Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 06, 1879, Image 1

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The Baanronn nzronTea is published rim
Thursday morning by Gootinicti &
at One Dona! and Fifty Cents per annuin,in, a 4.
WS.dvertising.. In all cases exclusive of sub
scriptioe to the paper. •
SPECIAL NOTICES Inierted at Tax CEtTB per
Rae for first lusertion, and Ilya CEXTEI per line for
each subsequent insertion, but . no notice Inserted
'for less than fifty cents. • '
YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS will be insert. reasonable rates
• Administrator's and Eiecutor's Notices, t 2:,
Auditor's Notlecs,l)2.lso t Business Cards, rive lines.,
(per year) it% additional lines 4l each.
Yearly advertisers are -entitled to quarterly
changes. Transient advertisements must be paid
. for In entrance.
All resolutions of associations: communications
of limited or Individual interest, and no"ices of
marriages or deaths, exceeding five lines arerhartp•
rivs c rot TS per line, but al inpic notices of mar
riage% and de %Merrill ho published without charge.
"'lie Biennian haring a larger circulation than
any other paper in the' county, makes It the best
advertising medium In Northern Pennsylvania.
• JOBTRUNTINO of every kind, In plain and
fincY colors. done with neatness and dispatch.
Baru:AMA. Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Billheads.
Statements, &c.; of every variety and style, printed
at the shortest notice., The RirOninit 'billets Is
well saltplied pith power presses, a good weal
ment of new type. and everything in the printing
line can be executed in the most artistic manner
and at the lowest ratci. TERMS 'INVARIABLY
Mtsiness eatbs.
Tii'.ANDA, PA.
.---in ch%-7,1
R u. PECK,
Office over Branco' & nieat market,
Towanda, Jan. t,, 1579.
, TOWANDA, PA. [noTll-75
.111.41 n Stro . ot duors north of Ward (loose), To
y:an:l2, Pa. j -1 (Aptil 12, 1 8 77 ,
O:Cce, Id Mescut's Block
j.A.Tteatrzi ,
•• AT I,AW, WY ALUSING. VA. Will attend
t entro , tot To lit: care in Bradford,
Su)livau s aild Copia:es. t..Atlice with Esq.
r o
. •
Ta6van4a. 1,19 c:. over . Dartlett & Tracy, Maln4t.
G. F.MAsoN. , ra9"773
N. C. IF:LsimEs.
Of:lee—Rooms formerly occupied by Y. M. C. A
Reading Room. t•Jan.3l'7s.
A TionxEY -AT-L
, • PA.
I..):;CFAtt'y - .
r r,,,r,- E ti. A T.LAw AND L. S. COMMISSIO;":1:11.,
Offico—Naria Side Public square..
SIPKOF wAEI) itoust:
:Mice over Cross` Book Store. two doors north of
Stevens & Lone. Towanda. Pa. May he consulted
to German. E April n, '7c.)
othro—seronol , iloor south of tbq First NaZ'anal
Uri: Main St.. up stairs.
o PF 1 CE.—Fortpery orctmied by Wen. 'Watkins,
11. N. WILLIAMS. (0(.1.17, '77) F.. J. ANCLg.
1 •
A rron SEV-A T-LAW
Mire over Daytotes Store
April 12. 157 C.
.‘l - 1' 4 It 7: EY -A 7-L A w,
.fiectloti's pronely attended to.
9ein over Itiontanyes Stnrr. ; avf:7s
ToW ANDA, .1* A.
paler In WooAN Mock', first door south of the First
Natinna! bank, uis , trsirs. •
3•: J. MADILL. lions-731y] . J. N. CALIFF.
,Orodt- Over I)nyirpn's hartie.s SI Ord. Nov. 21, •7S.
.rIR. S. M. - WOODBURN, Physi
clan and Surgeon. urine over 0. A. Black's
'l.,wanda, May 1. 15721 y.
,lAT B. KELLY, Dp.rrisT.—Office
nvrr M. E. Towanda; I'a.;d en, tiol,l,'Sllryr, Buliber, and Al
uplimn nn, ' . T..ctiletructed :.aln.
1, 1 D. PAYNE, I\l. D.,
OIL 'e over Monfanves• Store. Onlee hours from 10
to V.I. 4. Id.. and from '2 to 4, P. Special attention
Cisen to diseases of the Rye and Ear.-410.19,'
- - :•, - -- :
( 1 W; RYA N\
(701. - NVT Surnnt sITENIt NT.
1 12,ei. ilft• last Saturday of each tnont , over Tykrner
SE - Gordon'n Drug Store, Tuvrau Pa. , • '
• Towanda, June 24 1 . ISl'si. a'
r •
AIRS. IL I'EET, ... .
Tl:Aclt E It Or PIA S, Must,
--- .• TElnts.—flo per term.
(Residence Third street, let ward:l
Tov.aiola, Jan. 1a.'79-I,y. I
• .
Towanda; Pa
Ft‘;,. '7l,tf
V rza,-70 tf
TCe following
NI:I4Th 16.'74
~ Painted to order at arty price 'torn ES to MO.
l'Alatlngs Ite-Touched.'9rthanges
ma , le:ia degree!.
All work done In the ,highest styleot the Art.
Towanda; Pa. April 18, 1878..
11. JES'II.I),
.Tudgp Jessup haring resumed the practiceof the
law in Northern l'enueylrania, will attend to any
1 , 1:31 intrusted whim in Bradford county.
Perms iil , to conbalt. Ulm, can call en H.
Esq.,. To Pa., when an appointment
tan he 11121.1 C. •
Agitator, February 16th.
COODRICH di \ HITCHCOCK. Publishers.
p q ferred ,rot:4
EDITOR REIVIITEB. :-. 7 The'lively appear
ance of our town.for the last few days can
doubtless easily be traced to the splendid
sleighing which we at enjoying—may it
btay as long as its ancient enemy, the sun,
Will allow, and ,we hope ho will be a
"generous foe."
Mr., Rev. B. DAVISON returned home
to-day after an absence of a few weeks in
the Weft. Be says that be has traveled
since leaving' Troy, a distance of over
4,000—a distance that his grandfather
would probably have considered an un
dertaking for "an age."
One.ofthe.niost enjoyable events for a
long time was the Presbyterian sociable
held laSt evening at the Troy House. The
"Judge" is noted far and wide for his,
winner of entertaining ltis guests from
abroad, and witit,his friends at home he
is always .a pleasant host. - A very pleas
ant entertainment was provided for the
evening, consisting of "The Son s ;s of the
Seven," and ago some recitations.
