Padforil gqinttt CRAB. U. ALLEN, LOCAL Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Kay 1, 1879 A. CHAMBERLIN, Dealer In. • FINE JEWELRY, *ATCSES, SILVER Sr. PLATED:WARE, TOW ANDA £A. Towanda, Jan. 13, 1877. • _ - , ,LOCAL AND CENERAL .10MM JonALEntoir bag leased the 'Ad ams House, at. Troy, foe another year. Tng,full proceedings of the lmeeting of the Council on tho 23d tilt., are printed in another columri. lin. S. P. , Wttrreamn, of this plat,e, has recently taken the agency of the - Ithaca Organ Company. Br r. TRACY, of Smithfield, has a Cana dian-Leicestershire lamb, only ten weeks of . that weighs 59 pounds-. Tnna". of IL Lodge , at Orwell has 40 members, and bids bedome the strongest lodge in the opunky. JACOB REEL, for many years proprietor of the Bradford Houiei South Way died on Sunday evening last. Tut; Wyoming County Agricultural So ciety- will hold its Annual Fair this year. aeplember 17th, 18th and 1: tli. SUMMER lkiAttlati, of Smithfield, the Troy Gai 3 Ole Bays, has made 0ver:2,600 pounds ot maple sugat this season. A itoLLE,n skating. rink in charge of M. T. FIZEAS, is row open in Mercier Hall, Feams to•be unite well patronized. SUPF.RINTENDENT RYAN will, 110k1 to tellers' examination at the Graded School building, iu this plase, ou Satur day uext. . 1 ME Owego steamboat, "Lyman Tru man," made the first trip of the season to Binghamton and return, Tuesday of labt Week WILLIAM LEWIS and E. A. Comm . Avon ll:ive purchased the Monuis Comalstou \Vysox, coal:sluing about 75 acres. Con' ration 'iri,ooo. T 7. following Postmasters have recent ly 1 r n appointed for this county : MAU . - KNArt., Luther's Mills; Joux H. sfichhequin. , l'EnE liette is to bo provided a new bmu. It will be built of brick vml i l s dimensions are to be 421121 feet. It will be erected iu June. UPN'T gu West unless you intend to woeh. when 3 ooget there. That section is cue: run by those who have gone there b.ohing for "nothing to do." ELIZABETH A., wife of Dr. IL S. CHUB 1.1:1 Itt (MC time a resident of Orwell, diol at Elmila on Sunday evening' last, ;:iler an illneseof but a few Itours. TioN. WILLIAM ELWELL has purchased I:Hi 1). D. SMITH property, between the Diva House and :demur Block. We un derstand the amount paid was f;".2,500._ Itr. REV. Bishop l3wE, D.D., LL.D., occupied the•pulp l / 4 f Christ Church on Friday evening last, and administered the rite of confirmation to ten persona. Tiu Elwell House is undergoing a thorough renovation. The woodwork of the interior is receiving a fresh coat of I ;tint, and the walls new hangings ofitaper. XOTIIER 'Walking contest is to begin at Waverly to-day, Wednesday. Premi ums amounting to sl7s.are to be-awarded the victors. The walk is to be of 64 hours (it:L.IOOU MAJOR GENERAL JOHN F. HARTRANIT INsued a genet al order fixing ltlay and .1 alit. as the Mouths for the semi-annual in•iw(ftion of the National Guard or Penn- of the Messiah (Universalist), Nev. Wit.t.t.ot TAYLott, Pastor. At 10} o'clog.k A. 3f., subject—" Secret Faults." 7:::1) P. at. , subject—" What is Faith?'" All welcome. THE Troy Vazatc say's that Judgo V• who has been EeriAsly ill for s,!vcral weehs past, is still in a eery criti• con,lition, but slight hopes being Jen iaiia.d of his recovery. .1-17r.NTioN is directed to thm new A- A,' ti,emmt of N..P.Ks, the Bridge b1v.. , •1 Furniture dealer. His stock is •vvl:- ! and comprises tat the latest n , %elt ics in his line of trade C. L. BROWN, of .Montrose, at one time ]{rgisler and Recorder of Susquehanna County, and m. - we recently Secretary of M4,;:trose Railway Company, died in on tlie 20th instant. • 11. nothing happens from this out we v. ill hove an old fashioned fruit crop this car.. Our at , rieult ural clerk pronounces he I. lids in tirst-chus order and says eve ,iy two will have to be "propped." d:iplicate of valuations for school I.:xes are now ready to be 'delivered to ti.e l-everal sec: etarieg of school tioards in t'. I:%wnships and boroughs. Call at the ( on:miss:one:li' office and get them. ful:conou4tee of the State Agricul tiii.ll Society haye been visiting various ims in the State for the purpose of c a site for the coming Stato Fair. 11 is how thought they will select Altoona. ALL who feet aggrieved at the av: ,, unt of their mercantile appraisoment M . 1 he given any opportunity to present grievanceS at the * Treasurer's office to I:1 snow, Friday, between. the bourn of 11 , A. m. and 4 • . I A I:l.Es 13E1nts.m.s.N, one of the con l . te•tauts iu the forthcoming walking eon t nt this place, had One of hiss hands quite bacly injured one day last week, by aeridental discharge of a revolver ui.inii he gas handling. ••1. - .l:r.itat. fainters ofLColey, Sullivan ('”uirty, have recently:, purchased Alder ni‘y heifers, and the correspondent uf the Dushom- Review at that place predicts that - gilt.e.iged butter from that vicini ty Will be the result in the near future." HARRY STREETEIL is -rebuilding tho structure north of I'attou'a Block, ice( il.inilged by, tire. building 1.-, to be lowered to the grado' of Main t -t alai its interior arrangements_ gicazty improve:l for business - purposes. Athena Gazelle of last .Week says, ne Novelty Works have been selling '4lnantitieS of their goods to Owego lately. The new proprietor of the Aliteri• ga refurnished that - hotel llinia , /,hotit with fez it item of their wake." Wu leant that the young lady, Miss ADd MOOAE, who attempted recently to commit suicide by tthooting herself at her home in Windham, is in a fair Way to* cover from the wounds Winded.. Joint Kmxues house, at Carbon Hill, near Pittston, was destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning, and two children per ished in the flames, and another was fatally burned. KEOGH himself Was badly burned• .NOTINING NS yet has been heard of the missing man DENNIS Munrwr, whose dis apperance from his home "w-yaos was mentioned in the.llnrons* of last week. It is generally believed that be fed from the bridge, into the river awl was drown ed. itEv. J. S. STEWART, of - the -Presbyte rian. Church, and Rev. Grime C. JONES; of the bl. E. Church, exchanged pulpits on Sunday morning last. Both sermons aro highly commended by the respective congregations. • WE are requested to give notice that Watkins Post, G. A. R., of this place, will have a session every Saturday even ing from now until after, Decoration Day, and that thq,presence of every member is desired at each meeting. CONSIDERABLE building is being . done in Itlonrdeton this spring. fievetal build- ings are already nearly completed, and the hotel foimerly occupied by OuN KELLOGG-is being much improved by the raising of the roof and remodeling inside. WE never knew the stores of this place L. present a better and cheaper line of :oods than they are now offering, and certainly it is an indication that better times are looked for, from the fact that the dealers 911 have or aro now putting in a muchiarger stock than usual. REV. GEO. C. JONES, pastor or the M. E. Church at this. place, left for New York on Tuesday evening 'sit, horn which port be will sail for Belfast, Ire land, on Thursday next, being called there by the severe illness of his father. lie expects to be absent about six weeks. THE Driving Park at Elmira is undergo ing thorough repairs to lit it for this Juno races, which are to take place from the 17th to the.l9th, inclusive. It is said the premiums for these races will be very lib eral, and that sonic of the best horses , in_ the country will compete for the prizes. of the present year is the pe riod fixed by the Adventists for the as cension of all pure people to tke • realms of bliss and the departure of the impure in another infection, to reach which requires no upward motion. We are 'glad that this 006 not take place until after this 'Fourth. Mu*. lt►ans, the Waverly woman, who receptly acquirCd an unenviable notoriety by;.: with a scoundr4 by the mane of Dr. P►Luci, of that village, recently rant tied to her bonie in Spencer. She, came ba4 sick, and afters few days ill ness, ditid. She was buried Wednesday last. IN the school article on the first page, say's: "You can% make a whistle ont of a pig's tail." If the veter an philosopher will come down to Waier ly, anti call on Hi Ews, ho will out the thing can be (lid, and ho can whistle on one all day, free of charge:— Warerty Advocate. Isaart. POTiElt, a boot and shoe dealer of Athens, accepted an order from a broom pedler, on A. D. MUSS, last week for $5, and \ now he has discovered that Mr. MoN.s.i not acquainted with the in dividual wit gaVetho order, and IsttaEr, is-c mscqueptly mad: Another cah of misplaced ctfhtidence.