Padfoll ',Aeportrt VUAA. li. ALLEN, LOCAL EDITOR Towanda, Pa., Thursday, May 22, 1879: W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Dealer In FINE JEWELRY, W4TCIII,i, SILVER & PLATED WARE, TOWANDA PA. Towanda, Jan.lB, 1877. LOCAL AND CENERAL. 11. S. McKEAN lights hiS 'tine residence iii Troy with gas. Tilt recent 'rains 'have been of iriealeu lable benefit to vegetation.. TRADE Dollars taken at par on sub scription to the ItcroirtEn. CLINTON Ll:svis, of Merryall, is t ereetin, a very handsome - awl commodious -Lam. • Worth: on the new brick barn for flit 1:1wc11 House commenced on Monday last. AlLtn.N belonging. to P. .T. STONE, in Athens, was dearoyeil by lire on Sunday last. Wr. learn that Captain J. B. REEVES died at his residence in Athens, on.3lon slay last. • Tttr•. malking match comincuces at 31cr cur Hall, Friday. at 4 o'clock r. and (ids itiaturday at 10 r. 31. • IZagroail Reading Room at Sayre, iN Said to be Veil patronized, and reflects credit upon its originators. 'lt:. B. KLENot; an artist from New Y.olf. has been malting, some fine sketch vs of Vali tier., Troy, FFEIiTY, at Caniptotvu, has re ui his old store building into a neat tAMIIIn.IiOUS dwelling house. 1: is can't iitly repiirtud that the Craw .r.l', id Comity Spite la is soon to 'be t-et "a iti this neighborhood. 'I . IIE (lame and Fish Laws of PiNmsyl .t•na, in frataiddct form, can 1 c obtained tlin; once, at Id vents per copy. WE leant that a barb •r A. - % NS ill ere :41/tied ill the' Ward kroci:,e, tp be - I.;itic:- the impervisinwof D. V. STEDGE. Ni:!THETt Fn.:4 NatioDal E.lnli Naj . ,..n.d-ilimk, of thiN i"e_to:iell (.11 1)....c0:-ati Day. ut: liwitse amt barn of it Mr. Dc.,..1-iv %ere, burned on Artnentii, oil Monday of last wZ.eli, by f'dl.k , st, No inz,univev. Is conseqiumc:. t!,c alweli c e of R ev . Itoctor it sit vit.-Cs will be lu d blict Pre:J/31,2:i Lan nrxt Situd;ty. THE cditor vf the 151,1 1 ,!( , ,,J , has g.N..,t a V.:, hat. Its st.ras..l and the LauNt p ll.poi:ty for _the •1.:I tivf. ti„.ll:rt y =MI I: \ ICE in Clii ist Thin stay, (Aseern-inn 1)4 at WI ; 'Flinrc w:II be no g I that Ei,,J;;:Ei, of .1 thens iojtind Thurnday geitin;.; off the eats at IVA:lung, X. Y. • J;(•,.;1.;;:ssof iinpirtartce to every mem her'will be trough beGnc Cr_%stal.Lodge. is. of 11., at itsnrxt niveti:ig, and a ~t: aittlidattx is Pr i, nail threv gill Im from 1(0 to 0 from Pliilmiclp!iia 1,1;1;th:tore at this. StlnullCE, With ,_.:utd ,ter city people want suin , t Irn ' 1111-im,F,, who occupied tl c Sny farm iu South Waverl3, tias stricken p:ualysis cn Fatin day morning, May and flied in the aftenwon. lle IA ife and one e4i1,1. ( l if the 31t!ssial.i (Universalist), T. 11.01 Z. Pastor. At Denial." At 11 . 1:0, or What .'fctripteil u the All welc,.)me. i Ilet1; railroad depot building 'at •., I*. I pi,. ly cokapleiluti \ I.4 ` , ittis , - saki, ' • - ' (0: tilkt. finest structurls of tl6 t ti' : n.„, rs of tjic - Reprihk.eart and .:!t• ~ ? !.4 a ge, l in a little --2 , ,e:‘-to over ;., expenditures. .1t the pres- tio' Rpirt`ll%; haVe SCVCr ,,IN an !age iu the argument. ME 1,1 , •1' 1 , 1•311 S, a , to heads, biq e::%elopet , , etc., etc., pill:tett I::L lt , ..ottls. 'll.e larg- t' •t , '.'k C. 111; .y,:ui d Prices (10Wn Stijl. Oil ti , ilVS. Sl” I your or- 1: , \v. vl - 1:1.--, or is I tl:c at on NVEiss rd, ea.:nest t 6! have 1141 63011 ;h ,be v,.11t, enj4.y :t great • r\i. 11., of this place, ;,. furni,liing a hal? "Iliorl,c;i:g . ti is lapialy - awl mill no t:,i '•• ' , l , ' Cie ~tuff lac (.1“. of the strinigest f;! " , a't: P. lhn•rax,c 1.:! ,- ; of •u !ten cii.:t ut "1 a beautiful hap -111 f Ilector attlens • lEpi,cop;ll). this place. MA; tl:oNN't; fur wltich ~ ;11111, ,, tuILP thanks !!! M:lan 41eig,t was destroyed by fire ••u;u.'ayabout 12: o'clock. • •1 I,ed tv Lace been :421, on fire by •+ •t locomotive, as coil trains but a short time before the i: , (.•'•ovc red ry THE 11111:1105511 .!:. NN.I-; dcni on the railroad track ' h, u 4, on Saturday mornintt laNt7;:yery toailh•d, both logs being cutpff, both ''• cut yearly off, 80J ' ' ) L, ole . iu Lis.l ody brokeu. E ladies of Towanda aro resirecifully . t, meet at tl c office of J. ANDitfiv: , on Friday, May 23d, at 4 ,t;i'clock . t,i make arrangements Iriilr thkj . uiri~r of watkiw Po,t for I, ccora - By order of Committee. = MELISI cises of the Troy Glad are ti take place at the . ppera in that tillage, on the—evening of :intii--Decolation Day: The excl.