fdatationalijeptininit . _ AEEr.OOIATE TDiIbIIS S. T. 3tcCOLLoW.," A. T. SALLEY, grrxtits,. 14:11.1",• G. Ir. r.T Commusdcations my be semi to elttierr of the shm - e editors, as =Ay be preferred, sad miII appear In if zilch he tsa,thirge.! G. W. It!Ts.s, T.ditor.„ .. .. fine teachers of flerric,ir and .vicinity will hold i an institute in the Herrick Church, on Saturday, Fetrrnary 15, IST), conamencing.at . lo o'clock a.k. Teachers tied direct6rs a re , invited. . - By order of Coritoittr. BUYESINTENNENT - NYAN'S VISITATION& . Th: following list of visitations by the l•inpetintenclent;-eitends from Christmas to January 24th. So little space is afford ed for, these notes, that they are -neeessa .rily:condem4:4l and fragmentary, and con thin only a portion of a teacher's daily work as observed or ascertained by inqui ry. Mach commendable work may there ' fore not have been noticed : AFTIX3r. . r s7koot ---George P. Spencer. Ample blackboard in eqmstant nse.for pri mary Piapils to write, print, 'make, figures, atld for advanced pupils in arithmetic, grammar, geography, and peranan'Aip. Large school and good older. -1 Bond &1409 7 .--.Emma' Neilley. Pupils studious and ortiirly. • Good drill in map fir iWing principles, should haie pupils inure prompay and natltraltg, and have intellectual ssith written arithmetic. Moo nta &hoot—Lizzie Pennel. New salool, new teacher, term just opened. EWs .11iN--G6,rge l'arsons. School closed middle of afternoon thus prhventing inuch obfervaticin. losre - r r Fre nrht , ;vl n Nellie Cavan. Withwat piopamme, of which pupils TWell qualified and thorough. sitcceEs in teaching small pupils ; wiltc I.'f:triti.•,.//ill—F, 11. ICram. Teacher eLeri. , ,eti , ..f positive and systematic. Fine 1.;1,;t.:41 yek.itation in grammar. Book wvil taught. Successful school. I;rf .` , ,: 1• , , 91, I'. Lynch, and Upper e F. Park. Holiday. v, :;I oblige the Superintendent notice by postal card of tempo ral:: closing, and thus save him time and travel. 1/4 , . 3, 1 , ,AfF! . (Independent} —F. A. Tl:)mpson. - Fine school room, newly =- paned; patent seats and Teacher and proycm,irc. ATfFSi DISTRICT. ()r, , irse ‘5c. 1 ,0,)•!--,:s.Z:ithan.F. Walker. Pupils orderly and Studious. Leads pu to kirdw by judiciouS . questioning of 1,!,,• tn i ns t e ad of, answering them too Lear second reader four times pto . day. G,ooti school - . ' • Walker Katie Snell. Room , furn,h,lied with iertent seats and desks. .No programme. : With more of study, ordor, and thoroughiles, -would produce ^v•-sl results. - • Srhl;ol—Frfink Ferguson. Good work in rbufuls of letters, and arithmetic. Primary pupils idle, and read, tint twice a day. 1 * • Sayre Knapp. No pro gf:amrne. Teacher too itech with back to pupils, hence Idlenessi nod 'play.. Sec ond reader but twice a day. Too little of sounds of let te rs• and multiplication table. lltille'l class of little pupils in numbers finely, First elss.snew house' with patent teats foal desks, PTaihs,-:- Alice :Marcy. _ Paten desks. (bold programme and recitations Little idleness., • croo'R — \V. A. - Plunimer. Itit:w Itnd patent desks: Second reader but twice a day. Taught to read naturLAly. Good teacher, but not quite emom,th. Ururc.--7‘lims M. Swart: Good e i!lcim: in dictation in arithmetic, also cl in 11'0s' Science, of Common Thin (;4)14. order. Selo4l-3lattie Merrill. Good, and management. .Teaches wading Progiwsive traeber—itsiu7„ a Numeric j al Frame 'made by driving tacl:s into an old slate f ratne, and streteb in;.; ht. ' t ings' acrpss to bold counters. t,lru Valle y—Ernma Campbell. School ; good condition during visit. Needs a firth male teach& in winter. f,onber Campbell. Popilft studionS and orderly. Recitations good. Notmrsing ;ill improvements possible. Dunfee. 11 is n good, almo . good work by dictation in aritlinietie, diagrams in grammar. No :;oorlds of letterN or programme. ;,', 7 ;ft ,‘:e/.961-31argaret Lane. Has rounds of letters, diagrams, printing on r 1 ttt s. Reading well taught. Too fre quent trials oh a word in - s - spe)ling ; too af t ologies s,, (Ulf' hill School- 7 1ra Morley. Excel 14.1,t Order and management. Needs more ice. and accurate work in grammar. 11?!r1c1;• ,cch,,ot—Ray E. Campbell. No pr,tgmtninc, Othllloß, work very Com mendable. Progressive and thorough. :joutls of letters excellent. ' '<;''lsol'll - chtTol rbilorncrla Mooney.. .Nl.oMonthle old school house tnadc , worse • by let‘=ing all the blinds to windows closed but one, thus injuring the eyes of pupils. Traclkr drills w4,..11. • acutt • Creek: , kielino/- 7 31.ary Mooney: ..sExcelleUit disCiplipe. l Good recitations in plumose. 1 • 1'1(1'e School—Emmet Loomis. has a gand rchovl. , I'upils atteutrve and sttidi ous. Directors F. Ovenshire, S..Oven bire, Walter Owen, J. Steele and IL Farr at:eon - mauled the Superintendent to. Many of the schools, counseling and. ad vising the Thorough and pko gressive . School Hoard.. Houses are . fur inbin3l with ;patent scats and desks as fast as repaired ; Good - wood. houses. J. P. Ovenshire, 'Secretary of the Board, Is one of the best secretaries In, the county. smitivintaL • • Prrhth Br.hoot--Itin6s -Hubbard. Order amtgetteral management. good. Teache prompt. to adopt and act upon suggestions: Second reader not heard 'frequently enough. . Durfiy School—liattio Brigham. 