• dITIUSTIAN of Seeleyvillo, Wayne County, refused lodging to two tramps on Wednesday night of last week, and his barn was set on fire during the night, and that and twelye other build ings, beside a number of horses; cattle, sheep, etc., were destWed, entailing a loss of about. $O,OOO. ' HOBART & PORTER, of Troy, have sold out their interest in the Cold Spring Tan nery to the other • partner, E. VAN DINE, who will conduct the business hereafter. The business, the Gazette says, is a good one, and Mr. VAN DINE being an excel lent business manoger f will no doubt make the venture pay. TILE law firm of OVEirroic S Mtittcutt has been dissolved, Mr. OVEWTQN retir ing. NT. MERCUIL will continue to occu py the rooms . in Moutapyes plocki occu . pied by the late firm, and will no . doabt receive a generous patronage from those who have occaewn to employ legal coun- sel, as he is- noted for being one of the most energetic and indefatigable 'workers at the Bar of this county. tIIERK will be a meeting of the several committees and all others interested in the Centennial, of the Battle of New Town, at Wellsburg, on Thursday, the Bth day of May next, at 10 o'clock A. u. Committees will be prepared to report progress, and matters of interest and im portance will be discussed, A full attend nice of members of committees and a gen eral attendance of others is requested. A LADY RIM OYER 1W A SAW Loo. Mrs. iL ii. McNETT, of Carpen Cr, Pa., was run over and very seriously injured by a saw log on Tuesday of last week. The lady was walking along . at the foot of the bill and a man hauling logs on the bank above let ono.get away from him. The lady in attempting to get out of the way of the log fed, and, was, struck in the back, dangerously injuring her. TUE fiftieth annual ,Convention bf the Penusytyania State Sabbath School Asso ciation will be held in Alto Ana, on Tues day, Wikhaesday,and Thursday, Juni) 3d, 4th and Oth. The exercises will open on Tuesday'afternoou, at 3 o'clock, with a gland union children's meeting, address ed by RU'v. RICIIAILD NEWTON, D. D. of Philadelphia, and will close on Thursday at 10 o'clock. DENNIS DONOVAN, a man = about 6.5 years of age, living some three m 1163 above Glenwood, Susquehanna COunty, was drowned in the Tunkhannock Creek, April 20th. When last seen alive ho was rolling logs into' the creek , and , when found was lying across of the. logs with his bead in the water. It is supposed that he was taken with a fit, to which he was sometimes subject. Ile leaves a fam ily. Ws lessOfrom the Troy Gazette of last week, that the H. P. Lone brick block,. on Main street, •opposite the Troy Douse, in that villake, has just been sold at a pri vate sale for .19,000, to Mrs. THOMAS MAxwma. and Captain 11. B. MITCHELL. The block was built in 1809 -on the ruins of the one put up in 1859, and , burned January 24, 1809. It contains, tong's Hall, 'the two large stores of B. ILI,MITCU .ELL, druggist, and WHITTAKEE, LONG & CO, dry•gnods dealers, and" the millinery establishment of Mrs. asTist and Miss DAurr. The p. - We paid Ktuks a very low . t - Tug frequent ,nseethigs - for, prayer, praise and social convene, in the several chinches of town, and at localities Lithe immediate vicinity, says the Athena Ga edge. gives assurancelhat the revival 'mfr., it still keens in lively exercise, - and goes' ont after others who bavenot yet Monti: fled themselves with GOD'S people. The meetings at Gkm yalley school howuf and on Sutliff Bill, lave proved interesting, anfl It is believed profitable. COPPER MIME AT FotursTox.—While men • were engaged in working on the road near Krowson's hotel. in Forkston last week, -a rock was blasted which proved to be a rich copper ore. A portion of the powdered rock was. put in a clay pipe and . melted - in a blacksmith's forgo and a 'deco of pure copper as large as an ordinary bean was produced, - while, about as much more adhend to the pipe and the dirt. Mr. Ussn Kuswsort showed us tba nog get today and we have no doubt of the genuineness of the find. With its coal mine sand its copper mine who knows "what prosperity may be in store for Forkston Tunkia n nock. Republican. Tug Cotsgreacional Directory for 1811), contains the following brief sketch of our 'Congressman • Edward Overton. Sr., of Towanda, was born at Towanda, Pennsylvania, Febrtia ry 4, 1836 ; graduated at Princeton Col lege, New Jersey, in 1856 ; was admitted to the bar in May, 1858; entered. the Union ,Army in September, 1861, as Ma jor of the Fiftieth Regiment of Pennsyl vania Volunteers ; w as promoted to Lieu tenant-Colonel in 1862, and Born -time commanded the .regiment until, mustered out October, 1864 ; served as Register, in Bankruptcy from 1867 until elected iu . 1876 to the Forty-fifth Congress ; and vas re-elected to the Forty-sixth Congress as a Republican, receiving 13,145 votes against 3,783 for Dimmock, Dernocrat, and 0,321 votes for DeWitt, _National. WATKINB Past, G. A. It., of this place, are tusking arrangements for a proper and appropriate observance of Decioration Day. We expect to be able to announce the programme;:speaker, etc., in our pa . • per u•At week. The following committees were appointed at the last meeting of the Post - _ Finanee—B. M. PECK, D. W. - ScoTT, NMI. CAuxo6tAtt. Arrangements J. ANDREW WILT, JAMES BRYANT, E. V. BEVF:ILLY: Mowers—O.-D. ,LYON, GEoucx V. MY rit, li. C. PowELL, JOSEPH TIERNEY, JOHN LEBLtE, E. RUTTY. Meish--G; 'W. KILMER, , J. ANDREW WILT, JAMES M. PIATT. /Rlli/4/UOM L. HARRIS, WILLIAM YONTZ, L. S. BLASDELL. Pnormsson ZnitA, the magician, gave exhibitions in Mercur Hall. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenin4s of last. week, to rather_ small audiences. The Professor,. for some reason, thought it. unnecessary to furnish this establishment with crinplimeutary tickets to his exhibi tions ; but that does not prevent our say ing that as a sleight-of-hand performer and .vettriloquist; he is the best that erer.vis ited Towandh. Maay of dm tricks pdr • formed by lihn aro wonderful, to say the least, and were never before giyeu here, `and some were extremely amusing. As a ventriloquist be is, .perhaps, without au equal, and should he visit our place again we advise all who desire to pass a pleas ant evening to attend his entertainment, as ho is among the very few people- trav eling who give an exhibition worth We price of admission. • . TILE following are the appointments of the M. E. Conference for the Owogo Dis trict ON EGO DOS • TRICTY. C. SMITH, Y. E. A tens—G. M. Chamberlain. Barton—L. I'cck. L'erkoiire-11.1110111F. Caroline—S. 13. Keeny. Candor—J. C. Brain-a'. D.inby,—(l. L. Willianis. Fleinnigvillc--N. S. Dewitt. ilarforil-LII. G. Blair. Keatley. llurubrook—S. F. Wright., Angell. • Litelilield—L.J. Howard. Norwalk—W. J. Juddt . Nichols—J. K. Peek. North Barton—E. N. Sabin. North Tio ,, a—.l. B. Allen. Owego—E. W. Caswell. • Orwell—D. C. Ilarnev. Itome—,E. Sibley. - Slaterville—C. S. Alexander. South Dauby—Z. Evans. Spencer—D. T. Waddell. Tinga—S. E. Walworth. Waverly,—G. IL Hair. West Dauby—S. Earner. Windham—A. W. Loomis. Wyalusing—L. Cole. Tim Dushore • Iltvieto of last week, in speaking of the concert given by Abe! Brass Band of that place, the lithf says "'rho Dushore Cornet Band has, by persistent practice, become so proficient as to be a credit to this or to any other community. Their selections on this oc casion - were admirably rendered and well re l eeived. To the ladies who kindly vol. unteered their services be all honor given: iVithout their -assistance the concert, Would not have been the grand success expected and realized. Misses HELEN IdASON, NELLIE DODGE,. JENNIE DEWERS, of Towanda, anti Mrs. luvlso, 'of Du shore, performed Ohm a number of exquisite selections on the piano,. alt of which wore enthusiastically encored. Mrs. BALDWIN, of Towanda, a vocal ist .of rare power and culture, gra-. ciously doubled her apportionment hian swer to the rapturous applause of: the as semblage. - Mr. WALKEit's cornet - solos aro what might have been expected from a finished artiste." KIND WORDS. The following very compliutentary notice of ourself and the ItErottrim, we clip froze► the Owego. Tiines of last week, quo of the neatest printed and -best edited ,papers that comes to our sanctum': "The BRADFORD MrOUTER under its present management is a Most •excellent, newspaper. Mf. Goodrich, the senior ed itor, has placed at the head of the local departmtnt Mr: C. H. Allen, an old :►nd trusted employe, who in whilom days was wont to make the Bradford Argus sparkl?, and if we are to judge, ho • his lost none of his old time ability to make ono of the best local newspapers in this section. The managers of the Reporter have madea hit in securing Charlie to do their local." . • And our readers will pardon us, we trust, for printing the knowing extract from a private letter from an esteemed acquaintance, himself an 'editor, when they remember that we have not "inflicted" them with a perusal of the ,many notices that onr brethren of the Press. in the kindness of their hearts,. have seen fit to favor us : "-I congratulate you on your meccas with the REPORTER, and am glad to have my expectations realized. The REPOR TER has not leen as good as now durimz the tetler'intore years I have exchanged with it; I have too much to do to giye the tiMe to my payee' that I ought to, kit I rejoice all tine same in the fact that you are making the lb:Pon:mu what it should ben 00IIET PROCTEDINGS. Continued Wednesday, April Fanny P. Daropf vo. Mary Long.