Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 20, 1879, Image 3
Xtra4fiv..ktleittttt cam!. H. actsx,l.ocia: =biros. Tworada, It.,Tharrotay,reb. 20,1849. A. CHAMBERLIN,. -• DasWin FINE , JETVELE Y, ; 711TCEES, SILVER & PLATED.WARE, TOWANDA J` A. Tcnrandn. Jan. IS. ISM L.DDAL AND GENERAL. Dun, sister village of trey 2s soon to bo rs u p pll e d with pure spring water. -EustruA had a twelve-thonsand-dollar ( lice on Monday morning last, supposed to bj tho work of incendiaries. 'THE material used in printing the late Bradford Gazotti; at this plat), is adver tised Air Sheriffs tale. Resumption did it. 'Maul! L. Locsn, an old and highly respected citizen of Canton, died at his residence in that place, on Saturday, Feb ruary Bth. , • • Scow to the depth of about 10 inches fell on Monday last, and, judging from appearances,. this, Wednesday, .there is " more to follow." A. gocrAL Hop, for the benefit of the Catholic Fair, will be given in Nereur Ilell, tomorrow,_ Friday evening, to ishich all,arei cordially invited. - Tur. Board.of Health of Waverly, , N. issued orders that where death (fixurs from dlphiberia or scarlet lever, ito public funeral will be allowed; I:lAu!uY S•rn...E'rEit, Esq.,. bas purchased The property just north of Patton's block. , The pmpertyThas a frontage On Main s t reet of 234cet, and the, price paid was A MITsreAL Convention under the con ductorship of S., F. Acuir, will be held at Frenchtown,, comMencing February Mb, and closing Friday evening follinv lug with a concert. THE Sociable iven by the ladies of the Vlinrch of the Messiah on Tuesday even ing last, was, notwithstanding the inclem ent weather, very largely attended, and enjoyed uy all present. Ti' next meeting of the •esbyterian Mite'Society will be held at the residence of CilAni,ES lIVALPIIIitY, en Wednesday evening, Fel ruary 2Gth. All are cordial ly invited to attend, Board of Trustees of the rroy Par- Club have decided on September I r l'd 24th andr2Zith next , as the days on • which they will hold their Annual Fair, lon the Fair Grounds at Troy. t • PIIOIVPSITION has been made to intro duci Miss BLACKMAN'S "History of Sus q leha i nna County" into the schools of that county, as a book of reference, The Republican favors the proposition.. .1.1:w ticket stamp has been adopted 'by the Eric Railway Company. On I all 'tickets sold the name of the station, the year, month and day of the month, as as the hour at which the ticket is b(.1(1, will be Stamped. WE are under many obligations to the friends who so kindly sent us pictures of thmselves on Friday. Although no names were attached, we could readily distinguish each donor, •as the artist has bt'en true to life iq each instance. Vnuncn oS the Messiah (tnivemalist), WILLIAM T.tvion, Pastor. At I% o'clock !►. 4.—" The Philosophy of .I.lni versalism," and at 7 o'clock P. sr.—" The Devil and his Angels; What and Whence are They"" All cordially welcomed. A"NiovEnENT is on foot to get a mail • latito established hetym;:en Troy and Fall Bre*, as also route from Wellsburg. via Centel-61k,, Pennyville and Big Pond, to ,Fast SMitldield. Both of these s routes vi , d'uld give additional mail facilities long pne.eded; GEonoh lIKYT, the well-known propri etor of the Rathbun House, Elmira, N.Y., died in that city on Monday last. Mr. HAYT had been IR for some 4 . ittlo time, but his condition was not considered dan gerous until quite recently. Hewes abotit years of age. store 'of M. E. Ittis, the well-known elotbii)g inerAlbant, is being re-painted, papered, and' otherwise iw. proved, preparatory to the reception of hi s spring Stimk, which he has already ordered: His business locals in another column' will repay perusal. LOCAL OPTION CONVENTIOIi.—A. State Delegate Local Option eptivention is Call ed to meet iu Harrisburg on the 2itL inst., at hall -past 10 o'clock A. IL. and at half pa,,t 2 and 7 o'clock rt if. The counties are rt quested to send it least five dele gates each to this Convention. J.rsr: Dot.-tx, a well-known citizen of. IN'sox township, was found dead in his, 1 , 3111 on Monday afternoon last,- at about o'clock: He had seemed to be in hip usual health during the' day. Ho was ahent (its yearsof age. Apoplexy is sup i sed to have been the immediate cause of his.deatb. • 5 An attempt was burglarize the resideuee of M. Jolts C. on Troy Ntreet, Canton, Wednesday night of last week. The '.sentinel says, a window, which %Ls supposed to have beau secure ly fastened, was raised about - a foot, but before the burglar accomplished his pur pose he was frightened away. 1- • TnE'Corning Democrat says - 'le Glass Works of that village are filling an order Air WiLuma B. 'Anon, of N'etW' York, for a pair of pitchers in imitationief some rare China ones which became 'injured. They are unique in design, and when they leave. Captain Mau's finishing I •4oms, they will excel, in esguisite work manship, the originals. Wc . !earn from the Troy Gazette that .T. 11. LA3TENT has been granted a patent f9r Lis improvement on sewing machines, %hereby the little hand wheel is secured In place by a racket- attadhritent,,so that when rutbackward, the sewing machine, will not move its needle, thus allowing bobbins to be 7wound without danger of brealting needles, It is simple and cheap, and we hope J. 11. will make a million .uut of it. . • lit ions having become rife that diph. tlieria to nu alarming extent was preva lent iu the village of Trot, a correspondent writing fForn that plass) to the Elmira Ad tertiaer,:bas this to say:, "Many false hoods hare been circulated as regards thci preralem of diphtheria: in onr There has been one case _only, and that some time since. Proper:precautions bare been taken against its spreading, ant i there are no new cases. Twit Mane* Assoclatiors'or. Owego pistriet, will meet at Waverly, on Thum day, March 4tb, at '7l- o'clock P. X. Ser mon Wednesday evening by . Rev. G. L. War.rairs. tfie duty of irrtiy lister to be present,,ifilcsalbis• 8. F. BROWN. *math Pebruary,.43, 1870; Tat glmira Actrertiser of last week, says: "The family of Micaaal HARM. HAN, living on Dickinson_ street, near the canal, has been'sadly afflicted lately. Last week a boy 13 years old died.; oh Monday afternoon another boy about fire years :Id died, and on Monday night a daugh ter about 13 years oldalled, all with diph theria.' Out of a family of nine children only one is left, eight having died. As the season of the year is at band When people, who have been unfortunaM enough to have frosted their feet during the cold weather will suffer from the in. tense itching of these members, we pub lish the following recipe for their benefit: Dissolve a lump of alum in a little warm warm water and bathe the part with it, at the same time warming the part at. acted before the fire. It is said one or two applications are sure to give relief. . LUCRETIA. MUTT is' now SG years old, and seems as vigorous in mind and body as over. She was reeently elected Presi dent of the Pennsylvania Peace Society. For many years she has been a public speaker, and has advocated thiC Abolition of slavery and woman's rights. She be, came, when 26 years 'old, a preacher in tho Society of Friends and has always been distinguished for her eloquence and intellectual Ability: r She , may well be ranked as one of the remarkable *omen of the age.