Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 26, 1879, Image 3

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Wiidfora *porter,
(•11AS. XDrron.
T c ; w anda, Pa., Thursday, Am . 20,1879.
Towanda, Jan. 18, 1877.
o week from to-morrow is the
Fourth of July. _
D. D. Borax:, of Pike; has a cow that
gives 54 pounds of milk per day. .
Tits school book war in this county
seems to have broken out afresh.
Cour's Cirens and. Menagerie on thel3th
of July. It is the best show traveling.
Oun Athens letter is unavoidably
crowded out this week. It will appear
next week. •
TUE Montrose Denise, 4 ot says'a loan art
exhibition is in contemplation by the M.
E. Church of that place 4 .
IT is rumored that a bridge will be built
ere long across the Susquehanna near the
mouth of the Sugar Run:
TILE performance of the Bronehollorses
attached to.coiir's Great Shim, is well
worth the price of admission. •
THE ladies of Athens will give a festi
val on July Fourth, f'Or the benefit of the
Fire Company of that place.
A NEW lodge of the Knights of Honor
was institnted at *Elmira -on Saturday ev
euin7 last with 40 charter members.
PROF. E. F. GOE'V'S 'vocal and instru
mental classes will give a concert in Pat
ton's Hall, on Saturday evening next.
Tun - Plymouth Herald, a bright, little
weekly published at Plymouth, Luzarne
County, by PRANK R. SNYDErt, is for
J: W. Iscitt..vm, of Sugar Run, has re
cently made some quite extensive repairs
to the race that leads to his saw and grist
HON. JosErn Post ELT. bought the Bart
lett hoinestead on Fourth street, at the
recent Assignee's sale. Consideration,
IT is said that several families from
Philadelphia-and Baltimore will "camp
out-" in the grove uear Minnequa Springs,
this summer, .
Timm: hundred opera chairs have been
phleed in Mercur MIL. The managers
will please accept the thanks of a long
suffering public.
IT is rumored tbat COURTNEY, MIRY
and JoitxsoN will row. in Oweze some
time in August, but as yet nothing defi
nite can be learned.
HON. JOSEPII PATTON, of this place, is
the owner of a horse that, without any
pre vi , eis trainhig, trotted a mile on RUT
TY'S Park secently in 2:31.
Orin in Bradford recently a couple got
married in fun, and now the best legal
talent - of McKean County is endeavoring
to get them° divorced in earnest.
-AT a meeting of onr Borough- Fire Po
lice, held on Wednesday evening last,
liEolioE 11. ESTELL was elected Captain,
and A. D. COOLIIAI:GIT, Lieutenant.
TIIE 'Borough Council of Leßaysville
have recently graded and otheiwise im
proved the - Main street of that village,
which adds much to its appearance.
A nut blacksnake, measuring six
fret and two inches in length, was cap
hired by Ouius PENS; on Friday of last
week, in the barn of S. W. BUCK, in Pike.
Tim work of putting new stone piers
under the Susquehanna bridge at Athens,
as been let to Mr. RowE, of Orwell, and
the construction of . the' piers are to begin
at once.
. Mn. GEORGE KIRLY has opened an
Auction and Commission store in the
store room formerly occupied by W. A.
HOCK WELL,,corner of Main and Bridge
tstrects. •
A YouNG man of this place, known as
"3lollio" KENNEDY, was arrested and
committed to jail one day last Week for
an assault on Mrs. F. E. WILITE, of South
•Tlsl HOLLAND, the." reformed tramp,"
Rho formerly lived in Canal street, Ath
ens, recently died in Binghamton from
the effects of a pistol ball received in a
Ntlititco I'i:TTINATo and /lima SAV
-11t(.00 I. started to-day 'Wednesday)
at Mercur Ball, at 11 o'clock A. M., on a
thirty-four hour walk, squaie-hecl-and
toe, for a purse of *7l.
A vol:No lad by the name of JaNtEs
VINCR.NT, living in Milan, was dangerous
injured by the accidental discharge of
a revolver which he was handling, on Sun
day evening of last, week.
GEonog I), .TonNsoN was thrown vio
leinly to the ground, receiving some ugly
wounds and bruises, by attempting to get
on a freight train'Aithilst under motion, at
Sayte, one day last week.
THE congregation of the Catholic
Church will hold their Sunday services in
3levcur Hall whilst re, airs are being
made to. their Church edifice, work on
which began Thursday last.
THE recent Teachers' Association, held
at Columbia X Roads, is said to have been
one of the most successful ever held in
the county. The full proceedings appear
in our Educational Department.
llivan monument' will be built
of stone found upon the ground Where It
is to be erected. It will be 5G feet bigb,
with inside stairway, ,arid a look-out on
top. The cost wilt be about $2,000,
- Tut: obstruction of thO sidewalks of
this borough with boxes, barrels, stands,
etc.,' is bccoiniti . 4 a • growing nuisance
which the pi ()per authorities should abate.
There is lunch eotuplaiut on this score.
A - PIC-N le and festival will be (held 'on
the M. E. Chimelt grounds, at Milan, .Fri
day afternoon and iivening, July 4th.
Proceeds to go toward fnrnishiug the
Church. A general invitation is extended.
JUAN 0. Wmtp . 's horse, "Larkin," won
the 2:2,2 'race at Elmira -on Tuesday last,
in three straight heats. Time 2:30, 2:32,
2::32. LEM Kmosnualr's horse, "Lem,"
took second money in the three-minute
ACCOIIMNO to the Astronomical alma
nac Saturday last was the first day. of
Sommer. Well, come to think of it, the
weather was warmer that day than for
keveral previous, and perhaps the almanac
ib right.
THE LeTtaysville kireitiser says that
Mrr. GRIFFETII, an aged lady of- Neatb,
was 'severely burned on Wednesday of last
week from an explosion of powder which
sho put into the stove by mistake with re
fuse paper.
13Ass fishermen allege the reason why
bass will not bite freely is that they are
now intent upon protecting their young,
aml until the latter can take care of them
t‘t IVCS the larger ones will not ho caught
in Loge muubers.
. .
`hobs IlAutt.i., residing on Bridge
street,' in thisplace, attempted suicide on
elincstlAy last, by taking about three
9 44 1 o•mrt , "f emo4ive sublimate. J tr.
vrr was called and al
inini,tered the proper antidotes, and the
wutuitii has entirely recovered 'from the
effect; of the rash act. Connubial Midi
,' city is said to have been the incentive for
attoopt at self•degtruetion.
Dn. D. H. LADD anceeisfully =removed
quite a Moroni tumor from the third
linger of the left band of Uhief of Police
BURNS on Friday last. Mr. IL was kept
under the influence of ether during the
operation, which lasted several minutes.,
CIIARLET LANG tOOk frOM the 13110106.:
henna, just' above the lamed bridge,
Tuesday afternoon last, thirteen goe d .
sizcd black bass. We were fishing at the
same place on Monday, and never got a
bite," and neitEer did Postmaster Pow-
Cuenca of the Ilessisdi - (Universldist),
Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR. At 19 o'ctock
A. M., "The Genius of Prayer.' At 720
r. m, Orator Vesper Services, and of Pas.
tor's fifteen minute talks, adapted to the
Summer. season.: Subject,' "The New
Birth." All welcome. P_
ALLEN CONKLIN ' of Pond Hill, has re.
cently launched on the hie at that place,
a splendid new pleasurelboat, for the as of parties who visit that
beautiful resort. Mr. C. will also furnish
ice cream, lemonade, etc., to those desiring
at moderate prices.
You can come, to Towanda on July Bth,
and see the best show that ever pitched
its tent in this place. Having had the
pleasure of attending an exhibition given
by this concern, we have no hesitancy in
saying that it is superior to anything of
the kind that ever exhibited, in this .
