Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 07, 1879, Image 3

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    Wltadforl gtootittr,
• _.
Towandrt, Pa., Thursday, Aug. 7, 1879.
SATURN will be in conjunction with the
ttioon to-day
TUE farmers are psiw busy putting
away,tho oats crop.
Tin , : church edifice 'of the Disciples at
Grover is being repainted.
THERE is conside'rable sickness at pres
ent in our neighboring village of Waverly.
Titit'snlreentractors of the Athens:Nov
elty Works made an assignment last week.
THE Borough building on Park street
is being treated to a tong-needed coat of
QUITE a number of Trojans have gone
to Lake Chautauqua, to be absent a num
ber of days.
Mn. GEORGE KIRIIV, of this place, has
opened an auction and commission stoic
in Athens
issue bf the Mot dity Democrat was dat
ed July 39th.
- Tnov District Conference of the M. E.
Church, meets in this place September
15111," 16th and 17th.
THE Good Temp Tars of this place have
changed their Lodge meeting night from
Wednesday to Friday.
THE work of finishing the interifOr 'o
the Catholic Church in this place is4keing
rapidly pushed forward. • •
- ELNER & Co, have put in a wireiferry
at Sayre for convenience in getting scone
from their own quarries.
15.% A C %11F.1.:, one, of the oldest citizens
of this plane; died suddenly of heart'dis
ease, Saturday night last.
A Iit'MBER of citizens Of Lellaysville,
the Ailvertiser.sayi, contemplate opening
driving park in that place.
SOME long needed repairs to the Wyc
koff pavement . in front of the Ward
House, were made last week.
,}Vr.. learn that bail did considerahle
damage to the crops along the valley of
the Sugar Creek on Sunday last.
A MITE . liociety is soon to be organized
, at (lrover, for the purpose of buying an
organ for the Tv.• church at that place.
A VETS of coal, about six feet in thick
ness, bas been discovered on Beare:Moun
tain, Elkiand toc%usbip, Sullivan County.
A 1 - Ntos religious meeting will .4e
in plums SuEnAno's grove, at Aspirrt
w;ii, Sunday August llth, at two o'clock
r. N.
.1. SPALDING, of Forkstou, Wyoming
County, killed seven rattlesnakes while
whortleberrying near that place one day
Miss FANN DAV ENrowr has purChased
the fine residence and property of F. S.
Er.moTT, about a half mile north of Can
fon, payitig therefor.:sl,soo.
vr.uv pleasant "hop" was given at
the !lien ational llutel on,Friday evening
last. It vas. under the auspices of the.
1". M. C. A. Association.
TurAellaysville _tdrertiser says that'
firs. ihliltlNWrON, of Warren, has
a bed gull!: containing 6,301 pieces,. all
dem: by 116 r own hands.
IN a regent shooting contest' between
the offreßaysville, and the
tAtto of "shooti.sts" of Orwell, the seirc
at the end of the match stood a tie.
_PAINTERS are now• eng,iiged in putting
tljy finishing, touches to a large and hand
some new dwelling, house recently erected
by Ilpn. Gmutc:F. liANDoN, in Herrick.
GENERAL SIIE6IAN, accompanied by.
Isis daughter and a dumber of the mem
bers of his stall, will be in attendance at
tbe . NewtowU Centennial, August 29th.
CAPT.Ai; G. W. KILMER, has jnst com
pleted on:his farm at Ellis Bill, one of the
largest and best arranged barns . in 'the
county.'-Its dimensions are •I1lx(l0 feet.,
Cut nett of the Messiah (Universalist),
I.ev. Wti.LlAst TArlAnt, Pastor. At 101
o'clock A. ;1., subject —" Hammy of the
.Divine Attributes."' No evening service.
T E • tannery at - Grover, <•hich was
"shutdown" in tlni fore part of July,
for the purpow of putting, in a new arch,
will commence opetations ag iii in a few
Tur race between :lolls O. WARD'S
horse ." Latkin," and LE 1. Ktsosityny's
' Lein," at Rutty Park, on Thurs
day afternoon last, was won by the last
named. ,
Tits delightful moonlight evenings of
the past week have been enjoyed by old
and young alike. Such - lovely midsummer
nights as we have had of lath do not come
every year.
ADA 1,1 NE NV AS tntrnN, a former resident
44-Athens, WaS arrested in Illmira last
week, for keeping a disreputabh. house,
and sent to tho Monroe County Prison
for ninety days.
11A1;T, Lite Wield, not unknown
to our courts of justice,' N'as arrested at
Athens on Thursday last for pointing a
pistol at a man, and held in bail for an
appearanci, at lirptinibtn . Court.
T E European ilatel of Major SEELEY
Neill !tom' be adorned with a handsome iron
balcony—east front and north side. It
will add much to the exterior of, that ex
cellent and well-kept house. • ,
THE worthy c4,lrrespolident front this
place in the Towanda Journal, was found
lianiting,,by the neck in the band stand on
Thursday morning. Thus ends hiS
ry - career.— T.e/to ysrille Affrertber.
kmosn the names published of those
.wlni died of yellow fever at Memphis
dutotg the past week, are those of
UMAin,Es, Fanow. and Eva Winnio,
some yeaas ago residents of Elmira.
WE understand that .It)ittc O. W.tun's
home, " Larkin," 1). C. , INVITT's
horse " Toni Moore," and LEM I'CINGS"
1;11:V . S. )101 SC " Lem," have been entered
in the approaching races at Owego, N. Y.
T ladies Dr the Episcopal Church
gave a very enjoyable lawn party in the
& - autiful grounds adjoining the residence
of Mrs. 11. M rxer it, on' Thursday even-
We learn the proceeds netted
Mu. .TANIF.S F N I:EY, who went West
from this placelast, Spring, and- engaged
in the • business of cattle herding, wits
shot and killed by cattle thieves recently.
Fourteen bails, it is said, were fonntlu
his b sly.
Tax hool Board of Asylum advertise
in another column for proposals from
builders for the erection of a school build
ing in that township. Proposals will be
received until Atigust 20th.
THE large store recently occupied by
PowELL & Co., Means Block, is being re
modelled and made into two stores, one •of
which, we understand, will be occupied
by Messrs. GORDON Sr, TAYLOR as a dry
goods store...®
started down the river yesterday (Wed
nesday) morning on a fishing excursion.
They anticipate several days of excellent
sport and recreation.
Do. F: G. Mormow • has moved. re-
built,. and painted his barn, made a new
door-yard fence, and added some other
improvements. He has now one of the
pleasantest situations in Warren..—Le-
Ray/male Advertiser. . -
THE dwelling house of AntJAn MEADEi
in North Towanda, together with all of
its contents, was destroyed by fire on
Wednesday morning of last week. A por
tion of tbo.loss is covered by insurance.
The origin of the fire. is unknown.
Dunixo the prevalence of the severe
storm that visited this - section on Sunday
last, a portion of the roof of IdonEv's
barn, near Rummerfield,. was blown off,
and considerable damage was alsri done to
corn and other crops in that vicinity,
THE Bellefonte Watchman
. saym the
grasshoppers are de!stroying almost every
thing in the shape of vegetatior. In_some .
parts of Centic cmjnty they have eaten
all the grass and corn, and are
. tiow work
ing industriously on thelruit trees.
THE extensive planing mill of• A. S.
TunNE4, Sox & Co., between Baldwin
and State streets, Elmira, was entirely
destroyed by fire
. on Thursday morning
last. Loss abOut 48,000. The lire is
thought to have been purely accidental.
rOlOgiStB prophesy that the remainder of
theASresent summer will be the hottest
knoWn for many years, the heat corn
mening about the middle of August and
continuing until about the middle of Sep
THE Athens Gazette says that the
"strikes of iron workers down in the
State has ititerfered with lirta.To &
31.tunicr., of• that place, in getting their
usual supply of iron. They have a large
amnivit of bridge work on hand for the
Eric nrailroad:"
A YOUNG man by the .name of AitRA - M
MINGOS, was prostrated by a Rt near OM
corner of Second and Poplar streets, du
Tuesday.last. The Dm PRATT were call
ed and administered the proper remedies,
and the young man was able in a brief
time to go to his home.
sides on Holton Hill, \was walking down
Main street in this place, on Friday last,
a rotten plank in the'sidewalk at the cor
ner of Washington street broke benrah
his Weight, causing him a very hard fall,
and injuring one of his legs badly.