Mr. F. H. IloFtwo; and . S. NEWMAN
.been appointed Administrators; of
the estate °Mt ta.r.tu Monosx, deceased,
'and hav already finished invoice of
the business. No better selection could_
have been'made, for both are excellent
and tried business men, and will no doubt
do their duty to those who are interested
in the afllfirs of Mr. Morgan.
A new firm under the name of BAL.
LARD Gtxvrir will soon open a store
on Canton street, in • the place .formerly
occupied by Axitt.'s drug store.
Miss llA'rrfr.; Hfft.ANo, from Towanda,
is visiting her friend,. Miss PECK,' in this
Eorrott 11f:royale:It :—Our borough ad
ministration for next year, as decided at
the late election, will be as follows :
Juilge of Election—A. S. Ni:wmas. •
/n.qpeloes—A. :C. FANNING and . Wip
-1.1.1M F. DEWITT:
83 - wa Aire firs—(lle-elected) lt F
, .
Burgess-11. SPALEIMG.
Constable—O. P. ApAm<
Overseers of Poor-A. 31. WoosTEnar.d
Jan. 1,1875
.Assessor—R. C. KICD.kLI.
Auditor—Al.l ~
If you think it extravagant to fill al
the offices with good men, please remem
4r that. e have no other kind here.
The Presbyterian' Sociable at the Troy
House last Thursday eveniug,. : was .a very
pleasant and entertaining one. JEAN IN
GELOW'S "Songs at Seven" was recited, by
the following young ladies representing
the different parts : JOSJE MITCHELL,
WALL and FANNY PECK. Each recitation
was accompanied by an approliriate tab
leau, and the whole 'affair was beautiful
ly at ranged and well carried out. BENtu-
Errs DAVISON, a young lady of three
summers rrecited nicely, .and was , encored
several times. After refreshments, the
collection, amounting, to a good sum was
taken, Miss FANNIE. PECK and Mrs.
itlooiu entertained the company with
some Jine music.
On tiserneTilly,, Mr. JAMES WHITAKER, in
coming out of his store, slipped and fell,
striking the baok'of his bekd on the stone
steps, making a severe wound. Dr. PAINE
was called, and pronounced the• wound
,•not serious, but he affixed his seal in the
form of large strips of sticking plaster,
which will be worn by the patient for
some days.
and DE:J. MiTcnEhr., went to Mansfield
Saturday to a meeting of , the Young
1 Men's Christian Association.
July 27,'76
The Presbyterian pulpit was occupied
last Sunday by a gentleman from Elmifa.
Captain 13. IL 143TcitF.Lt: has been quite
ill for two or three days from erysipelas,
but will soon be - able to attend to his bus
iness again.
The winter term of the Troy Graded
School disc February 28th, and the
spring term will begin .3larch 3d. • The
attendance , during the year thus fat' has
been large.
The Tcachers4 Institute, which meets
at the school building every two weeks is
well attended, and much good practical
work is done ; but the weather was so bad
Saturday that;only a few were pi esent.
Troy is famous for its literary charac
ter, and is non making a specialty of jour
No less than six regular newspaper ear—
respondents resido here, and in. case of
sickness or death; of one, there are many
more ready to till the place. ***
Tug following:: which we find in Rev .
GEoßox J'Ecti's 1 " Early History of Meth
ism," has sufficient local interest to
be. reproductiOn. Mmty COLE was a
siste of Rev: ELISILt COL; well known
in Bra ford County as "Father Cots,"
and liv 1 near Towanda. She became
semi:insane because of domestic troubles,
was a " gre t enthuaiast," and exceeding
ly sharp and itty. Dr. Peck sa)s :
She lived in cabin a few rods from
her brother's dw 'ling, - dressed fantasti
cally, planned and cultivated her garden
according to no model on earth, sang
hymns and quoted Scripture almost with
out bounds, and with her wit and drollery
would convulse an old Connectibutdeacon
with laughter. When " the elder" came
"Aunt Molly " was : always on hand."
Sometimes oho bad to be told that the el
der was tired and the mint "go home."
This always displeased her, and called
' forth a storm of crazy eloquence of which
" Elisha ". was most naturally the butt.
On ono such occasion she screamed out,
"The devil rules and reign's here. I tell
_ you, elder, you had better flee as LOT did
out of Sodom. ,In one of her rambles
Judge GoitE, to frighten her. threatened
to put her in jail. She returned home in
a peat
~ rage, and proceeded to'. over
haul all her garments and rip but 'all the
yore. She ever after maintained that the
gores were all from the devil, and she
wound haire none of them aboht-her.
Feb 27, 19
—A branch of the 'Young Men's Chris
tian Association is abOut to boj organized
at Mansfield.
Local Correspondence.
• t
l\ I
- •
Troy, Februarylith,\
Troy. E.bruary 24, 1679
The summer twilight through the shades
Of kingly maples slowly fades,
Where in the cottage doorwiy sit
Two lavert changing here and wit:
- And in etch other's eyes
With long fond looks of sweet content '
, They gaze, as !leach heart so went
' In sympathetic pulse, 'Mould break
\Were not the other there, to take
\ itv secret and Its prise.
Gray is hhi venerable head '
And o'er.his wrinkled cheeks have fled
The Itcpeful hours of graciohs youth..
The years of manhood's strife and ruth,
The lingering months of age. •
Only are her reiernd heirs, aid thin, '
'And'over brow* lip and chin .
Tithes stern three-score and ten have wit
The untnistakini does that fit
The earthly pilgrimage.
And yet they love ; band clasped In band
• They sit and look out on the land, •
And breathe the Incenseht their morn
As theirs were paraion nevi} burn;
Iler eyes of gentlan-olue \
Inquire of his in perfect faith ; \
And bit of hazel, free from scathe
Of memories that 'wonder wild, \ I
* Sadie back at her, like child to chi
And love that's tried' and true. \
Now both the quavering voices lift \
Aloft to God their veiper *hitt ;
The notes of sturdy "Atear " arise,
And '• Bangor " floats up to the skies,
. Or "China's" walling cry.
'What matter If the times are sad
They know that all their hearts am glad 1•
They know their Father bears above
The feeble sound, the key-note, Love,
That lift their hearts on high I .
—Springfield Reptitateon s . •
The trees are barren, cold and brown, - .
The snow Is white ou rale and hill,
The gentian, aster, too, are gone,
h hlostotn with Un still?
O looi upon ihe hazel !quilt
The flowers that are bright as gold.
Tho*.all Is cold and wintry non.
Their little petals still unfold.
