Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 22, 1879, Image 3

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    Padfoll ',Aeportrt
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, May 22, 1879:
Dealer In
Towanda, Jan.lB, 1877.
11. S. McKEAN lights hiS 'tine residence
iii Troy with gas.
Tilt recent 'rains 'have been of iriealeu
lable benefit to vegetation..
TRADE Dollars taken at par on sub
scription to the ItcroirtEn.
CLINTON Ll:svis, of Merryall, is t
a very handsome - awl commodious -Lam.
Worth: on the new brick barn for flit
1:1wc11 House commenced on Monday last.
AlLtn.N belonging. to P. .T. STONE, in
Athens, was dearoyeil by lire on Sunday
Wr. learn that Captain J. B. REEVES
died at his residence in Athens, on.3lon
slay last. •
Tttr•. malking match comincuces at 31cr
cur Hall, Friday. at 4 o'clock r. and
(ids itiaturday at 10 r. 31. •
IZagroail Reading Room at Sayre,
iN Said to be Veil patronized, and reflects
credit upon its originators.
'lt:. B. KLENot; an artist from New
Y.olf. has been malting, some fine sketch
vs of Vali tier., Troy,
FFEIiTY, at Caniptotvu, has re
ui his old store building into a neat
tAMIIIn.IiOUS dwelling house.
1: is can't iitly repiirtud that the Craw
.r.l', id Comity Spite la is soon to 'be t-et "a
iti this neighborhood.
'I . IIE (lame and Fish Laws of PiNmsyl
.t•na, in frataiddct form, can 1 c obtained
tlin; once, at Id vents per copy.
WE leant that a barb •r A. - % NS ill ere
:41/tied ill the' Ward kroci:,e, tp be
I.;itic:- the impervisinwof D. V. STEDGE.
Ni:!THETt Fn.:4 NatioDal E.lnli
Naj . ,..n.d-ilimk, of thiN
i"e_to:iell (.11 1)....c0:-ati Day.
ut: liwitse amt barn of it Mr. Dc.,..1-iv
%ere, burned on Artnentii, oil Monday of
last wZ.eli, by f'dl.k , st, No inz,univev.
Is conseqiumc:. t!,c alweli c e of R ev .
Itoctor it sit vit.-Cs will be lu d
blict Pre:J/31,2:i Lan nrxt Situd;ty.
THE cditor vf the 151,1 1 ,!( , ,,J , has g.N..,t a
V.:, hat. Its st.ras..l and the LauNt p
ll.poi:ty for _the •1.:I tivf. ti„.ll:rt y
I: \ ICE in Clii ist
Thin stay, (Aseern-inn 1)4 at WI ;
'Flinrc w:II be no g
I that
Ei,,J;;:Ei, of .1 thens
iojtind Thurnday
geitin;.; off the eats at
IVA:lung, X. Y. •
J;(•,.;1.;;:ssof iinpirtartce to every mem
her'will be trough beGnc Cr_%stal.Lodge.
is. of 11., at itsnrxt niveti:ig, and a
~t: aittlidattx is
Pr i, nail threv gill Im from 1(0 to
0 from Pliilmiclp!iia 1,1;1;th:tore at
this. StlnullCE, With
,_.:utd ,ter city people want suin
, t Irn '
1111-im,F,, who occupied tl c Sny
farm iu South Waverl3, tias stricken
p:ualysis cn Fatin day morning, May
and flied in the aftenwon. lle
IA ife and one e4i1,1.
( l if the 31t!ssial.i (Universalist),
T. 11.01 Z. Pastor. At
Denial." At
11 . 1:0, or What .'fctripteil
u the All welc,.)me.
i Ilet1; railroad depot building 'at
•., I*. I pi,. ly cokapleiluti
\ I.4 ` , ittis , - saki,
• - ' (0: tilkt. finest structurls of tl6
ti' : n.„, rs of tjic - Reprihk.eart and
.:!t• ~ ? !.4 a ge, l in a little --2 , ,e:‘-to over
;., expenditures. .1t the pres-
tio' Rpirt`ll%; haVe SCVCr
,,IN an !age iu the argument.
1,1 , •1' 1 , 1•311 S, a , to heads, biq
e::%elopet , , etc., etc., pill:tett
I::L lt , ..ottls. 'll.e larg-
t' •t , '.'k C. 111; .y,:ui d Prices (10Wn
Stijl. Oil ti , ilVS. Sl” I your or-
1: , \v. vl - 1:1.--, or is
I tl:c at on
NVEiss rd, ea.:nest
t 6! have 1141 63011
;h ,be v,.11t, enj4.y :t great
• r\i. 11., of this place,
;,. furni,liing a hal?
"Iliorl,c;i:g . ti is lapialy
- awl mill no
'•• ' , l , ' Cie ~tuff lac (.1“. of the strinigest
f;! " , a't: P. lhn•rax,c 1.:! ,- ; of
•u !ten cii.:t ut "1 a beautiful hap
-111 f Ilector attlens
• lEpi,cop;ll). this place.
MA; tl:oNN't; fur wltich
~ ;11111, ,, tuILP thanks
!!! M:lan 41eig,t was destroyed by fire
••u;u.'ayabout 12: o'clock.
•1 I,ed tv Lace been :421, on fire by
•+ •t locomotive, as coil trains
but a short time before the
i: , (.•'•ovc red
ry THE 11111:1105511
.!:. NN.I-; dcni on the railroad track
' h, u 4, on Saturday mornintt laNt7;:yery
toailh•d, both logs being cutpff, both
''• cut yearly off, 80J
' ' ) L, ole . iu Lis.l ody brokeu.
E ladies of Towanda aro resirecifully
. t, meet at tl c office of J. ANDitfiv:
, on Friday, May 23d, at 4 ,t;i'clock
. t,i make arrangements Iriilr thkj .
uiri~r of watkiw Po,t for I, ccora -
By order of Committee. =
cises of the Troy Glad
are ti take place at the . ppera
in that tillage, on the—evening of
:intii--Decolation Day: The excl.-
~ consist of Essays, I)eclaniati4itis,
!: , katicros, witti tlic award of prizes.
r!..,N N Rosy:Nl:l%Ln will occupy one of
, I , ltes being rebuilt by Mr. STyEETER,
Main street. We bare - not learned in
line ofitrade he will engage, but as
Fit %NI.: has tiu.sts of friends, he will un-.
, :oubtedly secure a liberal patronage, no
:natter what he sells.
the Druggist, says that the wa
ter in the river is too cold as yet for bath
ing, and that the old-fashibited way of
spearing eels is preferable to "diving"
for them. It's a •trille dangerous to ask
CLAnElitalow deep the water is at the
east side of Towalida Bar.
SHERIFF DEAN Will ]eave on train :14
this, Wednesday - : evening, for Philadel
phia, having - in charge THOMAS and JACK
rEW and utr CnAyTou, prisoners sen.
tenced at the present term of Court to
imprisoninent is the Eastern Penitentiary.
Tun Canton correspondent of the Elmi
ra Gazette, under data of May vat, says,
"Mr. S. W. Aixonn, formerly editor of
the BRADPOIM REPORTER, and 4r. Bow-
MAN, editor of .the kFtaliran Rereetn, were
in town to-day,- thinking of starting an
other newspaper in Canton."
Tun ntishore'llecicw says that a young
man who went from that : place to Kansas
a month ago, has written tack for "some
of that solder that so many men ale Iped
dlint. in the east." If the walking keeps'
godd and solder keeps well, Ite.expects to
get home in time to teach a winter's
THE bursting . of an oil stove at the res
idence of GEolicr. MuFFET, on Main
street, corner of Washington, on Thurs
day last, raised an alarm of lire, width
was promptly responded to by the fire
men. The dames were subdued,
er, without their assistance and before
much damage-was done.
