`4lratifoli jtgortez COM , . H. ALLEN, LOCAL EMITOIL To wanda, Pa,, Thursday, ~Tune 19,1879. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, : Dualor In FINE' JEWELRY, WATCHES, - ',SILVER & PLATED WARE, TOWAI.ZDA PA. Towanda., Jan.lB, 1877. - LOCAL AND GENERAL. some parts of the county, cut worms are damaging the corn. IT is rumored that the Lodge of 990 d remplars at this place is to be ie.:Organ- BE A natcK two-story addition is being wit/ed to tlio store building of Capt. B. B. Nra.n.m.t., Troy. Vjzi blackberry and whortleberry crisps !lave been heara, from, and they promise to be large owls. Jolt N . :I;AV of Granville, was severely injured on Tuesday of last week, by. being NtepPe:4l, onbyaliorse. AVA lAA r•. cow, the property of Mrs. E. T. Et.moTT, of this place, was killed by liglittdog oue day last week. A conitEsroNor_NT of the Canton Scull yel says that a vein of silver ore has been A - scow:red near Carpenter station: 1r is ail a reporter can conveniently do about these days to keep track of the parties Who go fora few days of fishing. Tan - new cheese factory at Ulster is to be doing a good business, and to have a fair prospdcit of proving a success. Hey. ILAr.t.ocic Ai uaTitoNc,',will preach Mancilonio, at the Church, next, &Ab bott', June 22d, at. half -past two o'clock ME Wr. learn that there is now a fair pros pect of the Nail Worksat this place be inq. put in ... operation at rlo distant day lio;e:u Mutual Musical Alliance convenes yl:11 Tone 24th, for a four di L ys' izes_ 1,1„n. Rev. J. B. Sul3.Nr.n and A. B. Ll.- (•:•.y Arc he vont] uctors t. - . 1.05, living near Canton, who attcini4ed suicide by taking poison one d.:y last Week;, is slowly recovering-Iront the .:::'vets poisonous draught. • 11. AT: coLU, the patantve of AIL -7.‘“11.1).ti I.4se it ay fork and carder, died at his ..r3s nit:nee in Sylvpia, Tuesday morning tf last week, aged about 41 years. serinens are I , opular these clay: and t(' judge from slim congregations an ei••wded thoroughfares of Sunday even 111... , ,5; . One sermon a day stifilees very man • I.coidg.„ .Tor: closing exercises of-the Ttiwanda School took place at the •scAul I)llildku . tt on Thursday afternoon last, and wt.re witnessed by a large and delighted awlieLee. Tut: Troy Ga:stl of hint week sll : "T be County COnunissioners wore in n this week viewing that great natural curiosity—the cOuuty bridge at PAINE'S .crossiiig." Fr,sTival,.--=-Au ice-cream and straw berry festival wilt be given in Grange Wysanking, un Thursday evening, ;hale 261 h. Peace& ds fur the benefit of filst PiUsbYterian Chnveh. All invited. A .N1:111E,It of old soldiers of Elmila are •t;iing steps to organize a "Centennial - Gozrd," to participate in the Sullivan memorial ezereises. It is 'proposed to adopt the oil continental style of ind ium:. •WE ilcknos ledge the receipt of a basket or Inseions - stiii,Whert ies from our friend, E lot amissioner BENJAMIN KUYEEN DALT.. They were the largest and finest speebneng — Wo have seen this season. Thanks; 'CAmr-rowN will celebrate on the Gleti 4.as l'eurtb, and D. C. Dii:Wyrr, Esq., of this place, will_orate. There will be fire wiirks :mil a balorm aSecpsirin in the eve nitt, and a geod time all day. Guess -we'll take it in. A nt.ArK aAss weighing three and one hail pounds was caught at Lake Nephawin •mc day Ltst week, by dost•:rtt Wafture, of Canton. It is-believed to bo ono of the ol. 1 4111:11 bass placid in the lake some three yems ago. AT the M. E. Church,. during the sum me? liwittlis, Sunday evening service will !t1 at six o'clock. This announcement is nride at the re.mest of many who wish avei'd the. heat of gal, and to reach at an eArly tour. A - nviccu eboir." Pinafore " company has in Elmira to give"four pert .rmanccs next heck. and threatens to visit ...moc of the wort ending villages of Simthern New York and Norlheth Penn sylvanhf ilhectly afterward. Tut; Erie will sell tickets to Jamestown aut i l roanli daring the Chatauqua Assem bly good cL-yr the seas m. From llornells- Binghamton, itS.TS ; Elniira, $6.50; Corning, $5,1*5 ; !lath, $6 , ,.50; Al mood, I.CKi ; Anuu. cr, $3.50; Vat-erly Atleneate says that Itom. 1;1;T A: I'acm.m. has planned extensive in about' his residence at Say i nu for the summer. An addition of 7:i feet to lii lint Louise le s been coin tuemied, 7ll i t 1 ho has directed the building of a large grqiiery. • AT the meeting of the Democratic Cimnty Comthittee, held in the grand Jury Room •on Saturday last, Captain DAN My.stnAN, of Wyr.ex, Itew SMITE, of Alba, and W. E. JoaNsoN, of Granville, wore elected representative 'delegates to Cm Democratic State Conyeutitin. ARR F.IIEN TS • are going ahead finely, Bays the - Dushoie../4efete, for the Odd Fel ltr.vf.' celebration at.. Bernice, July 4th. There will be special trains to carry all, and every arrangement will be made for the comfort of:thoso who attend. The Dushoro band has been engaged to fur !did' music. H. c. TRACY, wife and daughter, Locx LYON and wife, of 'Ji !onroeten, J. T. Um. Wei and (laughter, Of Laddsburg, 1. (1. Saxe wife arid 'daughter, New Al bany, started from this place on Tuesday morning last, down the Susquehanna, in a -large heat fitted up for the purpoSe, on 'a Voasure excursion, Arbieb: they corOm plate-to ( ujoy for a Iwriod of several Weeks. We wisin them a pleasant trip ( ,- Ife return. .IL W. PATRIC; Esq., offers a reward of s'2s for evidence sufficient to convict the parties ala set fire to a building on his premises in Athens recently. A num ber of buildings bait) been set on f 1 by inccudiaries,in that vicinity recently; and it is to ho hoped that the miscreants will be brought to speedy punishment. - To KILL Morns.—As this is the active season of the moths, it may. bo as well to mention that there is nothing to compare to benzine as a remedy. There is no dan ger from the ono of it, whether upon fur niture, carpets, hair stuffing, etc., and the odor disappeari nearly as soon as it dries. Upholsterers almost universally apply it. • Tun common sunflower is said to be a powerful absorbent of noxious and Trials, rious odors, and its growth is recommend ed as a preventative or malarial'diseases. An old physician says, "you never knew a ease of fever of any kind in a house that had sunflowers growing about it." The advice is worthy of consideration as it costs nothing to try the experiment. This four-oaredboat race between Axi om; and . BEEBE, anti BEIDLEIIMI and Simr.Ens, which comes ot to-morrow (Friday) evening, at 7 o'cloCk, is creating no little interest about Cown,'and promi ses to be pretty generally witnessed. The course is from the railroad bridge to the foot bridge, and the winning boat gets ten dollars. LIG wrktrio struck and set fire to a barn belonging to STEPIIEN Wmunn, situated a few feet back of• the house occupied by hi°. N. WOLFE, on Elmira street, Troy, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, and notwithstanding the efforts made by the citizens to put out the flames, the build ing ;was entirely consumed. Loss about $3OO. Qoon,Stmor.itT.