Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 20, 1879, Image 3

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    ';ltatifelll ,klcpottct
Towanda, Pa., Thursday; Nov. 20, 1879
TUE•Elwell House now runs a 'bus
lx - rnEn J. ANDRUS has opened a stor
at Alba.
Tiikaitt vas slelghing at Montrose week
before last.
Tit Ft,ushers at Mercur lia)1 now wear a
ueat ribbon badge. •
Yot.ean eat your Thanksgiving turkey
cme week from to-day.
tZitvEn.+r. 'eases of fever are reported in
Miltin,g of the malarial type.,
ThE recent rains hare raiseil the Sus
quehanna quite pecceptibly.
N.. W. :TONES, has removed grocery
hasiuess from Troy to Canton. ,
THA'r was quite a snow storm on Tues
day last, and a disagreeable oile, too.
A VALUSISLE horse belonging to T. 11..
..loniiAN, •of the Ward (louse, died on
,Monday last.
rritrttit are but seven counties in this
State that give above one thousand Dem
ocratic majority. t
Ksowiso ones inelict thAt there will
be a freshet in the rivet belLire freezing
weather sets in.
QUITE a, number of persons at Laces-
Wyoming. county, are contempla
ting emigrating to Kansas.
WE understand that Mantua Ni). 4, of
thi, a reception
come time in the.near future.
' THE Granville Center Church is under
goieg repairs and an additi ,, n of twenty
fret will be pi l t on it. length.
cater inains have Lecn placed
M:i; it street, in readiness for laying
n the tret!ehe, shall Le rhig.
PI:(41:sr , Olt STII.I.N . S Orchestra will
cult:l,h the atitsar for. the Nattul Itecup
lion, New Vent's evolittg next.
I, F. formed -on the riser at Lareyyille
last v,eek strong enough to afford the
Lots of that villni7,e quite al treat in skat
F.DwAnn MokitAN, ~f Athens town-
WAS mitt SCVI•IIZIy , injured on Wcd.
ri , • , ,l'ay of last week by being kic'ked by a
Mill b'
.n, instead or thy•
as pi lilted in the REPoicria: of last
)mvi 1.1 Tr“y, have lc
is to I.:overt:or
(I in'
0... d It
I) : .. A.Ni - r, will
:pp.:lib in (t\i'd
rivi.:ning . . Ail are eiitdially invit
ed tii
T:1 1 ' 1, flew printed
paper. The if , ,'i' l is a DI.IIIO
- ;Ind is evldently alTheted by
•.: epons
. A . .1.. this place, have.
.I . itlvitati"ns rer - a dance tokmt, 4,11
at 11t - Hr Hall. tat Wednesday evenin;" , '
Lev. :':eventher *?.(411.
(2`4‘il Oi lleW siih•walk
4,11 the west side 111 I . 4irk`a•.
(".IL , . 11 4, 1111 1,1 l'he,tiitit street, f, r %Oda
St, , 111.1.!IS ;1.1 g rate f:I
I :tocidt•ltt,
iIS 11. 1•41 i 10.1
Tr-, fat ta:l, v. 22 1 7 ave ]:eaid ‘.l n au
ut 11. t., 11111111 tilatc
A r.kitT: .. of gxlitlei.,,,Tl from 'Ntihon
1111: "NYn 1 , 1 , 4 v"ee!: t.fle purrosi, ot
vxainn , ni.r the nail ‘‘ihli a I,ICIV
putting thirn into op t • i l,t low
heatintt taiiiiiwes have reet•tytl.
Lr put in the yzrayty•dysehcoi buihlin_ at
in place y'r ee that laic
there he: the past vic‘en years. '
Tpom .TENNT , :.: , , an (-npl ,, ye in the
ear sintps neari Waverly, Lad ~f
teet snaislied one day last week, by
ace 0: f.111111'.4 011
Tit 1 4 :1111',1y...f \V ‘t. M (lark
ar. 4
VI a% cri v. emne ucar all being
:rectmtly by the c,eal.e 111 C,oal
from the ;40V.,. 1111111! . ; f ;hi !tight.
\V \ Pest, y ..t4IL, ‘ , l this place
NVI:j I n meet i ',every Sal day el en
itrj ..0 month, at the At'llWry. awl a n
tn:nant-I,"are legee.ltal to be le e,c,l:t.
\:c! - Ii s 10 , 1 , 1hiff 1:1101eNt-bt-tli:•:g bor
v,111,11 ale (Itl, awl pnyable
r.•,11:04t.11. to wesen: tilt to to .1. 11
14,1 l'utielllpt.loll.
" ‘l-,0„1.," rt pre—dded . I.y 1111.
`• Iny,.. on Filda
evemn , i Led,: _Nlen•to.l.l,l, drew I u g e
audi‘ nee, :IA gave xely ge!icral !•atisitc
Trii: ri •- .lo.liC:lti , fli or ow c at i i „ii,.
I •lik.i., tl. ili
t At . 1.1::(•t• , i 1 II
TEI II work of I 1111.7.t1i 'cater pipe,
:11on:!:, Main stret \V(11-
I ,d a y, nunnin Q i inte a lary.c numbvi
Of W . 't k Menamenga4ed
7NT.:•..T A. )1 \ v:t of -;i:111,cy Phins,
N. N‘RS ill t“Wil last Wct
6 , 11:1 ”Il tt,
f. , 1 the. tnalinfactaic of cayint•t
t,, , !on,vior, vkit f, r t!,,•
,if ar 51 , le , :1,1.•11 , 4.
1::!,•••,1ty eVellilUZ goxt.
.ilbor ',nit: Ail ant cor,ll.lily tnrited
t •
]'~ t.r~: P: rt:
(,1 rot
Tr.,:„ .lll•Vt, t ,ll L '
W r
110 1 1 1011 t !h t i
el' 1 /1, 11Naill, 11,IS
Gemnau cows of
'7lll cetrtilly.
StflOke stack 1.1 the WE \VIAL
111111, AVave: ly, w•.'. bb,xvn
ii .an n i.ts:, h. a safe ot wind.
A tl,l!neti narrowly 'escalwAi
I , Cnr_ ,1,11, a unaci.
Ltiu water tit. I ' t , ll if 41 to mu' , 11-
11 , te, thry willl.ty 111, rit.tint; the sOllll l
st(l, , .4 1 0:v1 , 11(4:e, l(r.tvitiLng . the Cumuli.
sioner , will let them (10 sO.ll
' A 1) ,. 17.• t'll SMll'll.
i tl.a Ilatc, :,1141 W. ‘N, Roue
N‘ .- % Y‘nk, tbffi)!l hotly k, V t •d_
. la_:. nisi a%ce, one lieu lrc,l fails.
Tht• 111;111 I",.rk %Non:
AT a special meeting. of Mantna 7"fo. 1.
Jai t their rooms ,01 Wednesday even
-I:tst, S. C. A , NVaS elected Fore
m'in 1. , till the ~o c- a , i mied. . .by the
nation A. 0. S`ri%w
Ti'. National eitiaril of tlie State are to
be tiled int the practice of the ride dor
ciitein!• niont!..s rind it is expected
tli•it 'bey tVili become ignite prz2tietent, by
tilt. tone of the niat ilepet!t 011.
T. F.. Rumen: speartrd a
bas, in thc river at that place on
4 ). !tb.nday evvninz la,t, that weighed
p:uttrb; and Int ounces. Titr.4 wont , . takes
' the belt a, the champi4,ll " spearest:•
1T111; 1311 ) 1 1 1.1:, :1 :itC.O SC , II of FIDEL.:
“1 . ( . 0111 , Plo. 1: Id Ili, kg I.l' , PlsUll
:• the I;:ter t+ne day rreeutly, be
lt z ipl,ed, and the .n and he
a a tie chig„‘Nilll uhiell - he wa-; playing.
A, mtv,ic class_
at tit,
iry cl,t , s
3 . %1., till' :14iValli . cti 1 . ::q)
`I. Th4` ;pi itiNt
Tax Troy Farmers' Club' have Made I
arrang'entepts to have the Opera Muse in
that :dace, wanned and open every t4at
tday4ofternoon at 1 o'clock and invite
.peoplelto attend the meeting lithe Club
and take part in the discussion..'
WE could use a few - buslicls of-potatoes
if brought on subscription.— Ira Orly Ad -
—Wonld it make any particular differ
ence if they were brought on a-wagetil
TnE Annual Union Thanksgiving Ser
vice will be held this year iil the M. E.
Charch, on - Thanksgiving Day, commenc
ing at 10;:i0 A. M. The WI mon will be
preiched by the pastor of the M. E.
Tun young people of Canton will git•e
au entertainment in that village Than4s
gtving.evening, consisting of vocal and ih-
stroll:eta:o music. The 'proceeds are ?to
Le given to the organ fund of the Diti3i
pie Chtuch.
Tilt: editor of ;lie Adrer
!bier says the Local Edittir of this paper
Would tell an untruth ;yid "stick to it."
! VANlly.mmt ! Just think of the
many ei%inplonentary thiirks,.we hare said
about th?, little AtiNxtimir.
(INE of our Clothing merchants lam ms
us tino., his salt s un Satin day last were
large'r than 4 any previous .day' during
the lima - he% has done bus'iness in this
pl,tee—which covers a Teriod of a number
years. It's the "boom."
THE part week has 11C1.11 Wry • sprintr- , :
lil Copious shuweis have dune mucht
fur us, tilling cisterns fortis, and causing
a slipilt list: in the streams. It nerds a
week's ruin, however. to tin up the
ground so it will affect the wells.
WE arc informed that in certain sec
tions of this enmity, parties have been
tililiguti to mirehase water for family use.
This is the lir,t time tliat we remember
of hearing of wafer beitlg, iqild for a scp
arate 31 , )1,tr,;, , e D, t.
A F. urpEit be given at the Presby
terian church parlors, by they' •ungs ladies
of *he St,wart 31ist,iojetry Baud, (to
morrow), Friday evening, at: 6 o'clock.
Supper, adults, 25 cts.; children 15 c's.
All are cort4ally invited lo attend.
THE litHei !or W. it. U. GREEN, in Bur
lington. narr,iwly V+,73ped destruction by
lira cue day itieent ly. The lii c caught. from
the - chimney, liut wm; diseovei before
it hail made inn, Ii headway, and the ap-
Mieation of a iv w !mils of ; water subdued
excellent corie,Lindent at .Atliens
furniilies our readels with ,ittitlicr chap,
ter uu , the Industries of Athens," this
wi't-k, and likewise a few notes of the du-
iTIL:' in awl :11)011 that ertvTrh•atig- 14 , wit•
4 , 111 .
end us thiS week t h e ,114ws. flout
\ 1 - .‘vi:TTE LiloNArio, of Point, is
t!', nec, , ,,fry p rppa: :it ions. te_
the erection .4 . a title re,idenee - ut
the eoint r 4 , lll:Lin :h,l Hi g h sttc, ir, .
Ele.v.‘llt) 1111;LEit
(ompleted a
I 1 li :•51.11.`1., in the Aattie
7El.2lil:tl‘i I:' , /111 l'lttNtini to the Nt w
p.optns ttf thy, 17t(t
NS I'l, , I)_l', a well-hle , v,n
u 4 offi tIl
I:::. Is Cdr., tti,4: ft I LOhP,. 'ran ieWay,
int, tit ingi hint ft inn hV
rt•ct:, , ,ed I:,juries causal h
{kat h ou S.lturday.
;r:nied S,110(.1 V. 11 Pict
ei telt lit. n nt in the 11;,cit lr -Clin:ch,
I'r: day c• - t Noveit , cr for the.
purl ost. ul tiktaininv: appmattis for
the sohool. enturtainmenrrill von-
Wist I . ( rousts, etc
;it' d :Intl
AdiiiiNNion fifteen Cents.
I. L. J. , :\ 4,f 7 , ;". Tl. - San
, 1;t ;1....L.' in_
•t•lt st•rtil all,l a hair
I,e•h•-- Whieh
1:h :I 111 hiy
per Tit&
". L. 1.1.: - .• shy thi see that he 11:1-h
the t'en(ii•re,t ni calit. a , he is .e% idently
nr the heart.
1,3111 1,c1 , 1‘,.'!1 - 4' To 1)1'.