Towaxim now boasts of a daily paper.
Mr. GEo. C. STOLL is the editor-in•chief.
It is published by the Gazette Company.
It is not a Large paper, but it retails at
one cent per copy. If it moots with,suill
cient patronage it will undoubtedly prove
remunerative to- its stockholders. We
wish it success.
D. L. PaArr, of Pike, rays the Leßays
vine' Aderrtiser, on the State Road, shear
ed from two Cotswold yearling ewe sheep,
18 pounds and two ounces—one fleece
weighing, eight pounds and four ounces,
and the other nine pounds and 14 ounces.
A lock-of the wool was left at ttiia office
measuring 12 inches in length.
The tear-oaredboat race between BEE-
T and ANGLE, and BEIDLEMAN and Sat
xtEns which .was to come off at this place
on.Fiiday evening last, did not take place
owing to a dispute between the contest
ants, in regard to the manner of starting
Marge crowd gathered on the riverbank
to Witness - the contest, and were much
disappointed at-the manner of its ending.
NOTICE.—The first Quarterly Meeting
on the Iterrickville Charge for the pres
ent Conference year, will be held at Stand
ing Stone, Juno 28th and 29th: Services
on Saturday will bii at two i o'clock T. m.,-
and on Sunday morning leve-feast at nine
and preaching at MI . o'clock A. u. Our
now Presiding Elder, Dr. Y. C. SMITH
will preach. We hope all' the charge will
be represented. Cont.
THE Williamsport Bulletin of last week
says :
Mrs. lmira Allen and Wesley Smalley,
who ba c been in jail at Towanda and
Williamsport since last !shrub, on charge
of selling beer and cigars without - the pay
ment of special taxes, .were called before
the ••_co6rt on Thursday last, and upon
stating that they „were unable to get bail,.
the court took their own rtcognizances iii
$5OO each for appearance next June. '
KNIGLITS OF lloxon.—The following is
a list of the officers of Summit Lodge, No.
1, VW, K., of H., of Barclay, for the ensu
ing term :
Past Dictator—Tnolus DITCHOURN.
Mentor—G. P. TALADAY.
Viet Dictator—W. H. Dimocx.
..4xiistont Pirtator—W. 1). Po*Ens. .
Reporter—W. J. lttuntimr. •
.Reporter—M. A. TIOFFERT,
Treasurer—G.• A. NORTHRUP..
Chaplain,—.Totrx BUNTER.
G+eide—E. L. LirritEu.
Guntylian—TOßN ScirooNovEir.
NOTWITIIST.BI6II3 the fact that .FITC/1
has sold a verlarge quantity of fire
works, he still has a Rplendid assortment
on hand, and at prices that are astonish
ingly low. .Many of the pieces are entire
ly new in design, having been gotten up
for the market this year. • Id buying a
supply this year FITCII was particular to
'got. only the latest noveltics . in this line,
and hence the fact that his sales have ex
aedeA all previous years. Of course it is
chtirelY \ unneceisary for us to inform the
public that his stock of fruits and confec
tionery is full , And complete , for that is
generally known, just as it is: a settled
fact that his Ice cream is always the best
in this "neck cif, woods,"—and that re
minds its that as the weather is warm, we
will Fo over and,trYtt dish.
.Toq . .rtr McKlNNEY'died at his home in
Athens township, June 17, 1879, in the
78th fear of his age. He was one of the
early settlers, having lived \on the farm
where he , died nearly half a century. He
was—in industrious, quiet, honest, and
honored citizen, and successful \business
man ; one that will be greatly missed in
the community where he FO long sustained
an irreproachable character. A Jarge
gathering of friends and neighbors attest : .
ed their appreciation of him as a pan, on'
the occasion of the funeral services at his
late residence, conducted by Rev. G. M.
CIIAMBFAILAIN. May the aged widow and
the children be divinely sustained in this,
their great loss. G.
A SIAN by the name of CLEM' MOORE,'
om Susquehanna County, an inmate of
the Danville Insane Asylum, committed
suicide by jumping into the canal at that
Oleo on Fridarof week before last. De
was among a gang of men from lhat •in
stitntion who w.-re engaged in fencing in
the lot of groin id above town which was
reclaithed from swampiness by under
draining. He wandered away, but was
missed in a feW minutes, and search for
him 'was instituted. Ills bat was discov
ered floating down the canal, but this at
first was considered•as a ruse to favor his
escape. It was not till some hours after
that his body was found in the canal. Ills
tom of insailit'y had been manifested by
a desire to set fire to buildings.
EDITOR REPORTER attended the
Pennsylvania State Sunday School Con
vention at Altoona, June Id, 4th end Sub.
Altoona* is situated near the. centre of
Blair County, on the Pennsylvania -Rail
road; mid contains very extensive shops
belonging to the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. The city is surrounded by
'mountains, and it is itself on high ground,
It is well supplied with good water that
is brou4ht from the mountains to the res
ervoir on the hill east of the city.
The Convention was well attended, 500
delegates being repotted as enrolled, reP
resenting.a large majority of the counties
of the State.. The good people of AltoOna
entertained the delegates sumptuously
during the convention.
The reports from the different parts
represented, were encouraging, showing
much interest iti this branch of Christian
work. We would have - been highly grat
ified to have learned that the Sunday
Schools were bringing forth much fruit in
the conversion of the children and young
people within thorn: We think there is
too much theory, or at least not Enough
.practical Christianity in the schools gen
erally. The speakers to whom subjects
had been assigned, spoke welt; the
speeches being Earnest, eloquent, and in
struct:ve. . S. 13.
Miilview, May 21, 1879.
. ITALIAN ()LTA tr..—Mention was made in
-the RE.POICTIIIC in April last that the Rod
and Gun Club of this place had sent to
the Island of Sicily, in the Mediterranean
Sea, for one hundred migratory quail.
Two weeks ago they arrived in good or
der, all alive and lively, having stood the
long voyage remarkably well.
A few days after their arrival they were
liberated,•in pairs, in different portions
of the county within a radius of ten miles
of our village.
1 The entire cost of the birds, delivered
1b Towanda, was only about $3O, " and
the freight on them from Sicily to New
York but one dollar. These birds resem
ble our native quail, but theirilummage
ishgliter and Inighterin color, and they
are somewhat smaller in body. They are
migratory in nature, and, like wild geese
and 'ducks, seek a warmer climate when
the.cold winds of the north begin toblow;
but they will hear quite cool *either and
are alma the last ill the migratory spe
cies to take tbeir flight southward in the'
fall. 'Though they are caught in large
numbers in Sicily they are not natives of
that country, but in their flight North
and. South, at different seasons the birds
stop on the island ti) relit a week 'or IWO
- aid Om are ,
token by the natives, and in
Rreakquantftles shipped to different coun
tries./I •
Thus° quail have been tried in some of
the New Enlanff &Mei, and are known
to Lava returned in. the spriug to the very,
fields they bad left the fall before. t
"The fanners,
_on whose premises the
birds were released, will co-operate ,with
the sportsmen in protecting them as far
tut possible from hawks, owls, "pot-bun
en," etc. No shooting should be alloWed
this season in the neighborhoods where
they were liberated.
