Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 13, 1879, Image 3
padforil pporter, 'OIIIAS, 41. ALLIS. LOCAL EDITOR: Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Marsh 33,;1879. I W. .A. CHAMBERLIN, , Deptettu FINE ,TE IVELRY 9 • ' WASTREL SILYSER & PLATED:WARE, TqWANDA. PA. Towanda. Jan. 18, 1877. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The Post . ,jli utters et TroY, Canton, Ella ;Sr 'NAN anii Athens, teal remit subserip itions for thee IlitroniEn, by money order, ocur'.etvsse, ,:r It iaow said that the hotel at *lune «qua will be speedily re-built. ►i[E weighing is mid to be 'still good back on the hills from the rivet'. QUITE a number of people in- Wiltnot t•nsnship are talking of migrating; 'West ward when the spring comes. „ THE Standard is the title of a new Democratic paper soon to be started at Tunkliannock, Wyciming County, WILLiASE DlTTnicii has comuiencod the roundation for a large -dwelliug house, mew. the upper end of Main street. IS leas than three weeks fr( in now you •can go trout,fothing and not break the rovided,tbe day on which you go is nest Suuday. , : ' 7,suttAn, of Orwell, bas been ap- Ointed 14:the doyei nor, and confirmed I* , the Se#ate, as a Justice of tbe Peace Mr' that Owuship. IL M. Ptcx, Esq., has . puichased Mr. Ilatausn't -halt interest in the brfek block 'corner or,. Main and, Poplar streets. The znice valid was $4,000. THE citizens of Canton are nUt content with tlie Bose Conipany organized theie last week, and aro new talking of organ izing a Hook and Lander Cuthpany. pe'rt - Ons who have been rendered total•, thud while in the military or na val service of the National Government, will be4aftcr receive ri . 2.00 per month. At,. Nict,soN has removed his jewelry establishment from the corner of Main and Pine streets, and now occtipies a pot•- •tiou of the store with FITCH, thc Confee- twacr. 'TEN young men of Wilmot township, who thought it not well for man-to live alone,-have each led to the altar young Lidy of that township during the past *inter. TIIE river at this place' is nine feet above low water mark, awl the ice has moved down the stream with no damage to :property along its banks, so far as we lave learned. HENRY SNMEIt,' brakeman In the Pa- N. V. R. lb. gravel train, had big right wrist dislocated and the arm badly bruised whila coupling:ears at the upper depot one day recently. THE next sociable of the Universalist Society will he held in the lecture rooms of the Church of the Messiah, on Tuesday evening, Match 18th. All are invited to itcutl. •Ilefreshmenth will be 't.e,rved.- UNIVEUSALIsT PREACHING IN ATHENS.— Rev. 11. TAYI.OI: 11119 L. F. GAunNiut will 'hold religious services in the Univ`crt•alist Church it Atbeng, onL the evenings of ) i March lbth and 19th. Public cordially invited DECK ER Brothers, Clothiers, removed their stock of goods nolo their old stand, . oin-Mer of Main and Pine•streets, on Fmt , nrday last, to the commodious store for merly occupied I.4'the, a few .loors south. C. A. Cast wag quite severely injured "while running t circular s saw at FitosT's Factory, on Friday; last. A large sliver was thrown by the saw' from the:board he Ip(ts. holding, striking the back of his &Ind, lacerating it very badly. If. BURNET was convicted at the recent term of the Sullivan County Court, of 441ing liquor to Minors and on . Sunday, ind was sentenced by Judge INGtmu to htty a line of Slllo and undergo an impris ment in the county jail of '2O days. REV. E. P. HAMMOND ha's been con ducting revival meetings in Brandford, Ontario, for several weeks With consider able -- stiCce'S. On a recent evening he preached to a congregation of 6,000 in the (kill shed, the latgest building in .the town. emuittn of the'll l lessiali (Uniiiersalist), Pcv, Wii.m.tael'Ayton, Pastor. At 101 o'clock A. M.. I sOject—'t ADAM, Where Art Thou'."" m., sub juct—" PoNTIi.I: PILATE, 'His Crime, Character, aA t 3TU dert' Followers." All cordially welcome. LEWIS WA ELVELAEII, President of the 7s:ew York Ihnning Pigeon Club, is soon to attempt the dying of birds from Butla ) to New_Yo.k; and would like the ad dress of a lequonsiblo ' , arty in Towanda v.1i".1 will kindly care for and liberate birds from this !mint. Mr. W's. address is hIo l)o N. J. • A rouNG -man by the MIME! Of VINCENT '14) . 0 VlkOny of Mr. I.ll.7 t Ann, of Canton, vtliile drawing logs a few days since, was struck in the face, by a hand spike, bae brci:tking his jaw and'sever ing an artev, nearly bleeding to death bilftire medical aid at rived. lie is - reel - w ering, howevefi under the treatment or, Dr. OULLAILD. , THE Grand Army boys, of Watkins Post, gave Comrade 0. D. LYON and wife a "surprise," on Friday evening last. " CEPIIE " ints, liaving contracted--a litary cold, was unable to sing as sweetly as usual, but otherysil l se the " meeting " at Comrade I_,YON'S is spoken of as among the most pleasant Of the " series " thus far. • - A lIRAVY thtder shower visited this section on Saturday evening - last. The stMin - began at 'about half-past G and con tinued until 9 o'clock. It was one of the heaviest storms experienced in this vicin ity for sbveral years, and we ,believe the oldest inhabitant does not recollect a like 'Leciirrenee'at to early a season of the . year. WILLIAM GRIEU 14(7[0c, an old and bighly respected citizen of Columbi County, died suddenly of heart disease at his home in Itiipert,,, on Sunday, March 2d. Mr. QUICK was well known to many in this county, who will regret to beat• of dt•at It. The deceased was: Supciin, tendent of the Pennsylvania Canal (Wy oming Division), which position ho bad occupied fur many years. - M 1 Wm:110;1s, of , this place, advertises in the Elmira papers Tor infor mation as to the whereabouts of WILLIE, her son, aged 14 years, light VernPlexion, 'dark halt. and biti6 eyes, weight about 90 pounds,teiglit about foisr feet and too inches, left his mother's house in Towan da, about the first of December last,- and was last beard from at Waverly, when he said he was going to Elmira or Bingham ton. Tun papers of Danvilln,liOdtour Vor - tyare agitating th guest bit of buildin 4 : . ' a narrow outgo railroad Irma that' place to the lanibttlincl coal regions of Sullivan County. A survey for such a road has al ready been made by competedt engineers, and efforts are. in progress for getting eastern capitalists to engage in its boil= structjon. c Tbe Anitriean thinks that foreign capital would be More readily ob tained, if their own capitalists would in vest in the enterprise. • • Moats ROGElts, zln old' and respected 'citizen of Forksville; Sullivan County, ; died at his rest ence' Pebruary 20th, at the advanced a of 72 yars, 10 months, and foitr days. Mr. TlooEns was • born and had alway.slived in the place where be died, and was the last of : a family . of IS children of one ce.tlit, earliest settlers of whatt is now known as Sullivan CoiintY. His proverbial honesty, constam, good' na= tun?, and