The apples red have fallen down,
And silent Isillse Joca~s rill,
The robin and the thrush .Lave flown,
Is tLere no bird to glad us still'
Hark I don't you hear a gladsome song
2t. merry chirp from tiny throat? •
The snowbird all the winter long
Will chef•r us wltitistas happy note.
—Dorn GoosOte.,
Selected Tale.
A llosnanee of Real life.
About the end of January,.More
than twenty years since, Doetor . LiS7
franc, &)velebrated surgeon of Paris,'
r as returning to his house at eleven
o'clock at night. He had reached
his.door, and had raised the knocker
to give warning to the maid in atten
dance of his arrival, when a vigorous
arm stopped• his own half way, and
at the. same time three masked figures
surrounded. the astonished doctor.
The street was deserted, the doctor .
had . no -arms
. by him, and, wisely
judging resistance would prove una4
veiling, he sought to escape from - the
hands of the banditti by the sacrifice
of his purse, when the man who held
his 'arm addressed hint very politely;
" I 'believe you are, Doctor Lis
franc ?"
" You seem to be acquainted with
my person,"• replied the doctor.,
" Take, then, my purse and watch—
trouble •me no longer, but get 'you
gone to more honest work."
" sir," said-the Man haughtily, "• we
are no thieves, but only, come to ask
from you a favor."
" You have chosen a strange way
and an unusual hour for such
purpose," said the doctor mistrust
" Every hour is good for so clever
a surgeon as yourself to perform an
" Eli ? " said the doctor,. who, a lit
tle reassured, stood examinin g his
three clients more closely, and per
ceived that they were "dressed more
like gentlemen going to.a ball than
like highway robbers..
• " We' request, doctor, that you fol
low us
" Permit me, at least, to warn my
lady of my absence."
" No—there is no need for it. You
have your instruments with . you ;
that will do.. You must submit,:
however, to having your eyes band
" But, sir—"
" come, come, by George," said
one of the men,- " if you have so
inany words' about it, we shall never
proceed." fie then sounded a shrill
whistle, and a carriage" coining from
a narrow street in the neighborhood
made its appearance. The three men
led the doctor to it, helped him up,
and then gut in after him. The
horses galropped away, at a rapid
Doctor Lisfranc did not even think
of offering resistance. which must
prove useless, but submitted with a
good grace to the mysterious vio
lence exercised upon his person.
_ For two hours time not a word
was exchanged between him and his
traveling companions, who spoke
among themselves in 'a language he
could not understand. •
At length' the carriage rolled be-,
a portico—the noise of an opening
gate was heard, - creaking on • its hin
ges—the carriage stopped.
The door was opened and the steps
let down.
" Well ? " inquired an anxious
" Be is here," replied - one ,of the
men in the carriage, and taking' the
doctor by the hand assisted him to
alight. rfhey then caused him to as
cend, several steps.
By the cold air : that' struck upon
his face the doctor perceived. that. he
was on the steps of an outer portion.
A door was opened, and the doctor
fancied they made him cross a large
hall; he was then led through a
suite -of apartments, covered with
soft carpeting. At last the doctor's
guide paused and said :
":fie have reached our destination,
doctor—iemove your bandage."
The doctor, whose terror had
changed i to an uneasy curiosity and a
vague apprehension, obeyed = the
stranger's voice, and found - himself
in a small room, Insurioindy furnish
ed, and but half lit by an alabaster
lamp which hung in the middle of the
room.. The window curtains were.
TOWOD4i i .:'. BRATROAD.:".: COUNTY; ',:PA., - ''.wEsp..47 : i wimpik , mlul,c4: ‘.6,:,..1.879,
closely shut, as: well ' as Allose.of the
alcove. which_ occupied the farther
end of tlie apartment. In this Tooth
the doctor found himself alone with
one of the three Individuals who , had
made him an unwilling - captive.
' The stranger was tall and of am=
poking, mien. He was dressed with
a truly aristocratic precision • hii
black',eyes glittered through the. half
mask that covered his upper featsres,
while a nervous twitch agitated his
uncovered lips and the thick beard
that surrounded the -lower part of
his face. - - '
"Doctor," said the Ftmnger in a
dry and broke,' voice, "prepare your
implements--,you have to perform an
" Where'is the patientt" inquired
Lisframe. Saying which he turned
toward the , alcove, and moved a step
forward. The curtains waved gently
.and a stifled sigh was heard coining
from that, direction.
4 ' Prepare• for the operation, sir,"
repeated the stranger, convulsively.
"13nt," said- the doctor," it is im
portant that .1 - should see the !pi.-
"You can see only the .hand which
you are to cut off."
The doctor then crossed his firths,
\ind, looking earnestly at his interlo
cutor. replied :
.Sir-, there has been violence used
in brintting me here; if it be true,
hoWer, that some . one stands in
need. o 4 my services,.without look
ing into \yotir secrets--unmindful of
the way rhave been brought here..,-
I shall willigly do my duty 'as a'
surgeon. But if you !lave meditated
j cr; me„ may have obliged me to.
follow you, but \you cannot force me
to be your aceenn4)lice."
"Be easy, sir," replied - the stran- .
ger, bitterly ; '" there is no crime in
all this." . And takiu,, the doctor by
the arm he walked up the alcove;
then pointing to. a hand that came
from behind the curtains , he said,.
l '• That is the band you a - to cut
off." , . . ~.
The doctor took -within•bi own
the extended hand ; he felt its eli-
catc fingers shudder at the conta t.
It Was a woman's . hand. smelt anil \
heauLifully shaped, on which a ruby
-ring made . its whiteness appear still
more remarkable. ...
"Nothing . here," exclaimed the
doctor ; " no, nothing demands an
"And I tell you." cried the stran
ger, with a thundering voice, " that,
if the surgeon refuses, I shall fulfill
his office myself," and-seizing an axe
s that lay at the foot of thp bed, tie
laid the hand on the night table and
prepared to sever it.
the_doctor held him baek.-
" Then do it yourself," - said ,the
" Butsthis is an_ atrocious deed!"
cried poor Lisfranc.
"That is \ nothing to you. It must
he done; it so. The lady
wishes it likewise; if 'she must ask
it of you herself, she will do . _ it.
Come, Madame, \request the doctor
to do you the favar."
Poor Lisfranc, pale and trembling,
felt ready to faint the floor. A
feeble Voice came
. fretr. the alcove,
and said in a tone . of- unutterable
despair and resignation :
" Since you are a surgeon:l—yes I
entreat youlet it be ,yourself—and
'do not let—oh, you—tor mer Cy's
sake ! " \
Come, doctor," said the unknown,
"either you or I."
