Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 11, 1879, Image 3

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    radieri Ntlorttt.
ACI I / 1 54,11. ALilitN.. LOCAL =MM.
"byroads, Pa, 'Thursday; 134 t,. 14169.
TIM REPORTER will be issued daily
during the o fair of the Bradford County
.Agricultarid Society, for the three days
-of October ist, 2nd and ttd. The paper
will be printed at We Fair grounds. One
thousand copies will be issued, printed
on tinted paper, in the 'highest style of
the typographic art, which will be dis.
tributed gratuitously, to the people-1u
attendanne, and Will be a valuable adver
tising Medium, as , we shall make the
paper of a character worth taking home
A limited space will be tilled with adver
tising, for which early application must
be mathi. •
Our subscribers, and all who arede
sirous of seeing something of the "art
and mystery" of printing, are respect
fully invited to give us a, call. .0d it
will ,be a. good time' to renew your sub-
eeription to the REPORTER, Or tO COM.
mute taking it. Only $1 a year.
Srcinrsm . us report squirrels scarce.
TELE proppects for a good Fair are very
W. DIBBLE has, been appointed post
master at Mountain Lake.
A LODGE of the Knights of Honor is
soon to be Organized etSayre.
Ix consequence of the drought many
yells at Athens have given out.
- CARROLL, of Athens,' it is said ;
'will open a clothing store in Dushore.
It. A.llEncun, Esq., ',advertises in an
ether column, a desirable house for rent.
MIME weeks from to-day (Wednes
day) is the first day of the Cthinty Fair.
THE Blossburg Industrial Register has
a Towanda correspondent, and a gold
one, ,too.
THE Annual! Parade of the Fire De
partment takes place on Wednesday al
-1 •
to moon next.
- TROY Farmers' Club Fair, September
23d, 24th and 25th, on. the grounds of the
Club at Troy.
- TIM Elmira Free Press says there 'are
eighty-five different styles of locomotives
in use on the -Erie Railway.
JOHN LEWIS had his left hand quite
s • •
badly crushed by the cars at Waverly
Junction oue day last week.
EiTENSVE .repairs are being made to ;
the dam, race and _machinery of Rocx
"WELL'S bridge mills, Monroeton.
TrtkitE will be a trAinion of the veter
ans of the :137th Regiment, N. Y. S. Vol
unteers in Owego, Tuesday, September
• .;
THE Wellsboro, Tioga County, Agita
tor, states that the bones of a supposed
mastodon have been - unearthed in that
• TittEvEs broke into a tool house at
iiayre, on Tuesday night of last week,
z and stole a large lot of carpenter tools.
No clue.
• TnE Orwell Rifle Team scored 208
ppiuts as against 153 by the Leßaysville.
Team, in a match which took place at Or
well, August-25th.
plaster mill, at . Meshoppen, was, destroy
ed by fire on Wednesday morning of last
Week. No insurance.
A. L. SLOCUM, of Pike, sent td the of
fice of the Leltaysville Advertiser recent
ly, a bean pod of his own raising, which .
measured two feet in length. •
THE Loan Art Exhibition, which closed
in Montrose on Thursday last, netted the
church for whose benefit it was held, the
'snug sum of one thousand dollars.
'NE time for holding the Republican
Convention of Wyoming County, has
been postponed from Monday, September
15th, to Tuesday, September 16th.
TIE Clam Bake,:wbich was to have
taken place at Weston Station, on Tuesday,
owing to the inclemency of the weather,
was postponed until to-day, (Wednesday)4
Grover, were thrown from a wagon in
consequence of their !Arse running away,
and quite severely injured, one day re
Tat: fifth annual convention of the Di
rectors of the Poor and Board of Public
-Charities of the State of- Pennsylvania,
will be held in Scranton, September 16th
and nth.
Tnk best drilled military company at
the Elmira Centennial was the i Franklin
Guards, of Athens, Pi. The New York
31ilitia had nice near clothes, but drilled
" raw."—Dushnre Review.
FRANKLIN PIERCE, a• student of the
Crosier Theological Seminary, will occu
py the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church,
in this place. on Sunday next, at 114
and 7} P. m: All welcome.
AT a recent meeting of the Agricultural
Society, it was decided. to offer a 2 premium
of twenty-five dollars to the best band of
music in attendance at the Faiik-and ten
dollars to the second best. ,
CHURCH of the i (Universalist,
Rev. WILLIAM TArLon,4 Pastor. At 101
o'clock A. 11., subject—" True Charity."
At 7i o'clock P. M., "JF..3118 of Nazareth
Passeth by." AU welcome. ;
TUE annual fair of the Tioga County
Agricultuial Society will be held at Wells..
boro on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day, September 24th, 25th and 26th, 1879.
$l,OOO in. premiums are offered.
CANTON has another scandal on its
hands. A married man by the name of
REYNOLDS, was arrested there on Monday
last, for improper intimacy with a young
woman by the name of McComm.
Tea Leßaysville . -Advertiser says that
S. H. DAVIS, of that borough weighed
five Durham yearlings the other day,
which weighed 3,360 pounds—averaging
732 pounds each. Who can beat that?
Tux foundation of the Pa..& N. Y. It
R. turn table, at Sayre, which has been
out of order for.some time past and made
mock trouble and extra work for the rail
road employes, hai been fully repaired.
THE dwelling house of W. H. RHODES,
in Albany township, together with its
contents, was destroyed by fire on Wed
nesday morning of list week. Theta was
an• insurance of $BOO on the furniture and
household goods.
W. *auricles abd ma
chine ah*, Nonni*, are crowded
with Work, neonadiating their being run
both day alul night. We are glad to learn
of "Hon's" p rosporlty, as be,baa labereld
hard to deserve it. -
Ws learn from the Leltaywrille Advei•-
tispr . that the cooper shop of . C. W.
Bruns, in Pike, was destroyed .by fire on
Tuesday afternoon of last week, together
with a large lot of tools and manufactur
el work. - No insurance.
Waanutoox found orqhe strieV
in this place, on Thursday last, and re
turned to . its owner, 0. E. ilamus;
pocket-book containing nearly one hun
dred dollara in money, and che'cks
amounting to about $B,OOO.
Mus. E. A. THOMPSON, who
near the Nail Works, in South Tewanda,
died very suddenly on 'Thursday evening
last of paralysis of the heart. , She leaves
a husband, • several children, and a large
circle of Mends to mourn her loss.
• MRS. DARLERGTON'S Clan in Elocution
meets at the residence Of HENRY MRS-,
con, Esq., on Monday, Wednesday, and
Saturday evening of each week.- A few
more pupils will be added to the class if
application Is made at an early 'date.
OF course every farmer, and7his wife,
and his children, and his sisters, and his
brothers, and his cousins, and his aunts,
in this section, will be participants at and
do all in their power to ma te the coming
Agricultural Fair a complete success.
ME MAL service at the Baptist
Chute in Troy, Sunday, September 14th,
at ha ?past ten A. M., in memory of Mrs.
M. MrrcnELL, late of Fountain, Col., fox,
merly of Troy. Sermon by Bei. C. T.
HALLOWELL, memorial read by the pas.
ABLE GOSLINE, of Grover, is making
the necessary preparations for the erec
tion of a large dwelling house and milli
nery store combined IA that village. Mr.
M. BEACH, of the same place, is also lay
ing the foundation walls for a dwelling
H. N. ROCKWELL, at his machine shops
in Monroeton,has nearly Completed' an
eighty horse-power engine, which is. to
.furnish the motive lower for HAWES' toy
factory, at (reenwood, when the Towan
d creek is too low to be used for that
In Stating the circumstances of any of
fair to a newspaper reporter, never exag
gerate. Give the facts just as they are,
and let him do the lying. He knows
much better than you possibly can, just
how Much of that sort of thing his read
ers can stand.
Tm Dushore Review says that a "Mr.
PEPER, of Forksville, recently removed a
tooth, rhaired it an put it back in its
place it 4 a man's jalr. The tooth soon
grew fait again and is now as useful and
free ft pain as could be desired.