industrious habits, had endeai him to all. Duititio the thunder 'storm of Satur day afternoon last, lightning struck it barn belonging to JAMES KENI4EDY, in Spririgfield township, setting it on tire. The flames communicated to two other barns belongiiig to Mr. K., near by, iuid all three buildings, - with Most. of their contents, Were burned to the .ground. Some farming iMpgmrents, including a mowing machine, and ahO homes *were saved.' A few head 'of young &dile per ished in We flames before they could be rescued; The property was insured at , Troy. EDITOR REPORTER—Str : I would bort leaVe to say through your excellent col umns, that the teachers ani pupils of the. Pond Hill school, assisted by several of our generous.friends, Will give an exhilii •tion at the Pdnd Hill school boils°, 4- day even'ng, March 14th. Also, that I return thanks to the patrons ofloud Hill District for tte generous and pleasant manner in which I Lave been entertained during my.teachiuglere. Very respectfully, C. F. EItLY 'Pond Hill, March 10, 187:1. .THE fourth meeting of the Wyalusing Teachers' Institute, will be held at Hill, Saturday, Mardi 15, 18711. All teachers tire iespeet fully invited to at tend. The programme for the meeting is as follow:4; Greatest.CoMmon Divisor and Least C'onnnon Multiple of Fractions, IL V.kuiutAN ; Heading, Miss SARAH COOK ; Adjectives, 31AEY ELLEN STAL voRD ; Allegation, G. I. BUCK. PrOosltions and .Pronouns, Rev. 11, CUAET ; 4mittities, U. L. Mental Arithmetic, 11. Dun.txn; Analysis ; M. T. lltxFs ; Mathematical Grog,raphy, J. .F. ELLIOTT. J. V. KEELER. A GRANO musical context is tq,t,ake place at Wilkesbarre, hi• the, latter part of May nest, open to the whole world, when wcr $9OO will be given in prizes.: As fol loWs is , theiirogramme in part : To the choir of not less than one huntdd in mint-. ber of mixed .voices that will t,ing the best "Why, my soul* "from 42d Naltn,by Men delssohn ; also, "Stone him to Death," from St. PauLllendeissolin; $4OO and $5O to the leader. To thee -\ ehoir of the•same number that can sing th4est, "Hear us, 0 Lord;irom .Judas Maceabious,llandel, $l5O and' $5O to the leader. \ Also other choruses, quartettes, daetts,\solos, for mixed and male voices ; piano solos, brass bands, &c. -Tottxr IluttLEv, who has resided iu Standing Stone township, this county, for the past 40 years, was born in Ireland in 1714, and is therefore in his one hundred and Nixth year. He is in the possession of all his faculties, both mental and-bodi ly, and would not be taken to be a man beyond 55 or GO years of a , ',;e. 01d men now, who were boys When he came to Standing Stone nearly :•alf!a century. ago, say that he apiwari at the present. time nearly as active as he did when they first new - him. He has ever been a sober; in dustrious, hard-working man, and has reseed quite a large family of children, who, tog - ether with ripy friends, have reaseut to indulge the lope that he will live many years yet to . enjoy the fruits of his previous toil and frugality. BY. reference to au advertisement in an other column; it will be seen that the firm of McINTYnE Sr; lhissm.i., hardware merchants, has teen eiisscilved, Mr. Ws stn.i. retiring.- 'The husinessswillhereaf ter be conducted by MCINTYitE BROTII , EMS, Mr. PETEIC M.FANTYRE., tliq senior Member of the late firm, having immedi ate supervision of the establishment -The members of the ucw' thin have had many years experience- in thislianch of bade are active; go,ahead business men, and will secure a large share of patronage. They arc already engaged in re-stocking; their large store, and confidently antici pate being able within a few days to ex= hibit tri'custiimers the largest and best se lected assortment of general hardware, stoves, &c., ever offered in this market. TILE Athens corresiiondent of the Gacate, -writing under the ''date of March l'th, says " V. RYLAND, JANE NORTHRUP, CLARK GRANT, 31risi HARJU VAN, J. 1). Ksto ti.r and several others of this place, left here Wednesday for Fort Steele, Wyoming Territory, to erect an iron bridge for the P. H. B. KELLOGG . & DM'AURICE are getting the material in shape and shipping for their destination. Twenty-twd Oar loads . leftliere about two Weeks ago., After this'hridge is complet ed,Azto and his company proceed to Sualte \ itiver, several hundred miles west, to eit4t. another structure; of the • flamekind, in th.,Westcru part of Idaho. Sev eral I - lindl miles of their route is thr . bugh the Cbiintry of the nostilei. but this ehterprisitiOirm, with S. 1 7 ..fiv.5.N0 for their pioneer, 'overcomes all dangers and difficulties; thCy \ go .well armqd and bare to make about fOO miles on foot or in ox carts." Two tramps were arrestedsi \ n.Owego last, Thursday,. for breaking in tli windows of the gas house, and theateningo shoot the 'man in charge. They were taken be fore Justice liEwia.r,, where they\gave the names of CONKLIN and Cuter's, The Justice lined CONKLIN $l.O, or 20 days iu jail, and CURTIS $5, or 10 dayS in jail. In default.of Payment.' of fine both were lock ed up. The night, before the tramps ar rived in Owego, the post office situated at Laneihoro, Susquehanna County,. was broken open and robbed of a large (lan tiv of copiwr rnmies, two cent pier i f s , etc, and the store robbed of plug tobacco and cigars.' §otue of the Property was found ou the trumps when arrested. The Laneabero authorities were > bld of 'arrest, it nd soot' as their terms are out in Owego jail, they will be - taken ; Ai charge by the United States. authorities for breaking Into the post bffice. CONK. LIN Is a desperate 'character. He is. aiso wanted by the Lanialbotli atithnritieS for shooting at a hetel-keep,r in that village about u mouth ego.:: —On Friday last, I. tibildicAti,' Spe cial A g ent .6.f . the Net bite° Department, took out a Warrant for -Ceram, and Dep. uty Idarshal•Dunss went, to Owego and rought him to this plaw on - Monday, and llodg,cd hint in jail to await a hearing be 'fore United States Commissioner Mix te, -day, Wednesday.' COI:LIN will also to brought here for a,hearing as soon as his tem of haprison- Metit at Owego expires. DEA'rtt Or Jon M.ANE jOnbA.N.L;-Geri-: oral regreat was Mt and warmly express ed miLthe announcement of the death of Jon MAN Jonn.ts, whleh took place at his residence,Third near Brigg's street, at an early hoar this Morning. Heceased was for a number of ycunr engaged as a clerk in the Executive Hepartment, but was for several Months Confined to his house by a pulmonary affection. He - was a son of Col. FaitliK JORDAN, of this city, and a grandson of. the late Jon MANE, of Brad ford county. Few men of his age - were more richly endowed in intellectual power and certainly hone more genial and gener ous in his impulses, which anabled him to make friends in circles, and who now most sincerely regret his death.