Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 18, 1879, Image 1

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The BaarMORD lIRFORTICS is published every
Thanday mornlng by GOODRICH HITCHCOCK,
at one Dollar per annum, In advance.
AllrAdvertising In all cases exclusive of sub;
scrlptlon to the paper.
arszclAL NOTICES Malted Ai TDI I Clara Per
line for first insertion, and twit CZNIS peeling tor
ach suotequent Insertion, but no notlosinserted
for leas than fifty cents.
ed at reasonable rates.
Adminlstrators and Executors Notices, 02;
Andl.ors Notlees,s2.4o :Bissinesseards, lee lines,
(per year) IS, inidltional lines .► each.
Yearly advertisers are entitled to quarterty
Transieut advertlastnents pest be paid
for in advance. I -
All resolutions of associations; communication*
of limited or individual interest, and notices of
marriages or death*, exceeding Ave lines are charg
ed rive carets per line, bersimple notices of mar.
rlages and de4ths will be published without charge.
Fns Rarourea having a larger eirculation than
any other paper in the county, makes It the best
advertising medium In Northern Pennsylvania.
JOB PRINTING of every kind. In plain and
fancy -colors, done with neatness and -dispatch.
Handbills, Blanks. Cards, Pamphlets, Billheads,
Statements, dc., of every variety and style, printed
ai the shortest notice. -The RSPORTZS office Is
will supplied with power presses, a good assort
ment-of new type, and everything In the printing
line can be executed In the most artistic manner
and at the lowest rates. TERMS INV ARIABLY .
-gsusinc l s garbs.
TrA. OVERTON. , aZNJ. M. Bscx.
R9DNEY A. 31pR,C1..TR,
.A.rroplczt AT-LAW,
• Solicitor of Patente. Particular attention paid
to business In the Orphans Court and to the settle
luent of estates.
Otflcu in Montanyes Block . May 1, le.
.[ 1
Judge Jessup - glaring resunsedithe practlceof the
law In Northern Pennsylvania. will attend to any
legal business Intrusted to httn In Bradford county.
Perlons wishing to consult him, can call on R.
Streeter, Esq., Tutrauda,Pn., when an appointment
can be male.
'Feb 27, 79
JAMES woop,
' Mch9-76 TOWANDA, PA:
.- 11 L. TOWNER,. M. D.,
Sly. Residence and Office Just Nortb of 1)r. Cot
bin a, on Main Street,,Athens, Pa. JutittG-6m„
• .
TowAI;:DA, PA. Cnovll-75
y •hTL A W, YA LLTS I NG, PA. Will attend
t, all business entrusted to his care In Bradford,
Samrau and Wyoming Counties: Office with Esq. (novl9-74.
e , '
I on-State r;trect, second (Idol' of Dr. Pratts
091eg.• apr 3 79.
I.J. _
o•Tire-1 ooms formerly occupied by Y. M. C. A
Rea:ling 'Loom. , [Jan.3ll.B.
Dfrt Att'y Br id. C.
Onlce—North Stile Public Square.
• Jan. 1,1875
Dec 2345,
011.1.3 over Turner Sr. Gordon's Ding Store,
Towanda, Pa. May be consulted In German.
[April 12, '76.]
Older.—seemul door south of the First NaVnna
Batik Main tit., up stairs.
OFFlCE.—Formerly occupied by Wm. Watkins,
11. N. WILLIAMS. (0C1.17, '77) 8. .1. ANCILL
Clipee over paytotos Store, ."
Atifll 12, 1876:
E. F . GOFF,
Poplar street. tone door NOest of parks h Cam
than,. A getter for the sale anti purchase of all
.kinds of Securities and for making loans on Real
Estate. All business will reMve careful and prompt
arrant lon. !June 4. 187 r"
°Moe in Wood's It`of.k, first door sliutWof the Pint
National bank, np.stsirs. '
H. J. 'AIADII.L. ri.s.-731y} N. CAI.IFIP.
- It. S: M. WOODBURN, Physi-
Onn and Su r7,eon. Office over 0. A. Black's
C-oc";crs stor'.
.I . o,mmla. !Jay I, IST?Jy•.
7.31. S. II SCENT,
July 31, 1579,
. over M. E. Ito,,tilicid's, Towanda. Pa..
Teeth Inserted on Gold. Silver, Rubber, and Al
ma:locm base. Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct. 3.1,72.
D. l'A'Y N E M.
o.llt e over ?4foutaoye , ' Sao,. - °Mee hours from 10
to 12 A. x.. and from 2 to 4 P.ll.
Sr!cial- al.r n tlon given 10
" and OF
'. RYAN,
. „
011lee, ) day lact Saturday of each month, over Turner
di Gordon's Drug Store, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, dune 24 IS7Bh
. T 10 per term.
(Residence Third street, Istw ard.)
TOW/Wail, Jan. 13, - 1? -Iy.
This Bank offers unusual facilities for the trans
act ion of &general banking business.
EUROPEAN ROUSE.—A few doors souther
tie Means House. Board by tbe day or- week on
reasonatile terms. Warm' meals served at all bouts
Oysters Sit wbolesale and retalL febt`l7.
This wcy-known house has' been thormighly rem
mreated and repaired throughnut; and the proprie
tor-1s now prepared to otter nrst-elasS accommoda
tions to the publip. on the most reasonable terms.
Pa, May ISM
The undersigned having taken possession
of the above hotel, 'respect hilly sonata the NO:rot'.
age of Ids old Mends and the public anerally.
an gi C-tf. M. A. FORUFST.
Not one ray of sunlight Beth;
OW the moor with hollow sound,
Moaning low, the cold wind elgheth
Bower, break the stubborn ir,ll, •
Lavish In Its furrows heaping,
'Cease not from thy patient toll,
Sow the seed and watt the reaping
Summer sunshine on the hill ;
Birds on every green tree singing ;
Shouts of joy the soft air 511,
Home the harvest they are bringing.
And the sower on the plain,
HIS long buried seed now ending,
Mellow heaps of ripened grain
into golden sheaves Is binding.
In the dark and narrow tomb.
Costlier seed we bury weeping, '
And enwrapped In quiet gloom,
Leave it to the Master's keeping.
To the odd ire cannot see,,
Faith heir/heavenly vibion lending,
Unto Gochs!supreme decree, •
- We in, meek submission bending.
Drifting away from each other;
Silently drifting apart,
Nothing between but the worlds cold screen,
Nothing to lose but,s.heart.
