,3r.Adfottl 'itp..o.ttc.r. E. 1 0. 0003)RICII, EDITOR Tiraralay, May 22, 1879 A WORD FO FAIR Pi, it Let us -1. just to the Legislature; for, to be just.' is to wrong nobody. I Sit is not, as some say, the worst Leg- islature that es-r sat at Harrisburg. In some re:lpectsitlis better than any that has eonvenl4llll forty years; in others it is asi 1, •o l oil, and probably iii none is it m l ' , siiyably worse. The ihabit into.Whi , 11 men and journals haNai fallen. of -oilling.all their bile, 4on the Pennsylvania' Legislature, is a had habit. ' W shah easily agree that. neither this,nor any other Leg . * , islaturii is immaculate. Iminaculate 4 ix2i-iatmiTs will (-pine into fAhion 1k when \ indivitival immaculateness is , tia. , :t tile. When the b6Lly politic be :: cone= hire, its agueivs will become pure. -,Our standard *of conN)arison is talsc when we estimate LK charac- ter of deliberative bhdies. We pick out tia ere:onof a neighborhood and -measure inankirid by that exeellence. If a lAT•Mature e.,Aties -,hart of that :On.ndard—and:it necessarily must— we ••eonr(re it with hard words. But that is not the way . to average roan- Thi: safe staielard of judgment in i : ,tiinating popular agencies is to give the people credit for ::electing as good an average as universal suf frage williadinit. AL :di events, it is a fact, that our nacre and lawmakers it pr;_!sent the average of popul - 11 r intelligence, honesty and honor. Some way reply that if our delibera tive •fairly 'repreent the ::vera:*e inteliigene, honor and hon esty of th.., peuple, tl,icn we are in a p*Iti:11:11,-1'.ittitut,t , tNIt But tlint re i s . our r;::iuvt a!: 1) , ....11:,t1:11)ic ori . not, it is :ghat it italtilt2nts cannel!, im- 111'‘,11. it vortainly io thy ervdit (,f I n, , Tv ( I , : vik:turr , fool/ w:tys of its NVi;:d. v \-cr enn 1W ~, ~it,.~.~_ ,~, oi it. tit-•nitieli i, tru...—tlint it 111, inH...ll.lcrice !:01i'_:!! 10 1 t an. , l flit ;W.", 11 - I!9tt."Vt.'l' n IV 6! 1' 't , ) it- :CI- it (!;td 1, tliat Si. i, tatL et c, a k.it' p..1 . 11:11, , it • 1,(•:.7,1 , 1•ILI:ro ..:L con- rcn i• In a century that h'as Eitthtt to f_tiwy tl c cutillinds of_ that powerful corporation. r nler th, old system, 1_) )1C the era of the new - Constitu- lion, nothing vonhi I vo iirtquntir!tl ilic ilio - I;z4 indemnity 1:111. Thcr , ,• would nCIt 113V0 Lccn t! \ )11 a, feint of IVith j.cgi.,lature of a lnui irI•N I . AS MCA 11:1',')• 11(2(11 II() ( . 1 i 11 : X111 - IT ill Xing in the short :I,ac:2 or two :91,1 a This ch , )sell not to secnt to ht• under the control ut It tir; t-tood l v the 1.11. - c., awl in (lest:rye:. ap ikr44latioa .ip,teial of iliah,criminate Of course, *we shall 1)e rcminacrl of the 11;i. einly exhibition , onn , mein .hu.s Inf.-tie made (J thons7elveii he iii‘Tstigation into charges of . If men elk(111”ie to lila fOOIS they cannot expect to fvuilud. IVe tkfend AVe have no y to make for any if a n Win (1 1 .(•r , -ell for -:ttie to the 1,11; -t hitlti,r. in the Le ,, h-lature . or ~,i t is no for nn) 11:1.11 iu 'corrupt prlv -1 f to y 111;111 i gullty of tryilig t' )1111m-11(.e ,1) 'tile use of m o on- 11M2 trace the c!illrges to any responsible or respectable author. This trilling with the motives and reputation of men is )iuite too common, aml should 1)e diseounten.lnced by all decent nt wspapers. totnily corm', hody.: t.v, prt.,)»i...e cd . mon!T, ICt (-4:110.1s•Itet1 ari.l then-deal 4,ut tia iwn:O.tv (0: tl:y. It is (Tr- Chat- a I,cgisl;xtury to an irito ILL 1,. /- + 1 .3 . i :1 , 11110CIA:11.01':•• to 11 - 0111 d 11(.0. ..111 tlic itnture Ui '1)1:0 WAN' s Not ont tiuzvn. howcycz ti i pluchy, could force citl the will of the ti~'iL..._ =II i;:tve iTen .wiicl=o 11 , ,t iinVe scniulliwz • r t 1;;:+,L li(W (111:(-1 (:1((il (Lr,niti • n (1, And Vn‘, ( 13,1,1(yvy upt.i, ()illy to .:•=tty that it flocs.ll-4);:1 ,, 5e Ily with opy-of it, pre.iceeltirs during thirty ;it in '.ut.