Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 21, 1879, Image 2

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Towanda,, Pa,, 'Thursday, Augl2l, .1879
' •
Pursuant to Wresolutionpassed by the
Ilepiiblican County Committee, in session
July 10i 1879, the Conventin of thelle
publiCan' party for :1879 will convene at
the Court House, .in • Towanda BoroUgb,
on TUESI)AY;SITTE3II)ER2so, 1879,
at 1 o'cloCk, P. M., to make thefdllowing
nominations, to wit :
One - person for County Coroner.
Jtio person for Jury Conunisisioner. •
Arid for transaction of any other bus
iness that may come before the Conven
tion. .
The Colonialdes of Vigilance of the
feveraU electiOn districts will call a pri
lulrY o'r delegate election for their respec
tive districts, for SATURDAY, AUGUST
bOTa, 1ti751, to elect by ballot two delegates
to represent each district in said County
C. ,Ivention.
The delegate elections in the Townships
will lie organized at 3 o'clock, P. and
Tt open continuously to the close at 5
O'clock:,, 31.; in the Boroughs -the del
egate. elections will be orghnized. at 6
o'clock ; P.M., and kept open-"continuous
ly unfit 3 close at 8 o'clock, P. M. The .
votes shall then be counted, and the result
rtilicd by the officers to :the Chairman
of. the said Conventiott, and a.copy-deliv
e:ed at Mice to the delegate's elect. -
The Committees off 4 Vigilattce are par
ticularly requested to observe the above
suggestions carefully in coLducting the
innity meetings.
H STRF.ETEit, Chairman
J. IV. SrONE, Si3cr6tBl3,
Alba—.l;e". H. Webb, W. Carman, J. I,oug•
vl .
• Alltany—A; English, Benjamin Ayres, Clinton
W Lewis.
.Arnwnia--4)ablel Webb, sinlon%liernian, An•
S.mvard. -
As) Ituu—.loseph A. C..Nllngos, R. It
Athcus Borough—A. H. Spalding,: D. Tripp, A.
A Khmer.
A 01.1,4 township. Ist Histrict— Wright Dun
-1..0. Charlet. St!gar ; 2nd District—B.
T 111,14314111, Dr. F. W. !i",..yes, David Gardner;
:id District—ll. \V. Thninas, M. W. Reeve, John
1: 0 r i n gtw, Town.lllp—A:• J. Blakestey, G. S
Ti Andrew Melville.
Bermig —W. IL I). Green, 5..31
I),..kerman.ll. Rh,.
Barllnizien We - Alfred Blackman, N. - 11
k 4,
• canton Twynship—Henry Itatsoti, sheta Ayers,
1 , roe ma n .
antiut !nor ugh—R. S. Dartt, E. H. Thomas, F
A 1)1,41.
..„1,,n,1,13—.1. 11. Wolf.
• 'Ferguson, .1.111
Frailkiin—J, :Itidgeway, Steve McKee,
4: we, ,
ran Ole- , 1;111/ -"Limbs, John ..Yronnizi, Henry
M. ;Mats.nri, — .George
A •il•trw.g. ,
1.• Saltrord, 11. Hoaglin, Henry
1.. ll.e.svllle—lreo. W. Beardsley, B. H. Beards
le .. .$•1:1,y l'oß•man.
Y6.1 . 4—.101111 11. MclilnLey..T.WAlrltik; A
Stmlley. James Ir-
Sl 4 - z.
)14,,i1ic1tL 7 4). H. Ilovksrell,'l), J. Sweet,
,11, H. Ingham.
L. Case, Thomas B. Smith, Frank
, -tirerion—alar . enee Beverley,
3:11,11 , 1103(Meaux.
Pike—L. A. BosvroFtli,'S. B. I;:janflettl, James
:I.l4hury-4. C. Robboon, I'. C. Brown, E..A
T ,, wri,lllll--.lrtson S. Fortres, Russell
Ed, I
Borough—E: M. Frost, B. rad Smith. G. IV
7 • w•V.
,114.:11,4111n—Cha - rles J. Brown,Frank,M.Voughj,
Ithnrl.l---N. W. Waldron, Walter Phil Ups, F
,ntitt c - re,k—lll. F. lllldreth, S. 1.. Thonwsoii,
(7 , lt,•rry.
St•tritn Waverly -10m Falkner, Jelin )!.'Port,
J, 'u, 11:01,,,,y.
:-T..ingtin..l.l . —lrrlne.linrgess, F. NJlnblkard, S.
D. Phillips.
.0 111...; s ton..-31yr0r. Kingsley, George Sage,
iva:,la—F. U. Gray, I::
.'panda 'reivn'!ttp—.lidirt . Scoville, A. W. I)lni
cn F; i t
11,0;10, Ist Ward,-P.. I). Passage,
ptv, T. Stevens; llnd Ward—Wm.
• harry 1; Thy. 0. It. Lro all Ward—ll. E.
T.;,vaiela ~Nel;11 E. Reuben,
S Newell',
.I,•rry-Intiarbau Ti.rry. ',flyer, S. Bowman.
rev T ,, ,,n , lllp—.lelin Hunt, Milton Pierce, ..)t.
I, ,, iongli-11.•711. Spalding, it. P. -Adams,
it \ . I (wit.
Lewis, Lester
fan ,!II
Jay 3111,g", George 31.qrley, Ahdrew
W:o I:ring, Anram Whittliker, , *.L
IL ; Grinned. L. F Shepherd, .lerome
'Bolen, Alvin Boardman,
elarle." Daniel Ely. E. Meekes. .I r.
11. it , e.arti,, Allen Hoover,
i . Shores, E. G Harry Parks,
;II be opeue.l iu Bradford County by
Galusha A. Grow,
lvlio will deOr an address on the Issties
of the Day, after the County Con-
veneryn, at Towanda, on
kddresses may also be expected from
F m e ~r our BrAfortl County Republicans
reported death of Gen. GRANT's
i. inghter (Mrs. ti ,. ..Lwronts) turns out to be
:eorrt et. It. was her mother-in-law who
eti,• ,•
Anyi Ks I) ( alio are .to the effect
I'o reiiwilt be elected Governor, and
LeLjslat j u re nill be Republican in both
1 laud: vs. "
vrand jury of Lancaster county
I aye found a true bill, in the case of .the
.Vc ! r E7a people, for
. libelling Messrs.
and BROWN.
tirst of the fall elections will be in
California; where on September l State
: nd judicial officers, four members'of Con
}sobs and a full tegislature will be chosen.