Tun BleMlart Snow of run A.os.—The
W, C. Cove Show hair well won the repn
tation of being the biggest' and best show
traveling, not alone from the extent and
magnitude of its attractions, but from the
almost endless array of entire novelties
that it presents for public patronage. Al
.though the most recently organized of
any of the largeenteci exhibitions, it
seems to have leaped at ono bound to the
highest pinacle of public favor, and to
have distanced all its competitors. ,Even
the great &tactual bad to take the second
'place throughout New England, where
the COOP show played , against him in op
posittolt As arievidence of this wo pro
duce the following from Ithe Boston Ad
vertiser of Iday lath : •
"Thoexhibillon of the W. C. Coup
now united monster shows opened on Col
iseum grounds yesterday to audiences
which r.roved that everybody is not wait
ing for Barnum. The weather was such
that attending an entertainment 'of any
kind was not a specially , comfortable pin
ceeding, yet the auditorium tent of Coup's
great circus was crowded to its utmost
capacity, and many would-be sight-seers
were turned away. Everybody was de
lighted with the performance, and almost
everybody recorded a mental vow to come
again, totem the end of - the week. It is
the advice of the managers that all who
can should attend the afternoon perform
ance and thus avoid the jam and confu
sion of the evening:"
Mn. EDITOR :—We take pleasure in in
forming the readers of your moat excel
lent paper, that the people of this vicinity
have decided to have a grand time on the
4th in the - beautiful grove at flornbrciok,
near the Chumb. The Rev. Y. C. BMITU,
D. D., will deliver the oration. Dinner
will be served to all who may conic, for
the Small sum of fifty cents a couple. Pro
ceeds to apply on - furnishing parsonage.
Come one, come all, and let us have a
Ngrand old-fashioned time, celebrating our
ation's birth, and at the same time do a
good act by giving our money for a good
cause—get the full value of our money in
nicknacks—and above, all receive a bles
sing from God. Brother Wright, our Pas
tor, has taken'itin hand to bring' about
a god(' result from our celebration, and
we find him to be a man that never takes
hold of the plow and then looks back, but
he is all right and gOiahead. - The pro
gramme has not as yet been arranged, but
will be in due time. ,Suffice to say, there
will be vocal and instrumental music,
aside from the addresses, to eliven the oc
'easion. Candies, ice cream, etc., may be
obtained at' reasonable rates. swings
will be arranged to accommodate all who
may take :ileasure in that direction. '
Ghent, June 21, 1879.
From the Plymouth (Wis.) Reporter,
of Thursday last, we • clip the following
account of the wedding ceremonies'of Dr.
ALvirr Eyes, of that place, and Miss
BELLE LAMON, a niece of Mrs. WILLIAM
A. CHAMBERLIN, or this place, , and for a
number of years a resident of our village :
At the appointed lime, yesterday, St. Paul's
Church presented a festive appearance, with the
profusion of floral decorations, In honor of the
marriage of Pr. Alvin Eyer anti Mitt Belle Lamon.
Most noticeable among the decorations was a mar
riage bell of white flowers suspended from the Cen
ter of the chancel and from the central arch hung
a monogram of flowers onwreatited with ever
greens, while the arches of evergreens and flowers
crossed the aisles near the chancel, end the fent
presented a lovely pyramid of flowers ferns and
vines. A large congregation assembled to witness
the impressive ceremonies, - . while Mist Eva Bar
nerd, at the organ, rendered the wedding march
in a graceful manner, and awaited the approach of
the bridal party, which entered the church in' the
' following manner, Misses Mollie Smith and Helen
Elwell, Mr. and Mrs. William 'Elwell, the -bride,
leaning on the arm of Mr. Smith, and 'the groom
with Mrs. Smith, each alternate couple passing up
the left aisle, the others at the right, and.all meet
ing at the chancel, where the beautiful marriage
' ceremony of the Episcopal Church was performed
by Hey. J. Upjohn.
The Nide wore an elegant dress of a peculiarly
lovely shade of — dWArt . gray silk, anti a • perfect
love" of a white Menet, while the groom was also
faultlessly attired. After the ceremony the bndal
parry rep tired to the handsome residence of Mr.
P. 11. Smith, on Collins. street, where the happy
couple received the congratulations of a few Intl
-mate friends, and a bountiful wedding breakfast
awaited them ; they were the recipients of many
elegant, costly and useful presents, among which
was a China tea set from the Church people. Slim
Lemon has -only resided In our - Eby about two
yeari, while the Doctor has only lived here a few
months over wyear, during which time he has con
tree tell a large practiee. and both have made a
large circle of friends. The RepoHer extends sine
etre congratulations to the bride and groom, hop
ing that their journey through life may be Hend
ee with bappluess and prosperity, and that their
bright, cloudless wedding day may be a good omen
of the future.
The newly-married' couple took the train for
Milwaukee, from who're - they intend visiting (co.'
nomottmc, Waukesha, and 'other places of summer
resort, bearing with them boats of good wishes
from their nutumous friends:
—Dr. P. A. Qum', of Sugar Run; is
ill with typhoid fever.
—Miss MAY ADAMS, Of this place, is
visiting friends in Elmira.
—Miss Buy of Wysox, hasthafge of
the llcrricicville public school.
—Miss Annr i CRAFT, of Wyalusing, is
visiting friends inVittston. •
—Mrs. L. P. GARDNEU, Of this place,
is visiting friends. in Albany, N. Y.-
-Mrs. A. J. Easrsnnooxs, of Wash
ington, D. C., is visiting friends in this
—Miss EVA DRUMMOND, of Wysox, is
confined to the house by continued ill
—Mrs. S. C. CAnrEacruit, of Waverly,
is visiting relatives and friends in Pike
—Miss CLFAMBERS, of Pottsville, is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. E. T. 1311to.tiq, of
this place.
—Miss. IDA LAYTON and Miss !MAY
PECK; of this place, are visiting friends in
—Mr. W. IL FirOn, of ToWanda, is
home on a vacation from business.—Dem
oerat, Laporte.
U. Axcit.a, ifo and daugh
ter, .of.Laltaysville, aro visiting.friends at
Damascus, Pa.
—Mrs. EASTAIMOOK, of Elmira, spent
last .we ek with her daughter, Mrs. JtsSE
CAnt, in Leßaysville.
—Judge :AfAimAttn, of Williamsport,
will occupy his - cottage Minnequa
Springs this Summer.
.—Mrs. ST/MART MAURICE, of Athens,
was one of the largest contributors of ar
ticles to the Elmira Loan exhibition.
— . Miss LIDA WATKINS, teacher of mu
sic in the Collegiate Institute; will.spend
the vacation with her parents in Milan.
-•--Professor .1. T. McCot.tom. Principal
of the Troy
. Graded School, and family,
will spend the vacation at Ithaca and New
—Mn. J. L. Bnioos, of Sugar Run, re
turned lAA week to her home after quite
an esttnded visit with friends in Phils
—Miss Err). !onnow, of this place, of
the class of '7B, attended the Commence
ment exercises of the Elmira Young - La
dies College, !as! week.
NICKER, of this spent last week in
Washington, D t IC., visiting their uncle,
JONATICAN Itottox, who has
been visiting friends in Pittston for sev
eral weeks mitt, returned to her home in
this place on Tuesday last. •
—Mrs. TUOYPSO2I, from Towanda, who
had charge of the graded school at Gil
lett's, has returned borne on account of
ill health.—Elmira Advertiser.
—Rev. Gronos P. Horsiws, of ,Ste- .
vensville, took part in the dedication cer
emonies of Christ Chuich, at Williams
port, on Wednesday ofia,st week.
VAN GM.DEN, of the T.cßays
vile Adrerlimr, is at Capelday this week,
atteudiuCthe annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania Editorial Association..
-51 r: GEOUGE S. TIMM; has 'been ap
pointed ticket- agent by, the N. lt.
Company at state Line. -Mr. Smotio is
a jolly man,. and hasliosts of friend'.
