Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 27, 1879, Image 2

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    padforit *Om
Efo. aoomOen, intros.
torsada, Ps., Thiliviag Feb. 27, 1879.
tin Utrininse commirr.
The people may as well face the
facts and prepare for the inevitable
struggle. The enemxin front is the
same that has eonfrated the , party
of patriotism and progress for twen-
ty-five years. .I.t has not changed
even in name. .The party that of
•fered the infamous comprOmise
. ?t
1550 . , that Tepealed•the compromi se
of 1820 in 1854, that sought to fas
ten, slavery and its fatal reaction
upon Kansas and Nebraska, and final-
I,y, battled in its w,icked . pnrpose, sat
rendered at the first demand of trea
son in IN—that party is the foe in
front. After ill that it has done to
destroy the nation the people seem
to haVe forgOttea. that to pat faith
in Democratic promises is to invite
betrayal, and the outcome of this
lapse of memory is a Democratic
Congress. This, humanly speaking,
is a great national calamity. If, at
any time during the rebellion and
for half a ,dozen years thereafter, any
one had Predicted a Democratic Con-
gress as probable within. twenty
years, the prophet would have been
set down a lunatic or a fool. The
people; are slow tq take in the possi
bilities of inaction. They had their
littlelgrurable„and their little -devia
- tionalrom the straight path of duty in
search of false. gods. They .I:Lave
amuaed themselves, but not at the
expense of the foes of liberty.. They
have danced to the piping. of dema
gogued„ and now they must pay the:
piper. The loothlehs and wrinkled
. hags of Wities, long ago,cast out of
party councils, have come forward
thinly .disguiiedlin borrowed livery,
and made themielves so acceptable
to the discontented and .disappointed,
that such have gone astray;
But as all roads leads to' Rome, so
all by-If - albs inpolitics lead into the
enemPs camp. •The masses seem Ito
*have discovered this in time to pre=
vent a disaster last November. The
duty/1 of .the Republican press i i sto
keeXis fact fresh in memory. The
'Detnoeratic party in Congress is do
ingbtich to assist in the work: The
cipher dispatch investigation is daily
. making revelations of Democratic
perfidy: The witnesses, with the
plain assent of the Democratic lead
ers, haVe studied how best they could
give half-truths the outward sem
blance of facts, and facts the sen -
blarice 'of lies. It must not be for
gotten that these clever persons were
in, the closest confidences, of the
great fraud-shrieker and polities]
jockey Who led the Democratic for
- ces in 1876. SAMUEL J. Tilden is
the core of ,the Democratic party,
and that partyis therefore hopelessly
rottenlat the core. To the optimis
tic persons who affect to think that
something may be gained by coquet
ting with the, Democracy, the ques
tion may be put—what time during
the decade that preceded the, war
- were the frienils of freedom or- opin
ion that this country had shy good
to bope for from Democratic rule ?
. At what timed uring the war did any
Republican suggest Democratic rule
as a measure of safety' or relief to
the -republic . ? To these questions
there can be but one reply ; and that
is that at no time for ten years/dor
to, or during the war for national
unity did any pronounced Republi
can regard the possibility of Demo
cratic rule with other than the grav
est apprehensions.
- The next iqueathin is—When, if
ever,. has the Democratic manage
ment, within the last , twenty-five
years, abandoned a single purpose it
cherished 'and avowed 'from the be
ginning of that period down to and
throughoutthe war? In what has it
• changed its intentions or modified
its policy ? Who of its old. leaders
who crowned it with the infamy of
• treason has been discarded? Which
of its old time methods has it put
away? What use did it make of
power partially regained? What
!lid it dO When it gained the Rouse
that, tetoliens a better mind and a
more patriotic purpose ? What are
its acknowledged leaders doing, in
Congress and out, to-day, to shot
that they have reformed their nieth
,Os or their plans? If the Demo
crats have Changed their plans, or
abandoned a single ptirpose, or modi
fied their policy, or discarded a sin
ogle leader, or made any other use of
power regained except to abase it—
if they have done ahr of these things,
•somebody can show it. And if they
have not done. any of these thini,
as we affirm they have not, then will
somebody tell the people why they
' should expect'any good from Demo
cratic rule, or how any patriot can
ally himself with such a party and
retain his self-respect.
Tus Cause of the threatened out
break among the the Western Penn
sylvania miners itMue• not so much'
to the refusal to inereise wages from
21 to 3 cents per bushel for mining
las to the fact that they find it im
possible to avoid dealing at -what-
are termed "company stores," where
to "truck syßtein" prevails; and
where the prices charged are forty
per cent. higher than elsewhere. If
the miners used as mach energy in
meeting this difficulty as they waste
'in fruitless violence, the cause for
-j-such ill-timed and ill-advised move
, meats would soon cease to exist.
Two votes only were cast ,for
- !LINTS and WHEELER in Buchanan
Conilty, Va., in 1876, and the. Rich
•nond Whig is glad to hear that those
. , Lwo have since taken their departure.
During the era of extravagance
and debt accumulation consequent
upon the enhanced values and ildh-
Led currency of the war times, there
was a notable increase of the debts
of. corporations and counties. The,
latter, in manyWies, endeavoring to
avert the consequences of the draft
compromised by the payment of large
bounties to substitutes, relieving the
citizens from the necessity of,perso
nal militiry duty, but saddling town
ships, boroughs and counties with al
heavy indebtedness, Which years of
burdensome taxes, in many cases,
has not yet been sufficient to wipe'
out. In the case of cities and villa
ges, the rage for -expenditure and
speculation took the &rill of the
wildest and most - unreasonable pro
jects for =improvements. . Streets
were laid out, graded and paved, ex.
pensive sewers constructed, and
what was fallaciously supposed to be
public spirited improvements, but
were - in reality needless expenditures,
were indulged in without sense or
necessity. There is hardly a munici
pal corporation in the country that
is not= now groaning 'under the bur
den of debts contracted for improve
mentswhich were at least a quarter
of a century in advance of the natu
ral growth of the placc o , or the re
quirements of the inhabitant:a. This
tendency to squander public moneys
was made easy and greatly increaaed,
,by the facility with which bonds were
disposed of or loans effected. To
meet the interest on these debts, new
loans were made, until the aggregate
became frightful, and when a cote
mercial revulsion came with "hard
times" and its natural want of confi
dence, and difficulty -of- placing new
loans, bankruptcy and repudiation
became imminent.
