„educational neptartment AOCI.II - 1;, ED:rolie : E. E. QUIZ LAN: J. T. 3,1cC01.1.0M, J. A. WILT, _ G. W. uyAs. LILLt.i, Communications May be sent to either of the above editors, as m 37 he preferred. and will apzear in the Issue-of wl , lch he tas charge.. A. T. LILLET: Editor. inE - people of Cartua Run are applying i'or an inflependrut school district, • yet there is not a resietnt of the village that owns re al estate 'within the proposed dis.: trict: I . RIEND B. Fends the followiug for tolu tion MIZE -;-y, 1143 the valve of 7i and y ALL communications. to A.. T. Lilley silipuld be Ik:dressed : tip Leroy, Pa., del tiP sc,izire early notice and save adver tising by the post master. This statement is made as an tcxplanation to wale t Our educational friends whose items have not been published? Tim Bradford ( - imply Trackers Asi-o -4-I.ltion riF organized at, Towanda, Janu ary 5, 1 55, with Protest-or McWilliams as Pru.i,ieri', aild P. D. Morrow as Secre tary. No other county in the State' can Ilieast of a like organization that has wielded ;strong an influence over its ed ucational inteittsts for so long,.a time. 6- NOT inar,yliont/IS since a teacher's cer tificate was burrowed from a teacher in this county, taken to an adjoining county, eudoiscd by the County Superintend'ent of said county, and-the borrower secured a school by the aid of the certificate, taught and received.: pay for teaching. Comment is unnecessary. Sous of our teachers refluzi. to tell their when their school term is to closo. If te:ldlers persist in such a course pa trais won!d do w'cli to visit the .schools oftim and also keep ,a record of 'days ta;ight. thessi sug,l . estions she-schoqh; will he better taught, and pa trons will when theirs children are 0 have a vacation MANY of our summer scluwAs c,pen this :„nth - t - o train the youth of our-county in the various winding ways of life. The In tare occupants of places, both high and ;ite to receive impression that shall tend loWaid - the final destiny of each lrl j We arc led to ask, who is thorough-, iy competent to till sucll a iespousible po :it i ! fii v. lane such lasting impressions arc to be made? I ONE of um; corre.qxnekilts writes us t!:at be thinks it a " great, mistake to permatient ptoressioual certitt. cites til te 7 ac e I's if as one of our educa. tional editors sa)s the holdets of such corttlicates 'are ropossibie to so oh t.' If the law .toes I,)t make the holders of such certificates tespousgde for• their acts, then limo , are htboring nutter - a mistake' E. Z. Wool) Kends a. correct so?lttion of the !. squirt...l iwhich yam pith- I i:shod in t his 0:4 tttil,ym the .I;ah of 'March. lie ul o setuli the problems from the :5 , .:/wof. for imblication : I. A • 111%u owns a garden lOU . feet sluare, and s .wighes to.raise it, one foot by --' • surrounding it a trench of equal aiel depth, tbiowing the dirt upon tliegarden. What is the width of the prol-roseil trench? Divide a bar of ;cad weighing 121 pounds into five putts, b ineytns of which any ilunthei of putiinis ft um nte, to 100 eau Ire weipbe6. 1 nytti: , ...Y prop..nu a few tinez,tions [tat may al 14 Lam: a p. aai card at a co,t t , f only oLe cent. The answerN and she inures or antliors will be:published in ifae of C.e: they arc mccivcid : 1. W1..0 :,..z:411,:•• has the hint pints of :;peeell sun only nine wurtin? 1-11,01,1 there be as many lettere.-in a ;IS there ale artkniate MS Where is the lar!-est foNsll fish bed in Bradford County? I. Which arc the thice highest cleva- , ht 'Bradford County., and in uhtich townships arc they • 'i'n E Vendable l'iatt it Spencer, of the t: , r , enc;criatt System of ;Writ ing, said : "Our intention has been to present to the public a system, P:aln to the eye., nod gracefully c0m1.11,,1 1=11=1! Tlle training of the muscles of the arm and hand, by appropriate movement e ercises, v cst be attended to. For, how ever distinctly a letter may be pictured in the mind, the execution of it MI paper at ali tines depends on the control the writer may have over the muscles o he arm and hand. The trig cominunicatei, is di recting power t r io ()ugh the numerm s lit tle telegraphic nerves, descend I rem the brain — the direct organ of the naiad •In tirs.i atteulpts at writing, the mus cles may-not properly iierform what the ir;likL directs, but by frequent and careful iley are 'rendelea supple and ol,eilient in the extTatikat or evi...ry ariety' of Colin, The loarne . : must Lave clear eoneep ti....nt of !lb letters he ‘Nisl,es to form, be-. fore' wi it Mg them. tlTcw persons Wive the imitative , facnity well develoPed, Can easily eproduoc.• coitus they have t , eefi : but most need to mea,nre, to atm- . lyzo, to ikseribe, and to trace, before they can copy with accuracy and grace. The following practie,al testimony on the subject is perfectly conclusive, and we give it preference to any . - fititTier reinatilts - Tdour own : . "The 6pencerian SYstein of Penman ship was adopted I,y the 11,rattl six years ago, andjts. introduction was the cum.; met/cement and the :;,rie cause of a new and a better era Of teaching• the art of writing. • Teachers, at first favorably Ltle possessed by Ike:grace and 14tuty seen in all its forms, soon discovered that the most beautiful and ifitiStic penmanship is ' susceptible of a full and definite analysis; tiliat its elements, Own sep'arattly, are so simple that a child ean comprehend them, and they can 'be arranged, taught and ccinibined gradually and progressively,• . until a handwriting as .pcifect as the 111.3- skis in the text-book rewards the efforts of teacher and pupil. They learned from this system that teaching or learning to write is a mmtal as aell as a mechanical process ; that there , must be thopgl jt as well as motion ; that the prototype f 'Au letter and every line, its exact form and proportions, mast be so disthietty im pressed upon the mind, that it cum be de :scribed in precise and- Mu ; guage fore the Italia attempts to exe cute. 'mural/ship is taught in ;this man n er success becomes-a.mathema rtical certainty. 