( , ...rity or ',now?, I.f e (if af- EIBIE Ana NVk. \ Sala bcfore, it s'.anils alone :non:* its pre(leees sors indepcii.lenee of corporate dictation. In dy:?iliiig with ail agent orthe people, we - must apnlaud when that agent stands by the '.: people against the gra-tpiinzness and arced of (.onibiliatioirs in the interest of t lit_ ft. A fist` hcwoirace L:,. a,nin I)+A•n in„CongrL;6s. A 11,2 i tluit,Ting fniin two Pre! , i , .l6iitial vetot , 3, they wt.re cot :Fronted, with the rtsi pitting thuni,-clvez, On A.1.-E,;. tt UI. the i - emperance ques tion. The dtit;i-ition of a Democrat as ci 4 ki 116 his whisky straight applies «iidu .unusual correctness. to the arrrage Democratic COn gres.sumn. Mr. FRYE. when . .he offered a re,Sqlution creating a st ate ing comniittee (n 1 Temperauei whieh all petitions, &c., oil that subject might hi referred, stiitted. up i hornet's nest and set the'DemOCiAciy. ,nto a - fearful connuotion— It 'was a r.hreatt notl innovation upon the tab and rights of the Demberacy which .vas without: precedent and nett to be Aerated. S. o 'Mr. Cox, seconded by Kxorr,. inovcd to lay the re:Witt,- Lion on the table. The Republicans and the Greenbackers, with_ a • few Democrats not perfectly royal to the . 'traditions of the party, promptly sus ,taincd Mr. Fire's resolution, and it, Was. adopted. The foundations of Free - Government, in the opinion of the, Deinocraey, are, placed in immi nent peril by this assault upon the • e-honored prerogatives of the Democrat. If he cannot be allowed ht 4 BoUrbon or old rye without Con ' essional interference, it is an inva , sion of State Rights, and shows the centralizing and despotic despotism of the Republican party. It is worse than bayonets at the polls. The crisis demands th.-it some s safeguard shall be put in the appropriation bill which will protect the Democrat in all his bi'adatory rights—or else refuse sup- Plies for the carrying - on of the gov ertnent.,- What would the Union be worth, anyhow, without Free Whisky to the average Democrat ? TOE verdict of the second Coro. ncr's jury in the case . of Colonel Dwfou'r appears to have no cifect upon the_interested insurance com panies. They announce f thtir tion to continue the contest, and if life insurance was the business of these companies Only, perhaps it would - be wrongs to complain if they make itunpopular„ But while these companies-and the. heirs Of Colonel DwninT are interested in this partic ular $200,!)00, there are many thous and people and many other compan ies interested in other sums of money great and small, that Will he more or l e ss eff e cted I.y this contest. Two jiff). es, after the must patient investi gation, directed by the best medical and legal talent, have decided that death was from natural causes, and .to `the minds . of reasonably honest people : that ought to.;inlice. The companies interested are the United states Life InsUrance Company, of New York ; the .Etna, of Hartford ; the New YOrk Life Insurance Com-, pane; the Mutual Benefit, (IS New' erey ; the Travellers, Hartford ; • LIM Natioual Life, of Vermont ; the N'Ttliwesterm or •Wcon si the liitshinton, of New - York; Berk l'ittsficld, Muss.; Manhattan, N‘v York; Mass.u.s.husetts Mutual, National Life, United of A nn.rica Uurnlania M :tats• Jlntual, NVor e:ester, :Nlas!