—Eject met. Verdict for defendant. John W. LaMphere vs. George . Fox's Administrators Appeal. Gridley & Pape, and Madill & Califf, for plaintiff; Pittrick 6; Ft.)yle,and N, C. Elltbrec, for defendnnt. Verdict for plainti ff pf -1178.85. • , Wad A. Park vß. , the Tostuship• of Or well—Caw. Madill & Califf for plaintiff ; Ny. IL Carnochan,lL C. thibree and J. P. Sanderson, Eggs.; for defendant.. Ver dict, for plaintiff Of SM. 11. P. Moore vs. Nelson Vanderpool—. Court grant- rule to enjoin Sheriff, open judgment, and defendant- let into s de fense: Sash Wickham ea. J. ft Cowell, et al. —Rule to act aside trend. ex., and all pro ceedings under et. al. 'coats of J. R. Vol. ell and Mahlon Stropo. Walter S. Newman vs. James Fox's ex ecutor—Court grant rule to enjoin Sheriff from proceeding fUrthef on S. fa. Howe Sewing Machine Company vs. G. W. Oliver—Rule.discharged. PETISOILL. —Mrs. lII3NTLY CORILTELL, et Athens, is yisiting relatives in Elmira. —Mrs. thaw TizavE, .of Rome, is visiting Airs. W. C.yntcx, of Pittston. MIX and wife, of Canton, were visiting frien4 in Binghamton, N. last week. —Di. P. A. Joaxsolv, who formerly run a paper at Troy, this county, has gone to Nrchols, L N. Y. —Dr. Lucia, of Pranklauiale, removes to Conran today, where he will engage in the practice of his profession. -11ev. 8. HAIR, who has served the M. E. Church in Waverly for the past two years, has been retained fur another year. SOL. BUNNELL, late - of the Bannel Ilouso iu this village, is about to go into the livery businchs in Elmira.— Wellsboro Agitator. - • N. M. Pounnov attended the Fleshy tery at Nicholson as a delegate. Rev, JOEL JEWELL WOO as well as Rev. S. L CoNDE.--Troy Gazette. —.Rev. J...Bswrox FRENCH ' , (if Athens, has acoepted the call of the Tiny ILptist Church, and will enter upon the discharge of his duties ott Sunday next. —Mr. CuAnt.F.s T. HULL was-fleeted Musical Direct i or of the Roundabout Mu sical Club at tl:e last meeting. The right ,man in the right place.--ilhens Gazette —Rev. It. CRITTENDEN, was in our city last Saturday, en route for the rural dis tricts of lib work. A faithful, devoted Christian man, he is doing good work as a Colon tear in the Sunday•Schooh—Lock haven Republican. —licv. S.:L. CONDE preached for the last time in the Presbyterian Church, Troy, tin Sunday last. His subject for the monting, service Was "Some Pages from the Unwritten Ilitory of a Pastorate ;" evening, "A - Brother'si Farewell." . —Thn Episcopal Church was filled with ladies and gentlemen on Wednesday noon, to witness . the . cerembny which united as man ialtl.Wife DANA J. McAPEn, and Misi IkeIIANAN. The best wishes of many fellow the happy couple.—Athens Gazette. —Among the new corners to Burlin game, are Hon. C. F. NICHOLS, of Brad ford County, Pa.,.his son, and E. DEAN, son of the present Sheriff of Bradford County. ThesO gentlemen are searching. for a home, and will probably remain in Burlingame or vieinity.—Oiage County, • (1(4171811s) Chronicle. —Our old friend, FRANK P. Tun*En of Towanda, ra., called at our office ;on Monday•last, and we arc pleased to !ramie that ;fudge Wst.t.E.u, wit') is holding the court for the - trial of certain certified Oases, has brought him here as reporter lb said cases. We are glad to know that a reporter is sitting in the . Court . Muse of Susquehanna' County who is compe tent to report without the Court being obliged to keep its own. minutes. If be cputy hereafter pay for, such service, it properly rendered., We know the ability of Mr. Turl•su, fur we had a practical demonstration of it as a reporter of the State Senate for two consecutive sessious.-Montrose Deinoecat. p COITHOIL PROOBEDII4OI3. TOWA ?MA, Apri13,1879 Puthstinnt to a call of tho Burgess a special Res sion of the Council Wll-4 held on Wednesday eve ning, the zad inst., Iturg,ess Dodge - In the chair, and all the members present except Mr. Snell. The first business considered was a petition from Juagn Elwell - asking the Council to amend the ordinance of February IC. 1870, In regard lo erection of wooden buildings within certain - de fined limits. . . tr. F:Iwoll desire s to build a barn for the use of the Elwell House, on a lot In tho rear of HO bar. oueli lellblioz. and petitioned. the. Connell to' de elan, the erdthmce Inoperative as to all the terri tory east froth the alley leading from Park ..trret, to state street, and ffinety-tive feet north of lark Flreet, and the same distance south from State street. \Y, .I. Young, Esq., In behalf of soma, of the pro;erty owners residing on the tooth sldoof State street. addressed the enithcil In -opposition to auy chamt,nt lu the ortlinanco. . Referring to the great fire of istz Mr. Young said that tho memory of the harrurn of that night Vag suglelent fed. any person who vrlteessed • the saute to opposo any charge la the ordinance of leo. After e. ton _lnformal remarks by Mr. Holcomb and others, it was moved and seconded that -the prayer of the pet It lont•r ba hot granted. Carried. 11V et-uncilman Holcomb: • Rioroired. That the Burgess aptetint a committee consisting of three...members. whose duty it shall be to make no PNAIIIin it ion of the bort - nigh build ing' on Park street. used fur the purpose of a Council room, residence of policeman, leek-up, de., and aurer•ain what repairs , aro necessary on the tame. and submit an estimate of the expense _thereof at the next meeting of the Council. The `plumbing of the building. Icing now badly out of rep air, the escape pipes contleeted - With the water closets baring hereto!, the committee are hereby' atithoriz-d and rclulred to have the same put In repair at once. Th, re•edut lot. wee adopted, and the Burgess ap pointed Councilman Holcomb, Keeler and Mon tanye said committee. un motion of Councilman Feeler. Geo. V. Slyer was reititpointed Borough Engineer. ..// dun Carter was re-appointzd Potted Master for I lin current year. The Street Committe of the several Wards were authorized to make the following Improvements, viz : Street Committee of the First Ward 'to repair tho culvert near the foot of Elizabeth street. Street Corninitte3 or the Second Ward to repair the crossing tm Pine street s aear Wm. Grime'. Street Committee of }the Third Ward to put down a crossing at Mr. Woodford's on Main street. Adjourned. d . Ktsu ntnttY,'Sec'y. LETTER FROM PHILADELPHIA P it I.Auxtriti A, A-fril Spring has at hist arrived—at least from present appearances it is safe to say so-anti it, is to be hoped that the "othe vial inildnem ". of the season_ has come to stay, and that we are done with chilly `:Northern breezes and squalls of snow. • ,The warm weather of the past few has had a remarkable effect noon vegeta tion—the grass has fairly started, and the ,buds upon the trees arc bursting into leaves._ A. few days more and all traces -of the severe winter and the backward spring will be lost. Reliable advices state that the peach crop on the Maryland and Delaware Pc. ninsula will be unprecedented ' this, year both ks to quality and quantity. In all parts ;of the poach-growing districts the most 'flattering prospects exist, and infor maticfn.from every point is favorable. In 1875 was the largest , crop. knosim ; the markets wer2_glutted, and a large amount • rotted under The trees. Arrangements are now being made to prevent loss and • kzeli up prices this year. Many. drying houses have,been erected by : individual grower!, anfta number of new canning factories will be pat in operation. Philadelphia built street cars are now scat to all parts of the globe. A firm here are now shipping cars to England, Ger many, Australia and Mexico. Professor King. the aeronaut, is now constructing in this city, two large bid loons, which are to be used in experi menting preliminary to. a "voyage ba the air, across the ocean. '1 he balloons will each tarry about 144,000 cubic • feet of gas, and • will be completed about the first of June, when the experiments will corn menet; at Manhattan beach, New York. If successful. the Professor will start 'on the trip ncru the MI himself. Early op. plication should be .made •by 'those