Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 06, 1879, Image 2

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    Vag° gtporta.
000mcn, EntToa.
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Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Vitra 6,1879.
The law of libel has,reeently been
. •
construed by the Supreme Court of
.this .State—(Judge MEricun deliver
ing the -opinion)—in a manner which]
leaves no doubit about its construe-1
tion so ,far as that tribunal - is con-'
cerned. i The case was one of great
interest; not only to the edit Ors of
newspapers but to.the public gener
ally, and the principles laid down by
the learned Judge in his ; opinion,
will he endorsed and applauded by
the honest common-sense of all right
thinking men. In this case the
Pittsburg - Po4 accused - Mr. MoonE,
who was chairman of the Democrat
ic County Cominittee, of venal and.
corrupt motives. In conformity' with'
the general rulings of the Courts,
both domestic and foreign, Judge
MERCUtt holds that any' publication
injurious to the social standing of
another, and not shown to be true, or
to have been justifiably made, is ac-.
tionable is a false and malicious
- bet.: Also,' that the ;section of the
COnEtitidiOn which provides that "no
conviction shall be had in any Pros
ecution for the, publication of papers
relating to the official conduct of of
ficers or menus to public capacity, or
to any other 'matter proper for pub
lic investigation or information;
where Ithe fact that such publication
was not maliciously and negligently
made Oran be established to the sat
isfactiOn of the jury," Judge MEn
cl:it says refers only to attempted
"conviction in a " prosecution,".
and in-no wise applies to a civil
tion to recover damages; •
The incorporation of this section
in the new constitution'was intended
to promote the free arid unrestricted
investigation and commentary upon
official action, and to allow the ex
. of ofliaial "profligacy or mal
feasance, as tending to promote the
integrity and efficiency of public ser
vants. :Tut, all such strictures must
he made in the 'interest of truth and
'.the public welfare, and not from the
promptiri'zs of 11. malicious and de
based nature. It is true- that occa
• sionally the conscientious and care
ful editor becomes involved in pros
ecutions on account Of truthful and
proper exposures of official miscon
duct;but.such instances are rare, and
we feel certain that the conductors
.1 of the public press who have an.ex
alted and proper idea of the duties
and responsibilitiefi with which they
are Wothed, do not look with favor.
upon, legislation or judicial decisions
which give unlimited license to those
who would use the newspaper .ter
gratify personal malignity, and by
either open lies or malicious insinna-
tiona, ilefame..publie or private repu
Unfortunately for the character
•of the ne'spapers of `the present
a demoralizing and pernicious
ktifit has ,grown. up,,created and ;fos
tered by what is termed the indepW
`dent—(or, more properly styled, the
• lie'entious)—Press,to pander to the
- worst passions - arid most' debssedi in
stincts of the iiiiirmn breast, by ease
gcrating the weaknesses, follies and
shortcomings of prominent men, and
by the gathering and elaboration of
the most minute details of_crime,dis-•
'gusting always, and often unfit for
publication. . This seems to ire - 'done
under the mistaken notion that the
public tastq demands it, and that the.
more filthy and minute are, the de
. tails, the .more credit redounds to
. . the journalist for enterprise.
• The vocation of the conductor of
a newspaper is 'a
high and responsi
ble one. Conscientiously and hon
estly iilled r the public taste should be
elevated, and the public morals puri
fied and conserved. In these days,
however, of unlimited and multipli
ed newspapers, O r e high Mission of
the public journal is lost sight of or
sunk in the petty' schemes, the mer
cenary desires, or thef miserable an
imosities of small find unworthy
men. The petty politician,- tailing
in all legitimate- enterprises, seeks
'through the lever of a newspaper to
retrieve his broken political fortunes,
and straightway invests in press and
types. Soured
,and thisantlupple
from repeated failures, the milk of
.kindness in his breast (if he ever had
any) becomes acid, and his heart is
full of malice 'and uncharitableness.
rile looks -with jaundiced and evil
eyes upon those who have been more
fortunate than himself, and endear
ors Straight way to pUll down to his
owiTlevel those who enjoy the public
Wnfidenee, which has never been his
noritune to possess, because he has
ever been ,wOrthy of it. ' having
, control Of the coltimns of a newspa
per the unfortunate instincts and im
proper. impulses of the small, narrow,
and. j4lous nature have full sway.
'As such a diSposition - is cowardly,
though it may be cunning, the .ex
pression of its malignity may take
different shapes as different opportu
nities present. IL may be by
-Secret whisper:, dark surmise,
or open and mallet:rs Iles.' •
but on every occasion, the hand of
the secret assassin, and s the heart of
the cowardly and vindictive libeller
are 'apparent.
' Such instances are not rare, though
they may be'discreditable. They are
blot and a stigma upon the'profes-
Aionofjouraalism. It is hardly ne
cessary to paint the other side of the
picture and say. what the conduct
and motives of a high-toned, inde
)endenct, conscientious journalist
'-hould be—how shoula endeavo r
o proznOte the cause of morality.--
direct public opinion in the proper
channel,—guard the interests of the
public—and advance the material
welfare of the community - -in which
he labors. Unselfish and forgiving,
upright and liberal minded, suck a
persbn must be, or ,- be sadly fails in
the requirements which give dignity
and respectability to hie calling. On
the other hand, if greed and selfish
ness, disappointed ambition, personal
111 will and malevolence, , wry, .Jeal
oniy, and malice control, the Tresult.
cannot be anything but disastrous to
the morals,and peace of a communi
ty. We take it, that , np person who,
unfortunately, has the control l of the
columns of .a newspaper, has any
right to use those columns for the
manifestations of his personal spleen,
nor to gratify his revenge for real or
fancied wrongs nor. •to indulge the
ebullitions caused by his disappoint
ments. " With charity , toward all,
with malice toward none," is a grand
motto fora newspaper, and it is an
insult to the ' readers of a paper to
suppose that they d\not readily per
ceive the motives which govern when
persona! spleen or individual envy
mar the columns of a newspaper,
with uncalled for, cowardly, malicious
ANYBODY who believes that the
Democracy of this State is a harna&•
nious party, would believe that the
moon is made of green cheese On
the c Jtitrary, there was never so little
cordiality and good, feeling amongst
thq anterrified .as now. There is
WALLACE follosing;and a RANDALL'
party, and they love each other about
as Well as-his Satanic majesty loves
holy water. Senator WALLACE has
the rank and file - :with him, as he de
serves, for in the main, the Senator is a
very decent man, and though an ultra
partisan, means to be just toward all
men. Speaker RANDALL has a hold
upon the party in Philadelphia, and
is omnipotent in his own district.
Ile is. respected by his acquaintancts,
and we suppose there are, many worse
men than SAM RANDALL.
Just now the "impending trouble
seems to be TILDEN. To be, or not
to be TILDEN ? that's the question.
