Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 01, 1879, Image 2
Nt A 4fot:d ggto.frt E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Irmo, Pa i Thursday, May 1, 1879 PAIESIDENTIAL PULDICTIO3Ii. Newspaper eorreSpoadents and those connected with the.presi of the country 'are already indulging in speculations as to the probable can didates of the respective parties . for the Presidency, and having settled. the question, are discussing thc chan ces.of success. The New York Timex has collected ihformatioa. from all Parts of the Union, which forces that journal, to express the opinioa that General GRANT is to-day the choice of a . large - majority of the Republi can party, arid if the candidate was now to ba selected he would he the almost unanimous nominee. Mean the subject of this investiga tion, is serenely pursuing his tour of the world, mid while impatient and unfriendly journals are worrying , themselves Over his real or fancied prominence, the General is puffing hip . chars thousands of - miles away, en joying the unbounded and extraordi nary honors and hospitality showered upon him; hobnobbing with the Mi kado of Japan, or witnessing the nauolity (lancing of the :S'autch girls Of India.- - If he is ambitious for a Prctsidential. term. 'he has a strange way of manifesting it—While his 4 -intimate frien-ls assert that ice is averse toazairt assuming the respon sibilities which cluster about .the White House. Thc-re is something singular about this intangible phantom :of a third term for Genertd GiLvivr; which will occasionally arise to fr:ghten timid v_ople from their propriety - , or to awaken the angry - passions of those who :at: exeitc-diT the mere mention or his natne. There is no question that, jest now, the pabtic mind is so excited and _alarmed at the re volutionary signs of the times, that the great captain's name becomes at ,once the symbol of safety and peace. There i, an uneasy and restles's feel ing abroad 4 of undefined but impend ing i.danger to the nation, which ; makes the name of GRANT to be held in the highest esteem and respect, as the man w holed the armies of the coun try to victory, and vanquished the plotters against the integrity of 6e Union. The feeling has its origin in the-senSe of possible danger, and the certainty that with GRANT as Presi dent the Union would be preserved and the laws enforced. Thote who suppose that this feeling is the result of any systematic, un dolitood combination of partizans to give , General GRANT prorainenCe as a candidate, or that it is the outgrowth of po itical machination or effort, make a grave mistake: It is horn of the pervading public ' apprehension and sentiment of the country, and can neither be stifled nor concealed Ly the politicians, should they desire or attempt it. But as it is produced by cati,es which are in process of Con gre-ional settlement, and which may Jke shortly satisfactorily arranged, re lieving the country from the dread and apprehension of future evils, so the prominence of General GRANT as :1 Presidential candidate may be evhe moral. , We take it, only au extraor dinary and threatening condition or affairs would justify his selection as the candidate of the Republican par ty—only the most imminent peril to the peace and liberties of the Conn ' try. That this crisis will be reached - ,wee_an hardly believe, and hence we ?look upon the nomination of General GnANT as - mo-t unlikely. • , If_the designs of the Confederates to produce - revolution and anarchy should be persisted in, the people will call for the strong, hand and iron will of the soldier, who has been tried and found :equal to any emergency— bat it seems morc,probable that the Re pablican victory in I tISQ is to be gain ed for the party because it has saved: the Union in its pefil and has wisely and sitceefully'varried the country through the financial storms and.dis asters which haive .swept over the land. The. danger of intestine difficulty happiliavertetWthe PresiL tlential question is more likely to be controlled by thw condition of the country, and the financial problems of the day: Should the clouds' which now tlu•eaten lie dissipated, and re• turning reason and patriotism resume their sway with our Southern breth- r consummation co summation most devoutly to be wished fOr)—tile anxiety and disquietude of the country would be relieved, and the necessity for the iron Will and the. strong hand ; re moved. There are many and weighty reasons.why Gen. GUANT should not be selected as the candidate of the Republican party, but of course they . gill not be considered should the sit uation of public affairs be such that the. spontaneous and overwhelming sentiinent of the people demand that shOuld again be put at the head of the government. But if the. im nkliate ;and pressing danger passes away, and the candidate. is to be se lected, from the prominent civilians of the party, there could be no more available and proper selection than by nominating the present Secretary of the; Treasury, JOIIN SNERSIAN. , His patriotic record is, without blemish —in( all the struggles of the past, he . has :represented an advanced:, public sentiment. His administration of the responsible And eowplex affairs of the place he now holds has been admirable. He has reformed the abuses which had crept in, he has introduced a ystem of rigid economy and ric .,ouritability which has . elevated the .! /;)rufc . 