Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 24, 1879, Image 3

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Nitadfori 'oda
.Towanda, Pa., Thursday, April 44,1879,
Designs f
Towanda. Jan. I a. lin.
IN-runzadrtiro legal adv
be found on; Fourth Page:
SEVXRAL rafts hive passed this place
during the past week, oil their way down
the river.
T us Grand Lodge Knights of Honor of t
this Slate their next annual ses
sion• at Pittston:
IT looks as if the youth of the northern
tier would have to trip around the May
pwl© in snoW-shoes.
kr is said that the efforts to secure a
flee bridge across the river at illyalusing,
.bid fair to proye successful.
HIRAM Foram, of Falls township, Yi'y.
•oming County, has served as Constable
of that township for the past 22 years.
C. IL MannEr, of Ulster, started fur
Chicago on Tuesday last, to take a posi
tion as a reporter on the Daily Times of
that city. rf
FEED. H. HOFFMAN, of T ro y, WAN on
Thursday last, appoint ed by the Govern
or And confirmed by the Senate as a No.
fury Public
CIIMILIE MIX/RE Gas pureliasocl the
wholesale liquor establishment of H. W.
Nour.ra, and will take possession about
the fait of May. .
t- ---------.
Canton, are under bail for an appearance
at Mayhem, for unnecessary harsh treat-
Anent of a prisoner.
Fon some unexplained reason the Edi
lots in charge of the Educational Depart
ment failed to furnish copy for that De-
Tartment this week.
llorr. DEt.os
. RocKwiit„of Troy,: and
I. ItlePttetisoN, Esq., of •this place, Were
in Cantoa on Friday last, investigating
the 8111Til abortion case:
Ow no has got a new paper. Its called
The INlater. It advocates Temperance.
It is neatly printed and spicely edited,
and we wish it success.
MRS. FLETCUER, the Bridge Street
31 I: iner, is - having a very largo spring
trade, requiring daily orders of goods to
keep her stock replenished.
A somrstx will he held in the lecture
moms of the Church of the Messiah (Uni
versalist), on Tuesday evening, April
All are invited to attend.
Tits Troy Gazette says that N. M. Pox
-Entry will put up a tine ,residence on Main
.street in that vilhige this season. INGHAM,
the 'Emira architect, is making the plaits.
THE now grist mill of Ono. H. Vtmtcs,
now neatly completed at Wyaliming, it is .
said will be ono of tho largest and finest
in Pennsylvania, and has cost nearly $20,-
G. H. ESTELL, of Canton, lost a trot-.
ling horse, known as "Shorty Fountain,"
from epizootic on Sunday last. He was
said to be the "fastest" horse in western
Ton attention of readers is directed to
the new advertisement of POW ELT. & Co.,
on second page, as likewise a busingsslo
cal on this page; Moro new and :season
able goods.
Cnuncti.of the Messiah (Universalist),
Rev. Wil.max TAYLOR, Pastor. At 10f
o'clock A. M., suhjeot—•`Crumbs for the
Dogs." At 7:30 r. M.-" The Last Day's."
All welcome.
Now read Harper's Magazine for May,
1579. It is richly illustrated,—over one
hundred engravings, while every article
-is a treasure. No better number has been
issued by the HARPER Brothers.
-I,Alts.Send them to this office in pay
ment for one year's subscription to the
I;nAnronn REPORTER. That question
need'nt agitate the country any longer.
JOHN S. MANN, editor of the Potter
County Jovrnal, stied;at Coudersport
April 12th, in the 64th' year of his ago.
lie ens a genial gentleman, an excellent
writer, and a - man of the strictest integ
AT the present time spring' seems to be
bout, three " laps "Ahead of winter. This
is hot original. was perpetrated by one
of the embryo Judges "learned in the law,"
ztt present practicing at
,the Bradford
County Bar.
IF our .contemporaries are reliable, the
managers of Mercur Hall will soon place
therein three or four hundred comfortable
seats. We sincerely hope our neighbors
I are not drawn- on their imaginations in
order to make this statement.
Tits case of COOIZIAIIGIL v& Pa. & N.
Y. R. It, which occupied the attention of
the Court during all of last week, *as
given to the jury on Mondiy last, who re
turned a verdict for the plaintiff after
-few hours deliberationi, of $1,6'75.
' CAPTAIN E. 11. - ItACKEII, with C. L.
tintirr, of Pa„- has purchas
ed an oil farm near' Bradford, McKean
(:otitity, - Pa., on which 'there are at pres
ent F 4! venliroclikcing well, with arrange-
In' tits fur; sinking 15- more.—Troy Ga
zette. '
CIA cm Genetal TntimonF. TITOMVION
lit:rig it, one of the Russian Human% but
now g0',117. thrtingli America on foot for
full, was in llonculale one day last week.
Thatlis who lie said he-.was 'when asking
for rail clothes. Ile is al ragged tramp.—
LEWI.,. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Taw
nom: MuLt.oca, of this place, aged about
live years, died on Thursday last of dlph
thpria. The remains were -taketi to Wa
verly for interment. • The bereaved fami
ly have the heartfelt sympathy of our en
tire community in their afflietion.
- 11'E understand that a foot-race took
place on the " - Flats" south of this place,
• on . Sunday Lod, and that a walking con
test Was-engaged in on the Fair Grounds
in East Towanda the same day. .As
matter of course no citizen of this , place
'Was a particip mt or even looker on.
THE Tunhannocir. Democrat says, that
JonN DAY caught from Tunhannock
creek, ono day last week, a trout 19 inches
in length and weighing about two pounds.
That C. A. TATTLE, caught,. one in Bow
min's creek measuring 15 inches and
Weighing one pound and three ounces.
WE are sorry to chronicle to-day the
death of an estimable lady, Mrs. LAURA
C utrirni, wife of Mr. d.. S. Gnivirs, one
of our respected merchants, who died' at
her residence on Lycoming - Street this
morning about 6 o'clock, in the 324 year
of her age.—Canton &Wind, April 174th.
We have received the "first number of
a paper 'published at this place, h - •
Workingmen's World- union Advocate.
Aftr.r a careful perusal of its contents, we
Inust acknowledge our inability to under
hlatifl its, general "drift." Possibly it is
to cbs4ipion the Crawford County- Sys
tk in.
IF the correspondent at this place of the
Elmira Frm Preis would take the time to
Inol up items, instead of depending on
minor to furnish them, his comtnunica-
Loos to that imper would be jtust as read
able and much less liable to do injustice
to the parties whose movements ho seek*
to ehronivie.
Tun Honesdale - Citizen of pumas"
last, says : ' • ' ,
"In some portions of,our county there
is still excellent sleighing, and in manyef
the roads them are snow drifts from six
to eight feet high: — We fail to - see the
necessity of organizing a North' Polo ex
pedition as long as Wayne county exists;"
JIIDGEJNciumw presented the M. E.
Church, Tnnkhannock , recently, with
a beautiful dock, whereat the Standard
remarks: ,
Judge Ingham is a quiet, unobtrusive
gentleman, and believes in doing
a quiet way. Ho has many warm friends
in this town and , county.
Ova Leßoy correspondent says that an
infant child about one month old, was left
in a basket on the door-step of the resi
lience of CHARLES Mons; in Barclay, on
the night of the 10th. The little one *sus
finely dressed, the clothing, it is estimat
ed, being worth aim& $lO. It is a mys
tery to the recipient of the gift and the
citizens of Barclay generally, where the
little stranger hailed from.
,rtisemcnts will
' WE call the attention of the borough
authorities to the fact that many side
walks In different sections of the town
are in a dingeroni condition, jeopardizing
pedestrians every day. Property owners
should've duly notified . and , nmuired to
make the necessary repaini. Where lum
ber Is so•plenty and cheap there is no pos
sible excuse for permitting such sidewalks
to exist as Towanda is &sewed with.;
skis. ' r •
'TneDushore cornet band, only a few
month; organized, is making „rapid pro
gress under the instruction of\yrof.
WALKEN, of Towanda. Last Monday and
Tuesday evenings they made - their ap•
pLarance on the streets and favored our
citizens with some very fine selections
from their repertoire. Tley contemplate
giving a concert in Barmonia Hall on the
17th, which. no doubt will be a rich musi
cal treat.—Deish ore .Rerie .
Finn IN, MdIENOEtON. A. building in
Monroeton, used .as - re steeper shop, and
owned by W. 4A. ROCKWELL, was des
troyeA by fire, together with its contents,
on Titesday evening last. This fire occur
red at about 9 o'clock. A few hours la
ter a small building used as a shoo shop,
was also burned. We wore unable to
learn the losses or amonnt of insurance.
Both fires were evidently the work of in
cendiar es.
Bunscuimme; who desire the address of
their paper changed from one post office to
another, should be careful to give the
name of the office at which the paper was
last received. We received a postal card
the other day from asu riber request
ing us to change the add ss of his paper,
but he failed to name the old office, and
the result was we bad to run over our en
tire mail list before we I could find his
name. By attending to this. Matter In
trona can. save publishers considerable
time and trouble.
Tuir. final texatninations for teachers
this.sprinewill held-as follows : Litch
field Center, April 25th. Towanda (trad
ed School, May 3d: Those holding half
year certificates granted last fall, and oth
ers requil jog certificates for the summer
schools will
,pleast; attend the appointed
examinations, as private examinations
and endorsing tr:ed not, in •any case, be
WE clip the following 4om a late num
bar of the Standard' of Cul Urea publish
ed at Cleveland, Ohio :
The author of " The Old Valise," a
poem commemorative of incidents iu the
life of the Ber..Sambel:laarks, which ap
pears in the Standard of the Cross. is a
Miss Julia E. licipkitis,.of Bradford Coun
ty, PennsylVania. She is also said to be
a dimming letter writer of much promise,
and has the gift of a beautiful voice—
singing with much sympathy and expres
sion. bliss Hopkins was thrown (torn a
sleigh in January and seriously hurt, but
the friends - who have missed her pen and
voice since then will be glad to hear of
her recovery.—Coss.
A VEIN of semi-bituminous coal, in
Forkston towsnship, this county, is being
worked ,by a company organized in that
township. .Thelcoal is of good quality,
burns free, and is sold at $1.50 Fen ton at
the mines.. A. K.' FARR, Esq., a member
of the company, informs us that upwards
of 300 tons were mined and sold during
the past winter, audit is anticipated that
a large increase on this amount- will be
mined the current year. It is an excel
lent coal for parlor and- cooking •stoves
and for blacksmithing puniceres. It will
kindle much easier than anthracite and
burns much freer and pearly as long.—
Tun/et:num* Democrat. -•
CIIAMBEWS Cycloptudia of English-Lit
erature, in the new Acme , Edition, is
meeting with such extraordinary sale that
the publishers, to make it still more pop
ular, bare further reduced tho prices.
Purchasers ordering before April 30th,
will get the eight volumes complete, in
paper, for $1.75 ; cloth, $2.50; half mo
rocco, gilt top, $4.00; or bound in four
volumes, half morocco, gilt top, Cot $3.20.
Sample volumes Fent post-paid for 30
cents, 45 cents, 65 cents,' and: 90
This is not. only ono of the choicest works
in the I.kriguage, hut really wonderful in
its low price. Specimen pages and tel
to clubs will be sent free on request by
the publishers. the American Book. Ex
change, 55 Bcekrhan street, New York,
EvEnv few .weeks a lot of prefebsional
beggars make their way from house to
house, and with pitiable stories work up
on the sympathies of our citizens. As
near as vie can learn they all belong to
the notorious , " Pool tribe "t, residing out
a short distance in BradforriCounty. On
Friday some little gills were around rep
resenting that their sister • bad been in
jured by the cars on the Sullivan and
State Line Road ; of i'ourse the story, like
numerous others told by these people,
was untrue, but its recital brought them
more or less cash. The deserving should
always be liberally treated by those who
have plenty ; but these impostors are flat
entitled to charitable consideration.—Du
shore Review.
Tux following complimentary notice of
Hon. W. T. DAVIES, of this, place, we
clip from the Tunkhannock Standard,
(Democratic) of a recent date :
" We deem it our duty to commend the
course of Hon. W. T. Davies our State
Senator, for the manly, active stand ho
took in the recent . "judge's Fatary bill."
We see by the Record that he not only vo
ted right but was forward and prominent
in the battle. What the people of both par
ties want is representatives who labor in
the interests of economy and good gov
ernment. In this respect Wyoming Coun
ty is properly represented, and we shall
not hesitate to commend or condemn ac
tording as either is needed. In everything
but politics :he Honorable Senator is now
doing his duty."