IlAwEs Brothers, manufacturers of toys
at Greenwood, and who, ,by, the way, have
the largest and most complete manufac
tory of the kind in the United States, if
not in the world, are daily shipping large
quantities of their goods to all sections of
this' country, and have' recently tilled sev
eral large orders from Europe.
THE Smithfield Graded f..‘cliool- will re
open August 25th. Mr: I. S. CHAwyoun,
the former Principal , and Mrs. P. C.
DArroN have again been secured for the
coming year. We, have not learned as yet
who the other teachers are. A Normal.
Class will be formed and special attention
given to those .preparing for teaching.
THE citizens of our neighboring village
of Troy seem to be filled with a spirit
of improvement and enterprise this sum
mer, and coriseqUently quite a number of.
new, buildings are in course of construc
tion, and old - one being repaired, which,
when completed, will add much to the
already fine appearance of that town.
grITE a severe storm of wind and rain
visited thisrcounty on Sunday last, doing
considerable dama g e to the crops. The
stone was accompanied in Many places
by a heavy of hail. We learn that
-through Ghent a large :Mount, of damage
was done in the destruction of fruit trees,
no less than forty trees being uprooted in
one orchard.
Dn. .11.1AnviN B. WEAvEit, the noted
Spiritualist leader of Waverly, died in that
village on Wediesday morning of last /
week, after a lingering illness. Thos f e
who knew him best, speak of him s a
good citizen, enterprising, Indus rions,
honest, and kindly disposed to e poor
and unfortunate. He was out fifty
years I age.
GII.L CLAIM and Mutt. • GREY started on
a fishing excursion down the Susquehanna
on Tu&day morning last. They expect
to be absent about a week,.and started on
the expedition With a confident expecta
tion of 'being able to catch, behrcen here
and Tunkbannock, abolit. 21,000 black
bass, more or less. Probably 15ts - s.
TnE - Troy correspondent of the Elmira
Adrcrtixer of Auf.mst 2nd, says that ason
of Mr. BEACH, of that place, was severely
bitten on the arm by a dog, which Was
wantonly set upon him by an employe of
VASHOHN, of East Troy. The boy's
arm was terribly laceratedfrom the elbow
to the wrist, making 'an amputation
probable, as a means of saving life.
Church at Bidgbury, Pa.,. will be dedi
cated D. V.; to the worship of Gon, Au
gust 20, 1879. Services to commence at
10. o'clock A. M. There will also be ser
vices at'two o'clock P. M., and- probably
in the evening at eight. Arrangements
will be made for dinner at the Church.
MI are cordially invited to attend.
THE dwelling house of PATRICK KANE,
in Standing Stone, was struck by ligLt
fling on Sunday afteriirkin last, and the
foundathin walls and chimneys were bad
ly shattered. The building was set on fire
by the lightnihg, but by prompt efforts
on the part of Mr. KAKI , : and his neigh
bors, the flames were subdued before they
had done any eoniiderable damage to the
pany to participate in the celebration at
Wellsburg on the 29tb, was organized in
Athens recently, to be known as the
Frahkiln tivards. The following namo
gentlemen were elected officers: Captain,
C. T. Bum; First Lieutenant, L. Aso:4;
'Second Licufenant, HINTON ;
First Sergeant, ions H. llosmxn ; Second
Sergeant, D. C. GRAY ; Third Sergeant,
Grottof: Psnseacs ; Fourth Sergeant,
W. L. WELLs ; Fifth Sergeant, HENRY
CARPENTSII. ; Ist COrrOIRI, Et.v! W imam
2n4,-A. p.m); 3d, 0. D. ROBERTS ; 4th,
AMONG the improvements being made
in that village, in the building of ;Test
deuces, the Athens Gautte makes men
mention of the following : "Among the
better class is a very good d i ikeliing built
by FIUME SAIN on thet, corner of Main
and Willow streets. Also a good house
by P. KELLY, on Elmira street. Mr. Ass:
larrenzt.t. is building a first-class
house on Main street, just south of Dr.
,Conntles residence."
ME Athens Gazette says "the religious
services at (Nano Hilt are well attended,
and considerable interest manifested. The
work of a few zealous Christians at Glen
Valley and the Hill is already productive
of much good, and that it will widen and
deepen should be the hope and prayer of
all who believe that it is a work approved
of Him who said 'go ye out and work in
my vineyard."
CHARLES .A.l4.;nnp4 son of ISAAC ANDRE,
of South Waverly, died very " suddenly
Wednesday morning of last, week, aged
about twenty-two 'years. Ho had been at
work until quite recently on the G. 1. &
8. R. li. , but had been obliged to give up
his job on account of pain in his head and
dizziness. Being out in the yard and
feeling dizzy, ho went into the house and
sat down, and almost immediately ex
pired. . ' •
WIIiLE a number of men were engaged
in raising the frame for a large barn on
the premises of-(IIAs. ScotrroN, at Moun
tain Late, on Saturday last, a scaffold on
Which several of them were standing gave
way, precipitating them to the ground,
injuring all of them more or less, and one
of them (Dbvim.s lIAIGUT), it is thought,
fatally. A full account of the accident is
given in the letter of our correspondent in
another column.
THE I?eAolute, a temperance paper publ .
lisped at Owego, N-. Y.. has suspended
. d
publication for the present, although the_
publisher anticipates commencing it
issue again about the first of September.
It was a good paper, and we regret that
it has not met, with a patronage which it.
deserved. Its • publisher in the last issue
prints some pointed remarks . in 'regard to
professed temperance men, that go to the
mark, and contain' about as much truth
as could be crowded into the amount on
space occupied.
ODD FELLOWS' Exernsum.:---The Odd
Fellows of Elmira, will give un excursion
to Lake Cazenovia, on Thursday next,
August 14th. The proceeds ,of the excur
sion are to be devoted •to furnishing the
new Odd Fellows Temple iti Elmira. The
fare from Elmira to Catenovia andreturn ,
has been fixed at $1.50. Children 75 cents.
AU those in this vicinity, whether Odd
Fellows or not, who desire to take part in
the excursion, are requested to leave' their
names at Scorr's Bakery as early as pos
sible, that excursion rates may be secured
to Elmira.
Tit: Presbyterians of Athens organized
a branch church at An, Saturday, July
21111.. The Gazette says that it under
stands the pev. Mr. McM ASTER will .
preach there every other Sabbath at 2i
o'clock r. v.. The initiatory services
Were attended by a largo number, more.
than the church could accommodate with,
seatsg_The field is a proMising one, a nd
it may not be long before they-•have suffi
cient numerical strength to constitute a
church in all its functions. In the - inean .
time, however, we believe their religious
interests will be cared for by the mother
A PLEASANT SurnisE.The ladies of
the Church of the Messiah, being desirous'
of testifying in some maiii'lpr trick regard
for their pastor and his estimable wife,
during their absence had prepared at
the store of Mr.N. P. Ilicas, two of his
best make of chairs ; one a patent rocker,
the other an easy study chair for the
pastor. These were placed in the rooms
of the recipient at the Ward house, with
a note attached; conveying assurance of
the feelings of the donors, there awaiting
the return 01 the .recipients froni" their.
wedding tour. The 'gift was a complete
surprise to them, and was as gratefully
received and appreciated as it was heartilY
THE Owego IVater-Works Company
have commenced -operations.- Several of
the employes, who will act as Superin
tendents of the different branches of the
water-works, We i already arrived. We
understand that nearly all the work will
be done by contract. On Monday last
IlEsnv SMITH received the contract to
cut the timber and clear off eleven acres of
land, here the reservoir will be located.