Only two lives dividing
More and more every day ;
Only one soul froni another soul
'Steadily drifting away.
Only a man's heart striving
',Bitterly hard with Its doom;
Only-a hand, tender and bland,
Slipping away In the gloom.
Nothing of doubt or wrong,
Nothing that either can cure,
Nothing to aikame, nothing to blame,
Nothing to do but endure.
The world cannot stem] still;
?Ides ebb and women change ;
Nothing that Is worth a tear
One lovos less—nothing strange
D. S
Drifting away from each other,
Steadily drifting apart ;
No wrong to each, that the world can reach,
Nothing . lost—but a heart.
What might have lieen I . know is not,
What must be, must be . borae ;
But ah who bath been will not be forgot ;
Never; oh, never in the years to follow,
L. ELSB mit
" You make a very pretty, picture,
Colonel Ekerton smiled to his wife.
She was sitting in a low chair, lean
ing against the open window-sill, one
diamond-flashing hand Supporting
her head, and a. kitten on her lap.
She rose as he spoke, and smiled
" You are home early. to:day, are
you not; Cecil "
" About the usual time. I met an
old friend of yours by chance; and I
asked him to.dinner ; but for the life
of 'me, I can't remember whether he
said yes or no."
" That is so like you. An old
friend of mine ? Tell me his name,"
in faint curiosity.
" Mr. Sydney Carew. He spoke to
me, or I should not have recognized
him. Don't believe I ever did know
much about him. By Jove Isabel,
are you hurt ?"
"Not at all," she said promptly,
Uneeling clown among the scattered
reins and smashed china pots that
had fallen in one mighty crash around
o a careless eye it seemed ex
tr• -- • as if Mrs. Egerton had extend
ed her band and pulled over the whole
giant, stand ;. and her husband toil]
her so.
"You did it yourself, my dear, de
liberately. Will you have the gar
dener or a servant to pqt, the mess
"Call_ the gardener, please; ble
•can save some of my ferns, perhaps."
And as the Colonel strolled away,
calling Jones, his wife rose, and, lean-
Sed from - the window in an *con
scious, gasping search for air. I
Framed in the roses that clustered
everywhere around, Mrs. Egerton
was more than a pretty picture. be
was sweet and fair as the buds that
touched her cheek;, and 4er eyes
were lOvely, large, almond-shaped,
liquid, grsy ones, shadowed by a per
fsxit weight of black lashes, and with
a Wistful, yearning depth in them
that fascinated while it saddened a
meeting glance. •
• As she quitted the window and
passed slowly up-stairs, her move
ments were gliding and 'graceful, her
ivoice, as she spoke to her maid, sweet
and low and pleasant as a lady's ever
as to an inferior..
Colonel Egerton had good reason
to be proud, as he was, of his wife.
Mrs. Egerton was nearly dressed—
in! soft gray silk, with cunningly
mixed flecks of crimson—when, with
a light tap at her door, entered a girl,
very fair and very pretty, and laugh
" What have you been doing among
your flowers. Isabel ? I met poor
Jones in such virtuous despair just
now! All his flowers and all his
ferns, all- his pots and everything else
of- value that he possesses, smashed'
in the drawingioom. I hope it isn't
quite so irreparably bad. My dear"
—her light tone changing rapidly—
"how white you look i Have you
been ill ? Is anything the matter,
Isabel, darling?"
" I'm not very welt," fingering ner
vously the trifles on the toilet table.
Tlien, as the maid left the room, Isa
bel turned desperately to her friend :
" Tell Cecil anything you like;lliilli
cent, as an excuse for my not appear
ing at dinner.- He has asked Sydney
Carew, and I can't meet him. I
thought I could. I'm not so strong
is I fancied. It would kill me or
worse !",_1
N. N. BETTS Cashier
Aril 1.187.9
"Sydney Carew! Then he has
come back, that bad, heartless man
Isabel, never tell me you shrink froin
meeting a wretch who has treated
you so utterly badly. Could he have
treated tiny girl worse than he did .
you ?—pretending love, and winning
yours, tilt he grew tired of the amuse
ment, and left you when poverty
On our lives a constant chill,
Mtn on wintry landscape lying,
Ever falls; tre (rug lilm still, .
On Ills faithfulness telying. •
Earth shall melt with fervent beat, ! '
Time be bur in ended Story.
WO • our burled treasure greet,
Sown in tears, but reaped In glory: '
- —Fanny Downing
g,el c cied Tak.'
came Lo you, Isabel, without one
word lef , explanation or. farewell.
Come his conduct with that of the
generous men who• only dared to offer
his heart, when others forsook you—
the kW, noble husband, whom you_
told me only yesterday you were
really beginning to love—and never
tell me you cannot sit at the table
with those two men; and thank the
mercy that has delivered you nom
the one's deceit, and given, you to
the - other's tender,unfailing affection!"
Millicent spoke warmly, carried
away by her mingled scorn and ad
miration ; but her friend only shook
her head, with the gray eyes tear
" I bate and scorn my weakness as
Much as you can do, but that does not
conquer it. I told you yesterday I
was beginning to love Cecil. I hoped
and prayed so I That was when I
thought Sydney far aray—never to
enter into my life agaip. Now I know
he is near—now there is the chance
of my seeing him, hearing him—l
know that 1 dare not trust myself.
Why has Cecil asked' him here?
What evil genius throws 'temptation
in my way when I would flee from it
if 1 could ?" As she dimmed her
hands wildly the dinner gong sound
ed, and stip looked up and said; "Rud
away, Millicent, and tell Cecil any
thing but the truth: I will be in the
drawing-room when you come out if
I can."
She was not there, hoirever, though
her just-touched work /was, wher..
Millicent, followed by the anxious
Colonel; entered from•dinner.
" She has,strolled into the garden,
perhaps," lie suggested. Let- us see
if we can find her."
And, lighting his cigar, he saun
tered in one direction ; Millicent
Holt, in a -presentiment she shrank
from, bent.ber steps in another.
The moon was rising, and throw
ing silver paths over the lawn, as
Millicent tsailed her white dress vain
ly across to the summer house. X"
No Mrs. Egerton there. Round
the rose garden she searched, and
through' the shrubbery, until she
neared the fir plantation. Then she
caught the sound of voices, and paus
ed and trembled. .