1 have seen the copy : books of entire schools tilled, up with faultless penmanship, not a single one was not superior to the best that *as produced before the introduction t..f this , ystem ; and an oral _examination upon the subject in such schools will interestas •auch as any exercise on the programme r examination day."—from Annual ..itcport of the Superintendent of Tulgie ;rhools of Washington; D. (7., Norend;er !;,1571.. 4..Ormond 4egat, PROCLAMATIO: 4 . WHEREAS,' .I. . . Hon. Pitt - C. D. MO trots, • President.JUdge of the 13th . JudielM.Illatri t, consisting of the county of Bradford, has islet_ Ills precept bsarlug date the 21st day of Fli.lir AllY, 1: 1 71, to me direct ed, for holding a Cookt of Over caid Terumter, General Jail DellecrA Q.narter Sessions - of the Peace. C'oramon P1ea...5. and Orphans' Court. at Towanda, for the countylof Ilradforil. commencing on Monday, MAY 5:11, 197:/.to continue three weeks. Notice 1! therefore here he given to the Coroners .antrJustices of the Peace of the county of Brad ford. that they ha then and there in their proper per one. at 10 o'ct.ol: in :he ft/tem.:l of, said day. with records, logradthets nod other remembrances Lode those things which to their oftice. appertains to he door : mot thos.: who arc hound by mogul :antes cr otherwise, to 1 4 ov:wrote against the pits°. nets 'who arm or may I.e .n the jail of said county. , are lobe then and :hoe to parsec:Me against them as Shall be jest. Jot era are re toasted to be pone. tttal to their atteudaLti. agreeably tq their notice. Dared .t Towarels, the 7th day of April. in the year of our Lord one thouranq eight hundred and ' tcrelitY-nine, and of the Independence of the tutted States one hundred and third. i . PETER. J. 112.:A!..:, Sheriff. LIST-MAT TERM Towanda, " fiEcoxi , vVEr.g. Thtst.e Klitoey vs t: AV K Riney debt .1 t , Fr:::st v. 1' Ci.sok Issue .1 1 V,l -r vs Catheillie Laold Issue i Seth I)‘..llie's adliZlr vs C W Doane trover 1. It Ifor.•,,ers! use NS Ai!el. )1 . i7 Kean ass'pt J.A Linde:man vs. IV atertcsvn Fire lus C 0... debt N .11 Voorhis' use vs 11 R G.l.Ses appeal N 8 Voorlds to* vs .1 W ll•iggi.,,,t a l appeal N it Vivrlxis' use vs A .... ) i ilarrls..... appeal N 8 Voorhis' Use vs John Lantz,- appeal N It voorhis' use.vs Alfred McClure. 111p,a1- N It Voorhis' use vs I) I/ Murphy appeal N 8 Voorhis' use vs P F NVlisoll • appeal Towanda Enrek:Olowei - Co v 5 I) 0 110:10n...R.N. , 14 , 1 (t Dougherty v 4 I: C Spencer Issue Frederick Shoff vs F. C livrrlek trover Isaac Snell vs Pa Si N Y C and It 11 Co. ease D It Waekulan vs Ge.rge Fox's adutr'u srl to It IV Pnyoe A ?loos rK RI I) I: rser et al at t ex, De'phlue Ilzulitt vs 8 K llscanti appeal i 4; C Yver-,,a is N C Claftln ............ ....appeal . P W Mel wolluell . vs A.l Layton ttapspass .1 P Horton vs lt , )bort. Bennett. et at ' asst .fro Bvirlfetnan use vs Win Codthaugli... ...., Issue Jun Iteldleiusn uco vs Win Cocllintigh • Issw 11 11 Ingham vs A J LayWn trespass 14111 ED WI:E.X, (:41 1411.14ktim -- ; vs Ede.artl 1.11,11.1.y.ez'r et a 1... d?l,t Sarah Jordan vs 1 /live Fos Ejilott: issue Lovice Markman vs Daniel P. Matdottall Issue ‘ 4 . - ra Justin vs d itentlis Consitlire apical .T 5 Campbell vs Win May - rep "tlargsret I) kilns , 11FP VA David Luther et al.. Tres Campr:ell W W Corson trrsTal Joel Davis vs C L McAfee asspt Martin Rogers v.; liar ford Ins Co trespass P-W M..tDonaitt vs A Layton trespass W :shirrs, assignee Tlt .lon!af, I)aniel Ileitsley vs Stephen Evans et al ejstet D C Dayton vs Pa tic N Y C & It It (lc, trespass Frost's ilium' vs Federal in,turanee asstupt Itradford LS:11 Ass of Athens twp vs F A Ifout.sci fa C liollun vs It'd:an:ln - Smith app A 1.0,1" r vs Elltat.an Smith 31131411,4 Ecnily MeTavhli S 'Lockwood eject I) II 4 `ritomitt's use VS .10h1111,111 issne Iliten• FC Mitette /I et al vs James lielly eject A 1.11 ., 11, V. 4 1. Frietleuburg et at ' Issue L use vs .Ineol. on es, Issueo A V illeent vs Harrison litteliell nyesal S A 'Wheeler's use vs Pan lei: Hatpins.. ...... Issue II I) Wilcox vs 1' I) tresp. is Geo S. Peek vs DeWitt & layPar.l debt St:bisenria 2d week returnable Monday. May IS. 15711, at 2 . NI. 1,1111,3•11-1353 3tl week returnable Monday. Mar 3i. at 3', at. Lt 1. AV. 11LACK NIA N, Prothonotary. Towanda, Atoll 4. 1471/.. -I 4 1 CEN SES.—Notice is hereby given/that the rellowird; itithritationl for 11 can-es for ;Caverns. Eating Ihms,ts and Merchant It e ah.r.. have Sept, filed in this oilire, and That llie .sant.• will be p 1 s •iitrd to the - Ctstrt of l,marter smwions on Mt IND AY, M• 1. - lst'u, for We eon os Said C1:111.1. 'l4 M Broot MU:11013 Ist ward. - Vmeent 11:11,1, iu , Ititlgiatty. .1 yl•.rgw, 13!ow b, Wvalosi.tg. Itt lucre It Iterry, Wt/Iles. Martin ci,i,vh.y. South 'Waverly born. Chat 11 Cain, Athens township. ts Disbrow, Towanda bor% hd ward. .1 51 Dougherty, - Wysox. tow.itsidp. "Win 11.10'; TAVaI.III 14.1 want. I James lianttan, tvertoo tow wship. .nun r. II Mount, Munroe, tietoge Jer.tan, Athens-I.r, 'll-i- as Jottlarr, Tewantla /torn. 2.3 ward. I! A ermlogS. mania itoso, svattl. „ J ose ph Jerolamoa. Troy hero, Ilonean ly'ysox town.hip. Istorri, lieliegg, A thany township. 1111, d Kelit.gg, 'Doran et bolo. ?A Wald. . 1 )a41.1 lame:nor. Cant , ti boss, Mrs Mary 31elvfn. harelay township. .1 14 Mellon 01, 3 t.lllrOV 1111411,4111,„ Washing:en Ptteller. Towanda, hrs. Ist 'ward .1 l• Itugers. sltestietieln town•Illp, NVarreit smith, Anse... J:411111.3 strong, 4:olturthl.t rowashtp. Charles II :seelevetrow st.ds few", lot w a rd. ,1' I) Wilcies. Alitav 4111411,14. 1..1.1 . 1!4(• 11 , J1 1- - 11:141C 111,oli. Troy 1.114. II miry 'Patterson. hit-ltovield. „ 1 s: nuts CAST do,/11 tirilllll. l'l , wan-la No 0, Ist ward. .1 .7111;s11, Curntatskey, Towanda berm Ist watt. 4; lt )tare, 'rowan lit Poro, t'd ward. glattmee . 'l' Kirby, Towanda hero, 21 tvar ;I. PR , . \V. BLACKMAN, Prothonotary. Protieltedarj"s 'cowribla, Pa, April 14, 11,119. ASSIAIN EE I S NOTICE.