Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 14, 1879, Image 3
Osadford. gepodn CIIAR. D. ALLEN, LOCAL EDITOR. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Aug. 14,1879, LOCAL AND CENERAL. SEE Legal advertisements on first page TIIE Troy Graded School opens August EDI! Tun Sullivan Centennial monument is approaching completion. LAsT Thursday was the anniversary of the battle of Thermopylae, fought B.- C., 4SO. lluAnFonn and Sullivan , Pomona • t Grange meets lat West Granville, • August 2Stli. • ITH'SRY SAvEncoot. and C. H. CONVI.T.:B, lately of this place, have opened,a bakery in Troy. A lIASKET ple-ttiC is to be held at Ste vens' Grove, Mountain Lake, to-morrow, (;Friday)• THE six o'clock Sunday evening service at- Christ Church (Epi&copal t ), has been resumed TnE Presbyterian SundaY School of Troy have recently purchased a very, fine new library. TILE - Bridgewater Baptist Association meets in Warren Center, Tuesday, Sep tember 9; 1879.`- Mus. FROST desires to engage the ser vices of a girl' who can do house work. See. business local. LElloyEvEttLY is erecting a saw mill on the site of the one recently destroyed by lire, near South I,lran6h. Tilt , . coal Klealers in WaVerly -j a • varrel, and 4,0al is now being sold in that village, at retail, for $2.5U per ton. Two black snakes were killed in Nor thrup Hollow on Friday last' that meas ure() six feet and six inelies in length. C. P. WELLs, of this place, has opened a. branch of his 99-cent store in Athens, with CuAni.Er TArt.on as manager. Tins cigar manufactory at Canton, op erated by liAttit-y l'Atkiot, not proving a paying institution, is to be closed up. TT! r. ,jubject of Rev. G. C. JoNEs' Ice_ titre a'. the V. E. Church, old Sunday ev truing next, will be '! Mohar•.itncdauistn." closing exercises of the Normal :Musical Institute, at Wyalusinz, take place on Thursday awl Friday, ereeing of this week. l).\visuN and Btta,uct, of Can :ton, have moved their offices into the Bul lock Block, iii that place. Their roonns are located over . the bank. S. M. LossEY, of Pike's Mills, Tioga Could y. Pa., claims to be in his 1111 year. Ile has lived uu t he same`farin Sti years, and has been blind for years. Oun neighboring village of .Canton is, SOOTI to have a new job printing office. It will be under the management of Cit: , ks. lII:nmELD, late of the Gazette ufliCe, Ty Cur nrii of the Messiah (Universalist), Bev. AVILTJAM TAvi.on, Pastor.. At o'clock 1. subject—" fhe:,lirward Witestkand its Testimony." even- mg service CAmt , MEETING.--A .11tethodi4 Camp meeting will be held in the grove of G. A. Woof), near Mereur Grange' Ilall, corn wenein4 Tuesday August 26th and Con tinuing one week. All are invited. Tut: next session of the Northern Dis trict I . 4invention of Go(itl Templani, will be livid at,Mount Pisgah, August 26th and 2.7t1i. E. Et - Gl:m.7. Secretary, Ihstriet I. Ot of G. T. • • -•- • Vi . v..‘tshisi; Grange will hold a basket pie-nic ;ut their hall, Thursday, Augdst 21, Is7t9. The Grange extends a cordial invitation to neighboring Granges, and also to farmers, who are nut members of - the order Lucius Ennv, ten years of age, son of S. \V. EDDY, of Hush, Susquehanna County, killed a rattlesnake on the farm oft'. ('. ('AturEn, in Rush, a few days ago that measured six feet and six inches in length. -.I AT a meeting of the manners of the 'lauticultural society on Thursday last, a resoluthin was passed giving, ?the soldiers CoCa inpment under command I 'd' (%tptain - WILT, atrthoi ity tw Occ.ipy the grounds of the society. Tilt: following, r nmed gentlemen were elected as officers - of the Troy V. M. at an election held 1 , !114 - rud;ty evening of last week : .1. 11. Win.itoi . n, President ; B ET , s , Vice President ; 1). Mrren -1.1.1„ Secret:it y F. \V. 11 ov EY, Trea;:urer. • THE fat men had a clam bake at Hia watha Nand, near t hvego, last week. (Myself and —Judge 1 - ..ticso:vs, of the Ar tli 010 eXt wine i warmth of the weather at that, time, did not attend: We tins?, however,_ that the, boys en,j.ryed themselves. 31r. t:."1•:. PATTEllsoist, of Canton, while in,a boat fishing on Lake Nephaw in near, that place, was severely wounded in the leg by the accidental discharge oh a.le colt er hir:h fell out of his -coAt pocket striking the buttons of the boat in t ;tueli a manner as to cause it to explode. S FIoAN ' SON, says the Troy G•tr•'fe, are trying; to organize a 'National Bank at Canton. Thy have hearly stock enough subscribed. )le•s:s. have \one of the best bank buildings and fixtures in this portion of the state, a tine tire' ploof vault, burglar proof safe, time lock and other appurtenances. Tilt: freight business is just booming. (hi 'Wednesday the Lehigh Company re billed at. this station and forwarded 240 narrow liauge cars of freight, and trans ferred seventy-five broad gauge cars of freight to narrow gauge, with nearly 200 cars standing in the 3 and waiting their turn Tor transfer.of contents.—Warerly Adrucate. Cll.‘lo,t; :W. and Elmira:HD 31. NeiliTll - sons Or Captain S. W. NOnTilltP, of - this place, have been admitted 'as Au dent, in the So!diets' OrAin School, at 3hue.iield. They are both bright little and will undoubtedly make rapid advancement in their studies. They leave fir 3lanbtield the last of the present mouth. To OLD VETKRANs.-Captain Nincrn m-c, of this. place, desires to raise a com pany of old veterans, at least fifty strong, to participate in the Encampment at East Towanda. All those who can conic anted and equipped, will please confer Vali the Captain,;either by letter or in person. previous to the date of the En- Cainfnent, in order that arrangements may be made for rations. Tut Trustees of Horne Library ,Asioci ation sake to return their thanks, and the thanks of the members of the Associ ation, to Hon. E. OVERTON and Hon. E. REED Krim, for their donation of several volumes of valuable books to the Library. Tnr.its. will be a Harvest Home gather. ing on the Lithe. Hill-Camp Ground, Sat urday, August 2 - 3 d instant. The :people will assemble at 10 o'clock A. it., and par take of their basket dinner at noon. The afternoon will bo devoted to speaking, music, etc. Everybody is invited. AG nAls'n Vocal and Instrumental Con cert is to be given in the Church at Lib erty Corners, on Wednesday evening August 20th, conducted by Prof. 11. 11. PENDLETON, of Philadelphia. The Lib- , rty Corners Collet Band will take pallt in the entertainment. ,Tickets 25 cents. Proceeds for the' benefit of- the Church. A (loon county air, among all s its Other merits, is an evidence of thrift en the part of the farm is of the county. A poor farmer cares nothing about the fair. lie has nothing taexhibit and he dislikes to attend, for he is reminded by the elegant products which his neighbors dis play what failures he and his farm arc. THE new two-cent return postal card is but. It is provided with a stam'p - at each end and room for writing two messages. If the sender wants au answer, he must remember not to occupy all. the space. One stamp is cancelled at. the office--from which it is sent, and the second from the point where responded to. The postals will soon be in general circulation. GREENBACK Pic-Nic.—Tlie Greenbank-_ ars are to hold a pic-nic and mass meet ing in __the' • Grove near Bailey'y Corner's, in Granville, on Saturday, August 23d. Music will be furnished on the occasion by the East Troy Band. Ad dresses will be delivered by. Chairman S. WATSON, of the State Central Commit tee, Rev. Mr. DELmoT, of Columbia, and E. G. Jon.s.s,oN, of Towanda. Mrs. GEORGE MoonE, at one time a resident of this county, died.very sudden ly at about two o'clock Wednesday morn ing of last week, at- Field's Station, near Williamsport. She was in her usual good health when she retired. She arose un observed by. her lady room-mate, about two o'clock, but speedily called for assist tance. Iu fifteen initiates thereafter she died sitting in a chair, undoubtedly from heart disease. She was sixty years of age. THE twenty-seventh 'annual fair of the Bradford county agricultural society, will be held on the Ist, '2d and 3d of October. The managers will meet on the fair grounds Saturday next, at 1 o'clock. Many improvements are to be made this year—notably a large building for horses, a new grand stand, new stalls for stock, etc. Those who have not the'pre 'Mum list should apply to the secs tary or to any of the managers. NEw Partin.