Missing.—DENNts Munrnir ' of Wye:cm,
employed by the Pa. & N. Y.LR. R. Com
pany as a helper in their blacksmith shop
at this place, has been missing since
Wednesday evening of last week. Ile re
ceived his month's pay on Tuesday and
came, to this place on Wednesday to pay
his bills for the preceding month, and or
der supplies of groceries, etc., for the
month to come, which he did, remaining
in town dining the whole day, and be
coming, it is said, somewhat intoxicated.
About ten o'clock in the evening be star
ted for his home and was last seen enter
ing the bridge across the river. It is
thought that hi fell from the bridge into
the river and was drowned. Ile leaves a
family consisting of a wife and seven
children, the eldest chid being but 10
years of age, and the youngest but a few
day ss.
NestaLoorrina AFTER.—The Scranton
Repalican speaks truly and well when it
says that: Pennsylvania has , her laws
against the cowardly practice of carrying
weapons; and the penalties are heavy yet
they are seldom if ever enforced. Men
are carrying concealed deadly weapons in
every consideiable town all over the .
State, at all lours ofthe day and, night.
Young men, who it might be- presumed
bad not lived long enough to have an ene
my in the world, tad themselves down
with pistols and cartridges. Little chits
with scarcely visible fur on. their upper
lips, circulate Aiming the saloons and
houses of shathe with loaded revolvers.
Drinking men, who are,llable to spurts Of
alcoholic insanity at any moment, walk,
car city in thiday time with loaded re
volvers. Tho mind of the State" has
condemned tU practice, and the - laws
should be rigidly enforced.
County Superintendent
CuliwukW ll 4. o.4 bfl.folk i liniri e =o l
Will'ot a WO leiiiiiiiiroilittiant•
Wayne County, mot which was recently
mlnattestln POMO tbr the WOW of
that County :
I thought 1$ mini alms irinnee,
- My will to write near sereittpthree,
- Ir I should die before MY wlSh *
' She win boMy.beleduring herNte ;
Atter her death then I deny.
That Nathan n. Sherwood I, heir to me.
much Tido ' •
My personal property and real estate
The farm of . Land upon which I the,
To Elm Ido freely give. •
le so abort I now .do say,
To lawyprs' tem you arid not pay.
• Now "rhea yrsithle my will record,
At Is my will upon my sward..
..Thal do while! em sane, •
And'Ander this I sign my aims.
' ' Joni V. tinnalrotio.
Aran. 10, 1871.—De!piano Hulitt vs.
R. K.. Holitt. Appeal. Verdict for
plaintiff, $9O.
D. R. Blacknian vs. George Fox's ad;
niiniatratom Sale. Overton • & Mer
cur.for. plaintiff. 11. W. Patrick and N.
C. Elysium Esq's, for defendant. Ver.
diet for plaintiff, 0311.00. Reauumi for ,
new trial filed and motion made for rile.
M. M. Coolbaugh vs. 'Pa. it N.Y. C.
and It. R. Co. Case. DeWitt & Hall for
plaintiff. W. 11. _Varna:than, .1. A.Sitt
ser and 11. Streeter, Esq's, for defendant.
Verdict for-plaintiff, r
In re the viiluntary assignmentof Wm:"
A. Rockwell for benefit of hilt creditors
to C. 8. Russell. Court appoint "W. A.
Chamberlin and William 'Mix appraisers.
• Wm,. A. Rockwell vs. Robert Mclntesh.
Court grant rule to set execu'lon aside.
MONDAY. •April 21: —George Nichols vs.
Rockwell Titus. Court grant rule to
-show •cante why Sheriff shall not be en
joined from collecting more than $102.90.•
• In re the petition of CatheHne Clark for
the benefit of her separate earnings.
Court grant prayer of petitionet.
0. W. Rockwell vs. M. li. Morse, G. P.
Morse and O. Morse. Rule to set aside
Fi. Fa: and strike off judgment as tci'M.
II: Morse, and open judgment as to other
Fanny P. Dampf vs. Mary Long. Eject
ment. Patrick & Foyle, N. C. Elsbree,
J. F. Sanderson and W. J. Young, Esq's,
for plaintiff. 'Elbanan !Smith, Esq., and
Overton & Mere= for defendant. On
—DAVID GAUDNEII, Of °mutt Creek,
gave us a pleasant call on Monday last.
—P. P. CHAFFEE, late a resident, of Or
well, has removed tu Binghamtpn, N. -Y.
—Editor Iltwrox, of the Athens Ga
zette, gave us,a pleaSant call on Monday
W. At.ionn, and N. N. ALVORD,
returned from 'Kansas to this place on
Thursday evening last.
—Mrs. F. G. Sams and Miss MARY
SALES, of Athens{ are - visiting at Mr. If.
N. Wrucurr's, Lake street, Owego, N .
-kr. EVERETT NEWMAN, Of Canton,
left for Altoona list week, where ha • has
accepted a position in the 'Logan House;
. —C. J. Ouunnuck., late of Orwell; has
gone to make his home in the - Great
West. We learn that. he intends locating
in Kansas.
—Bev. Bavrox F.nssor, of Athens,
has received a unanimotd; call from the
Baptist Church in Troy, at tho salary
paid last' year to Mr. HALLOWELL.
H. W. Nollii.Es end daughter
of WyFox. left " i for Topeka, Kan
sus, on 'Tuesday last, where they remain
for several months' visiting relatives and
—JonN A. &wenn, :Esq., of Tunkban
noek, has been in attendance at Court for
the past ten days, as an attorney. in the
suit of CooLnation vs. Pa. AT:, N. Y.
Rail Road.
-11. CAMP, of lierriek, who has
been confined' to his house by illness for
some time past, is again able to be out,
and was among the callers at our office
on Mundayg last.
• —Rmativr IT. ZIATIIV., Esq., Graetal Su.
perintondent or the Lehigh Valley Rail.
road .was married on Tuesday ;oflast
week to Mrs. MARY Ityrunex,: in the
Episcopal Church at South 'Bethlo,hem.
Jou.Cllarrius, who has been - a resi
dent of this place for the 'nut ten ye:us,
started for Staffordshire, England, the
place of his nativity, on Thursday last,
where he-intends to reside in the future.
—Mr. F. J. KNAPP, formci ly of Owe- .
go, wh o has . resided in Grand Blanc,
Michigan, for adme time, .has taken up
Ilia residence at Viyalusing, this county,
and will embark in dui sewing machine
—Mn. CLARENCE NEVINA, of thin pkie,
who for the past few months has been in
the employ of the New York El.,vated
Railway Company, in New York, 'started
on Wednesday last for Panama, to.take a
responsible. position *ith the Panama
Railway Company.
—Miss JENNIE PoMEROY, who with her
friends, the MeKsxs, of Baltimore, has
been spending the winter at Dresden, the
apitel of Saxony, sailed on Wednesday
of last week for home on the American
line for Philadelphia, where her mother
goes this week to meet hir.—Try Oa
—The Elklaud correspondent of the
Tioga Agitator, writing under date of
April 11th, says: "Het Mr. CRAFT, of
Wyalusing, deliven l / 4 1 two . excellent dis.
courses in the Presbyterian lurch last
Sunday. Ile was the guest of Coi. MR
UOWEIt, of this place - . I - understand that
the. Presbyterians talk some of hiring Mr.
CRAFT. They will Dave to look fur . be
fore they can do better." •
—TUE Green's Landing correspondent
of the Athens Gazette, furnishes that pa
per last week with .the following personal
gossip: ',Mr. JosEPu Derma has bought
a -home in Milan, and removed' thither.
Mr. TIMOTRY CARLETON occupies the
house smelted by, him. Mr. JAMES 'BLACK.
DURK has moved to the DA*IEI. MCDUF
VIE farm ; Mr. JusT lie has taken
the farM vacated b y Mr.leaving his
own house occupied by Mr. s 4l, 31. JACK
SON. Mr:: Wu. llurp vrilltomnpy the
premises vacated by Mr. aTERRtt.L. '
—Our young friend, Mr. FRANK R.
Mtx, the_ enterprising cle* of Mix &
WHITMAN, decided yesterday to leave the
ranks of bachelorhood, and took unto,
himself a wife in the person of Miss no,
RA BENTLEY, one of Tioga,. Pa.'s fair
young belles. The ceremony was perform.
ed at "Stillcruhe," the residelic6 of the
bride's - parents, near Tina, Pa. After
spendihg a few days of their. "Roney
moon ”'at'Bingliamton, N. T., the happy
couple will return to Canton and take up
their residence on Troy strut.—Canton
B , ntin4 , l, April 171 h,
Gruus, Esq., or Orwell. was
among the visitors at our office on Tues
day last. Mr. Grum commenced taking
the REPORTER over 39 years' ago, and his
name has been .on its subscription list
ever since. Although' he has attained the
three score and ten, allotted to man as a
lifetime, he bids fair to add-another score
to his alre.adracquired 72 years. Amon
Well versed in history, a logical reasoner
and Owe' thinker, an excellent converse
tiohalist a l id' a staunch Republican, his
visits are always welcome and we only
regret that they are not more frequent.
Local Correspondence. •
.no ma.
The people-of Grover are preparing to Meld a
house for religious. worship. They really need
one.... The Disciples of Christ, at °meths; have
secured the labors of Elder Phenix for the coming
year.... if. If. Heald, District, Deputy, installed
'the =leers of I.entiy bodge 1. co. cp. F.. on the kith
inst., and District Deputy. D. W. Septt, those of.
Glanville Center Lodge. on tho 11th 1n5t....0n
the '$ h lest. Henry Stone, air old and respected
citizen of Leßoy, died after a very brief sickness;
aged 70 years.. Oa the same i day. ;lobe Wilcox,
of Granville, died of consumption; ago 17 years.
....A barn belonging to if. W. licCraney, of Le-
Roy, was burned with all its contents on the MM.
Mg of the feli. Cause of the' ere =known. In.
surance, 8100.... A. barn belonging to John- Bald
win, of Granville, was burned on the • 7th. One
horse, five cows and considerable other property
was consumed.. Caused by the upsetting of . a
'intern: Insurance, req....The , viewers o 6 tbe,
application of the people of Carbon Ban for an Its
dtpetident School District, hare' run mit the Mour
darks. and the petition mit have every reamit.,to
expect their petition will be granted. Theft is
but one resident that o a sis real estate within the
proposed district... Jar. Charles ger= of Bata.
clay, was roamed by the cries of an infant .aboat
Midnight of Friday last. On rine to the door, be:
found a clothes basket containing spittle 'girl
intently several weeks Me, -els themes, several
bon:leiter medicine aid milk, with Ober fltingi to ,
melt the ocoeston , Bat who or who* its lo
irdflasssytterl.' • • .
• ... •
Laufyi atm&
Will em= but idewil.min fanners win Dire
hays all their west to do In a *art them Anew
'boatmen') roma labia phialiN• abill Ida* lam
ground add 'admit: dmgmDateialess
pis am April 11118. lir. T. IL Cam. tIMIPt
tar proprietor of thEli•iltaysville noese.' bag_
he a arst.elass hest Tan Jeseph.
Bomb has to lb* ruffle orma..
waxen*, • isamienadallalbirrlbilidtb•
irm Maier= In Oa shop formerly orenpied by Wilt
Ilam Ir
elwer , 'llarr.nahliteMi Ina es llm
Harrisburg tau weet. and tw ld its _Warier
VMS* arossaptl=
wife of the err. James Richmond, dt=
deleikand Was taken to her Wm M
'for burial. Mt. lticinnotti bas =WV
the entire enSaminity is is sad
nyan. Country thiputotondeat, had atirmainlidatm
of teachers brim es the 14th Install% whiek was
vim wen attended: Trot. Ryan Is trildetitlf the
right man In tbs" Ante pl ate , sad hi a molt valiant
haperintendinzt. and ves eon' t fair
shariee.'altil shows no avers. It is niipie pestles
to Jaya hie, that he Made a very tamable Im
upon Thome Who had sot met, w hlui
rad and Ulm films ith
were mar.
a few days slime; a lso. Yr. James, Baldwin and
Mtn Ella Moon: 'hay long ills and hapesete
their portion, as they glide Mini the Minim of
time...,The sewing society of this nitre, Iwect to
be inchsd a news media* abostnayi it. b
'the eat of the Le Itaysvall. Aderrit•er '
ri 111 at the above data. and; will be a neat
end Ihre paper, with marks of lesalllsath n as.
lathed. . airman!.
Ka.EDI:TOR rTeiday, at MS AM., foosa ear
melees easels for the Sim tauten pew. and aawe
never noticed may Itendomi of Ita l• ways aod 40.