—In the ez.fate of John Y. ]L•aac, A sssmnoc. In the coo,t of C.nenloa I'l4 a., of Cra•l turd CoantY: So'L•o t hereby gtv.•n that applt,atlen 11. e n made to sail Coe,: oil thr Slit day "r A VIM.. A. I). 1,71,4 Wm. ,tom, ab•.!g nee, for the Incnent ereeitors of tine estate of the Said .1.,h ! , 7.letr.e.. to reeonver, the shot estate to tin.! sad m eigno-. oety carry ont the COMM,- 1311,,C has lead , w!th Lis creditors. and :Ono that the sh:,l m. I'. t.e discharged as :14. 51g11, C. of ~ :11,1 est:V.!. The ,a1( 1 'ow fordered and •11tectel eie•e I.' i. - to all ;r, th.i nr.u. rut , ErotETEil :11.1 Beer , lp,rd r q,for the F.r.kee of feer ee:s, atter 1111frh said a 4 siglo':.olll n-k that the e sine , f,a.•,t•il, unless cho..e L. ism , ' why the +3ll:e 5t0.,11.1 not 1-e d, tn.% AVM. It. r I'ORILS, A tiswn Towntsl,t, Alai' 21. 15:'1. 410 k Dissoturi()N.—The copartner. , hi ,, erkting j e fter Me -31.41 (;••• , 1 - ce 1:11s,01, niel , r the 11.111 , e or Me',tyre 11:1: !trait thi. linv by tout uaF ,•”e at. Th. , :t. ~:.1111!F nmi notes ; I T, pinee4 In the Landy et intnen W(ont. for en]. b:••t ten. nie.n r. bete. a!! per...rts Intlitt.t,t to the tate firm win ezl! ler bettletnent. The Intsine,.s will be NeAttetell :n the future by the ntnier,lgn ,(l. at the ebt Thant:fat feri.a4 1..tr0v , .., we would re.Tuctitally ....licit a nhare of pnl Ic p a t i or i g e , v,. r y r' .3t.t INTYII F. Towr.L.l3, Jen, 111, A SSIGNEES' NOTICE: = In the 3.4,!gplut•nt of .1. Lo!toy CIT. for !to, ITizoil! of Lis c,reilitor la the (.'.ort of Cotonou Plea, of Bradforl No. May Term, I incouat of William Snyd!•r and F T A.Nitrtlet, In the abrlre ea<.•, nic•.f A pill Ir7:1. and said account will in• 'pre,ented to add t'nnrt for final confirmation and allowance. on t:th day nt M nnzt, unlem; cause 1•e shown aerount not be finally confirmed awl a lowed by the Court. E 'w. Bt. AKKNIAN 'Towanda April In. 1)17) , -w-1: Prothonotary. A111)1TOR'S NOTICE.—In 'the ,Ir r lm'Nt'rqtrt o , f I:rad ford Co the iii.itter of the eiea! , id . Jane Rider, late of Wartch town,hip.)l ...... a).pd, tithler)l.7), )1, :In Auditor appointed by the roar: to fll.o2F:ft , e. , Pitn:cy the liathir. of the Errotitor of the P,1:1 , 0 of Rider, tleeen.),), o if attend to the id IC, appolidteiat :It hien ochre Li 1N...v.-31,0a FIND AY, the - 9th clay of NY heat. r. ii'vloott, A. M., at. whirl) Tito.% .0 rid fq;:oo',;1 0.•t , , , ti , having idattie) upon said Itsiol.!) art) nri-dreli to prose:it the vane, of lif,• do. liarred !Core ol.to'no rend, .1 1 - ;11.::.-1n I . 'Olllll .!):1 t, Auditor; - Teo arch, A Ted 1,79-r,I. NOTICE. giv,s. that al: persons la d. tttttttt t.l th.• a:, i.f .1 : Ilowley, late of /JerrieNall:, 1'0V11 . ., urc rO/11,31 , 41 to Utak . : paymcd.t, :aid iver.MlS 11:Whig el:111t, ~110 pre. , Mll.,letn day f..r to W. WL•tttiOre, W. A.ll 1T31 ,, P1i, Adailliii.tratuta Pa., April 7, 14'il-vsl. Assio N ER'S .NOTICE.—In the ~,atter c: ass.,t - dnent of Fred A. CaNh. fot the twitch! of hit: eretliturs. -In the IS,utl e 1 0,11121a:11 Pleas qf Bradford Cu, No. fen. Deritrotiet Tenn. Ihrt. The filial of ii. L. !,teilift. Ai:signer in the above filed A prii fish 1i5.7i1iii27-al , l2erolitit will he iethi Cearlottelthial coo fi t 1113. ti ri thin anlltiAr.i.ee. on 'ram Lay li. 1579, un less Call, !AT 010 W Ii w II) aul raCCorlift fltauld 1111:11:y roof, tine, 31104.".14 by the four:. t; r..01:1;E W. Iti,.trKMAN, ToA Alatt .I'rothotiotary. .I),..SSIGNEE'S the matter et :4i: colt:I/1aq ahsignment of I'. Ca,h for the twornt of rirtlyurN. In tltLi (..:utirt or Common Ness of liradfut C 0.,. Pec..ttilber Term. 1,614....1 a: comet of IL L,S.ott.l , ll3lignee the al .0i it, fib., April Ist, ; said aecoilut. will Le lue....cateil to said Court ter final voiltitnia.l thiu and l'hursday, the 11th day of May bel.t., cause tiu show!, why said aceouliti should bid la! dually confirmed 1101 allowed by the, Court. Ei. E W. iti..tCKMA S. Towsbila, April to, 1871-w4. Prot honotary— .A.SSlGN EE'S NOTICE.—In the matter of the vOluntary assigtuneht of Chas. U. case: for Me benefit of his creditors. . • .. la the Court of Con - loam Ineraaof Bradford Co., No .561.11ecenttor Tortn. fart The - final aecouitt of 11. 1.. I. l cott. As'slamee ht the ale.re case, filed .1),r1; I,t, 1*7; , ; and ealti aeoonnt kill bc presented to said Coort for Mutt confirma- Unit and allowance, on Thursday, the 6th day of May next.. unless eauee ho shown why said account should hot be finally eonflrnletl and allowed by the Court. 6.ll:tiE W. SLACK MAN, Towanda: April it,. Prothonotory. . _ ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—In matthr or the voluntary assdninuent of Ed. E. I.wouils for the benefit of 'tits crealp,c,„ la the court of Common Pleas of Itratiturd Co., 71.9; May Term, WM. l'he final acconnt of F. W:llovey, Assigitoo the aboc, (-A=c. filed Anti! %h. 1573; and said .w -count will be.presented to said Court for final con firmation and allowance, On Tharaday, the Sth day of May next, 1.1134,53 cause , he shown why said ac count should nut i.e P.uaitc co'nfirtnel and allowt.ll by the Court. t;E01/1tE N. B 4 AC N.-I,TA.,N, Towanda. April It, ISTn-w4. Prozhobotary. INSOLVENT NOTIO the X. master of the arriiCA:Cl)3l nt Wfillarn Flash, for the bought of the luuulretLtl.atrsat l'eurisylvaiiia Notiro herehy givvn that NVllitarn .rittan will al'l4)* to the Court of cottiroot rims of Itmlfortl totint.r. lb.) IF 1 IZST NI IN 1)&1: of MAY next, for a- of the insolvent Laws of this Com tatntwkalth. I ' WILLIAM FINAN Towalnia, Va., A ra:; 1670.2%, A .DMINISt ItATORS' XOTICE. A —s,tie:3 is hereby t giren that MI persouslu ue,,t.ed in the estate of Atuaziali Illakesley, late r,f the town:dill, ut Cnrllugton , tteeensed, are rcqueated to make lnimedlate retyntrut, and all persons haring Claims against said estate must present them duly antbentieate.l ter settle cent. .t. W! N IC ItOLS, 4141114stnter \011:,4, 167. *Ultra Abvertisounds. CILIA AND SEE VS ♦T ?US DELAY VAN HO usE, ELMIRA, N. Y. Opposite the Depot. C. T. PROTUItTOI4 Formerly ot• the Ware Uause, Towancli,Pa , GERITY & MORREL, - [ Ritairliyhe.l WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. DRUGGISTS tit:mars, PAI ENT IdEDICpIES .Lc• 126, LAXICSTILIM. • Feb. ELUIRA, N Y JAS. & R., H. WALKER, SSC East Miter Street, EL IRA, N. V., 'RACTICAL, PL'aErvS, STEAM GAS FITTERS Ttectdeuceß And Public itultblingg fitfull•with ITu aud Cold Water. steam Lis..Alihg Direct. ur lutlt rect Radiation. I A Tull supply of Gas Fixtures, Opal Globes; Ste Pateut. !Writers; Glow% Augle and Cheek YMCA'S. Water slot %team Guages, lrou and 14pad ripe and a full supply of Straw Fittings. E•gimitto Promptly Girt 4; Elmira, N. V., )lay 13: Isrq LA DIES AN I) GENTS, Send your FAD DRESSF.S, COATS, It ANA , ARTIc LE TIIAT:NEEDS CLEANINIO OR 111'.EINU, To us. Wo will (ncl: SATISFACTION' OR PAY FOR VIE GA.RME.NTs ~WM. ROBERTS' • • CAELRATED DYE & CLEANSING WORKS 431. 