Shall the little man of Gramercy
Park be the candidate, with his bar'l
of money, and the opportunity to in
dulge ii fraud-shrieking? We notice
that our respected and venerable
friend Col.. Protaltr has been in
WaShington, as the agent of TILDEN,
and. he is reported as saying that the.
TrLirrav feeling was so strong among
the DemOcrats that it could not be
.witbstood btthe party managers in
'the State : that-it was not that they
cared particularly about TILDEN, but
a great principle was involved, and a
great wrong committed, and Mr.
TipnExindst, be vindicated.
The report of his visit and the pos
sible consequences is from . the Prem,
which represents that " Speaker RAN
DAL. and the : ancient granger were
very earnest in their consultations,
and he returns to Northern, Pennsyl
vania as the envoy and plenipOtentary
of the 'Tir.nis!movement in that sec
tion. PIOLETT also bad conferences
before leaving with the more confiden
tial friends of Air. TaniN in the city,
and 'by the time he beard what they
had to say and what they thought
he could do, the Colonel himself con
templated himself with astonishment,
as if he had the whole vote of the
northern tier in his breeches pocket."
Another newspaper reporter tele
graphs to his paper that COl . . PIOLETT;
after settling the Presidetial question,
suggested lion. JosErn Ponta . . as
the Democratic candidate for State
Treasurer. This is a much more sen
sible proposition than the TILDEN
one---but Mr. PowELL's nomination
would be so much more creditable
than that party is accustomed to
make, that we doubt if it is practi
eableven with our endorsement.
THE situation of affairs in Luzerne
and Lackawanna counties, so far us
concerns the Judiciary, is simply dis
glaeeful. The people of that disirict
have sown the dragon's teeth, and
they are reaping a plentiful harvest.
Judie HANDLEY was bad enough, but,
in no other County in the State
could Judge STANTON bare been in
trusted with the judicial ermine, and
no of )e
r community would have tol
erate( his unlawful, tyrannical and
and outrageous conduct upon the
bench. The movement to impeach
Judge STANTON has resulted in his
resignation of the high trust 14e so
fearfully disgraced and he thereby
escapes a merited punishment. lie
nor appeals to the public in a letter,
in which he attempts to explain his
resignation from the bench, as the re—
sult of persecution on the part of
his enemies, while he imputes to
others the fault of the mistak&s and
misdemeanors which have b4n laid
it, his
This miserable complication of ju
dicial characters has already given
occasion for libel suits, and has em
broiled the bar and the community in
an unhappy and personal warfare.
Now, to cap the climax, a movement
has been, started looking to the im
peachment-of JUdge HARDING and it
is announced that petitions to that
effect are being circulated and signed
, iSi the two counties. Newspaper as
'Oulta in thejinterest of the corrupt
combinatiOn "which has overridden
law and morality, have been freely
intlulged in, at the expense of thejn
dielal and personal reputatioff of
Jiidge HARDING, and it is not a mat
ter of surprise to those who know
the source from which they emanate,
to learn that they now formally as
sail him by charges , which if true,
would disgrace him as a Judge and a
'citizen. Those who know Judge
ILvanista, will not credit for a
merit the groundless and malicious
accusations which are so utterly at
variance with his life-long reputatioli
as an upright Judge and honorable
The President , sent to the . House
on. Saturday his message vetoing the ,
Chinese bill. The action of the rres':
Meet - was a vote of 109
yeas for passing the bill over the ve ? .
to, to 'ati.vo--tirollirds being nea:
essary, the measure Was killed.' The
decision'of the President will be ac
cepted by the country as an act of
good faith and comity towards a na
tion to Whom we are under treaty
obligatiOns.. The President: takes. the
correct" ground, that the abrgation
of one article would lead to :the nul-
lification of the whole treatT,:and the
abrogation of the treaty would at
once 'deprive American citizens in
China of all pritection, and divest
them of all the privileges and rights
gnaraeteed and enjoyed under the
While the moral sentiment of the
country will uphold and applaud the
President in placing his veto upon
the net passed by Congress, there is
no disguising the fact that John
Chinaman has become a nuisance to
the people of the Pacific slope, and
that unrestrained immigration. trim
the Floiwy Land has resulted in
bringing to our shores hoides of the
lowest and most depraved population
of the Chinese cities. Industrious
and patient they undoubtedly are
but excepting as they contribute so
much to the laboring capacity of the
country, they are worse than value
less as citizens. They bring with
them the vices and derOoralizing hab.
its of the lowest grades of society—
they are unrestrained by law or pub
lic sentiment—they carefully refrain
from citizenship, and finally stipulate
timit in caseof death their very bones
shall be carried hack to their 'native
There is an intense feeling in Cal
ifornia over this cinestign, which is
not -confined to any class or condi
tion of society. It is the • almost
unanimous. verdict that the Chinese
have become an intolerable nuisance,
and that something must be done to
liOit _the landing of the undesirable
immigrants who come to the Pacific
shores in suelklarge numbers. It is
asserted; ind,generally believed, that
a large proportion of these arrivals
is.macle up of paupers, criminals and
prostitutes, sent away from China by
the authorities of that country. • The
alarming feature of this f,immigration
is the fact that the density of the
population of China would only be
partially relieved, should several
millions be sent to the United States,
and the influx of such a swarm of
almond-eyed ,adventurers would
crowd out the native population, flll 7
ing all brancles of labor, and monop•
olizing the business of the country.
It is the dread of this anticipated
irruption and deluge which affrights
the Californians. The veto will be a
sore disappointment to the citizens
of the Pacific slope, and we shall hear•
their mutterings and complaints; but
the evils of which they ,complain
must be endured, 'until some proper
remedpcan be found consistent with
our treaty stipulations.
Tim location of the new penitent
tiary for the Middle District has
been fixed at Huntingdon and a re
monstrance has been presented in the
Senate by Mr. JACKSON, signed by
Hon. H. H. CUMMING, President
Judge of Lyeeming county. and
over 200 attorneys and prominent
citizens of said -county against the
proposed site, and asking that Ly.
comb* county might, be'attached to
the Eastern Penitentiary District.
The same objections made 'by the
Lycoming people, to the location of
the new peniterrtiary and the same
reasons for reni t aining in the Eastern
district apply more forcibly to this
county. Huntingdon is one of the
tnOst inaccessible places in the State
to the SherifF of Bradford county,
and can only be reached after a long
and tedious journey, with -.several
changes of card, whereas the journey
to. Philadelphia can be made in a few
hours without change. Sheriff DEAN
lately escorted seven persons to the
penitentiary, and had his destination
been Huntingdon, it. would have been
a very undesirable duty, attended
with both risk and expense. Those
of our people interested should wove
in the matter at once, and endeavor
to be retained in the Eastern Dig
We are similarly situated as re
gards the United States Courts,
Bradford county being in the West-
district, consequently all persons
haying business in that Court are
obliged to go to Pittsburg, a two
days' jutkrney, when, if in the East
ern District, a few hours would- suf
fice to reach the Court at Philadel
phia, saving_ jurors, lawyers and
clients, much time and expense.
