Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 13, 1879, Image 3

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    %rani ftlorttt
Towanda, Ts., Thursday, Tab. 13, 1879.
Dealer In
Mn. 'PowELL, our new Post Master,
took possession of the office on Monday
TEE Dashers Review says a great many
horses in that section arc afflicted with
the epizootic.
LENT opens February LT, with Ash
Wednesday, and elosC.s April the lath,
with Easter Sunday.
Tag revival , at Leßaysyillo
still continues, and we learn that many
conversions are being made.
1r is said that the board of Fire Un
derwriters have a "chic" to the party
svho fired the hotel at Minnequa.
Tan dwelling house of COLE, in
Wysox, together with its contents, was
totally destroyed by. fire on Thursday
night last.
COiSIDiRABLE local matter prepared
for this issue of our paper is ;of' news
say crowded out, to mal4e room for let
ters from correspondents, proceedings in
Court, etc.
JUDGING from the resolutions adopted
.Ast tIO recent meeting of Pomona Grange,
its members do not favor, to any serious
42xteut, an• additional Law Judge Tor this
T. L. V. It. It. Co. have gotten up
some very handsome time-tables which
aru being posted at prominent places
along the line of their road.
s IIE Williamsport :lumbermen estimate
that they Will go a hundred and seventy
million feet of logs into tho boom this
season, which is about fifty million feet
wore than last year.
SunnEx PEATii.—;-Tho many friends in
'this place, of Mrs. T. C. CowEw, will re
g,tet to hear of her sudden death, which
occurred at Dillborough l i wherc.she
%vas visiting her_sistcr, on Sunday last.
Otut fanner friends tell us that where
the winter giain peeps out, from under . thu
tlisappeaAng snow, it joolth:, fresh, stroug
and e'igorotts, tad if nothing 'happens the
harvest will be a prolific one.
•ettuttrn of the‘Messiab. (Universalist)
Bev. \Vm. TAvoli,—at 10} A. m., 'Ob
ject, "Believing and Doing." At 7P. m.
" From the Scaffold to Heaven,—An Eri ,
ror and Derusion." An welcome. ,
A VATIL ftir the bendlit of the Church of
tn. Peter and Paul, will be held in - the
tit me formerly occupied by Wurrconn &
$lfArT, commencing February 17th and
ending the .22d. See hdverW merit.
of Tur.!:ldEssiiii.—Ather of
those plclasaiit sociablesi—for whie4 the
church is noted—will tako place ori\the
evening of Tue - s - 44-,,FebruarS; kith. Ito
frestitnents will tielseryed. all are cord
illy invited to attend.
TI1F: Athens Gazette of last week says :
"Professor lly.tti is • gaining an excel
lent reputation among teachers and Fchol
ars as well as all others who look ;with in
threst upon the advancement of our ad
den iu the public schools of Bradford."
RELIGIOUS NOTl6 , ..—The third quarter
ly meeting of Bradford Association, 'will
he held, GOD willing, with the Alba Bap
tist 6hurch, Friday evening, March 7th,
afid will continue over Sunday. Elder,,towELL; .of Troy, and others, will
preach._ Aigoixf attendance is invited.
',locum the following particulars from a
private letter of the death of Mr. WILL
IAM GOST,TNI.:, a former citizen of this
*utility : Born in New Brunswick, Brit
isltDominion, April 10, 1813. Moved to
Bradford county in 1831, where ho lived
for several years. Emigrated to Saline
county,; Mo., in 1860, where he lived un
til January S, 1879,'7hen he died with
pneumonia, after an illness of 11 days.
ills death is lamented by. a large ciiclo of
f/ iends.—Canon
TnE.3lntuit Life Insurance Company
of :den' Yerkoffers less rates than other
mutual companies., Six years ago, the
company states the, they could safely re
duced rates, but because of the clamor of
the small companies, decided to charge
the rate of other companies fop the - time,
and retdrii the excess in dividends: This
they have clone, their rate of dividend 'be
ing' largerthan in any otter company: It
is a question whether they will not vnow
make a permanent reduction. In case
they do it will compel many r .companies to
quit the business. • I*'
As JOEL McitirEr: was driving his spir
ited team along the road on the opposite
side or the- ViVer from this place, on
Thursday last,
. 1 the wagon, which was,
loaded-with grain, in passing over an icy
place was suddenly precipitated down the
embankment, to the" riser's briuk,•draw
ing the horses with it. Mr. MCAeEE
'was quite . severely bruised by the loaded
wagon passing over him, and ono of the .
horses was also
. severely injured. The
read where this accident occurred' has"
long been in a dangdrons condition—es
pecially in winter—and the supervisortof
1V)so.:: township snould.see to it at onco .
th't the proper • steps are taken to place
it iu at least passable condition.
Finn.—Fire was discovered in the
flooring of ' the hall way of the county
jail, on Thursday morning last, at about
live o'clock. The fire was undoubtedly
communicated to the flooring by a rot of
rubbish that:bad accumulated on top of
the large heater . in the basement, and
which had been ignited by its heat. The
hall and eells of the prisoners were dense
ly filled with smoke and several of the
prisuuers were so lnearly suffocated that
they could scarcely walk when removed i
from their cells, l'he prisoners %Tem con;
fined in the dwell( g pail of the bnilding
while the flames were being extitiguishd.
The, fire department was promptly on
Land and put out the fire before much
damage was done. The loss is covered
by insurance.
An:mum—At about half-past twelve
of;the same day, a small wo4
used as a barn, near tbk=tailread
track, reak-of '4r.aackflur. du
to be on fire, evidently baying
caught from a 'spark thrown from I mil,
ing locomotive.. The building Was en«
tirely ecautinumi;no damage being dent
to surrounding property, thanks to our
firemen who were prnmssl,on the ground.
1 -4 I. O. or G. T.—The 41st quaiterly 'se&
Bien of the Northers' District Convention
of Good Template, will be held at Ulster,
February 25th and.26th. It is hoped that
every Lodge in this county will send dele
gates to this convention. An open ses
sion will be held Tuesday*Mning, and
will be addressed by good /imam. All
are invited to attend. Fraternally,
1,1. E. CMJnisucs, •
District Secretary, I. U. of G. T
Tint Owego Oazette gives an acconn
by its Windham corvespondent, of the
celebration, on the 3)tb of Jantrary, of the
silver wedding of ASA MCIcEE, and Mawr
Jazt.u, his wife. The event called togeth
er over 400 guests, and the ceremony was
performed, says the correspondent, "by
"116 v. NATITAX ELSRUEF, of Towanda.
"The blushing bride was given away by
her venerable uncle, MASON ELSIMEE."
That the officiating clergyman'performed
his part, devoUtly and properly, we do
not doubt—and that the respected couple
newly united in the matrimonial_ bonds,
may live long and happily, will be the
earnest wish of all who have the pleasure
of knowing them. May we have the op
portunity of chronicling their golden iced
ding. .
dow of the late WILLIAM WATKINS, Esq.,
died at the residence of• her daughter,
Mrs. IL L. LAMOREUX, on Sunday
noon last. Mrs. WATRENs had been a
resident of this place for the past 50 years,
having removed hero from Windsor, Ver
mont, id 1820. She was a woman noted
Tor her deep religious fervor, and had
been•for many years oro of the leading
members of the M. ,E. Church at this
place. Her gentle ministrations have
soothed,the suffering on many a sick bed
and her words of hope. brought consola
tion to many sorrowing hearts, mourning
the loss of a dear one. Truly it may be
said of her, as it was of DORCAS of ol(1,
" this woman was full of good works and
alms-deeds which -she did." Sipe() the
death of her husband, something over a
year ago; her health had beet/gradually
failing, until she passed quietly and calm=
ly away at about 5 o'clock on Sunday af
ternoon last. She was idthe 73d year of
.her age. The funera z l;took place on Tues
day afternoon last and her remains were
followed,.to 'the grave by quite a large
number of our citizens.