The am for the reservoir will be about
ei ity rods above the falls on Barnes'
Next week the Company's -engi
neer will commence surveying the streets
of the village for the purpose of makink;
map and locating the several hydrants.—
Owego Times. •
Tux basket
. pic-nic by the scholars and
friends of the M. E. Sunday School to
Weston Station, on the Barllay Railroad,
on Thurday last, was a very enjoyable of
fair, and participated in by a large num
ber of our people. The day was all that
could be desired, and Superintendent
J rots took especial. charge of the excur
sionists and as a matter of course,. nyth
ing was left undone that could
. add to the
es.jssyment of all. It was the verdict of
all who participated in the pleasures of
the day, that for kindness and Courtesy
Superintendent iron has no superior,
. and for gentlemanly , demeanor" and atten
tion to duty, the employes under: him are
not surpassed.
'A TITTLE boy, abort five yeark of age,
SOD of JAMES CUMMINGS, of Liberty Cor
ners, while playing in a wagon box, near .
his fathers house, on Satu'iday last,. acci
dentally fell Upon t sharp iron attached
to the box, receiving a very dangerous
'wound. Thp iron penetrated into the
flesh on the inner side of the thigh, some*
three inches, perNrating in its courser
the feMoral artery. As soon as.possible
Dr. D:'S. PItATT was called to the aid of
the injured lad, and dressed_ the wound.
Although very weak from the loss of
blood, 'there is every reason to believe
that the little fellow Will recover from
his terrible injury.
NOM was the contractor for doing the
plastering' in the Catholic Church, at this
place, was almost instantly killed by fall
ing froth a scaffolding in that building, '
on Thursday morning last. He was sit- •
tiug on . the ricaffold assisting workmen
who were on the floor beneath, to raise a
barrel of plaster of Paris up on to the
scaffold, by means of a• rope and tackle
block fastened to the rafters of .the build
ing. When the . barrel had been hoisted
about hail the distance to the scaffold,
the rope that held the tackle-block broke,
causing Mr. M.ORAN to loose his balance,
and, he fell forward from •he scaffold to
the thlor .beneath, a distance of about
thirty-seven feet, striking upon his left
shoulder and the.side of his head. Drs.
D. S. and 1). LEONARD PRATT, weretttt
i once called to attend the injured map,
but could reader him no
s help, and ,14
flied within a few minutes after the acci-
dent. An examination of the remain*
showed that the nnfortnnate man's neck
had been dislomited, the left aim above
the elbow and ,at the wrist broken, and
the left.leg, near the thigh, also broken.
Mr. MonAx was about;'4s years of age, a
resident of Binghamton, N. Y., where he
leaves a wife and two' small children) to
mourn his sudden death, His remains
were taken to Binghamton on Thursday
afternoon. . ,
SQUIRREL 131100T11Y6.-4t is reported
,that there are parties in different sections
of the country, shooting squirrels at this
season of the year. There may be some
who are breaking,: the law through igno.
noranee ; but the larger number undoubt.
edly are well aware that they are viola.
ting the game law. For the benefit of
both classes, we publish the law in regard
to shooting squirrels
SEc. 2. No person shall sell, - impose
for Sale, or have ;, in his or her posession,
after the same has been killed, any grey,
blaek or fir squirrel, between the first
day of January and the first day of Sep
tember, under a penalty of five dollars
for each and.every squirrel so killed, ex . -
posed for sale, or bad in possession.
M. COLLINS, three young men of Whit
ney's Point, N. Y., who left that place
some days ago,' by boat, fora pleasure
trip down tba Susquehanna, cast anchor
in Misplace on Wednesday evening of
list week, sold their graft to parties here,
and returned home. • They reported bass
fishing flailing between bore and: their
place of embarkation as extremely poor,
but that beef steak could be beught along
the route at about the same figure 'as in
Towanda and at Whitney's Point. The
boys, although not lucky ~at fishing, were
pleased' with their_ trip, and we were
pleased with them and hope they may
find it convenient to visit us again ere
LAST Tuesday afternoon a terrible dis
charge of "heaven's attillery " shook
our town and woke the echoes of
the hills: It was ascertained that the
heavily charged thiinder clonds bad sent
a bolt earthward in the form of a large
hill of fire which struck a small bass
wood tree, amid a clump of higher trees,
on the steep bank north of E. C. OLIVER
Son's planing mill, shattering the tree.
When the bolt struck, Mrs. WINO, who
was at work it Gus. BrIADLEy's, was , go
ing out through the kitchen with a *el
in her handrwhen she was struck bY a
discharge and one arm and side of ;her
body was paralyzed so as to preterit 'her
doing anything for several days. We
hear of another lady who was 'Severely
. stfoeked-by the discharge, Init not seri
ously injured.—Troy Gazette.
THE people at pig Pond Springfield
township, -says the Troy Gazoe, are still
very much 'undecided am somewhat ex
cited about their "sea serpent," as some
of them facetiously call the mysterious
visitors that frequent the pond. The pond
is a shallow one, half a mile long and less
than a quarter in width, and almost any
day there can be seen what appears to be
a big fish of perhaps the lengths( a man's
body, swimming hero and there, sloe ( ly
turning and gliding through the war.
iimnetimes a dozen or more of these ill
be seen at a time. The question arises,.
what are they ? If they are large fish,
where did they come from, and of what
variety are they? Marry suppose them
to be schools of bullheads swimming in
masses, others think they atelarge cat
fish, and others think that they are the
sea serpent with his -numerous brood.
ESil., went over there'one day last week
and saw the strang l e appearances, but
could not solve The mystery.
—The Rev. THOMAS Tno!As, of Sic:
vensvillc, is seriously ill.. -
-Miss Tuomrsos, o , f . Newark N, J„ is
visiting at JAMES WOOD, Esq.
• KATIE BARED, of this place, is
visiting friendq in Syracuse. N. Y.
—Mrs. Col. A. G. MASON, ofWestPitts7
On, is visiting at Col. G. F. MASON'S.
—Mrs.; GEORGE C. JONES and children,
are visiting friends in Palmyra, N. Y.
—Mrs. JAMss HAMBLIN, of Brooklyn;
N. Y., is visiting relatives in Troy.
BF.N.I.Oirs: PIERCE, of Leßays
, vine, is contined to her bed by illness.
—DAVID GARDNER, of Orcutt Creek,
gave us a pleasant call on Tuesday last.
—Mrs. E. E.-DOA NE, of Canton, is af
t] icted with a painful disease of tho oyes.
—A, .E. Tuniemt.,- of Herrick, is (rite
ill, so much so that lie is unable to leave
his house
• —Lieutenant. N. E. MASON, of the U. S.
Navy,.is visiting friends and relatives in
this place.
—Miss ADELL HOAGLAND, of Leßoy,
is visitingfriends at Lincoln Falls, Sulli
van County.
of Pittsfield, ;llassachusetts, is visiting at
—Mrs. ARTHUR llrFt, of Waterloo,
N. Y., is visiting her brother, Rev. 31.
• , 1
HAMBLIN, of Troy.
• —Miss JF.NNIK BLACK, Of Syracuse, N.
Y., is visiting her uncle, Jolts BLACK,
Esq., in Pike township.
-31 rs. .Tons D. MONTANYE and her
daughter DEXNIE, have returned from
their visit to Cape May. .
—CHARLEY CAMPBELL, fireman on the
Barclay Railroad, is quite ill At, his resi
dence in this place.
TAvi.ort, has gone on a three weeks' visit
to friends in Philadelphia. • •
)r. A. C. BissEt., of Mahanoy
City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. C..
Monsr., in Leßaysville.
—The many friends of Mrs. 0. J.
Cm:BRUCE will regret to learn that she is
-contined to her house by
—.TrSSE HINES, Esq., of Laceyville, vis
ited his daughter, Mrs. CHARLES FORD,
in lertaysA'lle, last week.
—Mrs. P. 11. Bnioos and child, of
Scranton, are visiting MriL B.'s father-in
law, N. B. Brucc,r, Esq., Stevensville.
—The Rev. Dr. BEATIF; a missionary
from Syria, was the guest'of Dr. F. G..
