Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 10, 1879, Image 3
!4.lradford, lepotter, 7CILAS. 11. ALUM, LOCAL EDITOR. Towanda, Pa, Thursday, April 10, 1879. iw, A. CHAMBERLIN, Deale,in FIN.A'JEWELRY, WATCHES, , SILVER & PLATEP:WAIIg, TOWANDA rA. Towanda. Jan.l3. 1877. = LOCAL AND CENERAL. REDUCTION IN SUBSCRIPTION. In conformity with the general de ,prpriation in values, the subscription to the Rep Otter will 'hereafter be ONE POL LAB, (payable in_ ad ranee), making it the cheapest news paper in the State. While making this reduction, no exertion will be les, :;tined to make the paper worthy of the name support it has received in the past, by fearless editorial comments upon current topics, and by a copious .synopsis of the news of the day. • Thu Ayricultural Depart azent will r ' eeire .carrful attention, and no Pains nOr c%rpne.e will be, spared to colleftthe - local news of I1U? - town and county. The Reporter shall merit, and kapes lu reeeire,?he cokliden(e and patron aye of the friends ichohare for so enn ny years been ilx readers. Cot - Nm. i'reia4dings in another en': "now.- Likewise the doings in Court. THE firm of LEE & nous, grocerymcn, Troy; Ims lean dissolved, Mr. LEE retir- it was not until the 45th tiall4A, that the Council succeeded in choosing a Bur- EMIR - Tull firm of Wurrcomu'l SIIAUT, deal ers in books . and stationery, has been dis solver!. Mr. SuAtrr retiring. 8 t-rzctm.tetrn of Court, to continue Circe weeks, convened on Monday last, .111(1ge Monnow presiding.. En. in Williamsporttbey. • arrest tramps put them to work breaking .t.,ne for the streets of the ei.y. Tun 3lereantile ApPraisenrent of Brad Loral County, for the year 1879-, will ap ' iu the REPORTER- A. F. Tnorr, of Cantor', has abou c.mipleted the repairs on his store build in 4 made necessary by the recent fire. Tut:. litate Line and - Sti a Raitrostl shipped from their mines at BClnice 4,474 tons of coal during; the month of March. Tun Troy Ga:ci?e of last week Says L. (;. VANIIous is building a saw-mill on Armenia, which will be in operation soon. A ,oct.kimn will be held at the Lecture Room Of the Universalist, Church, on Tuesday evening, April 15th. All are la- 311:: , .1.1011% CARMA'N, of this place, re ceived l a seveto fall on Monday last s by nhieli her rhzlit arm Was broken near the writ. IF• the Wayuc County papers are relia ble there were snow-di - Main the roads of that county last week, "from 10 to 12 feet high." Un: correspondents are requested to write ou only one side of the sheet, and Lt: particular to write \ all proper nines thstluCtly. - -Pte lie l'aik is 'undergoing its l,ual r. n•wiition, awl no (tOirlit will pre -3 tidier appearance work is c• qll plet • 11. IL et.Anu, of Waverly, it is Las moasCrea each snow fall during winter in the aggregate, it ,tut:o.tuts to G 7 inches. A rein; race betwec n NAVANAri;(I, , r d r , A ms, considera- Wo interest hereabouts. Ka vANAtxht 1:1. to be the favorite. Tor. thin of IlitAtTsp who have efevlectol the meat ttrirket corner of Pop- Lir all.l 'Main streets, was dissolved last ‘‘et Mr. ITILL retiring. TwFNTY panes mere added to the sub :.l:l,svriptiith lists of the REPORTEU. OD A.l-I.lay lasi, and it wasn't much of aday 1.1 takintz rew FLA)SD! ibOTS, eitlier. covEnNort Ilorr hai issued his probla- Matim ile laying Lackawanna County the - '0) Judicial District. s Judge HANDLEY, ' , •11111ti 11, is the President Judge. ' .1 I',\C. NT house, the property of JAMB'S H.T. of Springville, Susgnehanna Conn- Ay, was destroycd by tire on Thursday Lot. - Cause of lire, unknown. Insured. A eNctirsi, o west to Kansas, Nebras ka :tisi (14oratlo, or ally other point A\ to start from pOints along the Le -1 .:41: Valley Railroad, wilrleaveubout May Ti:i. public (lett statement for. Mari `l+ v. , • an ine - reasf‘ of iearly a million of (i.,11:11:, nut this is only :temporary,.. and (.1 causes which do not exist every 1:1 ault. T is E Temperance Union Reading Rooms '1t..111 were dot-ed Marcht29th. They Lave been a fuccese, andlwere organized ate] Lept up by the efforts of Captain J. JI. , • r a draw lug of art in Troy at the drug s' , .. “f B. B. MITCHEI.j. lately, A. S. Ilu"!•-En, editor of the G4:ette, was the Lucky man, drawing a large picture val tx,l Tun changeable weather of. the past f-w weeks has just been the kind for c'ais colds and excruciating neuralgia Pains. We've been there, and' "know 1 ,, W it is ourself." "C. M. 31vEtt, w1,05 , e place of business Sus burned ont on Thursday night last, re-ipered trade in the rooms recently '"'ent , it.4l by IIuAEND tE •lltta., opposite the Politic Square. 11 , 0e.v. thieves aro vigorously laying . dim calling. in some of the eastern coun tif.s 4‘f the State. Owners of good stock 410 well to keep n top eye open for those dealers in horse flesh. IIIEICE was sbipfied over Abe Barclay dtiring the month of March, 37,- 470 toes of coal. Of this amount. 22,145 tons were mined at. Barclay, 15,227 • . frons at v eatbon ltun and 98 tons at Fall Creek. DottxrioX.—There will be a donation at the rooms of the Colored Zion,Chnrch on Wednesday,' the 23d instant, for the beiefit of their pastor, Rev. C. 11, .4.l4nTn. All6i invited to attend. ". • " A.Afou, who has been at the busi ness or ucti9ner for 35 years, has been selling gods to large , audiences at the 1 Morgan s fore. Asa prompt, ready sales man, tilt. OE is a * s e uceess.-- Troy Ga zette. ` .. THE new pa , nger depot of the North ern Central lla kway, in this place, says the Canton SenttKul, is to bo erected on Railway avenue, spar Carson street, and will be 50 feet in 'length by 25 -feet in depth. • •• \ Dn. C. R. GORMAN Thursday morning last known politician, and teims iu the State Legisla one of the oldest Mason, County. SEVEN tramps who have bean commit tin7, depredations of divers kindn South Towanda for some days past, Were arrest ed on Monday last; by Officers BURNS, DIMMOCK and- Mothrr, and • lodg din jail at this place. WE did not have the pleasure of list to the lecture by Mr. AnusTuoxa, Elmira, at the - Court House on Saturday afternoon last, but understand from those who were present that it was an excellent one, and gave general satisfaction. CAPTAIN JAMES GOODRICH, who died at Tioga, Tioga County, Pa., March 22d, aged 88 years, was a soldier in the war of 1812, .Ferving in General Mut:tames com mand and in the brigade led . by Brigadier General GEORGE Mcettmr, of Bath; N.Y. Tit E emigration from Pennsylvania this spring is beyond parallel—most of it bound for ICansas, although very many are stricken • with -the Lcadvillo fever. On Tbesday the emigrants who departed from Harrishtir , numheree quite 3,000. Citunctt oc_the Messiah,:' (Universalist),.. Rev. Wm.* TAmolt, Pastor. Easter uttday A. It., Subjea—" The True. Meat." CommuniOn .er l irices at close. At 7:30 r. m.—" The-lessons of Easter.' 'Musk. appropriate for the season. Al welcome. PAUL ThlnnlNGTos, the old man at Austiuville, who recently - attempted sui cide by gutting his throat with a razor while in a fit of insanity, produced by dis ease, died on Thursday last' from the ef fects of his wounds. lle was about 70 years of age. Dn. NETATISMI SxlTu, Df Canton, who is chargel with Navin? produced the death of ALICE SCUDDE%; by an opera tion for ahoitiOn, was drought to this place on Wednesday last. , and was admit ted to bail in the sum of - f1,300 for his appearance at May term of Court., TUE Tunkhanno - ek •Rept'blican is to Le enlarged several columns this week. We are glad to note this evidence of prosperi ty in the affairs of our neighbor. It is 'a good paper and deserving of all the pat ronage the people of Wyoming County choose to extend to it—aild more. THE Rev. C. B. SrAnnow, of Canton, will deliver his lecture, entitled "Sher man's March to the Sea," at the M. E. Church, in this place, on Tuesday even ing next, April 15th. Let him be greeted with a full house, as none will regret it who attend. Admission 25 cents. PMEZMIM TII E next session of the Bradford and Sullivan Pomona Grange will be held at North Orwell, coran►encing May 7th, at half-pa-it 1 o'clock r. M. There will be an open session in the' evening. to wl ich all are invited: • A. T. LT LerioS', April 7,'1379. Secretary. 31irs..LUCINDA Nicuois, of Elmira, was found dead in her bed on, Thursday morn ing of last week. • She had been ill for several weeks, but had seinned to be im proving for a few days • previous to her sudden death. Sho was about 79 years of age. dler remains were interred at Itidg hury, this county. THE Wyalusin Literary Society w give an entertainment at Academy Hall, Friday evening, April 18,.1A79, consisting or mays, resitations deelam•itious, tab- Icaux, vocal and instrurip-ntal music, and cntlinz with a dram.). entitled "04 the Stage." Admission 10 and 11 cents„ MI are invited to attend. who has lately removed into his new store:opposite thC Public Square, has jest added to his already largo stock of eigars a new brand which the Editor has hesitancy in recommending to lovers ofVn3 weed. And wo make . pretensions •at being more or less of a judge as to the good'lnalities of an article of this kind. FiroU a certified statement from the re cords of \the Commissioners' office, it ap pears Oa\ the amount paid by the county for bridge \purposes„ from 1539 1878, was $109,7401,. Toivanda borough pays one-eighth of\ the taxes collected for coun ty purpo , es, .and not a dollar has ever been expended within its limits for In idge purpoSes. FROST'S SONS' advertisement was hand ed in too late for it*rtion in the 110-POR iy.r. this week. Ilet\we would advise all wlio contemplate pu'e)lasing furniture to give them a call before making such pur chase, as they -now have in stock the largest and handsomeSt\ assortment of goods in their line ever offered for sale in this couuty. WE heard the coimndrurr(propounded the other day, of about how Much mile ago a person should charge - for,\traVeling from the door of the Senate clia \ Mber at Harrisburg to the Hall of the Rouse of Represeatatives, provided the jOurney was wrformed by an offioial. Of Course editors of papers in Bradford County \ are not expected to send in answers. V \ LARGE works have; recently been orect;\ ed in Williamsport by E. A. Paxruts, late. , of Philadelphia, for the manufacture of As. phaltum Paints. This is the only estab lishment in the - United States making these paints, and as they arc made at a cost of more than 50 percent. hiss than other paints for the same use that these are, one may readily. predict that this enterprise will, prove Successful. FIRE.