Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 27, 1879, Image 3

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    radfor Nepattr.
Town*, Pi., Mufti: ay, Feb. 27,1879.
Towanda: Jan. la, 1877.
•,„ •
The Post Masters at Troy, Canton, East
S, rithfield and Athcns, will remit subscrip
tions for the REPOILTEIf, by 'money order,
at our expense.
LOOKING around for cheaper rents is
the order of the day, among ttiiinet'is men
and house-holders.
Tut interior or the Methodist Church
ae Troy, im'to belfrescoee"in'_.haildsoine
style," the Gazet6 says.
- Tai: North German Fire Insurance
Company has established tut agency in
Towanda, with Wm. S. VilicENT.
TILE Tunkhannock Democrat claim§ the
belt for STEPHEN WEED, of, Overfield
township, who has shot 107 foxes since
- -
A 'MEETING was held at Canton - .lln Sat
tu-day evenhig last, for the purpose of
taking steps toward the re-buildiug of the
hotel. at Miuuequa.
THE Supreme COUrt will sit in Phila
delphia on March 10th to hear cases from
Luzerno, *yorning; Susquehanna and
Wyoming Counties.
Tits Troy G(i4 says •application has
been made for an act of incorporation for
a hotel company at Minnequa to put up
and maintain' a hotel at the Springs
• - I
J Actin r AUG ITT men near. OWego,
'on Mouday,:the 17th inst., aged 10:1!ycars
and 22 days, Ho was the oldest man in
New York State, if not in the. country.
AN Old Folks' Concert was hold at
Canton, recently, under the direction of
G Dinsc., - at which the ope
retta of ""Barney's Courtship" was pre
TITE ladies of the Universalist-Society
will•.hold a sociable on Friday 'evening,
March 4th. at the residence of J. M. COI,
LINS.. A pleasant time is anticipated. All
are invited.
• GEotur, W. lilonsE has been re-appoint.
ed Postmaster :it Athens. A. goad ap-.
pointment bestowed upon a faitbful and
efficient ofticeri wbo wasa brave and suf
IT is perhaps unnecessary for us to in
form our readers that Snow has fallen ev
ery day during the past week, and that
Tuesday- last was the " most tedious „
Jay of the present winter.
ALFRED 11ALniviN, of' Monti.(ise,.
was and dead in her bed on Monday
morning last, having died sometime dur
ing ihe night. She was in her usual health
Sunday evening when she retired.
PowELI. & Co. will remove the first of
11 pi it to the TRACI' block. Two store s
(No. sand 5), will be fitted Up. to receive
tiv it extensive stock, and to accommo
date their large and increasing business.
Councu of the mcssizth (Infivem-aist.),.
lh,v. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Pastnv. At 10
o'clock A. Sunday, "The Peace Mak
cxs ; Who ate They ?" At 7 o'clock
"The 1:: : ;es of Adversity." Strangers
'Tut: season of Lent has commenced,
and special services will be held in Christ
l'heu•ch (Episcopal) on Tuesday afternoon
:I , half-past - four, and on Thursday even
ing, at seven. The second Sunday service
Las been changed to four o'clock.
Ilev. W. it. DANI.OLS, in Iris " Ills
tory ('.f the Great Reformers," says Mr.
111111 Mrs. WISLON; who accompany FRAN-
C:s Munnny in his temp4ance . theetings,
are perhaps the Most:effecitive gospel sing
ers in the World.
Tnr. Catholic Fair, held in this 'place
last week, netted the snuff sum of .617
S:1,003. The gold chain was voted to 31ilis
MAitv ANN EAGAN ; the
b rag carpet was'
drawn by Juste. Mom?, and the silver
pited bridles by Davin FOLEY.
Tut: Northern Central It. It. Depot. a
Canton, Ras burglarized on the night of
ilie - llith. A watch and chain belonging
t,, Mr. Ci.rnr. I INV3IAIC, the telegraph op: ,
erator, was-taken, and the books of the
e •iiipany scattered about rather promis
cuourly. '
friends of Rcv. Mr. MeSPLsTE.u,
er Athens, gipte hint • - thination'" at the
Woblen Mills' voice on
Vtvdnesday evening of last week..A large
owd was in.pttendance, and the ;Bever
cited gentleinin's worldly wealth 'teas in.
c:eased 35.50.•
I. l'AuX wav elected Overseer of the
Poor, in Athens borough, on Ttiesday
last, making 2 years of continued E'er
ice,- wjth . , the exception of one year,
shows lmWt" the people of tha. place
apporiate the services of an honeSt- and
r.tvable man:
understand that dates 111La.crAtt
.1N F., Eq., will hereafter represent the
iluce Cual Companies- .ts their
t.ales-agent in the Western .Statds, Cana
da. and tide water market, ineliding the
Nev.: England States. Ills oflico will be
in Ccluing, N. T.
31n. M. E. Lit.t.rx has been appointed
and confirmed• .as Notary Public for
Canton. Mr. "'ALLEY has also been—elect
ed Superintendent?f• the 31. E. Sunday
School, in. place ofl . Mr. W. D. tYLER,
wk . ° goes to Altoona to beSuperintendeut
of the Logan House.
A FIFIE at Canton on Sunday trorning
tst, damaged the store of A. V. TROUT
to the extent of $2,000, on which there is
;01 insurance of $5OO. • This is the ;third:
time that Mr. TROUT hai met with: serii
ons toss by fire, since becoming a reaident
of Canton, some ten years ago. s•
MRS. BRINK, mother of Mrs. A:j. lav-
ToN, wit.; very severely injured 'by the
overturning of a wagon in which she was
ritlingc, on Saturday morning last. he
accident happened in Iliyalusing town
ship, on the road loading from Camptown
to Itummerfiuld.
- A Finn on Friday night (Jostled a.
building at Roaring, Branch, own d by
l'ostEttor Brothers,. of Troy. Tie, lower
Part was occupied aS.3 grocery store, kept
by .43'. 11. The second story was
used as a cabinet paint shop. There was
au insurance on the grocery store, but
none on the cabinet furniture.
PUDIC tbo tirstrof thetitoriiii of January
to the 15th of February, there were ship.
ped 'from the depot at Troy,' 07,112
pounds of butter.- There were 800 tons
shipped frOnfthe same point during the
year 1870. 20;500 pounds were sent from
there to New York on - Monday of last
week. • ;
IN the Court-Proceedings it will be Seen
that JAMES CODDINO has been admit
ted to practice as an Attorney in the sev
eral Courts of this County. Mr. COD.
DINO'S reputation as-Rik intelligent, 'active
busiiiess man, 'is already established, "and
we have no doubt he will make an honor
able name in the new career , ho laa cho
TIIE reason that the Court Proceedings
did not rnako their . appearance in the RE.
PORTER last week, was owing entirely to
carelessness on the part of the person who
"made up" the forms—which person is
ho who presides over this department.
We say this in justice to Mr. J. W. COn•
DINO . , who writes the report for us, and
who is careful to make it full and corn : .
prehensivo.' We owe Jens the apology,
and make it.
E. B.Paßsoris, says the Gazette, has
succeeded . getting a charter for the
Troy Water Compady, and probably
something will be doge toward supplying
our town with water;the coming season.
The only question i; about a 'sufficient
head to throw the water high enough to
dispense with the need of a tire' engine in
ordinary fires or to carry the water to an
upper story of'any building in town.
IN the.third story of TRACYNont,ts'
block, Main street, is located ta • billiard
room, rumor
,says owned and conducted
by a number of young men of our village.
Are those young men aware that the
keeping of said room open on the Sabbath
is contrary to law 1) We judge not, as the
click of the, balls was plainly to•te heard
on Sunday evening last. The parents of
those youths will do well to make a note
of this item, las the ground work for a fu
ture interview with their offspring.
MIO3. JULIA A.. cLEVELIND, of gouth -
port, ST. Y., widow of the late WII.LIIOI
CLI:VttLA ND, died at her residence, in
Southport, 'llitirsday laq, in the-12d year
of her age. Slid was the mother of ;Mrs.
A. G. Mouse, of Ulster, and is spoken of
r i
by th se who know her well as a woman
in whist) daily walks there shone forth
the xi •lies of grate incident to' a long and
wet mit life, marked as it was by her
invariable consistency to do the will of
the Master. , •
DONATION.—The fri6nds of Rev. M. E.
Bramball n ill be pleased to make him a
donation visit at Ha Temperance House
of HAnnv 11.4:rtNET,,ESq., in Little Mead
ows, on:Wednesday afternoon and even
ing, March 161'9. The ample room and
spacious accommodations for all, with a
rich treat of instrumental music, will in
sure .a rare, time. Should the weather
prove unpropitious: on above . date, the
visit will be niade on the first favorable
date' following: A. warm welcome will
await cverybiody. COMMITTEE.
Tim third meeting of the Wyalusing
Teachers' Institute will be held at Camp
tovn, Saturd4y, March 1, 1879, cowmen
ciny at 10 o'clack A. M.
111001tA . SIME.
Reading, T, McPherson ; Mensuration
of Solids, Elliott ; Proportion, J. V.
Keeler ; Grammar, William Thompson.
