Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 10, 1879, Image 2

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    (rildfovti ,41rportet
E. 0. 000DISI . C11, EDITOB.,
Tuurada, Pa., Thursday, April,lo, 1879•
The remarkable migration of the
cJilortd population of the South is at
tr4eting much attention,and exciting
the gravest apprehensions of the
land-owners and planters. ,It is not
confined to a single locality, but there .
is a movement of uneasiness and de....
iirt.ffre in all the former slave States.
The 'explanations . for this exodus,•
which has assumed the 'proportions
of a panic, are various and tinsatis
fa story. It is allcued thatjinissa.-
rb.:s from the Anti-Slavery S6ciety of
Nov Yi.lirk have been amongst the
inciting and . encouraging em
ir,ration, and that the agents of the
lialistis Railroads have circulated
f i isi-- t olored accounts of the fertile
lands awaiting occupation in that .
State. Certain it is, that Kansas is
the promised land towards which
the stream of colored einigra
tion is nor,: directed. And it is equal
ly C•rtain that the entire negro pip
ulatioD of the South has become
re,tless and unimsy, inanifo•ting a
ieire tt) , migrate to liansas, largv
number-; having alroaly passed up
tine .11i,sie,,ippi river, arriving at St.
in.:ai)eti;ute. and !..titTering
larger numbers
ea as -1 , , , ,•(•pari ; 13,g to follow,
tlefitif.te as to (les-
tihati4m or meat', of support,
a - dc-ii re tp (--cpe from
cun,• uvil, i mprr:,st•ti
1q..1-iT2f that safety :111 I WO
)It:+' u'IU in,as
• who have noted the sub
' f.Litt am! confidence 'Which the
1 -, (;rf) exhihited
the ri.l}llion--a faith which ,ervcd
t j tacin in r i ti;ct, s u hj ec ti oll t o
r ina,:ten,--anal Ni•i I ling
aliterity= Hitt, which thc . ) chcei fully
trolked fur
-the support of the laud
lies of f . those who were lighting to
rivet still more securely the manacles
upon . their HMI s, and to 'furnish the
means i'2f subsistence to the arMit--s
whose was Ult• perpetuity of
stidden and
universal awakenino- on the part of
the negia) will lie of great interest.
For the negro of the South,
norant though . he may be, has been
impressed that the " year of jubilee"
was (-inning, and the day of his de
tliverame at luind. lie waited with,
exemplai‘ tLustfulness for the close
of the ileheiliun, and hailed the not
f emancipation : e the earnest of the
' fulfillment of the hopes- which had in
pi red loin. The. religious and super
.titions nature of the negro had led
iii:n to expeet the coming of; a mil
hi luni whieli would bring no., only
f:•((-(irini, but material blessln:rs and
!P!: ' 1111: COtt.o2l
iik i l :111.1 1110 to
1:1.11 : 1 1)f . c . :52e .‘tn.l. plenty. Aliove - all
tir,• to tilo
party lew: rifAvt• - . •:lft:ty: A lid
a. igni-r:,nt az: the tulurc<l t utr t tray.
n.n. Ito "rewartl
111111 to vi)te-against the 111.-
I•uigif•au for Natitinal
i.l , •ft; anti irn-
nt• ! -1.0 linA , rra.lually but
1111 n tatrht that although
1 , • Lid: n Iioi•i1 from -I:tvyry li
/I td from th(
powcr sy . Ina-•tyrs. Th.
;t:id il:lve !WU-
I tin , bilk!, hull dozing ha.
di , l•ranoi,:4l ttint—when
ii 1 t.) or th).-
111:,n ha- (lefrawleil
t 1,.• fili:t1(,1" lu , in.hiiiirv;all,l
.C 4 is injur have
rol'1:1',1)].1' brou.rht a
th:lt t:titli in overruilmz
rVI4I+I , I•C :1;1 , 1 OW p ar ty
IV . ZIS :In 1 11111i101WII bUt
Irfid I it wore '1 tyi Ii future
rn the
tt, the yffitA , .l
the I h myrtlheli,ion
.tail. i.f that part v ! in 1,-0
tlit• g. , ‘,• cnniciit is th 4,.
oxi•itf'd in tb till' lip
in 11;
11:1 C thi• t•xa,
2, !:;•_(-1 t!,rt.::',•:i
v t1:0',7 :,:t1;1y1
:1:• 1n ,. ....11wt wliir!: !ltd
o ircrvati. the , (.t,l
AVrallitiu• all,l
tat a t , )11! 1!1.1
1.1, 111)W at
: :,1.• :1:4:t
-, :;. I
I , "d t
dri% n 1 - 1•1:121 the South
:• f'
. 1 0 ; :,t1
. 4 5;
, 1
t., Li 1,
i it
+l: , i: - -p, in tUn• r.ii,
in_ !of I th•• p:untin r .:
•1 ~f (.7,1.1;1:4 t. , the
!,.• an,l imy - atant. That
-tolor:n , z w.ll result to the .
the tleliis of the South for the
hl,ealier ',fain. of Kansas, is unques
thlnal,l,-, awl thicir condition will ex.
cite the cim
i co
taiou. to ,
ulrytts 1,10,11
ratc itivn of S,•talt, :ins. awalken
• •
.4 to 11 - 1 ,,v po,ilFle consolut.mrs , and
aboni -thorn for - -the
..111.1v. It is• admitted that tilt..
t;,,.. t •olor e d population is ; L b..
and - that theirlields
unciiltivated hut fur
te their folite r z•lave:.. It i:,
ning to dawn upon the average South
ern intellect that the helpless and ig,-
norant.ritce is essential to the welfare
of the lordly planteri, and that per: ,
haps it will necessary to re
spect the rights they nave so rudely
trampled under foot. So, the bitter
lesson of :experience and necessity
may possibly compel the better treat
ment of the laborer, a'nd what blood•
shed and lavish expenditure has fail•
ed to secure may come from selfish
nl;ess and interest.
TETE attempt of the widow OLIVER
ended, as every one supposed it
would in verdict for the defendant,
and a motion for a new trir,l, was re
fused. The \absurd claims and the
depraved allegations, of the adven
turess were so thoroughlyexploded
and disproved and shown to be so-un
reasonable, that it hiss become a ques
tion whether she. was insane or thor
oughly reckless. That a man of Gen.
CAMERON'S years, character and pub
lic reputation should be placed in
'such a position was. humiliating to
but with .the courage and con
isistency which haVe always formed
such a proMinent *attire in his char
acter he determined to resist the out.
razeous attempt at blackmailinz.