436 A: 123 WATER-ST., • ELMIRA, N. Y. • • Extablished !N. nr Wens returned C. 0.-I).' by express it de sired. mart°. W A En, PIPE . AND • CIIAIN TUBING. . Tho undmignol having resumed l.ll4ftter.s his old utam., is HMV twilEAI.L:t 1\ OLOTHING -Al)- Gents' Furnishing Goads, 133 EAST WATER STREET, LORINO BLOCK, ELMIRA. Jnne .12; IE7B CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADEMARK: , The Great TRADE MARK. EN (ILI); Remedy, ••,: Will . promptly h - . • radically' cure any eyery rase • _ • tk • et Nemo"' Demi. • ir • it A Weakness ••, • • iltsult •of • dretioa, exctwor • 'i . e., =MO walontiverwork of thors Au t .. . Taking • • ungu & neoes system, ; Is perfectly harmless. acts like magic, and lias been extensively wed for over thirty years with great gutters. *`Tell Fattening in our pamphlet, Which we deart to send tree by *aril to cvery.one. *3..The Specific 31edleine Is wed by ail druggLsts at et per package. or six packages for. or will be tent free by mail on receipt of the money by addrrsc G iog • • TIEE n,tv EntetNEto., ' No. s Mechanics' Mock, DETROIT. X11:11. 11(9,13.1.1 lu Towanda by3C. T. KLIMA% awl by • druggists overywbere. JOhnstrm. liolloway A Co.. ,_Wholesalo agents, t April 10; la7llbyl. 3ftmitave, iiiiii ROST'S • WHOLESALE AIiDBETAIL PURNITtRE! • NV am now prepared foe the SPILINCI ?BADE with a full line of - • NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS Olt sus LI - 4ATEST 'Y LES AND. LO WEST • i. PRICES, . • - ditt we-invite the pnblic,to call and examine: Our ariortiner t of 'ABLOR SUITS IN RAW SILK. TERRIS, TLUSII AND KAIRCLOTII, 4 very large. atvl unr prices as tole as the tweet. I iWo have a'full Uux of_ - CH A Walt" SUITS IN ASH,- WA UT AN D SOFT WOOD, which:we-3:v selling al a very low 'atm k tall. litre of SPRING? THDS, MATTRASSES AND PILLOWS UNDERTAKING. In this 114partment no sluiayst.are the best gouda u the maract \ and are euuttnualty addiug NEW STYLES v, Itb all the LATEST 1511'ROYIE M ENTS, trtille our prices aro the lowest J. 0. FROST'S SONS' Tororauda, April P. -1879. dual. NEW .AREANGEMIINT IS TUE - • . , . . . 'iVOAL -BUSINESS. .- i 1. •_, -•. , . .1; Ii he vuidemigned having pureliazed from Mr. McKean the Co.kb YARD AT THE rOf.t'Or PINE STILE VI:NEAR TIIE H COURT OUSE. . Invites rho pattrouago of his old friends and. the public Ip:tier:llly. 1 iikall keep a full asiortuzuot i of all sizes, YI t TTSTON, WlLKEtill.kßitE AND LOYAL . • ' S , )Cki COAL, - Asti SHALL SELL AT • • ' LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH - NATILAN Toss:iamb. HEN RY 31 Fl itc R, Peale/ to ANT.IIII.ACITE AND I • SULLIVAN ANTHRACITE COAL, Cun!tali rAim AND RIVEIt STI:ELTS.TuWANDA, Coat screened, and dellveml to any part of the adding cartage to the abcve 'prices. ALL 61C,DZE3 iII:ST HE AccnIIIII:LNIED HY THE CASII I Towanda, Jan 5, 1071. 73tistuq.:. 4.arbs. Q . - TIEE VENTRAI, 11 0TE1 . 4, . The undersigned trariny• taken possession of the algae rt•spct.t fully tin, patron age of Wm old f rtentls atltt tile public generally. angle-0. M. A. 31A R K ET ROSECRANSE & BREWER, Announce to the leople of Towanda and vicl/fity . LliMlt they are :low prepared to funthh FRESH AND SALT MEATS, :1•1)17I,i'I2Y, FISH. t)YSTF.I2:3, And Vegotableti in their feaso:l. S i t thlrtuost reison able rates. Everyildm: purchased 9f us delivered promptly True er charge. qa- Our ',ration. ONE DOOR. NORTH OF •:,:corrs ILILKEILY, Is crolvenlent for U?. - W.; buy Ow best >to'l ,and 141ce great pain, to keep everytklug in the Irest ordet. Givens a call. IaVECICA.N6E & I.IItEIVER 1 owatpla s Dec.;,1.13. , LS • NEW LiViertY BOARDING AND EXCHANGE .ST•ABLES Tli under,dglit-1 hwtug rentva the old 3,le,atis Boum: Barn, and provided hansel with _ NEW BUGGIES AND WAGONS, GOOD lIORS-ES',- lt- now prepared to arenrunibdate ttounttlic at = arN.w Itugglc;•fur Bale cheap Towanda.. Pa., - July 15, 1 . 678 THE OLD :NIARBLE YARD STILL. INOPERATION Th..; •unibtrst.l.l Laving Pure the 31.11:-• YARDTit the fate t;I:91:6E 'Mc:CAVE, de res to Inform - the public 'that expe:leured men, huas ionparvil lo do all kinds of Pretk In tho Iltm nONUMENTS, ILEA!) STONES, MANTLES and tu ttto:very beet manner arot at lowest rates. Persons desiring anyt If log Iff I he Sfartfle Coe are invited to call anti CN3141110 work, anti rave agents' commission. . pRoVERBS "Tbe Richest 11 . 1.x1., Sweetest Itreath awl the Fain. , ‘st Skitt.in Bop I; itters." `•A little Hop I:liters Naves big doctor bills and long I.lekwpss." , • "That invalid wife, mother. Maur or child can be matte the picture of litialth with flop !titters." "Wtien worn down and ready, to take your bed, Hop a l , lt.ters Is wbatyon need." ..HA WI physio and i.bysle, for It weakens and destroys, but take Hop Bitters, that build up con thialt)." "Physielatis of all seboids lino and recommend Hop Bitters. Tent them." "Itjalth and beauty is a Py—llcp Illtterszlves health and beauty." “There are more tutee made with Rep Bitters than all other medicines.” “When Ule brain la wearied. the percea uustrini the w.useles weak, use Hop hitters.:' "That low; nervous fever, want of sleep aud ireakness, calls for flop Bitten.. , HOP COIXIII CURE ANTI PAIN REL/ETIS PLEASANT, BUItE, AND CLIEAP. Pox 9ALr. nr ♦LL-DIIOCOISTB BESTLaPu'lletu.,c - an.