Map Drawing, Susie Bump; Orthogra
phy, G. L. Black ; History.' Inez Smith ;
Wi iting, Sarah. E. Smith. Question Box.
All teacher's are invited.
By order of Committee:
—ln the proceedings of the Teachers' As,
sedation, Published in your Educational
Department this week, I am reported, as
saying that "a reduction in teachers'
,wages would enable the board to make
the nteessary arrangements." The point
which I intended to hake was this : "If
the 'necessary improvements were made,
it would resultin a further reduction of
teachers' Jwages.' My remarks were
based unOb those of a gentleman who pre
ceded rne and whose name is not men
tioned in the:proceedings. Had his sug
gestionsbeen noted, this correction. on
my part Would not - hate been necessary.
TnE fiftieth anniversary of the marriage
of Mr. am) Mrs. - JOSEPH 1). MONTANYF,
occurred on Tuesday, the '2sth inst., had
was made the occasion of a ‘l.lry r - pleasant
visit of a fe'w friends,. who met at their
"bouse to celebrate the Golden \ Wedding
and shot their regard for the venerable
couple w o have for half a century been
united \ in the bonds of matrimony. The
gathermi, was in the nature of a suipriSc;
and the-4 was in the shape of a welly
tilled containing sundry golden
coins freSh florn the C. S. Mint. After
partaking of \it bpuntiful supper, and
spending a delig \ htfill-evening, the assem
bled ViSitors separated, wishing re
spected. couple mu My years of -.wedded.
\ .
h appi nettS. \ •
.4- 1
A P.' ‘.. OF ACCIDEN.TS.—MO3. E. 0.
Goonntil i titnet with a -sev(4e accident by
falling on the\ice; near the N s Vard House,
Saturday, tincturing one of thoottes of
the left arm and dislocating the wrist.
—,lott'N lip.t . r.i - i track boss of \ that'
section Of the Pa....S: \ IT,. Y. R. R. be t a den
this place and Sugar 'Greek bridge. fell
near tlid American HouSe, ..ridge stree4,
- I
on Saturday evening last,"\ breaking one
of his legs in two places beliaw the . knee:
—Nearthe corner of Mainttlii Bridge
streets, I on Saturday evening \ , , „ \ a horse
drive' by a lad named EMANUEL :it)ASIS,
becanie frightened at noises made I:iy- a
party of boys on the sidewalk, and over
turned the cutter to which it was attach
ed, throwing young ADAMS out and break
ing his left arm in two places between the
elbow surd wrist. •
spondent writing from Waverly to the El-
Mira Gazette,.under the date of February
31st, says : "Yesterday, morning it was
discovered that Mrs. Join; C. CLARK, of
Factoryville, or,. East Waverly, as it is
called, had - committed suicide. As far as
it is known, it seems Mrs. CLAIIK visited
Waverly Saturday evening sornetime;anii
bought some poison. Sunday morning
she took the same, and before the family
fairly knew 'of the fact, she died in great
agony. She had been suffering severely
of late, and about two months ago a phy
sician pronounced it cancer in the stom
ach. 'Since then she has been very low
spirited _and subject to fits of melancholy.
It is now thought that while suffering
from one of 'these attacks, she became
desperate and took her own lifti. Mrs.
CLAnkleaves a husband and two daugh
tors to! mourn her death. Mr. CLans.'s
mother anagml 'lady, is so affected .by
the dea It of her daughter-in-law that it
is feare'd serious results may follow her
prostration. She is now lying in a very
critical state. Mrs. CLARK was an esti
mable lady, and beloved by all whO were
fortunate enough to enjoy her acquain
tance." , . _
IN .111 N llatts% tur•fJorittri.—Offleer
Buttes arrested and toolr.before4ustice
Youso on Tuesday evening hit, District
Attorney McPusasoN, p.E4itrYPINOTON,
and cIIAILLES BEIDLEZAN, mils charge of
fast driving in our streets. _After it hear
ing the -District Attorney waidisclarged,
on the ground, we . understind, that his
horse was not capable of exceeding the
statute limiting the speeding of hirries on
public • thoroughfares. to six miles per,
hour. Messrs. BUFFINGTON and BILIDLE..
MAN'S cases have not yet been diiipowl
of. As MAc wasahead 'Oho race, we sup
pose the other parties will of necessity be
THE Northern District Convention of
the I. 0. of G. T., in session at Ulster .
Tuesday and Wednesday of week,
was very largely attended, forty •lodgds
being tepresentod... The open session on
Tuesday evening was held in the thurch,
and short speeches wore made7by Messrs.
LET, and others. The church was crowded
to its utmost capacity, and all of the
speakers were listened to with marked at
tention. Notwithstanding the _large . at;
tendance of delegates and visitors,, the
good people of Ulster furnithed ample ac
coMmodations for all, " witholt money
and without ° price." The resolutions
presented to the Convention were not ac
led upon until Wednesday, and we are
there: foie unable to give them this week,
but i sball do so in our, next issue, togethdr
with a mos e'detailed account of the eutilo
Tun manwiers of the Bradford County
Agricultural Society met at the secreta-'
ry i 's office on Saturday 22d inst. The ob
ject a the meeting was to discuss the.
plan of purchasing land suitable for fair .
ground. Judge BENTLEY, of William
sport, wl.o owns the land now occupied
by the society, was present, and said he
would like to receive a proposition, and
that he wished to sell to the Society what
ever land was required=including the.
"grove if it was thought best to include
that. There twas a free expression of
Opinion as to price per acre, desirability
and usefulness of the grounds in que.4-
tion, but no definite action was taken,
the managers being, desirous of obtacning.
the views of all members of the society.
Another •meeting of the managers will
be held on Friday, March 7, at IQo'clock,
A.m., at the secretary's office. It would
not be out of place for any •perpons who
wc:c members last year, to be present at
that meeting, to give. expression to their
views on the subject, or if they cannot at
tend, to i write to the secretary. All com
munications on the Tabject-will be con
sidered by the Board of Managers. At
the next meeting an EXecutive Commit
tee will be.chomm and the premium list
will be 'revised. -
7 —Mr. and Mrs.,CLAMK'WILSON, of this
place, are to give an evening of song, at
the M..E. Church, Waverly, in March,
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So
of that Church._
—Mrs. G. H. Esim.L. of Canton, spent
Sunday last with her son, JOHN SPA
DING, in this village.
who figures in
the recent investigation of Rev. T.
DVAVITT TAI.MAGE'S mode of raising
Church debts, is Treasurer of TALMAGE'S
Church, and a brother of Rev. 31. HAND- ,
LIN, of Troy, this county.
-The late WILLIAM Mono.vs, of Troy,
had his life insured in the Southern Tier
Masonic Association of which he was one
of the directors. Ills family will receive
$2,600 from that source. A policy in the
Odd Fellows' Association was allowed to
lapse about six months ago.
—Asumed. ATKINSON, General SupCr
intendent of the Delaware and Hudson
Canal, died suddenly of heart disease a t
his residence in Honesdale . , Wayne Coun
ty, February 13th.
—Mr. IRVING PAI:, who has :for some
time-been employed in the ticket office at
Sayre, has accepted the situation of night
telegraph operator for the Southern Cen
tral Railroad at Owego.
CHAS, HOVEY, of Ithaca, N. Y:,
and -Mrs. Ilovgx, of Eayre, are
visiting at Mr. and Mrs. MESEREAU'S,
DADTT occupied the chair
at the, Good Templar's Convention in.l.7ls
ter, Tuesday and Wednesday last.
MAGGIE I4NOLE,R, of Williams.
port, is visiting relatives and friends in
this place.
F. GOODMAN, of -Sayre, AssiStant
Superintendent of the Pa. 'S,7, N. T.
has been appointed iby the Governor, and
confirmed by. the Senate, as a Notary
THE following is a list of officeraeleded
in, the, several Boroughs and Townships
.oethis County, February 18, 1879: "
Jude s o s of Election,-A I) Wilson.
1 usrectoni—Leathen A tol rem,. William Reynold?.
School 1 . /rectors—dames Henry,. C -1. Crandall.
High Constable—Wllllam Gott.
Constnide- . .c S Wils o n. e
It tirgeS-4.171n Montgomery.
A SS , SSOr ...1 Plilly ten.
Auditor—Pt Wtearned.
etmoril—C E Miller. Ira H Smith, G W Carmen,
G It Dewey, 0 F Young, G 11 Foal
Poor Poor Mindertll F Young, G 11 Webb.
, \
, . ' AUNIE.NIA \ TOWNSIHP.. ' . f
Judge o• Election-9 ItSherman.
inxmptors--W F. Desmond. Theodore Smith.
Sello.-1 Directors—NV 11 Porter, Goorgo Fields,
A' Rulrl lc.
Jostle. of the retie—Perry BroOka.
ronstalde--4harles F Lyons.
Road Commissioner—.t $ Yeomans,
As.u.ssorsJolin M Burnham,
wittor—S 1. Sherman.
' Tmworer—D 1) Alexander.
\ Town Clerk—C L Green.
Judge of Election—S S ()rushy.
- IM ‘ pectors—ll P Jnes, (John Teeter, John Mur
phy.tAis voter.