Imo.» we determined If they came withlarapture
of our penciy to end theta for publican's. quite
conad , st when we remembered the popularity of
our old friend, the Introavan. - .'that this would
be thalietter way of expreashig our appreciation Of
the entertainment and kind beepitaltlyi metered
on our arrival by the,
Not that the ovate is very complicated. but' for
the benefit of those who are not abed ir familiar
with It. we shall endeavor to inakeour map a plain'
Leaving the main road at the tows fibulae-
Arlin. we find ourselves In the classically (?) comfit
"Ootow, Wi th Mita, for tepees. log in the way of building neat and cosy relieve,
and making the mast of the beautiful matehals
found to manes, fennhtlimbingiinesi andwealtti
of woodland tteasurew—would Chien a mere' digni
fied and less nets, title, and yield,not only the
momenta and refined serroondlega t but also replay
from Its rich lotHin &bandolier, of Rrenglidal
physical food. Commencing at Ike northein part
of whet we Skidielin the "**tending
to the bOinulary line which divides the townships
of fittesbequln and Litchfield, is the tract of kW .
Scree owned by Hesus. Depsw Jt Cipwritibilti me*,
lirratid. The old OW on on of iII **tote is
• fast goingtedeeay and ruin, and ibe'ontlei tract
of land wears a decided look of neglect and forget
fulness. Once over the boundary line, however,
and there is a certain uplooking In agricultural
surroundings and a wholesome thriftiness, which
awakens our interest In the owners of these pleas
ant Llichtleld.honses„ aod—we must beg your par
don; bin 'pleasent surroundings, have their
Maw back s=for right in the midst of noting these.
we found ourselves struggling With frantic and
most comical earnestness to keep the right aide of
the "platform "—to which a snowbank seemed to
deny us the right. With merry laughter we soon
left this behind us, mid after pewits, th rou gh e the
'tartlet' Hollow" district, (where is locaLM shin
gle, grist and saw milliwlth apparently an attend
anceof working material), we timed our arrival at
the pleisintli. E. Church about litativa. ish, where
the occasion calling us, the "concord of sweet
reminds" by the home residents and some facto
talebt, Was to he tested at the eoncerrgiven In the
evening. !Upon our entrance we found an active
and thorough rehearsal of the exercises taking
.place under the direction of Professor Drown, who
bad been conducting the three_daysl Convention.
We only do Justice here when we add .that this
rains good natures Professor hiss acquire the most
of his musical knowledge through selbefort, and
because of this is ready and wining to act as mie
plenary In the field or song and aid others. But we
digress. Mrs. Minor, whose pleasant face lied
,earnest interest In the exercises., immediately at
tracted one attention, officiated as organist during
the remainder or the morning session, our late ar
-Mal however pfeetuded the thought of ,lUtenlng
tertian, Castello; the hour of Ainandsaine being
soon antlounced, and the generous hospdality of
the . residents made evident through the friendly
"invites" to dine with them "at home."
One glance at the clouds, threatrning rain, made
us favor the luncheon provided in case we did not
feel disposed to " line out:" Mrs ann. (we did
no: think to ask him If he was related to Samiiel F.
B. blurAe, of electrical fame), made one of our lus
•pronsptu plc-etc group, while modest Amy, Bi—
wa* pleasantly attentive to our comfort in giving
us deliclmudy made tea, etc.
The afternoon mishits found tha pretty blonde,
Sallie playing sceampaultneuts for ear Or:
Tarbes, Nettle 1,.-and Ida E. F—. Of course
long sequitintsom makesns partial to the aeknowl- -
edged! and more Min ordinary musical talent of
the three young Lidle's named. The tenor t , Miles
o—. In tus InlmitaAle rendering of .• Aunt Jedee
Mali." was particula rly successful, possessing as he
does the happy faculty of giving his songs life—
through facial expression. Mr. Lloyd F— also
took part In the Singing. We cannot but express
our regret here. that he has forsaken tenor for the
...baser part." In remembrance of the wonderfully
effective power he possessed as a tenor. Mrs. 'Ella
W.'s sweet alto vette on ly needs culture to mature
Into one of considerable merit. ee Among the young
er misses taking part In tee hearial preparatory
for ihe_evening entertalutuent, there comes& please
ant armory of. the refined and spiritual face of
Ackerman.e and the merry, mischievous. spark
ling eyes of Mimule linen., Ada and Amy.' Messrs.
Lupger, Munn*, Morse and Parsons sustained their
parte well In the several songs sung. while tits
Messrs. Longer, Parsensand Campbell were mi.
dently favorites. We regret thakit was Impossible
for us to learn the names of all those taking prom!,
tient part in the-exercises, and whose singing real
ly demands peewee) mention. butshan try and ex.
.onerase onrsetres from any merge of partiality.
by saying our "will was good enough" had we
been fortunate In obtaining their names.
At the close of the afternoon session we Weemited
the proffered hospitality of Mrs. Howard, wife of
Her: Mr. Howard, and passed the brief time Most
enjoyably at their pleasant : home, where the at
mosphere seemed characterized with' friendliness
and geod Christian cheer.;
flack to the church - again at :o'clock, where
notwithstanding the mast enpleasant Weather, a
goodly number were assembled, and still mitten
big to come...among who* war "'Will" bringing
the somewhat in ff 1 news that the route
which we had cornenver in the morning was Immo
sible—aud, oar return home necessitated the longer
drive th rough the •• Narrows.", SuMclent bathe day
Is the evil thereof, and we placed our, thoughts of
.anxiety by, in n gent to the "home going.' saws.
prepared eoenjoy the programme of the evening.
Professor 8.1111 (WU ced the opening exercise quietly
to his school, and the Lurd's Prayer chanted, seem
ed Indeed a most appropriate selection. After this
billowed elks, duet's, qtrartetts, and double gear-
Mittel., and - the full chsrus of voices—each of the
several parts beteg Skillfully and admirably 'ints•
Mined by the gentlemen and ladies before mention.
ed. her. Howard wade a few timely remarks, and
the exercise* were closed with the united voices
of "entertained and entertainers " Joining tri sing
ing "Coronation." Eleven reelect : we had nut.
:realized the programme was so long, and really be
gan to dread the hunger drive—of nine mllea—over
wretchedly bad roads, but resisted the importunl..
ties of the Litchfield friends who wished us 'to re
main until morning.-
, Sgt.:Editor, 1 would describe this later taken
route, on( y• very imeertale moonlight' would be
likely to mate the description ina.cenrate. perhaps
Vlore familiar with the name, will recognise It:call
ty Chen we repeat the words of one'of our wmpan
toes, who satd. This is,. Web City,' M-÷." It
occurs to us now, we must Imo recelihis in
formationtff. unappreciative silence f ortelong
drive is effect In a weariness ctinf by all.
though welted no reason to regret the day passed
et., pleasantly In Litchfield..
tt we Nye ; failed to chroulele many Items of-In.
toted go bleb' were suggested to our mind in the be.
ginning of this r.iniaisconee, It Is only became 'of
tear of already haying trespassed en the splice
to which torsi correspondents are limited. •
March 31, Islo. MATTIntla.
Neighboring* Counties:
From the Democrat. Laporte, April let
Mr. Henry Van Etten, of t hisplace,
met with an accident on Sunday last that
proved quite severe in its results. Ashe,
in company with Mr. Frank Crossley,
was driving along the plank road neat
Ttiorudale, his horse became momentari
ly frightened and shied from the road at
a place where the.roadway Was somewhat
elevated; causing the vehicle to upset.
With gentlemen were thrown from the
buggy, Mr. Van Etten only sustaining in
-jury, ho having the misfortune la have
two of his ribs broken by the fall, and re-'
ceiviug other inkiries of a less serious na
ture. lie was brought to his home" in
this place and medical 'attendance sum:
: r ecovery,
where he is now in a fair way of
: recovery, notwithstanding the severe
thock he has sustained.
Promithe Dur.hore Review, Apritl7th..
Frank Lewis, at present in business at
Motirocton ban been here for several days
account the dangerous illness of his
father. Frank's devotion to his parents
has always been-marked and according to
the Fifth Commandment his rewind will be
certain: ...A band; of Gypsies Mere.cittop
ed near here the litter days of last week.
They sold and traded some horses around
town. The women told fortunes and pick
ed up what few dollars the last humbug
in:this line ,had failed to get.... Charles
Funaton's fast horse was taken sick last
wick and brought up,in the bone yard.
The:animal a few months since traveled
from Laporte . to Dushore-10 miles- T -over
a rough hilly rad, with two,in the. bug
gy, in -45 munites....John 'Reeser and
Barney Wise were out trout fishing last
week. :They
_caught 17, some of them
pretty fair but mostly of a small size. It
is e.ntirely too cold yet for even fair fish
in:,...iiiss/Emuus, dal:Otter of G. '.lll.
Bline,"ketufned home on Friday after an
absence of four years.
Wellsboro Agitator, Aprlllslll.
Mr. Cecil L. Deane, of Denver, Colors.
do, is spending a few days witlk hivrelit
tives in this borough, baying been called
home by the dangerous illness of his
motheq....Captitin • Pitts, of : Mansfield,
was 'attacked by one of his' cows 'last
week Sunday, and quite severely bruised.
Mr. Charles Ryon, of Ti had a
scrioits stroke of paralyiiii,_ affectipg his
left side. last week. Monday night.... Mrs .
James Dewey, of Covington township,
was thrown front a-buggy by a - runaway
horse recently, and severely injured..
803(117S1(A3NA comm. • -
Prom the it entre* Dement, Aprfl Nth.
Co9rt convened on Monday llatAwith a
good attendance. Judge McColluter
siding. - 'The major part •of the • day was
occupied in henries; and deteunining the
questions raised by _remonstrances pre.
seated by FOMPf of our citizens agaiust
the licensing of druggists, and placing
the sale of liquorkin the -hands- of = hotel
keerere.:..3lr. ideseis Tyler; of Ihidge.
water, lost a very valuable horse last
week. Several horses have died ,Wiz
'vicinity daring tholost few monks:
Tam Osiwodeaamuse.—A alegde,
pure. Manley remedy, that mei mity
timat i aodtptirientsAissas,lol( the
trerrg,=eier a
ti o=con taii i i i iiie llitters is
blamed by thosisse who e been'
saved and euratiorit Will you try itt
, 11 / 11031.1
rir George Ridgeway wishes to inforat
me Meads lied the la general, tliat be Is
sow lasted at the NCO. WRITE AND RUIZ
ISTORSMITIDOZST.sieiggi to do: a r
GENERAL OROCICRY austmass. Two oiFe
Ms base tberoeglity repaired sad petaled, and is
besteruabistil, sad an aqw olle twr mile is
eggepd rl . awl see
is; Will do alliter dant° yaw . . both Or
quilt, et goods aadirjees.
' . Respectfully.
• er. George Ridgeway.
ItsS, White anklibteStosi
3'ogaadit,4pita 28. ,
. i f.,. alla now of 4 - : ,i )
.4, T ,T r ico#6.;s
• *, in a large stook of
...,,..)...;,.i .,- ~.4 '1 , 7 7i • _..,
TABLE' L.lllV I IEUVAS; ' ' -
purehased crt recent cziwtioit
4(i,ks," . I,:;._',
to - A pretty aseprtnaeot of 'Empuor,-
rir ',Wiwi buy the "SPOON " COR
SET at STEW: S. ft Is the beat.
In great varlet/at STERN'S.
aro° to bliss N. Farnham's a few
doors ncdth of post omee for Dew dpdag sad Plum?
mar flats.
.. .
. .
Itlr.Coning' has the best wearing Masi
for; Wen; Soya and Youths , wear over offered la
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all.
Cam` Ncrrrcs.—The accounts of the late
firma ALVOIRD k nacucoca have bies.aasigned
to and Amid be paid to J. Z. HITCHCOCK, at the
lir For tickets to all points West,
North and Southwest, at the lowest possible rates,
call on or address, U. Z. BABCOCK, Agent, at
Upper Depot, Towanda. flit
Or L. B. RODOEIIB challenges comps;
non tor qua* at goods and low prices on 824.
Doors, Blinds and Noldlinis, and al 'building us.
Wrist.l. ll agattn
Vir The Largest, Best and Cheapest
line of Shea for Ladles'. Miaow'and Children..
lieu Is found at Consign's new not* corner Main
and Meseta., Tray a; Noble'. ltioeh. ape.7ll
it Don't you forget it. We have an
'exeelient CRACKER MANUFACTORY in town
at COMLZIP BAKERY, where you can y the
beet fresh-baked crackers.
ifir For linci Mminoiy, first class Hair
Goods, Jam (lanraaa, Gold and Silver Unto! (lard
Baird, and Children's Sailor Bat% all on him M.