Strange / bit true.
AGRA, E M. SPALDING has purchased
an inter s i t in the hardware store of GEO.
BE.iinnsLEy, of Troy, and the= firm. will
hereafter be known as BEARD f SLEY
SPALDING. Both members of the firm
are well known, and will, no.doubt, do a
successful business.
THE Sayre House, at Sayre, is being
raised one story and pipes are being laid
from the Pa. & N. Y. R. R. water tanks
to supply the "hotel with Water, both of
which improvements were very, much
needed on account of the increasing
business of the house. j•
A.vouso man living near the Overshot
Mill, about three miles from this idace,
had his ankle dislocat44—while wrestling
with another young --man on Saturday
last. Dr. D. LEONARD PRATT was called
and rendered the young man the necessa
ry medical assistance.
THE Waverly Adiveaps says-that a son
of HER MAN D. Eptia, the pedestrian, had
one' foot cut off on Wednesday of last
week, and another somewhat injured, by
attempting tO jump on a freight train at
that statibn. • The foot was afterward am
putated. Re is about twelve years old.
THE " fringe " and the
. "bang" of the
front hair worn by young ladies have giv
en way to the "iot hook" ornamenta
tion. It is done by. gumming the hair
with a gelatinous substance and then
plastering it down flat on the forehead
in stiff and unhandsome kinks and curls.
says the Athens Gazette, • made another
search of the DORSET residence on Wed
nesday evening, and in doing so, recover
ed some more of his stolen goods, one ar
ticle being a valuable piece of silk which
was between the straw and feather beds.
EMMET BOWAIAN, of Waverly, through
the Advocate, cautions the public against
purchasing a note against OSCAR WEt.t.s,
payable to. AnnAnAm BOWMAN, for about
$63, and a note against MICHAEL MeAn-
DIE for $10.47, which were jin, a pocket
book lost at Elmira . depot, August 29th.
THERE were about twelve hundred peo
ple at the funeral of HENRY lifooftE, at
Gillett''S, on Sunday. The deceased was
just in
L the prime of manhood, and was a
very active, intelligent young man, hav
ing before him, apparently, an honorable
and possibly : . brilliant future.—;7Yoy Ga
THE Local Editor of the Journal is evi
dently,an e i fccellent hind to cont chairs,
but be is a terribly poor one at:managing
a pleasure boat. A fact which two young
ladies of this place, who recently took an
involuntary.bath in the chilly waters of i
Mountain Lake, are ready, to', make an af
fidavit to.
S. flosTivicit and T. XERRILLS have
the contract for the building of.a scb(iol
house in District 'No. 1, in 'Windham
township. The building is•to, be erected
AD ground donated for he purpose by IRA
EixiT, Esq., and will be 22228 ,feet in
size. The contract price for its construc
tion is $245.'
GENE DAVIES caught a blick bass at
Athens last week, .that weighed three
pounds and four ounces. JIM WILSON the
same day caught a string of nine bass
that weighed eleven _pounds. Evidently
there are more bass in the river at Atb
en:. than here, or they . have got more
sk' ed fishermen.
MErrrso of the Agricultural Society
w: • held on the Fair Grounds on Wed
nesday of last week. Contracts were
made to put up the new luildings and
stalls requited, and• work on them has be
gan. -The dining rooms are to be enlarg
ed and repaired, and will under charge
of Mr. • tunas WATTs.
Tim surveyors of Wyoming and Lacka
wanna have been running, the line be
tween those counties, and in a distance of
about six miles there is a variation, from
what was supposed to be the line, of sev
eral rods, r in favor of Wyoming County—
taking in a numbPr of farm houses and
about four hundred acres of land.
Tax frienda4glosgrz YAW will ply
bin's donation visit at the Grange Hall,
Litobfiead evening, (kihs.
ber 3d, 1879. All are cordially invited.
,OrFfilb/Ort eat '
- 11' S.
AIDROBStIef; this pleas, won the first
money in the three minute race at Elmira,
on Tuesday last,, in three straight heats.
Time gaitie 2430, •
CORTANIC A, 9th 'Regiment, N. G. P.,
left this place on Monday evening last, on
traillA far, Bloomsburg, to take part in
the encampment and review at that place.
1 4 heiriltimbeitid abort 40 -men , and -pre
sented a creditable appearance;
The County Commissioners havn decided
$o commence ,tha, adjustment and Tway
liftint-40 chiral for diunaget under the
sbeep Law, December 1,1870. All per
sons in this county who have had sheep
killed by dogs since the taking„ . effeCt of
the above 'law, will , do-.well to make a
`note of this. - - •
JAKEIS WARREN, of South Waverly,
Avail currespondent, while sitting at the
dinner table one day last week. became
incensed at his wife for some reason or
°thin. and threw a tea-cap at her, hitting
his, child sitting by on the forehead, about
an inch from the temple. The child it is
thought will survive. The gash is a very• and of a very - serions hatisre:
Pic-Ntc.—The Grangers and others of
Litchfield Centre will bold a basket pia
nie on Saturdiy, September lath. Mon-
TIMER WurritneAl3, of New Janszv, Lec
turer of the National Grange, will deliver
the address. Mr. W. his the, reputatiiiii
of being a fitst-class speaker, and, as all
are invited to attend we expect that there
will be a large turn out.
Am:" who attended the Presbyterisai
picnic at Eilenberger's, on Saturday lasj,
speak in highest praise of the onanner-in
which those who had charge of the affair
*carried out - the day's programme of eg
joymer4. Each and every one who was a
participant unite in - pronouncing it th e
most e .joyable affair of the kind that
they e • =r attended._
. Bnsnurr D tAx gives: notice that all
for ,_'catching fish
placedin the SUsqi , ebanna' river, such as
eel weirs, fish baskets, etc., witbin his
bailiwick, must be removed on or before
the 23d instant, or as compelled by law
lie wilt proceed by fake to remove them.
he act of assembly , is imperative, and
,Shasitf,Dsos is just the kind of matt to
faithfully execute the laws.
THE Grange pic-nic held in HOUTON'S
Grove, North Towamda, on Thursday of-•
ternoon last, was not largely attended,
but was nevertheless a very enjoyable af
fair. Addresses were delivered by State
Lecturer Dowxn , Fa, •and Captain C. M.
MANVILLE. Both speakers were- atten
tively Esyened to, and at the conclusion of
their ramarks were tendered a unanimous.
voto of thanks.
EvEnT one intending to exhibit stock,
machinery, or other.articles at the County
Fair, should have a copy of the premium
list. This is published in pamphlet form,
basalt the riles and regulations governing
the exhibitiell, and can be hnd by ad=
dressing the Secretary, or by calling on
any of the Natiagers. .Tbe premiums of
fered amount to about $1;200.
Tun Executive Committee of the Agri
eulturahSociet3r did a sensible thing in of
fering a special premium of twenty dol
lars for.the "best firkin and tub of butter"
exhibited at the fair to be held October
Ist, 2nd, and 3d. The butter from this
.countirlas long enjoyed an excellent rep
utation and commanded an extra price,
tind any incentive to continued excellence
is a step in the right direction.
THE AthensGazeiGe : says : "There are
pretty strong efforts - being made to organ
ize a permanent military company in this
place. At two or three different times a
like effort has been made but • each time
failed, and only through negligence.
There are enough young men in this
borough to organize from, and there is
no reason why we cannot have one of the
beat Companies in the State, st this
- Mn. M. 0. MOODY has shown us several
heads of wheat sent to him by his son,
from Oregon, which would delight an
riculturist from their size and plumpness.