Z...h.4.1 Directors—W I. Lyon, J T Bested: ...
constatoe W L lilnyon. .f.
Root C)anmissioncr-11 W Wilcox.. , .
As,essorl r iames Terry.
' •
Auditor— a flakes. -
Tr.-;wirer I),Sterigere.
Town Clerk ' A Plummer. .
AST Lt3fs
Judge of Eleellfl Dwight Kellum.
\ InSpectors--It B h .rrlck, John Barrett.
`School Directom—i il Hagerman, Wilson Ker
ilea. . .
Cilmdahle—Corney De ker.
' Road Commissioner—ll jamin Kerrick.
At•RE.*r—tl C Chilson. '
r Audit hr—J A lionteL
1 Treasurer—l3 l.-Ilayht. •
Town Clerk—lC I' Jleody.
i \ . ATn i Ns Bonorc I. .
- Judge of Ele \
ction-4 B Beeves. -
Inspecior&—D\l' Tripp, A A Prince.
School Director — John McMaster. I) F Park.
Orerweers of Poor 71) F Park,.F T Page.
ConstAlde—il C - '
Academy Trust.
Assessor—P A 1
Bargees—F T P
_ .
Council—John King, dairies A Bristol., John
Bl4(ittugh. Jcoeph Hines* 1104: Park, G A Klnnoy.
High Constable-John .0 Monier.
Judge of Election—Daniel 8 Ch*ndler. •
Mpeetors—Charlea Borten. irr Lincoln.
Judge, of Election—J(4lu Duller.
incoretors—John I.linetick, (Truman iindaley,
B ?Middaugh, tie auto). - • \ •
Judger:if Election—(U A Reeves, 8 U Briggs, to
luspectora—John,Sheban, II W Thomas. •
TOWNSHIP or ntitas.
School Directors-0 H Morley, George Campbell
Constable-0, 0 Dibble.'
Itozd Comtntsslonnr —Job Gritriti. • - .
Assessor—Abram It unsiciter. • .
A udi tor—Jobta,o Morley. ~ .
Treasurer—N V Weller.
Town Clerk—U A Litnitterson.
. ~
Township Trustee—Seth J Morley. ,
Academy Trustee—Guy M Tozer.
Judge of Election—James Dalton. • • ,
inepeetore—Luwrenee HeeTey. B F Cropley.•
school Dlrerten—Themas Leonard, Petsjek
Lameey, Jerry Keefe. / .
Coustable—D J O'Brien. •
Road Comndaalonera—W J MULE, J W
Assessor-4 V iffeenied."
Anditor—Thomas Gaffey.
Treasneee—D W Seanlin,
Town Clerk—D O'Donovan.;
Judge of Eleettou—M C Neiman. ' • ',•
Inspeetrin—U Mesdolt Sturdenut.
School Director...B M OlekOrman. B Murdaeb.
Constable-8 K Itoss. -
• CoauclF-8 L Wright, 8 IL Dlekernemt. W. It
BrointiT - E Lent; • i • •
A4essor-01 U P 'Tram DO vain.
Auditor—C E Campbell. • • ' --
Town Clerk—Burgess Murdoch.
Overseers of Poor-0 0 Hlll, U Compton. 1
11178tinrrcin loWittutte..
Judge of Eloctlon—Thomaa S Baker.
InspectOrs—C U Jennings, Isaac Doll.
School Directorrli Tuttle. J D
\ 'Justice of the Peace—C D Campboll. , • •
Constable—A4.lllakeslos.' •
`BOad Commissioner—D 8 Lenox. I
Ailessor—John Robley re.
Auditor-8 K
Treasurer—Morris Wilcox. .
Town Clerk—A . .
• •
nt•ELtatwron WEST.
Judge of Klee:Hon—A' P Rockwell.
Inspectors—joit Darrow, 1.) W nockwell,
School Dlrector—John Blackwell. - •
Juitice of the Peace—J C Rockwell. -
Constable—hi C McKean.
Road Commissioner-811nm: 3111ce. ;
Assemor—A II McKean. •
Auditor-8 II Ballard.
Treasurer—lt U Ward.
Town Clerk—A C islackwell.
COLVIIINA .Towirantr.
' judge of Election—W II Harnett: '
I nspectort—E n Hastander. D II McClure.
School Directors—Dell Wolfe:Naltcr - Wilatel.
Justice of the Peace.—J H Calkins. •
Constable—Lyman McClure. ••,
Road Commissioner-0 0 Bosley." ,
Assessor--Morris Fairbanks.
• • Auditor—D B Sherman.
Treasurer—C E Colony. •
Town Clerk—F F Morgan.
Judge, of Election—Rufus Brown.
luspectors—W C Pierce. A T Owen.
ftchost Directors—Reed Hickok. Skooley
Justice °l i the Peace—W Linden.
Road Cotnottsal..ner—Shadeack
Assessor—U 0 Welsh.
Autlltoi—Leenard Lewis.
Treasurer—James A Bothwell.
CANTOS 11011.00011.
Judge of Election—Ell Rockwell. '
Inspeetora-0 F'KTISP. L II Wright
School Diryctore—J 0 Bullock, J L.Bothwell.
Overseers of Peon—W 'them Taber, Patrick „80.
Constable—V. Hart.
High ConstableUrfah Green.
Assessor—lt kt Hanley.
Auditor—John 'Vandyke.
Durgern—Jaines H Sh.w. '
Connell-11 S l)artt, F A Olerr, Leroy GMason.
111A - NICLIS TOWNS 11.11". •
Judgo of Election—G W Sickle,.
Inspectors—Msblon Allen.. Wesley Ahderson. .
School DlNctors—Theodore Jennings, J B John•
Jostle° of the Peace—E 0 Willey,
Mond Cgunntaillinee—Ablra Gay.
Absoutur—Steen McKee.
Auditor—Eo Willey.
Treasurer—lra Tininess. •
Town Clurk—T J
Judge or R Warren.
luzp R Care. L A.Kendall.
School DlrectorlL—S J Saxton, Biram
Constable—P.B Bailey.
Road Columbigloner—J L Woodln.
Assessor—Nachman Rost , .
Andltor—.Sylveiter Putnam. • .
Treasurer—lsaac Putnam.
Town Clerk—Delmer naxton.
Judge o(Eleetion—P L Stioires. -
I • Inspectors---T B Mitten, A H Struppler.
Scheel Directors—l) Neabit,ll
;Cm•stabte—p F Rodgers, • •
Road Conintissioners—C Faller, John Maher
:Assessor—fitllllant Harker.
Auditor—John Foyle.
Treasurer—W W Haywood.
Town Clerk—A E Turrell.
Judge of Eleetlon—N W Pierce.
imi.emors—T .1 Morrie. Elmer Mister.
Sehool Directors-1. 11.1 tuber, T. J. Morels. -
Constable-31 - B.Prentlce.
Overseers or Penr-1114 Ilallley, Leroy Coleman
Assessor—James .7d Burnham.
W brink.
High Constable—Beerge V Beecher.
Council—James It Johnson, 0 0 Carnet&
Judge of Election—B C Holcomb.
lnepectors—e A lioltiomb. II Hoagland.
School Illrectors—F S Wilcox. W 1l Holcomb
Justice of the Peace-11 A Holcomb.
C0'1,4.14.. 7 -1. A Wooster.
Road Commlnslonor—F. 0 Van Dike.
Assessor-8 Meeraney.
Auditor-11 W
Treasuro—W 11 WW'S.
Town Clerk-1N Holcomb.
liar r_LU roW3nttlt•.
Judge of Election—Wm Campbell.
liopectors—C ti JohustoM4ullus Cotton. •
School Directors—John II McKinney, John
Comdable—A Merl Carmer.
Howl Comm isgloner—Fred I' Cooper.
A:messor—lf F Johnson.
Auditor—henry Cooper. •
Trcasurer 7 4? 4,lladloc k,
Town Clerk—Levl Morse. -
1.1.. N HOE ToWNSIItr •
.Tt:4o Of EleetlOia—tolin F
Inspector —W A Kellogg It M
School Directors—lP A Wangonler, Isaac Mob
bins. -
.lus h.e of the Peaee—•Eton Wilcox..
Constab S
Bead Commissioner—C A Cummings
Assessor—Charles Scott.
Anditor—George Irvine•
Treasurer—A C Rockwell.
Town ; Clerk—Eugene Stevens.
MONROE 11011011 . 011.
Judge of Eleetion-E 11 Young.
Inspector.,-A R Owens, I' E Alden. •
' School Directors-0 11 Rockwell, L L - Lyon.
Burgess-J it Smith.
Colima 31 coolliaugh.
Counell-A. 1. Rockwell, John Dunfee, D
Sweet, 11 H Ingham, .f G Hornet, S C Nagleo.
A4sesor-11 11 Ingham.
A inlitur-(long Wont): V/Vowler.
Auditor-(short term) P/E Alden.
High Countable-Ni Chuhlitiek.
Overseers of the Puor,A-A L Cranmer, S C Nag
Judge of Electl,m-44 31 Beecher. '
lnspectort.-11 putties, E Y Boardman.
bch 101 Directs -O E 11111, 11 C Allie: •
Justice of the Peace-E X Farrar, G G Corbin.