THE facilities for hulling out job print
ing of every description at this office, ure
unsurpassed. Fast steam presses and all
the modern types and. machinery enables
us to do work cheaper and quicLer than
any other office in this section. 'We invite
alt who may wish good work at reasona
ble prices to call and see-samples. .
Tur: obituary notice of JoirN num.
was received too late for publication this
week. In this convection, we deshe to
say that as we areobliged to put our pa
per to press at an early hour on Wednes
day afternoon, matters intended for pub=
lication.the same W r eck, should reach us
out Wei' than Tuesday evening-.
OWEN A; Co:, situated near the depot of
the Erie Railway Company, at Cbeinung,
was • burned Friday morning, between
eiht and ninc o'clock. A quantity of
...rndug inrjlen,errta in - ere stprcd in it.
The tanse (A . the fire is uuknewn. Loss
$1,0(10. Insured in the Fainiers' Reliance. ,
t)t n sister ;e of Canton inoposes
c Decei:aton Day in a hicenntig
manner. The 113 In:igen - R:11, of the cc - e:
licelici is in the hands of Ingham Po!:;, - .,
ho will he assisted by sceei a? other. so.
The is; hti;t,i extends ..inn in%ita-
1103 I
lion to youra ;And u:90!, body's shstets, coo
Silts ;dui ;Mots, to Calltoll on that day
.1:tt02. - o the Lacs. a , <liiiAitions to the ty
fraternily of this plan?, is - a
young m In vi!til claim,: that- in all assem.
I•Liges that Le graces with his presence,
he is the el of all ohserxers. DoE•
Tiy.s in hisvritings, frequently referred
to an aequain'ance of his who made this
hoist, and he always spe/lcd his
name thusly : D.unpho,t,
A I , WELLtn, nort‘E owned My .Jens
!Corr En, in :iouthWavetly, wo:s 'destroyed
y tirr.‘ 0:1 Vue , t!ny bight of tn-t week,
1,1 Ai/ itS (AMNIA!, he buil:ling NV:1: , ;
inFured for 4 )tin,l the cuutr n:s for
It was a new hout,e, and wus bilift during
the past year to reidnee one burned about
a.)ear ago, The origin of the tire is on'
Wyalitsing. Literary Society will
g;ive att etitertaitittant in :tea , len.): Hall,
Pii•lay'crei:iiig, May ;•Oth, coAsisting of
Itte:tations, Deer:Lin:aid:is, Essays, 'Fab
le:nix, Vocal aud
The 3ltshopperi Cornet Vaud is expected
to C piesrut and assist in the exeicises
of the evening. All arc
15 and :n wits.
THE Lehigh Valley I:4:ead Company
have mails special rates 1 those desiring
.r to attend the _rand musical fe,tival on
the •,:5..0.11 and .!:01.11 of this mouth at Wjl=
Ham Tort—from statioas along the Pa: .e.•
N. V. Railroad, including. Elmira. Only
sin4e fare will he chareLd fer the round
11i p- r j WA •ne-halt less than regular rates.
Ail the . raiiioads have now offered reduced
' rates.
A; belonging to •lorLN
and tillttattd 011 the main wad be
tween thisgdaeo and Alba, says the Can
ton ; 4 t - tit'ihd. V. as consumed by fire one
day last wt ek. Tl:c cause of the fire is
not known. Fifty bushels- of potatoes,
two. - wagon and s"me farming. imple
ments werC :!Ici , tr9yed: 3fr, Wit.litx'sts
away from donne at the time. We
under-Mud that theie was no inriurance..
THE rcsider.ce of .Mr. E. liEntuCii.
THOMAS R:l4 fined to overflowing last
Thursday evening with the many ft:iends
of Mrs. Airy THOMAS CHAPMAN and M,r.
FRANK A. OwEics. or the firm of WIL
LIAM A twt . ..N.t Rev. S. P.
G.11E:4 perf.o; rated the Ceremony, awl the
happy Couple lLe 9:17 train north to
Snedilikers, we believe. ‘;'.Mai they live
!oaf and prosper:"—Canton Correspond
ent 1:7,q t G.,l:..qtr : 171 h,
TnE Insurance Rank in comitct ion With
the Knight 4 .: of 1v1: Jos, iris
the sopni;l'ii Lodge in Angitd,lt-c;:, and
the Cot to the til,t member for a policy of
itnzarance i;'3.oliii to this date, has 01113.
been CZJ3. The :' , 'npreme Lo lge have
I aid claims t 9. the amount of Fi1 .. .n,,,V7.1)0.
Compare this with any other form of life
iw,tiraneei and ice if it is not for'onr in
tete:4 to eunreet yottr'sef with this order.'
IV. L. P ~. 18:DLF.Toy, brother of C. E.
PENDLI:ToN, of the Home SavingS Bank,
sa y s th e W a ve t iy t froen(e. of, last week.
has purchased the interest of 11. Suiuvit
in the oil business in this village, and is
now a, co-partner with the vctctau oil
mere ant, W. 11. This makes a
good and active - Mtn. Mr. PrNiiLitTo: , :
111(6 been in the hardware business in Or
:vt-ell; Pennsylvania; fOF the past fourteen
'years, and makes the change on account
of poor
C. W. Cituncit, oithis village, was kill
ed on the Erie road two miles above A tti
ca on Tuesday afternoon last. He Was
en g aged on a job of double track, and in
starting out with his gravel train- he was
jerked frora the car by a , sudden move
ment of the train, and thrown up - on the
track. The wheels - crushed his :body so
that he survived but a few minutes. The
remains tiere brought to Waverly on
Wednescy• morning, -and hOrica on
Thursday. ; Ir. Cut:itcn was a contractor,
and had to lowed railroad building for
many years. He was, a man of energy
and great executive ability—a genial gen:
erbufinan His age was years: He
leay . ei a wife—llaughter of ILoisom Part
suat,—and two daughters to mourn' his
untimely death. 7 -irurerly Advocate, „lay
Tut: hirge, grain Lath of Messy.., jn,st
Tun attention of our faimers is called
to the Lancaster Farmer, a monthly jotir
nal devoted to Agriculture; Horticulture,
Domestic Economy, and Miscellany, pub
lished at Lancaster, by J.. A. IltEs . rAtin i
at one dollar per annumk .The editor is
Dr. S. S.. 11.yrnvoN, who is
potent for the post,,,as the Farmer has
proved in the past. Business communi
cations Should be addressed to the pub
BuriciLmix AT faoy.—Burglars entered
the store of E. S. JEwELL, in - Troy, on
Wednesday night. of last week, and car
ried off about $5O worth of . clothing.*
They effected an entrance by • boring
through the outside sliutter,in the rear of
the store, and pried the window open.
They then took down the curtain over the
shelves and evidently bad a hard time to fit
themselves with suits, as a large portion
of the stock on ono side of the store was
thrown on the floor and mired oP consid
STATE.—The ecionmittee on invitations
for the coming gland Fourth of July fire
men's parade at Harrisburg. baying' ex
tended invitations to a number cif speci
fied fire coinpanies; notice-is hereby givei3
to other the companies, that if they de
sire to attend they can obtain allinforma
tion n •eded by addres . Slug 7WlLLitst P.
McCoy, secretary of the committee onin
vitatiOns, etc., 201 Pollster street, Har
risburg.: Papers in all sections of the
State 'Please copy, and oblige the Harris
burg fire department.--/farrisi f irrg Pa
A noniv or so meml,iers of a band of
Gypsitts who passed through Milan last
week, odered a farm house near that
place, and threatening the wonicn folks,
whom they found unprotected, proceeded
to help themselves to everything they
saw:.. A Laking of bread just out of the
oven they took without as• much as say
ing "by your leave," and passing through
the churn minis the contents of a recent
churning, were ladled into a pail, from the
butter bowl, and they departed for "pas
tures new." Before the astonished house
wife could recover from her fright antdaS
touishment, to raise an outcry they wore
in their wagons, and off at rattling speed.