0,1 the public service / find brought the expenditures of the de partment-to the lowest possible point, while it has increased the receipts to the maximum. But the crowning achievement of his official acts has been the manner in which he has suc ceeded in refunding the loans of. the government icy one bearing the low rate of interest of four per cent. This has been done only bydetermination, prudence and -wisdom. Opposition to the measure, and propost . cations of failure and disaster were met at every step. With great forti•ode and rare judgment, the Secretary has persevered, and overcoming all ob staclis has made for himself a - name greater than that of any Secretary of the. Treasury since Alexander Hamilton; Standing as a barrier against which the wild storms of financial speculations have raged in vain, he has successfully saved. the business interests of the country from the infliction, of the schemes of -inflationists and - theorists, and, with strofig common sense an d d practilial judgment persevered in plans prb clueing results which are fast bring ing back financial prosperity and the revival of busineis. Of all the civil ians he possesses in a most eminent degree the confidence and respect-of the people, who recognize his merits as a statesman, and his integrity and wisdom as an officer. ' If the choice of the Republican convention should fall upon him, the country would be assured that in the event of his election, the executive chair would be filled by one who has given evidence of his unfaltering devotion to the rights of the people, 'and who has shown in his offieial life a re markable example of integrity, wis dom and ability. Tim individual who desires his re mains to•rest quietly in the "narrow home " should not insure his,life for a quarter of a million of. dollars. It makes almost, as much trouble as to leave an estate ,of that magnitude. At least sueh has been the result in the case of col. DWIGHT, of Binz hamton. The large insurance on his life, catised the; ostufance*Companies to imagine that he did Kg, die in a proper manner, and som‘of them hare refused to. I;ay the aMount of their policies. After a good deal of unseemly wrangling, the body of . Dwtoni wat-exhurned, last week, and a jury of physicians and' other medieaj experts made an examina tion ol the corpse. The autopsy at tlic..time of his . death,.accounted for it froni natural causes, which was susta;ned by the personal knowledge of reputable citizens and acquain tances. The public will look with disgust and suspicion upon thesnat ,tempts to evade the payment of the insurance, large though it is, unless it, should be well established that ' there are good grounds for the delay and trefusal. , The defeat of the Iliot damage bill has been followed by the defeat 'of the Border Raid bill, by the very decisive vote of 58 yeas to 124 nays.. The friends 'of the former measure thought that they were not properly z ' supportql by the friends of the lat ter, and retaliated by striking down the bill for datilages' for losses sus: tained from the rebel . armies. Both propositions are thus effectually ttis- . pOsed of, • for the present seSsion. , Whatever of justice _there may have been in either, has been sacrificed by a want of good management. The people of the Commonwealth are willing to pay whatever justice and equity decide it is the duty of the State to assume, and certainly there ought to be some way 'in which to fairly and' judicially determine the measure of responsibility belonging to th 6 State. . . tIENATOn CONK.LIN, On Thursday, made an eloquent and masterlpargu ment 4n the proposed repeal :of the law protecting the national ballot box from fraud It was a magnifi cent presentation lof the case by a most eloquent advocate, who held the vast audience, composed of Sena tors, Cabinet officers, distinguished civilians,-officers of the Arniy and Navy, anal hundreds of citizens -in private life, close listeners for the space of three hours. Senator CONKLIN has made many brilliant speeches in his lung and honorable career as statesman, but this arraignment of the Democratic party, this tearing off of its. mask arid exposing its nefarious designs to the gaze of the nation, surpassed any of his previous efforts, and entitles him to still greater credit, confidence and esteem at the hands of the loyal people of the country. FEW people realize, the dangers to which the men who mine our coal arc subjeCted, until I there comes the re port of some dreadful accident from fire-damp or the falling of the roof of the mine, burying or burning the hardy toilers, and by the extent of loss of human life or suffering, awaken our sympathies. On Wed-_ nesday of hist week, by the caving of the roof of No. 10 colliery of the Lehigh and Wilkcsbarre Coal ,Com pany, at Sugar Notch, six miners were cut off from escape, and im prisoned in what for, a time at least became a living tomb.. The occur rence created great excitement, and a thousand brawny arms and willing hearts were set at Work to release them by sinking holes to strike the breast which would possibly afford access to them. . • IN the Louisiana Constitutional Convention Thursday, - a resolution providing that members of the con vention take an oath to support the .Constitution. of the United.. States eras 'aid on thq tallb . ; by a vote 0f.G.1 to G 3 ,, " • : VETO OT VHS ♦RY! MILL. The President on Tuesday, return ed to the house the Army Bill, with his objections to its UpprovaL: The message is quite lengthy, and the re view of the snbjee.t, with the reasons given for the Veto, inn and mai awe. The President quotes the statute which jt is proposed to amend, and cites the other statutes to . show that the enactments alrea'dy in force are sufficient to prevent military interference with the elec tions. Ile says that no case of such inteVerence has occurred since the passage of the last legislation upon the subject, and no complaint even at the presence of the United Stata troops has been made in any quarter. But the proposed legislation would, if adopted, deprive the civil author ities of the United States of all poiier to keep pea`Ce at the Congres, sional elections. 'these elections are justly a matter Of concern through. out the whole Country, and it is the right of every qualified voter to cast an unintiniidated ballOt, and have it honest)' counted. The4'resideat holds that the right of Congress to enact federal election laws is indisputable under the con stitution, and that the right includes the protection - of the -voter in his rights, and a proper counting of votes. The necessity of suelt is apparent to every one who is familiar with the history of elections in this country. The election laws are, therefore, not only constitutional .but.necessary, and.have been proper ly enacted. This bill seeks to de prive the Executil - e of the power to enforce the election laws which are gift allowed to remain upon the statute books. The President de clares he will not approve. TO for. bid that a law should be enforegd or to say that force shall not be used to execute it, is a virtual. repeal..of the law itself. The President thinks that if any changes should be made in the election laws, that they should be so presented that the country can under titand the scope of the new law.' But instead dr this, the - Army bill leaves some of the election laws exactly as they arei but really makes theni null -nod void by taking away from the tExeeutive the power to enforce them. 