Public opinion is_ very geneially
with Gen CAMERON, and he is now
receiving the praises of even his po
litical enemies for the "determination
he .has shown to put down this black
milder. It has been, proven that re
putable counsel had given up the
case, in aisgust, and Me lawyers who
tried did so under a written agree
ment that they were to receive one
half the sum recovered from Mr.
C A MET:o. There never was a feature
of the ease which corrooerated the
accusatious of the widow, exeeptin ! ,
the payment of $1,01!0. to get rid of
her. This was done through the ad
vice of Mr. 111 nor.E. 'her first lawyer,
who persuaded ,Mr. CAMERON to give
- her the money, and avoid thereby the
scandal which has now been met:
Mr. C. very reluctantly and agairiSt4
his own judgment - 11311(1 , 41 over the
money to Mr. ItirmLE,.and thereby
as he-supposed, relieved himself from
the annoyanee and odium Of 'further
proceedings. 'it was a weakness,
perhaps, hut suelr. as_ is likely to be
displayed under the advice of legal
friends. The result W that the
widow became the More brazen in
her assertions, and mote.iniptulent in
her demands. It woul I perhaps have
been easier to have seceded to her
exactions. and stopped the disgusting
or- . ,lepravity, perjury and
forgery, but to do so_ was to en
sourage a professional blackmailer,
:riill give encouragement to the tribe
of female - harpies who prey upon the
goiAl name mid purses of public men
at Washington.' Those who were at
first disposed to treat this matter
with levity. .see the importance of the
ordeal through which Gen. CArmEn.oN
has so triumphantly passed, and the
press and public men of the country
expres,itpr, their admiration fur
tho nithlt• slnn4l h e h as t a k en , ft! ILI
their :;ratification at the result. Ile
reukre , l a service to the cause of
morality, which entitle-; him
to all al: the encominus . now given
Tlt F. Secretary of tlic Treasury, on
Sat arday matte a call fir_ all the un
redeemed !rovernment 5-20
hat ing rcceived on Friday subsrrrip-
Lion , fur the new I per cents. to the
amazing arnotu9; of ti:tHl,s 2;7:m.
The National Bank of Comtherej of
Now York. , •ulNeifholt',,rii , :tu.o ,, o.,,,,t , ,,
and the Continental awl Hanover
I;an1“4 for i4 - oy , ofi,ot,o. When thi,
call t, tini , •heil the 5..:20's will all he
ri placed I,y 1 pt : r I ,, ,nds. making
:in immon'a: -flying of inters t. Sec-
-deserving of
eredit for the e.,u'ragre and alnl
ity' he Ie shown in managing the
linan'es of the nation. lEuring the
period or his Inv . ding
DCIIPJCIatie l , ,trtt iut
krpt up a fierce an(l'un hturrupt
e),laLrlfation frei!' , :trade. free
, rreenback enr eney, unlimited
r;L: 1!P Xlll' inflation of all sort , ,, and
.eeti mal inttnderl sui i\
to help the solid ui Ui, aiel to weak,
en th 4• lon , in, ,- intere , t- of Lite imp
i11,,,,1., t.,.)m!:) , •:ehil %WI ilidt,trial
II ,, r,11: y •t, Lim , : fdr, this }roil-Jan
;zitatlon , 11.44 Lilt ilrfcatc,l Liu! pro
o- \\
ri•-. •A* the furpling trii4.l...,iirtß at a
~r mull thi-i-1i0 . 11144,t
i tho arrair , i-iiii•rir, for
of 1,41 anti :.;;Iver
4. itation ill Congri ss
:inure as evcr. lint
-11,1'.11 , ' point
int nub ti ,t~ ii
1.1 A:
paynlvtit.. 'Etc :0
goes on the
ti:, !,I,t or tix inatuo,l ris per eeilt.
hal Ito . pay-,
aiol thti, this IL:publican
ailininist ration 'starlit:: at the
of tile. most bril
liant financial ' triumphs of imrliit4nry.
111 . : 1,t kit.t.l,llc
W HATE El; may 'have been the
dai.'zer of lip isi(.n in the h* publican
',arty. that hanger has now passrl.
part 2, is "solid "—with the
Pre!=ident at its he The evils that
are 'th;c'ateued I - ;y the majority in
roicgrk-s, have at least had the good
etfei•t , to dwarf as minor considera
tions all harts• arievances, and to
cement the orranization in, one coin
-11)bn tleire for 'the welfare of the
conutry.t Henceforth the RepuLlican
party and the President are heartily
in accord—and 'all, petty squabbles
about men and places will nut be
erated by the rank and tite.
• Cor.V.E.PONDENCE I.n.q.,Weeli Secre
tary EV AI ' ITS and Mr. Wurpip.Aw
P.M D, dated in Deeember last, is
made puldic, in which the offer of
the German Missioi is made 113—di
rection of the President. Mr.
acknowledges the high honor paid
him, hut declines the positiqn nn :ie.
count of Ins engrossing journalistic
Tnz army appropriation bill. with
the obnoxious clause inserted under
the diction of the Democratic caucus
passed the lionse, Saturday, br. a
strict party vote, eight Greenbaekers
voting with the DemoeracY, and three
with the Republicans. The contest
has been_over the repeal of that part
of section of • the Revised Stat
utes_ which prof ideS that no military
or nlval otlicer• or other person en
gaged in the service of the United
States ":-hall order, bring. keep'or•
have, under his authority o'r control
any troops or armed men at-the place
where any general or special election
is held in any , State, unless it be nec
essary to repel the armed enemies of
the rioted States or to - keep the
peace at the The bill just
passed in_ the House, contains a
clause , repealing the last eight words
of the section. The Democracy hope
by- thus incorporating the repeal into
an appropriation bill to coerce the.
Presidentlnto its approval, and thus
break down the last safeguard of the
purity of the ballot - . box, and the .
prctection of the. 'colored voter at
the polls in the South. It is given
out, by the. leaders of • the pemocracy,
that after •the passage oT the other
appropation bills they will adjourn
' without Waiting the action of the ex
ecutive. In this case, there is every
reason to believe that the President
will call Congress together;and keep
them in session, Pail the necessities
of the government are properly pro
vided for.
'NE Independent. Press, true to its .
instincts is just now sneering at Gen:
cral GARFIELD, and the Repnblicans
who are ,endieavoring to thwart. the
schemes Of the democracy. Accord
ing to The 0,1116 of , these journals
Republican congressmen may be jeer
ed at and reviled aslladicals: and
their determination to preserve the
guarantees of a fn e and unrestricted
ballot, is stigmatized as sectionalism,
and the sign of an unforgiving dis
•position--Lbut to allude to an ex-
Seeesh Cong,res,,man wholdotted and
fought to destroy the Unitin, as a Con
federate brigadier, is a mark of un
dying hatred, and highly censurable.
