TERMI OF PIJOLI4TION.. The BRADFORD REPORTS:a Is published every Thursday morning by BooDRICII [USTI/COCK, ' at One Dollar peratmum In advance. O r rAdvertistog in all mule* exclusive of sub scription to the paper. _ ' Si'P.CIAL NOTteEStniertba at: Tcx Orirri per Wig for first Insertion, and 'Wig CENTEI perline for each subsequent Insertion, bot no notice Inserted for less than fifty cents. YEARLY ADVERTISEIIENYR will be Insert ed at reasonable rates. Administrators and Executorfs Notices, et Auditor's Notices,ft.so tnin BuiiA. %ads, Avenues. (per year)lL additional lines ft each. - Yearly advertisers are entitled to quarterly Changes. Transteßt adtprtlsements must be paid for in ndrance. All resolutions of associations; communications •of itinited or individual interest, and notices of marriages or deaths, exceeding live lines are cln ed Ft re carers per line, but'slmple notices of mar riages and tie tths will be published without chant°. The Itarouvatt having wiarger cliculatioa s than .any other pater in the county, mates it the best advertising mediutn — lii Northern Pennsylvania. • Jon PRINTING of every kind, In plain and fancy colors, done with teatimes and dlspatch. Handbills. iltattits, Cards, Pamphlets, BlUbeads, Statements, Ac., of every variety and style, printed ut the shortest notice. The Iterownrat office is well supplied v4th power presses, a good assort ment of new type, and everyth ng In the printing hig . line can be executed In the met artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. 'gAisiness barbs. AMES , WOISD, J ATTORN KT-AT•LANV, TOWANDA; PA;' inch 9-76 OVERTON & SANDERSON, • Avrowilty,AT-LAW, TowAKDA, PA. F. SANDER ON, F. OVISKTON, Jlt Vii. ,PECK, „.. ATTORSEV-1-LAW, Olllee'ever Itraund & ktilps meat market Towamta, .1 u. IA; 167431 1: 4 1 4 LII i • LLIS, A T7/)RN EY-AT-LAW, TO.WANDA, PA. V F. GOFF, -L-4• ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 14treet (4 doors north of Ward tlnnas), To. wAnda, Pa. (April 12, 1877. PATRICK & FOYLE, ATTOBNIIIVet-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. Vince, In Meteors Block. • ..!TLLATWI I N? c N il A A T T ORN EY IN" l att end t tt•iness entrusted to ii care in Bradford, F Ilivan and Wyoming CudnUes. ),(Alice with Esti. ' [noirl9-74. 1, 1 . 11, AX(iI,E, D. D. S AND MECIIA,NIC Al. DENTIST on State fired t, second floor of Dr. Pratt's apr 3 79, ATASON & HEAD, ATTOUNEYS-AT-GAW, T.AVand Pa.•ttftlee over Bartlett &Track, '.lf F.MAs,s, 1:19'77; AltTiiric A; SON, A TI.I:;;EY4-IT-7. AW, .1 . 4 'WA DA, PA,, •X. h. I::. v:rEe 1 D. KINNEY, kJ. ATT4II:NEY-AT-LAW. formerly occuploil by IL (. A. Re...illug Room. 11 .N14j!Ilk;IISON, ,ATToItNI , A-AT-LAW, VINVA!cDA, PA. 411ry Br+nl. jOHN W.MXI A . l - 1 , 11N.F.1 - 71T-LAW A S. COMMISSiONRI:, ToWANI'A. l'A Unice—Von h Side Public i.quare VIES & CARNOCITAN, A TT , .I.NENIAT-T.AW, s.)l"ni z•si (w-y• - m-. 1) 1)04y21-7..., ; • TOWANDA. PA IA ANDREW WILT, ATTOILN:%I":AT-LAW. OVPI Tarner R. tiorden's Store, 't Pa. :41.ay he consulted In Gerninn. XIT • J. YOUNG, 11 1:1"-AT4, AW, I=l iinire—sertrild di.rr sAmtli of the First Nia""ttal It ink Math at„ ep .talioe. WILLIAMS & ANGLE, A TTO T-i. A W ^i)FFlCE.—FornMr'.y m'clapiett by Wm. 'Walking, wiLLTAmg. (0r . t.17,'77) E. .1. ANGLE WM. MAXWELL, A TTo It til'=AT•i.A w T('W A N I) A, PA. (.m,se Over 11ayttr,,Store prll t 2. .1 L. 141 M 13, ATTORNEY-AT-14-W, W ILK F.S-6A RR E,' PA. •": Meet lons promptly attended to. IN, ERTON & MERCUR, . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, TOW.A SpA, , fileo over MoutanyL4 Store. ' Cmayll7s 1) ». RODNEY A. 111ERCP11. - 7 , i p DILL R CA LIFT, A TTORNUT g-AT-LA I'A '3l'.••: - . In IVntu4's Iflnelc.flrst bauk, up-stairs. H \I Attl LL. rjanS-7:lly] CHAS. M. lIALL, A TTOI:N EY•AT-LAW AND