'Attention-is called to the fact that the proposed 'legislation does net at: tempt to change the laws which under the Constitution authorize the Presi dent to use the army to enforce the laws when they, are resisted by force. The subject, as rpresented at length, is a. pointed portion of the message. A considerableportion of the mei ; sage is devoted t an argument of the custom• of introducing extraneous matter in appropriation bills, and re form in this . iespect will be strongly insisted'. The present attempt is not_ only an instance of placing extraneouyegislation upon an 121). propriaticih bill for the purpose of' securing legislation io which'there is general agreement, but is evidently an attempt at the beginning of a ses sion, when, there is time enough for passing separate measures, to coerce the Executive into the approval of measures of which he 'really -disap proves. This IF treated as a subver- - sion of the Constitution, and as virtually enabling , the House of Representatives to usurp all - the powers of 'government. The prompt veto by the President of the attempt to coerce Lim into the .approval of measures obnoxious to the 'country, will be bailed with much satisfaction. It is an evidence, thattlae President thoroughly under stands, and is in hearty accord with the aroused public sentipmnt of the North. It now re tins to be seen what action the l majority in Congress will take. ;' Whatever may be their course, the patr - otic people of "the . nation will rapport the Presi dent in his manly and determined effort to defeat the plans of the revo lutionists. ti Tun Southern democracy havirig come into power in Congress, planta tion manners and bragndocia are once more the fashion. . The bullying,' disposition of the good old,,times" when .the South ruled the 'Nation, is fast mf.:nifesting itself. The last out break proceeds from a gaseonading Confederate Colonel named Low; who misrepresents; district in Ala bama: Having made the scandalous statement that two - or three com panies .in the Confederate service from Illinois, were raised -to form part of Gen. LOGAN'S command in the Confederate army, *Gen. LOGAN very ,etephatieally branded the state= ment as.. a villainous falsehood. Whereupon the irate Confederate Colonel, sends to the General ani vitation to proceed outside of the District that t he m ay receive a ch—ai lenge 1 Gen. LoGAN has too much good sense to aid - the Confederate' blusterer in his attempt do acquire notoriety, and so will confine himself to the k discharge of his Senatorial duties. Probably the Southern in tolerance anddomincering propensity has notryet reached the brutal point of the BaooKs display of former years. SENATOR DAVIS, of Illinois, is a remarkable' example of the benefit resulting from tender-footed partizan ship, or rather from the want of de cided party action. A Republican legislature elected him U. S. Senator in preference - to choosing an out-and out stalwart Republican. The ex periment has ended as' all such ex periments usually end, in failure. lie has for some time been no better than a Democrat, and ;now he an nounces formally his adhesion to that party, especially in regard to the proposed - revolutionary measures [ of 6114 majority in - Cougrese, Tax entombed mines" at Sugar Noteh, who were mimed Sunday in l'erY good 000 ditiolsi altdir koPe of effecting their rescue had been near ly abandoned, had marvellously narrow escape. During their hm prisonment the, men 'lived on mule meat, and had enough of that kind of victuals to kit them for several days longer; arid the.result of their experience will probably bound, they will think .s good deal; bette, r of mules than they ever base been bi the' habit of doing hithertd. ral. cue of these men was .s terrible task. A passage 1,204 feet long luyl to be I drilled through rock, slate,* coal in order to get at them, and that the passage was Made in the foirr days since the. caving-in of the mine indi caies- that those who did the drilling labored with skill is well as energy, and 'with a determination not to abandon their iearch until the miss. ing men were found, dead or alive. ' Tua lamentable ignorance of some or the wiseacres who imagine them selves qualified to settle .all the in tricate matters affecting the finances of the country is strikingly Mbar& ted by Representative Boman, who hails from the Thirteenth district of Missouri, who introduced a, bill that six millions of dollars of silver bullion shall be coined every month. The Director of the -Mint very quiet,• ly disposes of Mr. BUCKNER'S prop°. sition; by spying " the amount spec,l- fled is largely in excess of the total Production of the silver mines of the country, which is liberally estimated at fifty millions per annum,"—twenty two millions less than, the astute Mr Ilucxsza would have coined. - And yet such ignoramuses and charlatans are, disturbing the steady flow of the tide of prosperity by their impossible plans. - A dENTLEMAN from Caddo parish, . La., tend a New York Times report er that although the exodus in that section has stopped fqr 'the present, it, is' only because -the colored men wish to gather and dispose of the coming crop before leaving. He adds_ that the pegroes are thoroughly demoralized and fear that, the purpose of the Louisiana Constitutional Con vention is to subject theM to a still greater persecution. :The colored men of the bull-dozed parishes of Louisiana have been ulnae to feel that they have no rights which white men are bound to respect, and they are determined to emigrate to sZTtion where they can receive the protection of the lawal'and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Tun London Times, in an editorial article, congratulates Secretary Suss, MAN upon the success in converting the 10.40 bonds, and says the' con version