A notable example of the facility
with , which municipal indebtedness
can be incurred, and a. remarkable
instance of extravagance, not to say ,
profligacy, may be witnessed in the
case of our neighbor t wn , William
sport.• That unfortunate village,
when ruled over by PETER HERDIC,
launched out into the wildest schemes
of "improvements." Miles of ex
pensive streets were laid out,,and
covered with. wooden pavements—
costly sewers were built—the city
limits extended far into the country
—and the moat reckless and costly
measures taken to stimulate an arti
ficial growth of its extent and busi
ness. Now the - municipal anthori
ties defy the judgments of the Court,
and trample upon honesty and jus
tice by denying the plain rights of '
their creditors. The reaction has ta
ken place, and the attempt to unduly
and unnaturally force the growth of
the city, results in burdens which
will be felt for twenty years, retard
ing its prosperity and crippling the
energies and
,business of its citizens.
For the vast amounts spent, and for
the great debt Which now weighs like
an incubus upon its business, no sub
stantial good has been realized, and
the city would have been much more
prosperous l had, it not been the vic
tims of such intensely public spirited
citizens as PETER HERDIC.
IT would appear that an attempt
to unseat,Gleneral BUTLER, who holds
the seat in the United States. Senate
to which Mr. Coaling is entitled; wilt
fail. The Republicans, have but
three majority, not counting Senatoi
D&vis, and it is said that Messrs.
(Pa.), and CHAFFEE will vote with
the Democrats in favor of
The Washington correspondent of
the New York Times reports Mr.
C namor; as explaining his purpose
to - 7ote for BUTLER by saying tha
even if the Republican contestant
were now admitted, he would - not be .
able to hold his seat after the reas
sembling of the Senate next session.
The Democrats will then have a ma
. •
jorfty sufficient to carry through any
measure, no matter how manifestly
illegal or unjust, and Mr. CAMERON
believes that one of their first acts,
should , he now obtain a seat, would
be to throw - out CoamN and reinstate
stood to entertain views similar to
-these. Messrs., P.4 . 1-rEasoN and -Cox-
OVER, for reasons supposed to be per
sonal to \ themselves, voted to seat
BUTLER in first instance.
Pr is a. hopeful sign of the times
that renewed activity is permeating
every branch of \the iron trade.
Prices are rapidly 'advancing, and
the demand in many branches of the
trade is so great that seve7l mills in
the State have refused to takm orders
for future delivery, except aqargely
advanced figures. This industry has,
perhaps, suffered more durinelhe
hard times than any other, and its
recovery to its former position win
be a positive blessing to the;country
at large.
IT is reported in •Democratic cir
cles in Ohio that Governor BISHOP
must make way for Congressman
Rica as the party candidate for Gov
ernor, who is supposed to have made
himself a tower of strength by rea
son of his being the author of the
pension arrearages bill.
IT is stated that an attempt will be
made during the first session of the
next Congress to remove the politi
cal disabilities of JaTrzasox
Ale Mississippi Bourbon programme
into make him the su&unsor of Mr.
BRUCE in the Nita States Senate.
Tux Cincinnati Enquirer, com
plains that Senator BAYAIID iS top
.to suit the Democracy, and
is losiiig his chances by endeavoring
to, be respecteible like the Repnbli-
GEN. BARLOW was a brave soldier,
and had beei the Repub
licans of NeirNork to an important
office. -- lie Ina inViteff to visit Elora
ida,edining theccinating at ihn'Pres
idential vote. insthe attorney of the
RePublican party t and in the inter
est of an honest return. Ili& letter,
published at the time, was like a dash
of cold water upon the Republicans
of the country. - Coming from such
II source. it was well calculated to
create doubts of the justice and le
gality of the claims and proceedines
of those whe were ender' oring to se
cure the. electoral vote of that State
for' he Republican candidates. Gen
eral Beim - at the - tithe telegraphed
that general IlittLow was. working
for TILDE*, but the country was en
willing. to credit that he could playa
part of such duplicity.
From the evidence brought out
before the POTTKR Committee and
indeed from General BAnLow's own
admissions, it appear that there was
too Much truth the "allegation and
that when he was Publicly acting as
attorney for the Republican electors
he was secretly trying to persuade
the membek of the Returning Board '
to give the . - State to Tilden. The ex
posure of this nefariouscondnut will
always be a stain upon the fair fame
of General &mow, and with all the
developments in regard to the South
ern vote and the counting and return
thereof, will satisfy Republicans of
the juitice of the action of the Re
turning Boards.
Wu+ there be an extra session of
CongresA? is a question that puzzles
the wisest of the. Washington cor
responients, and which seems to be
not easy of sollition. The Democ
racy is divided as to the policy of
creating the necessityfor calling to
gether the new Congress before the
regular day of ' assanbling. The
more decent of - that partyare averse
to it, as unnecessary and dangerous.
Others are determined to force legis
lation favorable to the rebels who are
still out in the cold, and to repeal
laws which stand in the way of their
entire control of the ballot-boxes in 1
the South. Some of the statutes
now in force stand in the way of that
perfect bull-dozing. which is the•de
light of the Southern Democrat, and
they demand the repeal of the obnox
ious sections, or in case of failure
threaten to create the necessity for
an extra session. The Republicans
can afford to stand by their princi
ples and - support the laws which are
a guarantee for fair elections, and if
the Democracy refuse to pass the ap
propriation bills , unless coupled with
legislation which' breaks down alise
curity for peaceable and fair elec
tions in the South, the responsibility
will be with those who the ,
sword to overthrow our 'free institu
tions: . ,
PETER Manic, who has gonessouth
for the benefit of his health, has,left
behind him as remembnincer, a debt
r 1
incurred by the city of Williamsport
of nearly $500,000, in bonds and !
overdue interest, issued is 1868,
when he "run" the city, for the lay
ing of Nicholson pavement, building
sewers, and' other, improvements.
These borni4 were negotiated and
put up its;z9llaterals by Mr. HERDIC,
at from sisty j to seventy cents on the
dollar. The . ; city authorities, bur
dened with.this immense debt, and.
threatened, with bankruptcy, attemp
ted:to dispute the legality of the,
bonds, although the Supreme Court
has decided • that those who took
them in good faith must be paid, and
Judge ELWELL, of the Columbia Coun
ty Court—Where judgment had oi igi
nally been obtained—isstied a man
damus requiring that the overdue in
terest be raised and paid. This has
never been - done, and another ; batch
of coupons falling due on the first of
March, Judge ELWELL has, on mo
tion, .issued a trule returnable the
20th, on Councils and Treasurer to
show cause why an attachment
should not issue for disobedience of
the mandate of the Court.