A. Fletcher. No. 4, Bridge Street. Bleaching and
asulagarrer a apeetaltit
tar n o Bridge Street Furniture. there
now occupies two stores4lth a now 'stock of Brilfig
Goods. • Wlth low prices. good goods and a large
stock to select from, we feel sore we can snit you;
rilr Join; CinmArt having removed to
Carroll Sleek, Wain Street, is now prepared to at.
temakto Moistest, of all wpoolealrealgrilipoPlYle
*no , of Staves, Thiwar4 -- - Cutlery. itac ^ Jabbing
and Repairing done In the most expeditions man.
ner and cheaper than the cheapest. Remember
the place, Carroll Block, Main Street; opposite•s Runipeats ÜbbitAi,
Xs" I have a flue Mason & Hamlin Or
gait.with so-boiss sio-oessys coupler. belts (tz
1n4054 n'e r a chtifth. plc (eagaell toOlita.
haitad altitudes° tof a abort ttme.ark Will be
W . Various causes—Advancing years,
care:sickness. disappointment, And beindliar
predisposition -all operate tir tore ttre halt gray,
and either of them Inclines It to shed premature.
ly, 4T11.11 . 8 . BAIA Vltlo6 restore faded or
gray, light irmt! rad hatifo a dell brown or deep
black; as may be desired. It softens and cleanses
the scalp, giving It healthy action, and remotes
and cures dandruff abd birmors. By Its rise falling
hair is checked, and a new growth will be produc.
ed tu - Sil rases tubas the /Oars era pn‘tisiffir.
ea or glands decaritl. Its effects ate beautifully
.01 . 0W13 on brashy. weak, or sickly hair to which a
few applications will -prodigy) the gloss and fresh.
nese of youth: Ilaimless and sure in its operation,
It Is intomparable as a dressing, and Is especially
valued for the soft lustre and ?Uhl* , et lime It
imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will
not soil or color white cambric ;- yet lasts long
on the hair, and keepilt ?rest:lend rigoioui. FOR
by Rev. IL Ifamplln. Edgar Congdon and Ella
Routes, both.ger toy. .
„ -
SHAVE:OR—TAYLOR—By Eld J. L..Phcenlx. at
the resideMm of the bride's parents April 10th,
James 11 Shaylora( East Troy. sllit Fl Ol ..
'nee L. Taylor, of Omurale Centro.- .
.011C131T.-CLARK-4n Troy. - Aprtl - tenklir Item
- 8. L. Cutele, Frank (1. °mutt ernradford. Pa.
and )H I.lxxin langhter of Mrs. Briyee
of Troy.
MURDOCK-011.1110IIR—At the Preebyterlan
Manes on the NM In*. by the Bor. JohnSAßca
art. D. D.. Alexander Mutdoelt and Übe VAMes
tithnonr. both of Ulster. 2 '-'
VOG6L—DIMFir,ENBACH.—At the Parlarnadel.
Mosliroette. HatteelVArm
.strong. Mr. Julius Vft , el of Bernice. and Mtn
Angle C.. Ittedenbae, of Duatore.., &Miran
STSVENS—fn Sylvania, April 12th, of general
.debilny, Callsla, wife of Joel novena, aged 72
yeani. .
PASICS.—!* Went Onward f rum. A limas. ea Wed•
newley. 16th init. Warren Parks, aged 70 Tears;
' to join with those lo qo that way before him, In
works 40.1014 c wild teeth. la which his
soul delighted! while t mit an inhabitant of the
flesh. An old and esteemed citizen ; a faithful
friend ; a kind husband and father; hb ernibelov.
ed of all who knew hint.
• .. .
General dealers In Omanles and Pretties, Panes%
Block, conterlilabs and Briggs tenet& •
• ~ , ,
rainoS. , , situates
rear per bbl . # 11 21411 013, 4 71(1) 700 ,
Floor per t00k... ' 1.300:44 1 405. 1 75
Con Weal per 100 Rs . 1 Ilell. 411 120
,Clbop teed. . 3.000 1 7241 •
, Wbeat, per ba5t...,... —Oll4 lOf 2 00* IIS
Oats ...Via
• • - 4+41150 sos
5* 411
Oa ,••• • UPC LS
„lltteliwbeat - '' 3411 46411 50
leettobest lbw 1 4 2
70 1 ism 1 TS
Ctoinfo seed, • 450 pao
Ttniothy • wastens. . - 1 400 2 74
Beans, 42114,......... IOMI 40 . 1 22. 271
Pork. mess. ..... libel. 12 011
-Messed hogs • 46114 ,
Hams— ........ .811•••• NIS ' HO 1
Shoulders ' 11, •• ,• , :.-, t_ 1 _,
Chickens .. ) 4412111 vs t . 11/
Turkeys tel 111 „ tee 12
Ducks • • se ' IF"' • 210 , ' IS
Genre . 0 •• 10 10
Lard Of ' 7 tell
Statist. tabs , 140 Ss: - 'l Ol O - - is
Rolls 1412 12 : 1 5 0 II
11. Hash seg . , , • 12
Cinlis ....e -AOO 11 1221
Wean apples. bons • - .
Potato" per ballot... 4. pg, . . ,740 ft
Onion.- . '•,- i noun , i.. i n
''lessons. • n . x . 35
• COlliiolsD prt DATTO . 71 • snO.
- Aides SION
• Veal atlas
Deacons ' 4
• Sheep Pelts ....-... 1 MSS II
'Moo A
•••••cp, .....rwirpi11t!......17 , “?.,••9' 11 2 1 4 g
West '
.t•TV . :IIr. • c'Zr.....i Ili :i . : 1.•• • :" . • • 41 '...`.• U.' . `..'l .1- .ta
01116BIFFIRV-81.1190.a11Y 'Wetue
of gawky vitniesbe oat of the Court of
ICOMlntotrianiAd arillford-Caudy ad la me di
rected, I wlll sell at pubUcrsate. at the Court House
IS Ta rt 011411116iiss'IntIPATONAIr Lew
Otis let r. sawbalosing deselibed porta
-111 wits
ed north by st bads of A Long's estate andiGtles
•Vhder mi bp.lapt, of %Orb Minos
Bazter's *stadia south by lairds °filiation
Yid Cloaca Pusavoy, C Patneand A Biala
aid west by bads of Sens itteltaelPs astute and
V ; costahang Ile acres. more or lees, all
elthri stains grist min. a haslet Mien
log houses, 6 UMW brans and few frult &mos
so e—ajle other: lot . of labd In Troy twis,
bounded north -lam Wide or TowiNsind Dar.
Is bliepthut' Nut by , tied. of Ports Simpkins and
naulsberm; south by lands of Thomas Bal
la* or Ida neKeen easta of labs of A Bai
ter. 6ee'd; west by lands .ot J B Barrett; contain-
Mg NI sena mare arlera Irepromemituta, ,
No a—ALSO—One other tut of land in Troy boro,
bounded north by, Male street, east by lands of
'Pomeroy Bros; earth by hinds of Patera. Bros,
and west by lends of Pomeroy Bros. being , about in
that trout oa salt Yale after, mod so, feet deep,
with one three story brick betiding therem, •
Ifir4-.4ll.Bo—eateefser let °nand laTrey bola
beardede north and east by lamb of Pomeroy Bros,
south by lamb or , Hobert ac: Porter and west by
Cantoretreet;belng a btynt gi feet 'front otisald
Couto* street, and te feet deep, with one brick
building inertia..
• ,•
No s—ALSO—One other lot of land In Troy bogie,
beaded meth hy lands-et Bra Williams, seat of
lauds of D estate, south by lands of A
Laugh estates and welt by Centre street, bang
*bootee feet fried on said Centre street and so
foist with Geo framed house. one Darned
, lsnalteve ornameatel toseetheeses.
No 6—ALSO—One other Mot land In Troy bor .
honadeduseth by binds tarnierta'oanied by by Dr A
L K Axtell. east y Canton ,sireeti south lands of
Witlghtney , b mad wad by Methodist einarch lot,
belnx *boat CM feet front and Ital feet deep, with
nee framed house. one traeod hartkand tee fruit
and ornamental trees thereon. Seised and taken
into execution at the suit of Israel A Mercers 11
t •o `.l
Long . •
No ALSO—One lot of land In rike, township ,
deseethedl W Mier* Iteittrand:nt. a 'mat and
stapes ota , the•htiliwny-leatUng from Wysiesing
treek to Lettaymille by the way of Harmon Brim
and running alms the line of kinds of Alien White
a southwesterly direction to lands of Granville
Stevens; thence along the line f lands of said Sid.
Tens In $ southeasterly direc tion to the lands of
Clinton Keeney; thence along Said Keeney , ' line
and land of Aden libarens a northeasterly direction
across the, laretwell croak to a - pait and stones on
the before mentioned highwayuttuntre Wont said
highway to the place of beginning; contaliaing 55
acres, more or less, about 40 Improved, with one
large two story framed helve, one old framed
house. framed barns and other out buildings and
an orchard of fruit %roes thereon..
No a—ALSO—One other lot of land• In Pike
township, decritied as follows: Bernal at the
center of .he read leading from CI uteri!, eeners
to Leitaysville, on the line of Perry Cobb; thence
south 27 0 east in the centre of said toad 15 4.10 pen
ehes; thence south 12 0 east 24 perches In the con
ter of said road; thence south 52* west 122 perches
to an oak sapling ilk the line of Lacey E Stevens;
thence on the line of said Stevens and Oeorgo
r o , xtottli P.oast VS perches to a chestnut for a
, their. north "Br east .92 perches 'to the
pine., of beginning;containing .75% . acres , strict
ine-aure.a bout to
proved,no but Idl ngs. Sal zed and
taken into execution at the suit of E W Cobb. vs
104414.42,134%."11e lot of land to litillibitry
bounded north by lands of tie* Chamberr, Jr. east
•by lands of Voris O'Connell and Dennis O'Con.
nett, south by lands of Patrick Carroll and-Daniel
Haddam and west by lands of Monti O'Connell,
supposed to contain 75 acres. mostly Improved,
with one framed Move, one log barn and young
orchard of fruit treeathereen. Seised and taken
bite ex.vution at the suit of Sylvanus Vantmsk irk
vs John lititilhan.
No 10-41LSG—One lot of land to nidgbary
bounded north by lands of Timothy Hanegan. east
by lands of John Allen... Math by lands of Jerre
Driscoll and west by lands of Cornelius Cain and
Michael Grace: and eapposed to contain about 104
acres. nearly all improved. one framed dwelling
lipase, one framed horse barn, one framed ban,.
one log barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution atJhe suitbf
lel \V Cain vs James M Cain, Daniel It Cain and
James Malone!. - • -
Ntitt—EALBo.4llmi lOC bf Wei istlinsearnra and
Wyahuing lownshipa r bounded north' by lands of
Cbtlenson -Sines and Andrew, laßarte, east by
Lands of Albert Hitchcock, month by lands of Jo.
serb Harris and west by lands of George C At.
wood, containing 44 acres. more or less, all im
proved, one log house, one framed barn, other out
buildings, and orchard of holt trees thereon.
Seized andlaken into - execution at the imit of Jun
Slathers vs James H McAllister.
No it—ALSO—One lot' of land to Athens tsrp,
bounded north by lands of N C Harris, east by the
public Willman south by lands of N C Harris and
west by Keystone avenue, containing ,4 of arr sere.
more or less , improved. with one framed hobs;
one shed and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution at the suit of Batt Golden vs
Jeremiah Sullivan and James Lambert.
Noli..ALSOl—One lot of land in Troy township.'
bounded north by land of C 8 Hager, cast by land
of Daniel White. south by lands of-Mantel White
and west by public highway, containing 2S acres,
more °flap, all Itnpreved with one framed house.
framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. -Seized
and taken into execattott at the snit of Bliss Role
eon en • I. Cooper ;
No 14—ALSO—One list of , lend In Springfield
terp, bounded north by lands of James Hethering
ton, eat by lands- of James Hetherington. south
bb lands of R N Young and James Seargent and
west by' lands of Nathan Bailey, containing lvi
'urea knobs er lees, about 160 acres Improved, With
one log house. one framed barn and two orchards
of {Rat trees thereon. Seized and taken into exe
cution at the suit of S II Aspinwall rs C S Grasp.
• -No .14—AL.80.—One lot of -land in Litchfield
T 111 Wria;lei Ave.,
Daimon, Pa.
township:described as follows: Beginning at the
southwest corner of: a lot now or Late of Ira 8.,
Park; a poet fora corner; thence east on the North '
line of lot now or late of-said Park St perches to
the west line of a lot now or late of Isaac Baldwin
for a corner; thence' north 164 perches toa maple
fot.a corner, the north line of lot now or ate of
Daniel Reasor;C thence west en said line 83 perches
to a post; thence nosth, let perches to the place of
beginning; containing 86 acres and 18 perches,
more pr less, except M of all the minerals that may
be: fodhd open said premises..