The yield was sixty-four bushels to the
acre, and the weight over sixty pounds to
the bushel. The Northwest is the great
wheat-gr Owing section of the Nation, hi
fast filling up with settlers, and soon will
be able to supply the world with bread;
WE are informed that Mr. THEODO:IIE
ESPY, of Rummertield, whom we recent
ly mentioned as having caught a four
pound black bass, has speared in the
river this year 13 . yellow bass whose. ag
gregate weight was 84 pounds. The
largest weighed 11 - pounds and two
*ivies. Ile and his' brother have caught
300 black basi this summer. We wonder
if any one ha-S,-done better:— Tunkhannock
LEO B . ;TtOKEN.-71. portion of a derrick
being used to erect a monument over the
grave'of / Dr. H. C.,Powrzn, in Riverside
Cemetery, on Saturday last, gave 'way
and fell tit, the ground, striking Mr. GEO.
S. 'MCCABE, of this placb, in its descent
upon the right leg, causing an oblique
fracture`of the tibial, or shin bone, about
four inches above the foot. Dr. JonN
sox was called, and reduced the fracture,
and the injured gentleman is now a.i t com...
Portable as could be expected under the
A. B. Smirn, of Ulster, was thrown
from his wagon on Poplar street, in front
of the residence of E. 0. GOODRICH, Sat;
urday, fortunatelfrcaping - without inju-'
ry. A young grandson, who was in the
wagon, was thrown with much violence
to the ground, striking upon his head.
Fie was picked tip insensible, and taken
into the house. , After applying restora
tives ho recovered.eonticioniness, and ina
few hours was taken home appa tmLLtl
none the worse for his fall. His email)
from injury was remarkable. .
THERIC are now aevenpapera in Towan
da, two of the number being dailies.—
Athens Gazette.
Wrong, Mr. Gazette. There are eight
paps published in this place, 'and two
more are about- to be added to the aanl
ben, But then, there is every prospect a
a Pdor House being erected somewhere
within the county during the coming
year, and the Outlook for publishers .of
newspapers at this point, is : Lot as discour
aging as a casual observer might be led to
Lrrntes Lmzio Aiu.—The numbers
of the . Lich's, Age, for the weeks ending
August 23d and 80th respectively, con
tain the. following articles : . The Wor
thies of Norwich, and The Hatton Papers,
Edinburgh ; Saint Evremond, and Car
dinal Newraan, - Fortnightly ; A New
Blake% or Yokohama Pidgin, New Quar
terly.; Influence of the Mind on the Body,
Cornhill ; A eta - . Dialer in Andorra,
Macmipian ; The Reign of Rumor,
Globe ; Lutrods *WIT A Gissoitie,
narian, Lancet ; President Hay"' Rdoes4
Con, Nationir • Portrait:' Gallery , ; tho,
Feist ot th 6 Eloptetiterßeinii, tire 4640114
fein -the . Fienoh of AdOlpbe Maas
with the continuation of JILION P(GNLOW'S
i t3iiriih de lleiengbt 1 74thdri• Prt*F'si
"Doubting Heat _ and Gertrude,
Short story ! fi;:*n 'the Argosy ; 'tie
usual amount of Poetry. •
• Forllfty-tpo auoh numbers sit -ehsty,
'four large pages each (4* more than 8,600
pages a year), the subsetsUm price ($8)!
is low ; while for $10.50 the" publiiheisl
offer to send any one of the American $4,
monthlies or weeklies with The .Liet6g .
Agit for a Year, both
• postpaid. Little &
Co., publishers. ' ' •
last, says the Tunkhannock Republican,
of September sth, Me_ ALLEN JAYNE, of
likshoppen, uncovered a human skeleton
While drawing. stones. (nue one :of ; his
.fields. Zvidently they ;helot:wed to st
middle-aged man. It is :thought he lams
killed abed the time tbe.canal, was Wilt'
and the body secreted there, as they siere.
covered only with a few fiat stonel.There'
were, no traces of clothing to be fdund
and the only jewelry or - metals ofts 07
hintlivere two small, round, silver b ,
les, such aewere worn in early tinsee.on;
the shirt bosom for ornament.
JUDSON Mimarn, lair student' with F.
I. Lorr, Esq., was taken suddenly ill on ,
Saturday, the 23d ult. He was unwell
during the previous night, but got Up'and
•went to the °Eike on Saturday . inoming,
as usual. About noon, be" started to go
to his boarding place, (Mrs. Bann's),
and when near Gnomic. P. LirTLE's resi
'deny, he became suddenly blind and fell
upon the walk. He was assisted into a'
carriage and taken to Mra. BARD'S, where
he remained bi.a critical condition ',until
his death, which occurred on Sattirday.—.
Montrose Reptibliean,Beptemtier Ist.
THE annual parade of the ToWanda
Fire Department will take place-Wed
day, September 17th. The line will form
at the Court House at 2 o'clock, P.
sharp, and will march .as follows : Up
Main to York :Avenue, Up York Avenue
to Huston street, up Huston to Seccnd,
out Second to Cbesttiut,tout Chestnut to
Fourth, down Fourth to Lombard;•down
Lombard to Second, -down Second to
Grant, down,Grant to Main, up. Main to
the Court House' where the Department
will be inspected by the Burgtss and
Town Council.
xxiwAuto r stOBT,
Chief Engineer, T. F. D.
A CORPS of United States Civil Engi
neers, says the Waverly Adaocate of list
week, from the coast . stirvey. 'have been
here for the past ten days locating the
line between New York and Pennsylva
nia. They work from nine to; 'eleven ev,
enings, taking observation of stars, with
the view to fix accurately and perma
nently the forty-second parallel of North
latitude. Their observations are sent to
Washington as soon as taken, where the
More elallOate calculations 'are made.
They areitiithorize4 to establish eight
such observatory stations along the State
'line, and to take obsertrations ten even
ings at each station. They go to Little
I%Teadows, on thellroome County line, af
ter finishing their work at Waverly. •
Our Warren Center correspbmient "Ob
server," limier date •of September 96,
furnishes ther:following particulars of an
accident in Warren on Sunday last :
On Sunday last, while Mr. fIAISON
BOWEN and family, of Warren, were start
ing out for a shirt drive, his horse took
fright ancl,became unmanageable. and in
Mr. BOWEN'S efforts to control the Infuri
ated animal, his feet were entangled in
the reins, and he was drawn over the
ground at a fearful rate, for a distance of
fifteen or twenty rods, inflicting terrible
yqounds about the back and head. Mr.
illokvEN's family physician was called, and
at last accounts there was hopes of his
recovery. Mrs. BOWEN escaped with but
slight injuries.
ny uniting - in Wedlock Mr. Guottott A.
Oda, Esq., of this place, took place yes
terday, (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock P. m.,
at the residence of the bride's parents on
Poplar: street, and was witnessed by a
large number of invited guests. The offi
ciating clergyman was the Rev. GEORGE
C. JONES, of the M. E. Church, who per
formed the interesting ceremonyln a very.
impressive manner. Mr. J. P. KEENEY,
of this place, filled the position of the
groom's best man, and Miss Many KIITKEN.
DAM., of Owego, a cousin of the
bride, gracefully served' as the best lady.
The bride was attired in a white swiss
dress, with white satin bodice, and trim
mings of white lace and loopings of white
satin ribbon. The best lady also wore a
dress of white swiss, with white lace and
ribbon trimmings. The groom and his
best man were both in full evening dress.
The interior o the handsome residence
was beautifully adorned with evergreens
and. flower 4 evincing exquisite taste On
the part of the bride, who superintended
their designing apd arrangement. At the
conclusion of the wedding ceremonies a
splendid collation .was partaken of by .
the guests present, after which the happy
couple took the afternoon train for Niag
ara Falls and . a trip through the Eastern
fitafes, where they will visit a tiumber - of
'the bride's relatives. The wishes of a
host of friends are theirs for a life of pros
perity and happiness.'
—Etas WoLcorr, of Windham, is
seriously ill.
-M., M. COOLUAUGH, of MaurOeton, is
quite seriously ill.
—Mrs. C. M. MANVILLE is visiting
friends in Perin Yan,, N. Y.
—Miss MixarE ,Wool k of. Canton, is
visiting friend! Y,
—Miss Luis FULLEE) of Vamptowti,
is dangeion* qt of -
—Mr. and Mrs. O. C. POST, of this
place, are vilsiting friends in Philadelphia.