So fierce and terrible was the as
pect of the stranger, and so implaca
ble and relentless his determina
tion—the prayer of 'the poor lady so
poignant and deSPairing, that the
doctor felt impelled by humanity it
self to obey the command.
He took his implements, implored
with a last look the heartless' stran
ger; who Mei ely replied by pointing
significantly to the axe. With a bro
ken spirit, and and -a cold perspira
tion bathing his noble brow, the doe-'
tor- recalled all his energy and' pres
ence of mind. Twice his armArem
bled, and he paused. At length the
blood spouted forth—a shriek hurts
.from the alcove,
and to that cry of
agony succeeded 'a dead silence..
The stranger stood by, apparently
unmoved. Nothing was beard but
the noise of the horrible work. Soon
the hand andthe instrument fell to
gether .
doctOr, ljvid and ex
hausted, gazed upon the stranger
with haggard eyes. The , latter
stooped, picked up, the severed band,.
'and, drawing the ruby ring from' off
one of the fingers, presented it to the
doctor. . • .
"Take it, doctor," said he; "it is
a souvenir;; no one will claim it
from you." He then added, in a low
voice, " It is aver!
' Immediately the other two masked
men came in, and, bandging his eyes,
again led him away. The same car
riage that bad ,brought him there set
him - down again at his . own door.
Doctor Lisfranc • snatched the band
nge from his.eyes in time to see the
carriage rolling away and 'disappear
ing in the darkness. It was live
o'clock in the morning. • -
It was in vain that day after day
the doctor exhausted every Means he.
could imagine - for . penetrating the
mystery.' of this terrible advezture.
Had it not been for the ring (indis
putable proof of the reality of his
reeollections),he.would have thought
himself ; a prey to an hallucination.
Hoping, however- that.- the ruby
ring would, sooner or 'later, lead to
some. revelation of this -mysterious
affair, he Was in, the habit of wearing
it suspended to his watch chain. -
About two months niter the events
just recorded,' Dr: Lisfranc received
an invitation, for a bnil l giten oy the
Conntess de P—, in her magnifi
cent mansion in the Bee de Taren.
ries, reds. . • ,
He accordingly . . went
- fashionable elite 'of the
Prenth nobility; as well :011ie Most
illustrious personages - of German-di
plomacy, thronged the saloons, which
were radiant- with light and beauty.
A young man, with a paleface and.
melancholly • eye; had been,. during
-the evening, the object of particular
remark. by many of the guests... He
walked, from time to time, through.
the suite of apartments, with an anx
ious look, and then, with a 'sorrowful
demeanor, - separated from the crowd:
It so happened that this - young than
retina', himself, for an, instant; owe.:
site to .Doctor Lisfra,tic. His eyes
mechanically falling 'upon the doetor,,
Coon- assumed all earnest stare, then,
glittered with a feaifut,exPressP*'•
on the, ritig,,that shone on .his chain.
"Witlka sudden and rapid mOvernenh:
the young :man • passed
_through, - n
group that . separated _.him from the
doctor ' and walking directly, ,up to
him, elbowed bitnl rudely and inten
tionally. The
_doctor_' politely re
monstrated,' but instead of answer
ing,, the young man struck him re
peateily in the face. '
- It may easily be conceived what ,
excitement and consternation - this
scene pnxinceil.•, •
- The next day was appointed for a
meeting, and the company soon after
dispersed in confusion. •
The young Matilda do— (the
names are too illustrious, and too,
Well known, for us to point them out,
even by initials), the young Matilda
do was the daughter of-one of
the most illustrious soldiers of the,
Empire Her-father had acquired au
elevated rank, great glory and a high
station in the army; but he, was one
of the few generals whom the Empe
ror had ,not enriched. Matilda de — .
had, therefore,•no fo4une to bestow
upon the one who should call her his.
Napoleon de'— was the grand
son of the noble Duchess de ----.
The Duchess had a great name, an
empty title, but no fortune.
Notwithstanding this, the Duchess
and the General, long bound toc,creth
ei by the tics of friendship, had ac
tually agreed to unite their two chil
dren in marriage.
Of this determination, however;
they soon repented. While Matilda
and Napoleon gave themselves Lip to
the sweet charm of mutual affection,
the-Duchess and the general, alarmed
for the safety of their children,-and
a little also, for Weir . own, played a
scene of high comedy.
" If my daughter," said the Gen
eral, " marrles that poor devil, Na
poleon, adieu to luxury and pleas
"If my son,". soliloquized. the
Duchess, "should Red a girl and'not
a fortune, hoir .could =we restore the
lustre of the noble house' ofe:-..--? '
The , General, therefore sought to '
wean Matilda from-her lover, and the
Duchess exerted herself to'divert Na. tio:dean from thinking of Matild4.
But neither. could succeed. Napole,
on and 'Matilda loved too sincerely,
too 'devotedly, to fall an . easy prey
to. the srires spread out to entrap
their youth and ; inexperience.
. Linable to disunite them, the Gen-;
eral and the Duchess insisted upon
the departure otcliapoleini, and on
his absenting himsell' for a while from
Paris. - They•toid him that the small
ness of- their fortune i.cquired it. It
was'indispensable for h' to acquire
a position in , the world. The Mini
stry - had just offered to provide him,
with a place, as secretary o some '
foreign embassy. Should h refuse
\ \
to go be would shut outtimsel from
a brilliant career. He must ac m-.
plish this sacrifice, were 'it but for
Matilda's sake, as her future welfaii,
depended' upon it; and he was to be
come responsible for her happiness.
Napoleon at length unwillingly.con
sented. .
He saw M'atildA for a bit time;
. he
told her of his departure. 'A cry - of
agony . burst from the young girl's
bosom. In vain did Napoleon ac
quaint her
,with his projects ; in vain
did he endeavor to comfort by point-,
hill' out, a speedy- return, a •whole,l
lire of love, happiness and wealth!
Matilda still remained inconsolable..
Ji 'dark - foreboding prevented her
froth\ believing the false promises of
an uncertain futurity. What could
she gain, in. exchange for hapPiness
which, at, present, was theirs, and
which-they,were about. to sacrifice to
their duty ? \Sliefelt that her golden
dri.Ani was over.-that it was fading
away from her Sight.
Napoleon took her hand in his,
covering it with `tears and kisses.
" Remember," said\he," remembe r .
that thou betr othed, and that
this hand is mine,' forever. mine."
. Saying which he puts, ruby ring
On her finger.
" It is my mother's," murmured he.
Matilda could only answer hypress
ing the ring to her lips, then \ fell
fainting and desolate upon aco h.