'Pm; . pits studious. Deterreinedle constantly imProvens a teacher.' •. • • , • S•hool. .Yo. 13—MaltImi Thomas. 'Has a a qehool. Should have titortrugluresa and vii'' and induce the same in puiilg, • work. . . . Sehoet No.: c—SusieNrisley. Good pro. gramme, i 3 pt primary reading • but twie l a day. 'Blackboard constantly In use.. Walls above 'board' covered with maps by pupils, letters with diacritical. marks, principles of reading and history. Teacher and pupils express themseletts : pleased to receive visits. Primary pupils count, print, and make figures. - ' Ulster Se/,,voi- 7 Edward Badger. Too many trials on a word it spelling, arid toe - 'f e w pupili write.' Drills well in most cases. : - J'enelletan Sthoot 11. ehaifoo. su tt o ri tat, mucl► with. back to popilit have gond ()icier. No programmer. lias . map drawing. Dictates in arithmetic. dtilciontiu Opileflt4l7 ttarto of trithmetic. No. b—lt. H. Andrews. Good nn is sqW /ds c't . T l *- - tali . : OrdliF.: /- schooxo. F. C. Steven., Titichoi dell qu iliniA and capable_of tcacbing ac- . austely. =den Belicrei--8. G. Frisbie. TOpetter, activila thoiiouloPrciresilve- 1146 ' dpline gmid;.:FtePowd ieadir, needed** than'tWloYa daY! For Cenci—F- A. Drowi... New Untie and tiatelit. :desks: . Stoat . paPils idle. _Too littlewriting—elass hearldur leg writing time.• Several exercises good. Sleeper Hal Ett Stephens. , ... . Dood discipline. . No - -programme. Too few write. Condwgs recitation,well.• . ISrhof3l-"-Mary Smith: Son* itlliMess. No Crayon. Fair in drill. James Bowen - ..Sehool—G.. F. Dewing. Heard class during Writing hanr. ExPe rienced teacher, and excellent in many re spects, but permits too much nonsense about room. Meeea &hoot Flora Lung. 'Pupils very studious, respectful, and orderly. Teaches primary reading - walk Kinner Sclool,—Xary 'McNamara; Visit short, but favorably impressed with school. • - - - • Dunhatn ..%hoot —lames McNamara. School progresMng irelL' Teacher acqco and thorangh. West Warren—Mrs. M. V. Chaffee. Map drawing, good t..ding, sounds of letters. Efepspupas at work. Geogra phy well learned, but pupils recite too much together and without rising. Di rectors Pendleton and Bowen were pres ent in, some of the schools, 'and are thor oughly interested in their welfare. onwr.r.L. Clerefand .4: Moot—Martha Brown. Map drawing, di;igrams, wands of letters. Good recitation in grammar. Pine school, Independent, Lfi;her ..Be7wol Lottie Doane. Pupils were favored with . the presence of Mr- L. S. Chubbnclo . and Di rectors Case, Eastman, - and Wells. Good class in mental arithmetic and algebra. 1.7-dependent Primary—Tressa Allyn, Boom supplied with fine mottoes. • School doing. well W. 11. Brown. -Large school of large and advanced pupils. Management and discipline excellent. Instruction thorongh . and recitations good, yirst4ass sebiaol. Directors Young, 0. F. Young, and L. S. Thabbnelc, were present, andlenconraged the Scholars. PIKE.• Settlement—W. IL !Evans. Spencerian writing chart through efloAs of teacher purchased by pupils. Good recitation in douule entry book keeping journalizing difficult transactions. Well pleased. • Well B-3. E. Davis. Good eldas in phil- osophy. Primary pupils draw and print. Fine work in penmanship—each letter beihg explained by the teacher at board before pupils practice. Has map drawing, sounds of letters and: diagrams. Pupils should recite separately and standing. Beecher—John Haigh, Visit short— but tine school. Thorough teacher. - West School-Ella IL Payson. No pro gramme. Sounds of letters, class signals, or principles of reading. Would be good teacher if using these necessary methods. Brushrille—Leslie Coddiog. Has map drawing, sounds of letters, principles of reading, class signalS. Heard advanced class in cube root in algebra. Very satis actory. _ _ . Gorham; 'Re citations too much in concert, and with ont rising. flats maP•drawing, sounds of lettere., and principles-of reading. Good school. , Center Sehaii-Z4Thoma9' Excels in teaching rciiting, Drills niccl~. bela:yed.calling school until 9:15, because blit few pupils present, instead of at 9:00 sbaip. Beech gr( ? re—C. , 31. Hutchinson. Ex plains well. llasprogramme, map draw ing. Has vim., Good class in mental arithmetic. . Ford Stieet—Wilter Buck.' Finely qua hied. Large school. Classes in univers ty algebra ) and geometry reeked finely ,were thorough. Pine Glen—D. C. Keeney. Weather very stormy. School 'called at 9:00, though but two l apils present. Suceceds well. • Pine GrOz-- . Lpoy . wells. Has pro gramme, sounds of letters, map drawing. Sends entirc'clasi to board and dictates examples. Excel's in drilling