Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 28, 1879, Image 1

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. •
The BRAT:MORD HRPORTMR Is published every
Thursday morning by, GOODRICH lifitsrucocx,
at One Dollar pe r annum, In advance.
WAdvertisg In all cases exclusive of sub.
•acrlption to the paper.
-' SPECIAL NOT ICESlnserted at TUN crsTS per
lino for first insertion, and FIVE CIiNTB per line for
ach subsequent Insertion, but no notice Inserted
for less than fifty cents.
ed at reasonable rates.
Administrator's and "Executor's Notices, ft;
Auditor's Notices, 12.50 ; Business Cards, five linen ;
(per year) - en, additional linen el each.
Yearly advertisers .are entitled to quarterly
changes. Transient advertliteMents must be paid
or in advance.
All resolutions lot associations; communications
•of limited or individual interest, and notices of
marriages or deaths, exceeding ftve lines are charg
.ed vivr. omits per line, but simple notices of mar
riages and deaths will ho published withoutcharge.
likeowesit having a larger circulation than
any other paper in the county, makes ,it the best
advertising medium in Notthetia Pennsylvania.
JOB PRINTING of every kitid. in plain and
fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch.
Handbills. Blanks, Cards,
,Pamphiets, Billheads,
Statements, &c., of every variety and style, printed
at the shortest notice. The REPORTHA office is
well supplied with power presses, a good assort
ment of new type, and everything In the printing
line can be executed in thh most artistic manner
and at the lowest rates. TERMS IN WAlti,i.BLY
Nusiness garbs.
121) • -
lake hi Montailyes Mock
E. ON - El *Y,. J
W ItJESSign,
Judge .TeOup haring resumed the practice of the
law in !4:4,rtintrti. Penti.sylvania, will attend to any
lezal lisini,s intrusted to him in Bradford county.
Per.ons wishing to consult Win, can call on H.
Streeter. Towanda, l'a., win;zi an appointment
call be ntaie.
ATl'ti:Nt:l - -AT-f-AtV
TT •
L. lON\ NER,
and ntlt cc juK North of Dr. ("or
Ido'N, on Allo•ns. jtoe2G-Cm.
I VI 9 .vA INI ;, P Wlll attend
t.. al, illtst entre.tetl I. his care fu Bradford,
;1114.V pi:11111:2: Coantica. Office with F.e4.
* Luevl9-74.
- 1 1 . 11. ANGLE, I). D. S
.+!tice on State . ,•treet, sveati,l II:ror of Dr, Pratt's
apr 3 79,
.1. 1 i L , :1;111.',E & SOS,
0 . D. KINNEY,
foriner,ly orc•uplyd by V. M. V. A
. rjan.tr7s.
. AIT ilt ♦ EY-A T-L kW,
mv, - ANDA, PA.;
y Pr.!. C,
AT71 0 .1; NET-AT -I. AN I'ONIMIS9,.NER,
SOrTli SIPE el.' WALD 114/17SE
1%,11e . t ti' ,, rdell'S Drug store,
l'a. :klay be (lerman.
rA 11:12, '76.3
ATT , e's
1 ilkoe—seTollti L , llllll of tie Fir:4 Nal'onal
AT rt W
OF PIC F..—Former!y o....upted by Wm. Watklus,
A'7'T , ,I:N.:Y-AT-L ANT
T,j‘v NDA, PA
Offlre •war
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/it •
Y-AT -1.
"m• Mdor w... 1 of Davi,. S Carno I;mm y for Ito. %all. and loirelm.m of all
I: hid • on Secoritim. and for mak.lng• loans on Ityal
• l'.•dale. will rtmelve taroful and prompt
at tml !ion. • r.Tnn, 4. 1979.
11‘ lA , pl LI, k CA I, I F F,
T()W A N DA, PA.
1111-e In firs: door sontl4 of ltie First
AHO,II woo,.
1-1..1. MADILL. i.t:,,-73iy; .1. N. CALIFF.
R. S. M. AV
f flan ilMen over fri. A. 111:ick's
Towal.da. May 1. l•e•771y•
\ Z.
B. K I)ENTisT. Office
ovpr NI. E. it......116 , 1(1'5. Towatitin, Pa.
,•rt, 1, llvry'. Itul.ber. rind - Al-
Urt du. 1,a•o, extracted %about ;.ain.
1.1 D. PA YNE, M. IL.
I'lll , ll'lA' SI . V.GEON.
I Lore. "re , M,11.1,15c,'!".14,•. 1140111,6 front 10
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fiCesi.leuee Third htreet,lM ward.)
Nts)..s. - ott
t•icri.c' VUNI)
offers unusual fiiellilies fur the trans
ttf a genenti bunking bushiest,.
• .10S. POWELL, President.
Aril 1, 187.9
EUROPEAN 1101 7 lW.—A few doors fionthof
ti,,Me a ns House. ,Itoard by the day or week on
n.tble terms. Warm meals served st All hours
)y•t , rs at wholesale and retail, tehrf7.
FJ - ... HOTEL,
- This w..11-ku?.we hon:es , has been thoroughly ren
le,vated rind rf.:III - MI 1 hntughntit, and the proprle
t,.r iv oho prop:trod to r ncrottinoill
top , joroho. on tio' 1: , .. i rea‘temble *erne:.
I.:. A.. 1 EN SINUS.
"1",.,:J11,11`. Mny 2.. 15.71 i,
`rl 1.1 E CI:NTT:A 1, IIOTEL,
1 lie undPrll;qic.l hatinz taken possession
4Fi n.. .y.• re - ,pvelfolly solicits the patron
-1112, old. Moods and tht , public gentiall•
aagib-ti. M. A. FOILREST.
vas X..
of whom they are so proud and .
.pect so much. I might not find the
situation agreeable. Besides, main
. The young lady paused,' growing
slightly pale, and a vague expression
of . yearning and pane shadowed her
bonny brown eves.
" Besides what ?" urged her moth
er, gently.
" Never mind what, mamma, dear,"
was the.; grave answer ; "but I have
had-dreams of - a very different and
much more passionate — and enthusias
tic affection than I can ever feel for
Monreitli,much as I honor
But let us'not discuss the.subjeet, if
you 'please."
The next morning Mr. Carrington
"Lucille sent me," •. he explained,
politely ; but his voice betrayed the
pleasure and gratification with which
h had become hie4ister's messenger.