Napoleon departed. His absence
facilitated 'the projects of the par
The General then made an appeal
to. Matilda's devoted heart ; he exag
gerated his poverty- - he invented a
tale about debts and ennagements
which he would not be able to meet ;
he pointer] out to her the horrors
which would surround his miserable
old age, beggared and dishonored;
he: even hinted to her that it would
be better to cut short his troubled
life. She alone had power to save
him—she must forget Napoleon and
wed the Count,de —, whose hand
some and manly face, whose- noble
soul she well must know how to ap
A little selfishness and Matilda
would have been fiaved but it is the
weakness of, elevated minds not to
shrink from sacrifices. Matilda, in
despair. threw herself in her father's
arms and promiso all. He blessed
and thanked her for her devotion.
He was yet speaking when Matil
da had_left the room, unable longer
to control her overcharged feelings.
exhausted with the. struggle,
she hastened to her apartment, and,
sinking on a seat, gave way to a flood
of silent but bitter team.
' Plow, flow .cruel , tears! Weep,
thou noble creature upon thy dreams
so bright, so short-lived! Happiness,
alas! was never made for Fsouls like
thine! • _
The banns were published, and on
the lOth' of January, the
church of St. Thomas d'Aquinus,
Matilda was wedded to the Count de
—. The General's face was radi
ant with satisfaction.
AL the moment of the nuptial , bles
sing, when the bridegroom -plit on
the finger of the bride the ring...sym
bolic link of .the. chain that unites
them—instead of giving ber left,
hand, as is the custom, Matilda sud
denly passed to the Count's :right
'and gave him, her;right band. , The
Count was about to make an obser.
vation and take, herband, bit Matil
da dreir it back again and' eitended
to' him her' right band, lowering her
eyes; but with that air of- firmness
and determination which is not to be ,
mistaken. - The Count saw it . at once
.ati& fearing ; n scene did. not. insist,
but put- the ring- on the right hand
which, Matilda still held out to him.
The tinintWei of a jealous nature,
as jealous as' Othello.A fatal Susi:
pielon. bad ,- taken:.pdAaession of his
mind . .. The ring which Matilda
L o . n her len band gave him : much
easiness.. He • told Matilda that he
'looked - ' aversion
begged' of her to 'Wear it no
Matilda replied: that she 'would. never
be separated : from , it, giving , her an
swer with
_much sweetness, but with
the same •determined air which she
had shown at her wedding.' "
From - that: Lillie; that which --hal
prevlonsly - Oviii been a. sipipioo6 in
the= Count's` mind; became' a certain...
ty.: He .determined: upon being re-,
, venged; but . d issemtdedl , bie feelings
and pnrposee..'. 'A system, of surveil
lance was organized around. Matilda.
Scion there came 'a letter froin Napo-,
ieon.i The peer ycinth, ignerant of
Matilda's sacrifice and the ruin of his
dearest hopes,epoke of, his love, of
his future happiness, of their speedy
_lie reminded. Matilda
that her hand belonged to, him, and
requested her. to look often upon the
ruby. of his mother's ring whilst
thinking of him. He concluded by
announcing a happy tiding. •He was
charged-by - his Ambassador to be the
dearer of important dispatches to
Paris. Before a month was over he
would again,see his beloved Matilda,
This letter was put into the Count 's
hands. He saw through all. He.
went to Matilda's apartment with the :
.open, letter in his hand, and handing
it to her, said coolly :
"I can imagine your scruples, but
why did you. not explain yourself
sooner? You have sworn that.your
hand will belong only to. Very
well,! As soon as he: arrives I shall
take it . upon myself to make your
promise good," added he, with n fright
ful smile. .
Matilila did not even shudder-L.
she seemed to have nothing- more to
ear upon'earth.•
In 'a short time Napoleon re,
.0 Paris; but he was very in eh al.
tered. Prier and despair had preyed
upon his heart-, fur he had. heard of
s misfortune.
The day after his arrival a smi
ebony hex was preSente.l to him,
which had been.brought by a setvant,
in, livery. He opened it. His hor
ror and his anguish might more easi
ly be imagined than described. Tlpt
casket contained a bloody haled—the
hand of a woman—MATILDA/8 HA ND !
On sa paper stained with blood, he
read these words: -" So does : the.
Countess de keep her . word:"
Roaring with- rage and. indignation,
lie took his pistols and ' flew to the
Count's house.
Thc Count and Matilda had disap
peared during the night, a few•hours
after the bloody' deed, and no one
knew whence they had gone.
-• On the night Napoleon had recog
nized' his mother's ring '.on the
doctor's - chain; be had ,gone to that
ball because a secret I presentiment
I had urged him thither. .
The next day Dr. Lisfrane 4nd his
atitagnist met in the wood Of Vin
cennes. The doctor reeeifed a severe .
wound elow the, armpit. He lay
long in danger, but; hopes were enter
tained for 7very. Before, leaving
his adversar3 the .doctor reated to
him the incident's ,of
. that cruel night
on which lie ha been compelled to
commit a crime ft 1 the . sake of hu
manity. -
" However,", addeck he " Matilda
could not have sufferemuch, a sub
lime exultation sustain d .her. cour
age, and I am'suie she w ,a happy in
her - Suffering, in - the thon ,, lit that'
her hand, at least, would. be , turned
to you. and. when it, was ver . I'
heard a.gentle voice murmuring rom
behind. the curtain that hid her f om
my' sight: ' Tell him, I beseech 37,01.,
- that my heart wilt - -go toward him\
even as my hand.' had it not been
for the ring, I could not havefulfilled,
her wish." .
FOR the band of a young. lady you may
ecome a sniior, if you suit 'er.-
A wtsE man will never lift a lid off the
stove with his fingers more than once.—
Ilackensitek Republican.
ONE of the saddest-and most vexatious
trialsri that comes t..) a girl when' she mar
ilea is that she has to discharge her moth
er mid dePcnd upon a hired &I.—Hawk
ey. \ ,
,_ ..
GnAIT is Lome-Sick.—Ex. 2 You're a
nice newspaper, you are. Grant hasn't
been hornel'or nearly two years. and hasn't
been sick in \ ever Co long.- Homo-sick !
Danbury .Yelh.
A coc:vrnv negro recently sent a reply
to an invitation, 'in which he •' regretted
that circumstance's \ repugnant to the ac
quiescence would prevent his acceptance
of the invite."
. A MAN who - was tiric ug-1.10 a day su
perintending a Nevada \ gold-mine has
given np his position and \come to New
York, where ho is trying toet appointed
janitor of a bank.—Graphie.
Bolin dentista assert that e ight children
out of tin inherit the father's teeth, not
the mother's. But since dentists rim my-,
er invited in to hear the Will _read, \why
should they know 'anything about t?—
Albany Keening Journal'. .