TnE Athens correspondent of the Elmi
ra Gazette, writing under date of May
19:h, says that about 2:lo Sunday
last, Mrs. JORDAN 'Was awakened by a
noise at the window, and a sort 'of sicken
ing caused as she supposed by chloroform.
She awoke iktr,, donnAN with some diffi
culty, who, upon getting up, discovered
three unknown men decamping from
view. ..Not having any weapon, he failed
to punish the would-he burglar§.. After
investigation dim:losec' a hole cut
wire screen and then the wintroi was
THE'Mitlisteyial Association of Owego
District will l.i, d it.;' first session for the
Confeiciice year, at the W 4 indhant M. E.
('butch, ccininclicing Tuesday, 3,
18;9. 11h:tin-en will peseta essays or
ermoni un themes of their own selection.
Smrru, P.E., romests the Trus
tees of both "Slower " andt "Asbury"
cam, grrotuals to elect at the i-a!TIO time
and place. A free comeyance will be pro
ruled to im , ct-the evening tiains at Sniith
tioro', mt "Fnesday, fur all who will in
form Hey. A. W. Loo NI IS, Wiudharn, I'a.,
by po , ital. G. M. CuAm
Athens, 'May Secretary.
Oirego GizzeUe of May 15th, says
that a • secret temperance organization,
know n as the Independent Order of Pa
trium of Temperance, held its annual Begolnte Ball, in that
on Tuesday, Ma* 1;:th. ALEN! B.
Silpreme'Wortl4 Sire, and editor of the
1101 W, a tr..niperatice paper pub
lished at nilthini , ,:pott, pet:ii4lvania. pre
sided over the meeting as conductor. The
only business of r importance transacted
wai a revision of the ritual and by-laws of
tbe order, and the animal election of offi-,
cors. I)rJA.J.I:I-110:, of East Smith
field, Pet2mylvauia,lwas elected Supreme
\Vol tt . ty,444. and B. 11. Ith . NETT, of Car
penter, .Penusylvania, was re-elected Sec
Asi,TITINI ct allting match is, to take
place in 3lercur The contest is be
tWel n Mr. 7OE,3IASTEIZSON, of Elltlira,
winner of the recent :7,0 hours match at
Horseheads, and Mr. dons SToLL, of this
place, the trainer of •I'LTTINATo in his
contest uith BEIDI.F.3IAN last week. •' The
111C11 are evenly matched as regards
weight and height—each man standing
five feet and 10 inches and weighing about
11.0 potinds- and are nearly of the same
age.' 'MASTERSON in his 50 hour walk at
Horseheads, covered 11,1 ti miles. liTom,
has never engaged in a match of this kind,
but is an athlete of no mean, pietensiong,
and aly antiful walker. MAsTimstis will
be attended by his former trainer, *on
aN, while fiTtnit, will have the services of
Mr. E. WAnt,wo - ti, who irainca 1 . 34:1 7
INo doubt the contest' will be
close and exciting, and judging from the
personal appearance of the nice it wonld
be a bard matter to pick out the winiCcr.
The contest: is for a purse of t1,;50. .
1. 0. OF 0. r.—At a regular meeting of
North Towanda Lodge, No. 5:39, 1. 0. of
Q. T., the following otlieers were install
ed for the coming quarter : •
W. C. 7 . ..--E7EA RUTTY. •
Ir. V. T.—St - srE 111711 v.
• Ir. ;5.--...1 , ,u;ENE
IV. P. S.--11.titio/i •
GAl.usi/A. •
IV. IL—A2(4 t IV
W. I. G E 1.14 Itt:TTY.
1V 0. 6.—Mmais ItoiaNsoN. •
I'. ii'. C. T,—En.
L. D.—E. A. KiLmtit. •
Rep. to G. L.-IV. 11. SMITU.
-The .14-dge is in a flourishing condition,
and has a membership of about 2.5. De:L
i:pp, JAMES ELLIOTT beilig the oldest
member, who is now in his :fist year. Our
Lodge meets every Saturday evening, and .
we heartily wleaoine visitors from sur
rounding Lodges, and we will entertain
than by our best means. .
EtGENE K r.mFm, Secretary.
1E3 : 0/CTE: WIN _C. Maui: <bed at the
residence of has uncle, AAnoN WAKE - in
Home township, where liehlaal been work f
ing. on Saturday, April 26th. The fuller-.
11services were held at North Rome
Church, and his remains were. deposited
in the .S'auth. Litchfield cemetery. We
funeral ceremonies were conducted undSr
the auspices of the order of Gotxl
Lars, of Which ho was a menkher..-:
Mr. DRAFE died very sudden.--being
sick only about two days—audi' all are
deeply impressed with his sudden depart
ure from- earth, as he was a young Man
only aboutT.2s years of ago at tho time of
his death. •
-At ameetinr of Unity Lodge of Good
Ternitlars, - .of which Mr. - DRAKE was a
member, field on Saturday evening, April
2Cth, the following resqlutions.were'nnan
imously adopted :
WAEREAS, - It Las "pleased Almighty
- God to'remove by death front our midst
• .
our worthy brother, J. C. Drake; there
fore, be it
Resolved, That in the loss of our broth
er, we recognise the Band of our Ileartn
ly Father, who dooth all things well, and
that in his death we mourn the loss of
one who poese.ssed the respect tirui esteem
of us all. .
Retolved, That in this Providence„ we
deeply Sympathize with the bereafed fam
ily, and hereby lender thorn the condo
lence of this Lodge.
Resolved, That our charter - and, Lodge
remit be draped 'in mourning. and that
the members wear the customary -badge
for sixty days.
Resolved, That a copy of those resolu
tions be forwarded to the afflicted friends,
and, they be published in the county' pa
per*. ' • •
lksolved, - That we close this Lodge at a mark of respect for our deceased.
brother. . .T. L. BRADLEY,
Committee on Resolutions.
North Rome;-May 10,1879..
A conIIESPONDSEIST or the Wyoming le 7
publican, writing from Forksville, SAM;
van Connty, has this to say in regard to
the building' of railroads through that
"-I see by the papers there is a project
fora narrow gauge road from Montout
County to Bernice, this county. This
would b 6 well enough, as far as it goes.
But what this. county needs to frilly" de
velop° .its agricultural and , mineral re
sources is a through line, and this should
be along the Loyal Sock, on a direct line
Connecting Williamsport and . Bingham
-ton. Sullivan County notbeing traters.ed
by any large river, public improvements
have only in a small - degree reached its
borders: Though situated in the interior
Sullivan County - has perhaps no more
waste land than many other counties in
the State, and if it bad they needed rail
road facilities it would take higher rank
as a healthful and productive region. If
this route was completed a narrow gauge
road could: be built along the east branch
from Porksviilo. to Bernice, which would
pass through the vast central timber and
-mineral regions of the county. It' would
pass within a few miles of Lewis lake. If
this point was more easily . accessible by
public, conveyance it would soon bwxnue
the most noted summer resort in Penn
sylvania, as it is one of the most delight
ful situations in the State." ,
EASTATIUOOK'S new Hall at Athens,.
was opened to the public on Thursday ev
ening, May Ist, whereupon the Gazette
of that place summarizes thusly : -
"The Hall is well lighted; ventilated,
and easy of access. This. will prove a
great convenience to the'citizeas of Atli
ens who have felt .the need asuch an ac
commodation since the destruction of-the
old ball. Mr. Eastabrook deserves credit
for this enterprise, and we hope he will
not regret adding the third story to his
new building. Athens during the—past
few years of general depress ma in all
branches of active industry, has steadily
grown in numerical' and commercial
strength. In that time the bank building,
Fitch &"-Ji.itiney's, and P. T. Page's two
structures, all Wick, have.been built. Mr.