E.:l3usn and wife have - returned
from their visit to New York and the Sea
Shore. t
—Min ETTA GIFFORD, Of Wayne, N.
Y., is the guest of Miss Rosa BERN, of
State Line.
—Mira NELLIE ' ANGEL, of Leßsysville,
is paying a visit; to her grandmother in
Wayne_ County.
--Joust E. DArroN, and family, of
Williamsport; are visiting relatives and
friends in this place. •
Bnuitt, of Oxford Mills, lowa. ie
visiting relatives and tribnds in Pike
township, this county.
ren Center, who has long been an invalid
la improving in health.
-Mr. N. J. Lixes and wife, of Le-
Raysville, have returned llama from a
visit to friendi in Connecticut:
—Mrs. E. T. BUROAN has
from PottsvUle, where she Iras been visit.
leg friends for several weeks past.
~ ji teriastri, formerly: of thin
place, but now a resident - of Bradford,
was visiting friends here last week.
ittaWot9 ll 4Wwila
hss beitiradffifirlidof c6llls ' ii !liter'
for the past few weeks, is' rapidly conva
lescing. s
—Esquire Viunitfitimi wife and dangly
ter, of Grover. have returned from a visit
of several weeks' duration to friends in
- -
of Tray
fownabip, ii sick with diphtbesia, con
tracted while assiating.thefamUy of Nnt,
eon Mantas% •
—Rev. Dr. Wttsris, of Philadelphia,
will deliver the address at the Busqueban:
na County Fair, to bd held at Montrose,
Septi*bei 10111.
—Mrs. R: W. Poissuos, of Troy, has
:a.quite 11l with a very severe cold, and
great exhaustice, sincaler return froin
Lake. Chat/taigas. _ _
—Mr. and Mr& IL A. PACKER return-
Ed tiktheir home in Sayre, from
Cape May, where they have been staying
for the past two months.
—ExEnsos Tim a, of Windham, who
has been confined to the house by illness
for several months past, ja so far convales
cent as to , be able to ride oat;
-4448 IDA HOOKER and Miss Macs
Dortise, both residents of Ueons, and both
graduates et the Mansfield :State Normal
School, are to teach in Wilkes-Barre.
—Mrs. d: D. Ktrtrizi. 'O . Warms teil
'tar, whO has been confined "to" the bcrase
brillr.egs since April-last:,'haa 'SO fa re
gained her health as to be able to ride
•—L. F. - GAitDMILI, representing the
Eureka Mower Company, is this week in
attendanCe at the New York State Fair,
Utica, and will neat week attend the Now
Jersey State Fair, and • the Fair of our .
own State at Philadelphia: -
,Gtnsmv, of Philadelphia, who
came to this Y place on Saturday evening
last, to visit his daughter, who has been
spending the summer at L. R. Fussy's,
was tart:kelt with paralysis shortly after
hii arrival.—Daily Reriete,_Monday.
—L. W. EronstEir returned to the now
oil regions on Tuesday. A week or . two
ago we visited him in his territory, where
he has already eight oil wells, and — will
soon put down another—the ninth, when
complete, flowing about one hundred bar
,reis daily..,-Troy Gazette.
.—Joss W. CODDINCi t. or this place, was
adlrnittid to practice law in the courts id'
this county, at the present term,
passed a very creditable examination.
Mr. Conmat, we understand, pruPoses
to open an office bete, and from his in
dustry, ability and acqyirements, will
prove a very valuable acquisition to the
'bar of the county. We, wish him the suc
cess he-desei:Vetl.
e •
..XIIARLEB T. IluswikhasVelinquished
the editorial tripod for the more lucrative
profession Of the law. Having studied
and been admitted to the bar in Lycoming
County, he was admitted to practice in
the Comfit of this county hist week. As
he made a good editor we are certain that
he will adorn his new vocation.
The annual re-union of the children and
grand-children of Mrs. WF.aurnir RIDG
WAY took place at the old , homestead near
Monroeton,on the 3d of the present mouth,
and was a very enjoyable affair. The re
unions of this happy family have grown
into an established institution, and have
been occasions of great enjoyment and
happiness to all who have participated in
them. The meeting this year was no ex
ception to the 'yule ; it Was a continual
round of pleasure from early, morning un-
til evening. It seemed that everything
which could contribute to the enjoyment
of the occasion had been provided. Lov
ing bands had beautifully decorated the
old home until it seemed instinct with
life ; beautiful bouquets smiled from the
midst of .1 fantastically-arranged ever
greens in nearly every nook and corner of
the house ; the long veranda was so orna
mented with wreaths and_ festoons of
flowers and evergreens, that it seemed
like one huge bouquet. The boys—for they
were'all boys and girls again—opened the'
festivities of the day by tiring alialute in
real military style, which seemed to be
thiasignal for the frolic to begin ; and it
did begin in right good earnest, and cori:
tinned all day long without intermission
or diminution. Swinging, croquet play
ing, extemporized concerts,—everything
that they thought would contribute to the
enjoyment of • the day, was .engaged in
with a zeal that was truly refreshinz to
witness. The refreshments for the occa
sion seemed to have been gotten i'ip with
out any thought of expense or labor;
everything that heart could wish, appetite
crave or ingenuity invent was there to
contribute•to the enjoyment of the inner
man. Turkeys which had ruled the barn
yard with lordly dignity all summer, now
lay on the table stripped of all their , dig
nity, as if overcome by the scone; hens
that had Lid their nests and laid away all
summer, were by a little gentle persuasion
induced to lay on the table undersa pie
crust: In short, nature and art seemed to.
vie with each other in contributing to the.
enjoyment Of the occasion.
Amidst all ills festiliities, one object
was kept constantly in view,—it was
Monirra'A BtaTunay ,; so everithing was
done to this deference of Mother. She was
made .to feel that the festivities were in
honor of lairi t and for herlenjoyment, and
a large number 3f beautiful presents were
given her as a token of their love. The
number present was forty-one (nearly all
children or grandchildren)rather an un
fashionable family as to numbers. "May
their shadows never. grow less." And I
understand there IS'a prospect of it being
larger soon; as the only - immarried'son is
looking around for a youdig lady to add
to the family.
Below are a few lines extemporized by
a lady &lest, not as an exhibition of merit,
but to gii-e expression to the feelirgs of
the family. The lines were sung to the
air of "Auld Lang Syne."
We gather at the old home nest
Anettue year has gone.
We come a joyous, happy guest,
To cheer the dear old tome.
We gather 'round the festive board,
Not as In days of yore,
But with our little ones we erne
To greet you all once more.
Mother .1 the name how sweet It Is,
Dearest of ail on earth :
Today we gather borne agate
To celebrate her birth.
Some have crossed to the other side,
To heaven's bright borne so fair,
But father, mother, sister, brother,
All today are 'here.
Time and change have left their furrows
Deep upon her brow ;
Mother's dearest eartnlypreasnre •
Lett to children now.
Soon she'll brush the dews of Jotdan.
Soon will cross Its spray.—
Soon shell join the loved In heaven,
• And-tread the pearly way.
O bow sweet to know In heaven.
That the broken chain
That wax shattered here on earth
Will there be Joined again. •
Sweet to know that all the loved ones
On the other shore.
Are waiting wlth.thetr songs to greet as.
• There to part po more. .
E. E. DI
The following is a condensed report of
the session of the Pomona Grange, held
at West Grawriße, 'August 28th and 29th
The Worthy Master, E. R. DELtmo,
being abseil; C. D. Ross presided during
the session.
-.7.11ri' Mao= delivered the address
of velem..
The Secretary reported twenty Oranges
10 Preigintettlitilbe oPmh4P- `'r
The Visiting Oodiedteee, fain:daft of
D. Irimum, C. p. Ross, C. F. Bonsiao
an, .L. P. WILLIAM, and E. H. Casa-roni:
rePortibe oindßionffilfbe Order in the
county as being on a care foundation, and,
very encouragim. '
ThedfuLirnian Of Coniyiatee 1 - al"
latioeinadke faß t ioport their action.