No 16—AL80--One other lot of • land 'ln Litch
field township, bounded as follows: Beginning at a
atone in a lot now or formerly belonging to Daniel ,
Ressor; thence south 23 440, rods along the east
line of land now or late of W II Green to a mot;
thence Ma In rodstd iii pod; thente north OS 4-10
rods to a corner in the south line of the above des
scribed lot; thence west 63 rosisodong said fine and
onset line of land now or late of r J preset; con
taining 10 acres, more or less„,eicept 1i of all min
erals that may be found upon said premises and
subject alsoto the rights of P .1 Bullock as set
forth in a contract data, Feh'iB. Dee. The two
lots above described- emitaning together-St acres
and 18 perches of land, more or leas. about 75 im
proved, with one framed house, one framed barn
with sheds attached, other out buildings and two
orchards tel fruit trees thereon. '.Bel q 1 and taken
into execution at the suit of RachoeVandyke vs
Joan M Myer. I
No 17—ALSO—One other lot . of land situateln
a ri s k t e at t e ln rd iP4 sto b res t bou nd ed as
u n f errtreast t c a orner of Inning al
Ilstigh's lot; . thence rth OM ,O west by lands of A
0 7
Beecher-II 2 M . perches to a stake and, stones i
thencesiorth 24° east bylands of said A Beecher
134 perches to a beech; thence north 85° westrby
laud of Sonnet Wheaton 256-'0 perches to a state
,sled stones; thence_north la.:Sweat by lands of
---- and J 0 Chubback 32 perches to a stake and
stones; thence ;mutts 58° west by land of Deb:idea
'16.10 perches to a stake millstones; thence south
39° West by land of 0 Chaffee and A ' Beecher 04
perches to a ' atake and Moues; thence. *Gab It°
east by land of 0 Pear 171 perchesto a make and
stone; thence north 650 east by lands of A Conklin
~and J Ilagb:o3 perches to the piece of beginning;
coataning 151 acres and Si perches, strict measure,
about 100 acres Improved, with a framed house,
two famed barns, a granary, other outbuildings.
and an orchard of fruit trees thereon, Seized and
taken into etecution at the snit of A C Co* vs
Jonathan N Dimon. -
No 18—ALSO--One lot of land bytertny town
ship, bounded north by lands of Amos Hants, eat
he hiridsisf Marian Unientuti estate, south by lands
of Edward Buffum and west by lands of Oakley
Lewis' containing 63 scres.more or less, about 55
!tempi:ed. with 2 framed bruises. I framed barn,
cow sheds, torn 'crib, other out buildings and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken
into execution at the snit of E II Thomas* use vs
Haney Holcomb.
I No 10—ALSO—One lot of land -In Canton hero,
hounded north by lands Of Mrs 31 E White. east
my Canton street, south by lands of t 'Batnuel Owen
and the Presbyterian church lot s mod west by Troy
street, containing one' acre, more. or less, all int
froved, with one framed house, one framed barn.
other ono buildings and few fruit and ornamental
I trees thereon.
No 20—ALSO—The defendant's undivided ti,
interest In one other lot of land Canton born. Detai
-1 ded as follows:. Beginning at the north en.i of dam
I next above the ;denier mill, thence in an easterly
course parallel with said creek to I, mot directly
north of the gate that °pent:lnto the grist - IS - till Lace,
I thence south to the north bank of said creek at
high water utarittanence a westerly course along
the bank of said creek to the ilon: thence along
I said dam to the place of beginning; containing M
1 an sere, leers or lose, no buildings. This lot tube
mold with the 'privilege to purchaser of korai:glop
the dam on said mill site for manufacturing purpo
ses, proading the water shall not-be raised thereby
so high as to talons the tow mill situated above on
said stream: 'Seized and taken Into execution at
the snit of W 8 'Newman vs James F Fox,.err of
James Fox, dec'd.
. . ,.
Ke2l—ALSO—One lot of !audits Albany tarp,
bounded as follows: Beginning at a point iti the
cast line of the Sullivan a Edo R It where the line
1 of land of J C Campbell crosses said rail road lino,
running thence north 31° east , 52 6-10 perches to a
post and stones cur to said Campbell's line; thence
south 87M° east 121 540 perches along the line of
1 8 W Chapman and W A DsviesSiaed, to • post cor
ner: thence sou th 17M° west 12715.10 perches along
the line of A U Spears` land to a corner on the east
line of S k E -Wit aforesaid; thence northerly
along said last; 'mentioned line by the several
courses Menet. 118 6-10 perches la the place of be
attollag; captaining t. 5 acres and 141 perches, more
or less, about 25 smog impteved, with a framed
house. framed barn and •few, fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Reu
ben DeLoog's tua vs Lewis T Smith. -
lies ZS—ALSO—One lot or land In Sheabequin
townahlp, bounded:is follows: beginning ate hem
lock oa the bank off', Post creek at a corner of Clark
Smith, lite J 11Smith'sland at the line of William
D Shores; thence sleuth 00M° west 154 perches;
thenee, south 29%* east 83 perches to the creek;
thence up said Creek Ali' the Idles of beginning;
'containing 82 acres and Mi perches, morn or lees,
mostly improved, with a trashed house, framed
- barn and few trait trees thereon. Seised and taken
Into execution at the snit of IF. W Gillett vs John
Laughlin, John Laeghlin, Jr, Tv.
No 23—ALSO—The def.ndanta one-flfth Inter-.
Artit Meal lot bf land in Menem township, beim:led
north by lands of Ellin Ward Miller, east by lands
of Benj Northrup, mouth by lands of Wm North
rup id, and Weet by Schrader Branch creek, Con
taining about 100 acres, more or less, about 70 int
'proved. with 010 teamed house; framed torn and
small orchard of • fruit Wees thereon. 'Seized and
taken into exec - nth n at the suit of W A Rockwell
'vs Richard Nortbrup. . _ ..
- No 24—ALSO--One lot of land In Canton teens
bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwest
corner of lot No 56, teener easterly along the line
of said No Id and No 67, Ild feet, more or lass, to
the center el Dbeisker.street; thence northerly
along the center of said streetV.4 feet, more or leas,
to the tenter of Careen streeSt hence westerly along
the center of Canes Urea 117 Met to the northeast
corner of rot No get thence eoutherly along the line
of aid ; tot Ma 5021710 M Wilma place of beginning:
be . thelaine more or less; the same being lots ho
56 and 59, as laid deem on the aline plot of Can
ton made I.y 0' IS. W '4O - Orcutt for Kingsbury,
Newman a Company, and dated October Ist. 1857;
oat men framed . .11411(41111r USIA TOT • steam
Outing mill, dry sheds, one framed ions, other
nut buildings snd few fruit trees !Arran. Seised
see taken into swab* at Use 'alto( Thompson
A Taber stat J Illekok and II N Winiams sec's.
No its- - ALSO—One lot of land in Towanda bcon,
bounded lestsby Second street, north by, an alley
of ten fent leatling east from Second 'street (sai d
alley being between said Mt and 0 11. Barletta
Me) east by 4 P Means' land tad Math . by Testa,
nit streirkeeNt se ems wide - ea Visual* street
fad Oben is ant 4M *este! street to said alley.
milk sue Mae Wick dwelling house and small
Maned dwellingleaks and new trait trees thereon.
e t eWf
- • /
Seised and takes uttoilinitattkee at the ialtof No.
ham, Outlay k Con John Fit raid.
No 26., Al.Bo—One lot of bud in Towanda MI6.
bounded as 'follows:' perglniOng at the southeast .
, of a tot awned by aac Middellib: dal OM
' dila of Poplar street / s den la said bore.
thence northerly along veld Middaugh% east line
shoat al feet to a Mt• owned by Mary Jane !gulp;
tbenee easterly along sold Shell's south , line and
the south Nue of tot owned- by itim Teeey about
55 feet to a lo t o w n ed by J thence south.
terly alongraid Allyn% westlintratuatt de feet to the
ninth line of ropier street . extension; thence west
erly aloes sald;opar ain't about f 5 feet to the
place of beiginnlng. excepting and 'reserving oat of
the above described ,properry the undivided use.
half left of said premium sold and conveyed by the
panlosof the
deed first part.bto ClartUlt y deed bearin
Westbrook, g e with oneven date
framed house thereon. Seized and taken into axe.
entlmrat the suit , of Ann , Meehan vs M 0 Moody
and A J tharrow.
No 27—ALSO—One lot of land In Towandaboro.
bounded extolles's; Beginning at ;a point 150 feet
west of the west line of Charles street en the flue
between land of James Culver (formerly owned by
William A Chamberlain) and Mary Griswold, be
ing the southeast corner of the lot hereby elver
tieed to be sold; thence along the said line wester
ly 150 feet to the east. li Then c e street sometiMee
called Neelianles street; northerly aleng the
.east line. of said Mechanics stlOft to the southwest:
cornered Charles , Taylor's lot; thence easterly
parallel with the first mentioned line between Jas
Culver and Nary Orlawold 150 feet to the southeast
corner of mild Chicks P Taylor's lot; thence south
erly along the line of said James Culver's lot. (for
manly owned by William A Chamberlain) 50 feet
to tile plLsce of beglanbig, containing :SOO fact of
land; nore oe less, with one framed butte thereon.
Seised and taken Into execution a; the suit of N .51
Mathison vs 8 0 Titus.
.No2S•4lLBo—One lot of land In Eidgimry tin),
bounded north by lands of Michael Deneen's eat,
east by lands of John Carroll. south by buds of
Dennis O'Leary and west by lands of .Nelson GIM
lett. containing 20 acres of land, more or less, Omit.
17111 improved. no buildings. Seised and taken
Into esecutEn the.sult of Peter Brady vs James
Carroll. -
No 29—ALSO—One lot of laud in Canton Wm,
bounded east by public highway, south by a private
reed leading from raid public highway to the Macy
Smith farm, and west by lands of George Meeker,
eon-Wising , 38 acres, nore or less, about ad acres
improved, with ono framed house, framed tarn and
sheds attached, corn crib, other out buildings and
an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
No*O—ALSO—trne other lot of land In Canton
tram bounded north by lands of George &O'Donnell
and A U Spalding, east by lands of A D Spalding
and Division street, south by lands of M 1' Fassett
and Alexander Mclntmh, west by lands of Mrs .X
Id McClelland, 'A J Conklin and George O'Don
nell. containing 2 acres of land. snore or lea, all
Improved, with an archard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Pom
eroy Bros to use of J E Bullock's ear's vs N W Me
ek Hand.
' No at—ALSO—One lot of land In Pike township,
bounded north by lands of Leonard Fowler and
Joseph Marsh, east b public highway, south by
lands of Sanford St W hite. west by lands oCSanford
31 White, cwitainieg 43 acres, more or leas, about
25 acres Improved,. with two framed houses, one
(ranted barn, one old Ing,houtte and few fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the
putt of L L Very vs - Miner. Brister. Altsw at suit of
Same vs Same.
No 32—A LSCI--One lot of land lu Wya using twp,
bounded as follows: Beginning at. the south we tli COI.,
'ner of lands conveyed to William and Elijah Camp,.
thence along linear land now or late in the posses
Rion of Bartley Denahoe and Anthony Farrell, west
2038-10 perches too corner of land noworlate lit
position of Joseph Snell; thence along line of said
hest mentioned land 80 7-10 perches to a corner of
hind contraeted to Linsay - Graham; thence along
tine of Graham lot eart 114 perches to another coiner
satd lot; thence along line of said lot north 92 3-10
perches to a coiner In lint of land now or late lopes,
session of Alex Dougherty; thence along line of
said lani east 898-10 perches to a corner in line of
land conveyed to William and Elijah Camp; thence
aleng said line south 172 perches to the place of be
glnning ; containing 150 acres and 141 perches of
land, stnrt measure, more or less, being the same
lot of land contracted - to he sold by Jos Reed, of
l'hiladeiphio, by his attorney in fact, Michael Mley
lort Foe and Richard Fee, of Wyaluslng,
aforesaid, by article of agreement dated Septent In r
12. A.l). 1851, about 80 arrealutproved, with two
framed dwelling houses. Cite first 28130 feet. with
an addition 12312 feet, and the second 18a22 feet.
one framed barn, twd-eorst ct lbs, one steno quarry
and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and ta
ken Into exbrution at the salrof Win J Davies vs
James Fee. . s>.
N'To 33—ALSO—One lot of - land In Wysox town.
shlp, bounded nonh by. lands of G It Clark. east by
lands supposed to be owned by" Mary Warford:
smith by Lemuel street, west by Bradford street,.