dealt= ou otecouring a pump in the Innis! Teeßei. The walking mania atilt continues, and there are fonr entertainments otthia char aeter-noi going on. The pedestrians are male and fenude, and the fact that such exhibitions ,continue to be profitable, is evidence that the fools are -not all dead yet. , , The dog show brought together five hundred or more canines of high and low degree, who furnished abundan(musie of that peculiar clutriicter, which has often been anathematized when the night was amide hideous. flowerer, they , seem to Lave bad numerous admirers, and a cont. mlttce Fasted solemnly upon tlielr points and merit's. The ugly pugs and terriers were the especial adioiratiou of the ladies, who divided their praises with the Italian hounds and French poodles. ' The Mint authorities state that a large number of counterfeit nickle flire-eent pieces are in circulation, many of which are mixed in the same proportion as the genuine issue, while otheM aro Made of German silver in plaster moulds. The discovery has been Made that the workmen at the oil refineries,, though working in the upon air, and- subject to all the vicissitudes of the seasons, are ex empt fiom all the pulmonary diseases, and that in fa* those who aro affected with such complaints, aro cured after 6forking for a short time in the refineries. Rein% that-sickly-looking consumptives are flocking. to tho vicinity of the oil works, inhaling the vapor from the stills, in the belief that healing is to WI had from the, vapor gas from the boiling oil. But until it is more thoroughly tested, your readers are not recommended to try, a kerosene bath. The real estate business in this city does not yet seen% to show the approach of better times. But a few prom ties - are changing hands—and _thoic_ at very low Prices, while rents Lave tumbled eown, until they are . barely sufficient 'to pay taxes and:- insurance. Many Landings have been erected during the past two years, real estate owners and capitalists taking advantage of low wages and cheap materials, content to wait for returns un til the better times-shall come. Since the recent victories of Parole in England, Mr. Lorillard has purcharzed o Mr. Welch, Of Cheitnnt Hill, his entire lot of Leamington yearlings; thirteen in . number for $15,000,- having , great faith in the progeny of their great sire. 'On Thursday two insane women com mitted suicide—Margaret Collins, 1126 Noah Third strech 52 years of age, hung herself by a towel to the bed-post ; Mary Daly, 1112 Christian street, 41 years of age, who shot herself through the heart. Ai 125 Eutaw street, Mrs. Hannah Gol den, while in a drunken frenzy, threw a pot of boiling het soup on her :husband and children, scalding them severely. John Hoiden, wife and son, 4423 Main strect,"Frankford, driving near Falls, -at Schuylkill, the horse took frigbt,.smasbed the carriage- and threw the occupants out. Mrs. Holden's skull was fractured, the others escaped uninjured. A-dredging machine, at Catherine • street wharf, brought up the body of an unknown man; who had evidently been drowned some ,weeks ago - . - : These sample incidents - will ! give some idol of the daily occurrences it' a large city—crimes, casualties, and ex , citing aid extraordinary matters, follow-, ing in quick succession, and as soon fur -1 gotten. General T. J. Kenney, formerly Reve nue agent-at Dui lington, lowa, has been transferred to the division comprising Delaware, New Jersey,. and four diatricts of Pennsylvania, with hemlquarters iu this eity.i General Kenney•succeeds John Mitchell, who has been appointed Chief the Custom House. Them have-been conflicting opinfons as to whether any eples of pleirth-piteumo nia have really occurred amongst the cat tle in this vicinity,—a _question of the highest importance to faimers, and cat tie:raisers, as the the prevalence of this contagious and fatal disease has always occasioned great loss. It is now -pretty well established that there is no occasion for anxiety, and the Pennsylvania College of Veterinary Surgeons have- adopted a resolution-_- based upon an exhaustive re port ,of a committee of veterinary stir.: genus appointed to ascertain whether there is or is not any occasion for the present pleuro-pneumorria scare that they have some to the'unanimous conelu., sion that contagious plenro-pneumenia does. not exist in this State ,• and inlheii opinion hasty legislation is uncalled for and that from all information that their investigations have revealed they find that homed Cattle. are in a healthier con dition than they have been for many years, and kindly ask the Legislature, be- . foretptissing the bill before them relating' to pleuro-pneumonia, that they will son , isider the reports pro and con and act ae-. cordingly. The gentle spring weather brings out something besides the crocus and' violets and the green grass.• The tramps leaVe their winter! quarters with the' opening leaves, seeking_ fresh pastures and now fields for forage. Nine escaped from the Chester County • prison on Thursday night, by. scaling the prison wall. ' The almshouses and House of Correction are being depopulated by the, migration of these vagrants, who liko the denizens of the large towns are partial in summer to the country air. The Centennial Board' of Finance has commenced the payment of the lasi'divi dend of six per cent. -declared upon the stock Of the Centennial Exhibition. This, with the former dividend of 171 per cent. makes a total of 24 per cent. It is calcu lated that 16,000 persons in various parts of the country hold Centennial stock, and a great many have not applied for their• dividends. , 1 , - Neighboring Counties. SULLIVAN COUNTY. From the Danboro Review. April 24th. On Thursday night last a party of roughs from Bernice went to kentner's hotel after the proprietor had gone to bed and mashed in the bar-room door.. Con stable Scuteman went on Saturday and bad a jolly foot-race livith one of the door smashers, but didn't catch him. On Mon day evening the father of one of the boys came in and compromised the matter.... On Wednesday night No. 2 locomotive named " North Mountain," made its ap pearance on.the Sullivan and State Line R. IL The new engine is about the same in size and general appearance as No. 1, which has,done such efficient service dur ing the past two or three years. The com pany is rapidly gaining favor in a busi ness line, and its finances have improved greatly under the present managemenC ....On Monday Gecrge Mosier saW a man entering his house when the family were absent, and thinking all might not be right left his work and went to the house where he found a tramp engaged in col lecting every article 'of value he could lay his hands on. By the aisistanee - of -a healthy dog and. ftlio farmer's uoot the thief disgorged a dozen or more articles and soon landed in the road pretty badly used up. • • TIOGJL COVIITY. Wellaboro Agitator, April =4 Rev. P. Re} nolds, the Baptist pastor at Knoxville, is holding successful revival meetings at the Volrgron editsil,hotlse) about three man from Academy Cotters. .'...Professor Vine IL Pratt has been principal of the Soldiers' Orphan School at Mansfield for nearly 11 - years....Soi. funnel, late of the Simnel House in this village, is about to go into the livery bus incise inKlmint....Our Knoxville 00111te• pendent," whose loiter reached us yester day afternoon too late for Insertion at length „sends us word that the house of Mr. W. W. Dunham, on Water street in that villav, was burned to the ground last Monday evening. The loss is partly covered by insurance... .We understand six entrees have already been midi for the Walking match to come off in this vU lagerthe first week in May. • The candi- , dates already named for pWrstrial honors are Messni. A. J. Forsythe, D. S. Broad head Charles B. Subr, L. P. Williston, I I Jr., join , Miller and O. G. Padgett:..: M. A. F. Smith, of Chatham, whose barns wore burned on the Bth Instant, as stated hi the Agitator last week, sends us a letter containing a full list of the pro perty destroyed, and stating that his loss was $2,1100, and that he bad an insurance with Messrs. Weeks & Baxter, of Nelson, for $500....Mr. Lysander Smith; of West Covington,; met with an accident 'on the 15th instant that came very near costing him his life, Ile was riding on -a stone boat. and by some accident slipped and fell forward, striking on the whiflietrees and ground in front of the boat. The horses became frightened and started to run, dragging Mr. Smith after them for about 30 rods, when the boat passed over him. The horses ran a short distance farther and then stopped. Mr. Smith was removed to his house, and Dr. Kilbourne was called to atend him. After an exam ination it was found that three of his ribs were broken and one shdulder dislocated: The injured man is doing as well at pres ent as could be expected. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Prom the Mantras Democrat, April sad. We are obliged to record the death of Mr. M. L. Catlin, a prominent citizen of Bridgewater, this county, who exchanged worlds on Sunday night last. Mr. Catlin had been ailing for several years, but had been confined to his bed but for * few weeks past. He was a thrifty and 'well todo farmer, and a citizen highly re ,spected in the township in whi:sh he lived, 'having held both county and township of fices. ...The death of Mr. C. L. Brown occurred at his residence in Montrose, at 12 o'clock . on Sunday last, in the 68th year,of-his age' Mr. Brown bad been in verylPoor health for some -tears but his indomitable will and energy have kept hitri up when others might have fallen by the way sooner. He has been one of our most respected and active business men, and is well known to the ;mold° of this county.... Mr.` William H. Cooler . has commenced the demolishing of the build: ing known as the store of the la•eiH. J. Webb, 'preparatory to erecting a fine two story bank building, to be occupied by the banking house of William IL Cooper sk, C0....0n Friday last, the 18th instant, a very heavy fall of snow occurred, which very emphatically brought to. mind the sleep snow of April 19, 18.57, that reached the depth ofTiver four feet'on the 21st of April of.thatlearl It was not a good day for sowing spring grain..... John Foster's Hotel, at Friendsville, together with one barn was destroyed by fire between live - and six o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Foster arose early in order to get fires starred to get an early breakfast for some guests, and also to enable him to get au early start for Montrose. The fire started in the chamber fromisiSme cause unknown. The furniture 'was nearly all saved, but the building, togetiref'with some stock for the hotel, wale.: a total loss. There was about $l,BOO Insurance upon the house. wyomisp rorsTY. From the Tunkbannoelt:ponocrat, April t.. 11., The river is at ar.gooil rafting stage, and several rafts have passed this place during the past week. Dlr. 0. B. Sharpe of Windham, took denim in one fleet four rafts containing. 340,000 feet. of lumber. It is his intention to run them to Port De posit should alt things prove favorable. ... Victor I. Prevost; son of Edward - Pre- vost; otßussell thia. county, started for California •on Friday morning last. His destinatiNY is Reno in the Golden State. He will stop at Elmira for a few days and be joined there by M. R. New man and family of this place, who are in tending,to take up their . abode in Wash ington Territory... .Mr. Wilber - Kish paugh; of this place, employedi as brake man on the - Lehigh Valley Railroad, met with painful accident at CoxiPn on Fri day. In couple Some cars his hand was caught between the bump.' ers and two fingers were pinched.... Fred. Henninger, who loft this place a few vcekaagofor Colorado; has been heard from at Denver in that State. He, with _three other parties, bad provided :them selves, each with a mule and three months rations and were going into the mountains prospecting for the precious metals.... Major Conleling, who has been ill for soma time had sufficiently recovered to enable lint to attend to his daties as court crier last week, but on Sunday was stricken paralysii and is again confined to his bed. At last accounts he was a little better. Loosuco Joie —A prominent physi cian of Pittsburg said jokingly to a lady paticnt who was complaining of her con tinued ill hi.alth, and of his inability to cute her, "try Hop Bitters_!' The lady took it in earnest and used the Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health She now laughs at the d9czor for his joke, but he is so well pleased with it, as it cost him a good patient. BUSINESS LOCAL. rEr Gearge Ridgeway wishes to hat'orm his friends and the public In goner:al, that he Is now locat 11 at the RED, WHITE AND BLUE STORE, BRIDGE ST, where he Intends to do a GENERAL otcoCERY;,BestNE4S. The store has been thoroughly repaired and palnterl4did an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES has been purchased, and aro :now offere d for sale as cheapas good goods can be afforded.• Call and see us, and wo will do all we can to please you, both In quality of goods and prieos4 • - nespectruss. , George Ridgeway, Red, *lace and Blue Store, Towanda, April 21,'3873. ' 4wk r I PO !'.ELL 6 . • Co. • are now of SPECLIL ' dTTR.4CTIONB -in a large stock of T.IBLE LI.N:E.7V'S, TOWELIXGS, Sc., parcha,e.ed at recent auction sales, VERY BELOW THEIR UY4L UE. mir SPRING STYLES OF MILLIN iRI" GOODS at STERN'S. 11:111'-LAMPS and LAMP GOODS in great satiety at Madill's emekery store. tr. rair A pretty assortment of EMBROI DERIES as LACES at STEER'S. lir The ertieal Feed Sewing Machine does wart that iso other as do. tG Ladies! buy the " SPOON " COR- S Tat STIZIthrI3, It Is the best. Expeiiendo only confirms our for mer opinion. Via: That the nary Davies b the best sewing,tuatbine in the teathet. . yr FANCY GOODS and BUTTONS In great variety at STEI9III. yr If you want war:blot la the worl4. Black, Art. Towards, tar Go to st few iaitts awl b or POSt Ott" for new spring sod sum. Dior tlstt•. - ar BABY .WAGONS S A largo Va riety.. PAM* from up, .at Ifeca.Ms Crockery Store. • .spritmel. Vir At Madill's crockery store *little teensy boys a sit of DISHES; AO GLASSWARE Is nl~ kir* ur We laic now on exhibition the Istastand etestbeintltal patternsot GLASSWARE yet wanufsetwed. Sta4lll , o crockery stare: it. tir Coss= has the best wearing Shoes for Med, Bop aid Tartar vicar over offered In *muds. sad at prices wsghla the reach of aU. tom' Nartcm—The accounts of the late firmof ALVOUD r lIITCEICOCII have been assigned to arid should be paid to J. E. lirrcsicoex, at the AM:MMus Office. A FEW GOOD DWELLINGS. Towanda, May 1. 1r90w2. larThohighestrash priito paid for choice butter by Jiaes Ideeabe, btu store In Mercer block, Main Street. 2w. lir Miss..N. Farnham has a tine select ed stock of New Millinery Goods In great variety, which cannot but moot the wants of an. Call at her Store a few doors north of the Post office and examine styles and prices. IST When, going to the Past-Mee step nite McCabe', three doors north and examine . his gsocerles. All now and fresh, ' 2w. tilrFor tickets to all points - West, North and Southwest, at the lowest possible rates, call on or address, U. E. BABCOCK, Agent, at Upper Davit, Towanda. tltt lir No finer flour can be found iii town than that kept by James McCabe, In Mercur block. - - Iw. • or L. B. Timms challenges compt. Mon for quality of goods and low prices on Sash, Doors, Blinds and 31°104, s, and a' building ma. (ang3-tp $W Mr.- James McCabe, - located three doors North of the Post Office; Is Paylo CARL for butter: 2w. far The .Largest, Best and Cheapest tine of -Blies for Ladles', Woes , and Clilldrens• wear Is round at COMER'S new store, corner Main and Pine•sts., Tracy & Noble's ; !XV- L. J. Mosel]; a first class ARESS MAKER has oprneg bushiess In conn.c. lon with the Mitlitiery Stoic, of Miss N. Farnham. aka her a call. : 49.14• rir Don't you forget it. We intio - en excellent CRACKER MANUFACTORY In town at CUNLES• BAKERY, where you can buy the beat fresh-baked crackers. I. ' liar For BM Millinery, first class Ilair Goods, Java Canvass, Gold and Sliver tinted (lard Board, and Children's Sailor Hata, call on Mrs. M. A. Fletcher, No. 4, Bridge Street. plea - clang and sewing over ai specialty. irir The Bridge Sireec.Furnitnre Sfore now occupies two stores with a new stook of Spring Goods. With low prices, good goods and a large stock to select (row: we feel sure we can suit you. rar .161114 CABMAN having removed to Carroll Block, Malta Street, la now prepared to at tend to, the_wanis of all who desire anything in the line of Stores, Tinware, Cutlery. etc. Jobbing and Repairing done In the most espeditious man ner and cheaper than the cheapest. Remember the place, Carroll Block, Main Street,. opposite' SEit.ET•s European liotel.Af ' • Wk . • By universal accord AYEIN CA- Twartc Mtn are the best of all purgatives for famlly use. They are thesproduct of long, labor'. ous and successful chemical Investigation, and their use, by Physicians - In their practice, and. by all civilized nations, • proves them the best and most effectual purgative Pill that medical skill can devise. - Being purely vegetable. no harm can art,e from their use. In Intrinsic value, and curative powers no other pills can be compared with ther&. and every person, knowing their virtues, winem-. piny them, when heeded. They the system in perfect order, and maintain In healthy action the Whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and ef fectual, Mil are - specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, eerangentents of which they prevent and cureOf timely taken: 'They are the best and safest phoklc emplyy for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild, -but ette t etual, cathartic Is required. SOLI) IIY ALL D UGGISTS. . GREEN—JONES.