—Our townsman, Ex- COMMiSSiOner 11'ENJAMIN. RUN'KENDALL, who has sulfcred.fOr a long time with a cancerous growth—epithelioina by name —situated upon the left side of the neck,. in dangerous proximity to the large blood 'vessels of that' part,_ was very skilfully, and with ontiro success, operated 'upon for tho relief of his trouble- by the Drs. PRATT, at their office on Saturday last. "I GO a-ilshiag :" mulch° aped, Wlth rod and line, where by-paths led •Netith latticed boughs, behlde the brook, Where itch were lured with - euintlng, brook Pll read In solitude awhile P• With favorite book, and morning smile, Through winding wage, she sought the nook She loved thu best, belittle the book. Later, ILpasted : the Hue ind hook Were queerly twined beside the brook; While, In the grove, the angler's prize Was reading love-sungs In his eyes. D. 1). T. Moons has Commenced the publication in New York of Moore's Ru ral Life " an illustrated journal for'subur ban, village,, and cortntry , homes." It •is of about the same - size of Thirper's Week ly, and is designed to promote tho home interests of such city, suburban, cottage, and country residents as delight in dow ers, fruits, shrubs, landscape and kitchen gardening, and those pleasant adornments and surroundings which render life enjoy able, whether iu cottage, "villa, or 7man sion. The first number is finely illustrat ed, and 'contains much to amuse as well as to instruct. • Tins managers of the Bradford County Agricultural Society have issued to the public a pamphlet containing list of pre miums offered at, and rules and regula tions for Conducting the annual fall rue,dt ing of the society, which is to talra..p . lat". on the first three days in October. Prizes to the amount of $l,lOO are offered, and the Board of 3hanagers will spatp no pains to make the"eihibition successful in all respects. The buildings will be putin the hest'condition, new ones built if deemed necessary, and no effort spared to .estab lish the society up on' permanent and en during foundation. Some entirely new. Natures will be introduced, which will no doubt add to the interest which all our peo i de feel in the success of the society. • - DimiTztEitra.—lt is said that the fol lowing is a sure cure for that dread coin plaiut;diplitheria, a was - given us by a lady whose family have passed through the scourge without the loss of ono mem ber : Take one-half pint of pure cider vinegar. put in it ono teaspoonful of sul phur and ahandful of red rose leaves, boil them together, then place an : inverted funnel over the cup containing the mix ture and have the patient breathe the steam. She says at first it will' alinoit strangle the patient, but in a short time it can be breathed with ease.• Let it be repeated often,. and she says it is bOund to cure. It, is simple, and certainly wor i--thy of a trial.—E.r. • tA. WOODMAN KILLED.—Our Wellsburg mil-respondent sends us the following : A. faial accident occurred 'on Friday, near Ridgbury township, Pa. ADELDERT DlClCEnstlx, While. felling a trep t the axe, which had just been sharp ened, became loose .on the handle, and while in the act of striking a severe blow on the tree the axe camp out and in its descent struck Mr. Dicannsog on the thigh, severing a large artery, from which lie Mild to death before ho could lie car-, tied to his holism Mr. DICKEIiSON wag a young man of intelligence and much worth.. MS funeral took place Sunday afternoon at two ticlock.—EZinii•u tixe . ON Wednesday morning, while Mrs. N. D. Mows and her sister, Misa Lucy rAmr, were gathering poke weed : in the woods near their house, about a mile from Ca:uptown, Bradford_ county, they ran upon a black snake which showed fight, and g:ive them a pretty good scare. Thoy did what most Women would do under the eircumstancossereamed,which attracted Mrs. BuowN's husband and WILLIE Wthr.v, who were in au adjoining field, who immediately came-to the rescue with a•shot-gun and blow his swikeship's head oft After searching around a . , : littie the mate was discovered and killed. Snake No. 1 measured G feet G inches,' and No. 2, 5 feet G inches. Mr. BROWN and his companion bad killed three other large snakes the same morning.— Tu hichan mock Republican. TITE SAYRE LAND CORPANY.--LCURTS Patent Lave ,been issued by Governor incorporating the Sayre Land Corn pans under the General Corporation Law of Pennsylvania. Its principal business office will be at Sayre, and its officers are: President—liowißD ELMER,. Waverly, N. Y. Trelaurer--RonEiT A. PACEER, Sayre, Pa. Derectors—RopEnT A: PACKER, Sayre, Pa.; HARRY E. PACER,. Mauch Chunk, Pa.; ELISIIA P. WILBUR, 11Ctiii0116131, Pa.; - ROBERT LOCKMART, /14h1CIICIIC 1'3.; lbenAno A. ELMER, Waverly, N. Y.; 110 WARD ELMER, Waverly, W. The incorporation and organization of the company have now been 'completed, the extensive. building - operations, pro poicd in the spring, will be begun limn°. diately, the • material having been pur .chaOed iiheadY.— Wit redy. zldefkatc,. • DELTaop Mss. Mitactin.—The many friends of Mr:BDWAIID G. Mitneui, were greatly shoekod last evening, , to hearthat his wife bad died after an illness of but a few hours. Mr. Mancmt resides in Gov ernor Morris house on' Franklin street, and it was there Mrr. Maacua breathed her last. It seems but a few months ago that Mr. MEneen brought his bride to Wilkes-Barn, and now, almost boron the honeymoon bad waned, ho is so sud denly and terribly bereaved. Could sym pathy do aught for the stricken husband, his woo would be light:Fled speedily, for there are scores who mourn with him in this- his hour of affliction. Time alone can alleviate his sorrow and soften the pangs ho now endures.—Wilkes-Barre Record, June 16th. A Lawn number of the members of the M. E. Church gathered at the Parsonage - on Monday evening last to tender their congratulations to their pastor, the Rev. G. C. Johns, on his safe return from - his foreign trip. The occasion was a very enjoyable one to all present, and will long be remembered by all ratio participated iu it. Rev. Dr. WENTWOUTII, Presiding Elder, in a abort address,-presented Mr. JONES with a beautiful basket. of flowers, concOaledin which was a purse contain ing $76, the gift of loving friends. G. A. Our-.#i6ty, Esq., read a very touching address of welcome, and Mr._Jorms, al though visibly aftbcted by the unexpected dr:fenestration, replied in a few very ap propriato and feeling rematks. The Rev erend gentleman teems ta.have been ben efitted by his journey across the, ocean, find says that ho has not enjoyed such bodily health for years.. A WARM:IIO'TO CIDER-DICiNKER.i.