gman rti CENTRAL Heavy and STOVES, TIN, IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLAS, ttt '' . ..) 6 - i ....., ...0 4 %....) - • k-Ard - -..-- *-- - - Patent Expansion Broiling Chamber and Smyth' Patent- Duplex_ Grate. WITH OR WITHOUT LOW CLOSET,; RESERVOIR OR ORNAMENTAL ELEVATED SHELF The Greatest Combination of Valuable Improvements ever presented 'in one Rang After the flattering exiierienee of the past year, having had a very' large and extenderl;stle, we find that Tth: Vttxsom t'r Nt.i' universally Conceded In he the mirsi'desiralile Range of its class in the market. Its general restore- are the•same . ris in the relit:fared star Range, which has for. years lieen considered the finest Range made. It contains the Patent Expansion Brcii I i Chan het', which is universally acknowlerlged to lie the only snere:sinl• and .1W:wile:II hrtiliit attadtlint, itt use. It is also furnished al yth's Patent. Duplex Grate. . This crlol.rutd (irate in extremely simple in isinstrnet . fini. :It kis now been in :Nil use for more than five years, and in view 4,1' the intivemdly sweet—fill experience of it- oper.ition and durability_ daring tlnn time, as the highly satisfaetory results obtained I at in nut* men thorough trial tit' its tplalitie , , we' have tat liesitatinn it the enniplete and siweerssful arrangement fiir removing clinker , and front the tire-lrox.,instantaneously. thoroughly anti eleank% a , t degree tif entidat•itital obtained ha- never. in our opinion, I viii etittaleil with any other stylotti grtte. THE RANsoNt (..7oTT.t - Gli is a flotrotty/t/y L li , st-chnot Range in all its proportion' send miistitinents, while the price extr:blelot bo , ._ It so constructed that it can lie changed frrim a 1,..0w rlts4l to a Single, Oven luefreß . lining the ttpi rr part .4 the 1 - latige triqn Low ('loset and placing it upon a set of -om:oriental legs. All sites eawrilso ctirrtislit , tl'with the t)rnamental TI Haled Ash Pan is taken out at the end of the Range in , teati of the front--a Mitch more comenient.antl cleanly arranzement --and t capacious Warming Closet extend. , underneath. the whole Range. The Water lieSerxttir is he: entir , ly fr:.nt the lt,tt , ,m, a larger capacity than will he found Oil any other Range of this class. All the minor details in the et.marittlion t tti this; Range have ceeeiN the closest attention. It has highly burnislitql edges, nickel-plated knol o`f a - new and heautifid.pattern.nickt)-pfated panels, nickel-pla Towel Racks, and the mounting and fitting is in the best style. - . SEE THEIR EXHIBIT OX THE FAIR GR.OUNDS. a~~~ The Daily Bradford Reporter. N - Pa- ALSO AGENTS FO. THE 1 . THE BRADFORD REPORTER-'-One 'per. Year .ial i 1 DEA LERS,IN HARDWARE, MY= Shelf, ' Hardwam w Bits; OTH LIE