Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 09, 1879, Image 3

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padfora gtpottet
Towanda,- Pa., Thursday, Oct 9, 1879.
sle%_tittE. drout,h Still continues. r 7
buckwheat flour is in market.
~ .
'bus receipts ut the Troy Fair were over
.. • . ,
SEVERAL oommunications intended for
Allis issue are unavoidably crowded out.
All excursion will leave Troy about the
..-401,9th of this month for Kansas.
THE potato crop on the Point Farm at
Athens, is estimated at 3,000 bushels. -
WORK was reaumed at the Eureka
Miivrer:Company's ships op Monday last.
THE wages of the Elmira Rolling Mill
employes have been increased five per
BUTTER wasosold to dealers in Waverly
last week, at twenty and.twenty-five cents
per pound.
IT is now announced as a positive 'fact,
that the hotel at 31iyinequa will be rebuilt
next year
Ourt . Troy correspondent gives the par.
ticalars of the recent fires in that place, in
his letter of this week.
DIPHTHERIA and scarlet fever are car
rying off - many children in our neighbor
ing village of Waverly.
SEvin.kt, cases of diphtheria are re
ported in Canton and vicinity, but none
as yet have proved. fatal.
Tun Sullivan 'County To:where:Associ
ation will meet at Laporte, on Friday and_
Saturday, October rth and 18th.
Mr.s4ts. O.- S. JORDAN & Son, -Athens,
are buildingroite a largo additionto theii
." Central House " in that village..
• MeINITRE Brothers have an exhibit . of
hardware, stoves, etc., at the • Sullivan
r County Fair,. at Forksville, this week.
1 - Iv.mita. hats beg made the -voting
place for the new election district. taken
from Cherry township, Sullivan County.
timiery„is making "warm chewing can
dy". at the-ullivan County -Fair, this
1.T.1A SI MOSIER, -of Waverly, lost
th - redviingers from his right hand, whilst
couplilig cars that place, on Monday of
last week.
- _ -
GEORGE Scormtx, of lowanda town
ship. lia's raisM this presfrit season, on
nine acres of ground, two thousandush
els-pf potatoes.
ni LellorGrarOcTiik, held on Mon
day inid Tuesday 4 lark, , Weelc was a de
,cided success, both as regards exhiliits
and attendance. ..";, • y .
Mts. S. C., orAthens, , ifi one of
tfic heirs tciiheyAN lionN estate, in Hol
land, which is said to be worth eighty-two
millions of dollars. „
A LOS abotit .seven, years iald, - son of R.
MEnnicK, of Canton, was run over in
`zlie street orthat village on Thursday at
feruoon, and baOlyiati.h.
WATSON FREEMAN, Who resides on the
Armenia Mountaiiis, was rubbed of.Qght
hundred dollars by Wei-pockets at the
Mansfield (trogaLeonnly) Fair, last *ea.
Ir;ridge shops, Athens } , is . very brisk, proprie torsfinitt s z it necessary trt run
ahem d; . ,ty and niglit_to meet t)iciOttiers.
Ocuisister village of Waverly is enjoy- ,
ing (2) a Walking matcli - -this `Week.,. It
4)lliiiiieneed on Tuesday morning and was
to -continue .one hundred and eight hours.
Es lIUNrER, an od man 72 yearS of
i ,r - nW`fof Canton, was quite serioutly_in
. ,j jilted one day last .week •by being kicked It is, tliought his injuries will
Prove fatal. ,t;'-•
r „
chased, :... . „
the hiineis In establishment
on Bridge greet o is father, and will be
pleased to 'see all who may wish anything
in liar. line. ,;‘, , •
PERSONS wishing to obtain patents can
safe trouble and expense by Sendiriftheir
applicatirmsftcaL•4l.. AlEttcuit, Esq.., this
place,. who gives -particular' attention •eo
tlidt kind tif. business.
THE State fine.;,:rately deteiniined upon,.
by ;:.;civertiniental'iurveyors;, - is said to giv .
to New Stale quite a.:-.considerable
portion of what is known , as South Wa
verly, iu this county. .
Cill'BCll . 6eihe Messiah (Universalist),
Rev. WILLIAM T.v,i.tnt, Pastor. At 401
-A. M., •subjeet—" The Revival that is
Needed." At 7P. M., " Real Atonement.
What is it?", AR welcome.
Ai;ENTL,EmAN-ot this village osiers to
gi%e a thousand dollars toward raising the
amonnt necessary to secure the proposed
donation uC Mr,,„„ltot.t,EtinAcw to the Stts;
quehanna - llegiate Institute.
Mn. Riumni KENDALL, of Burlington,
shot an AMSriean eagle on the- 25th ult.,
which weighed-eleven pounds and seven
ouncei ; • measuring seven feet and •two
inches fiejn tip tcklip of wingS. • -
Dr.ATIOOF A VALL'Alltr. Honse.-111f.
TIcADAis, ()Mister, - lost a mare valued
it-fotl , one night of weCli 'LefOlii - last.
, She.hadtaken the: - first premium at the
I_Troy Fair the dayjnevious to Ler Oath.
• TILE . ..orelty Furniture-Works-at Ath.:
ens are crowded *ith ciders, and are vow
employing as wavy hands as can be pos'
xilsiy worked to advantage rin- . the present
-hididings.- It is. said. that the shops will
• geen-
, be tuaterialikrenlarged. '
--,..A777tritE stockholders - of the/Bridge
lisny, at their meeting on riday last, de-.
-hided, Re undemtand, no to y accept the
' award - of $215,115eas mad - :by "die viewers
grthe bridge, id have carried the mat-.
tele-13 the Stipteme Court:
A LITTLF. daughter, tiged "about nine:
y( ars, fit Rug. 13nEKLA, of South Waver
„ •
ly, nu Weduez lay of larst week,-thrust a
• crotchet needle, which she was - tarrying
in her pocket, through her dress into her
1 2 un1,nzaking, a very revere wontide• • .
Tiiv. fonrib annual 'meeting of the ller- .
rick Suntfay School ASseciation, will be
held in the Congregational Church, in Le
114ysyille, on Wednestim . and Thursday,
(Ictobet 28th and 2iltb.'! - All are invited to
atta . id and fake part in the exercise's,
lit:Frox, of the Athens Gfizette r credited..
our; notice of his paper kik week - , to the
Ltpul!lican. AU riglat, CliAntag.. Jus
as you choose as to the matter orcrediti. •
But bear it in mind that we not take
back a word we said, notwithstanding
you etnse Lb give some one rise the credit
of sayingit,
Wa trait every reader, of the RaPOR.
TER will Ilse °a careful perusal to the ex
cellent article in our Educational. Deltart
ment,iif this week. ' It is seldom that so .
Much truth is gotten into so small a space.
It .particularly of interest to farmers'
Wyk, and we trust none will fail to„read
it: . ~ • :;
WILLIAM M. MALLORY having been ap
pointed sole agent for the sale of Loyal
Sock coal in this pface, has leased the
PIIINNRT Coal Yard, where he still. Carry
on the coal business. lie 'rill have ae an
assistant Mr. 8. C. ADams, who thorough
ly understands the business and Wan ex
cellent salesman..
WILLIAM' PHILLIPS was somewhat
bruised by being thrown from a wagon on
York Avenue, Tuesday evening :of last
week. He was driving one of Mr. MAL
LORY'S horses, when - the harness gave
way letting the wagon against the horse
frightening it _so that it became unman
ageable and ran away, throwing Mr.-P.
from the wagon.'
Moons's barn, in Ulster, was burned: on
Wednesday evening last, at about nine
o'clock. It contained a quantity of bay,
oats, buckwheat, etc. There was no in
surance. Mr. PHILIP SWEET'S dwelling
house was also burned abort twelve
o'clock, the same night. No insurance.
These two tires occurred in the same
Tim following named gentlemen have
been elected officers of Valley Lodge, No.
446, L O s 0. F., of . Sheshequin, for the
ensuing term : ,
N, G.--11111.Es K. Osiwitri.
6eCtel4ry 7 -LELAND GRIFFIN.
Assistant Beeretary—W. H. IL Gonz.
Treasurer.—F.DWlN GORE.
THE citizens of Leßaysville have estab
lished a public library in that place. The
following , mamed gentlemen have been
elected officers ofthe association : Cs S.
DUSENBURY„ President . ; I). S. CORDING,
Vice-President ; E. 11. CORDING, Secrets•
ry ; WALTER BUCK, Assistant Secretary ;
HENRY TAYLOR, Librarian;.P. C. VAN
GEttiEn, Assistant Librarian; P. H.
BucK, Treasurer.
THE Band Bic-Nic at East "Troy on
Tuesday, says the Troy Gazette; was a
fine affair, though only four bands took
part in it. But all of them did credit to
themselvespand thc,large audience were
highly pleased with the entertainment.
The Leona, West Burlington, Sylvania
and East Troy bands were present. Our
Greenback friends i mproved' he occasion_
by a Speech from 'JAMES WRIGHT, of El
Mits. Lotitsi-Ronntss died at her resi
dence iff)this place on the night of the. 2d
inst. ,he had been in ill health for a yeat
past, but her condition was not considered
dangerous up to within a few hours of het
demise. She was a daughter of Jammu
KINCIABURY, Esq., and was aged about
32 years. Her death, will be sincerely
mourned by a large circle of friends and
aequilibe funeral took place
,Seuday last, 'and was very laigeli
SAM VAN NOTE, a clerk in 31cI;Ftty0
Brothers hardware store, loft hie coat con=
taining a pocket-book in which there was.
seventeen dollars, in his wagon, while he
put his horse in the barn, on Tuesday of
Ust week. • The'coat was in . the 'wagon
when SAm_returned, but the pocket-bpok
and $l7 had 'evideiitis , ' gone to •look for
the man who tonlc.'a.o whip out of , the
wagon the same' ,tiny the fair grounds..
At least SAMsupio'ses such to be the case
as the curreney,.has. been missing up - to
the present time,
I) has been within
a few days a rapid development of
disease in our village, after an
for nearly twenty years. Those who re
member the horrors of the scourge, as it
prevailed in 1859, will feel deep regret
that it has again ,made its appearance
here... One thing is very favorable ; the
attacks so far have been light, and the
ivither warm and dry, , is, favorable for
those afflicted. There seems something
strange that the cases' are, so isolated and
in different parts of the town; so that 'it
is difficult to point to any local carries.
No doubt the low state of many of. the
wells would be an aid in producing the
A little chileof Mr. FLErcoEn,
Cantoti=sfreet, was the first taken, and
now getting well, and in rapid succession
cases broke out on different streets until
at present writing there are the'two
girls of HEIUUCK MCKEAN; on Redibgton .
avenue, LAURA, eldest daughterof 11. F:
itiON . ivros, on Canton street, a;:laughter
pfpEon4E MASON, and a son-of. IL M.