in arithme- 1c Aillttli. ROME vanocc:XL Sterenorilo,,4tlvanted • Minor 'lines. Thorough progrosire teacher except in penmanship: Stetpurille Primary Mary Goodell 11Celis aft at work. Tact in teaching. - Ven tilatee room. ' Ingjetuntoton—E. C. Ingham. Fincly printed prograni,me posted up. 1 : Pupils studious, class attentive and good, order. Directors Reynolds and Bolles, 'and P. McCauley Present and thoroughly • inter ested in schools. NV S ALUSING. C'amplown Aearlemy Sarah Cook. Good order. Few duals for tact and skill in explaining anal 'c'onducting recitations. Should require pupils to re-explain. c' übe root by llobinsolp met)od well explain. ed by Dliss , Fuller, one Of the pupils. Camptown Primary Lettie Fuller. Pupil 4 studious and orderly. Reading satisfactory. Good work in geography. IlEltltlCh. Baltibv School—Stewart !Lillis. Fri day afternoon. Exercises mainly select readings, recitations, and declamations. Teacher deserves much credit.for his suc cess'in securing these things in which so Many fail. • • . •PBANICLTIC . . 'enter—Lizzie Payne. No programme. Some good ' work, and some essential things neglected._ . . . Crayi . oa Hill—Wirt Kendall. Ilan all the essential exercises and methodi for success of school. First term and good work.. _ . Franklindale—C. P: Garrison. Ener getic and thorough teacher; adopts and uses the approved methods, hence gocid school. Varney School—Mary Mmion. Good order. Can male good teactier. itinailtrav Laurel Hill—Emma Webb. Sehool just. opened ; few present. order good. School 2,0. 7—DayMn Roe. Walls above board covered with topical outlines and analysis in etymology in blue crayon :--neat and useful. Map drawing and di agrams in use. Teacher explains well. Too little use of blackboard; Cain School—Mary Sullivan. Large school and many young men present as pupils. No more studious and orderly 'school bas been olisiiied iti the ....ea*: . , No 8 SeLoot—WilTiam 'Devlin Axil work in writing. 'Needs more to and progressiveness. • Luther's Nina—Lora : Good order, gas map dzairl4. - 'Gra* 'Be.hoot-641Trigkt Gestin.- - .144 inktirOved methods eiV.teicbieg. Xs euer~. - getio summit. QIISQUE4NNA`iIii:IN, }Jimmie. vaterparniwitsbsos MON juises 'lr AT, JAN.7I)L b ., / llt for board, Mitten esti littistslAii Crew HO to gasper ran Ira r catalogue or antler. Wars Walrus the Pria drat, A- tIC It 'IN Z. (MORAN. • • 1114 TuirstAai lull tr, 1171 t - 171 • goSett,:.- . . _ CEELEY'S OYSTER SAX - AND EUEOPZ43 trOISSZ-4 finiitaatitastaat =Rause. Bowl , by theasaar weakra• team. Warta await tattal at an bow( ftsfilta-*V.l#llllta°4 ernii• Oar* erHE - traltA, L'llo7o4' . •b• 1 - thohristeDid Wing tikes' et Mt above hotel., respect rani itettella r iga" age at khr old friends satt the public - essipAßt. • ~. • • A. FOUR 'T. (SOVfl aiDi rtstac pqvAps..) This Iretitamigra &mehas tbarplagidY *Lk *owed aik4 repaired itittcdhin/I. and Ibniproprte 16r now prepared to otter nrst-etiswarrOrnmodn , Pons tattle - pubikv on the swat ntarraldse tam& JENNINGS. 7'owanda, Ps., 3day :.18:e, • . _ t,SE," • . stir stitorziNsaa2o CgIiSEW MAIN a WASIIIuTON STREETS ' ' • TOMAiaLI4 rAw= . • TIM iiiXe, eoonitiodiond ainVeleisutlpfortdsbOd Wane MosjOtt teen opened to tee tiotottog The ptopttetor bet spared neither hint nor expense in. making Els hotel - first-c!axs fa Mt its appoint. meats, • and rerpeettntly solicits %share of public patronage. - MEALS AT ALL HOURS: - Terms to suit the Mum ...Large stable utssehed. WM. II Ir tT, room:Toil. Towanda, :tone 7,17-LL: ?Osiness A r TTENTION FAAMERS I A If sou wish to eel your • HAT, GRAIN, BUTTER PRODUCE generally for rcr.ADT catar; st.the highest woke 11'10.4E411 SMITH It,PARKS r:WYSAIIKING, PA,. . • . wherejon- will also And a. well 'elected shack Of . Wselling st boltotn twice!. Ilr'rsankfrr. Sept. ad. 1817.. • • •., . • . FANCY GOODS S t ..traitMINGS . V:10 Isdlealof iOwartas s e respectitUy•lnetted to call st soLL a ranxiiiirs miLuNzaT Brotta and examine - the NEW GOODS pot received from the cities. Our stock eousprhoes everything In the Use of ifILLINiST, FANCY 00406 sae Tntrisitaus, andlot are tell. km at astordshlngly Low en ICES, iiiritaring secured the serrlces of Mites 8017711. dElk a FASMIOX.LISLX DIEULAS•MAX I I4 we are prepared t to do all work In this line on the shortest SNELL FARIMAX. Towindi, Pa.. Sept4L 1076. MARKET.'