--A curious case that has just come to light at Nirthbridge, Massachusetts, of tho death of two persons and the expected death of two others, all in one family, from the ef fects of cider-drinking, will reinforce the arguments of those who "condemn the practice. As nearly , as can bo made out, the father, aged 70, the mother, 56, and two sons, 35 and 31, have drank since last fall between 40 and 50 bands of cider. The mother was taken with Ms six weeks ago yesterday and died the next Thurs day. The youngest son was taken with tits three weeks ago and died on Thurs day, and last Thursday the oldest son was taken with fits like the 'others, - and Fri day night ,his physicians •gavo him up. The father is also in a very bad condition, "sees snakes" nearly everk night, and frequently gets up in tho night and runs about' the house crying "Fire" at the top of his voice, doubtless suffering from de lirium tronvis. All parties suffer great ly. No cause but the cider-dritOting can be feu ml.—Sprinzfleld Republica4. DISCOVERY OE. STOLEN GOODS. —On Tuesday of this_week Constahh, nosatrat - arrested Jonzi and IDOR.SEY,! of this borough, upon a warrant charging them with the larceny of goods,' compris ing silks, muslin, calicoes, and a variety of. Other articles taken upon the night-of February 1879, from the stole of ELY WIIRIIIT., Upon searching the rooms where they resided in Brick Block, a.por tion of the missing goods were identified by the trade marks and name of Mr. while other article's were of the same kind and description of those• car ried away upon tho night in question. The accused were brdught before Jus tice llorr, and waiving an examination upon default of bail, Which vas placed at *l,OOO, they were committed to jail at To. Wanda. _ On Wednesday Constable Irosmr.o made further search upon the premises and found goods in poSsession of S'ARAR and Atat.i. Dons rv, supposed to be stolen pro perty. He brought the Aelinquents into Court, who, waiving a.hearing, gave bail. in the sum of t:400 each, to appear before Justice liorr, on Wednesday morning, Juno 18th, at 9 o'clock A. m., It. C.. SlN ssnAunn and GEORGE MonsE going their Fail.--Athens Gazette. BAD ATIIENS.-1 correspondent of the Elmira Advertiser, writing from Athens ou Moeday last, gives the following par ticulars of an attempted high Way robbery in that village on `Sunday evening : "While Mi. Eat.. Lane, of Towanda; was driving up , , Main street last night abOut 11 o'clock 4 his horse was seized -1)3 , the bead by two • men, and tivo more grasped his carriage and, attempting to climb in, demanded his money. After several ineffectual attempts to unloosen the grasp of the' assailants, he.suceeeded in urging the horse forward so suddenly as to shake them off, but lost his carriage top. lid immediately procured a Consta hie and Obase was made, but owing to the extremq darkness'all escaped. This morn ing three young men of this place, Frank Miller,, John Dorran and Jtibil Flood, were arrested, and according to the evi dence Procured arc undoubtedly the of: fenders. Miller was' in a scrape of this; kind before, but was let off, upon return ing.the money stolen. Ad three \VCR: in so high 4 state of. intoxication when taken before the Justice of the Peace, that he committed them to the lockup Until they -were in a condition to admit of mi exami tion."- —Tlio three young men, were brought to this place on Tuesday. by Constable SINSABAUGir, ,of Athens; and Chief of Po lice linn.Ns, of ToTkatuln, ,and looked up in tho county jail to await trial at Sep tember Court. Pic-Nic.—On Friday last - the students and friends. of the Stsqueliantia-Collegi ate Institute enjoyed one of those pie-nics for which the school is noted, at Weston, on the Barclay Railroad. The day was an exceptionally fine ono, and consequent ly' quite a large number gathered at tho depot at 7:30 A. 11., with the determina tion to have a "good time." The train was under the management of Conductor PARSELLS, hence it is needless to say that we reached there safely. Arriving at the grounds wo proceeded to unload the eata bles, etc., and to prepare for the day's sports. A dancing . platform had been erected, and the lovers of dancing tripped the "light fantastic toe" to thc .musie of ICEELtot's Orchestra. Sc me played cro quet, while others were trying their skill at " target shooting." . At 12 o'clock M. .all were called to come and partake - of the refreshments which had been provided. After visiting the schocd and pronouncing it a "success." and doing many other 'things too numerous .to mention, we returned home, reaching Towanda at six o'clock P. it., everybody fading better fur • the day's recreation. Among the guests were Judge Moitrionr and wife, Su perintendent Junn and wife, Mrs. Colonel Juitts M. , ;sott and Mrs. Dr. STEVENS. &MOE 4. COLLEGIATE LESITTEITE 001IRENOEMENT EXERCISES. Thursday evening, Juno 12th, the Pres byterian Church was crowded with pee ! pie, the' occasion being the commence ment exercises of Susquehanna Col legiate Institiitc. The Institute Inv; com pleted its twouty-Ilfiy_year,lind whatever its reverses iu the past, is now uponthe, high tide of prosperity. The records of the past year show an increase in attend ance of nearly twenty-five per cent.,.thus practically demonstrating the favor in which the Institute is now field in North ern Pennsylvania. The following is the program:lm of Thursday dixtaing's enter tainment : - SUSQUERANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUT& COMMIENC.EMILNT MECUM . • . TWSWllrottrill TVA; PROGRAMME. Instrumental Reles...Blrd of Parodfoo...Bldory Sadtb,..Axas D. O&M . • - Docismatlon,..liselAnes Chll4l...Chas. Battey, ..tlitUltas P. LB& . Irecitattou.:.lliumah. lllndleg Shook-Luf7 Lar- LILLI le D. Btu. T. Vocal Du01,..0n the Blue' Wove. - rooofto... 3floof Sur awl Wooinztrtr. Orstloth..Labor sod Its Relations to _ Euossit A. TU0311410/4 Insteumental 8010,..The Blue Solis of Scotland,.. Laugr,..KATIR WATTS. • Decla,astiou... The Beveuge,...Tenuyeee t .. ago. M. DAUM! ALt.. - chorus... The Baybells and the Plowere..Men. dehighuo,.. Uy a Class of Miles. Oration, .. French recullarlde*, C. • JOIINSON. HetttlitioSt...B4tforaUO EN!! TI4CT. /UStructiCutal 1..4u)a,..The SUMO Isance i .4 Ascher, —Dona eissatis. • s Drelamatlon,..Tbe Last liymn,..LialtAND 8. Enneran. Essay... Our ' , Western Featly—Marx J. HUSTON. Vocal Fly Away. Shilling... Ant.,..Misses STI.W.AILT and PASSAGE.. Reellatleu,..prought to Light,..Anan,..Wiristtll DAVIES. • 0 ratlerk..tteenes and Prodigies, .0 so. It.ltOnula.. Instrumental Bonnie Osmond Bonnie Duss• dee,..Pape,..JSiratSA prn. Deciarnation_.. .Wounded...Uoy. W. E. atfuer,.. CHAS. HUFFINUTON., . -Valedictory Addles/4..8am raj. M. DtaTOS. Proactitatioa of Diplomas mid Certificates. rcayer Suit ItenetilcUotr. That the exorcises as a whole were fine, seems to be the general opinion. Of the declamations, those of Mr. BlumEn and Mr. BUFFlNGTONworei.particul4rly Btriir lug, and showed in their delivery the care ful