.EALDING, OR Elmira street, M. DAVI
SON, at the'Troy House, a - son of. TiERT
13ALLARril on High street, apd a child , of
Mrs. TOMLINSp, on Mainiitreet.....Tbeie
are all tbe:cai,e` s reported at present, and .
in nearly all the symptoms , are favorable
for recovery.—Troy Gazette. ; 1 :*„
'''• THE Borough Counsel' at their meeting
On Mopday evening last, authorized the
Secretary to issue-notices to the foihiwing
persons tobuilciside.walks: hid'. Ramp,
E. W. lisiE, JouN CARTER and WEr.rg.s,
_en Main street ; Kronv and MOODY, qu
.York avenue, filial Chestnnt streetio 310..
Hi:STON'S jot ; Mr.' Tantrum .and Em.-,
nuEit, on Plank Road street ; Mrs."l. 1 1 1,120
MILLER, and General' lisomt.; on-Poplar'
street ; 4E.J.tss POWELL, near the African'
church, on State - street ; HENRY CrPOR
TER to repair his walk., on Yoric,orenue.
The Secretary was also directed to-issue
notice to J. P. lintr to put a railing on
north side of sidewa k on 1.0Mb:0-street,
to protect citizelisl
~ M falling, into his
cellar`. _ - , ,
Mr. HoLcomn th en ffered - the follow
inOesolution, whic was, adopted with.
onedissent : -• ' -__ • .•
lieitofeed s ,That the Gas-Committee be and _axe
hereby authorized to map provision for lighting
the street lamps of the norough on all dark teglits
for six months; from atid'atter the sth ter tictober,
1a75, on the, tnokt team:Moira, terms to becobrained,
,and terprovide also totilighlog and extinguishing
, .
the sane. ~.. ,
31r. l itzgit moved that theStieet..Com
mittee Of the ild Ward" be authorized to
gravet York avenue, from Mr. BUNDELOI
lot to Chestnut - street:
'Mr. S s gz;i ; -op*ated . the motion,"`and
called for the ayes and ilaYs, will& *ere
taken, resulting as follows: _ :,,,.
dyes—At.dxn, not .chip,- ..1-, , .. L
Llrit:and liurges ~.. ,:----_,..--,-, ", 1 --;
_fietyr—Sxxx4,=l. ~ -71..... '-
_,, '' s
The ordinsnee, for widsning North
Fourth street ; passed AuguOth, and re
_ ..eln ,
sded September let, was; presented by
3ii, fl9l.couu, and again. - • by a vote
of 4 ayes — nags 1.. - „i., ' - •
'Action on the question o opening an al
ley north of the Ward homestead was
postpoted mitil.Saturday evening next. •
James Wood, Esq., presinated claims of
Daniel Walborn, for daniages to his wa
gon in Crossing-the railroad trick on Pine
street. ltefelved to Finance Committee.
Bilis:amounting to $198.55 were approv
ed, a . pd orders for. the same ordered
dfavflW• - ,
, _
• •
Police Justicn-Young reported- six ,ar
restaduring the month ending Ocitiber
Ifolcoinh - Submitted_ the following
resolution, which was adopted : -
RAtolred, That the Street CombMee of the Ist
Ward be directed to communicate with the Chief
- hingineer ist the tire department in relatiosi,to
roadway for Mettle( of said department across I lot _
1 owned by ti . W. Heath, below the bridge, *ad also
examine the Miniskirt of saidmeid anti reywrt at
I next regular meeting aneh.roadway is nee
emery- fur the deportment. and it so, whether Yr.
neat!' should bo compensated for the privilege of
I bald roadway. -
/ •
-Mrs. EDWARD Jottits,-of Nesth,i ie
very ill.. •- '
Jer'-"Oku!' l 7 , 14 -Pi
Tonetutoidad • 1
- F. peas - 214 T hom illraingtiin;
is visiting friends at Canton.
-./diss - ALLta Wiliness - of Canton, is
visitingfriends in tilosabnig- -
position with the Singer Sewing Machine
uompany. - ,
—Miss JEN= CANFIELD, of. Lisßava
vile, daughter of Smilax y id
Owntos and daughter, from
Philadelphia, are visiting. Mrs: Tau
Same, Canton. .
-HARRY WARD, Of this place, has tali.
en a position on the editorial staff of the
Pittsburgh-Rat. 4 r ' • r 7 ,
—Rev. Tams. W. Boowoma lot
Wadsworth, Ohio, is visiting his alter,
Mrs. JOSEPH HAIGH, in Pike.
—Rev. J.,413. RICHMOND, pastor :of the
Congregatfonal Church, teßaysville, is
visiting friends in Boston, Mass.
—Miss CLARA Erni' has resigned - her
polition in the' Graded School at Canton,'
accepting a position as teacher in Lan
caster county.
—Mr. limns DRAKE, of. State Line, is
about to remove to Elmira, where be will
engage In the market blisiness. Elmira
gains a valuable citizen..
—Hon. U. MEncun left for Pittsburgh
on Wednesday of last week, to be , present
at ,the Session of the Supreme Court
which Commenced there on Monday, .of
this week.
—J. W. TAYLOR, of this place, has ac
cepted ajosition In a large dry-goods
house at Wilkes-Barre. JAMES la
,an ex
cellent salesman and pleasont gentleman
to deal with.
—Mrs. Dr. L. D. MONTANYE, who has
been sojourning in . the Adriondacks for
several months past, for the benefit of
her health, returned to her borne in this
place, on Tuesday evening of last week.,
—JONATHAN ROILEY, Of this place, was
summoned to - Pittstrin on Friday
. last -to
attend the funeral of lira 'Brother, whose
death resulted from injuries received by a
fall. of zeal in a mine a few days ago. -
—Capt. I. A. PAng, of Herrick, who
has long been a sufferer of - a diseaiie
• which at times haa nearly Overcome him,
called at our office last Monday forthe first
time in six. months. T -Leßayarille Adver
(leer. ,
—Mr. Gtusos, who 'was stricken with
paralysis at the residence of L. R. rimer,
in this plebe, some weeks since, has so
far recovered as to be able to be removed
to his home in Philadelphia on Monday
of last week.
—Con: Mucus, ofSayre the genial
proprietor of the Sayre House and also of
the Cotton hotel which is conducted by
his son, was in town on Tuesday. He
bas many friends here who are always
glad to-meet him—Pittston Gazette.
—:C. B. BROCKWAY ha severed his con
rtection with the Blooms urg Columbian,
inyVing sold his interest herein to Jour;
IC. BITTENBEKDER. Mr. B. is said to be
a first-class printer, and will - ho doubt
keep the Uolurnbian up to its former
standard of exmllence..innsagraphical
appearance. • . , - 1
. —WILLIAM LITTLE, Esq., of this place,
had his overcoat stolen while he was par
taking of dinner at tie Frazier Rouse, in ,
Elmira, one day last week. " Mine host
DOBBINS, bf that pleasant hoef elrie, hav
ing found it impassible to rergui the coat,
hits notified Mr. L. to send in - his bill for
damage.- _
The twentEsseventh annual exhibition
of the Bradfo - 01 County Agricultural So
ciety was ifid on the GroOds of, the Sci
ciety,- in 'past Towanda 4„ on Wednesday,
Thuisdai and 'Friday mast week, , and
was trm most successful exhibition, as re
gardi the number ,of the people in attend- ,
awe and exhibiti; aver held in the county.
The - Weather during the entire continu
ance of the Fair was.all that could have
been asked fur—warm and, pleat.
Was almo4 entirely given up to making ,
entries and arranging , exhibits isy exhibi
tors. The attendance of sight-seers on
this day was small, only about line hun
dred and fifty -admission tickets being
sold at the ticket office. At tiio :o'clock
r. over acne hundred entries of arti z
des for premiums bad littn made, 'and
still there were numbers of persons suns;
iotisly waiting to have their. names record
ed on the entry books, iihilst wagons,
loaded with machinery, mercharrixe, farm
products. ete:,were passing throeagh the ,
Bat on to the Fair Grounds in a. contiu,
nous stream ; and it wag-not until some
-time after nightfall that ' 7 66 - latex were
closed. Long ere the time for closing the
entries it was found by the, nn
the stalls erected ; for the accommodation
or horses and' attle would be entirely. in
adequate Loth' demand, and carpenters'
were at once set at work to erect -dome
''forty additional . ones;
and - even c these
were not enough, quite a number of.
Abitonrbeing compelled to content them-.
selves with a post at which to fasten their
horses and cattle., It was a busy day for
the officers of the Society, and we take
pleasure in recording the fact that each
and all of themput forth every exertion
to assist exhibitors in the arrangement of
their exhibitttending to_ their duties
with a promptness _and chfurfulness re
markable under ` the circumstauces.•
in with a cloudless sky, and
)iiid at an earl_ hour crowds began , to en,
ter the gates 9 - the - Grounds,Tand at ten
o'eleek-A. w.,lhe large - eueleinie bad be
come pretty pearly filled: Four thousand
admission tickets were sold on this 'day,
ald =competent judges estiinated ;.that
there were five theuttand people - :on the
Grounds at four o'clock :- r. at.. At two
o'clock r, 31.01ie Annual Addreqs
livered by Col. V. E. Pon.t.E.o, tusk viris
listened to by a very large - Conseil* of
people: "It was an able and instrOftive
effort, and as might have been expected
from the distinguished orator, lull of pos
itive statements and practical suggestions.
Probably all of the audience who had the
iffeasur of listening to it would not agree
with al ly conclusions and propositions
advattickceit , the comparisons - and ate - -
tistickwhiefk showed the progress-Jiro have
made in agriculture, and - -drr kwe
now bold in the counties of. the State,'
were ,new to most, and: certainly gratify
ingtollies pride of , 4
The ( attendance 4f--ttiltitors-on.
_ .
Was considerably — smaller khan on the
preceding*althougli ihew4Aber,Srics .
beautiful_ and thi exhibits were all rie
.place. The Grounds were comfortably
"full, homelier, about two thousand adinit
tance tickets being.sold. The Most nota
ble featunisof this day were the exhibition
of the animals who had been : si r wartied
prizes, on the track, in the afternnon,-
fowling quite an interesting. spectacle as
they pad in review by the grand etrind,
which Was filled with. interested 'kart,
;tors;.the trotting acti between lax
KINGSBURY'S. bay . stallion "I,.eni"- and
MaL STEVENS' black mare :IJoseplaing
5.," which was won by the maraby abupt
half a length ; and- - the horseback riding
byladies, in which Mrs. C . := - M. Msztini.
litil*Ftimus VANFisir mid Miss Sit=
TIE WATTS participated. -Mrs. MANVILLE ,
rode a blnutillillilack mare, called
bectai,"—Which walawarded the first" pre'
mium as a saddle horse—and elicited
comlimenifrom thesini'
limes i for
% grace tnid-ekill. The young ladies were al o
quite highly complimented.