—On Thursday evening last, be tween six and seven o'clock, fire Was dis.. covered in the basement of the wooden building joist north of P.►Tros's Block, Man street. An alarm was given and the firemen were promptly on the ground, and succeeded in subtitling the !lames in a short time, bpt not, however, until -the building was considerably darnaged.- The building was -owned by: IL STREETER, F.N.,,and was occupied by C. M. M YE* 38 11 meat market, and L. T; fttirtsW., -- as a restaurant. 'Sir. STREETER had an in surance of ftl,ooo ou .tile .building, Mr. . Mims $6OO on his stock, and Mr. ~Rovsn ;200 on his stock; which will fully cover the loss they severally sustained. Et*BAis cridougygetting to be a t bad• place. A young woman and a young man, inhabitants thereiu,-attempted to shuttle off the Mortal coil" list week by tlid aid of poison. Your daily papers. aro now . published there, but we• had hoped that the mania for self. destruction would' not extend outside of r.ilitical circles in the beautiful city ',tare time boasted au Eldridge Part PERFECT lollar of the date of LSO4 is said . north 1.500, -and the Wilkes-Barre Record of the Times says it knows of a gentleman who will pay that sum for a piece of that denomination and date, that is free from all blemisbos and from the effects of wage. We are sorry to inform the Record that our collection of ancient and modern coins does not con tail' a dollar of the date requireit—nor • of any other. • ied at Pittston on, lio was a well kad served two tife. Ho was TILE LAW Exsers- laws oc this State require the auditors of every borough and township to meet annually on the second .3fonclay 174 April, to audit' and settle the accounts of the supervisors,; : overseers of the poor, and all other town', ship and borough °inners, excepting that of school.directors, whicb comes off annu ally on the, first Monday of June. These accounts aro Jegnired by law to be pub lished in at least two newspapers, under a severe penalty for neglect. in Luzerne As - ingenious resew has been caught in ' Varren County, He need to' lniy chick c ‘.7 from the farmers and write out a re ceipt for them to 'sign with a qietteil, the poit4 of which would break just before reaching the signature. Then ho would produ a - fountain pen from his pocket and ha the farmer write his name .in oe \ ink. S M after he would erase all the pencil wri 'tig and write promissory notes for $lOO or. 130 and get them discounted at a bank. - Enwann Carr II; of Iloutzdale, Clearfield County, this Mate, died' at his hunie in the form r plaw , on Monday lasta Mr. CflArFEE.was or a leng time a resi dent of our lown, ud left hero about three- yt auk ago, to begin business in lionttdale. l7 lli3 was a native of Bradford County, and was well own in this vi cinity, where ho had may friends. lie bad been married but two or three:6as at the time of his death,:a his illness wll3 of short duration: Iris. riMids here will learn of his death with arrow and retTret.-4o urnal. WE are not, at present, offcrin premi ums or prizes as wgeneral thing, tut to the first person who will 'sew . ' us a solu tion of the annexed conundrum, c. nod from the Towanda correspondence orthe Elmira Gazelle, of a recent date, we. WI I be at least grateful. Any answer that ha: atendency to prevent the "cause of lin, Man events taking place," will bet ruled opt as not germane to the subject f 6, For some time everything possible at, could be done to prevent the spread ing of a contagious disease in this. place has failed and iris at last upon us iirsuch a form as is impossible to get rid of only by letting the "course of human events" . take place." TILE FESTIVAL OF THE PASSOVER.- Monday evening last, at shndOwn, began the Jewish festival of Pesach, which will continue for eight (lays. It is the celebra bration of the . (lay " when Israel came out of Egypt,'.' and is observed by the Jewish people with ell the joyonr fervor that . characterizes American citizens in the celebration of our NatiOnal holiday. It is a season of rejoicing over an event. : which, according to the Jewish calendar, took place am years ago. One of the observances of the ikeamion is a thorough house cleaning, which is cortimemeirative of the setting of-their.houses 'in order af ter the coming out from the land of Egypt, over ZlOOO, years ago. KNOWLTON'S 1.71i/TEILSA.L BATIL—Rev. T. L. OLMSTED, of-Towanda, is Bradford County agent Kir the above named pat ented appaiatuA. It consists of a porta ble vulcanize rubber sack attached to a strong, Wooden . rim; is constructed to rest on two common chairs ; can be used in any room, requiring for a full length bath only one-third of the usual amount of. water; makes no ship, affords overt' form of bath except the shower, and could that with a very little additional 'expense ; unaffected, by beat below 110 ilegrees - Farenlicit, and by acids or medi caments. Its highest value, is in sickness. After use it dries quickly and needs -no extra rno:n for stotar. Ample, reliable testimonials to its m••rits and durability can be procured from those who have used it. The price. brings it within the reach of all. • . Mn. Goonutcii/tcar Sir: The paid tithe of my paper expired 'Mareh 1, 1879, but still it comes, and I am cot very for- - ry for it. I' could not content myself with out it. I subscribed for ;the HT:rot:l'm I think, in the spring Of 1845, and I can not remember any yeais that I have not taken it since that time, and I still wain the paper as long as I am able to read it, and it holds to the principles that .it. has sirce . lS6o. I think the paw was not called the BRADFORD Ilimoterma in its early, days, and if not., I would be glad to be informed what it was. • Yours, [The original name of the liErowritu was Tax BRADFORD PORTER, and it was publislied under that name until 1842- 7 - about two years-- . --when the re was added to the last Word. The REMItTER expects to continue in its advocacy of the princi ples which it has battled for in the past, in the same fearless manner that has here. 7 tofore'cliaracterized it, and, we. earnestly belie our aged 'friend may live many yearS, yet toperuse its cialumns.Eu.) 14:Dflunty, Maich 21, 1872 M. I). HEIMAN On two or three, occasions advertisers have told us that;:n gentleman in this place had informed them that the circula r Lion of the BEronrrarliad "fallen off un til it wally. amounted to nothing." For the information of the, individual who guesses at something he \knows nothing about, we state that:the Weekly - circula tion of the ItErotirsa has not fallen off but little from whirt it has been during the past three years, notwithstanding `nearly one thousand papers worn stopped `on the first of January last for' lack of \ \ payment in advance. And at the Present titre&our list bidii- fair to reach larger pro- portions than ever before. We do not 1 proem* to brag or bluster about this Mat- tor. 'Those who feel disposed to exarnirm our subscription lists will be cheerfully accorde4i\the privilege, on calling at the , office. Wiv t ihall endeavor to print a pa per worthy be patronage of the intelW gent people\ Of Bradford County, and fail ing in this\iespect, shall not attempt to beg favors Where the merits of our pa per do not corarrand them. 1 1We inere ly adviirt,to,A - amtter in justice 'to t?our selves and on? imr, and that advertise' s'. may know Iv re to get the worth of their money. CV this, slut nothing more. VIE terrible calamity. that I t :recently swept away Abe property and destroyed" the lives of so many peole at Szegetlio; in Hungary, has ,already bccn noted in our news columns. The 'mister was so great and so i effects that \ ,i it at once attracted the atten ion_ antlas.; cited the pitv Or i. tbe Civilized world, and measures have been taken to send aid to the destitute and t bouseless•peeple of the devoted city, - Vlie following card . giies notice that Mayor Coors% of New York city, has 'contented to reecho subscrip tions for the relief of the sufferers by tbo great flood, and - we trust all 'of our raid. era will forward to New York such sums as they our spare to help the stricken people of Szekedin : tpuvEnsitx viz over op Nrw ions, - Ilareb 2S. 1879- 5 • Mn. Entree:—There is already inter. est shown in Europe in behalf of the poor flooded Szegedin,.in Hungary. Yester day's papers rep ort £7,000 subscribed to the Mansion House Fund in London. We Americans, always sympathizing with suffering humanity everywhere, should certainly: Fasten to add to the number. of Szegediu!s benefactors.