`..i . ti"..ttod .1 lei\ It••• 1 ii Dual 31,11,
t•wtt v•,:til •It ,i),c1,••%•.• T u w,in,4
and S s•ti,
t fl , m 'lOSt 111 CI i, tl lil Olt or atp,ut
o'cl, , Sll lust. bat
•i ,•,_•••%t•led
.1.11.:.!:C W.:- ti
;1•11-li 55a, , , 11tv
of 11,,
• :1 4 - a •t,' our. § tit Nev.
;%-. lit 1::‘•r . ) • • I Cel • i.t
, S" 1
,1 , 1 thal rtt tl (d;
li,int ~ 1 rt.;;a:ing fc.nn
th • ~.114(.111t14,11 of AT,:!yulchd:c, v.lllch
1: , ,c nt.7tily t•,11(•,1(1 at
i:1 th , 1. , v,.1.1,1 the Nw th.
4 . 11i 't 4.f t!
, R, :
' • \Vil:11 is Evat ,
o.t. 11,44
I ,
Iwir hall; ;i
: t. _M., 1-1 S;111.1ay
• , ' ^ nrtate..
1/e c. tlo; boil
1". ,
F. I: i'v 'ha -
speared, during the past sea Son, 2,
or wail-eyed Nve:4ltitg, 155 pound:.
and G ottnet•st, the hirgesOweigliing
pounds alti 2 mince,. Atnniniter of theni
being caugLt, ) , y ht . spear If.-
(hail ta.i,t et, in at. a di
id' 40 ;feet from the
it I , a , t tak , ii a lin 2it
vel , l ' , lurk bass, of lute size', Lint other
tishtin I.irge
Is Site itttptical strain %is - the
waythe 'fir, 1 last week,' talks
of the Ike or :
" Ifay t i verv.drar for this time of year
a l )ont. which k very queer of from
all WI. ("171 hear there was a Or6ll this
year. but tie . !it - tatty wai s'evele awl the
in oloy .; aito ' , tele and there ' s littlo fail
feed. the rarint Troy it Is
s -01 was tellinz. at $1 . .2 .
per ton whde 1 . 4 I:Lin it is-worth
the t )t%•;1 f; t!..1
.! E. S. .ItttiN , iON, 01 .
Nat , 117..iti11!• Ilk 111.411er at
111.• 1t Or I'll t 1!' \lll‘.. 111
1 ty!.tli to •I. 11 Ile Ili it. fel'lt . X., C. hii
ii emlf nn years old,
ati. , 2llci ILr yard. tell into a well
Nya;. wetitv-tiiiiii lee!. ,h.ep. The mother
tilt! Starietl 4'lll to seareh
I•:`imm :%omll !Inn ctatt•iin: on t..vo
stem wmet ;Ti. the bottom of tlte
1‘1•1 'FILL ( . 1111.1 tits t.lkell 0111 mel lo 0,1
memi l opfl, whir i s, r•ms•t!inost imriculous
•A hen :son e.m,ider the" , li,tanee Lr...„ mast
*l - 11INI W ISTED - ) f. .T.
Wu! ; -. ain inTer,
n ti.t. 4ti . Oeb.ber. When I,st heal ti
v.,tie a hrt•%yn ,:verco.a, either black
,:r gray t , ants, a hj.:e!,: Derby hat anal
Ow:vs. lie ;s :tout tv,,lity-six years
pge. ne.tily az tee: bill, has hair
at.ti inastat lie, a tin', bt: e anli, 1i,1,t (
lle with a light, siningy
step, at iJ can his biands in the side
ir:eke's , t.f his, lie is beltevtd to be
ihsatie. Any. infttrniatngti .con-
C , ll - /1111; 1..' ceivetl
by his wit'e, M. J. \\•n Er.t4:it,
Tt"tra t Pa.
—t ithrt• p,ipers please
‘:.t 7PI
- V rk At iil Ns it hil ra w ail its
li:en - tint]) T)eecraber 81st.
IL t remain: iii v y hi c k
(ma _et a
D.i•tiiiiiary (retail, pi lip
and :1 T, 1 ;e hcl.-
~•7, • , t for the pried r! the subset ilr
lion ali•t•e.
7''.. /::ir i s , :. , '( el.tinis_ to be the larg
est, ablest. ;Anil hest teluzious 11 , :wsuaper
in the woi hi. It has bytight the copyright
fonioa; finsion
Monday Leeturi.,,,iiiiti is publishing' one
each week. To tell all if its good things
would wctipy too notch spice. See ,nl
- isenwnt iii tlii vapor.
WASPS are proving dangerous in an
other way than warfare. An exchange
asserts that many a mysterous burning of
barn and bay stack has been CIUBCd by
the spontaneous combustion of their nests
the cheMical action of the wax iu contact
with their peculiar .paper-like tissue, re
quiring but a very small excess cf oxygen .
to create a blaze. Better destroy them at
once than ran any such risk.
A CAlc•roN correspondent veiites that;
" The Canton .Sentinel has changed own- :
ere. C. 11. BUTT has sold his presses and
the business of the Sentinel . to CHARLES'
E. BULLOCK. Mr. BOWMAN oto edit the
paper. We hope, under the now manage
ment, to see the best paperin Bradford
County. Mr. .13t:TT will lobate in the
Banner office at,Williamsport.". -
TEMPERANCE. The opening effort,
Sabbath evening, of Major VANCLEVE
in Smithfield . was given to a crowded
house, and from the interest manifes'. a
good work is expected. The meetings
wdl cOntinue nightly, alternately from
church - to church, until the 29th. The
Majtir recovering from his laic illness,
and is in in t mes of carrying out the pfo
gramme laid down of visiting every town
and village iu pra , iford. Meetings will
open Nov. :loth in Leona, for one 'week,
and thence'to Troy or Springfield Na,Hey,
His meetings are of a revival nature,i'and
servo to awaken a deeper interest in the
work. IL L.
FIRE is large .steam
tLotring and saw mill of .tents FENDER
.,,N. sit Ilated on the Nt appaseuing ( neck,
in Windham township, was destr , yed by
live on. Friday mot ning lase, At about (Ole
o'cloek, together with their contents. 'ln
the llourin4 mill wit , : about two thousand
bushel's of grain, aside front that behmg
ing to customers ofteb-ntill. The tlames
spread from,the mi t. a large barn situ
ated bear by; and' onging to. Mr. FEN
DEII:jON, which was also entirety consum
ed. The total hiss is estimated at about
$5,( 00 , and the - e was tu? insurance. The
origin of the tire k unkiniwn; bat, is sup
posed to haee been the ; work of! - -an incen
diary, as an empty oil can was found near
the burned buildings the day alter the
tire. .
A Pi:m.o.—For the past two weeks
there Teas 'appeared on the fourth page of
the Itri•turrt:it a conspicuous advertise
ment of the Denver Lain! CO., wherein
it„v. as staled that the said company, for
the sum of one dollar would give a . clear
title to a building lot in North Denver;
but as S. A. Grant and A. F. Wilson were
arrested last week " for conducting a
'frandulept scheme through the.maik, un
der the name of the Denver Land Compa
ny,— we arc under the impression that
moneys sent to the Demer Land Compa
ny would be lost. We... re very careful
about - taking advertisements from un
known parties, but thiS came from a re
spectable nit vet tising agent, and as it ap
pealed to be all right we inserted it. • It is
unnecessary to say, perhaps, that the con
tract for its insertion less been cancelled,
and that it •will appear, no more in our
()t - t: li.'rrrtutuJE, has put :t
head un .his Kni4'.% of ''''./f o o.w.
IV, And o learn til t iaid he intends to
oche: wise improve its 'typtigiaphicAl ap
ptaiance, and tnlat,e it , dimensions at
'au ea' ly date. The Adieeate is one o f th e
cimilucted journals in the eiitntry,
devoted to ad viicattngi the advancement
of the cause of a secret older. Nii better
pouf of tii could be adduced, than the
fact that stetting but ltttic mote than one
year ;pi.% without a -snlisei iiier a ny v% li e ue,
LI lima' has a Stlbs•Ciipt 1 ,, u1 list klat 1111111-
hors over two thoiniainil moors, and In
creasing more Olin at Any time in
tlai past. The i s a feaidess,
qd•poken eltamj,i 41 of the older of
dinialits of Honor, With the requi,iite
amount of independence to co l at e n ta %ol i o
it +cheat-, to do dela imental toi golol
I h., td CRT, no indt n`l lei May be
" We congi nlate. our fi iend
his siicciiss as a jinn:ll:dist, and
e glad 1:1 knov, that, the %entude has
pro. eit pecuniarily a sin,
THE people of our hei;zlitioring town, -
W):ini.,,iz, s ,, ine two ~, irs since .Ql,rari
hit.iii a litciary society, Will(211 I :IS liel,l
weekly ilicetings for mutual 'improve
nii.,iiii, :oil the-enteitaiilinent of the eit i
z. n s sii,, e its ing.inizai ion. A few wt eli-s
ii,. , i. tlo.y doerininisi tir have a series of
I,..etin es or talks on rations print iral and
literai'y topies l :H.,: aliv,iir.,l a coniiiiit
t et. of vi hich the Itev. DAxii, A.:1;41 , T is
l i
'ilail man, 11 , ~.ek.'ll I LI. Slll..:trieblandlll'
ran .e OW 'c , ti se. The tiist lecture
be il , lived by lien. I'. D. Mogro.w. Lb.
1.).. oil Tin siLly evviiino,iiN,l,vember 9,:alt,
in ;he Academy Ilan. 1.,t, is intended at
the several elitertaiiiincifts,Lbesicie the lee
to; e or tall:, (litre will li l t l intisic. both in
sti ninental „Ind vocal, ieitations, select
1T.11i111V, , , essa:i s. tie. Ve lit artily cani
ne 11 , 1 the rifort-s iii our Wy a i nii i iitz . friends
t,, ftil nisil 11e.,i;;ITu1 eiltri , titinineint atl
idelsiii..; an i iiseini ilifiii inaLion for theta
s, it i, :it d toners.. mot hope the example
;ay 1 , .• fll , eveil this s' intei by every
n0,i , .. , ,,111,4)r!. , t 1 ;Ii the' t cou:ity. W u 0t:;... 0,t,
. :141tI that no a , litlitiator,, , fee is charged,
aiel a general invitation extended. '
I'i; vrics, uF liYit •r--it.—The Troy
thus refels to the sinnewhitt.sur
pi i manner in which ti ii e.price of but
ter Inis been steadily advancing for the
Fast few Nv , a.dis : l' has beollolayilig
tl 1.:111 ,. 3 and the tlnetwitions`of
Not :It stilt are as 'nothing to the
ri-e "four Bt• d couH . staple,
A little a intint li ago it was sidling at
best. and other grades at 1.1,
and it! vents per hou n d. To-day good
lit ter is tvotlh :id cents with a tendencY
to and other 'grades run between
and Several lots have sold at
lett a Ittlfo)er pelst.ns arc holding
for ilia: price anl ecru for lit The but
ter in the country tnOved olllai•Ltely at 14
P; Cchts, :111.1 11 , ,W tli Pleli2ll , llltS ro
.0r:n...; ; . the tie , ll 1.. tt"...tain.:,but ter for
ord. 11. "There d irk if the Jnar-
I:et «ilI he sostaine.l at .1 he itt•ti , eht
:tooth the lug fall 'tains have
ent sleet the fall feed and le".isened the
‘cry : One man
le.dit'si\ lit kin , . hrttiei '.to town in
• ; •1• nle•r and •old atei I ts't wet*
„ n ,, 11 six. tubs and sold them', 3.o.'Civiii"4
a Luger :.111,11t,t, for them titan for the
to kit's."
FuNr - RAI.I.I'
Tilr funeral sprvic..s atti•nrlin g the bnniat
JoHN PAs,m()ltil wc-te e,,tvitiered
vt•stortl.iy nititninL , ;it the -ritt-iilt. - nrn of
. 1
fon L. I). Sro , l - `l%ls'r:lt, %%hose si,ziq- was
1'..55.,1./I:CS wire. Th. , remain , wel
t violy nottr yesteiday
rket!aS4 . .l
taken s,r.k on a visit. It, was
Li. rtitittost that 1 ,, in! burtiva beside his
:fe to the Vott . Cemetery. The
-..p.irrs vivre .by • Rev., 1)r.
C r ittit N had litqlt for many
ye on ., pr e vious to his death a resident aof
hiradtord could y, 'and NN :IS a colltrart , tr
ly known in tlrtt part of the State.
