Vuulfori gglottet ALLE., LOCAL •Jr.Drroil. Towanda, Pa, Thursday, Oct. 1131-1879. LOCAL AND . GENERAL. WR issue five papers this month. i ritAtEle 8 heard on eveg fide for rnm. TILAFREIOI I 7II3O in the peat legal hojA. day. ' 7- ti.mkunis of job work, cheaper than over, at the REPORTER °flied. I, Two weeks'icom next Tuesday, Penn sylvania trill-weak at the polls. 't L A NEW sidelialk haFt.been built on,Pine litreet; north of TRACY & NOBLE'S block. Tn E State of Pennsylvania is three hun dred.and ten miles long and one hundred .and 76 - fy wide. . - Trra: - .Eureka Mower took the first pre irildui at the Mansfield, Tioga. County, Fair, week before last. - ' TuE.pfemiums paidtby the, Troy Farni ers' Club•tb exhibitors at their late fair, amounted to over $7500: Dlo. JAMES PItIN;IT, of Woirent was seriously injured beiog kicked by a horse one-day lastyeek. !L. TIIE old saw, mill - etivned by NELSOk Col E, It:ear Rummer!lad, is being repa4p. oci - and put in running order. 2, •-•• • AT the * Waverly Trotting Park, last week, "Mallory." won the 2:30 race; amtl. "Josephine S." the three minute ince. Tni heat, and not the autumnal frosts, is shriveling up the leaves, and coloring The . forcsts.rapidly, thus ea.rly in October. •Tub Montrose Denzaer t.q , ,Ait - . 9itober Ist, says that it hailed and - snowed in that section of the country on the Thursday previous. ' TitaT little Daily isSifed by the RErolt tra, on the fah. 'grounds, .was first class as to contents and typographicalneatuess. tiazetta. . exchange -says there :fie only four words in the English language ending in (ion.. Who can tell the readers Of the RE /Matt! what they are ? IT is now = inorder to shoot pheasants, duel: end deer. Sportsmen who have been resting on their arms the past few moat*, ca.Mbang away. • . ..., _,.. CAsniEn (71[Entisr,Y, of the Citizens' National Bank, bi l is just coirrpleted a sub 4t3ntial stone wallein front of his rosi tlengq,onliuston street. ~, . ~sttcions meetings are held five nights of cacli'_ week in Athens. "And yet;” re marks 'the Gazette of that place; "out borAfgleis considered rough." ichnrs of Election, when in town, -should eall,at _the Coramissioners' Office, and get thasigAnks fur their aNtriets, as .r....ticy are tai3Oiatly, for delivery „ez.A t irreveg .„„ (chow, who knows more -about hunting. than tie does about the Ilishions, calls thy, fashionable -ilis'of the day "canvas belted dunks.” THE portable ste.tro saw mill of lhe EN-S ' near Itylvaria, was - destroyed by tire on Mtpilay night, (th Instartt. It4g.. piled frorri - a burning slab pile near by: Am. trade is booming, and the stores workshops and manufactories that difver - RliritltTElt are reaping the benelir.of their - investments in printer's Is consequence of the absence of 'Rev. .1. S. STEWART, who is attending the Syn od at Laucaster ; -no services will be held in the Presbyyrkan Church ou Sunday next. - Mu. JoNns, of Neath, acci dentally cut bis knee quite seriously one day recently hilt ctexoged in cutting up ° corn in the licirOf Dtviq of, that? , place. _ •:s.s.`r Tun PritaiitPDO:win - rut of the. Pres hyieriau Sufiny.),§cliool, Troy, has recent ly been proeitlectiith a library consisting of ((rid hundredlQimes . of excellent TRE Harrisburg. Tclegrapit says the wa ,t4 iii,the Susquehanna so low at that place that the bass are all sunburned on The back. Their tins stick up as a, signal Gt distress. • is •whispered that several-weddings. will interest our people before long., q We extend our congratulations 46 the parties most interested, and "may they liveicing and- proSper.7 • A ITOUSE belonging to W. S. Don firm, of Troy, and occupied by ANintriw MANN On Armenia, was destroyed : by fire on - Saturday, October 4th. The fire caught from-the chimney. Citunen of the ,Messiah' (Universalist) Rev.. WILLIAM TAI - Nklit.,, Pastor. At 10i 317, subject, "Paul, the Shipmaster." At 74.,p,„ st., "The Michigan Railroad.Hor ror:' All welcome :I. Theisveather for two „weeks past has .certainly been of no un'ttSjial and remark •hle'tcmlrprature, twit* like that of July. The - thernouneter nil several days has reaeheeighty-eight degrees. . Foie hot anti dry weather October bids fair to be the banner mrnith of the year.' The t - rreat-graudfathe'r of the "oldest in habitant'' has never seen the Susquehan na river as low as it is at. present. TnE - Lailies of the Church of tho Mes siah (cniversaliet), will' bold a sociable in the lecture monis of the Church, on Tuesdqv evening. the 2.lst instant. Re; fresliments will be served e ,All are invited to attend. Nit. Cans: Joriss(iN:, 0ft..4 , - firm of C'. J. JouNsoN Co., foundrytueq, of this place, lad - fu-o tiagers of his right hand quite badly injured whilfj4pgaged inovp . crating a. planer at their Yttatilline shops v t. ? _ Vowlay last, • .SsxtE parts et he State have been float ed with counterfeit five dollar notes on the N'atitsial State Bank, oT Troy, N. Y. If-any notes of that bank are offered-scan them elnS6ly Irlefure you take them. The safest pWkis to refrisetheui altogether. A 4417AETFjnIS meeting will be held with the I~erricl : eille Baptist Church, eomlnen eki,gFriOay evening, October 24th, and Sittirrday and Siinday. All are - 'cordially icivitai to be present, and ailjnteresting time , 7may . be eitketed. AS educational exhibit at the Ranstiekl Fairi,says the Troy Gazette, by puPils of the Troy' graded Scho attracted &in sider:lbl° attention. The excellent work ; that-Professor and his assist tant are &nig .is being appreciated abroad, • A: B. PonTER,-of,iyyalusing. has com menced the foyndatton fore handsome dwellingvhouse in that village which tie complete before winter;. chile the new etwdlllngs of Mesrrs. G. M. Btx r.v a nd J. A: GitovE, are alreadynearly ready for occupancy.. r•4# 14119 tiro litirse thieves a week on an average are. arrested in Athens., the rea son thereforhohig thus explained by the G.!zelte of; list • week: "It ,Itunderittood .11i1011.!2: the "fraternity'etatleriminals from Athens:are never punished, and they hock here for rtaibt3:" Till total number of tickets sold at the. ".r•ticketfiftice of the Northern Central de pet, in this place, says the Canton Senti -ad, during the mouth of ftptember was t :one thousand and thirty-nine.—thirty-nine nv,i,te. than way ever_, sold ..during one mulith.iince the road ii.tas•AMilt. t - • • t Wm. T. &MENAI:EIi, of Athens, niet with iluitc3} severe accident recently. He wa‘raiiitmr - the frame for a large mill at i Cooper's Plains, N. Y., and " whil the - fifth bent was,goinf.; up the whole stirtiC • tare came diiWir with a crash, severely in juring lr. and live of his workmen.: TIMMICOALInteeho went froth this place to Scranton, lowa, about a yeafitgo, met with quite a misfortune_ recently, having a new" , house• oir his farm: a ley/.., n3iles.from that town, destroyed by firi;? Ilis loss ii atiOut,eisrht hundred dollars.; • Ttrz RsroirrEß office has twice •ss much material on hand as any other office ittßradford County, and has,consequent ly greater facilities for furnishing : job pitinting. When you *ant anything pret ty in the way of job printinz, the RErton- Tun office is•the place to get it. WE are glad to be able to report that: the diphtheria which seemed so threaten ing when we !UV -published, is assuming a very mild type and that nearly ell: the cases, .we understand, are considered out of dangei, and we hear of no further spread of the disease.—Troy'llazetts. WE are glad to hear bf.;_the continued prosp,erittlif the Wyoming Seminary. largeSumbei-pf-studentb have already entered filf - the fall terrre.'. - Our •readers will do well to investigate e merits o this school. Students iffiSe-toiltclelliPray time. Send to Rev: D. COPELANT, Kings ton, Pa., for a catahigue. - --e WE learn from the . Troy Gazette ,that Mrs.,Fnamt Luomis has been elected Sec retari, of the M. E. Sunday School, and Isaac. CLEAVER, Assistant Superintend -eat, I3:•A. LONG, Librarian, W. G. SADLER, Assistant. The :School has a. ew library and_ library case and is out,of debt. r The -Leßaysville Advertiser Says the Supper and BallAiven by Leßay Lodge, No. 471. A. Y. M., of that place, Wednes day evening of last week, was a.grand success: The mnsic, speeches and Waste were of a high order, the bill of fair ex ceptionally fine, and all - present seemed well pleased with the occasion. A FEW days ago .a. little'child of F. W. ,}lov . EY, of Troy. put a•one of its 4iostrils, and all efforts to get it out were unavailing. The Gatelte says a reference to Steele's Physiology gavethe clue to its removal; for on closing the other nostril and. blemfing in the child's- rnolitfi; the bean fleWrout at oriee,„Nake a note of it. • TnE "and and Gun Clulh'aA Tray, elected on Nozidayveniiir , of la i st week, the following named gentlemen as officers of that Association for the ensiilng year : President, R. C. 7:imcDAl.l;;;King Presi dent, F. H. ifovFstAN; . tiecret4ry.,l A. C. ; Treasurer, G. N.-NEwilEitY ; Executive Committee, V:,:McKr..aziLoiiii, ED. F..lonxsos. A YOUNG man by the name OLREGBEN PARK, living in Athens township, fell frOm a chestnut tree, by the breaking,i , of a limb, one day recentlY, te the-ground, u distance of about sixty feet. . He received some serious injuri4 upon the head, but` it is thought not proves fatal. The young mall is a son of Dr. PARK, of Overtop township.. A nwELLING houSe owned by, CLARK BROWN, situated on Cold. Creel was des troyed by fire.on Wednesday morning of last week, together with neatrl of. its contents. The fire caught in is supposed from the chimney, and.when: discovered had made • such progress that all eftles to extinguish it were unavailing. The propertmwas not insured. Mu. KERRICK, , of. Asylum, Sold to D'A. OVERTON, Esq., of this placei last Chesterweek ; ' gull-blooded White„pig, fburmatitlis'old, Unit weighed one--':_.hun dred and - forty`'pounds. The price paid wits $lO, and we believe Mr. 0. thinks he made a good purchase. This was one of the pigs awarded the.firstpreminm at - Erni countzfair. It- pays to keep good stock, INT - i..iTiI.CC. "Gospel Temperance : ' ; mectiu • have been held nightly by. Ard- Al j0r,,,7 - Aai , CLEA•Ii, in Sxlvania.,-since Sep-. teldb4r_VA, up to and 'including. October 9th. , Tire meetings have awakened a-deep interest. in the temperance question, and were vary successful in inducing many to sign the pledge... ' 4 Phe ?Major is to' hold meetings during the .. present: week at Aus tinville and 13urringiciii. . . AT recent meeting of the Canton Lit erary-fsocie4, the following named per- S;iips wlre elected Otlitcirs': President, W. C:SFA;IIItIsT ; Vice Pregilleit. - HATTIE E. ISPACI,DIN“ ; TreaAurer,C. E. IloorEn ; Financial Secretnry, Laws. 31.11Ennirr; Librarian, M. ijAl - cm.s ; Executive Committee, FANNIE . FITC11„ tiNNNIE DARTT.,• Music COMMlttee, JENNIE,b. FITCH, 11. E. DANN. • THE recent` attempts at incendiarism in Troy has -caused considerable ali7m in the minds of the citizens of that:village —as well they may,—And suspicious characters are being closely watched., as are all persons who keep late hours. 