- We therefore re spectfully beg-you to notice the fact that his . _Honor EDWARD COOPED, Mayor of New York, has consented to receive sub. seriotionh for the relief of the destitute and houseless sufferers of Szegedin. Etow.tun epos . SAMUEL M. HAMILTON.. GUSTAVUS ALEXI: HEADSTONES POE SOLDIERS GRAVES. IT is probably generally remembered that some years ago—ln 1873—Congress .passed a law providing for the erection of durable headitones over the graves of soldiers of the regular and volunteer forces of the United States whose remains are interred in the National Military_ Cemeterie l s. This law himi ken carried out, and the graves of the Nation's dead in these cemeteries are now permanentlY marked, At the instance of the War I. partment, Congress bas recently author ized the erection of similar -headstones over the graves of the Union soldiers who are buried in private and Till rge cemete ries. This will be done as soon as the necessary, arrangements can be made. In • the meantime the Quartermaster General at Washington, will at once proceed to collect the necessary information as to where those headstones are required. All per's Navin; any know lop of the burial places of Aohliers in private cemeteries whose graves are not marked, are re- 'quested to. communicate the fact to the .Quartermaster General, and give regi. went, company, and date of death of de ceased,. if known. Similar information is desired from parties in charge of such cemeteries. Of course it is not intended to furnish headstowis for graves over which monuments have already been erected by relatives or friends of the de? PERSONAL. —Wir.soN Pori'Hu, of Colley, Sullivan County,..has purchased a farm_in Wilmot township, this county, and . will occupy it this spring. —Mri. PAGE, an old and esteemed resi. lent of Elwell, died March 2:ith. Though' e had been sick Some days, the an \ incement oflieteatli was sudden and une pected. - She eaves a husband and ibree \ childreh, besides a large, circle of &lonia and acquaintances to mourn het loss. Bev; Mr. CRIPPEN, of Terrytowni preached\to a large audience on the occa sion of he} funeral, from Phillipians, 1:21, "For to lii is Christ, and to die is gain." —Hon. Ur, •esm Mttniant has received the degree of Doctor - t of Laws (LL. D.) frodi Washingt m and - etferson Colleges. —Mr. JOHN K TTAIRGE is in attendance at the meeting of the Grand Lodge Knights of Honor, tittisville, this week, as a representative TO Crystal Lodge of this placei • • . —Tit EononE PIERCr of Canton, who has been seriously ill, is slowly recover - ing. *—GEonon 131..tesw mt., f Burlington, bas accepted a clerkship wi la GERNERT & NAT.I.IIID, Troy. —Rev. S. L. CoNnE, of the first Pros. byterian Church, Tioy, we unlerstand leaves that piace about the. first Of May, for a new field of labor. lic will be sore lyt Missed by his numerous friends ere. —Rev. N. C. DEAN, who' at' oue *me filled the N. E. Church pulpit of this town, with great acceptability, was cal - ing on his friends hero, last week. 11, preaches at Brockport, N. .I"—Troy cht :ette. —J. E. EquAnT, of STUART Brothers, did a handsome thing' the other day in giving Lea-atilt]] wall paper for the •sit ting room of the Parsonage, and then hiring a man to put it , on:—Trss Gareth. • ALLEir, of 'Mansfield, .has re ceived an invitation . to hold a Teachers' Institute at Lamed, Kansas, next July. —Nottat.tx Kitw.t.imitomi,- of Mans field, Ohio, has accepted the position of bt:)a-keeper in the hard ware establish ment of McINTYlet: Brothers; of this place, and has entered upon the discharge' or his Antics. —E. C. SIIIMMAN and party start for lorado to-night, leaving this place . ria. the Montrose Railway. Toe party is com posed of the - following named gentlemen : E.C. 511E1111.114 C.B. POTTEII 7 , TuEoncot Itinu),..lst, A. WAIt;En, and ono-or two others whom we .are, unable to nalfie.;-- Motron Republitan„4pra cq . RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE BOROUGI GOV ERNMENT. In conformity with the lavi of the Com. monwealth of Pennsylvania, the Borough Council met at their chambers on Mon day, April 7, IST at 13 o'clock at. for the purpose of le.organilation, all the old members . were • present who.e terms of taco bad net 'expired, to :' Councilmen Dodge, -Jones, Kingsbury, Montanye, Stevens, Snell, and the new members, ludson Holcomb, W. G..Alger,' and William. Keeler, who Were duly qual ified and took their seats: Assistant Burgess Snell was called to the chair, when on motion of Councilman Alger the Council proceeded to ballot for the choice of Burgess. Councilman Holcomb moved that a ma .1)1.4 of alt the votes cast should be re quired to elect. Carried. Ch4irman appointed Holcomb and Keeler tellers,, 9n.the tirst.ballot W. 11. Jones hail 3 votes, W. llii • Dodge 3 votes, A. Snell 3 votes ; E edoint ballot the result - was the same. . On the third ballot, Jones bad 2 votes, Dodge 2, Snell,2 ; the candidates not vot ingA. motion was then made to take a re as till 7 o'clock r:\ 31.. which was lost by as, 3; nays, 4 ; Messrs. Jones and Dodge not voting: 1 Three more ballots were taken without 'electing. A notion was then made and carried to Mkt a recess till 7 o'clock 1.. ar. On re-assembling in the evening all the members were present, Assistant Burgess Snell in the chair: The balloting for choice ofDingesa was, then resumed, when on the 44th ballot it was found that no cheicihad - been.niade, ,Mr. Snell withdrew. There being then. but two candidates in the‘ilelethe 45th ballot was• taken, resulting as 'follows : W. U. Dodge ' ha d 5 .votes and "W. H. Jones had 4 votes. ~- Burgess Dodge then tnoll\the chair, when on motion, W, H. Jones-was elected Assistant Burgess by Recta/nation. , , \ There being-some diSpositiiiii manifeSt ed to postpone the election of the remain ing officals for the current 'year, Council- . man Snell\ moved that the Council Tiro.' ceed at once to elect a ,Secretary. The notion Was,earried, mad 'nominations be ing in order Mr. Dodge read au applies tivn from W. S. Tina M. asking for , the po-iition of Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. Jones nominated Josep:i Kingsbury. . Ur. Holcomb nominated J. B. Kittridge. Ou motion the nominations were close. The:Council then proceeded to ballot, the result was as follows : Kingsbury bad 5 ' votes, Vincent 21 yotek Eittrlage votes. Ringsbutt ba4lig a majority of all the votes cast was declared duly elected: • . The; llftcss paid the Cobncil *mid nowt pro&bM 'to elect it Tresiturer, when on motion, Cduncilman Holcomb was au. thorizedlorOittalle-erlitif?,riate of the Council for Jose tat Singsbary for Tama: urer for the ensuing-year. kr. lialcOmb thus , voting M. \ - )Kingsbari was duly John N. Califf and Lewis \ Ball were nominated for Borough, Attorney. The vote being taken resulted as follows : J. N. Caliif bad 5 votes, •Hell bad 4 vdtes. G. A. Burns was re-elected Chie(Of Poi lice. , C. W. Dimmoek 'was reelected Night Police. A. Wickham was re-elected Collector, of Taxes.. The-Burgess _then proceeded \ to name the ininsmittees as authorized by \ the reg ulations : . Finance Cotninittee—Jones and Snell. Sanitary Committee—Montanyo;`, Ste vens and Kingsbury. Streits ,- 4First Ward—Judson Holcomb. •' r r—Second Ward—Willism Keeler. " =Third Ward—A.H. litngsbury. Gas Committee—Alger, Jones 'and Hol d comb; • Fire Department—Stevens, Alger and The minutes; ere read and approved, and on motion the Council adjourned to meet-on Saturday evening, tho 12th inst., at 71 r. y. i, - .1. Kmasnunv, Secretary. _ 001 JET P11.0&-ED11102. Arknnvint Court' Monday March 31, 1879. . 11.8. Holton vs. G. B. Haines ;Stephen Morley vs. W.P. Payson ; George Landon vs.' Nathaniel. Platt; " E. Gillet vs. L. H. - - - Post at al. A. and J. Morley vs. 11. B. Wilhe'ni ; F. C. Gillett; vs. N. C. Elsbree et al. In re voluntarY assignment of H. H. Hump hrey ; M. M. Coo!bingh vs. Pa. & N. Y.H-Y C. &R. R. Co. Daniel Shoemaker vs: J. K. 'Russell ; Central National Bank of 111., vs. Thomas Buch. aiian ; Reuben 11. Farnham vs. Charles Crowley ; John Clark vs. Ellen . Clark ; A. L. McKean vs: Williani topher nett vs: Lyman Blackman . ;' V. R. Jones vs.-M. It. Jones_; Coons & Blaine vs. the ilinnequa Springs improvement Co. Elhanan Smith vs.. A.. J. Goslinc F•liasltobinsen vs.. A, L. Cooper. • Rule discharged in each case. • • M. W. Wheelock vs. 8. B. Canner ; Daniel, Shoemaker ;vs: D. F.i Parton ;• J. Gustin vs. I. Harmer ; A.. T. MeClin tuck et al. vs. S. 11. Coirey ; Daniel Hen sley vs.- Charles ,E. Noble"; William Ponklid vs. M. J. Coolbaugh ; Addle E. Wilson vs. 0. F. Young; Sally Davidson -vs. C. P. H. Cole •, G. W. Plummer 'vs. Hosea Califf ; E. Dunham's use vs. D. F. • Barton ; Mary C. Mier vs. W. A. Sloytor et al: It. K. Ilulett vs. J. P. Perry et al. Rule made absolute it each case. P. A.-Johnson vs. L. A Califf—Rule on plaintiff to give security for costs. Samuel Kelce's use vs. 8. J. Hickok— Rule to enter appeal. R. C..Sinsabaugh vs. Wm. Elsibree— Rule to pay money into court. • In re petition of Helen M. Spencer' for the -benefit of her separate elinings 7 -- Prayer granted. In re the adoption of Eugene Ely as the child and heir of H. C. Tracy—Adoption decreed. Silas - Moon vs. Alice'Moon ; C. M. New cOlb Fraueis E. Newcolb ;A. 11. House vs. Louisa L. House; Fanuio E. Sutton vs. Abraham Sutton - Subpamarin divorce directed to be issued in each case. Henry Trumbell vs. EmngenoTrumben —W. S. Vincent appointed . ommissioner. Samuel Huck vs. W. U. Hardy—J. N. Caliif, appointed Auditor to dig.; tribute fund raised from sale of defend ants real estate. • J. A. Woodworth vs. C. Wheelock ; J. P. Jones vs. W. P. Payson et Bute to open judgement. N. C. Elsbree vs. Citizens National Bank of Towanda—Preliminary • injunc tion granted. Special term Monday April 7th, 1879. G. C. Atwood.. vs. Bela Cogswell ; Pomeroy Bros. Vs. C. D. Cash et al. G. C. Atwood vs. Lyman Watson—Rules made absolute. C. M. Myer vs. Patrick Constantino ; Commonwealth Vs. P. II. Sherman—Rules discharged. CommonsieaPh vs. E. T. Elliott—Em bezzlemeut. Court refuse to order Com monwealth to furnish a more specific bill of particulars. - .11. L. Scott vs. Citizens National Bank of Towanda—Preliminary .injunction granted. P. W. McDonald vs. A. J: Layton— Trespass. S. , W. 'Little and 11. N. Will lams, Esq. fir plaintiff ; W. IL Carn elian and I. McPherson, Esq, for defend ant. On trial. • • LETTER FROM PHILADELPHIA Prm......prx.rulA, April 7, 18;9 It is pretty well established that the pleuro-pneumonia wasted amongst the rttle in the connties adjacent to this eq. Thomas J. Edge, who is Secretary o he State Board of Agriculture and has bee appointed by Governor Hoyt to look after the disease among cattle in this State, as already found 'some infected cattle.i five different places. The disease is very i ectious, but r.ll that can be done in the absabE rico of law is to quarantine the infected he s and endeavor to prevent its its spread . he disc:tie is supposed to exist now in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, onnecticut and Virginia. New York and ... - ew Jersey have, already secured legislatio on the matter turd are u\ busy trying to sta it out.' Pennsylva nia has a bill pendin before the Legisla- trim which if passed, will give the Gov eroor power to inau g urate a similar g \i stamping-out process to that which is in operation in Now York a d-liew Jersey —that is, appoint inspect° with power to seize and kill all cattle fot tr d infected \, with the disease ; issuing ce • ificates of value to the owners , who w ill, be reim bursed by the Commonwealth and 'to quarantine the healthy ones to 'try and prevent the spread of the contagio \ n. 1,4 Willa Ridgway , a brother of .