—A' neatly printed little sheet, hcadeu the 'Doily Towanda liericw," made its appearance on Monday evening last, in this place. It is publish ed by Atvonn & SoN, and is sold at the extreme low figure of one cent per copY. Judging from the liinited amount of ad vertising it contains, we should say that its publishers do not anticipate making a fortune ,out of it during the twelve days that they propose to is , ,vie it SAMUEL. WAT,;O:i, one of Diamond's oldest and most trustworthy citizens, was killed by being caved on in an old tunnel into which he had gone for the purpose of taking out some timbers. lie WnS fif ty-five years of aO, a native of Smith field, Pa., and had livid in Confederate gulch since .iffy, , He was one of the pioneers of California, having emi grated to that State during the kold ex citement of 1849.: The above item is clip ped from a Montana paper. EIINKST BLACK, while cradling on the farm ofl P. 11. Prcs, on Friday:August Ist (saYs the 'Leilaysville .14/rerti#o), was stung in the fare by a black wasp just as he reached ont• to take a clip with the cradle ; instantly releasing his right hand to hit the wasp, the cradle scythe struck his left leg just below the knee, nearly ringing it with a terrible gash, and sev ering the artery. The wound was prompt : ly dressed by Dr.Dt - sF.Nnunv, and the man made comfortable. TIIF.IIE Win" be a Grove Meeting hehrby the Methodist Protestants in Burlington Circuit, at DAB to .JoissoN's, near Hick ory Grove School House, commencing Friday, August 22d, and continuing over the following Monday. The services on Monday at 11 o'clock A. 3t., will consist in laying with appropriate ceremonies, the corner stone of a new Methodist Pro testant Church on a lot recently donated for that purpose. Ministerial aid is ex pected during the cmitinuance of the meeting. arc cordially invited to come and participate. ALEX. PATTON, Pastor. A 800 and Gun Club has beenorganiz ed in our village, for the purpose of en forcing the game laws and adding to the pleasure of, the sport loving people of. Western Bradford. As it is nuw, the game and fiSh laws arc set at defiance, and, the result is an almOst total destruc tion of game that would otherwise afford abundant sport. Streams which should be abundantl/ supplied with fish are now destitute, and will continue to remain so. The club is intended to correct 'these mat-. ters, and means :business. C. KEN DALL %%.its elected President, A. C. FAN NINO, Secretary, and lir:m:4;m N. NF,W -1:1:111tY, TreaSU ter. Tr.!, fia7.416. w,BITHIN4; ril.r.s OF HATTLEI•INAKEs.— A few days since. While ALVAH and -LOW ELL F ‘ssETT, of Scottsville, this county, were after huckleberries, on the monn tains west of MINER FuosT's, in Forkston township ; they came upon a pile of tat tlers as large as a bushel basket, which they prOceeded forthwith to despatch, and found in' summing up they had =killed nineteen full grown rattlers; the smallest of which was three feet in length The number of yong snakes killed wallesti. mated atlrom 150 to It is also re ported that E. C. Dot - ot.Ass and Enwis K ASSON, of Forkston, killed in all twenty nine old and young. —. T'ltteklittnnock Maud ;rd. BARING BRA VERY.- Yesterday after noon as No. 4 freight, J. M.. Lra.r: con ductor, was rounding the curve at liprse race dam, •about tiVo miles below Me• hpopany, the engineer discovered a child upon the track but a few. rods in front of him. The train. which was a heavy one, was going so fast that he '.caw it was ho possible-to stop before it would be too late to save the child. The head break man, 31r. AN DREW MORRIS, took. ,in the situation at a glande, and rushed for:ward over the engine to the pilot, upon which he sat down at the risk of his own life, . and reaching his feet forward gra - ped the ' child between them and lined it from the i track uninjured. ,The child was about ttwo years of age, :and belonged to Mr. i llouratT ItAituray. Such bravery as that ' shown by Mr.:3lqmas should not go un rewarded.—Tunk tannock Republican. Tun fishery question is again troubling the Statb•Department. Any of the nnu merablo&host who can be seen at ani - time on the Stisquehanna—patiently watching their lines, and at the close •of the - day tolling of.,the big fish "lest to sight, it s o memory dear," which they had alm, t caught, could settle the fishing question in half an hour, if Secretary *wafts would not obstinately refuse to avail him self of their services, for amongst them n may be found lawyers, doctors, and octa l. . ionally a stray editor. We don't licar of any bf the latter catching any fish, proba bly becauSe _they are not blessed w i th "taking ways." Btu BASS.-C. B. PORTER and E. 7. Etwau are at present wearing the chain pion belt as bass fishermen. Yesterday (Wefiesday):morning, CLARK took from the Susquehanna, just opposite this plate, a bea(ity weighing two pounds and eight ounces, while Ern broug . ht ono into the same boat a few moments later that. tip ped the scales at three pounds, ten oun l rs tz and -half. 'They used "clippers" or bait, and are receiving the congratulations of their numerous friends in a quiet manner. We shall at once telegraph the senior editor there were bass in the Sus quehanna when he went fishing the other day, nothwith din the fact that he did not get a SUDDEN D Mr. MY-Rox found dead in his bard where he had jß)st put a horse in the stable. He went Ito the barn a little after four o'clock, and requested the hired. girl to have supper ready by Live o'clock. The horn vas blowed for him, but. as he did not come search was made ror hint, and he ti - as found lying on his back dead with cuviy comb and brush near by lia. was taken to the house and every means !at band were tried to restore him, but alt in vain. Dr. DAVISON, of Canton, was SOlt, tor, and on his arrival be decided that Mr. ANNAJILE had died of paralysis j of the heart. During months past Mr. 4:4_, NABLE complAined of being unable', to sleep as well aslformerly, and his phYsi cal system wasted to a mere skelMOn. lie was buried at East Canton on THrs day, at two o'clock P. M. L TirE.Eltnira Adrertiaer gives an account of the celebration on Monday of last week of the eighty-ninth birthday of Jndge A.tnos elltilißUCK, of ISichols. There were present about forty in all, including brothers, grandichildren, great-grand cnildren, nephews and neices. The Judge was the second son of a family of twelve children, reven of whom have di d. FOur of these including the. Judge, ere plies ent—Dr. 11. S. Citumwc , .E. Cu Bret: and F. S. Cirt - imucK. Judge Clit BUCK was born in COnnecticut, and ca) to Oliwell, Bradford County, Pa., in 18: For thirty years he was Justice of Peace. Three years lie was„Prothont ry, and was County Judge until he signed and removed to Nichols. lie I been a faithful member of the Method Episcopal Church for seventy years, ing held neatly ever Y office of a laynt in the qhurch. As,a citizen he has el been regarded with highest confideit known - for his integrity and humatten of spirit and faithfulness to his Lon convictions CuAnt,Es JonNsos & Co:, the new 0 who have taken the control of the Me, foundry in this place, ; , re rapidly build rig hp an extensive business. The works ire at the present time being run to their capacity, and large orders are received daily. During the Fist week they have contracted to furnish the machinery and iron work for a large tamely at Steviins vile, Sullivan county, and also for a large mill at Dusbore, in the same county. The works now give employment to twelve or fifteen men, and a number more wAli be set at Work as soon as an additional bldld camiSe erected. Mr. JouNsos is the patentee cif the neatest fluting and smooth in". irons on the market, which are mnu factured here and shipped to all harts of the country. The best evidence that these articles are the 7 favorites with the is found in the fact that tae firm find it almost impossible to supply the goo ds as fast as ordeicd. . • . IVE have the scriptui'al record of bees depositing their honey in the , carcass of a lion, and also the promise s to suck -ha- . ney from the rock," illustrating the natu ral habits of the honey bee. A s h old ft iund gives an account of an immense ce hive which has been made on the farm\o , f !Mr. M. L. ItocHwEt.t„ iu West Bindington township, 'formerly owned by Cii.kiit.Es TAYLOR), which is worthy of the notice• of those interested in the habits of is a side-hill lot, the;Jiees have dugliides for a space cowering about four rods. square, until the gitunid is literally ho ney-corned with the holes made by mil lions of bees, which bear the appearance of being the ordinary honey-bee. Mr. Hot ELL proposes to make excavations to ascertain whether or not they are the true honey-bees, and if there are deposits of honey, in sonic cavity which is not ap parent, asthere'aro no rocks visible. Can sonic of our readers, familiar with bees and their habits, explain the reason for this interesting phenomenon? - - COMPANY A 110;%0%QtAnTERS 9TIT I:F,T N. P ToWANDA, Auguht 12,1,4;9. Gerter,ii Order No. t; 1. CoMpany "A," Ninth Regiment. National Guards of Pennsylvania, will go into camp for three days On the :26th, 2;th and : - .).:7 , th of August, on the fair grounds in East Towanda, awl participate in the military exercises of the Cr. A. It. en campment and so:diers' reunion. The members of the commaml will report at the armory a , . It) M. of the 211th., provided with blankets and three days coked rations. 3. Arms, aceoutrementsan , l clothing must be clean,and neat as there will be an inspection during the encampment. .1. ANDREW WILT, Capt. Cammanding Com pan!: Tiumittts' INSTITUTE.—The Bradford County Teachers' Institute for the school year 1879-80, began its sessions in the Graded School building in this place, on morning last at 10 o'clock, a large - number - of teachers—perhaps :.rlo—being in at tendance. The Institute was called to order by Superintendent RYAN, (who by virtue of his office is President). Prayer was offered by Rev. J. S. BEERS, of Chiict Church. After the devotional exercises some well-timed and appropriate remarks were made by Professor RYAN, who was folkiwed by Professor E. B. QUINLAN, in a few appropriate words of welcome to the teachers of the county, which were iespAded to on behalf of the' ; Professor I. S.CItAW FORD, of Smithfield. The following officers were then elected : Vice Presidents—Professors E. T. Bun- E.E. QUINLAN, 31111 I.S. CUAWFORLA ,Secretaries—Mr. E. B. MfNEF, Misses JULIA E. KINNEY and SAttAti E. COOK. The Institute profilises at thcaoutset'to be one of the most interesting and best conducted ever held in . the county, and uo.doubt prove of great benefit to the teachers in attendance. —Miss BELLE PIIkTT is visiting friends in Rochester, N. Y. —Mica IiAtTLE SHELDON, of Callttati v iii at Chautauqua Lake, N. Y. —Rev. J. S. BEERS returned . from his visit to Connecticut ou Fiiday last. —Mrs. P. C. lkhinsit, of Leßaysville, is visiting her eons at Moravia, N. Y. • —Major B. S. DARTT and family, of Canton, aro visiting Chmitauqua Lake, N. Y, —Jonx Mims and wife, of.tlister,.