THE majority report of the POTTER
Committee was presented on Satur
day, and received the votes of the
six Democratic members. It deals
with all the points that have been btr
fore the committee, except the cipher
Mispatches, which will be embodied
in a separate report. The report con
cludes with the: finding that the full
effect was not given to the electoral
votes of Florida and Lonisiana; that
Noyes,' Snsasual and others encour
aged this result; that the second cer
tificate from Louisiana was forged as
to two, of its names, KELUX3O and
Cusett being privy to it, and that
TILDEN and HENDRICKS received a
true majority of the electoral vote,
and were Lite real choice of the peo
ple of the IDlnited States it the last
Presidential election.
IN Several Maine cities the Green
back leaders have announced a pur
pose to help the Democracy. Assist
ant Democrat is the position Green
backers occupy now everywhere.
The forty-fifth Co_r_tigrussfljeurned,
sine die, on Tnesday;At noon, having
failetfio pus the Allay ind Legiala-
and.. thereby waiting the
necessity for an cilia session of Con
gress, which, itasMalaga:od will be
tio;:meet I*-1111) 18th of March.
All, the annual appropriation bills,
except the Legislative, Executive,
end Judicial bill and the Army , bill,
were signed by the President :and
have become laws, together with the
bill making the requisite appropria
tion to pay arrears of-pensions.- -The
last named measure reached the
President: a. little before 12 o'clock
and was promptly , approved. .
MR. DE - FREES, the Public Printer,
has written a letter to the Charitnoln
of the Printing Committee condemn
ing' the - proposition to abolish the
Government Printing-Mice and have
the work dOne, by private parties.
U&ssys the change would prove dis
astrous-to the public interest, 44 re
duce the pay of • the \ employes thirty
per cent. In regard" to the offer to
make him custodian of \ the off i ce, he
says he will not , be a party to any
such arrangement.
THE Legislature of thiS:' State is
evidently preparing to make a session
next year inevitable. The provision
of the new Constitution for biennial
sessions of the Legislature was wet.
corned by the people as its , most sat
isfeetcry feature • But- our Solons
seem disposed to make it nugatory,
by neglecting to enact the laws which
would make it unnecessary.
fkovEn's last victory at investiga
tion is like all his others. He has
struck a Democrat, and this time it is
Speaker RANDALL. It would pay the
Democracy to suppress Glover. His
inquisitiveness thus far has been in
jurious only to members of his own
• HENRY W. Eton's, of Wilkes-
Barre, has been appointed,by Gover
nor HOYT as Attorney-General, a'se
lection which will meet the, approba
tion of the people of this country,to
whom Mr. P. is well known as an
eloquent speaker and an able lawyer.
Tuesday :—ln the Senate the night
session of Monday lasted until near
ly 5 a. in. of Tuesday ; the bill in re
gard to contagious diseases was
finally passed; in the following day
session the Senate reftised to take up
.for action the case of Mr. Corbin,
who contests the seat of Mr.,Butler;
the Deficiency bill occupied the re
mainder of the day. In the . House
the Legislative bill was taken up and
passed; the Republicans fought the
section repealing the Federal Elec
tion law both in Committee of the
Whole and in the House, but were,
of course, out-voted ; they then fili
bustered against the passage of- the
bill, and would have left the House
whithout a gonna had not a Repub
lican !from Minnesota voted by a mis
take; being unable to recall his act,
the bill was then passed.
Wedneiday :—A good deal of rou
tine business was transacted in the
Senate ; the Internal Revenue bill
being reported from Conference Com
mittee and passed in the course of it;
the Deficiency bill was then taken up;
debate took place on the clause for
paying the exrenses of prosecutions
for election frauds, the Democrats
objectingito the item ; the item wss
retained by a vote in which the Re
publicansjhad 1 majority; the bill
was finall• passed ; Mr. Sargent call
led attention , to a paragraph in the
Tribune, and made a personal expla
nation ; a night session was held en
bills ow the calendar, In the-House
the Census bill was passed; the
Sugar bill was taken up and discuss
ed without action; Mr. Springer
tried to make a report on the Seward I
caseZwithoUt success • the - Tobacco
Tax bill was reported from Confer
ence Committee, and Mr. Conger had
a colloquy with Mr. Tucker about
the tax on matches no action was
reached on the report.'
Thursday :--In the Senate, a good
deal of business was done,
Senate by a vote of 25 to 41 refused
to take up the Geneva Award bill;
the Arrears- of Pensions bill was dis
cussed, and amended, but not finish
ed. In the House, Speaker Randall
made a personal explanation andask
ed for a committee of investigation,
which was ordered ; the measure to.
improve the ventilation of the House
was passed, and a special commission!
was appointed for the purpose ; Mr.
'Springer presented Minister Seward
to the House for contempt, and after
the debate the appearance of Mr.
Seward before the bar of the House
was ordered.
Friday :—ln the - Senate, the Pen
sion Arrears bill was_ debated ; the
new system or examinations; etc.,
was defeated; a letter was' received
from Senator-elect Corbin saying
that he withdrew from the contest
for his seat ; the Senate pissed the Pen
sion, bill and had a night session on
the Sundry Civil bill. • In the House,
the Brazilian Mail item was defeated
by a 'vote of 89 to 157 after a debate
of_ two twins; the other Senate
amendments to the Post Office bill
were also nonconcurred in; Minister
Seward appeared = before the bar of
the House and refused to give up his
private bookalo Mr. Springer but
said he would show them to the
proper Department ,officers on their
demand; Mr. Springer moved his
imprisonment, but was defeited the
case was -referred to the Judiciary
Committee, and Mr. Seward was re
leiseit on his own recognizance.
.Saturday and , Sunday :_-Both
branches of Congress have been in
almost continuous_ session since Fri
day; 'recesses were occasionally
taken on Sunday, but both flows
transacted a great deal of business;
the Senate passed 'the Sundry 'Civil
and the Legislative . bills, and went
to work on the River and Harbor
bill; Mr. Edmunds and Mr. Conk-
ling desired to have a substitute I
adopted. appropriating $2,000,01;0, so
as to save $7,000,000 and prevent a
deficit, but they were defeated and
Um bill was passed ; the Senate then,
about midnight., took up other busi
ness. The House deftsitel the Na,
tional Quarantine bill ; ';the Senate
bill was offered and was. withdrawn ;
a veto of the Chinese bill was receiv-,
ed from the President, and was sae
tained • Mr. Springer tried , to have
Mr. Seward impeached. but the
House refused to listen to him;
while Springer was pressing this
matter there was - much excitement
and ;goat ;. the HouriC , yestOr 7 -
_reseed from the galleryM,..!. l
Man OPPosed .to *Amigo on Saida i
ar Saito hi
seisiOnitilundity ' ‘ Xight,nittU . 42o4l:
o f 36 **. it Met rio4 10:,1
moivw.-4.1.0000 episode took
placestAtithi 7 efferi'tii4nle,otit
fersonDavis froin the Pensien - :':hilti
Mr. Hoar and Mr. Blaine spoke; and
Mr. Chandler made a speech which
.electrified_ tbe..:whole ...Senate ;
Shields amendment was then defeat,
ed ; all of the Appropriation bills
hive been passed or are in a fair way
td . be, - except . too Army and the Leg-.
illative; the houses. eitimotagree. on
the political amendments to. the bills.