-.1w1ng,50 feet front ant 150 feet deep, as shown on
map of Morgan k Moody lands, made by W H Mar
igal, all Improved, no,buildlngs. Moody Wm H
organ - a admrs vs Al' LePtant.
No3l—ALSO—sine lot of land In Sarre, .11.threg
_ .
Itownship, described as follows: being lot No 7, on
map of John A Woodworth's sub•ilivlslon of Kev.
stone avenue of Athens_ towilsksp, containing 143
perches of lend; sal,•l map beng recorded In the
Recorder's uthee of Bradford conuty,in deed book.
Nol2o. page 271'. •
No X'..—ALSO—Ona other lot of lani In Sayre,
Athens towlashlp.,bonwled north by street leading
from Lehigh avenue to It A Packer s. east by Des
mond street, south by vacant lot of Elmer & Co,
and west by vacant lot of Elmer & Co, containing
Si an acre of land, more,or less, all, mprovek one
framed building used foriMnre and dwellinghonse,
shed Ind other out house* thereon. e'elxed and ta
ken Ifito execution at the suit of John A Wood
worth vs Chas Li Wheelock.
PETER .7. DEAN, Sheriff
SherlgraoMee, April 17. ;879.
of sundry writs; issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County and to me di,/
reeled, I .Will expose to public sate atthe Court
House In Towanda, Brad ford County,-Pomisylva
ulti, on THURSDAY, MAY I, at I o'clock rim.;
the following described property, to, wit: j •
No leeON E lot of land In Wilmot township,
bounded as follows: Beginning at a Ilemback knot
and stone heap in Daaiiel Crandall's pasture; thence
south Satio West 'l9O perches, to a heuilock knot
and stone heap In the line of lot deeded by John
a Spalding. Boo; thence south 2110/ west 76 'per
ches to a stone heap, northwestern/corner of John
Parker lot; thence by same zOnth 81 0 east 108
perches to a stone heap; thence east 35 6-10 perches
to stone heap in the John Crandall line; and thence
north 23!.4° east 124 perches, to the place of begin
Wog:, containing. 72 acres of land, mere or less,'
about 35 acres Improved, with 2 board houses, one
-board stable and few fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken Into execution at the stilt of II ,M Lyon
vs C F Rosecrants. Also at snit of Samuel Spencer
vs C F Hownsnts. / •
No 2 ALSO—One other lot of land In Towanda
Borough, boundettas follows: be the north by Hus
ton street; east by lands of C F Nichols; south by
an alley; west ,by lands of Mrs Huston or C F
Nichols, being abont 50 ft front on Huston street,
and 2 . .. - rCfc deep, with a two • story framed house
thereon. /
' No a ALSO—One other lot of land In Towanda
bozongh,,bounded as follows: Beginning it north-
Western corner of C V Nichols' let, now Alex Al
len's, estate, on south side of Hustowst; thence
westerly along south side of said street 25 feet to a
corner of land contracted to C F Nichols; thence
southerlyialotig the east line of said lot =3 6-10 ft,
to line of land formerly owned by M.4C Mercur;
thence easterly along said hlerenr's land 23 ft, to
corner of lot of C F Nichols now the Alex Allen,
estate; thence northerly along floe of said lot to
the place of beginning, with part of a framed barn
No 4 ALSfe—The defendaot's Interest in one
lot of land In Towanda bow), bounded 'north by
Huston street.west by lands of .1 If Chaapel In the
possession of W M Mallory, south by an alley, and
east by a lot of C F Nichols, now -Alex Allen's es
tate: being about 50 feet front 'int said Huston-st,
and 222 feet deep, with 'kart of a framed barn
thereon. Seized and taken into' execution at Die
snit of ti F Taber's hie vs C F Nichols,
No 5 ALSO—One other lot of land in Athena
township, bounded north by lands of Henry Kirby,
'east ao.d south by lands now or formerly owned by
John IS Keyser and west by the public highway;
containing M of an acre of land, mere or - less, WWI
ono framed house and few fruiCtrees theivon.
Seized and taken lute executlots at the suit of
.Friendly Bros' use vs Mary F Carner.
NO 6 ALSO—One other lot of hind in Burlington
borJ, bounded north by lands of Hollister Compton
And Long lima, east by the center of the brick wall
of Long MeV' store. being center of_the main build
ing, south by Troy street, and west by lands of G
Tracy, belug about 33 feet , front on said Troy Sr.
and II I feet deep, with one three story brick build
ing.thereon. Seized' and' Llken Into execution at
the *it of A L McKean vs William Blies. .
Igo 7 ALSO—One other lot of laud In Burlington
township, bounded north by lands of W (iamage.
and Treat Shoemaker, east by lands of Treat Shee
maker, south by the pnblic highway, and west by
the public highway, containing 83 acres-of land,
more or less, about 40. acres Improved, with -one
framed house, one barn - and orchard of fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the
suit of E Pomeroy vs G Perry.
-So 8 A LSG—One . other lea of land in Franklin•
tOrtnihip, bounded north by lands of Hiram Thurs
ton,east by the public highway, south by lands of
I.tsnanl)lrown and on the west , by lands of Luther'
Smith; eontalnlng S an acre, more or less, all Un
proved, with one untlnlalted framed house thereon.
Seized and taken. into execution at- the suit of 31,
W TaylOrs' use vs Hiram Cole. -
AL.o—Orte other lot of land In Albany
township. bounded as folloiro. Beginning at a. point
on the east line of the Sullivan and Erie K It, where
the line of land of J S Campbell crosses said rail
road. line, running thence north 31 0 east 52-5-10
perches, to a post and stone corner In said Camp
bell line; thence south 8711° cast • 121 8-10 ne, rehes
along the line of W Chapman and W Davis'
lands,. to a boat corner; thence south 275° west
127 5.1.0 perches along the line of A it spear's land,
to a corner on the east line of the S & E It It afore-
said: thence northerly • along said last mentioned
line by the several courses thereof, 115 640 perches
to the place of beginning, containing 55 acres and
141 perches of laud. more or less, about 25 acres
Improved, e Ith one framed house, one framed barn
and few fruit trees thereon. Seized suit taken Into
evocation at the suit of W A Rockwell vs Robert
No 10 ALSO The Interest of the defendants In
qne other to lof land In Overton township, In the
warrantee name of Hugh - Ladley, containing 400
acres, more7or less.. Seised and taken Into execu
tion at the Suit of N N•lietts, cashier's - use vs C 1)
Cash. Goo C Cash sec, and . F A Cash sec,.
No it ALSO—One other tot of land In Leroy
township, bounded north by TowitUla Creek, east
by lands of Pierson Holcomb. south by a vacant
piece of land owned by E T Helium, and
lands of Jas Holcomb, containing about Ft acres of
land mom or less, shoat 4S acres improved, with a
framed house, two finned tans!, one corn bonsai
Other out buildings ind orchard of fruit , tree
-No 12 ALSO—One other lot of land In Lelloy
township, bounded east by lands of James Meese-
Hey, south by lands of the Schrader Coal Company.
west by lands of Jasper Holcomb, con'alulng , 45
acres of land, more or less, about 40 acres • improv
no buildings. Belted and taken lute execution
at the suit of Pomeroy Bros' use vs ,E T. Buffitro.
• -No 13 ALSO—tine other lot of land to Monroe
township, bounded north by lands of C A Fouler,
east end sunlit by lands •of Libeu or Lyman Mar
cy. and west by lands of Samuel Lyon., containing
to acres of iand, more or less, aTI improved, with a
framed )3 , 113e. framed, tarn, a n3lll or ,shop, and
-few fruit trees tbereont. Seized and taken into el-
Sennett at the suit of helot: Wickham ad-versus
It Cowell and Mahlon Strope.
No 14' A—One Other. Jot Of. land In Ulster
township, bounded as follows:, beginning at a post;
the southwest corner of a tot this day conveyed to
Aniellif Pi r elli; thence ‘aloug the east able Wan M.
leyseathillo West 378 feet; theoce south IWO cast
108440 feet to the canal; thence up tbesame oorth
78,10 3 east 177 8 10 feet; thence np the same north
20. wead.loo feet; thence up the same north 5 0 east
Iterfeet; thence up the same north 11* west 312 ft,
to the southtest corner of lot this day conveyed to
Amelia Wells; thence along the same north-82!r°
wetttabOnk 130 foot to the place of beginntrig, too
talideg ale obtone. acre, more or leas, with a steam
NM lot piaster • ntlit thereon. - Seised and taken
into execution at the suit of G F lllasim Guardian,
VS Chu:Wells. • •
No fs ALSO—One other lot of land in Columbia
towtohip, bounded north by lands of Stephen! Gen
not and Joules Strong.cast by lands of Caleb Bush,
south by limos ot fienryllunet sad Fayette-Ken
you, and on the west by the public Itlgninty, con
taining Wi acres of land. more or less, about 80
acres improved, with one framed house, one framed
barn, one granary and tea fruit trues *hasten.
Solardsmdialten Into execution at the... Milt of A E
Comstock re E lb Williams.
_No la A 1.410-oao other lot of loadln . Towanda
Wank bounded as tollaWs ; Beginning at a car-
Der of a lane on the west Meet Main Street, about
20 feet south of a lot formerly , owned by Lenin
Wells; thence westerly on a parallel line with said
Wells lot to the center of an
.alley, which alley be
leg half way from Main Street to Second- street;
- thence southerl along the - center of said alley _to
:lot sold by J 17 Means and wife 'to Bobs rt Mcln
tosh; thence easterly along . Wild Mclntosh line to
the west side of Main street; thence northerly
along said line of Malls street to place of beginning.
being about 140 feet fronton said Main street. and
'about 130 feet deep, with two two Moir framed
buildings' thereon, being the same piece of land
deeded by J 7 'leans and wife to J W Means by
deed dated- April 1. Urn. and recorded in deed
book No 129. page 106.Seised and taken Into es*,
anion at the nit of The Mutual B and S F Asia
elation is John liti'ldeanm -: I
No 17 ALSO—One — other lot of land, situate In.
Towanda Borough, bounded as follows Beginning
at the southeast comer of. D N Turner's land on
, . .
the west side of William street; thane° by land of
K Turner south 711 0 west 100 feet to a corner;
thence by land of Henry Harris and 13 Kingsley
south 3 0 east 100 feet to a corner of J J Webb;
thence north • 76° cast by land formerly owned by
Theodore Lewis HO feet to the west able of Will.
lam street; thence on a sense of north 2 0 21 0 west
along the west line of said William street 100 feet
to the place of beginning ; one.board Shanty.there.
on. &hied and taken foto execution at the lull of
L.T. Moody and H B Morgan, adminlstratorof Wm
II Morgan Ts A b Macdonald.
Igo Is ALSOOrte other. lot of land, situate In
Towanda Borough, bounded north by lands of
Ellen Ward Miller, east by Thlrd.slreet, south by
Ward Avenue, and west by lands of John Griffin ;
being CO feet, on Third street, Ito feet on Ward
_ .
Avenue. with 1 trained house thereon. Seized and
taken Into execution at the snit of Joseph Towner
vs Margaret Mack and John Matt.
No IS ALSO—One Other lot of land. slittate In
. .
Athens township, bounded as follows Beginning
in the centre of the Chemung Toed and 'running
westerly along the south line of lands owned by
Gottlieb Hess 16 rods to landibeleoging to D L
Snyder and mother; thence •southerly along said
lines of I) L V Snyder 6 Oda parallel eith the cen
tre of said Chemung road t thence , easterly 16" rods
fn a line parallel with the north line to the centre
of said Chemung road; tLOLICO northerly 6 rods
along the centre of said Chemnng road to the
•ptce of beginning; containing I acre, mere or less;
b-lug the same piece of land as deeded to ~..loseph
Belzer by Timothy •Wheeler, with two 'framed
dwelling houses, oneframed barn and few fruit
trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Sarah V Eimer re Miner St. John.
••• No 20 ALSO—Otto -other lot of Land, situate in
Wi'mot township. bounded as follows; Beginning
at a beech the northwest e.rner of the'Jol n Cran-
- -
dall lot;• thence, north 834 0 east 156 perches to a
post and stones In Stowell's Hue; thence zorth 2330
west 69 8-10 perches to a post and stones f thence
south 83 ki° west 105 perches to a stone heap; thence
south 224 0 west 65 perches to the place of begin
ning; containing 60 acre!, more or tea', about 35
improved, with a log- house, a framed barn and
tether outbuilding., arid an orchard of fruit trees
thereon; being part of two tracts In warrantee
name of Jabrz Foal and itathlaa II ollenliaek.
