o,f Fayetteville' Excelsior Cement, the hest and claval.est to the market. eatisfactiou guaranteed. MINED PAINTS, For likioco and ,'other painting : Beady for the forush— heap anti, o . Better than you boy in the ordinary way., „ • rSENI) Folt eiRCI'LAILS ( ee n the 99 rent Stt•res4rAretl , tnAtt In tray of same'alt First Nat 1,4131 i ttatt k, and Of alley running , froiwrorbr to line 'sheet. ' _ .. . . •. . 11.'NL,NVELLFS' f. T,in541,11:i., 1.1,2,,, July 15, I:•;',.i, - . GET YOUR lIALR CUT ANi) SiIAVING, AT TILE Ward 1-14::›12.15e Shaving Parlor el - w e fitudy to ple'ase 11,S, tiTEDGF., rop'r Towautla, Pa., July 14:4 McINTYRE ' BROTHERS, DIM= 8 1 301 2 132 General Hardyvare, HEAVY AND WAGONS Tiowesiacia., Stoves, Tin, Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, • GunpoWder,. Shot, Cartridges Carpenters' and Joiners' Tools, Farming anti Dairy Implements,. 'Table Cutlery, Clothes - Wringers, Rope, Bolts, cri ti CD a) g la til ;4 iquit RANSOM COTTAGE RANGE, With the Expansion Broiling Chamber, SMYTH'S PATENT . DUPLEX GRATE With or without Low Chiset, Ileservoir, or OrnameUtol Elevuteil Shel The Greatest Combination of Valuable lmprovemeni.s Ever Presente After the flattering' eXperieliee of the , past yeaY, having load a very !rage and eveho4d sale, W.. Mid that the Tiny 'CAN:Now C.ITTA.F. Is lllllVersally I. the iiiwst .lesirahly Ra/i4. of i t ., rt., Pt the market. " Its general features are the , Lailie as in the eekliraii..l itai•a.m for years Is•en eon . sidereit the guest, Range made. it contains the. nateipit E% - tkitimpaftig !troll Chrinkber. , s;)11 . 11 Is hulversally ael,nualedxpsl to he 1h•• phi , : snee-u.slni and praeth - al I.liiiiiog arta , h moat it IN at. rural, I,d mitt, Sittyltlie% natellit Duplex (irate, Thls celebrated (; rate is extremely simple In'its construethin. it tu.ss not,' been In a. itv. Use tor more than five years. and in view of the universally silevessfull iutperlenee uf Its operatu.n and duraldlity Inning itu.st time, as well the biol . ); satistaetory results olutalned i. suss , st,,,,,u s gts trial of is.. q u a il/ no hesltallon lu 14,ttimint•Itig It the telly r"itti,;,t, snee , s , ril .r Inez Iln'sers and refuse from the inStatitalleilUsly. thin - 0000V and eleari'y, o.rhi . , the degree Of volulesstioet obtained ha, never, in our 01.10100,10,01 dgnafed vytth :thy .ther mete or grate. , rl, A ss,,m c‘,-rrsax is a itt all Its pnrti..us 3101 apprdteunru t.. while the ' , le(' ie . ..(re'n. ZY/ I‘,,ettl,l. rol , triirrist that it eau be changed (loin a I.ow ('lost to a &du& (teal Range, by merely firth s the upper part of it,.' king,. Lot, awl it upon a stet or orbamented legs. All izes ran aISO he furnished wills the sittlantentai Eievateil The large Baled Ash talon out at 11nr end the Ilange.trustead the (Pei I-0 Milt la 100 re rnn veulet,t and cleanly arrangement—and the eapa-to , us Warming Closet e-ste:„ls h,. a 1,„1, Range, The ;lot Water Reservoir is heated 11011 i the INltioitn, and Is ./i a ;al gsr i!y- than Will he fanner on any other 01 lilt 'last, All the tuultuor detail's In the eti,strue,,,,,i Itangt ha‘e ree'elVeil the eloseSt alltslitloo. It has highis hurnlshed ends, pi, k le-plated Itle•h• u,f a stag beatalful pattern, illcktesplated pastels, nick le-platedl Towel Itacts, and the iseetetlug awl tit tiegs is in the best style. Towanda, l'a,. October: 30,: 1 From the Factory to the Wearer. Shirts of Superior Muslin. Extra Hue Linen Shield 1;0E3111, I. ' -..