—AI the residence of the bride's father. April ]6th, bp the Rev. E J. Morris. Mr. Eugletstrt 0. Green and Miss, Marion E. Jones, both of Warren. lENSLOW—CR.l.NDALL.—laldonroeton,,%pril 25th, by Itev. E. H. Crainer, Mr. o.corge 1.. Venelowc of Smlthhero, Tog county, y., and Mtn E. Melissa Crandall, of Chundlegithe. mins: comity, N. Y. CANFIELD—PLANT3.—AI.the.:I4. E. Parson age, April 16th, Me, by lies. G. 31. Chamberlain, Hiram E. Canfield and NW Gertrude L. Planta, all of Litchfield, Pa. , COREY—tS WARTWOOD.—At Clinton Relabolirs,. April ttith„ 1479, by Rev. G. M. Chamberlain, Leonel C. Corey, of Waverly, N. Y.. and MISS Anna A. Swartwood, of Sheeliequln, tra. DIED.. ELSIVREE.—At realdenee In went Warren April 17th, Manson Elsbree. aged 79 years. Ho was born January 19th,1800. in Henslerrrille, Albany county, Nei/ Turk. Ile marritd , Ecmins, daughter of Gen. WIE. MACKEY ; ehd , died about two years ago. Mr. MAMIE% came to this State about 4S years ago. Three daughters' and a large number of relatives and friends remain to mourn his loss. IIySSOLITTION NOTICE.—The tirm of Overton At Mercur is .dissolved this slay by mutual consent. D'A OVERTON, MODNEY.A. MERCUR. Towanda, May 1,-1879.w2. RODNEY A. MERCUR, . ATTOWN EY. AT-EA*, TOWAXDA, I'S., Office In Montanyes . Bl6ck Kay 1,19 ANNUAL MEWrING.—The an nual meeting of the stockholders d of the State Line k Sullivan Itallroad company, for the election of President and Directors, and to, the transaction of such ° other business as may come before them, .wlll be held at the °face of the Company In the liomugh of Towanda, Pa., on WEDNESDAY. MAY MIST, lea, at ten o'clock. A. 11. Q. A-. BALDWIN, Secretary...- Towanda, May 1, ta7943. EOUTOIVS NOTICE.--'Notiee hereby given that all persons' Indebted to the estate Of Mastic; It. Peck, late of Wysox, de ceased, must make Immediate ',payment, and all persons having claims against said .estate; must present them. .Inly .authentlested, to the eider- signed for settlement. CONSTANT DC Itt.lZ . Towanda, April, 2t, 1879. Executor. BRIDGfEe STREET FURNITURE -STORE. Having doubled out facilities this year by = becu. pytpg two stores, we are prepared to offer you a larger stock than ever' before, and at reduced prices. - FU,R,'NITUR CHEAP • Than the - • CHEAPEST. At the same time we keep up the standard of car goods. UNDER'T'AKING We guarantee aatlefaction. We aro prepared todo anythlag fa that Hue on ober% pollee, and aro de termined-to please. bny the best sewing n.! of: call upon O.'A. For Rent! WM. 8. VINCENT, Wain-At. MARRIED. cro Abnettisetnents. TWO I STORES IN ONE I We•aro selling Of all lends as It not ''CUEAPER §rECIALTY), Call and see fOr yourself N. P. 1110 ES, Towle, May tali WM. WM SIIERIFFS SALES.--By _virtue . of sundry writs issued out of the' Caret of Common Pleaaof Bradford County and to me di. reeted, I will sell at publlesale. at the Court House In Towanda Borough, on 'FRIDAY, MAY 9, , 1579, at 1 o'clock P. w, the following described proper. ty: tO wit : , No I ...ORB lot of land In Troy township, bound. ad north by lands of A Long's estate and Clibei ,Viele; east by lands of by Lewis Barrett and Joseph Bastees estate; south lands of Burble Pomeroy anti Chancey Ponseroy, C C Paine and • • Rockwell; and west by lands of Boras Rockwell's estate and V Ilf Loll; containing 160 acres, more or less, all Improved, with I steam grist mill, 6 framed dwell. log houses, 6 trained bums and few fruit trees - t he reon.. No 2—ALSO—One other lot of laid in Troy twp, bounded north by lands of --- Youngs and Dor. is Simpkins; east by lands of Doris Simpkins and Saulsberry; south by lands of Thomas Bal. dwin, or-JohnlicKcan's estate, or heirs of A Bag. ter, deed; west by lands of '," B, Barrett; contain. lag 60 acres, more or - no improvements. No 3—AL SO—One-other lot of land In Troy hero, bounded north - by - Main street, east by lands of Pomeroy Broe,iouth by .lands of Pomeroy Bras, and west by lands of Pomeroy Bros. being about lid feet front on said hale street, and "1/0 feet deep, with one three storybrick building thereon. No 4—ALSO—On she lot of land InT re, roy bore,, Aurt bounded north and by lands of Pomeroy Bros, south by lands of. Hobart 411 g Porter, and west by Canton street,.being sbout 35 feet " front on said Canton street, and ai feet deep, with one brick building thereon.. .- No 3—ALSO—One:other lei of land in Troy bore. .bounded north by lands of Bra Williams, mist ny lands of D O Longs estate, south by - lands of A Long's estate, and west by Centre street, being about 60 feet front on ..cald Centre _street and to feet deep, with ono .framed house, one framed barn and few ornalnettal trees thereon. '.. No 6—ALSO—One other lot of land in Troy faro, bounded north by lanai fortnierili owned by Dr. A -K Staten. east by Canton !street, south by lands of L W Eighniey and west by Methodist church lot, boing about Pio feet front. and 200 feetdeep, -with one framed house. one framed barn, and few fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Israel A Pierce vs II S ton g ' . No 7—ALSO—One lot of land In Pike township; described as follows: Beginning. at a • post and stones, on the highway tending from Wyalissing creek to Le Etaysville by the way of Harmon Briggs, and running along the line of lands of Allen White a Southwesterly direction. to lands of Granville 'Stevens; thence along the line of lands of said Ste yens la a southeasterly direction to this lauds of Clinton Keeney; thence along said Keenev's line - and land of AdeuStevets a tiontteasterlrdirection across the Rockwell creek to a post and stones on she before mentioned highway; thence along said highway to the place of. beginning; containing VS acres, snore or less, about 40 improved, with one large two story framed howe, one ,old framed house. framed. barns and other ow; buildings and : an orchard of fruit trees thereon. N o - t—A Lso—one other Jot of laud ,in Pike township, de-edited as follows; Beginning at the center of ihe road leading from Clinton,Ketuers to Leitaystille, on the line of Perry Cobb; thence south 27 0 east in the centre of Said road 156-10 per chest thence south 42 0 mod 21 perches In the cell ter Of said road: thence smith 52 0 west 122 perches to an oak sapling in the line of Lacey.): Stevens; thence, ou the line of said 'Stevens and George White north 3 0 cast 48 perches to a chestnut for a cornerf thence north 32 0 east IC perches to the place of beginning; containing 254 acres, strict metaure,a bout 10 I in pruvestmci buildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of. E \V Cobb vs 1' I. Cobb. No 9—ALSO—One lot of land In'Ridgbnry ivrp. bounded north bplands of Geo Chambers, Jr. east by lands of O'Connelt and Dennis O'Con nell, south by lands of ..Patrick Carroll itint' Daniel haridan. anti west by lands of Morris O'Connell. supposed to contain - 73 acres. noisily improved. with one framed Louse, one log barn anti young orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into ex.-retie:l at tins suit of Sib/alms Vanbuskirk vs*.lohn Ilurilhan. ' co In—ALSO—One - lot of land in Itidgbury twit, bounded north by lan& of Timothy Hanegan, east by lands of John Allen, south by lands or-Jerre lirlecoll awl west by lands of Cornelius Caln and Michael Gofer, and sapposell to contain about 106 acres, nearly all unproved; one framed dwelling house, one framed horse barn, oike trained barnw one 141 barn and ()retard of irult trees therein. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Dan lel W Cain vs James 31 Cain, Daniel 31 Cain and JaMegMahoney. - Noll—ALSO—One lot of land in Tuscarora and Wyalusing townships, boineled north by lands of Philemon. Stone and Andrew Lallarre. east by lands of Albert Hitchcock, south by lands of Jo sef h Harris and west by lands of George C wood, containing 44 acres. more or less, all im proved, one log house, one framed barn, other out bulldinge, and orchard of ftnit trees thereon. Seized and taken. into execution at the snit of Jas Steithers vs James li McAllister. • Nu 12—ALSO--One lot .of : land In Athens tw•p, bounded north bylands•of N C Harris, east be the public highway, south by lands of • N C Hard; and west by Keystone avenue, contulniug N of an, mere, more.or less, all impreveti , with alle framed house, one shed and few. fruit trees thereon.