The trivial errand performed, he
Still lingered, and Tessie, knowing
why, began to tremble.
Her fond and, handsome suitor
pleased her, and she was keenly con
scious of the honor he offered her,
but the girlish heart refused to be
wholly satisfied. And yet he was a
noble fellow and loved her • too well
to deny her,anything she might de
sire. ' This pitiful struggle for. the
simplest comforts of life would be
over forever.
" Will you not give me my answer,
Tessie ?". pleaded her wooer. "
have waited so long." •
• "If I were only sute I would make
you happy," she stammered, unde
" You•'•would, dear," lie persisted,
• earnestly. " I should be happy An
caring for yon. My child, I love you
so unselfishly that 1 slibuld make any
honorable sacrifice to save you frorri
the pain or trouble of a single hour.
" And I, responded Tessie, in odd,
abstracted, dreamy tones, " should
rather endure the worst in silence
and alone, than to feel that One I lov
ed was suffering for me."
shOuld be glad to suffer for you
if by that I might win you," he said.
But' he had won her, arid' a few
minutes later he left her, the touch of
her rosy. mouth yet warm on his lips,
and she went back' to her mother's
room wearing on her pretty white
hand the jeweled token of her be;
trotlial. ,
" Mamtim, dear, .I have accepted
' Mr. Carrington," she said simply.
" I am very glad, Tessie," replied'
Mrs. Rivers. "I have feared that
you would refu,se him, and possibly
for the sake of 'John Eustis." .
"John has never asked me to be
his wife, mamma," returned' the girl,
' wearily, and something in the sud
denly spiritless attitude of the grace
ful, drooping figure, some vague, un
- satisfied expression of the strangely
pale face half hidden b the loose
tawny curls, disturbed and pained
her watchful parent. '
When Carrington reached his office
lie found a gentleman there waiting
for him.
" Ali,,Mr. Eustis. You wished to
see me ?" lie observed, lightly.
"Y es, I particularly desired .to see
Tessie Rivers was just' twenty. and
looking back over that short period you to-day, concerning a mortgage
of life, she felt she would not care to you bold, just due, and that I wish to
live the years over again. pay," was the prompt explanation.
Since the death of a leving,indulg- Carrington had quite forgotten the
claim he had against the property of
eat, but most incompetent parent,
the girl had known almost every
Mrs. River and that he had only se
vicissitude of trouble and privation
cured fro m
husband that he might •
a clamoring creditor of
that could be possible to,the experi-
her deceased
ence of the young, the sensitive and befriend the girl whom he dearly
the refiiried. loved.
Al twenty a Yassarite might almost Are you prepared to do this?"
-have envied Tessie Rivers for her he inquired wonderingly, of the
erudition.; and many a pampered
younn ot opulent. " may I knowg man, whose income was deeid
favorite of wealth Tana aristocratic o il y
pretensions Might liave covered her your motive for
.shing to do it? "
"Could I not eve come entirely
grace and dis,nity demeanor,inore,
should .not have come at
erhas, than her rich, vivid and
prepared I
healthful loveliness. . • all," he. returned uietly. "My mo-
But she was not fit all satisfied tive is to please and Surprise the lady
with the station to' which fate had whom I expected to marry. For
assigned her. She was sick to the -months I have dreamed how her
soul of this perpetual struggle be-
sweet eyes would glisten when I
tween• hidden want and ostensible . should he' able to' assure her that I
modest comfort. I had saved her dear old home for her
" I should hot quite care Ito live bonny sale."
my twenty years over again," she It was, impossible to believe- any
averred, mentally, as divestin g her- falsity or littleness of John Eustis,
self of her becoming black cloth cloak and'conceited and egotistical he cer.
and prettily-plumed black velvet hat, tainly was not. And it was equally
she entered the cheerful room where impossible to suspect coquetry or
her mother was rather eagerly await- perfidy of sweet Tessie Rivers. •
ing her coming. Carrington ventured a few subtle
" Are you tired ; dealr ,'?" questioned' qiiestions that were readily and inno.
Mrs. Rivers; tenderly.' cently answered, and thus shrewdly
"Not at ill, mamma," answered learned the truth. There was not
Tessie,- taking her seat at the cosy nor had Were ever been, any engage
table. " When one's talk is interest- meat betvreen John Eustis and Tes-
Mg. one does not become fatigued sic Rivers—only a - life-long, -word
easily ; if I had nothing less pleasant. less understanding of tenderest af
t() do than to arrange Lucille Carring- , fection and truest fidelity. -
ton's flowers and ;flounces, . I should " I should make any honorable sae
be liappy,d think." ; rifice to save you from the pain and
Ah, Tessie," smiled the mother, trouble of a single hour," lie had told
" the mosthumble labor would never her that morning, meaning it to the
be diStasteful to you so long as- you uttermost, and time for the sacrifice
might find an element - of the a-sthetie had come: The business was speedi
in it." ly and satisfactorily transacted, and
" And if I • might always serve a Tessie's pleased young lover turned
lady as considerate and racious as to go when his friend stopped him.
Miss Carrington," she added. "She "1, too, wish to see Mrs. Rivers,"
never paticinizes me ; she treats me he said. " I shall follow you pres
as a trusted friend." . • • Do not leave the house till I
Mrs. Ricers sighed -0 she sipped• shall have come. Promise me you
her tea silently, choosing neither to will not, John."
contemplate nor discuss an impend : - The young man promised, and har
ing trouble unless that it might be tied away impatient to surprise Tes.
averted., sic with the proofs of his .loyal and
" . 1 do not '-care to think or. speak generous devotion,
of 'a misfortune that cannot be pre- "Oh, John, youtought not to done
vented," she observed, after a sorrow havethis 1" she Fried, in a voice 'of
ful pause. "To grieve in prospective 'regret and distress. " You could not
is but folly. Heaven has proportioned -afford it, and beside something has
our strength to Our trials, and to re- happened, John,that made ?t unneces
bet against the inevitable is unwise ; sary."
besides, Tessie, lam sure that Mon- _lie gazed at her in mute wonder.