On motion' Of E. U. MUTTON, it was
agreed to accept the invitation of Josittni
Prowl.? to hold the. next session of the
Potnona ilmng4t
Remarks for the good of the Order
were made by JosErn Proktrr,7D.
ram,- WILLIA3I * PATTERSON. C. F. Run- ,
airman, Axon B: F.-R. Con - t
D. IL.Rosowiti, Lucy R. t#EVENIty C.
8. - TATUM. -
The Committee on Resolutions report
the following
Ist, Resolved, That the legal rate of in
tereatin any country ahopld be less than
the percentage of annual income of Wealth
of that country. - •
2nd.' Resolved, That the Go/moment
of the. United States should establish a
uniform rate of interest for al of its terra-
• Pd. Resoka, That all• genie law's' are
againit the Interests of the tarmlng claim,
and should be Jib:A/AO.
Divalewd exercises were conducted by
Buzz.' .
The. Declaration -of:Purposes of the
Patrons of Husbandry was read by J. W.
Zi6Erit PioLarr was then introduced:
-He entertained-the audience one =hoar in
behalf of the Patrons or Husbandry and
its purposes.
A song -by the cboii, entitled the
"Barnyard Chorus," excitcd the laugh
ing propensities of all.
I), Ltu-iv gave the history and wcrk2
ings of the grange Mutual Fire Insurance
Bey, P. J. BULL was then called' for,
and responded in his usual happy style. '
Miis Evrie BIAXiMER, of New York,
responded to a call by reciting the "Brok
en Spear.!' 'AdjotirneJ.
After considerable miseellanioeui bus
iness, the third resolution reported by
the Committee on Resolutions was dis
cussed by CALsiiss, WILLIAM SHOE
m.mcp, D. LILLEY, and others, and then
adopted. ;
.On motion,• the first and second resolu
tions were adopted.
Further 'reports from Granges were
made by J. 0. ALGER, W. .D. BAXTER,
J. IL, E. Loomis, Azea S.
as . , B. F. BOWMAN, and D: LILLEIL
Elder PuEsz was then called for, and
responded in his usual pointed manner.
- -Further remarks for the good of the Or
der were made by J. L. FERGUSON, R.
FITCIf, C. F. 111:NSINGEU and V. L. LAN
DON. -
The following additional report frcitri
the Committee on Resolutions was pre
sented and adopted :
Ist. Resolved, That. the present success
ful meeting has mdre than convinced us
of capabilities of the ,Gringo and
stiimilates us with a. renewed , ardor for
the work before us.
2nd. Resolved, That our sympathy is
extended to our Worthy Master. E. 11,
DeLong, who by reason of sickness, 'has
been unable to attend what has been to
us one of the most profitable sessions of
the Grange.
3d. Resolved, That we extend our con
dolence and heartfelt sympathy to Broth
er and Sister L. P. Williams in their re
colt and terrible loss, and beg , them to,re
member, though sadly afflicted, they are
surrounded by friends.
4tli. Resolved, That the thanks of this
Grange aro extended to the trustees cif,
the Baptist Church for the use of, their
building, and to the people of the place
for their cordial entertainment.
sth. Resolved, That the thanks of this
Pomona Grange be extended to - sister Au
gusta Bates, for her contribution of. flow
ers for this occasion.
SEPII PIOLETT were appointed as Commit
tee on Resolutions for the next session.
Adjourned. , A. T. LILLIRY,
3, 1879.—The Grand Jury disfoosed of the
following cases, viz :
Com. vs. Alonzo Vanderpool and Wal
_ter Vanderpool—Larceny.
Corn. vs. Collins Carpenter —Horse
Coin. vs. Allen Stanton—Asiault and
Com. vs. B. F. Ball—Pointing a pistol.
Corn. vs. same—Assault and battery.
Com. vs. , Bcnj. Ball and B. F. Ball—
Assault and battery.
Corn. vs. George Vandorder— Assault
with intent to do bodily harm.
Com. vs. Julia , Nichols—Larceny.
Corn. vs. Lyman Areraft—Ashson-
Com. vs. Sarah A. and Alma DrirSey—
Corn. vs. Jobn and Granville Dorsey—
Corn. vs. Frank Miller; - John Flood and
John Doran—Assault with intent to rob.•
Corn. vs. same—Riot. .
Corn. vs. Mary A. Martin—Larceny.
Corn. vs. R. Boss, and Betsy Ada—
Public nuisance.
CoM. vs. Henry Campbell—Assault and
Corn. vs. Charles Carter—liciening a
prisoner, etc. • -
, Com. vs. B.V. Lane—At.ggravated as
sault and battery.
Com. vs. Patrick O'Boyle, Matthew.
Laughlin, Richard Kinney, John Curran
and Frank Welsh—Larceny.
Com.?vs. A. J. Silvara—Selling liquors
without license. J. D. Owen, prosecutor,
for costs.
Com. vs. Sylvester Freelove and 11.
Greene—Larceny. •
Com. vs. Henry Campbell—Rape. .
Corn. vs. E. F. Hudson—Assault aid
battery. Abram Rosencrants, prosecutor.
for costs.
Corn. vs. G. S. Lowman—Assault -and
battery. .
Corn. vs. same—Forcible entry and de
Com. vs. Frank Foote Larceny
. vs. John 11. White—Assault and
battery. Sarah Johnson, prosecutrii, for
The Grand Jury were discharged Fri
day afternoon.
In re the petition of the citizens of Al
bany township to incorporate the borough
Of New Albany, Grand Jury report iu
favor of the petitionent
Com.;vs. E. B. Gibbsravated - vis- •
sault and battery. Jury find defend ant,
not guilty, but that he pay one-fourth the
costs, and the prosecutor, William Iler:
rington, three-fourths. .
Com. vs. Reuben Palmer—Cruelty to
animals. Jury find defendant guilty of
the second count in the indictment. Sen
tenced to pay a fine of $lO and costs of
prosecution. - • .
Com. vs. C.lll. Vaulloovan—Adultery.
District Attorney McPherson for _Com
monwealth,. H. J. Madill and 0, D. Kin
ney, Esqs.., for defendant. . Jury' find de
•fendant Sentenced to pay a fine
of $3 and costa of prosecution..
Com. vs. Collins Carpenter Horse
stealing. District Attorney McPherson
and lI.C. Bakd,Esq.. for Commonwealth,
Evans & Maynard for defendant Jury
find defendant not guilty.
Coin. vs. George VanGorder—Assault,
etc. District Attorney McPherson and
' H. F. Maynard, Esq., for Commonwealth,
11. W. Patrick and H. C. Baird, Esqs.,
for defendant. Jury find defendant guilty
of an assault. Sentenced to pay a fine of
$5 and costs of prosecution, and give se
curity for good behavior. .
Com. vs. F. II: Kelly--,Surety Of the
peace. ' Defendant discharged and prose-
outer, George VatGorder, ordered ta'pay
Coln. vs: John Kennedy—Assault and
battery.' • . '
'Com. vs. R. Roes and Betsey Aela4-
Nuisance. Nolle prorequi entered in each
CM upon paYment of -code
:Com. vs. JulietNichtfis---Lereeni: Dis
trict Attorney McPherson, Delos Ho*
well and 'W. H. -Carnochan, Esgd., for
Commonwealth, Elbanan Smith and , A.
C. Fanning, Ergs.,
for defendant. Jury
defendant not guilty. '
Com. Va. - Alonzo and Walter Vander
pool—Larneny.; . District Attorney Ma-
Pherson for Commonwealth, L. M.". Hall
and H. Baird, Esqe, for defendants.
Jury find defendants gitilty..
Com. vs. Mary A. Martin—Lareeny.
District 'Attorney McPherson for Com
monwealth, I. N. Evans and S. W. Little,
Esqs, for defendant. Jury fi nd defendant
Corn. vs. Benj. F. Ball and Benj. Ball
—Assault and battery. - POW. vs. Benj.