We 6141 ant attempt to imeali:er . ail th
exhibite, aa we hare wet the spitoi where-
• J 4.4 t. AA: "!' fpkt.Y.
in to do so attn. iblietve ; but chili co&
tent 'ourselves by• nient 4 onins, some of
time that attracted the most attention'.
from viiiiieriC ilminienarngirith the first,
114fdisgstlhe *piths& insi'* - theeit.i
4o uri c kaolin as the , • •;. .
• 'lp this building the Singep = Scwtng l t l Mii.',
chine_ Company had on exhibition .
ker 4theii pepblAr machines of, differing'
styles hi thaish.. - O. iV,, , BLACK also had a
ruunber crc the r ;PaTia : Vertical -Fec4
cLiries on attracted - mink
attention, and were &Warded the first pre-!
mittm. Wztts abio . exhibited the White
.Machine, which was closely inspected by :
the ladies. QUite "space in this building
iealocciiitied by Tut . 11natwouti Ruda.'
TER establishinent, for the purpole of is. ,
suing a neat little paper each. day of the'
Pair, for. gratuitous • circulation. This
was a very attractive exhibit, and the mo
dus operandiof setting up type and print.
ing a newspaper, was witnessed. each day
by hundreds or spectators:,
• itutunso IT. 3.
One side.of this building was occupied
by PoWitt. it Co:, with in excellent and
extensive exhibit of Dry GOods, etc., ar
ranged in a very pleasing and attractive
style, and received very general inspection
by all visitors. -~
• ' Otw;-bilf of the soh side of this build-
ing was taken np •by C. T. Kumar, Drug
gist, - with an extenSive 'and handsomely
arranged assortment of Drugs, Toilet Ar
ticles, and Fancy Goods, the arranging of
which were admired by all and 'frequent
ly **merited • upon. Adjoining the
KIRBY exhibit was that of the Oswego
Starch Company, and neit to that JOHN
SON & Co., foundrymen of this place, had
a large display of their-justly celebrated
Fluting and Smoothing irons, which we
heard several ladle's say were the hest ar
ticles of the kind in market:
This building was ono of the most at-
tractive on tbo.Grannds, and was con.
inaptly filled by iisitors. The exhibit
showed the progress made in the public
schools of the county, and was of in
terest and value to every friend of Conn-
mon Scheele. The Suequehannkeollegi.
ate Institute, the Graded Eichoote'or To-
wands borough, Troy borough, .Athcfis
borough, and the commorrSchools of va
rious districts, sent their Philosophical
and Chemical' Apparstus t specimens of
drawingitAnd maps and penmanship, by
scholars, charts in physiology and geogra
phy, and other evidences of good 'each-
ing. and apt -seholarship. frisking an at
tractive and valuable collection., Proles
sor Rfax, County Sperintendeut, super
intended the arrangement,' and the eshjb
it was the proudest evidence he - could of
fer as to,his efficiency and value as the
Superintendent of the Schools of the coun
ty. His assistants sr Mr. A. T. LIL
LE; who contributed a large collection of
minerals.and* fossils, WILLIAM J. Hon-
TON, an enthusiastic friend of educational
interests, CliAltLEB FELTON. a graduate'
- of the TOinulda Graded School;; MART
The ladies (GOD bless them) were fore
most•in the desire-to add to the beauty of
the-Fair s and as they always do things
well were more than successful in their
endeavor's. One of the 'most :attractive
features cit tite Fair was the,,,display of
prefilired grasses exhibited by Miss lixt,
Ex-tkurrga, tier taste and skill- have
shown-how much of beauty theie is in the
native pialuctiou of the soil, when treat
ed with judgment and taste, and brought
out many:an expression of delighted as
tbnishment that such a beautiful show
&mid be' made of common grasses and
noxious weeds. A silk quilt from Mrs.
It: M. WET.Lm was much admired. The
cut flower. of Miss MARI - Ef.t.uyrx were
very attractive. (The-floral display oth-
°Twits) was a failure, which might have
tieen ono of the most enjoyable features).
_Ars. SAMUEL KELLUM, fifty-five years
old earded the alas and spun the linen for
a pair of pillow: caies, which 'seem g,
for another nalf century. The embroide
,AY of Mrs. DANA :PARE, of Athens,
was in gpod taste: and showed skilL - , Mrs.
JOHN W. MEANS displayed also •embroi.
- ery, wax flowers,. and painted candles of
-fine designs and. excellent execution, and .
an oil fruit piece of great merit. 141 E-0
M.. lillNvitlE 'had a similar displayi 4
which deseriescomniendation. Miss AI,
aps. : llANsom. added:tolhe collection a .la-
Plinese robe, knife alirplpe, and the criri
' obs chops , icririth ..which . that peculiar
people manage to, convey their food to
ther mouths .(loatied by Miss ABAOAR,
JoNEs, of - Ulster). , She had also . a vener
able bonk, printed in 1694. Mrs. MADDEN
showed zephyr work, ,which must have'
taken ..many an hour to :execute.. Mrs':
MADDEN also had a very extensive display
of Millinery Hoods, as did Mrs: MiNnos,
both exhibits being very tastefully ar
ranged. Miss FJOiNIE POWELL, a beauti-=
fully embroidered set. POLLY STEVE:Oy
tidies:.*i.f.eniously and handsomely work
ed. Mrir D. KELLUM, crAiet werk, flue-'
ly wrought. ! Airs. It. IticastaS, of Warren,
had several very noticeable articles on ex-
hibition tidies and carpets, and a
quilt made of over eight thousand pieces,
and. several articles of embroidery that
were exceedingly beautiful in design and
excellent in execution.
Our neighbors of the Journal exhibited,
in this, building four large .frames
with specimens of job printing done at
that establishment:7 - The exhibit was,ar
tistically arranged, and the aptojmens of
work of a high order. .
Mr. Fisimii also
,showed — at number of.
specimens of his skill in, photography,
which.roccived .nralt attention from visi—
_tom • -
HOLMES a: PASSAGE occupied a space in,
this building for their exhibit[ musical
instrDiDents, as dithilso—MANviLi.g. The
instruments of bOth exhibitors were fte
,qu'eriffy used during the cgritinuanco of
- the fair by musieians,.and we listened on
several occasions to sotne' - 'exceltrit per.
formatices_by skilled players. • •
MCINTYRE Brothers, and A. D. DYE tt.,
CO., had large exhibits of :goods in thiii'
line. As betiiieti' several makes of heat
ing stoves, the Judges were at' a loss in
makinglbeir decision, but gave the first
prize to the 'Westminster. The Ransom
Cottage Range was awarded the 'first pre
mium. It . 'was exhibited by Mcbayttr.
Brothers. The display of Copper and Tin
Ware, made by Ass Deuoi.Ass, of McIN-
Tynt Brothers, 4as much admired, and
showed-excellent liiirkmanship. •
Was occupied by Wysauking Grange,
Who luura a very excellent display of farm
products"7and numberless useful. articles
rnado_ by-,the deft fingers of the goOd
wives and daughters who are members of
that organization, consisting of bed
spreads; 'quilts, _ embraidenes, needle
'work, "etc., all evincing excellent taste
and judgment.
Contained an excellent diSplay. Of - fruits
and vegetables, many of them of mare
moth .. proportions. • `lVe do not . recellect
°fever seeing at any ?air such a display.
.asbere, both 'as to size and
.7quantity,:. whilst the - beets, .• Mangels,
Squishes,- pumpkins, cucumbers, tome
-1 toes, etc.; were simply. immense. Think
of a squa,h that weighs one hundred and
fifty pounds, or a punpjtin that the
wales at eighty-eight pounds. 'We would
not like the task of having to decide to
whom belonged.the- first premium on po.
tatoes, but. we ,would not object if some
one should- take a-.notion to put abou
twenty bushels of the " Queen's of the
Valley" or." Chamberlin •Wlings," such
as were exhibited by our friend lirenAtio
MeCnnE, of North Rome, into our cellar.
Among the articles in this building 'that
attracted no small amount of attention,
'was a basket' of sweet potatoes grown by
T. F. ESPY, of Rummerfield. They-were
large in size, round and 'plump in appear
ance; and having - tested their qualities as
to flavor, we sniper the opinion that Brad
' iprd County cats produce as good ".fruit"
of this description as we buy in !ler
eign " markets of New Jersey. Some ex
-trnordinary latge cabbage exhibited by
Wir.r.iiAm VAISMICIIMAICK, Of the , "Island
Farm," also received much 'attention.
• - . - a
• %farm • mze.urrxravr. ,
•k, ~ . • There was qoite a - large exhibit in'this
department. 'The display was made iu.a,
portion of the. Grange linilding, and we'
certainlir;.•did nor.--owyr -those who were
charged with the diityof a w arding the
premiures. To our mind. : this was. the
hardest task that any wit of judges bad to
_.,..._.we_ ,~ _.,,~..~.
;- .
perform. There is no doubt Abet. the
poorest butter exhibited , here would have
taken the first, premilm, at any other
COunty..Pair in: the ., State. The. on will
premium of 420 . far the test firkin and
tub of butter was awarded as follows :
0 to J. W. & O. Id. litcum.s, Of Bur
lington, and $lO to E. B y MONTOONERT,
of the same town. ' -
Blair"! Bons bad a large and -band ! .
somedijair• Occupying the fell ougudf
of tali' the Society's buildings.
Excellent exhibits were made by C. F.
The display in this department was
very meagre. The Eureka Mower Com
pany exhibited one of their machines, as
did also the Champion Mower Company.
The Eureka was awarded the first premix
um. R. M. WELuts exhibited a number
otplows and Chitin Powers, which were
clileely - inspected by farmers. The Grain
Mill exhibited by PRILLIPS Brothers, and
ntfined the- "Champion," attracted much
attention,and is undoubtedly a good ma
chine. I t awarded the first premium.
"The exhibit in this department far ex
ceeded in numbers, and the fine appear
ance of the animals entered, any previ
ous fair, and many visitors said that of
any County Fair bathe State tnat they had
ever attended. Mr. NRLioN, of Wind
ham, exhibited a very•fine Patchen stal
lion, five years old, as.did also Captain I.