reith Carrington is much too kind The pain of her sweet eyes startled
and generous to distress us about him:
that mortgage." " Why could I not afford • it,. my
" But 1 should prefer not to appeal pet," he asked gently," - when you are
to Mr. Carrington's generosity, mam-; to share all I have Wand by. when
ma; and if you love me you will-not' you will be my own—my wife?" • •
do so," returned the girl, quickly, as "bh, John," she gasped,"younev
she blushed before the tender, in- er asked me to marry you; and now
quiring eyes turned toward her. you are too late—oh, John, too late 1"
" You fancy he would think yon ; . And then she covered her face and
indelicate to request a favor,since he }began to sob bitterly. The 'poor
has honored you 'with a preference : child hadn ever hidden a sorrow, from
thdt, you may not reciprocate?" sug-. him before in all" her life. She had
(Bested • Mrs. Rivers.- "I . wish, myr always gone to him fbr comfort in
'lee, yon could give him some little all her griefs, and it dii riot occur to
i hope. As his wife, you might be her that it was not quite proper and'
very - happy, lissie." consistent for him to console her in'
" And I might be very miserable," a grief like this: •
protested Tessie. Kindly as his 'But in the midst cit' her tears she
family treat - me „know, they:might suddenly remembered, and she fled
behave very differently toward mess away from his detaining, bind to the
the wife of the. Only son and brother . farthest end of the parlor;
. only to
Endertho blue New England skies,
Flooded with sunshine, a valley Iles.
The mountains clasp It, warm and Sweet s `, 4
Like a sunny child to their rocky feet.
Three pearly lakes and a hundred streams
Lie omits quiet heart of dreams.
Its ruoadows are greenest ever seen;
tin baivest beldi have the brighten sheen
RI w. liEcK
Through its trees the
.sottest sunlight shakes.
And thti whitest lilles gem In Its lakes.
May 1,'79
I love, MO better than weeds can tell,.
Its every rock and grove and dell;
But most I love the gorge where the till
Comes down by the old brown cider-mill
Above the clew springs gurgle out,
And the upper meadows wind about,
Then Join, and under willows flow,
Round knolls where blue beech whip stocks grow
To rest In a shaded pool ttlat keeps
The oak trees clasped In its crystal deeps
Sheer twenty feet the Water. falls
Down from the old dam's broken'. albs,
Spalthrs the knobby bowidera gray r
And, laughing, Wee In th 4 .#l,ade away,
rt.Ser great rocka, through trout pooliatill,
With many a tumble dow to the mill.
All the way down the nut trees grow,
And squirrels hide above and below,
Acorns, beechnuts, chestnut& there ,
Drop all the tall through thp lazy.alf
And burrs roll down with ehrled up leaves,
In the mellow light of harvest eves.
Forever there the still, eld trees
Drink a wine of peace that has not leei
By the roadside stands the cider-mill,
Where a lowland slumber waits the cUI ;
A great brown building; two-stories high,
Ou the western hill-face, warm and dry;
And odorous piles of nppleS there
Fill with Incense the golden air;
An.! heaps of puifilee, mixed with straiF,
To their amber sweet the late flies 'draw.
The carts back up to the upper door
And spillthelr treasures in on the floor
Down through the toothed wheels they go
To the wide deep elder-press below.
And the berews are turned by slow degrees.
Down on the straw-laid rider cheese;
And with earl] turn a fuller stream
Bair,ts from beneath the iroaulug beam;
An amber stream the gods might sip
Aml tear no-moriow's parched lip ; .
Ilid j wlierefore grads? Those Ideal toys
Weir soulless to real New England boys
What classic goblet ever felt
Such thrilling touches through 'lt melt
As throh electric airing - a straw
When boyish lips the elder draw?
The. tears are heavy with wean• sounds,
And their discords life's sweet music drowns;
But yet I hea'r, oh ltolieet, oh? sweet,
The rill that bathed iny:bare. brown feet
And yet, the cider drips and falls
On my inward ear at intervals;
. _
And I lead at times In a sad, sweet dream
To the babbling of thltt o little stream ;
And I sit lit a visioned autumn still,
In the sunny door of the eider•mid.
77) kVGLIC
TOWA! , :IvA, PA
N. N. BETTS. Cashier.
4elerkd Q7ak.
True Nobility.
i lh
meet Carrington, who had just come
in. •
." Tessie„" be began, _ kindly, "
have made my sacrifice, and. .1 have
come to tell you. - I know the. whole
story, just as you would tell me your-
self did you. not wish to spare me
pain. Idp not blame you, little 0ne.,1
lam your friend and his. Go to him
and comfort him. You will make
him as happy as you could have made
me, had Heaven meant me to be your,
husband. 1 shall see your mamma,
and save you frcim all unpleasant ex
His goodness touched her. In her
gratitude she could have knelt at his
feet and kissed the kindly . hands
which now led her back to her won
dering lover.. , , •
The next moment he was gone, and
John's arms were about her, and
John's kisses wereton her lips.
On Tessic's wedding morning she
found among her bridal gifts a. mag
nificent souvenir from lalonreith Car
rington, who retained for her all the ,
delicate and chivalrous sentiment of
such a friend as only a noble gentle
man can give to an adorable lady.
• An exchange has sh article head
ed "Bees and Their Work for Man."
The heading reminds us, writes a
Milwaukee reporter, of a man that a
bee worked for last summer. It was
out at the' Soldiers' Home. There
was a pic-nic and dance, and lunch,
and everything, on the grass: Among
the gentlemen present wts Mr. Sev
erance. Re was around i the crowd,
seeing that everybody *as happy,
and when lunch time came he found
himself seated on the green grass,
With white pants on in a party of la-
dies, some of whom he didn't know
from Eve. It is alleged that Gener
al Hicks. the governor of the Dome,
is desirous.of breaking up this) pie
nicl business, and to this end be Celli
ed the Commissioner of Agriculture.
to send him'a quantity of the sassi
est bees known to: 'science, regular
Sitting Bull bees, that are repeaters,
and know no such; word as fail to
work in the stinging utensil. This
may .not be true, but anyway, , bees
ha,re been turned into the Home
grounds to pasture, and though Gen
eral Hicks a may be innocent, he is re
s )onsible.
Well, Severance was sitting on the
ground dissecting a sandwich' apd
wondering what was in the bottle
that was looking over th'e edge of a
basket; when , suddenly he felt sorne
thing crawling up the• inside of his
trowsers. He is not as demonstra-
tire as some, but he noticed it, and
as he looked at the strange woman
opposite, his mind . wantlered to hio
trowsers leg,and the expression on
his face was one of anxiety. lie was
calm, to all outward appearance, but
within there was a vague longing to
know the nature of the beast. It
kept crawling up.