- -Seized and taker into execution at the ant: of Batt Golden vs Jeremiah Sullivan and James Lambert. • No 13—ALS(*--One lot of land to Troy townsl4. Ltimuled north by - land of C S Hager, east by land or Daniel White. south by. lands of Daniel White and west by public highway. containing 2N acres, more or less, all improved - with one trained house, framed barn and few fruit trees. thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the-uft of Ellas:ltola son is A L Ceoper.- . • - No 14---ALSOone lot. of limit In Springfield tw'p, bounded north by lauds of :James Bethel - M * 7- 'ton, east by lands of James flitherington, south by lands of It II Young and — James Seargent and west by lands of Nathan Bailey. containing -135 acres, more or less, about 150 acres Improved, olth otl - elog house, one framed hatm_and two orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into ere; *cution at the suit of S B Aspinwall vs C S Grace. No 15—A1.50--One lot of land in Litchfield township.deseribed asjollOws: Beginning at-the southwest corner of a lot now or late of Ira It. Pack, a post for a corner, thence east on the aurth line of lot now or late of .sald.Park 83. perches to the west line of a lot now or late of Isaac Baldwin for a corner; thence north 164 perches to a maple ter a corner, the north !lee of lot now or tare of Daniel Iteasor; thence west en said line 83 perches ton pool; thence north lei perches to the place or beginning; containing 86' acres and IS perches, more or less, exceptor all the minerals that may found upon said premises.• No 16—.1.1150--One,other lot of land in Litch field township, bounded as follows: leginnieg at a stone in a lot now or formerly belonging to Daniel -Reason thence south 25 440 -rods along the east line of land now or late of W II tireen -to a post; thence east 61 nets to a post: Meet() nerth'2s 4-10 rods to a corner-Jut the south line of tho above des scribed lot; thence west 63 rods Meng said brio and south line of land now or late of I 11 ad lock: con taining 10 acres, more or less; except i of all min erals that may be toned- upon said -premises and subject also to the rights of J Ilallock as set .forth In a contract dated Feb 28, 1566. The two lots above deserilied..eonmlning together 96 acres and IS perches of land, more_or less, about 75 im proved, with one framed. house, ono framed barn with sheds attactnel,fteher out - buildings and two orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and - taken into execution 'at the - suit of Rachel *Vandyke vs John 31 Myer. • * - No 17—ALSO—One other lot of lard situate In Pike townsltip, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake and stones the. northeast corner of J liaigh's lot; thence north 9N° west by lands of A Beecher 11 210 perenes to a stake and stones; thence north 2% 0 east by lands of , said Beecher '194 percheslo a beech; thence nr.4 .- th 83 0 west by land of - Sstunel Wheaton - 25 6-40 perches to a state and stones: thence nitrth 73 0 . west by laeds of - - and J 0 Chulihtuek 32 perches to astake and stones; 2nel:cc-soutltsB° west by landot C Chaffee - 24 .4-10 perches Ma Stake andritunes; thence south 39 0 west by land of 0, Chaffee, and 3. Ileeeher So perches to a stake and stones ; thence south 15° east by land of 0 Pease 171 perches to a stake and stone: thence north 65 0 east by lands of A Conklin and J 93 perches to the . place of Itegluning; containing 151 acresand 2t perches, strict measurer about ICU acres' improved, with a framed house. two Denied barns. a granary, other outlnaibilugs, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into executioli at the suit of A C Cook vs Jonathan N Dimon.. • . No IS—ALSO-04e lot of land le Leßoy town.- Ship, bounded north by lands of Ames Hards, east by lands of Marian Holcomb -estate, south by lands of Edward Buttalu and west by lauds of Oakley Lewis; containing 63 acres, more or less, about 55 Unproved, with 2 teamed' houses. 1 framed barn, cow sheds; corn erin, other out building: anti an or. hard of fruit trees thereon. Seizedand taken Into execution at the suit of E 11 Thomas' use vs Harvey Holcomb. ' No 19—ALSO—One lot of land in Canton born, Mounded final' by lands of Mrs - 31 E White, mist by Canterestreet, south by lands of Samuel Owen and the Presbyterian church lot, and west by Troy street, containing one acre, more or less, all im. proved, with one framed house, one framed barn. other out buildings and few fruit and ornamental trees thereon. 20--ALSO—The defendant's candle - Meet 1 Interest in one other lot of land Canton bore, boun ded as follows: Beginning at the north °tut of dam next above the planing mill,lhence In an easterly course parallel with said creek to a post eireetly north of the gate that opens Into the grist mitt tate, thence south to the north bank of said creek at high water tuart; thence a westerly Course along the bank of said creek to_ the damn; thence along said dam to the place of .beginning; containing )re annere, more or less, no 'buildings. This lot to be sold with the prlvilege - to purehaser,of keeping up the datnoe said mill slte•for manufacturing perm. ses, providing the water shall nut be raised thereby so high as to injure the Saw. Mill situated above on said stream. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W S NeWMall vs James F Fox, ex'r of James Fox, deed. • No . :A—ALSO—One lot of land In Albany tap, 'bounded as follows: Beginning at a point In the east line of the Sullivan a Erie It It where the line of land of .1 C Campbell crosses said rid road line, running thence north 31° east 52 6-10 perches to a past and stones cos In said-Campbell's tine; thence south 87i,° east 121 s-lb perches along the line of S W Chapman and W Davies' laud, to a-post cor ner: thence smith 27N° west 127 540 perches along the line of A H Spears' land to a corner on the,mmit, line of E it It aturesal4:::thence' northerly along said last mentioned line by the several courses thereof, 118 640 the place of be ginning; containing SS acres and 141 perches, more less, about 25 acres improved, with a framed house, framed barn . and few fruit trees thereon. Selzed and taken into execution at the suit of Reu ben DeLong'a use vs LerfleT Smith. No 22—ALSO--One lot of land In Sheshequin township, bounded as foUows: beginning at a limn lock on the batik of Post creek at a corner of Clark Smith, late J 11Smitles land pn the line of William D Shores; thence south 60N 0 west* 154 perches: thence south WO east 88 perches-to the creel:: thence up sold creek to the place of .the containing 32 acres and 36 perches, more or less, mostly improved,, with a framed, house, framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the stilt of E•W quiett vs John Laughlin, John Laughlin, Jr, T T. 'No 23—ALS0,—Tlie defendants one-fifth inter est in ono lot of land in Monroe township, bounded north by lands of Ellen Ward•3llller, Cast by lands of lien) Northrup, south by lauds of Wm North. rup 2(1, and west by Schrader Branch creek; eel, Mining about 100 acres, more or less, about 70 ilt proved,with one framed house, framed - 13mm and small orchard of fruit trees' thereon. Seized and taken Into executinn at the Mall of W A Rockwell vs Richard Northrup: No 24—ALSO—One lot of land in Canton boy°, bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of lot No 56, thence easterly along-the linei of said No 56 and No 57,167 feet. more Or less, to the center of Division street:, thence northerly along the center of said street «4 feet, more or less, to the center of Carson strect,tbonce westerly eking the center of Carson street 167 toot to the northeast I corner otlot No 60; thence southerly along the line of said lot No 60 212 feet to the place of beginning, be the same more or less; the same being lots No 58 and 59, as laid down on the village plot of Con lon:made by 0 0 W C (Deceit for Kingsbury, Newman A Company, aid dated October Ist, 1857;- with one framed building used for steam planhig mill, dry shells; onl framed turn, other out buildings and few Dolt trees thereem - Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Thompson it Taber vs S J Hickok and it 14 Williams sec'y. ' No 25—ALSO—One lot of land In Towanda bora, bounded west by Second street, north hly an alley -of ten feet:leading east from Second street (said alley being•betweea said lot and 0 1) Bartlett's lino) east by J F Means , land and south by - Frank- Iln street, being 50 feet able - on Franklin street and-about 05 feet on Second stmyto said alley, with ono two story brick Ilwellinkohcmso mid smolt 1111103 ed 4E11114 WHO ftlf SelA Seised and taken Into execution it the Snit of BOW . • Itam, Bert* k Co vs John Pimerald. No tb—Al,Bo—One lot of had iii Towanda hero, • bounded as follow= Beginning at. the