* E. Ridgway, President of the Union P *ten ger Railway, committed suicide at the , 1- leglieny House, 'Market :street, on Tu. day, by taking a quantity of cyanide oC potassium: Ile was about 48 yews of age, of intemperate habits, and bad lately been impressed with the idea that he would have to go to the nynshouse. It costs 28 cents a wcck to feed a pris oner in the Eastern State Penitentiary. The table, is not supplied with all the del- . icacies-of the season, bOt the food is clean and wholesome, and the boarders ill that 'institution appear to thrive upon it. During March 226 foreign and 427 coastwise vessels arrived at this port. In the same month of last year 118 foreign and 500 coastwise 'arrived. The number of foreign for last March 4s the largest that has ever arrived in that space of time. • An explosion at the Belmont Oil Works, caused by a leak in the still, enveloped the workmen in the burning oil, roasting three of them ilia terribla manner. One body, when found bore no tesemblance to the human form. The damage to the works was about $ . 160,000. 'An oil refine ryls as dangerous a place as a powder mill, and when accidents occur 'they are quite as horrible in their results as an ex plosion,of powder. ' Thieves broke into the Moravian Church at Fiankliri and Wood streets, on Monday night, and stole two lettles of Communion wino, but did not disturb the silverware. The First Reformed Presby terian Church, Seventeenth and Filbert street,', was jimmied into but nothing .taken, probably because there was no coin muition wino handy. About this time the tramps begin to IC \ ave the pity ,- and depaxt from their win. : - tec qurters. One hundred and twenty retired from the Chester County alms house on Monday. Thi \ reeeipts for cu tom ' s dudes at this Out. for the month of March, 1879, were 14,4Y53*.C6. TIM; anuMnt exceedi the • eollections.of any. month sink, 1870—or, possibly, in the history of the port. The increase is due to active importation of the commodities which enter into a gen eral spring trade in:good times, but es. pccially to heavy arrivals of sugar and molasses, in which articles trade is just now unprecedented. ; - "Es-City Controller Samuel 'P. Ifancccli who has been in -a precarious condition from the effects of a boil_ upon his toe, died on Saturday. The eruption necessi tated amputatio n, and gangrene Eel in. Verily, our lives bang upon a slender thread. . • • The Supreme Court, after a'continuons. setting 18 weeks, rose on Friday, and \Judge Mercier returned home to Brad- The number of cases on the:ea:en der, is unusually large, though a greater number Dian usual wore diskised of. The Board otrardons has recommend ed thee,onimutation, of the death penalty to Imprisonment for fife is the caso of Alexander Sayre; who entered a churcli \ and shot his Wife as she was leaving a ft er the services , - The grou'ods were, 'the steak einkitkiii of the prim - mei:Bad 4=11 7 itiat the time \ of the shooting. Two thousand operatives are now en gaged in the Baldwin Locomotive Works fitting put engines\for Australia, some of which will be on exhiuition during the fri ternationai Exhibition at Melbourne. One of the "swift witnesses" before the Wallace \investigating - Committee is 'likely to answer for his \ false swearing. 1115 name is Diiddy,Wiid be Was foimerly , employed in the Custom Mouse,' from which he was disOarged foritter worth- - lesttiess. This Mused him \ to eeo the wickedness ofithe Republican party, and the purity of the Deinocracy attracted him to that immaculate \ olganization: fie was anxious to earn the three dollarif \ eash in band, Paidao witnesses; , so ho volun teered.\ to give evidehoe against William who was a Deputy United States Marshal at the late eleCtion. Con sequence : Mr. Duddy found himself be fore Magistrate List on Friday, to answer a complaint for perjury, and he hi \ likely to experience the dillerence between bear. ing false witness before a Congressiona ComMittee, and substantiating his stato meats in a Court of Justice. Other wit nesses before the Committee will proba=, bly be treated in the same manner, and the farce at the Girard House will turn out to be more than a comedy to some of the notorious blackguards and rounders who so numerously attended, and were so promiscuous iri their charges against . - the Supervisors and Deputy Marshals. Periodically the fire fiend visits a city, and in a . few brief hours destroys hun dreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property. Every city has its record of "big fires," which occur with 'alarming frequency, and notwithstanding the effi ciency of the firemen, rage for hours be fore the flames are subdued, and the pro gress of destruction stayed. Sunday morning occurred ono of these disastrous cnittlagrations, which , at one time, owing to the high wind krevailing, seemed des tined to spread over a large space. It occurred at Race and Crown streets, in a building erected on the site of a sugar re finery destroyed in 1569, breaking out in the office of the Philadelphia Burring Ma chine Company. The building and those adjacent were occupied by heavy dealers and manufaCturers, and the losses will probably foot up at three-quarters of a million of dollars. - St. Angustine's Church was in danger, but saved, and fortunately no lives were lost, nor inju ries sustained. • One of those mysterious happenings, in cident' to city life occurred one Sundae af ternoon, *lien William C. Martin, a- real estate agent on Fifth street,' was found by his brother in his office, unconscious with his feet on the table and his head over tl4:back of a chair, a deep cut on the left temple and his clothes saturated with blood. The diamond rings on ~his fingers and his watch in his pocket were untouched. The doers leading to the of fice were locked, and the keys missing. The whole affair is enveloped-in mystery; which as Mr. Martin is unconscious, is not likely to be solved., ti The redestriennes (we believe that is the correct, term) who have been for some days carningtheir pay at Concert Hall, on Saturday night became belligerent, and two of the female walkists got into a wrangle, which threatened to end in a prize fight. The audience enjoyed the diversion, and we have no doubt would have been delighted to witness half a dozen rounds, but the managers interfer ed and separated , tbd irate females,. who finally became reeok]eiled, and again be gan their tramp, Possibly the. scene was only ad advertising dodge,-as the walking mania has about run its course, Mid the refined and enlightened audiences wli o witnessed these matches, will require some now sensation. What more likely to be popular than a female sparring match?. A water-proof saved the life of Mrs. Topharui,wife of the less° of Smith's is land on Friday last: She was in a boat rowed by - two men, which was capsized near Walnut street wharf, and the three persons were thrown into the river and drawn under one of the freight lighters. The men came to the surface and were immediately rescued. Mrs. Topham not coming up, a boat hook was plunged un der the-lighter, and this caught her and she was drawn out. It was found that t , \1 143 "hood. of her water-proof cloak . Inid . n washed over her head so as to en, close sufficient air to prevent her drown 4 She was much exhausted , but was afterward able to return to her *OO. home Pao , $1,200.—"T0 snm it up, six long yea s of bed-ridden sickness, costing $2OO per year, total sl,2oo—all Of this ex pense was topped by three bottles of • Hop Bitters taker b) my wife, She has done her own housework for a year since,with out the loss of . s day, and I want every body to know it, for their benefit." BUSINESS LOCAL. lar Mrs. E. J. Ningos haaall tho latest stylekin HATS. riIi3PRING STYLES OF MILLIN ERY GOODS at STERNS. . Vir A pretty assortment of EMBROI DERIES an LAVES" at STERN'S. Ur Ladies ! buy the " SPOON !' COR SET st STEEL It, It Is tho best. . ' INKFANCY GOODS and BUTTONS In great variety at STEBNIS. COVISER has the best wearing Shees for Men. Boys and Youths' wear ever offered In Towanda, and at prices wltldn'tho moth at aU. Vir Mrs.' E. J. Magog has returned train tho city with a full lino of goods and all the Laden Styles of Millinery sad nisi? Goods: re NOTICE.—.-Tho acpaunts,pf tlie late Ann of.A [Nein & 11 Fre Room have been assigned to and should be paid . to J. E. UITCUCOCE, at the Itzeoniza,Ogice: , or For tickets to points West, North and Sonthweat, at the lowest pseslble rates.' eat! un Ur address, it. K. BCOCK, Agent, at Upper. Depot, Towanda. l7tt I L. B. RODGERS zballonges.comiet titian far vainly:at goods and law' Prices as Saab, 111101 sad Itoldin‘s, aid al building . iaagwttli Ur The Largest, Best and Cheapest Ana of Sties for Ladles., Misses• and Cbildrons , wear is found at Cusssa•s new stuns, corner Main and Pine-r 4., Tracy k frobleit Block. ' sprain- filr Don't you forgotit. We have an MK: ellent CRACKER RAKUTACTORT in town atrowLza , 5A1E13417 1 wherejon can boy the beat fresh-baked crackers. ; • Nir,Mhis- N. PARMTAX; WM: vhsit the city and, reeelyn next week s 1611 assortment of 1111111nerj goods, splint styles of ifses, he.