- As the city cannot repudiate its
debts, nor evade their payment, after
the example of Memphis, by surren
dering its charter, thii-orerivhelming
and burdensome debt must be paid
by taxation which will press heavily
upon the property" holders of Will
iamsport. We commend the lesson,
to the people of .Western Bradford,
who were so anxious for the new
county . of Miunequa. Had Hxn-,
DIC'S scheme prevailed, the -farms of
the new county would not have been
worth the debt and taxes with which
they would have been saddled.
Tax 'latest estimates at the Treas
ury, Department': Washington, fix the
loss sustained by the people through
the use of fractional currency at
1,000,000 dollars. There is still
outstanding $16,000,000, of which it
is thought'not more than:s4,ooo,ooo
will be prisented, for redemption.
Monday :—The Senate devoted
itself principally to the subject of
the tobacco tax; all the 'other busi
ness transacted .was of a routine
character; efforts were made to have
the revenue bill 'amended so as to
have the reduction go into effect
May 1. or June 1, bat the Senate vot•
ed to llx the date at April 1 - ; the
Senate was still in session at a very
late hour at night. In the House;
the River and Harbor and the Deft:
eieney bills were taken up and passed;
some District of Columbia business
was disposed of, and more new bills
Were introduced.
Tuesday ::—The Senate debated
the' motion of Mr. Matthews to tat
tea and coffee, there was only four
.votes in favor of it ; the tobacco tax
reiluekion was voted in the _Senate,
and the Revenue bill was then pissed,
45 to ; services were held immard
ory of Representatives Schleicher and
Quinn. In the House there was a.
struggle in reference to the order of
business; finallithe'eensus bill was
taken up and was debated: until the
end.of the alternocot; General Butler
and-Others tried Lk 'hav:e the mode of
appoiriting the imams:stars changed,
but:did pot tracceed.l- final action was
not 'taken; at the' night 'session the
Legislative bill was debated; the
plan of surveys suggested by the
National Academy of Science was
substantially adopted; . the Demo.
cratic caucus political amendments
were presented. •
- Wedneiday:—ln the Senate, the.
Postal bill was debated; the temper
of. the Senate was favorable to the
Brazilian mail contract In the
House, the Democrats tried to attach
a repeal of the Federal Election law
to the Legislative bill;"the Bepnbli
cans opposed this, and declared that
they would fight to the end ; General
Garfield and Mr. Blackburn got into
a controversy, and there was much
excitement in the House ; no 'final
action was reached ; Mr. Atkins says
that an extra session is inevitable.
Thursday':—The Senate took up
the Brazilian mail item of the Post
Ofilcebill and debated it, all day mid
Until late at night; all unfriendly
amendments were defeated on a line,
vote by a airong majority; late at
night, the Senate thinned out, but,
the item was passed by 23 to 17. 'The
House refused to go to work on the
Appropriation bills, but took up the
Florida contested election case. Mr.
Bisbee, the Republicarv.member, was
finally unseated by a party vote, in
defiance of the report of the subcom
mittee which investigated the case.
Friday: In the Senate, the bill in
regard to railway transpOrtation'of
cattle was passed; a large tot of gen
eral business was also disposed of,
none of it of much importance, except
the railroad telegram. amendment,
Which passed. In the House, war
claims were taken up one after an
other; four of them were defeated; ,
there was much dispute in the House
about the - order of busineis; none of
the important business was reached.
PIIII:ADELI'll/A, Yet). 24, 14ii
The municipal election took place on
Tuesday, and was rather a tame affair,
though a full vote was generally polled.
Tbo election was for members of Council,
School Directors, and election officers. Li
the Fourth Ward, an aft npt was made
by a portion of the. Democracy connected
with the Sheriff's office, to defeat William
McMullen, who was a candidate for selec
Councils. The Fourth Ward has an un
enviable reputation, • as being the ward
whore Democratic majorities are manu
factured to order, of any size, and Mc-
Mullen is King therein. He was triumph
antly elected, as was expected,.. There
'were no rows, however, and though the
free and indeperaient voters were "still
ing for a fight," they stood in wholesome
awe of Mayor Stokelcy's police, wbo Were
on hand to keep the peace. In fact, the
Mayor sent for all the parties concerned,
the evening before the election, and noti- -
fied them that he intended there should
be a fair and peaceable eldction in that
ward, if it took all the police of the city
to accomplish it—and as the Mayor means
what he says—the hint was sufficient.
Principally the interest centered in the
election of election officers. Your readers
will hardly understand how much impor. :
tance, in a city is attached to having your
friends on the election board. It is eve
rything, and sometimes produces aston
ishing results, when the votes are count
ed, or when the result is announced. If
"e ernal,vigilatice is the price of liberty,"
so the Republican majority in this city is
enintained and constantly increased by
UM ceaseless activity 'and untiring exer
tions of those who "run the machine."
The political organization is 'Perfect, and
its operations conducted with, matchless
shrewdness and industry. No sooner are
the polls chiksed, than the
i workers begin
to lay their plans and get in their work
for the next, and the political cauldron is
constantly boiling and bubbling. There
are no better organiz,ers, nor skilful man
agers, in the country, than the leaders in
this city. They may wrangle over the di
vision of the spoils, but when the common
enemy is to be met, you would think they
were a band of brothers.
John Holleru, from Elmint; \aged 29
years, got into a row in a saloon on Elev
enth street, above Race, Ttiesday night,
andlost his left eye from the eflectl of
being.struck with a black-jack.
William Bradshaw was a singer in.the
choir of the First Baptist Church, at
Broad land Arch streets.. lie engaged to
sing in; the Pinafore entertainments at the
Broad street theatre, and now he sings
no longer in the choir, as the Church and
the leader deem the two services incom
The horses, and carriages. of the late
Robert W. Mackey were soft' at auction
on. Wednesday last. They brought good
A firm of undertakers has bought out
as the "latest fashion " a black hearse
for the burial of infants—dispensing with
the usual plumes and feathers, as unseem
ly, and making the ceremony as sombre
and sad as the most afflicted could wish.
The success of-the-Elevated Railway at
New York, has attracted . the attention
And cupidity of certain parties bore,
think that there are millbus bran elevat
ed road on Market street, and a move
ment has been started to charter and
build one. The project does not meet
with much favor from property owners.
on that thoroughfare,, who claim that
there is no necessity for snch•a means of
transit. .