Ball Assault and battery. Com. vs. same
—Pointing a pistol, etc.- Three cases
tried together. ,District Attorney Mc-
Pherson and H. P. Maynard, •Esq, for-
Commonwealth,- H. C. Baird and L. M..
Hall, Esqs, for deiendants. Jury find de
fendants guilty in each case.
Com. vs. Allen Stanton—Anemia and
battery:2 District Attorney McPherson
for Commonwealth, Evans k Maynard
for Commonwealth. Jury find defendant
Corn. vs. B. W. Lane—Aggravated as.!
sault and battery. District Attorney Me- i
Pherson, De Witt & Hall and William l i
Maxwell, Esq.,.for Commonwealth, N.O.
Elsbree and William ; Foyle, Ems.; for
defendant. .Tery find defendant guilty.
Sarah E. Clapper vs. 'Abram Clapper.
An alias subpmua in divorce directed to
be issued. - •
Emma VO'orhis'vs. J. B. Voorhis. Hec
tor Owens appointed Commissioner.
Francis McCann vs. Elliott McCann.
PAL Hoffman appointed Commissioner.
Alice Marcy .vs; -Williamidarcy. C. E.
Pendleton appointed CoMmissioner.
P. P. Watson vs. Sarah A. Watson.
John - W. Mix, Esq., appointed Commis
sioner. . •
A. W. Allen vs. Emma Allen.l - W. S.
Vincent am:minted Commissioner:-,
Julia A. Lennox vs. George Lennox.
An alias subpcene_ in divorce directed to
be issued.
Jeremiah Blackman vs. 6. S. Black
man. Rule mein absolute, and Elbanan
Smith ordered to pay money into Court.
Asa, Mattock, - eulministrator. vs. Calvin
Dodge. Rule on plaintiff and B. K. Ste
phens to bring their action in ejectment
against D. J. Moran within ninety days
from date of service.
Geo.'Dusenbui7 vs. Ganning & Wight
man. Rule for new trial discharged.. -
Amelia Elsbree's use vs. P. J.. Dean,
A. R. Stephens vs. A. 31. 3linto. Rules
H. B. Mercur's use vs. S. W. Alvord
et. al: Rule to open judgment.
In re the estate of. Aurilla Worley, a Iti
natic. Final account of H. B. Morgan,
committee, confirMed
In re She assignment of 0. D. Nichols
for the benefit of his creditors. Final ac
count of C.D. Jakeway confirmed finally.
H. B. Ingham vs. Cyrus Avery. Mas
ter' filed ; exceptions filed.
D. C. Atwock vs. Cyrus Avery. Audi
tor's report filed and confirmed ni si ; ex
ceptions tiled. '
In re the.assignment of S. M. Wooster
for the benefit of his creditors. John \V.
Mix. Esq. ' appointed Auditor to distribute
funds in the hands of assignee.
Lewis Zaner vs. David Cullen et. aL
L. M. Hall, Big., appointed Auditor to
diitribute funds raised by sheriff's sale of
defendant's real estate.
On motion of Rodney A. Mercur, Esq.,
John W." Codding was admitted to pine
tice in the several Courts; ot Bradford
countY,•whereupon be was duly sworn.
On motion of I. N. Evans, Esq., H. A.
Lamberson was admitted to practice in
the several Courts of Bradford county,
whereupon he-was duly sworn.
On motion of , Davies Carnochan,John
G. Scouton, Esq., a member of the Wyo
ming county Bar, was admitted to• prac
tice in the • several Courts of Rradford
county, whereupon he was duly sworn.
The following Sheriff's deeds were ac
knowledged : •
To John Murphy, 3 pieces of land in
Albany township, sold June 27, 1879, as
the property, of David and John Cullen ;
#2,001. . -
To Amos 31i11tr, , ;31 8-10 acres of land
in Windham township, gold August 28,
1879, as the property of N. F. Miller ;
To Delphine Shoemaker, 3 lots of larid
in Windham township, sold August 28. as
the property of A. W. Alger ;. $6Ol.
To Eliza A. Lamb, house and lot in To
wanda Borough, sold August 28 as the
property of S. Eliza Gibson ; sl.i.'
To 11. J. Lloyd, house and lot in Wya
liming township, sold August 28. as the
property of A. B. Porter, Esq.; $750.
To Lorenzo Allen, house and lot in
South Creek township, sold August 28 as
the property of G. 0. Turk ; $910:
. To Lonina Bolitho, 1 lot in Albany
township, ROM Au gust . 28 as the property
of Nathaniel McNeal ; $250.
To Michael Grace, 75 acres of land in
Ridgbury township, sold May 9 as the
property of John Huslehan.
Mary J. Dexter vs. B. F. Dexter—Sub
pm= in divorce directed to be issued. •
Lydia McCanon vs. James McCanon—.
Alias subpoena directed to be issued.
Lucy J. Boyd vs. Charles Boyd ;,Marga
ret Lyon vs. J. E. Lyon—Sheriff directed
to make proclamation in each case.
Anson Lafy vs. Emma .D. Lary—Di
vorce granted.
A. H. Spalding, Executor, vs.' H. S.
Welles,- et al.—Rule for judgmeut for
•want of sufficiem, affidavit of defense. •
Anna Laughlin vs. Elhanan Smith.—
Rule on defendant to pci fect his api eal.
On motion of H. C. Baird, C. T. Hous
ton, Esq., a member of the bar of Lycom
ing County, .was admitted to - practice in
the several courts of Bradford County,
.whereupon lie was duly sworn.
In re tho assignment of J, Leroy Corbin
for the I enfit of his creditors.—Anditor's
report confirmed finally.
In re the petition for a bridge across
the Susquehanna river .at Wyalusing.—
The Grand Jury, report that the bridge is
not absolutely necessary at the present
time,- and too expensive for the county to
In re the petition of the citizens of Or
well township for a county bridge across
the creek near Isaac Lyons.--Grand Jury
report that the bridge is necessary,. and
too expensive for the township to, bear.
Rochester Brewing Company vs. J. A.
Lindermau.—Rnle to open judgment.
H. B. Ingham vs:Cyrus Avery.—Final
account of Receiver confirmed finally.
Court a g )point C.F. Moore, Town Clerk
of South Creek to fill vacancy.
Com. vs. Charles Carmer—Seduction.
Sentenced to pay a fine of $lOO, costs of
prosecution,. and six months in the county
Coin. vs. John -Doraey—Larceny. De
fendant pleads guilty.
Corn. vs. Granville Dorsey—Larceny.
Com. vs. Sarah A. Dorsey and Alma Dor
sey—Secreting, stolen gOods. Two cases
tried together. District -Attorney Mc-
Pherson and- Evans & Maynard for Com- ,
momwealth ; H. C. Baird and D'A. Over
ton, Eggs., for defendants. Jury find de
fendants not guilty.
Com. vs. Patrick O'BOyle, Mathew
Laughlin, Hillard Kinney, John Curran
and Frank Welch—Larceny, Nolle pros
eilui directed to be entered on payment of
Cora. vs: Frank Miller, John Flood and.
John Doran—Assault with intent to rob.
District Attorney McPherson foilComrno
wealth ; Evans & Maynard and 0. D. Kin
ney, for defendant. Jury find'-de
fondant not guilty. -
Cons. vs. Henry Campbell—Aisatilt an&
battery. District Attorney McPherson
for Commonwealth ; Williams & Angle
for defendant. On trial.
ATIIZTh September ith
Daring the sittings of the county court
a marked difference is observable in , ties
place, our streets seem deserted almost, so
much do we miss the legal lights 'of oar
civilization. Perhaps another reason
might be given, so many of our people
Oro_taken them as witnesses, at all events.
much interest centers in Towanda at this
time, owing to several criminal' eases be
fore the court from this way. We hope
that justice may be done in all cases, and
the dignity of the law maintained, and
thus securing society against future viola
tions: ...Last might fine Showers visited
us, and once more we have the pleasure
of exercising without lest of dusty clouds.