-%; New England Nltitual, Of Boston, and the Holm aopatliic NI utual, of New York. Tin• claim of the livirs is for - amounts agAiiistthese for t : r,nrter of conlmiv varying from $5OOO to S-2,Loori. THE reckless and unscrupulous manner ,in which some newspaper correspondents deal with reputations, and the loos• and dishonest way they have of inventing or circulating ru mors affecting the character of indi vidualS or officers, is forcibly exem• pliticd by the late proceedings before the Legislative Investigating Com mittee at Ilarrislurg. ,The charge had been boldly made and published that certa'n , newspapers in Philadel phia had been corruptly emplUyed to favor the passage of the Riots Claims bill, by the payment of large sums of money. The editors and publishers were accordingly summoned to I far risburg, and a hearing was Lad be foie the Committee on Thursday last. Not only was the charge not.proven, but—it_was almost imPossible to find the source* the slanderous lion.- • The newspaper publishers whjeltyad 'published the insinuati.ous and-"based thereon high-toned edito ria,l remails about profligacy .and corruption, were unable to bring . a ,• particle of evidence to sustain their allegations, but were even unable to Tilt . .. Boston Ikt-a is a Democrat it: paper, but independent enough to admit that' the sun might shine even though it , party caucus resolved to the contrary. It very sensibly COll -- that 7 in the contest between Democratic Congress and the Repul:lican Pre.4ident, the advanta?l , is •11 the I:cpublican side, simply be e tine the jury to decide—the people of the nut feel that there k a r(ai grievance in the use of the army, and therefore do fed that the Ilemucrats have unnecessarily raked the issue. For . this retion, though the Pre-ident might silrn'the last bill without danger tti the country, his refual to .4ign it will not wake any political capita! fur the Democrats in the North, where itis most needed." ON Fri(lay last. JOHN J. WEST was executed at Boonville, and Iln*nY HENtri - .T. Asonnws and 4wis CIIIIITON, at Hillsboro', Nolth Carolina. In Hi - cease of thice of these persons the rope used was too long, and a horrible scene took place, l)lNli, Valikrtiptcy I',, :111..:1, May 1479, • pROVERV , "Tlw Swv..tvst Ilrtatl, and tlw F:rvnt SsLtJn liop ••A iittl.• 11 , 1. itlticrs sacs big doctor bills and long ' "'VIM I.nvall.l Wife, mol hr r, si,ter or 01114 Valk Lc niv.do the 1.14,:ine 1.! h b Ith hop I:llter,.•' olViunt worn down and teddy to take your nett; liop I;;:ters , P. MI it you nee , i." “Don't plivie and I , ty tr, 'for It wt.tiltons ht;-lake llnt into,rs, that bnild up von- "Pliysielatis seltivill use and reCOMMVIId Tint ••llt:llth and beauty Is a joy—tiotil;ltters gives are lnuie cures made svith 11011 Bitters than an "tiler ineillehies.•:, "When tloe br.la lcwearleiLthe nerves mistral' , the ium,elc, wc.".l:, use ilop "That lOW, mr►vuns fever, want of sleep ;that weakuess, calls for Hop Bitters. ." Hot' COP1:11 CrIZE AND. PAIN HELIEFJS PLEASANT, STHI.E.:,'AND CHEAP. FOE SALE LY ALL bROVIIISTS • ,NoTICE TO - CUEDI'CORS.