• itlf The Red, White and Blue Store, coo Bridge street, is being thoroughly reWrect land Painted and will be completed in a few days. It will be occupied by Mr. OZARGIS Minna/LT as • first class Grocery Store. Mr. l. understands the Malaita, and will put in a good assortment of goods and will soil them at fair piton. He Is now in New York buying an entire new *bat.. • Mr The Bridge Street Furniture Store now, occupies two stores with a new stock of Spring (Coeds.' With law pleas, good goods and , a large stock to select from, we feel sore we can suit you. Vir JOHN CARUAN having removed to• CerroUnlock, Main !Rivet, Is now prepared to at tend to the wants esti who desire anything In the line of Stoves, Tinware!, Cutlery, ete. JobLlng and Repairing done in the most expeditious man ner and cheaper than the cheapest. Remember the place, Carroll Block, Main Street, opposite Bra:44ms Eiropean noteetr . rar VEGETAIILB SICILIAN lIAI II UZNZWItt is a scientlne combination of ionic; of the most powerful restorative agents In the vegeta ble kingdom:* It restores gray halt to Its original color.- It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors, - and failing-out of the hair. it furnishes the nutritive principle by which tie halr . ls ultirlshed and supported. It makes the hale molkt, soft end.glossy, and is unsurpissed as .a hate, dressing. It is the most economical .prepara- tiott ever offered to the public, as its effects remain a long time, tusking only an occasional application necessary. It Is recommended and' sed by emin ent medical urn, and officially endorsed by the State Assayer of Ilassachusett. The popularity of Ha I's Hair Renewer has increased with the tesZof many years, both in this country and. In foreign lands, and it is. now known and used In all the clrllized countries of the world. • Fog SALE DL ALL DiALZUS. e fegaL BRIDGE •NOTlCk—Notice is hereby given that on THURSDAY, the 24th day of APRIL. A. I). 1879, we the unoersigned. residents and tax payers of Bradford County to-. gother with twenty other residents and tax-payers of said County, will present our petition' to the Honorable the Court. of Quarter Sessions of Brad ford County to be then hoiden at Towanda. praying the satd Conn to.appoint viewers agreeably to the. Act of General Assembly approved May 8111,1816, and its tupplements, to view the bridge crossing ltie Susquehanna river at Towanda. In said County, owned by eke Towanda Bridge Company. and pray ing said Court that the said Bridge shall be taken as a County Bridge. OTtIFFIS, N 11. W. NOBLES, GEO. STEVENS and others. \Towanda, April 2, 1879. awk. SALES.--By virtue .....fttf sundry wilts Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Pradford County.and to me dl. metetl,l win expose to public. saki at the Court Ilown to Towanda, Branford County, Penneylva. via, on THURSDAY, HAY T. at I Welk - mit P.. 31., the following described property, to wit: No 1-07.4 IC lot of land In: Wilmot townsidp, bounded as (chows: Beginning at a tleralock knot and stone heap In Daniel Crandall's pasture; thence south s:l4;° west 190 perches, to a hemlock knot and stone heap In the line of lot • deeded by John 11.SpaltlIng, 1;stl: thence month 2S° sea 76 per. cites to a stone neap, northwestern corner of John It . Parker lot; thence by same south 81 0 east 108 perches to a stone heap; thence east 38 6-10 perches SD Ftuue !wapiti the4olin Crandall flue: and thence north 2 4 2%*east 124 'perches, to the place of begin ning; containing 72 'acres of land. more or less, about 15 acres lm proviul, with 2 board houses, one board stable and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execnthin at the entiof It If Lyon C F itovecrunts. Moo at Plat of Samuel Spence? vs C V Ito.!ecnintA I'CoY2 ALSO—One other lot land In Towanda floroUgh, bounded as followi , : on the north by Hus ton street; east by lands of QF Nlehols; south by an alley; west by lands of Mrs Huston or C Nichols. being about 50 ft front on Huston street,' and 2.2.3 - ft deep, with a two story framed. house therom. • No 3 ALSO—One oiher lot of hind In Towanda borough, bounded as follows: Beginning at north.' wcEtern corner of C F Mello's' lot, now Alex Al- ieu•s estate, on south side, of HuStonort; thence westerly aiong.tontlr side of said street 25 _feet to a corner of land contracted to C F Nichols; thence southerly along the east line of Bald I"C= 5-1,0 ft. to Ilse of land formerly owned by M C Mercer; thence easterly along staid Meteor's land 2S ft, to corner of lot of C F Slcholsnow the Alex Allen emote; thrnce northerly along line of sold lot to the place of Lep:ming, with part of a framed barn WIMMIMMMEI lot •of land - In Towanda hero, bounded north,by Huston street. west by lands of fI Chaapel to the possession of W M Mallory. south by an alloy. and east by a lot of C F Nichols, now Alex Allen's es-, tate: being about 50 feet front on sald- c flUston•sf, , and it= feet deep, with part of a trained barn tberenn. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of (4 F Taber's use vs C 8 Nichols,— \os ALSO—One other lot of tend' In Athens township, bounded north I,y lands:of Henry' Kirby. east Arid south by lands now or formerly owned by John I) Keyser and west by the public highway: centarning ol'an acre of laud, more or less, with one' framed house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized' and taken into execution at the suit of Friendly Bros' rise vs Mary F earner. NO a ALSO—One other lot of land In Burlington born, bounded north by lands of Ifollister erniipton awl Long Bros, east by the center of the brick wall of Lcing Bros' store, being centerof the wain hultd, leg, south by Troy street, and west by lands of G Tracy, being about 33 feet front on said Troy st, and II t feet deep, with one three story brick build ing thereon. Seized.and taken Into the suit of A I. McKean vs William Biles. . . No 7 ALSO—one other lot of land In Burlington township, bounded north by lands of W Grunage and Treat Shoemaker, east by lands of Treat Shoe. maker. south by the public highway, and west by the public h.tghway. containing 63 acres of land. more or lean, about 40 acres improved, with one framed house, one barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of E Pomeroy vs Ce Perry. \oB ALSO—One other lot of land. in Franklin township, bounded north by lands of Hiram Thurs. lon, east by the public highway, south' by lands of I.eonard Brown and on-the west by lands of Luther Smith; contatning an acre, more or ,•less, all im proved, with one unfinished framed house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the stilt of 31 W Taylors' use - vs Hiram Cole. • Nog ALt o—One other lot of land In Albany township, bounded as funny's, Beginning at a point on the east line of the Sullivan and Erie it It, where the line ofiand of .7 • S.:: Campbell crosses said rail road line, running thence north 31° east '32 G-ip perches, to a post -anti I stone corner In said Camp bell line; thence sofeHt 87% 0 east I_l.B-10 - le rches along the lino of S Chapman and W Davis' lands, to a post center; thence south VS° west 127 5-10 perches along the line of A if spear's land, to a corner on the east line ut the S & E It R afore said:.thence northerly along said last mentioned line by the several courses thereof, 118 0-10 perches ' to the place of beginning, containing 35 acres and 11l perches of laadonore or less, about 23 acres Improved, •Itir one framed hence, one framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. - Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W. A Rockwell vs Robert Metittosh. No 10 ALSO—The Interest of the defendants In one other lot of land in Overton township; in -the warrantee name of Hugh Ladley, containing 400 acres. more or less. Seized and taken Into execu. lion at the suit of N N Betts, cashier's use vs C Cash, Geo 1.• Cash seeyrunbr A Cash see'y. Nu ll ALSO—One other lot of land In Leroy township, bounded north. by Towanda Creek' s east by lands of Pierson Holcomb, south by a vacant piece of land owned by E. T Ituitum, and west by. lands of Jos-Holcomb, containing about 53 acres of Land more or less, about 45 acres improved, with a framedhouse, two framed. barns, one corn house, other out buildings and orchard of fruit tree thereon , . - No 12tAL130—One other lot of land In Leßoy township, bounded east by lands of James 31cCra ney, south by lands of the Schrader Coal Company, west by lands of Jasper Holcomb, torraining 45 acres of land, more or less, about 40 acres improv cd, no buildings. Seized and taken into elocution at the suit of rummy Bros' use vs E T 1141Stitn. No 13 ALSO—One other lot of land in Monroe -township, bounded north by lands of C A Fowler, east and south by lands of Liocas or -Lyman Mar-. cy, and west by lands of Samuel Lyons contalumg is acre 3 or' land, more or less. all improved, with a framed • house; framed barn, a mill or ahoNand . few fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken Into ex ecution at the stilt of Selah Wickham ad-versus .1 I: Cowell and Mahlon Stirope. No It ALSO—One other lot of land in Ulster township, bounded as follows: beginning at a post, the southwest corner of a lot this day conveyed to Amelia Wells, thence along the - east side of an al ley south 14 0 west 378 feet; thence south •!i° east 103 4-10 feet to the canal; thence up the same north east 177 8 10 feet;" thence up the same north 25° west 100 fee; thence up thesame north 5 0 east 100 feet; thence up the same porta 3° west 312 ft, to the southeast corner of lot this day conveyed to Amelia Wells; thence along the same north 32.i° west abbut 130 feet to the place of beginning, con taliting about one sore, Wore or less, with a steam' saw and plaster mill thereon. Seized end taken into execution at the snit of G F Slaseu, Guardian, vs Chas Wells': ' • No 15 ALSO-One othet lot of - land In Columbia township, bounded north by lands of Stephen Gar net and James Strong,east by lands tlf Caleb Bush,- south by lands of Henry Gernet and .Fayette Kett eon, and on the west by the public highway, con- Aalising 110 acres of laud, more or less, about 80 acres Improved. with one framed house, one framed barn, one granary and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of A E Comstock n E 11 Williams. No 16 ALSO—One other lot of land In Towanda . borough, bounded as fellows t• Beginning at a cos- beret a lane on the west Meet Mainstmet, about 20 feet south of a lot formerly owned by Perrin Welts; thence westerly on a parallel line said Wells lot to the center of an alley, which alley be ing half way from Main Street to Second. street; thence southerly along the center of said alley to lot sold by .1 P Means Ind wife to Robs rt Meiti lash; thence easterly along sold Mclntosh line to the west side or Main street; thence northerly along said line of Ma'n street Laplace of beginning, belt:cahoot 140 feet front on aald Main street, and about 150 feet 'deep, with two two story framed buildings- thereon. being the same piece of land deeded by J F Means and wife to J W Means by deed dated April 1. 