7 4 . The. Gazette wisely advises parents, therefore, to keep their boys ,in doors in the even ings and thus keep them' out of trouble which otherwise they may. fall into. SIIERIFF'PETEX. J. DEAN was in town on Wednesday, And picked up a prisoner in the shape of' Iftt:BEN "skipped" frontlbejail gang a few.days ago while they were lumping water. PAE. ; -- mr:11, 'who was in default of costs in the suit of INGEAM vs. C_ORT NELsotc and R. PAnmEn, had hut — five days to tern tin in jail, and probably thought be would not be missed.-.—Troy Gazette. I , Tilv, Daily Re'ord of the Times; Wilkes arte, naafi its Monday - Morning last, in an enlarged form and 4nany improvements added:. It is now .the.largest Morning daily paper pnblish cd outside of PhdaiVphia and Pitlsburg, in the State, and gips all of the Associat led Press dispatches Up to the bouce' go log to press. We .are gl.ol to ri4,tothis evidence of prosperity on the part" ie of our most-excellvit exchanges..'-' Mn, En. CON apoN, of Warren Centre, who Ras injured by being/pin over by a hand-car at Adrian, N. :I.; September 22d, was brought ,tp his biotherVesi dence in Owego; Monday . evening of last week, and -where he ,now lies - in a fiery 'critical condition, -e4ll I ;ye s pects fotdits-recovery: injuted 4 the accident eanstrigtotal par alysis of-the' spine. -Mr. Co-oniibN is 30 teats of age and has a fatuity consisting of a wife and two children. vv- .A2PIIATNPST business man remarks: "It is manifestly foolish - to wait ler acci deinal business. The shrewd man will create bwineriit He will create it by sonic means Of asavertising. Experience will s - •,on teach him that in no other way can lie reacli so many readers as byAdver tising in a live newspaper ." In tfiTScon net:lion we might add that.the IlnitonrEit is But -that fact is so generally acknowl edged, that WO deem it entirely unneces sary. • THE residence of Mr. E. W. CAtimaN, at Alba, was destroyed by lire on Monday night, October (lib, including all his household goods, with the exception of few articles saved from one room.• The lire is supposed, toll:pie originated-from a defective due. 7. W. ' NORRISH, who teaches school at -Alba, 4134 who was boarding with -Mr. CARMAN, had gall his -clothes. books and, Manuscripts burned. The loss to Mr. CARMAN will be .heavy. There was an insurance of $l, - 800 on the property. Tffts from the Troy Gazette of , last iieek will no doubt be interesting to some Towandians : "The bakers that lived on Canton street, that from Towanda came, havellitied away - iin• the wings of „Alight like the false and fleeting flame. They' "b at" the bush for a little while and made their bread by day ; and % then, like the fickle Arabs they.itere, they sikutly stole away. They did - bot save a cool loaf for a lunch, 0 where 0 where have they gone. : perhaps, they are holding a walking match in the city of Towan—da Tun BRIDGE.—The pipers' asking an injunction restraining the, County. Com missioners from keeping the bridge at' this place, , were handed to the Judges of the Supreme Court, at the openinwof the Court at Pittsburgh, on - Tuesday of last week, and wore returned to Mr.,SANDER SON, who Presented them, on the following morning by judge SIIAICSWOOIi, with the intimation that the'Court would no&,on eider the question. . This vWtually settic-5 the question,. and the bridge is free. - We informed, however, that the Commis sioners have appealed from the reoort of the viewers awarding tho,,Bridge Compa ny .VO,OOO damages foi the - -bridge, and just how much the county-will eventually Vv called upon to pay .for tiukstrutture; cannot be told-Until the matter has been brought before, and decided' ,upol by-'a jury in sonic other county. . = Futr..—ThiOarn' MIXAN Lawn, of South Creek, burned , Sunday - eveffing, .with its contents. Fiffeembundred bush. 'ls of oats, twenty tons of hay, a mowing machine and.a, fanning, mill. Cause of Airc"Oklielnl• • • _PINE ATEINNEL-A destructive fire uried in Athens last evening. ,The fur. niturn_ store of LYON, • dwellitig houissand.:barn.of Joint C4nitota., and the 'Rresbyterian Church, were destroyed.' The firevriginated-in the furniture store, and is supposed to have been. the Work of an incendiary. We are unable to give tile tosses'or*urance. JAKE Menu, Conductor of No. 8. tbb train that arrives at this place at 4:30 A. M., watnthrown from his train while pass ing from one car to airther, this morn ing, at the curve .near Mesboppen. He was considerably bruised but not serious: ly injured.; The traitimnartnning at the the rate of. forty-..milis an hoer, and the wonder is that he was not instant ly killed by. his terrible fall. MR.•JOITN. TEMATENNOO 31KIERtriOUS 4!lacksmith, in the employ of the North efirCentral Railvvay Com pauy, at Canton; lia!t; purchased .a fine lot seventy five by one hundred and twenty-four feet on Car son •street, in that village, and has made a contract with Wittram S. Dunn, build er, to erect a neat eight-rooin dwelling thereon: The building is to be twenty eight by thiity,eight feet, to c attain all modern improvements; and ,to be' ready for occupancy by New Year's eve, 1880. TnE one hundred and eight hour walk ing match cointneficed at .Waverly on Tuestitty - morning of last week, camel() "rather an. abrupt termination ern Thurs day evening,. The contestants discovered that nO - iiiiiney had been put in the batik to pay the winner, and so left the track and went home in &gust. At - the time of quitting the tuck thevalkists bad made the following scores: 11. Sonf.E, one hun dred and seventy-four miles and twenty three laps ; A. Roo ;:' hundred and Seventy-live ; - F. Sot - a.E, one hundred and - filly-eight miles. - • ME are in receipt.ota comMunication .from a . reputable citizen. of. Litchfield township,;detailing the unlawful and ob.: jectionatde-" goings on" in a public hall, in Litchfield, which we'do not feel at lib erty to publish, for the reason that if the scenes of intemperance in& ,debauchery depicted, literally occur, the place is a public nuisance, and can be suppressed by law: Certainly there is morality-Nind courage enough in the good people of Litchfield . to_.prffent the repetitionof such disgraceful transactions. P.ECITATIONC RIZADiriOS litD/TUSTC.— Those ()four friends, who were last win ter favored in hearing the renditions of poetry and prose selections by Mrs. E. W. 01,NEY, of New Yoric, will be pleased learn that she willm.Tin give us an exhi bition of her unusual elocutionary abili ties, at the Church of. the :Messiah, .nit Friday- evening, (17tif instant); at' o'clock. Vocal, and Instrumental nitride_ by the well trained Choir of the ,Chureli will add to the pleasures otiiie - -evening. T-ickets•twenty-five cents; may be had at Book Store, or at the door. D Licox JAMES Ebttopr delivered his promised lecture at the ilaptist" Church, nti Friday evening last, on the subjecit of "Things in Nature not what they seem to ,bo." The lecture was lists ed to 14 quite a sized audience, all of whom paid the closest attention daring the entire time of its delivery. The beacon cm- the evening mentioned had attained the ripe old age of-rdnety-ouo -yew's, and judging from his appearance on that occasion, we' ',should say that he Lids fair to live_ many come, which we sincerely Lope he may. A UNCLE ;Jormi QVICK, of Sugar „Rut), i came near being killed on Saturday after , non, _October 4th. He was taking his• little granddaughter over, to Wyalusiwfc and as driving out of thelbca on the other side of the river the whiftletree broke and the horse took fright and , riu, tippietz the wagon over and leaviLg the' old gentleman and the little .girl under it. . When the wagon upset the horse broke away from it, or the accident might . have proved fatal.. A few. slight 'bruises were the only resut. Uncle .loux is up wards of eighty-tive years old. some r;me past, - _says the ,Zanton . Sentinel of last week, a 1,-;ery...severe ought has been prevailing over this sec tion of thefi.ouutry. .Asa result, 'forest fires are raging in many places. - Near Grover a large tract is now burning and much valuable timber being destroyed. Between here and Elmira, the numerous fires On the bills give: the appearance Of 'burning cities to tho. - se• who ride on the cars. Many of the wells are dry, which makeLkt very Meonvenient. Some of the farmers have td drive their stock a long distance ,to -water. besides going half a mile or so - after it for cooking purposes: THE Rer;evr cavils at the brief history we gave in our little daily of the Bradfifid County Agricultural Society. The writer' is too.ciPtious in his criticisms. We did not intend to offend the self-coneeitof any one, but toe a brief account of thb or ganization of giv the society. There was in) space to mention the names of tbn who had freely given-their services tor the prosperity of the society.- However fit ting such a recognition and acknowledg ment might be, it was not within the pos sibilities in the limited space at our dis msai. FINE IN SIIESIIEQUIN.—Girt Smrries large barn. in Shesliequin, was destroyed brgre on Thursday night last," together with its contents, which consisted in part • of a valuable pair of liorse, a covered buggy, two or three sits ocharnes.s, about eighty bushels of wt eat, three hundred bushels of oats, wie hundred and fiftyl bushels of buckwleat, forty lons, of and a large number oft farming imple ments. Tho fire ie supptsed to have been the work of incendiaries, as two men who acted very suspiciously were seen near the building ,but a short time before the fire 'was discovered. The pro perty was not insured, and the loss is es timated at 42,500. A WEDDING was to have taken place in 'Waverly last week, ;at the . residence of Mr., J. HALLETT, •on Chemung street, whereiii a daughter of Mr. IT. was to have taken an active an - d interesting part. De licious viands loaded the banqueting, `a 'Tile. and invited gnests filled the priors, i,nti yet the bridegroom came ,not ; but a telegram instead, Ftatiug that ;he had `been-taken suddenly ill. The interesting ceremony therefore was bidet - niftily post qloned; but not so the partaking, of the bridal "supper. That was eaten lust the Same as though nothing had happened to ittarlite enjoyment of the occasion. Wi verty pebple never allow theuiselves to miss a "square meal "—when it's free., "AT Fa IVoitus.