Severance is .not wealthy, but he
would have given his note if be could
have known the species of bug that
was going up him with so deliberate
and businesslike a tread.' ' He knew
it was not an aunt, because it was
not large enough for that, and it was
not large enough for a hen; though
when it stopped and scratched with
its hind feet he thought it resembled
a hen.''
His thoughts seemed far awa,y,an,d
when, the lady asked him what time
it was, he said from the feeling he
should think it was about three inch
es below the knee. He' alluded to;
the buff, of course. She blushed and
stifled her emotions with a pickle.
Mr. Severance was becoming ner
vous. He wouldift.begrudge a war
bug the right of way along his skin, but
when it went too far t his manhood
was aroused. He thought:." Here I
am allowing an insect to trifle with
my feelings and spoil day's . en
,He laid down a sandwia that 'he
had just bit a camel's track out of,
and smiled: He did not feel like
smiling,. but he thought he would
laugh at something said, and slap his
knee at the same time, as though
tickled, and thins kill the bug, and
no one in the party, would knew any
thingr:about it. - i
One of the women said something
cunning, just as the insect was going
up Severance's thigh, by easy stages,
and be broke out into a laugh, and
slapped his leg. His face wreathed
in a No. s smile, his lips were parted
as thoughhe wa the happiest man,
in America; but hen his hand struck
.his bind leg he j upped up about four
smile, his
and came d wn on a lemon pie.
The smile froze to hii face and his
month remained open as though a
bar of railroad iron had been . shot
through his - leg flout of a cannon. The
women looked at him scared; the
strange .roman, particularly, Whis
pered to a companion that .he was
evidently in the last stages.
He was about,; to excuse himself
to go and see la man, when the
strange woman also jumped up, grab
bed her skirts and shook them, ran
around a tree •and said "get out!"
started across the road on, a run, and
went up to one of. the houses.: it is
a supposable ease that there were
just bees enough for, two.
When she went :away Severance
went up behind the took-house_ and
investigated the matter,.t and 'Toni
Williams said he kicked some
thing into the ground"; with hiii
.boot-heel and jumped on ; it eight or
nine times: Luling the 'dance that
occurred in the afternoon there was
one violin player that played with
animation, and •Itt strange woman
danced as though she . was, hired to.
Km) HENRY VIII was an eccentric
wooer. He never popped the question.
He just married a womat. and axed her
It; you want lawyers to work with a
will givo them a will to work with, esPe
eially'where the estate is large, and the
heirs quarrelsome.
"THE Lowell .Courier only wishes that
the walking mania would arouses the spir
it of emulation among people in footing
their hills.
IT is &id, and sometimes melancholy Li)
Ben a m n trying "to make up his mind,"
wt.un h has no material on Land to work
with. • , .
How men's tastes differ. One dropped
into his seat at the restaniant and mur
mured : "Hot wether 1" and his neighbor
said, "Cold mutton !"
1 , 1,t4r - Dy tliings—;Finbers,
•• • •
inktot BUDEZT.., ,
We left Portland in the evening
and a bit ea storm. There was a
heavy sea, with its usual depressing
influences. The sea grew rougher
and as pitching and- rolling of the
good•-;:steamer New York increased
my spirits - did not rise. Your spir
its are not apt to rise, you find.
are the only, things about you
that don't rise, however.
My subject •Of reflection having
eluded my• rather inactive mind, I
became sensible of a kind of sort of
a languor
. that l euggested repose. I
did not feel like- standing up and
singing. I wanted repose. I wasn't
partienbir what!kind of repose. The
repose of the giave would have suit !
ed me perfectly well.
But there was no grave handy.
And when I went out and to seaward
and gazed at the landless expense of
angry, tossing 1 waters, I didn't see
any material to, mark a grave. And
then, when I returned to the state
room, it begat todawn upon me,
ry dimly, that the depose was
about as seldom as the grave. The
ocean made me I feel as though I had
swallowed it,whole, and 1 was afraid
I would have to spread a little to
hold it.
I believed I would retire and
abandon the struggle with my feel
itgs, for I -felt that 1 was on the
verge of quoting poetry. I stood on
my•feet and tocllt off some of things.
Then I leaned against the door and
took off a few. Then I stood on my
head and got off one or two. ' Then
I lay down on my back and kicked
off the rest of them.
Then I looked up at•my berth.
It was 900 feet from the floor and
still going.
1 cast an anxious, despairing glance
at it, reached out and dragged a
traveling shawl over me, and tried
'to warble a stave of a rollicking sea
When I bought my passage of the
International Steamship Cunpany,
I did not contract to sleep in a sky.-
rocket, and that I should not get
into my berth till it came down
close enough for me to grab at it.
The sense ofl utter forlornness, the
feeling of descilation and goneness ;
the, impression, generally correct,
that every well] person in the ship is
laughing at 'you, the soddening
thought that there is no chance of
dying, the depressing knowledge
that there is no help for it, anyhow ;
the confidence 'that nobody is going
to do anything for you, and the
philosophical ! resolution that you
don't care a constitutional red cent
if they don't;, he hope that you
will be over it by morning; the fear
that it will last a week; the forlorn
hope, now and then,; that the pilot
will get frightened and tie tio ship
up to a tree at some place, only for a
while; the despairing scene of disap
pointment that steals over you as it
becomes evident that the pilot hasn't
the remotest thought of doing any
thing of the kind; and at last the
fervent, earnest, despairing wish that
the boiler will blow up, the ship
strike a rock, ,cateh on tire, capsize,
be run down by an iron steamship,
get struck by lightning and sink in
900 fathoms Of water, and do it all
most powerful quick, - too. This is
the final spasm.
Why, even after I fell- asleep, I
dreamed that I was a boy again; a '
happy, guileless, barefoot y, and
that I was WI Peoria sitting behind
the woodshed- in the old yard on
Monroe street, where the post office
now stands, making, in boyish soli
tude, my maiden efforts on my first
and most suirePtitious cigar. And
I dreamed that the cigar was just
about half Stnoke'd out, and was
lying on thel chopping block beside
me, and that the curtain had just
rung for the second act.
An,intereAing description of the
salt lakes oil Australia is given by
the writer i n tide Sydney Empire,
who speaking of the salt lakes and
mineral spring on the Paroa says :
"These wells are a real curiosity.