--/farrfs burg Telegraph Fbbruary e 5. Aratiouou the following paragraph co pied from the Kansas, Blade of March 13th, may seem far fetched for a lo cal in.the RF.PORTEI:, the parties ref:cried to formerly resided in this county, and .have many friends among our readers, who will periue - tlie item with Pleasure : ENJOYATILE EVENT. Last evening, Mayor and Mrs. M. 11. Case, handsomely entertained a large company of friends at their spacious residence .corner of .Elev enth and Van Buren streets. It was ono of the most brilliant social occasions that have occurred during the present season —the entertainment being noticeable for a refined taste and quiet elegance through out. 'At 8 o'clock the guests began to arrive, and by 9, the parlors were thronged with a merry groupe r who scorned to enter into the spirit of the hour with a *lll. The toilets- of . the Ladies; were particularly rich and handsome. - l{efresliments were serv ed at 11 o'clock and the enjoyment ran high until a Ltte hour, when the company dispersed, each one carrying home ;the happy recollections of an evening well and profitably spent. Among the distinguished guests Iren tionoii were the Governor and wife, and several Senators and other State officers, and Dr. W. F. BAKER.- AT the meeting of the Bradford County Agricultural Society, held Friday, 7th in stant,. the fel:owing gentlemen were cho sen Executive Committee for the. ensuing year : G. 11. YANDI - EF., GE.o. 11. Fox, I. A. PARK, L. J. eckytut and Ild,u.teb: IlonTox. The premium list was amen ded in some important particulars and will be published soon. Mana;ers l Of de partments Were selected as follows ;e Superintendent of Horses—G. I.I. I VAN; DYKE. Ass start, N. V. WELLES, of Athens. Supeiintendent of Cattle—L.. J•. CUL VF.11 . , Assistant,. It. S. BE.UtDSLEE, 0 Warren. Superintendent of Sheep and Swine—A. P. )IL - Nx. Assistant ; J. W..Nicnoi.s, of Burlington. Superintendent of Poultry, 11. L. Scorr. Assistant, C. .1. E.l.sTli BROOK'S, of Orwell. Superintendent of Farm and Dairy—l. A. PArat. Assistant, F. H. HAGEttm.kN, of-Asylum. Superjniendent of Domestic Dejart meat—Gr.o. 11. Fox. Assistant, G. W. RYAN, of •Towauda. Superintendent -of Machinery-A. B. CAFS. Assistant, C. W, HoLiilmn, of Ulster. Superiutptitlent of Forage—Hon ACE 10,11 TON. Assistaut„ S. W. BucK, Of Le- Ilaysv These' gentlemen aro to have the con duct of the Fair, which is to be held Oc •tohn'rq, 2, and 3. -• THE funeral obsequies of Ltlie late Mrft. V. E. •1 1 1‘Okr.IST took place at the family residence, itt , WYsaaking, on Thursday af ternoon fast, 'und were conducted by Rev. S. F. Corr, D.`D., of Laporte, forme?ly pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of \Vysox, (of whivh the deceased had been a member) aksted by Rev. Mr. STEEN, now pastor octske same church, and by Rev. J. S. STEIvAiKr, D.D., of To wanda. A large concourse f people were present, tilling not only the sPaUiens man sion,•but the groundi ‘ i-gurrutind'hi it. The floral contributions Ivere abutla; beautiful in design. The services house were •conducted by the • Re' COL; who Made some very thoughtl appropriate remarks, founded on Psalms xiv: 2d verse, The following named gen tlemen, .eitizens of Wysox, acted' as pall bearers : Messrs. ALLEN CONKLIN, G. W. tittEEN, Noults:i WHITE, L. T. ,Ltyr, WILLIAM PATTERS AN and Jon M. Player was olicred at the grave by Rey. Dr. SiEwAyr. The-body, was interred in the cemetery at the First Presbyteriau , Cliurcb. A thong the many distinguished personS present,y‘ere the following : li.II. SAY ItF, Superintendent, and 11. SAyitE, • Superintendent's Assistant, L.V.R.R., both of Bethlebeuii . .Mr. RE /BERT ' LOCK II Bethlehem ; Hon. TllO3l AS NViltmAx.and family, Harrisburg ; Wtm,r_ot STEyEiv;. Stiperintendent,G. I. & S. H. E.; PRANK GooimAN, ASSistant Superintend ent Pa. &N. Y. It.I?:1 Hen, JosErn NV- El. L and Hon. Judge Ituk4t.t., Towauda ; Hon. E. REEn latefifreaker of the' Pennsylvania Legislature.; , DANIEL 13. WALKER died at his resii dente in Ulster, on Wednesday:A:lst, March sth, and his remains were takciiAo Y., the place of his birth, and, interred on Saturday. )Mr. WAnKi.e. had been in ill health So: some time past, so much so that-he had been confined to his house since about the first of December last. He had resided in Ulster for the, 18 years, and was, at the time of his death, about GO, years of age. Ile was an active worker In the - Republican party, and was elected for the second tuna to the office of County Coroner at the election.) last fall. Ile Was a genial companion, an excellent neighbor, and a man of sterling , integrity, and leaves a wife and three Chil dren, together with a large circle of ao quaintauces to mourn his death. The fu neral services took place at lataresi deuce, and were conducted by IRev. C. E. • FERGASON. The following warned gentle men acted as pall-bearers : G. 11. VAli DYKE, JAMES MCCARTHY, C. W. yor.-: COM 11, JAsins Mint.ka and C. 13. Icirciins. , t a meting of Ulster Lodge of Good Terripl. , -ris,"Of which Mr. WALKER was a member, held on Wednesday. evening, March sth, the following resolutions were adopted : ,• WHEREAS, \lt /lag pleased Almighty tod . to remove by death from bur midst our worthy brother; D. B. Wulke? ; there fore, be it . . ,Resolved, That iwthe lcani of our broth er, we recognize the hand of our Heaven ly Father who doeth all things and that In his death lora riionrrithelosis of Who possessed the respect and esteebi ni s all., = .Rob:betty . thattatits PrOVldettse,s• deeply sympathize fiththeberbaitd taunt iIY2 and;',l3eceb ,tendllr tbeet.tie dolenaa of th is bodieC , Relsgelitt ) that our charter and Lodge room be draped in mourning, --and that the members, wear' the customary' badge for sixty days. • - - Rooker!, That a copy of these resolu tions be forwarded to the afflicted friends, and that they be imblished iu the county . papers. \ . &soloed,' That ive\ctose this Lodge at once as a mark of respect for our deceas ed brother, t. It..SettoornuitEß, W. It. WELtutt Cohullittee ret 'lnstal) thrth 5, -18 it Tun Meeting of the Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church held du Saturday, • was • one dr great interest and -blessing td its mem bers: Ai it,Was the annual meeting, and • election of Oillee,m, there was a large at?, tendance, and every oil% was encouraged and cheered. by the .way in ' which the work-had been done, and in feeling, that Gm) had proiperedits meinboni td give 8d well: The Society, compdsod of three Bands, vii I Ladies Band, Qverton Baud, and Stewart Band, have during the past seven yearB raised for missionary purpo ses $2OBO. By this citort the church has been enlightened and strengthened iu this part of GoD'S work, and tidint,s carried to benighted people, who have accepted the way of salvation, and so proven to us that our moans have done: everlasting . good. The officers for the/ ensuing year are as follows : • LADIF.S' DASD. • • Mrs. N. N. BETTS, President. Mrs. P:1). Montfort, Vice President. Mrs. Dr. J. S. STEWART, Secretary. Mrs. Jos. KINGSBURY, Treasurer. OVERTON