A. PAnx, of Athens. R. EDMINISTEIL, of
Ulster, exhibited his Percheron stallion,
thoroughbred, five years old, and WIL
LAitp Woon, of Smithfield, a Clydesdale'
stallion, seven years old. These were
splendid animals, add admired by .all
whq saw them. They both took first pre.
minlu. Mr. MeADAu, of Ulster, had on
exhibition his magnificent, five-year-o d, ,
stallion which took the premium at the'
Troy Fair. ' W. H. BRADFORD showed •
very fine two-year -old Hambletonian colt,
fifteen hands high. and weighing one
thousand pounds. This colt took•the first
premium at the Troy Fair, as also here.
M. E. BISCIIER, of Leßaysville, entered a
half-blood Patchen stallion—half Membri
no—foor yeara old, sixteen and one-half
ha ids high, dark iron gray color, that
weighed eleven hfindred and forty ponnds,
and was a very tine animal; C. it. Davits,
of Orwell, a very fine bay-stallion, three
years old, sixteen hands high, weighing
ten hundred and sixty pounds, was award
ed first premium. Jotter P. CROOK, of
Asylum w a four-year'-old gray stallion, bf
the Prince stock, sixteen hands high, and
weighing twelve hundred pounds. WIL
LARD WOOD also entered some very fine
half-blood Clydesdale stock, bred from
his thoroughbred Clydesdale stallion men
tioned above:. D: C. DEWITT a fine
speedy cold', tkattook first premium. J.
W. Niertims and son exhibited two splenr
did matched teams, which took first and
serond premiums. Jops E. PIOLLET, . a
fine .Star Bye years old, "sixteen
hands high. W. IkD. - GREEN, of Bur
lington, a very fine pair of matched dap
ple• grays. Protlionidaw BLAcssrkg a
number of fine blooded animals, inel,nding
a splendid farm team. HORACE Homo;
a fine mina of colts. -Commissioner RAN
SOM a superior breigh t mare and colt, a
good pair of farm horses and a pony.
HAomotAx a fine matched team, and G.,
H. Fox, ditto. A._AitßoLp a splendid
pair of iron grays. qt. S. BEARDSLEY
fine span of , large., bays. RICK ARD Me-
CABE, of North Rome, a splendid pair of
matched bays. J. W. Nienoas, of Bur
lington, a wery.fine matched pair of Ham
bletonians. =J. S. ROCKWELL,' of West
Iturlington,• a handsome matched p air of
dapple-chestnut. Hambletordans. D. S:
Honvox, a pair of three-year-old colts
that were very handsome and stylish. J.
JILLSON, of West Warren, a beautiful
brown mare, six years old, a very fine an
imal. • A. A. AngLL, of Warren, a beau
tiful mahogany bay Patehen - stallion,
three years old. ALmos BAXTER, of West
Burlington, a splendid Morgan stallion,
named ‘ Col; Douglass." -
In this department the entries were far
in excess of any previous year. Among;
the. most noteworthy animals were : An
Alderney bull, 3 years' old, property of E.
J. Arkus; a Jersey heifer, 28 months old,
with twin calves by her side, also entered
tip Mr. AvEns ; a Norfolk Bed Poll'bull,
2 - years mid ethouths old, belonging to E.
B. & J. N. Urinals ' of East S.mithfield;
an, Alderney bull, belonging to M. B.
`CAswEr..t., of Pond Hilly 3 years, old,
weight 1.2001b5--a line animal ; a g, ade
heifer and calf, owned lip the PIOLLETS ;
a Short-horn bull, the property of L. C.
WILIIIIR ; of *North Orwell, 2 .years
and weighing 1,500 pounds ; a grade heir
erTbelonging, A. 13.. CAss • an Alderney ,
entered'. by R. E. C.
, Mitt ; an IVA kite bull, entered by A.
R. Dutton ' • a giiide Holstine, 1 year old,
entered by 8. Barner ; a Short-horn bull,
"Lord 31altbie," 4 years old, entered'by
PIOLLETS ; a Short-horn bull, "Pon Pe
dro," entered by FAYETTE CELVEII, and
a Short-horn Durham bull, entered ;by
PIOLLETM. From Weitern Bradford came
-- - ,
some of the best stock on exhibition. C.
B. STRAIT, of Sylvania, entered eight
thoroughbred Jerseys. The bull "Aber-
?deep, of Clairmont," 2 years old, took the
:second prize at Elmira, and two prizes at
the Troy Fair. The Jersey heifer, "Nel
a perfect beauty, and rt_six months'
old calf ; two Jerseys cows, 3 and 5 years
old, and a, Jersey -bull calf 5 months old.
These cattle were awarded several first
prizes. F. P. &A. 31. CORNELL, of Syl
vania, made :
.a grand display of eight head
of Ayrshirdibulls, cows and heifers. S.
4). Corm, of Troy, had two splendid Ayr
alike bulls, 1 and 3 years old. These ex-_
hibitors deserve much credit for their en
terprise in bringing their cattle such a
distance to add to the attractions of the
Fair. It is an indication of the interest
taken in Westeni Bradford, in the intro
duction and raising of -good stock-an
interest which has made that section of
the county celebrated for its blooded
stock, and for the extent and' excellence
of its dairy products.
. There was quite a goodly display-made
in this class;- , • - 'M-. H. 1 1.ANNING, .Wyso
lum, exhibited Chester Whites. Of Berk
shires, G. H. VANDYKE, UIster,PIOL
LETs; Wysox ; N. and 0. M. Nermts,
of Burlington, exhibited several head.
Essex and Poland Chinas were exhibited
by G. 11. VANDYKE, of Ulster. and Mr.
CAMP, of Standing Steno. UO. Wity...ier,
of Ulster, and W. S. Davis, of Neatli, ex
hibited a number of very tine .Terkshires.
There was a very good display'of sheep.
R. B. KERRICK exhibited a number of
very tine eottswolds W. C.. Sumo*" a
fine Leicester buck .and lamb ;31.:-S.
CAMP, three tint: Shropshire ewes, and C.
S. STKWART, of lieut.:l:vine; a-splendid
CottswoWbuck.. •
The exhibit in this department Ras pot
large, but the fowls displayed were Innis
unity fine ones. GEo. H. WEnr, of. Aftsi.
was awarded first premium , Yantail
pigeons, Pekin ducks, Plymouth Leghorn
chickens, Houdans,Blaok-breasted Games
aid GeorgianHames, and also .for best
collection of fowls. .GEVIWE'S exhibit
was a very fine one, and the premiums
were worthily . bestowed; IfiiliAnn Mr.
CAVE, of North Rome, was awarded first
premium on a pair each of Blue. White
Topknot and Gray,Geese—very tine fowls.
C. B. Sissy? topk both first and Second
premiums on Br nze turkeys: They were
extremely largo fowls.
. In closing our report of .the Fait,.."„we
again wish to say that it is far from being
full,• and that undoubtedly we ave failed
to make mention of many exhts worthy
of particular notice.
We trust that in arranging and placing
the Otries at the next Fair, every exhibit
tc(Il be distinctly marked with the name
of the exhibitor and such: other
lan as will do away with the necessity of
asking question. bluch time w spent
by visitors in endeavoring to get lin as
tion (often unsuccessfully). which might
have been imparted upon a small cant,
conspicuously posted. This Op was
adopted atlthe - State Fair, and should
hereaffer. be 'made a part of the regale
tions_,O. the : Society.- • 1 1
The remarkable immunity from. acci
dents was a•marked feature of ,;the Fair.-
The 'number of teams was so : J orge that
every available apace was occu ied: Usu
ally, on such occasions, and wiqttvich an
asitemblage of horses and wagon% some
accidents occur. - The only ones we beard
of happened to C. It. FITCH, otl CiPanville,
whose wagon, loadid pith a white bronze
monument, collided with an mimanageble
team, tiammOng his wagon and injuring
the monument, which,-: however, was put
In I
up on the , grommis ; end Mr. BwoAimmr,
of Pike, wbo was throrin from his wagon
on Friday while on bin weir to the grounds,
and 4 1 111 4 fortauld.9, Wand.
Judge &Wei; Who was a Visitor at the
- Fair Grounds, gave it as an extra-jib:tidal
opinion that it was one (Atha best County
Fain betever attendedul the Judge is
a good farmer as welt ass protoUnd law
The pencil drawing of a dpg, by Jun
ius; DOUGLAAN in the educational depart
meat, was much admired, as was also the
head of Wouncrrott,"drawn by Atrintm
Mr. MORRIS, of Susquehanna county,
represented the State Society at the Fair.
Mr: M. is a member of the House of Rep
resentatives, and is thoroughly posted on ,
all matters relating to agriculture.
The two black bears chained near the
southern limits of the grounds attracted
much attention. They were brought from
Sullivan county, and are about one year
old. •
The officers of the Society were untir
ing in their labors to promots its.suess.
They are great , credit, as the
only reward they get is the nleasure of
knowing that they hive contributed to,
the welfare of the Farmers, and thereby
advanced the prosperity of the entire
community. They may have failed to
satisfy every one, but if they did, it was
not because of the lack of an earnest de do justice to all. The management
and direction of an Exhibition like the
.one of last week is no small task, involv,
ing a vast amount of labor and the loss of
much time, .all of which was freely given
without the expectation of fee or reward.
Ample allowance should be made for. the
hasty manner in which all the business
had to be transacted, and it should be the
aim of all'interested at these exhibitions
to aid the - manager's in the performance
of their arduous and perplexing duties._.
Now that the Fair is over, and oar
fanners have returned to their homes, it
will be in order to talk over the incidents
of the occasion and draw from it such
benefits as it is calculated to bring. Eve
ry intelligent farmer, desirous of elevating
his calling and of adding to his pleasure
and profit, cannot fail to have observed
something which added to his. stock of
information and gave him useful and val
uable hints for his future guidance. fie
will also find in the columns of the BE
PORTEIi every week a department devoted
to Agricultural matters, which we will
guarantee Will be worth more to him in
the course of the year than ono slollar—
the price of subscription.
bonfectioneiy establiahmen ,
received a large patronage. , .
The Liberty Corners Cornet Band* ere
present during each`day of the. Fair,' and
rendered some excellent music. • Thoy
were awarded the first premium.
B. D. TYRRELL, of Orwell, had on 4x
hibition a short-horned Durham ox, 'four
years old, that weighed twenty-five hun
dred pounds.
The total receipts for entries, admislaben
tickets, etc., amounted to $1;860.
The premium list will be ptiblished i►
ull next, week..
In - re the petition of Elizabeth Haley,
for the benefit of ber'seperate earnings..
Prayer of petitioner.grauted.