—Exchange. ' ANNA E. DICKINSON' will, deliver her lecture, entitled "Platform and Stage," in Mercur Hall, • Wednesday evening, March sth. Our readers are too well ac quainted with the lady's reputation as a lecturessAp need a word from ns as to heir standing in that regard. Those whO Lave once beard her will not 'fail to embrace the prese r nt opportunity to repeat, the pleasure, and those who have heretofore been denied the privilege, will no doubt improve the present occasion. Tickets will be for sale at KIRBY'S. • VEnoteT m.:putt:yr.—The coroner's jury inquiring as to the - cause.of death of the young woman, DORA NEW.ros, an ac count' of whose sudden demise at the house of .Mrs. BENJAMIN was giien in the REPORTER of Inst week, rendered-a wt.., diet on Thursday last : That the deceased came to her death from the effects of Med- Line administered, and am operation per , formed by LCCINA BENJAMIN, Mrs. BEN JAMIy was committed to jail by. Justice Yousu to await, the action of the Grand Jury at May Terhi. Tug Ilev. S. L. CoNDE, of Troy, this county, hats already gained considerable reputation as a composer. Ms last pro duction, entitled "Forget.rne-not," is thus referred to by the Elmira Advertiser of a recent date : "The words are by au unknown (?) poet of 'Elmira, and theli exquisite pathos is finely bfought out by the music. All of 31r. Co:OE's composi tions are to be highly colunended for the soul which seems to breathe forth from the. sweetest of melodies. •",:Forget-me not" is one of his best efforts, and will be sure to please, whether in tbe z concert, or iu the home.". THE HOLIDAYS OP TUE YEAR.—Tho following is the holiday calendar for - 1879:. St.. Valentine's day, Friday, February, 14th ; Washington's Birthday, Saturday, February 22d ; Shrove Tuesday, (Fas nachtj, February 25th ; Ash 'Wednesday, February 26th ; the first Sunday in Lent, March 2d ; St. Patrick's day, Monday, March 17th ; Palm Sunday, April 6th ; Good Friday, Apiil 11th ; Easter Sunday and Monday, April 13th and 14th ; Roga tion Sunday, May ISth ; Ascension day, Thursday, May 22d ; Decoration day, Fri- May 00th ; Whit Sunday and Mon day; June Ist and 2nd;- Trinity Sunday, June Bth ; July 4th, Friday ; Christmas, Thursday, December 25th. • BRILLIANT WEDDING AT TROY.—Tile Wedding of Mr. - EDWARD F. .I ! uslatts, of Philadelphia, to Miss KATE DARE, of Troy, took place at the -residence of the bride's parents, Dr. and Airs. C.V. DARE, on February 13th, and;is said to have been one of the most brilliant affairs of the kind that ever took Mime in that vil lage. The house was , nstefully decorated with flowers .and evcrgrechs, and the bride was the recipient of many handsome and costly presents. Miss FANNIE E. F. LQNG, and Miss lilisstE C. GROHS were the bridesmaids, and Mr. _Wr.r.t.rsm F. STEEL, of Philadelphia, and Mr. A. 115. JtiwETT, of Troy, -groomsmen. The hap py couple took the evening twin for Phil adelphia, where they will hekafter reside. THE Alert is the name of a .9x15 news paper being issued by the Alert Bose Company, of Towanda, Pa. The 17th of February is the fifth anniversary of their organization. and they aro going to have a - ' wooden wedding " and festival to cel ebrate the event on the 17th and 18th; Perhaps with the exception that there is mil such paper as the Alert published in this place, and no such company as the "Alert Rose Company;" the aboveitent, which we clip from the Elmira Adrerliter of the 15th, may be correct. The Adger- User is not generally given to "mixing things," but when ft does, it makes a first•class job of it. All first-class papers are the same in this respect, Our read ers are no doubt aware of the fact. COMPANY K—0.1.--We clip the follow ing from the last week's Williamsport Banner: -, When the companies of tlie ( Twelfth Regiment were on their way the inau guration of . Governor lloyt, t. ey passed through this city and some f the troops got drunk and raised are at the roller skating rink and a more rious disturb ar.cfr at the Herdic II use restaurant. The Banner was informed that the mem bers of the , Towanda Company were the guilty parties, and commented upon the case. = ,- Major BUITOWS, of this City, informs us that the Towasida boys were not the guil ty:parties, and that the real offenders be longed to a company located in the , soft coal region's of Tioga County, and, :that the guilty men were at once discharged when the company returned home Mfter the inauguration." .. f WANTS TUE COUNTY. DIVIDitu.-7WO clip the following froth the lirorthera Tier Gazette of February 6th The question of an additional law judge is agitating the minds of legal and other people, impelled by the fact that there is such an accumulation of legal business es to demand some relief te the courts. Among the names suggested for addition al law judge, there is none 'that seems to suit the nceessitiess of the case, as well as that, of W. IL. Carnochan, Esq. Careftd, well.versed in the intricacies of the law, clear-headed and capable, he - has the con fidence both of the people and the mem bers of the bar, and would fill the place with dignity and ,ability. But while the subject is up, would it not be better to have a just division of the 'county, and some provision by- which the records could be of some avail to. the people of Western Bradford. This would make an equiMble adjustment of the accumulation of work in the .courts, relieve them of their pressure. and givens an additional law judge_itt the best form. • . < - i Nalr atlO:Pann,,_ •",1 11 !;14 11 4* .:": of the Ikea-Barre Daily' Bee,otd of as 27044, wes issued their prospect= for s new : morning daily paper, yrbkh will reach Towanda and all stations along the "Pennsylvania and New York Railroad, so as to be delivered to subscrib ere between 6 and 7 o'clock A sr. It Will - ouitain full associated press dispatches from the en tire world. -. , It will contain a daily letter from To- Woods, giv,iog complete local new& It will contains daily letter With full legislatlve proosedin,gs, continents and gossip from Harrisburg. - It will be essentially a local end general newspaper for the people of Bradford CountYs served vegularly - every day to subscribers in eveyrrown and village in Bradtcird County at- tbe price of 30 cents per month. Mr. J. It. KITTRIDOR will represent the paper la this oorraty,; to whom all applications for agencies should be made; Tint Rececption of Tioga :Hose Cornpa fly,. Waverly, N. Y, on Iciday evening last, la pronounced by all who bad the pleasure of participating as being one of the finest affairs of the kind over given in the Southern Tier. • The Opera House, ill which the Reception was given, was very handsomely decorated, coneerning which a correspondent of the Elmira Advertiser says : "The floor was carpet!crl with white duck and supplied with the most elegant ly upholstered furniture. The walls were festooned with flags and hung with oil ;paintings. From its center of the coiling hung a large fire bell made of ev ergreens, and from the tongue of the bell was suspended capita° seats a beautiful dove ofpressed flowers, the handiwork of Mts. R. A. PACKER." Among the guests from Abroad wore the following from To*anda : Mr. and Mrs. C.l.itex B. ronTEn, Mr. and Mrs. Jolts WARD, Mr.. Julys Contuse and Miss KATE PM NNEY, JAMES CODEINO and wife, Misses ELSBREA LLswzr,r,rsr Er.snazz and wife. CIIANGE OP AGENTB.