SEVERE storms have beyn general
throughout England during the past
Aveek., with disastrous effects ' : 1 10 crops,
.I.nd much damage to
,tproc r.:ld the
FEM.ALT: i;assengers l are" not of much
r,-reonnt on the Sound isteamers, judging
1 -“ m the .conduct of the officers of the
• .-Py who did not think it net
t ~nary tt,sti‘p when a female jumped over
/o,,:ied, because she" was'not to be seen.
stoi m which commenced on Friday
%..o. extraordinary, and prevailed over
-the entire country. The rainfall was
- heavy. but coining, so gently, does not ap
-I•c;rr to have done much damage. It
nres f4>r the farmer a. certainty of fall
.razing for cattle.
e Ih I:l.W'rrr.rr.inaspeech
;at Sail I 'ranelse9 last week, advocated the
, expu . kion of the ('ltinese by peaceful
inea,ures. If This coca ever produce('
unnatigate4 detna, ? .,• ae than the
N. - envrable Member front Wilkes-Barrs,
- "ten tit cnjcer heard of hint.
THE English Naval oilickrs in the East
liave , been Offensively iminted r in their at
-innpls to shub iluneral GRANT. With ;
:11-1414,1 tiotishries.: they tiho'w tbvir bat
Altin c l i s, :I,i the imlusenwrit .the
tinguisited chieftain, who : is receiving
everywhere the most marked attention,-
and is oiCrwhelmed by the profusion of
hospitality and the demonstrations of re
spect extended to him. The single excv
timnis the British Naval officers. Some
of these days the British Lion will be
made to roar, for'the affront.
MR. WAi.t..tit has been seeking for
bullOozers and ballot-box stuffers in nos
tonAlut has not succeeded in learning
anything: Now that the weather is get
ting cooler be should go South, where he
would soon have something to show for
Or money he is expending.
REV. DEP. MATYR, who is stumping
Pie State of Maine in behalf of tho Green
back party, was - not allowed to preach in
~G ie pulpit of a Methodist church. Proba
bly the Congregation did not think a man
who advocated such crazy financial
schemes, would be a safe spiritual advi
Ttts Tlmmvs wing of the New York
Democratic State Central Cominit*ee
seemed to have the advantage at the
meeting at Niagara Falls last week. The
committee refused to change the basis of
representation for the State Convention,
and Tammany will not get the full beni
fit of the large Democratic vote of New
York city.
a A itioT occurred in Quebec 'last week,
which had its origin iu the feud between
Roman Catholics and }Orangemen, and
which was really a war Of races, the Irish
on one side, French Canadians on the
other. The result was da bloody conflict,
loss of life and destructidn of property.
Such occurrerces are a disgrace to the
civilization of the age. •
I '
rs NOT usual fafergymen to smoke
when carriage-riding, but such seems to
have been the practice of Rev. Mr. MElt 7
NEL, and the consequence was that a
spark from the cigar ignited Mrs. MEIL
EEL'S clothing, and before it could be ex
tinguished her body was badly burned.
A text from which a sermon could be
preached with a,powerful application.
Two callow youths residing in Wash
ington, recently fought a duel on the cel
ebrated Bladensburg duelling ground.
Several shots lere exchanged, with no
result except badly frightening both sim
pletons. It is also intimated that the
pistols were not loaded with anything
except powder. The mammas of these
brave boys should—iipank them and put
them to bed.
THE Democratic Central, Committee of
New - York, held a nfeetine at. Niagara
Falls last week, when the que ‘ ition of con—
trol was settled in favor (tithe TILDEN
faction. No outbreak occurred, but ev
erything was harmonious, as the Tiiden
ites were magliaminous, and moderate
counsels prevailed. The State Conven
tion was called at Saratoga. atud the tight
for supremacy in that body will be hot
and bitter.
- prurient press, has lately had an
excellent opportunitAto display its inde
cent tendencies in magnifying the drunk
en performances of Senator SPRAGUE,
and in malicious insinuations touching the
relations existing between Mrs. SrumwE
and,Senatar CoNKLisc. 'lf all that is
hintld at, is true, it is no excuse for the
publications that have been made. The
domestic relations of the parties - are not
fit subjects for nmspaper discussion, and
the scandal and gossip which is so elabor
ated and magnified, is only fit for the col
umns of the POlice (i':zette, or some of
the dash newspapers of the day.
THE Patterson, (N. .T.) Pro,, speaks
in the following complimentary manner:
GALUSHA A. Guow is one of the clear
est-headed and ablest - statesmen we have
in this country, and a man of whom Penn
sylvania ought to be and doubtless is very
proud, as her Republicans chose him to
preside over their great State Convention
yesterday. When Mr. Grow speaks in
public or private he fafways says some
thing worth listening to, and
wiays achieves that most difficult of things
in these days thorough discussioit'and
general newspaper statesmanship, the de-
Qelopment of sonic new and striking
phase of his subject, no matter how well
worn the suhjeet.may be." !
THE remains of. A. T. STF.w.ter 'have
never been recovered, though vast sums
money have been spent and extraordi
nary exertions used to funtsome clew to
the robbers and what diF,posi'tion has been
made of the body. Lately the New-York
papers have been Making sensational no
tices of letters received by a lawyer,
stating that the body was in Canada and
that the robbers wanted to negotiate for
its return, asking the modest sum of
ti. 200,000 as ransom money. Judge 1111.-
TON declined to negotiate. There is some
thing very singular and mysterious about
this whole - affair—and there are those
u'llo believe that the body has been re
covered and is now in the crypt at Garden
THißiots Investigating sub-Committee
commenced operations on Monday by ar
resting Cnani.its 13. SAITEIi, in Philadel
phia, an ex-member of the Legislature,
on a charge -of corrupt, solicitation of
members of the Legislature in connection
with the Itiot Claims bill. Ile promptly
entered bail for his appearance in Dauphin
county. ‘VNI. 11. KEMBI.P., A. W. LEIS
ENIUNC,:III4 Dr. SJIDEMAKEN, voluntarily
entered b;dl at Harrisburg for their ap.
pearanee at, the August term of Court to
answer for the same offense. While it is
desirable that the alleged offense should
be thoroughly investigated 'and the
charges disproved or substantiated, to
vindicate the character of the parties im
plicated and the reputation of the I.egis
latore, yet we predict that the matter will
rove a grand fizzle. The corrupt solici
tation of members of the Legislature, if
done at all, is not done in such a tangible
and direct manlier that indictments and
convictions for the offense can easily be
LIE rbiladelphia Times is responsible
for the very extraordinary statement that
There is a very bad state of affairs in
Georgia, which seems to the distant (ill
seryer, if correctly reported, to be mainly
the result of one-sided politics. The Dem
ocrats, having everything their own way,
don't appear to have been as careful as
they should - have been in the administra
tion of the State government, and an ex
citing quarrel is in progress between Dem
ocrats on one side and Democrats on the
other. The intimation is that the whole
State administration will be shown inef
ficient and corrupt, and that all the State
officers, with two exceptions, will be im
peached." The admission conveyed in
this paragraph is more than we expected
from the which is usually given
to sounding the praises of the Confeder
ate, State governments, in contrast with
the nefarious transactions of I the carpet
hargers and maguifyiag the dishonesty
(4 the official management of toe latter.