• —Ctt ofthe Ott cent store,
was presented by the proprietor of that
establishment, C. P. WELI.F.s, with a
handsome goki watch chain one day last
hags ticiaitiririairooait at Mos
rose but wee k t for - the trial of cases in
whit: kludge. NoCloWnt. nee iniatiated
a' Attorney before , his elevation pd the
-7dra, Nana: Anator4 of Ithaca, No.
Awn Cucracatta. and daughter,ni Etta,
and Mr;iud Atra: d:'oAßonarcd" Pbl lll -
rlene, 141: # l 4init - ren4rM : • 11 .# : C01-.!. 4 !
in 'poi •
1/8 gyttrc iiitly,thi-BarbsitkrOet
110 laut - peatrated AtY !E t
Clinch on: eausday bi - attack ,
eiale still • Asurt!mtloll at
• --,- -Xlmtlifnans Gump, of Tim lasislt
lug permit Uairondty,, where the ohm to
- whiCh ehe formerlY belonged- graduates
this year. She goes afterwards to Girard,
Pa., .and Chautauqua.
--STDNICY HAYDEN, -Jr.,_ of Iloltor4
Kan., formerly of. Athens, was married
on t
3d instant to Miss Maar Wat.ggit,
of late City, Mo., a daughter of one of'
the leading families of Platte county.
—We learn from the Athens Gaulle
of last week that NA T WtTEATON has
purchased the J. D. Kars= farm on the
east side of ,tbe Susquehanna bridge, and
moved on it. Mr. KEYSER expects to go
••••WILLIAIL P. Witrrn, the nominee of
the Workingmen's Party hi California,
for Governer,
was for a number of years
previourto becoming a citizen of that
State in 1849, a resident of Susquehanna
County in this State.
—Mr. It: A. PALICER and wife left Sayre
on Wednesday for Cape May, where Mr.
P. has - rented a cottageand intends re
maining for two months. His house and
grounds he left in charge of GEonee•Cox,
his head gardner.—.Atheni Gazette.
- -Hon. JUDSON HoLcomn, editor of the
Republican, E. ASILIIthi PARSONS, Esq.,
of the Argus, D. M. TUUNEIt, Esq., of the
Jaukial, and Mrs. M. L. Maws, Towan
da correspondent of the Elmira :Advertiser,
are spending this week at Cape May. .
AUASA WATEINR. Of Milan, start
ed Thursday morning for South Bend,-
DeKalb'County, Illinois, where he is call
ed by the sad tidings that his only • son,
Ctianur, bad been prostrated by a strol
of paralysis, leaving him quite helpless.
—Mr. HIRAM SUMir, the depot agent
and telegraph operator at Milan, started
for New York on a pleasure visit, on
Thursday evening last. fie returns via.
Philadelphia,' spending Sunday ' in the
quaker City visiting friends and relatives.
—Professor 11. E. ILtusLY has resigned
his. position as Principal of the Canton
Graded - School, and accepted. a similar
position at Wolisboro, Tioga county. In
the resignation of Professor lisEstx, the
patrons and pupils of the school lose a
teacher of superior ability,—com , that'is
competent by nature and inclination, and
ono who bas done much for the school.
His place will be .hard to fill.--(7anten
NeJabbering Countlex.
From the.Tunthanuock Republican, June 20
Out attention was called the other day
to a white lilac bush in tfie yard of Mr.
Edward Prevost, Russell Hill, which is
30 years old, 23 foot high, and 6 inches in
diameter at the root: It blossoms every
year, arid attracts the attention of all
passers by. It measures-about ZS feet at
the top. His yard contains othereboice
varieties of trees an d flowers , which be
token a disposition ' to "make home pleas-
V. Id. Stevens and wife
.were at the Keeler House over Sunday:
The Professor is writing a book of over
500 pages on the popular resorts of the
country, for the benotit of pleasure seek
.ers. He will devote some pages to our
beautiful Lake Winola and Tunkbannock.
...".lilehOopany claims to be . :,the banner
temperance town of the county. She has
no licensed hotels, but sustains two con.
ductecr on the tc.mperance
Harry 'Dalton, traveling' agent for the
firm of Chapin,' Gurney &.• Co., of New
York, :is confined to his ioom - with con
sumption, at the Keeler House. lie has
no relatives, and as-he is among strangers
it is meet that our people shoud . extend
the hand ,of fellotrehip and endeavor to
cheer. the sufferer by their presence and
sympathy. He has a pleasing appe4rance,
.and'is unquestionably 4 gentleman of, re
spectability and, refinement. We- trust
that he will be made to feel that though
he is a - stranger in a strange land, ' he is
still in a Christian community. -
uFrom the Tunklufnuock Democrat J uo IS.
Mr. H. W. Bogart. itas returned home
after an absence of. about • tfiree months.
He has passed most of that time in St.
Louis:— Messrs. D. E. Gray, Lot-en Stark
and Rev. Gco. Comfort started last night,
or rather this morning, citt the - 2 O'clock
train for Helena, Montana. A brother of
Mr. S. F. Major Went out there a short
time age, in company with two brothers
'of Mr. Comfort, and as they reported fa
vorably these- are now on the way to join
them.- We wish them all success.... Mr.
Squire' Sampson,. accompanied • by. his
niece, Miss Bello James, arrived here Sat
urday evening from Brazil and are now
the guests of -Burgess Townsend. It has
been about twelve years since' Mr. Sirup.
sou last left the States for Brazil, and
judging from his appearance the ~elimate
of that country agrees with him, as be is
the picture of robust health:' He has add
ed considerable to his advoirdupois and
may bo elassOd among .the "heavy
weights.". They expect to pass the sum.
mer in this country, visiting their relatives.
Win. P. M. Osterhout, accompanied
by his daughter, Mrs. Handlick, left
town for Brooklyn, 'N. Y., on Friday
morning !alt . ,' on a visit to his daughter,
Mrs. Keeney, who resides there. They
will be absent two or three weeks,- and
will probably visit some of the famous
sea-side Summer resorts before their re
From the Duxtiore I;evle*, June 19
It is estimated thattlie wool clip of Sul
livan county is fully one-third larger than
last year :...Bloss his patriotic heart !
•14ewitt Zinc,: passed over a $lO bill to the
Bernice Odd Fellows to assist the lnde
pendence day celebiat ion—. Workmen
are engaged in laying the foundation for
Welles & Ackley 's new- building, corner
Turnpike and Rater streets.... Rev. Fa
ther Martin, of Altonna, Pa., was hero
last week visiting his relatives and numer
ous friends. .
From the Democrat, Laporte, Judo le.
On Thursday of last week the roof of
the steam saw mill in this Place took fire
from a falling spark froth' the smoke stack,
Nit was discovered and extinguished by
the workmen before any material injury
was done • 'dr- John N. Messenger says.
that iu his field of potatoes the Coloi ado
hug, after casting the tops down to the
ground, sits with patience on the boulders
waiting for the pOtatoes to sprout up
again... .At the concert given by the La
porte cornet Band last Thursday evening
the sum of $15.05 was realized from the
sale of tickets— .A•number of our town
boys are meeting with good. success in
setting " out-lines " in the pOnd near this
place. Eels and other fish are caught in
large numbers.... Mr. limy Van Etten
has moved-into his new hotel at the lake,
and, we understand, applicationa for sum
mer board ham already been sufficient to
.1111 the house to overflowing as soon as the
building is completed. Workmen are en
gaged in' pushing the work forward to
completion with the greatest dispatch.