—JAMEEI :lilacymt t..txr„ Esq., who for the past 12 years ha's been the General Sales Agent of the Bitu minous Coal Association of Northern Pennsylvania, tendered his resignatidli on the 11th inst., and another one of our townsmen, J. M. {Ginn, was unanimous ly chosen tiro all the place. Mr. ltrieFku,- LANE, during the periol lie has held the ,office, has undoubtedly defile more than any other man to bring, these enais into use and in the furtherance of schemes for their development. His successor, in the office, iBsminently qualified to fiil the po sition, living been identified with the coal interests of this section a number of years. Ile succeeded Itlrd Mitcran- LANE as Superintendent of the Barclay Coal Company, when Mr.-31.sexanuasz accepted the position that he has just re signed, and held the position up to a CC* years ago. Ile will make a courteous and obliging officer, and the Association is to " be congratulated on 1? happy choice. The headquarters of the Agency will re main, as now, at Syracuse, N. Y. INTOXICATION NO DEFENCE IN A CRI3f- INAL CASE.--On the trial of JAMES DUET, in Columbia_ County, last week, Judge. ELWELL, in his charge to the jury, said : "It is my duty to tell you that the de fendant being intoxicated does not alter the nature of the offence. If a man ehooSe'/ to get drunk it is his own volun tary act. It is very different from mad ness or insanity not caused by the act of the person. That - voluntary species of madness which it is in a party's .power to abstain from he must answer for. How ever with regard to the intention, drunk-' , enness may perhaps be ddverted to ac ` cording to the nature of the instrument used. If a man uses a stick you would not infer a malicious intent so strongly against him if drunk when he made an intemperate use of it, as you would if he had used a different kind of weapon ; but when a dangerous instrument is used, which if used must produce grevious bod ily harm, drunkenness can have uo effect on the consideration of the malicious in tent of the party. Here the defendant used a revolver. ' The question for the jury is did he shoot at lieu:int. with _in tent to kill him." BIRTHDAY CELERRATION.—One of the most delightful gatherings and surprises, 'in whicli we have been so happy as_to he a participant, on Friday, Jan uary 24th, at, DAVID Anmonosn's, to celebrate his Willi birthday. 'The day itself was perfectly delightful, and ~the sun pouted forth its glorious rays of light and beauty. Dear friends came from vt! dis ( bmcq to join in the surprise and make the occasion a joyous ono to all. Four generations were present; seven children with theramilies, and 10:grandchildren and other invited friends. At 2 o'clock dinner was announced and we had a feast of good things, and then the children were ready tO_suprise their father with such things bs they thought wore more pleas ing than a good dinner Mr. DAVID AIM STRONO was seated in a big arm chair presented to him by his sons Uncle JOE _BLACK pretiented him with gifts from each•of his children and friends. Aiter which Uncle Joe entertained the company with'a comiciong and speeches. Grand pa AIOISTRONO and Great-grandpa LYON presented each of the grand and great grandchildren with a silver piece. - The brothers and sisters sang their closing piece, entitled, "Then Wake Again the Songs of Old :" We'ce met again around the hearth, Where oft wo used to come ; We've gathered from the wilds of earth, • To this our• father's home," etc. • Respectfully; Herrick, January 28, 1879. . WAVERLY correspondent of the El mira Free PM* says, that. "Dr. Wir.rasu 11.1pEucz-Baring come to the conclusion that he liked Mrs. Woos better than his own wife,and Mrs. Moos fancyinga man with long flowing beard better than ono with no beard, the twain left ono night last week. for parts unknown, taking with them the only child of Mr. Rtacs, a - little boy about four years old. The Worst part of the whole affair is, that just prior to the elopement, the Doctor had obtained his wife's signature to a bank cheek, Spur-. porting to be for $l5, but which proved to be for $1,500, which be dreir from the bank. Mrs. PrineE is the danglter of Anus( Tfromas, of Sayre, and is onci. of the finest women in this place, and lias .the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of the whole dommrinity for her loss (not of the Doctor, but the money).' From the Elmira Advertiser, February 17thi "Mrs. •Msatitr. PIERCE, Wife - of- Dr. Wirazur.Przacs, who ran away last Week With the wife of a Factoryvillo car penter named Meets, died Sattirday morn ing from paralysis of the brain. It iv be lieved in Waverly and Faetoryville that her death was caused from some poison t 1 villainous doctor bad . beein for some time, dosing her 'ivitb...The feeling against him is very strong, and just , at present either of those places . would be -an 'tin-, healthy locality for hint to be - found in. 203.Fr/ries was 35 years old, and leaves I :ono child. . . PESSONAIRt--,-• • —.Re tie. Nauru: has been in inns for a feti, days past. P. Wm; the well.ltnown lutist I Tie y has gia to Maui. N Y - - -2-70" shun WOOD, of thia place, le visithw:friertds in WillhantsPazt • Amon; • cif Lateh4o,•'gave mar, sauchant a pleasant =4 on Monday last. —Hoe. U, Menem' piaided at the Le. high University. Moot Co - au Thursday /set. . GAltnt*, of ;Will iittumort, la ter a . service of ten .years, has rtired remi t/le bench. —Mr. and Mrs. Damn Eutestanr, of Elmira, aro visiting Mr. and G. M. Maui, Of Ws - place— ' . Diviu Ci ii, of 'Wyalindng, occupied the pulpit of - the Presbyterian Church—at Waverly, on Sunday • last; morning and evening. --Mr. and Mrs. JoSEPII D. MONTANYE, of this place, will celebrate the .50th anni versary of their wedding day on Tuesday next, February 21tb. STEnsi, of the firm of STERN BROS% has returned from New York, where ho has been for the past ten days purchasing goods tor the «piing trade. • , —Mr. W. D. TYLER, superintendent of the Minuegna 'Hotel for several years past, will take charge of the Logan Nouse, Altoona, on the lst of March. —Mr. ALFRED BIERLY, for some time a resident of this place, and a prominent member of the late Lin-Ta Band, has re cently .writtett, an exquisite sacred compo sition for male voice. —ltiss NELLIE C. BiI.ADPOIID, of Troy, this county, is, now conducting the music in st Geneva, N. T. Church, and lias been appointed teacher of vocal music in the Geneva high school. 