Mounds of earth rise ten or fifteen
feet over the Surface, no doubt thrown
up by - the foice of the water ; they
form a kind of oasis in the wilder
ness, and have saved the jives of
many a weary wanderer. These
mounds canllx: seen for miles. The
water is very clear and soft. It is
impregnated with magnesia soda and
alum. It IS very palatable and I
think very wholesome. The.. -water.
does - not flow after touching the sur
face • but as soon as it overflows the
port like baSin sinks into the earth.
The alum and soda crack under your
feet, as you walk around these wells,
like frozen I snow. Sand storms oc
casionally edit( with great violence,
sweeping along and drifting. like
snow, but in this it differs, that noth
ing-is prod against its penetrating
propensity. It enters your eyes,
your nose, your mouth, your ears ;
even your very skin seems gritty
from it, and everything is covered
with it. It' enters all culinary mat-
tera, so that while it lasts you are
continually , eating, drinking and
wearing sands. As an instance, the
first evening I entered the, Parco,
.one of the sand storms set in, and,
after viewing one of those beautiful
clear lakes, in which we thought we
could quenchl our thirst, having had
nothing to drink since the morning,
what was our surprise, l i might almost
say despair,
to find that the water
was salt asbrine. The-driving sand
beat with such fury that we could
not see each other on the road. Our
party numbered - five, and I took my
bridle and saddle ott my horse and
let him goito shift for himself. I lay
doirit, putting. the , saddle between
myself and the storm for shelter.
-The morning at last came, and I
found at about five miles distant my
party, horse and water.
Wilts there are two boys of nearly the,
same age, 'it is a very difficult • matter to
dicide whorls' birthright it is to roll out
the ash barrel.
Ir seems' remarkable that a nice easy
chair at homejs so much less comfortable
to a man than the hard side of a dry goods
boi on l street Corner, with a crowd of
street loafers &mod.
Manchester Guardian Letter.
Mr..Hormuzd Rassam has returned
to England . having completed his
second' Assyrian expedition.. He
brings with him a rich collection of
objects which he has acquired during
the year.. The results
.of the last
journey are of a more varied charac
ter than those of ,any expedition
.which his taken place since the early.
expeditions conducted by Sir A. H.
Layard.' Commencing operations on
the mounds of Nineveh, Mr. Rassam
succeeted in exploring a site which
was regarded as forbidden ground.
This was the mound of Nebby Yonne,
the supposed -tomb of the prophet
Jonah. In this mound he discovered
remains of palaces erected by Bader
hadderi and Sennacherib. His labors
on the mounds of Nineveh have re
sulted in the discovery of a large
number of inscriptions many of ex
treme interest. Passing southward,
he visited Nimroud, where he con
tinued his labors . in the Temple of
Venus. This building, which he dis
covered in his former expedition, was
now thoroughly examined, and, found
to ben large, Open temple, containing
shrines of several deities. There
were also found a number of seats
arranged in parallel rows, forming a
center aisle from the chief altar.
The plan now recovered seems to
favor the idea of its having been a
forum where religious and other
councils were held. The explora
tions in Assyria have discovered
many valuable monuments. Mr.
Rassam extended his operations into
fields untouched since time of Sir A.
B. Layard's expedition, and he was
able to carry out a series of explora
tions on the mounds of ancient
Babylon. Here his discoveries have
been most brilliant. In a pound- 1
hitherto untouched he discovered a
palace of Nebuchadnezzar's with rich
enameled columns, beams" of Indian
wood and every indication of having
been a most splendid edifice. His
excavations in the mound of the
Birs Nimroud, the site of the pro
posed Tower of Babel, has proved
that the destruction of this great
edifice was due not Co lightning or
hostile attack, but. to a volcanic
eruption, which had torn and shat
ter6d the edifice.
live for their children, make self-sac
rifices for them; and manifeit their
tenderness and love so freely, that
theitame mother. is the sweetest itt
huthan language.: And yet sons,
youthful and aged, know butlittle of
the anxiety, the nights of sleepless '
and painful .solicitude, which their
mothers. hate spent over their
thoughtless waywardness. Those lov
ing hearts gO down to- their gravies
with those hours of secret agony-un
told. As the mother watches by
night, or prays in the privacy of her
closet, she weighs well the words
which-she will address to her son in
order to lead him . to a manhood in
honor and usefulness. She will not
tell him all the griefs and de:oly
' fears: which beset her soul. She
warns him with trembling' lest she
say overmuch. She , tries to- charm
him with cheery love while her - beart
is bleeding. No worthy and success
fnl man yet knew the breadth and
depth of the great obligation which
he is under to his mother who guid
ed his heedless steps when his char.
acter for virtue and purity was so,
narrowly balanced against a course
of vice and ignominy. Let the duti,
ful son do his'utmost AO smooth his
mother's pathway, let him obey as
implicitly as he- can her wishes and
advice, let him. omit nothing that
will contribute to her peace, rest, and
happiness, and yet be will part from
her at the tomb with the debt to her
not half discharged.
For farmers and those who live hi lo
calities where people can retire at
eight or nineo'clock in the evening,
the old notion about early rising is
still appropriate. But he who is kept
up' till ten or eleven or twelve o'clock,
and then rises at five or six because
Of the teachings of some old ditty
about " early to rise," is committing
a - sin against his own soul. ;There is
not one man in ten thotisand who can
afford to do without seven or eight
hoUrs'. sleep. All the stuff written
about great men whO slept only three
or four hours , a night, is ,apocryphal.
They have been put upon such small
allowances occasionally and prosper•
ed ; but nb man ever kept healthy in
body and tnind for a number of years
with less than seven hours! sleep. If
yolt get to bed early then rise early ;
if you cannot get to bed till late then
rise late. It may be as proper for
one man to rise at eight as it is for
another to rise at live. Let the rous
ing bell be rung by at least thirty
minutes before your public appear
ance.. Physicians say that a sudden
jump out of bed gives; irregular mo
tion to the pulses. It takes hours to
get over a too sudden rising. It is
barbarous to expect children to land
on ithe centre of the floor at the call
of their nurses, the
. thef mometei be-
zero. Give us time after you
call us, to roll over, gaze at the world
fulrin the face, and look before you
visit an old man who lived in a room
by himself, and Who had been com
plaining for some time. When I
entered he was sitting in a chair, so
solitary, yet so peaceful. After a
while 1 asked him hoc; he felt. He
paused a few moments, then he said-
With great solemnity. '"Whether .1
live, I live unto the Lord; whether I
die, I die unto the Lord; whether I;
live, therefore, or (lie,- I am the
Lord's." I was deeply affected by
hiS reply: hemmed to proceed from a
heart at pence with God, through
faith in_ the blood of Jesus. 0 what
distinguished grace, tlius to, !know
Christ and to be a child of = God!