- ~ consist of Essays, I)eclaniati4itis, !: , katicros, witti tlic award of prizes. r!..,N N Rosy:Nl:l%Ln will occupy one of , I , ltes being rebuilt by Mr. STyEETER, Main street. We bare - not learned in line ofitrade he will engage, but as Fit %NI.: has tiu.sts of friends, he will un-. , :oubtedly secure a liberal patronage, no :natter what he sells. the Druggist, says that the wa ter in the river is too cold as yet for bath ing, and that the old-fashibited way of spearing eels is preferable to "diving" for them. It's a •trille dangerous to ask CLAnElitalow deep the water is at the east side of Towalida Bar. SHERIFF DEAN Will ]eave on train :14 this, Wednesday - : evening, for Philadel phia, having - in charge THOMAS and JACK SON CHILSON, G. 8. Pon', WILLIAM . DE rEW and utr CnAyTou, prisoners sen. tenced at the present term of Court to imprisoninent is the Eastern Penitentiary. Tun Canton correspondent of the Elmi ra Gazette, under data of May vat, says, "Mr. S. W. Aixonn, formerly editor of the BRADPOIM REPORTER, and 4r. Bow- MAN, editor of .the kFtaliran Rereetn, were in town to-day,- thinking of starting an other newspaper in Canton." Tun ntishore'llecicw says that a young man who went from that : place to Kansas a month ago, has written tack for "some of that solder that so many men ale Iped dlint. in the east." If the walking keeps' godd and solder keeps well, Ite.expects to get home in time to teach a winter's school. r2=EM THE bursting . of an oil stove at the res idence of GEolicr. MuFFET, on Main street, corner of Washington, on Thurs day last, raised an alarm of lire, width was promptly responded to by the fire men. The dames were subdued, ,howev er, without their assistance and before much damage-was done. THE facilities for hulling out job print ing of every description at this office, ure unsurpassed. Fast steam presses and all the modern types and. machinery enables us to do work cheaper and quicLer than any other office in this section. 'We invite alt who may wish good work at reasona ble prices to call and see-samples. . Tur: obituary notice of JoirN num. was received too late for publication this week. In this convection, we deshe to say that as we areobliged to put our pa per to press at an early hour on Wednes day afternoon, matters intended for pub= lication.the same W r eck, should reach us out Wei' than Tuesday evening-. OWEN A; Co:, situated near the depot of the Erie Railway Company, at Cbeinung, was • burned Friday morning, between eiht and ninc o'clock. A quantity of ...rndug inrjlen,errta in - ere stprcd in it. The tanse (A . the fire is uuknewn. Loss $1,0(10. Insured in the Fainiers' Reliance. , t)t n sister ;e of Canton inoposes c Decei:aton Day in a hicenntig manner. The 113 In:igen - R:11, of the cc - e: licelici is in the hands of Ingham Po!:;, - ., ho will he assisted by sceei a? other. so. The is; hti;t,i extends ..inn in%ita- 1103 I lion to youra ;And u:90!, body's shstets, coo Silts ;dui ;Mots, to Calltoll on that day .1:tt02. - o the Lacs. a , f., ]'3.1.7 Mit: E. ft. Pttaa.',..—,ir: xnn,ies..l th, spielmen.of Ice :eft with and find that It oitnpare., f t.i.; it• , fermi the ricer at , ,t e the ohl Cana , tail n, i'vvn with water Commonly used, for drink. ng that A high powk:r of the info o.,eepe tailed t o s how any infllS.rb, or anything that could he eonsiderell Iti- Jurlonii, even after standing lor a days... , Respectfully, $.31: W 001)111..71., M. D. Or J. W. 1 . .1 - MAN. M. , r , ww.i.Nn.t..Pa.. May 13,:1,70. Haying carefully Ciatinlinal a specinien of Ice left at my onice by E. B. Pierce, I Dud it an pare and free frtin .foreign matter as I think Ice can tie froZca, iii any Country. • I have ex - atatned the Ice left by 31r..1 ; lerce, care. fully, and end It In every way pure and free (rem organic Witter. C.