Theilonse spent day :yesterday
and all last night discuessing Stenger's
motion to impeach Mr. &Ward; the
proceedings were continually inter
rupted by conference reports and the
passage of
,appropriation' bills:; - Mr.
Potter - presented his report on the
Election Investigation.
The annual report of the operations of
the EastereState Penitentiary, shows
that the average number in the cells dur
ing the.year 1878 was 1,029, and the MIDI.
ber of prisoners received during the year
was 478. Since the establishment of the
institution in 1828, Bradford has contrib
uted to the nuu.ter of occupants 239 con
victs, of whom 1.1 have been pardoned..
Two now wings have 'recently been com
pleted, adding quite largely to the capa
city of the building, and it may be inter
esting to those who design taking up
their quarters there to know that all the
latest improvements in heating and ven
tilation have been aeded. When thn new
penitentiary at Huntingdon IS completed,
the convicts from Bradford will be taken
to that place, unless some changeis trade
continuing your county in the Eastern
'A. Hiss Dods,' late of the Edirburg
school'of Cookery, is giving a course of
lectures in Association Hall, on the art
and mystery of cooking, which are at
tracting the attention of the ladies, and
are consequently well attended. She has
on the stage, a couple of gas' stoves, and
all the necessary utensils and arrange
ments provided for her experiments. She
illustrates her lectures with practical de
monstrations, showing the ladies how to
"bake and brew," and "make a pudding
too." As much of the misery of domes
tic life proceeds from bad cookiug, Miss
Dods may be classed not only as a reform
er bat as a philanthropist.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is
a corporation doing an immense business,
the report of transactions for 1818 show
ing the gioss earnings to be $31,636,734
and the , expenses $ 18 ,46 8 , 99 3—the net
earnings $1:1,167,741. The latter imintenso
sum is absotbed in the payment of inter
est and the Homing debt, leaving for the
sto:kholders but two per mit of the di
The leading retail dry-goods houses are
preparing for the spring trade, - which
they anticipate will bo unusually heavy.
Many of the shop windows already dis
play the spring styles, some of the goods
shown, being "just too lovely for' any
thing." ' Solomon in all his glory couldn't
hold a candle to the modern lady, who at
tires herself in the glowing colors of the
striped and variegated raiment now pro
vided for the female feint.
The Pennsylvania and the Reeding R.R.
Companies are - in a row over the use of a
mile or so of track in West Philadelphia,
which is a connecting link for the South
ern traffic. This track belongs to the for
mer road, and they refuse to allow the
engines of the Heeding to be used over it.
The Reading in retaliation forbids the
use of its track by the Pennsylvania en
The iron trade shows signs of improve
ment. Large orders for bar and pig iron
are being given, and furnaces aro put in
operation. The orders for steel rails tax
the utmost capacity of - the mills. ThE
price of steel rails is so low-442 to $43
per ton—that they aro used almost exclu.
lively, but few iron rails being made.
The demand for rails comes from the ne.
cessity for re-laying tracks. .
The Market Street Passenger Railway
during the Centennial year tried the ex..
periment of using steam upon their road,
with five cent fares. The, experiment' was
abandoned after a few months trial, for
some reason, probably the live cent one.
Now the Company is testing a new steam
motor. The engine and , boiler are .in a
small car, coupled to the cars in use on
the rwd. The now motor promises to
be a success.
Col. Thomas A. Scott, who is making
a foreign tour, for the benefit of his
health, writes from Egypt,. that ho is so
much improved, that ho believes "he
could run a foot raw."
P. R. Ferguson, was the chief local
'agent of the post office department in this
city, and being detected- in opening let
ters and purloining their contents, was
arrested and committed to the County
prison. On Monday he committed sui
cide by taking prussic acid. How he
obtained the deadly poison is a mystery.
The deceased was some 43 years of age,
bad made himself a reputation. as an effi
cient officer, and not a breath of suspicion
had previovaly been directed against him.
Seven years ago a serious disturbance
occurred in the Fourth Ward,, in which
an educated colored man named Catto
was murdered by Democratic roughs. A
Mae =trued. Reddy Dover was supposed
to be the murderer, and his not been
beard from shwa the occurrence, until
Tuesday, he walked into Magistrate Me.
Clint4ck'S office, and surrendered himself,
saying-hotould prove himself innocent of
the charge, and ho had concluded to' re
turn and stand trial. He refused to state
where he had been during the seven years
which have intervened between the mur
der surd the present time.
At a meeting of the Health Board, on
Tuesday, & communication was read froM
a person who wanted to bring the body
of his nephew to this city. The young
man bad died of tallow fever in New Or
leans, and. the Board is in a quandary as
to what disposition to make of the .
quest. ' .
A common seal escaped from its quar
ters in the Zoological Garden, and reach
ed the Schuylkill river, where it feels at
home amongst the ice in the fore-bay of
the old West Philadelphia :water-works.
It will be =anti to enjoy itself until the
ice disappears, when it will be, returned
to its old quarters—when . caught.
The anniversary of the adoption of the
Fifteenth Amendment to the - Constitu.
tion of the United States, which gave the
colored - min his freedom, will be celebrat:
ed in an appropriate manner at the Per
manent Exhibition building frill& city,
Mrrch 15th. Old anti-slavery leaders, and
others interested in the welfare of the
Colored race, will participate. Invitations
have been extended to a number of promi
nent persons, including President Mayes,
Murders, thefts and rows are of (re
'quoit occurrence In a great eity like this,
and though deemed worthy of a aotico is
the eityjournals, would; hardly be of in.
,terest to your readers. Tim ,hominbies
itre caused ininnipally
thefts, ontslde of toe *esti* dem
are the of : :poverty .
eind wsett.„.lt tot 'that in a
city like Pitilielelphia, ; where niiisuch
sa ackiinkibitosor w iltl tasypse *oak]
*del* by `desperationthe •e Integer
to violate the laws, -in order to premix.°
lodging and food, yet such lir the - case, as
the police records show daily thecommit
meat of poisons for offenses catised solely
by the alternative of stealing or starving..