Carrell, who is one of our most enterpris
ing - citizens has also added two or three
weodcu structures for 'isi:m.4s purposes:
Mr. Treadway, bas enlarged his cored•
building, Mr. Drake building fie his own
aceommodatiOtlt adjoining, which, in con
neetiOn withl the important improvements
frequently being made at the Bridge and
Novelty Works, where so muchlof our in--
dividuall prosperity receives its supplies
in retullo for active labor, gives a fair ex
hibit, i:omparing - favorably with any
towns ill thin I . : eetiOn. During this time
a huge taunter of private residences have
have also been elected, and a goodly
number are now in the hands of contrac
tors o 4• builders and be — erected the
presmit season."
THE: poor ohl man who is the ostensible
head of the Republican, assi.ted b.y the
latest addition to the meebanical force of
that establishment, succeeded in produ
cing a live line hit- at the Local Editor or
the I:Komar:it last week, which for com
pleteness, as regards vulgarity and total
lack of alit , is fully up- to anything that
has ever: appeared in that sheet. We
have no feeling but that of pity-for the
poor old grumbler. - To grumble has be
come a mania with hint when not filling
some political office—and the Lord only
knows what °thee ho hasn't wanted!froin
Member of Congress to bilerong,h,Council-
I man. We never expected to please hint
in the manner and style of conducting
this department, if we had we should
have put a patent medicine advertisement,
after each item, and selected oniu local
from an a 7 pianac of the year '49. Ilad
we wished to imitate the typogiaphical
appearance eif his paper, we should bare
.used condemned titr for ink, superanuatcd
shoe peis fur type, and a variety of de
moralized patent medicine "cuts." Then
we would have secured' the services of. h
Penn;ylvanizt Dutchman—who had juSt
worked long enough at the printing busi
to !he classel a "blacksmith," in
hiS kuitcyledge.olthatrade—to impose the
forms and do the cress work, and the ; ac
!in?lie of the.Reimbh'ean, both as to:con
rtents and appearance, would have been
susceptible of no alteration. Poor old
Malcontent, Ave pity your 'disposition to
grumble when we see nothing in future
for you but that which will add to a corn
plaint already chronic.
—The Pouxuronn llErourr.u., publish
ed at Towanda, is one of the best printed
and in4le-up exchanges that cumuS_ tit
this ollble. It is well edited also.
Hitchcock iire- publishers, and
Mr. C. 11. Allen is its local editer.—The.
(.7riti,!, Carbondale, Pa. 4.
—Tire Ito. 31r. tivAnnow, of- Canton,
is confined to Lis horse by illness. •
—Mr. WILL IlacoN, of the firm of
IlAcos, Canton, is quite
—We regret to ham that the venerable
LvoNani) ttnnam,of Troy, is serbrusly
—Till.: Church of ChriA,, A aeerly, has
engaged as their pastor, it. L. DEtztov,
of Alba. •
Jolts linwiTT mai wife, iii)Mpri
taii.t, rue visiting itev. ak3ler-
—Mrs. FizAmczi, of Athens, tich3 has
beMi ill fix• some time past, is agaiii
to be about
—Miss TT, of Spri4l4 l ,
lilit:ois. is ViFiting Mis • ALTCF: ChittitAm,.
of Leltayssille,
—Mr. RILTIT EIr . EETTS, of Bradford,
Illinois; is VittiliefliClitiS ill_ Pike i4wr.-
ship, this county.
—ELLiorr itiGif,isf, of Clinton, Iowa;
was visiting friends jat - Carriptown,
county, last week.
-4:01oliel OVERTON is home from Wasll;
ingt4n for n few clays,, business in Court
requiring his attention.-
—gov. G. B. OLMSTED, of this Our,
oceu_pied the pulpit of tho Troy M. E:
Chuieb, on Sunday, May 11th.
...--`s.+Ntum. 11. SACKETT, of South To
wanda, who has been ill for some. time
past, is Btill confined toi.he house.
—Rev. DArtn enAu,. Of Wyalusing,
has been elected a corresponding member
of theliTew fork Historical society.
S. Btx.its, of Christ Church,
this place, exchanged pulpits with Rev.
G. P. Horiims, of Pike, last Sabbath. .
—Mr, lx.Ror Moor; of:Troy, has been
engaged tossing in the ehoir•of the North
Pres7hyterian Church at Geneva, N. Y. •
—Pnomssort HoltEn,'of Elmira, arid
Professor E,,S,Goir, of this place, held
a musical coitrettion at Canton last week.
—lion. JAMES FossEn, of North To
wanda, left on : train 8, Wednesday'rnorn- .
ing, for a Western trip. Ile expects to
be absent about two months; and still
visit portions of Wisconsin, 3lichigan;
Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado.
—Mr. 111. M. POMEnOT, of Troy, has
broken ground on West Main street, o
that village, where ho will erect a line Iva
Engri P. Coun,:of Auburn The•
°logical Seminary occupied the pulpit of
the Piesbyterian Chnrsi i i at Troy last
—Mr. FRANK -24:Airo and family, and
Mrs. E. L. DAVRNPORT,. and eldest son, were among the arivals at Canton
last week.
. —Ne. and Mrs. J. J. Hawnsrmax, at
Pike township, were made happy by the
addition to their family circle on May
of a ban.
—The Rev. Mr. JARVIS, of Welleboro,
will occupy the pulpit of the M.E. Church
at this place, on Sunday next, morning
and evening.
-C. E. WIIITP„ of North Towanda,
who has suffered with a painful affection
of the eyes for soveralyears past, result-,
,ing in total blibilness ko one, is now un-
der the treatment of Dr. LAPMAN of
Wilkes-Barre, and has a- fair prospect of
recovering his sight. °
—Tlae.pnlpit of the Universalist church
iu Watertown, N. Y., was occupied on
Sunday morning by the /kw. G. IL Pon.
TER and his father and mother. The son
opened the service, the father offered
prayer and the mother preadhed from
Job vii, "I would not live away."
-..WILLtaII S. DOIMINS, Sheriff of
Bradford County, Pa., 30 years ago, was
in the city yesterday visiting his son, pro.
prictor of the Frasier. Mr. MBank:a has
nearly,reached the allotted age of man,
three score and ten, but his years sit light
ly on him. Ile was warmly welcomed by
old friends of half a century ago.—Elmira
—The - Leona Comet Baud paid a visit
on Thursday evening last to Mr. and Mrs.
RODNEY Coovor, on High street; and
passed a. pleas.atit evening with the accom-.
paniments of musiq,• warm maple sugar,
etc. Mrs. COOLEY, who is a tine musician,
added much to the-enjoyinmt of the ev
ening with her musical talents. The band
as usual, played finely.—Teoy - Gazette,
May 15th.
—Colonel J. S. 3lE.txs, a sterling,Dem
ocrat of Towanda, town On Thum
•day., .111 r. E. E. BUFFIN ' GTON, of To
wanda, manufacturer of the Boss fanning
mill, of Towanda, called to see us S.atur,
day evening....llon. W. T. DAvms, our
State Senator, was in town yesterday. Ile
looks as though he can stand another tus
sle with riot and salary bills.--Tunkltan
nod. lido rd.
—A Canton correspondent of the Elmi
ra Pl:ec I're.lB, says that B. W. CLAng, of
that [dace, is seriously ill of consumption.
Mr. iCLAIII; has been one of Canton's
mostitenterprising business men. Ile was
-the find man to start the banking busi
ness of that place, alit' run it sucCessfully
for several years , and s3lll out to Mr. SAM
UEL DANE, who is now the proprietor. Mr.
CLARK is now in the drug trade.