--- '' ----- - .-- "'" --:-- Open Back? French Yoke, and coni pktely finished for V 'l.--•' . 1 • $7.50 A 1102SEIVII . I . I ITlvirr. itrntle,l Srrfa, .1: 1 ,t• I.ll'l nit` • f ;! , 11 - , :f •,,, r,-..-••, in 1'.•.1' , . , ` ~' , • •... 1 ‘ 621CTS : 7 . , ;..;: t • ::• ••• •: ; '• : ” .;. • , "" , • ,, " ,.. 1, '” , • ;, 1 ,. b ::. 3 , 7., '''. I " r . !,"•,:', ','":! . l . ' . :','-':',' ':. 3 1 1,...i,.1' . ...:.'."." ,- ,"'".7;.., 0 ; 1:1',, 2 ~...„' ;...; ~i . ,:-. . ., . ..:• 1'.& . ...' '' m u. 1 , tdai,............ , - ~,,...1 tu .. EA ii ti,/.1 .i ':: • t...:. EL: L ' ',.'•------ -•( '''''''" '''. .„ .-, . - .5. , uu; I` ,1 I i out•Itle• pfolit•- - Stu% u'fltairtS••• ' •-; • ' • .' 1 ' '•''• ' - '• •- '•"''' —' ' . • •' ' ..) .au.;... ..•. ' NIAV a01:1. 11:1:1....•!:INC • ( 0., :::1 1:routl. u.,•..•• ; ..L .- . •- . • Plain Mantels, Complete 515.00 I White Marble for Children 55.00 Extra Fine - - 20.00 , Extra Fine 10.00 Granite Monuments - 150.00 Suitable for Crown People 8.00 - 44 Extra Fine for Family 225.0 b 41 " Ex.Finels.oo .1149 wrmh) termetito-nd thatitiftllA't.l.l'Mlzt .1"; M far mon. diir3hl.• this ~ b thur Irl r °LIR NNW' ago Ilk, ~t hel • A. I •And Granite lard 1 S. WO le EnA .Wafer ' Xiscetraneouci. FIRE ASSOCIATION . Of Philadr:lphia =IBMS CAPITAL', ASSETS nearly - $ 4,000,9.03 Vl's A SSOCIat inn eolffilllleS to Insnre !rpm Lam and 1-Ixtuage by Ftre. Ititibnims, How:chola Fut ulture. and nerchaudise geber4lly. . WM. S. VINENT, Agent Mil Stain Street, Towanda. Pa ' $66 rlc;c l ,l.'; - . l ,'l.D„Yrr:t"lrß"lN . '","t'l7,. - "l„attintt:',"Se:lt't."ll'll it.ilinit. Thr tl,prortutlity ever offer lots, to wt rk, Sou should try lodto tog eq.. Roth you •or for 999 ty/ea....1f a tizi , y..ll , anteio at the wr 'offer. Noi hen% Ida can devote all your time Atr only. your •teire Vine to the buslno•s, and. make good par for o cery !tulle that you work. Women make 14 much as Men. Send for sercial private terms and particui NI,. Will frit We mail tree. fi outfit free, lioolt complain of hard tlnios ',collo you have •Ileh ichatioc:' Addresr H. HALLETT & 0.)., Portland, ditaine. gicabunni, Pumme l Sm. DEALERS IN CONSISTING' or, SHELF Wagon Makers' Chains, ALSO AGENTS FOR TILE -AND in one Range. MeINTYR,E 'BROTHERS. 