%re visiting friends at Mansfield, Tioga Coun- —Rev. Dr. STEWART; of the Presbyte rian Chtirch, is enjoying his annual vaca tion. - —M. J. Lotio and his daughter CAunia are visiting friends and relatives - in New Bugland. —Mrs. FRED. EvAlms, of Burlington visited friends in Waverly, tl. Y., several days last week. —Miss SAILA!! HOOLEY, of Troy, who has been ill for several weeks, is slowly regaining her health. . —Mr. EnwAnn HITCHCOCK, of State Line, died quite suddenly of pneumonia ; • August 3d. • • - - -Mrs. NELSON PRATT, and MiSILMER niLL, of BOSton, are visiting friends in Warren Centre. —Col: B. E.WitivtiEv, one of the most genial men in Bradford county, gave us a pleasant call on Tuesday last. —Mrs. CiAnissA Buowr,-of Waterloo, lowa, is visiting ather daughter's, Mrs. J. H. OnCUTT'S, in this place. • —Miss EVA BuituANK,`of Warren Cen tre, who has been teaching at Laceyville, is spending vacation at hei• home. —LuA A. HAnNnEii, of Waverly, is the guest oilier aunt, Mrs. C. P. CHM , - of Pike. Jursday - - Leßoy, r -7 as —The Misses M.►tty and NELLIF:CAST wELI, of Binghamton, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. CHAMPION, in Leltaysville.. —Mr. and Mrs.:.,, KEELEn, of Co lumbia X Roads, are visiting relatives and friends in Towanda and vicinity. —Miss FAN NT DAVENI'OII.T, it is said, clearedtifty thousand dollars during the past reason. Let's go on the stage. —Mrs. C. H. BUTT, of Canton, who has been quite seriously ill of late, is now convalescent. —Miss STEI.I.A PITCHER, of this place, visited at her nnele'e, Post 3labter Owegg, last week. —Mrs. E. F. QUINLAN and children, are visiting Mrs. Q.'s .mother, at Spencer, • —Mrs. O'Bois:.,s, of Duluth, Minnesota, is visiting her parents, Mr. and 311.8. Wm KEELER, in this place. —Hon..l.tury 11. WEBn, was in town on Tuesday, looking mach improved in health. WTNNfE DAN - lEs, daughter of Hon. T. DAvms, of this place, is vis iting her grandpatents in Neatly. • - —WE regret to learn that the wife of Anat.) PLATT, Esq., of Otwell, is danger ously ill with cancer of the stomach. —GEonGE W. DROWN- mid wife, of Lancaster, are spending a few.days with Mr. and Mrg. JORIiAN, at the Ward House. 13. Ole t:1- —liannY AnsoT, a salesman in Es- TELL's Store, Canton, is enjoying a vaca tion and a pleasure trip to Rochester ane Niagara Ih4. = IV. and Mrs. .Tuns ON, and Mr. rind Mis. S. IlAnst•m, Of Litelitieldi attended the Temperance Camp Meeting at Spencer on Sunday last. —Pr'ofe r ssor S. M. ons, of the Wells- . burg public school, has accepted a posi tion as tlactier in the High School at Danville,lhis State. —BtiirN Twirl' and family, who - have been visiting fiiends in Canton for sevcir al weeks. past, have returned to their home .in the West, —ThomAs' WATEits,, .MN.ToN BAILEY and R. W. BoLLENBArK. of Burlington, started on Monday last for an , extended trip through the Western States. —Mrs.' W. L. Buss, of Troy, and Mrs. N. M. Pomuniv, of the same place, who have been visiting friends inVotter Conn ty for several weeks past, returned home last week. . . PEonnr:M. 31AusnALL will open a select school at Nev Albany, August ;15th. We congratulate the people of that place in being so fortunate as to. secure his services. . —E. W. CoI.wELL, Esq., one of our respected citizens, we understand has purchased real estate at Elndia, N. Y. We are very sorry to see an old citizen like Mr..Coi.w ELL wandering away from the fold, when sb tnany splendid chances for profitable investments arc open in our own village.— (Wanton. Sentinel. '...-.Fr out the Leßayseille Jclrirlise : T. NEWMAN, we are sorry , to sly, is very i 11.... Mrs. 11. M. Nicnot:s, Lehaysville's popular Milliner, we are so i ri state, Its confined to her bed by sieknes . Mr DAY in Puit.i.trs, of Pike, is fined to his room from a severe injury of left knee, resulting in Pere ostitis of thtPatela. RESOLFTIoNSOF CONDOLENCE.—At a regular meeting of Unity Lodge, No. 1,065, I. O. of G. 1% held July 2i, 11479, the following. prtlatble and resolutions wrre adopted : - WIIEWEAS, It has p eased 'Almighty God in his infinite wistiOin, to remove from eartlhithe daughter ofir esteemed membersißrOther and - Sister . L. Brad ley ; \ . WitEntts, It hecomes us agarn on this occasion to recognize the hand (4 \ 00,1 in His dealings with men ; therefore,, it - Remilred, That being aware!of the ‘ reat void left in the family of our - brother und sister, and we would direct them for slip p,rt in this hour of bereavement to . (nil. Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well. Itpotrol, That While we bow in humble submismf in to the hand (if God, which haS separated ,fimn our brother and -sister their beloved daughter. yet we have this clifid ,, lence; "that she is an angel in heaven with litir Redeemer. Twit we tendet our brother and sister the sympathy of the Lodge. Rem , tre , /, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the bereaved, and publish ed M the county papers. 31AnaPis; E, Et.t.toTT, 'North Home, August 4, 1579. Com. STATE PAM AT. PHILADELPHIA. Op Monday, September Sth, the Tamp ty-Sixth'-Annual Exhiliitiiin of the Penn sylvania State Agricultural Society, will open at the Main Building., Centennial Grounds, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, and continue twelve days, closing on Sat tinily, September 20. th. From present indications this exhibi tion of the Society will be the largest, grandest, and-most varied that has ever, been held by any State Scociety, and will be second in numbers and merit only to the ever-memorable Internation • al Exhibi tion, held at the same place during .the Centennial Year. The premium list, which can be bbtaiued .from the • officers of the Society', int their office, Northwest corner Of Tenth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, is the most complete and thotough that has ever been presented by any similitr organization, and offers for compctithin in the Live Stock Class alone the hantbome Om of $9;006: • In the Dai ry, Fruit, Vegetable, and Floral Depart- Hments, the further !Min of 1.4,200 is add- , PERSONAL. besides a large number of elegant and valuable gold, silver, and bronze medals, wbose intrinsic value. will aggregate, the entire sum of more than sls,ooo.Wactual cash. -The display will include a large num ber of - Imported, Thoroughbred; Fine Bred, and Draught Horses, herds of Short Horn, ]y on, Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Cattle, 'the choicest breeds of Sheep, Swine, etc., together with a Mechanical, Vegetable, and Manufacturing .collection seldom, if ever, brought together in any community. Eicellent and commodious stabling has been prepared within the . building for horses and horned cattle, and 'a suitable space assigned on the ground for the accommodation of Sheep and Swine. The Machinery, Dairy, Fruit, Floral and Domestic Departments are all provided under cover, and will undoubt edly prove attractive and instructive fea tures of the Fair. A space has also been assigned for the exercise and display of all the entrieshi the Live Stock Classes. Green food will be supplied all the Milch Cows on exhibition, and hay and straw furnished all entries gratis. Ex4;ursion tickets will be furnished ly all the railroads centering at Philadelphia. and all articles intended for exhibition carried on liberal terms. LEROY FAIR. The officers of the fair to be held at Leßoy, September 29 and 30, are as fol lows ; President—A. T. LILLEY. Beerettiry—S.•l2. Mom& Ereeutire Committee—A. T. Ina S. B. MoitsE; E. LII.LEY, L. E. PALMIER, L. enuitcini.i.. SuperintOzdent of Ilorsa pepartment— JRA LINDLEY. JUdfiett—W. 73. STilNe., ALcnszo Mous; EALRIIANKS. Superintendent of Cattle Department— R. 31 AsoN Judges—R. 'E. PALM ER, !ILIUM STONE, Uiu. BAXTER. Superintendent of ,sheep and Spine Department—S. M S. Judges—So LOMON STONE, R. MoNT GOMERY, JOHN VICOM A N Superintendent of Poultry Depart ment--3. C. Fru A N HOCH nu. - Judges—Dr. W. H. HoLcoatu, E. G. VANDYKE. ;;upeeintendent of Machinery a nd. Fa lining Implements Department—D. RIDER Judges—LEßor Ilo!Alm, V. S. LAN DON, CLAM NCI MINAHD? :;Uperintentiptt of - Farm and Garden Prodnee Departnient—S. IklceicAxEr. Judges—S. A.HocKwELL, H. K. Mu r, 1). 11. HOAGLAND. , 4 4aperintendent of Fruit Department— E. T. 136 , 1.1.L.m. .hulges—B. C. notromi, Mrs. D. 11. lIOAoLAND, Mrs. C. It. STE. ,superintendent Culinary Department— Mrs. L. CHURCHILL. Judges—Mrs. C. D., Mrs. A. W. VANFLEET, Mrs. ORLANDO TAVLOR. Superintendent of Ladies Miscellaneous Deparlinent—Mrs. A. .1. lirrcnr.s. Judges—Mrs. E. 'LLEY, Mrs. LoY4, Mrs. A. T. LiI.LF.Y. • .Superintendent of Floral Departoietil— Mrs S. B. 3lonsE. Ju.d.ll , B—Mrs. 11. M. Ilw.coNtn, Mrs tour BATES, 310.4..1011N VROMAN. Superintendent of Painting and Funey Work Department—Mrs, P. A: Hot.comn. Judges—Mrs. MASON, Mrs. S. WlLL wts, Mrs. 1.. E. PALMER. ,t;npeiiiite/ifte. e l of Miseellaneous - De partnient.—Lq. SANFORD. Judges— Dr. W. B. IN ' I 1.00 X, 11. W. Mt:CHANEY, Q.j W. VANFLEET. Superintclid6l! of Ed ',rational Depart me 0, t—A. T. Lit.I.E.Y. dud ges—OHANDO TAlvi.ou, Rev. P. J. But.t., - Mrs E. A. llot.come. The awards Will be made on the second day of the fair. An address will be de liveryd at 2 o'ciock of the same day, after which there will be a sale of animals and other articles by auction or otherwise. 