It would not deem that admitting that the
)nill who Athipistorecl the of of the
:4, - ,othern Stater ; gtor the sm . ; were
honest and corrupt, that there has been
any improvement since the govennnents
went into the hands of the chivalry. Debt,
emlnrrassinent and repudiation aro pi , etty
general, and "local self-government"
is a failure.
THE Tramp Act went into effect in this
State on Friday last. In the 'meantime,
there has been a notable decreirse in the
number of the pedestrians; whose daily
calls were always a nuisance, and not un-.
frequently, nor unreasonably, a source of
alarm to the wi men of the hoftsehold.
Probably the increased opportunities for
employment have had as much to do with
the absence of the Damp, as the fear of
any penalties in the law, which are arbi
trary and severe. By its,,provisions any
person who goes about from place to place
begging, is presumed to be a tramp awl
liable to arrest; which presumption may
be rebutted by proof that the accused has
a fixed residence; and ho must also be
discharged if he proves he doCs not make.
a practice of soliciting alms; the penal
ties do not apply to Nl:when or children
under lt years of age,
.or to the blind,
deaf or dumb, or those who have been
maimed, or who are suffering from such
physical infirmity as incapacitates them
from manual labor. These exceptions
would cover the case of almost every
tramp, as hut few- could be found who
would not plead some of the exemptions.
The statesman of Gramercy Park;
is to the Democratic party what the
Old Man of the Motintains. was to
SINDAD the Sailor. With the tenacity
of a drowning 'person, he hangs
dri the Democratic' organization and
refuses to loosen his grip, and he de
lieS the inOst determined and despe
rate efforts to. Shake him mil: The
Democracy is in his coils..--Tammany
may rebel and prudent and conserva
tive memberS of the party remon
strate, but TILDEN is unyielding, in
'exorabl4'revengeful and persistent.
He is pushing steadily forward
towards the gOal of his ambi
tion, and he perMits no obstacles
to *lmpede his progress. Ills
desire, which has become almost
a mania, is to 'be again the
Democratic candidate for the Presi
dency. In vain the wisest and most
far-seeing amongst the Democratic
leaders attempt to thwart his pur
pose and .defeat his machinations,
but with the cunning for which he is
distinguished the wily politician
overthrows their plans, defeats their
combinations, and strikes a blow
back in return;
At present Mr.ii!LnEN is engaged
in crushing his enemies in New York,
and endeavoring to convince the
party that he possesses the necessary'
means to carry that State for himself
for President in 1880. 'The schemes
be is employing to silence opposition
would seem to outsiders to be calcu
lated to damage his prospects for the
nomination and to enstneJthe cer
tainty of his losing the State if a
candidate., Governor HomssoN and
Mayor COOPER of New York city arc
willing and facile tools in the hands
of TILDEN. They are removing all
the Tammany otlicials upon the most
frivolous pretexts, !ani filling their
places with men Whose.only qualities :
tiOns, is their adherence to TILDEx's
,fortunes, Tammany rebels and
threatens, but the imperttirable and
determined statesman issues his
edicts which are faithfully obeyed,
despite the growlings of JonNXELLY
and his followers, who in the end will
be cowed into submission.
Mr. TILDEN; has already proved
himself one of the ablest and shrewd
est politicians of the country, Cold
blooded, consc ienceless, remorseless,
indefatigable, he pursues his political
plans with the acumen of a lawyer,
the scent of a bloodhound, and the
untiring energy of a steam engine:
With a hold upon life, which no in
surance company would consider
worth a (lays' risk, he has hopes and
ambitions which look forwqrd to
years of health and vigor. '.1114 now
all his ability shrewdziess is
centered in the grand struggle of
his life—a struggle which has ab
sorbed all his energies, has Overcome
his natural cupidity • and avarice to
the opening of -the bar'l of money=
a struggle which is for the gittifiea
tiori.of his overweening ambition.
and for the revengeful satisfaction of
- the disappointment engendered by
the loss of the great prize which
slipped from his grasp when it seem
ed ui,L - his possession.
The (Icfeated candidate in 1576,
bases his claim for the nomination of
the Democracy, and the support of
the people in lssb, upon the false
aed peurile assumption that he was
defrauded• of the Presidency.. He
sets up the whining and baseless pre
tence that a great wrong has been
committed. which can only be righted
by placing him in the Presidential
chair. Having committed the De
mocracy to this idea of fraud, In.
now holds them with remorseless
tenacity to the demand that he shall
be the candidate as a matter of jus
tice and right. Against such a sterile
issue, personal only to Mr...TILDEN,
many prominent Democrats protest,
lout their feeble protestations will be
of little avail when opposed by the
vigor of disappointed ambition. If
the,DOmocratic party can !Wing for
ward no better reasons for success
in It•SO, it will be overwhelmed by
tha popular verdict. • .
Mr. TILDEN, with his usual astute.
ness, sees that while his pretext of
fraud may serve successfully to con
trol the action. of the Democratic con
vention, it will not answer as an issue
before. the people , , and with character
istic cunning and duplicity has- c:111S.
ed himself to he interviewed by the
notorious Settivi( ER, and he has given'
to the - world Mr. TiLnEs's views re
specting the political situation. From
Seam:Ett's report we learn that the
sage of Gramercy Park does not care 1 1
so much about his own success next,'
year as he does about the immesh of
the Democratic party. "It is time,"
exclaimed, "that all personal am
bitimis should be sunk," and that all
good Democrats should work togeth
er: unselfishly to rescuer the country
from the ruin Into which it is being,
plunged by the infamous 'Republi
cans. Still, Mr. : TILDEN seemed to
think that the people ought to take a
great deal of trouble expressly and
- plainly to manifest their disapproba.
tion of the awful electoral fraud of
1870, and in what way can nig be
done more emphatically than by the
election of Mr. TILDEN ? Not that
he cares for the office; certainly not;
but he is willing to sacrifice himself
in the interests - of poetic justice.