TUE W. 1,13 of SIN—DEATII —A -wo
man died the house of Mrs. BENJAMIN, in
the Third Ward of this village, on Satur
day lasi, under circumstances of such a
nature that the borough authorities deem
ed/it advisable to lave an investigation as
to the facts made by the Coroner. -Coro-
nee WALliElt was therefore notified, but
being too ill attend, Esquire YouNo
summoned the following named persons
as a jury of inquest : W. B. DODOE,' GEO
The post mortem examination, made
by Dis. 1). S. PRATT, If. L. PRATT; and
LADD, revealed the fact that an operation,
'for abortion liad.been performed, and that
ddath had resulted Cron the operation.
. Tla s i 'evid;nce, aS adduced before the
jury, Showed that the unfortunate woman'
came to the housp of 3lrs. BENJAMIN
about ten `days ago; that her name was
Don.tNEarroN, and at the time of her
death about 2'B. \ yeais of ago; that she. was
a daughter of I).\ - in NEw•ro.-.5, (deceased)
of Smithfield towt4ip, this county; that
'had been contin&l to the bed for the
past week; and had ben attended by the
,woman BENJAMIIq. The \. evidence impli
sting 3lrs. BENJAMIN in causing the ,
delkth of the deceased, COmplaint was
madkagaiust her before Justice YOUNG,
who blued a warrant for her. arrest, and
.afteria4 lirief hearing, in which `the ac
cused stou ly protested against all
edge as to the_ cause of the woman's
death, held hel\ in the sum of 41,000 fd
an appearance ti morrow, (Friday), for a
furthiir bearing. The jury of inquest ad
journed Saturday evening until to-day,
Thursday, When furtl• evidence will be
heard, and a verdict ren ered.
\ -
Wednesday, Feb. 5, ;-1 4 10 - "grand
jury disposed of the following cates viz :
COM. vs Sherman Bradley; Assault\and
battery with intend to kill. •
Coin. vs. George Layman ; Larceny.
Corn. vs. George Post ; Forgery.
Com. vs. Vanwyko Dibble ; Arson.
Com. vs. Elislia Rowe Larceny. ,
Com. - vs. Roswell Lather; Assault and
battery with intend to kill.
Com. vs. Joseph - Thompson and Colum,
bus McNeely ; Breaking and entering a
Corn. vs, Israel Compton; , False pre
Com. vs. Reuben Va.nSickle ; Larceny
and robbery. -
Com. vs. James Van Sickle ; Secreting
stolen goods.
[Corn. vs. Harry Blown; Larceny.
Corn. vs. Hollis ILA:Omb ; Abduction
of a child.
Tom. vs. Ezra Shultz; Larceny.
Cpm. vs. llenry•Carmer ; Seduction.
COM. vs: Lorenzo Penny ; Fraud.
Com-vs. Nolo Lane; assault and battery;
Roswell Luther for cost. '
Com. vs. John Conlon ; Assault and
county for costs.
Com. vs. William Campbell; Larceny.
Com. vs. George Sickler; Larceny.
Com. vs. Peter Sickler, James Sickler
and Peter Goff ; Attempt to dissuade wit
nesses ; Orlando Benjamin for cost.
The grand jery was discharged on
Thursday February, 6th.
Com, vs. Vanwyke Dibble ; Arson; jury
find defendant not guilty.
Corr. vs. James Van Sickle; Secreting
stolen goods ; District Attorney McPher
son for_Commonwealth ; Williams &
Angle for defendant ; jury find defendant
guilty ; reason for a new trial filed.
Cern. vs. Reuben Van Sickle ; Larceny
and 'robbery ; defendant pleads guilty.
Com. vs. Columbus 31cKeely and Joseph
Thompson ; Larceny ; District Attorney
McPherson, S. W. and William Little for .
Commonwealth ; Elsbree .sk; Son for
defendant; jury find defendant not guil
Com. vs. John Herman ; Larceny, sen
tenced to ten days in county jail.
Com. vs. Andrew Nolou ; Surety of
peace ; defendant sentenced to pay half
costs of prosecution. and give security to
keep the peace.
Corn. vs. Patrick Carroll ; Surety of the
peace ; defendant sentenced to pay half
costs of-prosecution and give security to
keep the peace.
Coin. vs. Abrahain 'Vanderpool and Enos
Vanderpool ; Breaking down fences ; de
fendants sentenced to pay a fine bf five
cents and cost of prosecution. -
Com. vs. William Fields, Avery McNeil,
and D. 31. Bolb ; Larceny„nolle prosequi
entered as to McNeil and Bolb.
'Com. vs. William Fields; Larceny. De
fendant pleadie guilty. - • - -
Corn. vs. Harry Brown and John Brown;
Stealing etc. Harry Brown pleads guilty,
nolle prosequi entered, as to John Brown.
Com.vs. Ezra Shuns ; Larceny; defend
ant pleads guilty.
Com. VA. '4l. Conspiracy to de
fraud creditors. Continued to May term.
In re the petition for a bridge over the
Susquehanna river in Wyalusinu twp.,
John Passmore, H. L. Scott, U.S. Russell,
G. W. Kinney,Ezra,Rutty and Joseph . B.
Smith appointed viewers.
In in the petition, for adoption of
Henry Campbell as hild and heir of
.4 1 . 1 •7 . Rieritrot teSiwarot.
Annie Walliumere. Daniel Whims ;
C. M. Hall, 84., appointed Commits
, Amanda H. M. B. Ettaliy ;
J. W. Mis r Esq., appointed 011-
aioner. ,_ • - _
Sarah A. Druilde Mottle;
Edmund Fidel" and J.- -13. Williston - yip.
pointed Commissioners. --
Emma J.Ritch vs. I.E. Fitch, El'.
- Watson valksrah Wattion l tlara A. Drake
vs. J. R. Drake, Emma Baker n Joint
Baker. Subptena in direr* directed to
be issued in each case. _ ,
• -Omer Tompkins vs: Mary A. Tompkins,
Alice Marcy - vs. Williats -Maley. Alias
suborns, in divorce directed to be issited
in each taw, -
Anna Sly vs. - W. IL sly;
ed to make proclamation.
Emma Briggs vs. Cis° Briggs, E. 33.
nought vs. Mary Bought.' - Divorce Merit
ed in each ease. • .
, W. J. Davis vs James Fee ; rule aado
I absolute. ,_ •
_ .
Stephen - Many as. W. B. Payson,
George' Landon vs. Nathan's' Platt.
Rule to open judgesients.
The - following tavern:Oh:mama were
granted :
Ira H. Smith, Alba borough ; Joseph
Courser, Springfield ; J. W. ; Wilcox,
New Albany ; • George Suffern, South
Creek ; - Charles Crowley, Athens Bor
ough ; James' F. Fox, Canton Borough ;
Marcus A. Forrest, Ulster; D. H. Dodge,
Monroe Borough •, C.. E. Bartlett, Wysor.
township; S. R. Briggs, Sayre.
Henry Barrett, First - Ward Towanda
borough ; W. Ennis, Second Ward •
S. y. Northrup, • Second Ward ;-
Beva, Canton borough.
The following Sheriff's deeds We ac- .
keowledged. Deed to George Rullook
for house and land in Alba borottgb. Sold
January:3o, 1870, as the property of 8. S.
Reynolds. . $5OO. / • .
C. S. Lafferty, for three lots of land in
Herrick township. Sold January 80, 1879,
as the property of Natiiel Platt. $l9BO.
. George 'NOT:illy, fo 130 acres of land
in Pike township. Sod January 30, 1879,
as the property ofH. Purdy. $3200.
George. Nicholls,r house and lot in
Rome borough/ Sold January 30, 1879,
.as the property / of D.R. Woodburn. $l5O.
E. W, Colwell, for two lots of land in
Canton township: Sold January 30, 1879,
as the property of John G. Mason. $l2Ol.
E. Pomeroy, ftir 220 acres of land in
Troyjownship. Sold January 30, 1879
as V, te property of James Griffin. $5O.
dward Frost and L. R. Frost, for 2
acres of !audio Albany township. Sold
/January 2 1879 as the property of S. W.