.. ROSECRANSE - & BREWER, Announce to the people of Towanda andNielnity • that they are now prepared to turntalk FRESH: AND SALT MEATS, POULTRY, Fl5ll, OYSTERS, • And Vegetables In thelrscason, at the most reason able rates. Everything purchased of us itTellVegintpromptty . free of chute. - W Our, location, OBE DOOR NOILTII OF . SCOTT" RAEERY, is convenient for all We buy the best stock. and take great pains to keep - everything in the best order. Givens a call; ROSECRANSE a nuEWEE. Towanda, Dee. 5, len. MEAT -MARKET. MIILLOCK d, RIINDELL Deg leave to thank the people of TOWANDA, for their very generous•patrunage extended to • them heretofore, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We shall at all lilacs keep a full sup. Pilot FEESD AND SALT DZATS, FISR,AND OYSTERS IN \ THE SEASON.. We also keep a good assortment of GARDEN VEGETADT. I ES, FRUIT, SWAB goods delivered free of charge. • 311ILLOCK & RONDELL Towanda. PL. Sept. 19,1878. NEW LIVERY BOARDING AND EXCHANGE STABLES. The undersigned baring rented tbe old Means .llouso Barn, and provided himself with, NEW BUGGIES AND WAGONS, • /IC GOOD HORSES, .1a now prepared to accommodate the public st REASON - ABLE ritICES. Afirliew Tingle* for sale cheap. . B. W. LANE. Towanda, re., .11111 , 15, MS. - 771 BOOK BINDING. liseitig assumed charge, of tho *Bindery connect ed with this Once, I am prepared to do all kinds of 1 3IAGA Z INE BLANK-BOOK BINDING, $3. AT THE LOWEST PIIICES,I4 Conststant with goart wort:imiliblp. Fine Blab% 'Mott a specialty. Stagaitnes Old fleets rebound neatly and cheaply. Can and ewe inn before going eliewhero." A. BEVERLY 133111Tffe . illndery in Berdnwrat building. Park Street; Towanda. rdexs by man plumply attended to. Mini. frHE. SUBSCRIBER- TAKES rleasnia Ih cahlbrtheattintion of Ns homer- Otlß patrons suit the ptablic generally, to the fact that he still continues a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS -Ai,the OLD STAND of MYER & RUNDELE;iis Carreit's Bioek, ?meet) , opposite the Means How. And that be Is prerafed to tarnish SALT AND -FRESH MEATS FRESH POULTRY, VEGETABLES AND BERRIES Of the'very best quality, at as low rates as any other establishment. June 1, 187114.1 T UE OLD MARBLE YARD STILL IN OPERATION The tinderslimed having purchased the NATI, BLE YAM) of the lete OEORUE IifcCABY., de sires to infona the public 'that baying employed experienced men. be Is prePared- to do all kinds of Merit in the line of 7AONUMENTg, - under . idgned is doing • _ . :PLANIN NATCIIING, AND .N.Z.NAWING, ad all lauds of PlanDig-inliMinkr AWAY DOWN DOWN:! DOWN!!! flo far you car4l,aee I bay. also oa hand a tatie stork tot. SASH AND DOORS, Vila I am selan at prices to salt the Masi. WINDOW-BLINDS Mae promptly td order, at slaw price, tor CASS XQtr. welt"' r err ar9i Chai w*gOa toy ai,Awmitt Lumber brosittt bete to adiled. vrttl be kept under cover and. perfectly dr/until Mau sway Gant WI" ter,yout bort% t glitP4oosolo o4 1.. B. RODOSIII. • Towswis, Jas. IS, 1177. WTCPSFP.- - 11017.104 . ' ivasesorroune•:3l - Stress compass Owl . our every "Stim: otist W. PA" per dar. Jpselal rues pres - to row tnerdstaing sueptsgover estildor. CAL:L,AND SEE ,lIS DBLEVAN HOUSE ELMIRA - lElp Y. scut the Ward Iliame.Trerende.rb, FOR :FINE MILLINERY, Tsnoultrok AND LADIES' °mamas 0? 3:7 EAST WATER STREET, . iL1111114., 3t. If,. . , spr Lead ailCiimpetitors ' - 3673. GERITY HORMEL; : CSstedatked 281.7.3 'WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS DatIOOLSTIS EVN es,pszEatritstricutas • • • &c.,•tec. Feb. 28.18 . TAS & rt. WALKER, • 0; 436 gait Wait* Stied, zoittea, N. Y., • PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, - STEAM & GAS FITTERS Residences and Public buildings fitted with Hot and Cold Water. Steam Heating Direct or Indi rect Radiation. L A fell 'supply of Gas Fixtures, Opal Globes. Patent Burners; Globe, Angle and (.3feck . Valves Water and Steam Owes, Iron Cud Lead sad a full supply of Steam Fittings. . • Estimates .Promptly Giros. "Elmira, N. Y., may ss, LADIES AND G E NTS, FADED DRESSES, COATS.OR ANY ARTICLE THAT NEEDS ELEA:USG UN DYEING, GIVE SATISFACTION OR PAY 'row THE W3l. ROBERTS' • CELEBRATED DYE & CLEANSING WORKS, 134, 434 & IRS 'WATER-BT., ELMIRA, N. Y. ars Wont returned C. O. D. by exprese If de aired. Main. C. BRINIF,. A. Manufacturer & Dealer in- • . .MONUMENTS STONES • With and American - GRANITE MONUMENTS, MARBLE at SLATE MANTELS, . 222, 224, 22G . WEST WATER STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y. . Elmira, April is, 11378. IHOLIDAY'S • AND O. M. MIER 123 a st tat • Opposite the Depot. - C. T. MITA, Paorstsros. FANCY 0000$. EVERT' trfirSt.IPTION, . At Low Prim, BAPELTMA tbs, Lass STUMM; ELMIRA, E. Y. Send your 'to as. We-witt GARMENTS. Established 055 \ ELMORE'S. GREAT` ATTRACTIONS. NOVELTIES, \NOVELTIES, .N. Just opened, a \ spiendld sisortment of NOVELTIES. • Japanese Goods, \ \ • Wedgewoodn Copeland's Decorated Ware, Scotch and Irish Goods • : French Faience, and a splendid line 1:). ‘ MAJOLICA ,. consisting et Mtn. Pltchen, Card and pike Dar ken, Dread and. Fruit plates, kc.. \ ' Also a full elect of TOYS . , at WIIOLSALB and RPTAIL. \-. it wilt piy you to call and examine these gohds and see how cheap they are. T. W. ELMORE, • 11l NAST WATER, STREET Eladri, N. T.. Dec.lo, GRANT k DEWATERS, WHOLESALE ANtritETAIL . DEALERS In all kinds of Agricultural Implements, FIRST-CLASS WAGONS, TQP AND OPEN BUGGIES, FARM & PLATFORM WAGONS, PHAETONS, &c, MOWERS - SIIL MOW 4 MACHINE SECTIONS AND KNIVES TO. FIT ALL MACHINES. ND REAPERS, HAY RAXES, &c. 160 LAXF.:I3TREET, ELMIRAO N., Y. May 23, 978, ASTONISHING DISCLOSURES AT TIM /MST PREMIUM HARNESS STORE C. 11. WITDON'a SON Have la stock the largest and most complete mai meat of . FARM AND FINE HARNESS That can be to i t u tt l t i t r i a r n ly st l ro t e between Albany SPORTING AND TURF GOODS! • A Lugo variety. of TRUNKS AND SATCHELS! A more emirate ofoelt of TEAM AND TRACK. 