IG had erecti a let in in the State Legis
titure, :11(1 for sou it. years an Assueitgte
to his county. IN. was a tit t orotattli
husine..s otan, and none enjoyed :t higher
e...tcoat alit tag' htiN aCtillailliattres that:
ll,!!:sat•t:ttltt:tWero loathed for the in
tet it y. NS ith winch they were alwnys
e •. I tt ;t it out. A it•asant incident. of the
110,1 teas 11 , a opt-oat-at ot a strauqer to,
the door of _NIL Su..I..M.SOKIL'S 11,1115'
r n the s..rvices pster..l:3,y, with the
naiu to as .to Whether tliis Was Mr.
ansitnoed atliiinatively, he
requested 4 4rmn5,41,.11 ti, enter. 'which Was
cheerfully acottled. This man was after-
NNaiti 1011111 it/ be .IrusTrs SMITH, of
III%vif"10., who, hapcnitwt to be Lore, and
het rinEr incAentally of the. funeral.
avaihai 1.4 this last opportunity to
show his .great reglird for his deceased
frietvi. irilices-Barre ,Uin-respolaence
G:os3ile.,l Whittier, the most child-heart
ed :,is'he is among the foremost of Ameri
can Authors, writes of SI. ...Vieltolag.: "It
is little to say of this magazine that it is
the best child's periodical in the4world."
Viofessor Proctor. the astronomer, wrote
front London : ".What a wonderful 'mag
azine it is for yoking Mks, and, ours are
quite as mach didighted with ivits Amer
ican ern - Wren can be !" Thai it is eaten-
Wed to delight. the little folks everywheie
is indicated by the, fact that it is to lie is
sued in Frencjr?':y Delagrave Paris.
and that even the ear-away little Moslems
are now to have a volume made up of
translations froth St. 217•-hotaz into Ara
by the Rev. ill. 11. Jessup.' 7•
Beginning with the November number
(ready DetolKr,..Nith) the magazine is to
hp primed on heavier paper • with
margins, and is to be .so emelt enlarged
; •
that the now volurno will contain nearly
twu hundred more i!ages than any former
yoluMe, while the price will remain the
.same. The publishers; aunounco many
brilliant novelties, including a new. serial'
by gigs Louisa 3LAlcott, entitled " Jack
and "The Treasure-Box of English
Literature," in which given ; gems
fromi English and American Authors; an
Actit*:Play for Sunday 'Schools, by Rev.
,Edward Eggleston, which will be printed
in time. Tor the holidays, with lull-•direc
'bons; for its representation in school exhi
bitions ~• and a beautiful Fairy Operetta
for children entitled "The Sleeping Beau
inithe Wood."
The November nitionber bas two beauti
ful frontispieceinnd'A red-line title page,
and contaitni over sixty illustralions. In
it, begins a •new serial stogy for boys,
"Among the Lakes," by the Author of
" Dab Kinzer."
. .
Ahother sPlendid
.serial t for boys has
been' secured for this volume,—"The
Fairport Nin,." a story of a base-ball club,
by Noah Brooks. In short; St. NielAas,
which has no 1 ival on either continent, is'
to be better than ever.
A superb Christmas number is - in pre
paraiion; to appear -early ; in December:-
SubsOiptions should begin , with Novevi
her. Buy it of your book-seller, or semt
the rsiabscription to the publishers. Priet,
$3,66 a year ; twenty-live 6nts a number.
Scitttus ER*. Co„ '7.1:1 Broadway, New-
—Mrs. N. E. KINGSLAND, of West War
pin, is visiting friends at. state Line. •
—Hey. D.tvin CRAFT, of IVyali t tsing.,
ffave [ us a pleaNaut call on Tuesday laNt.
—Miss ALICE JUNE', of lellaysville, is
4 visiting relatiVes in town.—Owego Record.
—l.,l7.7.TETnotrsos, of \Vyalusing, is
iirending a few weeks with her aunt at
k2amptown. •
visiting her sister, Mrs.. C. W. Fri.t.En,
at Cainptown.
—Mrs. J. D. and Mrs. 0. D— 000nE.
SOrott, of Mansfield, are visiting frh nds
in this place.
—Tur. Sullivan Democrat says that
Mrs. S. F. '('our, of Latiorte, is very
(la4!rously - ill: .
ELSIA Bow Ens, of Sclinylor Co ,
N. V., visited - frictips at Big Pond, -this
county, last weA; , '
- F. .T. still in - a criti
cal condition, he being unable to tetain
6;0(1 on.his stomach.•
—GEonoE - W..l;ntsN, Esq., of LeTtays
ville, and Ex SheriffZANl:n. of DuAwn , .
Were ; am,ing; the lAcasact callers at our of
fice do Moyday la-ti::
—Mrs. Jolts DEAN, who has tieen- vei y
serhiusiy ill fur sed.ral days past, we.;aie
happy. to announce, is now thought to-be
out (if danger by hey att eliding physician.
—Major H. A. BUItIIANK, an old and
respeeted.eitizt.o of Tuwamia, called at
'theAn,htstrial /:eye..fer office y'estei day.'
He came uvet it.h Rev. C. 11. WitilillT.
M r s. D. - returned Tuesday ta_
her home at Ca'rbon Ron, front! Ashley,
Luziirne County; n here she has b ee n
st“pping dui ug the past thice mouths
for the benefit, of her health.
111 G. SmIiTITE, one, of the ',Must
ph Tiogi C.iunty, di; 11 at
on Tuesday ieo•ning of list week.
'fee deceased located in Mends 1d in 15:17.
Ile ‘i•its seventy-duet. years Of age and
1111Mit r
lbwKwEtt„ who has
been of late wmn .I.)w la by an mammal:l
-tbm %toil:, has gone his ife f o r a
vi: it 10 'New York, in t i n INT:.y f !Vel'l2:l
- .IiSSMINNIE 11\11.A:(1) aei:'t,llll..all
ied them.— Tr,,y
—Miss Ins LArrLis, eldest daughter of
Ex-Sheriff A. J. LAvT9N, eplebrated her
thirreirith butt 4v giving a very en
j•,yable reception al the iesidenee of Joy
paii4ns, ou Saturday evening last, i to a
large infniher of her young friends.
FtiAlsli, of Athens, and ,
wife. and child. ?lase beta visiting the
f i o n ny of II: N. WHI,-.11 - m- this . village.
tHS V. a , bit unity of thi.l,viii Ige,
hnt . is now in the bridge NNorks ~if
k M Oeri:, I:,
CII.11:1.ER SMITH, of Elmira, has
been holding a number of vet y hugely at
tended tempi-fa-nee nie4ings .at Lioey
vine, in our ileighh.uile.t . county of Wyo
in-., We Ipm-a that a greA many persilis
signed the pledge of total.abs•tiiienee.
--I , lev. Dr. STl.wAirr...f the rowauda
Pleid,tcrian touch.
of lite Viesbytelian this village,
on Situulay last. •nxirning and evening. in
a ve'yy ac,:eptalije manger. lloth sermons
were scholarly autreloquent, a•Uutnanding
the •,:itaiivided attihition of large au:diem:es.
Redl,rd. ,
— , FI2. \N Is W - . heir. Was been appointed j
policeman for Tytty 'b oroug h In t h e I •„". •
eil, at a salary oh !n per Month. Ile will
a s sume a proper totifinin and wear a
badge so that the USIA in..- as.t for resist
nog an °flint r - will n . ot la,. needed in the
east: 'it' drnrkon young.t Who ate ar- -
rested. He will ant as Night. ' --- patrol and .
attend to the street, lamps.— 7 ~ , ,7 tV.,;:f ti f . - i
—4Juilg - e I'll XNKM N Et :.1. , Ell died at
Montro - se, on Monday of last week, atter .
an - illness Of, hut a few days. !Its '
disease was typhoid pneruntmia, `!'he
Dc,h.oerat in speaking of his death says :
" This unhOdred for event has east a deep
sadness upon on C . mmuniuy and the
Bench and liar ha •e again been rally&
upon to plow n the loss of a protnine'it
meMber, and the minty one -of its 111 it
esteemed citizt n•i." .
—The New York' correspimdcht of the
Pittston liaz4 . !;4', attend, d Plynr,nl It
dlrookl.n, on a .'....;llnday receidly,
to Mr. BEEcti preaoh. last let
ter to the Gazette c l.,, e s asj f,,H„ ws
came away flout IT, In h (lurch eon
vited that 111:N1:1" WARD 131:1:1•11ER is
'vet y a4rent preacher, indeed, but tbs. re is
a man in Bradford Comity, Pa., whom .
we : would 1;11114 , 1 hear any t nne. II is name
is tir;onol: kNnoN."
—Adeutenant Nonillion% of Townivia,
NV.I S here several days 'Let we'd.:
ing the workinzs of the' S:aro Orphan
Sehool, to report te, Watkins l'ust, G. A.
1-I.lof that id.n-e, heing appointed a com
mittee fur tho. purpose. 311.. N. has three
hut's in the \V met the gentle
man, and he expressed himself highly
pleased with the management, -and with
the' interest manifested by the children in
their routine of dut ivs. He - carefully ex
'-amined every department, and is well
quahfied titex pre‘s an intelligent opinion
of its merit
-L•.T. P. Kinur inform; us that he I
dccided t , . Like up his residence in 11 , 11-
;Lnd will take his departure f, , r that
State as s. , in'as the vehl ‘Neather sets in.
Wq doobt2veryjnuch that he will be e on_
tented to sever all the s , cial and business
er , incident to his tang residence
here, and form new ties in a distant,
Mate; and a N vinter's sojourn the kill
probably suffice to WeAll hint of his de
sir( to T , iwanda, where he Inv, .I,e
-sido-1 for lily yeays, enjoyed unusual
prosperity, and has A large circle pf
fri rin in.
A ST - (11.1.; , V1 . 1, BUSFNEss r MA - N cor-
Us the following. i n re f_
crone, to an honored and succesful busi
nes, nian 1 -. 6 1 1 0 is 'a native of this county :
a Weibknown broker, of BroMtwaY, v.
Y. is a native of Btadford e , unty. Ile
w:e- born in the tor. nship of She; l hequ in.
Flfr snm time, when a young Man, he
was ti. residentof the borongh ot rowan-.
thit Afterwaids he went to Milwaukee.
Wie., and engaged in the forwarding and
produce commission business. flere he
seemed to la, . permanently settled. But
tbOtleath of his wife ati:.Milwaukee took
frk;:im him all desire for a western life.
flaying made arrangements for the prop
er', 'care of his two sons. Eugene and
/river, in March, 1` 4 65, he'went to New
York and immediately engaged in the
tinsiness of a banker and broker, in which
bii'itas continued until the present time,
Aging a. very large and re.munerative
'btis,nes.s. In June, lti7t4, lie Was elected
President of the Board Of Trustees of the
village of New Brighton, Staten Island,
Y., ana in . 1.979 be, was re-elected,
showiniz that the ditties of Ills office had
'been satisfactorily p •rfornied.
His banking and brokers' house,
Broadway, N. lets al says been, and
is;yet v one of the most pi mninent, bin.j!lrs,
places of Now York, entering largely. in
to, the itninen,c transactions of Wall
street, buying and .se'lim= daily a large
list : of stocks. The purcinves and' sales
have fiegiuntly amounted to over a mil
lion a day.
iMr. Horton is , the maker of his own
large fortune. Ihiring his business life
he has never failed to honor his vast
ainl to elieerfolly his losseq.
11:e is one of thoFe whuso "manifest des
tiny " has appointed to manage great and
important trusts for the good of Man
kind. lle is popular with the board of
trustees, and is widely known as one of
the most generous, public-Spirited citizens
of the Island. In June, 1877, his son,
Eugene, sailed asa isrSsenger lathe ship
The.B. P. Metcoff, Wand for India. The
ship was •first-class k every respect.
They made the vOyage from ..New York
to Java in about 115 days. On the
Dec., 1377, they saileil from Java for Bel
land, and .from that date to the present
time nothing has been heard of the vessel
.or any of those on bea'tl of it.
His sot; Oliver, who has been travelit)g
in Europe for sonic time put, returned
home in safety a few weeks ago.
Home, 17,,N0v., 1515.. E.
P. S.—His son is 'gone, in all probabil
ty, gone forever. But a taughtei, the
beautiful and intelligent littlu Blanche,
has been given themr
12, 1S11).