A man's voice was speaking—a
deep, mellow, soft voice, that Miss
Holt knew to be Sydney .Carew's,
and it was saying—
" I purposely came too late. Do
you think I could sit at another man's
table, and see you at - its head ? You
judge my memory by yOur own, I
suppose ; but I tell you I cannot for
get as easily as 'you have done what
once was. A year ago to-day, for
instance. Isabell think back —we
were walking on the cliffs . by moon
light, you and I. The band was play
ing 'Faust.' and- 7,
" Don't!" she breathed, painfully.
" What good ie all that, now I am
anothet man's wife ? Oh, Sydney,
help um to remember that!"
"I wish there was the chance of
our forgetting it. Isabel, why could
you not trust me in absence.? Had
you no faith, no constancy. that you
must needs have another lover the
.moment my back was turned? .Was
it old Egerton.'s money tempted you,
child ? I know you did love me—
did you love him ?"
Listening, Millicent. grew a shade
paler, and crept nearer to the stile
that ended the path. Neither of the
speakers beard her.
" I thought you cared nothing for
me; you left, me without one word 1"
poor Isabel wailed. " My stepmother
taunted me till was nearly mad-;
and when Colonel Egerton came for
ward, kind and. generous, it seemed
—it seemed—"
Her voice choked in sobs.
" You ruined . our lives for want of
trust!" Carew cried, in well-feigned
passion. " No matter for you, par
haps • but what is my life to be to
me henceforth; do you think? A
thing to - throw to the dogs, the quick
er the better, and thank you for
its happy ending; while you live
yours virtuously and pleasantlY,'tia
doubt; with the husband of your
choice and your well-trained memo
ry !"
Writhing under his upbraidings,
she looked wildly up, loveiief than
Millicent had ever seen, her, with-the
moonlight falling on her sweet, pallid
face, her eyes dark and deep in their
pain, and her hands, so tiny and soft,
unconsciously outstretched.
Carew's face brightened; and with
a step forward he took' those hands
in his.
" Isabel, save me yet ; it is,not too
late. Not too late, my darling, for
perfect happiness for us both—for
the one mistake of our lives to be set,
right. What matters the world to
you and I. who are the world . to each
other ? My darling, come to me, and
let me teach you the hive you doubt
ed. Isabel, love, dearest, do not send,
me away."
The soft, insidious whisper fell on
the stillness, and' Isabel stood trem
bling there, with her eyes downcast.
It was the tempter's hour—almost
his triumph. .Almost—for, like a vic
tim under a spell, Mrs. Egerton
moved not as Carew bent lower, and
whispered again.
Then Milleent laid her hand on the
stile and stepped forward.
" Isabel, what are you doing here?
Your husband is looking for you.
Mr. Carew, won't you finis?, your
visit indoors?"
With a start like an awakening
from an evil dream, Isabel turned,
and glided away without a word.
Millicent stood alone there, facing
Sydney Carew in her burning indig
" You bad, wicked man! How
dare you try to bring worse suffering
upon Isabel than you have already
done'? Your pretence of love may
deceiVe her, but not me! -You never
loved - her, or you could not. have
treated her as you did !". -
" Perhaps you are right," he re
turned, in the mostllumined calm;
"-perhaps my heart: • was given - to
some one else ; perhaps I only pre
tended affection nowto Mrs. Egerton
as a means of otiningincitice of
some sort, indign . nt or otherwise
(anything better than nothing), from
that some one else." •
And his dark eyes looked full and ;
meaningly at Millicent, who was only'
tiro degrees less pretty than Isabel
herself. The amazing effrontery of
the man fairly staggered- Miss Holt ;
and as she stood, bereft of speech for
a moment, Carew's vanity filled up
the .pause. .
".It is a- cursed - mess I'm nearly
into; but, if I'm right in tiupposing.
a little jealdnsy at the bottom of this
young lady's interference (emember,
1 fancied her a little spootiy in the
days gone by), I can find a way out
of ft.. No, bad 'way, either. By
George 1 she is pretty 1" .'
He leaped the stile, and came im
ptessively nearer, never Limagining
that the girl.bad heard more khan 4.
word or two of his fate conversation ;
and, as be approached, an idea shot
into Millicent's head." -
" Forgive my saying more than . I
I should have dared, Miss Holt," in
k t
tones just & eductive is he had oil-,
ploycd to I W. " Your sudden
presence and vice broke down my
control ; but, nevertheless, they were
truth." . -
" You mean to say you really care
for me?"—in faltering inability to
realize such bliss.
" Care, Millicent ?" Then he check
ed himself with, an apparent effort.
"I mean to say nothing until I have
some hope that my words will be lis
tened to-and answered. I have, no
ground for such hope at. present I
have incurred your displeasure, and
justly so."
But he sighed in a manner that
protested pathetically against injus
"Do you tell " eagerly and
breathlessly, " that ou don't care
for—for Isabel ? -That I was mis
taken just now in fancying—"
" You were More than mistaken, if
you fancy Mrs. Egerton possesses
one iota of the heart that is all smoth
- And here, as the two actors reach
ed the house, Col. Egerton's - stalwart
form appeard on the broadly-lighted
moonlight stroll, you two?
ll6 ' ,iho I" he laughed. " Well, come
in the drawing-room now;
late than never, Carew I My wife
will give us some tea."
Till he took his departure, Carew
remained a fixture by Millicent's side.
Isabel, close at her husband's chair,
neither spoke nor stirred.
Miss Bolt did all' slie knew to cap
tivate, and the visitor - congratulated
himself, in his walk to the statio, on
having two birds in very nice process
to . kill. lie left with a pressing in
vitation from the hospitable Colonel
to come again ; and Millicent laid
her head on flier pillow with a-resolu
tion that was almost a vow.
"I will saVe-her, come what may!
She has been more than a sister to
me Het brother's skill "—here, even
in the dark, the lair face flushed—
" saved my father's life. Her hus
band has been our lifelong benefactor.
I think I can save Isabel, and I will !"
Colonel Egerton came down, to.
breakfast on his young wife's birth
dap more radiant than his wont, and
greeted Millicent, fair and blooming
Isabel,. white and weory—with
almost equal enthusiasm.