19111 PS! A larger awl bettor amortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' RIDING SADDLES, &c., kc. • In eoneltudon,'we say that we have ever that can be named connected with a bush= ULU kind, that we are sultana tole% Wake upend • PULL DOWN' YOUR. VEST. . And come up and see oil, and we win dentetietiete . • What wo sty. At • . -• 111111 WATTS. •STREIT, UMW, N. T ips; Sign of tbeGoldOglaillie CHAS. H. WU - El/DON SON; tww- W _ P w °. - A l' T B _ : 1'- 11 P C Six d. Ts...dimissod hA.fas wsiisitinshiets atlas *all pies. ts now reedy tosap7l7 Vatisses, Taiwan, esitsll others us *sal offips, irltli , - • : • SUPZIIIOII Ardis AT TRIMS TO SUJT Tax:#3oB,, • AC:WI-01E01M,, cesetedist to 64 HOW* 122 R. IL Ave., "Elmira, If. Y. - aegis. rune 10, 1373. ly ' L ROSENBAUM. &BONS, Desienr la DWI GOOD 817 ITS, ic.. tc.! illet East Watirttnat. ELICLICA. N. Y. The Cacapest awl Bat Rao is Mr City to Beg! otu GOODS „ Are bought for Catb, sod Pr icesare ottreuteett to be as kr; as the forrest. • WiltitY DEPAIMIX,ST IS KEPT SUPPLIED WITH TILE IaTZST NOVELTIES. We - e!alai to do the most_irrpTsivz MILLINERY iMINZ 1 Q' EL3(IBA, 'And parneaCleatting anything In that Ilsouin and It to theft Unarest to can aud UI. Ai we tocielitetno fancy establishment, our pliasa are always plain sold moderota. l'ae trade sapplled at the lowest wholesale pri ces.. 'Special inducements to Cash mutes:aim • Doses taint oebbbes— . . .201 *AST WATER-81'.. • Rathbun Homo Block Limbs. IC. Y., May 23,1878. , Tir M. • N T Witole,sak and. Retail OEALEiIt IN CLOTIIING -A D. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Is 3 EAST WATER STREET, LORI ig BLOCK, ELMIRA. WWI* N. Y. Juno IS, 1878. goat. NEW ARRANGEMENT IN Tax COAL BUSINESS. The underairsed Miriam purchased hum Mr McKean the.COM. YARD AT THE POOP Or PINE STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, • Invites the patronage of his eft friends sad the publip generally, shall keep s lull assertmeit of all sizes, PITTSTON, WILKESDARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL,- • AND SHALL STU. AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH Tarim ra., Aug. 21, 1873. HENRY MERCIJR, Disler la V • ANTHRACITE AND .' 'RULLIVAN ANTURACITE \ COAL, • COMMA PAWL Jab \ Amin STIF,Jets, TOWANDA,. ai t rx Coal screened, and 4011ln:reit . any part of the ro Co'. adding' Cartage to th e e prices. ALL OIIDSHS HUSS BA Aecompemuo sir \ ? HZ CASH 8. NEB\H. Towanda, Jan 5.1877. twerry. NEW JEWELRY STORE. W. A. ROCKWELL Isteostring a new supply to lals buis stack at goods, SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND PLATED SETS CLOCKS, had eraitafag In the Una, 'bleb 11U be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Pisan ins as esd - sadesssdna sus goods: • itepaidcw dose i!L dm! aborted nattego. Dee. XII,OOIPB ' • S. "joshing Ms 4. • ,- , • c- - itio-TiTi.xo:..i.l , - BEEN .EQIYALLED ,BEFORE IN Quality Or LOUP Prices. PLEASE 0 . . a. . lit BELLS TON CASH' AND WILL NOT BE lINOTSSOLD. - " *twine s; ra..Masch GREAT BARGAINS MERCHANT TA,YLOR, Pine Cheviots, Worsteds, - Wool Diagonals, and Plaids, ONEECOATI , IGS, NATHAN TIDD \ 7 even ►/ Atzi) r 1251 - FAIL 4.---W'INTIVIV; STOOK'OP 'WHICH HAS NEVER TIIIB MARKET, 71111 Mer tot EvertArticle Firstrelast. BEFORE PIIROIiA.BINO. ratton's Block, Main-St. J. DQUTRI.CH, Opposite Paris, TOWiSDA, h. FANCY SIIITINGS tfad • - PANTAIOONS. GOODS JUST ARRIVED. Iq peat rarte4, made to order, at tho VERY LOWEST PRICE. IACIEL MATALASSE CLOAKINGS. GENTS FITIINISIIIICO GOOl5, at redsilA pr!ces. ; Vindsor Scarfs, • Silk Handkerchiefs, Colored gose, Suspenders, Underclothing, .From 36 to 52 In gm larAn inspection of enr Mock will convince the mast fasUdions. • J. DOUTRLCII, *gala Street, Towanda, Pa. I Dated Oct. 21, • Zit FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. $20,000 TWENTY TBOUELIINpI)OLLAES WORTH READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Acc., Arc. TO BE SOLD AT COST, BETWEEN NOW AND JANUARY Ist, 1879 M. E. ROSENFIELD'S, As I Intend to make a change in my business. theretiwe otter my entire stuck AT 'COST,. being the largest and best selected stock In northern Pennsylvania. • SPECIAL BARGAINS. The follOwlog great bailable are offered Metes Black tlp.top ()vim:oats fEI L5O and up Men's Arst-class Overeolit 3ten's all Wool Stall' Bora Sul to for 3 yrs old and_p @ 13.00 and up And ecot7thing equally as cheap, Including Gents Furnishing Goads. Hats and Caps, an. A taint= of UNDERWEAR . . both for men stud Loyd. ?BUNGS, VALICES, UMBUELLAS. Ac. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. 