40P THAT areGII DU. utatq:ll•c COI' GM AND CA' Warranted to give relief or money rrrunded ItEAD THE FOLLOWING LETTI• WHICH sANS : . • si,re. 11(wart V:allard : I take 1 , 1,1 , 11 r, in reeprnmewf log lit, cough and Cou.amptlon Cure. 3. I !rive with a Oven. "ugh sine,' 1,1 , 4 May If as.. u.. icttl kl , nl. tf t'ungh nixture , -, hat eoulil mr.1.41.7.z. I.n•t !Iv up from my het 1 w..,13.1 be• sr, up that- I e ,, a1,1 hartity hreathe at , o frtywt.tty vomiting A fri...71 , 1.1111...1 ,- .1 me I‘ , tixe Itr, ;..rsnatc. • Cough ahlt rottknlntotett Care. I did , 11, ram, at the (Imo, a!ly.r .I.tpg tit) , rt1ir1.1.,a.t../ I rat, ttdc ~, 6 •11,,1i‘v. I iil,lll,4,ehly ot , taltt tot ant not troal,led olth that tl , e tnortitt,g'. •toppe , l, au& I Carl On hot rt , t , 'Yed bY r ue for t.”.f,,re. Will .t i ts,' hp ,tyttlit It 1t,,. letter ;th y t uetu b, con , itn may 1.1,.• to Make It ,-..1. E. 1it)4,”.11 kll VI% I= ssob,ooo.oo Remember that-lafier using ?: of a bot tle and you "are tutt aittistied return the bottle and get your money as we sell no cure, no pay. Price 50e and - :$1.00 per bottle, as we arc authorized to sell on these terms. 'nutter Go-Mon a!=enrs for Towanda. Pa. 7-6rn CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. - Thf,q;reat TRADE MARK. fiJI:I,I%H Itesuedy., (6,„ * faille: \Vitt , e O proiliptt, sz. N r e /..• any e'very , - ase tr: Ne•rvoslsi) 141- f iv U r ea le.n/z n.: lOU. X B e f ore t.q. After Taking.. s. t coat. in.r.f(etly Ilk. - toagic.,llil ~ fur 1 , , • 1" 1)!I/ly t ear, n ill. grill snrrrs. C» - Full part.'. 111:11, it, our NOIII4OOI, tit .111 it. makt . t" t•very t•ntt. 1,) :01 , Irtlggi , t , a At per ei.tges for a'y or ism fr,e. -toy' nint .the 41. bey Solll in Tnnathla I,y I'. 1,11115% 311,1 I,y (IrnaLtl.l‘ e%ery'A hr fl •lolltnst. , ltt. 5: • agrnt, HARDWARE, Supplies, &e., &c. --ft P..... c:, -, L I C. 4 ta 0 = ..,„, ..... "11 =.. ,i ~.:-* XI . p ev 4 7 3 7 rs Er .• 3 ,'.. Y / = - 9,7"; REDLTEP PRICE HS F'I;~~~[ 1 S GOOD;i AI J CI-1 EA PER THEY I! EN TWENTY V EM; flebirat. BY US'ING tif PTION CURE 17!. Bleeviivr:st.; Till: GILA% nEll WIN E 111/., 1:100:, Ur ii:tn.„ n gittftlittret, FROST'S SONS' SiIIOLEBALE ANTI RETAIL FURNITURE! We ate now prepared for the SPIIING TRADE with a full line of, NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST . PRICES which we Invite the public to Can and examine Our assortmOnt of PARLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK, TERRIS, PLUSH AND EAIRCLOTII, ' I; very large, and our prices as low as the lowest. We have a full Mit of CHAMBER SUITS IN ASH, WALNUT AND SOFTWOOP, which we aru selling at- a very lOw rake. A full Ilne'.f SPRI>,iG BEDS, MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS. UNDERTAKING . In this ftepp!rtreirrit nivv9y% havothe best gtx:l4.ls n the InArkt,t, attd ate mitinually adding NEW STYLES LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, w lo our prices aro the lowest J. 0. FROST'S SONS', Towanda, April 9, 1979 lAlitlcettancous. GREAT BARGAINS! DOUTRIC , JfEll Cllff NT- TA YL 0I? , Oppu ie Park, TOW AS 1)A, PA FANCY SUITINGS PA NTA LOONS GOODS JUST ARRMLa Fine Cher ll'orsfrds, UV ER('( I gnat variety, made to order, at the VERY LOWEST PRICE I.A Et. MATALASSE GENr' 1:0011S, 1111 dSO r Scarfs, Sil6• IlandZerchiefi: olw•cd 110.4 r, /14— t ion of our stock r.lll convtuce the tint laStlinollS. DMITRICII, .M.stn street, Towanda, Pa. Dated Oct, _qt( Oflrtira libnettisements. GERITY & 31011.11 EL, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS )RtiGOIsTS SUNDRIES, ENT NiIifDICINES- '7S,„ ELMIIIA. N. Y.l T4 A DIES SAN I) DENTS, FA 11F:1) DRES , sEs, 'VI'S. tilt ANY ARTICLE TH AT. s; EL I& CLEANING OR, DYF.I.NIi, t;IVE sgTlf, , FACtioN OR PAY FOR TIIE rELEIU: trEl. DYE & cI.EIN , INt; \VoItVIS, 431, 4311 111: 124 WATER-:3T., N. Y. lyork returned ('. It. 1). fty PSI , I - F`SS it de sired. n tuaytilt. W A 'l' Eiz r I E CHAIN PUMP Tt BING resumed 11 , 10 , s at hiS °hi place. rx.ias Fart] TabtlerS, all.l WIWI', ill 110 , 1 or ripe, With a St PERIOB. ARTICLE AT PRICES 11;6 - 1. - IT TIIE TIMES (Successor to I. S. It Elmira.) 122 It R. Ai r -e., Elmira, N. Y JUilt! 11TT M. KENT Wholesale awl 'Retail • I)ENLxit oporr -E-itw Gents' Furnishing Goods, 133 EAST WATEII PiTIIEET, .. A LOPING &LOCK, ELMIRA FAtnira, N. Y..lnne 13, p. 7 8300 A MI iNTII gliarante,.l. ti 2 a day at twine made ny.the !whist than.. cap.. 1/al (art you. Men. 1.3, and gills in.tist, money faster at Work for its than at anything rhr. Tic NA cirk is light and plrta,ant. and sub any.. 1.., ran go right at. 'Those who arr nise win..., this troth, frill send us their addresses at on., andfor themselves. I'ostly 9titfit and trill,. tr.,. Nov," IN the. thnP. rnlcne al ru n t yat tv..rl, at, laying up lug.• stuns of money. .N.l.lrvss TR Cf.& t.'.1., Augusta, I•) .111 CESIUM Wool Diagonals, and Plaids, Off' ERCiIATINGS at reduced pr!ects -Suspeilder„i, .Undereluthing, From at; t. 52 in size [l.:rt , P.Fl.o‘,l IS..C . ~ tk.: e 12 . 6. LAKE STREKT `colt your To will GAIOTENTS W.M. ROBERTS, ea if•.v ed MD A: W YCKOF MEE IMII 4fatititure; BRIDGE STREET aukiututiaitifo)44 TWO STORES IN ONE! fraying doubled our facilities this year by occn• PYing two store., we are, prepared to ob'er you a Orger neck than over, before, and at reduced prices. We are selling FURNITURE Of an kluds as - HEAP It upt CIIEAPER • CHEAPEST. At the IMMO time we larep up the "standard Of our gcxxls. UNDER TAKING, (Orli SrIiCIALTY), We guarantee satisfaction. We are prepared tn do anything hi that lino on. short notice, and are de termined tuldease. Cali and see for vOurself Tuovanda. May Ist. 1579 'Niocerfancous. 1 p RD WARE AT GRP:ATLI' E-D CED PRICES II : T. JUNE, AGENT, Is now opening a large and general assortment 9 11.0,1%vare, Cntlery, Stoves. Nails, Iron, 0/21 , 11 ra.ittts, (Ws. Varnishes, Tinware, House Furnish ing Goods, qtr., purchased for rash and Offered for 5311 at itartmitis to those who pay mud, for good, ) A NGES and Cooking Stoves, for (7oal and Wood, at low prices, st " rm i Gossip, the best low r prieed btove for WM . (25'111..1 chambers ever, male, at 1 4 1 0 R Morse-Shoes and' Horse-Shoe _ .... - ..qiit. kn to P. - ALARGE stock of Ray, Square, nmiii,i, Half-Hound, Oval, 'Half-or/J.' limit!, and fli.iii lion, xt - ' JUNE'S. I{OR Paints, Oils, and Yainislies, , go to 3 r:NE's. . ,_.. ANTERNS—a great variety at l Tiiiiii Indres,.at ..1 II.N K 'S. r OCR'S, Ltches, and Bolts, every IA ,arfety and kind, at ~._ JUNE'S, i CAST apd Toe Corks (Steel), at , JUNE'S. I)ISSTON''S Celebrated Saws.;tt P T ABLE arid Pocket Cutlery, - at J 1.! - N E'S ITIOLTBE FurnisEdng Goods. at • Jr:l/4;E-s . NTAI.J.,S and Spikes, all sizes, at .11" N 1;%4 NTORIVAY and Swecd's Iron at .11f EC II A S ICS will find a. good as sortmt,nl of T.,ls • A LARGE stock of Philadelphia kj, earl lace ntel Tire r NE'S. WIRE Cloth, at 130 W DER, Shot and Caps, for sale at JUN V.'S. B LAS TIN O Powder, at FILES .aild Rasps, a full assort uncut, at JUNES. 7: 4 3M.NIERY -Cloth and Paper, and II j• 74 awl Pap e r, at 41:NE'S. WiND9W GLASS, fromi.xl7to CREWS and Tacks, direct from s 7 the maonfactoters, for sale at wholesale acid at reduced pidees, at JUNE'S. T A MI'S, Lamp Burners, Chimneys, 4 a shades, a n ti. Wicks of every variety. at JUNE'S. r IIE G raphic. and New Jewel, th aw•t perfeet and ornanpnital betitlog stores the Wl.llll, at JUN 1) OPE, Sa-h; Cord, Twlne nnd Alt wick. all shec, :1 9111 N \\'A R E—a large and general .....rtineitt at lov grit es. at J U E'S. STEVENS &-LONG General Deaters in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OFINTAI I . a . ; PINE-Sts (Ti , old stand of Fn=, tifevens tk Nfer.eur.) They incite attention to their complete a+Rnrtpne and. very large stock of Chalet+ New I;0°4, which they have always on hand. • ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN. To THE I'R ii:C'F. And Cash pall tvr ikslrp.lde 31, .r. Towanda, Apri. t 179, • T he Purest and liestMedlcine ev er made. A combinatinn of Maya, Botha, Mandrake, and Dandelion, with nil .the Dort and ntoht, vu-A.- ave_pmporties of oil ether Bittern ruakes the Kreat e4 Mood Purifier, Liver Reguldtor, and lee and llealth Reatonug Agent en earth. • • do di•ease or 111 hralth ran monthly long exist where Hop Bitters nro used, 90Ma.riud and pert, a t are their operatintt. They giro new Bre mad rfiror to [he mid as 4 To oil lirho.,e employment, caw in of . the to nrely nr urinary 0rg , 119, or who Itlillitt , an ApPetiZrr.t..nle rind ' Stimulant, Mop Bitters am invaluable without ititosiesillati No matte otthaeyonr feelings or symptoms what the disease or ailment Is, use Hop Bitters. Don't watt untliyounre alck, hut if you m 2 g 're) red or relserahle, trio the Bitters at oneo. IttlaT SArayoup rife. It haa saved hundred& {t5 , 00 wlll be paid for a owe they will not core or help. Do nQtsuffer nor let you r friends miller, Put ' use undergo them to use Um) Bitters. • Remember,flopilittersisnovile, druirged,Arnak en nortr am. bat the Purest and Bert Medlethe ever nudes the "Invalid's Friend End 'lope," inn! unperson or tardily should Lo without them. • , Get some this da7. MINIM - lint Conn° Rise is the stinetCat, anted and best. Ask Chiltlretu • The, Hop pAicoracchLivr, and Kidney ri.to °thin'. Cum, by abesmaloa. ask th-anut, • U. L G Is num stela:deand irr , rbtibleei;eefordrallY ennuss, ase of opium, tobacco and narcotbab. Sad 4 .ral.V.tu ram, M fa.ol • =I exjr i -gm Abyrdionnents. SAM W.' BUCK, ATTORNEX-AT-LAW, TOWANDA. PENS A. oMce—Sbutb side Poplar dreg, oprxml(e Ward Row. (N0v.13, 11579, NEW