Manifestly these are the sentiments
of a' good and patriotic -man. Mr.
TILDEN, also, "is enthusiastically in
favor of EWING'S' success in Ohio ;"-
but whether this enthusiasm is born
of TILDEN's admiration for EWING'S
financial theories, or of the fact that
UNCLE SAMUEL has invested a con
siderable amount-of cash in that cam-
Lpaign, Mr. Seuisom unfortunately
forgot to inquire, and so we are whol;
ly in the dark respecting the matter.
One thing reported' by - SettmElt is
important. Mr. TILDEN plainly indi
cated that he intends to• throw over
RemxsoN for the Governorship and
to give his support to POTTER. This
will obtain for him the help of Tam
many Hall in his efforts to carry New
York city. Mr. TILDEN is far too
shrewd a man to permit anything or
anybody to stand in the *ay of com 7
plete union of the Democratic fac,
tionS of the city at election'time.
will need not only the honest vote of
every Democrat, but all the votes
that every DemoCrat can cram into
the ballot-boxes over and above the
vote to which each Democrat is legal
ly entitled ; and it' Mr. ROBINSO:0;
candidacy is likely to cause a split,
Mr. ROBINSON will have to step down
and out.
It may be set doWn amongst the
certainties that TILDEN is' to be the
Democratic candidate, _and that, a
tremendous effort will be made to
carry the State of New York fcr him.
That all the appliances which 'he so
well knows how to employ will be
used, it is not necessary to say. It
was the consummation of his plans,
already settled, which was the object
of the attempted legislation by the
late Congress. That plan included
the overthrow of all protection to the
purity of the ballot-box, that the pur
lieus of New . York . city may fraudu
lently control the result at the Presi-,
dential election. It strikes down all
barriers against ballot-box stuffing
and fraudulent returns. that the will
of the people may be set aside, and
the ambitious schemes of a restless
and unscrupulous. politician, for his
personal aggrandlzement and gratifi
cation may be carried out. The Dem
ocratic party is to undergo this hu
miliation by being degraded to be
coming the mere instrument of grati
fying- the lust for office anifthe desire
for revenge, of a heartless, unprinci
pled piditieal adventurer. Resist
ance will •be useless—the rebels will
be punished, the feeble rezionstrants
will be silenced, and the Democratic
party will he marshalled under a ban
ner with a strange deviee i and go into
the Presidential contest to vindicate
a candidate already convicted of at
tempting fraudulently *to attain the
Presidential Chair.
IT is well that instructions have
been sent to the representatives of
this country at the capitals of Chili
and Peru, directing them to profer
file good offices of the United States
in affecting an honorable settlement
of the differences between the belli
gerent Governments. These instruc
tions have been communicated to the
Governments of Chili and Peru, but
sufficient time has not elapsed for a
reply. There is reason to hope that
this act of friendship will be accept
ed in a like spirit, and that the re
be a speedy termination of
the existing hostilities. This a' ction
is not Without precedent. "luring,
the first term of General GRANT's
administration the mediation of the
United States was- sufficient in re
lieving Chili, Peru, Bolivia and
ctiador, constituting the allied Re
publicans of the Pacific coast, from a
state of war with Spain. It is plain
that our Government should sustain
relations to the South American
Republics of so friendly.a character
that its influence may at . any time
be successfully exerted in ,tt►e pro
motion of international peace and
good will.
IF we should write about Mr.
TILDEN and his ambitions, what is
said in the article which follows, we
would be coiled prejudiced, and our
opinions not worthy of considerat;on,
by the average Democrat—but as it
is taken from the Public Record,
which is an Orthodbx Democratic
paper, perhaps some reader who be
longs to that household, will listen
to the truths it contains. Says the
Record :—"The citizen who seeks the
Presiftricy of the United States ex
cept in the honorable. ambition to fit
himself for its duties is the last man
who should obtain it. The people
have in intuitive pereeptiOn of this
fact. A due love of country, a due
perception of the value of good
government and of the advantage
of faithful service lead every man to
doubt the propriety of putting in
office statesman who seek, in their
own interest, to disturb the free .
choice of political conventions.
There can be little doubt that the
exposure of Mr, Tri.DEN's. manage
ment to secure the Democratic nomi
nation at St.. Louis in 1 T 11;
"still hur.t7 that followed, founded
up.,n distrust a the judgment of
voters; and his vaseillation and
weakness: at the critical time when
Ile WV; caped upon to talso pos t lull'
of the office to Which the people had
eleeted Lim, have already_forecbased
upon his title to public sympathy or
to Marty support. If these consider
ations had not ruined his Presiden
tial prospects his preSent relations
toward his fellow-Democrats in New
York'would do so, He is engaged
in adesperate squabble to carry his
own State. - This is not the attitude
that precedes success. Before the
breaking out of his quarrel with
Tammany he Lad thrown away his
strong hold Upon popular considera
tion. In showing that he had not re,
coxed fair play, it was developed
that he
not deserve fair play.
Ile has net even the standing . accord
ed to adefeated candidate. He was
an elected candidate who deserved .
'to be defeated. lle was a cheat who
happened to get cheated. The streg
gle in which he is now , engaged
shows that he is a candidate without
his State behind him - . His noruina
-tion would endanger the. success .of
the Democracy in its only great
stronghold north of 111AsoN and
Dlxos's - line. Happily; the= - people
can hereafter afford to let Mr. TIL
DEN wiggle. He has wiggled'so long
that he has wiggled himself out' of
line. He is no longer available."
Tut work of the special investi
gating committee of the New .York
Legislature at Robbester, on Satur
day, brought out a line of facts which
show the diseritii!inatitin in rates of
freights is seriously injuring the
nilllinginterests of Western New
York. It appears, from the testimony
that while wheat - can be turned into
flour at Rochester cheaper than in
Milwaukee, the advantage. of the
latter place, on account of being able
to ship flour to the seaboard at rates
below those from Rochester is oper
ating to drive the millers of the last
named place out, of business. One
witness testified that not half as much
wheat is now grown in Western New
York as in former.years. The flour
ing industry of Rochester was once
its p'ride ; now, the place is avoined
by large manufacWrers bequs'e, of
the freight discrimination. The flour
front Genesee Valley wheat cannot
be aiiipped to Liverpool against the
.superior facilities of Minnesota mill
ers. The New York investigators
are doing a good work. They are
doing melt to
_bring to light the
methods of the Nell- York trunk
IN response to:a number of peti
tions.that have rccerly been made
for the -pardon of the' forger fir. WM.