RAND: Miss LIZZIE OVERTON, President. Miss ETTIE MORROW, Vice President. Miss MATTIE Secretary. Miss Bot:AnT, Treasurer. STEWAItT BAND. Miss JENNIE CENT ELT., President. Miss FRANCIS Woontronn, Vice Pit Miss MABEL BLAcx, Secretary. Miss LILLIE STEIVALT, Treasurer. PtRSONKL. -NY. HENRY STULEN, or, this place, eaves for Topeka, Kansas, in a few days. -31110 'FANNIE, LEE .MYEn. and Idiss 31YElt, of Ralston, are visiting relatives in this place.. -7-31:ss 2cEis). SPALDING is in-I - link - ham-, ton, visiting .relatives, wliero also will re main several weeks. —F. E. SEwAnn, of Athens; has migra• ted to New Mexico, and THOMAS EN SIG HT, of tli'same•place, to. Colorado. ,—Mrix. M. L. Buims, Washington cor respondent of the 'Elmira ildrerifscr, re turned to her Loin° iu this 12 lc cc on Sat urday evening- last. . —.l.kmEs B. BRAY, editor of the Waver ly Free Press, Is seriously ill,- and in con sequence the paper will hereafter be is sued considerably reduced in size. ' —The friends of 'the Rev. bus MAsTEn, Athens, made him a donation visit on WednesdaY evening of last week. The receipts were 6i. —Mts. SALt.v.llunioN, mother of Mrs. P. C. VAN -GELDER, of Le!?aysville, died, in Jackson,,Tioga County, on Wednesday' of last week, at the age of 90 years and four months. —IL A. ELMER, Esq.; of . Waverly) in spoken of iii'countetton with the vacant State Senatorship. The Itepublicun3 of Owego hold their convention at the Jib waga House in Owego,lto-day. —Hon. IttcitAnD Buiwoun, of Sullivan Coulity, delivered an address before the Teachers' Association of that county, at its recent; session, which elicited hearty applause and a vote of thanks from the assembled teachers. . —The many friends of FRANK MAYO will be pained to learn of tie severe ill ness of the family in New York,—Mrs. MAYO. with dipbthefia, Miss Nia.LtE with diphtheria and scarlet fever, and Fumis, Jr., just recovering. —Major T. P. OVENSIIIRE, of .Say►e, left hvmo last'week for a visit to Callfor lle Crosses the continent by way of Chicago, and Omaha and the Pacific Rail road, to San Franeisco and other places . ip that far off State. He expeeta to spend few weeks visiting his vlu friends front the East. —We are much pleased -to learn that our friend and thriller citizen, 4r. J. J, , KRESS, who was for some time in the pm: 'ploy of the Northern Central Railway, and who left to accept a position on the- Jackson - and Pomeroy Rail road, at Springfield, Ohio, has recently been aprointed to the position of Superin tendent of Telegraph and private Secreta ry to thetieneral Sui.erintendcnt. Mr. KftEssis ably fitted for the position, and - the 'General Superintendent of the S. & It. It actedwisely, asbetter E• 1 .no( CC tionmfuld have been made.—Ca 'don Sen tincl.\ \ • i9cal Corre;apondence.. • TROY 10PIC3 _ Troy, March 10th. EIMTOII REPO kTER :—Mrs.•.lostli .To notxmAN was thr4wii from a sleigh last week, and her anklewas so badlY'sprain ed that she Rill not -be able to Walk for some mouths.... The firnof .14:wmt. & I'ONIIMOY has been dissolved, and the bus iness will be carried on by il, S. JEWELL in the future. Mr..lE.w.nt.t. i salerchaii: of long experience in this town, and will, as heretofore, hold the trade of a\ , arge number of customers Judo.° T. el who has been seriously ill for some time, is imProving; and hopes are- entertained \ that lie will Smedily mt . :over— —Through the negligence. of a paper dealer in tilling an order for paper, the Gaiette did not appear last week—au event which has tMt occurred before since the fire of 189, when the office was burned down. Wo all realize the value of our - local paper 'When deprived of it, even fora short time, but since no fault is attached to the edi tor,We submit gracefully to the privation ! ~.11..?. litz,nitio.roN is rapidly pushing forward' the work on his 'new . bouse, which, when completed, will be a fine-or nament tO tlie , towN. He is . already one of the largest real estate owners in this borough, and is of our most public i spirited citizens.;, , .. ‘ lfon. DELOS Hopi. Irma; and E. B. PAusozi,, Esq., are! in Philadelphia attending \ the Supreme Court. They will argue the famous KEE .LEY & DEA N. E suit for a new trial. Messrs., - DRAKE and ti'ill have much sr thy this viciniti.....Reir. Mr. SAE logical student at Auburn. so/ max tbrrrn, of Elmira, preads able sermons at the Presbyter Sundhy, larch 9th....1dr. of Elmira', has frescoed the Methodist Church iu a highly artistic manner, mak ing the interior oho of the most attractive audience rooms in the country....Satnr day eight, May Stb, will be remembered for the most t!riflhit!t, electrical storm. ever witnessed. The heas:ens blazed for three hours with flashes of rose-colored lightning, accompanied by' heavy thuu , der, and an brunetniCtittOwer of . rain, snow and hail properly miXed" .. A 'barn belonging to JAstßa Emapv, iticltpiiirix flaki, *as earned, aild also, a corn house standing near. The .iktoek w as saved, with the oieeption of three calves. Then ty bulb hay *Ord, Slonsuhled. There waif ail ottilo4Yen th‘ Aside from this no damage was done in this vicinity by.ibis lightning. ...The at tendance at the Trek liiititute, which held its last session March Bth, was not largo,_owing to the riticasoofible ,breather aid fad traveling. • tiALt.tir, A..CTELL sxin ducted a class In history. i MUTIRITT CASE a class in English language. EMMA. An- Ams gave a lesson in leaf fortati. The re mainder of the time was devoted td mental arithmetic and ihe discnagetkof,probiemsi Tie next season, March 22d, Will begin at o'clock A. and it is : expected that Superintendent ItrAsi will be present and give instruction to teachers. Ali are in vited to be present. The regular appo:nt, ideate, for that time are iis folluars I . olijekt Lessons; J. T. MeCoLtom ; Petimanslip, MINNIE C. Gnus; lIISIOry, NELLIE Ax- I' TELL :teal* Forms, EmsiA ADAMS; Men tal Arithmetic, 31. 0. Loomis;. Reading, SARAii BALLARD; Grariimai: and Arith iiietie, Professor G. - W,-)trAm....i An' In stitute\ will be held at West . Burlington, Saturday i 3larchlsth, conducted by J. T. McCoLLoM, M. O. Looms, Miss ELIZA ADAMS, 3114GisBAILAIII BALLARD, and MSS EMMA ADAM. \ If successful the institute will be conducted s at:regular intervals.... The spring -term of the Troy Graded School opens with a large attendance, and everything connected With the school is in a very prosperous condition. The growth of the school during the Past few years is a matter for congratulation. X. BURLINGTON ITEMS, EDITOR REPORTER.:-The - friends of Rey. PAtiL Sstt tit, of Burlington, gave him a donation visit on Friday evennig, March 7, 1 . 