—By reference to the Proceedings of the . Borough Council at their meetings held on Thursday and Fri day evenings of last week, and published in Anther column, it will be seen that' there is now a fair prospect 'of our village being soon furnished with an ample sup ply of water, which we sincerely trust may be the else° The company who 'of fer to put in the works, is the same that have recently pin water works at Owe go,'N. Y.. The eau - tract between the Bor ougkand the comP:my is to be. drawn up and signed at once, after which' we learn the Laying of the pipe will be immediate ly coininenced. The. estimated cost of put ting in 'the works is *80,000.' The water will be brought from the lake ,at Pond Bill.:JoaCompany hind themselves. to complete the works within one year from the date of•signing the contract, butlwiltj no_doubt have them in less tittle thin that. • .1 eel; TIIE -wee...!rmeetings of the Ladies' Benevolent AspociationOf Towanda? will soop again . be'resurneci, and it is to be hoped that , elieh.member may realize the importance of encouraging the work both by her presence and aid. Shall the bur rden, car4nd responsibility ,devolve upon a few, or, will lii/t--be willing to help on this noble work? Shall we seek our toWn ease and pleasure, reganileis oftheelaima of those in our midst who are in want and distress, or, are we wi ling ; to make personal sacrifices, - if need be, and adraiii i.steeemnfort, sympathy, and relief? We I trust that a deep , interest may be earnest; . ly manifested, andothat the work of this Society may have the hearty co-operatiet of all ; ever-bearing in inind - the words of our Saviour : "The poor ye bay° .alivays with you," and, taking Him as an exam ple. do all in our power to '-alleviate the sufferings of others. Due notice will he given through the papers of the time. Of meeting, and a full- attendance isAzintiff de.siked„• • - , It our neighbor' or the Anna would be a little more careful in giving , tho pro. per credit to clippings frord , excbange; he would not be as liable lead - papers in the neighboring eounties into publishing reporta concaving - our ,towl, dettimenTal and dantag*ig.... We obserted in the'ElMins Pies Press of Thursday last an article Credited to the Argus, wherein it was Mated that diphtheria ' within - the peat few days had made rapid develdp, ant in °tier/nage. There is not a_.141% tide of truth in the notice as published in the Free Preu. We,know of but one case of diphtheria in,otrr town. Had, the edifor of the Argus credited the article to the Northern Tier Casette; of Tref, froth which be clipped it, • the Fres Preis wool. not have been led into publishing - a statement about our tovm. We trust our neighbor will be 'a little more careful iu • the futute. A FATAL MISTAKE.--We take , the lowing partleirlare of the accidental. poi. toning end death•tberefronr of :Mrs. Bose Roes, of Sylvania,' from the Troy Oarefte of last week : • t ",` Mrs.' Dose GerdenDoes, wife of Cullen fleas, hail a little babe shout four weeks old, and. had been taktntmediclee tinder the" direction of, Dr. T. D. Gray. About dusk,..Sunday...October.]stb, her husband in attempting tegive tier • half spqmn till'of sweet spirits at niter, by mistake pouted out, halt teaspoonful of concentrated carbolic weld' which had been used as a disinfectant, and whp . diluted a/ a wash. - This liquid , Which, stood in. bottle beside the niter Is a most virulent:poison,. and attacked•the mucus nogmbrane.: of the throat and storesh.with great violence. An attempt was made to give her the whites of eggs as an antidote, or to alleviate the pain. hut the poison was too ac tive, and In a short time the lady was thrown Into conyulsions. Dr. Gray was sent for but was *War from Wite, hut came at Maraud administered such antidotes as he could, but all 'efforts were useless, and sometimes In convulsions and amenities free from them the poor woman lingered In great pain and died shoot twdO'clock Tuesday morning. Per. sons who have-medicine to give cannot be tocicare. fah;, TUE folloifing is the programme of the Sunday School Conventinp ; of trio.-Bradr ford Baptist. Association, tio2be.boblen at Springfield; October 28th and 29th, 1879, Rev. N. L. lIETNOLDS, Conductor: ' • Address by . 1 . X. 31cLalleii ; Reports, History of Sundaracools. Rev. .1 - ..W..Plannett -; Is the Sun. day School ofsufficient impprtance to claim the active operation of every•Carlitlan Rev. J;ltar ton French ; Union of effort en the part of prator, superintendent, teacher and -parent necessary - to success. Rev. A. Tilden; Should the Sunday School he closed In winter. If not how sustained ? 4'l> a Plercr ; What do we teach, and why t Mrs. P. Watrous-; Question Boa Evening Praise meettu Question nos; Address by 'Rev. D.R. Ir4nl. D. D. of : ..Sitnira. Wednesday, Prayer mart ini:, pastor's duties, lire B. Wells ; How to main tain an interest In rla-s. Rev. E. - Weliiil , llunday School helps. Plannett ; At btiw early an ape we may eypect .the converslon'ot our chit. dren t Rev. U. r. Watrous. THE Athens Gazelle of last week notes the following Improvements at present being made lu that village :.. Gem Jordan & ton am building an adaitioTto the Central House,. 4 has been needed very much for the aecritumodatfen of the putittc. , , ...- , James H. Miller is building iii good dwelling home On east side 4:l4daßl stiget; nearly opposite James Mristol:s. - - ...04 - : = ~iti., 1- i Kellogg k Maurice are diggi a cell* r on the south corner of Main and Salle street. whem; they will put up • Large store whit h will ,be occur pied by Ely "Wright; 1 .. . . ~.. Thompson. _.X.,.-Kucher are tear-Kg away the old pattern shops-Am the south side of the Foundry, and will build two dwellings for their own use. 1-John Petersofitras bought the lot where George Lymes house was burned and Is now building a barn; the house will come nest. The piers of the bridge are flashed' and all Is quiet along the line. PERSONAL. —APT ISO;Trit.NT, of Orwell, Is making arrange , menu to go to4:Allternltt. ENsis 1 4 ;6;831011Z, of Sugar Raw, Is vlettimg trtelKtrttn.Wllkestarte- -31151., LA ri(A 14.11/11i now Flnga )n the . choir° he,Church 4.1 the Messiah.. OLNES, of Boston, la ,vlsltlng bar ancld, S. P. WMl'OO3lll, In this placed- STE,VEN4 Is colvaleacent, and nal left NV likesbarro• for phltadely la. —Mr. and Mrs. Itty:NE"rr. of New York, are, 0-slting at Itis►x ItOcKWILLP'S ierrOy. —.lons W. PAYsa.aud daugbter, of WSMama. port. are visiting relatives In this pewee. —Mr. CARPENTS.II IcO.IGLAN).I.7 of Lelttri, sto has been fit for nettle time past, is now convalescent. --Atvait E. Crlastornt.l.X. of - the New York Custom Wouse, was home for a short visit last week. , —M AT. W. PARSON'S, of New York. on of E. A rAIt,ONS, WaS vl.6ltlng friends In this place las 'Week. ALLIC WHITMAN, Who has beell 9 . g Mends, at Olussburg, has returned totei - hurne n Canton. rsers, who hits been visiting friends in Watkifet - nnd vicinity, returned to her hurtle ti „Can re •k. • —Witt ALLitv. nephew and student of Dr. 1':. P. ALLEN, of Athens, has gone to /31111310, 10 at tend his Oi . Bourse of lectures. „7. —Sigaixr*GronGs 1). JACKIO,i. of Dahill*, is reportea. 2 lteadity Improving. and his file.nds have hopes ot ',kb; natal recovery. —W. 11. CAnNocitA Esq., has leased anti now ficetiptea D. U. HOLLOWS house. on Muhl, street, lately occupied by Mr. ItOitulsts. -31 CS. IL It. ROCKWELL, of thL OK , 44 was CM !I Id era bly bruised by K fall on the sidewalk - bear her resideues, on Friday evening lost. AF:'"PanaltVrceT, of Leftoy, received a pension voucher, from the' Pension l)epartnibut,. last week. for about eight hundred dollars. --(:rd. JOIOD C 5, or Athena, was somewhat in althouguluot seriously. one day last week, by falling out of s wagon to which he was riding. —l,lls,s RIM I): tltoMAN,.who • has been spend. lug several weeks wlticher sister Mrs. J. Awellra Him:War; has retnikaril to hiik home In Ciirning, —T. C. Canir.x..forinerly of this place. has been nominated by the Vroenlavicers 0( Clietraing county, N. T., as a catidblate .tor Memher of As sembly. -10,v. C. it, SttAnnOW. pastor of the M. ,E. Church, C 31.061), preached his farewell sermon on' Sunday, OrtonOr stb, prior to Ids .tlepartttre linoxville, Tennessee. t —THE Rev. Mr. SEWALL ilitObE:lllStAlled Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, at Troy. the last week of the present month. tits peopleare anticipating the event with high expectatlons.„, • " —Mr. GEo. A. CAMPBELL. of-. East Troy. not formerly a shoemaker in Canton, died of the heart disease ,atta4lltion Pacific train white en his way to San Franc4co, Callforala, recently. • LlOdideld correspondenee the Athens Gazette of Mst week. says that Miss SorintomtA VAstotzttn started fur Nebraska, last Wednesday. alone AO meet sy,ad - Marry El) MCKlsrstrr and. make his lonely home glad. May happiness and long life attend them. A girtof Artie sense, and tom age will make a good helpmeet." —Mr..l. R. KriTttirdts, of this place, having. de c lined a r e .eieetion'to the °Moe of (irand Pro tector, at t tmrecent session of thetkand Lodge, K. and 1.. of it of this State. a ne unanimously chosen rand Reporter of that body. In making this se lection the Grand Lodge has chosen a geptleman who thoroughly understambillte duties or the,. po sition and is In every way qualified U, perform them. . . . —unit genial young-friend Gmo. Brix, tOok onto hiniself a helpmeet. In the person of Miss BLACK. daughter ofslitris; !MACK'. F e rq..; Lett.aysvtile. on ThurSday list. - eXhe wedding ceremony took place•at the. Miuse if the bride's parents. t%e extend our best wishes to the young couple, and hope their path of lire May over lead to happiness and prosperity. —lir. JOHN' E. Eoch.witt.t. and family, of Walnut Creek, California, are expected; by their relatives to arrive Au Canton In about i, week or 'ten days. and will, hereafter, reside In this place. Mr. ROCKWELL Ira. formerly a citizen of Canton, but left fur the-Goideu State,several nary' ago. Theirnumerima friends will b glad to, welcome thcm omthrtr return.—Canton Sentinel. —!IA011LTON ALUICKS, Jr.. of Harrisburg, the engineer appointed by s the Government to make a sun'eyfit„ihe Flliequidiantikwlth a view to making ,it sivelgabte, commenced the survey 'bit Thurstlay last..-4Startinglyotn the:State Line In the morning In a Skiff; bereached this place in the evening, and, remained here over night. He left on Friday morn fug on his Inurneyydratsl the Chesapeake. - and M lin A tin:vim, of Orentt Creek, visited their son at Wellsboro Amid week. and we understand a golden wedding took place at their son's residence, as Davin returned with a beautiful gold-headed cane, which he Is proud of Mrs. fiat; osicit has a gold chain and pair of spec_ tacies.—Srtndm# raeoram.—Lots of other things .werixpresented and.theioni folks feel It trio. What that son will eornif' to,A. morn than we aro able to tell. To take such indwilantage of his parents is perfectly—well, tlx the penalty ,dear '.l.Taders Athena Gazelle. • i a —ON Thursoday . of lag v week a picnic held in a grove near the residence of Mr. J. ( 4 1tY.UNLKAr. bear Alba. In honor of Mrs. AairmikiloN. of Quincy; Illinois, daughter of 'yd MIT EL RimEnTs. of Missouri, formerly of Leßoy. Pa., who is visit ing her numerous relatives in Pennsylvania. The plettit was composed of tvlartves of the ItOurats and friends who wgetsinvited. Among ttoise preset.: were friend.. from Mamineld, New Albany. Leltoy,"ltoaring Branch. etc. Dinner was served in the grove in elegant style. The table was prop erly decorated with Rowers and cbarualbt wreaths, The day pa..scd very pleasantly and enjoyable to to aillinesent. .h 1 end"' October Stb,,there was a large and delightful gatherimat the residence of .Con 2i re taus !Moults. Esq.