Cianstable- 7 A A Allen.
Road Conitnlssloncr-A A Conklin.
AssessorA 1.1 Friable.
Avolltors.-11. Champlin, Jr., S Chribbnck. '
Treasurer-11 L Cage.
Town'Clerk- 1' Coburn.
Judge of Electlon—James Purcell.
jmpomors—Orange Ohre, James McCann.
Scioxd Directors—John Frawley, Thomas Mullen
Comktible-.4l)rrin B everley.
ROW Commissioner—John flotteniteln. •
Assessor—Patrick Cusick.
AmIllor.;-Eugene McCann. -
T reams rerr-Fred Helchetner.
Town Clerk—Ed McCann.
' rum TOWStafflr.
Judge of klectiOn—S B Canfield.
Inspector—livid Blackman: Mat Blister.
School Directors—Eugene Heeler, S W . BaCk.
Contuable-C F Jones.
!toad Comml.sloncr—ltansford Brink.
ASSeRM)r—P E Woodruff.
Auditor—F W Jones. •
Treasurer—John flammersley. •
Town Clerk,-1 . 1 W Weller.
ntintrinirr Torr.nelltr. •
Jude° or Election-0 E . Mead.
Inspectors—C. E Westbrook, 0 E Chamberlin.
or the reacc-11 8 Owen.
ltoa4.Coiumissioner—S B Brown.
'.Amstoisor—C C Thompeon. •
Auditor-11 It
School Ifirectora—Georgo sflllee, G J Burnham
Constable—John Marton, Jr.
Treasurer—Cr W Mead. -
Tiden Clerk—G M Oren. •
.lo‘lw , of Election—Sig Seeley.
Inxt,ctorm—E E Staltliux. I) C Wattles.
School Itherlore--E C MeCoalin.
Forbeis, B U Wilmot, Tie.
W Stone.
M Erwin, M L - Towner„C L Barnes
A Ilarnfr.
Anditar—G S Kinney:
(aver:cent a Pour—U Chaffee., B K Adams.
Jodg, of Elertion—W W Manly.
Inn e , :tors—O L I;us,11. W P Rockwell.
Road CommisPionee=R
1.) Price.
Anditor—intnfia . Forte..
Po•lo 4,1 Direttorp—,C 11.Taiylor, H McCabe.
Cotiptablo—.lll , l VanNinkle.
Tr...niter-LP w Towner. .
Town Clerk—J U Allen.
Judo.« of Eloctiolt—E 11 Driktimr.
Ittvertoro—Phitlip Verbeek, Joh?' Mabooey.
Comuliv.i.not—to T
Ame l itur—T Susitlt.
Auditor-1) ; W Chaffer.
Dirociori-11 13 Übe, J DI Yongat, 11 John-
B,nstal,le—Geo Childs.
Treasurri : —Obedlah Gate.
Twin Clerk—M K Osborn. •
•eyrtnrtci.n TOWICIIMP.
Judge nf ‘ Eleetion—E,lC Clsambeslio...;
lowectora-11 W Perkins, E Iv ByalL
Justice of.PraesE V .
1‘ , 44 Corfinde44 , ner—Julin Bird.
Asworor—A K Blakeslee,
Auditor—UJlßumper. ,
!thou' Dir,eetonl Thomas, - 8 0 Scott.
Conatablellitan Phelps.
Town Clerk—C C •
'ridge of Election—John Westbrook. •._ /
Invortors—Shuon Tangorder. /
Juoico of Pewee—Nathan • Winder.
Borgreg..-IrrVII Radar.. \
Council—Willis !inward, E E Xnbois, Jaa 3leArdle.
Aowesor--Cyrus Watford.
Auditors—Jamos limn, 2 yr's, - Yolsn Markle 3 yes.
• A.ltitnlY VIISIPP--Chns D Tracy . '
School Dirrotors—ltlchard,larubert,/okn Motion.
Conaabte..-George VA:Moister. -
Couslublobn Curran. '
• overseers of Poor—Hullo Crowley, Cpl Munn).
Soiiu certif. : \ •
iddire of 1 .-. 'ettlon—Howard Sample. •
luspoctors—Jund Allen, Janice' Balmer. -
Jnsti:e of P. ace—D V Dunning,
Load Commlssloner—T A 'Andrews. '
Auer:for—Geo H Tompson.
Andltors—Geo II Berry. N m C Cornell.
Saw.' Diroetors—S D Pottenglll, Walter Kama
. Corot:ado—David Claim..
Trrusurrr-8 L I huninson.
-Tuna Clerk—C,o„Pitr.
arninartun aanne.
Judge or Sloction—Jerendab 11.-ser.
usi.octors—Henry Boughton, Titus. Irreetlorn.
Josif ce rf fewer—Wlllism Bullock.
Wed Co - wirudolloner---borena, Allen. '
Audi , r—Elmer Ely. . •
Sciand Blrertors—Chss. Hooker. Warm Sada.
C..4-table 7 -Timothy Unman].
asureramnel_llarknee... • _
un n Clork—Elmer , Daggett. •
/., arks ink arrays rowx*Er..
-Jude, of Itlectlan—Petry, Donley. '
. Inorpectore—Watere Wom, P. IL Jennlsrs.
-hoed Commiselcau4s—Mirun ILlngeltr.
Auie.or—M. P. -Vaunter.
Auditor--Clam. Reveal
School Dlrectors—Hem
rklas, J Lee Marsh
pion Hook T. C. Vasso!dor.
11%11/0 1 ;
Cetiatabliort ''• - .
Tredumier-daludina Fenian. • • - ,
Town Cladr,-Jand But.. ••-•
syrrsiria ibioitok • -4 , ;
4adia 111121.
loolloctrial-dA A 501.104,,T itoßlaGo. ' • - ;
- inmate af Pavzo-Lill Malthus. P 11%04
• Council-A Balatoo,C X Waldo, r raeoity J ' s
L Thikhato o kyoaa Ktoyoo. : -
kassaor-P Pact. • -
Aadltor--0 X .Waldo. • • " .•;
&1 1*Oli; a/19 1 0010j)
6 Elevens. • -
_, • •
Oversaims of Paor-W L Bcootao,i4., BligkoL
Bargrs*-1 B
'lol,ll6ll.llozotrfia !spun.;
Nadis - of Zlection—.l '
Trupectonll II Rockwell;,
Ward Aioessor--It A Cowles. -
Jtkage of Sitetion—D W iktott.
lavectuirl—ilini Ony,ll Mean.. •
Word Asiorior—Wm
Vouncil-r!fis &eider..
- - Zd WARD.
—. .
4tilitil idElTellim.:4"hasliadel.
Ingotdung-4 X "Maeo, 3 W Oft!
Ward Aseitikit-4iiinta U Nendni; ,
.Coanco-41( 0 Alger. - , -... . ,
ivirvita sosocau;
Justice at Pfters..-C It B.U. • •
IfAmosoi—A Ilea McKean.'
Auditor—Beery T titetas. •
OonAtablr—Jubusou Weil,. °
Hlyh'Cwuirtable—Qro W lionatt.
°renews otPuor—l)li rritti l i Jayne,
I . 9llraltD/ lk 'MIMI. ' •
Judo of itectlin—fiant Rutty, \ ''''
Inipuitors—ttalitio lielitill, Antler filiation. • '
14.16.1 Comm' ek t r—lt Grauser. \_
Ourow—.-namitel• Hankins. • '• •. , -.
Atnistor.-4anits Toiler.
&hoot Diriat..rt—Tbor Clancy, 8 a ThinOgron.
Ilf.totable.—.l 111,Ayr.s. .
Trraiurer-8 A 111111 s. _ •
Town Urrk—D'Yvoiter. -.• -^-'-",' ' -
tow4sw. Towinutir. \
Judge ..1 liteetkal—Juba tiormaa. ', . '
lospoct as—John Faitillr. 11/I ),r. McGill.
Jit.t 'co of Peoor-4. Blackmon. .
Bout Cointutoptooor—P.aalt Girds. . _
Ail. ..i.r—L. 13,1Kktriaa. , .
Andltor—J. IL Borman.
'fith..ll)irmtoili--11. 1.. lic , Ztt...U. 7. p icke rc,
Ooostible-41. Y. Greening.
Tiviostrir—Li. L. Scott. . . .
Town Ultik—Millir Vox,' '. -
. .
?nor Townstr.
. .
Judge iI , Electkon—S. W. Pty.. • , -
luspectuto—Fi.ld linker, O. N. WWI. .
Jiut.c. , Pes..- - Nathau therinah.
BwtlUumulodoner—L. P. Wllams.
"A.i.4.or—L. T. Lumuli.
Auditor—ll o:'Loomis.
&bout tHrattur•.•B. F. Newberg, Dyron CINP.
(4.ustab4-11. N. INals.
Tr.vesuret—Wm. SIMIDL
-Town Clerk-1%. A. Motuird.
• _
Jotigi of.Etectiork-8. 8: Norman.
inspectott,-8. C. Fanolog,W. F. DowlIt:
Murites.-11. M. braiding. . .
