El "TUBBS OF PUBLICATION'. rho Ilnanrtinn It.V.l•olrrfill to published every n,nlay inornlng by 00Onateil •, fie Dollar per annum, in advance. a -Advertising In all cages Caelttilyo of aul). ;,i•tlon,to the paper. • Al. NOTICES Inserted - at 'rlitc.t:Z.trTg pur •,* (or first Insertion. and MK CLS'irt Ftr lino fur ur Insertion, but no notice Inserted • b.. 4 than fitly eenta.• r..ATRIXTADVERTISEMENTS lON be Insert- Treasonable rates. Iminlstrator's anti itart , utor's 'Notices, 42; OnerS, 2.50; i tisiness Cards, live !hies year) ±N, additional lines ti each. -Y•arly . advertisers :tie en titivd to linarterly‘ Transient advertisements Must be paid. in arlf,lll,e. MI resolutions - of associations: communications Illutted or individeal interest, and melees q arrlages or deaths, r seeeding five lines:ire charg -Ivt cnr:Ts per line, but st mple notices-of mar and t its will be published without charge. "lie it KroiltTtilt having a.larger circulation than y ..nwr paper In the county, makes IL the best tvertising medium in Northern Pennsylvania. .1( P1:1 - ICT I Nt; of every kind, in plain ,and colors. dune with neatness and dispatch. .oldnills, Planks, Cards, Pamphlets, - ...tenwilts, Sc., or every variety and style, printed slip.riest notice. The itltrOltTEß Once is 1. supplied n ith power presses, a ggrod• assorts et wow 1/pe. and rycrything in ine.printing 1,9 estelitCd In the iiicst artistic. Instiller a :it :Le lon est ratoS. TERMS INV:k1lt:1 IS LT nturiincs,s garbs. )ECK & OVERT ArrotomYs-AT+Aw, T ANDA, OVEIZTON. BENJ. M. BECK ODNEY A.. M BRUTE, ATTOSINF.Y AT-f.AW, • 'WANDA, ilt Thlit:/11 . yeS 31:.y -- )N - BirroN SANDERSON, AraniNsr•Ard.Atil,. • TOWANDA, VA. JUAN P. SAN:pi:I:SON 11. JESSUP, .17Till:N EV ANL` ItCS SELLOU-AT•LAW, 11 n \'f li 0: 6. ['A il tvige ltarii;gr ri,o , oell the practiceof the h, I'eiths3 att , %iitl to any ion abt,,,t to him in lltrad ford county. enh,nlt thin, can call nn It. who' as ;tpliointint•nt HENRY• STREETER, /1 - 01;NLY AND TWWANDA,VA AMES WOOD, • A TT, , IL Tt s VA. I , • L. lIILLIS, A TThiI:E'I"..AT-LA TOWA N DA. PA. t WM/ 1-77; 1 F. GOFF, A TT,:t r-L A IV, I an Street (I 4 / 1 0.1.. uort Li of 1% - arl Ilou,o), l'a. • (April J'2, 1.177. „,IIT 1.1. Tir()..mpsoN, ATTORNEY y' • NT I. Wl;. , I A. Will attend • 1,01,ii•5% e:li to lilt, Cale lit Mild cl , ri, Rau and 1Cyf:110 . .4 Couult n , . Etzli, . [II.IC/../.7.4. IL ANGLE. D. D. S .INII3(ErITANICAL IiENTISI socontl 11 , ,0r or Dr. Pratt app M=EI t A TTOI:Vi I . a. I 'ilk:: ucrr I:artktt k T raPy, , NI r 1? 77 ,‘.ltTlll' at II Fat,. .1 4 A I z,lll-T & SON, • . J ITP N I 1" , - T•I.AW, • Tu‘r A N 1)A, I'A. I). KI.NEY-, I=l b.:1, - ,;1;y 0...111,1..4 by Y. fit, I'. A MEE M , PHERSON, =MI \ N DA. l'A ►O.;IN IV. MIX, ==== .% PA ~yuale =ME t =3 i l CIE.- C.l i NOCHAN, 11 - 1 . slF\\ * 11 \VI. LT, INEII I „ v. ,ll' I ( • ” - .1.11•.. : . I 1,1 :A;n11 -7G.) - 7- 1 . YutNG, I=l I=l 'oh a the Flr.l tia:',l/.11 VILI,IANS ANGLE, y !.,y NV cm; MEHMEIEREI! Al.l X 'li' E L L . , 't ' =IEI =EMI= %; ti. I. =MEI { .*,‘"\'ill. PA =MIME I.r-t 4t,or Nt,,:t:l of La First Nto.it ttto to . N1A1,11.1.. L... --731y: J. N. CALIF}, )R . s. wo()i0:11N, Physi _l 1,11 31: , 1 , .:g.•011. 017.. e m I. 1!7:11'. I T It. K ELLY, DENTisT.--Oniee ,•ti.• •AI .•.i. T5.,.1.;1 • 11:leti'd Withll:! . ; ;Z:11. r, l I!,II'NE, M. 1)., lEEE 11•1111=11 ' tHlice•htvirs frmti 10 N. ••• a. 1% M. ati , Mlloll 'V' h ., ' •• • • '! • V V , • a•• ( A' • 1 W. 11 1' _ d 1 .lAda..,` It t1,.%!)1..0...er Tllllll.'l' , •-• 1 ~ u;: Tol*aiuka. )11:41 PEET, - - - BINE lIMITE TI- . 11 . 11--il.l per tor!, " : fs• i ;Itre, sl re. t. Ist :card.) 1.765 ELL'S • !..lt A I. • INSUrt ANCE AGENCY ~yzs-701 f. TOW ANI)A, PA. -1 1 IRST NATUYN A L:KAN K, TUR'A\ 1 .PA PAIL) IN S1'I:I'l,1:S 11. w. otter, unti•lial fart - lit:tis for ihe trails At :Atm .or a g,:neral Nanking business. N. N. SETTS. CaMlier .1 , Pro