The great social problem of how• best to
take care 9r the poor, is as yet unenlVed. ,
A prlsoriei In' the County prison, a feiv
ilays inaene, tried to kill
himself by butting his bead against the,
wall. He succeeded in injuring himself
severely. _
' Travel is one-third heavier at the Con
tinental and Girard hotels than it was a
month ago—mainly brought abouthfthe
arrival of country merchants on a laying
in-spring-stock expedition.
Gov. Martranft entered upon his duties
as Postmaster, Saturday evening. Col.
Snowden takes charge of•the Mint to-day.
One peculiarity about these changes is,
that as Gov. Pollock has not been con
firmed as Naval Officer, he finds himself,
oocupying -the post of a private 'citizen.
The - Postmaster is obliged to furnish se
curity to tho amount of $230,000, while
be never has control of more then $30,000,
owing to a systeniof daily returns to the
sub-treasury. The Director of the Mint
*he has millions is his charge, enters a
bond of only $100,000. , •
James Morley, a resident of Brussels
court, offered to sell a 'quantity of lead
pipe, which he had stolen, on Wednesday,,
and was taken into custody. It was found
that ho had been driven to the act by pov
erty, his wife suffering from a broken
limb, and his four children almost starv
ing, there being is - either coal , nor a morsel
of-food in. the house; Morley was
. held
-for a further hearing, _and temporary aid
given his family.
Dealing in statistics, the'exports from
this city last week amounted to $958,173 ;
the police made 2,330 arrests during Feb
ruary ; the Philadelphia Mint coined dur.
in the past month, 1,810,340 pieces of
the value of $1,205,718.
The extensive cracker bakery of W. G.
Nelson tt Co,- North Front street, was
burned Saturday evening. Tito 'same es
tablishment has suffered from tire on two
previous occasions.
I'oliceman Wynne, of the Fourth dis
trict, did a daring act, on Friday,,night,
by carrying a woman from the second.
story of a burning building. Ile broke
into the room where she lay suffocated,
carried her out upon the bulk window, and
descended to the street_ by a ladder from
an adjoining bulkhead. He was sent for
by the Mayor and complimented for his
The Pennsylvania College of Dental
Surgery held its 23d annual 'commence
ment at the Academy of Music Friday ev
ening, and sent out into the world 42
young gentlemen qualilled to repair and
preserve the teeth of the community,
They were from all quarters of the globe.
Special Cnetespendenee of the RIPOitTER:
liAnutsutitG, March 1, 1870
The lezislative work of this week was
commenced by a session of the House on
Monday evening, bat no business of gen
-1 or speMal importance was transacted.
A*umber of petitions, including several
wilting for the passage of the local option
laW, were presented, and about twenty
new bills were introduced. Among the
bills was one repealing the Jury Commis
sionerlaw of April 10, 1807, and another
providing for a tax on pianos and cab&
net organs.
A resolution to print 10,000 copies of
the report of the agent commissioned by
Governor Hartranft to inquire into•the
labor question in Europe, especially with
reference to arbitration of disputes and
Strikes, was indefinitely postponed after a
quite spicy little debate. •
In the Senate on Ttieiday,. a joint reso
lution appropriating $4,100 to pay the ex
penses of the _inauguration of Governor
Ilovt, was reported from the Committee
on Finance favorably.
_ The nomination of Henry W. Palmer,
of Lnzerne, to be Attorney General, was
on Tuesday sent to the &nate, by the
Governor, and was unanimously confirm
ed. Mr. Palmer is one of the youngest
men who has ever been appointed to this
position, being about forty ,years old, but
possesses all the qualificatibus necessary
for a most satisfactory discharge of the
now duties which • will devolve upon him.
He is a graduato of the Kingston Semi
nary, an educational institution of note,
in which Governor Hoyt was at one time
a teacher, was admitted to the bar of Lu
zerno county shortly after attaining his
majority, and has closely applied himself
to the profession of law over since, ob
tabling a prominent place in the front
rank, among the most eminent lawyers
of the State.
Two bills of a general character passed
the Senate finally on Tuesday, and were
sent to the House for concurrence. The
first of these provides for the change of
location of public highways;. where the
location of lateral railroads makes it nec
essary or convenient. This hill received
just ' the constitutional number of votes
required to pass it, twenty-six. The oth
er bill is a supplement to the act of March
18, 18139, in relation to fraudulent debt
ors, providing for the examination of a
debtor in order to discover whether he
has property, rights in action, stocks,
moneys, etc., in cues where a sheriff has
returned "no goods." This passed unan.
In the House on Tuesday several local
bills were passed finally, as were two of a
general character,,s follows :
An act providing for the completion of
the equipment of the National Guard of
Pennsylvania, and making an appropria
tion therefor.
This bill appropriates $lOO,OOO for the
purchase of such equipments as may be
necessary to complete the entire,Outlit of
the National Guard, and provides that all
organizations who have already.provided
themselves with equipments as serviceable
its those furnished by the State. shall re
(Rive in lieu thereof their - proportionate
share of the azipropriation., It was pass
ed after a pretty thorough,discussion, by
a vote of 121 to 432. •
The other bill that pasted finally, is an
act to provide for the appointment of
trustees, 'durante absentia, and defining
the powers and ..intieiTaf the same. The
lawyers will understand this.
Among the hint - repotted .favorably
(roin Committees in the Senate, on Wed
nesday, were the following i
An n 4,40 enable laborers to secure and
collect tair pay for work done in and
about the stocking of saw logs.
An act to prevent the sale of any spir
ituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors
which are in any manner adulturated,
mixed, dragged, diluted -or conipounded
with - drugs or other deleterious or poison
ous matter. • •
Tins is a very lengthy and important
1414:providing, among other things, for
the aPpointment . of hispeettne by the
courts, the conpention of i t iquom Jim
and imprisonment of offem%riiiipils4
tbe law, upon :conviction altar IFial*
Jul% etc: riat ba 'Oric
bill can not la, piadictadaa presents.knit
aft must Omit OS be *O4
1'63 wonatraWfienocia.4rpigeiltak
way or temileiisiee stop
eOuld be put to the abominable System of
liquor . drugging or poisoning. It is only
of late yeari that man fa-a-polo or delirium
Accident bare' aided' so inanyinfOrtn
flutes down to early, premature' grails.
twenty or thirty years ego deaths from
this awful disease, 'now so common, were
of comkttatirdi tare occwrtence.