Hatch. $l5OO. •
E. W. Colwell, for five acres \and 112
perches of land in Canton township. Sold'
January 3, 1878, as the property of John
G. Mason. $350.
Miss Sarah Munch, for 00 acres of .land
in Albany' township.' Sold December 6,
1878, as the property of John Munch.
$250. r
Mercy R. Taylor, for two acres of land
in Albany and 31onroo township. One
containing 325 acres, the other 5 acres.
and 1.59 perches. Sold January 2; 1879,
as the property •of Lyman Blackman.
$625. ' .
John Matthews, for fifteen acres of land
in Overton township. • Sold , January 2,
1878. as the property of B. J. House
kulcht. $2O. . .•
E. Pottle - my, 'for 100 acres of land in
Columbia township. Sold January 30,'
18:9, as -the property of G. Bixby.
$lOO, "
Mrs. Matilda Jackson, for 72 acres of
land in Wilmot.: Sold January 2, 1878,
as the porperty of Elmer W. Scott.
$518.13. ,
Com. vs. J. 0. Brown ; Adultery. Dis
trict Attorney McPherson and W. J.
Young, Esq., for Commonwealth. Will- '
lam Foyle, Esq.. for defendant. Jury
find defendant guilty of an attempt to
commit adultery. Sentenced tom a fine
of $lO, and cost of prosecution and under
go an imprisonment of 90 days.
Corn. vs. Hollis Holcomb ' • Abduction
of dehild. Distriet Attorney McPherson,
J. Sh aw lr. and N. A. Williams, Esq.,
for Commonwealth. W. H. Carnochau
and W. Stone, Esqs:, for defendant.. Jury
find defendant not guilty, but that he pay
of the costa of prosecution. and the
prosecutor 3. P. Owen, 3 of the cost.
Corn. vs. Hollis Holcomb; Surety of the
peace. District Attorney, McPherson and
J. H. Shaw, Eiq., for Commonwealth. •
J. W. Stone, Esq., for defendant. Court
adjudged the defendant guilty. Sentenced
to pay the 'costs of prosecution and give
security to keep the peace.
Corn. vs. Israel Compton ; False pre
tense. District Attorney MePherion and
J. .A, Wilt, Esq, for Commonwealth.
Overton & Mercur for defendant. Jury
find defendant not guilty, and prosecutor
James Bryant for cost.
Com. vs. Roswell Luther ; Assault and
battery with intend to kill. District At
torney McPherson, James Wood and
Elhanan Smith, Esqs., for Commonwealth.
Williams & Angle and D. C. DeWitt,
Esq., 'for defendant. On trial. .
, .
. TsLunco TunKEY.—The following wit
ty effusion Was the acknowledgment of
the ift of a Christmas Turkey sent from
this ph co to a,friend in Philadelphia; iti
tended not merely to grace the Christmas
table, but \ to show the quality of the arti
cle raised by\our farmers :
,% 41\., December 29.,11ff54
riEsts Mn. •ND RS. G—: . Thaniul
You twain have beat hrboiKeingle's pranks, i''
! You've solved at last tie \ Eastern question,
The Old World's - bad long indigestion.
(head that last Word as tws, for fun,
So shall-you-see the wretcheffpun l) .1
\While Gortschakoff and old Di melt
1171 beat their brains Into a jell
Ho to fleece the Sublime Porte, -
We're got the bird and bold the fort. .
They have their Turkey too, 'tis true.
But by aNrlctory they May rue,
Because their bird's too tough to eat,
And of the very darkest meat.
They won, himby a scurvy trick; .
Played en a man so very sick'
That alithe doctors could not cure him,
With British backing to insure him.
But these red-wattled birds of freedom
Get all the Lotter as you bleed 'em,
And best of all, as Pm a Milner,
When trussed, and stuffed, and cooked fur dinner
,A royal bird, good friends, Indeed,
Whose fatness speaks of generous feed ;
Before my eyes a vision passes .
Of hurrying swarms of hoppergrasses
Fleeing for life, and on their path
A. turkey-gobbler, red with Wrath;
Along his course they fly fn vain,
lie slays and he devours the slain,
Aud waxes fat and drops his wings.
And angry glances sidelong flings,
And birds of lesser sire and wit
_Hanlon his steps a-crying "quit I"
I see him stalk Ha proud disdain
Along the sunlit; grassy plain ;
how proud his strut, what stately stride
12)1 carpet knight ran ape his pride I .
I ism him thus, and then again
I tee aim sneaking through /As rain,
With tall bedraggled and depressed, '
Withahambling gait sad lowered crest,
And crying "quit r' like all the resta
Now all the C—'s, and they're not few,
Seed Christmas greetings unto you,
With wishes that your coming years
May swarm with hopes that banish feats,
May beam with smiles that banish tears.
If it shall be as It luta been—
If sorrow's rain shall dim the sheen
Of Autumn skies that gleam afar
Or van in mist life's evening star.-
May an unfaltering trust upbesr
tour hearts triumphant over care,
And, may Hope's beacon brightly burn
To light your ship on Its return.
CONDENSLD report of the session of tho
Bradford and Sullivan District Grange,
No. 23, held at Burlington the 9th
and 7th of February, 1879 : •
• Worthy Master C. D. Ross called to or
der at 2 o'clock, p. m. '
D. KELLUM, D. LILLEY and A. M. Con
10ELL . were appointed as committee on
Good of the Onle l r and A. P. Tomvo 0.
OR and C. GLADDINO on Re:0111-
tiOng. .
The Secretary reported credentials of
22 Masters and GO delegates present.
Worthy Depnt3r' U. S. LANDon, aided
by-A.D./du:in, installed the officers-elect
for the preient year as follows :
skater—E. It. DsLoso, of Owens,
No. 142.
Overner—G,.. W. GRE,EN , of Wye:toll
ing. No. 58. ' .
Lecturer—C. F. HUNBINGEII, of Corley,
No. 865.
• Steward—E. H..Cwron, of:Towanda
Valley, No. 204.
Assistant Bk-ward—G. L. FuLisn, of
Central, No. 101.
17148 P illift " Tha r t l 16 111 Tsar tip. let -
Tricsanir—a Lomm, 'cot Yoke, 'Not
-455., . r--ii 0 3 -
1 45seretary—A.T.ULLET, of Open Hand,
Mo. 158. ' : . - ~.
:Oats Nespei-4.4.' Wadi ;of i3nur
',Oki Centre; No. 809.
', 14 V., 41oviLur, fl'lTowan
a._ Novia
Trews-.MiesLtev firzYitltsloffitand
;lEV= Ito. 854. - r"•••
~ Miti. W.,1;. PiPTik# of °mil"'
',lre. 149. . .•
:.:tabu Assistdat—Min L Hattseotte, of
West Granville, No. 957,- -41, , =,, ) -
A vote of -thanks was reprieit to the
retiring Multi; C. DMesS, - for thelob
est and conscientious manner in Which he
has eoriduc the baldness of the , oftioe.
The name Cotnerittee eatamined'und
approved.; the 'genets of the' Seerirtary
end Treasurer. D.
mat ‘
- Lilloy, Wakeman,' orT i/teaue -
Courttiitfod Ad Bylaws, l. quoting
article 2, settions 1,. 2jucid X .and article
il, section 4 says i - 44 -The/mernbership is
plaint', stated. This gringo is composed
entirely of representatives from the sub
ordinate granges within its jurisdiction.
It i 1 > 1 441 1 -linulP? goorwO PC Oh det
members; as some havesuppoted,' b t n
is . a grange of 4th degree members, with
authority to . Order the, sth degree
its own members; and it his authority to
confer they degree upon no one outside of
its 01111 /rebership." We ~ think /the
grange/should Cease conferring the Po
mon/A/degree upon any •but - ita own mem
bers,/ as' the constitution directs. Let it,
in, authorize all honorary members to
vote, thus conferring the rigbtto vote up
' all sth degree members who ever bad
a right to receive it; We recommend to
amend article 2, section 8, of the by-laws;
strike from the last sentence the words
' but not' and insert the word 'and.' "
On motion the full report was adopted.
The reports from the Visiting Commit
tee show that many of the granges in the
district arein a very flourishing condition;
and taken as a whole the Patrons of Has.
bandry were never stronger than at pres
ent. .