1875. and recorded lu -deed book No 129. page lee. Seized and taken Intomge cutien at the suit of The Mutual it and S.F Asap clatien ea John W Means. No 17 ALSO—tine other lot of land, siteato In Tonands Ilerungh, bounded as follows: Beginning 'at the southeast corner of 1/ 31 Turners land on the west side of William street: thence by land of Il It Turner south 28 0 west 100 feat to a corner;; thence by land of Henry Harris and A Kingsley South 3° 21' east NO feet to a corner of J J. Webb; thence north 73 9 east by land formerly owned by Theodore Lewis 100 feet to the west side of Wlll Street; thence on a course of north 8 0 Si' west alangthe west line of sold William street 100 - feet to the place of beginning t one board'sbantY there on. &keit and taken into execution at the suit of L 1. Moody and 11 it Morgan, administraterot WM H Morgan vs A S Macdonald. , Ne 1e ALSO—One other lot - of land; skunk In Towanda Borough, bounded north by lands of Ellen Ward /tiller, east by Third skeet, south by • Ward.Astenue, and west bydands of JobnGrinint being 60 Root ye Thin"! street. :110 feel on Ward , anrimue.Aritti I framed ladamatherean. seized sad effila4 taken Into ezreatten et the snit of Joseph Towner vs Margaret Mack and John Mack. No IC ALSO—One other tot of land, athlete to 'Athens township, bounded as folloWs Beginning In the centre of the Cheinung rood and running westerly along the south line of lauds owned by Gottlieb Hess 16 rods to lands belonging to D L Snyder and mother; thence southerly along said lines of D 1. F itnyder 6 rods parallel with tire con. ire of said Chemung road ;.thence easterly 10 rods In a line parallel with Inc north line to the centre of -said Chetnung roadthence northerly 6 rods along the centre of said Chemung road to the place of beginning* eontainingli acre, mere or less; .b.dng the same piece of laud as deeded to Joseph Belzer by Timothy Wheeler, with. two framed dwelling houses, one framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken into execution at the suit of Sarah F Elmer Ts Miner St.dubn. No 20 ALSO—One other lot of land, Illthate In Wilmot township. - bounded as follows: Beginning at a beech .the northwest corner of the Jobn Craw doll lot' thence north 61%%° eastls6 perches to a post and stonesin Stowell's line; thence north 2354 12 westalle-Mperches to a post and atones; thence , south 03 1 4° west 105 perches to a stone heap; thence tooth =Si* west 6.5 perches to the place of begin, niug.;. containing So acres, more or leaf, about 35 Improved, with a log house, 'a framed barn and other outballdlop, and ad orchard of fruit trees thereon; being part of nil, tracts warrantee name of Jobe* Fish and Mathias Hollentrack, No 21 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Wilmot township, bounded as follows : • Beginning In alttone leap; thence west WI perches to a stone heap in warrant line; thence south -by same e& perches to seams heap; thence east 134 perches to a stone heap; thence by State road north it° east 53 - perches, north ntr west 15 perches, north 4t° ' east 20 perches to the place of beginning; contain. Ing 76 acres and 83 perches, more or less, about 35 improved, with three small framed houses, a fetus,- ed barn, a saw mill with railroad track, other out buildings and an orchard of fruit trees thereon ; being Lit No 17 Sturtevant's sub.dlvision Of war rant surveyed in the name of Jesse Fell and run : veyed to Joseph 112 Gamble 11. y the help of Sarah If I;Batter and Geo 11 Butler, deceased. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of John Spald ing vs Jos M Gamble, Daniel 1/ Crania and Nor, , man E Churchill. ' No 22 ALSO.-One other lot of land, situate In" Standln,r Stone towiiihip, bounded on the south east by the - east or southeast bank o'lU:timer neld Creek, north by lands of F S Whitman. west by lands of said F 8 Whitman, and- south by lands of James Espey; Containing about - 1 - acre`, more Or less, about linprovid, with two trained houses, one framed t,arn and other outhouses, one saw mill. water privilege, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and talon Into executem at the snit of Squires vs .1 N Coe. «- No II ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Canton Borough, bounded north by lands of Will iam Taber, east by lands of -8 '8 Strait, south by Union street, and west by lands. of It N Williams. with one framed house, one framed barn, and few fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken into *execu tion at. the suit of E 8 Horton, administrator of Asa Mattocks, deceased. vs Calvin bodge. No 24 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Wilmot township, bounded as follows: liegliining at almech the southwest comer of the tract; thence north 111, perches along the west Ilne of the tract ton post; thence east 08 perches' to a beech-be the Bollenbacit roar); thence along said road south 13 0 east in perches to a beech by said road ; thence 114 penile* to the beginning; containing 70 acres and 11 torches, more or less, about 33 im proved. with a7rame,l horse, it framed' barn, one granary, and an , orchard -of fruit, trees - thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Ilan norab Cotter vs John Cotter; being the defendant's oak... Seventh interest in- the above-described prop ert 'No 2.5 ALSO—One other lot of -land, situate In Trey Borough, bounded as follows: Begizining at a post In the line of George kleolter's lot, being the Southeast corner of said lot; thence west'slong tee line of said Meeker'a lot 244 feet to a corner in centre of road leading from Troy to Canton; thence In a northerly course along the centre of said rkul 60 feet to a corner; theuce In an easterly course parallel with said Meeker's line 244 feet to a post; thence fn's southerly vurse 60 feet to the place of beginning; containing 14.649 square feet of-Sand, more or less, all Improvedzarith a dwelling house . thereon. Seined andlaken into execution at the suit of W (I Sadler vs J B Costello and Julia Cos tello. No 26 ALSO—One other lot of land. situate In Troy Borough, bounded north by lands formerly owned by•F J Calkins., now occupied by Dr Samuel Shepard; east by lands of Nelson Adams, south ee lands of Nelson Adams, and west by Elmira street, with two dwelling houses thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Pomeroy Broth: eis re D C Lanipmen. . - No . 27 ALMS—One other lot of • land, sltuatet In South Creek townshie.-boundeftitorth t, land' of 4 F Gillett, east by If L Smith.- south by J Gil lett, and we-t by Fred 'Chancey and H L Smith ; containing about one-half acre, with a framed house, a framed . blacksmith shop, a framed barn. and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the atilt of N E Vanbuskirk vs Hiram Sample. . . No 28 -- A-LSO—One other lot of land, situate in Springfield township, bourided as follows: Begin ning at the not thwest corner of the lot hereinafter described, at a point In the Route line of lands of A J-Blekenson; from thence east along the lands of said DiekensetelGl perches to a corner in the high way leading fnmi 31111 City westerly: thence south along said highway 59 perches-to an angle in said highway; thence southeast along said- highway Si 4-10 perches; thence east. along the lands of B B - Gleason 436.10 perches to scorner; thence south . :Gong the lands of said Gleason 22ee perches to an .augle; then. 6 southeasterly along lands of said Gleason tee s perches .to a- corner; thence Abell. I alorg lands of the estate of Edie in Watson, decel. , 3ete perches to. an angle; thence westerly alone lands of 0 0 Dunbar 32 perches tonn angle; thence south along lands of G P Voorhis 65 1.10 pere.hes e to 1 a corner; thence easterly along lands of e 31,1 Voor his 11 Coo perches to s corner; thence southerly along lands of Hiram Potter 123 7.10 perches to a corner: thence westerly along lands of A S e llereley 45 449 perches to a corner; thence a northeast di rection along lanes of Dennis Bailey ee perches to an angle; thencee northwest direction along islets of W J Wigstea 50 perches to -an angle le thence easterly along lands of said Wigstea 97 9-10 . perches to an 'ogle; thence west along the highway-run nlng from Mill City to the Bordweli school house 79‘g perches to a corner; thence north along lands of the estate ofeeklexander Clark, deceased, Del 4-10 perches to a cornereteeneewesterly along lands of 'laid Clark estate 107 perches tea corner; thence north along land of- seta Clarks estate 111 e-10 perches to the place of beginning, and supposed to contain 227 acres, after deductireethere (rem about 10 acres heretofore sold - and conveyed, which is owned or In possession of the following persons : Uri Cooper. Joseph Clark. 0 Saunders ' B S Coal mine. It E. Leonard, N S Watenn, F. U Wilder. It W Cheeney, and school house lot; about 80 acres Impreved. with two framed houses, two framed earns tele4ehetie attached, a framed horst, barn, a saw nejet/r, cheeping mill for feed, a cider. mite 3311 an orchard of fruit t mete thereon. Seized and taken inte execution at the sod of Menet Wood's nee vs William A Bullock: ' No 29 ALSO—one, other lot of land in Alletny township, bounded as follows: legi mil r g at a beech a corner of lands of Luke it Morris; thence by the s3nte west,l64 perenes to a . post ley a hemlock cor ner of the 331110 land and fend of - Centel-he W Morris; thence by miter lanes of Israel. W Morris north efee* emit 127 ',etches to a peed; thence also by lands of Israel 'lr Morris; eaet lee perches tom pest in the line of Luke W Morris; and thence by the same south 29te° west lel perches to, the place of beginning, containing. 