0. A. R.-ENCAMPMENT AND SOLDIERS' RE UNION. II EA D.;l , i1RTY:11••• BRAIWORD COUNTY EN AMUMENT., RAND A RMY J' 111 K TOW NU.I.. Pa., Alig9,4 9, 1'679 Ge neral Order -,; No.. t: • Ist. The Third Annual Encampment of the Posts of the Grand Army of the Re public of !Imam &and adjoining counties, and the re-tiniOn of the soldiers and sail ors of the county will be held on the grounds of the Bradtord County Agricul tural -Society, at East Towanda, August 134th, '27th and 25tb, 1M79. 2. A geneial invitation is extended to all Posts of the G. A. IL Military ('ompa nies, Solders', •Sailors and Marines of Bradfonl and I adjoining con ties, to be prcsent and part.cipate in tl exercises and thmebY strenglhen theatei n il ties and feelings which were welded• in the tire of battle ; :and to perpetuate the prin ciples of Charity and Loyalty. :Id. Comrades will come provi - ded with thee days cooked-, rations, blankets, and those who can, with ten•t+. 4th. Posts, Conip:tides and Organiza tions, should report no later than 1 o'clock P. NI., of August 2lith. -sth. Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, who are eligible tOtnembership, are eainestly invited to join the nearest• Post. 6tlr. SquadS, not members of the G. A. R., numbering twenty-live or more, will be recognized as independent organizaL tions, and may elect their own officers, and will 'lave iquarters assigned them, on their arrival in camp. _ nth. Blank Rolls will be furnished from these Headquarters, to make a complete list of all members, giving rank, Compa ny and Regiment, while in the service, and present residence. This roll must be handed to the C‘mtmander, when the Post or Company reports at their arrival in cam p. Sth. The exercises will consist of dress pat ale. coMpany, battalion and skirmish slnint battle, courts-martial, speech es by prominent soldiers, Camp songs and sports. The names of the speakers and the time wheo they will speak, will be annottneed in future orders. \ ffili. Ample prevision will he made for locals at twerity-live cents each, for those wlro wish to procure them on the grounds. 10ffi. An admission fee of ten cents will b e e ha e ,,, 4 l on the 27th and 2Stli, except ing soh, ers who attend at least two.days and become members of the Encamp ment. . \ . I lth. The, money raised in excess of expenses will\bu kept for the purpose of erecting a monument to the soldiers of Bradford Conni. 12th. Uptem'sviz-ed Infantry Tactics has been adoptedby li the Grand Army of the Republic; and w I be used at the En campment. Comma den: are urged to procure the Same and ore:menu drilling their Posts at once. Th • tactics can" be "procured at these Ileadqu rters at. cost. 1:1th. A prize of a Pod, lag will be given to the be,t. drilled Pos in the Man rip uel of arms according to Cptot 's Ileviseir Tactics. , 14th. A company of Cavalry w I be or . - ganized if a sufficient number will eport 'with horses and saddles. . • 13th. Commanders of Posts and cm panics are urged to establish as thorou , h discipline in their commands as - possible • and all are requested to be careinl to not injure any of the buildings or, property on the grounds,. since the Commander is per- ' sonally responsible for any damage it may receive.- ' : MeMbers of Posts, companies, etc., will pro Ade themselves with arms and accoutrements.. Many soldiers can barrow for the occasion, from citizens, antis sold to them a year ago. lith. A cordial invitation is hereby ex tended to all our citizens, especially to the Lobes, editors, and correspondents, to visit us nu our camp and we will assure them a truelsoldia's greeting. By Comm unit of J. ANDREW WILT, Ornem:: Commander. GEolcoll V. MYmn, Adjutant. PROM KEIJITALL Dmin 'REPORTER : Though our valley is decidedly rural and quiet, wel . usually 'merit the name given us by our forefa thers and feel merry-all. Our village is indeed small, but the , spirit •of concord which is rife amongst us gives ina strength, and enables us to aceomplbdi what we undertake. • Recently, we've been interested in a bell enterprise. Mrs. CLINTON • LEWIS decided that our church—the oldest Pres byterian church in all this region : organ.; ized in 1793 and built in 1826—ought to have a bell. She being a lady who, "when . she will, ahe will, arid' you may depetid on 't," has labored with untiring energy and perseverance to procure a bell. She circulated a subscription in "the country 'round,' thereby raising more than fifty dollars. Then an ice-cream festiVal was proposed, the proceeds to be employed in the purchase of the bell. Our festival took place the afternoon and evening of August 6th, in the church and church yard, and was generally considered a - Very enjoyable affair. In preparation for this, Mrs. Lzwis showed herself an efficient superintendent, whose workmen were all willing and happy to work. The gentle men erected a fine arbor iu the yard, cov ered and sided with hemlock, under which were placed five tables ornamented with flowers and tempting viands ; and there the guests were served by the young la dies, all with white caps and aprons as badges of service. A stand spread with candies of various kinds, cigars, etc., was also a tempting feature of the arbor—at least to the children. Over the church yard gate was an arch of evergreens, from Which was suspended a huge ever green belf; above the church door another arch, 'and beneath it, "Welcome." The pillars of the church were wound with running-pine, and the pulpit wasdecorated with the same, while below it, stood a beautiful bouquet of ferns. Little !lower girls darted here and there amongst- the crowd, selling button-bole bouquets. A box placarded "Young Man's Horror" was frequently opened at five cents a sight; to show—alas !—only the mitten The Herrickville band was present, and entertained all finely with excellent mu sic.- They will please accept our most sin cere thanks. 'f wo sets of croquet and a swing in a neighboring grove helped to keep things lively_ Amongst the guests wire friends from Potosville, Mauch Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, New-York, Montrose and Towanda. The gross receipts of the festival wet c seventy six dollars ; net' lioitits, about sixty-five dollars. And now We're going to have our bell: The committee will meet Wed neklay, August 12th, to select a suitable one from Heneely's catalogue - Merryall, August I'.l BUSINESS LOCAL. ear BIRD CAGES at the Met store Mr Call at J. L. Kent's, Agent, and look :tt those SHETLAND SHAWLS, very cheait. tf ' Largo stock of ,L DIES TIES Sce., at .1. 1.. KENT'S, Agent. tt nr Try our - New dap. Tea. -Best in DEC-K ER & VpI7OIIT. ME t DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, DILEziS WUMS, at .1. L. KEVI"S„ Arent. it jam"' Elegant stock of now OPRO3LOS and OIL PAINTINGS at the thlct store. Our goods are new and of the best quality. • UF.EAEIt & V 0154; T. Ml,l, Chtiice TEAS and COFFEE a specialty at DECKER k VDUMIT's, Or Cash paid for Produce'at • I:Julp•tf 'DECKER a VOUGIIT'S tar Fruit Jars. Rubbers and Jell• Tumblers, at the !Met store. Ur Provisions of all kinds,°of the best quality at. _ TW(IcElt V.IUG.IIT'S. ViT" XX STAR CEMENT.—Just rp relved a car load of nig valuably cement. Isinim Letter. Satl.4aetlon guaranteed. Price 1d 5 .50 I,er barrel. 2 wk: • It. 31. Bargains in TABLF• LINENS NAPKINS. CRASHES, •se., nt J. L. KENT'S MEI ar WANTED AT ()NCE‘`. A goo( girl to do get.ral housework. Ai gu 1 12 rgr The Fall Term of Rnme Academy will commence on ArGUST 1579: Ranms or board 'can be had at rea>onable rates. 4a•• W. 11. 11.1:rtw:c„ Or John :Maddock Sons' celebrated cable-shape seml•porcelalu Crockery at the 99 Cent Store also a fall assortment of Crtc•kery awl Glassware at the low • st prices. tf, tlr The Largest, Best and Cheapest line ar Snes for and Childrens' wear is round at Cots ER'S new More. corner Mali. and Plue-sts., Tracy .k Noble's Block. apr4'7B Vir ColtsEn has the best wearing Shoes for 'Men, Boys and Youths• wear over offered In Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all. tr . TEACHERS' OR Neirtlttal. CLAM.— Commencing a VG I'ST 21. a Teachers* Class e lll be organize.: to the 'Stu:quell:tan:l Institute to eon tine ten werks. For catalogue or rartieulars, addrosi Principal,. at Towittnia. ' . 3w Mr. For flue Millinery, first class Heir Goods, Java canvass. Gold and Silver flitted Card Board, and Children's Sailor Hats, call on Mrs,'M. A. Fletcher, No. 1, Bridge Street. Bleaching and sewing, over a specialty. CASSIMKRES at very low prices to . rlum3 them out, at .1. L. KENT'S, Agent. tf M I " . STERN BROS', of tins NEW - I rtl K STORE, will C LOSE OUT their eatirestoek of MILLINERY GOoDS, .9IAW SACQUES, DoLM ANS, Ladles FANCY and- FURNI-MING oiatals, BELOW COST. • tt WOOL CARDING. When I See those beautiful rolls:: 'tumid and sti a [Olt as 3 plpe-stein, transparent an•daylight It self :l7 The spinster smiles and smiles. as she draws out the shining and silk-like thread. . Irgy. Send In the as-noI le. fore rout weather, as It saves elliellSt• and Insures better work. • . ii juti2ti-3m. C i mpt own,_ Bradford Con ut v..ra Chroni6 Catarrh.—Now is the wfdle the: weather" Is favorable. to treat Catarrh of long standing,. Ely's Ctram Italm reaches old and i rdedluate cases where all other remedies have failed. "Do not fall to procure bottic,erts In It Iles the relief you seek. Sold by druggists at am, per bottle. Mit. T. 11. l'Eunv—llavlng given Ely's - Cream Balm for Catarrh. a trial. I can recommend It to 'all suffering trout that ditlhase. as I have Merited more 'benefit front Its use than all other prepara- Lions -combined. A. if , f N : Y. TEAMINn AN : D DTIANtNO.