' We believe — eliat the people of
. the
HNorth have more regard for a :-soldier
who fought fur the Union, than fur
the rebel whose fratricidal. hand was
raised to strike dOwn the fl ins of our
Union. And when the attempt is
made to cle - rate the " - LoSt,' Cause'
and its supporters at the expense of
Ithe.Union and its defenders, it is
for the heart of the North to be
fired, in earnest.
TUE eleciion of Tuesday last, gen
erally resulted favorably to the Re-
Rublic'ans. In Michigan the Repub
lican candidate for the Supreme
Bench and Regents of the University
were elected against the combined
vr.4te of National, and Democrats.
J ll oj i i,o, the republicans Were sue
&' ,
.1/1 • at. Columbus, the home of
I" . RMAS, electing a-Mayor
for the first. time, and at Cleveland,
as usual defeati no- both the Nationals
antl!-Deinoerats.cotnhined ; at Cincin
nati the ltkimblican 'Mayor was elect-
From lowa,
..Niaine, Connecticut
anti N v w Jers,y, the results are equal
ly. sati.Jactory.
ONCE, in 1` tinder the manao
- of a Democratic committet4 and
under the-lead Of SAMUEL .1. TILDEN,
the State of New iork was seized hr
frlind.• lII,FFMAN was made Governor
in place of Grtt3wiii.o, who was duly
entitled to the ()ince. dud the electoral
vote was taken from General I;nANT
and, gi veil to non vrni SEI MUUR. The
country has recollection of many in
stance of chi, kind ( o af Democratic
manag,clilent, which it is well now to•
recall when this party is strulin , !
to strip the ball9b-b9x of every safe
TIM depres ,, p,(l cou , li',ion of British
agrk.„.u . lture, nieiitionol. in Parliment
- Ily.kci,N , rim 0, is genuine,
eaten-ire : t ml (kirl(Wriltie. The re
p4u-ts from thirty-nine counties show,
4 that the imports Of American live
Mock. meat, products and provisions
ha,(l rendered farming unprofitable,
the, income being ednee,l f ro m tw o
per cent. a year to only one and a- .
'quarter Ter - cent, American butter
and cliese have reduced th'e price of
articles of that kin most
fisastrou v. -
TuEnEhave\been manyllyidely dif
fering opinions\ as to the
svis.l..m of the " , caueus" n.B an eh.-
ment of ~ . .vernment. But never lie
fore 11:,s it beryl elevated to the
,siren it by Senator BF:fK, of
:,,Rentucky, Inured to lay on the
ifible a resolutiuu (4.'1 . 01 by 'a Re
im'.lican Senator, upon\ the ground
that the subject Was already under
eura...ideration I.y a C0111111Ittel:—that
committee being the secret statwus of
the Democratic majorit,F.
SENAT , ,R ANTHONY, of tl o hode
Island, had his joke at the expense
of the democracy. lie moved tlint,if
neither the chairman of the Denui.
cratic caucus { Mr: WALLACE) nor the
chairman of the Democratic caucus
suh-committee (Mr. TIIURNIA has
anything :to propose to the senate
to-day. the
,Senate •gtj into executive
session." - Thelriotion did not carry,
hut the point of it was too sharp to
be parried.
-THE natural dgiravity of *hu
man heart is proven by the fact that
thirty thousand people paid one dol
lar each to see a walking mstch in
Netv York—yet, when a Leacher
takes up a contribution for any re
ligious or benevolent purpose, (1w
offerings will not average live cents
to each one of the.cOn-ie.,ation.
Amour the time that the solid
South shall succeed in repealing' all
, United States election laws for
thc.protectiOn of personal liberty, the
solid 'North will be prepared to sweep
the rotten remniat of northern De
mocracy from Congresi, - and .to :elect
a , decisive Republican, majority in
both Hinnies. In Pennsylvania the
repeal. will make the State good for
nn jrarneßse Republican majority.
A. CA LL has been s issuctl by, the
friciuls of 4emperance in Pennsylva
nia fur a state Convention, to be as
sembled- at Ifarrisburg' , on Thursday
aril Friday, April 21 land m 25, 189.
Measures are to be considered for
the restriction of the liquor traffic
and the enactment of prohibitory
THE latest kink of the Detnoeratie
State-rightt-ConstitUtlonar-Conserva :
live party in Congress is thata Re
publican President.' has no right to
use till veto power against the,dan
gerous and revolutionary acts of an
adverse Congressional party con
trolled by pardoned rebels.
GE:!;pt.l.l. G declares that
the campaign in Ohio will be a hot
one, and in some respects the most
uncompromising one ever known in
the State. lie has no - donbt,that the
,will carry the State:
against the combined Democrats and
Green ',mac rs.
Ji:FFEIiSoN DAVIS says he doubts
the wisdom of attempting to educate
the blacks, and utterly disbelieves' in
giving them the ballot. There really.
wasn't much in the negro connection
with the rebellion to make the
President very enthusiastic over the
Ex-J uti4;f: 1. W. 11. STANTON, of
Wilkef-barre, has become disguAcd
with Pennsylvania, .and has' started
for Leathille,. Colorado, where his
peculiar talents. may perhaps be bet
ter appreciated.
SENATOR, BUTLER, of Sollth Car
olina, boards at the same honk with
Congressman 13nAtni, of Wisconsin,
hut dues not speak to him because of
his osition against southern claims.
Wed ocwia y :—ln the •Senate, the
resolutions of M. Hoar about free
assents in legislation was laid on the
table-35 to 2.o—a strict party vote;
Mr. Blaine will call for a vote on the
resolution to-day; a majority report
was made against admitting 'Senator.
•B ell, of New Hampshire-1 a Republi
can majority report was mantle in favor
of it; the subject will be debitted to
day. The House debated the Army
bill, brief speeches being made by
many members.
17,toyUM Senate, a num
ber of new bilk were offered.and the
two reports on tht :Omission of Sen
ator Bell were read the Fubject then
went over; Mr. Blaine did not call
up. the
..IlOar resolution, fur a vote,
because - Mr. Herqford, of West Yir
alma gave notice that he would. call
it up on Monday in order to streak
upon it; the nomination of Clar:enee
King a,3 Director-of - Surveys, and of
Dr. Hamilton as the head °Mlle •Ma
rine Hospital. Service, were confirm
ed. In the-House the debate:6u the
; Army bill was participated int by Mr.
'Knott, Mr. Houk, Mr. Robeson, Mr.