Joseph Towner vs. Joseph Keegan—
Ejectment. Veidiet for plaintitll i*
Shaw 1 . .;C0. vs. A. J. Layton—Settle
ment tiled. .
.Nlary E. Hamilton vs. W. \V. and R.
B. Maker;—ltale to open judgtuent, refus
ed. Order staying execution revoiced and
rule discharged.
Citizeti4' '..Natiomil flank of lii.averly,
N. V., vs. J. 1). 31ontivnye.—Rule to set
aside execo[ ion.
J. J. Thompson vs. W. 11. Dunlap and
wife to o,e of wife—Ejectment. .cans
& Maynard and V....". Ti. l'arnoclian,-Esqs,
for ; w. Patrick and E. Over-
Esils., for defvo.l.tta. VelOidt. fur
Hancock - vs. Ilekn lialicoelt.—
Sulipienit in ditince directed to he issued.
W. Clapp W. Hollenback
and .To C. Wells.—AsYtimpsit. H. \V.
Patrick and i . I.overtoo; Esiis., for plain
tilt•; Davies C'aruuchan, Esqs.. for di:,
felidants. Plaiiitiff takes a non alit.
E. C. Soininir . vs. J. E. Seymour and
5. , . .1. 'llielodb- 22 -111ile to strike off jiulg:
meat and 5 Crt. aside tieii litchis at. cost of
plaint ill'. .
James VanDyke'.s mye vs. Char:es and
Amelia Wells—Hide to strike oil
timid. as to Amelia Wells.
Utah A. [ladle vs. Ebenezer I)ibble.—
Rule on libellant to tile a bill of particu
lars on or before December P 179.
.1. P. Kirby's use vs. D. It. Blackman.
---111110 to open judgim nt.
M. Ft.iiner vs. L. ('. Paltrier.-12nle
on plaintiff t,II Ore SCl•lii iLy t or c ,, stß .
' shesl i egriHn town-hip vs. - . Windham
towie-Igip.-I-I.ssile. 0. D. Kinney, EQg ;
:Ind Peck .c.2uvetton. for
Davies S l'arnocliatt anti 11. W. Patrick,
Eats., for defendant. Jury out.,
Leaving the hoiougli ‘‘e II tive improve
ineri.s anti other items in the vicinity (,1*
.which is a tl;rift y Mago or niticli
ptnuti o, still it partiif township.@
11'c shall lint i.nitcr the ry that has
given 6n t !Mice a name anti . I.osition
TIIE'nENS . A Yt)111: C I:. l'n.
1:h is line was opened fr; m 'Wavetl y
ownadit Deemnber,, awl then
used lout eneiny , it limknig,two Emma?
trips per (lay, draw;m2; a 111 ;xisl
termed the " Ilneklyberry
he out' \V 3 Y'IIY f!iy l,lls .
1' 4 09, the rvad wsa-s uperod thion;llt awl
connection made with
•.thictt e , rliNtlly i , I.OW a !;;I-F4e “wiler of
itudro-tS i nl h ., ;ri l ot!mr limn; havite,.; ;1
-terminus hole. 11l t!:: son;l1, rn
eta al was opYned, eontieet , mg Sayre and
buret IMF:ir 'on Lake
la I)A egt) and .\ ohm : and in
1'4;1 the lien vi, Ithaca y road was,
opened, connectia:4 the 1,17 y e•; indieced
by Its name. In I october. the !Tad
(011,1-N,rs coftp:Oly ,tots
,nmved to
this p'ime, and in .114 1?f.:. - 1110 uexo. pt a:'
used ror Was
0.'1 , 111 voi. It is a tHee-stfi,y stioe
tme, ::2x7;(1 feet. This 4., : -
Iiie(11)y the t;., I. S. ;Ind the Penit'a
N. V. railroad , the
isetsyill by the talcut - 11 uili• es,
anal tho thiLii for :-1-yptil L -, and :44;ra-e
rooms. well fitrsherl throughout,
and is fluids' , d-to match.
To show the imp-01 . mm tit since the
date first nained, we quote ft um Superitt
ti 11111.1111 it. .k. tstAt's t for rise
'year ending \ow,•uoi,• r :7r !s;s ; 1.0.
to ;r:wrs it: a.t rr'p.i:r, ',ii nt .111
kinds, 111/Waitit.c 1.71111/ ; 1111111111 a 1.1 c.
Irousportcd, I,titri;:tr,:t tons ; 'fa eight eN'.•
elusive of coal, onus; p ; y :ns ..• ; , g(q . s . l;
coeLlu --a
rs, and tons of refuse product or the nde's, which We
trill spt hereafter. Th,• coal is prnici
',any distri b uted Ninth and West, this
company sendmit trains as far as IiIIII4111;
NNlitle other freightsctimse:t I iincipally of
grain for (ix icirt; narde , l over tho 1.. V.
road to I'l6l alelphia "1 New Volk : lum
ber aiel barley fli n t t mcola shippod
this way over the central;
hint frinn. l'entr . al Now y.”l:„antl i from
that sect It-it nint hl is 1 , 6111.1•41 LeiVr
I. & Sayre s tio this it tied.
'I huts, :tie. icceiving direct benetets
i tit e productlof distant pat ts, as an
assessnient chaiged fir all passing , [hr.;
our valey, a part id which is left here, as
may be scen!diercafter. To the mirth of
the depot Anti the coinpany are
eunstroutin a number of huge shops. the
found:aim - is being pi epared rind grading
progressing with a view to an cart' coin-
Oct ion of the whole. First We notice the
toond-honse. a bu,iltling of eirenlar barn,
fi•et in di:inlet - IT. c hoc-half of this is
and coma its stables f‘ir fifty, n
horses— for they 11111,1 lw 1.11111'e:ea
'alp' de.111.211 .11 11111e1,--.11111 is a budding
or I." tlnalii Y. and when ciii - npletdir schl
pos.ent a neat appeafance. It till he
cuntpl:•icd 1/t :all early date, as it is touch
needed now. The tiext we note is a black
. smith shop Ix. I I . :. now receiving its
and near it the fonntlatiens for the main
machine shop, which is feet;
brielt ;tee now fo r use in it s con•
sit :Mt ion. • Men are gradirm the. remain
der of the plot wpm which will soon ap
pi az , a toilet shop C , lxl . ....:"ifeet, aifoundry
11x11'', and a pail( it shop ti lx Ind, These
shops will fu,rnish employment
bundled men'when in use, and their im
portance is Giddily tib, rvtal when we re
mend,e-i. the amount of cosh that : will' be
distrit tied by their agency,
It is a busy platy akin: the station, as
engines are presont 'wally all Om time
making: tilt long fteight trains. switching
c.:rs, err. Thiee tarn dispatchers mot
emoloyed, making eight hours each, thus
keeping one on ditty all the time, StindAys,
inclitiled. It is their duty to set• to the
movtnt , of trains accord:: e. to seheiluie,
to rei....ive dispatches, keep a ree,ird
Digi t lt weirs. case of del tys to
!.v teleztaph teilersi. etc.
course villein' men ate for tin se
dupes, and we believe t hi. company's
entroloves in all departments idatel \it'd!
if •
fork: vet ul attendance to ditty. BeloWithe
station ale two large water tanks and alit,'
coal-pockets, all forsup;,lyiii locomotives
w4ll fitel and water. About two hundred
11;10 f are employed the bounds of• At hens
township, And from seven to eight thou
sand dollars paid them per month. This
qoes nut include retmlar train hands.
To Assistant S,uperintendent It. F.
(341011N1.XN WC are indebted for favors and
infienattion. 'Nit. 11. A. l'ackmt, General
Sutierintendoilit, was absent on a pleasure
trip West. We will give notes of other
iniliistriet t intli is vicinity in future articles.
'Attain.< Nov. lts.. W. A. p.
Mlf; Etirron : The news h, all been
picked up so chose al , ent away our a
few weeks, that it seems useless to try to
tind'anything for you. We pare glad to
anniMuce that twenty new lamps will soon
make our streets cheerful by night, and a
ipolicemt;in with bright brass butttans will
ihylp the dayliglit very much in the future.
,Our borough authorities have wisely Ott
cluded tii relieve bad boys from ;tie trouble
of running the town, and heieafter they
will lierform that responsible dutY them
selves. They are represented by•Fitv,:vti
Hutt, who knows his business well. ,and
quiet and peace reward pe,;ple for the
tronlile. It is hoped that. entertainments
and public gatherings wdl not be dis
turbed any ritql-c, as they have been by
tho,o who forget the rights of others....
The Dramatic Club gave a tine entertain
ment at the op..ta I l rose last Finlay eve
fling% All sustained their parts admirably.
1 7 , 1:.\ NT did even better tlem
usual, which is good enough. There is
pleasure in seeing a pe , yßO.ll pOiNeS , .
go. ii stage talent when he is also g , :od
jor other things, and we ale glad that
WILL'S ambition to please in that part ic
nlar is no greater than it
, else lie does. That he gives promise of
being a useful citizen and fine engraver,
is tti matter of pleasure to his many friends}{i
Time: CRANE as "Dr. llarlan;P aconitted t
himself well, and' ALB,Facr-IdomalaN.and
31E1.1. CABE: were nitwit praised, - In fact,
we may as dell giie all the rest a putl,
for there was nothing to criticise and
everybody was pleased.. We hope to see
the - troupe again before, 10ng..... The
school building is receiving two new
Boynton rut - ea:es In the place of :the re
firm:dors which- have ridiculed cold
west lt , yr in the past. Them will be nn more
'"cold M that vicinity now, and this much
ieted‘ed improvement will place our school
house at head oi, the list for comfort and
convenience. The school libraryis also a
rapidly-growing institution, and has re
ceived nearly stiOo worth of books during
the past tivo years. Additions are con
stantly being made, and a more • readable
library ivihl not be found. Full sets of
SCOTT'S wm ks, Dictums's, HAWTIIOdNE'S,
.IRVINGS, and all the standard histories,
together with choice miscellaneous works
and books of reference, constitute the
colleetion....Two of the handsomest men
in Tow:Mita were here last week with the
Davis sew ingtnacbiim ; LAMENT Bre&
ers represent the Singi , ir machine, and an
exhibition of both was announced by ban
ners across the streets:. We wish them all
success, for they have good wales mind we
shall have. to. buy both machines to get.
the best.. :.The Bradford County Silwo/
madel. its/tirst appearance here
last week, and meets our hearty-approval.
Let every friend of education try and
make it live one year, at least. 1.. The
Dews; aperS set :u full of politics lately,
and as 'Trost of It hem are on one ,side or
the - other, is endurable bni: please
save 4 from many qii* those sour-vii.aged
sheets that hmmu across the fence for sup
port and style tlainiselvcs "independent"
—they we too ridiculous to be Innoy.
Troy, Nov. 17. B.
Enrrott : Bepresentatives lixim the
Franklin Guards visited Binghamton last
ccc ek Tuesday, and presented HARM"
01.M,TEAD pith an appropriate badge of
solid g"ld, in reeognition dr his unselfish
devotion to duly in preventing, at the.iM
minent,peril of, ItiZ. bfe, the destruction of
their 'camp by a gun from the battery. to
which he belonged, which had escaped
and was turned from its course jus'li iu
time by -the young hero. :The Bingham
ton Pepe/h . /iron cave a-full report of the
ceremony and, the parts taken by, each
representativ, in the .. next ,inorning's
issue.- The nowting was arranged with
out the boys' . knowledge of its design,
and took
,plaiceat ttte
where many of the prominent ladies and
gentlemen of tim plane had assembled.
C'ommander C. 'l'. llCei. ptcscntcd the
and a response •was made by a
ft Mild of the youth. -Speeches were ahm
made by . Dr. E. P. ALLEN, Commander
ANsoN, A. 1.1. Sex LmNii and others:after
which were invited to thb house of
Capt.•OLmsTE in to kirtake of a:sumptu
ous repast and enjoy themselves ,until
train tine!. Capt. o.'s Artillery Compa
ny received the guests and escorted them
to the Hail. The badge consisted of a
shot bar %%Ali pin attached, upon
suriounded with a.bortler of frosted gold;
the: " Capt. - John Franklin
tluardq, — wet e engrave. . Snspetule,l
lento a by two sloe:, heavy chains was a
shiidd, ar the tdp of IA were the
v.wds " Couraxe atal-Tidelity," and be
ncatli thogi a lignre .if a gun, carriage
and cal-situ, Anil licit: - it's lower ddges two
sprigs Of laurel in luised stork CrO,!- e j
otter and extended up the :ides.