Ifeadfillitrtei-4 Grand Army of the Re
j,ohli.l, Department of PennAylmtid,
!viol; Chest;i , zt Street, Philddelpicia, _Wad
6, Getierul 0r463 o.
I. Inn compliance with the Holes and
lZeLfulations of the Grand Army; and Gen
end Orders
_No. 5 frog' National Head
quarters; as well as in accordance with
national custom, Friday, May 30th. will
be observed as Memorial Day, when we
will assemble to decomne the graves of
our dead comrades and honor with fitting
and appropriate ceremonies their Memo
r:VS, when We will not only lay upon their
gravesfiagrant klowers and Iva: dhes of
Lurch' but plant above them the flag
which represents the National .Unity in
whOse - cause they diet/.
IL' As year,by•year Decoration Day is
more generally observed. the ceremonies
bocome more elaborate. It- is our duty,
however, to see that the original purpose
of the day be. not forgotten, and that the
ceremony be preserved in all its beauty
and simplicity as. far as possible, and to
discoamtena — n - ce anal oppose everything
that tends to detract front the solemn sig
nificance of the day and its proker observ
ance. -
The associations of the day arc too sad
and its memories too sacred to permit it
to Le made a day of -sport or festivities.
ft is requested that !lags hoislNd upon
that day be at half-mast.
111. As we gather at :lie graves of those
who are buried among kindred and
Mends, let us be reminded of the thou
sands who sleep their last sleep in un
known, unmarked and ungtiarded graves
as they fell in the battle's terrible track.
And as we think of the sufferings of these,
our dead comrades, and the sad and sof.)
rowing homes throughout the land, let us
renew our pledges "to care for thcise
whom the dead have left to our care and.
protection." And may the memory of all
these •sa rifices Inuit° us to a t4till purer
and loft er patriotism, aad to a more ch
terminef and earnest devotion to .the in
stitutions whose perpetuity was secured
at such a cost, so that vcace, good will
and prosperity may forever prevail in our
country. .. .
IV. It is sugzested that each Post pre
pare a record of all soldiers - buried within
its limits, giving name, af, rank, con.
pany, regiment,.date and cause of death
of each, and that this record - be preserved
in sonic appropriate malinei, and that the
cerenion)es of Decor:Akin be made more
impressive by the - trading of it. Each
-year additional names will be added Until
the last veteran has been mustered out,
when it can be handed down to posterity
and be prized, it. may be, as the roll of
honor of the town or village to which it
belongs. In this way the record of even
the humblest comrade may be at least
partially perpetuated, and his patriotic
devotion and heroi: deeds remembered.
V. The Beveined Clergy, Churches,
;book and societies arc requested to par
ticipate in a proper z.,elebratio4of the day.
Where there are I'oAS of the Grand Ar
my located, it is expected that not a coin
ratle's grave, no matter how tecluded,
will be uadecorated, and where there are
no wpresentatives of our Order, it is
trusted that others will kindly and ten
derly perform these beautiful and tom:h
ing rites to the memory of our country's
dead. By order of
Depaitment Commader.
1. •
Assist:int Adjutant General.
- In accordance with the above General
Order, Watkins Post, No. 68, G. A. 12 ,
will observe Decoration Day at Towanda,
May 30th.
.The different organizations, consisting
of Posts, military, and lire companies, so 7
cietics, police force, schools, etc., will
forM in the Court House: Square, prompt
ly at o'clock P. at., where positions in
the column will be assigned them.
The column will move prom. oilyat 2:15
r. lc, and march on the, cast sidewalk of
Main street.
The llerrickville and Liberty Corners
Cornet Bands will be in attendauce. The
deeeratiOu ceremonies and the address
will be at the cemetery. Should the
weather be inclement the PostnVill pro-.
ceed to decorate at the time fixed, but the
address will be delivered in the Court,
Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR, a comrade of
Post No. 5, of Philadelphia, will deliver
the address..
Theie will be read at the cetectorra list
of all the - soldiers buried iu the cemetery,
giving name, age, rank, company, cause
and date of death. ,
By Order of
WE learn from the Dushoro Review that
the steam saw and planing mill of STROUD
S POTTER, about. four miles. from Du
shore, was burned on Wednesday night
of last week. The fire caught in the roof
from the smoke stack; Loss $4OO. No
Court proceedings continued Wednes
day May 14.
Towanda Eureka Mower Co., vs. O. O.
Hollen—Assumpsit. J. F. Sanderson and
N. 0. Matte% NS. for plaintill; Mason .
Head and J. . COM; Esq. for de
fondant. Verdict for plaintiff $088.40.
John Beidleman vs. 'William Coolbaugh
--Issue: 2 cases, William Maxwell, Esq.
for plaintiff ; Eihanan Smith and E. L
Hillis, Esgs. for defendant. Verdict for
Myron Nichols vs. Wallace Niebols—
Issue.. J. P. Sanderson, Esq . : for plain
tiff ; Ellianan Smith and E. LI Hillis,
Ergs. for defendant. Verdict for plain
J, G. Vedder . vs. Catherimi. 'Ladd—
Issue. Delos Rockwell, Esq. for plain
tiff; Mason & Mad. and H. N. Williams,
Esq. for defendant. Verdict for plain
Thompson & Taber vs.'S: J. Hickok and
11. N. IN illiams—Rule to subrogato 11. N.
Williams to right of plaintiff. -
In re.asSignment of Ed E. Loomis for
the benefit of creditors--Assignees final
account confirmed finally.
In ro assignment of .T. Leßoy Corbin
for the benefit of • creditors—Assignee's
final account confirmed finally,. andll. C.
Baird, Esq. appointed Anditor to dis
.tribute funds in hands Of Assignees.
E. IL Thomas vs. Harvey-Holcomb
—James H, Codding, Esq. appointed
Auditor to distribute funds Lased by Sher
iff sale of defendants real estate:
• Silas Moon vs. Alice Moon. • La
porte vs. S. M. Laporte. J. Vic Mix ap
pointed Commissioner in each case.
Commonwealth vs, John Murphy--
Assault and. battery with intent to kill.
Sentenced to 2 months in county
In re the: petition of Nancy Hakes for
the . btnefit of her separa.c. earnings.
Prayer of 'petitioner granted.
J. F. Means,. Assignee vs. Lycoming
Fire Insurance Company. Julius Notch:,
kiss vs. Jeremiah Blackmans Administra
tor. Hole made absolute. - -
Charlotte E. McGlathery vs. S. N. and
J. P. Elood—Auditors report tiled .and
confirnied Nisi.
Comnionwealth vs. Murray Ennis and
Elizabeth Ennis—Eeeping Bawdy house.
Com. vs. same selling liquors without
license. Cora. vs. Murray Ennis keepingdisorderly house. 'Continued to Septem
ber term..
A. W. Allen vs. Emira Allen—Subpaina
divoriee directed to be issued.
Andrew West, vs. Ellen M. West
J. W. Mix, Esq appointed Commis-
. .
C. - M. •Nowcomb vs.•Francls E. New
comb, J. N. Ward and J. S. Winston,
Esqs. appointed Commissioners.
Alice Marcy vs. William Marcy—Sheriff
directed to make proclamation.
Ann Mehan vs. M. 0. Moody—Rule tp
ser aside Sheriffsale. •
67. Owen vs. S. A. Randall and J. S.
Manley—Auditors report filed and coil
finned Nisi.
In re the assi g nment of the Towanda
Eureka Mower Compaq for the benefit
of creditors. Auditors report filed and
Confirmed Nisi. Exceptions tiled to the
Claim of Wilbers Eureka Mower and
Reaper Manufacturing Company.
C. S. Russell Tritstee vs. the Towanda
I t ron Manufacturing Company—Auditurs
report recommitted to the Auditor.