Blackburn aud others; 'Mr. Black
burn was very much .complinfented
by his party friends.
y;:—The House, which was
the onlyeiranch of Congress in ses
sion Frolay, spent the whole day
upon tlutl Army speeeh, ! .;-1% ere ,
made by our Greenback men and by
Mr. Sing4ton, Mr. Tneker, General
Garfield and ottiers; the general de
bate is now el(?i , e11, and a Veto is ex
peett•il Saturday.
Sal If rduy :—The House passed the
Army bill Saturday, with the politi
cal legislation comprised in it, by a
vote of 14'4 to 1.22 ; the debate on
the bill .was long and earnest., Mr.
Chittenden, Mr. Conger, Mr: Bra•gg.
O'Connor and many others Lakin:;
part in it; the Greenbackers nearly
all voted with the Democrats.; the
Muse adjoulTied until Tuesday.
Monday Senate dismcssed
the case of Senator Bell, of New-
Hampshire, but came to no vote on
the admission of the senator; among
the bills introduced was one by Mr.
Booth. of California, to repeal the
Atllnitie and Bailroml 'grant,
and one by Mr. Ingalls for the relief
of the Central Branch of the - Union
Pacific ; the Army bill was received
and referred.
44 pe.cial ftf
1AW:1=1:1 tm , April
The Legislative labors of the present
week were commeneed on Monday even
ing, by a session of the !Guise, with just
six more nwarbers in their seats - than the
necessary ykrnin. After prayer by, the
Chaplain, tl.e Speaker - .0.0 h qk nut being
satisiied that a quorum Was present, or:
d , '1 , 4 . A4 call of the roil, when one huO- .
die4and seven statesmen. answered to
their . mime , , and business was proceedad
%Nall. It was remarked that several of
ti,e gentlemen who voted en the Pt eViettS ,
id:ty tl...;:linSt a'? nftjolllionent until
'Wednesday, as tlk; Senate hail ,provided
for, did not answer, desiring cl,, :l bri,; ss •t o
appear on the record as favoring ,
tention to public business, at least on the
part of their colleagues, while they to
mainea away attendin g to ,their : private
affairs. "lire average legislator is perhaps
not the most consistent animal in - exis
teuce, but as he is generally a most self
complacent specimen, it. is hardly worth
while to 'attempt to dispel the delusion
under which he labors., in thinking he has
few' equals and no superiors tin the.way of
statesmanship. .
1 As an indication of the feeling in ref
'erepce to fixing some limitYor the session
or - getting ready to name :a day for final
adjournment, it is noted that a reenhlion
offered on Monday night in the 114114 1 by
Mr. Watrons, of Mercer, - in the Yotercst
of an early Llay, I , l9yi,i;ng that 4 7 pills
shall he read in ilfseafser this wetic, was
defedeed with a "Wlowily several riiiia
ilelphia members i.!),...r4:4;..-ing theiiyisgutht
in a intmt uninikakiOn to ttinci - ,lnt any
movement,laowever indirect or7temote,
in the direction of h?ssvaim. - ; tbe!iCne hun
dred and tiffkalays for . liiell they will
receive the ten `olhirs per item. This is
more moue} that son 4 of tyre chaps ever
Made in their bqs before.;‘;‘ana they are
bound to stay N%itle\it, until the last day.
A resolution proCiding that lifter April
I the Houma hold 4ening. se4ionri uu
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
from 7.:l0 to IO o'clock,.was defeat
ed, and a largo lumber - of biller Were
passed first reading.
•- t •
In the 'House on Tuesday, . petitions
praying for the piasage.of the Pittsburgh
riot btll were presented from'Allegheny,
Armstrong, Bradford, Crawford and Fay
ette counties, and .remonstrances against
it from Tioga, Bradford, Chester,-"Dela
ware, Forest and 'Mifflin counties.
A motion was made to' reconsider the
vote by which an act consolidating and
revising the several road and brOze laws
of this Commonwealth was . -defeated,
which motion was agreed to, riuktW fur
ther consideration of the bill Res
poned for the present. • A great. deal of
time has alreadY-Leeu consumed in elis
cuising thiS bill,.and the prospect is good
for still mole talk.
_ Among the bills "passeeL, finallyin the
house on Tuesday, were the follo.ving
A supplement to an act relating to last
*MO and testaments,• presiding fur the
time from which wills shall speak and
take effect, for the vesting of lapsed or
void devises of real estate in residuary
devisee, and for the execution of powers
over real and personal estate by general
devisee, or by bequests of real or perso t
nal estate by the person in whom su:11
powers are vested.
An act requiring all officials authorized
tiz'take acknowledgcments and adminis
ter oaths, to perform such service free of
charge for soldiers and widows of soldiers
when rulking affidavit to papers for the
purpose of drawing pensions.
A. joint icrolution providing fur the
prjuting., of 0,000 additional copies of
Smull's Hand Etc,k was sassed on second
A gi.olly pention of the morning and
afternoon session iti the House on Tues
day, -was isevtited to the discussion of the'
Pittsburg riot bill. Mr. Liming, of-Craw
ford, took the door in opposition to the
prefacing his speech with a motion to
,I(Afptme indefinitely its further consider
.ation. Ho addressed the House in
opp osition to , the bill until the
Lehr of add nirinnent, tinitinning his, re
marks in the afternoon, when• he conclu- •
de& in a short time. The discussion was
continued until about supper time when
a vote on the inotion to indefinitely post
pone was bad: and it was defeated, yeas
74 f -nays mil. The three members from
Ifradford all voted in the affirmative. The
t -
fr i iends of the bill werein gnat. glee ou
the announcement. of the voe, as they
loti:ied upon it as an indication favorable
to the tinal passage of the biih'while the
opponents of the measure were equally
confident that they would succeed in kill'
ing it, or at least removing its of
In the liaise on Wednesday, the von;
by which an net providing forthe trans
fer to the State of the Reform School at
Morgauza, Washington county, was de
feated on the day. before, for want of
constitutional majority, was reconsidered.
The report' of the special committee ap
pointed to investigate this institution,
WaS read, and Mr...Mapes, -the chairman
of the Committer, stated to the hiMse that
the present mauageinent had been found
all right, that.. so far as abuses were c•,n
cei lied, they be'onged to t a past era. f
ter sonic additional explAnations the bill
passed by •a vote of yeas l:31f, to 28 irlys.
The House then proceeded to the con
sideration of the Pittsburg 'lot bill, on
second nailing, when. Mr, Fenlon, of
Cambria, offered a substitute for the test
section of the bill, providing fo r th e ap
tintnOt Hon. Galusha A. 1;row, Hon.