—G: W Armstrong has provided himself with an erection team and dray. -Carting will be promptly done on the following terms: Full brad from depot, Tart •' P3ekag-s `• Any business man's carting. mgularly, per day form SO cents down. The above has reference it deliveries on Main street• only. Other parts o , town special rate.. Towanda, July 24. lAN. MP" In the whole history of Medicine on preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures: or maintained ,o wide a reputation. is AYER'S CHEIULT Pp:Tonat., which Is recognized s the world's remedy for alt diseases of the throat al I Inns, ' Its lung-routlutied series of wonderful et rLs In all climates has made it universally known \ as as : fe and reliable agont to employ. Against 1,T411113 colds, which are the forerunners of more serlooS d sorters. it acts, speedily and surely, al. waycrelle ing suffering, and often saving life. The protectl4 it affords, by its timely use In the throat and lunKdisorders of children, makes It an invaluable refady te be kept always on hand in every home. No \ person can afford to be without it, and those who rove once used It never will. From their knowledge of Its composition and of fei.t+,• Physicians use the On:nal' PECTIIIAL extensively in their practice, and Clergymen-rec ommend if. It Is absolutely certain In its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures are posst tile. • Vorsale by all dealers. Wyoming Seminary 'and Commercial College:I . o „:: The kfteri to students the folloWing Courses of_ : Common English, - Normal Course, Literatureind Science, .1- Classical k liege Preparatory Course, course in:Music; and Course in Art. Students not desiring to take any one of the Courses of Study may take any studies which they are prepared to enter. ' Prices within the reach of all. .. . „ -• The CoMmercial. College gives instruction in Penmanship, Commercial law, Political Economy, Commercial Arithmetic, Bus mess Correspondence, Telegraphy, and Book-keeping as applied to business of all kinds. The larger part Of the instruction given through actual business transactions. Diligent students graduate in fonriken weeks, The. reduced price of tuition is ex ceedingly low. , Fall. Term opens August ` Commercial stadents address REV. L. L. SPRADIT.,"A, N., and all others Ititv-:-D..COPE LAND, D. D., \ - Kjugstom Luzerne County, Pa: • lw QBERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue . of sundry writs Issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County and to roe directed. I will expose to public sale, at the Conrr Must In Towanda, on Tiltilil+DA Atit:UST srn, 1579, at I.o'clock,.P: th 6 following.deseribed proper , . ty, to wit: No. 1. The following described lot of land situate in Windham town-hip, ',molded as foliows: Be ginning at a stake ou the west side of the public road corner of I'. Maloney's; thence along the hue °Utile same east 114 perches to a pile of stones thence sontli_4s.-s° west 54 perches to a pile of stones; thence north 87 , west:6 3-JO perches to an Irmorcxxl; thence south ' s 6.10 perches to a post and stones: thence west 207 2.1 Q perches to the centre of the public UAW; thence north along the centre of said public road to an angle on the north-- %vest side of the saute : thence by the northwest side oT said road north 42i.s° east 25 perches to an angle In said road; thence by the side of said road north 67!1° cast 41 pet then to the place of begin ning : 'containing SI acres and 80 pert-lies of land . more or less, about.4s acres IMprused, with t new frame house.l frame barn, 1 frame shop and a few fruit trees thereon. Being the same piece of land conveyed by 'A. W. Alger and wife to said Wm. Forstbrook by deed dated March 25, 1875, and re corded in Heed Book No. M. at page 95, he_ • No. 2. A I.St P.—One-other lot situate In Windham toxiiship. bounded as follows: Beginning :It ()wens' northeast corner In the, piddle road ; thence along the east line of the saute and the flue of John south 2's° west litho. dies to a slake and SI. In the line of said Howell: thence along the line of the same and the 4,44114 the, of \lsom Nichols south 57 - ., 11 i;ast 156 perches It. It, nest line of E. rheeney; thence along the line of the stone and A. Ileardman north ,3P.l° cast 103 perches to a slake corner of Mrs. A. Cowls: Orb' by the south line of the same north 871.` , West lot:,-I° perches to an angle In the-pttbile toad : thence alongthe ccutr.- ..f the same north' 80° west 61 perches to the place of begin:du; coutalning 112 acres more or less, about 8n acres impreved, With 1 frame bons , . 1 frame barn and an- orchard of fruit trees thereon. NO. I. A ISO—One other lot situate In Windham township, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake nu the public road southwest corner of Mrs. A. ri - wls' lot: thence by the west line of the same north Lt.'s° West leo 7.-141 perches to a stake .11 the south line of the Quilty lot ; thence by line of the same north b 7 , 411 west 224-10 perches to the centre of the public road; thence a0n.,. , the centre of- :he same south 57°- west 91 perches to the centre of roads: thence along the centre of the mod south 7:4 0 east 57 solo perches to the place of beginning-: ....ntalning 22 acres and sa perches of land more or less, all improved: no buildlngs. Se-zed and taken Into eiectition at the suit of Delphine Shoemaker vs. A. W. Alger. No. 4. A l—,One other lot sltnale in Cantoll tow:v.lllp, borinded..north by land , Of Horace Wel , - •ter, east by lands of :-.11. 7 1414.11 Ltudlec. south by Tno anda Creek, and west by lands of it". E. Cook Ind Mrs. Seymour; 49 acres of land more or ieso. allittiproved. with i frame fraide barns and an Uri-ha/Li uI ft tilt trees there,,,. 'No. 5. A 1 , 1601 me other -lot situate in Canton township, bounded north by lands of 11. 11..-cole, HEE east by lands of Mrs Harnett Benner% hy Mill creek, west by ?Saw Mill ereek: ei ntahilUg fin acres of land more or less. about go acres Imprved. Szeited and taken lit execution at the suit of roil erov Bros. vs. !ilia/mon I.lndley. No. iii . A I,SO-1 Ine ntlu r lot situate In Towsisla Borough, bounded as follow. Beginning on Vic east hue Of Charles sfreet 155 feet from the ..nib west corner of the lot of A. 1): Harding: theme bit. 30' east UM feet to an arey thence south as. lit' east 60-feet; thence westerly parallel with the nue first alnice mentioned 136 . feet tothe Boca Charles street; thence northerly along the cant it, of CharlM4 street no- feet to the place of beginning. fleing the saute lantl.tleeded by at. L. Bartlett anti wife to Wm. Jones. by deed dated Oct. 17th, 1e71,. recorded In Deed Book No. 108 at page 174: all im proved. with 1 framed house, 1 board stable inol few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of The Mutual Minding and Saving Fund Asmelatlint of the Borough of T"- wanits. Penna.. es. Wtn..lones. No. 7. ALSO other lot irate In Towanda t omishlp. bouuded.north by the Ilarelar 11a1, road, land.'of the. Towanda Iron Mannfactut iv. and lands of M. C. Merrill - , lately owned by i;ordon F. Ma•Otl, east by the Sucquelroina south by land. of Miller Fox, Mirhael McMahon. Patrick Considine. Joseph Ode., C. M. Manville. S. W. A lyord, It. E. Whitney. A bitty . Mingo. and Martin ('rosy. and west by lands of II Irani Eox, eem•tol; contalvdtig 30aeresof land more or boo:Sall Improved. with no buildings thereat. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of J. A. Itcrotd..l. Kent and E. 1.. 111111 s, Trustees or itradford Lodge I. I. of 0. F., N... 167, use vs. S. C. Means. No. N. ALSll—ithe other lot sit nate in Canton township ; bounded n7o th by' land 5 of N. W. Me- Clollanoi, east by the' public highway. south by lands of George Meeker and John (I. Nlason. and west by Lints of George F. Manley and D. I. Man ley ; containing 28 acres of land m o re er less, all improved; Selied and taken into exeetlon at the suit of Hubbell Manley's esectitorg vs. Caroline Manley, E=l No. o. Ito' other lot situate In Wysox township, bounded as follows: Beginning at a Cr.o ner in the rehrre of- the nerd running from Fred lwens'lo A.. 1. N 111. , oo the east line of a pl..ce of land tircil liy A.. 1. Nidde and wife to Job Dick ens. running north alto West 10 perches to a cor ner; thence east on a line parallel with k 3 1 ,1 road 8 perches to a - corner; thence e 3 ,4 perches to ascornerin centre or said ro a d theure a westerly-course Mon; the centre of said road , to the place of beginning: containing of an acre or k i nd more or less, somewhat imprtne i,.w lth.a few fruit trees thereon. -So. le. ALSO—One other tot situate. In NVysnx township, bonded as foliows: Beginning at the north. a.! corner of the first mentioned- lot: I lienee running a westerly rourse along the north lines of lot• of the first desert Tied Jon Dickens and. Benja min Dyer to the northwest corner of said Itenja; min Dyer's lot to a runner : thence a northerly course along taunt of Hiram Dyer's 2 roils to a nor. Her ; thmice:k s'esterly re oise along said Ii iTain Dyer's Moth line to sell Dyer's northwea rorlit In line of hnd of J. E. &V. E. •Viiillet theme a nor , berly - eimrse a o west 22 rout> Wong land E. & V. Er Noltet to a.vorner at foot of l e dge of thehre an easterly course and parallel with the first mentioned Hoe *2`, rods to a .otter: them' wrath ra•ki _l rods to a rornor and place of lie ginning; emmainlog about 4 - arrcs and 24 perrhes of ivi-.noire jr less. all improved. with some Ili-o tter ire,. there. n. nun firs: nes? riled 114 was con tra:de:l to Ed. In 1,. Bolls try the afore s aid A.. 1. . . Nonste by a wt fiten contract dated in April. A. U. Inn O, and pant up 1.3 . Laid Eon. ul li.i. The and dt , crilted lot wa% contracted by A. ,f. N,t!ile *ail Etinlii 1.. Rolls and pat.! for 4e hint on the 2411. of December, A. li. 1,70. Both vf demi lined lots Meru co in Ell Lull. Lc A..T. Nobles and wire II , let.d dated Jatill3ry loth, A.ll, 10 E!! [tong; I.y direction of Etly, In 1.. In ['armature of said contract. ••....oizott and takon Into eleciition at the molt of iltlrete. vs. F.O Rolls. • tio. It. ALSO—One other lot of land situate In Granville ton nerd p, bounded twilit by the highwa and land of Kllsha Bailey. east by lands of Ezra Palley and Itentwn Palmer, smith by land of lien. pinilti Simpson 'and highway. and west by land of P. Simpson and Warren Smith emitalnlug abont 100 acres of law! more or less. about so arres Improved, With I frame lionw, I (rape ham. I frame hog pelt and an orchard of fruit trees there- No. 12.. A 'LSI u•• nther lot altnab• In She.lit , (min township, bounded north by lanais of Imiph and Obadiah Gore. east by latills sold by .1. 