This insempt oceupicd the reverse side:
4 Pies, nt, d io Ilymiv U. I) 1i: ‘l, by
the Caption JAN h-an!:1112 Guards, in
to:dm pit his didelity to thus on the (.124-
sion of the Sullivan Cearnnial, August
7 2,1, is;to.":„ We vi-ited Sunthtield rii ,
tiay • and Saturday, and iitteinled the
Teachers: Association. A large iminber
viele lament and the sessions in,teresthig
---in themaM, but we- think there ate some
'chums that might be iontizduced. - F , .<
in--.Tiatice, a little Letter understanding of
paid:atm wary law (or, practice) wQnld
save useless it,scussion, and in case of the
r.•sohitiOtiS .I; , o7tis-t"1 on Saturday, pie
, vented much talk that did tint pp i rainr,
the question under consideration. The
pi:tette:o school \yolk intr , hluccd was hx
! ceilent ; some el the music awl paptirs
t read, ditto; the declamations, recitations,
1 and address of Friday ev'ening, good—
Fthe litter, by I(ev. _Mr. TimuiN, wa.s i.lll-
.llttletily line in eledia , of 1 a ni . .. f1a ,.. j . O l d
dent ive power. W ,, . haye . heard at
1 these on etings much sal - Cr . :11, 9 1a '.l - ,l;rvs,
1 , :1 , .ii r,lllllelsi•spectaliy ineorilnied as 1 1 eing
i.pi.,,, , irt to I chit in, etc.* It. tivould lie in
better taste 1 , , say nothing derogatOt. y of
any,partieular elatt,, , , for in all there are
men* of :Theral views and tastes.
...Th e
people of Sumhliel,.l, took . good (titre or
their guqsts, an 1 dielid, to till the
chin-elle:4,11111UL ; the seiwicits. The „min;
Irites of the teeetill4 u ill be furnished this .
I(l.l ,, inTrin. iTy .tire ehictent um! obligiii ,
Secrekerv, lliss ii LI k N.INNEv.. Pia. 1.
S. ( It X WHiltit vas ell. tt.itt Plesident. f ir
i the en. Ming year. ant Mies F.,1,1., SnA mi
rst. Suet etal y. Net meel i ing will li e hei l t
at rlster, the seetoni Frida'y and Saturday
of l't 14 nar - y,.l; , s)„j ' NVAsn.
Athens, Nov. 11. t - 1 s
Alin. Elitron : The teachers' association
he 17.1 here Friday and Satuychty, is said to
hate been One Of 1.11111s11:11 interest. Not-
OW inclemency of the
N“.4.ither tic attendance was unusually
Nwt so much practical work was
dime as usnal,4 4 . more time was given
The in....! intere: , tinz 61 these was about
the r,due•ion of teachers) Vlagos. Ity
sonie the direetoi, were blamed, and by
others tho people or La x-payei . S. c du
not know 'Ahem the: Warne is, but it-is
certain that the teachers of our common
schools are nit properly remunerated for
their I.lhor, seeme: so much is required
of them iu attt'ndin! , . institutes, as.,oent
tions, etc., all of which are of Mlcessity
The people living in the upper part of
our village.' purpose to have their bu
in•zs supplied with water from springs ow
the faim of llon.x E
'The teaclicis and scholars of the,grad
ed ,th o ,l a r e to :Jove a public entertain
ment at the Disgiple chureh, Fliday even
ing Nov. '..! - ••411. "Fhe object, of this enter
tainment is to rais , .! money to supply the
school With philosophical , and chemical
apparatus, Anne of which has t Ceti pur
chased. lu addition -to the t Nerciscs a
WlTllher of chemical expeciments will be
it en; '
!AajorNANCLEAVE ccuimumee 1 a terics
:4-Wperance Itwetlll2; Sunday cvehing,
which he expects to continuo for one
it ek.
Nov. 17„ Is'79
Te:ielaTs . k:Kaminatiiin at. Towan-
eant.n. ~,ber':7
County Supurtutontlcnt
t n 7,9
Call at :1'()()1)1 , '()IZI) VAN-
M strvet, 3,1 vhe "thuir
L t , 1•:ck t,f %live. 3%4 ntibiri•l
'•\ . 1N ,1 1 1 :'()IZE)S:. VAN Di wItN Lace
• ,Cl* tor 1; 111:1: 'li, Mils. 1,,
(i ur g iiods arc NE \V awl of the
isr,T rry VOU,IIf.
C" 1,[11 " .:40 atc
~ !:1.!.% VAN DUltN.,'
Don't fail to examine our large
t; 1)f La4:l,l,s*, .114•111 S. arni M
- /
"Try our New JAI'. TE : liest in
Dt.,..; - I 3: V. a4;112.
. .
- :.?'"t.: -. The 9:tiet More is I".:nitinarters for
r;:iwriEny. ( ; 1. A s..w ',UV . ..LAMPS anti L.% it E .
ft x tures, IN'it go.lq nag I" ~t pi frit,.
.' ___. •
T r epyiSitjllS7 all k pf4lie best
DE( kJ:It &
Z.:ir Shakespeare complete, I'. •
• Wl.:k Mrs. liol.Nrk.s• Forrst
rr* * C'hoice TEAS and COFFEE a
PE( Kit . 1 .: Via7.:ll
L. 11. Hunt; LIN c ompe
t it g 00 1 .15 an. 1 :ow prit , , S Ott Silral,
1) , 011,, %IA bulding tha.
tvrial. r:ang3-tr..
,I , et. v"l.;nr•sy
The Largest, . Best and Clievest
ilne or — Shes for Ladles', Iltz,es• and ('ht; 1•l:.'
1.11,41 ,st t.:CN u•'w Mali;
l'rary St Nol.ln•a Lletek
only nets, awl 12 A - C KET LANTERN'S 65cls; and
(M . CORSE It has the Lest wearing Shoe
for Men, Boys and. Youths , (wear over offered In
Towanda, and at prices within the-reach
fgr UNDERWEAR of 'all kinds; bot- .
tom prices at ?Set store. •
rff A complete Dictionary ffs,6s cents
and Dollar booki for 75 cents, at the Liteent Store.
C'-Y' For fine Millinery, first class Hair;
Gods, ;lava Canvass; Geld and Silver tinted Card
Board, and Children's Sailor Bate, calFou Mrs: M.
A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Street. Bleaching Lind ,
newhig over a specialty.
Mllessrs. A. J. INtAims. & Co.,l3ing
• hatsiton, N. l'..—Gent'enten—l found - so Intuit re
lief from using the sample lodtle of Ely's Cream
Balm, for Catarrh, that I perelm•ed three bottles
of large size, wit eh has almost cured rue. I had
stilter.!,l front Catarrh fur ten years: at times the
pain iv, uld be so had that. I' was jvd ;to stay in
the home end send for a doetur, I hart entirely
lo.t all N.ths- of smell, The, Cream palm has
worked a„ miracle fol. rue, I shall. foctrseycre In its
u in, for 1 ameons (need It will effect a cure.
BALKY, Binghamton, N.l'.
rt - r y- By universal accurdEn's. CA-
TilaitTlie are the best of_ all purgatives for
•faindly use,' They ate the product of quig, labori
ous and successful chenilcat Loved and
their lis.., I.y Phylelans in their practice, and by
all civilized liar tone. proves them tic :and
twist 1.:1"...et1ial purgative I'lll that inedleal skill can
demise. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise
front I heir tire. In Int - Husk. value and curative
polvcrs 101 other pills'ean be eoniparcil with them,
and every person, knowing their virtues, Hill erns
thetNNVlll'll needed. They Icep the syidetodn
perfect order, and maintain lit healthy action the
whole tnaiilne'ry of pro. Mild, searching and els
firetual,they are spiielally adapted to the needis of
tho digestive apparatus, i'erangetnents of avhli.ili•
they prevent and cure, if timely take'n. Taey are
the he::: and safcst phasic In empty} 'for Children
and weakened con:Mut:oils, where a Mild, but
elfeet Ind, cathartic ie required. BY A1..1
Mau itbnettiscincitts.
"ARM FUR $ALE.—Thit sub
sefslwr .01"ers 531.: hi% farm Uf 57 acres s
g1e...111.1i,:e and I,lt, and ,stse fruit trees
thrre,stri The rarest is well watered and Issa good
sisste irsttl ,, ss. ...I.! ;Ira gnat hat - -
galls fpr's ~h . G. IS. FRUTCISF.S.
_ . .
Ittin. Nov. Izt, ,r lY:a-na•,.
::m 1.. -house ,ysbAtt of
nt.nntali.lng 111/• poor of Itratlrottl totnnty . having
been ad, lord by a Inaboity t,l 111., votes of the elec.
he, 4.f the e4 , ehtV,-I undev-whed VIII resvive
at tln'irttint In Tonatnla fi.t. the ,i"xt.
lat .f.iy. fiirof tams TIIV I Ur
a (arm. In it:tiny ,,
give lb, Tway of hurt-ire
wateleiti 5511.. re 8114 tile iirlet
The informal inns will lie
by it, i. 1,101 , 1 , •uti21 until we 11:1V..... deter
- M. F. IdAIS-.IIM, .
- 1t.% N I 1, 1- 1. it Rs 1)P 'pi,. , Cidtinsqlsiotierg:" .
.1. W. it Inns.;. S
couiniiieleners' ()Mee, Nt'ir. 12. 117:1-3,1r. -
__. N l
ItA NKFt TT I'TCY.—In tiVe Di •
I IrI: t Court iif the United Stater, for the W....p.[-
1.111 11, tili L or P, i0,..y:,,,,t3. It, Itso. to:,ttt:ift,f
.1 ph W. Bonney, bankrupt.. ,In lotsikritfitt , y,
‘Ve,. 4 iiri, Ilisidtet of l'enit , %lvania.
The . .ien , 1,11 :,,, V. : 1 t. 11.- i.•.:lee i!ilt the tin
dersdoi. it. a lli g;-ti-r its Itatikruidey In -aid if k-
t. Ili IT a, ,r...111 , :llor an Nt , 'Ni•Ay rt, Isr
d.tvar 14 it k. It. ;$,
M., at' hi+ , in 01.. I:c•rongli T0,a,11, yto
Ili,trir.:l7.• fur,,! (tool
‘1.11,16. all
at;.rli,t tt0.,1 lun,t
~hi i ht.m. or 110. forovor tit,liarrt•i) from CO111171;4 In
on eald IL A. 1.}.1:( •I• IC , •
' • •1 - y
s t E (yr C E —ln the
ni 111 , 1 11, 14.; the
AV,,rt-rn 1:1•D•r
or .107,1 .1, Grinit:,. bankrupt. In batilivii,:ry.
NV , •:.-1,4 1`,.11 , ) iN all
.• 6 lA, that a Geri
.l c 1..• •,; lir , WI I
, Feld 'it Tat1‘,4(:11 7 .4, Ott Dr. e
is E - 1:. D. ad A. NI
to A. )1 , 1 , hr. ,e,•• , •1 th.• negiNz - el. in
In , ts
It: tlIt• mtt - ttt of tht. Apt t 31.,rch
2.1. 1-67. to : a final ilt;tr 1•1 ;tank
ra;tt's Itt•Ittt••; and at that' 11,..•tt1te.7
tilt,ltart:ft frtttn all lta.tiltly as As,itztlitt• ,t acid
In ith fh , • pr,t.h.htl,,: tire
7r Ir ,eihm Act.'
.1“11 R. Uol)l)lNG„\,,signtr. ,
piEop fop
a peerless remedy for Scrofula, Whit:.
Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas Gout,
Chronic Sores,. Syph ilis,Tumors,
Carbuncle, Salt Rheum, Malaria,
Bilious Complaints, and , all diseases
indicating an Impure Condition of
the Blood. This Grand Remedy is a
compound of
. vegetahle extracts. the
elliefof tviiica are SNItSAPARILLA
and STILLINGIA. 1 he curcs-elfeeted
SYRUP are O. > ute, 'and their
record is undisflgOred by failure.
For sale by all. Druggists.
CathrtiiVcgeolla R!pllor.
Ihry rcr:lfy torpldiiy of the Limp.
They Girc tone to the Stonipch.
Thee prevent griping of :lir liotrels.
They relllare biro from the Blood.
They purify tznrlinvigorrtec the Itody.