Monnow, of Warren Center, last week.
LIZZIE OWEN, of this place, is
visiting her friend, Miss FANNIE PAYSON,
OR the White Mountains, in Pike town
—Mrs. F. \V. liovEv, of Troy, who
has been Visiting friends in- Owego for
several weeks past, returned b i ome on
Friday last. * •
-Mrs. EASON PEPPERS, who bad been
ill for several months, died at her resi
dence in Canton on Monday afternoon of
last week
place, who has been on a visit to Mends
in Midi and Elmira, returned home ou
Friday last.
—Eninu Cst.nwam. and JEA.. BEEns,!
of Canton, and Fuen. INtmAst, Troy,_
Ine visiting friends at Fox Centre, Sulli
van County.
—Mr. Lou HAAS has accepted a clerk
ship at Towanda, and goes there Monday
to enter upon his duties.—Tunkhannock
Republican. •
MARY DEWEY, of Cedar Rapids,:
Michigan, visited ber sister, Mn. FRANZ
CHABDAI.I, in Pike township, this coun
ty, last week.
Mr:CAgg, Esq., one of tho
leadirig farmers- of liorth Rome? . was
among tic callers at oar office on Tuesday
-111iss 111.attcriann, of Lock Haven,
who has been Igniting friends in ibis place
for several weeks past, returned home on
Saturday last.
CAM= Tyrcusm, of Warren
Cater, Who has been an invalid for some
little time, Is so far convalescent as to be
able to ride out.
Mums, of this place, who has
been'quite seriously ill for several days
past, has so far recovered as to be able to
be out of doors. ,
—H.III. l3Eums, of Troy, has returned
from Rome, N. Y.. where he has been
doctored for cancer, and believes that be
is freed from the terrible affliction.
ED. MAYNARD, Of Athens, are fitting up
a boat in which
, to go on a fishing excur
sion down the Susquehanna to Laceyville.
—Mrs. J. Lewis, who bad her collar
bonebioken and received other injuries
last week, is recovering as rapidly as
could be expected under the eiriunistan-
—Mrs. J. A. Raton% of this place, and
Mrs. JONATUAN TEILAY and son, of Tar
rytown, have gone on a visit to Dr. B. A.
RECOMN at Mayville, Chautauqua county,
N. Y. •
—Mr. THOMAS PRIMAN, of Arnot,
whose wife and two children were drown
ed on the ill-fated "State of Virginia,"
while voyaging toward Scotland, has be
come insane from grief.
—Mrs. Slnsit E. C1.A104 A. 8., a grad
uate of the Elmira Female College, and a
leacher of successful experience, has Veen
employed at the Susquehanna Collegiate
Institute for the ensuing year.
—disk FANNIE E. Bowrow, of South
~Ahis county, who has been'
spending a tew days with friends at the
Fountain liouse, in Tioga Centre, N. Y.,
is visitingfiiends at present in Owego.
• —E. T. Fox, Esq., President of the
Citzens National Bank of this place, and
N.,N. BETTR, Esq., Cashier of the First
National Bank, are attending the meeting
of the Bankers Associatioa at Saratoga,
N. Y.
— . Mrs. E. L. DAVENPORT, assisted by
Miss Brown, Mr. E. W. PRICE, and Mas
ter:l4nm( DAVENPORT, gave a very en
joyable . entertainment at Canton, th e Sen
tinel sap, on Friday evening of week be
fore las . - .
-Hon. MEnctitt, Mrs. MEncurt, Dr.
Jottx D. MEncult, and Master ULIE id ER
cun, have gone on a pleasure trip through
several of the Western States, and will
be absent from home several weeks.
—Mrs. E. L. DAVENPORT, who is at
her residence near Canton, has just learn
ed from Berlin that her daughter'
BLANCHE has signed a ,contract with
STnatioscu, to sing in Paris, London and
America, beginning September sth.
—Mrs. JAMES HARRIS, of this place,
who has beep confined, to her bed for al
most a year past) has so far regained her
health, under Dr. Woonnuttres treatment,
as to he able to walk about the house
without a.ssistance. 4
—Professor J. T., who. has
been spending Fome weeks of his vacation
at Ithaca, returned from that , placo to
New Lisbon, where his family are, on
Friday last. Ile will attend the Teach
ers' Institute at Towanda.—Troy Gazette.
—The Warren correspondent of the•Le-
Raysville ildeertister, Fays that Colonel
DicliNELts, of Owego, N. Y., who is
about to retire from busineis, has taken
up his abode in that place and has been
fitting up his residence in a tasteful man
—Mi. E. T. NOBLE and wife, Mr. Jons
Mont E, Or this Oftibe, and Miss FRANK
Commis, started on Tuesday last, by pri
vate conveyance, across the country to
Lock Haven, where they will visit rela
tives and
. friends for the ensuing two
r Mrs.FAxxts:Daw ES, wife of the Editor
of the Easton Free Press, died very sud
denly at her htime in Easton on Monday
of last week. Mrs. D. was a sister of 11.
J. Itsi,nwts, of Waverly; and well known
to many in this place and' vicinity, who
will regret to hear of her death.
—Rev. J. G. CARNACIIAN, of Meadville,
will visit his numerous friends in Troy a
week from 'next Sunday and occupy the
Presbyterian pulpit, of which he was the
incumbent for many years. As a pulpit
orator and sermonizer he is unsurpassed,
and his comingls anticipated with a great
deal of pleasure.
—The following named teachers have
been employed by the Board of Education
of Athens Borough, to teach the schools
in that village for the coming year': W.
H. BENEntev, A. M., Principal and
Teacher of High' &hoot. Miss EMMA. P.
GAMBLE, Intermediate. Miss M. L. AL
LEN, A Primary. Miss ELLEN W
TON, .B. Primary. Miss CABBIE J.
TI\OA, B. Primary, up town. '
—We learn that Professor H. H. PF.N
DI.ETON and wife, of Philadelphia, are ex
pected to visit 'his sister, Mrs. S. A.
ciwooucK, of Liberty Corners, about the
middle of this month. Professor PENDLE- .
TON and, wife are excellent musicians, and
we 'presume the music-loving people of
that place will not allow such an oppOrtu
nit', to _pass without having a musical
—Mr. JOHN A. &luck . , foreman and
local editor of the Bradford Repytititan,
called at our office on Monday last. We
surmitie Brother SCHICK is attracted bith-
er periodically by a little lump of " load
stone," residing on Gravel Hill. He pro
ceeds upon the principle, too; that "faint
heart never won fair lady," and a little
"bull-dozing" by Tunkhannock roughs
does not discourage him.— Tankkaniaock
Democrat, July JOth.
The regular monthly session of the Connell was
held Monday evening, August 4th, 1579. Members
present—Burgess Dodge to the Chair, and Council
men Alger, Holcomb, Jones, Kingsbury; Keeler;
Montanye and Snell.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and
Communication and statements from citizens
being In order, Messrs. Madill and Wilt address
ed the Councitin favor of opening the alley on the
north of the C. L. Ward homestead, from Third
to Fourth street. 4,1
Mr. Browning called: the attention of the Conn
ell to- his claim for damages front the accident to
hip wife from a fan on defectives deevalk
Mr. Holcomb, front the committee appointed by
th 9 itu,gess,at a n u •eting held May A, 1579, to draft
an ordillallee opening the narrow section of North
Fourth street, submitted the following:
Be ft enarteat by the Burgess and Tutee Coun
cil of the Borough of Towanda. and if is hereby
enacted by the authority eff the same : That Korth
Fourth street be wiatenedl.three feet on Lombard
street, and twenty-tire feet where said, street
strikes the land of Wm. Mix, and through said
Mix land north so that said- street be fifty feet
to width from the south line of Win. Mir, land
and be opened, and is hereby ordained and opened
from slid tonaliard street northerly. according to
the following lines and directions :; tleglontng at a
corner on north side of Lombard curet, /t fret out
of the 101 l I hvast corner of Daniel t le's lot;
thence north 27° west Io' feet to a corner ; thence
north l4' west 635 5-10 feet to a corner on lanai of
Sirs. Huston; thence north :toy* east 256.100 feet
to a corner on North Fourth street, now open':
thence south vast 781 5-10 feet to corner is
north Mate of Lombard street; thence west 3 feet
on north Male of Lombard street to place of begin
The ordliktwe was adapted by the following
iota: : Yea*Alger. Ilaticomb, eeler.SllPii.l)4dge,
liurgess-5; nays—Kingsbury; Moutanye-2. •
Th• Honorable Borges, and C'ounci/ f
Boron of rotunda : The tianltary
to a hoar wan referted thee plaintof nuisance on
bank of ricer below lower depot, would respectfully .
report Its abatement.