" I shall get rid of a secret that
has been an ineubus on. my' spirits
for the last week or two, to-day, my
dear," he said, blithely, with his large
hand on his wife's shoulder. "Not
a bad secreteither, only I object to
the class of thing on principle. It is
just this, Isabel." And the worthy
officer began to turn color, as if so
liciting a favor. - 1' It is your birth
day to-day, you know, of .course ;
and . the thought 'struck me that you
had plenty of gewgaws, bracelets;
and such trash, and — didn't want any
more from me. Well, there has that
clever brother of yours been looking
out for a practice some time, and Dr.
Renner offered his for sale in the
most .opportune manner; and so—
.and,so, you see, my dear, .1 did a lit
tle bit of business without consulting
you, and - Jim will be here to-day to
look things over."
" You have bought Jim that splen
did practice ?" cried Isabel, while
Millicent stood at the winlow, and
said never a word.
" Splendid ! pooh, my dear !
There's just'this—the house was for
sale, too, and I thought You would
like your mother near you, and so I
have had it furbished up a little. We
will walk there after breakfast, and
see if you think the old lady will like
Why, Isabel - , what is the matter ?"
" I cannot bear it," she Sobbed.
" I do not deserve. your kindneSs, and
you must not - gilte it me I Cecil,
scold me—be cross=ill-treat. me—l
could stand it better., No; don't
touch me—don't look at me like that!
You do not know—you cannot guess
—how unworthy 1 am."
Tears rose in his honest blue eyes
tit sight of those raining, pleading
ones. , lie dashed them aside as he
took her hands in his (Millicent had
slipped through the Window), and his
-voice was husky, though he cleared
his throat.
" My little wife, have you never
read my heart yet ? • I am not good
in clothing it in language, but I think
when- one feels most, simple words
are best, and very simple are these—
I love you. if I love you, Isabel,
can any pleasure. for me be like the
pleasure of pleasing you 1 Can any
moneybe better spent than by bring
ing a smile to yourlface ?
thoughts, 'energy—all, I have of any
value to give-L-areyohrs Yon don't
understand, child, for you, have not
learned to love ine yet—perhaps nev
er will.. No, darling, don't turn
away l" as she writhed inlthe anguish
of her shame and penitence. " You
told me how matters stood when I
married you, and -I thanked you then
for giving me yourself, and I thank
you again to-day. I have love enough
for both; and as it is its nature to
find - outlet in words, it owes you a
debt when you give it a chance of
proving itself in deeds. Do you see,
darling? Now, kiss your, old hus
band, and come to breakfast. Where
'has Millicent flown ?"
As Millicent dressed that evening,
Mrs. Egerton entered, with a face
that startled her friends, So white
and haggard was it in despair.
Sydney is coming again to-night,
Millicent," shebegan abruptly, as she
stood there. "and I 'must go with
him. If I must break Cecil's honor
and heart, I need not deceive him.
The one thing Lean do now is to be
truthful, and better he should scorn
and curse, and free himself from me,
than lOok lovingly and tenderly on
the Wife who is false Whim in heart,
as lam now." - ,
"You are not!" returned t/diss
Holt, decisively. _ " You are only
mad. It is just a wicked glamor . that
evil man has castover you." She
waited a me' nt 9 • then, " ion fancy
you love Car ."
i t e
. ,
" Millicent ,you know— I
you know "'
covering he agitated face with her
hands; and he light caught them 'Ci
sive go'd of he plain ring, and fills: -
ed in the tlitOonds of itelceeper.l '
"And' yqu are actually
.we-a ic
,enough to lyncy that be hives you f"
,"4f I cctidd doubt that, half my
misery would be at an end."
, " Do'you think Mr. Carew capible
of loving two ladies with equal ineen
.Do you . ; believe in the depth
and fidelity of a love that is giVen to
two objects? In a word, judge by
yourself—could you love Cecil and
Sydney -equally and; at
_the same
time ?"
Millicent, what are you torturing
me for like this ?"
"For the restoration of your. les
son dear. i You believe Mr. Carew
to be a man of truth ; you would not
doubt a word you heard his own lips
titter ?"
" Millicent, I know he is true!"
" Well, then, sit in the conservato-
ry at nine o'clock this evening—
alone, mind—and. listen; and draw
your Own conclusions. Now we will
go down to dinner."
The dinner passed off—Col. Eger
ton hearty, Mr. Carew fakinating,
the lady silent and beautiful.
On the ; Colonel's being called away
fpr a few moments after dinner,' Ca
rew strolled into the drawing-room
and saw no one there. Looking a
little further, he discerned a r white
dress among the 'flower beds, and
'oined it.
Not Mrs. Egerton, as he had hoinl,
but Miss Holt, who, stammered; and
was flatteringly nervous at his sud-
den presence.
" Isn't it lovely ?—the evening, I
mean," she said, Tr' her confusion.
" Very lovely. Ido not mean the
evening," he retained, with his bold.
gaze fixed on the face that crimsoned
hotly at,his pointed words.
A few steps took them round to.
the conservatory, which was unlight
ed, with windows {►nd door open, and•
Millicent sank on the garden. seat
outside it, - When Carew's arm stole
round ber waist, she drew away
slightly; and :when he bent to whis
per sweeter things than the flowers;
she looked up piteously.
" If I could only believe you ! •If I
thought you meant one of the things
you tell me!"
" When I tell you you are the
sweetest, and fairest, and dearest in
all the world to me, 1 mean each syl
lable I breathe ! Words are too faint,
Millicent, dearest dear! How shall
I prove what you are cruel to doubt ?"
" Am I dearest ?" she asked, clear
ly. " thought there Was some
one else you cared for."
"Never, I swear—never! How
could I care for any girl after I had
seen you ?"
" But
. you saw her first; I mean
Isabel-- 7 Mrs, Egerton."
He laughed aloud
"If I had cared one straw for her,
do you think I should have let her
marry, old Egerton? I could have
had her :for the asking, Millicent.
No ; she never touched my heart,
though we had a certain amount , of
flirtation once, I believe, and she may
have been a trifle simony on me I
say anything about that;" strok
ing his moustache fondly, and in in
efFable conceit. " But no idea could
be so wild as my being in lovewith
Isabel Lister. I tell you, if I had
been, I should have -asked her to
marry me. There was nothing to'
prevent my doing so:"
" No; and you tell me, on your
honor, you don't like her one bit now
—don't love tier, Spinet ?"
"On my honor, - I
don't. What a
persistent jealous little mortal you
are! I'll take any oath you like
about'it that will satisfy you. e.poony
on Isabel Egerton? Not likely, if I
did not admire Isabel Lester, for she
has gone off frightfully ; never saw a
woman looking worse. Dark beau
ties are not my taste; is
my ideal."