1.. Cor bin to Wm..l. I/rltn•neb, It, the highway. aiid — by lands of Ames At Watkins. south by lan•t of Gore's estate and Ralph bY Ibe Sia , queliannit river; twlng the land known a, the Davidson will property; containing about 4 acres of tarot won• with 9 frame homes atel I frame barn thereon. 1:1. A List i—i ine other lot stunts In Slieshes tinny township, hounded north liy lands Of F.r:10: t•laxiou atul Walter Frvneh. vast I.y tale highany, fIOIIIII h 9 1:11111r or itatta, Gore, and West I.y !Caney e,tato and lamkof .I.lth Chand er: CI , II%IIIIiTIC 1:00 nen, of intlit more it . ,,ah.ollt IT:i aerini lIIIIIrOreiI. with . Inrge (rano: ham with sheds att:o I ri MM. horse harft o tih Shl'iht ail:wised. t et rn house, and '2. or chards, of hull tyres there•in. 14, A I,s:r_tme olis t lot situate i n ' Shesbe (Mtn township, bounded north by lands of .latnes Newman cast by lauds of Wm. Sheeler, south by lands of Wm. - Crane. aid west. by the Suslinehartna liver; emstainlne 40 arlei.of laud more or less, nearly all Improved, with 1 frame house, 1 frame barn and a few fruit trees thereon. No. 15. ALSO—One other lot situate in Sheshe. quin township. bounded north by lands of A. ,Ding loan and A - . Heir. east by lands of B. Wick - ins, Horace Johnsoivand Adam Kier; south by lands of Joseph Vought, and WeSt, by the highway; contain. Ing ale:M.2On acres of ran more or less, about 1:5 ae reS Improved. with t frame house, 1 horse brrn, 1 large tram. barn, 1 fr no.. wag, mtiouse. otherout buildings and - an orchard of fruit tr. es thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of .101 an Randall's use vs. rally Davulson, attmlnlstratriSof of Davidson, deceased. No. lir. A.I.:S( I—One other lot situate In Canton 'township. 'bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwe:lt enamor of a lot of land conveyed by John Vandyke to .los - eph Lfyultry, now 111 1.10 . et510,1 01 SllOllOll thetice along The west line south about 210 perches to the north branch of To amnia Creek ; thence up said creek in lot easterly 411rection -about :1$ perches to the southeast corner of a lot 'conveyed to said Lindley; thence along the east Hate of said Lindley north about 2 011evetisk, to the ncirtlf line of Warrant No 461: ; thence. along the north tl tie of said wart ant east about 3 r pert - bet, to the place Of beginning ; containing.3o acres of - land (soled measure) more or less. ' Nu.'tt. A LSO--One other lot situate In eattt ! ,n township.' adjoining the former described Jut utt the east)and bounded as tiollows: Beginning at a hemlock Stump oft the north . bank of 'fowanda Creek. being tire southeast corner of the first de scribed lo4thence down sail creek 13 3-10 perches: thence north 240 perches to a post--near "an ash ; thence west 13 3.10 perches to a corner; thence soot!' along the line of the first described I t south to the place il•beginning ; containing 20 acres of land, strict measure. Clittli 15 In No. IS. ALSO 7 .9ne other lot situate In Ca 111.4 nilljo , nfiag the former lot on the' nortt 31.111 hounded as follows: at the north east corner of maid Hort .n land In the warrant line rune tog thence.north 5° east 87 4-10 perches to the south bank of the saw milt brook; thence doworhe south" bank of sold Saw mitt brook, Its several counws and distances to where raid brook eniptius /WETLAND UALL. COMMEIICIAL HALL. ,1./2110 . 8 UA.116. E 4cgar, Segal. . Into:Millereek, near where .lobo')'. Lindley for merly resided : thence along the east bank of said 'creek as it wards and Innis aixtnt 49 perches to said Warrant line-; thence ,south 97-Y2. east along Saud warrant line 90 perches to the place of beginning : -containing about :15 acres and 49 square perches of land More or less. All• the foregoing three pieces of land, being satne deseription,and same pieces as conveyed to party ornie first. part by E. Horton and wife'liv Indenture bearing date. April rm., 16ra. as reeortleil in the offices of Records and Deed; of Bradford county; in lieed Book No. -, page -; about 90 acres of lite above 3 lota Improved, with I frame house. 1 frathe barn with sbeds attached and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and takes into execution, at the suit of roineroy Bros. vs. Ilarrlet A. Itement. . ' No. 19. ALSO -cony other lot situate In Terry •lownshlN bounded'and desetibed as follows : 114:- ginning at the southweitt corner of the Shubel Ibis, man lot on the main road leading trunk Terrytown to Towanda; thence west by the said road 6 perch es to a post: thence north by lands of John. Huron 10 Perches to a post : thence east by leads of John Horton 6 perches tea post on corner: thenre south by lastils.of Shuts.) Itownian , lo perches to the place of beginning; containing '.,.0f an. acre of land more ortess, all imprnveti, with I frame house, 1 frame barn. and few fruit trees thereon. . No. 20. ALSO-One other lot situate In Terry township. bounded and described as follows: Be ginning at the southeast-corner of a lot ti6w owned and 4 e:el:pled by Suiting/Ft C. Strong' -thence . along the Niblic road aoutli 's" west el 4-10 pereties to a cornex adfoliting .latitt owned by 'W idiain Terry: Ilientealong lands sot said Terry south' 09¢°, west. 6 s.lO-p-rehes.tit a eorner ; thence along Jaittls of said , Tezre, - north 13:0", west 4 7-10 perches to lands of Myron Frisby ; thenee along said Frisby and Stiong north 76 , ......, east 6 1.10 perches to the place of torgltildfig ;t.t,llitallitliC !, of au Jere of land more or less, together with the right to mkt , tile fen , ter.out of the trail pipe that la'now laid In trout of an engine building erected on the attofe of:scribed premises to supply an engine whenever there to :I:Melt:id water In-said pipe to supply said engine. all improved, with' 1 framed blacistitith shop. 1 framed wagon shop thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the cult of:d ohn irvine'ss. N. T. Mil ler anil I' Moody. Sec's, No. 21. A I.SOOnt• other lot situate lit Sayre village, Athens tentisoildr.„ bounded north by lands of Ihtwarti,Elmer A Co.. east- by the. publie high way, smith by lands Of David Reeves, west by an alley: being MO feet front on said public highway. and 150 feet tit:cp.:with 1 framed building' two sto rk:a high, used for twositores, and 1 - frame two-sto ry building used for . ) store thereon, and 1 frame barn thereon. NO. 22. ALSO-One other lot - situate in Sayre village. Athens town9dp, bounded north by lands of littwa•tl Einier & 0!.., r 3,4 by the pnime high- WaV, .00llth by lands of William Ellis. IvesC.hy all ad.'s ; being.] CO 'set front and 159 feet deep with 2 frame dwelling !Muses thereon. Seized anal taken ludo exeetitlonat the 'snit of tit-Mills, Roberts A Bud ot s 4. Itowtlish Sr Hunt.. N.. 23, A I.stt-'rue other lot : situate It, Smith Creek towestille . bounged and described as.fodows: at the soutliw4list corner i'l Mar. Anti Faulkner' I.noi, running easterly direerion along her lauds to the highway from Elmira to Trey : thence along the Itlgh w ay .1. tiding to ' the 4•Ounty bridge to the east - line of the Northern it entral Itallwav; thence In a northerly tillectiou ateng sail radroati to thy larOle.Of Da% id lilog - i throve easter \ ll ly along ml,l l< iiig's ' lands to lanai Of .10- ..1,11 Chat,.,:..fl : Illellee Ma along said I :bare tedate about Ito rods. to curlier; t lienee east 515 rode; tll.l4re south 511,44 thencePvtd.t. 11 rods:Menet. !multi 160 rods.along nds of Herman Lewis : thence west . :e.i. rots along lairds of 11. Ward : thenee north !,(1-i rods; [brace west to high. water mark or thuntinics pond: [better northerly altdig said pol! to She' data; I heliee west to the west doe of Northern Central Railroad; thence ram h,:tUilig sold railroad tO the south bank of .cars to•aft!tig from creek to !miming's pond: them, west a trig land deeded toil. F. Dunning to center ..f highway leading to Elmira; Owner south In cm,: ter of hlgis way ;dated 15' rods to D. F. Dunning's. corner; thetieeWest to. till's I', Veimirs corner: thence west Meng lands of ti thee F. Vennir 53 :tuk t: and 4-ill perehes ; titmice north along lands of Um don estate :timid 97 rods ;•Ilietire west along, itorth' Illte of Gorllottaoll Veritur to acorner ; thence north ali tit; Ito• east tine of U. F. Venttir and awl David littlyea to E.Voornees comer:Metier east along said Vtoritees'.l. Ills solithea . et corner: Ettilltioce eolith along the line of .terse Mtsste."s estatte: them, east erly atones:o.l 31oore's land.alsout 97 sods; thou.',, south 37 tints along said Si ;ore's estate :and lands of Mary Ann Faulkner to the•tplatte of beginning; containing 210 a• es of land more or less, about list acres Improved with 1 frame lonise, 1 hog house, :1 frame barns w' 11 tatetis attached: and 'one etch:4l.l of fruit trees lereon. Seized and taken into exe ent ion at the ult of the Union Bank of %Moe:A - 1110 use, vs. D. 1.. Isitruting, and Elea Ihniningt. ' .. No. 21. A 1,!