879, at. the parsonage _ in Bur:- lingion borough. The evening was beau tiful, supper grand, delicious oysters, (fresh from Towanda) were served up in first- r class order by our "landlady," Mrs. W. H. D. Green, aid our pastor was made to feel, although among strangers, he was not forgotten, as noble hearts and Willing hands respOnded to the call—in the •neat little gum of $53....Mr5. ...lons • Btu. is now lying dangerously)ll at the residence of S. M. DICKEIBIAN, under the care of 'Dr. E. A. Evr.nrrr....We loam n that our old friend, ''ffon. C. F. Nictrorls, is talk ing of going.itito the mercantile business in our Mtge town. Gladly would we wel come him and his wife Mrs. I. F. Loxo, who has been in poor • health for some time, hag gone to Towanda to spend a few weeks with her son, M. J. LONG. : Yours Respectfully, VERITE SANS PENT. tielgbboring Counties. From 11le flepubllcan, March 7th. DEATIL—Mr. Hiram Van Tnyl, an a;;ed• and much respected citizen of South Eaton, died suddenly at his nesi._ donee on Monday. He was clearing frime ice ()if of the walk around his house, when Lc fellin ionic kind of a fit and died in a few minutes. He leaves a large family of children and many warm friends. From the Mansfield Advjrtlser, March .ith • Frank 'C'Eck t of this village, bad one bone of his leg broken by a log falling on him last Sattikday. Dr. Moody attended the case... .A son of IT. M. Shaw- fell from a horse which he was riding to - wile ter, on Sunday, and got stepped on. lie was badly injured. Mr. A. L. Rhodos, of Chundlersburg; met with a painful•ac cident and da'y last week. While remov ing the cylinder from a revolver, one of .the cartridges was discharged, the ball pasidng entirely through his hand • kti ont.buildin,g of the Orphan SehJol was discoveyed to be en fire Saturday - night about 1.2 o'clock! Timely alarM and a few pails of 'water extinguished the dames. More carelessness with ashes. .From the Agitator, *arch 4th. The revival Meetings at MiHorton con tinue with inci easing interest.... For the past month, 'Rev. Dr. Week, of this vil lage, has been confined to Ins room by an. injury to one knee.... Mr. 31. V. Mudge, of Matiqield. is about to move to Kansas. We wish him abundant prosperity in his new home Mr. James 'V. Worthier, of Stony Fork, has gone to Minnesota with a view to settling thete....Pour persons united with the Baptist Church in this - village last Sunday evening.... The Dona tion to Rev. N. L. Reynolds, of this vil- Lige, last weak netted the sum of $lOO ..Several families have recently left tic vicinity of Mainsburg for Kansas, among thorn that of Mr. Joseph Robbins... .A young man wo , king at the Park Rotel at Tiuga, was recently detected stealing li quors from the cellar to Sell about town TLo residence of Mr. Henry Seytnom,. a mile and a half from Mansfield, caught \fire in the roof a few'days ago; but the - flames were extinguishes before they had done much damage...lA Tole .named Heain \ lioske, jumped into a vat of hot water,\„ by mistake, in, the tannery, at Blossbtirg,- last Wednesday:hiorning, bad ly sca.lditd.t \ his legs. Atlast accounts he was doing well.... Last Friday morning was the coldest one of the season hi this region. The ihercury, at 7 o'clock, stood at from 14 to fl'.\ \ degrees below zero in • different parts ofthe village. It was cer tainly a stinging ‘ ti morning. ...Mrs. Dunn, mother of Mr. kihjahDalin, of this borough, died last Satorday titStning at the advanced" age of 91 years. When the _family arose in the morning \ she was dis covered to be breathing very short; add _she died almost immediately 'without any apparent pain, her death being \evidently caused by extreme old ago. HO home had' been in New York city until\a ‘ bout live years ago, ;when she came to tlitsvil -- larr.,e to live with her son. She vas a very devout Christian woman. From the Dushore I:evicx, lfarcll 6th Martin 'O'Neil lost a child by diphtheria this week. .Ire has three others sick, but it is thought they are improving... would he Much easier to enumerate those who have elseaped coughs, colds and kin dled ailments, than the grand army of sufferers in and . about Dushore, Dennison, of Genova, N. Y., has .been in town several fhiYs visiting' his daughter, widow of the late Dr. Fairchild. Mrs. \ Fairchild bad - a sale Tuesday, and this nnfrniti4' acenmpanied - her father home, to ircside Periintuently. She has many '`n, ore who will miss her, and MEM EOM Hick, ing cl 11311 aboa, They have been sawing for ! ins, • and have on hand cherry lumber to tit value / of $6O to $7O - at the present advantageous prices. FUSQUFZ.VS.NN„COIM:TY. 'From the Montrose Democrat; March Mh., Slrylock, who demanded his pound of flesh, was no more itihuniati than the crei. .ditors of our worthy citizen of Bridgewa-* ter, .11. r.. Daniel Stuart were,. who could not wait until he could perform 'the Ink sad rites over his dead wife, but in, their greed they sent:the Sheriff to his in., While his wife's remains were lying there. Is. there a God in Israel? We beliede there i5.....At a meeting of the citizeni• of Springville, held in the school house in that place, on February 24, 1879, to con sider )neasures for re-building St.' An.: drew's Episcopal Church, lately burned. After- adjournment,- the' subscription paper was passed to persons in the vil ism who-were not present at the meet ing; with an addition of sloo' as a result, which, witii VA,. as Bishop flowe had sig. it his intention of, giving,- brings. -the subscriptions up to its%).Oo„ ..FOwler Pea . , of Farford, has gone to Nebraska ....The wife of 11011. - .11. 11. .Tones, of llarford, has been quite in for,snme time,. ...The dwelling house of William Ilep. born, of lisrford, took lire awl v,...0ti.1 have soon been consumed, had it not been for the promPt and efficient aid of the cit izens of town. estimates his loss at $21)0; it was insured. " - • Mims miToN, 31arc01, 1919 NVYOMINiI COUNTY TIOGA 01.72,;11 SI'LLI VAN COUNTY =l= scant home seat Many teams haul= T from th'e North:4mm- nice, where it is loaded tars so so fret eittnnivnggscon WhaVertissed'itilll . itin PaPe pi % secular and religions, are having a large `gala, and are supplanting:alfrottier celiac's. There is no denying 'the *trines oC the hop plant, and the proprletons o the s e Bleat' batle'abotiii .gieaV:abrhtd nets and dbility in nompontiding a Bit. tem *hose +ditties artipalpable to eve. ry s 4 .41rv.ation.i7-14.rehentve... BUSINESS, LOCAL. fair r foachere: oraudig‘tions for Brad ford County, will tie Laid so foltoira a lltorea Aiyalusing 114.4111rara 17, tidier ; Mt; Burling ton ; Rl, troy ; *dairy, so, Now Lamar ::s, wo wed 13i, Monroe I April 2, Granville, Center; 1; Canton Orailed fletool : 7; Mist , SmltAlleld In,. Mildly Crock; It, Asplumill Openers; 14, Lanka's vine ; 1a; 'Warren -Crentetr; Mt, north Orwell ; 21, Iterrlekrine; Wynn—, • , Examination* will_caturrienceprompt4 at Cf. in. Wife& idtittinate,.rtie day 'following each examination stray . be:deroted to instruction necoa , airy for the greater efficiency .ot the summer schools. - .3A examinattolia an , tkbe le l 4 Ins ma• jority of the townships for the convenience of teachers, Instead et a few towns, extra and private exandntitins wilVhe