A. NEWMAN, now serving a five years'
term in the State Prison,- Governor
RaniNsON . ,-of New York, says: "For
„erc• has become the fashionable crime
of intelligent and educat'ed men of
previous .good ,reputation. It is a
crime that none put persons of con
siderable education are likely to sue
sessfully perform; and it is more
over, one of the'few crimes that must
be deliberate, premeditated, and not
the result of impulse or passion. To
grant this petition would be to estate_'
lisp a precedent which, if followed.
would be fatal to the di7nity of the
law, but which if ignored . in the
future would 'be gross irjnstice to a
number of convicted forgers whose
claims to excutive clemency are even
°Tenter than Mr. NEwmAisi - s.”
THE sixth annfial tri-State picnic
of the Patrons of Husbandry will be
at - Williams' Grove, Cumber
land county. A unmst 27, 2-; and
Connected With the picnic there will
he an exhibition of agricultural and
horticultural products, farm ,imple
ments and machinery, to which all
visitors will
,be admitted without
charge. A. number of valuable,pieces
of machinery and other articles have
been donated as premiums for meri
torious exhibits of agricultural and
hbrtieultural products. Governor
lloY'r, Hon. W. L. LE Due, United
States Commissioner of Agriculture.
and other prOrninent gentlemen in
terested in agriculture, will he pres
ent. The picnic will be participated
in by the farmers of Pennsylvania,
Alaryland and West 'Virginia. The
railroad companies will sell ex
cursion tickets, good for ;ten days,
for parties desiring to attend.
BOSTON. has a Nathan murder
mystery in the mysterious killing
of -J. F..FRXE, a well-known leather
merchant, who was found dead on
Friday in the basement of his house
with a dozen stabs and a pistol ball
through the heart. Air. Fn . 's fam
ily were away at the time, and the
last known of his being alive is
about 11 o'clock on Thursday even
ing: The safe had been rifled, but
some valuable plunder was left.
Mrs. FRYE is confident, that her hus
band was murdered by some one
who watched his movements and
entered his house for the purpose of
THE find/,/in of Me Iron and
; Steel :I;:siwialion finds fault with the
leading daily newspapers of the
country for their julelant announce
ment of the revival of activity in the
iron and steel industries in this
country. 11. deidares that the coun
try will this year produce as much
pig iron and rolled iron, as much
crucible steel and as many rails as it
!did in either of the years 1 , 73 or
57:3, and thinks the time has already
arrived when iron manufacturer: had
bettvreOnsider the danger of over
THE Yazoo county (Miss.) Demo
crats hell a mass meeting on the sth
of August and indorsed the nation
of, the mob wilich compelled Captain
DixoN, indepenticirt cwirlidate for
r . :keritr, to7withdraw' and deelare•the
Vicksburg: /I , rrrid "to tie eneroy
1,0 00iMiliMit Y." • -
Ma SHAW, United States Consul
at ..ninthester, England, in a dis
patch to the. Department of Staff!,
gives gloomy account of both the
agricUltural and manufactnring
terestiof that country. The failure
of the crops is much more serious
than is generally supposed abroad.
The qematuls in England for meats
and gains from the United States
will bc enormous..
. .
IT is expected that the arrears of
pensiOns will all) be settled by the
Ist of November, as of . the 40.,000
claitris submitted only 15,000 are
now Outstanding. When these have
beenliquidated, the officials estimate
that here will .have been disbursed
on aCeount of pension arrears the re
spectable . sum of $:18,000,000.
Pit t om Mein!)lifs comes the encour
agingi intelligence that the Ilealth
authorities have at last got' the yel
low Lever under control. The num
ber 4f cases is still large, but there
is a jnarked decrease froM the num
ber reported a few days ftgo:
Tqf e : revival in business and the couse-
Twit increase in orders at the large man
ufacturing establishments, has already
caused many strikes by the operatives,
whOlonand increased wages. The effect
has peen to embarrass the oPeratiiMs .of
the Manufactories, And to seriously retard
the growth of prosperity which had -set
in, • There are but few large mills or fac,- .
tories which have made any profits for
the last four years, and while wages have
been lowered and expenses red net d, yet
there have been' no dividends earned.
Wages have been too high to allow of
profits to the employers, and if the Ile
ma!'?cis of the strikers are complied with,
prides must be largely increased. A ripe
ir. N l alue of all products whet e iab4 enters
largely into the tort, as to ;And a r : fa
margin of pro Lits, would be of athantag4
all i.round. is not desirable that buz-ii
nes's should .` boom •' and inflated
and wages again bring an era of waste
and extravaganco, accompanied with tint
imVitable speculation and denim alizat Md .
A solid, snh,stantial bet-Mess prosperity
is what. the country needs, based upon
hard Walk, frugality and economy. The
/es.,ori of the past few years-should not be
lost, at least upon this generation. The
wri•elcs of stranded fortunes, the miseries
of Misspent or misapplied incomes', the
geneial rlpheaving and clash, and the
'fint;ng of imaginative wealth, cans;
ediby the reekles,ness and piwii4alitY of
hh,, teild qvd list unary seto mes snd.
deft I ieheS,
tke haste, slov,ly in the scranilde al
ter riches, and that the gradual aecintin
lao,,n, and careful watching and strut„
are the sin est. and 111 oNt Nelislyt. means of
scuttling that compel.. no which it is al
ways desirable b, posses:,.
Jeremiah's. fibs, the good being
very good, the had too bad for the
so" : it would 'sonic times appear that a
plung gitl, when she is detcrinini.;ll hr e.
.wrong, is mist AN ay wapi and irreelaima
ble. Almost every day 'in the police
caurls, some heart-hi °ken mother ap
pears to persuade an rrring daughter 14/,
return to her home and the paths of Stir
tele. 'Tears and the tenderest and JP. ?•4
at:Meting appeals, itriely have any,
and where then , is a show of repentance
and a prontisc of renirm, the records sirow
that it is only lbn a short tinm, and the
nhfortunate lrtpses back to the paths of
shaine. It is a pity it should ire so, but
the must diflieult* to retie tin 'are these
viuirg girls when mice they miter upon re
life of vice.
liecorder of Deeds \Vac - tier, while do
ing sonic office cleaning, has conic across
ailargd pile of !misty 61(1 Llocuments in a
earner of the fourth story. , y consist
1,:14'9 deeds, .:• 4 11 InorttqureN: I'artncr
sLip agreenteith, bills of sale, etc., tclticL
were' found thrown indis'eriminately
getlicr. The oldest of the docum e w s
dates bitch to the year 17721, and the la t
cist to 1!• - •; . .. Then. un ttlllng bow ante;:
kjf litigation has been caused front the
c4relessuess - of the parties inteicsted iu
;Olowing this accuninlAtion of iniptuta . tit.