southeast north side • lot owned by Isaac Middaugh, on LW. north side of Poplar Street eXtension in said halo, thence northerly along said Mitlidangirs east Brio alma en feet to a lot owned by Mary Jane Sharp; • ' thence easterly along said Shelia south lino and • the mouth line of a lot owned by John' Posey about AS feet to a lot owned by J W Allyn; thence south erly along said Allyn's west line a bo ut 80 feet to the north line of Poplar street extension; thence west. trig along said Poplar street about 66 feet to the place of beginning, excepting and reserving out trt... the above described property the undivided onts , N' hail part of said premises sold and conveyed bY the • • • parties of the tint part by deed hearing even date - with this deed to Clarriek Westbrook, with one framed house thereon. Betted and taken Interento cation at the snit of Ann .Miteban vs M 0 Moody - and A J narrow. _ t lii(o 27—ALSO—One lot of land In ,Tosrandabore, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point 110 feet "• . west of the west ilne of Chtales street on the line between land of James Culver (formerly od d by - William A Chamberlain ] and Mary- Catty be log the southeast corner of the lot here elver- _ Used to ho Sold; thence along the said line wester ly go feet to the east -line of a street sonsetimes called Mechanics street; thence northerly along the' east line of aalh Mechanics at toft to the southwest corner of Charles -If Taylors lot; thence easterly - parallel with the first mentioned line between Jae Culver awl Mary 0 elswokl ISO feet lathe southeast torment Laid Charles P 'Taylor's lot; thence south erly along the line of said James Culver' kit, (for _early owned by William A "Chambetialn 80 feet , to the place of beginning. containing MO; feet elf land., more or less, with one framed house thereon:- - Seised and taken Into execution at the suit of id M • Maitimon vs S G Titus. No dil—AlL.So—One list of land Inlildgbary tw , p, bounded north by lands of Michael Deneen's eat. east by lands of John Carroll. sown -by loads of Dennis O'Leary ind west by landau! Nelson GIP lott.containing SO acres of land, more or less, most ly all Improved, no buildings. Seised and taken into exetatitu ac the suit of Peter Brady vs James Carrell. ' No Ite—ALSG—One lot of land in Canton Uwe. bounded east by publhihighway, "Oath by a private read leading from Said penile highway to the Maey Smith farm, and west by lends ol George Meeker. crulatning 26 acres, more or lese..abocit 20 etres• improved, with one framed house, framed barn and sheds atta•Ated, corn crib, other out buildings and an orchard of fruit tree! thereon. No 20—ALSO—tine otber lot of land In Canton born. bounded north by lands of Georgeolllonnell and A D Spalding., east 0 14 lands of A D Spslding and Derision street, south by lands of Y T. Faison and Alexander Mclutolb, west by lands of Mrs N M McClelland, A J Conklin and Grow O'Dea nell..contaluitig 2 acres of land, more or less, all improved, with an archard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Intoexecutlen at the suit of Pont- . else' Bros tociseof,J E Bellocrsexr's vs N W Ha Cleltand. No aI—ALSO:-.One lot of land In Pike township. bounded north by lands of Leonard Fowler -and Joseph Marsh. east by public highway, south by lands of Sanford M.White, west by lands of Sanford St White. containing 42 acres, more or less, about el afire!' improved, with two framed honsetecone framed barn, one old log house and few trait trees thereins. Seized and taken into execution at tbe suit of L Very vs Miner Briater. Also at suit of Same vs Same. , No 32—ALSO—One lot of land in Wyalusingtwp, bounded as follovss: Beginning at the southwest cur t ner of lands conveyed a:William and Elliabeamp, therms along line of land now or late in the posses ' Mon of Barney Inbaboe and Anthony Farrell, west 203 8-10 perches roacoruerof land newer late in pos session. of Joseph Snell: - thence along line of tald last mentioned land 80 7-10 perches to a corner of land contracted to Linsey Graham t thence along II ne o eft rab atn lot east 114 perches to anot her corner °field lot; thence along line of said lot north 92.340 • perches to a corner In line of land now or late inlets sessitn of Alex Dougherty; thence Gong line.of ' maid land east 89310 perches to-a corner in line of land conveyed to William and Elijah Camp; thence along said line.soinfi 173 perchcs - to the place cif be- Wrenn ; containing 150 acres end 141 yerebes of land, strict measure, more or less, being the tame lot of land-contracted to be sold by:Jos• Reed, of Phttadelphte, by his attorney-1n fact, Michael Meye , lest, to James Fee and Richard Fee, of Wyalusing, aforesaid, by article of agreement dated September 12. A. D. 1851, about 60 urea !mproved, with two !rimed dwelling houses, the first earn feet.-with an. addition 12x17. feet, and the second leer- feet,- ens framed barn , two corn cribs , one stone quarry . 4314.1 orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and is-. ken into executicriraf the suit of WIzF J Lareii vs James Fee. No 33—ALSO—One lot of land In Wysox town- ~ ship. bounded north briands of G 31 Clark, east by I _lands supposed to be owned by Mary Warford„ south by Lemuel street. west by• Bradford street, being 50 feet front and 150 feet deep, as shown on map of Morgan dt Moody lands, made by W II Mor gan. all improved. no *buildings. Moody Wm Morgan's ad ni r's vsA P tenant. No 31—ALS‘...--4.1u0 lot of land In Sayre. Athena township, described as follows: being. lot No T. on 'map of John A Wood worth's sob-division of Bet stone avenue of. Athens ton nshsp, containing 143 perches of land; said map being recorded in Um Recorder's office of Bradford county, in deed book- No Llo, page r—ALSO---One other lot of land Sayer, AtLerts township. bounded ninth by street leading from Lehigh avenue to It A Packer's, east by Des mund south by vacant lot of Elmer k Co, and we'd by vacant lot of Elmer St Co, containing 36 an acre of land., more ur less, all Improved. cue t ranted bit tiding used• for store and di - telling - 11(418e, ,14.1 an I other out houses thereon. Seized and tas k.--it i n to execution at the suit of John A Wood worth vs Chas 11 Wheelock. PETER J. 'DEAN; Sheriff. SheritriOlifice, April 17, 1879.- TN BANKRUPTCY.— ln .the: Dip• trict Court of the United States,. for the West ern 'District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of, Harry Mlx.,.Xlatikrapt, No. 101' in Bankruptcy; at Towanda, on the 29th day or le7o. This is to give notice !hit I have filed my final account as assignee of the estate of , Harry Mix, Bankrupt. in said Court, and that, on the 16th 'day of May, 1870, I khall app:y - to said Court for the settlement of my said accounts, and fox/ a (Ws charge from all liability as assignee of said estate, according to the provlsloits•of the 28th Section of the 'Bankrupt Act, at a meeting to be held for thatr purt.L:o before-U. A. 31ercur, - Register In Bank ruptcy, at hiseGice in' Towanda, ou the 10th day of may, 1,171, at 10 o'clock K. M. . • JAMES FOSTER, Assignee. ' Towanda, ]fay lbt, 15:04w. I Xiscerfaneou - s. REDUCTION IN SUBSCRIPTION. In conformity with the , genera-1 tie: predation in values, the sttbseription,,t to the . .Repoir will' hereafter be ONE DOL.A4R, (payable _ vance), it the 's cheapest news paper - in the State. While making _ . this reduction; no exertion will be , - lea .sened to made he paper worthy of the' , same support it'has received in the, • past, by fearless editorial .comments upon current topics, and by a copious synopsis of the news of the day. The Agricultural Department will receive careful altention,,and nb pains nor expense will be spared - to-collect_the local nets •of the .town old. county. The Reporter shall merit, and hopim to' receire,.the confidence -and patron age of the friendS.who .have for, so many years been* readers. FIRE ASSOCIATION, Of Philadelphia. OIIIIA2IIZ Ell EPTE3I . IIEII 1, 13(7. vi CAPITAL, ASSETS nearly - $4,000,000.00 • This Associatilm contlnnes to insure from Loss and Damage hg Flom Buildings. Uunsehold . Fur. nature, and Merchandise generally. ' . WM. S. VINCENT, Agent. Main street, Towanda, Ps. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Punted and kept on sale at the EXPORTZI OrPics at wholesale or retail. Deed.. Mortgege Rund. • Treasurer's Bond. . , Collectors Bond: . Leaae. Complaint. Commitments. Warrant. • Constable's Return. Articles 0( Agreement.: terms. Bond on Attachment. - C_ onstable's Salem • Colieetora Salem Umsentints. itabreena. • Petition for License. Bond for License. Note Judgement. . . 'Note Judgement Seal. . N. to Jogetnent 5 per cent, added, Town order Book. , School order.Boogt . . 5.11n111199A. - 5500,000.00