7 -Miss LtINETTIA A. BENNETT, former. ly of Elmira, but now of Milan, Pa., was married on the 13th inst. to EDWARD A. Itkvaxs, of the latter, place. The parties are greatly respected by numerous friends, who wish them any amount of wedded fe licity.—Elmira Free Press. —Mr. Gm. W. DUNCAN, of Lockport, N. T., who hair been carployed in this of fice for the, past few weeks. is an excel lent printer and a genial gentleman, and we have no hesitancy .in recommending him to any establishment that may be . in need of a tirst-class typo. , —Fun) Goan, who has so long held a clerkship, in the Towanda Post Office, has retired from that office. A more compe tent and obliging clerk than Mr. Golfs has never served our public, and every body will regret that ho goes out.--4our- Whick sentiments wo fully endorse, neighbor TVUNEIL BOUCOT/ ELECTION. The country is ouo more safe; at least, the friends of the successful candi dates for Borough offices yesterday (Tues day) say it is, and we suppose it is the •bounden duty of every good citizen to be lieve they tell the truth. The election was quite a spirited one as regarded one or two offices, but everything passed Off quietly and pleasantly. As follows is the vote : - • FIRST WARD. Judge of Election—Jai. Bull, 115. ' Asa Honglags, 88: Inspector-11.. 11. Rock well, 120; A. Kline, 85. Council—J. Hol comb, 84; P. Beebicb, 69 ; Wm: Henry, 54. Wird "tumor—Henry _Walbridge, :13; 11. A. Cowles, 101. Schood Directers—C. IX Humphrey, 147; J. P. Sanderson, 78; S. P. Whitcomb, GO ; H. A. Prince, 81. Justice of flee Pe(ke—Q. 31:1 J Hall,'l44; C. E. Andrus, 59; Constable—. Wells, ]27; I. E. Stevens, 81. High Constable—Geo. Moffitt, 73. Assessor—Allen McKean, 440; P. C. Gore, 75. Auditor—H. T. Stevens, 79; Thos. -Merideth, 82; Geo. Stevens, 47; Overseers of Poor—D. S. Pratt, 121 •, F. E. Jayne, 135; R. R. Rockwell, 80; S. M. Voodburn, 75. , . . SECO'SD :WARD Judge of Election=—D. W. Scott, 142; Warren Bill, 41 ; E. T. Noble, 92. In spectors—flarry T. Gray, 142 ; 11. W. Mc- Gill, 134. . School Direclors--Cbarles D. Humphrey, 233 ;J. F. Sanderson, 137 ; IL A. Prince, 44; 8. I'. Whitcomb, 97. Jus t . lice of the Peace—C. N. hall, 188 ; C. E. Andrus, BJ, Conslabte--Jobson Wells, 210 ; Ira E.. Stephens, 61. , Council—James McCabe,.los ; William Keeler, 167, As sessor—Fred C: Gore, 133 ; Allen McKean, 142. Auditor—Heury Stevenny 142 ; Thomas Meriden", 38; George• Stevens, 93. High Constable--i-Georgo Moffitt, 235. Ward ..4esessor—Will i mii Keyser, 127, M. Menne, 40 ;J. L. Schoonover, OS. Deer seers of Poor—D. S.: Pratt, 220 ; F. E. Jayne, 182 ; Orrin D. Wickham, 38 ;.: Ro land Rockwell, 97. TnERD WARD. Judge of -Election---Otis J. Chubbuck, 73 Charles Fraley, 89. inspeetors—James 31. Mitchell, 90 ; James Lewis, 24 ; J. W. Onan, 46: &hoot Directors—Charles Humphrey, 136 ; J. P. • Sanderson, 8? ; S. P. Whitcomb, 49; P. A. Prince, ;J. H. Phinney, 1. Justice of the Peace—C. 31: Hall, 94 ; C. E. Andrus, '7O. - Constable —Johnson Wells, 109 ; Ira B. Stephens, 51. High. Constable—George Moffitt, 143. Council—W. G. Alger, 75 ; C. T. Kirby, 55 ;J. H. Orcutt, 33. Assessor—Fred C. Gore, 96 ; Allen 3tcKean,, 70. Auditor— Henry T. Stevens, 93; Thomas Merideth; 22; Gorge Stevens, 50. Ward Assessor —.I. H. Nevins, 91; A: W. Graves; 24 ; G. S. Smith, 49. Overseers of Poor—D. S. Pratt, 129; R. It. _Rockwell, 78; F. E. Jayne, 83; Orrin D. Wickham, 21; Wil liam Mix, 2 ; S. M. Woodburn, 3. SUNDAY SOROOL ASSOCIATION EDITOR RETORTER : The Sunday School Association of the western part of Sullivan County, held a - convention at, Forksville, February- 6th, afteinoon and evening. Rev. R. BEDFORD is • ChlkirMaD of the Association, and W. T. PAnnoa, Secreta ry.. Both officers were..; in their places ready to perform their part in the Con vention.. The afternoon session was not largely attended, but the evening exercises were well attended. Several persons were present from Wit:, liantsport ; also Rev. Mr.-Calr I'ENDEN, of Bellefonte. Mr. end Mrs. Div - Tex, and Mr Curt-rm.:l)Es . helped much by their singing ; also the two gentlemen gave. us abort speeches full of interest. We hope good was done ; certainly rho speaking was good, as were the essays that were read before the Convention. - It is the'intention of those engaged in holding these Conventions, to make the Sunday Schools productive of more good to the young people and children than they have been in the past. • - The temperance work in Sunday Schools receivd considerable attention—Rev. - Mr. TourNlNs having the subject under spe cial consideration, and was iollowed with remarks by Rev. R. Bniwoun and D. T. IbucKELL. Ibitv. Mr. Msreu r read an able essay on Duty of Sunday School Teachers." A number of other subjects were before the Convention, and advoMited, or denounced as required.. S. B. Local Correopmdcuee. TROY TOPICS Ttoy; rem:laq VV. EDITOR. REPOWI3II, :—The quiet of our town has remained .mulisturbed by any startling events for some days. Indeed, tbo peripleiere hare acquired so strong a habit of minding their own business, and have prospered so well, that we seldom have muchthat contributes to thn litera ture of the local columns. Oa Eaturdarereanag a caucus was bcld at the Troy liour, for the puriPooo of notninati,g boroughs4l)Fri roe. tOe ocus pig year. Judge tatiolikiretiotei Chute. Flap, opt A. C. PANNING and -4.1,,DE8T Id6uoix :were eueictatiee. follinr= tug noilduatipua were made: Judie iof Eketione-4; Burgos—H. M. SP ' Inspect*, of litection-4. Paaranta and W. P. , ;." `: • •• • Couneibnen—O. 1,.. Pam E. 0. Dew . ET, B. LONG, Siam; GitZEN, ISAAC Cotsvaa. and N. J . prAirr. - CoastrOk—EDWATID P. BALLARD. OitrEars of Poor—Cla,up,u °nous and L. M. Woos Tan. ' &hoot Dirsators-a P. Rantatpron and TNOMAS ItICOILDE. The teachers' of this vicinity attended the Aiscwiatiena bead at Canton on Friday and Saturdarof last week. Aff wen": - well pleased and much instructed. What a pity it is that all teachers ,and School Di raftons do not attend, and thus rnake — tlfe wo* done more generally beneficial, Professor qUIRLAN as Piesident " ' shone radian," but as this is his first appear. acme in that rapacity, some maybe in doubt whether i is his own• light or borrowed light from his predecessr. Still many hare faith tat the Association 'Will _be managed with , bility under his 'adrninis tration, even as \,n the past. In all Ids duties he mord , hlmself worthy of . the trust reposed in hire, and a successful ses sion was the result. \ • R. F. listurnaTox, .).% S. NEWMAN and GEORGE NEWDERY, ha 0 just concluded their duties as appraisers of the estate of WILLIAM MORGAN. \ The wedding of. Mr. EEDR'TR F. Loosi ng, of Philadelphia, to Miss XATE D4 - nn, was celebrated at the house of tho bride's father on Thursday evening of lei 'week. It was a pleasant affair, and a larg , com pany of , invited guests were pre. nt. 