Justice sometimes ti - avels with railroad
sipeed, if she is Idimi. Moinday
were arrested fPr rolibin• a
house on Market street, and assaultin
occupants and im:lnesday they were
tried, convicted, and ear h st IttelieVd tip
three yeals'in the, Eastern Ponitewiiry.
JO!' Tnesday afternoon a sneak thief waN
detected in carrying 'oft a bag. of silver
. from the office of the l'hiladclidlia Sinew
company, was pursued and captured.
Wednesplay, he was indicted, tried and
eunvicted, and sentenced to live years int
jprisnnment in the Penitentiary.,
The Bland dollar i ; as every-One knows,
who has been fortunate to have one, has
one side tin' beautiful ],ruffle of a comely
female, and on the other the outspread
caricature of a preposterous and
eagle. The libel upon the bird of free
dom is enough to excite tl)e hidignat
id' every American citizen, particularly as
ttine . persons have discovered that a Brit
ish bon can be detected in the flowing.
tresses of the femme head, whteh eita , Oetl
with the fact that the designer was im
ported from the Royal Mint Of England,
implies a covert intention to satirize our
free institutimis, endangering - the , pro,-
p er i t y o f our government. It is now
stated that tilt head Sl!'", from
living model, and the name of the youeg
lady, who posed f)r the representation is
published greatly to her annoyance. The
artist claims, iu extenuation of his bar
barous treatment of the Ameri2in Eagle,
that there wasn't room enough to allow
her to sjoead,propetly. If they had made
an honest di)llar ,tbe reputation of the
country Would have been saved, and the
symmetry of the bird of freed,,V l , re ..
lachinery Hall h as been removed, and
is now a thitcz of the j , aut.' Thu Main
Aluilding is to' be removed withip two
years, nuless the Park Commissioners
;should reconsider the resolution. A very
vigorous and general remo» , traneo is be
ing made by *the press and the public
against the action of the (tontinissionets.
1111101, it is tt; be hoped, may be eirectual.
The deli2htfully cool weather ~f Last
week, brought, back from the waterocz
pk,eos,. hrttalryds of persons who found
the lure.. " urea too cold
.T oh Quail% thirty ycars of age, resitling
at Eleventh and Lon,hard strcets,
caught in an elevator at the Lafayette
Hotel, Weilne:4laS , no and sur,tain
ed Mint-to s that resulted in his death.
It is stated that the l'nnsylvaLia Rai/-
road Company is utout hav:ng
ud tv.enty En.A"L. 1,,, - ...0n,n1;:t.s
the Baldv‘ inn n. 31,• the (inn.
Lc -
twreet: this city and .Nuw V9ik,
i.tops, milo a Inio.
nl., 411 , .‘
fie Hock, aged eighteen yeaks,
a! , residiint of this city, went in bathing at
Ocean (44,,ve. Whilst disporting in the
brirty.deep, he says something suaiiped at
his leg, and the sensation was like the
piercing of many needles. • Ile felt a huge
body byrhis side; and when he struck it
it let go its hold, jutillic4 partly 00, of the
water and dashed away. The calf of his
left leg was badly lacerated, making, a se
rionS though not fatal wound: •
The late accident on the narrow gauge
road Was the reSult of gross negligence
and criminal stupidity. The Coroner's
jury censure the
,Assistant Superintend
ent; S. Versts, ink employing incompe4
tent persons to manage the trains, and
neglect of duty... The Assistant Superin
4r:tlent, the telegraph operator, and the
engineer of the freight train have been
A man w:►o gives his -name "as I fenry
Harris and his.age forty years, attempted
to abduct a little girl aged live years,
while playing in front of her residence on
Noble Arco!, nit Friday evening. Ho en
gaged her in conversation for a few min:
kites and then grasped her by the hand
and started uit- Noble street with her:
The cries of tl4child attracted the atten
tion of the residentsof the neighborhood,
and I. , everallinsri alto * in the tilreet
at CM limo lalrStted hint, and 61.1C,C , fled
in overhauling. hini. lle v. - ,ts held in $:),-
Utl , l bail, and %%ill probably be in the Pen
itentiary berme this paragraph is read.
STATE 11E773
A sunscßii.TioN has
.been started a
Bloomsburg `
for a water works, and
.000 have leen -
PEN.N. ,- ;LvANIA recciveli a true ovpr
s3,.tioil,poo from the license fee,t, and ex
pends more than :;. 1,- .2,01'0,0110 for ' , wipers
and criminals. '• •
THE (21411IniSsiollerS of Pottier comity
estimate that the damage time in that
county to Lt itiges h}•.thc recent th,o(l
aftwu et to alifillt
phtning t mills are
mining day aid night, which
tipin as the tevival of . ; businc. , ;sll . -
fitirh tha' city.
.',4,111N ' KNE, aged t we.nty years. 14as
strtiet by • iightnin4 and ibst.intly killed
On Pi blay afternoon while walking long
tlw railroad near (/il ('it v. I*/
I).INN I ) ‘vls, of lleaditiz, is '2: . ; pears
old, .I'4 inches high, uroug the
loc , eq, and v.eighp; 4 eoinels. Ile has
beeii ene„igeil by the I.ihputiau opera
c , namy.
it EN 11Y an aged citizi•n •cf
Berhs iuumc , flied 1a .Monday. Ile was
Lora in A INaC ,. and k:prved !Haler the
, s;trz eT,dering :Lt haltic•
NVatt:t h).).
.1 rill 1,1:1:,v a sfut.. , ,lt• at, , i•tl
twenty-four ye . a:s, was in,taii!lyia.:ith4l
near fileadiug on Saturday till(!rtiot:h. lac
having his scvered fiinn hi, body,
On the railroad. - .
A , ri:Ntro,;;A:r (I , ,i4•rtiment
ba ,Leon es'abliz.liell a' Eclensl•ll/ . :, - , 1 :;1t)-
.1)lia cutinty. : , ehidi,r,tce
Jus.eplt )1, 1 )(maid at that !.1:i(-2 ltd , ht.t.n
It.7)11.11 for the 1,,,?1,0,c.
tlt. fall e,f a seaff .1,1 at jlMlt.foittri,
em Saturday, icorgC H. WilelVt`r reet'lV
ed inter li from it. is
houulit, he: cannot reenvlr. T1P.: , f411 was
it distati.:u of sixty feet.
km lit •Y of 11 1 ':!11:11'. Vib l '
/1 , )in 11 I , f ...voter kk itii t , ;:111,
injured his by atteuiptim : i
a lift at Gitetivillo o,mtlty,
tnci did !,,s• :• ,, iourday m C..11,141111•II,1
\\ - ;1.1.1AM STEW.,'; (11 ,, wricd it
SAtilt,lay ~ :le. t tp).,a by th eap,izoi r z-tlf
lk,.kt front xvhicit cis ti,hiag. A c,,ra_
pa it .f.l C , t,';11 , 0 aeimmiu
tiller 4.r thieVls Cnterel the
(1:::“..-!1 of the itoly
Bell:kilo:II, un Tlltin,iay. ,tole the
p..or Im:. :1110 which Flili , orir! h.t.l
plat:v(l -iree 3Tay. It' i. c,.tini:ltcti
ti: Nr3S in ?nu.