No 21 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In
Wilmot township, bounded as follows : Beginning
in a stone heap; thence west 156 perches to a stone
heap In warrant line; thence south by. same 66!i
perches to a stone heap; thence east 136 perches to
a stone heap; tbeng p. by State road north Ito east
5t perches. north west 18 perches, north 44 5 .
east 26 perches to, the place of beginning; contain•
!ng 76 acres and 53 perches, more or less, about 35
improved, with three small framed houses, a fram
ed barn, a saw mill with - railroad track, other out
buildings and an orchard of fruit trees thereon ;
being IA No 17 Sturdevant's sub-division of war
rant surveyed in the . name of Jesse Fell and con-
•eyed to Joseph 31 Gamble by the heirs of Sarah H
Haler and Geo H Butler. ;deceased. Seized and
taken Into execution at the stilt of John Spald
ing •s Jos 3t Gamble, Daniel 1) Crandle and Nor
man E Churchill. - •
No 22. A LSO-Otie - Other 14 of land. situate In
Standlnc Stone township, Sounded on the south
east by the east
,or southeast bank Of‘ltntrimer-
110 , 1T.reets, north by. lands of F S Whltinait: ;est.
_ •
by landsof said F S Whitman, and south by lands
of Jame!: Esp,y: containing about 12 acres, more
or less, about 2 Improved, with two framed houses,
.one framed Earn and other'outhouses, one saw - mill,
water privilege, and few fruit tripes thereon. Seized
and taken Into execution at the;sult or PS Squires
ess S' Coe.
• No VI-ALSO—One other. Icit, situate )n
Canton Itorough, bounded north by. lands of Wlll.
1., 1
lam Tabe east by lands' of S S Strait, 'soot I' by
Caton street and west by lands of II NWI ams.
with ode framed hons , ,rone framed brri. a Id few
fink trees thereon. Seized and taken Inth execu.
Bois at the suit of E S - Horton, admlnjitrator of
Asa Mattocks, deceased. vs Calvin Bodge.
No 24 ALSO—One other let of .laWd, situate In
Wilmot township. bounded as Beginning
at a beech the southwest cornerof fetrart; thence
north 111 perches alctig the-west tie of the tract
to a post; then : cos - east si perches to a beech by the
flollenback road; theuc • along . Id road south 13 0
east 112 perches. to a beech try said road ; thence
west 114 perches to the- begjhulng: containing.%
acres and 11 perches, ny or less, about .35 Im
proved. with a framed use,- a framed barn, one
granary, and ailore!) dof ftuit trees thereon.
SI-Ized and taken Into.eXecution at the stilt of Ilan
norah Cotter vs John otter; being the defendant's
one-seventh Interes in the &bore-described prop
No 25 ALSO= ner other lot of land, situate In
Troy Borough, untied as follows: Beginning
at a post In th pine of George Meeker's lot, being
the southeas corner of said lot; thence west along
ice line of id Meeker's - Jot 244 feet to a corner In
centre off ad leadlng.from Troy to Canton; thence
In anort erly course along the centre of said road
60 feet a corner; theoce In an easterly course
parallel with said Meeker's line 244 feet to a post •,
thence in a southerly c. urse 60 feet to the place of
beginning; containing 14,61 1 1 squire feet of land:
more or less, all Improved. with a_ dwelling house
thereon. Seized and taken into - execution at the
/ suit of W G Sadler vs J B Costello and Julia Cos
ALSO—One other-. la of land. situate
Troy Borough, bounded north by lands formerly
owned by F J Calkins, now occupied by Dr Sainuel
Shepard; east by lands of Nelson Adams, south by
lands of Nelson Adams, and west by Elmira street,
with two dwelling bouses• thereon. Seized and
taken Intoexecution at the snit of ['onleroy Broth
ers is D C tanipman. '
No 27 ALSO—One Other lot of land, situate in.
Mouth Creek townshili, bounded north by lands of
J.F Gillett, east by II L Smith. south by J F.Gll
lett, and we -t by Fred Chancey and H L Sinith ,
containing about one-half acre,. with a frame 4
house, a framed blacksmith shop, a framed bat,
and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken lute
execution at thestilt of N E Vanbuskirk vs H tram •
No 24 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In
Springfield township, bounded as fellows:: Begin
ning at the note:west corner of the lot hereinafter
described, at a point in tile t16. - Jtil line of lands of A
Picket:sou; from thence east along the lands of
said Dickenson ICS perches to a corner in the
way leading front Mill City westerly: thence south
alonesald highway 53 perches to au angle. In sr.ld
highway: thence southeast along said. highway 81
4-10 perches; thence east along the lands of It It
file -awn 43 640 perches to a corner; thence south
along the lands or said theason 921 i perches td ,
angle; then c southeasterly along lands of icold
Gleason' SOli perches to a corner; ..tbencs , south
along lands of the estate of Edo in Watson, decd.
37 perches to an
. angle; thence westerly along
lands of 1.1 Duabor v. perches to on angle: thence
south along lands of P Voorhis 0:1140 perches to
a earner,. tnence easterly along lands of said V6or
his 11- 6.10 perches to a' corner; thence southerly
along lands of Hirano Pottei 12 7-10 perches to a
corner; westerly along lands'of A 3 Mosley
43 4.10 perches to a corner; thence a northeast di
rection along lamb of . DenntS Bailey 99 perches to
an angle; thence a northwest direction along lauds
of 3C J Wigstca 50 - perches to an angle; thence
easterly along lands of said Wigstea 97 9-10 perches
to an angle: thence west along the highway run
ning'. from 31111 City to the Ilordwell school home
79 1 2 perches to a corner; then& north along lands
of the estate of Alexander Clark, deceased, 101 4-10
perches to a corner; thence westerly alanglands _
said Clark estate 107 perches to a corner; thence
north along laud of said Clark's estate 111 840
perches to the place of beginning. and supposed to
contain 7.27 acres, after deducting there truni about
16 acres heretofore sold and conveyed. which Is
owned or in possession of the following persons :
Uri Cooper, Joseph Clark, G Saunders, B S Con:-
reins. II E Leonard, N 8 Wat-on, E 1) Wilder, It
W Chceney, and school house tot; about 80 acres
Improved. with two - framed „houses, two framed
barns with sheds attached, a framed horse barn, a
saw mill, a chopping mill for feed, a - elder mill,_
and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken Into execution at the suit of Merrit Wood's
use vs William A Buitoex.
No 29 ALSO—One other •lot of laud in 'Albany
township, hounded as follows: beginning at a beech
a corner of lauds of Luke W Morris; thence by the
same west 1611 perches to a pnstby a hemlock cor=
ner of the same laud and laud of Catherine W
Morris; thence by other lanes of Israel. W Mends
north 29 east 127 perches to a•post; thence also
by lands of Israel 'W:3lotris, east-166' perches to a
pest in the line of Luke W Morris; and thence by - 1
the same south 2.95° west 177 perches to the place
of beginning. containing 107 S acres; being the
same piece of land conveyed by. Israel W Morris,
by deed bearing date Nov -A., 185 t, and recorded in
the Mike for recordlni deeds, in and for the count
ty of itnalfold, in Deed Book No 57. page 303.
No 30 . .51.50—0ne other lot of laud in Albany
township, bounded "asjollows: commencing at a
sugar stump, the tiortheest corner of said lot and
corner of lot No 7 ota,survey; thence south °
'east_by lands of Thomas Cullen, deed, 82, perches
to a post corner of lots,No -3 .and 5 of
. said survey:
thence south 112. perches to a beech corm
of lots No 5, 9 and In; thence north 86' 0 ° west
perches to a beech corner of lots No 7, 8 and - 9.
thence north 31 !6? east 112 perches to plaCe of be:
'ginning; containing 49 acres and 112 psyches. '
Being lot No 6 S:f A II Meltenry's survey, being
the same piece ot'land conveyed by Michael_Red
ding by deed bearing date January 7, 1974. and re
corded In the office for 'recording deeds in and for
Bradford'county, In deed book No 119, at page 130,
he.: cieeptingand reserving therefrom the follow
ing described !of: beginning at a beech corner,
thence north 3150 east 59 perches to a post; thence
thence smith' 47 - . east 72!i" Perches to a beech:
thence north liSSa O west to the beginning, contain
ing 12 acres and VI porches:,
The three aforesaid piece:Vol land being what Is
known as the Cullen Boys' Farm, situate in Albany
township. bounded este:l,24s: north and northwest
by lands of John Murphey, east by lands formerly
owned by William Easter, south and
lands of John 14 McDonald, containing 157 acres of
land, more or less, Sbollt .42.5 acres improved, with'
two plank dwelling houses, one - fro t ed barn, one
log barn. one granary, other out buildings and two
orchards of fruit Mee thereon. Seized and taken
tut° execution at the suit of Lewis Zaner vs David
Cohen and John Cullen.
No 31 ALSO—One other lot of. tend, situate' In
Pike townshlp„leemded as follows: Beginning at
centre of State road on line of Joh:. Bolles; thence
south 265° west 147 4-1 U parches along said Bolles'
line to a post and stones corner; thence south 695 0
east 74 13-25 perches along the line of J Barnes, de
ceased to a post and stones corner; thencit north
29 140 east 129 perches to centre of State road by
lands of Wm Cline; thegee" north 55W) west 19 2-10
perches; thence north 3.10 east along lands of .1
Bolles; thence Wirth 55% 9 west; thence south as°
west along said 'Bolles' laud to State road, lying 8
perches on said road , and being exclusive of road
5 perches deep; • thence north 335,( 0 west 531.30
pet ehes along Slate road to place of beginuing
cow 'sitting (including house anti lot) 66 acres; more
or less, about 60 Unproved, with a framed house, &-
framed horse barn, a - framed barn with sheds at
tached, a granary, an lee house, Other outbulleinge.
and two orchards 'of fruit trees th,reon. Seized
and taken into execution. at the suit of 'William
Shumwars use vs I) H.Alleu and Blt Allen,' •
No 22 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
Monroe township, bounded as follows: Beginning
at a post fur s corner on the - west side of the south
branch of Towanda Creek; sunning thence 'north
79)4 ° PAM 47 2-10 perches to a pitch pine; thence
north 16° east 13 perches to a post; 'thence south
19M° east 216 perches td a post; thence south 2854 0
west 80 8-10 perches' to s post for a corner; thence
north 89)4° west 164 perches to a post for a censer;
thence south 10° east 15 2-10 perches to a plat for a
corner; thence south 381 0 west 24 perches to a
post for a corner; thence north 61)5 0 wesl2B perch.'
es to a corner; thence east 8 240 perch
es to a corner; thence-north 7151' 0 west.l3 perches
to a post by two pines for si - eo. riser; thence north'
Mii° west 40 perches to the place of beginning; con
tattling 110 acres and 190 perches, more or less,.
about nacres improved, with three framed houses,
two barns, one corn house, and two orchards of
fruit trees thereon; said lot will be sold subject to
a life lease to 11 F Wanck for M of an sire on the
Berwick Turnpike. Seised and taken intcexecu
lion at the snfl of Mules Fowler and Emiline Fow
ler, who survive Austin Fowler, val.; A Fowler.
Flo 33 ALSO.•nOne other lot of tatid in Towanda
bore, bounded north by lands of Joseph 1) Montan
ye, east by Main street. south by the Lands of the
David r &mildew estate, and 'west by
containing 5( eon sae of Moe. Mori Wilk Wl*
three framed houses. atm framed bora
attached. and few fruit Woes 'therein ; being •at •
same piece of land moneyed by L d WhephoryailBl -
wife to Phalle Ann.Urltaih, by deed tossing dabs
- April t, ISM, and xecooted In Dela loot Noll, at
page St, he. Seized and taken littowsoilstiow as
the 'stilt of LS IC IngsbortArustoo, to John Jail!. . 1
sth and P A Otillith.,
No 34 ALSO-One other:lot of hind In Wilmot Mop,
bounded north by lands of C V Welles. &OW, east
by lands of Cornelius Downs and If I .Quiek.- •
south by lands of John Turner and west by hinds
of C P Welles, (Met; containing IS saes of land.
more or less, about acres ImposnaL with an. .
board house and few fruit trees thereon. Seised •
and taken Into execution at the salted A. Lerwis vs •
W Kann. '
No 33 ALSO—One other lot of land la Bldg ,
township , bounded north by lauds of Shaba TOW. •
Ills; east by FM Alla "Algtway. south by Mods of 0 A.
Burnham and west by-taWs of 0 A Barahsaloew
tall about one sere of land. more or teas,"ed lei. •
. with one framed horse, oar • framed state
ro - uWand few fruit trees thereon.