'Many beautiful and costly gifts expres the high _esteem of the bride's numero • friendsi yet more precious than these to her memory in the future, will be the_ kind expressions of regret at her removal from this society in which she Iris always held a high position. After•a most sump. tuous feast and a pleasant - evening, the happy couple took the train for Philadel phia, their future home. The best wishes of all are with them. The schools of this vicinity have been favored recently . by visits from Su periatendent RYAN, who leaves every where high opinions of his elliciency and faithfulness as au ellicer. Mr. A: 8. Ifoourm is maintainim.r. the Chautauqua class in a very able manner, and is in a fair way to become as famous as Room BACON, far his learning and ef ficient teaching. The class numbers more thaw thirty ;members, and the interest sloes not seem to diminish, Wit rather in creases from week to week. C. Neighboring Counties. SULLIVAN COUNTY. FA= (ha Democrat, Fel+. 12th —On Monday last a number of our chi •zens•left for the West with the intention of making it their future 'ionic. &nue of the party go to Washington Territory; while others have determined to settle in. Kansas. The party going to Kansas in. tend settling near Cawker City, and were made up of.the following 'gentlemen and their families: Mr. ENt McKrunr, Mr:. DIMACIA.N, Mr. DE.VTEII. CoNKLIN, -Mr. Jon CONIZIN, and Mr. WILLIAM CONK LIN:. Mr. ions W. ItErsoLus, Mr. WIL LI:In BENNF.TT,. and a Mr. SoLLINGF.It In tend settling in Washington Territory. There were one or two - other families who. aCcompanied•the party whose names we have not been able to learn. - • . . —Reviial meetings arc being held night ly at the N. E. Church in this place, and much good is bein, done.. TIOGA COUNTY Mansfield Advertiser, Feb. —Dr.ll2,nsunlminit, late of Towanda, has settled in 3fansileld. —A son of Mr. D. H. Coorrn, of Lamb Creek, was seriously injured on Thursday list, by being run over by a load of logs. One of his logs was very badly crushed. His condition is critical. ' —Mr. MELviti 'llon:rox; of Morton's mills, Mill creek, had.his right hand bad ly cut and mangled , to -day, while at work with a circular saw. fie came to town and had his wounds ch:eised by Dr. CoLE, We believe no amptit4ii3u -is considered . . necessary. Ns'yoursq C.,OIT'STY. Democrat, Feb. 12th.' ducks aro said to ba thick as blackbirds on BOwman's crock. -The wages of workmen in the tanne ry were reduced about ten per cent. on Saturday last we understand.' —The number of cases from diphtheria have materially lessened in this place dur ing the present cold weather, although several persons are still suffering from that fatal epidemic. —We learn that - Mrs. ensr.l.Es P.Vlnt who lived on the Little Illehoopany creek, in Windham township, about two miles from the village of'llehoopany, was found dead in her home on Sunday morning last; and it is surmised by some that 'the had been murdered, while others -enter tallith° belief that she froze -to death. Her habitation was a mere hovel, tvithbut a floor, and illy adapted for a comfortable abode in cold weather. Rumor has it that suspicion attaches to her husband, with whom she did not live happily, and that officers are in pursuit, although we have beep unable to learn that ho was Seen about the preniises on the night of the sad occurrence. An inquest, we ,under stand, wags held, but we hate not learned the verdict. —Smt7r.t. ROSENCRAXS, of the South Mountain district, was in town Monday, - and reported very favorably of the ....coal -prospect. He says the vein is growing thinker as the mining proceeds, and every -indication points to a massive coal-field in • that part of our county. His 54 acres of land In that locality have suddenly groin' valuable in his eyes. GOOD FOR BARIES.—We are pleased to my that our baby was. permanently cured of a serious protracted irregularity of the bowels by the - use of Hop Bitters by its mother, which at the same time re.,:ored her to perfect health and strength.—The Parents, University avenue, -Rochester, N. Y. Sec another cohtam.. . BUSINESS LOCAL. Vi' Mrs. E. J..1 1 4:1Ncios. Ims TRIMMED ttA.TS fcir ONE DOLLATI and tlywards. Midis.% E. J. MIiGOS is illSt opening DOW siotk of Autumn 311111nery Goods, to wlttcb SIM Invites the nttentlon of tha Males. aug29. LW Just 'received—the lateit styles (*spring lists and Caps, at M. E. nosisrtmrs. Feb. 20.4 t. or Ladies Dress Trimmings, 'all the N'tv Styles. at SNELL & FAEN.iLtst's, a few dotal north of klereuf's 'Mock. • Men's Wool.ilats at FiffyllfS, At 51. E. nosz.xFzittes. Feb. ttit. • Tam: NiYncE.—A.ll debts duo 'Mc axes k Idnvtait.s. if not ftttled by M1=111.1879, wilt he left In hauls of an of Meatnis dr ErArAnnß. . - Large stock Of: Rats and Caps of the latest styles jest rece/ted, at M. Z. Hosts - - F4Lifs. Feb. lilt P • Der can and examine my stock 'of fists and Caps. - / 1 . acaltgrttta.ll Bab. UHL Flrcostamt. baa the best motiringellso for nen; toys and Youths , •froar eier - • offered In ?alma* sad at p'nes• ?Noma +tom* of vir A full lino of Gents Furnishing Goods at fillitta Bros. 'Feb. iatt. tar Callassortment of Fanny Goods at Sxsra, Si •terr doors DOM at Morgues Bieck. . , , tar Inducements in every department at &ran:rarer . rob. ,x6tr. t NOTICE.--The accounts of tho late Minot At.yonn Itticunocit have) been ma:breed 1.010 should be load to 4.E. tirrcilvninn, at the anrownen Omen. nr Go to STERN" Bros. new atom. at Ideatanye's comer, and see the Latest Novelties. Feb, 2041. t L. B. Ttononns challenges compe.; , titian for quallti of goods and. low prices oa Sash; Doors, Dlludsand.Moldink.s, sod a 1 ballding feria?, - taaga-til. IMPOItTANT NE.WB 1-43TEUN Bros., having just received a large variety or the latest uoveltles in the market, will otter THIS WZEI an attractive stoat of RIBBONS a the marvellous low prices of from Two to Twen ty-Five cents per yard.-the latter being flash fib bone tin, six and seven inches wide. Feb. 10-tf. tiriu Largest, Best and Cheapest line -Or Shes for 7.adlorN Mews' and Chlntrens , wear is found at conomvs new, store, clone's* Main and Pin.o-sts., Tracy trNotrle's Block. aprent Cam' Cowl. Bakery Wagon, of the ist Wax," Bakery, will be oq hand daily with Fresh Crackers but from tho area, Bread, Plea; Cakes, Ike. ' niwn ve Don't you forget IL We haTo an excellent CRACKER MANI7YACTORY to town at COWLES , BAKERY, whore you eau buy the 'best fresh-baked crackers. D!!" For tickets to all points West, North and Southwest, at the lowest possible rates, call on or address, M. E. 11 ABCOCIC,"Agent, at Upper Depot, Towanda. 17tt • gir A Grand Array Pall will -be given m alt c bou of Monis Kellogg, New Alliany,ra.. - Frill evening, Fab. a, 1$ 9 . Good, music. Bill • only 5 . 0 cents each. All are Invited. 36w3 lIARRIS, ruE T.A.1L014 Has Removed to `No. , lIAT-E'S IILOCH, t BI: !