Monday, the first colored youth ever ad
mitted to the Central High School in, this
took his seat in that institution. His
name is Charles P. Gordon, recently a pu
pil in.the Roberts Vaux Grammar School
for colored youths in the Twelfth section.
There was no attempt at hazing, and at
recess he mingled' with the other lad',
who manifested a disposition to receive
him without drawing the - color line.-
An old-fashionedisnow-storm has made
pedestrianism intensely disagreeable , for
the past two days. The pavements are
sloppy or slippery, while the snow-sweep,
ers of the railway companies scatter the
snow and dirt upon the sidewalks and
the walkers-without the slightest regard
to their persons or feelings.
The appointment of Governor llart
ranft as'Postinaster and Colonel . Snow
den as Superintendent of the Mint, hav
ing been confirmed by. the Senate, those
officers will enter upon their respective
•places on the first of Matcb.• Governor
Pollock as Naval Officer has not, at this
writing, been confirmed, but unquestion
ably will be in time to take the post be
fore the expiration of the present incum
bent'S term of office, which is March 13th.
-The surviving soldiers of the war of.
1812 will bold the usual meeting, to-day,
which Is Washington's birthday. The
. decreasee year by year, and it
not be many years before there will not
be a veteran left. • .
• The deaths in this city last week num
bered 349, an increase of Z) over those of
the previous week last year. and roar
than those of the corresponding piwkid'uf_
Listless, : . .
FornelAPPertsieldbi at4nUoil to tba
riot Rbat Philadelphia bas a Collector
Custalls tiro a Chester C 4 niti; nini•
officer from' Nerthninbeiliaid ; ra Sumer,
from Bradford ; a Postmaster from Mont.
gomery ; an Assistant United States
Treasurer from Franklin ; a Director of
the Mint from Cumberland ; a Chief Ap
praiser from Chester. Occasionally tbere.
is a growl about countrymen holding all
the Federal offices, and some people don't
understand why inch is the case. It
comes from the faci that the "blue
bloods . " are too good to fill the places,
while the "boys" or politicians are not
good enough. So the country fellows are
sent for to preserve the equilibrium.
. False teeth maybe a necessity, so far
as mastication is concerned, .but when
swallowed the3r are indigestible and; pro
dumimpleasant results, as a Mr. Wagon
seller, of Darby, experienced. Lis false
teeth were four or five in number, and he
lived six weeks after swallowing them.
_General W. 11. IL Davis (ilrs. Judge
?demur's brother) had a horse presented
in New Mexico years ago; the faithful
animal which carried him through the
war, died a few dais ago at Doylestown.
Mr. Lee Wolfe, a witalesale clothier, on
North Thin' street, Thursday, found two
of hialemployes in an' altercation ou the
pavement in front of the store. While
going out of the door to separate them,
he fell and expired in a few minutes from
heart disease, brought on by the excite
ment occasionedby the men fighting }
The city has at 'last a population of
900,000 ; at least such a number is indi
cated by the new dirictory.
The old-time readers of Godey's Ladys' s
Book, will remember with kindly feelings
the familiar name of Mrs. Sarah J. lisle,
ofig - the i editresa of that periodical. She
ig now in her Diet year, and in- very fee
ble health at her residence in this city.
The bark Shooting Star, for this port,
arrived at the Breakwater, Saturday.
,Sho had, as .a passenger, Angell, the de
'faulting' Pullman Car Company'eSecreM
ry, who absconded with #112,01;10 •of the,
Company's money. Ho was. :limited at
Lisbon, and will be taken to Chicago for
Special Correspondence of the IttrontEn
IlAnnis'First% Feb. "..2.:1187.0
In accordance with the adjournment on
Friday. the 14th inst., the Legislature
did not get to work this week until Wed
nesday evening, the.l9th in s t. ' The sea.
sions-in both the Senate and House on
that evening were devoted tobills on first
reading. One of the reforms of the new
Constitution is that all bills passed by the
Legislature "shall be read three different
times, on three different. days." The
first reading of bills is, therefore, a mere
formality, to which no one pays any at
tention, and which is gone through with
for the purpose of coming up to the re
quhements of the Constitution, the read
ing clerks getting in their work us rapid
ly as possible, and frequently skipping
whole- pages, where a bill is long, to fa
cilitate the work. On Wednesday even
ing 46 bills were thus disposed of in the
Senate, and 121: in the Houk,. so it will
be seen that the calendar of bills on sec
ond and third readings, the stages at
which they are considered and discussed,
is in a fair way to assume formidable pro
portions. -Among these bills in the Sen
ate was one called up by Senator Davies,
"an act.providiug for the more speedy re
lief of Poor and indigent persons."
The nomination of 11. F. Goodman,
Esq., of Sayre, Bradford county, sent in
by the Governor, to be notary public, was
on motion of Senator Davies, unanimous
ly confirmed on Wednesday evening. It
is predicted by those who know him best
that Mr. Uoodman will bear the honors
of the official position thus conferred upon
him, with niodest dignity, and that he
will neither fail to recogniie old acquain
tances nor forget his poor relations.
Among the most important of the bills
which passed first reading in the House
at this evening session, were the follow
ing :
An act providing for the appointment
of women prisqn inspectors.
An act to provide for equality in rates
of transportation, storage and handling
of property carried wholly or partly by
railroad, etc. [This is substantially the
anti-discrimination bill which attracted
so mach attention during the lasesession
of the Legislature.)
An act to provide a legal remedy for
the decision of controversies and disputes
existing or which may exit between arti
ficial or natural .persons engaged in man,
ufacturing, mining, as common carriers,
or other business,' and their employees,
and to prevent lock-outs, strikes or such
other disturbances as may tend te, injure
or disturb the Vastness or peace of the
• The general local option law. 'An act
to prohibit tbe sale of liquors by sample
without license.
A free pipe line bill wittilong title.
An act to secure to operatives and la.
borers engaged in and about oral mines
and manufactories of iron and steel .the
payment of their wages atseguli'r stated
times, and in lawful money of the United
An act- fur the' better protection of the
wages of miners, mechanics, and others.
An act to prohibit the issuing of orders
for the wages of laborers in-mining, man
ufacturing and shipping of anthracite
An act authorizing tbelefunding cif all
public indebtedness at a rate of interest
below the rate now paid.
An act granting pensions to the surviv
ing Pennsylvania volunteers who served
in the war with Mexico, and their-wid
An act authorizing the appointment of
a commission to ascertain and 'adjust the
losses caused by the riots of July, 1877,
providing for tbo payment of said lasses,
and making an appropriation therefor.