•I .-. 'tie other. lot situate 'ln Armenia township bounded and 'described as f o o o trs; n,. g.niting at a stake and Motors the eiint beast Col twr hereof ~1 rumen of lands of John B. Morgan. his E. Case, and Walker Pierce; thine by lambi of 0 ild .1. It. Morgoi north .7 , ,.., west Itls rods to art fern No (set MIS day by said 1/1. I . Pomeroy 311,1 sail .1. tt: Nforgati and agreed by thelli for a collier) at the road; illellee by the center of the 'matt leading from ts.ylsattia Ilerugh to ('autos, none, 21., ew,d. 52 rods ti. a stake and stone In east boundary line of lands of rem fort Kennedy:thence by lands of a party of the fast part tor:: ss o , east 149 5,10 roils_ to a beech sapling lii Rue -of lands of IWaticer Pierve : thence by said! Pierce to lands south 2 1 ,°, 'west 52_140 rods ni l place of beginning; con taining Its acres of land. lie the saum more or less: . bring purl or lots No. 11:1:rand233 of the !Stinker !ands known as the Min h's lot on. warrant - N to. 995: about-:10-11- rrs, iniprove)j, with 1 frame house, 1 log I se. 1 frame harm add anon:Muir id 'fruit trees thereon. • Selled and taken Into est:cation - Pat the suit of potneroy Brothers Vs. Ranson Bixby. . No, 25, A LSO-Ont, other lid-sit tate In South Creek township, bon:lied north by hinds of W. s„ Pitt, east by the 1.11,114- highway, south by lauds of r. F. Kr,r,ted. weed 9): lapis of .1. 11. tide ; Isllts Mining about .a aerti'all Improved, with 1 store house thereon, with dwelling attached. and 1 f tante barn. ..! , elzo.ll and takett 400 C 14.1.11114,11 at the stilt of N. E. Kingsntod to use Of fiOrefiZU Allen S. George (4 Tark and John E.-Turk. N... 25,91.-ss-uslie miner lot situate in Towanda tewitslitp, bounded awl described as follows: Be g-timing at a 100,1 ill the east side of Maim street, and •outtisve , t ciritcr telt:. I i. Patch : thence along I he done :%,,,I a.lot lately owtteed by .1..1. tttilliths, ~,,it tn ~,...„0, ea,t 3,,0 fret to the west side of Itail romds, reel; thylo.e:tlot.7 the saline SOHO! s,'', east aleutt 1 1 1 feet to a, post.; thence I.y-Lot 411 .1. F. Nfl•WiS wen f If ,';.. Sr.',': 3104 aulo - het to. the , adt •bly it M.lto.stret-t ;Itio:ltee along . the e.ttne nor, II 1 ,, 0 . ..,,, 1 toe feet to the pure of beginning ;„ c ons twilit g Ifs ,tittale rusts more or less. all llllproVt d. 31111,a It, - fruit tree; thereoin Being the Mt deed ed by .lolins Mastuti et us to Elfzabeth Illacitnuti% by tli.e4 dtt•ed February 20, Is7c, and ru33:r.l e ui th l,•.•1 Itoutx•lt:tt 134, itstg.• 112: - St•txed and t.tlicii iiitc, exec-110,03, at the nut or Money it. Taylor v, Lyman Itlackintivi. No 27. Al.S9'.•--(ine other lot situateln Itillgitury tievitship, bounded north by lands of W. 0. Got, zayles. Theodere Tuttle, and E. F. :Hanlon, east by !ands of IL c unttnings, south by lands .of !miner tiates,..w est by: lands of B. L. 51e A !fee and It, L. Colter : containing about_ los acres of land mum or It'SS• ','unlit 741 acres Inittreyed,,with 1 frame house, I frame loartl, and a few fruit trees du teen. Seized anti taken into execution at the 5,111 of Men dam; Bendy vs. Jud. TIMMY. ; . , No. 2.t. AI.St s-t me_othe r rot situate in\ South Creek towitship, - bounded north by the,publiettlgh- W ay, east by Moils of Robert ltay, SOtrtlt by hauls of li. NV. Brink. west by lands'oe.lerre Hapeinan : u,containing So acres or kiwi more Or IY,S, 01 , 45111 4:4 ereitituproved, with 1 fratne house, I frame barn, 'and on.-forge Orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seiz ed and taken into execut ion, at the .01f1 Of'' it, NV, Vomm S's. 1.. F. Hakes. Also :It the Stitt or 51, 'lf. chapel, Trustee. t... F. Hakes. No. 2 4 . A LS'.-ooe either lot situate in Co:unite:4 township, leundett 'north by tallols 'of Banton K..”- - 4, east I)yd:outs of Charles Ballard 'and the toolotte h101,1.3y. .oat It by tarots of Joseph card, w, ::I,e lands of 11. N. Fisli and C. 51:.(Sard ; v0n t,,,1p,..% 00 air., or 1:1N11 Dior, or less; a'tent'So acres impros tot. us 11l I frame liot , r, 2-frame barns. ,and Ith Or..:1;11t1 0 , fruit ins,. thereen. • Selz-s1 and •akett i rxecuttqu at the suit of E. Pomeroy vs. A. M. Card.• . N„.:10, A 1,.50-One °they- lot situate 111 Asylum towed:A..boutoleil and tle•ct Ilea as 'follows:. Re ed:tine at a post In the .garvey of Solthi Benjamin; :hence 4011f11 50., Oast SO perches tit a post ; Omits , sewn it... sycst 75 . perehes Vt . .% post : thence north 50n, 1,-,..: 50 perches to a' heist: then'. 'north 3:1 0 . east 73 perches to theplace of beginning; supposed to contain 35 acres Sr land more of less, all improv. eti, with I frame hduse, I ,frame barn with sh di attached, other outbuildings, mod an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized anti taken Into exe,.n. tion-at the suit of I'. S. Russell, Assignee, vs..l. V. :Benjamin Ile/tree Beni:3:11ln. No, 31. A1.:441-4nm other Rd situate in Wilnltot toitt,ltltt, hounded and tieserits.4 its follows: c,,, 1 : mencing at a post in the corner of lot of .1. (I. Spat 1111,g, fritit'rly, now belonging to .1. P. Shorts: them, along - 1 lute of Said .1. It'. Shari.'; West .154 perelieS to a stump and stones; thence smith :12 perches ll , a.puit Sling .1. 11. Itodgerst land : thence eacrogly 133 perches to centre of State road.: thence by State road 7 perches to tract line; thence aiong John 11. Rodgers' line north 34 percltes'to the pl Pee of beginning : routs Ming 31 acres of land more or less. about 17 - acres improved. with a few fruit trees thereon. Seized :tot token Into execution at the :suit of 514aire and Ross vs. C. W: Ashcraf t. Na other lot - altuate In Smith WayerlY Ilerough, hontsdeil and Ile Willed as fol lows: iteginning in the eenter of Fulton street at Its Interseetlon with the center Of Pitney street: thence along the center °timid Fulton street north 4r, e:irt 3 , ....2 fret to a 'corner: thence 'wrath Sao,' east along line of C. Howard lands' 011 feet to a certir : theatre south 2" 42', east 709 5. r to a cur -1 tter:t wore north 93., west 193 feet along, line of W. M. tthe.witonts land to a corner; thence north 4., 30' east 347 feet tea corner In thecenterof said Pitney street : thence north 92°, ar, west 5,10 fret to the plaer of.l?glnnlng: containing 74-lott acres of land toot , or le s s, all Improyed, with' an orchard of fruit trees 'thereon : excepting arid reserving therefrom a lot In the southwest turner thereof, bounded and described as ft. lows: .11eg:tining at the center of Fitton street, at Its Intersection wttn the center of Pitney street ; thence al mg the cum; ter of Fulton street north 45'. east 1.42 feet to a cor ner; thence south 4:2 0 ; :17', 4 , 31.'220 Met t 6 a corner: thence smith 45', west 152 fe.e.cto the center of Pit ney street . ;' thence along' the renter of Pitney street, north 52., 37' west 220 - feet to the place of belliunlng: rontainlog 76.400 its( an acre of land: Seized and taken Into exectititin at thegstilt of W, I 1 ' ' "- • CENTZNART ELLS. V?OT F-:3T. E. Seaconl's use vs. N. DO. Walker, - Adminisfra •tor or George'!! Walker:, No. 33—ALSO—One other lot Kltuate In Monroe township, bounded north by lands of Samuel Lyon - Itertlasitin. Northrup, Y,ilen Wilciaa, William James: sin) and Nelson Gilbert; east by lands of IL W. Dodge; south by lands:of William and Clarence Kelton, and Mrs. Miller, west If; lands of (1. F. " ?,lasetra estate and Benjamin i3forthrop; contain. • tog 1.00 acres of land more or lens. about 250 acres Improved, with a frame honses.l frame barn,l small hay barn, and sheds attached, I water power saw mill. with all mill fixtures, a frame building.emeted for a steam saw Mill, and I corn board shall. ty,3 ore bards of fruit trees thertotobeing the same -land that was purchased by DAL Mantuan at Sher trs sale, trec. 7., 1077., by gees! recorded lu Sher iff am! Treasurer deed book No. 5, page 02. etc. ' No. 31—ALS9—One other lot situate in Monroe borough, and . ..bounded north by lands Of K. C. Sweet, deceased, east by Towanda creek. 'south by \ lands of J. L. Rockwell, deceased, west by the pub-, lie highway leading from Monroe to Towanda:con taining 50 acres of lard more or leSs, all Improved. with 1 frame house, 2 frame baron, a cooper shop and a small' frame building formerly used as a dwelling-- house, and an orchard of Yrult trees thereon. No. 35—ALSO--One °trier lot altuate In Munroe towbship, bounded north by the (-1d Hanson farm, east by the Berwick Turnotke, south be a lot •of it. N. Newton, west try lauds of Joseph - &-Itilth /ordaining 27 acres of land more - or less., all Im proved; Bald two lots being the same land that was eolireS'ed to h. it. Black Joseph Humet, by - deed anted November 17, is/19, and ,recorded In tlei.ll book No: 95.. page 261, etc. • No. 3d. A LSI I—. toe other lot situate In Monroe borough, bounded and described as follows: lies gi oit,g at a sleigh: shoe in the center of Broad street, is-Ing the north corner hereof and the north. west corner of the nil!! lot ; thence by said mill' lot 111', 0 , west 2'2 1.10 r. stn to a post .thence by laud . ecnveyed toi.yinan Blackman- by .1. 