FIRM I No. 4, Ileldletaan Bloc it; bridge-mt., Towanda, t'a Towandi, Oct, 30, 1879-Iyr NSURANCE,± Than the FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT None but reliable campanile represented Towanda, Nov. 13, 1879 COAL! COAL! N. P. DICKS • The fulltseing prices will he charged ft 4 A ;Mira elle Coal lti th.e yartVat all tho yaro,--..igl.tstures hereto attached—Matt fdrther notice: Cartago fifty rents pt•r Ira! .341.1ttloti 16 a t," and art extra (barge for carrying its, • At mAr.i.ORY'S Coal Yard (formerly Plan ney',), Sullivan Coal : SEIM With same atigiiiionai-ehargc for cartage CLOTHING HALL M. Itosenfield Mail HMI IMB ~_. , GEO. STEVENS H. DAVIDOW & BRO.; I,7Asu RAID FOR FURS, lIIOEB, F.ELTS, WOOL AND BEESWAX. C. S. RUSSELL, Agetit, TOWANDA, PA POLICIES Issued ou the most reasOnable terms.' Losses adjusted and paid here CHEAP FOR CASH STOVE ' CHESTNUT CRATE ----- •• MALLORY. Miranda HEN.i:YnEIt 4 • Cr:, " . NATILAN ItARTLEri ,lyys,az LARGE :74tIVE SM A SMVE m:ATE....„ • SMALL CI;CESTNUT M. MALLORY. TU wat)ila, Pa. t wet., _. EEO Main, St,' Towanda, Pp We have received 3 very large stock Fall and Wintei Goods, In great yarlet,y,•eall,rail'lng. - 1 , g lEN:S BUSINESS, .., . I .l. ' . , t ( l ) . : i N .\ 'S u. l)& l l: , : \ S.ti i , ,, . .I),(I)Y.S' UNDERWEAR Gents' Furnishing Goods, HatS, Caps, Umbrellas, e. 0 KE R QO . ,A TS ; Gloves and Mittens A SPECIALTY: . ) PRICES', THF VERY LOWEST Ct'lease Cali and ex*ltlne,befdre Piretaing M: E. 14CISENrIF,Lt) =1 EFFEOTI'AI. .4 y•Altr 4 eirenl,rrs For salt by CLARK B. ro , RTEIt Wartillouser, /ST Wti.) l:<-1 .'l:l: £. 1., Oct., . • am using 'EtVhC l :ani “a!in and reeelvlng very henetirial III,: the only renle.ly of a gnat. ninny I hay., InMd whiet, has nete,l a. a rut,. have herb tronhletksvith a.turrh for over 14 yearn,: my h e ad has been. "Ino.t or the tittle. stopped and: very mach lothinted. It has oppnefl toy and redneed the Inflammation 111 lily Arad—in laet I feet being cored. It .1.. the only,reinelly have fouhd ell/1/ he 311111 led W 1111. 1 ,11 -I,itti dread,. My eye., are Improving so that I ran - thud sTroug light, Which I have not been able to .1,, fur With 1+724*. NiONTZ, MCIT/I3lit rat:41475 Director!). STATE LINE k SULLIVAN ItAILIIOAiI N I II E S NnitTll.lg `Z == STAfilo-N,s A - ' Counll.oo4e.l .; I. m 9.30 ; ;Arrive. TtAcatolo.. i/V1+:111 0 3.00 k. 5•9 21 ICbe.. 4 3,31, 29 " 1 10 010 New A 11,00 y .• -I 30 , 1:1 ' •` . .•4.4. - k 210 fi, 1.1 Bct acZ~.. • 6.45 A. Sc. N. RA I I.lto A 1.) , 1.01"Tlj. OEM AMt M AMI A M 'A,M , r M 1 M All .2.V 9 05 Ll7l A. 2.41 5.35'1:.40.1:. 15 S 5e 9.0.1; 4.49 11 40 '. .20,10.10,1'.45 ;.".- 4 11 6 4 11.3 h 9 lit 7.41 6 29 1". 1:1'2.D0 9 20,....101,115... 4 2k 11.13 5..04 7.7 Lro• in. 4h 2.:M'ln.to,.,Ttowntlilyi.Ot' II 00 4.3%;.t. NURTHERN CENTRAL. RAILROAD. ' ELMIMA, AIIMIVP PROM NORTIL LOA VP NOICTIFWA MP. 11.ty Et rfesti .. 9 04 A, m 1 E',.,/ r Lim. 10 . 45 A M. Willlarit , pl Ac. , 12:::5 r m clr,Ma‘taigna Ar 5.:.0 r M Elmir, A, _ 7,.ii) r Idl N iir t twill ES.. r 2.20 P M .:11) Sollther,ti Ex.,. 