discontinued this spring as the endorsing of certtlicaies *is last init. tilreetors are earnestly.tarited 'to be present. - ItYAM, ' ' County Superintendent. Towanda, Pi, Much a, 1879: tf rir SPRING- STYLES . OF MILLIN 1U GOODS at sTERWO. tar A pretty aSsoftinent of EMBBOI I 7)EII1E8 am LACES at ST E.IIN rirlust :'received--tho latest styles at Spring flits and Caps, at 31. E. itosattrtELD'S. Feb. 20-4 t. rirsakrru: BROTIIItS,„, will sell * MILK at.FOUlt CEtiT4-PEII. QUART after May tat, :wk in," 'Ladies ! buy the " SPOON " CUR SV.T at 1321:0Phl, It is the test.._ Ladies Dress Trimmings,. all the New Styles, it-13,rsta, k PAntinAbtll, i,ftir doors north of Mereurs Block. FANCY GOOLPS and BUTTONS In great 'Parfet; at STElttii. Cam' Men's-Wool Hats at Fifty Cents at E. ItogENFtetb'q. Feb. :Mt. As you want the BEST &Wing arnine, your only course is to get one of the Xew Davis Vertical Feed,"-agency at Madill's Croekery -Store. Or Large stock of liata and Caps 01 theilitest !styles part, received, at M. E. HOFLA Feb. 20- F[ELD'e. -~ 'M .- No pucker, no change of stitch, and . yet you get these condltlints with 3 Sillipileity of machinery and .ease of oueration on the vertical Feed Setting Machine, that you e..uttot ou any other. , jr4' Call and examine my stock or Ilats and Caps. M. E. lioscs YIELD. Feb. 20-It. Jar A little money will‘buy a large se of IlbstLes at 3Lattilre Crockery St 43rc. CO/ISEII 1l:15 the best wertr)g• Shoes for Men, Boys and Youths , wear ever 'offered In Towanda, and it prices withlit the r6ach Of \ al I . A. Bronze lamp for 63 ds, at 'Ma dill's Crockery store. ' ra — Ladies' we will cheerfully show you tne SUPERIOR merits of -the New Darts Ver tical Feed 'Sowing Machine. Call at JSadtlVs Crockery suite. A full assortment of Fancy Goods at SNELL & 'FAItNIIAII . S, s row doors north of 'Sten:nes Block. .M" When yoU go to pick out that set - o! dishes," be sure and call at Aladlll's Crock- t•ry Store re .. NOME. —Theaccounts of the late firm of ALVORD & Hitt:11E1)(1K have Wen as nod Viand shoetd be paid to J. r.tirrentecir, ht the ItErottiEn. Office. Vir For tickets to all points West, North and Southwest. at the lO . West possible rates, call on or athlress,'3l. E. DAECOEIi, Agent, at Upper Depot, Towanda. . 17tt it? I' L. B. Rona Nits challenges compe tition for quality of goats and low prices on Sash, Doors, Hilocia and K01c1411,,5, and bulidiut rarot3-tr.l. - CIF - The Largest, Best: and Cheapest nuo -et S&es for LadleS% Misses' and Chlltlrens' wear Is foniallt Constnl's new store, corner Main', and Plne-sti., Trey & Noble's Block. . apr47B .Cowly.s' Bakory Wagon, of the Ist Ward Bakery, will be on hand daily with Fresh Crackers hot .from tho oven, Bread,' Ples, Cakes, dm. april t 3lns. E. J. MINGos will remove her Millinery Store on or' about the 15th Inst.; to the .store occupied by At lITTVO3III 5G Sitsxl'. opposite the public mare. She already has new Spring Shapes and Stoles.—hr , Lam' Don't you forget it. We have an excellent CRACKER MANUFACTORY le town' at COWLES' It AMERY, syltere you can boy the best fresh-baked crackers. CH - HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN II AIR . ItEstwmt is a scientific combination o l f, some of the most powerful restorative agents in die vegeta ble kingdom. It restores gray hair to its original color. It makers the scalp white and death, It cures dandruff and humors, and failing-out of the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair Is innrished and supported. It makes the hair moist-, soft and glossy, and Is unsurpassed as a halr.lre,lng. It is the most economical prepara tion ever offered toThe public, as its effects remain a long time, making only an occasional application necessary. It is recommended and used by emin ent medical men; anti odleially• - undersed by the Istate Assayer et %iassachusett, .The popularity of ti ll's lialr Bellew : et. has Increased with the test of many years, both to this country and in foreign lands, and It is now .known and used in all , the clvillzed countries of the 'world. Fon SALE . BY ALL DEALLRF. MARRIED. lIILL—E; IN FEY.—In Warreu Center, at the res idence of A. A. Able, Esq., • February _7th, by ' Rev. M. I:. Itrmnhall, Mr. Owen I% If 111, of She-. shequln. and Miss Annie A. An - titer, of Warren "Center. • I.ILUU R-11 ART F0111).A t the tarsonage, ourryttoe, March 3, I,y Rev. 1131loc It A rtu- strong, Mr. Ira Wilbur, of Tuscarora, and Miss Debbie Hartford, of %Wilmot. 31EItSEItilAIT-110LCOM11.—In Ithaca, N. T.. i.v Jicv. it. liegoboom, at the _residence of Mr. Charles Hovey, March 1. - Mr. E. P. Mersereau \ and Mies Lucy 11. Holcomb, both of Ulster, Pa. \ •11111111111MMIONIIIMINSMEM • \ i DIED. . . DA PL111101..7.—1n Ghent .•.lifAreta 9, Rev. 5: "David .stn, ii,ed 7,1 years, 8 months and Id days, • liAl - FIN.—In Wilmot. February nth, Mrs: "Cathertta.liauffman, aged 78. years, 11 months and 1 day. ' . Arwoot). = \ eimptown, February 22, Stiles Atwood, aged lil,years. N \lt °;w/ki DA L AKETS. T 1:BPOBTED BY YENS & LONG, 0 ne rat deal erv . ln G roe e rle s*l P roduc ej'atton's fta corner 3laln and B Idge Streets. WEDNESDAY EYEING, RCII 12, 1879. • PAYING. - Flour per hid 5 f:• - va tt 2:1 \5 75(a , 7ioo Flour per sack 1 acca 1 50 1 ‘ so(a 11.75 Crew:des/oer 100 1. , \ tto Chop' Pent. I 00 e , I 21 , 0 Wheat, pet! bush - 904 100 1 oeqk 110 Corr 40r6 5544\ Rye 41•550 5555 \-50 ME OEM Wato Bnekwhaat.. - ..... Buckwheat F10ur.... Closer seed.meilhun.. Timothy. western.... Reuss, s: IhS, • Pork: T)resseal hogs Hams "shr.ulders.... Chirkuus Turkeys. Geeso— Laht Butter, cults ' Rolls Exp. fresh Bbees,o, Groan q)plee; bto3l' - Potatoes. per bushel—. Ontous Beeswax .bOIIIII.CTED pY DAYTON A DUO !Tides:....: Veal skins \ Deacons \ Sheep Pelts. Tallow WOW, ' HENRY E. DRAKE, ,R RL FR, Cornet' Lake and Water St-eetl, ELMIRA, N..Y Eluilra ; Y., .4411 19, 418-1, :.VISSOLUTION.--Irhe' copartner-. thlp henrtnfore . eiftrtind betgemi , Petar Mc ' mire and George g. Reared. under the Ann name, et Zclatyre g Beaded{, to" tv. day .dtmelr• ed bhautpal emigre t. tioli atectunte atel note. are placed fall* binds of In debte d.vq... ftfr eat %cam upon whottl all toe s to the Iltd Arm will Mum cad ter settlement. Vic busloess win he conducted In the future by the undersigo ell,' at thtial4 Kind; -: -•• . , .- -..- :' : - ... . - for put tastes. we would tbtpeCtiiitly scalcit li_share o ‘ putille pa =i BROS., Towanda; Jan. 80, 1879 CAPITAL,. ASSET'S noarly 54,000.000.00 • This Association continues to insure from Loss and Damage by Fire. Buildings. Household Fur. iilture, and AlercbantllN generally. • COURT PROCLAMATION.- WIIEWEAS. lion. Paul D. Morrow. President Judge of thu lath JudiciaLtilstrict. consisting of the county of Bradford, has issued his precept bearing date February 22, 1879. to me directed, for holding a Court of (Solomon Pleas and Orphan's Court at Troy. commencing llonday;March 17th, and to continuo two weeks. 2AQ , , .. ..'