L Peck, M. B. Mitchell. Ellmotis Creel,
A. Long. E. IL Powey, Ism Glroter., • :. •
Overseers of Poor—A. N. Wooster, Chas. Globe.
. Aue.-or—lt. C. Kendall.
Aiolit. or—Albert Morgan.
tirneol Inrctorf.-Thus,'McCabo. 11. P. Moddlngtro...
Constable—O. P. Adana.
TUBCA ROR• Torwantr.
Judge of Election—A.B Bummer. '
lospectorr—W 11 llotden, 14 s Drowning.
.1410 Co, nimbugonet—D Ackley. • ."1
Asweeor— A Ackley: • - ' "
Analtore—L 8 gmitf., 3ra, A I.Btnrderant,
School Directors-11 'Montgomery, 11 Keeney, i ,
Gm/table—John Clapper.
Treasurer-4 H Black.
Town Clerk—S 11 Smith.
Ju•lgs of —f W
itspoctors—R W shoo, I) R. Jonrs.
Justice of Pence— Richards.
Road Counnualoner—N chop White.
A 63..Ur—D.sigo
A whit's—John Rd tier-
Sclio Diroctont—tioo llantei, Joi; Tieheta.
Vonsiable—:shohrlitor man.
Treasorer—lionry -
Town Clerk—John Schoottoter. •
wAnnui TOW 118111 P. .
Judge of Election—James PA:hatter.
Inoiwutoto—D. A. Aliofier, J. W. Junco.
Rool Connintiourr—luttu Blanchester.
A roetoon—Edorin Allyn:
Auditor—W. Q. Darliui:
IS hood Inrorpu—Jolnt Print*, T. Whittaker..
I %,nrl4l,l.—T. J. nlooloi.
Tronourer—Gro. Wren. •
Y'uwu Clerk—Glob-T.
WELLS rovrennir.
Jndge nt Election—N. W. Garrbion:
Invert re—Joideun Snapp, J. Couittight.
Road 0 ,umbuinner-0. ft. Titus. '
Anwseor —J. W. Pellett.
Au tit
Scli n 4 Directors—G. K. Newman, A, Warner
Conntablt—W. J. Brewer. "
Tie tearer—W. C. Kilgore.
Town Clerk—J•Jha Moore.
113,T01.70110t010 , . •
Judge of Election—Wm 'Mather. •
4 1.c00m-318 Warner. James Burnside.
Jit•tice of Peace-43c0 11 Vim Dyke.
Rood Connuk.ioner—Lleury
.A4...010.-A I) Snell.
Bch ,u 1 Direttmn—E P Lenox, John Qnun.
tiiinstalde—Chns r rotten. •
Tressnrer—:Jurn. Mother.
Torn Clerk—Walter UWeiler.
: lodge of Slectlons—Nstyln Tuttle.
luopectutP-4 A Wilsqn,J rev.
Road Gmcantrgioner—etei anger.
Awomb..r--John Shock. -
Directors-4i Pond, 0 0 Barnes
Tmaureq-111 Driffeninek.
Town Clerk—L T thambie.
wqmpala itpVainst.
Judge of Etertkm—J It Weller. •
Invectom—Lutber Bixby. Blame! Bolan.
Hoed Conubmonar—J ittentell.
A.eemor—W right Dunham.
Auditor—Smnuel Walker.
11.ot Directom—ll W Darling, Abel Boardman
Drury Cogairell.
• i'mottaide—lleury_Walkrr.
Tressaurereenty Webster.
Town Clerk—Wm If Clark Jr.
WTALVAIN4 Towxsitty....
Judge or Eleetkm--Alr G Morrow.
Inapadorw—Edgar Rramball, Daniel Donovan
Road Conituboloner—N J Gayk,rd.
wasaw.or—Clts Stone.
Auditor-0 all 'Goodall.
School Directors-4 F Blocher, D W Drown.
condtable—o W Corbin.
Trelonrar—Jonsea tleauruout.
Town Clark.--E L Runkle.
/nage bf Election—G. W. Green. •
In•prctors—Uobu A. Allen, Inners Johnson.
Holed Qrmmleeioner—J. R., Piolett.
Ae••••or—Win. K. King.—.l. M. WeU'es.
Hchool Dineturs—]t B. tanning, nos. Cook.'
Constable—l: U. Bithop.
1.. Morgan.
Tuwu Clerk—Chas. E. Bartlett
Monday Feb. .13th, continued.
' Corn. vs. Roswell Luther—Assault and
Battery with intent to kill. Jury find de
fendant not guaty, but that lie pay two-
thirds the costs and the prosecutor Noll
Lane one-third of the costs.
Henry lineman vs. Towanda Coal ( om
pany—'frespasa on the case. Patrick &
Foyle for plaintiff; Elhanan Smith and
D. A.. Overton, Esqs., for defendant. Ver.'
diet for defendant.
Mary Driscoll's use. vs. Ellen Donovan'
et al.—Ejectment. H. W. Patrick, Esq.,
and DeWitt & Hall for plaintiff; Evans
and Maynard for defendants. Verdietlor
Harry Mix's Assignee vs. McCabe &
Mix,Assumpsit. W. H. Cainochnn Esq.
for plaintiff ; N. C. Elebree and Jobd P.
Sanderson, Esqs. for defendant. , Verdict
for defendant.
Joseph Towner vs. B. W. Lane of al—
Ejectment. Madill & Calif and W IL Car
nochan, Esq., for plaintiff; I. McPherson
and William Foyle Esqs, for defendant.
Verdict for defendant. - '
Sarah F. Elmer use vs. Minor St. John
et al--Scire Facing. Overton & Mercur
for plaintiff; no appearance for defendant.
Verdict for plaintiff $638.50.
• John Holmes vs. Dr. F. Fleschnt—Rule
to open jugdment.
J. 0. Bailey
_etc vs. F. W. nom—Rule
on plaintiff to give - security for costa.
A. S. Parsons vs. I). B. Leonard—Rule
on defendant to give security for costs.
John Benson's Administrator vs. I. J. -
Morgan—Rule to strike off appeal.
C. M. Myer use vs. Dennis Constantine
et al—Rule to set aside sheriff sale.
G. F. Taber use C. F. Nichols—
Rule made absolute, and sheriff's saki set
Henry Seeley vs. Lucy Seeley- T -Subpcena
in divorce directed to be issued.
Nancy S. Squires vs. S. 11. Squires—
B. A. Long, Esq., appointed commis.
I. S. / Beardslee vs. Anna Beardslee—.
Divorce granted.
I3orry vs. _W.. - Gardner—Mile
made absolute.
i Com. vs. Riley Sickler—Larceny. Ben
to 1" year . and 6 months= Ins the
Eastern Penitentiary.
Com. vs. Randolph Bought—Burglary,/
Sentenced to 6 years'in the Eastern Pen
Corn. v& J. B. VanDuler—Burglary.
Sentenced to 5 years in the EasiteM Pone
iteutiary.. •/
Corn. vs. Harry Brown— Larceny. Sen
tenced to 3 yews in the .Eastern Perriteo
tiai7'. '. ' ' / " ' _
Cern. vs. George LamanLarceny. Ben
tenced to 1 year and 13 / 4nonths in the
Eastern Penitentiary. (/ -'
- • .
Corn.' vs. lreaben VlMSickle—'-Lititieny
from a store. Senteneed to 1 year and
B\months in the Eastern Penitentiary.
"om. vs. Ezra Shultz—Larceny from a
sto Sentenced to 1 year and 4 months
m the . tern lPenitentiary.
Com. Sheiman Bradley—Assault and
battery ithintent to kill. Sentenced to
1 year ' aii4 6 months "In the - Eastern
Com.lis. Elisha Rowe—Larceny. Sin
tencedzto 6 months in the'v county jail.
C9lll. vs. William Field—Larceny. Sen
tenced to 6 tuentltiqn county jail. •
• Herrick . Ggden vs. Lorretta
h directed 1O make proclamation. •
Sarah A. Dunklo vs. 'L. F. Dunklo—
D. B. Backenstoe appointed, Commis 7
W: Mien t Vs: 'Beneict=
LAY. Mix,Esq; appointed Commissioner.
Baguio ZenisOtiSs Eletum—.
Divorce wanted.' •
In re A llem itnaey of 'Elisa Her
riekitole -Merrick;-sod HU&
Herrick to pay out&
_ Julia C. - Stably& Giros Avery et al=
Ju& Case settle&
Joel 11. • Bum f - Exeintt,
earner—Ejectment -W. - 11.• Cameo
Esq., for plahltifil, Patrick & Foyle ..for:
defendant.' Verdict' fir plointit-; •
J. 0. Ward vsadebuon Mutual tint.
alum Company ; Debt. - J. P. Sanderson, -
Eilsbree and-E. Y. Goff,: Estes. - i- for
plaintiff; W. H. Carnochan, Esq., for de,
fendant. Verdict for plaintiff M 14.00.
Coact reserving the question of law.