Worthy Mester DeLong opened, in due
form. ' • .
C. D. Ross, B. F. Bowman and A. M.
Cornell were appointed a committee on
E. J. Ayer; L. P. Williams, U. D. Bax
ter, J. E. Piollet, J. 0. Alger and A. D.
Munn-wen, eleeted as Executive Commit
C. E. Gladding was instructed to con
fer with Brother Whitehead, of Now Jer
sey, and the Scorptary with Brother
Downing, Lecturer of the w ith
State Grange, in reference to holding a
series of meetings in this county. •
Declamation by James Merritt, of West
Gni-Mlle, followed by an essay by A. T.
On motion the following was adopted :
WHERICAS, The great Importance of wise legis
lation In•favorof the agricultural classes Is every
where becoming more apparent, therefore,—
Rerohot, That a standing committee of three
members. to be styled'a Committee on Legislation,
shall be appointed by the Master, whose duty shall
be to receive suggestions from the members of the
order. and embody sdch suggestions as they may
consider for the good of the agricultural classes in
Mils to ha presented to the Legislature through
(Mr . Representatives and Senator: • that petitions
favoring such legislation mayile scut to said com
mittee, and by It
. forwarded to members having
the bills In charge.
The Worthy Master appointed as said
committee, J. 11. Calkins, B. F. Bowman
and W. 11. Smith. -
The following Visiting Committee was
appointed : D. Kellum, C. P. Ilunsinger,
J. B. Smith, L. P. Williams, C. D. Ross,
E. H. Crayton. A. M. Cornell, 31.B.Reetl,
A. D. 'Munn, W.M. Shores,.Myron Kings
bury and Sister A. A. Taylor.
By invitation, Miss Phebe Rockwell
gave a fine recitation.
It was agreed to hold the next session
of the Pomona Orange at North Orwell.
The officers retired confer the sth
degree on a class - of ten, whereupon D.
Lilley was called to the chair.
Remarks for the Good of the Order
were made by W. H. Smith, A.ll. Mott,
Wm. Patterson and C. E. Gladding.
Adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock, a, m.,
of the 7th. *•
Grange opened in dno form by Worthy
Master DeLong. .
On motion of G. S. Case,• it was—.
Resolved, That we have an open session In the
evening, at our next session, to be devoted to ad
dresses, essays, etc., and that the secretary adver
tise the same.
On motion of Worthy Ceres, it was,—
Reso/r,d, That the essay read bY Secretary A.
T. I.llloy . the requested for publication In'the comity
Remarks concerning purchase' s were
made by C. D. Ross, A. P. Young, W.
Smith, L. P. Williaths, V. S. Landon, A.
D.. Munn, D.. H.'lloagland, E. IL, ta-ay
ton, Wm. Patterson and S. S. Case.
The Committee on Reiolutions made
their repoFt, and the - following "were
adopted : •
WHILItEIe, We consider our Visiting Commit.
tee as of vital importance to the grange of the
county: therefore,
Resolved, That we request of them a brief state•
mont of the condition and standing of each grange
visited. arid present the same to Pomona Orange.
Resolved. That we demand equal taxation on all
species of property. • • ,t
Resolved,' That we recommend that all our
granges do an In their power to make our next
agricultural fairs a complete su4cess.
Resented, That It is the opinion of this grange
that we do not need au xuldltionallaw judge In
Bradford county,
Resolved, That we tender oar sincere thanks to
the trus'ees of the Id. E. ChuXch for the use of
their building.
Rego!rid, That we tender; our thanks to the
members of Union Grange, and other citizens of
West Burlington, for the hety and bountiful re
ception of the Pqmona Gran glat this meeting.
Adjourned in due form: •
A. T. LILLEY, Setretary,
Leßoy, Bradford County, Pa.
Loeal Correspon d .
The series of meetings which have been
held in the M. E. church in this place for
the last three weeks, are being drawn to
a close. They have been largely attended
from the commencement., Under the la
bors of the poster, Rev. .J. It. Angle, and
the 'Playing Band."—Messrs. A. G. Bax
ter, --4.3t1y Ballard, I). G. Smith, A. R.
Smith, Edward Partridge, and L Ballard,
the work has been carried forward to a
great success. During the progress of
the_ meetings, the people of our borough
and for miles away, scorned actuated by
a spirit of earnestness which soon began
to tell in the conversion of many, both
old.and young. Each night now converts
were added to the list, and the number
has reached, we are told, about two hun
dred at present writing. The earnest,
faithful work done by the -"Praying
Band," not only in the church, but in
their visits from house to house, has en
deared thtm to the hearts -of our well
thinking people. They leave for their
homes to-day, bearing with them the
kindest wishes of all.
The County Musical Alliance held a
four days session in our place the past
week, ending on Friday night with a
concert. The session was conducted by
Professor H. R. • Palmer, of Now York,
who ably sustained his -reputation as a
first-class teacher. Had ;the programme
been s handed us we would have given it
entire ts but suffice to say that the attend.
anco was large, and the concert a rich
treat to' lovers of music, and 'reflected
great crebit on the participants. Each
piece was well executed, and the entire
class present showed thorough drill. The
pianist, Miss - Bridgewan,
of Penn Yan,
presided at the piano during the session,
and acquitted herself so Well that a vote
of thanks was tendered her at the close,
as also to Professor \ Palmer. The t.lti
zens generally were , kindly. remembered
for their generous hospitality to the at
The piano for the occa sion was furnish.
ed by E. S. Keeler, and kept'in tune by
Estabrook, of Stevensvillii, who re
ceivedthe commendation of Prof. Pal
mer fo r , the aditirable manner in which he
'did it.
• FEBIIVARY, -10, 1879. \
This has been - a day
,of mourning in
•Troy, and all placea _of business have
been closed in respect to one of our citi—
zens, and e business -man of our place.
who died on Wednesday. Wiliam Dior
gen, the man of -whom I speak, was born
in Athens, September 25, 1823. While
quite young ho came to Troy and learned
the trade of Harness making. Bilbao
luently he went into business and for a
time during the war.was located at To
wanda. Soon, after the close of the war
he removed aptin to Troy, since 'when he
has been in botched- and respeeted &em
ber of society, and a man beloved by the
He joined the First Presbyterian church
of this place in March, 1878. He was a
member of the Masonic; lodgeand also of,
the Odd Fellows. In the :eider
he wait it member Or the relief assoiliatiott
"digs f lail Elß4fadtkii*Alg a il l idi l4 ig
that order. ' ' " • - */ '''' " `"'' 't:
__l- Last" relining the Preabytesinn society
Nad a vartaaJ o 7ablet.. aikkaficaula
difilr. norpn'a inny quietly
oondoctid at the,,,dewe of
lin U. Melkinni , q 4 1 , r f •16, - 1`
_ This trrening/at Go) residence of Mrs.
G. F. Redington, the are to
hold their mgnlar,, i society. A.
very thne 'be' eipectimlH. by
a tr o .
One y thie week thewheriff of ABet-
Ilba,a ..- county, arrived in Town by ridl_ ,
7 11m1
expedlog to intercept 1i man Who had i
igolen a borne in that .e and iraiiin;•l
MiWing to sell the same to Mr. Eltraikof
Elybrams. 8o ekistiflied the officer cal
culated his time, that in an hour after he
arrived stepanu hie War drowi into the
plaice, and was inunediiilely secured and
waited onhii eetnrii trip ender different
I eirenmetanoss, and wilUisisoorier than he
had antkiipsted,wo dmih k a wiser. I! „not
Our gown hi to be much. Impaired tie
coming spring. It. P. Itedington and E.'
Vandine will •etch erect a bisithiama TO
dence. • ....
A. number of our absent ones are again
seen on our streets. Miss Peck has re
turned frcmi school; Misir L. Pomeroy'
from Cleveland, Ohio, • where ;she bas
been visiting friends, and • Miss Carrie
Powers from . Williamsport: Ur. Will
Balliud is also about, after a severe sick
ness. s Onstawaft.