That wan a -visit greatly blessed, I
trust, to - my'soul; and I latlim sit
ting alone in his little room, but - not
alone. God was there, blessing this
aged saint with peace. Dear Tea ler
are you at peace wits God?"—Ex.-
. • •
- ,1 II : 1
• r-
Down the •lets of the ages. •
Saints and sinners, fools and sages,
Marching Onward, slow and solemn,
Go. In never ending column;
Here the honest, here the knave ;
With a rhythmic step sublime,
To the grave.
Like the rolling of a river,
Going on and on for ever, '
Never fisting, never staying,
Never for an Instant straying,
Pacr and peasant, lord and slave,
Equals soon to mix and mingle,
'ln the grave.
Duty cannot, nor can pleasure,
Fora moment break the measure
They are - marchtng on to doom,
They are_moving to the tomb,
All the coetard, all the breve,
Boon to level all distinction
' Since the morning of creation - ,
Without break or termination;
, - Ever on the fluenue is moving.
All the loved and all the loving,
All that mothers ever gav
On to silence and to slumber
Here no bribe the bond can weaken,
Here no substitute Is taken ; -
Each one for 1111'1 . 140E—no other,
Son nor father; no, nor brother;
Love the purest cannot save;
Each alone the roll must answer
- At the grave
Who commands the dread procession
That.shall know no retrogression?
Who can be the great director ?
Ha that grim and grizzly spectre,
From the New York. tar
AUBURN, August 1.--!-The plan of
the expedition ,generally known as
Sullivan's, against the Indians in
Western ) New York, was matured
directly. after the massacre of Wyom- 1
ing in 1779: It was not only deter;
mined to punish the natives' for that
,terrible slaughter, but to inflict so,
severe a punishment that they would
never be able to make again such, a
disastrous attack; Washington of- '
the command of the expedition
to Gen. Fates; but the officer imper
tinently declined it ; and it was given
td Gen. John Sullivan of New Hamp
shire. Gen Sullivan was an Irish
man, his father, having_ been a Lim
, crick schoolmaster before emigrating
Ito this country.
For the:purpose of the contemplat
ed expedition the troops under Gen.
Sullivan were ordered to rendezvous
at Wyoming. He started from that
plade up the Susquehanna, July 31,
1779., with about three thousand men
his stores and artillery being pushed
up the river in 150 boats.. On August I
11 - he arrived at Tioga. Point, now'
Athens, at which place the -Susque
hanna is joined by the, Tioga,
joined by the hem ung river. Here
he was to meet Men. Clinton with
2,000 more men. Clinton had ren
dezvoused at Canajoharie, in this
State, and made his way to the
Otsego, late the headwaters of the
Susquehanna river. Hew as Obliged
to put into practice a curious and
novel method of forwarding the men
and stores. The country through
which he must pass was an unbroken
wilderness.. He could not hope to
penetrate it and form a junction with
Sullivan in time to be of any serviced ,
to him, and the stream itself _was
Altogether to small to furnish him
means of transportation. He bast . -
ily counstructed a dam at the outlet
of the lake, floated his boats above
it, and after sufficient water was ac
cumulated it was torn away; and his
raft and - blitteaux went sailing rapid
ly down with the flood to their point
of designation. The end sought was
thus not only g ained, and the jour
ney made with ease, but the fact of
a flood at, a season of the year when
one had never before been known-in
that' valley, seriously alarmed the In
dians. They attributed it to Divine
displeasure, and were so dishearten
ed by, it that their subsequent efforts
to stop the expedition. were greatly
. The first and only serious 'resis
tance that Gen. Sullivan met with,
was on the -Chemung- river, about
twelve miles above Tioga Point, and
four miles east of what is now the
city of -Elmira. Here a company of
Indians and Tories, under the famous
Joseph Brant, had thrown up some
defences on the summit of a ridge
that projected from the hills into
the valley, and 'they proposed with
about -1,500 men, to stop the advance
of 5,000 Sullivan arrived 'at the ob
struction on August 29, and made
short work of it and them. The
fight - was sharp, and lasted only three
or four hours. the loss sustained by
the expedition being slight, but that
Of the enemy very large.
One of Sullivan's scouts in this
Lexpedition was named Waterman
Baldwin. Some of the descendants
of this family still live in Elmira
and the neighborhood, being among
the wealthiest and most conspicuous
citizens there. He was a remorkable
shot, and great hunter. Twenty-five
.years after the battle referred to
above, Baldwin, who was living near
Wilkesbarre, Pa., came Up to-visit
some of his relatives who had settled
in that neighborhood. .He and a
nephew, his namesake, a lad of 14 or
15-years of age, made frequent hunt:
ing .expeditions over the still un
cleared hills of that region, for 'the
uncle was desirous that his nephew
should 'inherit his skill with the gun,
as well as- his name, especially as
-these two were all he could, bequeath
him.. It happened one day that they
were going over the scene-of the.bat
tle. lialdwin's quick woodman's eye
recognized the place, and stopping
he looked keenly about him, as
though. redlining the excitement of
the struggle. Presently he touched
the lad on the r shoulder, and -point-.
ing to a fallen tree or log, - 100 yards
or so away, he said :
." Hush, Watty, boy, twenty-five
yearS ago, Uncle Wat shot an In
dkan between the eyes, who wan be
hind that logonder., Shot him
between the eyeir,'my -boy.", He raja
ed.his rifle, as though .taking aim
again at the • same,; object, and then
added, " Let's go and .see if we cap
find him."
Followed by the lad and cocking
hit's' gun, he 'crept along toward the
log precisely as he would hails done'
fry:$:03:11)Arl , :14:11:10.: 4 :40).11
In the grave
In the grave
film t tbat sin to Satan gave ;
Death,' the mighty King and Terror,
And the grave.
81.00 per Annuin In Advance.
if he expected . an enemy to spring
upon him. Arrived at the log he
looked over it, but saw only a heap
of leaves.. He looked• lijsappointed
until the lad suggested that they
should try under them. They did
so, and after a time -came upon a
skeleton. Right in the forehead of
the skull, between the eyes, was a
bullet -, hole. Young Baldwin car
ried the trophy-home in triumph and
he constructed .a squirrel cage out
of the skull that his great-grandson
played with as late as in 1876.