A WAN° solo, not - so lend as to be disc-,
greeable, audience an opportu
nity to talk at a concert., Managers gen
erally put three or 'four of them on a pro
gramme.—New Orieant Pfeayurie,
TUE canvass cost Ben Butler $2OO ,000.
That Man would have - purchased live or
six hundred pianos for the poor, laboring
men whom ho said had just as much right.
to pianos as rich mem--FITS Press.
GENERAL Ilitioxga says he never saw .a
pretty; girl , in Europe who *as not an
American; and now we are willing to ad
rift that there was a battle on Lookout
Mountain, and a tthmend,onslibig battle,
too..—Briffale Baprers. k, ,
. Ws:notice a poem:in the Hudson Regis
ter' entitled, " What , Art Thou Doing
With Thy Lite?" The question is"evi
"dent one of policy.
The Ming passion : One of the mem
bers of our Albany base-ball nine has joio
ed a singing class, so as to learn to pitch
his voiee.:.--eithaay.Ereniap Jaurnai.
"Yri," said a lawyer who was lagdefend
a a murderer. "the prisoner, at the bar"
-will prove an : alibi: Gentlemen, we shall
prove that :Id. Murdered man, wasn't
:.there."—Bench and Bar. ,
"WHAT aro these lxiils . geol. for, doc
tor? ',can't understand. What blessing
they represent,P" "Alx; my'dear fellow,
they are but taxes upon some one of your
* J uly - sins." " Well, I'd • rather study
syntax from some other teacher."— Yea
kers Gazelle. - ' - •
Bleep, my babe, my darling, Bleep and rat;
Warmly folded tc} my breast.
Though - theilicht. - wind blows,
: - Atal, the. still. White snows • .
Pill the robin's empty nest,
Sleep, my babe, my darling, sleep and rest:
Genito,altimber parts thy dewy_ month ;
Far away to bloomy South
I.lttle robin red
Trllle and turns his head
But thy soars al sweet. little dewy mouth,
Warm thy nest as robin's in. the South.
This ciaket with Choice Men spread,
Coutalus is Mortal . doubly dead— ,
He died lu the esteem of men,
And yestentny he died again.
0. lightly holy thy gold and gem
, Some one at last will are for them ;
But keep thy fame In thine own trust,
And with thy deeds perfume thy dust
Ffeleher Bates fa CourWpaftostaltst.
iojit:iirjeltiiiiiirlWs 6;0 Oil
There are. very many men of the
present generation who learn to leave
home and the cares of active business
life to spend",a few weeks as .a vaca
tion, upon the banks of some trout,
stream in a wilderness, or beside
some inland lake, or at some popular
watering place. The camping party
that I am about to write about num
bored six men and a small boy, about
eight years of age, and a dog. One
of the party was a Catholic priest,
one a lawyer, one a bOok-keeper; one
a _gentleman of ease - and three clerks..
The lawyer - was - a
-good singer, the
priest u good story-teller, the .book
keeper the best man the state of
Pennsylvania to build and care for a
camp. - The gentleman of ease was of
very slight build, with dark eyes and
hair, and to look, at him one would
judge him incapable of muck endur
ance. T_ he} party left Bradford county
in the middle of August, 187 . 6; , for
the Wilds of Sullivan county.
When they. -arrived at the coal
mines near 'LaPorte they tried to
hire a mule team to' carrt them and
their baggage to Dryfoose near Long
Pond ; being unable to. do so, they
took their traps upon their backs
and upon a stretcher,_ and marched
forward. They bad about . seventy
pounds burden to each man. The
prieit and the gentleman
. of ease car
ried the-.bedding and a bushel or
more of potatoes upon two - poles
arranged so; they walked .between
them after the style of carrying the
wounded or dead off a battle field..
On they plodded over fallen trees,;
rotten logs and innumerable sand-(
stones and rocks higher than a man's.
head in many :places; their jianrttey
was a - hard one, much more so as
they left the road and went.through
the wilderness for the purpose of
shortening the distance. To add to
their troubles, perplexity and_hard ,
- ship, they came upon a laural swamp.
They attempted to gO around it at . _
first, but found, it so far they ;con-
eludedto go through at all hathrds.
The sun . was getting low . and they
were all muqh wearied, but the book
keeper. was s A powerful man and on
the lead . , inviting his companions to
follow, telling them it was not far to
the trout stream after they had once
passed the.syrainr.
"That may be true," replied the,
lawyer, "but-these laurels are mighty
thick and the: water- and treacherous
bogs .miglity insecure footing; 1 have
my doubts about getting thro4h at.
" Comb on, come on," . the leader
called out, and in they went.
had not gone fifty rods before every
man's feet were soaking. wet, and all
obliged to halt and rest. The bushes
were thorny, crooked and so infer
•nally thick that progress was almost
impossible two.rods hi any other di
rection. They labored,* sweat and
swore, and sipped at their spiritual
canteen, for two hours or more and .
finally with numerous scratches and
tattered, garments the ' leader- cried
out: " hank fortune,Ve are thrbagh
at last." • .
A vote was taken:and it.yras unan
iaions that a fire should be built and
campOrranged for the night. A
h arty lunch was dispose of and
;while. a cheerful fire was still blazing
all feasleep. \ The - priest4alked in.
his sh_ pof his flock who • were in
comfortable beds achome. The law
yer had th .nightnitire and came near
ilying,beca se be could not open his
mouth before jury in aOimportint
niuriler case. be book-keeper had -
SO much troubwitha column ,of
figures that. be wo e up a.dozen times
inside of two hen . to find-Afimself
only afflicted with a\dream, Caused
by the presence in histomaat• - of a,
bologna •sausage. At.idnight the
m xi
dog came into camp with very hair
bristling, his, eyes shining ike fire•
bails - , trying to bark with hid.' teeth
grinding together. Ms grolikand
antics, awakened the restless sluniber
ers.s •• ,
-"Something is up you can bet,'i
the bOok-keeper said : " that:dog. is
not early frightened, and, when _he - is
4.-6 exorcise d -that he can't open, his
mouth to bark; and his'. hair stand's
forward like a porcuPine g s quills, he
has surely seen something largerand'
,more- terrible than a polecat.
The fire was'poked up andefforts
made to get the canine to . go - out
around - and hunt :up •the
. object that
,had causgsi him so much nervousness.