The "border raid" bilL
Sherwood's salary bill. •
An act taxing petroleum and imposing
a license fee upon petroleuni wells, for
the benefit of the Commonwealth, and
providing the ;means for the collecting
An act imposing s State tax on crude
These constitute the most of the really
important measures which will claim the
attention and should receive the careful
consideration :of the Legibliture, during
the balance of the session, and as they
aro now fairly 16 the Landes of those who
are to pass upon them, their progress will
be watched with interest, netimly by the
public at large, but the several thousind
intelligent readers of tile .Rgrownett,
which latter class your humble correspon
dent will endeavor to keep posted so far
as he may be able. '
While many of these Idlls are impor
tant; in fact demanded by the peOple,
and should meet with the most careful
consideration and fall deliberation, there
art several evidently introduced by dome-
goguos, who are only anxious for an bp
pottuulty to air their eluct*oe .and fill
up the. Legislative itoxrittiritli,biiikiruua
apedebes foc home ,conetuliPthati; ht "the
hope tbait they fth4-hitOltif &Od
in Oiiittineueieiliitc; - 'tile• tetiO:ffiat
they stidlehaten* Pitti(44. as well as
gre,l4 - 001. 1. 40•0:;ivalkilig wit 0 4321 1 .1 8,
Wyse-jawed, m44,0'641°81 blaOurrekfies,
of course have greatly Increased in num
bers 8111C13 the house of Representatives,
with its present membership, so much
rosOmblee a town meoting in
In the Sinate on Thursday, Mr. Jones,
Chaitntan of • the Committee on Federal
Relations, to which bad been referred the
anti-discrimination instruction reiolution;
made repOrt to the effect that the concur
rent resolution relatiye to the inter-s.tite
commerce bill be passed as amended by
the Senate, instructing Pennsylvania Uni
ted States. Senators to vote for such mod
eration of the Reagan bill as will make it
apply to all common carriers.
Mr. Gazzam presented a minority re
port, signs& by himself and Mr. Ever
hart, in favor of the original resolution
to instruct for the Reagan bill "straight."
Action on the reports was postponid
antil Wednesday afternoon nest, at which
time a spacial session for that purpose
will be held.
Ainong the bills introduced in the Sen
ate on Thursday, was one by Mr. Cooper,
of Delaware; to define the liability and
pleadings in civil actions for libel. This
act is said to have been drawn up by Col.
.Mcelnre, of the Philadelphia Times.
Alec has been them often enongh to know
something about what a libel law ought
to be, and if. it is true that the present
bill was prepar ( edby him, that fact should
have great weight with the legislative
statesman when they come to consider it.
The Senate, on _Thursday, passed final
ly an act to establish the iron industrial
schools . of eastern and western Pennsyl
vania ; also an act fixing the date of the
corifmencement of the terms of borough
and township o ffi cers, of the organization (
of borough councils aad of auditors' set-.
The most of the time of the session in
the House on Thtirstlay, was consumed
in considering and passing bills on see;
yud reading. Among those thus passed
was the bill of Sherwood, of Northdmber
land, for the reduction of the salaries of
state officials, which passed. second read
ing Without much discussion or opposi-
tion, as amended in committee. As the
all now stands the salaries of, the-prinek
pal officers are fixed about 25 per cent.
below the present salaries.
The indicapirts are that the bill will be
killed on final passage, Although Col. Da
vis, of Philadelphia, Chairman- of the
Committee of Ways and Means,' says ho
is in favor of passing it through the
-House and. remanding the question of .a
reduction to the Senate for final settle
Among the bills' reported, favorab)y•
from committees, in . the Senate, on Fri
day, were the following :
An act appropriating $6,000 to continue
the provisions of an act in regard to the
boundary monuments ()Li the line . between
Pennsylvania and New York. '
An act to prevent the appointment of
persons to assess the shales of bank
stock and to provido for. the assersment
thereof- and payment of taxes thereon,
intended to abolish the Oleo of bank as
. seSSOr.-
An act to create banking department.
A concurrent resoltition 'yes also re
ported and adopted, providing for the ap
pointment of a joint committee of t3enah - -
tors and members of ttie Botitio, to revise
and codify the tax laws cd` the sate, and
report by bill or bills such legislation as
will carry out the provisions of the new
Constitution on the subject of taxation:,
There was quite a lengthy discussion in
the Senate on Friday, on a motion made
by Mr. Schnatterly,'of Fayette, that the
act to secure to the operatives and labor
ers engaged in and about chat mines and
manufactories of iron and steel.the pay
nient.of their wages at regular and -sta
ted intervals, and in lawful money of the
United States, (reported negatively) be
placed on the calendar.
- During the debate Senator Davies spoke
against the bill and placing it on the cal
endar, saying, among other things, that
to enforce its provisions would be to take
from the people the inalienable right to
make cent mcz.
This is one of the bills upon which a
number of the buncombe speeches, be.
fore referred to, wilfbe made, and which,
should it become a law, never can be en
forced. The Senate, however, notwith
standing the fact that - this was the sec
ond time it had been reported from the
General Judiciary Committee with a neg
ative recommendation, ordered it to be
placed upon the calendar by a vote of ail
to 8, the Senator from Bradford being
among the eight.
A new bill, was introduced in the Sen
ate on by Mr. Grady, of Phil
adelphia, the getters up of which evident
ly desire to mike a raid ,on the State
Treasury. It is an act to extend the ben
efits of an act for therrelief .of J. Mowry
Moorhead to other bona fide holders for
value of bonds of the Milford and. Matta
moras railroad, upon the faith of the ap
propriation to that company, empower
ing the Auditor :General and other state
officers, to examine•and pay these claims.
The door was opened last winter by pass
ing a bill for the relief of-Moorhead, by
which ho got some 460,000, And now more
relief is asked for. If this kind of bills
continues to be''Passed by the Legislature
there will be no end to the Milford and
Mattomoras railrodd bonds, , and it would
be just as well to call a halt now, as at
any future time. The strong box of the
State is in no condition to meet such de
mends. '
A: resolution in reference to the par
charm of, copies ofTnrdon's Digest,- which
has been going back and forth between
the two Houses for several days past, was
finally disposed of in. the Senate on Fri
day. It' came over.from the House lit
that time, with a notice that that body
had refused to recede from an amend
ment which bad been made them, tow
Senate reslAiitiOn on the subject, to the
effect that two copies ghoul(' be purchased
for the use of the Senate and House, the
same to bichained to the Speaker? desks
in the two Houses. The House also nod:
tied-the Senate that • it bad appointed a
committee of conference on the subject.