- isli~•re!rygfvo, to the creditors or NA. A. li.orloccil. that lie ha, applied to the l'curt or ei of Mad' tord Comity. Cu hare the value of liti-e huteltvd iloilars la .iirep.,rry snd money set rot to hitit.liy -% the anagne l au , to hale II e :Lame releacd Irian the. ;e.sigtied estate. and ill:it a rate Is thin clay granted itputi the ereil: tot> to tr::••4.' shy said auto stivt no; tx! . teitww..! to SAO P.m . ): welt, 11:Minable ]far at w Ideti lino, you call att.:4/1181/d Clued It you think . ' ----- • LUSSEI.L. tosigne'e of W. A.. "Rock wh:Li Tolvat.4%. 3fay 1579. : _ . - 1 -- 4 1-x ECU TOlit'S. NOTICE. —Notice. jj is tiN ell). given tint all. peoons indebted to Ihr estate or Ito,:tilt; It. feel , late or Wy,,ox, do eazed, toast make lintntdiate • payment, and all per;.ott.: loving claiots agaito4 said estate, must prec-tit them. duly atitlieldielted, to moler signed foe ret.tlevutmt. CONSTANT urltrz Tor.•anda, April. 25, 1579., Executor. ITHE CENTRAL HOTEL, ULSTER. PA. The unelersigneil having taken .SesseNitcti of the above hotel, respeettAlliy solicits the patron age gf hlt old friends slid the inthlic gencralip augle-tt. - M. A. IN)ItItE4 4 ,T. _ , $77 a month and ex petiSes guaranteed to Agents Outfit free.' SHAW & CO., Augusta, Malue. colcur,c;TED ItY I . ), , LYTON ig Ist.° esu Abvertisentents. CATARRH. IMME= 11.14 :Fivt 4'. c. lIALEYS, Ringbamtun, N. V tW Abvtdistuttnto. FROST'S SONS' • . -wItot,E3ALE AND ISETAIL F U.ENIT U-RE! We are. now. prepared for the . iiritlNG TRADE. With a full lino of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS . LATEST STYLESAND LOWEST • - PRICES, - arblckwo.luvite the public W call awl claw)._ Our . assortfnevt of PARLOR SUITS IN: RAW SILK, TERRIS, PLUSH' AND HAIR.CLOTIL. e very large, and war prices as love as the lewv-t Wo 'hare a full Tina or CIIA3.II.IER SUITS • ASH, 'WALNUT Alsi) SOFT Wool►, yibteil we are irelling . at a very low prior. A f,1:1 Kil I 0 Itueof • , - SPRING- BEDS, ANP -PILLOWS UNDERTAKING: • . i In thla-tlepartment We al ways have the 10,qt gar's u the market, amtare continually a4,11m; OEM IMMO .:A(930 I 00foi • •• 0-.1.405 NEW STYL4S can't all the , 4 LATEST IMPROVEMENTS; while our prices are the lowest.. • J. 0. FROST'S SONS Towanda., April i, 1.179 FIRE ASSOCIATION, - tiP'hiladrqphia VItIiANIZEIP . 6-F.I."1:1311;/.1: I, 13i7 CAPITAL, ASSETS nearly - .S4;000,000.00 This Assn.-Ls:l"H t.. L . r RIM Fire. 11011,1.,....1 }c. attune. :tug 31.,:xtliandi::: generally. WM. S. VINCENT; Agent. Main Street, Iroaasiiia.ya A. D. DYE & CO.,- Happy Though. Tangc . !- WITII I►I'PLEX,SUII-ATE Acid 3 great variiity St9res Time(( r( A. D. DYE & CO., Cultivator and. Drag Teeth, Spades and Spading Forks, Mod d«rdeit- Rakes. SHOVELS AND' HOES, Chni•ns, .Bilk Pans and fail Haying & liarvestingTNls A: D. DYE & CO., Palilts, Oils mid Glass Carriage and Illackbwith 11Eli :- Y. AND 511.E1.1 Er ARE, W Asz, t .3!ain S:re l i4, Towillida, Ila Viall , lh, May 11, 17.;t0._ RK E.T ROSECIZINSE tiz Bit-F:WEE, • , Armour"! to the . I,eople of Town rola and iieutity -that they are now prepared ro•rot !ash FRESH .AND SAtT MEATS, POULTRY, FISH, OYSTERS, , . . . Aa d Vegetables In Ilielr season. at the an re.wo. abb.) rates., -Everything. InarebaNed 0: In , dellvered_procoptly free of ylkaige, Ire Our INlttlnit, ONE POOR NOC.TII SCOTT'S BAKERY, is convenient for att. • - We boy the best! !tnek,, and tali great pai , to cep everything in the best oilier. threes a can• • ROSECAANSE d nnEw Towanda, - Dec, 5, 1578. COMM \tAi'TItA46E sso'oiooo.o,9 I= =I TII E I I: EDESEMEE