== Icbl2-2t. .--\ __.... '......—.--........ 7 . . , i to\ Gig" Facts tell o story. There is harti -17 a prorotnent tontine or professional *Dan in this vicinity—or in the country—who has not caused his life to be insured en A to Bernie' his farall.i against 'contingencies in ems : 4,ot hisAcatii. i , Wm. S. VINCEIiT Matted month of January amountlnl Doliara, all In the Menai Life of Towanda, Feb. 6. '7a-tr. rif HALL'S VEOETA TILE SICI lAN HMI: \ RENEWICIL is a scientifiC cambinatiOn eir Somo of the most powerful restorative agents tot e vegeta ble kingdom. it restores gray hair to its riginat color. It makes the scalp 'white and el n. It mires dandruff and humors. and falling-out o \ t \ tho hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by w4th I the hair Isremrlsiled and supported. It makes the I hair moist, soft and glossy, and is nnenirpaSscd as hair-dre+sing. It is the most economical prepara tion ever offered to the public, as its effects remain, a long time, making only an oceaSiOnal appliCatitin Iteee,sary. It is reemmnended and used-by emin ent medical men; tind onittatty endorsed It the State :ts!•ayer of rasSachusett. The popularity of tialr Renewer has increa , ed with the test of many years, both In this country and in foreign law's, and It la now icnown and used in all the . civilized countries of the world: FOIL BALE SY ALL Prtt.Eits. MARRIED. 11,1.F.R—Mc AFFERTY.—At 'the home of the bride's parents, iretemaryrl2, 1371. by MeV. E. C. .Quick, Mr. Davltl 11. Miller. or Loveiton, Wyom ing County, and Frank A. McCafferty, of- Scions Vale. IYANTEII--TrIOMAS.—At the M. E. Parsonage. Felituary . sth, 1878, by Rev. J. B. I,Javis, Mr. Charles M. Baxter and MISs nester E. Thomas, bith of North Orwell, PilitlTX —BA ItTO t."-=-At West Franklin, Februa ry 6. IM9. by Elder ettivin Newell, Mr. Seth Per ry, of Leßoy. and ]llse Emma M. Barton, of West Burttngion. SIASON--TLIURSTON.—AIro. at tho same place awl by the same, February 15. te9, Mr. J. A. L. 31 ason and Miss Marlub Thtultou, both of West Franktfu. • DIED. CROSS.—At LI; resldence In Rockford, February 3.1379. of typhoid" pneumonia, 'Jacob fl. Cross, aged' 69 Tears, 9 months, and 16 days: DA VlDSON.—February 17th. In Ghent; Anna Da . vidson, wife of Ite.V. S. Davidson, aged 74 ye!" 11 months and 7 days. t Leltaysville, February 7tb. Bur dew% only ebtal of Itohert and 2iuidah Lane aged 1 year audio days. We miss thee at home, darling, Oh 7 we miss thee satliy there ; We do not ?war thy voice, darling, Dut - wo see a vacant chair. • Won't you never comio back, darling— , - Shall we never seo thee more ? we're weary of waiting. darling, And our hearts are sicit'and sore. TOW.ANDA 31,111KM:5.. REPORTED BY STEVENS Jc LONG, General dealers in Groceries and Produce, Patton's ' Block, corner Main and Bridge Streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING, ixn. is, 1879 751 - 17:0, BELLING 5 230 5 25 6 746 7 00 I zeta 1 50 1-500 175 Flour per bbl Flour iber sack Corn Steal per ICO 11,5 Chop Eeod Wheat, per Waft Corn Rye-- ...... . . I OCO . 1 cs.o 410.50 Sera 60 :tn' xc~ an 340 450 50 1 2,.:14 I ct , ® 1 75 5 00 oats Buckwheat Buckwheat Flotir • Chiver'seed.metnum.... Thnothy.,.westeni Beans. 62 II)S. . l'ork. mess 11ressett hogs Hauls Shogiders Chickens Turkeys Ducks Butter, tubs Itolls Eggs. fresh Cheese GOen apples, hieeh..... PictAtues, per bushel... 'Omens Beeswax ..... 1 ,000 1 50 1 50@ 2 03 bbl. 12 00 40 tOIiAEXTED AT DAYTON TIRO. Hides Veal Allis...—. De4coris :Thee p Tallow Wool HENRY E. DRAKE, .1" Ir ,F Corner Lake and I lVater Strata, ELMIRA, N. Y 1r;1, N. Y., Aprll.lB, dew Abvertisemettio. IYCORPATION , NOTICE.-No nee Is hereby given of , the intention to apply to the Governor of this Commonwealth for a char. ter or Incorporation for a Ferry Company to cross the Susquehanna River at or near Sugar nun, inn ligolforil county. Pennsylvania. GEORGE: R. 'FRPTCIIY, - ANDREW' FEF4 - 111ORGAIN ItttOWN, • .1. B. WPM:FORD. • .Cl. AUK 11 01...L1S 13 - February 29•31.•. ' • • rpnE• TOWANDA "GAS AND 'P WATEIt COMPANY'S Annual Meeting of Steekhohlere for the electleu of a Board ct 31anagere for'the ensuing year, and for the tran3- actlon of general hustner.y.wla he held at the a -1 0,. of the company. -In Towanda Borough. olt MONDAY. the 3.1 day of MARCB, 1879, bettieen the holits of 1 and 3 t'. M. C. S. Itta•SELL, Secretary Towanda. tea.. .San. an, 1g73.•35w$ FA" . Fair vitt be held IN THE 'STORE LATELY 'OCCIII`IED Itt=l22=l Under tho rare of the Ladle of the Church of Sta. Peter and Vaal, at!aitueuciag MONDAY, FEBRVARY MR, / . I,ND ENDING TIM W.T) Proceeds to be-Applied towards II:061w tdo cburch the coining rumniur. . . SUSQPEHANNA. COLLEGIATE IN ninon. /Wood Wilder Term 'wan boob NON tu ra T01AN.27, ire.' 1 tor board, tuition and lorolobra raft trots iirr , to slllllper pen Nor estolovso or farther Mars Wilma th e Prin. eltal. . ED IN E. QUINLAN.. A . liti Towarolisoluly ll,' Intl. - 41 . • estate of Is hereby given ttutt all parsons indebted to estate ot Caleb Abell. late of Warren town ship. detod, must lista immediate payment, and all persons having claims against odd Wats, must present them, duly authenticated. to the under signed for settlenumt. C. T. ABZLI., • Warren, ra., Feb. 20, *Mit. Executor, , ....Or • A. • WEEKLY PERIODICAL JOHN W. FORNEY, EDITOR AND PPOPRINTON, S. Cor. pith and Chestnut Stn.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. • Tho first number appeared Not. lath, ICS. All tho bark amphora can be suppled at the pub/Mar tian °Mee. Yttends of the paper unable to obtain It briny news stand or on $lll railroad, are MO,. ted to notify ,the publisher, Will be devoted te s Literature, Science, Art, Ft datiCe. the Drama, commends on Domestic Events, trod foreign Correspondence. There are depart. meets of Fashion, Chess, Pilules. Acrostics, *e. .PROGRESS rr talks chout CiuDitfa at home and &bread, of Athletic and other sports, of Merges and Horsemen ; It treats of church matters and it will not be wanting In Humor. In a word ".Pro gress" Is a INN: for the Mcrchant,the banker, the Preacher,, the Actor, the !Mice and the Memo Circle. In. he first - number was commenced an original story try Justin McCarthy, entitled "Donna Quiz ote." written for "I'rogress." Donna Quixote" will be followed by " American Gold and Toren 'rules,' a novel, by Its editor. John W. Forney.' A serial of the highest order will always be among the eeetentl4 •• PROGRESS Is . 24 Pager Quarto, printed on strong, *hit toper, with large. clear type. 4 1 5.00 a year, postage inciuded In advance. ' numbers. 