William Justin vs. Dennis Couridine—
Appeal: .Vithur-llead. Esip, for plaintiff,
Gridley c Payne fur defendant. Verdict
fur defendant.
George Dusenbury vs. Edward pusey
et al—Debt. Patrick S Foyle and W. 11.
Carunchan '
Esq., for plaintiff; Elhanan
Smith and W.X. Jesstip, En's.. for de
fendapp. Verdict for plaintiff, ;*t•:21.23.
Small Jordan's use vs. olive, Elliott--
Issue. 11. Streeter and W. H. .lessuit,
Esqs., for plaintiff D'A Overton, IL A.
Mercer, E. Overton, Jr., and N. C. Els
bree, Et...qs.4for defendant. On trial.
At the regular nn•nthly session of the
Council, 104 May rith '
1:-. 4 111, the considera
tion of thequestiim of lighting the streets
with gas and' the unfinished basiness, was
postponed to Saturday evening, the 10th
inst.;at which time the wing tscrubers
were present: Burgess Dodge.Coumilmen
Alger, Ilolcomb, 4 , lltallye and Stevens.
Without traniacting any business the
Council adjourned to Saturday evening,
the l'ah inst. •
lii puma nce of adjoutnment the Coun
cil mut, all the members' being present.
Communications and statements from
citizens being; the first business in order
under the rules, ';;mtiel Adams asked for
an examination asito the title and owner
ship of the Hook and Ladder truck.
L. Elsbrec askcitithat a crossing te put
do‘Vn from William street and across Lo
cust Avenue.
J. A. Wilt asked that the alley in the
rear or north of the Ward property be re
opuned. •
Messrs 1)1-, Pratt, Charles Tracy, Ira
Humphrey, D. A. Overton and L. 13.
Rogers, spoke in favor of lighting the
stiects' N with gas.
A ebinmur&ation was received from
the committee on-the memorial coremon,
ics inviting the Burgess, Town Council
and ti)eir• secretary to take part iu the
IS7onieS on Decoration Day,' May 30,
Councilin , an - heeler and, Kingsbury,
from the committee to whom was refer
red the rietition.of citizens of the Third
Ward for a sidewalk on the. east side of
Fourth street from Chesnut to Lombard,
street, reported iu favor of grading for a
three foot walk on said east side of Fourth
- street, and when graded the property
owners be notified-to build said walk.
Before any action was taken on the re
portornother petition was presented ask
ing that a street be opened from Huston
to Lombard street; whereupon Mr. Hol
comb, the minority of the committee sub
mitted the following resolution, which
Was Adopted : •
Resotred, That the Burgess appoint a
committee, consisting of two members of
Council and the Atturneyof the Borough,
to tint t an ord i nance opening Fourth street ,
from Lombard street" to llustua street,
giving the width, courses, distance and
glades, and report the same to the Coun
cil at a future meeting for its action. •
The Burgess aflpointed , Councilman
ilideoinli and .Tones said committee.
On motion the committee appointed to
confer with the Overserrs of the Poor hi
relation to iznprorim , the cemetery
grounds, were allowed -5
further time to
make their report. .
On the representation of- the Street
Committee of the Third Ward of the
necessity for making some provisions for
carrying on' the water from Thini street,
the said Committee was authorized to put
in a plank sluice inear the residence of
M.. 1. Long.
On complaint made by the Chief En
gineer of the Fire Department, the coin :
:nate° mkrepairs of the borough building
were directed to close up the communica
tion between that portion of the building
occupied by Policeman Burns as-a resi
dence and the part used by the Fire De
On motion the Stre . et Committee was
directed to fence Pot&th street betweeti
Chestnut and Lombard streets until the
bridge now impassible is repaired, and
the Street Committee of all The Wards
were authorized to ascer!a'n the cost of
building it new -wooden bridge, and also
the cost of building a stone culvert at
that point, and report to the next meet-
LA about reaching a vote . on the gas
' lluestion and the several other .items of
unfinished business; the eouncil at a late
hour adjourned to meet on Saturday
evening, the 24th inst.-
Local Corrempoptlence.
The most important business enterprise
of this season is a cheese factory. WE,
LIAM IRVING, a young man of energy, is
the proprietor. Be -is a Scoteliman by
birth, and ha; recently been engaged in
the manufacture of cheese in Ulster. The
building and apparatus cost $1500.• The
factory at present is making nit abLut 10,-
QO,O pounds of milk daily, supplied froni
000 cows. Since the opening, April .23d
'up to May 13th, 104 packages have been
made, averaging 63 pounds.apiece .... The
harness shop of LEVI T. ADAMS is in Atic
cessful operation—SO sets of harness haie
been sold the past year. Besides numer
ous patrons in Sinithtield, parties have
come all the way. from Athens, Troy and
Wellsburg, to ask for little attentions in
his line of business. Mr: A. G. BE NETT,
formerly of Cortland County, N. Y., has
been in the shop for three years, and can
not be boat at scientific harness making.
...E. V. .Nrcuoti, who was severely in
jured a few days since, is around again at
his business. lie is our newly-elected .
Justice of the Peace, but the prospects of
an honorable office do not lead him to ex
cuse himself from honorable work, and a
new store which he is just erecting attests
his industry. ...WALTER PHILLIPS, the
Postmaster, has found roomier and more
desirable quarters in the Davm's . Block:
....The flouring mill in Selard Hollow
has entered upon a new career under the
management of JAMES IL, WEBB &. SO N.
Mr. WELLEn will not fail of attending to
the wants of all patrons.
The shower of the past week came just
in time to prevent severe suffering from
drouth, and vegetation is looking fresh
and luzniiant....Saturday was a busy
day in town, and the crorided.streets gave
the old-time appearance of businilsts activ
ity.... Rev. Mr. Conn, of the Senior Class
: Auburn. Seminary, • preached - in. the
Presbyterian Church last Sabbath. lie is
much liked by some of oar people..... Rev:
S. L. CON6F. is in Baltimore attending the
national convention of the Young Men's
Christian Association: ...Nearly all ofthe
schools in Troy And adjoining townships
are taught by graduates and students of
the Troy High School... .The teachers
and Principal of Troy Graded School
have all been re-engaged for another year.
The schobi has been very prosperous dur : .
ing thO year.... Arrangements are being
made for the proper obseivance of Deco
ration Day. 11 "
what a lady of Boston said to her husband
when he brought home some medicine to
cure her of sick headache and peumlgia
which had made her miserable for four
teen years. At the first attack . thereafter,
it was administered to her with such good
results, that she continued to use it' until
cured, and made so enthusiastic in its
praise, that she induced twenty-two of
the best families in her circle to adopt it
as their'regular family medicine. Thal
"stuff" is Hop Bitters.
Ems' .ICovelties in HOSIERY; GLOVES,
ASOLS, etc" at STERN'S.
:Mr• Kid. Gloves, Lac Mitts and Lace
Top imova, in good assortMents at EVANS at
Mr - Large asliortineat of MO Cages
Just recelTed at the as Ceut Store: 40C awl up ,
_ Or Carpets, Oil Clothes and Mattings
at "Way Lowe prices" at EVANS &C• 11.11:-
Mr Full sets Croquet only 99 cents a
the 9:0 Cent Store. • r •
t Evans & 'Wroth • have all
and size of Still Vtitbrella±, which every
Lady should, see before purehablog elsewhere.
mss" Ladies, Gents and Children's sum
mer underwear. kng acid short sleevusat 'EVA NS
Mr,Tobn Maddock Sons' celebrated
rablelhape setellsweelaln Crockery at the t 9 Cent
Store also a full assortment of Crockery atol
Glassware at the lowest prices. _ tf. • .