9. r M Nlagitra...E.x... :',.t, rsl AltßiVt: rit...M .01•TIL l LEATk. ' , OPTIMA lif , . EAM Lille ....,.11.55,P M I);t2; EAVreSS. _9.0.5 AM - NortIIPIII Et ..12.':1) V M 1 , 1 1 :1111am,,pt Ac,,:i. - m. I . m Niagata Lt... ' . :.p.1.7, r N .•3trut Uri it EN. •., - ... , .: 1.0 r.m 4arm and §anschold. What a Deed of 'a Tana Includes. The following is fronr an addre!43 • of fion.,Edmund Bennett, deliver_ M • ed. before the assachusetts State „ Board - of Agriculture: , Of course i r everrone knowO it conveys all the " fences st4ding on , the farm,.but all *might noMhink it also 'included the • 'fencing stuff, posts, , rails, etc., which - had once. been ?Used 'in the fence but •• 'had bees taken :down and piled up : far futtue use again in the same phee.. Rut new fencing material just bought and-never,attached4o the soil would not:pass. „So pilei of hoop poles, .• stored away, if once used on the land have been considered °a part of it; but' lodge boards or scaffold pol e; laid closely a6ross the beams of th e barn and never fastened—to it would not be and the 'seller of the firm might take them away. Standing trees, of 'course, also pass as part of the land; so do trees blown or cut • down and still left in the Woods 'where they, fell, but not if cut awl cordedt - up for sale' ‘ ; . the wood has then become personal Property. If there'be shy manure in the barnyard or in a eompOst heap in the field,. ready fur immediate use; the buyer ,e;rdinarly takes that also. as belonging to'the farm, though - it might not be so if •the owner had previously sold'it to some othervarty and had collected it 'together , in a heap by' itself. Growing cropS also • pass by the deed. of the - farm, unless they are expressly reserved, and when it is not intended to convey those, it should be so 'stated in the , deed itself; a mere oral agreement to that cffeet would not be valid in law, Another diode .is to stipulate -that possession, is not to be given until some future (ay, in which case 10e:crops or manure may be remoNo before - that time. • . - As to the building on the farm,. though' generally mentioned *in the deed, it is . ahsolutely necessary th(:v should be. A deed of land ordinar-, ly yarries all the buildings on it be lonaing to the granted', whether mew tioniql or not; and , this rule-includi the lumber and timber of any building which has been taken doWn or- blown do i wn and been liaclie , l away for futdre use on the f arm ; - But if there he any buildings on the farm built by-some. Odra person, with the farmer' sleaVe,the'dced wouGl 'not convey these, since -such.lonid. ings are personal preperty. and el,, t ; Pot belong to the hando4-Tter•to con . vey. The real owners thereof move them off, although the er of the farm supposq,he was buy. in; and paying for thetVedhlins on His only remedy .41, 1 such ca , 0 wuld he against. the party selling the premises. 