-K. LADD, 31, It. GEM I WILL SOT - BE t' DERSOI.I) : IM.Orders s9licite , l and salfsfactlon-guarainteed, 4-15. ' E. B. PIERCE. WOODFORD—BALDWIN-1u Leßaybvillk., May th, Ism by Rev: James Rlehmouil. Mr. Jerome VOotlford. of. Candor. N. V., •autt Miss Jeuni6 Baldwin, of Leßaisville, BBNYAN-1:011V—In Granytfle, April 2J, by Chas, R. K 011.11.11, Andrew -Runyan amt Miss Mertie Roby. THOMPSON-31A f101.11).—Itt Wetomill, May 4 111, ).I,>.w s Thenupsor, Una 3tlsa Angle - - .DIED. woorilt Wilkesharra, F redµy, stay Nth 1579, Charlie It. son of George 11. and (iu • ale Woodrutt, aged 4 months aroO:2 clays. SMITII.-111 Pike. near Lellaysvllle, May 17. th, 1879, A lenztv Sulltli; aged 85 years. LAY.—lntlearfleld County, of drnp. , y May 111.11. Mrs. tkrlila Lay, fertnerty or Sylvania, aged 74 - years. ELLIOTT. In Springflekl, Pa, May lOth, of Geer complaint, Elvira, wifo of George Elliott, abed • 51 years. sionizisciN.—ln Granville. Ila Sr. 9th. of genera debility. Andrew Morrltion, aged 77 years. i i . D3fINIS . IItATORS' NOTICE.. —Notice is hereby Oren that all persons .In debted to the estattruf munztan Bbikemey, late of. the toirtishi pof Burlington, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and altperson.4 having claims against said estate must present them duty authenticated for settlement.' J. W. NICHOLS, Adraluistrator BurHugton, April 24, 1979. . DRESS L:QOOD.S, .4. P O.W. g..k Z Are now prepared to exhibit their SPECIAL_ • ATTEN'jTIO-- a great variety of Stripes, Monks, and Plain Colors TOW.I:NDA, PA., May 14, 187%- T.; B, COBLTRN J. W. LYMAN, M. I) 7oWANDA, May 13, 1S MARRIED. WometTit et* . co. THEY INVITE TO THEIR limn Ithvertisements. B • A B SSIGtitES SALE—In ank-. ruptey. By virtue of an order iSSIIOII out nr the Dlstriet Court or the United 'States, for the Western [Met of Pennsylvania. the undersigned I will at puldie sate, divested of alt 'liens all the REAL Es FATE of uItRIND. BARTLETT; Bantirnid, at the door or the Court House: ht TuWANtt,t, Bradford. County, F. on TUES DAY; JUNE. to, 1579, at I o'clock, cortlst thg of the t'otlowing deserthed tots....phnzesor tracts of land to Wit : . . No. I—Our lot about ♦3x150 feet, situated on the, ,outtm.Fst corner of Fourth and Elizabeth streots,, NO. ::--1, et about 50x140 feet. situated East side of Third street, with trained duelling house, there on.- . . No. 3—Lot easf side or Third street. being about 1..1 feet in front,-123 feet in rear and 154 feet deep. NA. 4—Lot about 50x140 feet, west side at Third street; south of property of NV. K. 11111. Nov. 5. 6, 7 And s—Four lots each 50x150 feet south of lot Se. -I, and west side of Third street.' . . . .. „ . . No. 0.-I.ot about 42.%.1.47 . Teet, south of lot No. 8, and we,t ado of Third stiet. No& 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and IF-..-Lots * south of the homestead property, and-west sldeof Fourth street, each about 50'140 feet, Includlng a 10 foot alley In tear.: . . No. - 17-4,0 t south of No. 14, about 25 feet lu Irma, 100 feet in rear, and 140 feet deep, including 10 foot alley. No. ts—fot, triailgalar shaped, In rear of lota above described, about 4:l7' s : feet at Past, And 125 feet perpeudicultr, the third side tucasuritlg,l'49 feet. N,o. ift---Lot, east side . or -Charles street, about tOeslau veer. No: 20—One lot , emmencing at a pipit 25 feet easterly from an Iron pin In the. center of - ITridge street, thence easterly along the line of J: F. Means' land. 615 feet tea corner Of 'an unopened street: t notee northerly along said. street 3CS feet, to southeast corner of lot now..owned by Acker Smith: thence easterly along line of said lot, las feet to a corner: thence northerly 146 feet to the multnrest turner of Albert Smith's thence westerly about 2O feet to the southeast corner of t. , atunel ltoyle's lot: thence westerly 210 fe'et tO the east Ilne of Itridge street: thence southerly along said line feet to the place of In:lnning% - 23:23. 25, - It. 27 and _s—Eight lOte, situated SoutiTof the proposed extension of Silza het!' street and east Of an unopened street, about. ;140 fret , orat !I Or itrhigu %trek, each lot 1.441, 1 ; 5nx164 feet. Int:aiding a 10 foot alley It, the rear. `No. 7t—Lot sltuated on southwest corner o I.'harlus struet ply r.v,cd,e x ten sioti