L 53" Table Damasks, Napkins, Doy
lies Towels, erasheF, very cheap at
M' Summer Silks, Grenadines, Black
and Colored Buntings at . EVANS
PO WELL o% co
ape now °florin:o
1. d large stock of
purchased at recent auctiQn,
French Organdies, Ainerican Law
ttes,. Jackonets, Perealls and Glngltams, In new
choice styles, at EVANS at 11ILDRETIPS.
Cam' Don't fail to ace the DISPLAY
ST F:II.N . S t only for three days more. ,
j„.1.5y. Black Sill s, and CasluncreB
full uisortment. aril at lower prices than ever at
Mr - Miss. N. Farnham has a tine select. ,
ed stock of New Millinery Goods in great vallcly.
Wh!eh cannot hut meet the wants of 311. eatl at
hue St.ore a few doors nortliof the .PteiC office and
013:1tilie styles and prices,
W" For tickets to all points West;
North andSout4west, at the lowest ixrsslblo raters,
call on or address, .If. F. BABCOCK,. Agent, at
Uppo . r Depot, Towanda. Ulf •
re" L. B. lioniwts cballenges - compc..
tition for quality of goods and low prices on Sash,
Doors, Blinds and MoWink, s, and al building um.
terial._ _ Caug34(3.
. M" . " The Largest, Rest and Cheapest
line of Shes for I.adles', Illases• and eldlilreus'
wear is found at Codsiit's new store, corner Main
and rine-sts., Tracy
.1 - ;:olde's Illock. apr473
174-"?' Miss. L. J. Mona, a first class
Ritedis MAKER has opened Onslnessln runner,
lon with the 111171nory Sten;.of Miss N. Farnham.
Give hpy a call,
tom' Plain and Fancy cloths and daSSi
meres In Sult Patterns or by the yard, very cheap
at Evans it Ilitdreth•s,
W' Don't you forget it. We have : an
excellent CII.ACKEtt /I.I , :I;'FACTOttY In town
at-coltur, Whe:re you can buy the
best tiesh-bakca crackers.
For fine Millinery, first elass.llAir
Goods,. Java Canvass,. gold and Silver tinted Card
Board, and Ch!Wren's Sailor Ilats,-call on Mrs.
A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Sire Ct. Bleachinrand
sewing over a specialty.
rir.Tiii! Bridge Street i'ornittire Store
now occupies two stores with a new stock of Spring
Goods. With low prices, good goods and a Mtge
stock to select from, wo feel sore we can suit yme,
MG° to Miss N. Fartiham's a few
doors north of past olllce for new Spring and Sam.
mer Hate
tr ConsEn has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Hoye and Youths' wear ever, offered In
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of
- tar REMOVED ! Mr. C. M.,Myer has .
ieinovell• Ms MEAT MARKET TO 'MIME.
ICIMBI3trBL flnd them amoug his FINE MEATS,
CIIOICE SPRING LAMBS, Um first Jri nwket
IBIS Boson. •
Troy, May lOth
Which comprises everything NEW, FASHIONABLE and DESIRABLE to be, found
in the market, •
Towanda, Pa., April 23d, 1879
,41tware, • •-
- Successors to ..11cluritrc & Russell, bettlers'in •
, .
Main - Street, -n - - TOWANDA, -PA.
IDLTI:11 littl(E LIST
Plain Mantels, Corri plete 515.001 White Marble for Children - 55.00
Extra Fine - - - 20.001 " Extra Fine 10.00
Cranite Monuments - 1 so.bol Suitable for Crown People • - 8.00-
" Extra Fine for Family 225.00 f " • " " Ex-.Finels:oo_
iarr WVIII - 11 TeCNIIIIkend 05111413113 , the BearitIft:I.C(I.I • MBIAN•MARIILE, and far mom llUralde for
this climate, will nit SOIL or With m.:.J lil c 0t10r.11.,,c1,1e..
it)., it 1, .11.6 nil Granite Lira 435. HO 162 , EaA StrtPt, ELIIIPA, N. 5
Or Evans & Hi id reth, otter more
Min Twenty tityies or Curets.
Mr. C. B. l'unTEtt; Druggist, Ward Ilonse.-llear
Sir—Several weeks sltte.• I received a sample bottle
of Ety's Cream Balsam for Catarrh—am pleased to
testify to its cnfative properties. For several years
have been troubled with this disease—have tried
many.remedies without much relief., Ely•s Cream
Balsam has prose(' itself to be the article desired,
having wonderful results in "my ease. 'I ant sow
more free from Catarrh limn I have been for years.
I believe this remedy to be the only sure cure for;
Bo,spect fully Yciiirs,
arEvans & Hlldreth arc seilipg
all kinds of corrox GOODS, at the LOWEST FIG-.
L:IIES proialllog before the advauce.
ENEWEI: is a 'scientific combination of some of
the most powerful restorative :igenty in the vegeta
dile kingdom. It restores gray hair to Its original
color. It makes. the scalp white and clean. It'
Cures dandruff and-humors. and failing . -out of the
hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which
the hair isrmitrishell and supported.) rntakes the
hair Moist, soft and glo . ssy, and is unsurpassed as a
hair-dressing. It. is the most economical prepara
tion ever the public, as Its effects remain
a tong time, making only an oveaslonal,applit'atiOn
necessnry. It is retMannuctuled and used by multi
ent men, and ollicially emPirsed by tlm .
State Assayer of Massachttset t. The popularity of
Hair Itenener has Increased with , the test or
many years, both in this country and In foreign
lauds, and It Is now known and used, in all the:
civilized countries of the world. POE SALE fly
• E3' Evans & Hildreth offer the .
ce/ebratml Jamestown Al. l'.l AS and tiLitti
nt r:-tuc . cd priecc. -
CV" Havitig gathered a Large Stock of
ICE; We arc preparcA to furbish, it at rates - to suit
the titue4, sod ran recemuu•nd it as perf,ctly
pito ttLetiery respect.
>f., ]'3.1.7
Mit: E. ft. Pttaa.',..—,ir: xnn,ies..l th,
spielmen.of Ice :eft with and
find that It oitnpare., f t.i.; it• ,
fermi the ricer at , ,t e the ohl Cana , tail n, i'vvn
with water Commonly used, for drink. ng that
A high powk:r of the info o.,eepe tailed t o s how any
infllS.rb, or anything that could he eonsiderell Iti-
Jurlonii, even after standing lor a days... ,
Respectfully, $.31: W 001)111..71., M. D.
Or J. W. 1 . .1 - MAN. M.
, r , ww.i.Nn.t..Pa.. May 13,:1,70.
Haying carefully Ciatinlinal a specinien of Ice
left at my onice by E. B. Pierce, I Dud it an
pare and free frtin .foreign matter as I think
Ice can tie froZca, iii any Country. •
I have ex - atatned the Ice left by 31r..1 ; lerce, care.
fully, and end It In every way pure and free (rem
organic Witter. C.-K. LADD, 31, It.
I WILL SOT - BE t' DERSOI.I) : IM.Orders
s9licite , l and salfsfactlon-guarainteed,
4-15. ' E. B. PIERCE.
WOODFORD—BALDWIN-1u Leßaybvillk., May
th, Ism by Rev: James Rlehmouil. Mr. Jerome
VOotlford. of. Candor. N. V., •autt Miss Jeuni6
Baldwin, of Leßaisville,
BBNYAN-1:011V—In Granytfle, April 2J, by
Chas, R. K 011.11.11, Andrew -Runyan amt
Miss Mertie Roby.
THOMPSON-31A f101.11).—Itt Wetomill, May 4 111,
).I,>.w s Thenupsor,
Una 3tlsa Angle
- - .DIED.
woorilt Wilkesharra, F redµy, stay Nth
1579, Charlie It. son of George 11. and (iu • ale
Woodrutt, aged 4 months aroO:2 clays.
SMITII.-111 Pike. near Lellaysvllle, May 17. th,
1879, A lenztv Sulltli; aged 85 years.