„;„,tl74°Oft',7,tr' - °. 1 ,7 right lu their uwu lucalltics. Ir:into/Jars aud sates pica ;vomit *i free. Ilaprarc your spare Limo at this basilica. Address till s; sus Ii Go., Portland, Maine. • may:lo 17, a week In' yourowu town. #5 twilit tree. UV No risk. Wader, If you remota business at which persons Of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to II IL&tt. Tr & l'ortlaud, Maine, tray Iy. IT can snake naor.ey faster at work for as than at U anything erse. Capital not required;" we wilt sun you. tl 2 per day at horns made by the Indus trious. Men. wonien, bays and girla_wanted every where to work fur us . Now 13 thit dine Coldly Qattit and terms fres; Address Tuna ra Rasta. haine. t nutria-1 77 a ntonth • expt,oses •ntactotoNl to Agonte. Outfit tree.. I,t 'C0..,, A urusta,3l4lae. THE Graphic and New Jewel, th "wst perfect and ornamental heating hievez I the World, at " JUN Y. 13. AL- , _ E. - -..ltosenfield TIr:S3TY-1•71PTII 011 . 41M AN.YUL 31.. E. 110SENEIELD'S Novelties In MEIPS, - BOrs , ND. .011IL- . DR.O ' S ,* • co:awl:3g 6t au entire new lino of liritlNG AND 81.111SICAI CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISUING . GOODS 01 the Neatest and Best Myles, and at the Itrwes • I hog 1 . 6 call the attention of our intthert4 If they want a nolihy 2,01 for their little boys, In KUt and alt othet styles, please. call on we. CALL NNII EXAMINE REFORI: I'VRCHAS. IN6 ELSEWHERE. M. E. It9SENFIELD. Towanda, March 18, IC% GREAT BARGAINS! IEIE.RCIIANT T A rL f O R, Fine Cheiiiots; MI OVEROJJITI2:6:- IVindwr Scarfs, It. MElicCit 4G — An inspectiou of our stock will cotaluee the most fastidious. ME LED 13. W. LANE 7yl SHELVES, grotliss. 'CLOTHING MALL. OPENING. EILIZCITION, SPRING OF 1879. Hats, Caps, &c., &c, POPULATE PRICES 15 PER CENT. LESS Than any ether !muse In the connty. J: DO . U T It C Opposite Park, TOWASDA, PA FANCY gUITINGS I and P NTALOONS GOODS JUST ABitIVED. Wurste4 — , 11 7 6 o! bicupouls, I❑ great varlety,anadr to eider, at the VERY LOWEST LACIEL ,MATALASSE CLOAUINGS, GENTS GOODS, at haluectl prices Silk lianilkerch Colored lio:,e, Suspenders, • From N to 52 In airy J. Doutiacii, ]l.•Jn Street, Towanda, l'a, 2et t 1)alq41 (1ct.,21„ 1 rsTS j C 0 13. S Is now tee - elsttng Itls SPRING & SUMMER STOCK OF cLoTaiNG! WIECII 11AS *EVER BEEN EQUALLED BEFORE IN MARKET, Fidler for Quality or Low-Prices. Every Article First-Class PLEASE CALL & EXAMINE BEF9iIII IIE SELLIFUIt KND WILL NOT BE IJNI)EItsuLD Patton's Block, Main-St Towanda, I'a., April 1, 11 'Mcbicat. MEDICAL ELECTRICITY I MRS. W. .IT. COVERDLAE, IN 1168 r umlr es' X Tlllli 1101:01X111 DVRING . Tfl 1' IsT YLAC, lILS Erb ECT.ED MANY womiEurut, CUM.b Her increased knotalodge males her I _ FULLY COSIPETEIIT to treat nearly all diseases tucklent to out race. SPECIAL . ATTENTION YS GIVEN TO MEE LY FEMALE COMFLAINTS El= Fevers. ' . . , , , Appoplery, . • ... , lothumnaticna of the Eyes; -- ' quinsy, - Croup. • . -.-- . Fuca:moot.% . . Clentisy. . .. • • Inflammation cf the ? Liter, • .- Inflammatory Rheumatism, Amartals.. i ' . Deafness,' • . . . Dyspiepsia, . , Dial•etes, • • . f DChronropsy. - . ic Rheumatism, . . • - Rt. Vitus liana., - Epilepsy,. -.,,.- Gaiter; . 'Neuralgia, - . • Fever Ewa,: • . Cancer, - - - Catarrh, ' Curvature of the Si due, • • Asthma, . " Ttrtgbils Disease of the Kidneys, ant other dtseascs too nnmerous to tr.entton. • CILtROES MODERATE; TERMS CASTCH Residence on Poplar-st., west of 'Western Avenue, when else may Dofound at all hours. LEHIGH VALLEY PENN. t NEW YORK-EAIL EGLIDS. trorgentent ot Powwow Troloa to tito etaist, =nM! 311 15 .... ... 2 51. 614, 6 39. CSI 1 .55 , vs 1 W I SR, 41 900 6 906 010 9651 . 1010 251011 Elio is -1126 3 ti `i. w' a ... 7 10 12 I.SI 7 800 105 835 1;4 1100, a4l (1. ai 4 1. i 13 I 5 1( 1210'1 600, 0.6 6 40 , 3561 965 ' P. 16.'A.111 Tnitus 8 and 14 run daily. Skeepirt cars on trains 8 and 73 'women Niagara aa_ Philadelphia ns and between Lyo and New York 'Without changes Parlor cars on Trains . 2 and 9 'betiluxu likagara Bails abil Philadelphia n lthout change. • A. PACKER, Supt.; Sayre, Pa, Nur. 10, /178. P. 'a N. Y. rt. R. OrOccricr, dub :rroviaons. STEVENS & LONG GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, DRs Di OI T A DI aril TO THEIR NEW STORE, ERCOATI3OS COT NER 01 , ` MAIN At PINE-Sts uhrilautl ut Fai, Slcvens 31ciiur.) 'They herMe attention to their complete ansortinent y large stool. of choice New Goads, which they !MVO always offiianl; ESPECIAL ATTF:NTIoN GWEN TO THE Uwlei.clothing, M. J. 1.0.N(1. ''r.wautla, April 1, Is"."‘. . . ~. ;;... T,tl :53; C 2 • Q, cr. 7.; n 7...1 CI , cp o ••••1 ›. CD a 1.1 Pi :t ril ..., -:,' cD p - i :::-. 5: - 'Z I , p ., ., .... • 5:: rn 0 , ".i c. , , F-'v F.- 0 ..t. - P.) c-: • '..1 0-3 .'•i'' o .P.: -,-, b - si 1 7 a . • ~ .... . ~.... -6.. ~... ..4 , Er ..... ~, ~..: p : - 4 15 H • e: 0 ,•,.. 55- t tii F.,. *ll . • S 3 .., .Y. CO 1 "• ' l t I' i 1 ' F., c ., -J :-- .-. , v.l - , ri .4 - 0 . , ; 4 --;.:1 .r. I• * 4 n c 5 8 ... em i ll • s t E P s' ir 3 5 • . .....:. a .1 4 ... 1 , ~...., . :-. I ~.- M .= .... 1 e 2 ? :1; '• E ... 1 . ...? fra ::::''. I - • IDI .4 ,1 .1 F. -- . • I WA b. • • r . gla 0 o ' = .3 .. . 4 0 ce) e. •E. V. ' eY °. , r i F2 s . i m ; t t 2.1 g, 1-i ?cD 7 9 , t . n r • CD • pc tl i F. ''':,.. ' -, .En o 0 ,- r % tj • tCD - 0 r ; 4 '. , •4 , - e c, .7-: . E p z i ' . 0 _ ..., ,:-. v, 8 - - . va .... g G., e. E . .1" En q • . g 5 I;=s H ..., - ~.... s./2 •-• :4 .. . 32 - r (i) a F, F.....„,.., H ..mil Z' z , e. .-1 ..., 0 . . kis ',..• .---- .Z 1 , 6. 2CD • 1.4 : tz 4 P --, 0 .1 ra P:".CO 0..: r,', Ft. 01 - ti ~ .., M . : 6 ; • Iva t.l _ E 'CO E. I' T TRICII & C'O., GROCERIES &- PROVISIONS. CHOICE GROCERIES, VERY WHITE . ' WHEAT FLOUR, At si prim trot to ho-fotupt elsewhere_ subject to be ruturted if uut satisfactory. ' A fresh supply . et 'titled Fruits Just received, Smug which tan be fum' tleiran Prunes of out. E 2,0w3003, Jan 30. 1070 . F. DITTC!CII : 3 / 4 CO tozy2 Itsitvoith. cmr= sotzoturi: !am = 8 00) 2 p 2. 50 1 rat. r.x. A Ii ir k: 1 . 