Tuoy, February 7, 1879.
The'sleighing has been splendid most,
of the time si nce Christmas, in this part
of. Sullivan Cou nty, and has ueen Am
proved by the people generally. Drawing
hemlock bark to the Ilillsgrove tannery
has -been the principal business, but a
good stook of logs have also been obtain
ed by W. and movuenz; also by
Frank Hallilloo.
number Of 'oar fanners are • hauling
lime from the kiln of Wm. Luck, to put
on their corn ground next spring. That
is a good investment; without a doubt
land needs feeding as well as animals, to
be healthy and strong.
Miss Clara Fleming is teaching the
Hillview salmi this winter, in a way that •
is commendable to herself and satisfac
tory to all who appreciate
. good practical
Frank Hannon and W. T. Pardee are
seeking.the privilege of taking the census
of Sullivan county in 1880.
Saddler Rogers, of Forksville ' is pre
paring to erect a new barn on his farm
near this place next summer. Mr.-Rog
ers is the principal carpenter of this place,
and has a number of jobs besides his own
to athe miming •.. • , -
This winter seeing to be hard 'on old
people, for a number are in very poor
health around us. DROFTEIL
Old men are not always wise, neither
do gray hairs always bring knowledge. I
am three-score and fifteen, with little or
no education, but I have my eyes and
ears, which I have always triul to use to
the best advantage. I live on the -plain
at the loot of the moats wonderful little
hill in the State. 801120 years ago there
'was an act passed by the State Legisla
ture making provisions for a geological
survey of -the State. After the appoint
ment of the engineers I received a letter
from a friend in Towanda, saying ho
would come up and bring with him those
scientific gentlemen. I have seen none
of them. If there has been any survey,
Ido not know it. I never supposed the
little hill to contain any valuable minerals,
but there - are many things about it I
would like to have explained geologically.
I am no geologist, but with your permis
sion, in a future number, I will try to set
forth some of the curiosities of this little
The first blow struck in the South Val
ley was in October 1818, by Hoyt Ballard;
and William McKean, in the shape:l,er a
shunting cabin. It soon attracted a set of
squatters, whose solo object was to make
shingles, and they lived from hind to
mouth, so they made but little imprint*.
ment. About the year 1836, the people
from Sugar Creek began to - buy out those
poss_asions, and clear oft farms, and now
we do not consider ourselves behind any
of the older settkiments, especially in
butter and wheat ; as for corn and pork,
we think we take the rag.
• In the matter of schools' we are not
ashamed of our young folks, although we
have not seen a County Superintendent
for a; long time.
Our school in Pine Grove district began
well, but our teacher took a violent cold,
and probably has taught his last sehool,
(his name was Guile).
Our lumber facilities are good. We
have a good steam mill, owned by, Mrs.
Dickinson, and run by.daines Sawyer.
-Albert, Prnyme, who sprained ,his ankle
very badly some six weeks since, is able
to be about again.
Our apples (what few there was) have
all rotted. -
Mr. John V. Beard, the first perma
nent, settler here, aged nearly 70. married
Mrs. Locale swain, aged 3i, iu December
last. -
Our grist mill facilities are abundant
and good. B. L. Rockwell & Son have
one of the best establishments in the coun
ty. Their mill has three run of stones, . a
double saw mill, shingle and lath mill.
If I should write again I will try to be
more interesting. W. IdcK.
Pisoitft, February 8, 1879.
~~y~i~:)~i:l~)~~~:i1 1 1.~~jYi1~:11.
PHILAVILPUIA, Yob. 12, 1879.
The large amount of property left by
Stephen - Girard, to the city of Philadel
phia, in trust for several different chari
ties, and which has greatly increased in
value, Until it now amounts to several
millions of dollars, has been claimed . by
persons who pretend to be his heirs, and
who seek to set aside his will, but so far un
successfully. Lately Judge Ludlow deci
ded a case in eqUity against the heirs,
who have taken an appeal to the Supreme
Court. The man whl dies and leaves a
large estate, is a friend to the lawyers.
An'investigation has been going on for
several days at the Girard House, before
Master • and - Examiner Sweitzer, in the
case of certain oil' refining companies
against the Pennsylvania and other rail
road companies, pipe lines, &c., with ref
erence to discrimination in freight char
gel. The allegation is that . the New
f ork Oil Company control the oil market
on account of the exorbitant rebaths !,17
owed it r izi Ovantage over business teen
Fiesh tomatoes from the Bahama bi-
ands, are already in market and can be
bad by those who are willing to pay for
them about their weight in i l ilver.
A large 'number of the workmen who
were sent from this city bt the . Messrs.
ollins to construct the railroad in Bra
zil returned home this week, having had
a. sufficient experience in !that
Their dilapidated and woebegone appear
ance was in marked contrast with the tu
multuous scenes that characterized their
departure, when a strong police force was
necessary in bider:to prevent. these 'from
going on board the vessels who had not
eon accepted. But feir Americans re
main on the road, the work being mostly
done by natives. The climate is fatal to
strangers, and the project of employing
• laborers "from tAtis country was-fool-hardy
and proved unsuccessful. • . •
The moderate weather ,of the-past few
diys has loosened the ice in the river,' and
the ice-boats have 110 difficulty in keeping
the channel open for the • arrival and de-
parture of vessels. Considerable trouble
iimade by the floating masses of ice that
- - '
MrsAlaruiah Green, an inmate of then
Home of \the LittluSistera of the Poor,
died on Wednesday at the advanced ago .
of 115 yearst. Such an instance of lon-
w)vity is very \rap; but in this case the
ago=of the deceased , was .well authenti
Preaew -pf . Wink, which .good
thing on all occasions, \prevented a panic,
and perhaps the loss of life or injury to
'the audience at the Arch "Strait theatre
on , Motidsi evening. The "performance
was going i on to a crowded hotise, when a
gentleman in.the audience discovered that
40 Pit=4--"liiii=llll=
e TtiviTS - who was 4 0 4, - "P?DiCAM, 4I PAN
ISOM* toad sew ihelistewierikitst
tae wade or turn fiat. - .agettairtObt
Immilk , turn4o l *-4Pariumk.sToo 4 F4l
the tholes with his hat. A. reer . puscadi
would ben suMeedto ilia* 'the totebtui
Ando 11 41,4**4* - fOr*imlitit+thm
the liameii woad lave Kati enribipaibii
Pnddent Frank at'.. 2 6M1y," itst
Penaghanl Ei ledad CAimpany,
last 'irsektof-Esti
rope, for the beettetd hts. health. Mr.
E. C. Knight will tRI his poeltb4o
his ibeenie.
Qom George Cadwalader died on Me
dag hat, aged Idiom grow ir,ll brcdr
er of Judge Cadwalder, whose death car
PirrlA a. feW, 4ali alto. Cie . C. early
aiultested a laid* for . military airsire,and
was a brigadier General otinlitia if 1844
when the Native American riots obc!nved
philadelPhia. Hie 'tact and Pritdenee
prevented serious disturbances and the
riot was suppresied' 'without thOldos of
life and property which at one time was
imminent. Ile ',served in, the
. Idexitum
war with credit, '
and' at•the breaking'oni
of the Rebellion, accompanied' the. Penn
sylvania stemmas to Baltimore, and was
arsigned to the command of _that Depart
ment. - During his continuance there cc-
dared the celebrated habeas corpus ease
griming. out of the wrest and isintlie
ment in Fort McHenry of John Merry
man, a &mtbern . . sympathizer.. Judge
Tetley issued the writ and made it return: .
able the same day, but General Usdwald
ader refused to give the prisoner up. -
He Couthmed in service during the en
tire war, and held a number of rEsionsi-
ble padtiOns.
Machinery Hall was sold at auction on
Saturday list, by order of the city author.
Wes. Tbe sale did not attract much at
tention and the first bid was but $2500.
It was finally run up to $24,000, at which
pike it was knocked down to the firm of
W. C. Allison & Co., the car builders.
The building cost to erect $034,867 48.