(co. H. Jenks aid , Ih,an. Fla leis W.
ati emniissioners to-ascertain, by investi
gation: of the facts, the liability of the
state. Mr. Fun made a brief speech
in favor of his aniendinclit, and the de
bate was continued 400.11 the of ad
journment, tbt tine. , being principally
taken up by Mr. Faunee, of Philadelphia,
who :-poke in favor of the original bill,
but was freiaently interrupted by Messrs.
Law, Of Philadelphia, Wolfe, of rnion,
and others.
At the afters„ , u session- on Wt dnes
day, Speaker Long to.d: the th ur and of
fered :in ainclahnent to the Clot bill prl
viding that Galusha A. Orow, Uhat:es
11nekalew, the Attorney nerd and two
disinterested eiti . zens of the ':ate a; , -
pointed . " 63 - the Goveino• as commission
ers that no warrants boil aid by the `tats
Treasurer, until the Suwerne shall
decide ; -the law eonstit utihnal ; also deLlar
iDg that the act Nhali' bt.e..ine null ant
void and all )ayn.eitts cease 'IN luau ter
re I estitte shall he mad.. taxable for S; : c
purposes. lie made a ViLI,IIS spreck in
favor Of his amenclutents. The debate
was contunied -titir.iig the rein tinder of
the-:•CSi4)II, itll4 COlnilig to ;L VOt,
The St mtte cononenr4(l the week:::
work by a brief session on Wut!
evening. at. s idyll lolls on lirt reading
were considcr , ed, and an act to kertott
the spread of plcnro-phem o
cattle, eras p ks•scd otaler . suspen
sion of the rules.
Among the-bilis intro Inced in the St n
ate on Thursday morning, was one by
Mr. - Paris, to Validate deeds or (Alm' in
titrtiinlo in writing, heretofore mad e in
°tiler States fin the sale or conveyance of
The vote. ley which the bill to prevent
the spread .pf ideuto-p m•unnnia. was
passed on the previous evening, was re
considered, and after being amended by,
inserting a proviso that the set shall not
apply to cattle which Mire teen ex'aminell
by a veterinary surgeon or - - fpntias
was kid over.
The Senate on Thnrs'ilay passed finally
the following among other bills :
An'act to make taxes assessed on Fiat
est:o; a first lien and to provide for pie
collection of such taxes and a teinedy'for
„ialse returns.
&The 10.10/C two hours of the afternoon
sessiou of the Senate on Thursday, was
einummed in another bitter contest or ,
wrangle 'MT r the Judges' salary bill. ,
which. like Batapm's ghost, will nut down,
The fliends of the bill as it now stands
, i , ..l(fno' for country judges with mileage,.
and 5000 to Philadelphia and Allegheny 1
Judgeio voted against all amendments or i
prol.ositions to decrease the homer or in- 1
crease the latter. 'They also vot, d against
a motion to indefinitely postpone the Tut-
ther consideration of the bill, which was ,
, defeated, yeas Ifl, t ays 25.
1 After further discussion a vote was had 4 irs from almost every point in the
on the thud passage of the bill, when it Nr%r, .est show the winter NI heat crop
cf.wing region of the West and
was defeated, yeas 19, nays 25. Three of ...; ,
IA; he unusually- good, its present tine e.on
the nays,"however, Messrs„:.Davies, Kauf/ dition being, attributed to the heavy snows
man and tklmatterly, are in favor ofbe , of the i'ftast. season, which afforded cons_?
bill, and voted with the md . lority so sto
4. ,
pl,.t.e plotiLl:ttu:).
A SEA 1: in: tOrllati. pare , ) over 11111 w ICS
be able to move a reconsiderathm/
In ihe llonse un Thursday ning, af- Sumit N. C. Tilmsdav i ist. Several
oC .
1 th itousesW e:o bl'ow iv dow, i;' and their (mu
ter routine business, was gmie rough tents seattend bioadema.. f M.- boy was
pil 5 ,, 1 115 i nit: red by Ta'l -
with, the consideration J ilt th e ~ i,,a, bin I ki lle d ~,,1 many
was agaii, resumed, anti after „. nit 4 ex _ I i i ng w I I i l ni l l i ) i k l . r , . ,
I. :F i t- 1 %7 ; : j i } ii:. ,t„ ft , l:7: :, ....s ere blow n
citing and somewhat bitter debate, a rote I Tut - . - extrem, ly cold weather of 1.1.4
on the amendment, Speaker Long was i Friday- and Saturday is reportkd to have
reached, when to the surprise of almost
l k i lle i ` . l
' t h e' l.'( f l r " ,i,t il tl i n t d a f r . : n l
i i ii v a. v e rc l - 1 1 .1 :::;1 )lime d
every one, butr pecially so to the ft iemls 1
: i i ` .. : ` i i,,. 4 ,, , l t A ;,:: iii , i„ in Ai ibii . lla,
,n , „ it u
it ; ,
of the bill, it/was -i'ote , l down,yeas ti 2, i ,I,,ma : ,in, th e fa“ps, :00 some of tlie,e,,t.
nays 1.113. /The ink l mbers front Biadfoid i [4)11 IN In have to be n•;1-:ut eri.
all voted/ with theJmajority. Whi . 4 the i Tni: l wre...:linguavell I.etwi en William
friendS'of the -bi ll Were seiiie : ‘ ,. at eha _ .3101:r.,.0f Baltimore and .Tofin McMahon.
/ 1 of \ eimont—thaq-c , lteman, frith use of
grilled at this . result, they do hot, give up the legs, best. three in fire, fur i .;500 a s i de
tile fight, and elaim that they will yet be —came off Thumday night A at.
t the Aed
able to secure a... o legislation which will
be satisfaetery. .*
Immediately a r the Tote , Was tot.
zoomed Mr. [fowl of Blair, offered an
amendment, the Ram. ho introduced in
committee of
.the whale, and which has
since been. lost sight f, as it sort of
"dropped out." This is the proposition
which is now pending; ant provides that
if the Supreme Court shall decide Alle
gheny county to he nut iespos ilde for the
damage and losies under the tof 164
then the Governor shall appo'ut three
commissioners, who shall ascer lin the
losses in detail' and report them o .the
next session of the Legislatuie. '1 ds is
the shape in which the question will me
up, the first bill .on second reading, sn
Tuesday or Wednesdarnext.
The aftenioon sessfOli of the Tlonseonl, was devoted to the consiticia
tion of local bills, seveml of which were.
paesed finally, one of them being au act
for the relief .of net.sesf A. Fox, of Sus=
quelianna county, a widow of a soldier of
the war of-1812.