4bo above Wick most , and shall be sold by Jan. tat, my. Every one should take advantage or the present low prices quoted, and bay their winter Yours truly, . E. ROSEN FIELD. . Alain Street, Towanda, Pa. Dated Oct. 24,1879. girebii,e. \ , \ MEDICAL ELECTRICITY I ' AIL \ .111. W. IL COVERDLAE, ' . magma 7 cam Tnia aosovaa pranro Tax ran TLLV, MT \ ED MANT WONDERIIIL .s CURES.. Her increased L7wledge makes her FULLY COIPETENT ' to treat many an Mama ‘ll Uks EITE --\\ - • SPECIAL ATTENTION 18 GIVEN To . PURE LT PEMALE' comm./ANTs. ALL SINDS OP \. • . ~., l'everr. Appoptern • leesetasstios of the Eyes, talltog. Croup, .raeumoola. • rleurtiry, Inflammation et the Liver. Inftammatery Mecm&lam, • AJUiroals, . Deafness, _oals, • Dyspepsia, Dlabetea, Dropsy. Ctuvale libeiunath _ • , 13t. Virus Danes, • EPllePon Gaiter. • - . . ' Neuralgia, Cancer • Catarrh, Carratiza of the Bplas, • • Asthma. Might's Mean of the Indstery iad other Comm too numeral* to meatkm. CHARGES: MODERATE: ,Tlll3lll . CASII,, , Iteddeaecal ,PQPIT" , w°4 of sTls" Ansrs, "bin ohs may be loam st W Own. mart ===gl to ,_ m, 4 0: 1 0. ' ' i 's ‘ .• , - li. l i r , B.i , ,a.• - - ': , ' , a st - ca ' ' • ' • I. A 11 Kg - Isvc, , H p Ptl 2 a , •F r ed ITI . - -- '4 ' .3 g• 0, - st L'.".l . , 'Pl*Pt I: ''" - • at i PI X i 0 i ' •21 v L 3ea 4 tr V 2 tr -7. 4 Pa .. V. O. * 2 tea In en II Alb M t, 11 A 2 I hi 1 0 tz S' 5 - - sr) - g cu p • • ; ,1 , =.... 4% , a p r- - - a OEV a vg. - ' P . ' v 'ai• - -' .1 H :4 i irs 0 Vd 4 CI3 = g, 0 i ? m - • PP (1 '2 gi , u 2. a ova Imi P CD ri 34 ca. STSVENB dc LONG, MEI ME l 1 • a. WITOLESA.LE & RETAIL CHOICE. FAMILY OHOCERLES, ovzscosmas, liming a large mg co amedloos etkfre we are pivoted at an times. to carry' CAM PAID FOR BUTTER, Or taken in exchange for goods, an lowest cash ces. Our 'tong experienre In the Grocery Trade gives as peculiar advantages in purchasing, and as We are not ambitious to wake large prullts, we hai ler ourselves that we can offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Buiera than any her establishment In Northern Penns,lnnis. = THE BRIDGE STREET FURNITURE STORE -Beeps a Poll Stock of Goods for tko Parlor. Bed Boom. Sitting-Room, Dining-Room and Michela SOFAS, LOtTNGES, CHAIRS, MARBLE TOP TABLES, FINE WALNUT CHAMItyIt SUITS, AND WALNUT DINING TABLES& CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WORKSTANDS CAITE AND WOOD-SEA'. ' CHAIRS, ErrEssioar A FALL-LEAF TABLES, • LOOKING-GLASSES, CRADLES, CENTRE TABLES, &c.,. IN GREAT VARIETY. fl.OO satrap 0 *B.BO and up We mate a Specialty of BED EPRIZZOS & MATTRESSES • . Wo have • COFFINS AND CASKETS • Of all kinds and slzoe. A large etcek of Trim min" and the latest liaprvrenteuts inCerpso Pre servers, natio, he. All funerals am attended - hy a competent, experienced undertaker. We snake a specialty of this branch, and GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTiON both as to WORK AND PRICE. PICTURE FRAMES made to ortlei Isom a fine stock of the latest styles of moulding. • x. P. HICKS, . ..DIDDO.E.-ST., TOWANDA. Towanda;• May ZO, 1618. NI. B. & P.. 11. OWEN, Li RED, WRITE & BLUE TEASTC.RE, Reldentto or rare. Are offeringrpetial liplucements in fr.rog depart- Standard A Elagy, \ Coffees Z.l 25 30 35 . Yobaccot , - ' 40 50 60 u lour ' II:50 per sick ; best, 1.65 per sack H sager cured, 12X cents .Shot&lrs - - 07 06 4. GeOrgiatOdaSh...... • _ 03 U• ' 'Maiffterel. \ , .... York ' \ I . . ..• - . .. You can Gild 'thing you want In Our Oreeet7 line, and at prie r s \ to suit the times. A liberal dts. .ersint given at wholesale. Our motto Is and sba3l be Nitta Sales, Stnalt," mo Deaden In COUNTRY PRODUCE; GRAIN, &C. a large stock. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. STEVENS it LONG. conszn MAIN A BRIDGE Ap r .. • TOIyANDA. PA TOWANDA, PENN.L, It consists of In Common Goods Moro Is - ' In the UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT I= 11111DOL 8211317, moat of the Grocery Line. Here are some ot the sites SS 40 50 . 80 75 80 •• CALL AND SE Cash paid V M. 8.-&,F ' Wu ISE 'ivrtt is, rate. OLD ESTABLISHMENT STILL LAKES THE LEAD! • EmitBloll -CHEAPER THAR EVER. anti Plat Mat Wawa* staiilagAT REDUCTION. • SANTA BRYANT IPropriejoir of the Old Carrb,ge Itanutsetory, Main and Zllzsbetb streets, would call the special *hearten of- FARMERS and others to Ilia large "Ad completehasortmtnt of • OPEN. AND TOP BUGGIES AND PLATFORM WAGONI3, MI of' Ids own nianntaetztro,•• and warranted in *rev partlcalar to be eqnat to the moat expensive citywork . NOW CIS YOUR TIME TO BUY! Leek at the egoresoind remember that every iehtelels warranted ' _ PLATTOpt ...... 