When President pro ten Herr brought
the' matter before the Senate,' Sutter
Davies promptly moved that the further
considemtion of the subject be indefinite
ly postponed, which sensible motion was
unanimously agreed to, which should bo
the last of such foolishness. •
The most importaid item of business
transacted in the noise on Friday, was
the taking up and passing finally, on ma:
lion of Ooh. Davis, of Philadelphia:of an
act entitled an act to equalize the taxa
tion of corporations and compudes, ap
proved March 20, 1877. •
This bilk makes a material change in
the law taxing corporations, etc., fer gen-1
eral revenue purposes, btasniuch as it pm
vido that beraidter one halt of all the
toes imposed by the wt., to 'which this Is
a supplement, and the revenues . derived I
therefrom, ithall be mlO4llll t*ii . o7.
al tuna of the Commourudth;
A resolothitil Mn.
ter, of Dehmegirelideniatieleg *I 7:10Slooll-„
of Congress on ihe'suideUt Of the:Chin*
emmlgration k riiPadtMth%,:nlo4 - 'lreliW.
red to the Comtnitteeen-Pedeild
Cons. - '
Senate adidurned until Tuesday morn
ing and house until Monday evening.
• Tus now middle, penitentiary, at,Rrint
ingdon, will bavo t2BO
In the local election at Chester, last
week, three Democrats and • twO Republi
cans were eleeted to council.
• Bsvmg hundred and eighty-two people
were under treatment at Dixmont insane
asylum,, near 'Pittsburg, during the last
iiSNILY A. Tom, Democrat, was elect:
od Mayor of Beading last week by 1182
majority. lhoDenwerats have lOgnajoi.
ity in the councils.
IN parts ofl Clearfield county, the
amount of small game frozen during the
winter is so large as to excite sear of an
entire extermination of some kinds.
A Chief Burgess was
elected in York, last week for the, first
time in twenty years. Henry - .? Gresley,
the ,Republican candidate, received 200 i
majority. . .
Tun hotel, eating houses and liquor'
store license applications for Montgomery
county, for 1870,, number. .109 applicants
for hotel license, 41 'for eating-house
license, and 23 for liquor store license.
Dn. LEMovun's cremation' oven, , at
Washington, It is said, is not to be turned
into a popcorn factory, as stated, lut is
to be converted into a bone dust producer
for the 'benefit of surrounding farmer!.
Amur 70 men employed by the Steel
Worth Iron Company, at Coatesville,
bare struck against a proposed change in
the time of paying
. their wages, which
would lenglen 'the :ntervals between the
pay date•
AT a: public sal, on the preniises of
Joseph Faust, near Centreport, in a fracas
occurrred between Howard Epler,•aged
25 years and a huckster named Wilson
flimmelberger, about a pint of peanuts.
After angry worda\had- passed between
the two. Ilitamelberger took a piece of
wood froth his table and struck Epler a
murderous blow on the
,cad, felling him
senseless to the ground. fracturing, his
skull, and otherwise inflicting injuries
from, which he wiltuotrecolier. Himmel
berger escaped and has not been arrested.
Tun thirty-third annual assembly of
the Grand Council of the Royal. Super
excellent and Select Masters of Penusyl
vania'was held in the Masonic, Hall Beth
lehem, last week. The following Grand
Officers were unanimously re-elected :
Mirk Richards Muckle, M. P. Grand
'Master ; .1. Fordney, R. P. D.
Grand Master; George C. Johnstone, R.
R. 111, Grand Master; Jauts S. Barber
R. P. Grand and P. G. of Work ; :lames
Brown, T. P. Grand Treasurer ; Charles
E. Meyer, R. P. Grand Recorder; George
N. Kendrick; Jr., it. P. Grand Captain
of Guard ; Joseph L. Lytle, R. P. Grand
Marshal ; Ernst Knapp, It. P. Grand
SCIWYLEIt COLFAX,IS very BY with erys
Oirrat 14,000 bogs arc daily slaughtered
at the Chicago stock yards.
Tit**, glass skylights for the new Goy
ernpient building, Chicago, will weigh 20
UIvDER Connecticut laws every horse
taking past in a race is forfeited to the
State. -
. A ntrx his been introduced in the Sen
ate of Illnois prOviding for biennial elec
tions of Cimtity and State officers. •
M ns. B.&vL on has just died ipilolyeke
Mass.,aged 95 -years. Fier .mother lived
to be 99 years old, and her- grandmother
over 100.
• •
IN the old Bailey court, London, the
atmosphere is so full of dirt that the - wigs
of,' the lawyers become grimy, like the
wool of sheep.
A WOMAN at - Luc-Wield, Me., recently
entertained three female visitors, who
weighed respectfully 350, 262 and 281
pounds or atotal of 893 pounds.
Taxi - finance committee of the .City
Council of Richmond; Va., "reports a
shriekage of '4,000,000 or $5,000,000 in
the assessed valuation of that city. -
ONE night recently, at Ando4er, Mass.,
a women gave birth to triplets and one
hour after, in the same house, her.married
daughter followed with. twins.
Tat: Howard AssoCiation officers are
none burning, all the tents used_
- iii Chatta
noor-U, Memphis, New Orleans and other
points during the yellow fever epidemic.
A BOA; before the. Legislature of - Ohio
creates a Board of *Chloe' Book Commis..
sioners to advertise for and award eon-
I tracts to furnish text-books for Use in the
common schools.
'TnE poems of the late-Richard Realf,
with a biographical sketch by Col. R. J.
Ilinton, will uo published some time dur
ing the spring, The work is intended for
the benefit of Realrs child. . •
Dn. C. H. F.PETERs,the director:of the
Litchfield Observatory of Hamilton Col=
lege, Clinton,. N. Y., has been elected an
associate member of the loyal Astronc
mical Society of Great Britain. .
TUE Republicans married the loial elec
tion in Syracuse, N. Y., last week; their
whole ticket being successful. Irvin; G.
Vann, their candidate Tor Mayor, received
nearly 1000 majority.
THE new chairs which have been placid
on the throne of . the Senate Chamber at
Ottawa, :Canada, arc both of oak; uphol
-stored in crimson velvet. The Marquis'
chair will bear the royal coat otarms.