Farmers are now soling wheat so far as
possible. mapy having_delayedfoicear the
seeil .Watildhe 4E444 the d•Wdry
weather of the past few, weeks. Reports
do not pota
toes andhuckwheat, *spore than - an say
oWe • •S• 3 19nurr dp. WTI
'extehidire upon
their' dam,. Which was nearly destroyed
by the - last spting's fresliets.."..The Ath- .
ens tannery has recently received al coat
of paint ; about fivelarrels were required
and the' it:Suitt lizgreitly' build
ings*. Many Improvements are being
made in this place - and - Sayre.'•: The time
is not far distant at , present rate of in
ed. A few more _manufactories wou3d
complete the 'extensions necesairy.....
The Baptist sociable last week was a very
enjoyble affair and "pecuniary
The'concerts at this place and Milan were
not largely atteried; siert believer because
they were not interesting and worthy. ~.
We are soon to lose several of our society
gem"; by'removal • same have already left
us ;we hope the y not forget old aaws.
* ciates in their new homes, be the new
friends ever. .so ; ti. lelcA•
HARDING and family are removing to
'Paradise, this Stater. They have long
been residents of this • •,ia . ce, and leave
"many warm friends who ,wish them all the
pleasure • in their new alx;de that the - name
implies.... Or. E.' P. ALLEN leave soon
to visit children in Kansas; may . his trip
be a pleasant bri&J.. - .MiSs MARIE CLAPP
has accepted a position as - teacher in a
, eohool at Buffalo," N.- Y.... Mrs. Swiss
. returns to her home in Springfield, Ohio,
500 n.. . Her mother, Mrs.'THOMP3O; and
Miss Aristir Crntrp accompany her....
Mr. and Mrs. LEFFINGWELL have • been
visiting here for several days; they *o
hence to-morrow: ...Mr. -ions A. Mori-
LEY is hom6 for a.few day's' visit. ...Mr.
WALTER GIWiTuA3I 'perambulates our
streets once more... :Mr. H. A. LAMBER
soN,.recenkly admitted to the bar, bears
his honors meekly and will doubtless bee
credit to the profession. He pursued his
studies in the office oil. N. EVANS, Esq.
..Mr. J. F. OVESSRIRE, Mr. LEw
Mr:4lsurty reiently retarded "tom a fishing trip down the river.
They report a very successful and pleas
ant trip._ •The boys having many acquaint
aneesnlong the route their tent was well
supplied without foraging. At B rowntown, .
a brother of 'JESSE- Bao-wr,. of Sheshe - -
quin, who lives on the old homestead,
took the boys in and 'entertained them.
They went as far as .Tunkbannpek. A
two-pound black bass was the
. heaviest
they caught °Ohs trip.:.. The Athens
praying band held - a meeting on South
Hill last night at a new residence. This
is a new style of house-warming, and very
likely an effectiyeOne. WAsr.
NSw ALBAkV, September 6th
Mn. EDITOR :—Our usually quiet town
has this week been visited with fire and
death. On WednesdaY morning the dwel
ling house of Mr. RHODES was burned,
with most of its contents. The fire was,
not discovered until the roof . of the wood
house fell and awakened _Mr. RiloDEs.
The fire caught froni a large chimney be
tween the kitchen and wood-house. Their
clothing. and valuable furniture were
nearly. all burned.' The house and, fan .
ture was insured for three thousand dol
lars, but there i 9 losses alWays Connected
with burning houses that can never be
repaired. ';,very family has ,keer4tkes
that cannot be restored, which are valued
for their history, or for the sake of some
loved 0ne....T0-daY.we followed to the
grave Miss. FLoriEscz KELLOCG, daugh
ter of atxtsr, KELLood.' She died .on
Thursday of consumption. She was of
pleasant and agreeable manners,, and
much esteemed.: She taught, scbool last
winter, and the exposure arid fatigue
was too much for 'her delicate constitu
tion, and brought her to a premature
grave. Her funeral was largeliettended‘.
Services were conducted by Elders .Mica
and HART. ...Our Sabbath Schools are
prosperous and wellattended, and are ex:-
erting a good influence. We have two; a
Methodist and. Baptist, with many others
in the township. Still there are many
children who do not attend any Sabbath
School, whose morals are very much neg
lected.... Our letter must this mreek, , he
necessarily a short one, as it has. been a
very busy week. Yours, etc.,
The Odd . Fellows of Leltoy are to have
a picnic on the mountain at the soul' of
the village,' on the 19th inst. Canton,
Granville Center and Barclay lodges :To
expected to be in attendance.l It's to be,
a basket picnic sad free to a11....The
Disciples of' Leßoy and Granville held a
Union - Sunda) 'School picnic in the Whae
Oak Grove, , at Leßoy, on Friday last. •
The speakers of the occasion were Ehlers'
Cnuncnitt, and L. D. TAYLoR. The
East Troy Cornet Band, and the Leßoy
'Rind Were in attendance; It was a 6aiket
picnic of course,• and preyed 'a complete
suceess,to the children. On thasame day
the West Leßoy Sunday School' had a
basket picnic at 31innequa,,:and the
oitOltitieght the 'charm how to 'play
ball., ..The_ Baptist Sunday School. will
have a picnic at Warburton's Grove next
Wednesday...-.the annual election a
officers fmr Open Hand Hall Association;
was held-; last" Thursday, .and resulted as
follovis yresident, E. LILLF.v ; Treas
urer, ROBERT' MASON ; Secretary, A. T.'
LILLEY ; Directors, E. L'ILDEY; 'S. MC
comn, J. E. LILLET, L. CI RCHILL, D.
...Miss RON& 31ousg, a I af , xraduate of
the scientific coarse at Mausfield, has
opened a select school at West Franklin making preparations
forAlm fair,rto
• Lepo,y, on ;,he
WlLcox have gone to 3lansfield to attend
the State Normal School. -
• 1 I 4*.X.X. X
The weather:is still dry ; the roads are
dusty and people are finding fault because
it 'does "nos "'phi:- Mho wiathet never`
suits. ...E. Z. WOOD has taken Mrs. F. •
C. DAYTON'S place in the intermediate our school. Mrs. DAYTON
is now assisting Mr. Ctuovvioite in the
high 'school. About one hundred and .
ninety names are now.vegistered.....Mr.
LEVI ADAMS, our enteiprising cobbler
and harness• maker,' is-improving the ap
pearance of •his 'dwelling house with the
addition of,,a fine looking bay window
....Mr. G. TisomAs is giving his new
house a coat of paint, which adds much
to its appekrance....Saturday was an im-.
koEtant SO to Smithfield. A day that
brill be remembered, by some at least, as
long as memory ohall_last. There were
two picnics in town. Just think of it !
°Re was given• by the Baptist Sunday
School, and the other by the I. 0. 0. F.
But of *hat importance aril these, When
compared with the new sidewalk which
was laid village to; .the, school
building ?....The' large. cotigregation
which gatherel at' the literary meeting
!eat Monday night, enjoyed a rare treat
by ~listening ,to several . 'pieces of fine
MlllllO by the Bengali Band. ;Alf. NA
ISON,Lwho has been away frOni home seve.
ra l l weeks, delivering leetOres on astrono
my, spent 111 fewl days in town this week,
Smithfield, September 8, 1879, (?)
As we have not read anything in your.
paper of - late, concerning this remote air- . •
ner of old Rradiord, - we propose to,sara
fevi . erords 0n1y.....3Fi5s JERRIE I V HITA.
Reisis teaching the fall term of se.hool
in the new building; having attended the .
Teachers' Institute, she will be able - to
impress upon the minds of - her pupils
some new ideas. Miss WetiraxEft is well '
qualified for training the minds, of our
youth, and laying the foundation to - their
future prosperity and usefulness....Mr;
.ABRAM WHITAKER left home on the 27th
ult. for the purpose of visiting the Sulli
van Centennial. He is also taking a trip
through Bradford,. Tioga and Cheinnng
conmies, which will •be devoted to•
"pleasure seeking"....The - Oivego..Quar
terly meeting, recently held in the F. 8.. ,
„Church, of this place, : was in every way a
success. The attendance was very good.