A large number of abandoned exhibits
were also sold, to persons who seemed
deairons of getting &souvenir of the Cen
tennial. Tho Japanese Baiar, a quaint
structure, north of the main • building,
which your readers will remember as the
place where the Japs sold their peculiar
• wares, was sold for $l5O. The building
was a fine specimen of Japanese carpen
tering, there not . being a nail in the build
ing, all the joining- being done by match
ing or dovetailing, all the material baying
been wrought in Japan, and brought
overland from San Francisco. The cus
toms duties were over $llOO.
Quite a:flurry was created in politiCal
circles by the announcement of' the up,
pointment of General Hartrauft,' as Post
master, Governor Pollock, as Naval pfi
cer, and .Colonel Snowden, at Superinten
dent of the Mint. This programme ex
plains the coquetting of Colonel Snowden,
with the offer of the Directorship of the
Mints, and his hesitancy in accepting the
proffered honor, which wouldbave neces
sitated his removal from this city. The
post in which he has been placed, is more
to his taste, and one for which le is pe
culiarly fitted. Governor Ilartranft will
make an efficient and popalar postmaster
should ho conclude to. accept—though
there are many of his friends who think
that from Governor to Postmaster is too
niu3h of a descent. Gov. Pollock's -many
friends will be glad - -to learn . that the
transfer from the Mint to the Naval Office
places him in an office much more desira
ble than his present position. Some of
the papers speak of the retirement of the
present Naval Officer, Heistand,.ae a re
moval. Such is not the case. His term
expired March Ist, and he ha's net sought
nor expected a reappointment. The prop
er care of his daily newspaper—the Lan
caster Enquirer—now one of the most in
fluential and prosperous papers in the
State. imperatively deminded all his time.
No man in the State has more and warm
er friends than Jack Heistand, and we
are certain the patrons of his paper and
'the party will be the gainers, from the
fact that he can give- to his editorial la
bors his undivided 'attention...
The Mayor is continuing his raid on the
low variety theatres, with vigor and good
results. jOn Saturday night a vile place
called Ezioch's Varieties was raided, and
about two hundred persons arrested and
brought to the central station. The mot
ley crowd 'comprised perfoimerk and
boys and women. The proprietor was
-held in $lOOO bail, and the others in nom
inal sums, , for future good behavior, and
in default were all locked np for the'
night. The wily Fox, who has eluded
the police fin some time, by doubling and
turning, and throwing off the scent, was
finally captured last week in Montgomery
County, brought into court and placed
under heavy bonds.
NeCards.—The Union League Club
has been agitated from basement to attic
by the question of card playing. A por
tion of the members desired the Privi
lege of a social game of euchre or old
sledge or mugging, to while away the'
leisure hours, but the staid andraroper fo
gies of the concern, fearing that the
youngsters might be tempted ocoasionally
to put up aAnarter "ante," have always
strenuously opposed the wicker - Inno
vation. So it was determined to take a
vote upon the momentous question.. The
result was adverse to the card-playing
party, and the League will never know
the mysteries of "draw poker" and "sev
en np." . •
GOOD FOR BABIES.—We are pleased to
say that oar baby was permanently cared
of a seriou4 protracted irregularity of the
bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by its
mother; which at the same time restored
her to perfect health and strength.--Thn
Parents, University avenue, Rochester,
N. Y. Bee another column. , -
Mrs. E 4: J. MiolsOs has MINED
11.1111 tor ONE DOLLAR and upwards.
Mt oos is just opening
Ja . nave Meet of Antonin Goode, to whtett
she Invites the attention of the ladles. &W 9.
re DRY DOO*001) WARTED.—AppIy
Ladiej Drew Trimmings, all the
New Stytes, at tbizt.t. 3 TAANIULIVB, a few doors
north of Mereurs Block.
t Tags debts duo Mc-
Mats k EkwAnDer, It bot, settled by March 1,1879,
will bet lett% loads of as oiker. • - ~,
fib& ' Nceins klirpwmeros.
, VOW= has We best rwing,Shocts
for - Mee. Says ari Yantis , weir ever olterea fa
Towanda, sod at pril?li within the reset' of all.
Ninurso..4incsat BROS? iniirtt
not left taint, huttesolvett to remain nod tiNi
tooted to lout* Tin' old: on Main St.,
where they will be pleased to are their. -numerous
mantis. fehtl
tir A fun assortment . of Fancy Goods
ikt,ssits; a i.tassialaw. few a OO4 'Kink of
llama's Block. _ •
or Nortcs. - -The'accemmta of the late
Wriicitooiichave boa
to and shaekt bt pilik to J. s. Bncaicoc4, at Oa
Marl:urn* Omar.
: -
nix TAW*,
ltir* 15. *ky
Wce,...14# ,
- Itimaieringire•
- • -
ilielafgast• Oat 42w1..004e11t
use of sea fai!, 1 1 011140,11000* cht Lamer
lwar h found at Comm% torsi itigs, caw Vila
.14. Tracy is - %WA
, .
jar Cover n' •Bakery Wagon, of the
24 Want &diem will be es bud ally with
?re* Cacti= hot hats the cies, Enardattis.
Er ;Met you forgot it. We lave an
at COWLS:WM=IFt, whets Jos as boithe
boa tesdpbsted ceseken.
For tickets t,o. pointy Wolk
North and Southwest, et the lowest .passlble rats, '
call co yr steno, U.. BABCOCIC ) hint. at
Upper Dept, Towenthi.
tar L. B. Royal:as, challenges compa•
titian far quality of goods ad low prices on Sash.
Doom 11111. ads and Yoldlas,ashel baDding ma.
tufa'. _ • CsigS4t3.
lir A Grand Army Ball *ill be given.
st the Lome of Monts Zonate, New Mail, Pa«
Friday immix's. Feb. 21, 1272. Good made. BM
LSO., flapper 0a1y . 50 mate eack, _All AM UMW&
sir Facts tell the 'story. There is! hard
ly- a pronstriens business or proressiral num in
this viciniter in the country—wbobas not caused .
his life to be Mowed so as to seems his family
against contingencies In ass of his Math. •
Illtst. S. VISCLIIT lined 1106eiet during the
=bib or January amounting to Twelve TbousaMt
Dollars. all in the Mutual Life of New York.
Towanda, Feb. I.
• In the'whole hhaory.of Medicine
no preparation deserver performed such marvellous
cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as
kinit'a 'Cumin* PiCT6IIAL, which b recognized
as the world% remedy for all . diseases of the throat
and lungs, Its lonisCondmied series of wonderful
creel in all climate* has made It univenallyknown
as a safe and reliable mon* to employ. Against
ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more
merlons disorders, it acts speedily and surely, al
ways relieving suffering, and often suing life.
The protection it affords, by its timely use In the
throat and lung disorders of children, maker it an
Invaluable 'remedy to be kept always , on hand in
every home: No person can afford to be without
It, and those who have once used it never will.
From their knowledge of its composition and ef
recta,' Physicians MO the CLUMSY Pacionat.
extensively In their practice, and Clergymen rec
ommend it. It is absolutely certain in its remedial
effects, and will always cure where cures are paid
ble. For sale by all dealers. •
COX —MOYEB.=—At the house Of Vincent Many,
idonroetom January 23. 1879, by Rev. K. E. nor
. rig, NZ. F. M. Co:. of Mcmroeton, to Mho Muss
Boyer, of Stanfill:lg Stone,t
RICHARD—ALLIS—At Nichol; N. Y, January
23. 1879, by Rer. J. K. reek,r at the hotel-of
Jonathan Platt. Benjamin Y. Richard to Nary
R. Allis, of Orwell. -
HOFF—McKINNEI—At the residence- of the
bride's father. February 5 . 1679. by Rev. J. IL
Drake, Mr. Edward Hoff and Miss Lora L. Mc-
Kinney, both or Ulster. : • "
BROWN.—In Wfimot, February 9, 1879, E. V
Brown, aged 63 years, i months and 11 days.
General dealersln Grocerletand Produce, Patton , .
Block, corner Nein .and Bridge Streets.