+, In Tloga Centre, N. Y.. it being the fiftieth anniversary of dB marriage. There were umrgenerstions present. The youngest or which was scarcely more youthful fitt fts feedngs than Mr. Bwooitlf. There were many guests from abroad, among which...were Mrs. Craw:lp. son and daughter, from Windham, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. WAl.tpxOnTilf, of Owego, &e. The rate Iliwytn WALLIS, Esti., Stwego,married Mr. and Sirs. littoottil, he Leing.idt , rhat.ttniie Justice of the Peace.. Sits. WA t'v . rtwas one or the guests at the anniversary, and also is the only living-witness of the marriagia ceremony. The presents were numerous and haadsotne.— . Oteego Record. COTTES PROCEEDINGS. ARGUMENT cOgICT. 8. liantlitt's nse re. n: MeAffee, Garnishee of George Clark . ; Pomeroy 'Brothers vs. Harvey Holcomb. et al:, Burke, Thomas it Co. Ire. same ; Hiram Rockwell re. same; Burin ton vs Elisabeth Gable: D. U. Blackman vs. .Geo. Fox's Executor: F. G. Hall vs. George FM% et at; Luke Dolan vs. F. H Green, et al; ,Sylvanus Van, - Buskirk vs. V. C. Leonard. et al; Elhanan vs. I. 8. Post's Administrator; Justus I.ewtare~ W. H; Christian, et al.—Rulestnade absolute. J. B. Brnadley vs. Alonzo HIM et at ; Buy Smith vs. James Vann; Lewis Zaner vs. J. N. Ward: Coon .11; Brain vs. llintreilua Springs Improvement ColnPanY:.E.M. Colwell-vs. Hiram Itoektvell,'ES ecotor.—ltules discharged. J. I'. Conkildts'Adininistrator's use vs. 11. K. Al 'lts. et 14.—Rale to set aside elemt - in re the funary . of Kars Gibbs.7-Rule on Over seers of ilidgbury township, to be Certified as -the plaits uflegal settlernept of lunatic. A. G. Cranmer vs. J: F. Satteriee, et al.—ltnie to subrogate A. F. Shadduek. Overt On. Trus tee, and Elira Itussell to the rights of the plaintiff. - J . O. Ward vs:L.slo'nm Mutual Fire Insurance Cotupany.--Judgmedt entered fur defentant on re served- vointetion - Obstante vetrAlletn. flannel, Mevritt vs. Commertial IIaZIMIZe Cora pup of New-York. Garnishee of D. It. Blackman. Attachmentokeeution set aside. • Barrett vs.sharratt.—Mbect _Morgan, 16srt., ap. polnted,CoiStalsslossr. • " ODD TILLOIts • _ , The following named gentlemen have been inemllwi 9.Wwwcif- lbw-Lodge, nam ed fortbee . mvanfterts: PILI43E3LODOE 4 TROT. . P. 61.-A4.1". SWART. • V. 0.-11. M. Brauwato. . Assistant Beieriti: iL.l3mnistAN. Coliductor—DnotrillocKwirt.L. Warden—WAßutma Cass. 0.0.=.,1. P. Sums. CASE. C.:44. M. WoOrnm. L. 8.1 V: 0 W. R. Rms. :IL S. V. G.—P. HUNGERPORD. L., B. V. o.—Cm' BEACH. R. B. B.—Gros'on,WmosisTsit, - L. B. B.—F. B.COVFEY. P. 11. , -40IIN HUNT. • SYLVANIA LODGE, SYLVANIA. - " • H.l3TEvisics. Assistant Secretary—T. F. McCouum. ' to Smyrn. Seerdary—GEonoE P. MONROE._ • mmuspron LODGE, , BCRLJENOTON. -9, X. DICKER-MAN. V. G.—L. S. Stuacs. • . • Assistait 'Secretory—R. W.;Lans. -- Treirsurer—l. D. SOPER. • - I ?, 1, 'B. to G. L. N. W LANE. Beeretqry—R. R. Pastre. , COIIHML POOEEDING& COVrwit. CHAISSILISB, Oat, 4, 11171. ' At a special meeting,of " the Council held Oct. 9, 1.879, pursuant; to a tail of the bargees, .to confer with' the agent of the Boston Water tirorita Co., In relation to, the establiihment of ersterreiorks in the borough of Towattile. and le 'tiarienct any other business considered necessary...ell the Itmbent were presefit. ' . - The agent of .the Boston Co.; proposedlo Ostab• fish fifty hydrants at such peintli lathe hortotigh as the authorities may deolre at fifty duller* each per year. and to I et tlzerst wbo may Irish to take tl ear at .3 and upward per year. - . fir a ratei for private me to be subject in tbesip• ' p at of the Council fur a period of tire years. the w ter to be pure and the best Actuality, and to be a tiered at their eurbetoneS. . . A number of the largest leap:tying citizens of the borough were puraent and spoke urgently In Negyof accepting the propolitionet the Boston "Wen; - Berne members being in doubt fa to the number of drants necessary, and desiring to make au ex, aft-Oatkro 6f the streets, etc., before contracting; Cotetilman IliOlcomb offered the following resom- Hon. Regolent - That a committee consisting of the Burgess'aiid two othee.ntembers. in conjunction with the borough engineer. are hereby direct ed to Make an examination of %Ma streets of the borough and ascertain the length of the same, with &View-to entering into a contract for supply lurthe biwough with water. for public purpows. iditrreport to the Couneßat a.speclal meeting to be-helitto-inorriaw (Friday) evening. what Dumber of. hrdianratit their judgement will be necessary teso'supply the borough with water. : ' - The resolution was adopted, and the ButIPP ap pulnted.Cminclltnen Sued and Holcomb to serwith him on said committee. Adjourned,. • October tbtrr.—Pursuant ,to adjournment, the Council met on Friday evening' the 10th inst. Ali the members present., except Councilman Jones. The minutes of the last meeting and approved. .. • The committee appointed to ascertain the num „her of hydrants required to supply the Borough 'with water, and the pnTrlety of contracting fu the delivering 61 the same, satimltted i thtt followfug report t , . The undersigtied committee. appointed In pur seance of $ resolution passed last "evening, (Thurs. day, Bet it, 18794 and charged with the duty of examining the streets of the Borough of Towanda, and ascertaining what number of hydrants will be required to adequately supply the Borough with water for public' purposes, report that they hive made such examination, and find that fifty by draittswiii be necessity for such' purpose, and re- OMmenti the adoption of the following: Jyytoteed, That the Connell enter lito an ar rangement with the lit.t.-sloss Water Company. S. 1.. Wiley, President, to take fifty hydrantS, or water plugs. and to pay for the. sante, fifty dollars (On), per annum. or two thOilil2llll five hundred (tz.stto), per year—sild plugs 1 be attached to the main h t pipes sdisal mpany, at such points as the said itorostlaut ' Aes may deem neressar_y, reserv ing ttortalit ,emeressary details of said ayramte ment,for futu 'understanding between the Coun cil and.said WatittZonipany ti .ll.TlPonot. J. not.coun. Aim All Strum.. On motion of Cuuneilman Monlanye. the report nitiVresoliition wereimatilmeely adopted. ..1. KINGSBURY, Scer r LIST 01" PICEXIIIMB Awarded by the BradfOrd County Agri . - cultural Society at the Annual Fair, Yield at East Towanda, on the Ist, 2d and 3d days of October; 1879 C'LA.S.S 1-41ORSES. X!). 1..-RoacLStallione Over 4 years, 11 C DeWitt, Ist prem. 11% Oa •,-_.. *. `. I. S liinmAttry, thi - ' 4 Ou Under 4 years, A, A Abell; Ist .. •4 00 James McAdam showed a One staillort,'S years old. deserving of speetat mention. Abel Pane*, exhibited a stallion showing hue style. .. 110. .:—ClydoolaPs Stallion over 4 seam Sr 'A Wood, Ii prom: la So. 3—Norm on Percherons Stallion over 4 years, R. S Edmiston, Ist prom. eS 00 No. 4--floroes.4ll.4irk. Stallion over 4,- A Baster, 151 prem. et 00 ° FerpiftVicley, 24 " 400 Single gelding over trAllortim. "4 00 C.l Eastahrooks,: 24 ••Ile, Stallion under 4, C S Davis, . Ist " 4op I .1 3L Burlinganiq . 24. " OP Mare over ' John.Laporte. " 4 00 Chamberlin, ," 200 ' Mare under 4. Addison Gillett. Ist " sOp Judges—H IS Nturgin-W 1i litreen,Wm flnyde . No. s—Brood Mares and Coil*. Mare and colt, Geo It Pa-k. let pretn. fO Oil 01, G rtffin, 24 " 300 3 - year old eidt, Augustus Phelps, 15t .2 00 John W Lane, 24 " lOn 2*year old cell, W ILBrail ford, Ist • " 200 Stephen Gorham, 24 " 100 Yearling colt, II 1. Blackman, let " 200 •• 11 P Taylor, 241 " 100 Sucking colt. Joseph. Towner. -Ist " 100 Judgekr-fl T Darling. Geo - B Mills. No. 6—Horses for Paint Use. Drangb n. e, Httgh.3leCatie, ' let prem. f,B 00 A C Atimht. 24 " 400 )litehell mares, .1 W & lot " 8 00 Matched horses, HI. Inaeltman, 241 " , 400 Single home, Clt Black. ISt ", 600 11 W Arnold,. 2d" 1 50 A E Arnold, 2d`` . 1 50 Single mare, Henry Can, let " 000 S .1 Stotp-, " 3 coo No. 7-11nrs,* . Nkpf for" Pleasure. }Latched team, J L Rockwell, let prom. el4 r oo '• • 31 S Camp, ' • 3.00 Single gelding, I. S Kingsbury. Ist • 500 AI) Munn. 24 ••• Single mare, John C lot 0 -3' 00 • Mahlon Stevens, 24 " 2CO '3l • let - 800 11 S Alll4 , , -- 1 !1 24 „Ott) No. 8.--Ridtay and piteinv Horscs. Stallion, . Carriage burse . l, \V II 1) Gree n, Veal. e 5 do C W Arnold, 2.11 " 3Do Curt Age mums, 111rnm }'hirer, Ist , 5.00 .1 W tt4) 3f 241D111,51,(L " 60 rr coltiund'O, Geo If Fox,' Ist " 3 00 ,'7a: 1.00 Horton. 24" " 1 00 Judges=-BVI) Park. Il I`,llarßug,'Beo B NMI). •• CLASS 2—CATTLE. Norns. Bull 3 rrs and over, aF. Inollett. 3 t prem. vi Do n if Laning, 4 40 Dull 2 y'rs and under 3, 1..1 !Culver l 400 .Ibb Grillll4 '24 .• .2 00 Helfer call, Etepben Sthitb, -Ist 6 . ICO Yearlluk bull, a W Sr. 0 M kWh Ist 300 - No, Polled. hull 2 years, - ‘ S, - Ist prem.-f1 00 E tt llarrl 11—Ayi llutl 3,n3and overt? r A AM! 13 I) Cobh, 2irs. under 3 FP it. AM 66 Alt Thittil Eult rat e, F P A A. 31 =M ief fir irni Old over. Yearling heifer, NO. 12—Aide Ball 3 y'rt and - over, 31 It ( MMIM C B Strait Yearling bull. It Z(' Nly -Cow Z y'rTi and over. 0 C II Sliralt M= Helfer calf, Bull call. Yearlltig heifer, Hiram El 13--Ho • Anil 4 rn and over, W S 3 Judges—lt Laporte, Jas , So. 13S —Grath , and tiat lee Ayr, ball 3 y'rs and over, W S Davis In prop. .8 Oo Durham " Plo/let,s, Ist " • AOO " 2. rm. under 3, L C %VOMIT, Ist " 400 " Mrllng, "' • 2d " .1 00 Jno A; .4os„isylor', - * In " 300 Holstein " S(1 Rainer, Ist " 3 00 Jenssy " All Smith, Ist " 300 Native " Wln Patterson, 2d. ••• INo Du ram bull nalf,Plonets, In". ai .. " - Aril Cass, lot " '. 34 '‘ " T. J Culver, In !' . 13 " , Perry ". 60 cow 4 rrs and freer, T liortpn let " 1 50 d " Plailets,„.”, Ist " 4 50 Jersey " It Montgomere,,',lst " 6 110 Devon " E Ayers. - Ist " 000 Durham " 3 y'rs..under4,Pitillets Ist " 4 00 Jersey " •E B Montgomery; Ist " 400 Ayrshire " 2yrs4V S Davis, Ist " 3 00 Durham Plotters, • let . 3os Aessey -A B Smith, Ist " 3 00 • " E J Ayres, " 150 Durham heifer; rimier " 2 00 Native holler, yearling. SC " 2 00 Durham " A Maass, vat " 1 00 11011 els, Ist 1 00 ° Henry Van, 2gl 1 00 " calf, E(1 Bull, • Ist •• 00 " Pei ry Wilbur. 2.1 0 50 Pair of calves, J'W Nichols, • Ist 600 " S mbe - r, •Zti 3 (4) Durham halter under 3, riiiitets, IA 200 • S. Ilk-;-Fai Cattle. I±, 3yr old steers E .1 Allis, Ist'prem..4 00 •• T Cass, ist " 4 year old or, U 1) Tyrrell, 34 •• 200 No. 15-z- Yr orking Cott"... Oxen errer4 7'114 A J -Webb, - let prern.4l 00 Alfred Horton, 2d3 00 .1 Judges--atues McCarty, Valentine Saxton. James WdeatOn. CLASS 3—SIIEEP.