LAY.—lntlearfleld County, of drnp. , y May 111.11.
Mrs. tkrlila Lay, fertnerty or Sylvania, aged 74
- years.
ELLIOTT. In Springflekl, Pa, May lOth, of Geer
complaint, Elvira, wifo of George Elliott, abed
• 51 years.
sionizisciN.—ln Granville. Ila Sr. 9th. of genera
debility. Andrew Morrltion, aged 77 years.
i i . D3fINIS . IItATORS' NOTICE.. —Notice is hereby Oren that all persons .In
debted to the estattruf munztan Bbikemey, late of.
the toirtishi pof Burlington, deceased, are requested
to make immediate payment, and altperson.4 having
claims against said estate must present them duty
authenticated for settlement.'
J. W. NICHOLS, Adraluistrator
BurHugton, April 24, 1979.
P O.W. g..k Z
Are now prepared to exhibit their
a great variety of Stripes, Monks, and Plain Colors
TOW.I:NDA, PA., May 14, 187%-
J. W. LYMAN, M. I)
7oWANDA, May 13, 1S
et* . co.
limn Ithvertisements.
SSIGtitES SALE—In ank-.
ruptey. By virtue of an order iSSIIOII out nr
the Dlstriet Court or the United 'States, for the
Western [Met of Pennsylvania. the undersigned I
will at puldie sate, divested of alt 'liens all the
Bantirnid, at the door or the Court House: ht
TuWANtt,t, Bradford. County, F. on TUES
DAY; JUNE. to, 1579, at I o'clock, cortlst
thg of the t'otlowing deserthed tots....phnzesor tracts
of land to Wit :
. .
No. I—Our lot about ♦3x150 feet, situated on the,
,outtm.Fst corner of Fourth and Elizabeth streots,,
NO. ::--1, et about 50x140 feet. situated East side
of Third street, with trained duelling house, there
on.- . .
No. 3—Lot easf side or Third street. being about
1..1 feet in front,-123 feet in rear and 154 feet deep.
NA. 4—Lot about 50x140 feet, west side at Third
street; south of property of NV. K. 11111.
Nov. 5. 6, 7 And s—Four lots each 50x150 feet
south of lot Se. -I, and west side of Third street.'
. .
. .. „ .
. No. 0.-I.ot about 42.%.1.47 . Teet, south of lot No. 8,
and we,t ado of Third stiet.
No& 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and IF-..-Lots * south of the
homestead property, and-west sldeof Fourth street,
each about 50'140 feet, Includlng a 10 foot alley In
tear.: . .
No. - 17-4,0 t south of No. 14, about 25 feet lu
Irma, 100 feet in rear, and 140 feet deep, including
10 foot alley.
No. ts—fot, triailgalar shaped, In rear of lota
above described, about 4:l7' s : feet at Past, And 125
feet perpeudicultr, the third side tucasuritlg,l'49
N,o. ift---Lot, east side . or -Charles street, about
tOeslau veer.
No: 20—One lot , emmencing at a pipit 25 feet
easterly from an Iron pin In the. center of - ITridge
street, thence easterly along the line of J: F.
Means' land. 615 feet tea corner Of 'an unopened
street: t notee northerly along said. street 3CS feet,
to southeast corner of lot now..owned by Acker
Smith: thence easterly along line of said lot, las
feet to a corner: thence northerly 146 feet to the
multnrest turner of Albert Smith's thence
westerly about 2O feet to the southeast corner of
t. , atunel ltoyle's lot: thence westerly 210 fe'et tO the
east Ilne of Itridge street: thence southerly along
said line feet to the place of In:lnning% -
23:23. 25, - It. 27 and _s—Eight lOte,
situated SoutiTof the proposed extension of Silza
het!' street and east Of an unopened street, about.
;140 fret , orat !I Or itrhigu %trek, each lot 1.441, 1 ;
5nx164 feet. Int:aiding a 10 foot alley It, the rear.
`No. 7t—Lot sltuated on southwest corner o
I.'harlus struet ply r.v,cd,e x ten sioti<t Eliza
ls..t It street, s.s.xl6:, r.,,,,t;lneladlog said 10 foe. t 311,y
11l r:nir
routh of Mt% n'.ove
set 'bed. ,n line of J. V.. Menu , ' ..1.4
4141 ,Ilati! I., , rlter uf,uryol , Mled htreot. Gcing .190
feet !ruin tho cant linc';of sfreett' thence
northerly *.:11•2 feet lb Or jilt, ;41) e y in
tear of said
a11..y. side of Clarles
".treet: !he line'of the ex.;
~ r fee: to the line of J.
F., , uthwest cur.
r.;•; the coo easterly.dot4line
of said he f. et f 0 3 4 1/rller 011 WIC J. V.
.Ifea :atsi;t:yr-ii , e, ,outherty
atop; said line 4;8
feet To a cort...r •.f J. 1 , . land: thence 3sebt
crly along 111. , of ',aid Means' land. shout ISO feet
to the eatt ti p' of the extension of Char.
Irs strret:lla-?..:4, 0 - o,terly 4'2,0 feet to the place of
said lot heing intersected In the north
ern part by the proposed extension of Elizabeth
street and by the propesed continuaMD of a 16 foot
alley running toltridgeirreet, and In the south
east corner, by the proposed extension of Fifth
Street. '
_ No. 3'l—Lot situated south side of Bridge street,
- about 44x13;. being neat west of the " !loglt" lot.
No. 33—Lot situated soutli Mile of Bridge street,
about ti6al3s. b...twez.n lots owned by Daniel Saver.'
Cool and S. F. Boyle, With a partly it:limited trained
dwelling thereon. I. . •
.Lots NOS. 34. al, an, 37 , 1 i and 31—Situated on Um
north side of the prop, .ed extension or Elizabeth
street, and between the Mosier anditleurge Decker
lots. each 4SEl3sfek, b log the saute lots nuinbeted '
t t,
"27,35, • , s, 3t0„31 - and .32 on Win. 11. ilorgai - i'S map of
Towanda Borough. No buildings.
Lot No. 40-59tuated on ti.e east side of Four' it I
street, being Irregularly shaped, 'about 1634 f+t •-..,
in front. el feet In rear and about 140-feet deep. "
No buildings. " i
• .
Lot No. 41—diltuated north of No 40, east side of --,,
Fourth street, Seat 10 feet, !with framed dwell
ing house .thereon.
Lot No. 43—Tbe b s llpmestead,' , propOrty of 0.
D. Bartlett,' heing,Z2WlZet front on Fourth street,
and from Its south east corner. 266 feet-In westerly
eburse to Owl:or:ler of.J. Means' land; -ttieneo
in a northwest drieetion . 2.64 feet to a corner of .11
F. Means' land; 'thence easterly .11tiS feet to Foun
street, with framed dwelling house, barn tuad'outz
buildings thereon.' •
No. 44 —Ali of said bankrupts interestef, in and
to the undivided one-half of a lot or piece of land
situated west side. Of Stain street, between 'the
lands of Wlll;ain Int trich and John llohnes, being
20 feet , front on Main street and 70 feet deep to an
alley in the rear, with a three story brick buibting;•,
and a portion of • frame building thereon, the
third Story of said brick building being owned by
the Masonic Ball Association of Towanda. .
TEIt3JS OF SALE-10 percent. of the purchase
price in cash; on the property being struck dowri
-20 per cent. on the confirmation of the sate--20 per -
cent. in 6 months from date of sale; and the balance
In one year from date of sale, with interest at 7
. per cent. per annum from date of sale with ap•
proved security.
Assignee in Bankruptcy,
' A map of ;be above described real estate, b open
fur hispectiou'at the ogle* otthe Assignee.
Jai;iiiin - Isi, ISi9 !
40 RS AR: 4
iiIEY HAVE 111. EX