Alice .Marcey vs: William Marcey—
G. IL grain, Esq, appointed Commission
L. Deln Jackson vs. Angeline Jackson,
PerciVal F. Watson.. Divorce granted in
each case. , •
0. W. Rockwell vs. O. S. Morse, etal
Job Morley vs. William Ballard, °tat ;
A. Johnson vs, L. A. Calif; W. T.
Antisdel use vs. 0. P. Taylor ; J. P.
Jones vs. W. P. Payson, 04; A. C. Gris
wold vs. L. E. Bates ; Arson Strowie vs.
Sarah- Strouse ; J. F., Means vs., Lycom-
ing Fire Insurince Company. Rules dis
charged in each case. •
S.►rah A. Bayleys use vs. F.$W. Hovey;
L. P. Kirby vs. D. IL Blackman. Rules
made absolute. • ,-
The weather is still warm. and it is be•
coming fearfully dry. Wells are drying,
and, fires are raging in some localities
Of late there has been considerable sick
ness with dila eria, and several new cases
are reported The teaci.ers and schol
ars of our school have organized debat- '
ing society; with E. Z . . WOodsident ;
J. S. Crawford, Vi&PresideiVaild _3liss
'Fannie Gerould, Secretary. The abject
of the society is said to be to promote the
educational interest, and acquaint its mem
bers with parliainentary Osage/0:: ...ltev.
J. 11: Nasort' pre : itched his farewell dis
course Sunday morning, Sept. 28th.....1,
if; Webb has sold his house and lot in the
village to Mrs. Vaq,,Buskirk, of Penny
and mu — varoato his farm, about one
mile south of the village. Mr. Webb is
said to be improving in health. (?)
• .AST SMITIIFIF.I.D, • Oct. •4, 1879. •
MR. EDITOR The " pump man " has
been around, but what is .the use so long"
as nearly. all the springs and wells are , dry
....Well, I declare! ELT HOLC63III'S mill
pond has just burned up—at least there is
no water, and lire has done its work by
clearing the rubbish from the place where
the pond ought to be. ...The Fair held at
Leßoy on the 2:lth and 4(111. knit. was a
success, arid exceeded tlietelpettation of
all. There were many ‘arieties of flue
potatoes on exhibition, but tl.r.onds:
WHIPPLE bad one that beat everybody
it weighed three pounds and six ounces.
Of course, the . big pumpkins, squa.Kbes,
beets, onions, corn, wheat, oats. ealibages, •
apples, peaches, etc., of the neighborlifie,4
wire all in position. 'The ladies showed
their taste and skilbbly. making a tine
play of tlowers, fancy work, quilts, etc.
The -collection of horses and cattle was
better than last year.. The maebinery
and mechanical work was of a superior
quality. The educational department
was a new feature containeetan exhibit
of- maps, mechanical lima a geologi
cal collection of foitsils . and minerals be
l:.ngitig to the Chewing., Catskill and
Carboniferous periods, Indiai skeleton,
Indian relics, a collectiim of school books
nearly a century old, school charts and
apparatus,- and specimens of the different
kinds of timber lound" in Western Brad
ford.• There was an effort made by the
ex-cand.4.ite for the greenback barrel to
capture, the Fair. for a Greenback meeting,
but when he heard who the committee of
'arrangements' were lie said it was
use," so he aseeruled a northern hill and
disappeared.... District Deputy D. W.
641/TT installed the (Accra of Leßoy
Lodge I. Ok.. O. F., on tri6";lst instant...,
-Thoserwho.stippomed the skeleton on ex
hibition at the Lettoy Fair dill not belong
to the linniati art - 4 , lft were very .much
mistaken, and doubtle, kiad" never seen a
burnan skeleton before. Q..
Oct. R, 1879.
Ma. Etoron ; • The incendiary fire at
lioni.iffat's mill has been followed by
two more within the borough limits. On
Thnrsday morning about one o'clock, Os
colowa was summoned to save a barn from
the devout lug deineut ; a prompt response
was made, and although the building was
nearly ready to fill, a portion ot it was
saved standing by the prompt act4n of
the fire company. • The barn was situated
on the premixes formerly omnpled , by B;
F. l3t;Enn, and now EuaAzau
Ponsnov. Mr—Diem:isms, the' present
occupant, loses about one hundred dollars
worth of property, whichofuld not be re-
Moved. No one knows the origin of the
fire, but some suppose it to be the work
of tramps... About six o'clock tyre fol
lowing morning smoke erns seen issuing
from the Baptist Chord', and investiga
tion showed that the back door had been
broken opeii and a fire started with kero
sene oil. •The lamp from. which. the oil
had been pthired wax found, and :a`-short
distance away the top which had been
taken off, while still further away Was the
chimney. The Thor had . evidently- been
started some time, for a large bole was
burned in the floor, and the heavy sills
and sleepers were burned neltily z half way
str. Indeed, a light was seen by some of
those returning from the other fire, but it
created do suspicion and was forgotten
until the discovery of the smoke in the
morning.. No motive for setting either.
fire is known to exist, and the whole mat.
ter is left in doubt The appearance of
seven or eight cases of diphtheria within
the mist two weeks has alarmed people
pOnsiderably, but under the skillful treat=
rment of the physicians only one case has
proved fatal.. NELLI_,F daughter of B. S.
sicKastc, died last Friday from the dis
ease. mite bereaved parents -have the
heartfelt synipsthy of lilt in their ainic
timi. The little girlwas about eight years
old and a beautiful child, beloved by eve
rybody. All the other cases are neatly
recovered, and it is loVed disc no new
OM will appear. The disease seems to
be milder than is sometimes the case, and
there is not thought to be any local cause
for its appearance. ...Eigt4 new houses
have been built this summer, and some.of
them are very elegant and expensive.
Editor HocetEn is making a pleasadt
home for himself on Pleasant street, and'
will soon have the dwelling ready for or.—
eupancy. Altogether, the prosperity of
our town is steady and as rapid as is con
sistent with permanency. • V.
Troy, Oct. 7, 1879.
1111,18INE88 LOCAL.
only gas. and RACKET LANTERNS gas
the etagere. '
tvr The OOct store is headquarters for
!Mares, best goods ant lowest prices.
' Virßargins. in , TABLE LINENS,
NAPKINS, CRASHES . , *c., at J. I:. KENT'S,.
Agent. •
. Ur FOR RENT.—A desirable -holm
and lot; with or Without additional ground, within
35 minutes walk from the Court House. Terms
reasonable. Apply to RODNEY A. Mittman. iw
Itlir Awing all ilia sowing machines
new or old, roue has ever done the large range of
work that ~ ,T he 'New Davis Vertical Feed" does
While at the Fair next' week it will well repay
you to take time to examine it.
Th's Largest, Best/and Cheapest
line of Shea for. Ladles•, kisses' and Children ,
IMO le found at CORSZII7B new store, Collier Main
and Pine-sts., Traci t Noble's Block. • apHIS
t' Cousin . has the, best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Months• wear erer offered in
Towanda, and at priced within the reach of all..
L05r...4!-A/pair of gold spectacles
In case, between TOwanda and Ulster, on Monday
Aurust ISth. Alweit one•hatt Inch bad been broken
off. from one bow. - The finder will' be suitably re-
Warded by )eaeiortbem at this office. -
Igr tiNDERWEiII of all kinds, bot
tom prtceeat 996, store.
'l5O ,7Nxw Ynnu, June 5, 1879.—Messre..
Owego.'N. Y.—Gentlemen: I bate
used. your Catarrh Remedy, Cream Balm, and-ez
perlineed great relief. In fact Irls the only emedy .
that gave anything like comfort from a distressing
And nauseous complaint. .In my family I base'
found It speclaq good In colds affecting the heid
,and nostrils, with my children and others. The
relief has been a most instant. Wt consider it t
be invaluable for family use. •
Very truly, It. R. WttLS
Business Manager of N. Y. Vommercini eldrf r
[Sept. IS.
.IcCabe wants 5000 bushels
tety, fur Which he will pay the
to James ,
potatoes lintl*tt
highest price In
or BLUE sells a superior article in
Ladles and hisses Kid Goat Button SHOES for
very little mono , Sign of the Gilt Boot, opposite
Seeley's. • ' 11
. .
or Tor Gent's Fine and Coarse BOOTS
go to BLUM'S. :4t.11 Boots and Shoes warranted as
represented.. Sign of therGlit Boot, oppoatte See
lers. Z tf ~
ray- A now stock of Bnolczn LAMPS at
them. I w
'Or STAR CEMENT. ; !—Just re
ceived another car Mad of this unrivalled Cement.
Price - 0.70 per barrel. I hereby challenge the
dealers In Coplrtv and Roventhae Cements to a
public test-trial of cement.. It 31,.wF.1.LE5.
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 7, 1579. 4W •
you-want a first-class Boot or.
ShOe made, tall at J. 11. SIMMINS fashionable
foot and Shoe shop, in Mean's Block, over. Car
man's Hardware Store, known as 4 . Illum's Shop. ,
He_warrants'ats, and all flt2t6LAss work, both ma
terial and work. Also UEHXIKING done neatly
and promptly, and obi - shok notice.. Hr. Simmin's
work will recommend Itself when •seen, as he has
an experience of . 18 years, and always w. ready to
please his customers. 11e uses nothing but htste
class material. Prices and styles to suit the times
for cash. • Don't forget the place. Second floor. It
NT' Various causes—Advancing years,
rare, sickness, disappointment, anti hereditary
pretlispoSition7all operate to , turn the hair gray,
and either of them inclines It to shed premature-
Vicion will restore faded or
gray, light and red hair to a rich brown or deep
black, as may Ite •desirtd. It softens r and cleanss . ,
the scalp, giving It a healthy action, and rentiwes
and cures dandruff and humors.- Iki• its use falling;
hair Is checked:, and a new growth will be prodttc:_
ed in all oases where the follicles are not destrej;
ed or glands deraved. Its effects are beautifully
show on brashy. weak, or sickly hair to witiriia
few application's will produce the gloss and fveSl2
ncss of youth.•'`liirmless and sore lnits operatibif,
It Is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially
valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it
contains neither oil nor dye, and will
not shil.cir color white cambric ; ;yet It lasts lung
on the halt', and keeps it fresh and vigorous.. FOIL
xiWnycir fine Millinery, first class Hair
Goods, data Canvass, Gold and Sil i tinted Cant
BoariL i and Children's Sailor Hats, call on Mrs. M.
-A. Piet ter 4, Bridge Street. Bleaching and ,
sewing crifir ispeclalty. . ,
DRPEW—C4ASMER—In Leraysville, Sept. 26tli';
by Rev. J: Ackley. Mr. William Depot,. of Ath
ens. andAtsit Annie Canner, of Litchfield.