of the six per cent. bends in 881 is likely to depend more than the pertWrit — Operatibn on the main tenance'of the credit of the United . , States abroad. The reviving trade in the United States will by 1881 probably render it impossible to Ob. tain money then at four per cent. The Times suggests that now the conversion has been carried as far as it can be for two years. Mr. Sums- MAN shod(' direct the attention of Congresi and the nation to the poi. icy of reducing the capital of the debt, which has been for some time neglected. SECRETARY SHERMAN appeared be fore the Coinage, Weights, and Measures Committee of the House Saturday, and gave his views relative to the conversion.' of trade-dollars into bullion. The value of , trade -dollars, he said, was greater than a like amount of bullion; hence It would not ,be possible to purchase the coin for the purpose of melting it into bullion. He considered the Act 'of 1873 demonetizing silver a grave blunder. In- reply to a qUeti tion, he stated that small notes would be exchanged for fmetiCtual colds at the Treasury Department at any time. The bullion value of., :the trade-dollar, he said; was eighty-11*e cents. ° Unnourrimus much 'suffering will be experienced by the crowd of negroes who are fleeing from the South. They are without the means of subsistence, and the steamboats on the Mississippi refuse to carry them. The local authorities throw every obstacle in the away of their departure, and -they are harrasaed and ' impeded in every imaginable manner. Of course this conduct only' magnifies their apprehension of im pending dangers, and iintensifies their desire to flee froth imaginary evils. Pus United &stal Minister to Mexico, in a dispatchl, to the Depart. meet of , State, and in reply to numer ous inquiries; gives information of a great surplus or labor of all kinds in .Mex l co. He discourages in an em- . phatic manner. any idea that employ ment may be found, by persons from, the United States, either in manual or intellectual pursuits. He de: scribes the distressing condition in which such peisons, teachers rind clerks especially, find themselves, aftir their fruitless search for anus- Is the-New York Assembly, s res olution fol. the appointment of A joint committee of fire Senators and nine member of the House to tender the hospitalitim of the State to General Answr or his return to this country has been adopted.. The Senate res olution condeming the action of Congress in forcing' certain amend ments to the Army Appropriation bill passed by a rote of 14 to 16—s Add party Tot& Tax State' TlMpetenee Conven tion at Harrisburg adjourned Friday night' Itemelutione were adopted Wing the legtaktoie to pass I" prohibiting the-wuundhoture and-sal e of liquors; l eaking that women be lam& tolrote on the question; urging People not to vote tit can& 'dates who are unfirtrotahle to a tem perance law, and calling oh the Leg; islator to appoint $ commission to inquireinto the tragic. A draft of a prohibitory law was and it will be subititted to the next Leg islature. ' • -- Tan New York Business Men's Boclety'•- for the encouragement of . Moderation have four different pledges. Tho first is a total 4ostin ence pledged for a definite period.; the second, a total abstinence pledge during business hours; in the thir.l the signer promises not to "treat" or. be tsested, and the fourth permits the Ise of wine or malt liquors at meals, but at no other time. A signs tun to any one of them 4irould be for ntany a step in the right direction and all should be willing to-sign at least one of the four. Tux. flame of the Herdic House, Williamsport, has been changed to Park Hotel, some. improvements are being made, and Hr. DONALD MC DONALD, formerly connected' with the Continental, in Philadelphia, has tken charge as m a nager. PETER Runic, is said to be in Washington. and is anxiously waiting the time to come when he can answer to indict ments found against him for certain irregularities in his financial -.opera tions. Tan Okolona (Miss.) Stake, the paper which, among many other ut terances of a like character, _ says, "the men who unleashed the hounds of war upcin our people in the name of the" Union' were traitors, and they must be branded as such before the_morld," is endorsed as a good Democratic paper by ten Democnitic journals in the same State; and , a number of others, not only in the South, but in the North and West. - The members of the Legislature are not to be paid hereafter in prof erenc* to the other creditors of the Commonwealth. The State Treas urer has decided that it is his duty to pay the moneys already appropri ated, and which are still unpaid, through lack of funds, instead of set tling with the legislators. Better pay the members in full and send them home. Wir. are not only -feeding the sub jects of the "effete monarchies" of the Old World, but now an American horse has been outrunning the' field in -Engliuul. This American bred horse is named Parole, sired by Leamington, and owned by Loni&. LAUD, of New -York. lie Wins for his owner overt s2oo,ooo,—notwith standing he is a " blarsted Yankee _ you know." _ _ • - AN individual at Chicago fired two shots at EDWIN Boom, while on the stage at McVicker's Theatre. The attempted murderer says that he in tended to kill Boom, because he didn't consider him a good actor. If this murderous judgment should be visited upon all the poor actors in the country, what a tremendous slaughter there would be t Tim Democracy having .now got possession of the Capitol at Wa4- ington, propose to remove the bath rooms in order to enlarge the bar. The great unwashed who congregate about time "marble halls" don't enjoy bathrooms, but they do require Unrestricted- opportunity to indulge in Old Burboun. Tnana was a rush at the Treasury Department in Washington,- Satur day, by parties desirous of purchas ing four-percent. refunding certifi cates. ()vir one hundred thousand dollars were disposed of, in sums varying from ten dollars to one hun dred dollars. Iv the . State Treasurer will persist in refining to advance money for the subsistence of the members of the Legislature, they will turn their at tention to business. The Legislature may be ornamental—but the people would like to See it useful.' 