1.. I). MONTANYIL, Chairman.
ton motion, the Street Couttotttre war authorised
to repair the - crossing at the foot of Maple street.
On motion of Mr. Holcomb, ft was ordered. that
notice be served on prOparty owneriou the west
aide of Main street, between Bridge street and
Beeler' hotel, to build a sidewalk; awl ilso to
property owners from Washington smut south to
the Baptist Church ob the east Bide of Main street,
to build a new sidewalk.
The titreet Committee was authorized to put
down a sidewalk on the corner of York and Locust
Avenues, and sepal'. the culvert near Mr. law
ning'sproperty on Mainatreet in the Third Ward;
the walks to be built under the supervision of the
Street Committee. . '
Wardquestion of opening the alley north of the
Ward property was nest considered, and the fol
lowing petition read
We, the undo citizens of the Second
Ward,. hereby to that the .public alley on the
north of the .L. Ward homestead , passing from
Third to Fourth street. has been opened, and that
we know the same to have been traveled by the
public during a portion of the years 1876 and 1577,
and said alley has since been obstructed, and that
they ask that the said alley be opened by the
Town Council. • James J. Kavanagh,
- • H. J. Madill. •
. C. If. Manville, .
• H. L. Lamoreux, ,
J. Andrew Wilt,
J. L. Keir.
Towanda, Angust.4, 1876. -
On motion, the prayer of the petitioners was
On motion of Mr. Holcomb the Council. voted to
apprOpriate five dollars for the purpose of removing
sprouts and grubbing out the stumps from the cem
etery, provided citizens and lot owners subscribe
and pay twenty dollars additional. the work to be
done under the supervision and approvalof Dr. L.
D. Montanye
Ity Counctlrimn MOntanye
Resolved, That the Chief of Police be directed
to prevent the deposit of garbage sod other offen
sive matter along the river bans, within the bor
ough limits, add that the owners of the rawer ter
minating near the river, at the foot of Park street,
be nodded to extend the same to low water mark.
11* labor on streets fu Ist and 2d Wards',.. 120.46
66, 6• 0 • ad Wird,. 16.00
Police duty.
" Yire Department.
" Station [louse.--
" pas,
" 'Mlacellaneoun,
TO the Honorable Burgess and Town Cauual of
roscumfa Borough :
The undersigned, Police Justice of Towanda
Ibirough. begs leave to submit the folk:wing report
of cases heard and disposed of for the months of
June and July, ending August 4th, 1070:
June 17.—Jack Vonalioue— by officer Burns.
Charged with being drunk and disorderly on the
streets. Piped 43. Justices' mitt,. 70 ate.; Consta
ble. 11. Defendant committed.
July 111.—Mike Blake—by officer Burns. Charged
with being drunk and disorderly. Fined .3. Jus
tice,lo cos. COMM., el. Fine and costa paid to
July 17.—Mike ittake—by officer Burns. Charged
with being drunk and disorderly. Fined 110. Jus
tice. 70 ets. Constable, el. Fine and costa secured.
July 72.—James ilarris—by officer Burns: Charg
ed with being * drunk and disorderly. Fined el.
Just fee; 70 eta. Constable, }l. Fine and costs paid:
July Ml—Wesley Fool—by officer Burns. Chart.
ed with being drunk and disorderly. Fined flu.
Justice, 80 eta. Constable, et. Defendant. com
mitted In default of payment.
July 31.—W. C. Willis—by officer Dorm Charg
ed with being drunk and disorderly. Defendant
discharged. Justice, 70' cts. Constable, 41.
August I.—W. C. Willis—by officer Montt.
Charged with being drunk 'and ellsorderly. Fined
*3. Justice, 70 coe. Constable, el. Fine and costs
Aug. It —ltem !(ayes—by officer Burns. Charg
ed with fighting on the streets. Fined 47. Justice,
80 eta. Constable, V. Fine 'and costs paid to
Aug. 4.—Chas. 11. Phinney—by officer Burns.
Charged with lighting on t h e streets. Fined 4.1.
Justice, WI ctn. Constable, el. Fine and costs
paid to oMcer Bums,
Respectfully subtuitted
Aug. 4. 1579 ,
Mr. Blake asked to have the last fine of Oa re
mitted. he having paid .the flirt one.
Qn motiott.'the rptehtion of remitting the fine
was postpone , ' to the next meeting. .
Adjourned. • J. KtaGSlll.7itY, SeCy.
—Everybody should read the XX Cot
advertisement in to4llty's paper. Its use
fulness, cheapness, (only $2.00 for a per
fect bed), lightness (12 pounds), and por
tability, commends it to every one, and
accounts for the extraordinary largo de
mand for them, Every Cot is guaran
teed to give perfect satisfaction, or the
money will be cheerfully refunded.
Local Corrempondence.
—Friday evening, August Ist, closed the
second week of this Imititute. The time
has passed to the pleasure and profit of
all concerned. Professor EMERSON and
his very able corps of assistants are giv
ing entire satisfaction . The fact has long
been established, that this popular aid
justly celebrated composer has few superi
ors, if indeed peers, in conducting choi;us
es, and in the art of voice training. Prof.
ANDREWS, of Ohio, has shown himself to
be a thorough, yet pleasant instructor, in
the science of harmony and rudimental
music. Professor SOUTI!WAID stands at
the head of his profession as a pianist, both
in teaching and execution.
The first of the series of concerts took
place on the evening named, and was
highly entertaining, each item of which,
deserving of particular and favorable
comment. The prpgyainlne Was as folj
Chorus (Venite)—`:4th: Come let us Sing unto
the Lord
solo—" The MO A kat lan Mountal US ...... E. F
Profem..r E. Southworlli, Srianton
4. Encorr—"Qctasr Study.," . Kulak
5. Solo —"I Ward a Voice." Miss Anna Ack
ley, Pittston.
6. quartette. iMale)—`• My Lady 51eep5........
IMessrs. S. F. Ackley, LC. C. Reynolds, J.
7. Duett—"ln a Man au• Better, ete.?":.:.3lessra
George 1 , Buck and Dann
a. Soto—•• W hat hoes the homes tay ?
9. Chorus—.` Days of Youth."
Rectal, (Piano) • Professor Snuthwort h.
Solo—•• Bonnie Sweet Bessie. - - Miss Leona
3. "1 am Very Fond 01 3 Social Song. — .....Mears.
Ackley, Blocher, Reynold:, ano Smeller.
4. Solo with Coke at r mermen% Meltatette)—
" My Cottage klome."....ltlas Multi Ackley.
5. (Amur (Sallers)- - We Rock Away on the BR-
lows 64,y.'•
The second concert will take place . Fri
dat evening, Angola. RI).
This delightful siOnmer resort is in the
centre of the farming district of Burling
ton, and is a sheet of water nearly two
Miles in circumference, situated on the
summit of the highest hill in the town - - .
ship. It is entirely fed by springs, having
no visible inlet, but an outlet of consider
able size.' Two of the•proprietors, Messrs.
STEVENS and LENNOX, have fitted up their
parts of the grounds for picnic purposes—
the former with swings, tab!es, speaker's
- stand, shelter and seats for the people,
&c., and the latter has erected a dancing
house with an adjoining refreshment more.,
A numar of pleasure boats are provided,
and, all in all, no better :,lace fur a day's
enjoymmit found.