__ No. 17---Caßteads• .... . B r ack 2 and over;John Laporte. 1 ,, t prem. ea 00 JAI A flatboat', 'll '' ..Z.OO •• I year, - 00 ' abs, ". . lid 0 200 Ewee :and over, ' ," Ist 0 -3. DO 1. 4 40 Jas Van, 211 0 6 00 • " limbs, K B Herrick, _lst . 0 2 - 00 No. IS—Grietsters. . 'tuck : and nver,llarry Scott, ' 4' ;` Ist prom. ft` •6o " 1 • IT C'dnores, _ ,Ist " 2.00 Eyes :and over, 11., J Pdver., - - let " UMW, I t roo Book L r ar. 103 Cr*. ltlpns. 00 Lyres s• 100 4 $1?" • Lot - " OD NG. gONO:4(lslftsillt , • , Mick 2 224 cryer,s gamer. Istpress. taco 1 Jas A Barbour, r a t „Jam-81p ilarigun, 5 IllfcCorl, Al 2 Dattlar.". ' • • - CL - M 32 4-11WLNE. - - No . ti—tikeseer White. • Boar ulder - 1 j.r.Benj Kea/1014. Ist ma. 13 SG Saw sad pigsr• Ist st - S S G R ti Luang, " • 2d +'_' 200 .- . • )i7o,ft."4lsrkskiki. Sow Ell IMI3 Dom Boar Jude Plym4 now lilac, Gem Duel Speckled Itamtama, Perry Pitcher, let 7t, Pyle; Id " 50 . While Pyle. ' tat ' 50 Chittagong++,Rue McCabe Id , Mack Leghorn's; Id • . 75' 13mwn teghores., 0 ,Ist ee " 75 Sliver Pheasant chicks, S 0 Barnerlst 60 IPantlolloleolol. (10011 Webll,l Sat " 50 Y° ll4 (kelt% • " • i Ist • , • W W Orahalk 24 Ronan ducks, Harrtrarli; Ist •• 75 White geese, , Mehl MCCabe Ist " .I'oo lira! geese, . 1d9)": 1 di -Rine geese, - • " ." 1 00 Brous tarkeyt. CIS Sdalt, .1 00 Cage white rabhiti, C W Arnold,. Ist , 76 white and black " .1 Prank deans id - . -75 Tait Guinea pin, Perry Pitcher, let SO Beet colleen fowls,,(100 tI 1F ebb. let t 1 00 ,liidges—Dwight chant,.W Pickering, - C Pargu,son. CLASS +P . — AIRY PRODUCTS. IN. • . , Best and tubhutter, & 0 Niche% - special prem. $lO E U 3fontgonery. " 10 00 Tub butter, hi Archer, lit "4. 409 .1 21 Brown, .2d " 3 'Oh, ". • Jno B Binds. ad •• Tabs or butter exhibited by C,B Eitraltand J W Howie, win thy of special mention. • Role butter, Jno 11 Ilintio. lot.plin. frt 00 -- " _J 1... Coolbaugh, 2d ... . . 100 Alroltromerman • Ist 0 2 DO __ _ Pressed batter, 130 Archer, :d -'!. 1' F Cheese, Mrs •I;Stete- Ist - 200 `• " C R Bach, " 100 • Judges—R 1l Patel), A C Frisble, J H Marsh. CLASS 7—FARSI PRODUCTS; . _„, ~. • ~,, No. I.l;—.Girifn ilnd Seed. .. Sample yallow„aeed. corn, J L Cool ‘•baugh,--1, tat prem. ' V white cord, 1 Win Patterson; IsL " 11 . 00 Dent Corti. Viollets, tat *" .00 yellow corn, ,Z It Vaughan, Ist "., 00 rye, ' in' A Sluyter, Ist :". • 00 buctreheati-74—Josepli 'Towner, Ist " • 00 oats, 11 senonnover, tat " 00 white Norway oats, Beni Kerri elt, let " :00 1....% white wheat, W A Sluyter, Ist '• 11 0 Acre Red Lancaster, Alfred Ilortonist " 00 1 Sample Fultz . Beni liertlck, . Ist . 00 1 ' barley, • L J Culver, let " 00 • whttn. beans, B S Vannes, Ist " • 00 red kidney W 1 '.llorea," Ist " 00 cranberry " B S Vatmets. lot .., • 00 .1 udges,—B A Crannier, Justus Ackley, Frank _ hi Vaught. -- , .1. v.:. s s emple early potatoeA 1. C Mericle, let premi et . 50 6.6 Vannes', " 66 tate potatoes, 32 - C' Mertele. VI " - 140 Flue varieties . Wm Patterson, 13t " P 7 - , L C 3tericle, let "'' P F Slangel Wurtzels - Wm Patterson, let " aOO Field Wets. . I. J 4.;ulsr, •• Ist :" 300 Sample otitons, .It s \Tallness, 'lit ". .50 par.ollol 1..1 Culver, Ist " 50 . c.ahhage.• Wm Vatailtranatk let ._• •,,.50 Mddishes, • 'T F Epsy , Ist 88- ,50 squashes, 'W 31 Patterson,. let " 50 pumpkins, •U C Shores. Ist " 50 seed corn.: Wni Patterson, Ist 8 .• 50 watermdons, John Stroud, . Ist . " 5O citrons, ' J,T Forbes. let " 50. =MIA, 1) 0 /WPM, - let " .50 sweet potatoes, TF.. , _ Ist ." . 50 Fi 'S tePllers. . Starry Scott, ''', let .. , So iota mans, Harry Scott, - 1-s5, " 1,013 50 F. :gg Oant, Bishop &Whiney ist " • so no.AILI. . Bishop 41 WLs Ito 'y Ist . 8 50 _ sweit corn, Starry Scott, let " 50 11.yarintles sgetsh, Bishop ktWtry let " 50 tinuaines. Itit2 - '" 50 caulltlower, ° " let` - ' , 5l larnips, Ist " 50 .variety vegetables', " . Ist " 300 Judges—Levi 10 Scott, Gee Caro, War C Bowen. ' No...ll—Frn Ile 12 varieties apples, 'tarry Scott, let prem. - roo Celli:Ca •". • Piellets, • Ist " '2 00 6 fall apples, J 041ensteT, Ist " 2 00 Peck - sample, 11• , ...;.ft,grItkut Ist. " 50 I G varieties pearS, H a rry Scott,. ",. Ist ,• ... ,50 , .. Joel steveus,,.2l. " . 0 ~. 1 / 4 ., . winter apples, " • let " .1 oo - Ft . ..A' inaction grapes, .1 .31 . Lewis; Ist " lOO 1 Sample quinces, CII Black, let " 5.0 Collection peaches, 'E .1 Apvs, let " ' 100 Plate peaehe:., ' Wan Chwberlini st " ,_ 50 (MI Nr.heal. flower, H Conklin, Ist prem.:blp White " Int " Dip Bop yeast bread, —3IrXD a Ilolipn lst • Pl' Mrs 13 li.Allei, zd ; •••:. . 50 5111 k yeast. brew! Mrs I) to Mown. Ist oo ' p lolscooll, Mrs .I‘%* Nichols! ." Pinto of rolotle t ., Mrs it Allen. lot - 6 . So raLitol , bliscult: MrF 1)U Down, F I.olljliMvelis; ^d ".. 100 Grahatulo - ead, •Mr!", A Warford Ist 1' Rye '31r14 F. A Robbinsl3l " P F . Pesch [de, Mrs It° liollon, ISt " 1' F Pumpkin pie. - ... Ist ". •I' F Dread made by glrl,Polly - Stertna, lst •"' P F No, 33—:.Canne4 Fruit, Etc., , ' Ilample il rled apples. Mrs . E A Fowler tst •`• 50 peaches, - Mrs E A Itohltins, lot- V " 50 tr!.AIRr. -.•— Ist " 50 cheitie 9, . lot. " 7. 50 rasplierties, • " . -" Ist " - ..So ''LlactOterries, " 15t,..". 50 ' - sweeepeppera, `• Ist' •. 50 . mangoes. - 31tri F,- AIF owler, lot: '6 50 Elderberry wine, Mrs It Richards, Ist " 50 Grape wine, . ' Ist 6 ` Grape catsu ••5° p. Anna Warfo.rd. tat `•'-i 0 -fmr- xx STAR CEMENT.—Just te. Sample honey. ' 011 Ilartholomew, Ist:- " - 60 cared - another rat load of this unrivalled Cement. _maple sugar.. E J AIRS. Ist "- . 5° . fries /1.30 per barrel. I hereby challenge the maple-syrups ' " • Ist "GI G varieties c'd (Is. Mrs IV Patterson Ist " ' PI, dealers In Copt q: I'm] Rosen4lie Ciniekt to a Greatest " Emily A Robbins, lit " 200 public te — s - t-trial of .ceutenis. it. m. 'WEIILES. Col domestic Jellies, Mrs F. A Fowler-Ist " ' 50 I • Sample chow-chow, Towanda, Pa., Oct. 7, IgiO. e• Ist " 50 ' 4w - _ ' tomato catsup, 1 , lat '' • 50 peach butter, ler ." 50 Judges-11ra Norman White, Mrs Wm Snyder, Mrs I:eu W Scoville.. i et, ASS s.-IFAF.It lIMPLEMENTS, _ r. . Best IDsplay. machinery. 11M Well's, Ist prem. $5 00 Mowingsuartsjue.Eurtka Moyer Co,lst .. , .. Dip .. .Warrlor Mosier, Sil Railway eltun(power. it M Welles, Ist . . ircular wheel Endless chain Horse rake, one horse, Tompkins Co leader. It M Welles, agent • Ist ralti_drll44Thatnplon. Yhlllips Rralst Dip Corn shelter, It 31 Welles, Ist ..•' Dip Chilled pluw,Vilard ist Dip Farm truck , . Itarris, .. Ist . hip Cultivator, Totnp Ist ...'Dip Fanning mill.Captniu,CMldanville ist . Dip Judges—E S Ayres, .1 .1 Vannoy, THMOicoMb:' CLASS 9—H Alt iSS4I4,TC. ' ' • • DES'play or harness, etc, CF asytortist prem. t 2 e C N Reldleraan VI 4, 1 , 1 Fancy double harness, CB' Dayton let .. - Heavy harness S Fuller Ist Dip Farm and road harneis Dayton Ist . v'' Din- Fancy single • Ist - Dip Plain.. C N - Feldleman let Dip Judges—N C Elsbree, It 31 Knarp.,,,l Whittaker. Cf.AnS 10—MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. , Lumber wagon K Ross . Ist prem. Dip Adjust'le sleigh runner. It M Welles Ist' Dip Platform wagon with Clark spring gear. It 11 Welles . Ist ...• Dip tuniner wagon with patent attach. meat, G W Vincent. Ist .. Dip Dirt pick , • MO Moody - , let ... .Dip Wager) jack Ist .t.Z• Dip Burglar starlit • F N filament tat Dlp Judges—lt II Lan'ing, .1 0 'Alger. F S Morley. CLASS 117-p9MESTIC MANUFACTURES. Rag carpet, Mrs]) F Park • let prem: 50 Piero worktillt-Micry Burbank Ist.) . 100 Knit counterpane, Hen W'T intent let! Patch Werir quilt, Mrs R MWelles Ist ' 00 Log cabin . • Ist .. •5e Linen yarn, C R Fitch. aist 50 Knit mittens, Mrs Samuel Kellum . •50 Silk quilt, Mrs H C 1111dreth 107, 1 00 'Zephyr rug , Ist .. 50 Stocking yarn, Mrs Samuel liellunrlst 55 Judges—Mrs J . H Howard. Mrs S Strickland; Mrs W 11 Shaw. fflffill !Cornell Ist prem. f 8,04 2d 400 'Cornell ISt " ' '4 00 n, 24 " 200 Cornell let " 1 00 Ist•!' 400 2d " • 200 let " 2OO 2d ". 100 lst •" I'oo = rpmwell, let prem. 1 1 .3 09 " +OO 6r, tat " •00 . 200 r. 16. t 6 . SOU Tis, 3 , Ist " 400 2 1 I 200 Ist. " 200 Ist • 1 01) Ist • 1,00 bree, ,Y lit .` 00 lateine. tarnin.• 14p rein..B 00 licks, L C Millinery e:hlbltlon,-Ellen Gladden Ist-prem. Dip' Specinti smbroldery, Mrs I) F Park Ist .. 100 Silk embroidery. - Mrs C:r Kirby Ist lno Embrtifo2red skirt; Mrs E J Mlugoe let 1 00 Sofa pillow, Mrs Ir£ Park-Ist .. 00 Fancy chair work, 31 rs.l 1 Coolhan'h Ist .. 50 Crothet work, Mrs 1):F Park . Ist .. 1 00 Enili'd pillow sham, "Mrs Ell Pierce Ist .. 1 00 Toilet, Fannie.rowell •• • Ist .. do tintless nay, rally Stevens " Ist 50 Pln cushion, Mis IC - Richards . Ist .. 30 •Embrolderkd suit, Mrs James Tau Ist ; . 1 00 Applique work, Mrs R Richards ISt 1,00 Lace edg"lng. Rose.Vineent Ist .. 50 Sofa tinier,' Lucy Stevens 50 Ottoman coyera,Mrs C B•Haight : Ist .. 1 Serpentine trinn - , Olive Patterson , Ist .. 50 Crochet chair tidy, Lucy Stevens' Ist .. 54 Velvet sofa tidy, NirsJ U Bewley . Ist .. .50 in Lambrequ, .31 rs..S- 11 Stevens! Ist .. 50 Zephyr mirk, Ellen Standen Est.• • tO Netted tidy, Mary L Elliott Ist ' 30 Knit thiwi„Mrs II C Hildreth tio Crochet hood, Olire palon Ist ~ 50 'Chair tidy, Mrs J L Cool Vs Ist 30 Toilet mats, Mrs J L Cdol augh Ist .. 50 Fancy rug, Mrs J A.Tupixo. Ist .. . - 1 9 0 Brush holder, Mrs H C Hildreth. Ist .. 50 Carriage afghan, Mrs 11.1 Mingo' Ist .. 100 Mrs I) F Elliott art. Ist • 50 Mary L t - '24 . 50 . J migos-I.lxile 3lontatiye,-AhreltanXm, Mary Satierlee. CLASS 13—PAINTING AND FANCY WORK. Wax flowers, Mrs J W Means I- "Ist prem. 114 00 . Wax fruit., Mrs J W Means "- rat •. '5O Spec oil painting. Mrs J W Meatia Ist Dip Painted candle; Mrs J W Means lit - 50 Water mg. p`Vg., Mrs 1,11 ebbura Ist 1 00 Nettle Lent Ist.. 30 Cot, oil paint, Mrs C M Manville Ist Five photographs, A J Fisher -Ist ' Dip Carved work, E C Bull - • tat ..• 50 Aut. feat frame, Mrs CM Manville Ist 30. Worsted wreath, Mrs L B Coburn. rat 50 " Mrs Rltichards Ist • 00 Crystal ivory types; Nettle Lent Ist.. 'BO Judges—Miss Frank lung , Miss Nettle Flab, Jno C CLASSNO. 14—FLOWERS' &c.' . Gls brass plantsilary L Elliott. Ist prep $5 00 Collection datillai.,slary,L. Elliott, Ist ' ..1 100 Col. verbenas ant! pansies, V Ist ..1,- 100 Table buquet,'. • ' ._ , ' Ist .. 7 - 1 00 house plants In bl6oBn, " - ' lit '... ' - 1 00 • Judges—Suss Aniinda Mee. Mrs G. W. Ryiu. CLASS NO. I&--STO,WES AND HARDWARE. Rahge, Ransom coliage, No. e," - Itcoglre Bros. ht. pram. Dip Coal muting store, Cunard - No. ' • figi—faroithirct. No ;O-,-Vegetablee. S!—lyo r, %Bread, Etc 6LASB -12-,NEEDLEWORK _,,gon 1 " - 400 'Geo 11 Marsha ll : 1 " 100 ' 6 clesabolars, Mark Bowman, - I " 400 " " " Harry Comm, • •2, " 200. DI play 61 exywdiradntaPapparatus, • BwrinshanniCol.lfiltitatet, • 1 " 200 6 • • " Towanda 60400 School, 2• " 1 .00 A 1' L111e7. . Esq.. exhibited a valuable collection -of mineral anti geological specimens, which deserve special mention. Jutiges 4 -E L Hill* W P format, hillock Arm strong. . _ • • 17.