1074 acres; being ebe saute piece of land conveyed by Israel NV Motet% _be deed bearing date Nov 24. 1851. and recorded in too office for recording deeds. In and for the ceune ty of Bradford, In Deed Book.leo 57. page 303 J e't . i No 30 ALSO—One other lot of laud in - Attune township, betunled as follows: • commencing at a "sugar stump, the northwest corner of said let and corner of lot No 7 of a survey; thence south 9 east by lands of Thomas- Collett, deed, 82 perches to a maces - tier of lots No 3 'and sof said survey; thence south 112 perches to a beech corner of iota No 5, 9 and 10; thence . north Sete° west 2 perches to a beech corner of lots No 7. S and 11 ; thence north-al le° east 112-perches to place of be ginning; containing 49 acres and 112 perches.. . Being lot No 6 of A II Mcilenry's survey, being the mine piece of land ennieyed by Michael Bee. ding by deed bearing date January 7, 1874, and re - Corded in the ofllce for recording deeds in and fer Bradford county, in deed bop& \o 119, at page 130, &c.: excepting and reserving therefrom the follow ing descriteel lot: beginning eta beech corner, thence north MS° east 54 perches to a post; thence thence south 47° east 72" e perches to & beech; thence north 88t e 0 west to the beginning, contalti ing VI acres and 40 perches. , • - . The three aforesaid . pieces of land being what is known as the Cullen Boys' Farm, situate in Albany township, bounded as follows: north and northweet, by lanes of John Murphey, east by. lands formerly owned by William Zeiler. south and .seuthwest by lands of John S 31cDonald, contatning•l47 acres of Lend, more or less, ateetit 125 acres improved, with two plank dwelling houses, one fro , ed barn, one tog barn. one granary, other out building., and two orchanis of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken ,Into execution at the sultet.Lewis Ziner vs Daeld Cutlet' and John Cullen. • • No 31 ALSO—Oee other lot of tale, situate in Pike township. bounded as follows: Beginning at I centre of State road on fine of John Bolles; thence etetth Vi e ° west 147 4.10 perches along said Belle.' Mite to a piet and peones corner; thence south fie 'e 0 east 74 13-25 perches along_the line of J Barnes, 11e ceased to a post and stones comer: thence north 2 1 3 1-20 east 129 perches to.eentre of State road by lends of Wm Cline; thence north 5.5!4° west.lB 2-10 perches; thence north 31 0 :east. along lands of .1 Bolles; thence north 5550 west; thence south :35° west along see! Bolles' land to Stale, road, lying 8 perches on said road, ~nil beineexemsive of Seed e perches deep; thence north - 354° West 53 1-2 e poaches along State road to ,place of beginning ; containing (Including house andlot) 66 acres. metre or less. about 63 improved, with a framed house, a framed horse barn, a framed barn with sheds at. tachedes granary, an ice bowie, other outbuildings, and two orchazds of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution it the suit of 'William • Shumway's ase vs U II Allen and S it Allen. NO 32 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate - In Monroe township, bounded as fellows: Beghitting at 3 post for a corner on the west side of the south branch of Towanda Crevice reusing thence north 79te° east 47-2-10 perches to a ellen pine; thence north 1.6° east 13 perches to a post; thence south' 58 3 f° east 248 perches to a post; thence sontneeee .o west Ski 8;10 perches to a poet for a corner; "thence north ;89 tee west 164'perehes to a post for &corner ; _thence south 10° east 15 2.10 perches; fo a pest fora corner; thence south 83' west 2# perches to a , post fur a corner; thence north GI eelewest 20 perch:. ' - es to a corner; thence north 13 tee east 8 2-10 perch , es to a corner; thence north 704° west 13 perches to a post by two pines for a Corner; henne'"north 4 e -0 west 40 perches to the place of beginning: con taluin 110 acres aterl29 perches, more or less, about JO acres improved, with three frare r e4l houses, two barns, one corn house , and two o hares of fruit trees thereon; said lotwill be sold subject to A life lease to It F Wanck for % of an acre on the Berwick Turnpike. Seized and taken' Into execu tion at the suit of Ell= Fowler and Emiline Fow ler, who survive Austin Feeler, vs C - A Fowler. No 33 -ALSO—One other lot of land in Towanda born, bounded north by lands of Joseph 1) Montan ?ye, emit by Main street, eouth by the lands of the Meld F Barstow estate, and 'west by Seemid-st; containing le of an acre of land, more or less, with three framed houses. one framed barn with sheds attached, and few fruit trees thereonbeing the same piece - f land conveyed by L 8 Kingsbury and Wile to Phew Ann Griffith, by deed bearing date el prli 2, 1866, and recorded in Deed Beek No 75, at tesge-51, atc; Seized , and taken into execution at the suit of L S Kingsbury, trustee, vs John J Grit 11th and P A Gritatn. - 1 :No 34 ALSO-Ono other lot, T et India Wilmot twee bounded north by lands of c F Welles, deed, east . by lands of Cornelius Donovan and T E quick, south ley' lands of John Turner and west by 1311113 l ofC F. Welles, dee*. containing - 38. acres of land, more or less, shout 4 twee Improved, with one board house and few frit-Lk-Item& thereon. Seized and taken into executlowee the suit of A Lewis vs G W Mann. - • 50 35 ALSO—Om; - other lot of land in itidgbury township, bounded north by lands of Elmira Voor his, east by public highway, south by Wide of fe A. Murnham and west by land., of 0 A Burnham. con taining about one acre of land, more or •lese, alleitn proved: with one framedluisise, ono framed stuee house and (eve fruit trees thereon. NO 36 AI-SO—One other lot of land in nedgbury township, ispunded north and west bf pnblie high way, east by lands of Joel Peterson and south tly lands formerly owned by Theodore Larrisc,n, con taining 3,seres of land, more or less , all improved, with enelfremed holm thereon. Attired and taken Into exeention as. the sett of V 0 Ilan No vs 4 0 Voor h No 37 iILSO'--One other lot of land, situate In Orwell tdiinshlp, bounded forth by lauds of J W POIN east by. lands - of J II Allen, 0 It Allis,- Vrattluln Maynard and. G U Norton, SAW ii by lands, of lliram Dougherty, and west by land:tor Isaac Adam's and 11 V Allis; containing about SO swims, More et We, shoot SO imposeed, with a framed house. a framed bate , otnefAxitimikliiigs,' and an orchard of fruit trees thereon, Seised and taken Into execution at 'lnc suit eft A Cemi tn refs nWe , Allis. U 5 Allis and Miles Allis. T T _ No ALSO -O ne other idtof lend, sine= in Litchfield township, bounded as follows s Begin. rang at an ash for a corner on the welthWeid corner •".., of lot of land owned by Samuel Onteshind Insane . north 630 0 east 97 s4operches td a comer on of land fbratertyowhed by Z Flower: Ciente bent& 1 0 westsiong said line 61 4 , 10 perches to a on the Mu of Darbil KcEinney; thence north OP west 98 240 perches along the line of said David McKinney to a corner; thence south $ ,42.10 Withal to the place of beginning; containing as acres and te perches , more nr left,- about IS acres Impoveda, with a bcohl house. a framed barn, an oW tarn, one shlogle mlll, and a few fruit • tresta•thereen. Seised and taken Into execution at the salt of. Adam Rifenburges Fll Sherman, and F H Stine - man. administrator of Lit SherusaW - No 20 ALSO-.One other kit of lan4 in_ North TO. wands township. Wended north by _hinds of famtiM el 0 and*W H Foster and John Mattel, west by land* of Junes Hurley, tenth by lands of Mined Desists% and east , by lan& of alias Milt and it& - ward Overton, ea - taint eg 51 acres of land, morstor lesa, about 45 acres Improved. with -Coe framed house, on. framed: ban, and few fruit tree, there on, Seised and taken into execution the ant of J N Czars ; nee re Bartley Heath. No 40 ALSO—One other lot of land In .13rweit .township, bounded north by lands of Dr Caddie. east by lands of • Isaac Marsh and 0 J Chubtatek.: south by lands of W- F Glenn, and emit by lands of Barney Clark and George Lent; coeitainlng 50 acres of land, morn or less,abont 40 acreelnipnrred. - . with one framed house, one framed tarp, one Clog - pen and few fruit trees thereon. Seized ,and taken into execution at the Suit of Lucinda Lounsberry vs Henry B Osborn. Ho 41 ALSO—Thc defendant's one-half interest in a certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Alhau.7. Monroe and Otlerten townships, bounded as refloat( : Beginning at an old hemlock corner on - the southwest corner of warrant In the name of Stephen Hollingsworth •thence tiouthllB o- east 292 "rods to the west line of warrant in the lame of Ann Harris: thence south 32° west about 8.5 rods to the sonthweat cornet. of said. Ann 111113` war-, relit: thence south Ws east 158 rods to a post and stones the southeast earner of said Ann Harris , warrant; thence north no east 009640 rods to the northwest earner of Jackson lot ; thence south &So east 212 rods to Jackson's northeast corner; thence south 32 0 wee. 44 rods to a 'post corner; thence north 54.16* east 57 4.10 rods to a corner: thence north 443° east 119 rods; thence south 58 0 east 106 4.10 rods; thence north 3750 east 30 rods; thence tenth beaf crastefitods to the west line of warrant in the name otliay Walliss; thence north 32° east - 110 perches to the southwest corner of Warrant in the name of Robert Hampton ; • thence south 58 0 east 158 rods : thence north 311.4* east 102 rods thence north 19 0 trait 320 - rods to southeast. corner of warrant in the name of Samuel Anderion: thence north 32 0 east 22( rods to the northeast corner of said Anderson warrant; thence north 58° west 224 rods to a hemlock stump, an old corner ; -thence south 32 0 west 224 rods to a corner of warrants in the flames of Peter North and Peterehotts; thence north' 