1 his Presiden t Wussua gave hig rooms before leaving Wash ington, it is not believed that he in tends.k) return to the capital during the present session of Congress. CONGRESS. Thursday :—Tle debate qn the Army bill was continued in the Sen ate, the speech of the day being made by Mr. Conkling. All amendinentsof feral by the Republicans Were reject ed 'by strict party votes. In the House the Ugislative bill was considered in Committee of the Whole. The evening session was thinly Offended. Friday :—The Senate adopted the resolution venting the appointment of subordinate officers in the Secre tory and Sergeant•at-Arms by a strict party vote. The fifth and sixth ses sions of the Army Appropriation bill were read, proposed amendments were laid on the table,land the bill .1 was passed as it came from — the House, by a vote of 41 to 30, Mr.' Davis, of Illinois, voting with . the Democrats. In the House the Leg islative appropriation bill was debat ed, Mr. Ewing having the floor at the close of the day's session. Etalurdayr—The House .was the only branch of Congress in session ; int was done except with refer ence to the Legislative bill ; speeches :were made by. Mr. Ewing, General Garfield and others; the bill was passed by a vote' of 140 to 1.1.9. • Monday :—The Smote only was in session ; Mr. Pendleton spoke in favor of giving seats in Congress to Cabinet officers, - snil Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, spoke in opposition ; a few new bills wen ifftrotinced 'find re ferred; _ - • - • 71101111111111131114. special Coreffa:ledeeta of the antetrasee. ' ilassusevist:44pril Se, 1879. . . - The sesskei of the Senate on Monday mein , was devoted to ocassiderlog LiAs *Clint Seedink, thirty-Rine being , thus bills. In Miner, Agate Went, terred that tigated [Krthi' against tram eztraordi ten& of t! ts further appropriation for the proseed tion of work on said asylum. " • On motion. Senate bill .making an ap propriation of *15,000 for the purpose of erecting statues of PeterMulilenberg and Robert Fulton, distingifished Pennsylva nians, lathe old hall of the Ropseot Rep resentatives, at Washington, which was. reported negatively, was recommitted to the committee. - The ghost of the poor deal riot bill, • judging from the nervousness displayed by'; ieverai members of the Rouse on 'Monday. night, . must be haunting those worthy_ gentlemen who opposed the de . fund measure, and 'causing ',hem much uneasiness. On the Friday previous a reso'.utioti was passed by the Rouse, by a Very decided • vote, providing that . Senate . - bilis on, the calendar should he the order hereafter on Wednesday afternoons. This action is generally looked upon as a cour tesy to a co-ordinate branch Of the Legis lature, and is usually reciprocated by die body to whom it is. first extended, 'while It halm direct tendency to expedite and facilitate the intelligent transaction of bil- SiLO:43 during the list weeks or days of the session. This awl this alone ivas.the object sought to be attained by Mr.. But ler,:of Chester, a consistent oppenc tit of the riot bill, when he offered and advoca ted the passage of the resolution for the consideration of Sctate bills. _Some 'sur prise was mataested_Ahe next Monday evening, Mr. Hill, of In . liatia, * a gentle man who site hear M. Batter; rose to a question of privilege and moved to reconsider the vote by . whieli the resells tion offered -by tLe .latter gentleman had passed. Mr. Law, of Philadelphia, at - once came to the front, making a brief but excited speech, id which be intima ted very strongly, if het directly charging that the order to consider Senate bills on Wednesdays was'made expressly for the purpose of affording au oplortnity to in troduce a new riot bill from the Senate. Indeed, he knew it was intended to intro duce such a bill these, as he had been so licited to vote for it. Mr. Wolfe, too, txune-tothe aid of Mr.. Law, and support ed the motion to reconsider, wllile it was evident that an understanding had been arrived at, - on the report of those who feared that new life was about, to be in fused into the riot bill, to cut off inter change of courtesies, at least for the pres ent, with the Senate. Col. Davis, Dr. Early and others opixised the motion to reconsider, expressing the Opinion, that the gentlemen who'opposecl the-,riot Gill were unnecessarily alarmed. So confi dent were,' Mr. Law and those who acted with hiar .. in this movement, that they had the thin , * "set up," they persistently call ed for trie yeas and nays,,which being ta ken resulted in the defeat of the motion --to reconsider,, by a vtito of 81, yeas to 71 nays, Should tills spectre of the riot bill continue to diSturb the slumbers of these young men, Wolfe. and Law, it would be well for their, friends to secure the servi ces of some 'kindly disposed person to "sit up nights" with them. Mr. launce, of Philadelphia, moved to take up the bill which has passed the Sen ate, providing for the receiving, opening ' and publishing of the returns of the elec tion for State Treasurer, and of Auditor . General, when elected at the saute elec tion, but as Mr. Wolfe -objected, Mr. Faunce. was compelled to move to suspend the orders generally, for the purpose of considering the bill, which required an af firmative vote of two-thirds of the mem bers voting in order to adopt the motion, and it was defeated by 37 yeas to 97 nays. • The passage of this bill will obviate the necessity of holding a session of 'the Leg islature next winter. • Two hours and a half of the three hours of the -morning session of 'the Senate on Tuesday was consumed in discussing the appeal from the decision of .the President pro tens, Mr. Herr, that the stole order bill was in conflict with section 7. article 3, of the Constitution. Messrs: St. Clair, Alexander, and Herr made spueches in . support of the decision of the Chair, while arguments against it-were made by Messrs. Hall, Selinatterly, Seymour and Leo. At the end of _rho debaze, which' was conducted in the most calm and dig nified manner, the question was pat by the President,Lieutenant-Governor Stone; "shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Serate 9 " whedthe yeas and nays-being called it