03 .. t et...." 11 . 8 . 7.0 1205 i.;.. 1000 8 10 1005 1 ,—. 811 0 258 Sot.- 7 41 5 158 141.... II 04i 3 44'8 40 .. 1000 i .. • 18 2511:4; 6 MI ...... 1 ,0 SO 935 5 25 , 1340:0 14 1 8 50- 4 44,11 504 40i7 55 4 38 11 311'5 - 10 7 42 I 31111 33,5 00 34 ' ....111 24,4 58;7 25 ' ~. 00 1 1114'4 47 7 , 1$ 8 .21 0011 35i7 Ca ....'lO 464 24 A.* ..10 384 16'.... ...0004, ici.... ..... ;10 204 02:.... —.lO 05;3 521.... 902.' 9 46'3 ail. 0 1....1 542 1 4 so) . 11 ....i 9 94,3 15i---- - i 91913 09'r sc 2 le 14 55,1 4719 30, .i 6 44'2 . 27;91* ....f 8 zs i A 25 :905 I 3;5' 8 0512 055 01 1 08' 7 33.1 43.8 10. II os' ....It tlo,c. sa 10 02' ....11007'4 34 9 50' .....'8 85 1 429 9 20', .. - i 9 26'3 50 133111=3 A 5111411.11 , • :tt 900 .. 11 0 1 ... Stag'raPalt. 11nitalo... 1 litoebeater. ; .. Lyons... h. Auburn.. .Waverly !....Sayre.... ,4 'Wysatiklug .Sta'g Slone. Ituutlertleld ;Yrenehroim !.IVyalualng tikhea Eddy' '3l.ahhoppen Mehl:mum/y.l iTunt han'ek .I.a G range. Junc'n Wlik-Ilarre 31.'e1l Chunk ;.Allentown Alethtebetis. i= rd; t Ito osi i 35 60 910 630 10001 6 30 325 P. Mir.6l. .• • - pliikurlittlisi s 00:•....1 s ;5:30 I. New York. ' 6;o' ....0 :011 00 . 1 .11.111.1 A. IA General Dealers in Aua PRODUCE TRADE, A ud l panl for desirable kinds 1 #-3 CD 533 DEALERS IN TutirA N DA, PA. (01,1 Stand of C. ti. Patel.) We haio ou baud a large !lark ct Tatteh we etterto the r publie at the LOWEST MAEKET RATES Ass specialty we offer an extra grade of own imputlatioit WE WILL NOT BE U NDE B S (AL p! -.:- : ,, ttlisairasuso, ~, WILIIIJR43 'DIRECT DRAFT: EUREKA MOWER. TUE rtz. , tr WOULD: • LIGHTEST DRAFT. GREAT CAPACITY WOIIK. A SIX FEETSWATII cut with less. Draft than the average side-cut mower uses in cutting four feet. Grass cut the Eureka cures one third - quick& and more evenly than after any, other Mower. - Farmers cordially Invited to call at the Factory and examine the Eureka, and uuska their own bargains. I'ItICES• REDUCED. OAsH,l,saleLlmnie.ritvtgar,PLAGENT. SEMI, fmtcuLAß.s. Et .S.EKA MOWER. COL. Tuwautla, Ps. R. BEARDSbEE, Agent. War:nab:nu, Pa, Towanda. FeJinary 17. din HARDWARE T (MEAUX REA:ouchn PRICES! H. T. JUNE, AGENT, Ts uosropaulag a large and general assortment o Hardware, Cutlery, stoves, Nails. Iron. Mass faints, lids, Varithhes, Tinware. House r uroisto log Goods. a . e., purchased for cash and offered for sate at Bargains to those Who pay rasblur goods. ANGES and Cool ing Stoves, 'for Itt Coal and WOod„ at low lakes, atJUNE'h. rrill E Gossip, the best low-priced L stove fur oslooa Aud chambers ever made, at JUNE'S. Horse-Shoes and llorse-Shog : . Nails, go to _JUNE'S. ALARGE stock of Bar, Squarti,. Round, 112111-17.00vd, Oval, Half-Oral. Baud, and Hoop lrou , tAt• . FOR 'Paints,- Oils,' and Varnishes; go to • JUNE'S.' LANTERNS—a great variety at ia low prices, JUNE'S. T OCKS, Latche, and Bolts, eery yartt.ty and kind, t t JUNE (MAST and Toe Corks (Steel), at J UN E,•6'. DlSSTON'S . Celebrated Saws, at • .11.7.% T AI44E anti Pocket Cutlery, at JUNE'S TIOUSE Furnishing Goods, at 1L JrNE'S ',TAILS and Spikes, all 11~,,5i21%!%5. L • 1 . NORWAY and Sweed's Iron at • Juss.s. _._.._ M EC t I I A t iN t I T CS , Till fi nd a f l o .s og ,, as- LARGE stock of Philadelphia 111 Cart lage and Tun ltolts, JUNE'S. WIRE - Cloth, at .TUNE'S. DOW DER, Shot and 'Caps, for sale At. • -at JUNE'S. B LASTINQ Powder, at JUNE'S. FILES and Rasps, a full assort- WPM, at JUNE'S. LIMMERY Cloth and Papef, and 1.4 Sant' Papal', at JUNE'S, VINDQW . GLASS, from ix 9 to y 21x3f., SCREWS and Taelis, , direct. froth the tuantifacturers„ for sale at wholesale and retail, at reduced pricer, at • .117.NE'r 4 .. T AM I'S, Lamp Burners, Chimneys, J 1 Shades, ais(l Wlcks of every vaTfety. at JUNE'S. • 11OPE, Sash, Cord, Twine and ja, wick, all sltox, a TINWARE—a. large and geniiral .1 wsortmeut at ow rtee , ,, at JUNE'S. ":Safions nub carriages. NEW CARRIAGE FACTGRI!! EaSt of the lleporter °ince Mclntyro & Spencer - Respect folly announce to tho public that they-are prepared to loold all hinds of FAMILY C t: la - c; TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES rn&ETON &PI / ATFORM srnING w.kooNs, TROTTING SULKIES & SKELRToNti, Made of the heat - material and in tiro host style All work warranted to give perfoct satlat:nalou. PAUST.ING A SPECIA TY . _ . We hare MK" 3, e s l e,irriage.Palut.vrs iu the cuuutry, rind fig all wait lu. :Lis Hun at the lowest rates. Ai! Rinds of REPAIRING 3rvatty and prymptiy dotio at reducedprico3. 4,"" Maileg new spring!, snit repairilig °ties a specialty. All well; guaralitevii. riease give us a ealL MCINTYRE & SPENCER Totranda;Aprti §TOCACTI) Ware. N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS I H. J. Madill Has filled up thu old store of 0. A. Black with a full Hue of - CROCKERY, , CHINA, CHINA, CUTLERY, SILVER, PLATED GOODS, ,STONEWAREI • BABY WAGONS, •FANCY GOODS, TOYS, TOYS! HOUSR FURNISHING GOODS A great ♦arietyef LAMM.LANTERNS, CHUANEYSt A NEW DEPAItTURE hewing Machines of ' the lr.ading, makes sold for Cash tit store, at wonderfully low prices. MACIIINE NEEDLEet OIL LADIES, GENTS Ala) CHILDREN Are Inilted to lordiarcAtir assortment, as we: an determined to do all lu Our power to please. :Ite- Inenclter Um place, "OLD CROCKF.UT STORE.'• Towanda, 3.ay 10, lk.r - .',4orni - ;iiiid.:fti_ioilliill,. who . . Fanners are now cOMmeneing their spring work sometimes 'effect important, gains by performing stlt Operatiois in-thetest,tnenner often with little or nuadditional Pease. These' are:: familiar,to many, but others they may serve as val. nable reminders. ••• .illanure.—This , is worth' twice as mueb,.if welt mixed'. with the'soil, as l_whett left in lumps. WhoneVer. ap plied at tins time of year-it should be Spread on a mellow surface, so the ! harrow may mix it well with the soil. Break it up finennd stir it well into the earth. :Several barrowings sometimes be well ' , repaid. Manure maybe applied in autumn with prop riety to the surface of grass land, which is to be plowed in spring, as the rain, and melting • snows wash it in; but it is a wasteful practice. to 'spread it on grassin spring .. Wean-- not be 'mixed with the ad by • any amount of harrowin g . hence: the reason of th& well k nown faCt that fall-spread manure on sod for corn is worth more. than twice as much as. manure 'spread in spring. Plad'er.