11, W. Whoellock.vs. J. L, Wl—Eject
ment.'Patrick 456 Foy& for 'plaintiff ;
Evans and Maynard for ; defendant. Ver
dict'for defendant for two lots, and plain.
tiff one lot. . •
W. D. Chef* Ai. 'XL T. DarUp_g--fAir.
peal. Gridley*Payrie and 11.. 11. Will
iams,Eaq, for - plaintiff; Elhanan Smith
and H. W. Patrick, Esqs„ for defendant. -
Verdict for' defendant .. _ .
Alexander Dewing's Admin istratrix vs.
George- Fox Executor—Debt. W. H.
Carnochan, Esq. for plaintiff; Patrizic
Foyle for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff
B. W., Lane vs. G. P. Caih et al—Scire
P 3111311114 • - I. McPherson, Esq. , for plaintiff;
Overton & Mercur for defendant. Verdict
for plaintiff ; Court reserving the question
of law.
• Thomas Matthews vs. G. V. Myer et-al
--Ejectment. Settled. '
Citizens Bank of Waverly' vs: J. D.
liontanye. „ M. W. Wheelock vs Valentine
Smith's - executors. JUdgment for plaintiff
preach case. •
Onmotion of R. A. Mercur, Esq, Court
tulmit\James H. Codding -to practice in
the several ,Ciiurts of Bradford County.
Where n& c ri be was dulysworn. • •
George C . Atwood vs. Lyman Matteson
.et Buie teopen judgment.
' Jeremiah•Liddy vs. J.' C. Blum. garni
shee—Rule made \ abeolute. Sheriff direct.
ed to sell defendad property.
Anna Walburn va. Wham.
Amanda H. iliney vS. MiltOn B. 'Duey.
Divorces granted in each case.' •
• Aron Stronse vs. Sarah A.- Strouse--
Subpoina in divorce directed to be issued.
The-following Sheriff's deeds wore an
knowled;:ed : -
.To Wm. M. 'Mallory, forlionise and
lot in Towanda borough. Sol d 'January .
4th, 1879, as the - .property of •
Mercur. $2000.00. \
To James Mercur, for one-eight interest
in a house and lot in Towanda borough,s
and a farm in Towanda borough and
township of 1,0 acres. Sold January 4th,'
1879, as the property of Charles Mercur.:
To William Cook, for 105 acres of land
in Windham township. Sold January 2,
1879, as the property of Oliver D. Nichols..
To Thomas Muir and Thomas Meredith;
for one-half acre of land in Tuscarora
township. Sold February 7, 1879, as the
property of IL- L. Rugg.' $341.
To William H. Conklin. Administratria
for 53 acres of land in Sheshequin town
ship. Sold February 7,1879, as the prop
erty of William Post. $2550:
To•ltoward Elmer, for house and lot in
Athens township. Sold February 7, 1876,
as the property of George Wissoll. $lOO.
To James 311cAsey, Administrator's for
3 lots of land in Athens' and Ridgebury
townships. Sold February 7, 1879, as the
property of Patrick J. McAsey. $lOOO.
To W. E. Seacord, for 76-100 of an acre
of land in South Waverly borough. Sold
February '7, .1878, as the property of
N. Doll Walker. $lO9. •
To William Cook, for 37 acres , of land
in Rome township. Sold February 7 1879,
as the property. of C. Jane Conklin: $4OO.
To S. N. 13: onson, for 157 acres and 120
rods of land in ;Orwell township. Sold
February 7,1879, as the property of N.C.
Rayson. 31150.
To David S. Luther, for 76 acres and
15 perches of land in Burlington town.,
ship. Sold January 30, 1879, as the
property of Almaiizo B: Allen. $l2.
To .Job I'. Kirby,. for 100 acres of land
in Asylum township.. Sold • February 7,
1879, as the property of James- A. Ennis.
$1496. •
To L. Elsbree. for house and lot in'
Towanda borough. Sold January 30,
1879, as the property of •A. J. Noble.
To B. M. Clark, Administritor, for 65
acres of land in Franklin township. Sold
February 7, 1876, as the property of 11.
P CraYton. $1575.
Elias Dimmick, for 75 acres of' land-in
Orwell township. • Sold February - 7, 187 P,
as the property of W. 11. Hardy. $1550.
• To George Nichols, for 57 acres and 30
perches of land in Rome Twp. Sold Feb
ruary 7, 1870, as the property of L. .13
Russell. $l3OO. '
To E. W. Hale, for house and lot - in
Athens township. Sold February 7, 1879,
as the property of J. J. Griffith. $5OO.
To H. Streeter, for ono building and
lot in Towanda borough. Sold February
7,1879, as the property of J. J. Griffith.
To N. N. Betts, for 2 lots of ldnd in
Towanda borough. Sold February. 7,
1879, as the property of •'3; J. Griffith.
$309. -
To Pomeroy Bro's, for 4 an acre of lend
in Canton borough. / Sold February :7, -
1879, as the property/of A. J. Merritt, et
al. 450. - ' • •,,/-
Court adjourned on Saturday to March
31, 1879.
Tsiice your loose Ilay„io
Ae . kleykbo., and get your Mb. *Fob 27,2 w
or Mrs. E. J. Miliaos , itas TRIMMED
HATS for ORE DOLLAR and upwards. `
Vir Miss E. J. *INGO* is just opening
* now stock of Autumn Millinery Goods, to which
she Invites the attention of the sum.
1111 r Just Feceivedt--the latest styles
of Spring Hats and Caps, at If. E. Itosmutsto;s.
Feb. 20.4 t ./
Cr` ',idles Dress Trimmengs,. all the
mew Styles. it SNELL & FARxuA]l • s, a few doors
north,Of Marcus's Mock.
„Dr Men's Wool Hats at, Fifty Cents,
at M. E. Itosmtrt Feb. 20.4 e.
rfr Large stock of Hats and Caps of
the latest styles salt received, at M. E. RosEsj.
FIELD'S. t 7
ter Call and examine my—stock of
lints and Caps. X. E. ItoSE:CVaLn.
ConsEn has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Youths? wear aver ,offered In
Towanda, and at pricei within the / reseh WE all.
• . •
ear A full line of Gents Furnishing
Goods at Sus Bros. / Feb. 204 f.
or A full assortment of Fancy Goods
at BNr.t.t. & rwasn.A(u.s, a few doors north of
Mercer's Block. /
- .
Induceinents in every department
at STEIIN BraS' . Feb.:att.
N i ovca.—The accounts of the late
firma 51:VORD
, RITCHCoCK have been anigned
to and should be paid to J. E. Ilurcticocit, at the
rltarpatzn Mee.
/131 - Po to- Bram Bros. sew. store at
,Nontanye's corner, and see the Latest Novelties.
Feb. 20-tf.
BETTER may be made by using the COOLEY
CANS AND COULEE. Enquire of W. Coburn,
'Agent - , Silaara,•Fis. , Feb 27, 2w*
Cam" L. 8. - ROmmus chnllenges compe
tition for quality of goods and low prices on Sask,
Doors, Wads and Moldlnks, and at bnlldlng au.
'•• ' ,
ra-Go to Aeklop & Co.,
Wirehwaacy PierWe Coal Jan), for boas cow teed.
E 3 per Con. - We aloe sell haled Hai cheap for
cub. • • - Pob S 7, t'w
tar The - L'pzkest, Best and .
Hike of. nes Diu I,sidles‘lllaiser and Children' ,
wear is found st COnlltU'llf new store, corner Melo
and Planets., Teary & Noble's Mock. - apt4l%
Es' Cownna' Bakery Wagon, .of the
tit 'Ward Itatery; WI be Am - band daily with
Frelit Cracker's het ,trom the oven, Dread, Ples,
Cates, lie. ' i spell
- • tr'Don't yon kirgefit. • Wo have an
excellent .CILACILER /114NUFAcTOBY In town
at COWLES , BAKERY, where you can Du ' toe
lona fiaab-taient arackeia. -1: • ' .
..Orli* wide , points' West.
meth and Boutbiat, at the Minot, podbliligps;
ean an,or, 1L sOcocnr, Arm. it
IlpporDppot,..Tirorpula. „ 17tt
_fir boom vat Nwlys t-Smii
holes just twelvett hap estiety ot the latest
seyelike tu
.the toithet, will offer 711115, WIC=
lilt Oki*.
mryellons IWprleesot frOso Twato iirszi
t74tlvweents per Jars .-the Uttar being Sub Rib.
bop!' five, six sad metes 1110011 Feb, 204 f.
tlrin:the ,whole blisioq of 'MAW=
no prepa ration homier pith:mad such morvellons
toren' br maintained so wide a retention, as
Am% ClizaaT FiterOaar., Which is recognised
as the world's remedy for all diseases of the thrust
and lungs, Its long-continued series of wonderful
iv tea In gm Climates has Made it universally tunes
as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against
ordinary Colde, which are the forerunners at mon
serious d :Waders, it acts speedily and sorely, al
ways, relieving suffering, and often saving life.
The proteetion It affords, by its timely use In the
threat and lung Wanders of children, makes It an
invalitabki remedy to he kept always on band In
every home.. No person can afford to be without
It, and those : who have once . used -it never will.
From their hnowledga of its composition and of
facts, Physician's use the Calmar Pscronet
extensively in their practice.' and Clergymen rec
. &amend it. It is absolutely certain in its remedial
sire : eta, and will always cure where cares are peed
bye. For IWO by all desk». .