2hcy cure cal bilious comphtlqfs.
d e ...troysAl77.7=,
:ix 1.) , _.5t.W01111 MEDICINE:
I\l\n'S P\6' I)',\l-\CFA
for .I . LLY ((11(1 IiEdST.
For External and Internal Tjao.
• (+TV:lii , t, P:Lia •," I' V.: 6:0
can . lto a 11 4., i.,' r :r
rya ALT, -
J07.:7 4.7.:
5 , :;.4: 11101•1:1i.1,11,.
Ccvilor,-.) .
nrr.F , "^ - zS , "7 - 15"." , . „ • 77.
I 1 , In the Cont.!
!,,•rel.., .1
vnlir L. 1 ., al Viva, to the ( tut tf C0.:12,n
; 1 ra 41Vilit . , tr... 10 the
"hyttritmely, nn.l the .":0.1 ( . .etrt'
Deet:lll' , er I,t, 1,7' 1 .111 the reurt
11‘..:.• at 'l'w.van. , n, for lo•ari.g 'tho Eli mkt
atjr• .11 !ht . prelllisVS. at which tulle :111,1 ) .1:tee vu,u
illy attend tf you think I.loper.
04; 13()()TS l'E lEl: 3 DEIN, Stler,llr.
'W ;Pi. .1 ry. In the i'enzt of Com
m, in Men,. of Illani,inrnl county. No. I I , ,, ,, nkary
• 00. ar•• !Of 'by I , !itiOd Ilia Alive Maley,
y.i . nntr wife. ha. apt , il.l to the four of cort‘llloll
Vital:L.oT Bradford 4 . 0;111 V. for a uln Ihu
tr.inrlnn n.f and court fa ,
(elntl•d NI"! d t)'. Ineceininer I: t, i-n7n, Itt thi , ennui
ll'ont.e. in 'few:it:o.a, fnnr hearlina -••• 0.1 Allen., lit the
at wnii . ll tialk . aunt Fare you tnilY attend
if yen think (ruiner.
Elf .1. DEAN, Scok•rift.
FA: i 1.y0.r. la 111.. roar: or
4 I'm:tit/1i of Ilrmlr•artl roolizy. May
Term, 1 , 79. Yoa ar.• I,tat.l y that that Margaret
Ir.•, 1.11.• 4 'ourt of CI hi
njwa or 1:ra.11 ,, r.1 'ounty. fnea .11Vtorre from
lit, bought of mat riwuny. and ihl. ral l Colirt has ay
p,•llll,tl 1 , 1, 1 , 79. ta thr Court
H.lttse antla, fo_r hoarlnz tho timid Margaret
1.. in the I.ll'll at 101101 time and piaci, you
:nay ationil If. 'on thin. r.
724.1 r.. .1'1 , . • 1 . 1.:1:, .1. DEAN, her! IT,
A -T.. Ntl- Near g••• It. lit the f 'emir of r'ow
' viin, flea: nf NI,. 571. Afar' I'.. Ir 9.
You 444.4 It, rchy liotth• d that rainy .4 , eargent,
4.4444 r mife. ha, applied to their:curt of Common
. thoxs 4.f Bradford Cou.dy•thr A divorce front the
hohd. of inarritueny, and the said Court :has ap..
I -pointed Monday, the lat day of Deretober,„ln the
f•fairt 11..44-4, in Towanda, for lwarlng Bo; sal,l
11 4.' Pthinise. 4 . at Owe andidace
you luny attend if you thing limper,.
.25.1 w PETEit .1. IiBAN, Shrirfff.
. _
(Ail 11:4 mouth and expenses zuaranteed Agent,
14P lilitfit free. tzdt.XVl & Cu. , A ustodh, -UMW
LI of butelt4i write 'valed out of the Court of
Commit Vicas, and to me directed, I will expose
to public sale, at the:Court Musa in Towanda for-
Mignon •
rum/a . , DECEMBIER ant, 1879,
at t o'clock, P. 3I„ the f7llowing described proper
ty, to wit:
No, I. One lot of land situate. In South Creek.
township, boutolcdmorth by lands of - 1: nos Smith,
caq by the lifghWay leading from, Elmira to - Troy.
by.w k o 3 of J.ll, ewe, and west by-lands of
J. - F. ; eontafninc about ! acre, more or
less; all iMproved. with 1 board noose, 1 board sta
ble and. few fruit tress - thereon. Seized and taken
Iwo execution 'at the cult of P. WorteMlyke, to
use of .1. L. Pitt, vs. J.1.. - Amelab. Also at the
suit of .1, 1.. Pitt.vs. J. S. Arnelgh.
Nu. 2. ALSO—One other lot of 'land, situate In,
Armenia .township. bounded north by lands of
Albert Smith, east byslands of Burr Wood and 6th:
ers. south by lamb* of Leßoy Cease, and west :by
lands of ll.:e.ett Scott awl llenry•Coyert; - containing
about 25 acres '
more or . less; about IS Unproved.
with 1 framed house, 1 framed barh andan tirthard
of fruit trees thir eon. Seized and taken Itite•exe
rot lott at the suit of N. M. Poineroy's use vs.,F. 'P.'
Rogers: • •
No. a. ALSO—Ono other lot of laud. situate In
Site-heoutit township,. bounded north by lands of
Athlig..ll Iteldletnan, east by lands of 11ntehluF,on
Killlo..y. west by the Susquehanna river, and on the
south by lands of Ethan Watkins; containing 50
acres, liner or less,- all improvetl f with I framed
house, 1 (rani...lbw - wand au orchard of fruit trees
titereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the
411ir Or W. .1. De:pueels vu. C. M. *agar.
No. 4. A LSO-4/ice tuner hit of land. situate In
A tneMt iloreugli: described, as follows: liettinuing
at. a point at the Intersection of I'. & N. Y. It. R.
laud. with Main street; thence south le' 40' east
142 feat Wont.; the west side of Main street to lands
of Novelty Furniture Works; thence south 10' 35'
.we , t 199 (••t along the north Milo lands to
P. St N. V. it. R. lands; thence north 44. It' east
feet along tho P. It. It. lands to place
of beginning ; toditaining about 46.143 2oinare feet
of land„ all Improved ; 1101 of ihng Seized and
taken Into eleentlod at the suit of It. Webb,
admittbdrator of C. F. Welle,, lierea,mt, re. C.
Clapp. •
No. .5. Al,itti—One other bit of land, situate in
'fun ands It„ruugie, bounded north by Poplar street,
Mist I land• now or late of 11. C. Wirltirkm, south
try Pine street, and west by Western averiii-; being
:in •feet fr. ut 4111 t 4 id roptar street and about Ito
fret deep, with I taro-story framed_ iwelllng hods.,
other outbuildings and few fruit trees thereon.
- N.,. r.. At:act- 7 05m other lot of land, slt uate to
Towanda. honing IMittided • north by lands Of It,
11owitia11, emst by lands of 14, •. 0. W. Armstrong,
smith by l'oplar street, awl rvii - wt by other lands Of
31. 4•. Welts; being about 25 Nth front on said
tar street and about lon feet deep, with part of a
two-story framed dieelllog lonise and tete fruit
trees thereto. Seized and taken into rx..tit lure at
The suit or :I. I'. hirhy and .far. Wo.O. vs. (1.'.0.
I' as!, James Itryant,. Jan:. 31eItityre, 31, c.
And I). S. Pratt, T. T.I. , •
No.:. A I.S1)--11ile other let of laud, situate lit
A ti.ens Borough. lemnded north by the Arloll;tny
lot.. , a,t , lie 11,11 l Sat juetian M na river. sdnth by - lands
Rabinoßabin .... Kinney and Fanny Lesett, and west by
MA/II street; being 146 feet front on said Malt/
street 'r ou t 241 reel deep, all Improved, with few
trod (tees thereon. " . . ,
No. 6. A I.:,0-1.4no other lot of mod. ,itn3k. to ,
Athens Ibitough, bounded north by-lands of It. 4).
Smith atofT ho,. Grantham. east by Main street.
6ottill byllands of Caroline Stephens. and wed 'by
Cbeitrotag riser; .I,eitag 09 feet front-and 311. feet
I.b , p, al, luiptoved, With a two-story framed dssyti.
mg Loa, and few-fruit - 11,42S thereon. Selie,lnertl
takm, 4,11,r-execution at !the Nilit. of Tilt .Itheil{;-
130.1dit,g end 1..411, Association of Athens, I'a.. vs.
FellVal,l !fort - Irk s
N. 9. A. I.Stl - ---Nie other lot of land, situale Ind
Canton t0W11,14, bounded north by Towanda !
Creek. east by lauds of B. S. Dartt, by the public
mg h ate lb... Ailing froni Canton to I.akv Nephaw3ti
Mid lands ft' E. Newman's estate, south IQ:baud:to:
H C-. M. Grow it anal west by Sullivan street and lands
of :dlr.-us l'orter - and 1:'1..1. Watts ; cobtiltillag --,
10 , 011 t 71, .arre, ,M , rlZ's or 4ess,alsolt 07 iniptoved,
with -,1 I, thud banns. 2 fram .. ed barns and ;beds
:lola , lest. f shingle anal ebier in 1,1,1 combined and 2
otchat al, of trait trets ;lie eon. ,
7.0. to. ALSO-sun,: utter lot of land.ltuate iti
rant-n row it•llip, Imandgarlllietlt by nand.
of Cf. S..
...Abut!: east lay lata-12 of Yietor
tank of. the /I übbili Manley.,•state: all west hy
lands i'd J. 1 '4.1:3E1 , 1411 and i;.s.sellard; c nitaMing
abo n ut aere ne•o
s, atom less,; Ito Improve' gyits, ,
N. 11. A I;SO-- , Ine other lot of 1;4ml-situate in '
cantob•Borougli,!hound,,l north by lands of Hazle
ton & itartrilf I, eifsl and south lay lands of 1 . , 0.
Hazletto.t, , :111.1. Wi . ,l. tar -puldie highway leaullbg
[,teal Canton to _Lake, Neptiaw b.; COntattllng ..11,•Alf.
, tat ;01 acre. more tar'l , --s. used for a Inli I v.u.ty.lo;
i.uti , 1i,, ,, . 5.4i.....1.;,i. I I:Ii:1•11 11110 e[CCIIiiOII aZ , Ii,
,1: - of datnt, teapot, V,. Janaes•Metlyr.
tot of
T.o,:tnita Wiirviigh,•l,otina!ll Lott:, try Coal: ,troot.. -
oa-t ~rd pout!: I , c 151:1 , of .1. U. Frro,t, acrd web: Fy
Main ; 32 loot front .01. Main
ei: Vitlit'ttirtii-etory hrl , it
Lot ' to neon, knr•a
n •• Vontan! . .e's Corr. r.".
Sr. It, A i.,1)--151,, otlii.r lot of land, ,itiiato in
12.41• id try of 11.
rotati , , t•ii.ot by Main Street, south -iiy
o: 'A. Grith h. ahtl
1 hire. !nor , or I 'with 2 largo
0111. g I frattlii.ll, , ,..ll - li, tint
;W4 rosy , fl trei.,ll,rioill.
N„ . 1 7: A I,o_ , other.lot lam% , Ittiat, In
l'oa.letta Itotongt,, onnded nofth br Lt, to of the
Va.:: N. Y. A. It. 1f..C0.,'e..4,4 try
ity l:. toils of John V.
‘1 r g tho'azol
oa-v•:" to Itiiwer.
:Ind taken In o itx.crtition :it :he suit of Tto.