preparation and•native talent of the speakers. , ThO orations were evidently tl4e products of close thought and study. Mr. TUOMPSON spoke _effectively of the rules governing labor and capital,' and described them as equitable and beneficial when rightly , applied. No ono of the original compositions displayed a more caieful analysis' or greater rhetorical ac curacy than the oration of Mr. Jouturos. Comprehensive as was the subject, its salient points were successfully grouped and presented in the aliort.time allotted. In our judgment, the orationlif Mr. Mou nts prcoluccd the moskpleasing effect of the evening's exercises. To' an interest ing and well-written oration, Mr. Mounts united the further recommendations of a clear, ringing voice, and an easy, graceful manner. The audience was unpleisantly surpris-- ed by the brivity of Mils STEWART'S reC7. itation. Miss TRACY'S rendering of "Bis tor, and I " was much admired ;. at the same time, she gave the impression- of reserve power. Miis DAVIES has always . twin a favorite with Towanda audiences, anVin no degree, disappOinted the expec tations of-this. Mor style, so entirely her own, as unstudied, as pleasing, with many gave her recitation the first place among the perlonna.nees of the evening. Miss IltsroN'il essay showed extensive reading and a correct idea of the relative merit, of American poets. JOAQUIN MILLER and BItET HAUTE cannot rival linvAsix and LONGFELLOW. NO master. of the style and diction of the former can be sure of lasting fame. Musical critics praised the' execution of the parts, - both vocal and instrumental. The valedictory address, deliVercd by Mr. Satat:Et. M. IlusTo•i, was 'sound and logical, though no attempt at oratorical o'i:et was app4rent. The pre sentation of diplomas followed the vale dictory address., Miss MAnY J. Hums: graduated in the Academ i c course, and Mr. SA3irr.t. M. Iftwrozi in the Collcge Preparatory course. The exereises.closed _ with remarks and player by Professor Qui.NLAN. THE SULLIVAN CENTENNIAL. 't The adjourned meeting of the Centennial Com mittee met at the iMice of Judge Thurston yester day afternoon. The contract fur building the monument was awarsled to Tenger. Schumacher a Co., of tilts city, for $1.9741, Including inscription stone. It'is to 1)911(1y-five feet high, with observe tory and staircase. The whole amount has nut been raised, but enough tit warrant Out committee to award the contract. it Is to he hoped Our citi zens will subserlim liberally when called upon by the eenttititteu: The colebratlon will be one of the greatest gatherings MAL ever lids valley saw. :mine of the mist noted men of the nation have signified their Iett:MIMI to lie present, and the military display is in the hands Of men who will make It a grand success. We hopo the efforts of the c.iintiiittee Will lie sustattied by our citizens." '--„Efu. fro -4 drerttstr. The above paragraph suggests the movements now being made in Central arid Southern New York, for the suitable observance of the ono hundredth am:liver saryof the expedition against the Western Indians, under 1 the command of Major- General Joirx Suf.t.iv_tx, in 1779. - 14 eve ry way this will doubtless be the most grand and imposing celebration ever at tempted in this part of the country. A great variety of circumstances combine to give it interest. It was the only really military' movement' undertaken by the United States in Northern Pennsylvania and Southern New York during the Rev olutionary war, and so far as we in Brad ford, Tioga ..and Chemung counties are concerned, the only military inovemwnt of any great consequence in our history. It was, in fact,.one of the most important events in one Revolutionary war. It was in contemplation for mouths. Troops were gathered, from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Mas sachusetts, and Connecticut, who .were commanded by some of the ablest:Getter ' als in the'country. It was st movement minx akably more -hold and hazardous . than its modern counterpart, " Sherman's March to the Sea," as the country was measurably barren of - supplies, the means of transportation difficult, and the enemy one whose mode of warfare was the moat savage and treacherous of any nations on earth. Among its results was the lireak- ing down-of the towering strength of the Six Nations, who for the two years previ ous had "hung like scythe of death over the frontiers,','_ which had been reaping fearful .haivests at Wyoming, Giiman Maid, Olierry Valley, Minuisink, and tho West Branch settlements. AndA4ire was opened to the occupancy ail settle- Mont of thowhite mau at the close of the war; and to-day populouS cities, vast , manufactories, and.broad farms.anfi mill ions of souls occupy the territory over which STILLtVAii led laieconquering army. It hi beckoning, therefore, that the cele biation should. be both military and civic, and such the committee having it in charge design it shall be. President 'lsm:, and the Governors of the several States whose troopsvere 'in the expedi tion, have. signified their iutentiou to be present ; a largo number of military and civic organizations have also accepted in vitations to join in the celehration.. Judge, IficlllAwrEns will read a poem, and ex- Governor SEY3I9IIR will deliver the era- tion'on the occasion; while upon our own county historian Rev. Dina CRAFT, of Wyalusing, has been conferred the honor of the historical address. Other gentle men, whose names do not now occur to us, have been assigned places on the pro gramme. Bradford county is also repre sented in the various committees and in the list of vice-presidents selected for the occasion—a fact not only honorable to the gentleinen named for the several pla ces, but an appreciative recognition of the common interest which our people have in the celebration. W call the, attention of our readers to this ihattei thus early in the season, and hopc . that in their plani for recreation and enjoyment they will not forget the 2pth' of August awl the importaot °yenta it commemorates.. We shall take-occasion to call attention to tit% celebration,fie quenlly during the summer, as the plank which . are - now in contemplation are . so developed as to, niako it morally certain they;will.be carried out.. r!1eo1i --Mrs. E. B. AMR; *faintly), is visit ing hien& in Tankhannook. Mrs. U. W. Toon" of Sam, icing tatfvca and frksids in Faust Mich' —Mr. and Mn. 3. Molina Ritiovikr, of Franklin, have =turned from their wedding trip. i - —Mrs. Alms tionnan 'and OM*, of Williamsport, are vhdting relatives and friends in Quiton. —CI. A. GUETINICIF, of Towanda, preached twoAnoiestame at the K. B. Much last Sabbath.-Troy Midge. -Agin Ewa lifsersartn, of Tamar. da, contributes to the Loan' a decorated tete a Ms Chins sot which is greatly ad mirod.