N'ellaboro Agitator, June 17
The house of Mr. Pliny 'Whitaker, of
Canon Camp; was entered a few days ago
during his absence, and the sum of $12.1
was stolen... —There is man in Mans
field who still wears the "st ove-pile" hat
that ho wore I on his wait - ling day; forty
years ag0....1t is said that the storm of
last Tuesday afternoon overturned a good
many trees in the neighborhoOd of Lamb's
Creek, ...P. B. Smith, Bsq,.of 'Mu, ball
entered into partnership with Messrs.
.Pomeroy Brothers, in the banking busi
ness at Blossburir....Miss Pranced M.
Wright, M. D., has been engaged u a
teacher of natural sciences at the Mans
field Normal School: ...A. few days ago
Company F, of the 12th Regiment,
inspected at East Charleston. The fol
lowing officers hare been .elected, Cap
tain, John P. Scott ; First Lieutenant. F.
Whitney ; Second Lieutenant, William
Pitts ; First Sergeant, W. K. Benjamin.
Tim . .opany is to he equipped with
breech-loaders .... Representative Dor
ranee, of Elkland, started for Colorado
last Wednesday in search of health. We
trust the trip may prove highly beneticial..
to him.... We regret to say that Misr
Clara Williston - , daughter of Hon. L. I'.
.Williston, orthis village, suffering from
a stroke of paralysis involving the right
side....Tbe residence of Mr. W. W. Ins
;dm, of Jackson township, was robbed or
• about t 25 worth of jewelry and currency
i9+,~nKTa~narv~,. yy~w...v'-:•w.f~.wM.~'kr+wafY!'al si?~~~vM%'+L~!?.m*rNwrt'~-!~ttY~`wn'4+*~vi.''~w-
' • .., '"
few . dam the family were itb
lent. Walter J.' &szs re
turned home last BeturdoyAfter gradna•
tang at the Academy Annapolls.
Ire is now awaiting orders. Aka Amy
May/ fame* a _resident d'obarkston.
was killed by-ligntaing- bet' 81 indsja El
dred, McKean aunty. , Her remains wine
carried lb:rough this plied last ' eon* err
roofs Ibr Me, James_Wood
ford, of Janson, died' recentl y Of.Plaarisr
'lnd pneumonia., Ifs was bad ly :hurt some
time ago at ralalng, by er fall ;Of the
e nevi - itt entirely . recovered
- - and n
nom - the injuries then reeeived.! ! ...Ais un
occupied house et- - wail
burned- down-b Di at wick Waft, aftei it
had been once saved item the llama the
same afterosion. As its ownership was a
matter of, it is believed the
property was set on tire. It was not In-
sured Lewis B. Mead; Esq., an attor
ney who readlaw in this village and at
terwards practiced his profession at Knox- ,
ville, was brought here and lodged in jail
yesterday on the charge of having fotged
an initrumeot in writing PurpOrting to be
the last will and testament of Truman
Gilbert, deceased. It will be remembered
that Mr. Gilbert committed suicide at
Knoxville . some time ago. Meats, been
out of the county for several months,_and
was recently found at Bradford, McKean
county. Ilk RJULvomtnitted to jail by
Justice of the Peace Miles White, of
Westfield, in default of $l,OOO bail.
11AUN I TED Mg.—Debt, poverty and suf
fering haunted me for years, caused by a
sick family and largedoctor bills for doc
toring, which did no good. 1 was com
yletely disc.raraged, until one year ago,
y the advice of my pastor, I procured
Hop H commence ditters and their use,
and in ono month we were all well, and
none of us have beett sick a day since;
and I want . to say to all poor men, you
can keep your families well a year with
Hop Bitters for leas than one doctor's Vis
it will cost. —A Workingman. •
ke** BIRD CAGES at the Net store.
:tar Call at J. L. Kent's, Agent, and look
at those SIIETL verr cheap. tt
I e Kid Gloves, Lace Mitts and Lace
Top.43lam, Inlipid assortizents a 1 ETANS *
. .
rir Large stook of LADIES TIES
&e., at 4. L. KENT'S, Agent.
glr Elegant stock of n©w CHROMOS
and OIL PAINTINGS at the 99ct store.
053,` For fine
,Millinery, first class Hair
Goods, Java Canvass, Gold and Sliver tinted Card
Board, and Children's Saner Bata, 'call on Mrs.
A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Street. Bleaching and
sewing over a specialty.
CASSIMERES - at very' lOiv prices
o clove them out, utl.l. L. KENT'S, Agent. tt
woo to Steriis for your MILLINERY
GOODS. There lon wttt find the LARGEST
VARIETY or the LATEST STYLES; and their
prices are within the reach of all; -
HATS from 14 - op* At STEIIIN'S.
. Fruit Jars; Rubbers and Jelly
Tumblers, at the 09et store. •
re - Carpets, Oil Clothes and Mattings
at "Way Down prices" at EVANS MIL
Ps'sooo yards of EMBROIDERIE S
from Se nr, at STERN'S.
DIMS tiOODS, at J. L. RENT'S, Agent. tf
tar' Inducements in LADIES' LINEN
"tir Evans & Hildreth have all
qualitiesand slat% of bun I.3nahrollas, which every
Lally should see heron purchasing elsewhere. •
SETS in great Variety, at STERN'S.. '
Pr Ladies, Elentl and Children's sum
mer underwear, long and aborgidenveast EyAss
all the new shade!, at STEIW'S. •
tar Bargains in TABLE LINENS,
NAPKINS,- CRASHES, -Sic., at J. L. kEET'S;
Vir John Maddock Sons' celebrated
cable-Shape *endlorcelaln Cro4lely at tho ae Cent
Store; also a full assortment of Crockery and
Glassware at the lowest prices. . If.
rar - Table Damasks, Napkins, Doy
lies Towels, irasbee„ &e., &T., very cheap at
inir The Largest,' Best and Cheapest
line of Shes for Ladles`, Misses• and'Cldldrent''
wear is found at COnsan • s. new store, earner Main
and Plne-sta, Tracy ic Noble's Block. spr47B
or Plain and Fancy cloths and mast
meres In Snit Patterns or by the yard, •cry cheap
at !Evans ik
There will be a • FOURTII OF JUIN PARTY AT
Friday evening, July 4th, Is7o. 3f usle—htelionald
!lead's full band, Bill ;1.50. 3w•
BlniLarr linos.,lYroprietonit.
. M" Summer Sillca,'Grenadines, Black
and Colored `Ranting!' pt ETAMI. oft UIL
• Vir COMER has the Pest wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and YOuthv' wear ever tottered In
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all.
Or French Organdies, American Law-
Xackonets, Permlla , and cilnghanw, In new
choke rtylea, nt EVANIIii sic HILIDUETIEN.
Black Silks, and Casbmeres in
toll assortment, and at lower prices than inter 44
ly- For tickets to all points,' Wait,
Nero, and Southwest, at the lowelt possD4 rates,
call on or address, It. E. BAUCOCK, Agent, at
Upper Depot, Towanda. I:tt
.far L. Root:Eats challenges compe
tition for quality of goods And low prices on sash,
Doors; minds and Moldin‘s, and at Itlltllnrma..
terlal. iang3-tf I.
. Evans & Hildreth offer more
ban Twenty styles of Corsets. .
'Evans & Hlldreih are selling
all kinds of COTTON 600113, at the LOWEST m
eans prevailing before tho advance.
Whew! Sec these heautiful rots! ! Round and
straight as a pipe-steta, transpirent as daylight
self : ! ! The slditster trailes and - smiles, as she
Qrrns out the shining . and silk-Illethrea,l.