% - 45(4 so 1 2.7.(3 1 "(4 1 77, 5 00 1 6061 1. 75 ... 0001 150 1 50(a 200 1)1)1. 12110: PO 9 9® 10 90 10 19631 12 9 I'o 12 Elll ME] 70 7 10® 12® 14 16t1.0 20 14® 13 15® 30 12%; 15 IC®,. 11 12'4 • 50 ;; • 70. GC® 65. 750 ' 75 G I 00 22 25 114181113 Cyasill 200:00 Z 1444100 • ...... o!iidolfi •• • - ,-,.....,- VEClDAttiPetllsententS4 FIRE ASSOCIATIQN, Of Philadelphia. ORGANIZED SEPTEMBER I, OM WM. S. , VINCENT, Agent. - main Street, Towanda, Pa. ,Segat. once Is tttereforo hereby Oren to all persons Interested that they be then: 'and there in their proper person, at 10 o'clock' In the forenoon of said day, with record, inquisitions and other remem brances to do those things which to their ofticeap pertains to be done. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance agreeably to their. notice. Dated at Towanda, the 224 day of February, In the year of our I.ord one thousand Eight bnndged and seventy-Hine and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fourth: - PETE:R3, DEAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, February 97tb, TRIAL LIST-3IARCII TERM, 1879, at Troy, Pa.: ' ' I=l3l Eleazer rotnerny vs C-C ctlelland..,. . Dewitt C ' Strait vs t/corge Smith.... ... '.. assntnpt E Pomeroy vs C C McClelland Sri fa E W Colwell vs Elias Itockweirs cx'rs debt S It ,& H II Fitch vs C V Dare. .... sri fa A S'Parssens vs 11 B Leonard' • replevin S.W Wright vs Then G. Irwin- ' ....dent Pomeroy Bros Vs Green & Hicks debt C. F Taylor vs L N Tinkham appeal N It Voorhis' use vsillt Gates . appeal N B Worlds' use vs J W Hugginsetal appeal N B Voorhis' use vs A N Ilarris..:.. - Appeal. N It Voorhis' use vs John Lants appeal N 11Voorlds' use vs Alfred McClure appeal N B Voorhis' use vs'!" F Wilson • appeal Cleaveland & Gibbons vs Canton top appeal 11 I, Miller's use vs L 1.) rarmenter.... ...... issue C M Morrison vs 0 lill Bullock ' appeal C C Manley solj 11 Fellows, gar alt ex •• .. .I:ntin °esti)) vs L P Chapman's adm'x. \► d I.oy vs 1) McWhorter R I) Spalding vs Chas Stockwell Lvills Lewis' use vs Pcleg Peck's ex'rs...assuin S Newman vs James Fox's efrs assamid I= Coo & Campbell vs : James }'oz's 'ears vault pt V C Leonard:a % John Cunningham - aasumpt %Vm McNeal Ns p C Manley et al eirs....treatnias Canaille C Manley Ts same o, Geoi-go Meeker rn tante - ". James Collins es James Metter - asspfnpt Coons .k. Braine vs Minnegna Springs Imp Co.l.tres Caroline :Manley vs Geo P Manley appeal John I. Pitt et al vs Henry Reed' eject ILmiel Compton vs L 1) Bradford • appeal F II Person vs Hosea if Hardly assumpt Pomeroy Bros vs Witt Wilson • assumpt F If Person vs II P. Ballard rep O P l'ailard's ear's vs F II Person debt Win It Hawkins vs a R Hawkins • - appea _.• H Person vs 0 P Ballard's ear's ' • rep Shortridge tc. Co vs S J Hickok assnmpt ilarnatas Brain() vs .lotrn Youmans ' - Issue. S A Linderman vs Watertown Fire Ins Co.....debt Same vs N C It It Co SIM . . .N.! Manleyss J fi Fe;lows, gar alt es E Pomeroy rs A 1 r Furman app F. P llasouptirt's use VS Loug eject .1 X Smith re James Fox's exrk. set fa Ed E Loomis' assignee vs 31 T Shoemaker..asstnnt binbrst•cas let week retqrnable Monday, March 17 / th. /879, at 2 o'clock P: Subpoenas. 211 -week returnable Monday, March 21th, 1579, at 2 o'clock P. M. . GEO. W. BLACKMAN, Prothonotary Towanda, Fehtairy la. 1979. AUDITOR, 'S; In the Orphan's quirt of Bradford County. In'the matter of the est*de of .Calvin Lewis; late of the Township of Springfield, Bradford County, deceas ed. The undersigned; anounlitor appointed by said Poe n to pass upon exCeptions to final account of S. D. Harkness, administrator of tile estate of Calvin_ Lewis, deceased, Will attend to the duties of his appointment at hia_olilce in .Tray Iftwough, Pa.. on SATURDAY, thii'lath day Of Ai'RH. next, at 10 e' a. tn. of said day, at which time and place all persons having claims against said estate or the funds arising from the same, are hmeby reqUired ti make their claims or be debarred from coaling in upon said funds W. E. CITILSON, Auditor. Troj', Pa, March G, 1879, 4 wk. • .TN BANKRUPTCY.—Inthe'Dis- JL trlct Court of theXulted States, far the West tern Disti tct of Pennsylvania! Clarence A. Fowler, of Bradford . County, State of Pennsylvania, a ' Bankrupt - under the, Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, -having aPPI:ed for • discharge from all his dents, and other claims provable under said act, by Order of the Court, notice's hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debt's, and other persons in terested, to appear on the sth thy of • APRII., 187.9, at 70 o'clock. Aix., before R. A MERCUR, Esq., Register Ina Bankruptcy, at his office. in Towanda, Penttsyrvania,. to show cause, if. anx they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said Banknipt. • . S. C. mcoANDLEss. Clerk. Towanda, Pa., March 6, 1879. 2 wk. ~ADIINISTRATORS' —Notice is hereby given that ail persons in debted to the estate of Joon D. Montanye, late of Ithaca, N. Y, deceased, are' regttested •to make imtnediato payment, and all persons having claims against said estate must present them-duly anthem. t feat. for •settlement to our - Attorney ; John W. Mix, Towanda; Pa. IHAVAIZA AdmilllstratOr. • ELIZABETH .I.IIONTANYE. Towanda, 1' • Feb. e,'79. Adminlstratrli.. . , A trDITOR''S NOTICE.In . ` the A Orphan's Court of Bradford County. In the matter of the estate of Daniel White, deceased. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Court to dlitrllinte the funds In Abe bands of James H. Webti, Executor of the said decedent's estate. atlslog from the sale of the real and per. sena) property of 'the said decedent.ialll attend to the duties of his Itppatutment at his office in the Boxougp of Tnnanda, on '2IONDA.Y. the 24th day MARCH, IF7O, at 10 I:i . clock A. x., at Which tints and place all parties having calms to, said fund, arc muffled to present Br, or be debarred itolll coming In upon the same: J. ANA Azur Towandb, Feb. 27, 1979. \ Auditor. BEST. i da z y siu m e zr4 ca a n ny cn w g :rre t r n i;t f e S i t g le rs t e x x r right hi their own localities. 'Parttintlars and sani: pies worth lei free. 'lmprove 'ran. ‘spaie time at tlik business. Address Portland, Maine, I mayho ly. SGG .. your own town tt Ou at free, .Volrk in st.lttder, if - - you want a busiliess at which persons of either sex can make greir,pay all the rime they work. Write for particulars to \ Vi tt A T.I.ETr & CO, Portl3ll.l, 115111 P. may3o-136, 11..TJ can wako mreley raMer eV work for' us than, al aaythlae eiso. • Capital not required: we will start you. 112 per day M home made by the (tidily.- trims Mon. women, boys and girls wanted every where to work for us. Now As the ttmo 4 Cestly Ontilt and terms Inv. Address Mari el tie.. Au gusta, halae. . . Ist, 1 79 • - . . Nos. 4 and 5, Trac:sP's Elm*, Towanda, February 24,1879. HOLIDAY GOODS. ' 5500,000.00 There is nothing that will give so much satisfaction and .