No 36 A.f.Bo—One other lot of land lo Eldgbaty
township, bounded north sod west by public hlgle. •
way, east by mods of Joel Peterson and south by
lands formerly owned by Theodore Larttecia, cos- ,
tattling 2 acres of land, more or less, all Improved.
with one framed house thereon. Seised and takes
Into execution at the stilt of C C Burt vs J L Yew-
No a 7 ALSO—One other lot of
landto In
Orwell township, bounded north by of J W
Parks. east by lands of .1 11 Allen. IL Atils,
Franklin Maynard and GII Norton. south IV land* -
of Hiram Dougherty, and west by Lands of Isaac
Adams and U C Allis: containing about 00 Sewn.
more or less, about 80 improved. with a framed .
bons°, a framed barn, other outbuildings. and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and-taken
into execution at the snit of A Conklin vs H K
AlllB,ll S Allis and Kites Ants, T T
No Its ALSO—One other lot of land,'
situate ifs:
Litchfield township, hounded as . follows: Begin
ning at an ash for a corner on the southwest corner
Of lot of land owned • by Samuel Oventhlre: thence
north UN° east 97 3.10 perches to acorn& on Una
of land formerly owned by 2 Flower; thence north •
1 0 west store' said line 61 410 perches to a corner
on the line of David McKinney; thence north 99°
west 99 2.10 porches, along the line of said David
Melfinney to a corner: thence south 642-10 perches
to the place of beginning; containing 3.3 acres and
AO perches, more or less, about lb sere* Improved,
with a board house. a framed born, an old barn;
one Uinta mill, and a few fruit tress thereon. .
Seized and taken Into execution at the cult of
Adam Rifen.burg vs P If Sherman, and p II Sher
man, administrator of Lir Sherman,
' No 39 ALSO—One other lot of land In North To
watida township, bounded north by landi of Seam;
el B and W. II Foater. and John Mithlel, west by—
lands of James Hurley. south by lands of Edward
Deslane. and east by lands of Silas Milts and 241-
ward Overton, containing II acres of land, more or'
teas, about 44 acres improved, with one framed
house, on' framed barn and few 'lran trees there ,
on. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of
J N Calif's use vs Bartley Heath.
No 40 ALSO—One other lot of 'rid la Orwell
turnable, bounded north by land of Dr Conklin,
east by lands of Isaac Marsh d 0 J Chabback."
south by lands of NV F - .Glenn,.a d west by lands of
Barney Clark and George Ant; containing so
" t
acres of land, more or less,a t4O acres Improved ,
with one - framed house. - on framed barn, 000 hog
pen•and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken
into execution at the snit of Lucinda LountibeDF'
vs Henry B Osborn,
No 41 ALSO—The efendant's one:half Interest
In a certain lot, flie or parcel of land, situate in
Albany, Monroe an Overton townships, bounded
as follows : Begin lug at an oljt,hemloek corner on
the southwest er of warriset 'ln the name .of
Stephen Hain worth :. theacp south 65° east Be. '
rods -to the st line of warrant In the -name of
Ann Harris; hence south - 32 0 .west abont.B3 rods
to the sou l west corner of said Ann Harris' war.
rant; (here south 59 0 east lila rods to. a post and
stones t a • southeast corner of . said Ann Harris'
, warran ; thence north 32 0 cast 609 640 rods to the
stones t
est corner of Jackson lot ; thence south 191!".
east 12 rods to Jbekson's northeast corner, thence.'
son 32 0 west 44 rods - to a post -corner; thence
la. lb 9sii. o east 57'4 . .10 rods to - a corner: thence -
rrth %' 0 east 119 moll , : thence south 58 0 east 106
• 10 rals; thence north 37% 0 east 50 rots: thence
smith 58560 east 20 rods to the west line of warrant
I tuthe name of May Walllss; thence north 52° east
Ito perrhes to the southwest corner of warrant In
the nalne of Itobert Hampton ; thence *oath 58*
east 158 rods ; thence north 3130 east - 103 rods ;
therice north 19° east 320 rods to southeastsorner
of warrant In the name of Samuel Anderson; thence
north 32° east 224 rods to the .northeast corner - of
said Anderson warrant;. thence north Br west 329
rods toe hemlock stump. an old corner.; thence
south 32° west 229 rods to. a corner of warrants in
the names of-Peter North and PeterShotts; thence
north 54 0 west 621 rods tothe northwest corner of
warrant In the name of John North ; thence south
24° west 425 rods to a Week oak corner; thence
'south 34° west 448 S rods ; thence north 58° west .
35 rids to a post, old corner; thence south M° west
329 rods to the place:of beginning; containing 6.000
acres, more or less. Seized and taken into excels
[lon. at the suit of J P Kirby's use vs J F Satterlee.
Alse at the sett of First National Bank of Athens
vs .1 F Satterlee.
No 42 AU-34-ons -other lot of .land, Situate in
Leßoy township, bottnded north by landsof Robert
Mason. east by lands of X L Wooster. south bytho
Towanda Creek. and west by lands' f Charles 341-
nard; containing 72 acres. more or less, about IA
Improved, with a framed barn and an oichtrd of
I rult trees thereon Seized and taken into eveem.'i
lion at the snit of Nelson Reynolds' ex."rs vs
Mreraney and T A McCianey. •
No 43 other lot of land In Litchfield
township. bounded north by lands of John 11 Coop.' -
•r, east" by lands of F 1' Cooper, and south and West
by lauds of - Itugene tlLderhill, containing shunt
120 seres of land, more or less, about 70 improved...
with one framed -rouse. ono -framed barn. ono
framed wagon house, other out buildings and few
fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execn , -
tion at the Milt of Stephen Morris use va James lt
Canner and A B Campbell. - -
No 44 ALSO I -0 - ne other lot of land, Situate In
Pike township, bounded as folliows: Beginning at
a stake and. stones the northeast corner of .1
Ilaigh's lot; thence north-St 1° west _by lands of A
Fletcher 11 740 perches to a stake and stones ;
therice north 2!l° 'east by lands of said ; Beecher •
130 perches to a stake-aiad•stones; thence south ago
west hy.lands of the above grant - ars 120 perches to
a stake and stones; thence south 30 0 west by lands
of 1.1 Manchester 11 9.10 perches to a stake and -
;stones; thence south 11° west by land - of (.) Peann
171 perches to a stake and stones; thence - north 65 0
feast by lawlsof A Conklin and J Haigh-93 perches k
14 the place of beginning; containing I_lo acres-and
30 perches, more or less,—abont 80 acres - improved,
with a framed hmse, a framed barn, a framed
horse barn, a. granary, and an orchard of fruit
trees' thereon. Seized and taken Into execution - at
the snit of Cyrus Cook vs Jonathan Dimon.
No 44.ALSO,•One other lot of- land, situate In
Tuscarora township, bounded north by lands - of
John and Joseph Nigh. east by landsconducted by
enter' Nigh to Jacebtitought, south by lands - of B
W Edwards, now in possession of Johnliought,
and west by lands of 'said John and Joseph Nigh ;
containing n acres, More or less, out 15 improv- -
ed. with two framed houses, -a fired barn, a
hiacksruith shop, and an orchard t fruit trees
No 47 ALSCOne other lot of land, situate In
Tuscarora township, bounded north by lands of W -
itarroircliff, east bys creek dividing lands from
W Barrowellif (now owned by B W Edwards) on
the south by lands of Jacob nought, and west by
lands of Elijah Merrill and others ; "containing. 53
acres, more or less, about 20 improved: being same
land contracted from Peter W Nigh to Jaectb
.Rouglit on the 6th day of August, 1873. Seized arid
taken Into execution at the snit of WmB Vincent's,
Use vs Jacob nought:
• No 48 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In
Towaretalownstilp, bounded north by the Barclay
Railroad, lands of the Towanda Iron Slanufaetor-
tug Cowan) , and 41 C Mercus. (lately, owned by
Gordon F Mason), east by the Susquehanna River,
and Routh by lands of Miller Fox, Michael McMa
hon;; Patrick Considine. ' — Joseph Ochs, C M Man
ville; S W Alford, B E.,Whitney, Alonzo )(logos
and Martin Croty, and west by lands of Hiram
Fox, deceased ; containing 30 acres of land, more
or less, - all improved, with no buildings thereon_
Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of J. A.
Record; J I. Kent and .1: -L. Ilitils, Trustees of
Bradford Lodge I ODE, No 167, use vs Sc, Mesas.
anton Borough, hounded north' t y lands of Mrs
1) Hazleton, east by hinds of Harding Clark and
' C Seymour, south by lands of Z Dunham. and
est by Sullivan street; tieing 50 feet front on said
ultivan street and 200 feet deep, with a framed
a N ke o n 4 l 9 n A- to L e S z7cuti n o e n at t he
d and
i l
sluotitoOff land,
H a' H i :1:o:
O s:v e s 1 a1 . ' 1 4 ) G fe ra w nt r e n er it' an t d r" A s en th a e o " :ntee Se r. l7
No 00 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate in
'Litchfield township, lenna6c4l north and . east by the
public highway, south by lands of Mrs Case,..and
west by lands deeded to Eliza Stanton ; containing
about 14 acres nearly all improved,. with a dwell
ing house and. few 'fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution at the snit of 8 G Townsend
vs J P Perry and .1 E Drake.
PETER 3. DEAN, Sherlff,l—
Sheriff's Opice, April 10, 1879.. . .. . .
LICENSES.—Notice is hereby
given that the following applications ter li
censes for Taverns, Eating Moines and Merchant
Dealers, have been filed in this office, and that the
same will be .presented to the Court of Quarter
Sessions on MONDAY, MAY 5, 1579, for the con
sideration of said Court. ,
TAN - slims. 4 ... • -
S3l Brown, Towanda boro, Ist ward. l• •
Vincent Baldwin. ltidgbury.
.1 Morgan Brown. Wyaluslug.
Itenben It Berry. Welles. • •
Martin Crowley, South Waverly bore.
Charles !Leah:, Athens township. •
0 II P Disbrow, Towanda bore, Ist ward. .
.1 G Dougherty, Wysox township. - .
WM Henry. Towanda bona, Ist ward.
James .1 Hannan. Oierton township.
Jho S Ilininan, - Slonroe bow.
George-Jordan. Athens hero.
Thomas R. Jordan, Towanda boils', 24
• E A Jennings, Towanda bore, 24 ward.
•••-• Joseph Jerulatnon, Troy bore. -
Duncan S Kennedy, Wysor. township.
Morris Kellogg, 'Albany township. ' '
-Ornil Kellogg, Towanda boro, 2a ward. , •
• Daild Messner, Canton boro.
• Mrs Mary Melvin. Barclay townshiN
McDonald, Monroe township.
--Washington Pitcher. Towanda bora,lst ward
.1 P Rogers, Shesbequln township.
• Warren Stnitb, A ustinville,
James P Strong. Columbia township.
Charles H Seeley. Towanda born. Ist ward. ,
P D Wilcox. Albany. township:— •
Frank Green, Troy born. — •
Henry Patterson, Springfield. •
John.OrMn, Towanda bow, Ist ward.
James Cumnalskey, Towanda born. Ist ward.
.0 P Moore, Towanda bolo. 25 ward.
• Slat-enc. T Kirby, Towanda born, 25 ward. -
`7 GEO. W. BLACKMXN, Prothonotary.
Prothonotarrs Office. •
Towanda, Pis:• l April 14, UM
A ssioNErs .NOTICE.—In the
estate of - Johnlr. Means, Asesignei. In the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford-County. -
• Notice is hereby-given that application bavlr.g
been Made to geld Court-on the 21st day of APRIL,
A. D. 1879,by Wm. II Stem, assignee, for the benefit
of -creditors of the estate of the said 'John P.
Means; to reconvey the said estate tothe -said as
signor, in order that he may carry out the compro
mise he has made with his creditors, and also that
he, the said Wm. U. Storrs, be discharged as as
signee of said oblate. The said Court ordered and
darectetrthat notice be given of the same, to all
persons Interested, by publication In the BRAD.
'FORD" REPOUTZU and Bradford Arra for the
space of four weeks, after which said assignee win
ask that the same be granted,- unless cantle , be
shown why the same should not be done.
WM. U. SWIMS, Assignee.
Towanda, April et, 11179. twig
Is hereby given that an personv in
debted to the estate of Atuastah Blatesiey, late of
the lownshipof Burlington, deeessed, are requested
to make Immediate payment, linden persons baring
claims agalust esti!' estate mull Intend them duly
authenticated ter settlement.
J. W. NICHOLS, A dminist rator.d
Burlington, April 24,18:9. '
; -
d e e teed to Int,:sutteextz=e
I HE Graphic and New Jewel, lh
wog perfect taeornameatat bow awns
t world, at\ J NE'S.