—A7mira Gassirs. • - —Mr. !WILLIAM GOODMAN and wife, of Chicago, Illinois, are visiting friends in Sayre. Reis a brother of R. F. Goon. mu!, of the Lehigh Valley Road. • —AARON &roNa, the.veteran espies& man, who, for a quarter of a century has kept his route between Athens and Wa. verly in running order, continues the work from day today. —Mr. T. D/ I :e s l is tlON, of Canton, ion of Dr. DAVISON, teturnid from Philadel phia, whore ho has been to have' his eyes treated by a celebrated oculist. His sight is much improved. —Mrs. Congressman Oviravow and her Mater, Mrs. IRA ITUMPLIRRT, of Towanda, are visiting their parents, Bev.. and Mrs. Hamm, at Mount Pleasant, this county. Wayne Comity Herald. _ - lama, a prosperous. mer chant of Ulster, was here visiting friends the past week. He was for a long time with Welts & Acirarv, and his friends aro like the sands of the sea, or our Bill's boots—without numbers—Duda/re Beans. --Miss LAURA E. Pamir; of Warren; Pa., who has been spending several months with her sister, Mrs. ELLSWORTII, in New York, returned on Tuesday.` last, accompanied by Mrs. ELLSWORTH, who , will spend a few weeks in this vicinity.— Owego Times. -4ittnator JACSION reached home Sat urday night. Ho is quite feeble after his illness of a fortnight's duration... Mr. 4cssox has done an immetiso amount of work for his district., and the press of each County, without regard to politics, speak complimentary of his _ . off?rts.—Dushore -Review. —J. W. Srest, Msg., and Prof. H. E. RAMAT have• just returned with their families from a fishing trip along the Ildagland Branch 'where they encamped !hiking the past week. We understand they were successful in taking quite a number of the speckled beauties:—Can ion Sentinel. —A statement in the 11EIVILTER last week that Hon. T. C. PLATT had been elected President of the Southern Central Railroad - Comp a ny was an error. - Mr. PLATT has been Acting President of the road since the death of Mr. Ross, who,M successor will not be chosen until the next annual election which takes place in Au gust next. —General W. W. U. Darts, editor of the Doylestown Democrat, visited his sis ter, Mrs. Judge Munctit; of this place, last week,. and was among the pleasant callers at our office on Thursday last. In company with 11. C. NlicnErrun, of Doylestown, the General started for his homemn Friday morning, intending to walk the entire distance—about Wimiles. XERCIIIV-WAID. The ceremonies uniting RODNET A; Mmteun, Esti., eldest sort of lion. ITl.Ts ars MERCUR, and Miss MART WAnn, cid- est daughter of JAMES I. WARD, Esq., in the bonds of matrimony, took place at Christ. Church, in this place, on Thursday last, at G:3O P. at., and were witnessed by the most brilliant audience ever gathered within the auditorium of that edifice. Tho interior of the church was elaborate- ly, yet tastefully decorated with ever greens and rare flowers, woven into beau tiful designs. Promptly at the hour above named, the organ vegan to peal , forth. Mendelssohn's grand '; " Wedding March," under the akilled. touch of Professor.Crarner, of Elmira, N. Y., and the wedding party en- - tered the church in the following, order : First the ushers, Messrs. W. 11. Hawes and John W. Ceddieg, followed by the attendants, Mr. Charles H. Gridley, of Elmira, N. Y., Mr. John D. Sells, of At lanta, Georgia, cousin of the groom ; Jas. W. Mercur, brother of tile groom, and Colonel E. A. , Hancock, of Governor Hoyt's staff, of Wilkes• Barre ; next came Mrs. Ward, mother of the bride, and Miss Ely, of Binghamton, N. Y., followed by the bride with her father, and the ushers, Messrs. James IL Macfarlane, cousin, and E. Overton Ward, brother of the bride. At the chancel rail the bridal party was met by the groom and his best man, Dr. John D. Mercur, brokther of the groom, of Philadelphia. Taking the hand of his bride, the groom advanced to the altar where the pastor of the church, Rev. J. S. *Beers, was - awaiting them. Here under a beautiful arch of evergreens from the cento of which depended a large floral horse-shoo, the beautiful and impressive ceremony took place, the organist playing a soft accompaniment throughout. Tho bride was arrayed in a dress of white satin, with trimmings of the same fabric. Her ornaments mere of clematis and jasmine, and with the single excep tion of a pair of solitaire diamond' ear rings, (gift of the groom,) she was with out jewelry of any kind. Miss Ely, the bridesmaid, wore a dress of cream colored silk and brocade, with short tulle veil and jaryuerninot roses. Immediately after the ceremonies at the church, followed a reception at , the house of the bride's , parents, on Locust avenue, Which was attepded by a' large number of invited guests from at home and abroad. Among those present from abroad, were Gen: W. W. H. Davis; 11. C. Michenor, Erq., of Doylestown ; Miss MeXechnie, of Canandaigua; N. Y.; kiss Duffield, of Davisville, Pa,; Miss Ljnch, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Col. and Mrs. B. F. Eshleman, of Lancaster, Pa.; Mrs. A. H. Irwin, of Daviaville, Pa.; Dr. H. E. Mnh lentonrg, of Lancaster; Mr. John 0. James, Jr., of Philadelphia ; Major 0. .B. Overton and wife, Mr. George M. Bailin son, Mr. Loomis, of Elmira, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Macfarlane, of Rochester, N. Y., Mr. - P. J. Mallory, of Canandai gua, N.Y.; Mr. Fox, of Durhamville, N. Y.; Mrs. L. M. Post, of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. - D. R. Lathrop, of Bernice, Pa. Those of our own citizens p r esent, worn Judge and Mrs. Morcur, Judgo and Mrs.. Morrow and Mite Etta Morrow, lion. and Mrs. E. 0.. 'Goodrich and Miss Goodrich, Hon, and Mrs. B. Overton, Jr., lion. and Mrs. Joseph Powell, Prof. and Mrs. James Macfarlane and the Misses Macfarlane, MIS. U. B. Moran, Miss Mercer and Miss Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Judd, Mr:and Mrs. N. N. Betts, Mr. and M. C. MSrcur and Miss Helen Morons, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Overton and Misa -Overton, Miss Belle Pratt, Miss Jessie Ward, Miss Hattie Delano, Mrs. Dr. H. C. Per- ter and NUB Porter, Mrs.- J. C: Mania and Mira Adair* 'ME and Mrs, Wayne,. DiForregt„ Mr. sod miLit. C. Mldreth,' Ifni. Brutus Smith, Miss Anna- Smith, Missll3reed, the • Dimes Rabin; Harry Streeter, Esq., Kr. Willphambertn, Mr. It E. Trippler, Mrs. D. Barstow and Kiss Barstow, Mr. 3. E Keeney, Rev. Dr. and Ws. J., S. Stewat:t, Bev. and, Mr&d. S. Beers, Mn. 1. - 0. Blight. The newly wedded pair wore theireelp. lents of many beautiful and costly pres ents. Tbd happy couple left on the 10:40 train for a brief wedding trip, followed by the good wishes of our entire commu nity for a pleasantjourney, safe return, and a life of wedded happiness. PMIEHAL OP 0. T. 007111 L. The funeral of Mr. C. T. Covn.n took place this morning at 10 o'clock; from his nsidence; about one mile west of Penny- I f villa, Bradt()ltlCounty, Pa. Mr VILL came to the above named p from Hartford, Connecticut, in 181 , then but a boy seven years old. On th 3lst of He comber, 1828, he marrie d Br ELIZABETH COLEMAN, who lived with him until 1837, when she loft this earthly house for a home in heaven. • . . Us never moved front the place of his first settlement until be was carried by his 'neighbors and friends to the silent tomb. t3ixty-three years out of seventy were spent on the old farm, clearing up the land, building up the place, and mak ing for himself a comfortable home iu his declining age. Ile was the father of 12 children, eight of whom survive him. Five were present at the funeral. • . 