-MISCELLANEOUS. Olga . n, Deo Wood,11011itee& Passage, Ist &cm Dip bowleg machine, Davis, 0 A Black,' 1. .. Dip Collection eablnet,work;Frost . s Sonf,l , Dip Spring bed bottom. Frost's Sons, 1 .. Dip Chamber suit. Frost's Sobs. 1 .. Dip Force punip, , llawe, Lyon & OrrLs,• 1 Dlp Sample stank. Oswego Starch Co., 1 .. Dip Spec Oral print., Towanda Journal, 1 . . Dip Doren Brooms, IL P. Schafer, 1 : Dip l'Arci upset. Albert Strupier, 1 Dip Beetave, Union, tl B Bartholomew. 1 .. Dip Eatery grinder, Eureka Bower Co.,' 1 .. Dip Bronze monument. Cit Fitch; ' I .. - Dip Poi'`` and fliit'g Irons, Cdohtuson 01,1 .. 'Dip wzading machine . , Wll Phelps, .. Dip Display dry goesjs, Powell k Co.. • 1 Dip Sample woo gongs. Cit Fitch,. . 1.. Dip W Sterigere, D F Barton, A J ,sly-, vara. CLASS 18-BECKSIIITHING florae shoeing. C 8 Darts, Ist prem. 2 00 - S 0 Alger. ' - 300 Judges—Stephen Strickland, J E iltloK, • John Clapper. GLASS 19-GRANGES. Largest and beat display_Wfaauklng, No, Sa, tat prem. 20 00 Judges—WDGarnage,Jobn Clapper, A T Litter: SPECIAL TO BANDS. Itand of music, fAbeity Cornet, letpretn. 2 00 Preinturns *HI be palk on . detnand,.,at the office of the Secretary, In Towanda. • ' W/d. S. VINCENT, J. E. Secretary, . •_,Y-resident. Sr ' E BACii. FORTY-Two YEAUS.—" I was troubled with Kidney Complaint, Gravel, etc.';;My blood becanie thin ; I - was dull an d iii ' ive ; could hardly crawl. about ; was an ld worn out man all over-; could get 'loth ng, to help Me, until I ,got Bop Bitters, . nd- now I am a .bay* again. ' My blood utiirkidneys are alt right, and I am as active as a man of .thirty, • although I aril severity-two, and I' have tiii..dOubt - it Will do as well for others of my age.:-.-- (Father).-43uuday Mercury. - - , BUSINESS LOCAL. trir BRASS MAGIC NIGHT LAMPS only . 25cts, and RACKET LANTERNS 65cto tho 9Dct !tore. re 99et store is: - headquarters for 43IPS and LAMP Alt:Urea, best goods and toeiestrtee:e& Bad ins in TABLE A LINF,NS, NAPKIISrCIIAOES, &c., st J. I. KiT.NT'S, Again. . , The Largest, Best and Cheapest tlai„Qf Shea for Ladles'. and Cblldrens• wear is found at cons Rzem new store, corner )fain and Plue-eta., Tracy & Noble's Block. r--apr47B gORSER has the best wearing Shoes itin,ltoya and Youths'' *ear ever otrered , ln Towanda, and at prtcee.witldtf mini of WI. • • - UNDERWEAR of all kinds, bot eci;il pricers at 99ct, stare. SIT cAtioN WANTED.-A middle agcdlady of 4 i'sperience as a professional mirse de sires a situathnitrie best of references given 'as to character agagiltity. Enquire of Mrs. 3ftiFaatt . IGhtrts; or astkiii; s: C. P. O. Boa iSt, !Towan da, Pi. =1 Dar For fine Millinery, first class Hair Goals, Java Caiiv Hold' and Silver tinted Card Board, and Chlldren'a Sailor Hats; call on airs. M. A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Street.. Bleachlng'and seating overaveelatty. - • rir NEW YORK, June 5, 1879.—Messrs., ELY Buns., Owego, N. i7.—racuttemen: I have used your Catirrif Betnedy.,:Cream Balm, andcY perienced great relief. In fact it Is the only etnedy that gave anything like comfort from a distressing and nauseous complaint. In my family I laio found it specially good in coldralfecting the head and noitrils, with soy children..nml others. The, relief has been almost instant. ' consider Ir't invaluabte for family UStil • "'erg truly, ll ., R. Waits :Manliness Malinger of N.' Y. Co inneerefal ddr . fr ' tiers. ••,-,„ [Sept. In. • Zg r. James McCabe wants 4000 busltels potatoellnuneillatelt, for which be will pay the highest Klee In cub. ' 131.1.731 sells a superior article Ladies and StLsas 151(I Goat BoitonSHGES for very little tOoney. .Sign of the G tit Boot, opposite &eters, tf MForGenVi3 Fine and Cfoarse BONS go to 111.1.711*5. 'Ail Boots and Shod warranted a' represented. Sign of .00.. Glit Boot, opposite See, I , L • ACIIOOI. . MEETING. The School Directors of Franklin Township will Meet at Dr. litxtortex's office. In Franklindale, Saturday, fktober IL talk at 2 r. 3f., for the pUr pose of Siting teaches and fixing upon their wages for the Winteiltrn. They would be pteas .ed to see those wishing etuploytnent, at the Incit ing, .A13„ . .t. ssmt, Secretary. Dip Yilt4llndale, Pa.,.Oct 14, 1879-Iw, --Ar By unfoiersal accord AII - EFL'et CA-' .iltairric PILLS are the best ot all purgatives ter family %se.. They Pm the product of long, laborl - aild.,,,sui*fslni chemical „Investigation, and. the ens., b y yeltiFis in their practice, and by 8 1 11 , 0vilized nati c em proibm them. the best . :and moat effectual pittgi_tive Pill that medical skill can devise. "Icing putelY vegetable. no harateau arise, from thelvuse. In Intrinsic value and 'Curative powers no ai4er pills can be coqipaTed with them, and every petson, knowing theit virtues, will eni. ploy theta, wfrertneeded. They keep the system In perfect - order, aid roallitain In healthy action the whole machinery of life searching and et lectual, th4"skt;_e specially adapted to the needs of the digestive ciparatus, lerangdments. of which they prevent and if timely taken. Therare the beskand safest phonic to emplyy for children ... /and weakened constitutions, Where a, mild, but t Keeton), cathartic Is required, SOLD, 1W ALL.. ftUdGITS. , . • MARRIED. WEST--SMITIL—At the residence,of Mr. A.M. N. West. f.eßey, October '1879, by. M: K. Emt.. Mr. AnttreSr West, Jr.. of Leßoy, and 3lbta 3laggle C. Smith, or Granrille, Pa. . MO VC—PAI.K; INTT.—At Cam ptown, _AugestNe, by Rev. W. Neatly. Mr. T. M.311.431' Smnallag Stptte, anti Miss Alice Padgett, of Towanda,.. DAKT(')N-111 - KSINGE Catoptown, : by Rev. W. Keatly, October 7,111 r. George N. Bar toftand Milta Sarah E. If malinger, both of Wyrilualeg, Va. .„ DIED. , ty • FORD.-On Tuesday, September lath, larli, Paul 8.. sne of C. A., and Elsie-1- Ford, of 'Dialling. ton; Pa., aged 4 niontlisdikilays. 2- z , _ . I sat In the lonesome twilight * , • • • .. Willi empty arras on my breast. • . `31 . 3-'lleart was heavy with anguish, . '. Yet wild withsehiad unrest. .. I knelt by the little one's cradle, And thought of a new•made grate ;--;.: Aud I cried, "Oh, death, you were erdet, To come toe the child God gtive.l, . thonght et him, out In the darkness, With min onfilsAittle bed, And no sone to told about bin; Or pillow his sunny bead. And fancied be woke from Itlsstntabers, Frightened, and calling on me -: 1 And 1 cried, . 1 0h. death, you were cruel, But what is lily grief, to •Ittee.” Abvettiseme tO.• .• QIIERIFF'S ,SALE.-11y - irtue . of t.,3 a writ of Ft: Fa.; leaned- out of the Court of Common fleas.. and to me directed, r wilt expem to public sale at the Court Rome. in Towanda lior• ough, on c rIIUIRSDIT. NOVEMBER, 1179, at one o' ock I'. N., the following described lot. piece or parcel of land, situate In Otinvrilhs town ship. and bounded as• follows: On the north hy lands of C. Monroe, cast by landt of C. , Momme, 17. Nenyou estate. John Bayles and S. Putnam, south by lauds of Sylvester; Putnam • tied 'fink Bayles. west by the estate of 0.; N. Fuller and -- estate of William Morrison,: containing 97 acres of land more or ;less, with I framed house. I framed, barn. LIM - wed hog pen. 1 framed corn house end an or chard-of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution-at the suit of E. Polneroy's oso xs. Chas.- Clark. • FETER 4. BEAN. Shoilli. Sheriff's Omce, Towafula, October 10, 1010 StSQATEHANNA . COMEGIATi 6TITi , T6. Flrat Whiter Tenn Will 'begin 310NUAY. NOVEMBF.It 3d, 1819. :Expenses for board, tuition and Vizentatted. room from 1172 t211.80' -per year, For , ratah%ue .or further partlcitiors Address the rrf yelps/. EDWIN E. rjUltiplX, .11. I .' - Towar.(ll4.4n l y. a, 1679, • 771. - T°W"l lk 1 4144.11KET8. :•?'Y • az PORTEVIIT srzyzys t LON G , (ittnersldowiersta.Greeeties sinti Produce, PattolVi Block, 'corner Main snit Bridge tliteeta. • . ..*ZUNPIDAY zyz skim, OCT 39, 1879, • Ist. Dip Dip I . st A Set. f 00 Ist. .. It It well. 8 N Bronson. MAL. , • • „ • -, rsortro7.' eststro3 rigor per bbl '— . 17611 It 71 Si 71(4 8-00 itour:per seek ' • 1 600 . 1-84, •,,1,400 IP9 . Om, 7seid per 1001bs .. 1 10(4 ' —l , lOll lls Chop Feed. , •••• # • a .-1.1001 525 best, per bust! I low 12G - - --- . .200 1 2.3 Corn .. 40(410. 70 fit 70 . 'Rye --- - . . _ _f #s 0 • . a -64 Oats .... 10(472 ' 773SfS 3735 lluelvabeat: ' 40044 • . •,(4 So . nddistpte m. Dip iy 10 • Dip . . Clover seed.. ".. . 465 00 Thnothy, , westero........ 2 254* , . • 'l4-11-40 Beans, 42 lbs,. - •I. 004 I. 25 - I. 204 ;50 Pert:olEBs. .... ..../.., (itibhl.. : - 13 00 ))rowed peia 445 - Hares Gar dhou d lderC.;.. .... __.. - 50 • 74 . ; ..... 10019 - Ilofr 2 0 Bogs • 124115 1260 18 - !Eggs, fresh:, • ''.1803)18 ' 1848 .18 Chess° 11011- 121644 124 Potatoes., tof:r bushel.... 280/820' .Onions • - 60060 • - 10 (41' 90 IfesBwasc ....... •• ,• • ~ - • 20 Melia ••• Veal skink - • fieaconl, • Sbeeprelta • - Lamp 'Altlns Abvertisenteitis. lIAVE . FOR SALE, 0- 1 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY - CRADE STOCK EWES. ALL 'YOUNC. • - COOPER, ' Wsrren Cantre, - /1 ord County, Pa. . Belqclubur..2s, 1870. E .H. Doitst.lo3l,.. . 325 East Water St., Einnira, N.Y. let VitOi,;'.. tiny . - titiops• 2,1 Floor • Kier - ad Floor CAILPF.S. 4th Ifiebr • • CLOAKS SKAWLSP - • 4 doors . `lr..llrA visit of inspection is respectfully sOlicited. STRAY.--Camelp io the enclosure ii JI of Mrs. S. J. Davis, to West -- ,Buillogton. putli k iber 22(14; ante WIIITE &AIMING kalr E It. The cTifilt htherehy requested to.rome forth, prove property.. , -pay eharges and take her away. • , September Itandzsr!,,- 'OTICE.,-:Whefeas;thywire abeti has refr irsy bed and board without apy rause or pr.gocation, I hereby forbid any one from harboring or i tiustlng heron ray nedount, as 1 shall pay no debts or her contracting. • " CHARLES 11. DEXTER. Tusrarora,Twp.., Pa., Som. tri79.- • • fnwa• ADMINISTRATORS' ,NOTICE. Letters of ad mlidstratson baying been grant ed to the unde rsign - .upon - the estate' of paniel Liveilsoatu•or Son 'Creek tewnship, deceased, notice 13 hereby git nF. that . all' pepons Indebted to the. said estate arenested to mate immediate payment, and eh ohs baring claims to present the same without lay, - . .. - • .. • 1 4 4 ,4 JOll. -;LIVEI4-9,'Administrater. 3 AN E. LINIWe , , Admintstrattli South Creek, 1 . 6.,',6,0g, 20, 1879. 6w' F. GOLF, EA. A Oncy for the Kalp, and I,ittchase Of - all klndi of Secuthees anClor making ;OARS on Real Estate, All business Willi redelve careful and prompt attention. ' . true 4. UM 0 ..„:„. ... .. (Farr* Every rairserplionld know hon. 31 k cvp .tlimn. , An entirely nest nin. riunpletosvatem 3n , t. derl l .• S , 'wl pp3til 1 . or tree. Circnlars to tnn ina L ANs,/: lirn.vrT 'IN laLIisNUSSV*I.I4Z, US S. Ulan 'tic, rhilwim*At.W. SALE.—Bk:iirtue of ~K 3 a writ of Ff. I'm, issued` out Of the CoUrt of CommomPteits, and to me directed. 