Mrs. AWE LUTHER 14NEs taught the
summer school at this place, closing Says
nrday, August 2nd.'- Mr. LENNox kindly
gave the boats,. -grounds, etc., for the use
of the school .on that day. Before the
close of the forenoon session, which was
held in the school house, Mrs. lIANEs
gave a short, well-worded address, thank
ings her pupils for their studious; respect-,
ful tearing during the term, and urged;
them to ever deport themselves in such a
Manner that a retrospect of any part of
their lives might; give more pleasure than
pain. Then came the presents tai all; and
the prize for 1 est spelling to Miss LIZZIE .
ALLEN, aged 12: At noon all adjourned
to the lake, where the ample'size of the
dancing house afforded seating accommo
dations for over one hundred visitors.
The closing exercises, which consisted of
songs, dialogues viid_ recitations, reflected
greit credit upon the teacher, and smiles
of satisfaction illuminated, the faces of
the parpnts, l for all the children took part
and all:did well. There were no hesita
tions nor failures 'throughout the pro
itramme. After this came just such a col
lation as pleased patents know how to get
up. A n.ovement is on font to secure the
I services of Mrs. 11. for a term of select
school this fail.
On the saiue afternoon; Mr; Citant.r.s
Scorratt raised a barn flt:xso feet. While
putting up the pnrline plate eight or ten
men rushed to one place on the FcallAd,
which under such a stublen strain gave
Way, precipitating Messrs. DOVILLA
SON and liti.Ev A m.r.t4 to t he. cellar, a dis-
-tance of some 23 feet. Mr. Gomm: Sgt.-
LECK caught by his feet and swung him
self gown Mr. Gr.onor, 4i÷EN by mn
Wyoming Seminary and Commercial College !
! • i . . .
.. . _ . ...,. _ . .
The Seminary offers to students the following Courses of! . Studi.: Common English, Normal Cour:se, Literature and Science,
lassical Course, College Preparatory Course, Course in Music, and Course in Art. • Students - not desiring to take any one of the
Courses of Study may take any studies which they are!prepared to enter; Prices within the reach of all. -r - - . .
The Commercial College gives instruction in Penmanship,'Commercial Law, Political Economy, Commercial Arithmetic, Bus
iness Correspendenee, Telegraphy, and Bonk -keeping as applied to husineT of all kinds. The larger Fart of the instriiction - Is- 1
given through actual business transactionS. Diligent students graditate in fourteen. weeks. The reduced price of tuition is - ex
ceedingly low.
U. 88.00
.. .7.9.05
• • • 4.40
... 1,40
Fall Term opens August 27th. Commercial studet!ts address Rev. L. L: SpHAGUE, - and all others Rev, Di-COPE
LAND, D. D., Kingston, Luzerne County, Pa.•• -
bind, thus- skiing himself.; Mr. ;TAMES
FROMAN sprang for one of the poits and
slid' down, tearing his hands and arm in a
painful manner. Mr. liAlottT, it is feared,
is fatally injured internally.- Mr. Tuosti
sox has a broken ankle, but is not other
wise seriously hurt. The others are doing
Mountain take, Aug. 4, 1879
Fellow teachers of Bradford county, are you pre
paring for the Teachers' Institute M Ise held at
Towanda, August It to .T.:41 . Certainty you are;
why do I ask ; and yet In consideration of the very:
low-salary which many of us receive at the present
time, I fear some may think they-can't afford to
go. But let me tell you In alt candor. I believe we
can't afford to stay away and lose the golden har
vest which those will reap aho do attend: and I
.think there are many who will agree with 'me,.
especially those who were at Towanda during the
two weeks drill last summer.
It was so well ..conducted so thorongh. In
all' that would Instruct and Interest 30' and
all who came far that purpose. Perhaps tittle were
some who came for mere pastime. or for the sake
of haring It said they had attended. who were pot
much benefited. and in Justice to our worthy
Superintendent. I a ill say that If any went away
dissatisfied, It was no fault of his. Thu earnest
ness With which he entertal Into all his work will
not fall to bring success. and
. til,lSe who balk with
Impartial pr unprejudiced eyes. can not fall to
Police Justice
p have been in the teachers ranks for more than
twenty years, and but few of those years have
passed thatl have not had the privilege: ofattend
ing en Itt•tltute, either in this, or Mime other
county. and It has never !wen my pleasureloat tend
a more successful one than the one last Angld,
although I bare Peen present at some very:excel
lent ones.
If I can feel that I have In a measure !teen
successful as a teacher, I also feel that In a great'
measumit Is ov,lng to my attending Institutes.
Many a time I have gone after a toilsome summers
labor feeling dissatisfied with myself, and almost
determined tomtit Mot lield of labor. I knew I'
was not doing all that should or ought to be done
In the'sc , tool room. I felt unworthy to take under
my charge the training of the immortal mind.
lint after associating for a week with those who
were far superior to me in our profession. getting
some new fund Tor thought; grasping at some new
ideas that were advanced by those wiser ones;
catching eagerly at every new method which I felt
conld adopt, I would return with an eagerness to
reenter the sehool-room. that I might put in prac
tice what was then fresh to my mush ; anti I hare
never been the loser. but always the gainer, by
meeting with' teachers and educational workers at
the Institute.
As I said at first, our wages are. ImV, but lefuis
fit oursilvea for higher. hoping for better times in
the future. and.remember tharthe more it , know,
the better prepared are we to impart knowledge to
others. and though we way spend a goisi portion
of a Months wages next Month at Towanda, let us
belleVe It will be time and money welt 4peut. .
All of our reward does not come through.the
Treasury. but n higher reward may be ours—that
of an approving conscience ; and perhaps we :ball
finally hear the welcome word* '•\Fell
and will not that pay .us fur all our toll and p,r
plexitles here
• "Then let Its not be weary in well doing, for iii
due season we shall reap if 'we faint not:'
gay' BIRD CAGES at the 99et store
Clif Call at J. L. Kent's, Agent, and look I
arthose SHETLAND SHAW LS, very cheap. : t[ .
riff- Large stuck of LADIES TIES
Sr., at tt
Or Try our New Jap. Tea. Best iri
DREss GOODS, at .1. L. KEN 1"3, Agent. tt
Eleg:int stock of new CIIROMOS
and OIL PAINTINGS at the 09c, store.
M" - Our goods are new and of the best
quality. DECKER
TtFl?,, Choice TEAS and . C(IFFEE a
specialty at DECKER & Ytit74;ltT'S.
ur Cash paid for Produce at •
itpoy-tt ”EcKER & voui:iirs.
tgr Fruit Jars, Rubbers and Jelly
Tumblers, at the 99et store.
Miss Ms
rffr Provisions of all kinds, of the best
quality at .DECKEIt
ceived :1 Car load or this valuaide cement. N o n,
better. 'Satisfaction guaranteed. Price tki.: ! o per
barrel. 21cli. . R. M,
Or Bargains in TABLE LINFNS,
A Gaut:
Or The Fall Term of 'Home Academy
will commence on AUGUST 25th, 1679. Itooins or
board can be had at reasonable rates. 4' •
W. H. llitc)%%.N. Principal.
rfr Jahn Maddock Sons' celebrated
sable-shape 5c:111-porcelain Crockery at the 99 Cent
Store ; also a fall assortment of Crockery Anil
Glassware at the lowest prices. tr.
air The Largest, Best and Cheapest
Hue or Shes for Ladles', Misses' and Chlldrens'
wear is fourid at COI:SEWS new store, corner Malt!'
and Plne-sts.„ Tracy k Noble's Block. - aper7B
ColiBElt has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever offered
Towatida,.and . at prices within the reach of all.
Cointnerolng, A UST !Vs. a Teachers' Class will
be organized In the Susquehanna I iistitiite to con
tinue ten weeks. For catalogue or particulars,
address Principal, at:Towanda. • aw
For line Millinery, first class Mir
Good+, Java Canvas,. Gold and Sliver tinted Card
Board, and Chlldren'A Sailor Hatt,' call on. Mrs. M.