- The Senate on' Wednesday morning
passed finally a joint veioltition providing
for an,eaecutiire appointment clerk. The
attempt to make, a party question out of
this was a failure, and after full Ablens.
aim of the proposition it was carried on
its merits, the fact appearing that the bu
siness of the Senate, which has largely_
creased in keeping - 1430e record" of ap
pointments, demande4 an additional offi
cer for that purr* The resolution was
passed by a vote of 29 to 17, several Dem
ocrats toting in the affirmative, and was
ordered tole sent to the Rouse for con
An act relating to the commencement
of actions of ejectment on titles acquired
by sheriffs' sales and Milting the time
within which snob actionsmay be brought
was 'also passed finally in the Senate on
A special session of the Senate was
held on :Wedueiitay afternoon,; from three
to five o'clock, to consider the subject of
anti-discrimination. After two hours de
bate, and the voting 'down of motions to
indefinitely pcistpme, amend, etc., a mo-
Mee in effect to sustain the former action
of the Senate, in favor of general instruc
tions to the 11. S. Senators, was adopted
by a vote of 30 to 12. During the discus
sion Senator Davies' made an able speech
in whictehe severely criticised the course
of various corporations which had been
created by the Legislature.
In tho Douse on • Wedriesdity the chap
lain, Bev. Mr. 'Beck, put in a word for
John Chinaman, by praying that the
Lord would direct and guide the hearts of
those in nethority at Washington, unto
the end that there may be no abrogation
of the solemn treaty made between this
great country and China, and that errors.
which have been committed may be cor
rected before it is too late. This little ef
fort of the worthy servant of the Lord,
is regarded hernas something of an inno
Among the reports of committees made
affirmatively to the House, on Wednes
day, Was the' resolution noted in my last,
ou the subject'of Chinese emigration, in
troduced by Mr. Waters, from the Com
mittee on Federal Relations. \
Amoug thii dozen of new bills intro
duced in the ! House on Wednesday, was
one by Mr. Hewitt, of Blair, to prevent
the 'adulteration of food and drink, and
creating the department of scientific and
agricultural cheinistry, with a State chem
ist, to be appointed by the Governor,
with a salary'of $3,000 a year. This is
aubther step in the same direction as that
contemplated, by the Senate bill, above
noted, and it is earnestly hoped some
good in the cause of reform may be ac
complished. The most of the session was
devoted to the consideration of bills on
second reading.
In the Senate ou Thursday, Senator
Hall, of Elk county, ofiered a very sensi
ble resolution, which was adopted by a
decided vote, declaring it to be the sense
of the Senate, that it Was impolitic, un
wise and unnecessary to 'Occupy any more
of thc'remainder of the session in the dis
cussion of resolutions of instructions in
relation to Measures pending before Con
gress.. If such a 'resolution 'had been
made and carried out a month ago, much
valuable - time would have been saved.
The Senate on Thursday unanimously
confirmed the nomination of J. Smith l'u
they, as Judge of Chester county, in
place of Judge Butler,. appointed' to fill
the vacancy in the U. S. Court, in Phila
delphia; caused by the death of Judge
An act to grant pensions to the survi
ving veterans of the Mexican war, and to
the widows of deceased soldiers and sail
ors of said war, was passed finally by the
Senate on Thursday. The bill giants a
Pension of $73, but confines it to soldiers
who own less real and personal -estate
than $l,OOO.
Among the bills considered and passed
second reading in the House on Thursday,
was one , repealing the present Jury Com
missioner law, which after considerable
discussion, passed that leading by a vote
of 116 to 55, which is an indication that
it will pass finally:
Another was also- passed second reading
amending, the usury law, providing that
where more than the legal rate is contrac
ted-for the debtor may refuse to pay both
the excess and legal rate, or if he reserved
in advance he may deduct both from the
debt when paid ; in cases where the debt
or has heretofore, or may hereafter have
voluntarily . paid the usurious rate be
shall not. recover it back, unless he sues
within six months of the payment. The
act, by proviso,-excepts negotiable paper
in boon tide, business transactions.
Among • the bills' passed finally in the
Senate on Friday, were the following:
Au act to repeal an act to regulate pro
ceedings under requisition upon the Gov
einorfor the .apprehepsioo of fugitives
from justice. • 1
An act
.to: authorize the judges of any
court i er record. civil or criminal; to ex- 1
case jurors from attendance.
An act which provides for the estab.
lishing of a returning board to count the
votes for Auditor : General and State
Treasurer, elected on years when the
Legislature does not assemble. The bill
as passed finally in the Senate, without
opposition, is
,a compromise, and will no
doubt pass the House. It provides that
" The Governor, the President Judge of
the 11th (Dauphin) Judicial District, the
President pro tem of - the Senate, the
Speaker of the House, four Senators and
six members of the House, the Senators
and Members of the House tobe selected
.on the last Tuesday of the session, each
Senator by a viva voce vote naming two
Senators, and each member of tho House
naming three members of the House."
The judges' salary bill, with several
Others, were also passed on second read.
in in the Senate on. Friday. As the sal!.
ary bill will fie - sent back to the commit.
tee for revision, it is not necessary to say
I . more about it-now.
The business transacted, lit the House
on Friday was of a routine character
and not specially important; the session
being short.
Senate and Howie both . adjourned to
meet en Monday evening next.
. Tun Foxburg, St. Petersburg and Mr-
Ica liallooad, which traverses the Clarion
belt from the Allegheny river to Jefferson
City, a distnace of thisteen miles, is about
to be extended through Fewest county to
Kane. 'Philadelphians and some of the
stockholders are4nterested in the pros
pective vil lands flbd lumbering interests
lying between Clarion sod McKean couu
,ties, and tberefons favor the extension. •'
TASTEOYEE—A- ant !exam
'coisuitip—rivr. LIVES LOST-441N?
110=1;18S AND inaiww:
Nevada, March 2.---This
Morning a fire commenced in some
wooden buildings in the west end
of the _business streets, back of
the Masonic block. There was a
fearful wind Mowing, and_before wa
ter, could be got on the fire it, was , be
rind control. - The *mei% leaped
from house to house, froui block to
block, withlightning rapidity; Panic
stricken, half clothed people grasped
a handful of valuables and left all
else to destruction , The firemen
were .belplesis, the fierceness of the
wind and intensity of the heat ren
dering it impossiole to get close
enough to do any good. In three ,
hours all of the businesi pait of the
town was in ashes. The only struc
ture escaping being 'the Masonic
-building . and one other.• Five lives
were: )ost- 7 -Mrs. Jno. Beck, Jnd.
and. three tramps. A number re
ceived injuries. The gale was -tbe
fiercest keown for many a day. It
carried blazing pieces of timber for
miles. Several farm houses two
miles down the meadows were burned
by this means. Among the build
ings destroyed were three freight de
pots, bank, postoffice, eight stores,
three hote l s, , two • telegraph offices.
railroad baggage - rooms, Baptist and
Catholic churches, Academy of. Mu=
sic, and two or three railroad trains.
The loss is estimated at a million .
dollars. Rouses arc in - 'great de
mand, and the citizens are throwing
open their doors to the homeless and
doing all in their power to relieve
the distressed. A train has just ar
rivad front Truckee laden with sup
plies and clothing.