4100to_ jllO OPEN BC01:1110 SON 100 ?OP inmems. .troi 154 , The prime are far below the emit of manufacture and will not be maintained atter the present stuck is disposed of, so you must make selections NOW. Don't be trupesed upon by Inferior - work and poor materials, but purchase.at the establishment artiEch bas been In operation for nearly bait' a cen tury and Is perumneutly located. REPAIRIO; PROMPTLY ATTENDED' TO Wilco and Factory air. Maio and Eltrabatti streets Tolman. June 21, 187. NEW CARRIAGE 'FACTORY ! East of the Reporter °Mee Mclntyre & Spencer Vespeetrully announce to the• public that they are prepared to build all kinds of • FAIRLY CARRIAGES, TOP AND OPEN DOGGIES, PHAETON & PLATFOIM SPRING WAGONS, TROTTING SULKIES & SKELETONS, Blade of the best material anttin the best style All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. PAINTING A S PECIALTY. We have one of the best Carriage Patnters in' the country, anti diraLl fork In this HuU at the lowest sates. REPAIRING 3rpatly4irouiptly douo at reduced price.s. Making new springs and repairing ohl ones a specialty. All work guatunteed. PleaSe give us a Toreanda, April 2; 1877 roiticro ,TSare. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! H. J. Madill Ilaa filled up the old store of "O. A. Black with a faA line of CROCKERY, . CHINA, CHINA, CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED GOODS, STONEWARE • BABY WAGONS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, TOYS I HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! A treat Tarletyot LAMPS, LANTERNS, CHIMNEYS A XEW DEPARTURE Sewing Machines or , ` tho !nailing makes sold lot Cash at store, at wendertniii• low prices. MACHINE tiEEDLES & ()IL' LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN Are Invited to loot over our assortment, as we 'are determined to do all lu our power to please. Un- Ineruberthe place, 111 Towanda. 3,0 y 10, 1877 Nusicat stzstrittnents. L. B. POWELL, xxs Wyoming ..Alienue, SCRANTON, PA. has a large stock of second-hand PIANOS and ontaANs, which . lm .o low no one ILAN AFFORD to, buy 'au instru• went elsewhere without first getting prices fruni him. During the .past few years, he has been 4.10i0g an extensive renting huslnes%, and, in t'onsoOeuceof the unprecedented stringency of the times, many of these histruluents have been returned. As - soon as a PIANO or ~ORGANIS returned, it is irnuiput 7 . 1 7)7igh order by his repairer, and, when . offered again, is in as good condition U.S possi ie. .Some of these he can warrant fur live years, the stone as new Amu, an opportunity being thus given to obtain a THOROUGHLY-GOOD INSTRUENT at a very moderate price. : • Ka Powna, has now in stock one 5-octavo Prince "ielodeon, plano-a , c, 840; one 6 , octave Portable Melodeon, Ski ; one 5-oeutve 'Jubilee' Organ, 6 stops, ti,5,5; * one 5-Octave :Cew•Fngland, Organ. 6 !foils, s3i. with 7 stole. s6a; with 3 ntems7s;ories-oetave Mason Sr liatatiu Organ, 5 stops, 865; one 5-octave ][awns . Organ, 875; one Liable, Newton, & Bradbury Piano, , 7-octave, $105; one Minos -Brothers Piano, 7-octave, 8110; one Chickeritin Piano, :7-octave, 4 round, 8275; one Chickening 7-octarc, 4 round, =a'" ; ono Hazelnut Pile% 10 cents 7-octave, ; and many others 'MIMt eau not be specified - here. ALWAYS IN STOCK, the celebrated CHICKERING • PIA NON 09 10 -08 “ d tho ani _- unrivaled MAPION at lIIMILLIN 01iGAIV8. which he is prepared to furnish to either IiOLMALE or RETAIL purelii:iavra st BOTTOU PRICM, L. EL POWELL, 315 Wyounno. Avenue, Serezton, Pa. pASSAGE TICKETS To and from EtuopO by MiIitIOVAND: NATIONAL STEXiSUMEL FOREIGN DRAFTS IN ANT AMOUNT _ street, . Towanda Pa. JANES BRYANT. All kinds of MCINTYRE Si SPENCEII GLASSWARE! "OLD CROCKEIZY STORE." For We by WY. 8. VINCENT. fEspcialpainsstitt be taken to make the ilgrieutturea Dpparttitent of the lirPowrEit of interest . and value the Farmers of Bradford -County, br eareful seleetions from the best 4:grit's/laid jauratais of the, country. We should be glad to gist the: successful results of the labors and exper. cue of ottr fanners,: as to the best methods. of Routing, and iniitecontributions from thosejvho desire in this way f adrance the Agricultural interests of lit. County.) l iljl9 84§be Educated: There seems to be at the -present tune a general waking up cattle sub ject of education. The educational lights of the cities are radiating o u t into the country, and all tlirpuglft'ae rural districts is beginning to be felt he need of more edueation. From the report of the Committee on Ef cation at - the late State Grange of Ohio, it would seem that the Patrons of Husbandry are, awake to the sub. ject of education. They are as good Schools, for the country as they have in the citiei. And - not only Patrons, but the -whole rural population is becoming • interested in better schools. This growing cle.6ire on the' part of the farming communi ty for a •higher education, does uot grow out of a feeling that more book education is needed to carry on their business" snecessfully, as. much does out of a general desire to tagy more and be more. It is out, growth• of that physical . acrelopment and growth of brain brought about, by comfortable -conditions in life and daily out-door ekercise. But. because science is of but little practical use to the farmer is no rea son why he should not be educated. The people 'of • the rural districts should lie educated. Fiist, because they are men_ and women, and, as such have an inalien able right_ to, all the learning they can master or ,obtain. - True edtiea tends to increase the sphere' of .ac tion, and.the• power . to perform. the duties of life with justice,. honor and integrity.. It is knowledge - alone that eievates .the ciVilized above the barbarian, and the ore. knowledge an individual possesses other condi tions being equal, the' higherhe is ralsedin thought and action, and the better he is prepared to revel in' Aid beauties and. the mysteries 'of the universe ; thereby adding to his, own happiness and the happiness of all who come,ivithin - 'his sphere.