A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Street. Bleaclithg.and
sewing over a !(perlalty.
. CASSIMERES at, very low - prices
to eiose them out, at .1. 1— KENT'S, Agent. ft
W L. B. 11onnEns challenges conipe- .
Winn for quality of good:. and low prire,s on Sash,
Doors, Ittlod, and 3101.1 in;., s, and a` building ma
terial. fauga-tfl
$" STERN BROS', of the NEW
YOILKSTORE, wilt CLOSE OUT their entliestock
lioodg, BELOW COST.
Whew! bee those I.•autifal Hound and
stralght'aiia - „plpe-stem, trampan•nt a; daylight
!rl The !Zplnster tqnlles and stutics, she
draws out'the Shining and sllk-Ilke,threa.J.
Send in the with ht,fore cold weather, as iL
saves expense and Insures better .work.
Dr- Nothing short of unmistakable
benefits conferred Open tensor thou... r inds of suffer
er; could originate and maintain the reputation
which AVPR'S, SAItCAPARILLA enJort. It is a
compound of the best vegetal le alb:l:elves, with
lodides of r01.04.1....3 and Iron. tool is the jgp,t
effect - 11a: of all reinedies for scrofulous, mercurial..
nr blood disorders. C 111 (..11Illy 5114,141140 and I:er
tain in It . ren.c.ll3l effects, It products rapid l itiot
complete cares of Scrofula, Sores, Ito): Is, iluntors.
Pimpleii, Eruptions. Skin DiscaseS, "mid all disor
der.: artidt.7, f tom impittlf? or !doled, IV Its
invigoratinf; elf.,t, it alwAvs relletp. and often
cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and
Irregularities, and is a potent r e newer of vitality.
For purifying the blood it 6ax no ;vial. It t o ms
up the system., restores awl preserves the health.
and-Imparts vigor and energy. For forty ; years It
-has been in .extensive use. and the most
Vailahte ,toeillelne for the suffering sick, every
Where. For Vain by alftleaten.,
~`~- -
SWIITL&ND lIALL. COMItn,rIAL UAW.. tr.N;ON 11434..
Anitst; sth, ibl)
H. H. I Nl:ii.taL
Juultr:ttn. Caniptown, rail ford &minty, Pa
CZ - Chronic Catarrh.—Now is the
time. while the weather is favorable, to treat
Catarrh of lobs standing. Ely's Cleam Dalin
reaches opt and obstinate cases where all„other
remedies have
_falleul: Do' not fatl to procure a
bottle. as In it lies the .relief you seek. Sold by
druggists at 50C per tattle.
'Mit. T. It. rkituv—ilavit4 given Ely's Cream
Balm for Catarrh, a trial. 'r can: recommend It to
all-suffering . from that disease, as I have derived
more benefit'from its use than ill. other -prepare.
lions combined. A. STRADY.Ii, Elmira, N . •
Armstrong Ifas provided himself witlmm excellent
team an d dray. Carting will be 010111141 y clone on
the following lettriS:
Full lout fromdeFibt,
Any business !tales carting. regnlarly. per day,
eprm 50 cents down. The above has reference to
(Irliveries on Main street only. Other parts of
town spkiclaLrates.
%Towsula, July 24. 1879. • - '
General dealers In Groceries and produce, rattiink
Illoek;corner Main and Bridge Streets. •
.. ,
.Floor per bbl ..... 5 254 425 . 5 75@ 700
Floor per sack 1 1544 1 50• i 1 ,100 I 1..0
Corn Meal per 100 11. s ..• I ma . t I ive 1 - 20
chop - Feed • - O
.1 oto. - 1 IC 120
Wheat,-per 1.4511.. ..... ' 95(0 105 10( 110
Corn 045 . 5i";•(. 55
Rye 450.45 mio • 55
Oats 3:Kiti 37'
Buckwheat_ . = 40E0. @l. - sb .
Clover seed , - . 4SD 500
. _
Thnotby. western
Rearm 6! ILn,
llresked hogs 406 ..
Hams . - - - 1? 1 . 2 , 1
Shoulder' , •
Lard - 5
7a -,.-... ..; -ima -
inol - r.c , . Piz - - 14
Butter, tulis
lton.; lora 1,1.2 ~- 1t63. 12
F:gg, fresh.:... • lieu i 1.... ;
l'ot at. ot:.s, par bushel....; 3a oi i3l ~ `4 ra . .50
c•)It!tECTED By DAYTON & nit'a
Mies .......
Veal akin•
Deacon. •
:Sheep Prlts..
Mew ithvertiscmcnts.
4,7, 1 (1100L HOUSE LETTING.-
The Seeretary of the Aqinin School Roar 4
ti lii receive :waled proposals until the 20th la) of
A ognst„ 15711. at 3 o'clock, r. st.., for . the buthilog
o r a Ohio l house in Asylum tow it.hlp. Bradford
county, Pa, The- Directors reserve the right to
reject any and all 'bids. Plans and spesincatlonc
ran be seen at Myron Frisby's. In said township.
Ily order of the Suffoorlioar.l. -
MYTI - 01'.; FRISBY,
• . • . Secretary of School Board,
Asylum, Pa., Al•ust 4, Isln.
. •
Meals . at all hours. Terms to suit the nines. Large
stable attacho.. . .. ..
, W.M. II TIN HY, Pneion;tron.
'Towanda, Juts' 3, ":9-tf.
; la,I a , , A.m. soiswww4asti2Z3,l7wwi • : a... I t .
:a Witaitia. 4; ataat MA; Nka cm B. st: = - 4; 6
. _ . .. -
' I l
1 3 0 . , _._- : Is
IR: "7'z,A7'_.t.N•"'N; - ni
v. COT,-PRICE.inot pointed. white
$0 00 31alccai, pc tract bett—tio mattress or tillior s
,)40— required—better than a hammock, mit fits
the body as pleosatitlY. and lays Rtreright. Folded
°rot...lied instantly. selbfastebing ; Jost t h e thing
for hotels, °elves, cottages, eatiija meetings., sporti—
melt. etc. Good fur the lawn. piazza. or ~ the cool
est place in pie' house.' Splendid for Invallth.
Send. for rinenlars. Sent on reeettit of price, -or
C.. 1. I. For 50 Cita. extra, with outer, 1 will
prepay exprio,age to ate ' tdatliin tin line of IL It.
east o f Mississippi, and north . of Mason At
Pixon line. Fur fti ctn. In Minn., Mu., and lows.
II F.UMI tN '.V. I. a Mt, 10 , 4 Fulton St.. Boston ; 207
('anal St.. New York; 1e.5 North Second Stmttt,
Philadelphia. ant'.
" •
Vtristrci - X-Xcai - se
Shavirig riszlor
fhP7We study to please.
11E. V. STET/6F, Prop'r
Towanda. Pa.:.- I .oly 15, 1579.
Agricultural Machinery
The subscriber Is prepamil Jo furnish tile Wes
and ?Oat padelitheo for Mt, farmer at Mk I , ,te,if
This is the hest and bf all lir. (Janet
plows, and Is ailapk , -il to all kinds of boll and work
With larg truck wheels and
Imprtivements. I
This Is an exc6lleut power and has no• superior
among double.giared rimers.
TilliFSlfEltS AN
Attention is val!ed to Wheeler St 3lelicies New
Unproved Undershot Thresher,, ono of which will
be on ethlb Lima after July '2Ut h.
Soceral ether kinds of Threshing 3f:whines for
sat.% among which, are (Fray's Ste.! Rad P. 11 1 .•
find Threrh. ra "Iv/ el. and Pferle,ar
lioahlraita, P.,a Pee 1' (t so Threxht rat
aad CI!
This ir.opt complete Grabltrlll In tple
I am - prepared to supply anything 16 the line o
Farm Wawins. Half Skeleton. opint and Top ling
glee and Can't:wry, Ter!, rlaeor, Cortland, Hall
and Empire Wagons and Cart Mges. Empire ale
.1 a< 10.0 n.. rape Wagon!. ete.
.Itist received n carload of FAyetteville .