was decided in the negative, yeas 1.5, nays 27. The point of order being decided not well ta ken, the ryestion recurred on the final pas sage of the store order bill, when it pass. ed---yeas 31, nays 11. Senator Davies voted with the majority in both instances. Senator 31'IsTeal, of Allegheny. intro duced his innocent, little bill , providing for the appoiutment of a commission to ascertain and 'adjust the losses mused by the insurreetieh of Jiffy, 1577. •It makes uo appropriation and has since been re ported favorably from committee. The SenatiOnet in special snision, on Tuesday of ter to consider Mr. Jones' religious liberty bill, but owing to the death of this gentleman's brother, he was absent, and - the consideration of the vet was . postponed: A local bill for Philadel phia and au act to - amend an act to con solidate, revise and amend the penal laws of 'the State, were then passed finally, when the rest of the session - avas devoted to discussing the tramp act.. - Among the reports of committees in the House on Tuesday morning, was the resolution of 111 r. Solider providing for the appointment of a joint committee on the part of the Legislature to receive Genetal Grant upon his arrival in this country,. which was reported favorably. Some of the members were disposed*to poke fun at Joseph about hiS Grunt reso lution, but he wouldn't Lave it, and is in dead earnest. ; Speaker long ,Tuesday called the at tention of the House to the fact that there -remained but six days between the *pres ent time and the day for final adjourn ment for the consideration of bills on third reading, and but six days for bills on second - reading. Ho hoped the House would see the necessity for earnest and active-irork. " • Among the bills passed finally by the House on Tuesday Morning, were the following - An act tki penult all inmates of any in stitution supported in plirt or in whole-by the State to choose such religious advi sors as They may determine upon. • Au act to provide for the destitute chil dren, under ycars 'of age, of deceased soldiers and sailors. A further supplement to an net- relating to the liens of mechanics and others upon buildings, approved the 16th day of June, ltt36. • An act relative to the damages sustain: cd by citizens of Penubylvauia during the late tvbciliou, x 1131411,5 plovizion - for tb payment of certificates. of iplebtedneso the State pursuant to outlet of Assembly of May 1811,. better_ known as the "border raid AA," was next con sidered, when, after i discussion of nearly two hours. it was_file . feated by -A vote of 1 118 yea.; to I'.lnayst.t Mt. Madill voted ie the affirm sal Regan. Ilarkness and Ni.ttrol.c in the negative. ' The greater portion - of tho smarm of the House on Tuesday afternoon was oon sunitd in the consideration of au act AO prevent the spread of contagious and in fectious pleuro-pneuntonia among cattle . in this State. £be -bill was passed .and sent to the Senate for concurrence: - An act to prevent the obstruction of toll gates for the purpose of ev.uling .the payment. of tolls was passed finally. The cousideraticin of the tramp bill was renewed at the morning session sof the Senate on Wednesday, when a motion to go into Committee of the Whole for final amendment was voted down. The noose bill with amendments then passed the Senate finally, by a vote‘of yeas SO, nays 11,, and was sent to the House for concur feriae. The amendments made LI the Senate reduced the penalty on conviction • i i a tramp to an impr i sonment of not. mre than 1$ "months, and made the pas sess'on of , fire arms a. sufficient evidence to co viCt a tramp of an intention to com mit err q. The llownsubsequently con curred ' these amendments, and the bill. was sea') o the Governor. Senator Da vies voted Wtli the nays. The follow mg bills also pasSed the Sen ate finally on lyednesday morning: . An act relating to military. claims for recruiting and-siihsistence, on file in the office of the audit er General:: '.. . Supplement to an\tet lnna tics and drunkards, gi "ng powerto courts and to. committees, wit the consent and app_fobatiou of the court, to confine them fur treatment and care in inebriate asy lums, and at any time ml- , theta; giv • ' ing poWet lo managers of s cli asylums to discharge them under the es : mak lug their estates liable for all cessary expenses, and definirr,t the meauinb of the term "habitual drunkard." • The report of the conference corn it tee on the act to grant - pensions tot e ' survis in,, ,, -- veterans of the Mexican wa and to the widows of deceased soldiers and sailors of said war was adopted- in both licenses on 11 - tduesday. The bill al l..ons an annual pension of *75, commen ding January. Mt% ~, , - lluu-c atilt:m:111:AI% to the pleuro-pnen bill were concurred in. by the Sen ate. • ' - The fc3skn of the House on Wednes day morning was,consitmed iu discussing the anti-discrimination hill, the question tieing on the plats of order raised last wevk awl heretolo:e referred to, that the bill was in conflict with section 7, article of the Constitutinn: The debate was continued' until the hoer of adjournment, without ft:id:iv a vote. The House uu IVecluesday afternocu, in accordance with the resolution passed, proceeded"to the consideration of bills on the ;31:nate cAtaidal- when the, following was passed Ilnally:: 1n act to encourage the training and Unproven- ciit of horses. - -by providing that t.o much of the act prohibiting Bone rac ing, as relates and •applies to agriculturil sieieties and driviir , park associations, stall be and _is .repealed. This bill has iuce been bioned by the presiding °Meets the two lionses and sent to the Gover nor. .A number of other Senate bills were then considered and passed second read in,;, among which Was the following : An. act to provide for the receiving, evening Mid puldishing of the icturus for the election of State Treasurer and of. Au their C. neat, when elected at the same election, next came up fur consideration, when 3lr. Frazer rai-.4 the point of or der that this hill was uneunstitutiotal; in asmuch as it coutheted %N M/ the clause in the Constitution which says that "the members of the General Assembly shall receive such salary and mileage for regu lar and