Tug' Governor of North Carolina bag
appointed NV. L. Saunders to - be'Secretary
of State, to succeed Engelhart,
Saundera is
v a prominent politician. and
was recently editor of the Raleigh Observ
TUE wind has been blotiing across the
top of Mount Washington, lately, at the
rate of 114 miles an hour, the snow is so
deep that the buildings are bolded to their
eaves, and 'temperature frequently falls
to twenty degrees below zero. ,
Two very aged - persoirs have lately died
iu.Diaine. Lettie Larrabee, of Knox, 101
years, and John Easbn, a colored preacher
of Augusta, who was, born in Wareham,
Mass., 1776, and was emrsequently nearly
103 years of age at the time of his death.
A NAN now residing in Idaho, who 29
years ago cut his foot badly by stepping
upon broken glass, has just had a piece
of the glass removed Item his fOot. The ,
glass bad shifted its position about six
inches,_working back and upward from
the tops to the ankle.
AT the end of January the total num
ber of paupers in London was 83,663, of
whom 44,700 were in workhouses and 43,-
924 received outdoor relict, These figures
thow fa mark&l increase since January.
1878 and 1867, but a dem rase when con ;
paled with the tigures of Janua ry, 1876.
Favtri Ban.v.v, who diCA-itt Cambridge
Maine, several days ago, at the age of 80
years,f was probably •one of the oldest
postmasters in the United States. lie
was appointed by John Quincy Adams in
IBelB, and held the place continuously un
til his death, over half a century.
TUE Connecticut Howie of Representa
tives last week 'unanimously-adopted a
resolution ;condemning the Anti-Chinese
bill as a 41 11agiant violation of a altered'
and honorable treaty, and wholly incon
sistent with the principles and traditions
of oar Republic, and with the broad prin
ciple of human freedom." • -
MRS. TTIOMAS.Busse, of Portland, Me.,
will, it she lives, be .113 years old oa
Aptil 15; tibe is still in good health, but
keeps bur bed most of the time, and is
nearly blind. Her bible shows,that she
was married it. Bristol, Me., in PM at
which time she was .1 tyears of age. • Her
husband has been dead 46 years.
• ACCORDING to the American Bicycling
Journal, which-is regularly published at
Boston • a party .of twenty American
veloci Pedestrians will in July next, take .
a 600-mile ride • through , England, the
journey occupying twenty days and con
cluding at Loudon. .The- cwt to each
member of tho.exposition will bo taltkin
eluding cabin passage:both ways and
hotel expenses in the old country. -
NATCUE; Miss., is threatene4 with the
fate of Vicksburg, namely, desertion by I
the river. The recerit rise of the Minis;
MO river bas thrown the towhead near .
the Louisiana slime, and there is now a
current running on the Louisiana side
Which threatens to cut away the bar there
and throw it upon the Mississippi
side di
sectty in front of tNatchez.
Tuann wore distributed by the railway
postal clerks on the line between New
York and Pittsburg during the month of
January 56,860 packages of letters, and
11,152 sacks of papers, making rui aggreg
ate of 3,411,000 pieces of letter mail, 'and
'1,130,400 please mall separated and mule
up for routesund office& • The total num•
ber of iegMered pacuageis handled wai
28,005. There ware 44 ram engaged in
the distribution. ' -
Fume present' indications there is a
prosperous fiance in store for the menu-
lecturers of all, kinds of cotton fabrics,
the demand for ,widch ;has been so great_
as to lead to an advance of at least five
cent with'n Ake past three days.
There has been no such_ demand for dry
goods during the past five years as there
is to-day, and the leading lines- artriold
far beyond the production. The suceeas
of American cotton abroad and the growth
of Population at home has bad the effect
to clear the market of all the surplus
which has been accumulating during these
years of depression. Jobbers have bought
sparingly for the rast year, and tho'coun
try never WWI . so bare of cotton goods as
it is today. Dealers ate fitm in the con
viction that bottom has .been reaF.the.d,
that the tide has turned, and business has
reached a solid.basis.
liter is nollwojiltal will ive so
mikeh salLsfaclion and remain fresh
in. one's mind so long as a nice-P.411-
in order that all may purchase, we
lave decided 10 8611 intr TIRE
STOOK ,Of these fine gaiEls at
VflOt4) LE PlacES, untit
er the HOLIDAYS. lie sire
G'OliE A T ONCE, and Grin tlu;
on Main
.Sl--; where you 'will
what your unfe has been after for a
long Mlle, and remember you will
'SAVE jIONEY by voyioly • (1:1811
and buying btfora Ch.rbstnta4.
Towanda, Pa., pcc. 1., 157:3
—Notice Is , hereby given that all persons in
debted to the estate of John U. Montanye, lita ef
Ithaca, N. deceased. are requested to.xuake
Immediate paymmt, and all persons having fiaints
against said estate must present theui duty anthem
tleatet for settlement to our Attorney : John W,
Mix, Towanda, Pa. •
11I0WAIM ET.MER. Administrator.
BETII .1.11.0141 TA NYE.
Towanda, P Feb. C, , n, Administratrix. .
Orphans Court of Bradford County. In the
matter of the estate of Ellsha Barrett, late of the
township Of Springfield deceased.
The undersigned. an auditor appointed by said
court to distrihnte the funds In the hands of O. P.
Harkness, ,administrator of ,•ald defendant estate,
arising from said. decedents real and personal
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at, his 'office In - Sore' on FRIDAY;
MARCH 7. A. D. IST9, at 10 o'clock A. St.. or said
day at which time led place all invites hating
claims on said funds are botchy notified to present
them or be debarred from (waling in upon the
=lea. W. E. CUILSON, Anditor.
Troy. 1879. 4 wk.
TN lIANKItUrTCY.- , - . In- the Dias
JIL. Dirt Court -orlite United States,4er the West
ern District of Pettrsylrania.. .
John J. Griffiths of bradford !County. a Bankrupt
under the Act of Congress of March 18474 hay.
Inc spiiited fora discharge Unmet! his debts, and
other claims provable under said Act, by. order of
the Court, Notice is hereby e.t.a to all Creditors
who have proved their debts, and other persons
Interested, to appear on the 3d, day of 11A11C/I,
DIM, at 10 o'clock A. M., before It. A. • Mercer,
Esq., Register In .Bankruptcy; at •his office, In
Towanda, Pa., •to show , cause If any they have,
why a discharg e . should not be granted to the said
Bankrupt. 8. C. aIt:CANDLEBB,
• •
WATER COMPANY'S Annual, Meeting of
Stockholders. for the election or a Board of
Managers for the ensuing year, and for the trans.
action of general business. will be held at the of.
flee of- the company.. In Towanda -Borough. on.