13. M. 1111:: roan, north Emu, west s rods and links to a post: thence by laud of s:S. Mittman. north 10°, east 22 3-10 roils In a past lit cell ter of Broad .tree,; thence' - along (lie center Or sate Street south 60 0 . east rl rods and 20711aks" to the place of beginning : con taining 1 acre and 13 roils"( land more or less, all !morose.% with I frame:to:OP.'. I frame barn and wagon shed,' 1 frame corn house, -and few fruit • tos.s thereon. . ALSO--41neother-lot Situate lu Moiroe boo- ro. lcai'mled.and descrlbed as follows : Beginning - it • a post In the renter of a lade at Its teitnination on tbe lune of 5.0. Hinman, and running; thenec south la' 0 , west 34 11-100 tel to a point: t her, south 5 6 ',' east 13 perches ; thence smith 1-1 0 , east 26 ts perches to a lest: theory uOrth 55 0 , west 23 1- too pm eltesb, the plane of heginittnif cOntMning I •res d :errtn-s tar i.I Or less. The said Lo; two tot. I.elog sate,' Imo! that,s as convey. in 11. B. II jean by .1, s. Blackman.- by deed /hoed Aprl: "'tot re,.,.14,1 if, Deed. Hoot N art, p u.S. and taken into cretin ion at the•sal; of Mary A. ("tool:, late Mary A. McAl- II r,, It. It. Ithicktenn. , -th-e lot situate In North. T", nu- la - tonit•litp. bow, ire awftl,scribed as fnl - Iteemtabg at tr e nor heast.roriter of lards of W. 1::ff jig ll''' . lilt of lands of C. M. Manvllle; e Boo', a!oog th ne of said Mailville north 27 0 , west Ir. 7.1 U I oi /dies to a soak, , and stones for a c-FlTtt-r. : 311', wr.t ens oetrhe4 to a orner in the On • of It a rrli. mw au l,y nt i e ne , - the line of .4011 McCauley' and John' and Thoreced Regan 26°, 26' east 150 perches to the livie,t comet' it said William Barns' lot for a corner : Memo north 02 0 , at, , east ws'p e rches t o th e ' plaer of begin:du,: ; containing 65 acres, strict norouire. of Isar'. a..f on? or 10 acres lialpeneed : nO • Seized and taken into execution at the suit of William :tl.-Morsit vs. I:.lwar.l"Soper. No. a,. A 1.1.4 r—tint- other lot situate In lintlingtoti tow tethip, hounittol north by Sugar Creek and lauds of 1,..M. Mundell, east by land. of F 4 win Slaiter: moth bylools n slut 'II only anti West by Louts of Slit'', reetalnlng. IGO acres of land more.or about OS ImproVett. with I trsmo house; t franc barn with sheds attached, 1 corn .Itouse; a• few fruit trees the - triton. Melted and taken Into execution at the suit of C. M. Manville s W. Bennett auti.N: titunl-I Met n-ttt: - " No. 10, A one_ other lot situate ItnSheshe goLe ' tow nshlp. laatrol,./1 Its follows: Begirt. ' 'ht the center of road leading , f,,an u ln eorliers to Dotiglass Dalrisons. the southeast verner of It, F.. Wutkin's farm: !Owner north 142 rods to a soft maple ;re-- corner thence north KV-, west -II 6-10 rods m . 'n co/ner ; thence smith 7 , . 0 west 166 5-10 rods ton comer in the aforesaid mob: thence a north-easterly course sting sald road to plare'of beginning; eontalning 411 aereo of land more or - less, about :10 acres Improve/1, with one frame, house. 1 frame barn and a few fruit trees thereon. 5,.1//al 'and taken into execution at the, suit of II empli ri:y Bros &Tracy v5.,31. Watkins. No. 4t. ALS/1-141e other lot situate In Terry toss n.1:11% leoindril north I.y lands of Henry Tell, east hylandalif lienryTellssouth lands of 6/.0.11. Welles and A. Lewis, west by lands.' Russel Car rington I containing 75 acres of land more orless, nearly:ill iinproved,wftli I (rata/ honse,i frame barn and two orehards of !milt trees thereon. Seized and taken IWO execntital at the stilt of ?Geo, 11. Welles - vs t l'ldlati'der No. 42. ALSO—One:other lot situate In Wyalus mg tow uslilp. bounded as follows:i Beginning' at. a corner of Geo. Sumner lot pu Church street: , thence 'along the line of said Sumner youth :77..'F , east s perches to a corner otz A. Fee'S-Int ; thence along the tine of sa'd Fee's lot north p , east 50 feet to a corner ; thence north - al , west 0 perches to a corner on Church street: . thence along Church street north. ,5 0 west 50 feet . I to the place of beginning ; contaltang 24 perches of land more or less, lielog 50 feet front on said - (lath street and about tan feet deep, with I large . fiame lonllillng need -for a bank, a dwelling house rind a photograph gallery. and a few fruit treer - thereon. Set.ied and taken Into executbdi at the . snit of .1. K. Newell vs. A. -It. Porter. Also at the snit of it. It. Gaylord ts.A. B. Porter. I , No. -M. A 1.511-4 Inc other lot situate in Towand borough, bounded north and east l"). lands of duo!) F. Mean, smith-by lot contracted to Andrew See bielb nest life Seeimil street, being 40 feet front on said secotidstreet and so feet deep, with o t to frame , , moo-, ttlereon. Seized mid taken into psi-cut:on at the suit of .1.. P. Klrby•s me vs. S. Epla Gilson . No. 45.-Al.seine other lot situate( in Ulster - tom iiship, lionli'leil north I.y Cash i'''reek Road, = east I-V the public highway,-south by lands. of -. Char'. • 11,1i-ottili, and on the west lit` lands of i. .biro Siillivtin : containing - i., ,an acre of land more or le,, all Istpri.ved, with I 'frame lefibling used for 2 'loses and 4 - welling house., I frat to barn and a few troll trees thereon. Seized at taken Into . Nem-it:on at the stilt of the - Athens loribling and 1. , Association. of Athens, Pa., vs..S4i. Lock woe-,l aild Mrs. A.•l.o.•kwood. - , No, ;5. A l.siti—one other lot situate In .Towanda borough, nonieleJ as t01t..1,..5: Beglnnsii* at a cm mr of a I.ine'llii the west side of SI On street, :item! 20 ,feet south of a lot formerly l owned by Ferrin Wells: . theme westerly on a p rallet line with - ! aid Wells lot in the cent, ro f an aiiey, which' alley being half way from Matti street to Second street : thence southerl • y along the centre of .said alley to lot ;old by J. F. Means and wife to Robert . Mclntosh: thence easterly, 'along' said Mclntosh tom to thewest'side of Main street ; theme north erly along said line•of Main street -to the place of -legn:ifing :. lu ing about HO tea front eau said Malu 'greet about lin feet deep W.ftli 2 storVlf rame build ingslam I i-s, story frame Mow. and other our build logs ther e on ; le Mg the same pleve of land deeded by .I. F. Means and wMe to .I. W. Means, by deed dated April I. 1,75. recorded ko deed b o or 125, .p 3,..... 10d. Sic. Sidrfil nod taken lido execution at - the stilt of A, Romer's use 05. John W. Means. No. Pt, A ISt i—,4"M. other lot situate in Athens borough, hounded north by lands of Dan - Donovan, ' east by Susquehanna river street, small GY lands of Athens borough. west by lands Of I. N. Evans and F, Edgarton. ileceasi.d : contatuning 'IS acres of land mice or less - -:-.> brio; 105 fret front and a3S feet deep ; with I frame barn 'and few fruit trees thereon. - . . No. r. A I.Sti—O,:o• other lot situate In Atlitdia •rotigto liontoled Tod:h. I. lands of Mrs. Annlo arise and the - Athens I:4lllding aud.Liran Oa by tall iti of Hannah 1.a1h., south by ylvr street, µ...t by Ehnlra street : containing I land more or le-s. with ‘1 tram. hduse, 1 barn ad a few fruit trees thereon. No. Is. A I.SO-111,0 othdr lot situate 1n Athens borough:luninded north by hinds of N. (-.Barris, Presbyterian Church r ,, iciety and C. W. Clapp. east by : Main street, ;oittli by lands of —.Smith, west by Chemung river:: containing an acre of land more or less, with 1 frame barn, and-sheds thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at - the suit of !aliens Building and Loan Association of AthenS, Pa., vs:J. M. Pike. • No. M.: ALSO—One other let situate in Arntellla township, bounded as follow-s: Beginning at. a hemlock the southeast corner hereof ;Altence west 1.2: the line of lots No. ISO and 185, Itztpeiches to a post, on the as arrant lute ; thence- by the same Moth to:i perches to post: a curlier of Timothy Cases lot; thence by the saute east Si perches to pOSt on a ilhe of Hiram A. Cases let ; Melted by the same south 14 perches and 540 of a perch to a beech ; thence by another Line of said II Irani A. Cases lot, east to perchesi to a birch tree In the swamp on a 'limo( Elliot Cases lot -; thence by the s,tue south SS ptrelies and 5-10 of a perch to the placeof beginning : being lot No. 184 on tile map of Henry Drinkers Sugar •creek lands and part of lands taken up on two warrants of survey number ed reVectively Ole: and it/01„,no Improvements. Seized,and taken into exerutiOn at the butt of E. Pomeroy's use vs. C. It. Wehler Geo. Rogers. No. 56.. A LSO—t the other lot situate In OrWell township, bounded east I.y lands of J. li. Allis sod G. it. Allis. ?Louth by lands of Miran' Dougherty, west by - lands of Rein - K. Adams, if, C. Allis, north by land of .1. W. - Parks: containing between awl v 3 acreof land. 60 to '.65 , acres Ii roved, with 1' frnmei house, I I rams barn. with sheds attaiehed ae follows: I shed Ulan fret, used as a wagon shed, etirn crib below, and for. storing bay ud stalks above, I other shed Man feet, used (or horse stable and for sheltering farm Implements, t other shed lax la feet, nsed for stabling cattle I,eiow, anti fordorins hay, &c, abore.and a portion as an open shed below,-and a orchard of fruit trees thereon. Se'leed and taken Into es - Milton at the ,tilt. of A. 4sonkllu vs. 'll.. S. Allis, 11. n. 5111 es AjLia T:T. PETift J. DEAN...Sheriff. Sheriff's ()Mee, Towanda, Pa., Augur( 5, 9.- guaranteed s t.loatAlkuitt,es _:=~. ,i, iga6