special sessions as shall be fixed by law, and no other compensation whatever, whether for - service upon committee or-otherwise." The bill pro vided for - compensation -for the board ate. pointed to count these returns. The Speaker said lee would: decide the point well taken if a decision were insisted upon, Whereueon Mr. Wolfe moved to amend by see iking out all that portion, of the tell relating to Compensation of the' board, which was agreed to, and, the bill es amended passed.. . Nearly the whole session of the-Senate on- Thineday morning was devoted to the discussion. of reeolutions_ to place bats -.'rich had been repotted from committee n ith negative recommendations, upon the calendar. . The tirst cif these. was in -reference to a bill which bad passed the House,. making women eligible to be - appoieted prison hi specters e the next referred to House bill to enlarge the jerisdictien of justices-of the peace, and the third and last was a resolution directing a bill Which had been that morning reported negatively, repeal= ing the act reeking Good Friday a "legal holiday, ter be put on the calendar. After a large amount of copy had been. `furnished for that exciting-and entertaie itig publication, .the Legislative, Record, ilitsa resolutions were all adopted,. and the session was Well nigh-exhausted: 'louse bill providing fur the completion efethaequipment of the National Guard -red approp, $160,000, was passed tieally and leas since been signed by the Governor, so t the soldier's will soon have their new harness—and no $3 overcoats, either. . The followhig bills passed the Senate finally on Thursday -afternoon : An net to preventlre statute of limita e times running duriug the time of the pend ing in - courts of writs of certiorari to jus tices of the peace. - . An act to compel the entry of satisfac tion upon a paid mortgage. - An act to provide for fixing of compen sation to be paid 'for keeping and main taining prisoners committal to' the jails of the several counties. , A - number of other bias passed-second reading. After the transaction e of routine busi ness in the House at thee morning session on Thutsday, the consideration of the anti-discrimination bile was resumed, the question being on the point of order that the bill was unconstitutional. This point was decided not to be well taken, after a lengthy debate, by a vote of. 74 ayes. to The discussion was continued on,the bill until the hour of adjournment, without reaching a vote. The-afternoon session of the .House on Thursday, as usual, was devoted to the eensideratiou of local . bills, several of which were, on this occasion; declared uuceneetutional. . . Iu the Senate oteFriday morning very little business of importance was' trans acted dnring the two hours' session. Af ter reports of committees were made, a resolution was adopted to adjourn to-day until Tues;day evening; and concurrent resolution prohibiting the introduction of Lille after - May let, teas also adopted. Mr. Ermeetroutehoved that the com mittee on finance be discharge.' from the further consideratiori of Mr. Et mentreute. stationery bill. Messrs. Cooper and Clarke said the sub-committee, which had these stationery bills before it, had nut reported action bee-luso of . the absence of Mr. Jove-'. :Mr. Ermentrout thought this was not a sufficient wasps for the deley; and that Mr. Jones might not be here for weeks. The motion was voted doWn ley a large majority. , • Adjourned until•Tueeday morning. In the House en Friday morning, Dep uty Secretary of the e Commonwealth, Mr. M'Affee, presented a 'meesage from the Governor, in Which Ins-Excellency:corn municated to the Demob° fact teat ho had signed and rime - end forty-three bills passed at the present session. - On motion of Mr. thee of Philadelphia, the House proceeded to the considinatioe , on second reading of the "general awn peiation- bill, which provides for the/ex penses of a full session of the LegiAttlure for 18? O of 150 (bye, kid the expenses of the varieties departments of the S etc Gov ernment for the years 1879 and 880. T e bill, , after being di ussed and / amended, was passed secon leading. Mi. Davis (Philadelphi from commit tee en Ways and Mean. eported a joint t esolut ion providing fa final adjournment en Friday, 'May 30th 879, at 12 M. Mr: Sih - erthorn Mired the following resolution : In vi wof the fact that the - State Tie:leery •fustis to pay the mein bets of the 11 eseeitly furtherecitupensa tion for ter Fes re - mimed to the. State, - gifting as . reasteO therefore that theme I was no in my in said Treasury, therefore, Rend ,d, That it is the sense of this I Hous that said office of State Treasury, Lao' te. outlived its day of usefulness, ought -be- hbolishea. Ruled oat of or der. / Adjeltrned until Vottaajreveningati7:3o o'Llock, , C1.74/3EwAoo, - STATE MS. • Ltort IlLanarrnmnit, Supervisor of Milton . Siprarei near' Allentown, committed tad cide on. Saturday. U. was peculiarly embarrassed. ; . Tan trial of George Einaig, at York, Pia, for the killing of his wife In January last, Friday resulted in a Verdict of-mur der in the first degree. ' Wurwt YEAGBII, was killed •in the Iketoti Run Colliery, in'Schnylkill Coon -Cy. Friday a n 0 , , by the premature ez plasion of a blast. 7 • Jossra Scuasut,san trial at Wilketibarre for killing Jacob Schwalb on the 17th of March, _was convicted on Saturday- of murder in the first degree. The jury was out forty-eight hours. - Gramm Emma, convicted at York on Friday last of the first for killing his wife, committed au= his cell Sunday by cutting his throat with a razor, and then banging himself ifith piece of rope and a towel. Jai's= Forma was Shot on Saturday morning at Pottsville by a young women named Williams, who is stippm to have been moved by jealousy. The bound is not of a fatal chatacter,but the woman was sent tb prison. The affair oocared at a dance. TUE silk factory at Scranton was sold on Wednesday at the instance of 'et edi tors for $18,200, and was bought by the firm of 0: Fogg & Co., importers of Chi nene staples, New York. The indebted ness of the concern was $98,000, and the cost of its erection, nearly two years ago, was $89473. Jacou • Must!, a German, living near Shohola, Pike coun'y cut