The point on which Sullivan's bat
tle took place .is known by the eu
phonious title of hogback, wliich was
probably 'suggested by the bristly
ridge on the summit of which the
defences had been thrown up: These
defences were very • distinct until
within a year or two. The expedi
_lion also left a number of names that
have attached themselves to the sev
eral localities. =One of them, which
is in use near the 'scene of the battle,
appears in the sonorous designation
of the village of Horseheads. Gen.
Sullivan encamped on the site of
the.village, and was obliged to kill hi
there a number of horses. Tearly
settlers foUnd there large numbers
of horses' heads: strewn around, and
hence the nam of the place.
After the battle, •Sullivan . and his
forces moved On-the Chemung, river
paSSing the site of. the . present city
of Elmira, in Which, - a broad and
handsome avesme, named - after:the
- General, marks - the track , h - took..
Keeping northward
. up a small/ creek,
and crossing a difficult andd ilger
on's' swamp, the expedition - a. rived
on September 1 in Catherine'. Own
near the, site of the present vil
lage •of Watkins, *- the, head of
Seneca Lake.' Catherine town was a
.of considerable_ iinpoltarice,
the home of Catherine 3lnntour, or
Queen Catherine, as • she was called.
Local tradition claims her as a'white
woman stolen from her'family when
She was young and history describes
her as one of , the
,most malignant_
and fiendish creatures, dancing with
delight overthe agony and tortures
of thoSe taken captive.
The town was. reduced to. ashes on
September 3;
,all the orchards with
in it and around it were Cut down,
and the_ fields of grain laid waste.
The next day the expedition took up.i
its line of march along the easterly
side of Senepa • Lake,- the Indian.
women and children flying before it. I
On. September '5 a village named
Kendaia was reached. It had the apH
pearapee of behig an old place, wiAtii
twenty decent Wises, some of whin
were painted. T i tle monuments, es
pecially those of. the chief
were made of, highly colored boxes
'of plank, laid. upon the graves. All
were burned, and all of the vegeta
tion, so far as possible destroyed.
There is a : dread uniformity in the
story-of the desolation accomplished
by the expedition. The outlet of
Seneca lake was crossed on Septem
tereber,G, and' Kanadasega, the capi
tal of the tribe of Seneca:lndians
was reached.. It was near the present
.site of the 'village of Geneva. '-Stil- -
Ryan expected to surprise lt,. but
news of his Coming . had . preceeded
him, and it was deserted. by its in
habitants.. Its sixty houses, numer
ous. cornfields and orchards were all
destroyed.. On September -t . l the In
dian village, standing where . now
stands and-'named as now named,.
Canandaigua, with its twenty-three
houses met with 'a like -fate, and on
the next clay Iloneove was laid to l
ashes. On September 10,Koneghsawa,
* Village of - twenty-five houses was
burned. - -
' On the 12th a small portion of the
expedition rnet with the only severe
disaster 'which was experienced on
the whole march. .Lieut Boyd and
twenty-six men were sent' forward as
scouts 'to reconnoitre. They were
led out of their true course, eitherby
the `ignoranc i or treachery of their
guide ' and were surrounded by, a
large body of .Indians: Lieut Boyd'
was captured, and his
,whole force
slaughtered ' Ite- himself was subse
quently put to death with . the most
inhuman tortures. , On September 13
the expedition - looked from the sum
mit oithe hills overwhich they were
clambering upon the village of Gen
esee with its 128 ,houses. One who
saw it then wrote : "It - is beautifully
situated in the midst of .an extensive
plain, bright With, the rich, verdure. of
early autpmn." The next day O l e
Whole scene was transformed into a
black and dreary waste. On Septem
ber 16' Sullivan began to' retrace his
steps, and on. the 20th.he, was again
at the northern extremity of Seneca
lake. rA detabhment was sent around
Cayuga lake; and burned its_ vilagw 4
on the eastern shore; three large
ones were,l . destroyed. Other detach
ments destroyed a number. ot. villages
on. the south-western shore of • the
same lake and• along the Tioga- river
and its tributaries. On .- September
30 the' whole. force was-'again on
Tioga Point; and sixteen days-after
ward were in Eastern Pennsylvania,
having 'traversed in going . and re
turning more than -600 miles. - In
reckoning up the'results it was ascer
tained that . forty towns had been re
diked to tithes, beautiful and exten,
sive orehards had been uprooted and
destroyed, and corn in quantities im-
possible to estimate had been left to
perish on the soil.
I. a trateller who is going west on .
the New York, Lake Erie.and West
ern Railroad, fifteen ' 'or twenty
minutes before.he arrives in Elmira,
will look toward the east,- he will ob
serve, - a mile in the distanCera con
spicuous hill, bare of trees -on ,the
top, and standing at least'l,2oo aboie
the general level - of the valley. - On
its summit he will see a tall flag stall
from which. is . floating a flag. It
marks the ,, spot on , which is to be
erected a monument comemorating
Sullivan's fight - around- the base of
,- The hill itself - has been
named Sullivan Bill. • .
,The interest taken in. Sullivan's
expedition all along the line of march
is intense, and every effort is made
to clear up wbatevermay be obscure
-in reference to it. 'Several persons
of this 'city .and of the neighboring
county of Seneca; 'acting under the
anspices'ot the Waterloo Historical
Society, -have been - traversing the
route which was followed by Sullivan
and Ida peen; _ Among;thOn -is GO,
John S. Clark, the well known all*
tiquarian, who has in his possession
copies of - a number of journals or ,
diaries kept by—officers and soldiers '
of Sullivan's army. The late Col. -
John H.. Hardenburgh, one of the
pioneer settlers' of this city_ served
with Sullivan, ind Made - extended
notes of the march.
The first of the series of celebra•
tions this summOr will Niiear Elmira
on August • 29, Which is the centennial
anniversary of the battle fought there
by Gen. Sullivan. The Hon. Hortitio -,-
Seymour is to deliver the principal.
address, and - among the distinguished
persons who ' , Rill be present are Presi
dent Hayes, Gen. McClellan, Gov.
Head, of Nevi Hampshire, Gen. Sher- _
man and staff and Gen. Wright.