—W hen • this fertilizer acts at'all, it is the cheapest.of all'inanures. In some - extreme cases 'a bushel per acre has added three-fourthi ofn ton of dried clover hay.. Its ireat and peculiar , advantage is the small quantity needed, There is - rarely any advantage • applying •more than a hundred. pounds per, acre— sometimes- two hundred pounds have been useful, but ail beyond this is' waste. Every fainter who has ever used it, should employ, it at least to a small extent, on his clover f as early in spring as practicable. Weeds in Root Crops.—The great drawback in raising such. roots as turnips, . beets, carrots,..&c., is the labor Of cleaning out the, weeds in the rows. Too many have permitted -them to grow several inches, reduc ing the crop and . ,greatly .multiplying the labor. Hence the importance of thoroughly clean ground. -- Those who intend to. plant crops that re quire putting in ,early, will have t i o take such land as they have already prepared; but fur turnips, the soil may be separateilly stirred with plow. and harrow for several weeks to c.01n0, 1 destroying many of the young. weeds last as they reach the .surface; 'and this will afford a good oppor tunity to apply and intermix manure. The labor thus expended in destroy; jug weeds will be repaid: in the lice condition , .which is given Ito -the _ . . oTound. - • • . - • ts Thirkies.---Never try to get a heavy day's work out of a team. Offer-do ing once will do more farm. to the effective force of horses than any gain will ever repay. They will al, Ways accomplish most by••regular, uniform; moderafe work, with regular unchanged feed. . Thr -: Workshop.--L•On • rainy. days accomplish whatever Will save inter ruption• in fine, weather. We shp' not • advise ' you I . to Clein your tools on such cm - Li:ions, .fbr we pre, sume ni.? redder of the aotfidrY Oen :: tlelitga over plus away his tOoliirty; but.you - limy put them all in..good working order; Oiling with petroleum all the woodwork. and' polishing and . waxing the metallic; Portion. Wa-• guns, carts. reapers and all 'larger machines should be kept well paint- . ed, and if 'oiled first with crude pe troleum, the . 'water can never enter. We repeat - the, advice occasionally given before, that the Ave,rill paint Will adhere to any oiled surface, and we find that if mixed . half and Mtn' with the oil, it makes a - good,- quick dying paint, 2which may• be applied to houses • and barn :is well as to tools and inayttines.—Cuit ob. y Geo lieino n. . . APES• N C I CKEN'iI. do notlike to see little chickens aglieted in that way, neither. do. I knoir anything to cure them. It is a diseaS.e that can be prevented, and that is better. I . would never keep a chicken that had ever lead the gapes. • I would change my whole flock first. They should have a , 107 - IVe to scratch and wallow in earth and ashes through the Win . - ter, to free _them' from :live: Some think that lice have something to do with the gapes.. Ido not know as to that, but - I do not like to hav6.poul try of any kind get lousy:, I . sprinkle a little Line-salt in. the . feed for. my younglnrkeys and chickens two or three times a' week, being careful not to feed too much. I never allow them around the house, ready •to run in every time the door is opened. They should be encouraged to ramble away in the :field, where they `Will catch insects: keep a little trough a few rods away from the house- in warm weather, and about twice a day 1 put in a few quarts of sour milk.. All my poultry, - old and young, conic there and drink pud'appear to enjoy it,and then go away im catch grasshoppers. 1 have raised several broods'Of chick= ens that were never fed, and they ap pear to be quite as well. by'-letting the:hen have her way; and'ramble as much as she pleased. • The - chickens that hank around the buildings, and arc ti ,alrays under foot,. are those which have the • gapes.—Country . . CORN FODDER As A CROP.—There are few dairymen and.'stock-groWers who have not at some time had an attack of the corn-Wder fever: It seems that fodder ought to pay if grown for feeding out green during August and, September: Perhaps' it does; but to grow, cure:and store it for winter use isa grave , mistake.. A niore : troublesome crop. to handle never gtevr.. I knew ;1 farm;er. whose local reputation for Morality was good till he . Undertook . . t l e' manage two- acres of corn fodder. Before that fodder was cured and stored; it was evident to any one .within hear ing that he had falleutrom grace. It corn fodder is wanted, it would. be better by far to prepare the ground : thoioughly and raise bah grain and fodder.. The stalks will be nearly as palatable . to the stock, and of nearly as great weight per .acre, as , when grown for fodder' Only. The addi tional grain will be fouml conducive to beef, pork,.pooftry and gratitude. If h late summer, drouth makes the use of some soiling, crop - a - necessity, cut from the field as wanted ;` it is as cheap as any, and. if the field is large enough there will beenoUgh:left. GLASSWARE I. A. Few Spring Mut& SMALL FARMS. ' small farms instead of large ones, May well en g age the attention of agricultural societies and departinents,of Moral reformers, and also of political economistS. Over extensions of oiir - national demain is a major factor. in the . , " big farm" mania which is depleting 'the vigor .or our'national life. • :With approx imately the, same number of pcopsi as either Frauctior Gerinany we have Many times as much territory as both of,tbeni combined.