his wife's throat last week and then dreamed.. him self in the Shohol4 creek. • his body was found Thursday morning, Mrs; Baum is still living but her injuries are regarded as ticceesar fatal. She is unable to speak, anti - hence she could give no ac count of the ""causes which led to the trag edy.. Hausa was fifty years old and was a farmer. GENTIAL ItZWS. PALUITEGEry S tnFraidell merchant -al murdered a few days. ago while on a fis ing excursion. it Senate Friday confirmed the nom. inatio of Edwin W. Keightley, of Mich igan, t be.tbird Auditor of the Treasury. the ibel cue of Rev. Lathrdp against the Springffeld (31a.iv.4.) Republienn the jury has ten \ dered the plaintiff $lOOO elan/ages: TIIE subscription to the four per cent. refunding certifidates since the last report !viva amounted to 'V177,440; total to date , • $2,203,850. \ GENET:AL GEOEGE 'OvaEs, who is now in command of Om' Military_ Division of the Rio Grande,. is lyinglangeroutly ill at Fort Brown, Texas. • REV. EDWAILD B. Area.% of the 'Methodist Episcopal (.'porch, died Friday Int/In'ttg-at his residence, in Balti more, in the 74th year•of his age.,\ A NIGHT watchman at the San-Francis co Mint was arrested Friday stealimr $20,000 worth of gold A Considerable amount of gold.was found buried in his garden. J.ImESIIIMPIIIMYS Was arrested in New York on Thursday eveuluit charged with passing counterfeit' coin. He is believed .to belong to a noted gang of Counterfeit era, a-id more arrests arc looked for. JOLTS E. POINDEXTEtt; tried at Rich mond:Va., for the killing of C. C. Curtis last mouth, teas, convicted Friday of vol untary man-slaiighter. Two years iu the penitentiary was the punishment award ed. . . .3lEmcEr,s of the _New York' 'Bar As. sociation have preferred charges against the sbglitt of the county, ha - their-nature is not known. and the imptwitel official will scud a general denial to -the Gover nor. DRESS' GQ9DS 1. PotrEzz C 0 SPRING STOCK ti DRESS GOODS Which comprises everything NEW, FASHIONABLE and DESIRABLE to be found in the market, . ' • • AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES ! SPECIAL ATTENTION ItESS TR'IMMINC SZLES In a great variety of Stripes, Brocades, and 'Plain, Towanda, Pa., April 23d, 1879 bIeINTTRE BROTITERS, .31-c.pitoc L Bassi , ll; Dealers_ in • - • ST YES AND TINWARE, Maan t, . - - TOWANDA, PA. - N. y., Melvin Lew pleaded guilty to the atm of having felonious. ty assaulted a youngerl, and attempted to assault another. He was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment in the Petd , _ Wums revenue officers were destroryinx an illicit distillery, near Sputsasburg Court Rouse. S. O, a few days ago , they were Bred upon an d Special Deputy Bryon Was wounded in the- thigh and shoulders. It was We 'second attempt to kill revenue officers within a week. Tug M igration . and Relief "Association of -Louis iana, en organization of leadioi colored moo, just" formA, notifies aid societies in the north, east add west that. it is ready to correspmd with and receive oppesPendence from them.. - Crum= RASU, colored, was banged at. Tuscumbia (Ma.) Friday for the murder of his wife two years ago. The execution took platie in the jail yard, ben; the first under the new law in that State requirieg executions to be private. A uzirrtso of promiqent temperaorm men was held Friday atambos, Ohfo. - It was declared to ask thrill' M Legislature to take action looking to the submission of the prohibition question ,to the popular vote in cities, townships and wards. CozrzneftaTz Ilitetitorill pay was ob served in t h e genth on Saturday: lit Georgia, the principal celebrations were in Atlanta and Columbus. There- was a large • military display in Atlanta, and General Fitzhugh Lee delivered the oration.' In Columbus, a monument was unveiled, Governor Colquitt delfvered the address._ Rice-Mos the murderer of nine per was banged at Minden], Nebrailca ; on Saturday. A crawd i of 2,5,000 persons gathered -and ' tore down' the fences which had.becu crectitd to conci al the execution from public iiew. Rich ards addressed the ciowd, denying he guilt, and makinz profession of pity, even going so far as to lead in singing t* verses of a hymn before he was sprubg into eternity. - A . Nthirn - Etiof prominent cilloied ti in St. Louis have organized a society call ed the Colored Immigration Aid Associa. lion, and elected .1 Milton Turner, - ['rest'. dint and Albert Borges - a Secretary. Tht, association.has been; incorporated, and it. is designed to make it permanent. Its oh: jest is to raise funds for the establishment of colored colopics and to aid immigration of colored men from the Soutliern.Statts to. other sections of the Union. Tui Laconia National Bank at Laconia. N. 11. was robbed between two and three o'clock Friday inorif-rig, The safe blown_ open with gun powder, and the noise of the explosion ,aroused the town. bot , too late to capture the robbers, who, are Supposed to be milting their escape on` foot through the woods, the railroads. being on . the: . watch - for them , The President of =the bank says 'the loss amounts to $4178 in cash,. $121,000 in notes and $7,'200 -in coupon bonds which been loged as collateral for soml the notes. A record'of all these notes 1, in possession .of the bank; and the lo .s, he rays, canuat exceed 4 per cent. of its capital. Us thinks' that live - men Were engiged in the robbery, and that they arrived at Lacon'a 'on Thursday. evening, three getting - off :there and two at Lake Village. ADVERTISEtid has bscorao cuntmeti to write the beginning of an elegant,lnterestiug article and thcn nut it int&sonte advertisement that we avoid all . sucl6,:heats and simply call attention to the met its of 1101) Bitters in ai plant terms as 14sible, to induce People to give them one trial, as no one *lfolchows their value will eve , uSe anything QUSQUEIIANNA COLLEGIATE N -1,7 birrt•TE.. Split+g T erm RI 7 Leah) MONDAY. AI'IUL Iftl6„ 1679. Expeloes for twtanl, tuition and rnruisliM room 'from •l I to 4186 per year. Fir catalogue or, further 14o.rlieillaryt ultimo, the Prin cipal, EDWIN ENUINL.a.N, A. M. Towar./13, March 16, 1872. \ 71.1 f ego. 'root Are now prepared to exhibit their THEY INVITE TO THEIR c ibtiTbware, 4intvare, s'c. .~