In the Senate - on Friday morning, im
mediately after prner by the chaplain,
Mr. Joims, of Philadelphia, submitted the
following report :
The Finance Committee, to which was
refernid the resolution offered on the 2:ith
ult., relative to the chargesagaint Thom•
as 11. Cochran, Clerk of. the Senate, re
spectfully report that after hearing vari
ous statements in relation to the matter
and giving the same du:: consideration,
they do notilud any cause Air the appoint
ment of 4 committee/ 1- k investigation, and
that they have full faiQi in the honesty
and integrity of the Chik Clerk.
After debate the report was adopted by
a vote of 3 to I. .
The business in• the Mouse tin- Frien'y
was of a routine and kenealy uninter
esting eharneter. Senate_ and House ad
journed until Monday evening.'
L.knnr; r.iil valtnalc delelZ'ltS of iron
Laic beat disc ovettel on knnis iu
StAra3 lk ill county. .
A TREE fell upon losepli Geisinger, in
Portage township, Caminia county, last
week, and killed him.
DuniNc. the past month '2o'2 oil wells
were finished in the Bradford region,
producing on the first day of the month
4(fttl barrt 1,.
TurttE. is a large amount, of building
going on in Bradford- whielli the EO ,, re
gard .1 as one 'of the niari'y , evidences of
returning prosperity.
llonArE I'. MgssEse.v.ti, of Pittston
aged fifty-live, dropped ;dead Sat uri?ay
afternoon. The can..;e r f lns death is .sup
posed to have been heart disease.
Ilivrt.7s, of Eastcn, has teen
her for trial on the'elia!rge of brutal a , -
Sault upon .Jamie Baker, all eh•C'en-yetr
old girl. Bitten is:thirty-two years 01i.
)ti Friday mottling the barn of James
M. \V hit by, in Lower Providence to•an
ship, Montgomery county, was destroyed
by tire. iNuie heal of cattle perished in
the dames.
)..N the express coriiirtg east cu the'
toad, on Friday in.
px:senger was mulcted out of i at
th:•r•-card nointe. The 'lieu - with the
nioney jumped on at Harrisburg.
Tll% investivatif al is the impeachment
ease of ..111(1 ; .ze I laidiug, 't' Luzerne county
%vas i , ititinkled at Ilairisbutg Thursd,ky,
Luk nkk k idellt•C ,init,kkt ;knee was
i.kni the ceindittec adjoaettial., until
I . THE. B'tid of Pal dons at Harrisburg
heard argument Thursday to stwport of
the commutation of the death st•utt,uees
of ...11,xander SAyte of Philadelphia,'
awl llezokialt Shafer, of omzity
=both wife murderers. t ton was
A , Pr.elAi, from PO tsintrg twtt
confidence men suceettOett in robbing
riftratt 301111 , 4 , m S.: I I tt., the lAN rty yet
Intoictare of the Well
• ein:agcd itf the only (teen
.if the store the confederate it; tett
yvvi the In •itity drawer ttf the t..tfe and
to-tk tigno in cash, in: lutes.
lferottf .ac; there tiro
noW pil 4 o, , 11 Ito iJt n 511111 hick.s.
. aW101i! , ..! the tt:tt - . Mu:, of iziti ion; - 4 7 t0,-
; ono Inn, of e-10. Navigation it iSeXpe 4, Ctvii
Will be opt the 15th lust, anti the
price of II:. 7S to itotititto%, N. V.,
will be s'xty cents a ton, which is ten
: etotts lower than last year.
Bradford Er.l,: , :tys that a malt
tty, hying at I.trri's-
Iturti. near Pd.itifoid, e.tine home about
tenthys r ,, , ita e ' ;,at( ti, anti kirks.! his
: wife :4, wtttiefilly that she has sio . c died.
The treman was ill -a delicate-eoetion
till . 1 aod the. vlihl wts k:lictl
tote t.f litoy 'Las Lwen art ested.
Til(:11.4 1). CIA( ss, ex-'l4easuie,r,
Ca'i Is zi c , ,unt V, a, , ;,11:•g to the M.;;leli
Uhl; Gqz. sho,it in.acoouits;
sowed:int: . over Ik e thousand Itoflars.
I let.,t , ,foro . lie tt ( n•lemlt. bag bee); re..
, t .til , l as a er3. ex In f.lal y eitiy.en, but
it is 411,%Ictovt`ro.1 thates I.VIVatAs m•c011)1,
:1It• ut a vuetel-ed cod.lition, and his
belelsffieli 11 1 :11P have to set: le Is itli t Lc
e , nint y. 2 ntle of the le , I,Osnien is t on
111 1: 7 (11A t 311. (•latt-s
lAt:114 . ICII to i'rt. , :ed three !,
GZ:7E:I.I:. 17.7,775,
.I.t rrq eon
:ntrr.:,•: \vas. silitenr.,l Banks.:,
to !tun!" . Friday, .1 tine
A Fli:r St. t
es ., d •p , iity the v.11,1,,,r, bf , t‘v,,•: l
;pl,l tm.o• htiti,frf
onra,:vi o I Di.: , L;
,matio t, :111,c an infant, at \V W: tln
owr hi .11 111. liV.,
A 'q.v.\ on Ihtilts, T.•s
that in a dithhak:t) at lialifinati..h.ha lit 11
sht•t awl S;s4it'•, a
„f 1:x-l••.ss4sr."ntan 1`; CDT I/C:.(y.
Tnt•: ik tno,..rats ai! 1 Nat i = l,ll lb ,
land. Tlii!lrml,ty last, anli
th, it itt ruuvcufiun , nominated
1\'•:I,Il•mar ( )1.,s for Mayor by acclant-.
I '1:oF \I O V01 . ..11N . . Wtll
- a,ll.lll4 , nit•:', ill ZiliNt . anti 111:1t
div(l SimiLty in Cnit:itulat aL•xli
yoas. Ito wa? a native ut Ireland,
and Caine to tciis county iu yii.ith.
d Hilly, Gilb e rt an d
Stuitb, w( r do nd in the
hl ,ttr \ , )1.1, by the ur , ct
“1:1 they ovut to ride tbe,
aVI'S 4.a ras,iu , _; ste,%ffl..r.
'Fur celt.b,:,tted tartlet ;,!.1-itutli Maid,
w,o; fiut, ),:ty colt
Fashi , n Stud, Faint I,t.
is i;i•iii . ge Mr. _
day, tcf, s li all i.ffer of 'twun:y
AN ru.;ihe and three ears ofa
pa\s-iezet trait' (in the Xew
ilicri ! o. and fit. Louis - INThom' jumped
the t. , ,a!k Friday near yraziehurst.