Send lurbe wool lkture cold Weather, as i t
saxes expense and Insures batter work.. ,
IT. It. imansw,
Jan:d•am. Camptown, Min1(011 County,
ToWANDA, PA., May 14. 1577
Mr. C. B. rontan, Druggist, Ward Ilouse.—Dear
Sir—Several weeks since I received a sample bottle
of Ely's Cream Balsam for Catarrh--am pleased .to
testify to Its curative. properties. For several years
I have,been troubled with this disease—lhave tried
many remethes without touch relif. Ely's (imam
Balsam has pint ett liscif to be the arilehitletgred,
haring wonderful results. In - my . ease. I am now
more free from Catarrh thin I have been for years.
thli remedy to be, the oily Sure core for
Bespsettall Iroqrs,
Vein the whole history of Medicine
no preparation hammer performed such Marvellous
curek , or maintained so wide • reputation, as
ikkatt l 's.CllMain rzerouit., width is recofrnised
as the World's remedy for all diseases of the throit
mid lungs; Its long-eoittinued series of vroutieried
cr resin all climates has made iteutiversally knuaro
ass safe and reliable agtot to employ. - Against
ortlimul colds, which are the inr;runnera of more
stiletto, di:An-der& it nets ,t.pc'etlity and seedy, al
tray's relieving . aulterliii, and often saving life.
Tho Protection it affonls; .by its Ilinely two 10 the
throat and lung disorders at :children, makes it sin
. remedy te. he kei'l'alu3.Yi"),' band In j
every home. No persim ran afford to tte without t ` ,skisTlA'.
f igr
mot ho ham ia t e, it
Front their knowledge II ity eonlicontlort and of
frets, Thysiciaus use the 'PECTORAL
extensively In their practice, and Clergymen rec. I
ommend It. It Is absolutely certain In Its remedial t
elfeets, and Will always cure whose toms ire poisi
She. rue sale UT all desiv Ttivratida - May IS, 1675,
lir Sewing es at. Anatlon.—Wo
will ion to taa tastiest malt 112,torast Jaw Ir. 11.-74 9 41 111 /Sica 11 44 Or* of
Bildgistioddlegotrandi, at
10 o'clock / . t. si.. "lost Plftr Wwwod43dool 110wNe
Nacklaiwre 01160d0111.11giriadj410/114,11 are
all la good running order and sonici - of Mow war*
do good at now. Patties garcludlog Any of thodi'
81/4 4 4 , 0 t k s ll .bsTo. the Prit,liege et, 4 = 1 " 0101 g: .
theodnio tors Singer Machine at anylleno Within
one Pan add' be allowed thi'lwito fold' for ddi
snachltit patektwid...‘,. -
Tbelpager Mannfacturlng Congo:.
_ - . Agent.
smicum—iroon.—At the naidenes of Mr. Amas s ,
Miner. Caarptown, June 7, IEI by Mr. W.
Xeatley. Mr. J. It Stamm and MIAs Mary
Wood, both of
WALICSR—DttIIicR.—At the X. IL Church.
WIAMIWN:Y., Josti by Iter.titi. R.
Rale, Sir. Wallin K. Walter to' Wu Nary De.
trick, both of Xtlan.
WHEELER—VANDERPOOL—At the parsonage. -
Ltbettporners. June W Vtt
Stet, by Rev. S.
Web, enry W heater, of Standing Stow?, aid
Vents Vanderpool. of Asylum.
1111311111EW—WAYM klio;:nt the bottle. of the.
bride. In Towanda township. 'June ti, WM by
Rev. Banner Artnetimg, Mr. Relay 11. Med.
thaw, of Athens, and Min Catherine A. Way:.
man. •
la s. at the residence of the bride% mother ,
"In Meadow Lands," Washington County, Pa?,
by the Rey. William Ewing, 13.1).. asslated by.
Abe arr. J. Addison Henry, 1). U.. Rev. Willies's
S. !teen,' and Rim ffalleek. • , •
3IRRCUR—WARD.—At Christ Church (EOM°.
path Towanda, Pa., tune 13 IS7L by the Rev.
John S. Beers, Rector, Mr. 'Rodney A. Mereur,
Esq.. to Miss Mary, eldest daughter of lir.James
711. Ward, all of Towanda. • • .
.VANBEtBKIRK.—In Ridgbury..inne 13. 1879,
vanes Vanbuskirk, at Ids residence near Penny.
al 1,, titer a long UWeje..
tures of Towswis Dotongh School District
from 3tsylist,lB7B, to Juno Ist, 1879:
Balance on band Jane tat.' - 6780 76
collector 5,030 79 -
L. T. floyse 703 00 -
State appropriation 981 80
. atur/aldent trerrs 58 10
T. Dorgan, -- 148 44
County Tteasnrer. seated lands. 31 01
W. d. Young 10 90-
" - 67,641 33
Teachers , wages 140130, - 00 - ,
Janitor 332 00 "
Interest - '9BO 50
Legal fees . 15 55
DI iseellanetms 75 73
Printing 44 75
Repairs. moving and new privy.. 450 00
Insurance .......... .• . 120 25
Coal 300 15
Treasurer 4135 31, -Secretary e3G, ' 183 34 k
6,933 77
• -
5 7 6 7 56
Real estate and buildings.. 428.400 00
School fOrnitnte 1,500 00
Universalist Ch ',IWO. Ti'u ria .4418 00
1.. T. Rorie., tats collector '152 - =1
A. Wickliatui c011ect0r......... 1,232 22
' fr.,800 44
E. Overton, deed, estate.,..... 1110.060 00
E. T. F0x.....-.......
_. MVO 00
Wets pace
2 4 00 00
. • . -;----i115,700 00
WALVORD, Secretary.
Towanda, June 26,
of the Flrst Nattonal Bank at Towanda,
to the State of Vennsylvania, at the close of busi
ness M! 14; 1879: ,
Loans and asconnta- . 1372,855 06
Overdrafts ' • LW= 34,
U. 8. Dandato secure circulation - 425.000 00
U. 8. Dinah on hand ' 2,5:0 00
Other stocks. bonds., and mortgages..... 16,201 18
Due from approved reserve agents '18,576 21
Duo from other National Itanki - 251 52
Due from State Banks and bankers 8,011 87
Deal estate, furnlntre, and fixtures' 26.496 92
Current expenmkand taxes paid 4,955 75
Checks and other cash items 12,789 30
11111 s of other flanks 2,C59 00
Fractional curreuey tincluillng nickels)
Specie. • 5,102 31
Legat-teutler note 3 z • 14,1119 00
BMW fund with 7; S Tr. pr rt. of c!r.) 3,023 00
Duo f ram US TreaVr uth'r ttill 3 p c It :0000
ttspit.ll sloes_ psol to
Surplus fund
It totirided profits...._
National flank notes teatstanditig...
ludivuals deposits subject to
*check ilynt.tni 07
Time certificates of deposit... '80,771 SS
Poe to other National Banks „ _
Duo to State Banks and Danko&
Notes and bills rediscounted.........
Totall633,Bts 44
state of Pennsylvania. County of Bradford. as:
1, N. N. •esolkler •of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above at/dement
is true to the best of my knowledge and beltt4.
N. N. 11}2171. 4 . CaKliter.
Subserlbed,and sworn to before me this 21..51 day
of June, 15791
W. U. DODGE, Notary rublic.
. (.11AS. L. Tn.% Y, Dlrcetors;
C. M. N
Toaratiolk, Ju /
ne :a, 18737%1.
A. D. DYE & CO.
Happy Thought Range
„. • - 1.
Stogie . and Tinware.
A. D. DYE & CO.,
Cultivator and Drag Teeth,
Spades and .Spading Forks,
Steel Garden, Rakes,
_Milk Pans anil Pails,
flaking & Harvesting Tools
A. D. DYE & CO
i.,8. COBURN
Paints, Oils and class
Carlin-timid Blacksmith Supplies,
ef34,b39 14
.125,900 OO
66,000 DO
10,7,7 32
112,600 00
311,990 97.