Andle laid a soft touch on Mill
cent's uncovered head, but. the girl
s',arted up jn confusion.
"Some one is coming—l hear
rustling!" she gasped, as adroitly
she escaped his detaining hand ; and
into the midst of the deserted' lover's
fuming came his host's cheery call,
"Carew, where are you. old fellow ?
Here is Jim Lister put in an appear
ance at last,"
The Colonel was as nearly out of
temper as history has ever recorded
his being. He was striding up and
down his study, alternately staring
from the window, and facing the
well-built, gentlemanly young fellow
who was seated in the chair by the
table, and annoying him sadly-.
"If. I called you . a downright fool,
Jim, I should be very near the truth,
to throw•up a. good home and prac
tice you've just settled. into, for a
sudden freak'. of going abroad.
Abroad, indeed! Take my advice,
who have Seen a few Countries, and
stop where you are well off. If I
called youi, madman, I should not,
overshoot the mark."
'4 4 1 am deeply grieved to requite
your generosity thus, " began the
other, sadly, though rmly, and the
Colonel interrupted him with speed.
"Generosity be hanged! You
know I don't mean that You knoiv
I'm not such a mean devil as to throw
a paltry thing in any man's teeth;
and geneiosity there was. none. I
wanted my wife's relations neitr her,
and I thought I was able to arrange
it; but it seems she isn't to have
them, poor girl!" '
"Jim's word, generosity," had rath
_erchecked the Colonel's eloquence.
*"lf my mother would stay on in
the house—"
"Butt you know she won't if you
go. You know she will follow her
darling boy. to the North Pole. Poor
Isabel! it •is bard on her. She has
.only 'one mother and one -brother,
and neither of them will_ stay in the
same country : with her."
Lister could not resist a sm ile at
the tone more than the words; then
he made an effort, a great one, for re
serve was as natural to him as can- .
dor to his brother-in•law.
"I owe it to yoa, Egerton, to tell
you the motive for my incomprehen
sible freak, and I can trust you for
silence, I,know. Well, it Is only.the
old thing."
`"A woman to' blame, said the Co
lonel, in quickest sympathy, grasp
ing his hand. "Who the deuce is it,
my friend? Neyer mind her.
"She isn't just what I fancied,
that's all," (wincing under his own
woierti.) "It is Miss Holt; .'and I
chanced to hear her spooning with
that puppy, Carew;, and .I hadn't
quite imagined her that sort, that's
all. Nothing neiv. It is months ago;
but I'm such a fool I can't get over.
itas long its she is near, so I'm bound
to try a little change of air you see."
"You are hard hit, and I'm deuced
sorry for you" (with a wring of the
hand he held). "Millicent Holt I
never fancied her that style, though
I remember it did strike me she was
a little soft on Carew—moonlight
stroll once—but it has come to noth
ing. Perhaps you've made a mistake,
Jim-shook his head.
"A man can't mistake his own
eyes and ears. Well, you'll keep it
quiet, Colonel, and you understand
now why I leave you?"
"More I I than understand—more
than understand.. I know what it is
to be in hive myself t you k_ now:
good-by, old man. Not a soul shall
hear aisyllabel but my wife. I've no
secrets from
Mrs Egerton rose from her piano,
and nervously faced her husbancland
Millicent - as Jim Lister' eritered the
"Stop where you are,'please, all of
you, a moment. I have something to
say I. want you all to bean"
Millicent looked up in startled
alarm, and the Colonel cried quickly :
"Are you ill?"
She was steadying herself by - the,
chair in her hand, and her sweet face
was blanched one moment and 'hectic
the next; yet her eyes were raised
straight and true, and her voice was'
clear as a bell.
"I am quite well, Cecil. I am only
too cowardlyto make the confession
I have done harm by not making be 7
fOre. Be quiet,. Millicent!" as Miss
At stole to . her side, and implor
ingly wh , spered. • "I. know what is
right at last. • 1 imve. wronged, you
terribly, Cecil, from the very first,
for though I told you I—l did not
love yon,* I hid back 'that I loved
some one else, and that "some one
Sydney -Carew." •
She turnedaway as She gave him the
shock, and her. words came fast and
desperately. .
- Ile treated me sittladly, I thought
I could learn to hate: him, until you
asked him here, Cecil. Of course
you did not know, Then - he 'told me
he had loved one always, and did still
—that I ha i been mistaken and de
ceived. Anything be told me; and
I was so wicked, so base, I listened ;
and when, he asked me 'to go away
with him, I was so mad I should
have done it but for. Millicent, who
saved me. She told. me he was false
in every word ;- and because, in my
blind infatuation, I would not believe
it for her saying, she led him on to
make love to her, that . I might hear
from his own lips the . kind of than
that he really was. ritti you all quite
understand this?" looking round im
ploringly at the faces that 'were
turned toward her. "'For my sake
alone,, Millicent did what was the
very hat i liest thing for her true na
ture to do—pretended to like what
inwardly she revolted from, and let
Mr. Carew say words to her that I,
standing in the conservatory, might
overhear and have my madness cured
by. They did cure me, of course;
and then Millicent told , him just a
word or two that have. made his vis
its cease.. She has saved my life
from worse 'than death "—for the
first time her voice broke in its emo-.
tion—:-" and it is very little. return
for her Unselfishness to tell . you the
truth you ought to know—what a
weak, wickeil l despicable wife sister
you have been treating as if she ,
were worthy of your affection." -
As.she ceased speaking she , stood
waiting; brit no sound came from
anW of her ; bearers. - • -
Then, slowly, Millicent, and then
Lister,• stole from the room, and Isa
bel made her greatest effort,' and
'went up to her husband, ;standing
fixedly gazing: from the window
where her ferns still stood..
She did=not touch him ; she clasp
ed her hands tight to suppress the
pain; and her . sweet voice- was only
a faltering whisper •as she said,
"Cecil, now you have heard it all—
what you ought ,to have known be
fore—what do you wish. me to do ?
Of course, my—my falseness has
killed all your love, as Sydney's did
mine. Whatever you think best, I
will do. if you want. me :to go
away----" 1
Then her voice choked, and she
must needa stop.
He turned with his honeSt manly
love shihing thrOugh .the pain in his
face. '
"My wife 1" he said,.simply—and
her heart bounded at the touch of his
strong hand on her shoulder; "you
can never have known real love if
you fancy that a brave :confession of
a weakness repented df can shake it.