WEI.T.LCOX—In Des ktole g s. lowa. Wed
nesday. Oct: 1.16711, Mr. W. R. 'ells. (grandson
of Jesse Brown.
,Esq.. of Shesh can.) to Miss
Minute S. 'Wilcox; both of the tot ter city.
General draleia In Groceries and Produce, Pat torOs
Bloct. coruer Main awi Bridge Streets.
. ,
' PATI.S - 13. - /FELLING
Finer per bb S lOC 625 / S 5501 700
Vlour per emit 1 300 150 1 74iti5 1.75
Corn/deal per lOU Ito too 1 104 1 :A
Chop Feed 1 00 ( / -1 1001 1.50
Wheat. per hush .05(6 tOS 1 00( 110
Corn - 45050 - 011 55
w. 5 0
5W 00
2 WO A 240
... 1 000* 125 1 200 Iso
... a bbl. 12 00
utltwheat :
t'tor - rr seed.
Titoothy, western,
Deans, 62 Iles,—
Pork. mesa
_Dressed hogs...
Nutter; tubs
Ens. fresh •
Potatoes, per busittel
W to
6( 4 63
Hides •
Veil Aid ill s
Deacon!' • • -
sheepl'elts ' , •-•"•• •
tamp Was, t
7terso Abuqtiscanits.
I -
NI .4
Warren Centre, -Brainerd County, Pa. •
Septembe :a,1879. .. =,
XX. —Leticia of adminisffidion prodenfe lite
having been granted to lbw undersigned upon the
estate of Sytvanns %an Baitkirk; deceased, late of
Itidgbury totirnship, notice to hereby, given that all
persons indebted to said estate are. requested to
make Immediate payment, and all personahaving
claims to present the same without 'Belay •
• Administralcis,
Bentley Creek, Pa., Sept. 3, 1379.w6•.
—Cetters ofatinsinistratioti baying been
granted to the undersigned, upon tha estate of
Chester Neal. latent Windham township. deceased,
.notice I.* hereby given that all personi in to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and all persons having claims to present the
sane without. delay.
11. N. BIXBY, Administrator.,
Windham, Va., July UM, 15794 a• . .
Agency for the cite and purchase of all kinds of
ileturtiles and for making limns. on Beal .Y.state.
- All business wig: receive careful •• and prompt
attention. (Jane 4, 14:9. • ,
. .
The rbeerlber bas for nit a ter3r fine
Mewed fait Spring- ICN pounds washed won
Wire 'to. - WM. J. DELPRittli;
llornbrook. Pa., SW. 17, WWI • -
N'T AMATlO:l.—Wnsalis. ittisti4 by Ait
argils General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled an **Act rehdliii. to the
elections of this Commonwealth;"" passed the 24
day of July. A. D. lOW It is made the duty of :the
Abort!! of every conoty..tooVe notice of such Cleo-
Don. and to make known in sash mince whet MI:L
eers stn to be elected, and . to designate the places
at which the elections are to, be held. Therefore.
,I, Peter J•. Dean, Illgh Sheriff of the County of
Bradford, do hereby make known and proclaim to.
the qualified electors of Bradford County that a
general election will' be - ,held on • TUESDAY. the
4th day of NOVEIIBO.I4 A. 11, 1179 (being the
Tuesday next following the_ OM poesy of said
Snouttrii In - the. several :election •Illbarlai of said
Comm, as follows:
.Artnenia-.4t the house of John 0. Becker.'
Alba, Borough:—At the house of Dill:4l3lth.
Albany Township—At the Bahr schoolhouse.
Asylum—At thitlichool, house &DINW Edwin W.
Athens Borough--At the hbuse of DAL Sins&
laugh. - • • . -
Athens Township, Ist Distriet—;AttheZzchange
lintel In Athens Borough. c"
Athens Township, MI District—At the home of
Townsend Knowles. • _
:Athens Township, fd Dtstriet—At the 'Sayre
House. •
Athens Township, 4th Dlstriet.-:•At the Bradford
Bottle. , • . .. ..
Burlington Borough—At the house of W. A. D,
Green. -..- - .
/Burllngtoti , Townshlo—At the house of W.ll. D.
Omen In Burlington Borough; .'. - . ... -'‘ '
' Burlington West—At the M. E. Church.
Barclay—At the school house:
.Cauteitr Borough—At the Central Hotel. , , •
Canton Townslilp7.At the Central Rotel In Can
ton liumugh. - , - , .
Columbia—At the honie lately occupied by ;lames ,
Morgan. ' • - .... . , .
. .
• FrankllnAt the ToWn Hall. . • . .
Granville—At the house of B. F. Taylor.
Herrick—At the scho4 [Pons at Ifirrickville.
Lellaysvllle—At the houneof 4'. E. Case. -
Litchffeld—At the house of S. B.,Carmer. •
Leßoy-At - the Centre school house.,.
Monroe Borough—At the Summits house. •
Monroe Township—At . the house Lately occupied
by J. L. Rockwell:- deceased.. i
Orwell—At the Town Hall. • -
twerp:l—At the school house , No; 2. . •
Pike—At the Drunhollle schoolhouse. -
litime.Townshlp—At the Aeademy In Rom Bor
d : / /
Borne Berough—At 'the Academy. • • . .
Rldgbury—At the , house - oecupled by Vincent
Baldwin., .
Shechequin—Atllte Valley House. .
Springfield—At. the. house occuple ,by ao 3 s i Th
Canner. - . • .. ..
,Stolthlield—At the ho u se occupies . y O.C. Is.
South Creek—At the house occupied by George
Suffern./ ,
Standing Starve — At the [Muse lately occupied by.
Simon Stevens. d , -
Sylvania Borough.L•At the i ouse occupied by
ienry - euniilngha - m. /
South Waverly — At the Brad f ord l
Terry—At the house or E.. 1. Shepard.
Towanda Borontli, let Word —At the Hotel °atm.
pled by Brown. . . 7 ,
Towanda Borough. 24 Wartl—At the Hrandjury
TGvrarla Borimghi 3d Ward:—At . the . grocery
store of S. Stu .
Towanda Township—,\t the school house near If
L. 5e0trA,,,...?
Towanda:North—AS the house of S. A. 31111 s, '
Troy Borough—At, the house latly occupied by
V. M. Long, deceased.
Troy Township—At the house lately occupied - by
V. 81..Lotig, deceased, In Troy Borough.
Tusqcro ru—At the' school . house
. float , dulnes
Black's: • • stO
Ulster—At the Vas Dyke Douse. ,
~ •,• ..
warren-4r the house or it. Cooper. _ " - •:
WindhamAt the bouse,uccupled by George
Sioscrip. . „.
\Cya]using—At • tbe house of - d. •
- Wthuot—At the house of A.,1..t4t0ne: . •
Wysex—At the buu6e owned - If. Conklin
n 3lyersburg.' • '
Welles—At the house of L. Seeley
At which time am! plate the :manned eleetori will
vote by ballot fur the follefa Mg named officers,
namely : . .
One person for the oMee of State.Treasure4.
. One person for the ,oMce. of Jury Commissioner.
One person for the omee of Coroner. ' , '
,Alito, by vinde of au :Art approved June .4, te79,
entitled an .• Act to create • Poor districts and to
huthorize the purchase of
.lands - and erection of
butidings,to fulVtiSh vellet and give etnPloYment
to the destitute poor and,paupers 1n this Cotutfion;
'wealth," the qualified electori wlll ballot
at said election tickets which shall be eltiter„writ
ten or pOnted as - follows : itn the Loutside, "Poitr
Rouse; , on the Inside, %. For Poor House" or
.• Against Poor Rouse; " and itt the Close of. the
polls the mine shall be .cOuntetr and the ret/Inta
made In the same manner that other returns are
now by law required to be made. •
It is further directed that the election - polls of.
the several 'districts- shall be opened ltc..aeVeu
o'clock lu the morning, andL.shah.. y ontinue opeir
without Any Interruptlon seven 'o'clock oclock in the
evening,,selaeu the vi;ll.psh . oll be close d. •
No person shall be qualified tit serve is an .eleto.
non ottiCer who !shall how, or have tslthtu two
months haft held. *any (dace or appointment or em
pfot In or_ unddr the Govern na ent of the r otted
litates, or:of - rigs State or of any,city . or cisanty. or
of any municipal board, commlAslouer or trust, 1u
any city. save outy justices of the. peat° and alder
men. notaries publlc.anitpemons In milltia service,
of the.Stnte: any election °nicer tar riigl.
ble to say of2ce to be filled, at an election at:which
b e s n a il scree, N ave only to such subordinate muni
cipal or local oil-es the, , ,-grade id city or
county orticeN or 'shall deAgoated by general.
At the opening of the 'Polls at: all electignslt
shall be the duty of the judges of 'elettetelts ' for
their 149'a - mare districts - to itiv•lgnaie one el,the
inspectors. wbo.e duty It shall be to liaveliotus
tody the mistery of voters, and to make tire
entries thereon required by law, and it shall-be the
duty.ot the said inspectors to receive and - outfitter
• the ballots presented at said elcution.
. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot,
and every ballot voted' , numbered in the.
oriletin which It Is leceived,tand the number re
corded by the clerks on the Ilet et voters opposite
of the name of the etector frotn whom received.,
And every voter voting two or. more 'tickets, the
several tickets so voted shall' each be numbertid
with the number corresponding with rile number
to the name of the voter. Any' elector May Write
his name upon his ticket, or Cause the same: to be
written thereon and attested by a citizen Of the
district. •ju -mitlitien to the oath now prescribed
bylaw to ite taken and'subscrlbed by eleetiokofti.
cers, they shall .severally be, sworn or alltirrped not
td disclose bow any elector shall have voted, unless
required, to do so in a I utflc.ial proceeding.
one ticket shall embrace the- natnet of all the
Judges of Courts voted fur, and to he labeled out
side, ..Judiciary." line. ticket shall embrace...all
the naines.Of State °meets voted for, and be-labeled
—State." =One ticket shall eliddare the paints of
an county ofhccrs 4 voted .for, .Including office"of
Senator's. and Members of -Assimbly if voted fez.
and Members of 'congresslif . toted for, and MI Ja r.
beletl'..County."stf.l ••
Ail Judges living within twelve miles of thn.rro
thonotary's Office, or 'Within iienty-fourudes, if
their residence be In a town, village or city, upon
The line of .a railroad leading, to the ecan - ty seat,
before. two o'clock past meridian of the day atter
the election, anti all Other Judges shall, before
twelve - o'clock meridian of the-ascend day after
the election, deliver the-returns, together with
return :keel, to the/Prothonotarroy the Court cif
Common Pleas of the Comity, whlth said return
shall be Illett,' - and the day and hour Of tiling
marked thereon, and shall be preserved' , by the
_Prothonotary fdr public Insitectlen..,, " '
, Olveh under my hand, at-toy office' In *Towanda.