Nothing could induce the dog to
leave the camp, however and -none
of the party thought it advisable to
go- far \ from the fire - .fearing.a bear,
catamount or wildcat might pounce
upon in the . darkness. The
watchful '`cur continued . to be - very
restless, find\o6 coaxing or petting
seemed t 6 relieve him. : -The hair On'
his back stuck "up like bristles. .The
patty listened add finally concluded
to lop down and tIT . to sleep, again.
• A
drizzling; rain no* set in and the
chunks OflOga that were giving some
light began to sputter . and 'sing, - tiU
1 -
finally, it became.' quite- dark.. The
campers' were nearly all soundly em
.braced iff. the 'arms of . *in.pheus
'when they were suddenly- brotight to,
their feet by, onebf the most piercing
cries often heard. The' ,book-keeper
caught up his rifle and placed him-
Self in the :attitude - of defense, the
other members Of " the
,Parfy, who had.
weapons : prepared tAgell their lives
dearly. Nothing - could
,• be Seen
though the fire : bid beep_ rekindled.
They. waited to hear the scream - ref
Peated., It was not long before there
. . .
81.50 per Annum In Advance.
came•a cry the same as the first but
a 'little further away. . : The priest
gare• it as his opinion "that' there
was a woman lost ii;nd thit she was
crying for helix" 'The lawyer advised
that the book-keeper •should fire his
'gun to let the lady know. , that' her
scream was heard and ,that • friends
were. near. The woods rung - with
the crack of the heavy loaded
army rifle. and in a moment there
came again a similar piercing cry,
like that of a women, still further
away: Several times the pieee Was
discharged, always replied to by the
startling- scream. It` was
to go in search of the lady when day
light came. A new fire was built of
pine knOts andseasoned maple limbs
and for the third time the party lay
down and sleep. When.they
awoke the sun was up and_ the ; storm
clouds had passed away. . _ '
While breakfait was being prepar
ed by the book-keeper-and the lawyer
the gentleman of - ease thought he
woeld look about the camp and try
and ascertain, if possible their where
abouts.'• - With compass in hand and
one eye upon the sun he walked up a
little rise of ground and planted_his
feet upon a rock - , and arrived at a
conclusion that the compass must be
'Wrong and the sun was rising in the
west. He was reported at head
quarters. A hearty laugh was had
at the gentleman's conclusibri,during
breakfast hour. The company pack
ed up acid were about to start for the
final camping greund; when the book
keeper made the disagreeable dis
covery that they were not fcirtfrods
from where they entered the swamp the
day before. At first sotne of the
'sportsmen swore a little, then laugh
ed' faintly, but finally had a jelly
time over the funny turn things had
taken generally.
"What is to be done 'about the
lost woman," - the priest enquired.
"I think we should try and find
ourselves," added the gentleman o
"How does the sun rise now my
hearty ?" continued the hook-keeper.
"In - the west, be 'ad, and the
point of the compass Js, ,turned to
the south, ' that'si whays the -matter
with Hannah," he replied.
"I think roar head is more turned
than anything else," the book-keeper
•L• "None of your nonsense, boys; but
proceed ; maybe we will find the lost
- woman on our way," said the priest.
By looking about a little while a
cow path was found ; . they took this
in Indian file and went oh their way
singing and chatting. In four or five
hours they reached a fine stream that
looked as if it might be a good place
for angling. A nice cabin was built'
and arrangements made for a few
days' halt. .'
_ The lawyer was the best fly fisher
man in the party ; he and the book
keeper's boy went down the creek
for about a mile • and found the re-'
mains of an old saw milk The water,
ran under some old timbers and fell
some eight feet;whirling.and boiling,
causing the surface of the stream, to
look like sea foam. '
"If -there is a trout in this world,
there is one here," the angler re
As he finished the sentence, a hand
was laid upon his shoulder, and he
looked around and beheld a curious
looking back-woodsman. with a rifle
on' his shoulder ) , who said:
" We-el ne-ow, stranger, you' are
bout rite onter your konklusion, there
are trout-enter this erer'stream'as is
trout. - You better cackerlate onter
a strike that will snap that air whip
stalk of a fishin' rod o' vourn in two,
quicker nor a streak o; lightnin% I
have seed fish poles, morn four times
as large as yourn broke into smithe
reens - by one of them air • speckled
beauties, more times than you hay
fingers nor toes, - I hey."
" Your remarks pleaSe me very
*much, as I came into: the woods for
a fcYr days' sport, and though I have
seen - but little fun so far, I hope to
-more than - realize my expectations
along this stream."
" . You can bet onter fun if that old
pole4orakin' sinner ever grabs your
bait Wall, straugei, what is that ar
fly ,lookin'l thing onter your line?
You don't . eackerlate tu ketch fish
with that air, do you?"
" Oh, yes, this is a gay deceiver; it
is made , to resemble a fly, and when '
it is cast upon the water and skipped
along, the trout rise and take-it. I
have several kinds you see in this
book, when the fish rause one I try
another." - . • :
" Jes so, jes so, I rather think I'll
stay a minute and see how you man;
age your new fangled notions."
The lawyer walked cautiously down
to the stream and waded in a short
distance and cast his fly a few Limes
to wet the line. While he wag doing
_so a terrible splashing was heard in
the--riff just below him:,'
h" There the kuss is now, stranger,
e'll weigh more nor four' pouns, jes
drop your' machine down there and
see - he'll take hold on it."
. Th line ran out and the flys struck
the riff e, but no noise. Again the
line was'east and quick as . • ',_lit
the click t.,el fairly buzzed. f- . ..- .
• .- , .
"I gad, "you've got him, he' -a
spinner to be sartin ;. you standa tut
as much show of holdin' on him as I
would an eliphan by - thcstail.".
The angler was oo much excited
to speak ; he held the- line taught,
and down the stream \ the monster
swank The .fish-now' took a sudden
' run up stream and
,p within two
feet of the fisherman's legs. The line
could not be' reeled up fast el ough to
take up the slack and the hnnte cried
lout: .
"There 'egad you hey lost him.'
In an instant the trout jumped out s
of the deep hole just below the old'
' mill; down he went 'again and tried
hard to get under' the timbers; he
was prevented by careful manage
ment and after twenty minutes' hard
fighting he began Lo tire and was reeled
up to the 'angler - and safely landed.