10 cents. r inTY-FIIIST ANNUAL REPORT Penn Mutual Life Insistence. Co., Net assets, January 1, 1878 • . RECEIPTS. Pretuions receipts 1 1 044,068.83 threrest receipts, etc 3a3,064.11 1,408,032.64 Total DISIIITUSEMENTS. Lou'is and endoyernento —090,418.2 d Dividends to policy-holders -21,330,97 Lapsed and surreudetedpol-. Ides. etc 246,941.09 Commie uslon c,salatlee, used!, • cal fees; etc Taxes., Ilegal expenses, all vertlllug, etc..... ASSETS, . • . . U. S. 51W.iil sla, percent. bonds, Phila. ' delphis and-city Loans, St. It. bonds., . . bank, and other stocks, worth 1,2,401,- . • 083.9 x, cost P ^ 309,832.6 S Morp.iges,• first . liens on properties worth 05.125,000 Premium notes. secured by polities. Loans on collate:rats, etc Real estate owned by the Company, chit 441,474.0i Cash onpatol and lu Trust Coinpanles 191,997.1: Wee during tti?' Twelve Thous tird yew -York. Net ledger assets, as above.. :•:, , i deferred and and unre- reporLed preml - dins e99,90J.719 Interest due and Accrued... 101,150.62 3larket value of stocks, etc, over cost tss assets, Januaryl,lB.7o LIABILITIES.. • Lam 6 reported.lett not due =116.628 66 Hese p, at 4 per cent, to • reinsure risks 5,477,471.90 D unreported polleicA etcc. Surplus 4 I r cent. bads. Sappldgrit 41i r cent. Pennsylvania . standard.' estl!nated t 1,346,762.85 No—polleles in Wire , ' . 10,731.00 Amount at risk ), 5AT,N,557.00 S•AItITEI.\'. 11t.T.T. President. SAMVeL, F.. STlllig, U. S. STEPHENS. Vice-Preside t. ' 24 Vice-President. JAS. WEIL:MASON. HENRY AtISTIE, • • .tetnar. ? . Secretary. . ' ITENRY.C. BROW N . Asst Secretary. . . t • GEO. A. GITER)., , SEY Ag ent. \ - .36ws . 1 1\ktsanda 1 , ' a. E P. DITTRI C . 41 \ 7/C 0 GROCERIES' & PROVISIONS VERY • LOWEST MARKET "Ertl... , At a price not to be toned elsewhere subject to be returned If not satisfactory. t2(4 1 2O :Wig lOO 1 00(4 1 30 4044 wio A. fresh supply of Dried 'Fruits Just received, among which can be found German Prunes al our own Importation. 1 60t3) 1 75 83 0 7 *3(r, 10 90) 10 10(4 vz .-S-9 0 100 12 r 0 10 leo 0 7‘ol 7 1:(0 18 14 to 146) 15 150 2 0 16(4 20 10(4 11 12S 35g4 40 4013 50 ccia i 0 7so SP@ 7 5 75C) 300 .. ago o . towo ... .^....irm00 .. (W 06. .. 2.-k-v...s T L. KENT, At t, . - RETURND FROM NEW YORK WINTER GOODS ! SILKS, SKIRTS, • - • !:LIINNBLS, • • MUSLINS, inepN434, Sill RTINGS, • NOTIONS, ! 7 litilieffiiiiiiiK — ' - ' ----"--- "P G 13 5," P•lt 0 0 11 E S . S," Of VIE OF PIULADEL:FUM 151,746.20 64,710.32 1,178,214.87 asi l ets Jan. I, 1879. 44,25Lr-' 299,205, . 50,M6.50 979.227.55 DEALERS TOWANDA, VA. (01,1 Kam! of C. B. Patch.) Wotavo on Laud II large stock t'r CHOICE GrsOCERIES, 'Which we offer to the public at the RATES. An a Fpeclalty we alter an extra grade t.l WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, WE WILL NOT BE U D E .8 0 D.! E. P. DITTRICII & CO. Towanda, Jan. 30, 1079. lIAS JUST WITU A LARGE sToos. or CONSISTING OP "VELVETS, • DRESS 004DS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, Which he Is selling at t I RIOES NEVER BEFORE KNOWN J. if SZNT, AtiNXT. Ira, 'I .- , 8 A NNUAL REPORT OF. THE RECEIPTBI.IID;EXP EItOITIM ~ „M. of Bradford County. from Januar/ lid to ta:ember alat, WU. To moult Feld Auditor, " • 172 171 Auditors coa for P ets rothonotory and Nosistor..... 2,47 9 0 07 0 00 Bridge ns - pride Vara 177 99 iiiiircii-4;eis ... • • 10 Bradford Comity Agricidtural doelett..... 100 00 Constables. tor Making returns to Court and _ attending at elections 4 • ' , lii 46 Agawam • .i ' • 1,060 09 Costa in Commonwealth sults.4 - a. 4,677 16 Counsel to Commlssloners -'•-• 60 00 Crier andtlp•etafts of Court • Sid 60 Dlstriet Attorney . '• 576 00 Elevtlact_espenses -. 1,201 26 Teel sad lights • lin 46 ' Orsnd 111f011, ail 00 Traverse furors - - ' 4. - . 4660 is Insurance cm public bulidlop 7- .i.. In so Coroners• and justices' !aqui - Ml=6 • ' tat Id duty commissioners - 167 114 Odic° books . 6611 asi Postage sad stationery 107 fa Potato pstnlLag - CS St Accouist with the itesirat &oiler:ore of Coma)/ Tax for the Candi : of DreaVofst,(ol l .l74e • rear ,V 114; • .and vet:tout. . . - , ... • . Collectors, • ... ~.. 4 Amount --- A,mOunt Amount At oust Amnia ' Twp's a Boyar - . 7 .7 , Owned, ItecAlved. Ita'Uttsld. P 41.441 DIN. • - I ---_.--_. . -....--, • . r • , ~.. . Burlington Born. M.B. Phelps 1576 $ 106 45# 100 37 .80 # 11 28 Armenia W. H. Beeler 1 877 242 70) • .216 11 14 70 Ii Illi Burlington West N. C. McKean 787 33 784 60 • - - •4 73 Cattball Bore - C. L. 'Farnsworth. 1 • ' - 571 . .37 • - ' • Canton Tw•p,..., Hiram Lindley • . 1,730 521 1,617 74 27 28 - $5 AO ~ Herrick ' James McPherson ' $33 18 .754 45 . 41 02 ' 39 - 70 • ' ' Hawke ?WV... ; D. S. Mingo,, .' 1,050 79 91/4 31 14 06 .. 61 113 ' Rome Tsep J. 81. - ' , Trink 1,093 72 / 1,034 30 399 ,34 43 • - Springfield. run Le0nard ..........,.. :. , . . 252 99 1 352 Do - . .. South Creek - David Chase . 660 84 314 33 - 9 . 53 a 96 • , Sylvania 80r0... Janie - 4D. Bristol .. - 154 15 146 72 . 77 784 - Towanda Twp... A. W. Dlineek . 9= i 9 796 08 _B3 93 42 13 ' Wells ' Geo. H. Knapp : -_ ' 214 as . 214 3$ - ' . Armenia Alba hurnham....., , ...... 1 8aS, 217 86 , 191 15 _I6SI ' 10 12 -1,,„ . Asylum B.C. ChiSson, in Cl 761 98 11 65 41 36 Alba Bore C. S. Wilson - ' /33 47 .124 78 330 41 41 Athens Boa,, John 11.41osmer - - 1.424 1 1,322 81 21 16 , 70 341 , .. Athens Tw•p;...„ N. V. Welter . ... 1.. ......-• •• • . 3,126 6 9 , 2;757 57 =2 42 145 70 • Albany . W. 11', Corson . , ••• 622 40, 496 62 . a 34, -ZS 24 • . a armay • John 11. Davis '' . _ 738 12 CS 30 • .= 88 33 94 Burlington 80, S. K. Bois 1 133 25 1% 10 • 33 . 113 ' Burlington Tall A. Blakeslee - '' I '771 67 'TM 14 13 49 -34 04 11urlIngtou West N.C. MClCean • - 666 72 • 624 00 -" 528 . 33 15 _ .433 Cantos Hero, C. L. Farnsworth , 707 31 ..4137 24 15 42 .34 63 CantonTuop.....{Zdward Cole 1,4211 51 • 1,484 61 columlda. Thomas Colony ' '. • 1,544 43 1,460 34 7OS . 77 04 • Prankllit - David Smiley • 50.3 91 430 08 - 341 . 23 42 Granville P.S. Batley ' vw 63 865 05, -II 91 45 54 - Hetrick.Z. Platt 695 01 .617 94' •12 al - 34 7.1 . Leßoy • • •L. A. Wooster....'. . - 399111 694 11 • 13 48 44 43' '' - 147 83 . LellaysrelNe H. 8. Prentice. _ 274 001 247 92 91 12 12 Litchfield ' Albert Calmer , - 1,008 75 ' 915 16, - 10 64 49 95: . Monroe Born '• B. B. Ilollett .' - • - 202 08 180 ho; 11 73 9 38 1 Monroe Twv"..:. ,D. S. Minges.... 890 51 •=1 001 ' 665 54 Grviell IC. O. Vanwinkle.• 1,162 63 1,094 441 10 44 57 75 - • Overton I ,John Mathews ' ' 331. 59 302 41 'l3 27 15 91 • ' ' Pike ID. 41. Northrop 1,371 89 1,283 91 19 90 , 67 78 Rome Tol, C.M.: ,Vanwinkle 947 6.5 631 48 , 908 . 46 99 Rome Boro .... ,E. Spalding ' 127 26 119 001 828 Itidgbetry.. ** P. !John Stirton. Jr - 1,101 32 1.038 881 785 - 4.77/' , - Springfield .. Tim Leonard . 1,450 47 385 00' : ,1,065 47 South Creek Davld Chase. - . .142 36 . 400 001 - 8 . . 36 75 •• Mal " Sheshequln - ,George Childs., - 1,551 71 „ 1,463 28 11 39 . 77 1.45 Standing .Stone.. ',George S *go - . 709 10 602 27 11. 78 ; 3105' '- Smithfield IDlton .Phe , Ps 1,787 87 1,090 13 •- SZI t 7 ta Cl 7 Sylvania Born-. r. F. Bristol - . , - 93:1 15 63 00 4 6$ 16 Towanda Tw'p... W. W.. Bowman • 754 71 ' - 698 01 19 8: ' 34 88 . Tuivantla C0r0... A. Wickham ' 4,159 80 3,749 161 212 93 10741 • Towanda North..; E. It. Dl.urig „ - 421 51 - 324 001 . ' 07 3.1 • Tr9y ra , p 1 11. N. Fish . 