"A Thief to Catch a Thief."
Two -"Private Detectives " have
recently been arrested in Massachu
setts, charmed with setting fire to a
railroad depot - and attempting to
wreck a passenger train, the suppoS
edAtiotive being that _of making busi
ness for themselves: Now that they
have been arrested, attention has
been called to some .of-.. their.other
work as detectiVes, and evidence
collected which ' excites suspicion
that they have securred the ,convic
tion of an innocent man for murder
"that they might obtain the `reward
offered for the detection of the mur
derer. -The principal witness in the.
murder case now. swears that these
detectives arrested him; charged him
with arson, and agreed to .drop the
prosecution for this offense -if lie
would corisent to swear that he had
been compelled to commit 'the. rartr- .
der by his employer,
.the man' for
whose coaviction the "detectives"
w.ere.rewarded. / The whole case is a
mysterious one; the. witnesses, like
those from Louisiana examined by
the Potter committee,' swearing that
they had, previously committed per
jury, but it should serve as another
warning against a class of irrespon
sible men, who, under the title of
private detectives, are likely as
not to. be. blackmailers- and tempters
to. crime.
The Ghastis Contents of Trunk.
13OsToN, February 27.—About 4.45
this afternoon Michael Daly, while at
work on Western avenue,'about two s
miles outside of the - city of Lynn,
- found a trunk, from which a human
hand protruded. The trunk was tied
with a woolen 'string. On opening it
a horrible Sight' was prescntedTheing
that of the body, of a young woman,
about, twenty-four years of age, nude,
with the arms and legs distorted and
the nose cut oft The trunk also con
tained two champagne' bottles and
several bricks. An autopsy was held.
It was. the opinicn of. the doctors
that the woman had been - dead two or
three days. midnight no clue
to the mystery has been obtained.
A •' Tillage Illaeklimith n' Dead.
31usonn, Penn., .March I.—Solo
mbn Newman, a prominent citizen of
this place, and one of the earliest
settlers, died yesterday at the age.of
76 years. During his early life he
was engaged in the blaeksmithing
businessi but - for the past fete years
he lived retired.
.About A 5. years ago
he and his quaint establishment were
the subject for the " Village Black
smith," a painting by. Eastman John
son, which recently brought $1,900
at a public sale in New7York.
ANDREW • Tnatr, who 'killed Mary
Reny in McKean county in September
last, is now on trial at SmethpOrt.
Wit.Ltamsron;r tax-payers have begun
to hold meetings to dett initiate what 01311
be done about the bond tax.
NINI1101) SPATTEIIIOIIEIt, 'convicted of
the murder'of John Eveson ' • in Lebanon,
was sentenced Monday to belanged.
WM. KAVFFELT, t :419, was killed by
being caught inthe ing of the Penn
sylvania Agricult orks at York,
• JAcon Lxosno:.*., aged 87, was Buffo.
cated ; to death by coal gas in - his rosin, at
Tory; Monday morning. His was
unconscious, but may recover. " •
Jacon:Matax, of Port Royal, a brake
man ou the Pennsylvania Railroad, was
killA Thursday last by being caught
between two cars.
Guonor. F. Ross who ham - for
several years very acceptably filled a
clerkship in the Attorney Gencral's.ollice,
'has been retained by the new Attorney
IN the sundry civil appropvtation - bill
is at an item of $823,G.56 to pay the amount
due the State of Pennsylvania oh special,
settlement of her war claims under the
•act of July 2; 18Gl.
Mn. G. Ci.usvosr. Ginnivrt, General
Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Rail
road, at Altoona, has .resigned that posi
tion for oue of greater responsibility, in
New England., . •
A COMMITTEg of fire citizens of Brad
ford has been Appointed to solicit sub-
Acriptions from people of that place with
a view to purchasing and' completing the
Warren and Bradford Railroad. The
stock amount to $200,000 and is wanted
within three months..
Bradford and Foster Brook Elevated
Railway, , commonly known as the Peg
Leg, for the reason that it has but one rail
running from Bradford city to Derrick city
McKean county,. was Friday of last week
sold at Sherifes sale, Dr. E. P. Attu*. of
Athens, and T. J. Surpstonz, of Fre
donia, IN. Y., becoming the :purchasers.
They Will organize a now company,and
bisiness will be resumed as soon as the
exploded locomotiVe can bo repaired,
which will be about a month.
Tua trial of George Frady of Marietta,
was begun—at Lancaster February 17.
He •ia charged with Jawing killed his
brother, John; on the 4th of July last.
The affair occiirred when botli the parties
were drunk. - The brothers were • jealious
of each other in their -affection for a
woman named Anria Cheney. Mrs. Che.
moos husband was shot and killed by her
father on Thanksgiving Day, 1877, in the
same house in which the Frady homicide
occurred and with the same gun. Her
father Wriest' Serving five years' imprison
ment for man slaughter. • •
,siTrut: r ivf moeral in in amiser
ehlo Iticeit-Over .theTresult of the. recent
locateketkilmii) its.aretion of the &ate.
the Deeperata were successful any.
where ou-Tuegday, ft says, "It was b e .
_cause the Republicans AM .not snake au
effort,- for whenever they do so they stir
tip the Greenbackers to divide - the Dem
ocrats, and thus secure the victory for
themselves; It will" always' be - thus so
long as the Greenbackers refuse to belp
the Democrats to defeat the common
enemy." Can't . the Greenimekens sec
bow they are cruelly breaking the Demo.
cratic heart?.
A. ianr residing in Bethlehem the
other day gave birth to a child. healthy
end strong, and correctly shaped in every
resPect, save that-its rightarm terminat e s
at the elbow, where the hand, which 41,0
is perfect with the exception of the thine')
is joined., The left arm -ba3 its
.regui rr
length, and u correctly formed save ,that
the middle ling** ate joined—grown to.
gether. The case has attracted the atten
tion of the nelithbors, and also of a few
of the medical fraternity, who have called
and verified krexamination ttiliquius ran.
tone or malformation.. It is a sigular
Cam, and all the neighborhood has b een
greatly exercised *bout it. Various ealt4es
are assigned for the wonder, but con . i, of
them are considered reliable. The,ciiill
otherwise Is hearty, plump and well.
Tnn folloWing aie the Pennsylvania
postal changes for the week end rig: Peb.
ruary 22; Post offices est+sblished.D„ 4 .,
dale,' Chester . county, J. Lee Snictllcy
Postmaster'; , Johnsville, BuCks cannty.