Nils 26th - day/of August, in the year of • Our• Lord.
one thousand eight hundred and seientY4ilne, and
ilthe one hundred and third 'Tarot the Independ
ence,Of the United States.
' PETER. J. DE Ali, het
Sherttr Office, Towanda. Oct. 2, 1879.
fIERIFF'S SALES;—By. virtue
Li of sundry writs 'seated out cif the court bt Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County and to me directed,
will riposte to public sale at the Court Howie in
'Towanda, on TB UItSD AN, ' OCTOBER 230, ten,
at I o'clock, I'. M. the following described proper
ty, to '
. .
- .No. 1. A lot Of land situate' In Terry township..
bounded and described as folio. ak-citegintang. at
the bank of 'the riser; thenie by lands of A. ,lark-%
son south 69 , , n west 173 perishes; thence south :V
west 134 perches: thence by lands of .1. Elinut 301 s.
eon ter near white oak:thence by ..,same sonth
west. 47 perches to a hemlock on bank of creek t.
thence tip saki creek north 63° west 40 perches;
thence Ity.same not th SO° . west 34 perches tor:a:cor
ner: 'hence south 11 lands of J. Elliott-50 perches
to Edmund Horton'sliu_ol; thence by the same 390
etches to lank of Otos:leer ; 'thence •by the same
.62 perches to place orbeg inning ; containing - 140
acres of land. more or less. attain 10u acres improv
ed, with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn anti other
outbuildings I hereon: - . , •
No. 2. A lI.SO.rOne - other lot of land. situate in
Terry township, bound and described. as follows
Beginning at the bank of the Over west by lands
of Johlia3 an Terry G 1 perches to a post and stone;
thence by lands of All Hewett; thence nest by
Dewed 14 perches to a post and stone: thence south
perches; thence north by A. Bewell 13 perches:
thence west by lands of • Willis T perches:
,Terry 230 pehes:
thence south by lands of Willis Terry 12 perches ;
thenc.. westerly by public rend SO perches: thence
Smith by road leading to... Washington Strong 's G 3
perches to a past and stoni.;ohence vast by lands of
W. Strong end Mlobrand.ll.lram TerrY 310 perc,tics
' to 4:apnea's thence north by same antkpar
sonage lot anti )trb. Pi - Ice - ton post fur a corner;
thence east by Mrs. Price 18percheit; thence north
9 perches to sleet; thence east 33 perches by lands
of K. Horton to post, On the bank of the river:
thence north by river Saterches to the place Orbe
ginning; contalnhig 160 acres of land..more or - less.
.70-acres improved. with 2 dwelling houses, 2
abants antrother outbuildings thereon. Seized and
taken Into execution at the suit of 4. r: Kirby vs.
kiriah Terry; .
Nu. 3. ALSO-'-One other lot of land, situate In
'Monroe township, bounded . north by ;awls of Sam
'el Lyon. Benjamin Northrop, Ellen Wilcox, Wil
liam Jamessun and Nelson (filbert, 'east by Lands
of bodge, south by lands of William and
Clarence Kellogg and . .•.MrS. Miller, atilt west by
lands of O. V. Mama's estate, and Benjamin tior
thropt-contatning IMO acres Of land, more (tries!,
.about 230 acres Improved.;•with 3 trained houses,l
framed barn, 1 small hay barn and sheds attache,
I water power saw mill with ail' trait fixtures, a'
frame building erected for a steam saw mill, and
orchards of fruit. trees thereon. Being same laud
that-wits purchased by O. M. Blackman at sherws
sale,..Deaber 7.187., by deed recorded in sher
iff's and airerer's deed book - N 0.5, at pge a 82,ete.
one-corn house thereon.
No. 4. ALSO—One other lot Of 'land, situate In'
Monroe Borough, bounded - north. bylinds of E. C.'
Sacetollecraiett, east.b,y Towanda Creek, south by
lands.ot - J.L. nocknell, deceased, and west by the
public highway leading trom-.:Monree to-Towanda;
containing TA acres of land more or leas, all im
proved, with I framed house. 2 framed barns, 3
cooper shop, a small framed building formerly used
as a dvrelling house,•and an orchard of fruit trees.
them:in. . • .
No. 5. ALSO-.One other 10t of land;altuate . l4l
Monroe township, bounded north by .the old Man
son farm. east by the Berwick Turnpike, aoluth by
a lot or D. N. Newton, and west by lands of doseph
Smith: containing 27 acres orland. more or less, an
Improved,. Sold two lots tszing the santvjaad that
was conveyid to ILI:. Ulatioluen by 30.5.411-110tnet
by deed dated November 17, 1869, recorded in deed
book No. 95, at page 263, etc. _
No.. 6. ALSO—One other lototiand,•sltuate - In
Monroe Borough, bounded and deArlbed as follows:
Beginning at a sleigh shoe - In Ventre' of litroad '
'street, being the north corner thereat' and the 'north
west corner of the mill lot: the by saltnuill tot
1011 0 west 2.2 4-10 rods to a post ; ' [berme .14 lauds
'conveyed U. Lyman Blackman by J'. It. kfttignman
north SO° west 8 rod :and 9 links pos t- 7 4 thence
by lands of S. S. Hinman north - 1110.1510te.2 3.10 rods
to a lest. In centre of Broad 'street ; "thence • along
the centre of sold street 80 0 east 8 rods and 20 links
tOthe place of beginning; containing 1 acre and 1:t
rods of land, nott. or lesA, all Improved. with I
framed house, .1 framed barn and wagon shed, I
framed corn noun., and fesrfrult trees thereon: :
No. T.' A LS(3.. l l:itte other, lot of laud, situate In
MonroeCorough, joining: the above described
tract, bounded anti described as follow's i," Begins'
nhig at a post In the centre of a lane at its termina
tion on the line of Si. S. liftman., and running
thence south 10Ii° west 34 16.100 rods to ,apost ;
thence south Sl.(4° east It-perphea ; thence south
14 9 east 28.48400 perches to a post; thence north
54 3 west 22 4-100 perchBs to thepLaceof beginning;
("catenate" acres atol-sts pprcbes of land, more or
lets. Tke said hist two lots being same land that
life conteled to D. B. Ukaclunau by. J. S. Blaclk.-
60 10
/201 18
(i) 17
3.50 35
7 0 0 90
. 1 0001 25
25 so
_ !~-
~: ~ .~-
mu; by deed dated awn St. 3114 w. recalled In died
boolt.Woot. page 64, etc; Seised and ; ham Into
execution at the soft of Hiram Sweet to own J.
P.,Kleby Ts. D. H. Blackman.. Also. et the soft
J. Salinman to use of .11 - r..Klrbps: D. B. Black%
MU. ,
No. & ALSO—One ether lot of land, situate tei ' •
Albany, Monroe . and Overton township*, hounded
and described as follows: Beginning at an old •
hendoek corner the southwest corner of warrant to -
the name of 'Stephen trolllngeworth ; theme south
UP east 29 240 rode to the west line of warrant In
the name of Ann Harris tdhenee south TV west • • -
about 115 rods to the southweartorner of .sald Ann
Harris' Warrant ; thence South littefed BA rods to . • '.
a post and slopes the southeast corned of said Ann '
Barrie warrant; •.thence north kr east 609 646 .
'rode to the northwest earner. or istlesos% lot t
thence south 51 0 east 212 reels .to/Jackson's north-
east eernerr, thence sontlt22 o -west-44 tells to a pear -•
corner; thence north 093 0 cant 57 640 rods t0...a
corner; thence north 443 0 east4.l9 rods- thence . ' 4 i
south 511 0 east 106 640 roast' thence nisAh - 3130 .
east 50 rods; thence south 093 0 east 22 reds to the
tine of warrant In.:Ml*lnm of Nary Wallin:. ‘•
thence north 32 0 east 110 perches to the southwest ..
corner of warrant to the/name of Robert Hampton;
thence south 611 0 east 109 rods :. thence north 2.13 0
east 102 rods.; thence north 15° east 350 rods to the
seetheist corner of warrant In the name of Samuel
Anderson ; thence, north 32° eat 224 reds to-the .
northeast corner of said Anderson warrant; thence
north 58° west attends to a hemlock stump 24 old.
corner: thenee_sonth 32° west= rods to • corner •
qr warrants it the names of Peter North and Peter •
Shen% thence,fiorth 53 0 west Ira rods to the Moth- . .
west corner Of a warrant In the name of Jrtai
North ; thcn'cc south 24° west 420 rods 'to a black
oak corner. thence south 34 0 west 4433 rods; •
thence no 55 0 west.3s rods to a post, old corner-
thence th'32°. west 329 rjds to the place of-be:
gioning.. containing 6,000 aerator land, more or -
less. arena SS acres improved, with 4 tog houses
and 2 bles thereon. Seized aniftaken into rte.
cutio at the suit of . Wa./. Tracy vs. J:F . Satter- .
lee, ho survives .r. DeWitt.. '
Nii. 9. ALSO.—One other lot of islet. Sitnisteld .. " •
.Spflogneld townshii); bounded north Ail lands of .
Abraham Westbrook and Joel Adams, east by
foods of It. Westbrook and the public highway, , , .- ,
width .by la . nds tit - Abraham Westbrook' and Ray- ---""
man Westbrook, and west by lands of Eliza Ely •.
and A. Westbrook : containing 9f; acres Of land. .
more or less, about 90 acres lesproved„ - with 1 framed
.house;, 2 framed barns, I framed eider mill and 3•
orchards of fruittrees thereon. .
No. 10. ALSO-fine other Iota? ' land. situate
Springfield township, bounded north- by_ lands of
James Phillips, 'east by lands of -.--.Harkness, : •
south by-lands of G. lloarasley, and west by lands
..- _
of Nods Bliss t containing.3o acres of land. more '-
or less ; pia Improvements. Seized and taken into
execution at the suit-of' 13. D. Brace vs. 01. C.
Westbrook and Abe Westbrook. .
PETER J. DEAN. Sheriff:
-.. . . .
Sherte's Office...Towanda, Sept. 30, 1879: . .
.CovNtr Or Bunivronn. se. To S i tah Jane • -
Esstabmoir„ - wlfe of9t. B. Eastabronli. ?Jinni
Y.: Jervis S. Chaffee, Rome. Pa.; Ruth S. Warner.
wife of Olivet Warner. New York - City; Wm. '
I.); Chaffee, Leitaysville. Pa.; I)ocia A. Warner„
wife of 3larcus Warner, Pike, Pa; Jerome C. - O":
Chaffee. Marion, Franklin county. Nebraska: Del;
4'a.; -- George
Antisdell, wife of -- Warren, ,
Pa.; -- George Rogers, Brandon, Buchanan enmity.
lows; Olive Arnold, ad fe.of Robert Arnold, War.'
rem Pa.; George 4Waffee, Murrlm. - Franktin coon- .
ty, Nebraska:- Myron Chaffer. Orwell, Pa.: Phebe
Titus, wife of Jaines Titus, Herrick., Pa.: Tamar -
A. Chaffee. guardian Llneoln Chaffee.
Take - notice.: That it an Orphan's: Court held at
Towanda In and for-sald County of Bradford, Sept.
4. 1875, lima I'. D. Morrow; President - Judge, on.
the bench, the petition of Solomon A. Chaffee. of -
Orwell township, In said county, respectfully rep
resents: That C. B. Chaffee, late of said township --
of (Jrwell, In hid ifetlate. to wit, on the "Mitt day
-of November, A. 1). IBC, by a contract in writing
• hearing date on the day last mentioned, bound,
himself to convey and the petitioners
'taln meSsuage and tract of land situated in orwell
aforerabl, containing about 90 acres of land: being
thosatue premises purchased by 4 sal4 C. B. Chad
fee from Joseph _Kingsbury by deed dated April -
.4, 18J0. And also, another- tract 'adjoining the
foregolog and.containing about 24 erre,: being the ,
saine premises purchased try raid* C. B. Chaffee of
Joseph Kingsbury, by deed dated December Kb.
hat. Also. another tract adjoining the said first
Mel:Honed lot, and Containing aboutZ." acres: , be.
log the saute premises purchased by 'said C. B.
Chaffee of Horace Barnes. Also, another lot or,
piece of land, containing - 18 acres and a - Perches,
more - or less; being the same premises purchased
by said C. B. Chaff*. from Nathaniel B. Chaffee,
by deed dated ,DecettiberiSta 1865, with the ap
purtenances. The - petitioner agreeing by the same
contract (a copy whereof is hereto Itinexed marked
.` A, - and is made a part of this petition), In cop.
slileration thereof, to provide for and maintain site
said C. B. Chaffee and Dacia his wife 'flawing their
joint lives and thO life of the survivor of them,
with good' and sufficient meat, drink.-lodging, ap-'
pans!. and attendance in sickness and in health ;
and to 'addition thereto, to pay to them annually -
The Sum:of twenty-five dollars, as by reference to
said contract will more fully and at large ap..
[War. .
.The petitioner further represetas. that he did in -
every respect during the lives of . the 'said C. B.
Chaffee and Doela Chaffee iiia- - wlfe. provide for
and maintain them to theirentiresatisfaetion;and
pay the- said sum of twenty-live dollars per /2 omit..
That ltwas also agreed by said writing that tile
orphateslK,buit should coMplete the title to Said
pnenises accord ilia to law-after the decease of tha -
said C.B.Chaffee 'and Irocisi his wife and fulnll
- of the aforesaid contract. •
-He furth e r represents. that tile Bald-C. it. Chaf
fee filed rn to sth 'day of March, A. D. 187 e,
Set/WA anil - 1 - 7'?t , rte l sed of the said messnamand
- 'tracts - of iariti Without having 'made any s,uMelent
providoe ft_r the performance of said contract ;
that lettets of administration have been ,
granted by the Register of Wills forthe County of .
Bradford to your petitioner, and that the said .
It; Chaffee lat . children and heirs surviving him,
as follows, viz: Sergi Jane Eastabrook, wife of It.
It. Eastaierek. of Elmira, N. Y., a daughter; Jet- •
via S. Chaffee, of Rome. Pa., a son.: Ruth S. War.'
net, wife of Oliver J. Warner, of New-York City;''f'
adatighter; Wm. 1). Chaffee. of Leßaysville, Pa.,
shone Docia A. Wayner; Wife of Marvin Warnere - „*.
I of Pike, a daughter': Jerome C. Chaffee, of Marion,
Franklin comity, Nebraska, a son Delphine An
tisdell, wife of Anttsfiell. of . Warren. Pa.. a I .
child of Tamson M. Rogers, a daughter; now de.
ceased ; George Rogers, a son of Taoism H. Rog.
erg aforesaid, of Brandon. Buchanan county.
Olive Arnold. wife of Rotten Arnold, of 'Warren,
Pa.; George Chaffee. of Murtha 'Frankiria• county.
Nebraska_: - Myrou Chaffee;rf-sOrwell. Pa.: I'hebe
-Titus, wife of James Titus, ilf.:lierriett.dis., and
'Lincoln Chaffee. a minor, haiing for a guardian
Tamar A..chaffee.—the last Bye being children of
B. Chaffee; a son of the decedent. That on the
first flay of :June. A. D, ISTO, the said Docia Chaffee
filed. The peitinuer. - therefore. showing that he
has Pilly.iferfOrmed the said contract en his part, •
prays the Court tomake a decree for the sPecifie
performance of salt-not:tract according to the true
intent and meaninelbereof4 ,
Now, September 4. lep, reading within pett.
Lion and on motion of Davies , * Carnocban,
tors for-the petitioner, the Court grant rule to itafw
Cause why specifit execution - Off:said contract shall
not be decreed and the - sheriff of the county order.
eft to execute to ifini a decd, returnable at next
term.; audit is ordered that notice be given to all
the parties within the county personally; and to
those residing without the 'county by publiration
Sir four weeks in the Bnaprontf,ltr.rouystt,
fumy of which shall be forwarded to the :Poston:leo
address - of said parties. 'BYTHE roc s
A. C. FirtSlUE, Clerk.
Davies & Caknochan, sblieltors for S. A. Chaffee.
Towanda, - Sept. SO, 1879.w4.
. .
lrherras, The Court of Quarter - Sessions of
the Pace, In atilt for the County of Bradford, did
on the Bth dig' of July, 1879, ma te-the following
Order, viz.:. -
And 21010, to 104 July, 8,1879. Itappeartng to
the Court t•y 1.• I thlmpetltlon and resommenda-
Hon of evrtatt-t - • • meets of the Poor Mihe several
poor tlbt tn.! • C•• or 1 3 roviia, that more
than OV3 7 :llft.ds 'flf said f ! venrefp now In office
within nit! tlibtrirts hare. petltliZed this -Court
that the gnestpn of pOrehaslng real estate within
said foamy oi.Bradford for a Poor House be sub
mitted to the qualified electors of said County
agreeable to the provisions of the Act of Assembly. •
eulitled "An Act to Create Poor Districts, and to
Authorize the Purchase of Lands and „Erection - of
to.Fundsh Relief and Give Employment
the I/esti - tote Poor and paupersin this Common-
Wealth. approVed June 4, ItG9;" 'lt is hereby or—
dered, on motion of W....1..' Yktitig. Esq., for said
petitioners, that the question of such purchase be
submitted to the qualified electoral of. said County
of Bradford, at the a :enerat Election to be held on
Tuesday; the 4th day of Novembei - next. said elec
t EMI to be beld , inui conduded by the ofcicers pro.
Tided for holding electioas in their jespective dis
tricts' and precincts, and according GI , laws govern-
Mg General Elections within. the Commonwealth.
It is further ordered, that the:Bheriff of 'Bradford
County give sixty days notice of such efectlon• by
public:Won in two newspapers published In ..sald
Count.). and that the ballots be printed In the man
ner received by the 'proper election of eer& as
providetLin the said act of Assembly..., ~
And Whereas. It is provided - 414M0 2d section of
said 'Act, that at least sixty ilayt notice of 'such -
election shall be given by the Sheriff of said Coun
ty,- by publication In two newspapers published.
withlri said County: • , •
Wow, by virtue of said - Act of Assembly and said
Ortleeof Court, I, PETER.J. DIAN. High Sheriff
of said County. hereby giv,r) notice that an election
wilt held at the piece - of holding the General
Election In the the several election districtswithin
said County, on TUESDAY,.theiith. day of NO.
Y EMBER, 1579, at which election the - question of
the purchase of real estate, ke„ for a. Poor House
will be determined by the qualified electors of said
. County of Bradford, as provided in said Act, said
election shall Be conducted by the officers Provided, _
by law for holding said General Election, who shall
receive ballots_feim said qualified electo rs, written
or printed as follows: On the outside, "Poor
house;; on Ouvinside, either "For •roor House"
or Against roor House," and at the close) of the
polls the votes shall be-counted, and duplicate
tilled returns Of the result thereof be made and
seated. one copy of width shall be deposited with
the Commisiloners of said County of Bradford, to
I be opened bylthem ; and the other vrith the Clerk
of the Court of Quarter Sessions of said County, as ).
.provided in said Act. - 1
Given under my band, at my office In Towanda,
this 211th day of August: In. the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine,_ and •
in the one hundred and third year Of the'lndepen•
deneli of the united states.' • -
. • 'PETER J. DEAN , Sheriff:.
' Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug., 1979.
Cain ve. Jame; M. Cain et VW!,
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, 3.80..
785. May term, 1877. "."
The undersigned. an Auditor appainteelby thO .
Court to distribute the fund vising from the Sher
iff's sale of defendant's realeastate, will attend to
the duties of his appointment at his Weer-, In th e
'Borough - of Toiranua.On MONDAY the 13th day,
of .00TOBER,' A. 11."1879, at 10 o'elocit, - A.M.,
when and where all parities' harloVehdais nst •
mid fundlicinstpresent them or heUWiei!deterred .
from coming in on said find. - -
JOHN W. CODDING, Auditor. ,
Towinda, Sept. 18, 1879-w4.
A -
311.1%4 ISTRA.TORS'
D Letters - of administratson haring been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate et Daniel -
Livens, late et South Creek brornshif, 'deceased,'
notice is hereby given that all Versonslndebted to
the said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and an persona - having claims to present -
the name Without delay,
JOHN LIVENS, Ailtaittlattathr.-
JANE LIVENS. Administastrix, •
South Creek, Pa., - Aug.W, la 9. Giv`:
-Noble vs. Wm. and WM. B..2loserip. In the
Court of Common - Pleas of Bradford County, No.
77;2. September Term, 1575.
'The Auditor appointed by the
rt. to distribute the funds arishwisuist the' ale
CO defendant's personal. propertY, 4 4oll attend
;to the dutleabf his appointment, .at his once in
Towanda florouglQtat TUKSDAY. the 2Sth day of
October, 1879,at 10 o'clock, A; 11.. at which Unto
and place all parties having claims .ore-sald fund
must present the same or bedettarml from coming
.in epee the same. ' .
J. AIN DiGtt,W WILT. .Attlitec.
Towanda, September 4S, 1270.1 w.