My love part of my life, and can
only end with it. 1 think, had you
even left me, I could only have mit
fered and loved you still.'
He paused a moment; then went
"I wronged you ' more than I
thought, child, in pressing you to
marry a man you did not care for.
I hoped you knew that the strength
ormy love would have forced for it
self some return—iir time. 'Well,
well, 1 was wrong;- but now, Isabel,
we can only: make the best of our
lives as they are., Always tell -,me
everything child have no fear of
me; and - don't imagine,me expecting
anything more than you feel inclined
to give. As I told you before, I
have love enough for both, and we
will be content with that."
He passed his arm around her
trembling, sobbing figure, as a ten
der father might do; then she laid
I her head• on his breast, and a light in
_ ~ 1
the gray, upturned' eyes startled
"My husband—my generous noble,
loved husband I'? she whispere d; "do
you think the contrast between the
villainy of the man I fancied I loved
and the noble truth of Lb§ man:who
loves me has taught mer nothing?
" Do you think I could ; -ever have
gained courage to tell you my folly
—do you think there mould have
been the 'agony there ,was in lower
ing myself in your eyes if I had not
learned in these past months to love
you—. Hove you, Cecil?"
The following, from thi - Adrian '
Times 4111 be appreciated by the
members of the mystietie;_it won't
be worth the while for any one clic
to attempt to extract the fun from it:
Sp,turday. Constable ,Bowen found
the boys in high glee over the sport
they wet° . having with a chap on
State street; who , was making desper
ate efforts to prevent the road from
flying up in his face. Marching him
to jail, the Officer waited until Mon
* morning, and then "Stew." came
before Esquire Stearns and took a
chair. The following angular dia
logue then occurred.
"From *hence came you?"
"Vel,, I Vas been ftom der city New .
York oder die New Jcrusalem."
"What Came you here to do?"
"I learn to subdue mine abbitites,
and imbroof myself in brinting."
"Then you are a printer I presume ?"
"Oh yes, I'm so taken by all der
W here were you made a printer?'
• "Auf a regular Scandinavian brill
ter's office.
"How- gained you 'admission to
this city?"
"By a good. many long walks."
"How were you received?".
"By a Oberman frent, mit a glass
of beer." •
"Oh, he dook me drpoi dree4ime4
the city round, mit saloons in der
south and der west, and eas, , and
den de ovvicer cooms."
"What did the officer do with you ?"
"He daugbt me der way to der shall
in der- east, until, my shtepw were
more upright and regular as before."
"Will you be off or from?"
"Veil, ofer you should please,
Sequare, I'll he'soff right away, quick."
"Why do you leave the east- and
"In search of work.
"Work being the object of your
search, you will descend a flight of
dirty stairs, consisting of some five
or several steps, turn square about,
get on the level road, put out of - the
city, and make a plumb line for Chi
cago, where the wicked are always
troublesome, and the weary are as
bad as the rest." And Sev. Yemong
is on his way to Chicago.
THE etiquette of Spanish royal
marriage is very singular. The fol
lowing conjugal arrangements are
found in an official order regulating
the visitation of a King , to a Queen
of Spain, which is copied from an old
and now rather scarce book by the
celebrated French Countess D'Anl
nois, who resided in Madrid, and was
received at the Spaaish Court for
many- years:—The King of Spain
sleeps in one apartment and 'the
queen in another: It is thus noted
in the orders that when the kink
comes out of his' chamber in the
night to go into the queen's he must
whear his shoes like slippers, his
black cloak upon-, his
stead of a nightg6wn, his broquer or
buckler fastened under his'arm and
his bottle fastened by a string to the
other; with this accoutrement the
king has beside a long rapier in one
hand and a dark lanthorn in the other,
and in this manner he is obliged to
go alone into the queen's chamber I
Remembering that the present King
of Spain is again to be married in a
short time, this extract may prove of
some interest. When the Princess
Marie Antoinette was married to the.
Dauphin of France, (afterward Louis
XVI.,) she was stripped entirely
naked on arriving at the frontiers
and reclad in French garments.
THE particulars of a romantic mar
riage have just been received from
Germany. On the afternoon of the
sixteenth ultimo Princes Henry XX.
of Reuss, who belonged to the
stritz branch of the family 'and was
born in 1552, landed on Heligoland,
bringing with him his betrothed,
Madame Clotilde Loisset, whose
maiden name was Roux. The lady,
who had lost her first,husband some
time ago, has achievedlher reputation
or notoriety in Germany as a bold
steeple-chase rider in Renz's circus.
She was accompanied by three female
relatives and by her father, M. Roux;
On the morning of the 17th Prince
Henry and his betrothed swore be
fore the Heligoland police magistrate
that there was no lawful ,impediment
to their. marriage, and thereupon the
pair received from the government of
the island the so-called kings letteri
authorizing the marriage, and in the
afternoon thewedding ceremony was
performed at church. The newly
married couple, it is added, intend to
spend the 'honeymoon on the island.
which is at_pregent full of visitors
who have come to enjoy the sea bath
Illmsras.—Among other stories told
about these 'supplies for political
campaigns is one at the expense; . of
Thurlow Weed. He went from Al.b any, where he then resided, &own to
New York in 18.56, and Obtained
from the Seward- men a fund:to en
able him to defeat Filmore. Having
a dread, of investigations, he placed
slo,ooo' in an Albany bank to the
credit of his partner, to be drawn
out as it was needed. A few 'days
afterward the partner dropped dead
in the street, and the bank paid over
the money, with the other sums de
posited by him, to his widow. :This
was no. agreeable to Mr. Weed, but
his disgust -was increased when, -a
couple of years. later, Mr. Fillmore
wooed and married the widow, and
the $10,000. Wash. •Cur. Chicago
81.00 per Annum In Advance.
, To-day we turned the cows away
Among the grasses young 114 sweet--
We drove them In the morning gray,
Before the wan came up and kissed
Intd warm rose the dewy • '
That over all the pasture lay.
They wound along the olden road,
By husband bowlde4'out and In ;
We heard thestmainlet is It sowed,
And loud and long the leader lowed,
And merry MMus made a din.
- -
Ah me, It was so sweet to hesx,
The 'birdies In the,buddlng trees! •
The elver btrchei shone so clear, , a .