- Who has a better right to this expansion of.mind arising from increased know ledge, and to the happy results aris ing therefrom, than the tillers ofthe soil? Second; farmers sbnuld .be-eflucat edbecause on them depend . the Ai tire population and progress of the world. We.are told that the popula tion Of the cities would die out were it not for the constant intlut of pep ulationlrom the country. How im portant, then, that we edhcate this influx that is to •keep aliye those cen ters of population from which radi; ate, the inte . „ligenee and literature that f.tollesn the world. Third, farraers.shotild be etlueatild because they arc. the most numerous and invert= part of the population of the ,coaintry: The piospi•rity of a nation depends on the - ntellia e ence of the masses. And not only does the prosperity of a nation , depend on the intelligence of the masses, but the freedom of the- maSses depends on their knowledge. An intelligent peo ple can not-be enslaved.' Education alone will raise the farming commu nity to that position in. the political field to,which it is entitled by virtue of its numbers. Education alone will lit them for filling the highest (aces of trust and honor, and 'enable them to take to themselves that share of the-governing power that justly .bv lonffs'to. them. J. M. Snail.. Farming. in France TUE S3IALL-PIi@PIttETOE SYSTEM THE B.1:-1S - OF - FRENCII WEALTiI Since. the transfer .of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany. the - population of France has been estimated at 36,- 01)0,000. • Franee for the past. I'm: - years has been. the most prosperons -of civilized nations, and .her proSper ity•has not been in. the...brilliant for tunes 'oftlie showy. few but in the comfortable competence attained - uy .the many. We are apt Vo. think of the. French as excelling in the' manu faetures,especially of the produCtions requiring irtistie . skill, and to these superior industries we often attribute their - .exceptional good fortune through- the hard times prevailing all over the woild. But the - truth• ap pears to ba that egrieulture"is; after the basis of their accruing wealth, as it-has been of permanent and abi ding welfare - in all - lands and all . , Of the 3q,009,000 of. population libire noted, 21,000,000, or .about three-fifths, -are agriculturists. The total arable area is estimated at 114,- 000,0n0 acres. This would give: "au average 0r.53.5 acres to each inklir d ual, or- 57 . acres to eell family of five members. -A farm of 27 acres in thia cotintry would. be considered, rather " small . potatoes." It the ,grain:growitpj; - -- ~ re gions of the est, Alm cotton liclus• of the South, and among the eatthi ranches of the, Southwest, .27 acres would be - counted a garden patch, and:not a,very large garden •at that. But in Prance these small.farms not only sUpPort the cultivators' families, but enable them to iiiiprove their condition year by year. The rural population raise crops enough for themselves, provide a surplus for the - other twollifthS of the comniunityen— gaged in manufacture-and trade, and usually have considerable Stores_ to spare for eport beside. ...I.low small the shares contributed by--eaCh _farm • muSt\he, is illustrated, by the fact that any shorteoMing 'af , a crop is more that likely : to wipe out the sur plus entirely, as - for instance, the, bad wheat harvest- of this year makes all the difference between the export of about 20,0(10,00 bushels and the ini-• Iport . of nearly as large an 'amount But this is only an accident. ,Unsu , ally the, surplus can be counted Os with a degree of certainty, and the FrencliTarmer is hi the long run sure of fair returns for - his , labor. .It is plain io see thatAbc - systetn of aari cultute pursued on these miniature plantations must be very . different, from that in vogue on our;broad praj iries and wide-Spreading. valleys; and in view of the. substantial results obtained, it may yet be worth our while to learn what the distinctive featnres.of this system are that give slice - cgs to the farmers of. France. If you are 'near town, it may be best to buy and draw manure during the -winter. : Take,care of• what is made on! -. he farm. 'LoOk ont-for lire fang .inme manure. Turn it, or mix it manure of hogs and", cat tle..t._ ':-*. .. - . • .. fil ti