E. M. Walton, PoStmaster. Discontinued
Otter Run,- Lycoming county.. IVist in ist
ers appointed— r George Corner, Coopers.
dale, Cambria county; George W. 3r e _
Ilvain, Eldretiville, *Sullivan county;
W. A: Coulter,. Lioadon, Mercer county;
W. L..llarbaugh. liercershurg; Franklin
county; SamtielVralker, Mount Healthy,
Somerset county; Martba Barmlaaw, •
Port Kennedy,. 31ongomery county ; S. B,
Hills. :Scott Lackawanna county; 11. 31c-
Farland, Shirland • Allegheny - county ;
M. W. • Balsford, Lyeoini ivz
county ; J. Belt, Wellsville, York
• -Tim Ohio Rebublican Convention will
meet in Cincinnati on the 20th of May.
A FIRE at Pion, Ind., Friday destroyed
s4o,oooworth of property, including the
Albert Hotel.
AT Cooperstown, N. Y.,
Feb 27, Myron
Ruel was fonud guilty of the murder of
Catharine -Richards.
THE. Grand Jury at Bridgeport,. Conn„
has indicted John McAuliffe for thenur
der of his wife Mary on the 2d inst.
GEoaok BUH.NE T T was killed by a fall .
of coal in the Big Vein Mine, near, Lona
coning, Md., dast Thursday morning.
PrzorEsF,on ' 31outiont, .Y.SIIKELI of
the Naval clbservatory, died of apoplexy,
in Georgetqwn, D. Ci ,. Feb 27. Ile was
112 years of :age.
IN the K. S. Circuit Court of B-altimare
Feb 27. Albert Seibold, a judge of elec
tion in the Fifteenth. Ward, was convicted
of havinl. stuffed a ballot box. .
The manufacturing property of the
Atlantic Itclaine Company in Providence,
I.o4 . hieli origually cost over 0,000,-
000, was toll at auction last weer for
#:300,200.. -
GEORGE SVATsoN was arrested in Allen-
town, Wayne, • county,. Iowa! -last week,
for counterfering. His, "pall, " George
Baker was arrested at 'the same. place a
few days ago.
Is the t..S. Court Danville, Va., Thurs
day last; Judge Hires presiding, tire
county court judges were indicted by.the
Grand Jury for "failing to allow negro
jurors to serve." . •
inntilated;dead body of a young.
woman ivai'finind in a trunk, near Lynn,
lassachnsett.s, . n Thursday afternoon -
I.tst. It had apparently been floating iu
the .river for a day 'or two before it was
A sTAOi . cOntainina f four : passengers
was - stopped near Peg Leg Station,
Texan, by two highwayinen; on Wednes.
day, of last week. The passengers were
robbed of 'their valuables iurd the mail
bags rifled.
THE house of J. 3f. Lunsford, at "
vine, Ohio, was burned at midnight ou
usday last, and Mr.iLunsford and six
of his children Were either -smothered - or,
;one to death. His wife and,in child
escaped., . -
. Dn. , DETmEns, InSpector of Cat
tle at Chicago, reports to Commissioner
Le Dec that'contagious pleuro-ptieumith a
does not exist, the Northwestein States
and Territories tributary to the Chicago
stockyardS. .
AT North Andover, Mass. Thurseay
mornin-z, George Bexttaw, li;itig drunk.
felled, his daughter to. the floor with a
poker, and then dropped &ad. The
daughter has been insensible ; since, but
may recover.
Tim Nev England Connnissioners of
Inland Fisheries have adopted resolutions
recommending that the taking of salmon
in Vermont, New Hampshire, Ma4achni
setts and Connecticut 'be prohibited until
the Ist of Ju1y,.1882,.
A co.o oil lamp exploded last Thirs
tily evcnin in a home occupied by color
ed people in Baltimore. - Sharp:it'd
her sent were 'mimed to death, two other
porous were severely injured, and
liiinse-wai consumed.
CIIARLE* .W. ANGELI, the Alio. Mg
Secretary .of the Pullman Palace Car
Company; pleaded guilty'at Chicago la%t,
week, and was :sentenced *to ten years'
imorisonment in the penitentiary,. the .
fall extent-of the law:
- Tice house of J. R. Caulsint ; of Coal
lowa, was burned on.
evekng.last, and' three of his chililmn -
from three to nine years of age, who had
been locked in while their mother visited
a neighbor; perishedin .the names.
TO3IPKIiNfi, the pricipal witness for the
Ginernment in a number of lon; -standing
whisky and tobacc6 cases at New Orleans,
died suddenly in .that city Feb.. 27,, of
neuralgia of the heart. " His death will
cause much- chilkulty in the iirose . cutiou
of`lbt!se cases.
.Ft FTl' persons were arrested-on Thurs
day last, at Pekin and Peoria,
under indictments charging them/ with
complicity. in whisky frauds. Some of
them are ", prominent :cud wealthy eiti
itfis." One of the chief "witnesses is Raid'
to NI the disinhclited son of John Mcln
tyre, the heaviest distiller in. that part of
- the country. AU those arrested were
taken to Springfield. •
; run steamer Aberfeldyi of West 'lade
pool, England, from Phitadelhhia for Ips
which, has been abondoned ,at sea, tee
crew of twenty-one persons were saved
awl taken to Pori Medway, N. S. The
A berfeldy experienced very severe weather.
ant was diSabled. The-boats were stove •
and' the crew, after ..working three days
and nights a . t, the puMps, threw overboaid
a portion of the cargo of corn. Wheb
found and rescued by the schooner Came-- - '
Mae they were completely exhausted and
were saved with nothing but their clothes: •
The , steamer was ; abdoied in the Gulf
, r ati •
Stream. " • -
Ixtsa,i.tuExcE. front Rio do- Janeiro,
dated February 9th, states that.a severe
outbreak of yellow fever has occurred
among the shipping there. The health
of the people in the Northeast pmvindes
is improving. Tip Government has al
ready contributed thirty million milreis
to relieve their distress, and . Mks fol
credit of ten million more for the same
purpose. A riot occurred at Massar on
the 4th inst, the military expelling the
commandrand chief magistrate from the
town. .1 4 Rne persons were killed, and
many public and private stores' were
sacked. • •
A -
. I..vnot: party of . 'Mennonites - from
Southern - Russia s to
,arrive in Canada;
in the • spring, on
: its way to .Manitoba.
The authorities are already getting ready
to establish a quaranthre) to make the
country secure against, the introduction
of the plague by these emigrants. More
thin thirty years ago thomands of em
igrants, theing from - disease in Ireland,
died on a quatantine itiland in the Gulf of
St. Lawrence, or on their way thither,and;
the same island . is to b ' again titled up as
quarantine station rough which the
Mennonites from Mu .-will be required
to pass before they begin their laud jOur=
ney, to Manitoba.
31antE NEws.-=llop Bitters; which are
advertised hi our columns, are a sure cute
for ague, biliousness 'and kidney cell- .
plaints. Time who use them say they
cannot be triciltighlYrecominemlcd. Thaw
of should give them a fair trial, and
will become thereby enthusiastic, in the
praise of their . curative qualitica.—Pert•
land Advertiser. - - - •