1. will expose to public sate. at the court - House to Towanda Rot , °ugh; on TIIIIRSI),“*, O,t"TOIIEJt 30111., 1a75, at one .Wett.ek, M - 314 the following described lot. piece - or, parcel of land. .sltnate, In the town. ships 4f Smithfield. Springfield and Ridgbiiry Bounded north by istalior Thutuas Sullivati, Thom as Butler:and James .m Webb, east by 'lands of damns H. Webb and the public highway leading front Stalthfiellgto Bentley Creek. south by the public leading , .tread Smithfield Road to the rum Oki' , and lauds of David Haley; and west briands of David Haley. 'Rester .3(nore 'and estate of George MIMI!. deceased; . containing 52, acres of land, more or less, abont nacres Improved,' tcltfi 2 framed luMses.l framed baroand an orch.rd of fruit trees thereon. Reing the same land con veyed to , William Raley by James H; Webb. ad.' Jninistrator of GeorgeDifiline; deceased. Seized. and, taken into exectititta at the soft of .James If .Weldi. George 111.1alue, vs. Will s ' lain Haley QM 1 • _ ..„ 14 EI'ORT OP THE' CAN DITION ' _Li, of, ite First N'atieltat Bank at, :Towanda. Hess the State of Pennsylvania; at the close ur hnsi -I'l-Jess October 2,1879: 1111§4.)Inter.s. . Leans anki discounts - • , ' " 1370.7477 72 Overdrafts2.9m- 16 C. S. 114 , [10 to secure circulatlen.:;, , ,,... 1.0.00 'OO t. S. on hand ' - '.!;tue - 'Other stocks. I,onds. and mortgages ..... 194,0 18 Me frotn,apid - ofed reserve agents - 74;9.50 02 Ithe frinn,otldir Natlonalltanks - ' 4,11,1' , 13 Ilue•froinStatt:llankS and !linkers 5.322 a 7 Heal estate;lttrulture. and fixtures • , 29.072 04 tetrent expenses and tales pat, ... •.:: .. .. : .4.c40 4?; t'lleck sand other Cash' itennv,.. . -.;•,..," 7.1370"18 . 1111 is of other Banks -- " 2.GF•S Co react tonal curretici(lnciltding Ickels) 7u'B7 `Specie ' 4..1 - f..." 42 Legal-!curlern o t e - ./ 4.955 00 . Red pt fund with•ll.7 S. TT; 15 lir i. It eir cfr.) • 5.625.00 Due from VSTreab . i" uth'ith't 5/4 clt . ,Pa ADO Do IRMI t'arntiii4nea. pn.d in, Surpins Inn,l Unfilviand profits... National Rani: notes untfctandlng 1 ilvidencts unpaid........... Intlivunts check{{ • • '- '1- .s 7 17 Wind .cdrt.lllcates tit ilepiAt.. 108.07 n 25 . 1 372:050 42 1,770 91 13116, to at hi-riNational..patiks • ' 083,6 U In State of reol)sylvanla, trouity of Bradford. St: I. N. N. BETTS, Caihrer of the above named bank - ; do solemnly swear that. the at. , :ife.stetneut latide to the best of iny.lttiowledgonint N. N. BETTS. Cashier/. - Subserlbed and sworn to before roe tills 7th day Of October, 1b79," , W. ff. DODGE, Notary Palle. • • - a.osErn row ELL, • • c TRACT', - .Direetors. - • V. M. MANVILLE, . Towanda; October 16, 169w1. .T I 4 I:ECTION . Whereas, The - _Cuutt of Quarter Sessions of the Peaee, in and for the County of ItrasifoSd, did o h the 6th tA July ; 1679 . , :mike the following Order. vii.: „, 111 ,, w.t0 iltlY. 4 . 1579. ,It appearing to the Court ny i ty, within petition and recommenda lion of cert.if .- .**,i've.orrs of the Poor in the .several poor district. lori,Welmaity of Bradford, that more than twa-tliftliir Of said ilkerseets now fn office; within sabl ill , tricts hare petitioned this Court. that the question of purchaaing real estate within said County of Itradietd for fora Poor Boole, be sub ' mitteil to the qualified electors ” of Isald County., agreeable totle pruyislons ernie Act of Assembly. entitled "An Act to Create Poot Districts, and to Ai:Din:ire the Purchase of Lands imd—kinertfori of flaming., to Furnish Itellerand Give Employment , to the Destitute PooicandVaupetsin this Vouniten wealth, appmeed June 4, 1A79 ; ' It Is hereby or dereil. on motion of, W.-.l.;Young, Esq.. for sal petitionces, that r thelortiffith of :such, purchase be .sutunittegto the qualified electors of 'said Co v" of Bradford, at the General Election* to he held on Tuesday„ - the.4th day of Novetnber next. said elec tion to Ito hilid and conducted ity.the officers pro holding electionaln their respactire ills ,tricts atid.pmcittets. andiaccortling latakltiwent log liener.ll Elestlons,withitt *the CortiffiMiwealth. It is 'further ordered, that tlo. Sheriff of 'Bradford County give slity days, notice of surh election by In two hestitpapers -published in ; said Counti, and that the harlots A be printed in the man ner iod received by the litoper election officeis as pruyided ju the said act of Asseinbly. • 'THE COURT. • • • And Trhersos. It Is prOrlded In the.2d sectiOn of said A ct,that- at least sixty days notice of such election shalt he given by the Sheriff-of said Coon ty. by publication' in two newspapers published within said. County. . Now, by virtue of said Act of Asanifility and said Order of Court,' I. Prrait .1. DEAN. High Sheriff of said County. hereby give 'notice - thatan election will be held at the place. Of holding the General Election in the the several election districts within hatd Cpronty, on TCESD AY, the 4th -day of NO. EMBER, ibln, at which election the 'lineation of the purchase of real estate, ac.. for a • Poor House will belletetsuined by the qualified electors of said County of Bradford, as . ,-provided in said Act, sAld election shall be conducted by the officers provided bylaw for holding )aid treneral Elect-ton, who shill . receive ballots from said qualified dte - ctors, written or printed as 'follows : :On - the outside, "Poor House on the inside, either s For Poor Rouse'! or - Against root Ilionte,i' and at the close of the polls tits votes shall be counted, and duplicate cer tilled.returns of the result thereof be made and staled, one copy witick shall Iw,-depsited with the Commisidoners of wan county of Bradford, to lie opened by them ; , ..anT4the other with the Clerk of the Court of Quartelhesidona of said Cotih ty, as provide in said mt.. "2' • " . • tsiven• tidef my band; at my office in Towanda; this 2fith daysif August,: n the" year of our Lord one thoti3tiW4ight huntised and seventy-nine, and In the rayired and. third year of the Indepen dence Milted States. PETEIt .1. DEAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug.; •Z 6, 1579. NA•SIA LNR fILOIJSE, CORNER MAIN, rt , *ASIIINIOTON STREWS. • lO*ANDA, PA. • Meals at all hours. 'Tenn to suit the times. ,Large sMble attached. „ • - - - W]C.RENIrf:PAQPRIA.2OIt. • Towanda.. July 14:7041. E AGLE . . (soviAstrr. EIDBLIg2gQI,TAIY.Z.) . - . • This well-known houlg r has teen thoroughly ran 'novated and repaired throughout, and the proprie •tor is now preluded to,oXevidttet,-elany aceotuutoda- Mons tolhe puldie, oir` thik . tfitist reasenable. tetras. ~ E. A. - 4-14NNINGS;s. Towanda, 14% 4 14362, 11378. ' . THE,CENTRALTIOTtE4 msrEvf, - • , • `hti underalgurd •haying taken pow:salon of the &bore hotel, respectfully solicits the patron age of his tdo friends and ;he public generally. angtGtf, Vii. .1.•1,01111EST, CORRECI'ILD DT GEO::4I.PATTON RUM 4LTTOI:S - tY•4 . T . -LAw, =3 PI:7TER ph:AL Sheriff. pfftee, Oct. 5, 1575. t 643,65-1 16 IMIEBETEI (oIi , VIIILVItoPiLiot PLANO QiIERIFF'S SALES.-Wv.irtui Ly of sundry writs lined out of the Court of Dien. • mon Pleas of Braiftird County and to me directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court "Ifornie: far - • Towanda; On TIDTBSDAY, OCTOBEttlad, at 1 o'clock, P.-M., the following described proper+ . Sys to wtt No, 1. A: lot of land situate la Terry township; bounded and described as follows: Beginning at • the bank dl the riven thence by lands of-A. Jack: son smith 60.4 4 :west 173 perches; Mince isnith 76 0 west IE4 perches; thence by lan4s tif7,. Elliott SO to corner near white oak; thence hysime south 4334 w west 47 perches to a hemlock on tont of creek; thence up .said creek north W"Vrett 40 perches ; ' thence by lame north' SO° west Stperehes to a roe ner; thence south by lands of J. Elliott 40 perches" to Edmund Hornmkillnd ; thence by the same 390 torches to tank of the river; .tbsace" by the ante - • 62 perches toplace of :beginning; containing 140 acres of land,more about 100 acres Wpm. - ed, with") framed bark°, I framed barn and other outbuildings thereon. • . . • 14°,2. AUKL=One other lot of land, Situatellr 'Terry township, bound and described as. follows: - - It %U be baatk of the river :west tiy lands - of Johnstaan Terry al perches to* post and stone; thence by binds of AM DOwelt;, thence west by A. Dowell 14 perches to spoat, and stonettbence smith" - 13 percbee;thcnee north b Dewell 1655 perches; thence west by lands o WillisW f Terry I:2o.perches; thence souili by finds of Wiltis Terry 12 perches . - therm • westerly by public , ros4llo perches: thence sotolulty rad - leading to Washington Strong's 114 4 • perches to a post And at One;:thenee east by lands - of ' ty.'etrong morklinor and alramTerry 310-perches • to Cape-cit's land; thwart:4o.sli by same and p&r- . soilage lot and Bra. Price to-; ` poet ter* corner.: - thence east by Mrs. Price 16'porehes; thence north 9 perches to a post: thence east 21 perches by lands of .IC: Berton to post on 'the bank of--the river ; thence north 14 river - 5S perches to the place of be-, glnniegt. containing IGO acres of land, more or less, about :lie acres liaprored. with 2 dwelling houses, 2 barns and other outbuildings thereon. :seized and ". taken futeezecution at the atilt of J. P. Kirby vs. rein Terre. . • N 0.3, it CSO—Cine- other lot of land, snitate its j' Monroe township, bounded north by iambi of :taut-- 'I • • uel.f.yon, Benjamin Northrop. Ellen Wilcox, -limn James:ton and Nelson Cast by lands of D. W. Bodge, south by lands of . Williantosturt. Clarence Bellow; anti Mrs. Miller,.'au4 west by lands of 0. F. Mason's estate and Benjamin for. . thropt acres of land, more titles!, about 150 acres improved. with 3 framed houses; framed barn, hay barn aniliheds attaellesk — • '1 waterpower saw mill with all mill tixtnros s fratne building erected for a Steam saw rpill,And ' ' 3 Orchards of fruit trees thereon. ,Belugisamtfland that was.purehased by D. B. Blackman at sheriff's " sale. December 7.1877 by deed recorded in thee. - ill's had treasurer's de4hook N 0.4, at page e2,etc. • , one corn house thereon. ; No. 4. ALSO—Ono otheraot of land. hate 'Monroe Borough, bounded north:by lands of E. !Sweet, deceased, east hy.Ttiwanda (leek.'sonth lands of ;1.1.. Rockwell, deceased, and West 14 thee , public highway leading from Monroe to Towanda;-.. containing' \to, acres of land-- -- More or less, all Ito- • proved. with 1 framed Louse: 2 framed Darns, 1 cooper thop.4 small framedbuilding formerly used as a dwelling:house, and an orchard "of fruit trees .r. Da II I: .... 0401 ... 8001,100 - • • 20040 . 1 001 2. 25 LO EMS thereon.- . . , • No. b, ALSO'one other.iot of- land, situate In. Monroe township, bounded north by the old Han son farm. east by the Betwleklurnpike.