50 0 west RV reds to the northwest corner of warrant In the name of John ?forth ;'thence south ' 24 0 west 425 rods to a black oak corner; thence south 34 0 ...zrest 440!S rods ; thence north 54° west 35 rods to 3 post, old corner; thence south 32° west 329 rods to the place of beginning; containing 6,000 acres. noire or less. Seized and taken into execu- - Bon at the suit of .1 P Klrby's users J F Satteriee. Also at the suit of First National Bank of Athens vs J F Satterlee, No 42 .11:80—One other lot of li.nd, *Beate in Leßoy township, bounded north by landsof Mason, east by - lands of al L Wooster, south. by tXI Towanda Creek, and west by lands of Charles Ml nerd; containing 72 acres, more or less, ahead 55 improved, with a framed barn and an orabard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken fete execu- . Don at the snit of Nelson Reynolds' errs vs 11 'W . MeCraney and 'l' A McCraney, No 43 ALSO-.One other lot of land In Litchfield township, boutided north by lands of John 11 Coop er, east by lands of F P Cooper, and south and west by lands of Eugene tit.derhW, tontaining about 126 acres of land, more or less, about 70-improved. with one trained house. one framed barn, one framed wagon house, other out buildings 'and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execu tion at the suit of Stephen 31 ory's use vs James E - Calmer and A B Campbell. - No 44 A 1.50 - -One other lot of land. situate In . Pike township, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake and stones the northeast corner 'of J Helen's lot; thence north 9'1, 0 west by lands of A. lieecher, 11 2-10 perches to a stake and names ; thence north 2,,ti0 east by lands of said Beecher 130 perches to a stake and stones; thence south 89° west by !ands of the above grantors 124 perches' to a stake and stones; thence smith 39° west by landa of If Manchester It 940 perches to a stake and stones; thence mute 15° west by land of 0 Pease, 17t perches to astake and stones; thence north 65 0 east by landau( A Conklin and J Haigh 93 percher to the place of beginning; containing 110 acres and 80 perches, more or less,- about 80 acres Improved. With a framed house, - - a framed barn, a framed horse barn, a granary, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Cyrus Cook vs Jonathan Oltunn. _ _ No 45 ALS).—The uinlivided three-fifth part of a certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in - Pike township, bounded as fellows: Beginning at a stake ,and stones •the ncrtheaat corner of Haigh!. lot; thence north° west hy lauds of A Beecher 11 2 10 perches to a stake and stones; thence north 2'.- i ° east by 1311 , 13 of said A Beecher 194 te.rehes boa beech; thence north. Ea° west by land of S.muel Whearon 25 6. - .0 porches to a stake and thence north 79° west by thuds of— and - .1 0 Chubbnek 32 perihrs to a stake and stones; thence south 50° west by land of C Chaffee - 24 5.10 perches to a stake and stones; thence south 39° west by land-of 0 Chaffee and - A. Beecher 94 perches 0. a 'state and stones ; thence Bouth,ls° east by land of 0 Pease 171 perches to. a stake and stone: thence north east by lands of A Conklin and J - iia'gh 93 perches to the place of beginning; containing , 151 mere! and 21 perches, stilt t measure, about teo"aeres improved,, with a' framed-house, two, framed barns a granary. other outbuildings, 'and: an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken !nth execution at the suit of A C Cook vs Jonathan N Minna. No 45 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Tuscarora towtishltr, bounded north by tarots of John and Joseph Nigh, east by lands contracted by Peter Nigh to Jacob Bought, south by lands or u W Edwards,.now 1.1 Po:es:1 01 1 40 r John ItollCht: and west - by lands of said John.and Jceeph Nigh ; containing 20 acres, more or less, a out 15 ImproTz ed. with two framed houses, a framed barn, a , biaekscilth shop, and an orchard of fruit trees. thereon. . No 47 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Tuscarora township. bounded north by lauds of W narroweliff, east by a creek dividing lands from %% Barrowellff (now owned 'by B W Ed*ards) on . the south by lands of Jacob. nought, and west by lands of Elijah Merrill and others; containing S 3 acres, more or less. about 20 improved; being samo land contracted from -Peter yr Nigh to Jacob Bought on the eth day of August.•l973. Seized and taken into execution at the salt of Wm S Vincent's use vs Jacob Bought. No 44 ALSO—One other lot of land, situate fa Towanda township, bounded norttnby the Barclay Railroad., lands of YhO Towanda him Manufactur. lug Cempanv, and MC Mereni (lately owned by Gordon F Mason), east by the , Susquehanna River, • and south by lands of Miller Fox, Michael Melia. - hen, Patrick Considine, Joseph-Ochs; C M Man ville, S W Alvord, 11 E Whitney, AlonzoMingirs and Martin Croty, anti west by lands Of Hiram Fox, deceased ; containing 30 acres of land, morn or 'less. all improved, with no buildings thereon; • Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of J A Record, .1 1. Kent and E L 'Hillis, Truitees - of Bradford Lodge 100 F, No 1137, use vs S C Means. N 04 5. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate In Canton Borough, bounded north ty lands Of Miss 11 1) Hazleton, east by lands of Harding Clark and E C seymonr, south - by lands of F. Dunham, and west by Sullivan street; being 50 feet front-nu said Sullivan street and 200 feet deep, with' a framed house and few fruit trees thermn. Seized - and taken into execution at the suit of Jiff 11azleton 4 4 use vs' I. I) Granteer and Anna Granteer. • . No 50 ALSO—One other lot of ; land, situate In - Litchfield township, bounded north and east by the public highway, south by lands of Mrs Case, and west by lands deeded to Eliza Stanton ; containing about 14 acres pearly all improved, with a log - hoom and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and- • taken into execution at the snit of S G Townsend Y 3 J P Perry and .1 F. Drake. PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff. Sheritrs Office, April 10, 1879. - AUDITOR'S N'OITIC.E.— In the ttrphan's Court of. itradford.COOnty. In the matter of the estate - Of Jane Rider, late of Warren township, deceased. The undersigned, an Auditor a ppoltited by the' -Court to distribute the money in the hands of Rio Rxectitor of the estate of lane Rider, deceased . , 'will attend to the (Milos of hie-appointment at Ws etticein Towanda Borough. on .1 0 1t1 DA y, the 9th da,y of .MAT next, at 10 o'clock. 4. M., at which' time and place airpersons having claims upon said.. funds .are it...glared to present the same, or lie -tics barred froin coming In upon said funds. J A 31ES 11. CORDING, Auditor. • Towanda, April 7, 1570-WI. D.314iN1 STRATQR'S - NOTICE. --Notlee Is hereby given. that all persons In debted tolthe estate of Lydia .1. !Cowley, late of lierricksille. Petra, deceased, are requested to mate itbmediate payment, and•all persons having 'claims against :aid estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement to W. A. Wetmore., of lierrieltrllle, Pa: Vi'c A. W ETMORE. Administrator. l'a.; April 7, ts7s4r.i. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—In Abe matter of the voluntary assignment of iFred A. Cash, for the benefit of his creditors. . _ In trio Court of - Cowmen Pleas of Brainerd CO.. Nri. 564. December Term. 1871. . • . The final account of if. L. Scott... Assignee In the abcrre case, filed April let, 1873. and said account will be presented to said. CoUrt for final confirms. ;lon and allowance. on Thursday. slay ',"1879,,. un less cause be shown why said account should not bo finally confirmed and allowed by the Court. • EClittl,E W. - BLACKMAN, _.; Towanda, April 10, 1879-w1.,... 1 Prothonotary.i ASSIGNEE'S MYRICE.--In the matter of the voluntary issignine ‘ nt of Geo. Cash for the benefit of Ills creditors. In the Court of Common Pleatsif Bradford Co.,' No. 5413. December-Term. 1874. The final account of H. L.Scott, Assignee In the • above mom, flied April Ist, 18:9;/ and wild account will be presented to said Coml. / for final confirma tion and allowance, on Thursday, the Bth day of May nest, nnless causewe shown why said account should not be dually conflrm(ell and allowed by the Court. GEORGE. W. BLACKMAN. - Towanda; April 10, lapilc4. rrotbunotary. ASSIGNEES ( NOTICE.—In the 'maltyr of the oluntari assignment of Chas. U. lash for the beneflt of his creditors. In the Oran of/-Common Pleas of Bradford C 0.,. No 563. Decen;lier Term, MAI. The 'that account of H. L. Scott, Assignee In the aixwe ease. hied April - Ist. ISBI; and said account *KW. presented to said ;Court-for final confirma tion and allowance, on Thursday. the' dth day of May nett, unless cause be showu'erhy - sald account should not be fleetly confirmed and allowed -by the Court C.11:0 E W. lILACK)LAN, ' Towanda, April Prothonotory. SSI - GiNEES" NOTICE,—In the matter of the asslgnmeht of .I:Leßoy Coi btu tor the benefit of We creditors. • In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Cc., No. 806, May Term, 1178. Thu anal account of William Snyder and F T Page, Assignees In the abovmcase. died, April ; and said account will ho presented pa, said Court, for final confirmation and alidwance, on rhittmlas. the Bth day of May nest, unless outs° be shown why Bild account should not ho finally confirmed and allowed by the Court. GEORGE W. BLACKMAN. ' Towanda April 10, 1879-wL Prothonotary: ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.-In the -7 matter oftie voluntary assignment of Ed. E. Loootots for the benefit of Ms creditors. • In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co., No. MO', May Term, rho final account of F. W. 1110 VEIN ANIEIIOO In tho. shoe° case,. filed Awl! 7th„ tMe ; and said ac count will be presented to said Court for enal con firmatlon and allowance, on Thursday, the sth day of May next. unless cause be shown why'sald no, count should nut be finally CCOndrteed and admired by th•t Court. GEORGE W. BLACKMAN. . Tuyanda,•Aprll 10, Pratbetw.