General desiersln 4314)cerfeis and PrOduce,lraiton's
Block, corner Main and Bridge Streets.
• ,
- - .
, PAl'lllO. fiLLING
Pionr per bbl ' ''6 DO 626 5 750 700
Flour per sack - 1 2001 160 - 1 500 1,75
Corti Heal per 100 Ihe .. 1 aeogs -. • glgo
Wheat, 1 000 . 1 we
per bush • 404) 1
100 ' 1)044 110
Corn 400 '
R •
ye ' 5301X1 ' am so
Oats He
Buckwheat 3303 4604 50
Buckwheat. Flour 1 2/3) - . • IMel 7$
Clover seed,meditms.... . --600
Timothy, western, .... .. :1 40•14 1 73
Beans, 4211 m,...... 1 0034 150 - 1 K.) 200
Pork. mess ebb!. -15 00
Dressed - hogs - 4(4 , •
Hams ' WI • 50 0
Chickens 060 ' 9 00 10
Turkeys o*. 10 • 10. 12
Ducks 9 0- 0 10. all.
Geese -- II 556 10
. .
Lard 7147 ' lirMi -
Butter, tubs ' -12. .40 1501 20
Roils 14(4 15 15. 10
Eggs, fresh 144 16
Cheese 100• 11.1231
Green apples. !myth ' 344 15 ' 4064 50
°woes. per bushel.... 11014. 61 . 75#$) '
'Onions - . 50. 76 75 0 100
Beeswax 22- . 25
Hides MOOS
Veal skins 40.50
Deacons - - 20.30
Sheep Pelts 2566100
Tallow 0 5 006
Wool ' 25.25
' "
HENRY E. - DRAKE, -7-- .
. .
. .
,Corner Lakc and Water &reefs,
Elmlea, N.Y.. April 18.. 78-17-
$77 Ni t o n n t t an , d az A n w le:=tee ug l i to Acnta.e.
Judge Jessup having resumed the practice of the
law In Noithern Pennsylvania, will attend to any
legal business Intrusted to hlm in Bradford county.
Persons wishing to consult him, can call on H.
Streeter, Esq., Towanda, Pa., when au appolntmesit
can be made.
Ayotice Is hereby given of the Intention to apply
to the ileventor of tilts Commonwealth for a char
ter of Incorporation fora Ferry Company to cross
the Susquehanna River at or near •Sugar Run, In
Bra4forde9uuty, Pennsylvania.
VENDITE.—By virtue order of the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County, .dated February Ed. 1879. I will
expose at public sale, for cash only, on TUESDAY,
MARCH 11, 1879, at 1 o'clock, P. M., as the store
fcrmerly occupied by Morris Clair in the lit Ward
of the Borough of Towanda, and to continue from
day to day until sold, about 410,090 worth of BOOTS,
Ladles, Gents, Misses and Childrens Coarse and
Fine SHOES * • a large stock of RUBBER BOOTS
BUGGIES, he, &c. Said stock of good., &e„
seized by virtue vor writs of Foreign Attachnient
leaned out of the said Court of Common Pleas of
said of Bradford at the-sult of Jeremiah
Liddy et at vs. Joseph C. Blum, Garnishee of Job.
p et Son: J. DEAN,
ToVianda, Fob. 1 7, '79.w1. Sheriff.
Fire Insurance Co 'y
United States Branch, '202 Broad
way, N. Y.
CHAS. W. FQ4D, Genq Agent.
_ C. KUHL Managr. •
Towanda, Feb. 27, 72.
M. B. & F. H. Owen,
Como and see us and we will do you
Toutzela, Feb. V, IVO,
Item Abveitisements.
Of Hamburg, GuyMiny.
WM. S. VINCENT, Agent.
Propose to Mucci their stock
(Wholesale and. Retail)
In store now occupied Ly Geo. Stevens
WO have In stock • full line of
In tact, evorytkting Mop emery lino,
M. B. & F. H. OWEN,
is ti 1..113.7',30
P - 01*E - 14 - L- 8c
llriti* - '4,14403...115,1, : 'Tziacry.7,o•';l3/000,
J. L. Sent and McCabe & Ea wards.
Towanda, Felmiaiy 54,1879.
, Ex:
of Bradford Counly, trom January . Mt to December 3124 DM.
To /mount gold Auditors 1 172 87
Auditors for Prothonotary and Register.— 80 00
Bridge contracts./ • ... 1,570 87
Bridge repairs • ' 477 89
Bridge. viewers . 14 10
Bradford County Agriculturalliociety—' ZOO 00
-Constables, for making returns to Court sod
attending at elections 714 41
Assessors.. 2,000 Ou
Costs In Commonwealth sults..... ' 4,577 76
Counsel to Commissioners , - . 50 40
Crier and tip-staffs of Court • 9.4 00
District Attorney 675 00
Ele• - tion espouses 2,203 26
Fuel and lights - 523 65
Dralid Jurors 051 001
Insurance on public buildings .. •.. 169-60
Coroners . and justices' Inquisitions. 138 97
..fury comndaslaneis 167 et
Office books. - 148 66
. • • . - i . 1. - - • . ' • • •
Account WM Ito several Colkelors of County Tax for Die County of Breutiordloi as yea: MA
.... • . . and grevtons. , • r i -
. . . - • - .
5 ,,.i Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount -
Twp's & Bons* ' -Collectors. . . ' • Charged, Received. Started. Perttg Due.
- .
... - . . •f' I
Burlington Bore. H. B. Phelps 1676•11 106 45 $ .100 37 $ -SS $ 526
Armenia W. H. Becker - 1677 242 70 216 11 14 70 , 11 es
Burlington West Ni C. McKean ,
789 33 7114 80 • • 473
Canton Bore . C. L. Farnsworth. -
• 57 ' 67 •
Canton Tw'p..... HiramLindley ' 1,730 52 1,617 74 27 28 ' 116 so
Herrick James MoPhersoti - 8!5 18 . 754 45 ' 41 03 29 70
'Monroe Terp.... D. S. Minces • ' 1,050 29 984 31 14 06 31 92 '
Rome Tirp J. S. Print - 1,093 72 1,034 30 . 699 64 43
sisiopesi. • Thu Leonard 352 - 99 352 99
South Creek , David Chase ' bee 81 $l4 33 -9 52 • 42 96 -
Sy Tw'p...
Bore-. J ta ws P. Bristol. ~ 164 ' 146 72 77 766
Towandaw'p... . Diutock . et- 19 . 796 08 83 IN 12 13
Wells 'ea. H. Knapp - 21 36 ' 214 38
Armenia. Alba Burnham 1878 - 21 191 . 15 - 16 61 10 12 ._
Asylum B. C: Chilean - sae de 781 se le its ea se
'Alba Boro C. ti. Wilson , • 123 47 171 76 530 641
Athens Bore ' John It. Hosmer . . 1.424 11 1,33261 - "Tr as 70 se •
Athens Tw'p..... N. V. Weller . 3,191 69 • 2,757 57 '' =47 143 70 ....+....
Albiny W. W. -Corson 529 40 - 496 C 651 MI 24
Barclay John H. Davis - 73312 878 30
..= 88 . 35 94
Burlington Boro. S. K. Ross 133 25 . 132 10 - 53 - 562
Burlington Tw'p A. Blakeslee - Tree 7 7VI 14 13 49 38 04
Burlington West' N. C. McKean _
, - 668 72 624 00 528 33 12 432
Cantos Boro C. L. Farnsworth 707 - 31 657 24 16 42 34 65 '
Canton Tw11..... i Edward C01e...-. - 1.486 lit 1,491 61 '
Colombia "Thomas Coleny 1,544 43 1,460 34 705 77 04
Franklin Davld'Smiley - - 508 91 460"08 3 41 • Ili C
Granville P. S. Bailey .. :, tem 91 865 03 9 92 45 56
Hornet. Z. Platt 695 01 647 94 . L 86 '' 34 21
Leßoy ' L. A. Wooster 899 91 691 17 13 46 • 44 43 - 147 Ira
Leßaysville M. S. Prentice '
282 00 247 92 95 - 13 13
Litchfield Albert Carmer - 1,005 75 ' 945 16 • ' , lO 61 49 95 •
'Monroe Bore.- - B. B. Hollett , 202 08 180 80 11 73 9 65
Monroe Tw'p.... D. S. Ilingos;. - ... - 890 54 - C. 5 00• ... 665 54
Orwell C. 0. Vanwintle 1,162 se . 1,09-1 44 ' -10 44 - 57 75
Overton -- John Mathews 331 ep 302 11 . • 13 27 -. 15 91
Pike D. a. Northrop 1,371 59 1,283 91 14.90 67 78
Rome Tw'p ' C.M. Vanwlnkle , 947 65 891 58 . ' 9 08 46 99 -
Rome Born E. E. Spalding 127 26 119 00 5 ve
Ridgoory John Burson. Jr ' 1,101 52 1,038 89 785 54 79
Springfield Tim Leonard: ' - .1,4.50 42 385 00 1,065 47
South Creek IDavld Chase . - 742 36 • 400 00 8 . 26 78 Ziii 69
• Sheshequin George Childs
_. 1,551 71 1,463 26 11 19 77 08
-131andIng Stone.AGeorge Sage • 709 10 • 66V. 27 • 11 78 . 25 05 -
Smithfield Diton 1,787"87 3,690 13 $72-- 89 02 '-' '
Sylvania 80r0.... J. F. Bristol ,
133 13 „65 00 -68 lb -
Towanda Tw'p... W. W. Bowman - -.. 754 71 698 01 'l9 ft "36 68
- Towanda 80r0...1 A. Wickham.-- • 4.119 80 3,749 16 212 93 1 107 71
Towanda North .. lE. B. DeLong 421 51 f
324 00 ' - 97 51
Troy Tw'p H. N. Fish 1.580. 74 ( 1,490 79 11 C. -78 71
Troy Boro . V J. Stewart • ...... , 1,174 52 ' 1,079 71 • 56 82 37 99
Terry 8. Bowman 554 at eat ooi , 93 95
Tuscarora. ' John Clapper - -' ' 76 6/ 76 r 715 88 13 15 77 73
Ulster James G. Howie 879 40 ..