Rev. - I?. D, Bnows,' of Apalachin,
pied the pulpit .on Saturday and Sunday -
mornings. Mr. Buowg is a man of deep'
thought, but rather "plain spoken." -- Rev.'
BELA -COGSWELL, of Tuscarora, delivered
an excellent sermon on Saturday evening ;
theme: "The Straight Way." Mr. C.
is quite flowery in his remarks; be near- •
ly excelled himself. ...The Warren Centre
trnion Sabbath School, superintended by
C. S. Connm and F. G. 31oneow, M. D., -
I is in a flourishing condition ; the average
attendance being about sixty, not Wahl& -
ing those who havejmen absent since pie. -
nic time, who turned „Mit to be nothing
but "ginger bread boys".... While at
P. CHIFFEE'S,. visiting, a short time
since, we wore shown the ilnest - specimens
of potatoes we have ever seen; variety,•
"Pride of the Valley," forty of them fill
ing a bushel basket, and many of the
number weighing two.. pounds. Mr. -
CHAFFEE'S farm is particularly adapted
to raising potatoe's, and we • believe .he -
wears.the belt as a potato grower.
Warren Centre, September 6th, 1879.
so common to - write - the beginning of an
elegant, interesting article and then run
it into some advertisement that we avoid
all such cheats and simply call attention
to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain
honest terms aS-possible, to induce people
to give them- one trial, as no one who
knows their _value will ever use anything
I Teachers' eaatninaticins for Brad
ford county as follows; Sara:sinEn Ind; Warren
Centre; 234, Bummerfield; 24th, 31onrootoo; 25th
Granville Centre; 26th, Syleanla, 27111, Bently
Creek; nth, Overton; 30th, Wysoxf OCTOBER 4th,
Frinkiludafe fair, rferrickville ; 7th. Windham
Centre; SU), Milan; Pth, Asylum Centre; 10th,
LlOruptook; 11gs,SOuthWaverly;13th, Burllngton;
14th, East Troy.; 15th, Leßoy.; 16th, New Albany ;
171b,.Wilmot P. 0.; 15th, Terrytowft ; .20th, Wya•
hislog; 31st, - Spring. 11111 ; "22d, Leraysville ; •=d,
Orwell, Ind.; 7.ftb, Litchfield Centre; 25th,, Boum
Borough ; 27111,- East Canton ; Nth, Alba; 9.9 th,
Wells P. 0.; 30th, Gilletts; 31st, ;Springfield Centre;
Novrailigst ist, East Smithfield.
Examinations, to commence promptly at 9 A. M.,
are appointed lu all the townships that iso requests
map be wade for private examinations, and that
directors, who are hereby cordially Invited, may
attend, as urged by the State superintendent.
1. G. W. RYAN, - Couzity Superintendent.
Se" BIRD CAGES at the 99et store.. ti
or Cali t t.l. L: Bent's, Agent, and look
at those SHETLAND SHAWLS, very cheap. tt
Vir Large stock of LADIES TIES
&c., at J. L. KENT'S, Agent. tt
DRESS GOODS, at L. KENT'S.- Agent. tt
or Elegant stock of new CHROMOS
and OIL PAINTINGS at the 99ct-store.
rir Fruit Jars, Rubbers and, Jelly
Tumblers, at the 99ct store..
lar Bargains in TABLE LINENS,
.ke., at J. L. SENT S,
Agent. tt.
I John Maddock Son? celebrated
cable-stalie seml•yorcolaln Crockery at the D 9 Cent
Store; also a full assortment ' , of Crockery and
Glassware at the lowest prices. , tf. ;
Z M. E. ROSEiCiIELD'S tieing away
from the More does not affect the business ; they
are constantly receiving new goods. A full nriii of
FALL GOODS already In stock. Call and exam
ine. Iw.
C. P
I FOR RENT.—A. desirable house
and lot, with or without additional grouilil, within
151 noteswalk from the_ .Court House. Terms.
.reasonable. Apply to RODNEY A. Sizticup.. Sw
rEr The lArgest, Best and Cheapesta
llpe of Shes [dr Ladles', Mlpses` and Chlldrens'
wear Is found at Conssn'p new store, corner Malu
and Plne-sts., Tracy & Noble's Block. appila
CASSIMERES at very low prices
to close them out,'at J. L. KENT'S, Agent. tt
Just north of 3fercur Block. A full llne - of OAK
fAN NED. Al:NESS—heavy andllght t Wlqa PS
and everything In the 'farness line, at J. V. WIL
nr CORS,EII - has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever offered
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all. .
tie WANTED'. A second-band Sor
ghnnsCarie 3111 i. If any one In the county has sneh
NIB and wishes to disyoso of It, pleaaa address -
the undersigned Immediately.
.1. N. Lswto.
• Box 72, Wialusing,
Whew! See those beautiful rolls: Reund and
straight as a p;pe-stem, transparent as daylight It
self This Spinster smiles and smiles, as she .
draws out the shining and silk-like thread. '
Send In the wool before cold weather, is It
asses expense and insures better work.
•li. B. ImttAN,
jun26.3u,t, !CamptTon, Bradford County, ?a.
of gold spectacles in me, between Towanda and
Monday z - August 18th. About ,paEhalf,
-inch had been - biokerfoll from one bow. The find
er will be suitably rewarded by leaving them at
this Mike.
Toi.ryth—A checked lap•robe, en the Burillagtca
road, Sunday moriiimr, August nit. The owner
can• have the same by calling on A. B. SXITIii
Ulster, proving"preperty and paying charge& Zws
tlr Orionis Catarrh.—Now is the
time. while the weather favorable, to treat
Catarrh M . long -stiuling. .Ely's Cicim Balm
reaches old and obstinate cases where all , other
remedies have failed. Do not tall to procure a
bottle, as is it lies Um relict you sect. Sold by
druggists at toe per bottle. '
Mu. T. B. PZURY-1111•114 given Ely!, Creani
Baltri for Catarrh, a trial, Ica? recommend It to
all suffering from that disease, as I harellerived
monibenent from Its use than all other - prepare.
ttons combined. ...h. Ben•Ditu, Elmira, N. Y.
LONG-PERKY. Ar-Camptdwn, August 30th,
ts 79; by L. B. Camp, Esq., Mr. Leroy Long and
Mho Sophia Penny, - alt of Wyalusing, Pa. •
MARTIN—COX.—At the parsonage, Monroeton,
'September 7th. by Her. Itanoet Armstrong, Mr.
John M. Martin and Mlas Rosa D. Cox, both of
Monroeton. •
HEIIENWAY—HICKEY,—M the istsidince of
Mr. Philip , _Packard, to Franklin. _Rept.,4ollll,
by H. R. Mott, Esq.. Mr. Joseph n. I I evil to way
and Miss Maggie E. Hickey, both of Canton, Pa.
IRWIN—WfIITWELL.—At the M. Z. Parson.
ays, Hesston. Sept. 2, by the Rev. Wis. Sheip,
Mr. George W. Irwin. of everdeld. Wyoming
county, Pa., and Wm Jesolma Whltwell, of Cell:
tremoreland, Wyoming county, pl.'
.. - .
LATTLIIER-,-BRISTOL , - -Tit the residence of .
the bride's parents, In Monroe; September 7th...
1579. by Rev. 8. Chubbuck, If r.AbramiLsitimer,•
— of Tuscarora, and Misi Lomita .R. B t rinta. -
• i
DATTON—KITYKEHDALL.—At • oiresidence
t o.
. of the bride's patents, In tale place, Wednesday,
e r
September 10.1879, by ,th Rev. G C.' Jones,
Mr. Geo. A. Dayton, and Miss Debbi g6loayketi
vial!, daughter of Benj. Ituyitendali, , ~ -
- •• • 6, ' ,i
• r-