The bluets blossomed far and near,
And summer scents were In the breeze
The thtekets wore ti mist (f green& •
We heard the ilatead6ada !nigh
Among the echoewe had seen -
'Fell many a thee their garments gleam
Above that shining, glimmering stream
Where lithesome birches lean. •
I We sang for JO. !: The inn of
Came up and flooded all - below,
And all the morning vapors gray
' Took rosy wings and flew away,
Today? I dreamed-it was to-day:'
Why, this-was twenty years ago!
Detro)t Free, Press.
The gates at the passenger depots
which shut out all people not having
tickets for the trains were yesterday
close'd . at the - Union Depot, against
an elderly woman wearing spectacles
and using an umbrella for a cane.
" Can't pasiivithout a ticket," said
the man at the, gate as she came up.
" .want to see if there's, anybody
on tbat train going to ,Port Huron,"
she answered.
' Can't pass without -a ticket,
" I've" got a darter, in Port Huron,
I haVe." ,
, "Can't help it, please. My orders
are very strict." _
" I tell you I want to setword to
my darter l" she exclainied, adjusting
her spectacles for a better view of
the official.
Yes,.but we
.can't help that, you
see. Please show your ticket."
"I want this 'ere railroad to un
derstdnd that I've .got n darikr in
Port Iluion and she's4ot a baby
four weeks j old, and I'm 'going to send
her up word in %spite of ail•the gates
in this depot!" 7 •
"Please show your• ticket, mad
r se of
" I tell you once more—"
" Please shoiy . your 'ticket, mad
ame." _
She gave: the old umbrella :a whirl
and brought it down on his head
with all the vim of an "old-fashioned
log raising, and as he staggered Aside
she passed hiin And said:
"There's my ticket, sir, and I've
got more behind it ! Mebbe one man
and a gat can stop me from sending
word to nelpdarter to greasethe ba=
by's. nose with mutton taller if the
weather changes, but I "don't believe
it !"
And she walked down to the train,
found some, one going to. Port Hu
ron, and came back - carelessly huni=
wing the melody of the " Three
Blin Mice."
DREWS, one of the six men under
sentence of death at Lebanon for the
Raber' murder, has made a confesgion
to the District Attorney to the'fol
lowing effect: " One day last summer
Brandt and I had been drinking beer,
and felt its influence, he said we could
make money, and that he and others
could insure Raber and work him-Out
of the - Way ; he said that Hummel and
Wise were with him ; I finally agreed,
and they insured Raber's life; 1 said
it was a laid thing to kill Raber, and
refused to do it. They then theat
rued to shoot me if I didn't, and I
promised,—never intending to do it,
but to save my life -I didn't know
what else to do. Wise said I should
not do it . so far as he was concerned,
but said'the same day th - at I had to
do it.. 1 asked Frank Stichler to do
it; he said he didn't care, but I must
go along, -. which I promised, declar
ing I would not touch Either. Itaber
'tame to my house and we went off
together. I went first; Raber next
and Stickler third. When Raber was
crossing O the . plank behind me, Stick
ler threw him in, seizing hislegs from
behind. It had been arranged that
Raber sh6uld go a-fishing at the dam
and , I should drown him when we'
passed the dam. Both of these plans
were Brandt's. He
_had promised me
and the rest $3OO each, except Stick
ler. I tried in vain to - conx Elijah
Stickler to go, and. promised to give
Frank Stickler $3OO after I was paid.
When it, was donethey tried to swin
dle and kill, me ; they told me so in
jail afterwards. Bmndt urged me
not, to confess, and told me what to
say atthe inquest. He told me only to
day not to confess. I am afraid of
-him. 'lf you hai , ig me, you•will hang
an innocent mall."
CULTY.-At a wedding in South Caro
lina last month an incident occurred
aptly illustrating social 'life in the
United States. The bridegroom who
belonged to the "first Southern famf
lies,"look exceptien to the phrasi:
ology of the officiating clergyman
and remarked, "You shouldn't say
those uns whom the Lord hath, lined
together,'but them uns." The preach
er who prided himself upon the
"high-toned" quality of •his language,
quietly, dropped his hand into the
pockeeof his surplice and interpolat
ed; 'You fist paddle your own canoe,
young, feller, or your trouble 'll begin
sune enuff. l'm • runnin' this tea
party, lam. As'l said afore, my be
loved hearers, those uns as the
Lord"—. Just then the bridegroom
made'a motion toward 'his hip, but,
before he could - araw,,_the minister
fired from his pocket , aad the young .
man fell dead at his feet. Instantly
the whole church a _ as 'filled with
blazing pistols: In less 'than five
seconds the only person left alive
was the bride, who had ducked be
hind 'the pulpit early; inthe action:
The half-married : - female gazed mus
ingly around and remarked, as she
started- for home: "These self-cock
hig revolvers is playing mischief
around here, and that's a fact.— San
Francisco Post. •
A van old lady, on her death-l?ed, in
a penitential mood, said : "I have been a
great sinner more than eighty years, and
didn't know it.": An old woman, who
had lived with her a long time, exclaim.
ed "Lora! I knowed it all the time." .
Monsruto rappars—Ndkmen.
Finn talk—" $25 and costs.":
STANDARD bnsiness-r-Fhg raising. • ,
MAss• lends many an honest man to
Wiu is a lawyer strongest? When 'ha
is feeblest? ' -
Wirr should a layman care for a sitting
in the thatch?
Ist playing archery young women don't
mind the beau. •
carrier-pigeon never tivela with
kthi cote on his arm.'
A DELICATE parcel-4, ming lady
wrapped'up in herself.
As attached couple that - are always
parating—E. pair of shears.
WREN gamblers fail to agree they pour
lloyln on the troubled waters.
Iv is beauty's privileue to kill time, and
time's privilege to kill lontuty:
"How is your stock in trade ?" as the
drummer said-te the hose dealer. -
STRANGE anomaly, is it pot, that a fall
dvericOat-should havo a stand-up collar?
Tim world without woman Would be a
perfect, blank—like a sheet of paperrnot
even ruled.
- When did the alphabet get into a row?
When A bet; B fit, D cried, N raged, Q
bit, and X pounded..
IT takes less time to get over one's own
mis(ortune's than to be reconciled to "a
neighbor'sgood fortune.
TnousAivostof boys would go dirly - all
summer if it were not wicked and danger
ous to bathe in the river.. -
Somoqur - 4 a tippler—The public al
ways notices when you have been
ing, but never when you are thirsty.