-4.' Y.' Farmers" C. tea. • • Link !Wm Cookery. PALATABLE AND, NOVItistrING DISUES FOR. INVALIDS. QUICK BEEF TEA. Beef taken from the round is hest Or beet tea, because it is almost fret • from fat and contains more juice than. - Ay other part of- the. Meat. • Alt( removing .every particle of fat, cut the steak into ' picces,...across the grain. - This-breaks the'fibre and allows the juice- escape: Place the -heated meat in a dry, closed sauce. pan, and swat" fur five Seating 14 simply heating i4e _not too hot; and stirring it occasion: ally to prevent its - sticking. At end of lire minutes the pan will 1 - ,p, found to 'contain-a gravy, or the et ,sense of the meat, which, of itself, is good for very feeble patients. At this stage pour, over. the moat its cold water(the-guag,e a pint'-of water .to each pound of meat) 'stir „until: the water boils, and. • then simmer - for five-minutes. add salt - Jtiniess • the doctor permit, it. In many:diseases. salt cannot he used without doing much Strain the tea while hot, .tliPn the fat: froth .the surface, and it is ready for use. . Arritowicoor : .PLTDl To a desSert spoonful of dry:ar roWroot, use a half pint of milk.'or water and a teaspoonful of sugar, and smooth with a_little -Milk or water. When the half pint;of' milk hasjuit come to a.boll, pour it over the sty4ar and root and stir well.. To thliOul nicely the arrowroot must be kept in a dry place. If it does not thii:lieu when the milk is poured 0 , , c the whole upon the flee and stir until it does.' This is very . nutrious and strengthening. It is very .pleasant for children. To..make the : pudding, two . eg . one teaspoonful of • sugar and a ounce of . butter are required. Aftec the arrowroot has cooled stir in the yolks of two . cggs• and" sugar. Was. -the whites of the two eggs stiffly q,nil carefully stir iuto the mes s . Grease a small dish well with- butter, pour in the mixture and bake only live minutes in a quick oven.' -•• ANOTIIEtt I>EEF TE.4I This Yea is particulary recomuiemi ed where the patientis troubled with indigestion— Cut a quarter of ,a pound of steak into small - pieces, as in the other preparation, and pour upon it aAgill of cold.water; on a Nery slow lire. - It should' be about twenty Minutes before it comes to a boil As soon. as it is boilvd, strain, and, ,aftezit has cooled, skiiu off the gree.Se'*iilt paper, it is then ready fur use.: Anit;EL AND vordulKiz In preparing - gruel, to one pint of milk use la small pinch of salt, alialf teaspoonful of sugar and a picee of butter the size of a nutmeg; place the milk in the fire, and, liaNing'suft cned' the meal with a little uziik or. water, Mix :it, well with the milk on the stov&. L . After it has boiled : live minutes add the butter s and silgur and strain. In ni.ak;ng g ruel with water, it, is well a toadd alittle port wine jiist. before taking from the store. - .ln . preparing _porridge the oatmeal should be placed on the stove In icold water. Tlie'proport is about three tablespoonfuls (,t in. ;ti to a -pi* ''ijrf water. it shotilii be stirred well and boiled for half au hour. While it is boiling iulti a lithe , CHOPS ....ND :STEAKS FOR THE SICK • In cooking steaks for the sick.thev should always IL.I cut about one inch in thickness. Teat it well with This. renders it tender and preserves the juice. Place• iipon broiler :and-' cook - for seven Or tea inirinte - s,tarnintz frequently.. AVIR:n done 11y it upon! a hot plict:: season with salt and pepper and a little 'hater, never chop nwat with a sharp insirtiment. -It severs tia• fibres, thus allowing tits ill - ie.: sctilieiil . o cooking!. 11AW I;EAF TEA Take about an ounce of - steak, arid holding it . f4ettrely to the,table a fork, : serapti or •sfirud the tic. , lt ccum the . tib:of, with a sharp knift , . the ...,htl.:(.ldod meat fats or 'cold water and sunk 111:4 , ,m ininutta;, then zitrain and. Ti:i.; is txeLdhtnt for . typhoid ftver and toething.vhildren. L'EAF T _1 70 - KI:EP I.lemoye all the fart and from two or. three pounli of a shin of heci remove the marrow, -and afti'r 'cut ting, the meat. finely. place it, with the bone an. _ I kimehle ia strong brown jar; cover the jar se eurely.and• over the li tie a strong Piece of brown palal'. Place the into' a kettle ,or boiling wale': and boil all day. When taken kom-the kettle the jar will be found, to Con tain a-quantity of grass; strain 11j at once, as it will fOllll into ajr llv When cold. The jelly can he given to the patient inSunimer, but in r, in ter• it is b.,tter to' dissolute in hut water and use. Preparation will keep for :two weeks in wint - cr, and half_ that - time duri.ng warm weather. C Vitt FOIL BLACK r.Oticc: that considerable is written about blacklegin calves. • My - --experience is quite expensive, having lost eral very fine thoroughbred Devon -.I before learning that - lileeding i,4• an absolute remedy, t ' and. having neve r lost one that was bled at -about rnonths old and agaimat , l2. Months. had two attacked at about three months-old • apparently - aSi hi lin disease upon the lungs,' The fir , t is'as thoroughbred, of the best :4r:tin of blood. and died. Bleeding the Other one. I think it a. very en : common. thing for an attack of black leg to: occur before the calf months old, or after Months. I belieVe•this remedy absoi ute.—e. E. !I. Springfield, Pa., in CJllntry o;:!•• ,. Man. - A.SoAtr. FOR sEtn CORN.—A cor respondent of an - exchange has.tried soaking seed'corn in a solution of eldo. ride of lime, and says ot ;- it: -" fly soaking seed corn for seven liours a very strong - decoction of • , clilori , e of lime, corn can be forced ahead Lc maturity two or three weeliS — Oono'r. than it . will mature oftterwise .i 0 1- sides, he thinks, it renders the nci l almost 'proof against the depredation of gophers. The Hale warm 4up the germ of.lthe seed, and sends quickly, giiing it two or three -wcek's the start of corn planted in tike4erdi nary way,' thereby insuring against the frost at the close of the • . RYE FOR Fosyr..s.—Onc of the successful - eg g producers of my quaints.nce, feeds his hens in part, eta boiled rye: Now, I woold like , to know if •any of, your . eorrevonden liave had .experiencii , -with• this fctql. or Whether, his-; success is attributed t . , 4 some other cause.