MONDAY, the 3d day of MARCH. DM, between
'the hours of 1 and aP. M. -
C. S. RUSSELL, Secretary
Tiriwands, Ps— Jan. So. 1670.-.74w5
Orpion's Court of Bradford County. In the
matter of the estate of Daniel White. deceased.
The undersigned 'an Auditor appointed by the
Court to distribute the funds .1n the hands of
Jamei 11. Webb, Esecuum.of th e said d is
estate, arising from the sale of the real a p er.
Banal property of the said decadent,' will at dto
.the duties of Ilia appointment It till Mlles he
'Borough of Towanda. on MONT) AT. the 2ttli sy
MARCO, OM at 10 o'clock A. IL. at Which time
and place all partleohaving Calms on sabirfund,
are notified to present them, or lie debarred from
coming in ° Pe e the letee ,t, AN . I)2EIV
' TOwaudi,.Feb. V, 11179. - Auditor,
BESTMildness you esti engage - in. IS to ‘2O per
day made by any worker of either sot.
light In their owulocalltles. Particulars and lam.
plea worth .113 tree. Improve your star time at
- this business. Address IiTINSON & co" Portland,
Maine: .- may3o ly.
566 147;ittnnyerderT r u m t;art:ti ° b ti ta t arti t tra ii
which persons of either sex can make great pay
all the time they work. write tor particulars to U
Hat,tarr * Co.. Portland. Maine. may 104.1%
I.j can mate money faster at wort tar as than at
anything else. Capital not "required wo will
styli, you. - .1112 per day at home made by the lodes.
trims Men. wombs, buys mad stria Wanted every
where to weft for us. Now Is Me . time Costly
Pliallt and Waal tow, Adam Tints Si Oa.; Aso
114 4 10 . - • • . suallithlV
._ v . ,. '7.W.iiteilliiiiiiiti.-
D D P . ll, C E
IT. T. JUNE,-.A.ara.rr,
' is hew opening a hugo n d karma! trasoritospt of
Ifardtvare.. Cutlery,. atoms, Nall. Iron.
Valuta; Oils. Itarnishia, Tinware, House Irtitnir.h.
lag comb, ke„ purchased (a cash and offered for
sate at Harelips to those who pay cash for g 0. 14;
DA:NOES and Cooking S~ovea, for
„Lv Coal:sad Wood, aglow prices, at JUN Eli.
luILIE Graphic and New - Jewel, tigi
mat perfect and ornamental deatini *torn s 1u
t world, a t - , VIN Mi.
TLIE Gossip, tile best !ow-prieefl
. ...taro fur dam and chambers ever wade. at
. JUNE'S..
VOR Ho - rse-Stioes and Horse-Sho e
„U ::. Nalts, goto
_,.._ JUSE - S. .
TINWARE—a large and, general
asSortment at low prlcea, at - d ITS FY,
kLARGE _stock of . Bar, Square,
nnund, Half-itocuul, Oyst, ifalborat. 1:44a,
owl ill.x)plMO, at, Jr!: V. , 4.
----,-------- - _
FOR, Paints, Oils, and Yarnislkes,
go to JITAIIS:"S.
WINDOW GLASS, froni 7x9 to
2 , 1i3G; st , : JUN E.'S.
T V .._ _.
CREWS and Tacks, direct 'fron t
the .thattittartneera, for bah, at wh01.,..), ~,,a
'mail. at reduced price*. at - - JUN E's.
• ---
LAMPS, Lamp Burners, Chimneys,
Shades, and Wicks of every variety. it
ROPE, Si-b, Twine and
Wick, all sizeN at
LANTFANS--a great Varietyat
ym priers, s IC N
r OCKS, Latebes,and Bolts. every
iarle.ty and kind, at JUN E's , .
CAST and Toe Corks (Steel), at
jiISSTO\'S Celebrated Saws, at .
T ABLE. and Pocket Cutlery. at
11" OUSE Furnishing Goods, at
NAILS and Spikks, all sizes, at
NORWAY and Swebd's Iron at
MECIIAN ICS will find ri good as
iiprtment .4" Tools at . 711.1.5E • 5.
ALARGE Ktock of .Pliiindelpilia
Cairlidea and Tire -
WIRE Cloth, at
DOWDER I Shot and Caps, for sale
at JUN
LASTING Pander, at
VILES and Rasps, a full assort'
T I 4 3I I .IIERY -Cloth and -Paper, and
Sahli Paper. At JUNE'S.
, •
PASS Keitles.and Hollow Ware,
ail at low 7 , rferg. at - JOSE'S.
Towanda, Noy: ta. 1673.. .
31 E C lii N
. T T-A - Y L I,
OPP Park, TO A V .
and '
-IVool Diagonals,
In great rarletyonadle to order; at the
L.\CI4L , lI.~T \L .\ ~55 ('f.V .\ I:ISG~
t;ENTS F171:?;ISIII!it; (,t )DS,
at reduced prices
jirindor Scarf.,,
Colored Bose,
Fenn as :o 52 In Ore
Sir An Inspectlou of cur stock wilt cow/lure tkc
114 In Stzvet, Towanda. ra.
'Mt r
Dated 0ct.,21, 187»
(ol,l . Siand of . C. 8.. Patch.)
We hare on baud a large !steel: ii
Which we otterlo the public at (tic
As'a rpecialtywe'otier an einragrwto or.
At s prico'imt to found elAewhere subject to be
rammed If not tatiptaetory.
A fresh supply of Dried Finits just • nvered.
atnong which can be fount -Denman Prunes of our
• own Importation.
Towanda, Jan. SO, 1879.
.. ,
"The-Richest. lilitod, Sweetest Breath And tiiii
Fairest Skin to Hop Bitters."
—A, little Hop Hitters saves big doctor bills and
long sickness." - ....
"That-invalid - wife, souther, 'sister or child can
he mado the picture of health with Hop Hitters."
"When worn down and ready to take your bedi
Hop Bitters is what you need." .
"Don't physic and rhyste,
_for It weakens and
destroys, but take Hop altteks, that bulld up con
"Physiclane of all schools ose and recommend
flop Bitters." Test thetn."
"Ilealth and beauty is a joy—liop IlAtteris giros
health Cud beauty." _
...There aro more cures made yrlth flop Bitters
ttiau sit other medicines,"
'•When the brxin Iswearled, the nerors unstrung.
the muscles weak, use limp Bitters."
'That low, nervous fever, leant of sleep and
weatness, calls for Hop Bitters.
TOR 8 2 .str. BY ♦LL Dammam
JUN fi'%
1111 VEIL