-remain fresh in one's mind so long as a nice PAR- LOB or CHAMBER - SUITE,. and • in order -that all may) purchase, ice 'tave decided to sell our ENTIRE STOCK of these fine goods a VIIOLESALE PRICES, untie er the HOLIDAYS. Be sure and CONE AT ONCE, 'and .bring the CASH toour MAMNOTR STORE -on Maid St., where you will find just • what. your wife has been after for .a Ong lime, and remember you will SAVE MONEY by paying- CASE ECM and builing before Christnuts. Toviarla, Pa., Dee. 1:,1578. ..appeal tresja.4 ...eject GREAT BARGAINS! MEBCHAN:T TA YL01?, GOODS JUST ARRIVED. Fine Cheviots, ONERCOATINGS, LACIEL MATALASSIC CLOASItipS, Windsor Scarfs, Silk "Handkerchiefs, ifirAn inspection otoor stock will col:mined ta most firtidlous. . J. DOIITIIICA, . . _ Is 7 B -an Street, Towanda, Pa. Dated Oa r • . _ Ott . r TIVOtERBS. +•The Richest Blood, Sweetest Breath and the Fairest Skin in Hop Bitters." ••A little Bop Bitters saves big doctor. bins and long sickness." . •}That Invalid wife, mother, sister or chill can be Made the . picture bf health with Hop Bitters." “When worn down and ready to.take yotir bed Hop Bitten le what you need.” "Don't physic and 'physic, tor, .weakens and deitroys, but take Hop Bitten, that build up con " Physicians of all schools Item and recommend Hop Bitters, Test them." • "Health and beauty Is a foy—Hop Bitters Ores health and beauty." • ' ' , Thera are more cures made; with Hop Bitters than all other medicines." ELE "When this brain is wearied the names unstrung the tnuscles weak, use Hop Bitters.". "That low, iiervoris tosser, want. or sleep an' weakness. calls for Hop Bitters. - . HOP COVH CURE AND . PAIN DELIEV "Di : \ .PL ASANT, SURE, AND CHEAP. , \ --.- • tOli\eALE l Or ALLALL Di - tOcOlbTs. - '- , .1 P WELL WILL OCCUPY THE STORES RECENTLY OCCURIED BY J. L. 'Kent and McCabe & Edlicards. Vliscdtanonts. J. 0. FROST)S,SONS. MI J. D:OUTRICH, Opposite Park, ToWASDA, ra. FANCY SUITINGS ' PANTALOONS. Worsteds, Wool . Diagonals, and Plaids, OVERCOATINGS In great variety, made to order, at the VERY LOWEST PRICE. GENTS FE RNISIIING poops, • at reduced-prices Colored - Hose, Stisi; , o , lders, Underclothing Prom 36 io 52 in s!ze rtireftt. & CV• SEELEY'S OYSTER BAY AND EUROPEAN novsz.—A few doom soutbef the Mean, Home. Board by Mb dar or week on reasonable terms. Warm meals 1111/Ted at all hours Oysters at wholesale and Mall. • • tabll7. THE 'CENTRAL HOTEL, II ATZ% PA. . • The Undersigned . having taken posseiskon of the above hotel, respectfully sollcittron• age of Ms old friends and the public auglt4f. - . EAGLE .(8 . 0i17/1 HIM !TEL= SQVAIIM) • . . This well-known house has been thoroughly ren panted and repaired throughout, and the proprie tor is now prepared to over lirstmelass /incommode. ~. Mons to the public, on the most reasonable 'terms . . - E. ♦. JZNNIMGii. - r - Towanda, Pa., May 2. - 11178. _ ' , Xiscettaneons. T HIRTI-FiasT Aroma, RzroaT Penn Mutual We - Insurance. Co" OF PqILADELfIIIA. lief assets, January 3, 1838 • 1e,018,470.61 • RECEITTS. Premium receipts • 11,144,0611.54 Interest receipts, ete 433,961.11 1,498,0:C.64 lEi DISBUBSE3IENTS. Leases and endowments....l9o,4lB.Z Dividends to policY•tolders 2111,3/$0,97. Lapsed and surrendet ad pol icies, etc, :413,941.6 Coulndssions.salartes.niedl- cal fees, etc ' 154,144.20 Taxes, legal expenses, ad- Verttslng;'etc Set assets Jan. 1; 1879.... U. S. 5 and six percent. bonds, Phi's; dcipbla and city loans, B. B. bonds ; bank, and other stocks, worth mim e 083.90, cost... ( 0 2;200,11=48 Morfiages, first Hens on properties worth 15,77.5,0010 "'380,0M.17 Premium notes, secured by policies.. .503,491.70 Loans on constant's. etc 30,587.38. !teal estate owned by the Company, 441,476.05• e hon Labd and In Trust Companles• 19497192 N t ledger assets, as above 1.1433142884 s N 4 deferred and and 'mire , ported premiums .98494.79 - I erest due and accrued.— 101,159.62 Ma ket value of stocks, ete, o r cost 114,2414: . 294,305.63 . . Gross assets, January 1,1879 ,116,6r.,594.01 LIABILITIES.. . not due .115,528.65 Reserve, at 4 per cent, to •reinsure risks • 5,477,471.00 Dividends on unreported policies, etc Surplus 4 per cent. basis Surplus at 4S. per cent. Pennsylvania standard, estlipated..., ' 111,316,767.15 No. policies in force • - 10,711.00 Athount at risk • - 'r3,274,577.00 SAMUEL C. HUEY. President. - SAMUEL E. STOKES, ' H. S. STEPHENS, • Viee:President. • 24 Vice-President. JAS. WEIR MASON, ' DENRY.A,USTIE, Actuary. Secretary. . HENRY C. DROWN, Asst Secretary. GEO. A. GUERNSEY, Agent. 36v8 Tovianda, HA RD WARE R E D U C E D P RfLC E SI H. T: JUNE, AGENT; Is now opening a large and enteral assortment of Hardware. Cutlery, &owes, Nalls„ iron, Glass, Paints, Oint, Varnisbei, Tinware, House Furnish ing Goods, &c.. purchased for cash and offered for sale at Bargains to those who pay crab tor goods. ANGES and Cooking Stoves, for _LI ) Coal add Nood, at- lot - prices, at- JUNE'S. . _ T"Graphic and New. Jeliel, the most perftet and ornamental beating stoves in the world, at_ JUNE'S. THE Gossip, the best low-prieed stove for oboes and chambers ever made, at JUNZ'S. FOR Horse-Shoes and Horse-Shoe Nails, go to. JUNE'S. TINWARE--a large and general aniortment at low prices, ' JUNE'S. ALARGE stock of Bar,Equare, Round, Half-Round, Oval, Hall.oval, Baud; and Hoop Iron, st . JUNE'S. FOR: Paints, Oils,and Varnishes, Bo to • JUNE'S. WINDOW GLASS, from. 1 1x9 to 24x38. at JUNE'S. SCREWS and . Tacks,•direct from the manufacturers, for sale at wholesale and retail, at reduced prices, at . JUNE'S, LAMPS, Lamp Burners, ChiMneys, Shades, mid Wicks of eveu variety, at JUNE'S, ROPE, Sash, Cord, 'twine and Wick, all sizes, at - JUNE'S. ANTERNS—a great variety at low prices, at JUNE'S. T OCKS, Latches, and Bolts, every LA variety and kind, at (lASI' and Toe _Corks (Stllihitt43, ISSTON'S Celebrated Saws, at JIINEV. T ABLE and Pocket Cutlery, at . JUNE'S. ICrOUSE Fprnishilig Goods, at 11 JITNE'S. NAILS and Spikes, all a t NORWAY and Sweedte bon at JUNE'S MECHANICS will find a good as. sortment of Tools at JUNE'S, A LARGE stock of Philadelphia A Cart lage and Tun Solt& at AMY'S, FIRE Cloth, at POWDER, Shot and Caps, for sale at JIINZI3. BLASTING Powder; at FILES and Raspi, a inn assort ment; at - L4MMERY Cloth lad Paper, and Sand. Paper. - • JUNi"3.I BRASS Kettles and, Hollow Ware, at low price', at' ' arNES. Towanda, Nov. 20, 1878." BOOS BINDING. • „ Having assumed charge of the Bindery connect. ed with this odlee,l am prepared to &rail kinds of MAGA. ZINE. AND • • • • • BLANK -BOOK BINDING, ea. AT THE LOWEST PRICEI3,IBII Consistent with good workmanship. Flne Blank Books a specialty. Magazines and Old gooks rebound neatly and cheaply. Cali and see me before going elsewhere. A. BEVERLY 8311TH. BlnierY In iltzPoarrn Minding, Park Street,Towanda. rdeso by Man promptly-attended to. Born: - _ illi=lll= gl•otets. OF THE #7,6leosoLs,:s. 64,730.22 1,173,611.87 Kaas.Visaa E!IIM! so,:sszo is.ess,aeoue 979.27.85 0,6=,594.01 AT GREATLY =NEIL JIINZIL