4 1 , ,/-7,.11ank of Wavoily, N. Y.. vs. J. I/. Mon
No. i t.. outer 1..; 'if lariat. sktiato fa
NVy Otoing o-wn-htle de , 11:0 , 1 an fol:hrry flogiil; at -corm,. of - 1'1,,,pt0 - t. a11.•1 :kr,d
ot trot: tholvo uu ttv lii of %Ad ,treet_ifollth 44'.
w,o.t ta riornor 4.1 !or No. IS; ihcurr
tote or still ,ot south .40 0 f.:0.1 I porch,
'l4 Sr. 11: f1e:1." 4, , Ahl lot.
north 14% 0 5 iii.rrt.os to a cort,r
lii- stilt north 4/i°
I j-tel.oe :o tho place le•gtnnlng, contain
ing .;5 r•rch'es, illiprovvit, m1:11 . I tiny fruit 1,.•.1
,nkon :coo oxoeoth:•.::: t cult of 1.. 1.. Lyon'.
tor rr. :leo. Barfoii. (1.5. ",
Al.?“-Otte other lot of larel sitrte
W.. .1 p. ~ I •ript. l l- a s
a' a •take and .'our , to The line of • l
and of
error of Jane., lil'stine's land ; .thelice
-eatl; •• 0 per, he , t' thence i , o,ith e:1,1
117 perch,, to the Lukens' then,•,• along
• , :tue , not th perche, to a 'corner Or
liirinev•, hind : thence along raid
It; pereheit to the pace of beginning
talnteg acre-. titore.or less.atol.being tne
!and. I“ cght of rand party or the tin.: part A 'ern IS
1417. of C:311.: C. lit:,,ell and wife.
t = t"tn• ot h..r ht sirante
Warr,'"l:• ,, e.i.thelf as f.llowi•
corn.•r of : then- , norta
It. ilrstley , :tent h,ll 10 , 2
(.1,4,111 , 1 h 1.4.)•r”.1,
7. , -01..1 lo rf 1,t11.• us'
we:t :hong No. lin: nuts to .1
t•iis 11 and tY: thou. •• along ilne
• f 1 r to a ,V4,rpor the pia... of
nioliong 11?arr.'s. more or le., and '
1.,1 or Ito. cokol: 101441 W,11 , 111!• , "11-
,oj. ~, int fi; acres improrod: I trained
how,. 1 rz:ono.i I,tp, and an orchar.l 1.1 fruit tree.
t eon. II :Mil taken Into exeort:lon lit
.101 of N. r. 1:1.1..r0t. vs. 7illeintel. 113)1400, - 1
N 0 ...2i. A othot lot of 101,11. situate In
:01008101., (Po... Tithed as tel Begin
ning :Cp.:refill. 131.118 to-longing-to A. 1•••••• . :.L.,1
pay ilr road running from ! fi e pnirlic roil in f r ont
14 A. Yee 'and A. Lents. running ahing •04 1.101
.11 . P1.N1 t 't6r 1.11 ,, :11` brittgo acro.. tin. Wyalo
iirool: to tlioiStatt: road: thence muffing along
111••.:15_• of ..t1:1 road ... - ofth 07.° we.t 11 perellog to a .
no corner on the 11110 of lane running from said
road to a street rifled churrit street: tlionce along
the 11105 of said lane nerth 3., ,, ,1re5t i ro,roBeB to I.
-tfo corner :eijoinh,g Lioiongftil.: 1)...
p, oe
thence lands of He 41111 .1. 1 /epew north
a.t It poretn•s to- a "stone I'M nor, on 1:10:1 or J.
' t 00-45 0101 A. Yee I.••ner along the line of N.
WV,. oast 3 perel.o. to the place or thl.gin
ni,,;:: con:al.ileg 8-3 poroh.oi. stryit moaoirr, all in!.
prove , !, 1 framed 1100 . 5 e and lo: of fruit trees
No. Nt . .So—One other : lot of land, -itnate i
11."';;;Ioina t, n-I,llt, tle.:eriltett a. roiIIMN! 11 , 01,
t. ^n Front 4lrr•e2 to
lI e vii! of Wy3lll , lllZ. 1I :I . r': . .rner of(::
be the tleoto tame I iliayn.r.l In
1 roo ;it t helt...lly the cold lot ...nth - 31 3 east i'l;-10
pct .In. tot of nrldg't. reet ; !letter ;Pole
te.tol •;(. I I . 1. , 1 , 11 , . Iti It i.•
4 .,•4t 4 , r a 1 , - , .•11 to -a corner of Andre* tee's
•1:111A: at! Piron: , strvet s,:tti 37°
Svcs t 'o reit he' , to the Oat, c o n .
t.torti--s,.ll;re or less; all to t i t r,,,,t; ttt ,
execati.n. at the
-.111; orf .lonalloro I leatet vs..totitt I.ynert.
.1.:,.. f't ..M.So,l•lef.-ndant.'m(nn.- half 1111,1 ,,, 1 In
nut: ..!1.., lot. pH -or parcel Of !and ; ;atm:to In
('stain ilorough. M•serilosi as follows: IVi.giniting
Ott the north end of the ilaritt.iitorrao eastert. parais
fol with M1,11.a.1 , 1, to a post illrestly north of the
gate - at th ..'nt ranee of the raoe leading to the grist
Mit!: thence ottith to the noratimink o f Atm ~,,t,
at high wator mark; thence: wiesterty along the
Istrik . of .yid creel: to,ille 11,l113.:" (11,11ee at. ng said
dam to tie' TJ.It, a ,. liOgihtlll , L7: C-pIltaf)11111: ahtslll.
ti n ~,,,r,., tome er less together`wlth the 10vilego
or keeplng•npt he dam For mill purposes but not
to , rsi re int. water so high as to injurt• the.mill
1111,1tyal•ove on said stream...reserving the rights
tesrv...l-ny Elia , lie. kw et! la dee to N. - S. I,hk-
i mark to draw.; he Water (rout slid lain for the rise
of the grist mill, when mil net:tied for irse by the
parties recopying the anovo i11...561yd p1,11,1-es.
No. '.:I. A 1.Z.1/—()1,1! O'll , r lot of land. situate In
1 - rano-i t township. ,IC:•CrIlltql as flillOWS: Bei:l:Wing
at A p..q..11,:11.,,t0t:es tlt... northoast corner of a lilt of
1 bind mi no owned by N. Smith: tl...nee so wh sso
.eas: ;i1 eft) rads to a post ; them e south ` west
'III I...reties:lo a post and stones en Ilie.nort h' bank
of Tuwa . n.l3 cin , k : thence, by .same. eotirse in 111 , .
,•Illte ~t,, ~„id .•rk,cl: : thonee up :salt! creek :Is It
TOW rile, hy its several rouse s am! tlistatiem,go
the southeast 'corner of said lot nosy Owned Sty N.,
Smith ; thence it:mit:l.'. east ...... - iterebes (~ the
1.! ,- .• of l"•tilotlil. Ig: :1 . containing arra", more or
'Ms, all improved, Cilia I frainedlhotise, tt ti.inte.l
1 barns and sinsts,: I.ammtionse,' oilier outbuildings
I Bn.l an orchard of rult trees thereon. •
i . Ni.. Ti. Al.sli -se lierendants‘ Interest In one
: other, it. pi.,o or 1.10 (•1 0f..1.1...1, situate In
-, I atilmt itoroogit, dime rihrit as, r.ilow,: I: eg i„„i rg
• a t the ,,,,1th,....: c•trtl.- rot a p , h if tang formorty
"NS tool ,V .1. li. Seem, Iht 11/',.../11111 ly , w'/...1 111
542 fret to the e-ntre of 11 , /.‘ r.. 01
t.:oi,111 71 137 10 tho, lot formerly owneil
by W. 4. ; the;. north 15 0 wrsl feet to
111e7m - 411,wesr corner if 5314 l'helps" lo;.;
.north 71" east 32 feet t l, said .'help,' northeast cor
n( r thence north 12° west 12) fi,et too cot n , e ill.
11,•att,;01:,, 1,111,1: thence 11,.1111 St. , v,
0.0,1 Crata.lri , smtth tine 113 feet to the wort line of
141.1 tot me:ly uia tiro 11 C. A. lirli.e ; 134/1)/.1.
z ''‘veht 131 feet to Om place of I.eginnlng-: emi
t:l44ms; acre. move or le,s. Stith 2 frame.'
el 1.111:!1! . 111,„S. lit, el Stallit... I framed harm other
AmthulttlitiA , :mil ft w fruit trees thereon.,
t... No: tn. A1.•, - ---0. e other lot of laud. ttitnate In
5 - %111:011 TM: Oligh, Llttuntleil north hy Mods of Mr,
31. F. White, oast by Centre street, Ives , by Troy
. street. ,awl sc. nth hr land~ of Samuel.bwen and It
of Fr‘oltz.tellau,l'hu.ruli; coital:lNT at 0111.1 aere,
more or Imt. wlth I It:mu:a house, I Ironed bat Ir.
other outhultillogs and few fruit and ornamental
trues thereon. Selzed and taken Into exeent Mil at
the :nit of W. Q. Newman 'VA. Jamesr. Fox, exec-
Ator of Jame, Fox. ileotta9ul.
No. 27, Ilther lot of land, slt flab , in
Itolooglb Ir m o sited !oath by lot ,o!il to N.
l'. - I:e..un,uagt br Foqrth ure , l. - norin ova lot
tt. Mrs 7 , l4m:ie. , siol west .1,1 ;11 alley of 31 teL
wbenever opened by .1.411, Nic:ol%; vats alley be
.b.flf s'ar from Foot th to Fath,tnl. ; ..akt
fee.' wile on said alley, with 2 framed'
bon :eo, outbandlngs and fruit trees the repo. itelng
the sao, pieta of land oouvered by
p and srlftr•-t6 Andrew elkoble, by deed dated
13:1,175.• and recorded 'deed book No. 132;
at page ,
.t 1.0-I.llno other Int of land. sltnato In
Towanda de•sc,rltmd as follows: ltegic.;
niog at the cents• - of a lava nu line Francis
WMIS ' /and. thelpre I. the same south 7s o IV west
tot. , I've( lit a corner: Optic:, by the same tußth
7 foot in arbrnrr of .lo,epti 'and;
r.ku UTIO north 7,t0 45' no 1113
,5-10 fotit ".11.1 .Ito.enh ,tu'inea 3 l
thonte by tato/ of t)vot ton and lletto
.US foot to plat, : Or bogltdiltig ; edittidning7 acres
and 1-13 perrbe,, moro or Iran, alringdorod, With a
framed house 3,1 few fruit trees thereon. Being
,inne pieeo hind conveyed, by M. t•. Meteor
and wife a Ainireu a. Noble, b. deed dated. A ug.
and rot...lvied In deed 1.4 k 11'7,:at page
... . .
1N... - ::9'.' .V1,...k , ,- Oti, 1.111..1 lot!..itahae ht!htihtrvligh: ,h•scribect WI 11.1101, 0 :i Begin,
iihlt; mi . OW ea..t ..Itle of Main strttet tni' the n..tth-
. /
ealt Corner of the lot of James' Mackinie.n : thence
eastwardly along hIS - north lined 1.21% et, mono or
less, {nen:alley between - this loOlstod, the land of
the Barclay Coal Company; thence opythwarilly
along said elf - Cy:o feet, more or, leas, to.the south
line of a lot foimerly owned by Dr. It. C, Porter;
Menet' westwardly along south flue of said Portet
lot 112 feet, more or leas, to the east stole of Malts
street aforesaid; thence suuthwardly 70 feet, more
or less, to the place of neginnlng, with -t.
framed - dwelling house,- frammkbarn, - other out
!ill lid 110 gm and few fruit trees, thereon. .Being same
pleee 01 land conveyed by DM Trustees of the first,
Preshytorlati Church of Towanda to Andrew J..
tionleit by, deed dated May M. 4871, and retarded
In deed book Nu. 1011, at page so, Stc,
No. 30: ALSO-One other lot of land, situate in
Towanda Borough. bounded north by lauds of
Maria C. Healy. east by Western avenue, south by
lands of John F. Means, and west by lends of Job
Morley : being abotit,74 feet trontAo said Western,
avenue and about IGe feet deep, With 1 two-story,
framed dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken
into - execution at the sui t of E-. L. - ft. cunt* vs: A.
J. Noble.
• Sin al. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate ft(
Athens township. described as (Whims t : Beginning.
at the northeast corner of a lot deeded by Cyrus •
Warlord to F. A. Root thence south east •
its feet to the west side of Warford street (it being -
'a street 50 feet wide and connect log inirtherly with
It rad ford' street 1 ; thence north 2!;' , east along its -
i;westeita line 50 feet; theums.north west 121,t to Theodore ie. Shiliman's northeast corner ;,-
thence south 2!•••S! , west on bis eastern line 50 feet
to the place Of beginning ; containing 6,i0i0 squares .
feet of land, with t framed dwelling house and (ex
fruit (tees thereon. Seized and tatter, Iran exec' -
thin at the snit of 'The Bradford Loan and Build,
log Association sir A thiins Township vs. George !
ft,rfae, Ala:, at suit of Vbelie F. Ilsrah vs. Klee!,
No. It. A I.o(l—tine other lot of land. situate in .