.. z inc,. 5N as the baggage
\l - i 1.1.1.i.A (joy I , {l.Nriit Mi.ttrits, special
agent of the ,TTisury Department, in liis
reps , // upon the ie•ources of
terri6e - y, says there are now
sufficient An - clic:lu citizens there to en
tititi it
,y 6.3 teriitorial form of govern-
my of Music, Baltimore, and resulted in
another victory \for Miller. -McMahon
won the first bout in twelve minutes;
Miller the second in. four , minutes, and
the third iu eleveu,atad the fourth in,
PErEn DEstrY, colored, aged . about
0i years, was found murdered on Market
street, in Wilmington, I)el.,Sunday Morn
ing. Ile was murdered wear the scetie:of
the Temple 'murder; Comniftted two years
ago, of which he was the ti t: discover.
Several anests have been made.
THE Confederate monument at l ew
Orleans - .maw:dedicated Sunday, nearly ten
thousand people 'witnessed the ceremonies.
Among the participants were delegations - 1
from the flit-and Army Of the Republic
and Union,l4o, Idiem and :Sa , hrs' Asaocia-
Linn, whojitesented floral sufferings. \
TIIE Chemical Copper Works, at
Pluntrixville, were desttoyed by fi
Sunday afternoon. Loss, $?.5,000.
lire at Zilwankee, .near Fast Sagina
Michigan' Saturday afternoon, destroyed
d dwe store -id about
merchants - , ft;r the purpKeof (..I... g erati t,l l. l
with the monil-ipal hetilth antlwrit s
in an unilitOtting effort to preierrc the
health of the city during the summer.
Charles A. 'Whitney has been elected . t%e
sident, anti Dr. C. •B. Wliite
Director (.f the As:sfliLiath.:ll.
W LTEI: ATS , vs was. hattgca at New - -
port, Ind.. Thursday. fir. the tunt'der
Ezra Compt4i t in Jawrtry list. -The
WaS aces nnp:inied tip the scatrirld
by his yoenn.i. wife who took Ler lelve
te/ ly. • Watson was - calm and
se 11-Colit i 4 ,110. lie halexperiet.ciA reli
gion a few ih before his execution...lns
neck was ImA:en in the fell, awl in nine
minutes,lns 'dike ceased to belt.
Tut,' fenriD pedestrian sic dayslptour
nament n a. broght to a cl. , se IV , dneZday
nigh: f est, .tiPlll,! ;000 reISI,IIS 1.1.:11);_t pins.
cot At eleven, flit :
Von Ber t ! ::72 miles: : Wal
lace : Viet Kirin:lst-It 2lito; and Tobias
2!o:; Von Kiamasch continurd
walking until she tiiii,bcd niiles an d
Tobi is until she made Auiles,, and
then they retiled. Vni erg was then
formally' declared the winner - and •
pie-sated -with the.helt itud Nil
tun ;;.,1 the scculiii
third, subseriptiou ut
$7,0 le up iil.utlaec h .
A ont New oil. ans. of
Api it 211.1 says : The case against, Ex-Col
lector 1.. Smith, leeeuily ind.:.eted
liy the rl .Tory eliar . , zed' with perp(i
'ttatiier fraud ( n the !qovernment by ca:.
rein;; tin the Custom tlonso roik itanws
of parties mit actin.ny pc.•cf ,, 111.1:m.;
wolk for the i4overniii,e;nt,
.was called in
the Circuit COY'. A
.oiry Was entuanell
ed and the trial proceeded' with. After
v.amining half a witnisses District
Ann' ney Let stated that the
lit had failed 'to make out a case and
the acew , ..e.l was :illy acquitted.
t.t 'Saturday afta , rtnpin Cath
erine Ilitta;dlack. a nt.ii lrn larlti, fifty
years of resiiiin: on the' i)iinsli:lek
toad, three miles west of Colrous, V..
was, found s% it!! her threat Olt from eat
t, , car. The motives ,if the murder were
(mirage titel ioLherj - , the sum of foilr
seecileil by the A tromp
Iv.ho ea11 , • , 1 that ostensilik: to
Pr"l"ne work, and
.suhsvo,tuuttly ma ,
~ :i•ft to atiu,,tadt the resia..ilve after the
I;eparturk of ihei,l) Dunsbiack, father'
the vietim anti the only rim leon the farm,
i. t• , isiw,ted of 1 eing the perpetratorof
the Coroni r Eeeies 11 - 3. assitrneil
ch.krzze ni r!le ct s e ati,l is litiviti , ttlie (fowl-
T I y : court<l of tie taurd,u-vr.
IL %Tr.! I t. re4TIVO s.
!;1•14 . 11 locilt lit, and !HMI C 'so ploroundly
,;11,1 slung such an intert , :t in -
r mnr.
4..1, I I iInt,IN as . )vi,inen.
ly lyladaptc(l to
, n
he:t4itehes, wcakn,....-: itt tln•
kidhey,. ~ 1 the !•n..111,1in s anti
"f the
and .11.t.p.n.lency, 1?1 tuzuhlly
rene•vt‘,l by thv,n,l;,ttt.ti.
VTl.T_wri i,m
1,„ 11,J, %‘ •
,'r • 1.1
.1. 't%
oN. ,
r , • II t';•.t .
1 / 4 : 1 1 / 4 r.! talt'i pl 1.,
k., :1114 MI,
%pc C. ' l / 4 , I‘7' , yl:?" 1 / 4 ", — `14, , tr ,, ••,,;
',%!, 1., • t - ; 111,, 1.0,;
NN . I I, N. _IT
11' , 1 1\4.-.‘ \1••1..4 , 041,4y.
1 114•,. 1. 41 , 111,4" \lr. , L'4:.
u. ;41
.\:.:44 • \
\I:1 H- r 1.1. 1, 'T .1
V':. I: K .1
E. 119.
6 r Ira r
E1.\5!1",.1• N. V.
.11,11 t:.',:.l_: .
k I . l'l l l )N.
r it. I: • , f
1,11 , 11l , '• ,, • 1• 11 11!::: ~f tr. .3ty
; i 1,3 •: 1/ -t.t.311,1. erl
t t, ,•• t,, .lit• •-
1 tp..3lt, t ••• th,
t'i'• . ...1 c
Nt •t.,, ‘I 11" , • a, ,
3,1 It 17,,t ..; it; t
•1 , tt. ,l• • tio , ' ,tt ~v r
It 133 1 ,13,A I n 4.! 41
f,.,11 0,11. t.tft,
:1V..., I{ ate 1,e 3 ,1
13,3, .31 ,31... t
.Iztitt•i prt,..
e ;tr• 13.ty 1 - - 1•3 tho !ail 1 4 •31 , 1,03tt1y.