1.5140 74, • 1,490 701 , 11. 33 78 71 Troy .Boro ' I N. J. Stewart 1,174 52' - 1,072 1 711 .36 82. 37 99 Terry IS. - Bowman. 334 92 , 461 490( - - ' -93 93 ' Tuscarora /John Clapper - ' 766 76 715,95 ' , -13 15 .37 73 Ulster. ' • James G. Mole • " 379 40 331 14 4 28, 44 001 ' ; .Wyaluslng , "0 W. Corbin - .... 1,241 97 1,204 75 13 23 62,97 • . Windham 'Eimer Neal - - ' 983 59 .. 927 95 ' 467 41497 Wysoa -.- E. 11, Bishop - - .. 1,212- 95 1,073 001 31 77, •• 59 141 41 04 Wells ' .4:ieci. H. Knapp 1,093 74 1 930 00. .12 07 _ 54 15, 93 93 Warren • !James Joke • 1,2741 02.1 1,197 81 1 15 00 • 43 181 ..-... N i1m0t......... IThos. E. Quick .. 739 30' 690 32 12 48 - - 36 56 'Reassessments - 274 91! 133 43 • 13 5: 1 i 1= 96 . .------.1 • ••- , --- ..... ---•-•- ----.= t 43,018.470.6 t7,516,50a1s gG,.194. 4 .2438.38' , ‘A mount due upon duplicates for - 1877 and '' Amount returned uncollected for 1378 and previous years ll 2412 09 previous years... 4 4,138 121 Duplicates 0111178 4.5. 9 96 12 Exonerated to Collectors - 1,078 04 I Bank tax 2,413 90 Percentage to Collectors 2„31111 28 , Ittelsic mat reeolvals - • - ,278 67 Pant State Treasurer . s,. = 1 ...easgessmeuts 14 19 Bank tas - .. . .. • 1,413 90 llttheated land tax 746 tt Paid for Wilding Teachers' Institute VA 00 Seated land tax - • • 71, 24 Interest laid on loan at City Nat. Bank... 814 21. lu Treasury January 15t,•1378. * vcs 06 Orders paid 31,711 07 - - ,l'aid nu order No 2el;beld. by City N.B. 4,600 00 per cent commission on .15031.53 - 901 63 . ' 1 per cent. rommiseion on $2335.30 426 as . . . . . In Treasury January 6 . , 1379 - . 626 60 -- .. . , 2,3140,87.2.17 . 313067.36 t1,3U,2511.33 ^ i . 7lll l: r • I iSFORD MINTY ss :, - - • We, theAnderbigned, Auditors of wet cwinty, do hereby certify that erb bare examined the fore— going statement, and the vouchers for the same, and dud It to be correct - t: . ... " P 1i . . 31 w 858 E5 . r PRATT, t Auditors. • Co/nissioners , Office, January 17, 1879. 0,632,594.01 BUADFORD COtTNTY sa We, the undersigned, reet statement of the re, e r the :Mt day•ot Decent'' , ttnels uhr.hanits ATTEST -W, 141,632,5114.01 HOLID,LY GOODS. Therei i$ nothing - that :will lice 80. notch, satisfaction and remain fresh in one's mind so long as a nice PAR- LOB or CII4IMBEB SUITE, and iii order that all may purchase, we have decided to -scl 1 our ENTIRE STOCK of these fine goods a WHOLESALE PRICES, until aft F ter the :110LI1)4Y,S. Be. sure a COME AT ONCE, 'and...bring . the, . .. CA SII to our MAMMOTHS STORE on Main St., loiters you wilt find just what your wife has beea after fora long Uwe, and remember you wi SAYE MONEY ki:paying CASH and buying bei'ore Christmas.: Towinda, Pa., Dec..l; 1103. . zxrasurrtruzis. Jaws C. Robinson; Treasurer, in account "with the County of Bradford. iimunissiiiners of said County, do hereby certify that ' Ulla Is a true and ear )(yak and expenditures of said County froui the drat day of -January, ta7e, to 137 a. nd seal of alio at.Towanda, this 17th day of January. A. D. PANIEL.IIItADFOHD, J. W. HUIVUT. - Cominlasloners. 3f. F. RANSOM LIAM LEWIS, Clerk, f ,e . J : o [- 1 FROST'S SONS. Mani inTort, / 4 10 ' ' ;70/ lit - . 11 1 11 son opport. (Deters pmi5m010cy....,... WiloW; , , Coofestos prisoners to posatoogiotr -_ s' ON 411 Prothonotary and Cie* WTI, dendines, Rod 404 0 , Itepara an piddle bondlnp _ ' WS IS Doom rent at Trey Court lOO . Sneed' for eatesnozdng ppm ' - - 'ON 70'' ' Elbert/ for IWCoprinanweiddi Otto. 11170 Tax rehinded Wildcat ea Mates $ a-- . Making danneates: to or •.• 40 NI - Trumann , for attending Trey Coon. - ' p 00' ' T. Z. Taper, stimovspber od C00rt...,..`... ' WS 411 , • Boo_ nq for the return of stolen tonne ' SS 00" . laaftig on deed book Protnodles -- ' 1211 It Italanne vying loc ' 4011 GO G. W. Moor; CA. Com ' ' , ma Mk •. ~ do do nds_ye voilb Anglican,.ld73... SO OD - IL J. Coolbuigb, co. Can " '41141 SO ' -. do ' do 3Op with .Itoditan, Irsi...- ,se a John Baldwin, Co. Com,..a 310 00 do -do i dani Wltn Itainters, lat. . 1010 Willian4oole, Clerk 1000 00 _ r . • 004,711 .07 :139. 14 4 3O '0,981 91i #2,006 811 114438 OS .14.211 10 }36,186 41 The Mutual Life Insurance- Company NEW YORK, Offers the most favorable terms to hose desiring to insure their lives,' The cost is now, and has been -in the past, less than any other corn- pally. 92,000 C POLICIES IN FORCE. $88,000,000 IN- ASSETS. PAID ITP POLICIES -AFTER TWO YEARS. $100,0,00 INVESTED ON . MORT- Main'Street, Towanda, Pa. JOTICE.—The CountyCommis &loners base fired upon' the' following dates tor holding A A Ike Oninkkintionere Udlee, in Towanda Borough, for the several town- Alps and boroughs of Bradford Coutsty. Monday. February 24—Asylum, 'Terry, W,ilinot and Alb my. Tuesday. February :S.-Overton. Monroe turp and born, Franklin, Granville and Leroy. ~ Wednesday, February inirC;lnton Itsep and born", Armetda and Alba. Tbursday. February - 2T—Troy tw'p and bore, Columbia, Sylvania and Burilletow-Wast. Friday, February 2s—Butllngton tirp and bora% Springfield, Smithfield and Itidgbery. Saturday, March I — Booth Creek, Wens, falika gain and Litchfield. . . . Monday. March &I-Windham, Warren, Orwell, Borne, terp and boro', Herrick and Plke. Tuesday, March 4—Leltaseetlle, Twain:ma, WI , . *lasing, Branding Stone and Wysix. Wednesday. Afarch a—Towanda Barr, Towanda Twv, Toenails North and:Ulster. ' • • Thursday, March a -Athens, tw`p and hero, Bar. clay, and South-Waverly. By order of the Board. ArretcrWllllam Lewis, Clerk. Commissioners' °Mae, Jan. Mr, IMAM -INCORPORATION. NOTICE, • Notice is hereby given of the intention to ap. ply to tbe Governor - of Ibi s Cornmonweaßb for a Charier of Incorporation for The Sugar Ilan rind Wyalusing Wire Rope _Terry Company, ter the purpose ot erecting and conducting &terry setae the Susquehanna River -at or near Sugartitut, tit Bradford County, Pennsylvania.' (Signed) GEORGE HORTON. J. H. TrIRBBLL. ELMORE HORTON. 1 4 1 11 t. Warns. L. P. STALPORD. - • January 30, Ms. . . PROVERBS. •• ---• • • *The Richest Blood, Sweetest Breath and the fairest Skin in Hop Bitters." ".a little Hop Hitters asses big deter Ws and loon sickness." - 'That Invalid wife; mother. sister or child tan bo made the picture of health with Hop Bitten." "When worn down and ready to take year bed, Hop Bitters la what yea need." - - "Don't physic and- idiyalc, for It weaketis and destroys., but take Hop Bltters,;that build ap con.. trittally,ft -- "Plustethha of all schools :use and recommend Hop lintel's. Test them:. and beauty Is a joy—Hap Bitten dries health and beauty." . • "There ant more cures - made withrttop Bitters than all other medicines." "When the brain lawearkd. the nerves unstrung, the muscles weak, use Hop Illtsess.'? "That low, stem us fever, want of sleep and weakuesa, calla for Hop Hittrs. HOP coucat CURE AND PAIN RELIEF /S PLEASANT, SURE, ANTI' CHEAP. .Ifou SAL% U Puma,. 1.456,1bs al OF BRADFORD COUNTY. g. VINCENT, AGENT. " ,