...I 11,051 97
1,000 00
And 3, great variety of
Main Street, Towangia, Pa
f,..;;l:slf z ifr e die
rOvflEMp . ..:4:i-vw., : i -, ...)
I ;
At 50 cents per yard; worth 75 cents.
At 18 cents per yard, worth . 25 cents.
At One Shilling per yard, worth Tiventy Cents.
Two Cases 'fancy Elress Coeds,
At Six and one-fourth cents per yard, worth One Shilling.
Also, a.large assortment in a great variety of styles and makes, of
Plain and Lace Buntings,.
. Hernani Cloths,
MourniuteDress Fabrics,
Lawns, &c.,
Towaa.da, May 260, 1879.
• ~iiif e ceso,: s to Mclntyre . & Russell,
Main .Street, • - TOWANDA, . PA.: .
MARBLEIZED miearTrizs.
Plain Mantels, Complete 515.00 f WhitelMrblefor Children 95.00
Extra. Fine - - 20.00 I, Extra Fine 10.00
Cregilte Monuments - 150.00 I SuArllle for Grow n People 8.00
Extra Fine for Family 225.00 r J; Ex.Finels.oo
/WI would recommend especially the Beautiful MAN MARBLE, and far rnoro .dttraide ton
this climate, will not soiL or DISCOLOR with age like other marble.
• A.. W. AYERS, -
lit, 111, :116 alla, Granite Tara 158, IGO 162 East Ilattr ;.;treet; 113111 A- N. Y.
Still maintains its place at. the head
of all mowing machines.
For durability, ease of manage
ment, itnd perfectiOn of w01r.,, it is
unequaled. • ,
Other machines are good just in
proportion to their imitation - of the
Manufactured by Slifer, Walls 4
Shriner Manufacturing Company.,
Lewisburgh, Pa. •
Bra,dford Co:, Pa.
Myersburg, May 29th, 1879,-84.
Sq 6 -
listA WEER la your own town ‘ and swami:id
ed. Too can give the badness a trial
wit out expense. The hest opportunity everpffer•
ed for those willing to work. You should try loth
lug else until you see for yourself • e n do
at the business we offer. No room to explaini
You can devote ;all your time cis only your-spare
time to the business,. and make goOd pay -for every
how that yon siork. Womin mat" as much as
men. Scmil for k•orciat private thin, aml particu
lars. vibith •we • mail free.. *.out et free. ' Von't
complain of bard times while you have midi a
chance. Address H. 11A LLETT k CD" Port/and,
Maine. „.
$3OO A MONTH guarantrqd. el 2 a day at
!none made by the inillistrions, pap.
hal 11414 we AIM start you. 3frn.women.
toys and girls make money faster at work fur tor
than at anything else. The work Is light and
pleasant, and such as anyone can go right at, These
who are wise who seothls- notice,wili send us their
addresses at oboe and see for-themselves: -Ceetty
Outfit and ferias .free. New la-tho-Ntue. Thaw
elreetynt work are laying up largo sumac( money.
Address TRUE St CO., Auguttat Maine.
In various sl.yles and all:colors,
&arbmare, Sin Tare, &c.
CAPITAL. • •. •
ASSETS nearly -- 114.000i000.00
This Asset!salon continues to Insure from Leo
and Damage by Fire. Buildings, Vietnamld yur
niture, and Merchandise generally.
,(...L—Lottern of Adnttnistraolon eon, (eofomonto
onnrxo. haring been granted to the undersigned.
upon thu 'estate of Intrinallullook. /ale of the
township of Smithfield. doomed. all potanna In
debted to said estate are retplnsted to Mho pap
nyeni,and 'thcse,beioug claims to present the Ms
without iltriaV
MARS Ll IttlLE.Wffzikointlatattatoi.
•-•? just ftiltlth ?tray 210, WO,
ham Ist, 114791
gatuertaneous. '
Of Philidelilhia.
WM.' S. VINCENT Agent.
Malls fitroet: Toirauda;-h.
0;;,,,....;.:V,1..;;,. - ..;,.., i ge5igf . ..._..
-': - ..1. :;',- , :' , 11 - -;-,A. , ....1 - ~, 1 - . .-',
. .. ...
Speeder vs. C. Y. 'lloseerante, :fa the Coact
oLornorm, PIM, Of Bradford' County..BO. 219,
-Yebruary Term. 1879. - -.
Therd4ereldne4. an Arleltolf - aPleltutte IT the
Court to Wanted° the- fund ertslig Ire* IMP
Sheriff's rite of defendant's real estate; will attend
twain dalleBot ht. appointment, at bloc mace totes,
Roningb of Towands,,en THURSDAY. the al day,.
of JULT L A. D. BRA at 10 o'clock. A. N.. *hen'.
and where - persons Auto` Manes against laid
fend, mad lemma them , or ho forever 4o"
Bons coming in an said fond . ' ' -41 / 4
B. A. HERCUR, Anatol:
lino 5. 18704 w. -
Towanda, 'j
. / QrrOWS NOTICE--E. 'D.
Roused i miller. le the Court of Co*
maw of, !Maud_ Ceenty No. 3,40,"yet
Term, le7e.
The umfamlyned an. Auditor appointed: bythie
said Court to attribute the fund raised from the
Shedd sale of the- defendant's persouat property.
In the above stated caw will attend to thedmissof
his appointment, at his idea In Towanda Borough.
on 1111 DAY, the 27th day . 6f JUNE.-7270. at te'
0 - chick, A M. when and where all penults having
daises upon said fatal. matt pram *ham or for.
ever be debarred from "coming In tin the some;
Towoodi. Pa., 'dope .4.15754 w ,
virtue of an order issued out of theorpluns ,
Court of Bradford County, the undersid.
Trustee of the estate of Andrew McQueen, Ufa of
Smithfield township. decessod„.will sell•-at pubikr
sale, on the premises. on-TUESDAY, JULI4I.,
ifif, at one o'clock r. se., the following described.
property, to wit: •
One lot of land situated in Smithfield Township,
County of Bradford loul State of Pennsylranla,-.
and bounded as follows. viz: On the
east by lands of Hugh Templeton. on the south by
landsof James O'Brien and John MIN% and on
the west by lands of Alexander Murdock, J. E.
Janney and lands belonging to the Ira Adams
estate, containing fifty acres, be the same snore or
less with the appurtenances.
TERNS OF gALL—itto when struck down t one
bait on emfirniation ; the ether half in one year
thereafter, with Interest. .
. JAMES ii, WEBS, Ton-toe.
• -East Onsithdeld, Ps.. Illy 22, itatt-aw
The asidgriment Of J. Leßoy Corbin for the
benefit:of-his creditors. In the Conn of Common
Pleas of Bradford County. No 606,1 day Terre,lB7S.
The undersigned Auditor app3tnted by the Court
of Common Pleasof Bradford conitt. to dindbute
the money in the hands of the assignees to the
creditors in the. above entitled' Cause, will attend
to the duties of his appointment. at his Moe in
Athens Borough, on W EDNESDAY. the 24 day of
JULY; tra, at 1 r. it., at which time aft
place nit persons haying any claims al on said fund,
will prosentthe lariat!, or be forerirr barred from
claiming any porthin of the same.
If. C. BAIRD, Auditor...
Athena. - Stay 28, MS: • .
trlett Court of the United States, for the Wevt•
ere District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter ofd 'Eugene Underhill, Charles E.
Noble and Thomas L. Smell, Bankrupts.'
u entsw, on the petition of Thomas L. Small,
one of said bankrupts, and by an order of this
honorable Court, dined May 20th. IMO, duty-made
and entered, It has been• referred to : the under;
signed, the Register in charge of this ease, -to as
certain on - notice and proofs, whether the composi
tion proposed by the above rained bankrupts, at a
meeting of their ettllton, held:on November .4d;
1878. boo been performed by payment of the per.
eentage provided therein, and whether the assignee
In bankruptcy should be directed to convey by
prop!) , deeds and instruments -of - eonveySnce, and
dallier to the said Thomas L. Smut], one of
said bankrupts, all the propel, real; personal and
• mixed, of every nature_ and description, that was
of the said bankrupts, or any of them, at the time
of the filing in' this Court of the- petition for an
adjudication of bankruptcy herein.; and the under
signed report- to the Court the proofs and testi
mony taken therein, with his opinion --
Notice is hereby given that the Sth day of July,
1870, at 10 o'clock, A. N., at the office of the under
signed Register in Bankruptcy, -at Towards, Pa..
Is assigned to proceed under ,the said order of ref
erence, when and where the said bankrupts and the
assignee and creditors, - and all other pawns in
Interest, may attend and present their allegations
and proofs in the matters referred as aforesaid. .
. R. A. 31EliCUB, Register in Bankruptcy.
Dated Towanda, Pa., May 29, IVY.
Nichols vs.;!.. B. Russell. In the Conn of
common Pleas of Bradford. county, No. IC,
Reeember Term, 1876.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the'
Said Court to distribute' the' fund raised.from the
Sheriff's sale of the defendant's real estate, in the
above stated ease , wiil attend to the duties of his
astintment. at his oMee In Towanda Borough.
on. WEDS ESDAY, the :rth day of 4l: LT, 18:9, at
10 o'clock, A. it,, when and whore all persons
baring claims npon saki fund, - must present them
or betorever.riebarred front coming in upon tLe
W. J; YOttia, Auditor.
Towanda, June Mb, 1479. " • 4W
virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphans'
Court of Ittad Cot 41 County, J anuary 7,1879. and con
tinued 31a3 20th. 1879, the uaerslgned, an Admin.
istrator of the estate of , 41;elorge T. Cole, late of
Towanda Borough, deceased. soil Pellet public sale,
on the premise;, on FRI E 27t11, at -1
n'elock,v , It, the Cottoning prciserty, according to
the atriended boundary as follows. towit :
Town lot and home. sitnate. In Towanda Borough - ,
on 'Second street In said Borough, being So front
and running west to all Miry, Munfied cnthe south
by Stoneman, on the north by a lot of wild G. I).
Montanye, (now 114:Gran 1, east by Second street]
'on the west by said alley, being the same recorded
In Deed Bouh"No. I is, Page 185.
TERNS OF S A T.E.--e2.0 on the property being
struck down, and the Valance on confirmation.
E. Li lIIGI.IS. Admlnistrator.
Towanda, 31sy lath, 1875-td.
111 Litters of Administration having been
granted to the molersigned, upon the estkte of
Alexander Ennis, late of Standing Stone township,
deceased; notice Is hereby giren that all persons,
ludcbtedto the said estate are requested to make
Immediate . paymmit, and all persons having claims -
to Vrmeat the sated without delay.
31ES, ELEA NEU ENNIS. Administratrlx.
• . Administrators.
Towanda, I's.. June 17, 1579.
~..I.etters of Ad ministrailontsvlng been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of John
Cabal. deceased, late or Shesbeguln township,
notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and all persons having dams to present the
samewit bout delay.
11A1V1' J. CAIIAL. Admlnistratriz;. --
WILLIAM J. L Administrator,
'With will annexed
Strestiequin, Pa.,.Jiane 19, 1819-w6„
Letters of Administration Wiling been
granted to the nntlerslgned, upon the estate of
Charles Newell, deceased, late of Wysox township,
notice Is hereby given that all persona Indebtedl
the said estate are requested to make Immediate
payrnent..-and all persons having clalms . against
said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement. -
All• correspoudenee to be wl4b J. K. Newell,
Wyse:. June 13, 1879
Orphan's Court of Bradford County, No.'s,
September term, t 879. In the matter of the estate
of Petty. Warner, - late Of Pike, deceased:
The undersigned, au Auditor appointed to dis
tribute the money In the hands of the Executor
:.rising from the sale of - said decedent's real estate,
will attend to the duties of Me appointment at his
oft3ce in Towanda Itorongh, onigt/NDAY, the 21st
day. of J LILY, A. It. ISM at I o'clock, P. St.
"BEND. M. PECK, Auditor. ,
Towanda, June ZIA-PM..
estate of Dennis Driscoll. deceased. '
.The undersigned. nu Auditor appolnted.hy the
Orphans' Court of ismdfoF4 County, te pass .upon
the exceptions filed to the first and part'al account
of J. L. Rtsbree, Adnalutstnttor of %the estate of.
Dennhi ibroll, deceased. wtll attetetto the duties
of 'his appolntment on FRIDAY, the 27th day of,
JUNE, A, D. 1879. at 9 o'clock A. II:, at the
clennm hotel in the borough of Athrtt., when
where all persons interested must attend.
J. F. SIIOE3IAKEIt, Auditor.
May 22, 1879. 0-w.f.
all nous
--iNlotlee-is hereby given that pc .
debted to the estate of 1./elision Messing, late of
the township of Smithfield, deceased, are requested
to make Immediate payment, and all persons
hating- claims against said estate must present
them duly authenticated for settlement. . • „
AZi E 81.1.:5.51:•,:ti, Administrator.
East iiiinithgeld, I'a., May :9 1 1879, 61,u8*
—7:ode. Is herChy given that all persona In:
thibted to the estate of Luke Dolan, late ot • the
Gm wilily, Ur Ii errick, deceased, are requested to.
make Immediate payment, and ail persetts having
claims against said estate smut present them duly
authenticated for settlement. ".
W. A. WETNIUILII; Administrator
Ilerrlckville, Pa., May . 19, MD, 51-w6,
.Li- Letters of d mlnistrationhaving hcett grant
ed to the undemignml, upon the- estate of J. IS.
nerve., deceased, late tit Athens township; node&
Is hereby given that All persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to, make tutmediiite payment,
and all persons havingi claims to present the same
without delay.,, r,
F. PAGE., Admiistrator.
'EI.7.F:\.P.ILEEV Y., Adminlstratris.
Athens l'a.; June It, 1879.
. :
Mr, L. 0. Emorson will bold a Normal Sesston a
Wymlusine, Pa., from July 2.1. toAngust 143. A. f u
carp+of Arat.class teachers In all Drenches.
Address. for circular, L. 0. Emerson, care O .
Dlumn it Co., Boston, Mos.. or J. r. Dlocher
Wyalaglig,Ps. _ 1.4 W
"The Richestrlitocid. Sweetest Breath and the
Fairest Skin in Hop Bitters."
'•A 11 We Hop Bitters saves big doctor hills and
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"That invalid wife, mother, ester or Child can
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"When worn down and tvody to take your hod,
Hop hitters is What yhu need."
"Don't physic nod i.hystc, for It .weakens and
deidroyp, but take Hop Bitters, that build tip con-
t•Phystriatts et all schools use and rocotuatetel
Hop hitters. Test - them."
—Health and holuty Is a Joy—Hop Bitters gives
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`•There an. Wore wires made with Hop Bitters
than all other Atetilrineß.”
`When the I.r.lit I s went toll, tile nerves unstruh
The inns/lea weak, use 114.1litter3.'7.
•Irbat low, neryuus fever, want Of Pleer sett
weaknolis, calls fur lisp Bitters.. -
110 P 000011 CMS /AND PAIN
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