41 few years ago, when the fever for go inMWest ran very high, his entire family settled in or near Whitehall, -Michigan, where they still reside, and where by in dustry and many privations and economy they have•accumulated much wea)th and rank among the first citizens of tli6 place. Mr. Covtu. was 11 man oVi L ar more than ordinary mind, and was capable ,of tilling a much mom prominent post in life than a farmer. He was a man of fine feeling and always ready and willing to entertain, friends or strangers, rich or poor. lie seldom ever passed any one on the street without speaking to them. - Children loved to meet him because ho always greeted them with kind words and entertained there, with amusing :ste ries and anecdotes, many of them coming under his own observation or Woven in -his own experience. In the community where ho lived he will be much missed as a genial friend, kind neighbor, and-wise counselor. That ho had many friends was plainly seen by the great number of persons present at his funeral ; despite the gweltering heat and clouds of dust, it was impossible to accommodate all..who were present, • and when it came to view the remains for the last time, scores of peoplo wended . their way through the crowd to look fOr the last time on the face of a friend'. . All was done for Mr. Covril. that mor- tal could do.- His wife and daughter were untiring in'their attentions to him during the brief illness, And when no earthly friend could "comfort _ nor quiet" him, his daughter wOuld,hy her words of sympa- thy and untiring kindness, cheer him and quiet him, and - thus calmly and quietly ho fell asleep. - The funeral Emmen was preached- t hy P. S. EvEns.TT, of Wellsburg, from Ile text, "We spend our lives as a tale that is told." The funeral was in . charge' of Major J. C. Row :so*, of Bentley. Creek, Pa. _ ' P. S. E. • Troy, May 14, 1879. couNan, PROCEEDINGS. A. special session., of the Council was held Saturday evening, June 14th, for the transaction of busiuuss relating to the Fire Department. Members present Burgess Doilge, Councilmen Holcomb, Kingsbury, bion tanye, Snell and Stevens. . The followin g {, gentlemen having been appointed by the Fire Board for Fire Police for their respective companies for the current year, their appointments were unanimously conilrnied by the Coun cil, to wit : Franklin, No. 1--S. 31. Brown, llatr Bowman. . Naiad, No.'--A. D. Cf.x)lbaugh, Thos Merideth. Lin-ta r No. 3—l). V. Wilcock, „George 11. Estell. Mantua, No. 4—L. P. Coburn, Theo dore Arnout. . On motion, the Secretary was directed re to publish the following solution, pass ed Jirly 2, 1877, and furnish a Opy of the same to the Secretary of the Fire Board Resolved, That all orders for purchases. and' expenditures for the Tire Department shall be made or signed by the foreman of . the company for whose use said expenses shall be incurred, and when the bills for said purchases are presented to the Coun cil they must be accompanied by the or ders made by the. foreman, and approved by •the Chief Engineer. Adjourned. .: J. KINGSISCRY, Secretary. At a special session of the Council, held Monday, June 16th, called for . the pur pose of appo:nting social policemen to insure the peace on circus day, Jeep 17th, the following members were present -Burgess Dodge in the chair, and Council men Alger, Jones, Snell and Stevens. On motion of Councilman Snell the fol lowing resolutiOn was adopted : Resolved, That D.. M. Willcock and George H. Estell, members of the Fire Police force be, and are hereby appointed 'to act as Special Polieemen.of the borough of Towanda during Tuesday, June 17, 1879, with full authority to make arrests, they to be under the control and order of the Chief of Police, G. A. Burns.. On tubtion, adjourned. W. U. JONEa, Secretary, pro. ,tern Local Correspondence. 1110 Y 'I OPICS. EDlTtlit IPSINVRTEIt :—Ou Tuesday of last week John Wolfe's barn was struck by lightning and burned.. The loss about tt3oo; no` insurance.... Copious showers are bringing crops.forward rapidly, and there is every , prospect of abundant bar- Nests this year. Grass is not heavy, but of better quality than last year.... Geo: IL Davison is home for a short visit.... The Teachers' Amociation. held Juno 13th and 14th at Columbia X Roads, was one of the pleasantest and most success ful sessions ever held. Professor Quinlan makes a fine presiding officer, and his vig orous administration will give a new fife, to the association. • Towanda was repre sented by the County Superintendent, the Principal of the. Graded School, ancimany of the excellent teachers. Athens and Troy by the Principals of the respective graded schools, and a large attendacce on the fart of the leading teachers' of the county—among them were 'Messrs. _ThoMpson, Warren and Brown. No ono can be sorry ferias visit to the "cross, roads," and the hospitality of the people Will be kindly remembered by the teach ers.... Will Grant leaves this week for Ithaca to learn the engraver's trade. .11e is a young man, and mill bettor his busi nevi by excellent work and gentlemanly conduct..... The circus is here, .and every one (who wants to) will attend. The bus. Incas places will not be closed however. ...The candidates for-the vacant pulpit at the Presbyterian Church, keep us in fair preaching Most of the time, but still many Wonder where the man' is coining from tci fill the place as ably as Rev. S. L. Condo has done. Rev. Mr. Kutz preach ed two gOod sermons last Sunday.:...E. S. Jewell and others aro improving the appearance of the town greatly, by re moving their street fences. A general move of this 'sort would render our lair lough delightful, and give 'ha appearance . of advanced civilization: •We hope that before summer ends this much to - be de sired reform will be eonsunimated....Mr. 'S. W. Pomeroy has had his beautiful mansion frescoed throughout, and a more elegant job cannotbe found. •To be ap preciated it must lie semi, and we feel safe in saying that a more delightful res , idenee vituuut ho found' in the State. • • John A.-Paniens, the manager - of the En. terprise Shops, is making a grand success of that institution. It is already over crowded with work... .Captain B. B. Mitchell is adding to the rear of his store a wpm Lone two stories high. #*„ Countles. 