Flour per bbl 5 250 825 5 750 700
Flour per sack ' ' • 150®150 I 500 175
Corn Meal per.loo lbs .. 1 OC® 1250
Chop Feed • 1 000 - 1 alo
%Wheat, pcir bush 900 100 1 000 110
Corn 400 550
8ye...._ 45050 561/5 —6O
Oats .... 250 28® 10
Buckwheat 350 • 450 50
Buckwheat Flour 1 250 1 600 1 75
C Sorer seed,medlum... 5 Oo® 5 So
Tlmothy. western ..... .. 1 600 1 75
Beans, IM lbs, ..... 1 000 150 150®'200
~ -Tork. mess 12 500• bbl. MO 'lO
Dressed hogs 40 •
Hams • 6€07
Chickens 60 7 80 10-
Turkeys • •10 10 • 10® 'l2
Ducks 50 9 -, 100 .12
Geese 8 S® 10
Butter. tubs 120 ®
18 1606 20
Rolls - 140 15 Is®' 20
Eggs, fresh IS® 22
Cheese 10(4 11 12%
Green apples. bush 350 40 - . 400- 50
Potatoes. per bushel.... 600 65 750
Grams so® 75 750 100
Beeswax • .22 26
Veal skins.
Corner Lake and Water Sires*
Elmira, N. V. April le, IS-17.
Vag A bvertistantis.
F _
A Fair will be held
. .
.llrultor the
Pete care r
of the
Pail, he Ladlecoms of the
ncin Church of BM
- .
Proceeds to be applied towards finishing the
church the coming summer. r feta.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Netasiikr, January 1, 1878. V 1,018,1718
Prenillins receipt* 41,144,0611.53 . .
Interest receipts, ete 353,951.11 1,44i1,03%.61
Losses and end0wment5...2490,416.79 •
Dividends to policy-holders =1,280,97
lapsed and sarrendottedpol.
Idles. etc 245,941.09
calfees, etc • 124,748.20
,Tazes„ legal expenses, ad- •
.vertlslag, ete
Net assets Jae. 1,1879
. ASSETS. ••
• . , • ;
11.13. hand six percent. bonds, Phut. .
delphia and city Watts, R. B. bonds,
twat and other stocts, worth ir2,404,. •
086.04, cost MSOS.S.C4 B
26:rnies, first liens on. properties •
5i.773.000'' - 2,1180,679:17,
Premium notes, secured by polic ies... ' 693,482.70.
.Loans oh collatedshi, etc m 087.3 6-
Real estate owned by the Company.
cost 441,476.08
Cash on hand and in Trust Companies • 166,997.42
Net ledger assets, its nbove .11434,2811.3 S
Net deterred and end Imre
reported! ptentlante. • 1n50194.79
Interest doe and seemed..., 101,159.12
Market tame . nt *torts. ete,
Dyer cost 94,11.1.Z1
Gross like% January-1,187f
Lonearepoited.ant notuo d 11113.628 68 •
Reserve. at- PlrAr•Ati to. • •
reinsure stilts J 5. 471 4: 7 /. 00
Dividends on unreported.
etc 190840 1 3 . 851 / 4 , 3 1 4 . 7 16
Surplus per mail basis...
..e,61. 91.01
Surplus at 4% pereeet. Pennsit•sola
standard. estimated 11,346.76563,
No. policies In force'
Amount at visit • 129,274159740
8/1.18 - DXI. 0. BUZZ President.
Vice-President.. Vice-President
AtettuuT. Seeretai7
C. BROWN. Awl tieeretary.
. .
• 131136. A:I3ItERNOEY, Agent.
. .3018. . . Towanda, Pa.
." alimtfao.. -
ot ha dlQed County, fru Jabal Ist to Domosbes i1et,1373.
• ..e"
*amount paid Avalon 1171.7
Auditors tor Prothonotary and liteirrar.... , . WOO
Maga oelotios _Worn
itrldgenWrs 417 211
=trers i li4 10
ad Comity Aptealtural Society...—. 100 eo
Conetableo. ter midair returns (*Cent and
Attending at elections , .—,. 716 46
o rs
2,010 so
Costa la Commonwealth sifts • 6,677 70
- Gunnel to Counnlsstoners 60 tx)
Cider and Upstate of Grad • tin 00
District ASMINBY , ' , an 00
Elewtion espouses e 2,20 s 26
. - SG ela
- Tuefand Uinta. ...."?. ..
Grand jams
Traverse jurors ' ' 'Ow Sill
on panne bOdlW -. LISI 8!
Corooen satiesileer hxloo,looo. 111
Jury annintsetonors 107 61
Moe books. - SU as
Postage and stationery • Iff to
Public printing - CS Se
, -
Aeeeisni toad toe severe/ Collators ot County Tax for Use County. of Bradford/eras year Ird.
. , . and grey/our. . , •
,I '
. . -, •
_ Borer , Conotten. . 4 „.,., Amount. Amore I Amount I. Amount Amownt,
l w r i 4 . ' ' Charged. ce red. Ern . Perot; Due.
, I- -.,..-
. _
Blanton Hero. M. B. Phelps 1/176 # 106 45 # 100 37-0 60 41 628
Arme W. H. Beeler 1877 242 70 216,411 /4 / 0 ' 11 SO
Barlingtou West N. C. McKean -, 759 33 734.60 ' '' - 473
Canton Bate C.L. Farnsworth.. 67 87
Canton T1rp,.... Hiram Medial 9,730 52 1,617 74 27 28 25, 50,
Merritt • Jamas McPherson. - 835 18 ' 754 45 41 03 ' 39 70 i
Monroe Tw'p.... D. IL lfflogas 1.010 29 • 934 21 'l4 06 51 92 1
Rome TIrP J. S. Prink 1,092 72 . 1,034 30 399 64 42i '.,•
Springfield.' . Tim Leonard 352 99 ' 352 99
South Creek David chose -, . 866 81 814 23 952 43 sat
' •
Sylvania 80r0... James). Bristol . , ' 164 15 145 72 77 - - 766,
orlnda Tw•p... A.•,W. Dimoek - 922 19 796 08 • 83 93 42 13 .
Wells Geo. H. Knapp . 214 38 254.381.
Armenia. Alba Burnham 1878 217 Ss. 191 15 16 61 •10 12
Asylum^ • B. C. Chilean ... 835 01 - 781 98 !11 65 41 38
Alba .80r0....... C. S. Wilson - 133 47 121 76 - 330 .6 41
Atheist Bore , ' ' John H. Homer . • 1.424 11 1.132'61 21 US 70 26
Athens TwV.,... N. V. Weller - 3,126 69 2,757 37 ' 223 42 145 To
Altelly ' - W. W. Corson 529 40 496 63! 634 26 24
Barclay.... . John H. Davis 738 12 :- 678 20' •= 88 25 94 -
Burlington i ' l(1;4. 5.,K.; Rids 133 25 • 126 10 53 602
Burilagton,TWV A'. Blakeslee . ' J. • 771 67 720 14 -1349 . as ot .-
Burlingtonll West N. C. McKean - Oa 72 624 00 5
4 33
Cantor BOW C. LI Farnsworth • 707 31 . 657 24 15 42 24 es
Canton Tw'p..... ?Award Colo..- .......... 1,486 51
.1,486 51
rohnobla Thomas Colony 1,644 43 1,460 34 - 705 '77 041 ;
Franklin David Smiley - 508 91 480 08 341 • 23 421
Orauville ' P. S. Ballll_ 920 53 865 05 9-92 ' 43 66 , 1 -
Herrick - Z. Platt . 695 Cl 647 94 • 12 86 •34 21 .... „,...„
Leßoy . 14. A. Wollner . 899 91 694 17 . 13 48 44 43 147 83
Legaysville 11. 13. Prentice . tel 00 247 92 95 ..- 13 13
Litchfield. Albert Carmer 1,004 75 945 14 -10 64 49 95
'Monroe Here..... B. B. Hallett .2173 09 160.80 it 73 0 55
Monroe Tw'p.... D. S. *logos 890 54 • 225 Oo ' 666 34
Orwell - C. 0. Vanwinkle. 1,162 63 1.094 44 10 44 57 75 •
Overton John Mathews - • 331 69 302 4ti 13.27 , /5 91 •
Pike - D.O. Northrop - 1,271 59 1,Z13•911 • 19 90 67 78.