•CusTomEn (in .qqest of a particular
brand of cigars)."Are those these?"
Dealer (affably). "Yes, sir; these are
THE man who is not afraid of war or
yellow fever is generally afraid to take
out a paper of tobacco in the_ presence of
a crowd. !
WE call the attention of Anthony Com:
stock to the fact that - winter is lingering
in the lap of spring. Such immodesty
must be stop - poi - I.
TUE Free Press is of the opinion that a
man who gets a snow-ball on 'the month
comes awful near seeing a white swallow
—about as near,as he eter .
- IP you see a bank notie on the sidewalk
or crossing, bo sure you pause, stop and
pick it up. In , not doing so you might
be guilty of passing a counterteit bill.
HIP-POCKETS are a comparatively mod- -
ern invention. Indianapolis Netts;
Wrong again. - Hip-pockets were invent
ed by Hippocrates.—Loui3ville Courier-
Journal. ,
1 •
• Wu ' a $2,01 1 .10 clergyman is offered al
$3,000 p torate, it is styled a "call,"'
whereas, in point of fact, it is not a •
"call," b t a "raise." -. Andlie generally
"sees it." •
"SclEsc says that it took millions of
years to olve man from the oyster ; ob- •
iservation shows that it takes less than a
minute to transfer the oyster to the man. ,
FIRST preparatory student (angrily)—
"If you attempt to-pull'my ears you'll
have your hands full." Second prepara l •
tory (looking at the ears)—" Well, yes ;
I rather think.l_ shall."
A soLcinta4reacher in Alabama puts
his foot on excessive bribery at elections
and cruslips it. "Dis ting,' .he says, "ob
gitting $lOO for a vote is all wrong ; $lO
is as much as it's wcirf.". '
"Loos a-here waiter," shouo a dis
gustcd-tustomer in a ; "here's
a moustache come in this pot-pie !"
"Never mind, sir," said the napkin flirt
er, calmly; "just throw it. under the ta,
ble. It's an old one."
A DIM.-1
-MY writer says it.would be curl
oils to follow a pound .'of silk froier its _
spinning until it becomes a lady's dress.-
No doubt ; but most men would prefer to
toll 'w it '`after it becomes a dress ".and
while the lady was init. - -„
1 A 'lts.:s passing thrbugh a gateway in
the dark ran against a post.,-" I wish that_
post wasin the lower regions !" was his '
. angry . remark: '• Better wish it was some- -
where else,"• said •a bystander. "You
might run against-it' again."
WISCONSIN has a three-legged baliy—a
natural_ result, we take it, of the recent
Indian scare iu that State: In these emer
g,licies, particularly in view of the - limit
ed power-and - number of the army, three
legs are•not too many. . .
".WIIAT do-you know of the -cliaracter -
.of this man?" .was asked of a witness at
a police-court the other day.- "What do
-1 know of hiii character? :1 knoiv it to be •k i
unbleachahle, your Holor,"
. he replied,
with much emphasis.
IT• was in-01)414y . a youngin 'from
MiddleHaddam who made his first. ad
vent to the metropolis by the midnight
train and respectfully asked he nigta, -
clerk of the Astor -House if "it would be . .
any trouble to Mrs. Astor-to keep him all -
night?" .
AN intellectual member of the Arkan
sas Legislature has introduced a • W i ll ab—
breviating the'scason of Lent from forty
to twenty days. ;lie explains - that every.;
thing else has come down fifty per' cent. -
since war, and there should be no discrim
ination in favor of Lent.
A MINISTER who was speaking quito
loud saw a woman leaving the_church
with a crying babe, and thereupon ex
claimed "Tour baby don't disturb 'nip,
madam." "That isn't it, sir," she re
plied ; "you disturb the baby." Of course
every effect must have a cause.". •
-what Edison's first name is. What Edi
son? Who is EdisOn? What does ho
do? Where- does he . live? Please be
More. explicit.? If you had asked for
- Smith's first name, we would answer
•, but.we can't av expected to know )
everybody. .
- THE Ohio State Journal says that a mi
' ser out there carried his principles so far
as always to.stick a cork in the nozzle of
the bellows When he has finished bloiving
the fire, in order to save the wind that is
left. •That'si nothing to the fellow • who
swallows the smoke .of the . : cigar he beg
ged. •
A PILEACUER, a standing the freezing
temperature of the elluicb as long as he
could; broke out with, " Brother Griggs,
do see that this hotise- is better warmed
thii afternoon ; it's of no kind of use for
me to - warn sinners of the dangers of bell
when the very idea of hell is•a comfort to
them." S
DEAN STANLEY. makes • no gestures
when preaching,' , and stands quite still.
The story goes that one Sunday, after re
turning from church, he asked his• wife
why the'people looked so intently., at him
during the service. She replied :' "How
could they-help it, dear, when one Of your
gloves was on the top of your bead - all the
time?" It had dropped from his hat. ,
' A waft-Loot:ma pedestrian came 'to
the back door of the Durishtidder mansion
yesterday afternoon, and the hired 'girl
shouted : " We've nothin' ,for tramps !"
"Fair lady, pause," said the visitor,
"I'm not a tramp nor beggar." "'What
are ye, then ?" "Madam, I'm a solicitor
genernl."— Utica Obserrer. • .
.GE..:Enit. LEE asked a straggler one
day- whom-he found eating green per:situ,-
mons, if he did not know they'were
. utilit
for food. " I'm not eating them for food,*
General," replied the man,, "Tni eating
them to draw my stomach to fit MT
rations."—Atlanta Constitution.;
a young man is On the Cars and sees
a young lady he doesn't know from
Eve, and never tisw before, trying to
let down the window,he throws down
his paper; takes off his hat, bows
hiMself double, smiles clear round to
his after_ collar-button, says sweetly :
"Allow me !" - and closes the window
with graceful skill : . and Chaimin;s ,
courtesy, If his sister says : " Tom,
won't you please la down this win
dow.for me?".he tucks his paper say:
sgely under his arm, and, stalking
across the aisle, stands on her feet
while he brings the - win - dow down
with a slam • that fills her hair with
anat. And if his wife, holding_ the
baby in one,arm and a lunch-basket
. the ether, tries to let down the,
window,- and says, timidly and sug
-,gestively : " Oh, dear r I don't believe
r can get it down," he grtfnts- says,
"Eh ? oh 1" and buries himself still
deeper in his paper.. •