IT no! ::;•I.ei: , !ly known at:d yet it is
la:t that tlie of igitiztl of ti
cd tla‘. as the (3,4,1 e!....: of
ert,, is that of Aiii:it Vs'. 'll
a teathar ir. oats of :he
sat for the
artist .who the Ileit,l for that
TIII: (•0111*• rf...1'111111!..f, itt the State.
to: Pt.tile.ylvania - . are Pope 1111,1iiiell and
\Wayne c , unty. They
are ninely ;i:*
rit•,l in :111,11.nilt. the they Th,w
occupy :u 41w Lu•u:•t" , ;f tli; Nkii.4l, I,il
\\ N tt! trilu ..Lt
tLr ilaber r..*ankx trial, at Lebanon, 1i
been arrested ill II trrislmvg Uil sttst , teion
h:t . t her beaten to death ('3 rus
ro!or, it. who was fiqinti dead Deo r !V!:
1 !lin, ‘:‘;:;', 111.1
0:...:;1:1 S. 11. (I Jl.ll ‘N, or New ni•
1 7 "• :11 ,, r Or to itlirrtiVt'll ( . • , 1.1‘0.1
1 1:1`;Illinr un l'ijf lay. :111,1
Vnion • that 1 1, wt%
tlat w iil koup thum bu,y fot :11..0 ga CC Cot
Itg I
:On rks a la. order.
Nt...ut Union FurnUct., Blair county, on
Ft Way. Mrs. Thotwu. L't•(•lti n. ftr,r,vn-
IluutingdoU . l•luany. vtas thr kwu
put ~ t: LOU' :,p& badly iiktort..l.
A in hyrai ns WaSillstali , l:," 1:111-
ell, 11-::!4.1i, iVi!f) Was aki, in Itti•
rt oc:ve:Ct arloas;
Claw eti,%ille Wirai iced couitt!,)
that Iti•g(A tat I,,iss - a,. in 1,1 . 0
ess between ;..eyer at citizens of that
placo ana ofileer, WiUi.un,royt
' , irk. line
.con Tally for the hicat ion of a
fa,M;ry e :a vi
90ry:,,,, 1, h Part
-Ut 10 i:;it l't COI: 1,11 COll
.11)611.1 t hi. Lit,
tio tidings ha%e set been ha‘rof Situ
N‘l!“1::st week sh ,, t abtl
\Vilharil el liarlislsarg, at
.11“litg.i)ni;erv%; Pe - ry Pony s oituty. It is
tlr.oght Oat ho in the inoiut.
tains, :111;1 is i.roteeted lty fcirntle. lie
always previ"ns to the murder, borne
a bad chat'aetel-, and the :- , heritl of Pony
county arlnontlces that he will inalie a
vigorous sealeb for him before he gives it
A $1",31,0(0 lire occur - et' at Me
of; :-.•attirday.
kli'lat ea 1111 a eight 1111-
111:,21 :L.l:Vea t;:111k111::St
CAVT.',IN S. ar
rivtql Frurn Evnuston. Wy.,
suicidal ai Ft, •u1w,.,, , t1, P. 'T., ,tu Saturday
ni.2l,t, I,y
1% a ihrtionttv at ( L:i., un
lA, VS - 7:1 - 11 r•qs , ::11110.
was shot ana instantly kill4.a
Wvatlai. Thc• intirCuqer - .vas :LrrestAti.
tr in . : secretary War has IPrciered the
eOntracts for hi aci;:tope:',
, ra‘es to ba awiirtied to \V. AVl.itra.:.•„
of Troy, N. :),I S. (;. pild,•gas..of
Fit t'irl ::nd \Nilo, of 1'..1
I.ii - r 4 •
M. 1.1:1i 1... ct: ;i- :11!:
i:y uan
Mr. Japanese Government has-just or
(Wred eleven pianos from a firm 'in New
York: . This is the first. shipment ever
sent to that country. ..
'Tito: Treasury . pel . ia rt meta ~has accept
ed the bid rf Williatn Kebie to make the
excavatio IS for the new ;iool lk:. building
at Kansa, City, Missouri, for - q 1,300.
I)vitiN: a_ storm on Friday a fternpon,
lightning struck a stable nea,i Thornton,
Va.on the Washington and Ohio railroad,
killing two youn4 men arid
..tieriousiy in-
Aring tWo others, who had taken refuge
from the'rain in the stricture. - : I
Ex-Assn-TAN•C .United, States District
Attorney! Charles G. ,Fisher, who was
convicted in the Now York General Ses
sions Court of obtaining money on a
worthless check,, was sentenced Thurs
day to the Elmira State Reformatory.
Two coaches of the.'south-bound train
- (ni the Charlotte, COlumbia and Augusta
Railroad, were thrliwri down an embank
ment -near Columbia, S. C., by a broken
rail on Sunday night, and turned emu
pletely over. Sixteen persons were '•in
jured; butrione seriously.
SHIRLEY H. FRANCE, the well known
actor, deal Thuischty' morning, lit the
A thud ic station, Boston. Ile had
in poor health about two years, his ill
ness resulted from a sunstroke. - Franc: ,
was a native of York city, an 4 about
forty years ohl. - •
THE village of Madrid, St. LawEen , :e
g.!'ainty,...New York, I,l ; :iti visited by a third
destructive fire Thursday morning.' A
store and barn owned by 'William Smith,
and a dwelling Incase, stt - ne and, barn,
owned by {).'C. R,binson, u ere burned.
Loss, S , V!,00 1 1; in-urance, $%350.
A. a named James -Orr, of Chatham,
land Miss Anna Fleishing, V.•ho
were I,assengers on the steamer St e inhoff
- at tiro time that ') , ll.atnet w.f.; 'l).llm.d at
iar leek in !introit" (-ally 011 Weiln):;)
have been 114:iSillg since the
tire, and it is i:ov: believed they
in the Ihnies.