This celebration will be followed by - •
others in Geneva, Waterloo, Ca.han.
daigua, Genesee and other places. . . •
A PIECE or 1. ImPuDENcg.—The
jokers that included a piece of. l
stained brick among the "geologi
cal specimens" which they placed
upon the deik of the professor as
objects -worthy of his explanatory '
remarks, received the following,re
ward: Taking up onb •of the spci- •
mens, he said : " This is one of -
baryta from the cheshire mine.
This," holding up another, "is a
'piece of feldspar 'from the Portland
quarries. And this," coming to the._
brick, "is a piece of impudence frpm
some member of the class."
UNDER SAIL.-A Chicago. paper`
says :that a Michigan railroad man
has lately built Cars for a prairie .
road with an :arrangement for dis- '
connecting the gearing- and running
by the :wind when it is favorable:
After a trial of several weeks the.
cars have been, pronounced perfectly, -
satisfactory. In an ordinary breeze.
they can run. fifteen miles an hour_:
under sail. ' • . •
HOEING corn is uP-hill Work. -
Is a:mule's moutliTa by iii-slit? •
Pi.nrEcTLY yelle'gant—a baby show. •
A GIRL who puts on-airs is a wind-lass.
A SUITABLE .dower for , a widow is a wi
St.opoisF l 's thing of 'the past, since its
Go to sea in a canoe if you seek wreck.,
PATIENCE under - prosecton is a Chris
tian virtue. a thing is once begun it is ulnugit
half finished.
IMPATIENCE dries thehlood sooner than
age or sorrow. . "
LovE; faith, patience—the •three essen-.
ials to a happy life.
"THE truest end of - life is to know, the;
life that never ends. - , •
SILENT witnesses were Scarcely Inown
in apostolic days..
SERstONS are addressed to men; prayer
addressed to God.
ALLlphilosopby lies in' two words—
‘!sustain" and "abstain."
SORROW is a summons to come up high
er in Christian character. - •
'WILES a stag takes to the water ho
swims for deer life.
EVERY child walks into existence
through the gulden , gate.of love.
As the body is purified by water, so 'is
the soul purified by. truth.
-v wh -fate.
!Int s iifeyis everywhere a, st
whielt:much is to be endured. .
TIJE wise •atid prudent conquer
tiesty daring to-attempt them.
EVERY man isliOund- tci tolerate . an act
of which he himself sets the example. '
DIVINE guidance is ,shown when our
vessel, tempest *tossed, keeps steadily on.
- MBE - not the truth when you knoW it,
and clothe not the truth will falsehood.
- .
WinnAn men report that the only bits
,ness" not stagnant is the-nursery busineSs.
KEAUNEY said theCl inese must go,
but still does the - queue cumber the laud.
THE kind of food which ri..hungry beg=
gar most dislikes is the "cold shoulder.' - '
?nn baker's - trade would die out, if
pie wouldn't buy what they don't
knead. .
IT is with life as with coffee-he who
drinks it pate must not drain it to.the
dregs. •
. - ENVY makes Us see what will serve to
accuse others and not
,perceive what may I
CutLts and ;ever. are apt to make a
man's confidence 'in tee-totalism - as a
.means of grace!
WHY do all would-be-wise people tryto
look stern? ' Because the wisest of men
-Was a solemn: .
THE editor of the Tobacco Leaf says to
the public: "No one need subscribe' -for
this periodical Leaf, unless he .
THE same man who finds the weather
top warm for churrh, sits under the -bier
ing canvass of a circus Without a murmur.
Nr.w-ENGLANn paper believes that
green corn is a little husky. Nest year
corn will be taken in its liquid shape, to
clear.away the huskiness.
SIN always-"begins with pleasure and
ends with bitterness. It is like the colt
which the little boy said was'vepr tame iu
front and very wild behind. .
"WlLyr is the usual definition-of cone
.science ?" asked a man of his pastor.
"Well," replied the clergyman, "a man's
rule-for his neighbor's .conduct is about
the way it usually comes out in practical
A Piat.A.DEt.rinA' paper *says: It is
always the big fellows who get ,to the
front in a crowd. Just _look at a straw
berry box and see if is not so. The little
ones are always at the, bottom Out of
A LITTLE miss was out dining the other
day._ were onion's on the table,
and Ale was asked if she Would have sole:
"If you please," she • answpred; adAliug x
"I'm very fond of all kinds of fruit."
A rAnisnroNEn asked his:pastor tf ho
coal tell hiin when the next wean fair
would come off, to which the pastor re
plied: "You mistake, my - I.lear friend. '
The next world Will have a judgment, but
no fair:" r
`IT is an ill wind that blows :no one
good, and, although it - costa man fifty i
dollars a- quarter to have his daughter :
take lessons in operatic singing; his neigh
bors do not have to put out any money
now for rat poison. . -
CusTonEit-:-"What. did you .thinit - of,
the Bishop's sermon on Sunday; Mr.
Wi.sby ?" Hairdresser—" Well,. really,
sir, was a gent a -settin' in front o'
me as 'ad his 'air partecyliat crooked
that I couldn't 'car a word r •
"'Nis is a sad commentary on- the
boasted civilization and christianity of our
age," despondently murmured a tramp,
when he discovered that the.ham he bad .
stolen at twilight 'from- the front of.- a
igrocery store was a wooden one.
A f t English paper vouches „for it as`a
fact that a disciple of St. Crispin had an
order for a-pair of shoes taat lie agreed to
"make quick work. of," and that he de
liVered them in Oloneester, a few days
ago, eighteen months after his customer
-had been dead. -
"YEs, certainly," said a young man•to
a bachelor uncle who; was about-to marry,
"settle as much on your young wife as
you can, 'for her second husband, poor
fellow, may not have a cent." The mar
yriage did not come off, and thqiyoung
man fell heir to his uncle's estate. 1. •
MERE is a man in New-Orleans who
has made a good deal of money out of his
oNtir skull. He managed to have it. broken
-three times in railroad accidents, and,
eirery time has recovered heavy damages.
He says he doesn't;knovi how he could
get along without it
"I suppose," said a boarder fromthe
city to the old -farmer - who was his land- .
lord, "that there are romantic incidents
connected with thatpicturesqUe gorge /we;
there." The old farmer looked at hirit
mournfully and said: "Yes, only six
months ago a pair Of youthful loveis
strolled 044401 and never came back.'t