- 831 14 ' 4 ZS 44 00 •
Wyalusing 0. W.-Corbin 1,761 97 1,704 75 13 25 , 83 97
'Windham..:,-.. - .. Elmer Neal • - ,983 59 127 95 667 48 97
Wpm '- E. R. Bishop, . ,212 95 - 1,075 00 31 77 • 59 14 47 04
Wells Geo.M. Knapp - /1093 74 920 60 'l3 07 34'15 95 . 92
Warren James Joice 1,276 02 1,197 84 .15 00 63 18
Wilmot ..... .... Thos. E. quick ` / 739 36 1 610 32 12 .48 38 58
Reassessments / - 274 91 138 43 13 52 1= 96
i-- .---•-
' .. , .649.271 10 i 4 e 9 .144 aol Seel 91 Sums et $4,238 os:
Feb 27, 79
. .
James C. Robinson, Treasurer. in account iota tlie County of Bradford: .
8' .
z - / CL
Amount due upon duplicates for 1877 and • ' Amount returned uneolleeted- for 1878 and .-
previous years / - 12,722 09 previous years - - - • 4 . 4,235 ,
Duplicates of 1878 - / - 45,996 19 Exonerated to Collectors 3.078:D1
Bank tax / 1,413 90 P.rcentage to Collectors 2,148 :2.11
=At,. Paid State Treasurer ..
Incidental reeelsals
tessaesstnents 7 •
Unseated land tax
seated land tax / •
In Treasury January lat, 787
We, the undersigned. Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify that 'this IS a true and tor.
reet statement' of the,reeeirals and expenditures of said County from the first day of January, 1/05, to
• .. •
the ltd day December. BUS. .
Witness our handl and seal of office at Towanda, thfs 17th day of 'Jimmy, A. D. 1878. :--••
, J.' W. - lIURST. II -. Commissioners.
i . ht. F. RANSOMV
A/rxsr—WILLIAM LEWIS, Clerk. ,
„ .
------ - - • • %
gWe,:the undessigned, Auditors of said County, do hereby certify th a t we have esaminevt the fore
oing statement, and the vouchers for the same, and end it to be correct. • •
I. a. MARsit. 1.
U. K 4 PRATT. . Auditors.
Commis*:buena' OMee, January 17, 1879
tl •
Noy. d, 11178.
TTICE.--The County Commie.
stoners have flied spas the. folkwriog
for holding' Appeals at -the Connstsalesers•
Office, In Towanda agh. foe the amoral town.
_ships and boroughs of Bradford County.
Thursday.lresary 17—TroY•twM sod born',
Columbia. Sylvania and litirlityfttm West.
'Friday. February ?A—Burlington Pelf and boro',
Springield, Smithfield and Bldgbary.
Saturday, March I—South Creek, Walls. Sheshe•
quiet and Litchfield. J
Monday, March indhaini Warren, Orwell,
Rome, twil and bone. Herrick and Pike.
Tuesday, March 41—LeRaymille. c
arers, WP.
alnsb3g, Standing Stone and Wysor.
• Wednesday. March a-rTowanda Bore' Towanda
TwV, Towanda North and Ulster.
Thursday, March o—Athens, trpand boro. Nu.
clay, and South Waverly. .
By order the Bard .
Atria—William Lewis, Clerk.
- Commhsioners , Office, Jan. SO, IMAM& .
Notice is hereby given of the intention to ap
ply to the Governor of this Commonmaalthifor a
Charter of Incorporation for The Sugar Rim and
Wyainsing Wire Rope '_Pon Company, bathe
of erecting and coWtcting • ferry across
Ou Ptu N l Atiehanna 'River at or n e ar Sugar Run, in
Bradford County. Pennsylvania. (541mt i
Jammers fib, aft. •
'Voltk ith
107 02
139 le.Bank tax - 1,413 90
746 .7.ltPald for holding Teachera , ..lnstitute - 200 00
72 24'Interest paid on lam at City7Sat. Bast... 944 21
4,868 06 Orders paid $0.711, 07
,Paid on order No 294 held by Ciltylif. B. 4,308 00
• 2 per cent commission on $5081.91 - 901 63
, • 1 per cent. commission on 4142834.50. - "426 . 32
••In - Treasury January 6, 1879 • 696 60
06,186 411
NV/Ikb be is selling at
J. 14 SENT, Sazrrr.
Prison support, Ali WO 67
Prison support, eastern wittiest/my 1,770 77
Conveying prisoners to pmitemllary 576 45
Prothtmotary and Chat QV, BMWs, tees 454 16
Itapairs on public buildings - lIMI 1$
Roma rent st Troy Collet - 167 00 •
Sheriff for summoning jurors. 1. 711170
Sheriff for tees Conononsrsaith wilts. 7174 70 .
Tax refunded so Si
Wildest ele Mateo 4 55
Making duplicates, ix ' _
40 ali-
Trliallifer tor attending Trey Court W 65
F. E. Tupper.: stenographer of Court - US 45
Bounty for th e return of stolen belies ' 77 Co
indexi nce ng deed bookgMt Prot% adios -
121 12
Bala oti pria • 406
G.M.. Kilm s er, Co. Com 515 00
do do 5 days -with Manton, 1771... 10 00
M. J. (Motbaugh. Co. Com . 414 00 •
do do 5 days with Auditor!, 1119,. -10 00
John Balditin, Co. Qom 311 00
do , do & dint with Auditors, lart.. _lO 00
Vellnan Lewis, Clerk F 1000 00
T HIRTY -Fuser ANNuez itsp”.T
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co..
- .
\ ,
Net assets, January 1,110. woman
\ -- - Ezcsirrs.
Premium receipts $1,144,048.53
Interest receipts, etc ' 2U N 4 .11 1.41440n44 -
Total. \ •
- 17,5160043
• icrusnussvaizarrs.-
Lasses and end ment5..4410,411.211
Dividends to pol eptiolden 2111,210,97
Lapsed and surrendesedpol- t
idles, etc.... 240.1111,09
cal tees, etc • " 154,740.20
Taxes, legal expetuptili ad
vertlsing, etc • 60.730.92 1178.114.97
Net assets Jan. 1, 1979 151,338,2911.18
11. if. b and six percent. bonds, ildhr ,
delphis and city loans, B. B: bonds, •
bent, and other stoeksororthit,46l,.
Moe, east 111,309,682.611
Morgages, first liens on properties
worth .14723.000 2,3110,10.17
Premilato'botes, secured by policies.. 1113,4112.70
Loans.oneollaterals, etc - • 1111,1147.111
Real estate (Anted by the Colnifeny,• -
- cost
Cash - on hand aid In TrustCompentes
Net ledger amts, as above. 1 '16,3311,21e.31
Net deferred and and nnre•
reported premiums 0011,1101.79 .
Interest due and accrued... 204159.42 -
Market value of stocks, etc, -
over cost 94,2 . 111.311 194,304.62
Gross soots; January 1,1879
Losses reported.butnet due 1116,626.66
Reserve, at 4 - per cent, to • .
reinsure risks 5,477,471.00
Dividends on unreported.
policies, etc • - 50,2511.50 1111,442,366.111
Surplus 4 percent. basis... 17114717.01
doryinset 43 per rent. Pennsylvania
standard. natured. 0. 341 . 70 . 14
No. policies In tone 111.111.00
Amount at. rsk - -,. '....00,174,147.00
. RITZY. PrMildest
SAMIIEL ir r i . STOK E S. t. H. S. 2 :T ir y= s l a l
HENRY C. BROWN. Agit Smeary. tag'
36w8 , - "Towanda, Pa.
The undersigned - bating parelmeed the MAR.
BL M YARD of the late OZORGIC McCAISK, de.
sires to Inform the public that having employed
experienced men, he le prepared to do all kinds et
work in the line of
la the:very Wei maser sad at lowed raise.
Persons dahlia , anything lit its Marble Use ara
Invited to can 'adamants worts and aw•Misat!
Tonal% rs, Xff. 11, ;AWN
ps,nl a
1.54,186 41