AT midnight, Tlinisday, a tire broke
oat in a binn c,n .Miclii“an aV1,141/e, De
troit. beyond the city !w
-ing no available eater supply, the pro_ .
greys of the if aItIVS COUld not be Stayed;
tiii.y destr" • t•ed
t lave briek stores.
:mil live ftatti dnclliu The ti_ital
is estimated at. $ . :; , 1,1000: insurance,
A toN.t . rnt•crniN train 'on the IJCSC
Ke o kuk and St. Ltkins .IZAihoad s; ere
thrown faunthe track Tsd
huay by run
ning oVer a cow near Louisiana., M 0.,.
Nicholas Dubois, Chief Engineer of the'
was inst-• , ')y hillal, Condinft.loz
'l'llolllas ( . . xyroll had both 1 gs hrokcn,
and secci al mcn beloning to th train,
Super . intendent.
.if v. , ,,c.10,1,iiy halt. Nr.-.lhiL;ais
resides u)
Vi"aain:zl.,ll t it:v.
Irr: SAio:I4:T". a well-
Icrae.:n and 1ih , h1: . ,•-eatetiletl ininistef .)I
the )lefh.idist E . pisLoral Chard', : 7 4ittlr,
died at hi , h.,nni in Ihdtinnn e
day evening, age,: seventy-tie years.. Ile
:11 , 1,01,1e:0.y on
1.1:4-1.t. :111.1 1?t•V;•1 rallied f'rntri
atl.tek. for !Iftvhive rears,
aPtively c:: ,. :1 , 01 nimist 6-, and
c!ntit:;; ).0.1 . 0111 if
pern , ,l of vaii‘ , lls: 111 -
I I `4.
\ I - tays the stets";
(41 . W. ; , + , .! :11,1 iht-e at Cell- .
wt , ie Thu
o.:1(I the 1;1,)wil
H , l 11C1.•1 ii‘ WaS :al:111144i by fill
1 ..11;•.•ial;•;. :t . Luq five
1.;,; t;. r, :ronrJitt;;4:im
disc atch to th' Nt. Tuck I.ondoil says :
" 111. f NVod k! tNI t l n:ur•i
3i‘ Hunis, is uria),lc to
rinni rim :it his ofiirr. to
\ ;el.)tia start. Westnhuister,
ies are c , tizilated at
• „
to Ite
)11:. nie general tuanagi , r of
1 the Bank" at 3lontical, has "resi!qii i his
1.-11011. c,et cr.11,•II peat eN-
P , WY , , a
t•t:i.::cel olerg:ynctu of 11:e ('hutch of
yt k!t age. and
wealthy. cli: , :ipt.ware,l:l'rfmt his rcsid4. nc
.....\tkv i"rk :-.•ven months mro..
rcmx smiJo - hint iLiliLtently. :mil - at itist
a!tl,l . l , itu in a•twn-(' of
. b:4l . 'rupltk, np
; 4;retie. where h(' waq srendin::
ninney on. the inniazes. lic } vas
I . ( ? I/ t o 1,1 • t" a V n fir!
iistccu t ns i t. , i, t.' l, t tV b.WU . :
I , ontaty. e.;il
• • ya , ly I,:v . stal ;i;e:» - in v.-a:lle:Lent
Thor wens rmt r-
x. : t. - „Noki.x. N. snp;
st , •tp;cr V;ew was In..avity;
it • hy no-
;ctlt , t:
0.,'• 1;:!V. a !:/ I i)37.17,`41 ( h , V,';!-
of ..verboartl. trie
aitzl ;SIC!: the
in i•lforts him. The L;l,lze
View Ira!: t ntirely .unplovided nigh life
limns 4)r imlts, , v;it houtzh often crowded
inzeil.•' •
1- 4 1 S1:1:A)
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.1,7 P.
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t,y r .'n' ' t•T~i It.
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(ON THE krnortA.l. PS Alf,i)
Steals at all hours. Terms to. gun. the times. Largo
stable at tactiorl.
_ W3l. II P.',N ItY, ritornislon,
TOwanda, July 3, '73-tt.
Twepty-Sixth Atlnual' EXhibitiim
Penna. State Agricniturat Society,
Fairmount Park, PiU;a4t,
Entries and Competition FREE!
will elt,e at Ow Witco. ttiorthwe+t
corn,r T,,,,L11 and Cht•btnut StrtC64,. Oieptellamr 211,
/h7f.). •
5115,000 in Cash Premiums
Cash Prizes For. Live Stoek39,ooo
A Ring, for 'ex,•relse Iforch" ang
Lii,Qtal.Preitilotro are, ol6•red for Frult,
Flow6os,antl,rlroaltwotalltt.S. product. or rt o
Farm - ant] Dairy, Toolr.. IN:plt,ineTkt,. 3101 Machin
cry, Temlies, Mtbufakuicti I,co.lll,'Sre., &c.
Evearilen 'rl , ltot gr.'atty reduce,: rat" on
.all ral,fro;al , rent”thr at I'bibtlf•lph-1.1, a td /11.4-61
arraw , tment, tratq,pertatif.a, Lave been made.
I). W. SEILER, Secy.
E1.I:R.110;E .Mt
P1;11;u101.1i111, Anglin 13,18.71,
Ilavinz farallti - ea.ilt), year try
pying wk, srr o: , :etert etTer p.m
larger hturk than ever ler hitt:, hd at reduced
At tliC , : - .Aote o the ,tan.laid of r
We zif.tral,t,••• s.:11 i,fact i,.11. IVe an , pro-par..l t.... 1.0
-AO.; i ) in.: it, !hat 11!,...:' (Ai ,liort no:lce, alol are d c .
termint.l 1.. plt.a., , .. . .
ll.and see for yourself
Tovanda. M . :ly Ist. 1-7"
(i'cinn•ai Pc . tilers in
-0 RoctitlEs, inwvislGN-s,
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. . . .
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Pc jn'cci
.& FINE-St;
ITii.• Sterf-to , 4 114:rcilr.r
Tho'y knytte . 3ttei:ll.,ll t,. their ,01ni.1,•?,,,,tu k . u t
ar,4l y layg” -1,4 . k of % . 1,1 , 14.0 I:0011S,
liavrah‘ays uu kind.
l'fttl AI. * AI"PENTIoN• hIVEX To THF
And.ta-ti for 11.•,tral,11?
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01 . Ph, iiod.//,/,
olle;.‘NlZ t,
nfbm colk11:11,e• to 1.0. m
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(.0 , r i,Y1.,1.t.1.1711
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