Athens township, ilescrinticas follows: Iteghinl tog
at the northwest corner of Desininid-and Eleventh
streets. and running thence westerly Along Elev.
rrith street 150 fret to a cOrner, ti-.nee northerly
and parallel with •Dcsiniind street 50 feet tit a cors'l
tier; thence eastairly at a right angle with Desmond '
xtreet 159 feet In the west line of said street: thence
koutherly akin"; sa4:l street to the pione of begin-.
ring; re*er‘ ire,: therefrom for highway purposes
t in-width along the, front of Tani lot parallel
Withh I. I street. Comprising the land
cihivered by Nathaniel It. Iteeves-to *sty Reeves, • '
by deed dated Fxbruary 6, lot 5, and lrecofileil In
deed took MI. page 155; I framed Indicting used
ter: drug store and dwelling Jour,: and I framed
tarn therein.. Seized tad taken Into execution at
theisuit of The Bradford Loan aod Building As:so- -
H.4.1t0n of Athens Township vs. Mary Reeves and
Imalst A. Reeves.
Nis 53. ALsO—Ofie other lot of land. nitrate In
'Wel Burlington towast, p. bounded 'north Ilv taints
of Knoell Blackwell. east by other lands of F. L.
Stanton, south by lauds of Win. 31cIieati. and west
by the piddle highway ; containing 50 here's, inure
or tens, .about 15 improved. With t frail bil bowie. 1
frainierharn with sheds attached ! 1' framed coins
house rand an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized
mill taken Into execution at the suit of Mrs. Ida -
Campbell ys. F L. Stanton.
No 34: A I.oo—itne other tot of land. situate to '
West Rinlitigton toWnship.hounded north by lanais •
of Sev'ellail Ballard., east by limils.of IT. L. Rimk
well, south by lands of Widow l'ru3•nis. and we s t
by °trier fauns or F. Tit. Stanton and Er,,,!: I;:ack_
will ;-! couta:ning 00 acres. more Or lessi,*about
improveit; no' buildings. Seized and taken into •
A• Xl,rirt 1011 at the stiltiof M. L. Rockwell vs. F. 1..•
No. 35. A LSI other tot of land, si mete In
hounded north ley lainisi of
Haw east liy.,the Methodist Parsonage -
south and west•by the
. puldichilgliway I. containingi . ;
:an acre, More or all ft:lima:veil. with'
framed nonce, Lframed wagon ihri lt , I frame-I barn
atol feW Trott tree, thereon. Seized and taken Into .
ex ee inion at. the suit of Cowell. ad tel in [strati,
of M. W. Cowell, Mem:twit. vs. W. 11. I :OM,
:at. A I,;_to—ttne other laytf land, sit trap , in
Tntearora tort:psi:lp. bmindt,l.nlirth by toe:
hlghway_loatllfig front Silv:.ra u. Wyahodng, rnnh
ley lands of A..1...Tay10r. and wnst ty Panel. of Wilt. _
ront4lnttig t; acres, *ford all lin.
rofe.l„,wlth I franary.l honw•. I frarnod barn and 311
nr.•t;arri of fruit trecit thereon. seized and taken
Into execution .at the snit 44 W. A. irenne•tt, now
of v.. t•: W.,Edllott. •
NO. lc . - A I ,!it . )---1 hie other lot of I.lll , }..illlate. to
vriT Itorough. bounded east lir In,n.n.yi
vanln avenue. north by—lands 'Partial il2nic
we,t and o,llth by lands of I).
f4t fr, avenno
111 1,1 , . foe: 11.'111. It being Ion:No. LIT and part of
No:11;5. IJlodc No. 10. on tolp of 1). L. F:
r•larlt's es.t. - insion of South IVarerly.. made by
F.' Walkici. with 1 framed dwelling litins - e thereon.
Stolisi and taken into execution at the holt of Thir
Bradford Loan tail hut:ding Assn.:Litton of Athens
Town-hip rs..l. Ft. siiiioniaker. •
:la,. other "r land. :stn...te in
wy.o l , t,,wr,41 ip, nottridoil ti..rth try lauds 01 .V.
alit .1. F.. Plonon,ast by lands of .1, and V. E.
Fioilot and .10sopli tilain - sonth
land, of C. E. toil .1. E. : rt
ii:Favre's and 193 of law).
th. hum on 11'y-wt. criork known as the 'A.
sr . il lo farts; atol ci ngrwg. however,
ahont 1111_3 , 11 of ant on 011) west side sold to
D}-r. and ali23,.la , res'ato.l it i 1,,r,•11,4
-••••14 to li..nry n,ct - .to said Conklin's
14r.11, out subj..Ct a:fo to-the tight of way of V. E.
PW'lot i.ti and across - 11., same tip the Wit to a hit
la:rtv tavnecl i.v Gen,:. Mt op t . ros,t-sjiz
I on said to 1::)41.- Martin. C. Z...
Es•C r , on and wifo. E. S. Ifolls. rha• Nlantin. Itch;
11.:Y.0s oir Mody:. Morgan
and .lobo ; tho whole amount of said
lore being itlit•iit 17..arri:t, more or
aliTilt 7. IIIII•rov,d. with 1 frattivil lows , . I ?ram,'
hnF:(au4 as 11,!1:11,1 Of fruit tree , : throsin:
and takon into utiof, at the ‘ suietif A.. 1. Notion
to of .1..1. 11. 1.. so:w.f.
Plitilti S•••-l. 1 ,11 :slid X. Srelitt•ln se: 310" scrip
Anil \V,. S. 11iisorio. •
N 0.::.. A other lo; of laad, C irate In
towb,htp. north by laud, Of :"11!l..
Lyon. ttrni Ind) Nor:h . fAp, E',,n }A'
.i 3111 V-441 and N 'rib.: by Li:oh - of..D.
by 13 . 101,4 d Willi:Po al:4( larenco
E.. 11 '1:1: 310 3lri , .•.Sldter. and west by ;A:01 ,11 I.
F. 3{.,...•n•N estate n•:1 roddaAnlrt Northrop . ; cot—.
ta!nlivi:ohe thdu , an-1 (Loco) acres of lar7d. Inort• or
imptoned. with 3 framed lurru,es, I
(sawed hail,. I hay barn w It n th,ls attre)led..
1. hmise, I water r”wer saw mitt at:it will :Ix
tuns, .1 frarn- , I , reeted .(of - .L•Eteam
don, and 4 06.h:tr.'. of fruit trees the mon. 1;:lutt
the slate land pureha,ed I:131 kidao at
~ d .,.•dit:', . ..V.,- I beceinto•r 7 : 1;:7:
311,1'ZNIserilr,.let;11,0.1,•No. pttize
takt.o the •vIt”1 .
N. N. 11,11, Jr.. and Wrn. :Nltx ye. It. It. 1:1a,),-
No. to. -11.- 4 0-01te other let of land, situate In
To . tvattila toa ship, tlesertheti ai folltotva:
n tiller of Mason anti centre stf•-•-• -44
connuned anti tlescrlttett F. Nla.mdl'al , :nt ALI
Tostantta. rattolog thette
•outlt 7V tnt4t akpitg the tine of said
II) feet to at t'tcone ; tlontee south 14•,° wes: 31..1,4
it of an ;Cl,' 5.; feet to t ., 411( . 1 - : Ihrntre ienrih
5, 6 west Ivo I',4et to corner pf line of saki s'entro
lq• ,0 ea st alot.g Iluo of salt!
cent 4•,, Sr
et "b notho, of h.-ginning
lid No. 77 of sattl Mas•tn's p 1,,: war survey of
and taken into executteu
at•tne suit of Irene Mason's use'rd. EW•I
Ntt. it. lot of lat.!, -attlate in
Xtherts e ' t I,,,nritlett north slit' rtil-le
hgne.ay, east, south ant) west by lands of Item
Hard:-n :eoetaliant7 of an acre, mote a.y h-s., all
I ?lb I ldie.k Stnred and,
tak•-11 into e%ttentlon at the stilt of • The- Itratlfold .
',au and ssoriallon vs, gullus Hayti, n.
Almrat of same vs. same..' • --
No. 47.. other tot ofland, 4-I(nate tit
l'11:7 tot: reship. bounded nortlfitty lands If Martin •
is:or alai S. '.V. Stevens, east', by lath !.
Mts. Wlll..lones and A. 11. .It . knrs. by land..
44':4 'slit, Nurss. all-1 w:eat by thrlipii'lle Itltect ay •
lt , atllng front stevensville to state (Sala a :training
1; acre, anal to roils of land, lllrtreCi al , 1,11-
'4z-overt, with 1 framed latuseatrid otfier , Otltulidittgs
titer rot. Selietl unit taken Into tizetittical at -
stilt of T.lrchartt,' iniutlitlstril4ol 4 v , Henry
'PETER J. PE At:, ',llevirr
Shertir.t.Ornei‘, Towar,d,t,
city.:.;cl,...,tie. In the C.curt n
Itradfer,l F&aa.ary
"tyrin. 1,65.
Too ti a aooo l ot or 1) Ti. Crain. camel:tr. , of
the • r,on e tate of Isaac Cratii. a lunatic.
L. e.l feed it, thi•:,,(llicc :old will lir 1,,.
c. 0.,: coniinOu • Pleiti for - -Oontirmatol.( • lou
Tilt7l::• , l).\ 1 -t.(44. 4tll (lay of •41(1.10E3illiiit.
.11.1(1icat 1 , n will ahoi he made , for tlie illsol3,go of
said eotottottVe. . G. W. 111..“.•
Ttiwattilla, Nov. to, '79. - Prottiuumary.
" The Weal y Press"
New Attractlons- 4 f Pennsylvania Se
rial Stßry—Pricci Reduced to
for Single Cop*, or SI In Clubs
of Ten, or 110 re (Including
- • -
In order to plate Tit l ;7. WEEKLY Nets.: *Rhin
the read. of
,the , lcepul.lcan voters the State,
the •priee has Iteen r.-( l .lice.l to ONE DOLLAR
A St', TWENTY-1 , 10 CENTS for the y;ar. Ly
the slottle ropy, or to ..NE poLLAR :or the year,
by elul, ..
' 1 : 11k41 Is thoroughly devoted to the rthici
plel nr the party, anal maintains tt.o
Itepoi•ltean ort:anization• peraustl iC believes that
the prv.perlty and pr,,gret,o. the people eanu, t
iot lizte.l to any othet existittz
trll,. l+nri lig" ill., year the moet sttivetttlims
I , 4 o itiftt l of ttti eportf stall take pla , e_. p
cis Its issue will dyttetul tint destiny tif the
ry for many years.
Tat r1L.E.33 steadily' resists the almsof the ••Soll,l
South," WhI,•1; is now organized capture the Es
equl ive, to retain Congress. to remodel and control
the Supreme Court, awl to sulenslinato, every po
Mira! Interest to the os'erntastering pure s.• of
the policy of the Nation, and thereby
by legislation and„peaceful means it
:oat on tilt field. T/1 E enforces the fluty of
pzeservlng in full foice the constitutional Amend
ments made to ;wenn , the fruits .'f the war; up.
the right of 'wore a t fu' voter to a•free. 3nd
otth . r.ugh., ,•terelse of his rigor: !idle:ll,ly insists
11 . 13,11;111111:11e31 return of the votes east: arc. pis 33
fundamental the equal Aglaia every citizen to the
• asliquate protection the law of ids lodltleal as
wit as his civil rights ; rukintains as wise the ICJ
p:a•dwan policy - or Re mmption and honesti financial
I: gld:rtlou: defends as sound the volley of Proci•t•- to Arne, Icarelreinstry; anti. In general, follows
whirimzsoever thk Itepub.lcan p3mcipl. 3 I, a 1.
:special measures have been adopted to titrregth
ert tt.c to all, its dereirtarew 0. •
EDlToltlAl., IrEl'AftTire,X•il will be in
the Ifo:On'of ablearnl ez perieneed Title rs, and rho
rangt . of pikteets discussed - will le 33 Rid e as In
aav Marx il:,e-•lass paper in the - C y men.
TIFIE FAMILY and TIIE Cillll.l)ltES'a E-
ItTM EN 'I" Will remain itt ge of expert
eined and capable" editors : and the Market RC;
ports willte , full and aecurare.
• CI.OSF, ATTE S:TION will begiven to the Stan,
. . .
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and Lorilig't he 11ecoimiellary %Var • lir which .r,,h,
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