'As a part of the liati,i ings eon veyed, of eour,3, - 2 . thw wirj#'loll-.. . . $4OO 400 3 75 3 75 3 300 :5 AS . J blinds are ;included. ei en if then I , e at the time taken otf an earriA.si to a painter's shop to he 1: ii It - would be otherwh-e if they had been neikly purchased 'and browdit into the Louse but nOt yet. attacile , i offlated to it. "Lightning, rocls.also with the .House, if a fanner has anv • On his house, A furnace in the eel. " tar, briik or portable. k considerr , l', part of house, but am ordinary.: • stove With a loose pipe running-into the chimney is not,,.while a ran ,, e- set in brick work is. Mantel.`pleees attached tcftlM chimney as not to h•e re-moved without marring the plaster ing.gO with the house, but if Merely - resting- on brackets they may " taken away by the former ovnl'.±. without legal liability. The pumps, sinks: fastened to the building .is.a part of it . in law, and so are thy [cater-pi es .connectell l&inging'water from a distant s prin•l. If the fariner has iron kettles set. in brickwork near'his • barn for cooking food for stoekor other 'similar uses, the deed of ; ids farm covers thin also, as likewise' a bell attached' to his barn to call -his men to thinner. It'4 4 ,indul g es in ornamental.statties .vas, etc., resting on the groun.4;•by their. own _weight merely. and sells- , this estate, without reservation, these ' Ain g s go with theland.„. The, quantity of corn that can Fe husked in' a day depends -upon tl.e yield of the crop: With . tweuty bushels per acre, and many barren stalks to go over, a man may- husk forty .busl ela in a day, or even to-' e. With, a yield of 'sixty or elglqy bushels, a man can • litnik one acre in a day. An ear can be !Risked in four Sic on(ls. 'Chic is equal . to nine hun t 'dred' ears an hour, with good corn ; kftitud to "s.:i'S.ty im.more busltils in'ten s 'hours. 'ln the - West,, where lar:.:s seal , s. and . good Crops -are grown, one hundred bushels sometimes' can husked. This exemplifies.the saving ma(le in working quic9y aml-stead ' '- 'ily; -and also one of the ways in Which it pays to' grow good crops. A Sal ing of -labor may be elft.cLed takina the wagon to the field and. as tif basket of corn is husked. throwing the box. '.:.Where the crop tlif corn is large two'-wagons innyhe bscjd, one to be. loaded while the othc - fr is nnloatied. This sives. the labor of - handling the corn .:1 second time. spflicioWnntnber o bAskcts shonlit . be prOvi4tl for gath ring the Torn. Two wag Ons 'and, A.. pair of horses will keel? twenty ordinary. buskers, tlnployed . , and two or three' . . binderswid, 46 kept, busy in follow i in!* them. Corn is a crop that lieiM4„ 'io bc, finally disposed of in the field, • It cannot well-..be storedin stacks or f barns as otlYqr grain, :tic:Cause the ears and linski - caqinot be dried per-, fectiy, AS delay'' in the' fields will not dry tlie_eaiihoroughl-, tkiere is :no need. to Wait or the, husking. 4, ,,,.\. Two, Wil!ks l OpPosiire 'ks‘snflielient to prepare theWitip for husking, and in the ploas'anCOctober days it inay be husked. with less inconvenience than later,' • . -.-, MINE , . , . ..A.BOVT imsici.s.—On most farius there are too:many fences. Rut as , fencing material