Cement, the beat and elteapebt In the :nark
iatisfaction guaranteed.
For House and other painting. Heady for the
brush. f heap and good: Reiter than yen buy fu
Ito u or.thutry-Way.
SEND - 1 , 0,R 411:111.AR4 AND PRICES
ofrie, , in the IV) Cent Store. Warehouse' In rear
orsaine and Fitt National' and on alley
runniog , from Poplar to Pine street.
,Towaffila, la , auly
300 r,y - trilnl,4;:.,u';,Tl. l ?ztaJa 3 ;
tt. not required c will start you. Men, women
boys and girls make ninny) faster at work for us
than at anything. else. stilt, work is ligtri
pleasant. and such as anyone i'ati go rightat. pore:
who are wise who see .his notice will send us their
Addresses At one., and lieu for th o o o k.t,s„
and le:i 'hn.s is M. limC. Thllllll
already at wok at. 111 log up lArro• sums ut utuuey.
Address Tln: & 4:11 , Augusta, Maine.'
~~ ~;
=';P ;V:d1,77
Ed. E. Loomis for the benefit of his eeeditres.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Coup,
ty. No. 1197, February Term, 1F78: -
Notice 'ls' hereby given. that application
made to said Court on the 7th day of July, A. B.
1579. by F. W. nosey, Assignee of Ed. E Loomis
to be discharged as Assignee of said estate. The
said Court ordered andkll meted that notice be giv
en of Use same by joibiteation In the Bnaierono
Itn - roitTr.n. and Northern Tier Gazette, for the
space of four weeks, that raid application will , be
ward on Monday, September Ist. 1879, at '2.'n'elOelt
E. B. PA Iti4ENS.
i rllla Morley, a lunatic. In the Courfof Com
mon Plea,of Bradford county, No, 697, February
Term, 1877.
The final account of 11. B. Morgan, committee of
the pereon and estate of Audits Morky r a lunatic,
has been fit6d in this office and - will be presented
to the Court of Common Pleas for Confirmation on
Application will also be made for the discharge of
said committee. G. W. BLACKMAN..
Towanda; July 90, Prothonotary.
IS "
10 '•
of the lit. Bey'. William O'Hara, Bishop of
Scranton, to mortgage lands in- the Borough of
South Waverly. In the Court of Common Pleas of .
Bradford County; No. 560, September Term, .18:0;
Notice Is hereby given that application was made
to said Court on the.7th"day of July, A. 1). 1870-, by
the Itt. Bev. William OTllara. Bishop "of Scram.-
ton, to decree a mortgage upon lauds in the Bor
ough of South Waverly: which he 'holds in trust for
the Catholics of South Waverly, to raise the sum
of five hundred - dollars. "The said Court ordered.
and directed [hit notice be given of the sante by.
publication in- the , 113uAnvoun lizronTEu and
Athens CFavtte, for the space_of four weeks, that
said application will be heard on Monday, .
ber Ist, Ip:9, at 2 o'clock r. m - . •
Towand July 10, 187e--tw. Solicitor.
Orphans' Court of Bradford County. In the
matter of the estate of George Fox, late of Wysox
Towliship. deceased :
The undersigned, an Auditor duly appointed to
distribute tiie. fund in the hands of Orson Rickey.
Etreentor. raised from the sale of decedent's real
estate, will attend to the ditties of his appointment
at the office of overton & Sanderson, in Towanda
itoriinnh, .on SATURDAY. the 231 day of AU
GI:ST, A. D. 1579, at 10 o'clock - A. N.
• (a 2 00
1 00(21 150 • 1. 2..514, 2 .SI)
AtmTows NOTICE.,-In the
orphan,. Crier! of Bradford County. In ro -
the cstate of It Iluzziphrey, late of 'Warren
Township. deceased : - •
The enders gncd, alt Auditor appointed:by said
Citurt t., illstr.bute money in the hands of 4oseph
F , Wheaton, Executor of said estate. as shown—pr
brg final account slung the porsoiis legally entitled , '
thereto. will attend to the duties of his appOlut
to,.lit fit the.,Rice.,! ; Peek tk itserton, In Toisantta4
1101 ougli. id) 3141 N DAY, the 27tth day of A17111.75T„
A. It. 1579. at I o'clock st:, *hen and where all,
11.41,..11$ interested. are requested to attend and pre—
en! their claims for allowance, or be forever del
,arrc4l frthe any share In the same..
• Auditor.
signment S. M. Wooster Ca.iySmith-for •
the benefit of.credltors. ln..the-Court of Common
12'leas of Brad boll county. No. 373. Feb. Term, 1879.
Notice is hereby . glien that the partial account
of Cady Spilt!). assignee of S. M. Wooster. has been
tiled in this office and will be presented to the
Court of 1:0111111011 Pleas on TMUItSDAV. SEP-
T 4, 1579, for confirmation.: Application
will ob.° he made for discharge of said assignee. ,
P. 4). W. lILACHMAN,
Towanda, .talc 29, '79-w4. rrothenotary.
1 COQ' 15
CEsTr,Naui natz.
AA UDITOR'S N on CE.—ln re. the
rate cf Elam G. Terry, deceased—ln the ;
i,r .1. •• court of Bradford county. .
Tit derslgned. an auditor appointed by the • '
co 4
make dl,trlbution of moneys In bands of
. N. Willis Terry. admlnlstrater• of the estate of-
Eben G. Terry, deceased. a, shown by his final
account, will attend to the duties- of his appoint
ment at Ms office InTommula borough on FRIDAY
the 2. - I.lnl day of At76l"9T, MS.:when and where
MI persons Intereited In said fund Must present
Mlt' claims or forever be debarred from coming
In upon said fund
17 June
E.-L..1111.L15, Aulptor
-waiter of the estate of. John Bow.
teat, late of the township - of Monroe, deveased—
lort he orphan's Court of Bradford County. The
undersigned, an auditor appointed by the court
upon the exceptions to the final account of the
executrix-and executor of the above estate,•will at
tend to the duties of - 1114 appointment at his office
to the horisugh of Towanda on TUESDAY the 12th
day of AUGUST, IS:9, at 'lO o'clock A. 34. (
7j uly4w.
SIGNMENT of. orrin D. Nichols, late of
Windham township. ltradford County, l'a. In the
Cour of Common Pleas hi' Bradford County. No.
I.S. pece - mber Term, 1S71: ' •
Notice is hereby given that the final account 'of
Cyrds dakway,.Asslgnee, has b •en tiled In thlii
and will he presented to the Court of Cool.
nom Plea, on Thursday; September 4, 1 g 79, for con-
Armatlon. Aliplicatlon will also. be made for the
discharge of ,all Assignee. '
lift/H.6E W. BIACKMAN.
Towanda, Aegust(l;79-Iw, _ Prothonotary.
Of PiiiladePia
ASSETS nearly - $4,000,000.00
This Association continues to insure from Lon'
and Damage by Fire, Buildings, Household Fur
niture. and 3terehandise generally..
WM. S. VINCENT, Agent.
Main Street, Towanda,-Pa.
Priottal and kept on .hk.tlo at the
at whofesale or rztall
Med. _ • ,
Bond. .
T reasta tvr's
-Collectors loud.
Complaint.: .
• •
Constable's Return. ;7*
Attieles of Agreement, 2 form:,
!I'm,' WI Attachment.
t'lbtlctable , " Sales.
Collector's Sales.
Execution. -
for License.
'Pool for Ideeo'e.
;Cote Judgement
Ni,te .I,olgentent Seal
7.4Z,40 .hlg.•ment a per cent.
'r.wit order-Book,
• ' Sehool 4,ler hook. •• 1 6
yrtTrTE: . Fall Tertu begiti 310NDAY.
Ul; ('ST 1879:. F.7(1 , 011 M!!4 for lutant, t ult Lilo and
turn! Ate,' I..inta froui 11% to ettio per }ear, IFor
vist.thuzue or flu th.r particulars &Attlee% the Prln.
Towat,tia, .141 v 3, Hai+,
c 500,000.00