1,3 tl33t 13 1 :•tet•ecete , L; itt,te
, 31 , 01 1, - ~1 •1 1 . • 1, t , r , •c, , •••leti t „ ' I..TIC.
t t• tl'i t 3
.1t Tewtvr , f_t. the 7:11 41.%) . of A ~ , r ll, :he year
! f .31r 1.3.1 35. , e11:111 lAI%OI od
a• , d ”r ipa , p-n.1. , r,..ce of tine
1111'114n 4 awl third_
PETE!: .t. liE IN, !-)..1-11.
r u,
, t,
N I. n
41 7 Hentecl Pi y.•
,3 T •
• -
r q
• \.r, .D. %I:-
j. •nr• • 1,;, 11.,1
r flirty re
.:L.a 4. ; F oi
11.• e by mall Ilk
11 , 11 10 1711,r pa•
jt,.rt aOl t nt rr.,. t,j b,lll r0e, 1 11,7 of the
1110111 . y. l• 1 7,./.lr• 5,1114 •
T, a , ..t - s r. I I:1; V.
“0 . 4 . 1• .
L'.11111) I)llriirr,. Chi nlneys,
St ..t-<. a;,41 Wtcl: "f
.1 [IN F.'S.
0 Sa-h, Corti, Twine and
Lt ,
—., A t !to rar,,:!vt?.. ,,
11. t: .•• Ai it,
11. ll ' CA I,f
'3 , 1 '4 \ 1 a.,
"V` , i
:,teiv 11Duertcieutcut.;.
POWELL .Bc . .CO..
Takla pleasure in notifying their friends and- customers that, they have
Stores Nos. &5, Tracy's Block,
, .
. :
And a general assortment` of otli.•r House. Furnishing goods just received
' . \ .
Towanda, Pa., Aptql Ist, 1879: • ' 2 ' tf
. •
. .
. .
. • .
Successors to Mclntyre Le. Russell, Dealers in
N .
Main St ;-t,
$77 A"r g . 4 ,`:".,A3f2„`€:::
. •
Geneial Dealtrs iu
couvrny rnoDucE,
(The (AA 5 Lod of Fos, Stereos .4)lerout.)
th ,, y .1 , tent hui I their complete as‘orIITICIII
, ler? k
liiey have always ou hand /
F.:7 , l'E( ATTENTIo .N 4:I,VE / :g TO TIIE
)I.)UCE '
A ta,ll paid f or' lit!Si ra , kt
M. J.
T•pwati,l.t. A itrl,
Qr ilipriphid
ASSETS nearly - 54,000.000.00
Thi- 1,1 itt.itn ,.
all,l I', Vito. „h o b( Fur.
.aka 14;01,11,
WM.'S. VINCENT, Agent.
Main Street. Towanda, Pa.
iixEct"rows NOTlCE.—Not;ice
j i _j is hereby glve•. that all /venous hidehied to
the estate' et isamuel Davidson. late of Skeshequin,
deesased, must make immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all perssins having rialuts against
vtiA e,rate nup4 present them, duly authenticated,
for sett!. meta.
I. .. )1: NG, Exectiturr,
Stseahequirc, March
Lt I. 7 I)ITOR'S N0T.1e.1.1. In the
, orpflaw, Court of ItrnAlforil County. In the
to:if L..r of flh• .. , tv.• ut ('Alvin Ltiwlx,- late of Elm
: ,• prirfetelgi, Ilradford County, leceas
malerrlgnott, nn tmdtfor appointed t,y xahf
i•nkrt to ims, opvlt oxt-ola ton% to final twrount of S.
; 11. Hark tins.; :ollulni%tritor of the o,tato of Calvin
'l,l, iv, 111 3114.1,1 i. 1. , Ito .l sties his
•lllll'dtltmont at h'fOtllre in Troy .11orinigh, on
s-VEIrItItAI". till: OM day 4. A I'lo f. next, at In
wo,,eka. ni. of - said day, at Nt hie 11 lIIIW 111141 plaret
ail IPoilsl,ll. havh.g elatm, against NOM t•Ntate or the
funit,:ttlslng front the mine, are Td
rt matt, their rl , lms It.t .ditharrrd from coming
In hir. Nam.
W-• E. Elitt.sON. .ttontor.'
• Trop. l'a , )larch - •a x k.
W.I.NI)()W G 1 SS, from 73:9 to
V • tsar at
-' JUNE'S.
•‘,:CIi.EIVS- Tacks, direct from
the semeenieterem, for rale: at rraolevilo apt'
tetall, at rettucc , ll , rtues, at :
Window Shades,
gboinvare, 4initiare, &c.
- - 5500,000.00
Curtain Materials,
Is now recelvlng hfs
/ •
Either for
_ -
Qi /
tfility or Low Prices,
Every Article First-C7l.
HE SELLS' Ftvp. C,;11 AND WILL N, , Yr GF
1.7 t
Patton's Block, Main-St
Towan,la, I'a.. April 1, '79
wILBun - s DIRECT 1)1:.1 F 1
A SIX' FEET SWA TII - eta with
less Draft, than. the average
ntuwi.r uses in euttingfour feet.
Grass-ent by - tlu Kurelia •;rif
!bird quicker and
. more pvenly than
after any othe - r Mower.
•• - •
vord t'v i n his ui,l to call at IM• F.. to!y
a•rl exaiturt,..4l,o and make fl it
r.i. k
Warrenhatil, l'a.
Towanda,rehniary 13.
ItfE D 13 C F I) 1) It 1 C E
11. T. JUN E, ENT.,
Is do* opening a large and general assortment o
Hard Ware, Cutlery; y tores, walls, Iron, Glass
Paints, 01Is, Varubhes, Tihware, House Furnish
ing Goods, kr., purchased for and offered Ism
sale atisargaltis to those n ho par cash ror Rossi:.
1l:1 NG ES and Cooling Stoves. fur
com and Won,t, at low prices, at .1U N
rimtE G rapliic and Nov tit •
11 )10,.:t r'.ll" aha o[u:tin-mai
Gm world, at • I
rrii E best low-prieeil
stove for mikes sold Fltanosos ever ur eh•, at
OR Horse-Shoes and Ilorstc-Shoe
ZialN go to .1 UN
TI NW Alt E—n large anti Lzen r:t
ss prices.. :it .111' S-1:% ,
ALA RUE stock of Bar, Square,'
nllllll, IL1111:M/1,11, OVAI. II al f•VI. 41.
awl itoop_t ron;
_._ _ .
011, *Paints, Oils, and . Varnishes,