15rTOMIN6 wear?. . From tho Fankhanboct Itepubllcon, Juno lOth Lorren Stark, one of our popular young men, will start for Deer Lodge, Montana, on Tuesday. Mr. Stark has held the po sition of clerk in Tunkbannock for a num ber of years, with good satisfaction to employers and customers, and will be greatly missed. Ho is endorsed by our principal business men for honesty and gentlemanly bearing, and we join with them in commending him to the good opinion of those with whom he may-asso ciate in his travels. Wednesday morning, Mr. Charles Dixon, of Dixon, was driving into town, and had just cross ed the Montrose track, when the gravel train engine came np, and frightened the horse which began to hack. Mr. Dixon jumped out, caught the horse by the head and succeeded in throwing it, thuse pre ventinz it from backing into the engine. Fortunately what might have turned otit a first -c lass newspaper item resulted only in a badly scared horse and man, . and a broken thi11....0n Wednesday three arks from Towanda, each containing several men, women and childre% anchored in the river just above the bridge. The arks consisted of trio flat boats, the front one carrying a cabin and the other willow poles from which the' crew made- rustic chairs, tetea-totes, etc. Two of flit, float: ing workshops passed on down wh il e the other ono concludedtO tarry for a time. The single chairs'seld readily at ti each, and the double ones at $1.50. Fuom TIT Hum—There is perhaps no tonic Offered to the people that possesses as much real intrinsic value as the Hop Bitters. -Just'at this season of the year, when the stomach needs an appetizer, or the blood needs purifying, the cheapest and best remedy is Hop Bitters. Au ounce of prevention is worth d pound of cure,. don't wait until you are prostrated by .a disease that may take months for you to recover in.-110..14.n BUSINESS LOCAL. rir Call at J. L. Kent's, Agent, and look at thus() SIItTLAND MAMA, eery cheap: tt . . Ur Kid Glove s , Lace 'Mitts and Lace Top Gloves, In good assortments at F,V1111111; 111 LDILETII'S. tom" Largo stock of L&DIES TIES U., at J. L. KEN'T'g, Agent. tt WANTEI) !—A span of Horses mind be young; Jut black; good stqln I trier ;. hands high and ali right. rtr Largo assortment of Bird Cages est received at the 90 Cent Stern; 40c and up. wards /03 - CASE3IEI3ES at very low juices o close them out, at J. L. KENT'S, Agent. It • 17 - Co to Stern's for your MILLINIIitY GOODS. There, you will fiud the LAIC .EST VARIETY of the LATEST - STYLES, and their pricer. are within the rea.elo3f x",;;000 LADIES' and CHILORENS HATS: trial 10c up, at t•TEItN'S. C/7 - Carpets, Oil Clothes and Mattints at "Way Down - pries" at E{' NS at 111L DRETIVS. • rir 5004 yards o EMBROIDERIES from 3c up, a STEL'E'S. • -CV - DRESS GOoDS; DRESS COODS ntESS 000119, at J. L. R.ENT.l4,`Agettt. tt tr - Full sets Cloquet only 99 cents? be 09 Cent Sion). ti. ,! Or Inducements in LADIES' LIXEN' SUITS, DUSTERS, 1)01-MANS, r.trusoLs and FANS, at, STERN'S. t Evans & Hildrath have —4l-11' quslitles nod sizes of Sun timbrellws which every Lauly hilOtild Qne izefore purchai,ini elsewhere. Elr HOSIERY, GLOVES • and COI SETSIn great variety, at STERN'S,' 7 Ladics,.(3 cuts and Children'l sum mer underwear, long and adiort :sleeves at EVANS 14; a" SATINS, SILKS. and RIBBONS all tli lijW Shade e; at .S:T 'EI RN'S. M".Bar,, , ..iitui in TABLE LINENS drc., at: 4. L. KENT'S Ag,nt. • tr. • ER`J3ltit Maddock celebiatc< came-shav scull-rareetalti Cra4ery at the 99 Ceti t. alas a ra:l 2f.l.ortmont of crixtcrs nun Gia:kswaro *t th 9 I9west prices. tr. Baby - Wagons, at, liadill'a Crockery EMI! Mt" Tabic Pam asks, Napkins,Doy- Ilea Towels, crashes, &c., arc., very • cheap ar EVAINSII: 10" The Largest, Best and Cheapest nso of Slice: fur Ladles', Misses' aiul ChiWrens' wear Is round at CORSEIL'S now store, corcor Main and Plue.st, Tracy dt Nonlo's Block. aperie Or Plain mores in Sul[ r. at Evans & .RTY :- Them will boa .. ?ARTY AT THE BARTLETT IIOITAE, WYBARKING, on Fr 1.4.17 evening, July 41.1%,18M. 31usic-3telionald di Head's toll band. - lu ll 1.5 D, aw• - Gam" Per fine Millinery, first class Hair Goods, Java Canvass, Gold . and Slivei tinted Card Board, and Clairol's Sailor Hats, cm: on 3Ers. 3t. A. Fletcher,-No. 1, Bridge Street. Bleaching and vowing over a specialty. nir - Summer Silks, Grenadines, Black' and Colored Buntings at EVANS ot 11111, DRETIVS. VEr COltaff.lt has the beSt wearing Shoes for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever offered to Towanda, and at prices within 'the reach of all. • car French Organdies, American Law nes, .JackoaetN Vercal:s and illnghantA, In now chelcu!dyles, at EVANS & lIILDILETII'S. Troy, Juno 16th te- liktck Silks, ,atd Cashmeres in full assortment. and at tower prices than ever at EVANS; et 11.ILDEET.11 9 S. • For tickets to' all. points West, North awl Southwest, at the lowest possible rates, tall on or midress, 11. F. It-ABCOCK, Ageut, at trOpeeDepot,,Towatula. l7tf Ea' L. B. Ronc.F..us challenges comps titlon for quality of pods and :ow priee's on Saab Doors, Itlinda and Moldlin,P, and al building ma tonal. taag3•tf • i►i' Evans &'Wroth offer more than Twenty stylus of Corsets. ng E tS4CTIIri ali kthasoevcaonTts&GHOOlti,ds.rh at e th e t are ow rims prevaiin g before - the advance. Mr CLOSINGOUT SALE !—Miss N. FARNHAM would announce that as she tsabOut to give up the Millinery hnsiness here, she will offer for sale AT COST for the next two weeks her entire stock e:figrssett, censlsting.of the latest style RATS, VIAIMTEItS, RIRCONS, and TRIM. MINGS,In great Variety. This is a rare opportu nity which all ilcialing Millinery work should avail themselves. Cali and examine goods and prices 4'• It M 1... _ . . 41.1.1. 4......•••• oar Ily u ivoisal :accord AY Ea'A OA TIIANTIC M./. are the teat of all purgatives for .family. use. T .ey are the product of long, 'abort. 4 s ous and : sue ful chemical investigation, and their nse, by i tysiclaus ii their practice, and by all civillzsd nations, --pr.wes there' the best and most effectual purgativeTlll that medical skill can dcvLso„ Being iarely vegetable uo harm can art.; from their tin,. 91'n intrinsic value and curative powers no other VIPs call be compared with theni' and every permni, kuuwing their virtues, %11l cm. ploy them, when needled. They keep the system to perfoct order, and mairitain in healthy acttett the whole machineriva life. Mild, searching and br. factual, they are specially adapted to the needs' f the digestive artier:ans.: eirangentenLs of which they,prevent and cure, if timely taken. They am the lost and kate:.t phasic to emplyffor children and weakened coustituticais, whom, a Old, hut elfoetnal, - catbartic is required.. SOLI" BTALL Plitlt.H.:LiTii.. .1. 