-south by a lot of 11. N. New.ton,and west by lands of Joseph Smith; containing 27 acreibtland: more or less. all Improved,. Said two lots befog the same. land that , was conveyed to MB. Blackman by - Jeklih. Hornet by deed dated November 17, 1e69, retarded in deed: hook No. 95, at page 263, etc.. No. 6.- - A f..SO--One othei - lot of_ land: shit to In. ' , Monroe Borough, bounded and detcribed as-follows: • Beginning at a sleigh' ' shoe 111 "-centre of Itrond - Street, being the north corner hereof and the north.. west corner of the mill lot; thettesi, by said - mill lON° west 22.4.10 rods to a post; thence by lands.. conveyed to Lyman Blackman by J. B. 11.11Inman - north s 0 0! west 8 rods and 9 lipketto a post ; thence by lands of S. S. Hinman north,lll° east = 3-10 rods ' to a post In . centre of lirceil • -irt.reet.; thence - aping the centre of said street SO° eit. 8 rods and - 20 links ' to the plac• of beginning; co taining 1 acre and 13 . • rods of land, more -fir -less, all Improved. - with 1_ framed - house, - 1 framed barn and wagertlib,ed, 1 framed corn house and few fruit trees No. 7. ALSO—One other pit.cif - bend, situate' to Monroe Borough,. Joitilue4hi% above described trtiFt;:bourled-and described-as follows: Beglh- • rilitg at midst In the centre of a Like at its terminse: - lion-on - the line of S. S. 'Hinman, and -CueantOlf _thence south 10'i9 West 54 18.100 rods to - -k' post ; [lmam south 56.!4° east 19 perches; thence South - 14° east 28 48-tee . perehes to a post ; thence nezth 40° west 23 4-100-pt.rcites to the place of beginning% contatnlng 4 acres and 08-perches of land, more or less. Ile said - last - two lots being some land that welt conveyed to D. It.filackain by J. S. Black. • titan, - by deed dated April 9. 1669. recorded in deed, book NO. 91 , page et, etc. Seized and .taketi,into execution at-the suit of Hiram Sweet to use of .1. I'. litrby vs. D. B. Blackman, Also 'at the Suit of . • f. e. Illornan to u.4e of J. P. Kirby vs. D. It. -Black- _ . • No'. B.•ALSiI--One other lot of land, situate in " AThany,"3lnurne and Overton townships, bounded . ' anti described:us follows: Beginning' at an old . homloelveorner the southwest corner of warrant in, " the none of Stephen Hollingsworth ; thence south :N. cast 25 2.16 lists to-the wetdjtne of warrant tia the - nante.of Ann Ifirris ; thence south 32° west aiont.,Bs rtids to the southwest corner of said Ann" 'Harris' warrant :. thence south LS°. east )54 rods to • I.l.ust and stnn;,s the volt:beast cortser.of said .ton • Harris' warrant ; thence north 32° - cant--¢O'J. 640 • rods to tttn .northwest eorneE4.of Jackson's 'lot ; thence south lasc. east 212 rods r o Jacilsoics north- , cast corner; thence South 32° west 1.4 a post. . - corner; thence north 55 4 V 4 east 57 440 redi to;* . ..tomer: thence north 44? 's.„Least fl 9 rods; thence' . south sss , ,elast Iff; 6.10 fuels: thence north 373.iw . . east_ 50ireds;•ilience south 54% 0 east 20 rods to the j ‘Ve/F 6 ' , - 1 4,war rant in. the name of Mary Wallies ; I thence norttl,ea - st 110 perches to the southwest' 'eortieref l Warsin.d. IW-the na me of ltolJeit Ham pion; thence south 55° east 5d rods: thence nerth- SIX ° :east la reds ; thence_north -19. east32e rodtrto the: south •ast corner-of grant in the name or t ancsel Antleison : thence north 32 0 ' east 224 mitt to the . nortlithq corner of sti ULA ['demon warrant:: thence noritilv". west 324 rods to a .hemlock stump an old • corner; thence south 32 0 west ..=4 roils to a cornea - C. of warrants tn the names of Peter North and Peter" Shotts; thence north IS. west 623 toils to the north-_ . west corner of a warrant. In: ttf•it: name of Jahn North ;- thence soutlt 24° west 425 rods to a black oak corner: thence south -at° , west 444 ,, reds: '' , thence north 55 4 . west 3-5 rods to 6-post, old tstirp.Lp4 - 4 , ' :thence south 32° west 3".rJ r_sls. to the place oI L he . = • - ginning; containing 6,C00 acres - of land, inpre or less, ahoill 55 acres Improved, with 4 I. O C- honSks slid 2 stables, thereon. .seized and tab tt into exc.' cution at the unit of. W. 0. Tracy vs. J. fr. Satter- . ice, who survives J. DeWitt; - , Nr. 9. A I.SO--Oneq/ther lot of land, - situate In springnaid.townsillp, Huted . north by lands of Abraham Westbks/k Joel-,Adiniv east by lands t.t . 10. Westnrcsik au the noblfc ' , :nth by lands of Abraham Vestbroolc and Hay. man Westbrook, and' west • by ;lands of Eliza fay and A. Westhlook ; containing 9lY.'aeses of lalnl, . . more or Irss, shoat 90 antes Iraprov.ed. with ! s trained h0u.:4%. 2 framed barns, I. frame'd chler rnlll„and 1 orchards of .fruit trees thereon.- %No. 10. I—One other lot of - land, situate In Springfield township, bounded north by .lands oC JamcaPhilil ps. east by lands of "---- Harkness, south ity lands_of Cr. Beardsley, and west by lauds of Noah Bliss: containing 30 acres of land, more or less: no improvements. Belted and taken into execution at the salt of D. D. Brace vs.:_3l. C. Westbrook and Abe Westbrook. • ' ' •: • - PETER J.,l4,AN.Sheriff. • Sheri Irk Office, Towanda..ffetTt. 30, 1870. /125 IVO -00 85,000 00 7283 82 112.880 00 TAE OF PENNSYLV-ANjA, 'eciVNYt 2 _,...l3ll.tovonD. 'r SarS.ll .7ano Eastabrook. wiie-bt It. B. Ea•tabrinok. Elmira. N.. • Y'.: J•ervlig. Chaffee, Rome. Pa.: Huth Narner, wire o r cohrerr, ./Zlirat-ner, 'New' rork City;'wm. D. Chaffee„l,f,.faps - Ille. Pa.; - Dacia A. Warner, wife of .3tarem "WaYnei,' Pike. Jeiomo Chaffer: Marlon; Iranklln county. 'Nebraska: Pet; rldne Antisdell, Nig fe --Anti:glen:Warren, Pa.; Afleorge itogeM Brandotnl Buchinan,connty. low; Wive Arnold. wife of-Anbert Arnold, War ren, Pa.::..gleerV Chaffee. Muffled, F..mniciln coun ty, Nenta‘ka.: .Nivnur fliaffee. Orwell,' Thene Titus, wife of dames, TRU& P. 34 TaleZe A. Chaffee, guardian of Lincoln Chaffee. Take notice: an Orphan's Court heiti4it Towanda In and for said County.of Bradford.,Sept. 4. Is7:1, lion. P. VI. Morrow, President Judge, on the bench, the•petition of Solomon AClltaffee, of Orwell township, in said cotinty, respectfully rep resents: That.C. B. Chaffee ' late of said/I:hip of 'I irweit. in hist. wit. on h day . of November, A, P. 1067, by - a contract hi writing - hearing date on the day last fnentloned, bound htniself to convey the petittonera cer tain messuage and tract of )and situated In aforesaid, containing - about 90 acres of 4and ; being MP'S:MC premises purchased by said C. D. Chat- ~ drum Joseph Kingsbury' , by deed dated Aprfe 24, 16J0. A 11,41 also, another tract adjoining tfur;: . 'foregoing and eontainlngabont 24 acres; being the 'Name iirendses pureh*cd by said C.A. Chaffee or- Joseph liingsbury, by:'deed dated December 9th, 1634. Abi . o, another tract adjoining' the raid first mentioned sot. and - containing about 22 _raid -log the same. premises purchased by said C. It. Chaffee of IlOrace Dames. Also, atihther lot or piece of Ism!, containing 18. aires anirS perches, more or less; being the same premises purchased. _ ity saltC:ll. Chatter front Nathaniel ll„Chattee, by deed dated December lath, lberA with' the all , purtenancef4 • The petitloneiagrveing by the same contract (a-i • •(!py whereof Isterrtaarineseti marked A," and is made a part of this petition), in sideration thereof. to provide for and maintain the said C. H. Chaffee and Docia his wife dprinfrlielr: Joint lives and the Alte..of the survivor' of them, with. good and sufficient meat, drink, lodging, ap- • pare!; and attendance - in sickness and in health; • and In addition thereto, to pay to them annually the sum of twenty-five dollars. la by reference to th( said contract will. more fully and at large al. • pear.. The petitioner further represents, that he did in -- every' respect during the tires of the said C. 11, • Chattee anti Doela.Chaffer his wife, provide for . and maintain them to their entire satisfaction. and: = • pay the said sumof -twentydivedolfarspiVunlittld: That it,was:also agreed by said writing. that the OrpEllu's Court should complete the title to said premises accordingto laic after the decesee of the . ,aid C. It; Chat fea'an'A linciaJtis wife and fulfill, Inc.nt of the aforesaid contract. .". Ile farther representi,,that the: r ev-hi C. it. Chat fee.-di on the 418th day' of March, A. D. seized and pos-essed of the, said "messtiages and tracts of land without having. - aide any sufficient provision fOr. the performance of - said contract ; - that - letters of administration have- - heel_ duly_ granted by the Itegister Of Wills for the County of ' ltradford to 'your petitioner, and jbAt the said C. II; Chaffee left children and, beire'stlrviving him, as follows, vii: Sarah Jane istabrook: wife of R. R. Eastabmot; of Elmira. N. Y., a daughter ; jer via S. Chaffee. of Rome, l'a.; a son t Ruth - S. War .ner, wife orOfiver J. W2r.llSr• of New Tort City, - a daughter fs'lV-m. 13; Chaffee; of -Lellaysville4.a., sOn ; Do - ela A. Warner, wife..of Marcus Wainer, of Pike, a ddegliter;',lerome C.ChaffecoltMatiou; , Franklin county. Netwaska. a-sbb ;, belphine',An tlsdell, wife OF- Ant Well, of Warren, child of TaniZon 3r. Rogerg a daughter:" nets ceased: George Rogers; Jason of .T4=3011'31. Rog; r-i• prf aforesaid: at ilrandon.Buhantin County, Iowa; olive Arnold, witn'of RohereArrieldi et • l'a.; Georgehaffee. of-3furritit. Franklin county, Nebmska ; Myron, Chaffee,.ef Orwell; Pa.; Pbels , Titus. wife of. JameiTites. of MerAick. and ',Menlo Chaffee, a tultir, having_ fet - a guardian Tamar A. onaffee.--,the last five being children of - `t. IL Cliatteil, a sou of the decedent. That on (Ito first flay of June. A. 13. ts7e, the said Iwsli a Clialfeu ns- - died. Tito poltioto:r. Merlon... showing that has fully perforined the said contract on *his tortiat prays the Court to make a decree for the specific , performance of sat,, contract according , to the true intent andtneaning thereof.- ' _ : Now. September 4. 187 p, on - reading within Lion tunterouotionof Davies" It Comedian; solici tors for the petitioner, the court grant rule to show collie why speCific execution of said contract shall not be decreciland the sheriff of thiclianty ed to execute to him, a deed, returnable at next" tern' ; and it Is ordered that notice be given to all the- parties within the county personally; and to those residing without the, county by publication - . for four weeks In the BRADroup /11[POIITZT, copy of which shall be forwarded to-the pustollidi 'address of said parties: - BY THE - 001.72r1r. A. C. kitliiictoi Clerk. - Dodos atCi4rieetima, solicitors tar SrAi'l2batlce. Tewandis, -Sept. 30, 1a79. 4. .-' • A DIttINISTRA!TOR'S-YOTICE: ....;-.l.,clters of adadniAtritlon having been ranted to tb6 undOpsigne,f, 'upon the estate of Chester Neal, late o f Wind tram township, deceased, notice Is hereby given tluttrall.persons indebted to sali estate an rwitte”ttrd to ma k., 11111fledtatO My? oltlit, and all persons bring claims to pres Opt the satup without dutap. - • • . , • . ft. N. leis*,Adtritrapti*Ot. *intlbpar;ta.., .11/13 , —; lb, 1370P8W , • . *gat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers