MM . . adf ord eparter•: . —The Edueatinual building sheqtlil }xi vqs- Pailati r k' 4, hed by every (Me. The exhibit Amy:. die progress inaile in the public "Schools of the ~,i , „, , " . ' ... county,,ati will Le of interest and Value to: Chg. lirattiortl 21eporier. ..-_,_ . every friend of Common Schools.- 'file Sus-. !.. East Towanda. Pa.. Oct. 2,1879. . quell:inn:l Colle.riate Institute, the t;raeiL ' 71 -,.. i . no ~,,,.;. 7 ,1 1 %T 1 I , • ' - • 5e1i,..1, of Towainht borough, Troy borough,,:' -r -,-,,,,,,-, if= I'4l •1, 4.: L. , k i —Another beautiful dty. 'i Athens borough, and the l'oninion Schools "of '. - - .. . r • —The attendance to-day is simply ins- various ilistricts,ll4.e. sent their d'hiloskvlli- .. t L - 2 ear Only On Dolllr 1. Y . 4 ,,w,„c.. ; : cal and Chemical A.pparatu , , gpecimens of —A Squash that weighs 150 pounds is on' drawintrs and maps and penmanship, by c , . .IN arch -1 NC:— exhibition. . 1 scholazN, charts in physioh Y,2 . y and get pgraphy„ • ... - . : ... PRINTED ON THE FAIR GRoUNDS • i -- - • and other e‘'-blenet , s of goixl teaehin”iand apt The —The Liberty Corners Cornet 1, - ,atal is on , . - '4 - k •f h Cheapest Newspaper in Penn seholarship, making an attraete and vain- . the tirounik , - 1 - • . Sylvahia. - t " able collection. Pri,f. Tlyom.Conoty'Super- -. ,' - 1 ,. • . , . c-:--The Day 4 i4 Vettittai Feed Owing Mit chiiie has betAi awarded First Premium. ..- . , , m —L a di es will find a number of excellent ' dente he could offer a z ; to his e'tlicieney and teriiim.-ti at ID , expere , e or pains shad . 14; household recipes in each number-of the value as the'Soperintenden "rY tof the S, , hools of. sl',' l " - to ret'litt for it the Y" l,ll, ibl . iY. , "it it. olibtitite.patrons, and make it NNorili‘.,,i l ll,,• "Daily." ' - the county. 'llis. assistants have been Mr. 1 " , su•pport of the pv.iple of J.kakill,r.l Cout-, . ~ A. T. Miley, who has contributed a I irge col- • ltavill labor, as uslial, to advance ille',;:l --Geo. 11. Welib, of ,Allia has on exhibi- . Ica of mineral, I il if 1 •11111. ~..,....:, Xilihni j. of B..epublioan principles and p o ;fflot e %,.11,, (ion an extensive variety of Poultry, and ail success of the licpubli( - . - C. . ' usiast . ie friend tif eiliteatiOnal' norteri,, tin ..rtn , tine fowls of their kind. - . , intertt.its, and Charles, Felton, a. graduate of . LOCAL NEWS -,-Iltirbank is disposing of large quantities the Towand- t lraded Scho'ul. , of Iti,s excellent Grasse and Paint Extrictor. —The P emium ,List of the Society,' ' E'l'ial attention will be paid t... th e 1.., a l happening- and the Im , ine..., enterprises 4 th.c 1k is lllC:Lieti in Frost 'g Fun - thaw bulldino•• though .7,...- , qui liberal as itsr 'financial'. t'ooniv. - The news wiil he :2-attlirtAl, i —Kirby's Remedies, advertised in. this ?WAY will allow, .4 course, oilers no in- , and-corre , pondetas in all part. , of the comity' paper, are standard articles and have a are ungarol to scod whatever of public intcr ducement for. competition in view the t!!..4 litav - transpire in ith.aittles. s large sale. They are, recommended by all pecuniary results. .We htipe no exhibitor : -.- . who have ever used them. Kirby's store will make- his entry having in view the_ Correspondence is in Mercur Block, Towanda. . 'securing of the small -sum W offered as a ' ' . - e shall -rive the reades.of the IlrroP premium. ii spirit-of emulation is laudas - -. , ' .',. - „., . - , . - 1 . ' —Corset's Boot and Shoe establishment . b.e.; T . , 1 1:- , 1 1 : , I .4, i t i t;: l r t i. I i r;ln rb . : i i.. l -. t .iliiFl T .m, tii lia ( r o rl, mf g ., 1 a desire to excel, ce.mniendable ;- ' in Towanda always carries a large assort but all should be don©' with a view to - sionat 'and 1 1' .4- 1 ;i ,11 1 ' : 1 1ii‘ t -e . ; liii aril 11 ::i r :iT . , - - - - went, and desire ahytfling in show to others what indn'stry, experience matter., u'ith. ample • and reliable conttitept, that lind, you should call there before .• •.. .' . itiponN - iblic incit. awl-, nica..urt...,. ....., - and intelligence can accomplish, and with making your purchases. ' ' . . . -,.. . . a desire that others may- profit thereby.. . The - ' nvs ''. of -. the - Day —Fitch's Confectionery f! Stal)l6l 1 n k c nt is : —Everybody wants a copy of the will - be given t -full, tiiakite , if ~ the la Wl' all under full sail to-day, and hundreds,. of two- -7 j 1 1 • " Daily Reporter," and everybody,gets a ':al•straca and brie icle of the Thlie,. - plc are buying that e*eellent tally that 011ie Bennett is mattufacturing. EverYbodY seems copy. Likewise, everybody admires the ... : Park sq., North ,:f (',,iirt 11,,u,, , style in which it is gotten. up, And it ' . .. - . - anxious to try this kind of "tatty." . , doCsn't cost a cent—to the ones - who get. ' - - —One of the most attractive features Of The - dms who furnish it aro hot so,fortn= the Fair is the :display ~,f - Prepared grasses nate. ' However, - there is considerable ; - ' erhibited by Miss Helen- Carter. , Iler taste pleasurc,,if not profit, in knowing that --. ---"--- and skill have shown how notch of beauty , 'we have addiNd an interesting anfi instrueS - CO-A- 1., 'there-is in the native productions of the suil,, tive feature to the Fair. • . - . - -, - lat NI T.% :when treated with judgment and good taste. ,- - - : - • , , ..—Bradt -, ord County Butter . has- :gltigh rep ------ 7 -Therll will be a trotting match on the ' minion all over the 4, , ountrv, which is welt ... - Fair Grounds to-morrow afternoon - , at 2 ' sostainol by die ili i ldav in I i ; range..llall. '67elock, between Lem King.shury '8 bay Tubs and rolls of ;golden hue show the skill stallion "Lem," and 'Mel Stevens' black „f th e dairvw(anen, and the neatness and ..,, mare "Josephine S." —We must confess that we._ are. over whelmed with the. magnitude of the job ire -- 7 tinb,:Tilie for tlo-ltrailf;,rd "Itep,rter; have undertaken in printing a daily on fne the hest paper in Bradford.county—only ril Fair OruitmLs. It is 'a bigger contract titan 1"-T Yea 4. we bargained for, when considered in the 11 GRAIN WANTEDHii.o. A. Dayto n . light of 'a report of all that is to be seen. To pay cash for Oats,lty. and Buckwheat. CELE B R ATE D BARCLAY do justice to the atlitir, would take a sheet Highest caSh pricy paid for \Void, Ilides and' much larger than ours, and we can only hope Pelts azid Furs of all ,de...4..riptions. in the present effort to welcome and greet Quality of Plastering hair for sale. our friends. Next ytxir we will do better. Towanda, Oct.), 1,479. The Daily Bradford Reporter. intendant, has stiperintendt:th the arrange: nlnt; and the exhibit is the proudest evi- care which ha.. ken taken 'tet make. tke pr- •ars-a duet of the dairy perfect. ' P ierce 's Coal Yard, THE BRADFORD REPORTER 7-011 Dollar par Year• -'.Bradfc'rd- Rep.:rtr.c IlitA01:01u li.:11(41 ,ny Fran, and the ruhli.litr, arc. til C;:a1 Yard_ , EC .V Cor Elizabeth and !Wain Sts , Towanda. Pa SOLE AGENTS Bud TEE Get Prim:: 1,1;f .re bilyity4 OMB 111 II COAL E. B. PIERCE..- 122%