0. FIIO3T'S SONS nd CSi. very cheap k TOWANDA, PAL, Xtyl4, LIM Ur• Q. 13."1/774,D1Whistt,Ward Ileuae.,,Deaw Bir—fieveral svelte since I received a sample bottle of Ely's Cretin halsam for Cittantrata pleased to testify to its eurailve properties. Tor several years I have been troubled with this dlsease..bave tried many remedies without much relief. Ely's Cream Balsam has proved liana to be the-article "desired, having wonderful results in - my. am; I am now more free from Catarrh than I have been for Years. I boilers this remedy to be the only sure Mire foe Catarrh. • Respectfully Yours, Having gathered a Large . Stook of ICE, we are prepared to furnish It at rates to stilt the times, and can recommend line beteg perfectly pure in every respect— - . HEAD TESTLift)NIA LS. Towarms; Pa., May 12, 1879. Ma. E. 11. PtinCit-81r; I have examined the specimerrof Ice lett with me a few days age,..a.nd and. that it compares favorably with water taken from the river above the old Canal Basin, and even with water commonly used for drinking purposes. A high power of the microscope failed' to ahaw any illtnuorts , , or anything that could be considered In- Jurious, even (tier standing 2or 3 dayi. Respect( Ily, N. M. WOODBURN, M. D. --- Orr cr. or J. W. USItaN, If. D.. ../ ToWamDA, Pa., May 11, 1879. y Maytag cm , fully examined a specimen of lee iett At my e by E. 11. Pierce, I. find It as mans - and troll, frtm foreign matter . as I think Ice can be frtmert in any country. • ' • J. W. LpIAN, M. D. • TOWANDA, Mai 13, 1879. 1 hare exatrod the Ice left by Mr. Pierce, care fully, and fi n It In livery way pun" and free from organic matt r. C. K. LA.DD,, M. U. I WILT,NOT BE UNDERSOLD! MOrders so!leited alit! satisfaction guaranteed. • E. B. FLEECE. MARRIED. INMAN--CLAILK.—At. am parsonage. In Wialti hing, by itcv. David Craft, June 14th. 1879, Mr. Watkins Inman to Miss Uraula ()lark, both Of Wyoming county. • NORTIIOI.IP—LAVIB.—At the- home of the , bride's pareuta. lu OriePa, May Bth. 1979. by Rev. A. B. Lung. Mr. Willlattur. Northrup. • of theenwood, l'a., and Mtaa Larlunt Y.7)ar•la, of Orwell, Bradford county, Pa. AYERS—BENNETT.—At the pnrsOnago, *3' • rooton,luno 13th, by Item. liailock Armstrong, Str. Emery I). Ayorn and 314.1 Louts.% Bennett, both of Burlington. . . . . ISES—bEWIS.—At the tormouttge, Mouroetob, Juue 15th, by 'Um Mattock Anuhtrong, Muffle blues sad Ccll3 Leah, buth of Towanda. RIIDGWAY-1116MA N.—ln Corning, May 29th, at the residence ut John Itigussw. the bride's father. by Be[. F. K. Fouler, ut Bleasburg; elated by Rey. 4; P. Theses,- of Corning. J. Arthur Ridgway, of 'afenreeten, Brad torn county, PA., to &mule C. Ifigman. • DIED. • • PRATT:LAN' Monday, April 14,' Matti° E., only . daughter of J. U. and Libble- Pratt., of urcutt Creek, Pa., aged it years .1 months. We miss thee little Mottle, We miss thee to our Mime, Jesus ho came qulekly Mid took away his own.: We can no longer see tier, . Nur tear ber gentle ♦ulco, She has gone with ber Redeemer, In a mansion to rejoice. STRANO.—On klentlay, April 14, hell Strang. only daughter or John and ilannab Strang, vt °mutt, Creek, aged 9 years. Put the sweet curls together. They% glisten no inure la the sun Put the sweet curls together, -- Anil leave to me only one. glen) Abnertioements. NEAT -1. .S ..E. D. RUNDELL, • Would reFroet fully al noluee that he Is coutluulk the Nl.rkt.t bubiniee7 at he e.tl hand Muilork atoll will at all iues keep a full supply of FRESH & SALT 31F.ATS, GARDEN VEGETABLES, FRITY.F4 - „tc • Fisli and Ogsters in their Seizgen. :2- An Gcsxkl delivered tree of Charge.. E. D. -11UNDELL. • TeewarAla, Pa., June lS t 1579. • . • ADMINIi ISTRATOR'S' - NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been glanted - to tle undersigned, upon' the est.do of Alexander Ennis. late of Slandlug Stone ton-whip, deceased, make is hereby given that all persons indebted to thifs,fhl* estate are requested to make iminellate payment, and all persons hiving I.lalns to present the saMe without delay. '3IItS;ELEANEIt ENNIS. Admintstratrig. FRED ENNIS. JAMES 11. CO D . • • Administrators. Bocamisa, Pa.; Jane 17, 1879 A:DNIINISTItA'ft.)ItS" NOTICE. 111 - tetteri of Administration having been grant ed to the nuitersigeed. up.nt the estate of John Collat. deceased, tato of Sheshequht township, notice Is hereby given that all persons Indebted to said' estate are refinested to make meat, and all persons having claims to present the same without delay. MARY J. eAlfArt... Admlnlstratrix. VILT.IAII J. LENT, AthulalstratOr. Shcshequta, Va.,-Jotle 19, 2979-ly6. ADMINISTRATORS' - NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been granted to tho undersigned,- upon the estate of Charles Newell, deceaand, late of Wysax township, notice is hereby glvenithat all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons. haring claims against said estate Must present them duly authenticated fur settlemr tit. All comspomilettco to Lo with J. K.-Nowell Wyse:. June 13 ` 18:9. g AUDITOR'S. NOTICE—In the mphan's Court of ~.ilindford County, No. 5. Neptenitter term; -ISM the matter of the estate of roily Warner, late of Pike, deceased. The undersigord, an Auditor appointed to il Is trihote the move) , in the hands' of the Executor arlstug from the sale of said decetlent7S real estate. will attend to the duties of his appointment at his effico ItiTowatolzt Borough, on..7dlisnAY, the 210. day of JULY, A. li„ 1571. at 1-o'clOck, r. 31. BENJ. 51,1ECN,Auditor. Towanda, luue 21st. 1a79. - RAND EXCURSION! , ' ,- Theie cell) be a Oran (1 Excursive fruui TCO.NDA. TO BERNIcE AND RETURN fly Special Tralos, over the STATE LINE 4k SULLIVAN "110 AI JULY 4th 147 h The citizens or Towanda atfilsolJacent towns of . Monroe, New Albany awl I/iisbdro will be afforded au opportunity of sponllng the' day among the. ]fountains of Sullivan County rindisitnesslng the 51,4 ? rts to t o.luht there Plk the 4th 4. The 041411. ' 0 ' lows will also open their New hall-on that day, I.lltiner will lie_provlded in the flail. -Trains will leave Towanda at 9 and 11 A. 91. lteturning, leave Bernice at 61.. at. ARV% From Towanda to Bernice and Return, - It On }rum Mouroe.aUd Return,- - - •_ ,- 1 • •74 From New/roily and Return', - - - - •so FromDusho e and Return, • 25 .erl..Tlckets wilt he sold at U. Ilercurs COM 0111tto int thu taunting or tit() 4th. Cali will ho provided to tako parties Into the Mines at Bernlce so that all. may have au oi portn. nftp to.sip: sithero the popular Loyal Suck Coal Is mined. " 4w . I. 0". BLlClllT,'Superintendent.' THE BUCKEYE Still maintains its 'place at the head of all mowing machines. . • • For • durability, ease of manage ment, , and perfection of work, it is 'unequaled. Other machines. are good just in proportion to their imitation of the Buckeye. . :Manufactured by Slifer, - Walls & Shriner Manufacturing CoMpany., Lewisburgh, Pa. . . _ FOR SALE BY E. R. MITER 1,-, SON, Myerabiarg, • -Bradford Co., Pa Myersbnrg, May 29th, 1879,-8w MEAT. MAIMET!, MYER & DEVOE 4 Located In DEIDLE.MAN'S "MOCK; DIODGE STREET, _ Keep