The backwoodsman was much aston
ished at such a style of - fishing and
inquired who made "sich a rod as
that air," and wished to know who
made 'em. 'He .was informed that
Dr. Fowler of. Ithaca; .New -York,
manufactured_ tlic - tud, reel and flies,
and the silk line could be purchased
of the same gentleman. •
'S Now I du declare,l wouldn't hay
believed it that fish- has been Make_
ed , order'
,byf.a.doun differsit(*) In
Sullivan county and his'lewd must
be most night cut in pieces, azulyou I
came here with a .whip stalk and beat
'cm all. When I get ham - 'tell
my..nahers what ..11ntve seen and r -
cackerlati before another Bahia' Sea
son-a-died I'll &iv !Urn
air ids a`ntt taClain l ; - what mitiight
they cost, stranger?" -
" About 'thirty - dollars' all. com
plete," be wakinformed. I
"Thunder and blazes, ain't so
sure m i yiettint one after. al l, I wk.
erlate won't hardly pay. •
When the bo9k-keeper and boy re
turned to . camp they. astonished all
with the nice string of speckled beau
ties-. The large one weighed two -
pounds' and fourteen ounces. At
about midnight the party was awaken
ecl again by the terrible scream heard
the night before. The rifle was tired
and the- cry answered each discharge.
The dog seemed as ranch excited as •
on the previous occasion, and could
not be .persuadedlo leave the camp
fire. The backwoodsman, who stayed
over night, said "he thought the
thing was a painter (panther).: Yon
know," he continued, " them anamils
cry sum times jis like a woman in
distress ; I hey heard them screech
lots o' times, and . hey tried to find ,
them; bat they allns keeps jis so, fur .
off all the time."
NVMI3E'R 40.
In tin* days the priest. and We'
gentleman of ease were taken with
honie-sickness. They took the dog
and- started for Tong Pond where
they expected to remain all night at
Dryfoose's Hotel, and from there
take a mule conveyance to the coal
Mines and thence go by rail to To
wanda. Two days after they &part
ed the dog returned to camp almost
starved to death. The animal acted
so strangely, the campers became
much alarm - ed for their friends safe
ty. The book-keeper- made up his
mind to go hi search of them. In five
hours'_ hard marchinc , he reached
Dryfoose's learned' that the two-
men reached there in safety but had
a terrible hard time of it. They bac).
lost their way and the priest had laid
down to die of despair and fatigue.
His companion being of a jolly turn
of mind began to sing a comical
song, which attracted the attention
of a man with
_a mule and cart near
by; into - this, the weary men tumbled
and were. landed more dead than
alive at the celebrated hummer resort
in the wilds of Sulliv,an county.
In due time all returned to their
hoines satisfied that camping out in
a wilderness is more work than fun.
From my own experience in the.
woods I. have arrived at "some con
clusions that I deem wholesome and
sensible. A man who never does
any kind of • work, And- has no kind
of - business that produces wear and
tear upon his - nervous system, might
be benefited - by - going into a wilder
ness and tramp and live on odds and
ends for a week or two each -year
(as - -a punishment). No man who,
wishes rest and pleas= • will be fool
enough to go, however. A nice water
ing-place, with all the modern hotel ae
commodations, is the place tospend
one's vacation. If a man loves ang-
Hug, let him take -the cars and
,go to
some stream or lake and keep within
the pale of civilization and near
enough to a first-clam hotel where he
can eat, drink and sleep as a Chris"-
tian ought. , M. B.
Among all the beasts of the field
none is so greatly demoralized as_ the
cow. The mute is willfully obstinate,
the street car horse viciously refuses
to grow fat, and the chimpanzes per
sistently and maliciously dies of con-
sumption: But the cow, most inti
mately- linked with all that is pasto
ral and r lovely, degenerates into a
consumer of swill and 'a distiller of
lacteal poison. , Children of former
Jays sang song 4 about the sweetness
and purity of the cow's breath. The
breath of a distillery-fed cow of to
day is enough to knock a child down.
The old nursery ditty said, "All parts
of the cow are good for butter, for
leathei, for tallow, for food." ' But
ncibody_ wants beef from the distillery
cow, and as for butter her milk will
not make an article that is fit to' eat.
Without energy enough to kick over
a milk pail the poor cow stands pa
liently in the mire of her dimly-light
ed stable, imbibing her regular repast
of swill and humbly waiting the hand
of the milker. The lonely stump of
her abbreviated tail is at once a re
minder of better days and an indica
tion-that those days will never more
return. As. to the cows which supply
our city, cleanest of all the cities on
this continent, with pure milk, every
body knows that they are models of
health and -cleanliness. But - our sis
ter cities groan over the demoraliza
tion of their cow sopply, and it is
from the suburb of one. of them that
we are dosed with the" latest stories
of the horrors -of th "milky way.
This suburb, singularly enough,. is
called ‘_‘ Blissville," as if in deris ion
of the state of its cows. To pass
hastily over a disagreeable subject, it
is well to come right to the - leading
fact in the case, which is that the
whole party of cows at- Blissville are
now in a sort of a cow-quarantine
and that their milk is adjudged so
had that- people Must not be fed on
From the sorrows of Blissville we
turn with delight to the mountain
slopes of Venezuela. Yankee ingenii- -
0 generally provides , s us with what 7 .l
we want, but South America is this
time ahead of the Yankees. -Venezu
.ela has a milk tree, - a sort - of a sea-.
tionary cow, which will neither kick,
eat swill, nor lose teeth, eyes or - tail.
Humboldt saw these trees and drank
their milk. Modern South Americani
milk the trees_ as regularly as if each
tree were a cow, and far better
result bhemical analysis shows the
fluid yielded by these vegetable cows
to contain fatty- matters, caseine and
phosphates- '
in a wqrsl -to be much
such a fluid as milk ought v 'to be. •
the name of Ephraim .
Hazletine wrote to a down-town book-sel
ler as fcillows : "Dere sur : "if yew hey
gut a book called 'Daniel Webster' on a
bridge, please send me a copy by- Pyser's
express c. o. d.—i want to git it termorrer
if i kin, cans my spelin techer says i
oughtet hey IL"
AN appreciative mind can throw a
world of pathos into a very ordinary state
'ment. " Yes," said she, leaning over the
fence, 'in communion with a 'neighbor,
"she is dead." She died just as she got
torn up to clean house. It is terrible."
Tun Nation thinks - that apart of "the
Ilk ,
drill Orrery girl's school oag to be the
reception, by a wife in an - old n, to a
dinner otoorned beef and cab 'of an
unlooked-for, gue s t ; thoughtlessly brought
home by a reeldess husband. • -
"TALE aboet \ tt crtiitade," said the old
salt. "bat when `a yessera bound for Da
vy Jones' locker, ands fore-an'-aftergoes
to her relief and tows the old bulk safely
into port, that's the twit of a crow's aid.
I'm shoutin' for." \ -
Our in Nebraska, whelk two good m'n
want the same, the cauctta,decides in fa
vor of the one who_ has' a door•plate on
his front door. —Detroit Fro Press.