Rome Tw'p C. M. Vanwlnkle •.' - 947 65 891 56 908 46 99
Rome Boro , E. E. Spalding - • 127 VI . 119 00 • 626
Eldgbury.. ...... John ninon. Jr ' 1,101 62 1,038 88 . 7BS 64 79 • • '
Springfield Tim Leonard 1,450 47 385 00 - 1,065 47
South Creek...... David Chats" - 742 36 400 00 8 92 20 78 296 66
Shesbequln George Childs - - 2,5.51 71 1,463 26 , 11 39 -'' 77 061
Standing Stone.. George 13110, 709 10 662 27 11 78 33 031
Smithfield Dian Phelps.... ........ .. 1,787 57 1,690 la : 872 89 021 •
Sylvania Bora.- J.F. Bristol ' 133 15 65 00 ' 68 15
Towanda Tw'p.. . W. W. Bowman . 754 71 699 01 19 82 - 36 88 -'
Towanda Boro. .A. Wlekbam 4,159 80 3,749 16 212 93 107 71 •
Towanda/60,th.. E. B. DeLOng ' 421 51 i 324 00 j 97 51
Troy Tirp . IL N. Fish , .
..1,580 741 1,490 7o 11 - 33 78 711
Troy Boro N. J. Stewart.... ......... .: . 1,174 rd 1,079 71 156 82. 37 99
'Terry • ' ; Bownlan . 554 97. 461 001 -93 0
Tuscarora. ' John Clapper . • 766 76 715 88 13 15 37 731
Ulster - James G. Howie 571 401 831 14 426 44 001 L
Wiadraing 0. W. Corbin 1,201 971 1,204 75 •
~ 13 25 63 974
Wlnelltam Rimer Neal 983 59 ' 927 951 667 O 97'
BishopWysos E. R. . 1,212 15 - 1,075 00 . _2l 77 . 59 14 47 04
Wells Geo. 11. Knapp . 1,093 74. 930 60; 13 07 54 15 95 92
.Warren James 10106 1,276 02 1,197 811 15 00 - .63 18,
Wi1m0t.......... Thos. E. Qulck 739 36 690 32' . 12 48 36 56 , 4. •
Reassefaments 274 911 -_ 139 13i 13 3 ., • - I,' 22'96
. , , ~
4 ~-....-..
• - . .
#46.271 10#39,144 30; 1981 91 1 #2,006 81! #4,238 OS
Amount due upon dnpilcates for 1877 and Amount returned uncollected for 1878 and • ,
previous years # 2,722 09 previous years 4 4,238 08
Duplicates of 1878 '' 45,996 19 Exonerated to Collectors • ixeoue
Bank tax ' .
1,413 90 Percentage to Collectors 1 • 2,318 28
Incidental recelvals «A 62 Paid State. Treasurer 2,826 23
teassessments ' • 139 10 Bank tax ' 1,413! - 90 .
Unseated land tax 740 21 Paid for holding Teachers' Institute 'MO' 00
Seated land tax -72 24 Intereit paid on loan at City Nat. Bank... 844 21
In . Triaanry January Ist,'lB7B. 4,860 06 Orders paid - 301.711 07
• Paid on order No 281, held •by City N. B. , 4,300:00'
- • I per cent commission on 445081.33 • 901 63
. . .
• - I per cent. commission on 4 42835.30 - 428 33.
In Treasury January 6,1879' . 696 60
. . .
BRADFORD COUNTY u : -. , , • •
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify that this is a time and cor
rect statement of the receirals and expenditures of said County from the first day of January, 1878, to
the Slat day of December, 14711. . -
- Witness our bands and teal of oleo at Towanda, this 17th day of January, A. D. 1879. •
. -
J. W. BURST. • •._
CototaLsaloners. •
Arra/is—WILLIAM LEWIS, Clerk
We. the andersigned, Auditors of said County, do hereby certify that wehaTe examined the fore.
ghiug statement, and the Touchers for the same, and tied It to be correct.
J.ll. MARSH. -
U. M. PRATT, Auditors.
C.l'. WELL ZS;
Coromisstoners• Office, January 17, 1879
9gl. 9
There is nothing
! that jive so
much saUisfac(ivn and remain fresh
... 250.18
in one's mind s o long as.a nice PAR-
in order that all may purchase, we
hale decided to sell. our ENTIRE
STOCK of these
. ..fiaa goods at
et (he HOLIDAYS. Be sure and
COME AT ONCE, and bring the
, .
on Main- St.,tchere you will find jus
what your wife has been after for a
ong time, and rentember 'you , wt
57,516;6034 3
SAVE NONE Y by _paying CASH
;:. 64,730.37.74j78:914.87
9 6 , 338 M 8 • 38
and buying before Christmas.
WATER COMPANY .— Anna Meeting of
t o Stockholders for the election of a Board of
Managers for Ike ensuing year, and for tbe trans
action of general business. will be held at the of
fice of the company, •in Towanda Borough. on
MONDAY,. the 3d day of MARCH, 1879, between
the hours of land 3 P. M.
C. 8. RUSSELL, Secretary.
. .
• Towanda, Pa., Jan. 30, 1870.33w5
ld at - Troy Grange Mall, on the third Tuesday
of February. st 10, A. N., for the purpose of Meet
ing thirteen . Directors, a President, Treasurer
anlSecretary, to the Grange Mutual Vire Insur
ance Co., sod Ds the transaction of such other
busineu as may be hrotighthefare the meeting..
D.LILLT. Pies.
11. F. NEWBZRY, Sc.',. -
• - Troy, January 11, IMO.
Varner:C. Bo !Anton, Treasurer, in account togh the County of Bradford
Towanda, ra., Dec. 12, 1878. ' 4
Mao* support, jail
Polies im eastern penitentiaty 1,130 S 7
Conrestng iouen to penitentiary in 46
Prothonotary-and Clerk Q'Pr Scallions. fees 414 14
Repairs on piddle buildings SO ISO -
Room mot at Trey Court ' 07
Sheriff for summoning jurors., .. , 2011 70
Sheriff for fees Commonwealth su its. OM TO
Tax refunded 1 30 II
Wißleslleates '
_du reas pli ti cates, ice i 10il 21
Trusuret tor sttandloyi Tony Cart ; al Wir
P. Z. Topper, stenographer of Court - AM 46
Bounty for the vetura of olen h055ea1....... 11$ Oa
Indexing deed book Prot' st s °See... • •
1211 12
ROmee on spring lot ' 404 - 00
ti W. Kilmer. Ca. Com , 1 1111 MI
- do do 6 days with Auditors, 187%,.. 1 10 Oil
L: . J. Coon:laugh. fro. Com 1414 OP
• do do 6 days with .Anditors, 13711.. 110 411
John Baldwin, Co. Com 7311 OD
do do b days with Auditon, IWll ..c. 10 00-
William Lewis, Clerk .1000.00
056,186 111
The Mutual Life
Insurance Conipany
Offers the most =favorable terms to
hose desiring to insure their
The cost is now, and has been in f
he past, less than any other com-
888,00;000 IN ASSETS.
Main ,Street, Towanda, Pa.
NOTICE. ---The County Com Mis,
'timers hare Sand upon the following
dates for holding Appeals at the Commissioners"
Mace, in Towanda Borough. for the lateral town
ships and -boroughs of ;Bradrord County.
Monday, February U.—Asylum, Terry, Wilmot
and Alb toy.
Tuesday. February 25—Overton, Monroe tw'p
and bore; Franklin, Gnu:mill° and Leroy.
Wednesday, February . 26.7 Canton tw'p and
boro', Armenia and -Alba. '
Thursday. February 27—Troy and" boro4
Columbia, Sylvania and Burlington West. •
Friday. February 245—Burlington tw'p and born'.
Springfield, Smithfield and Bidgbury. •
" Saturday, 31arch.1--South Creek, TWells. Sheltie.
qttin and Litchfield:•
Monday, March indham,. Warren, Orwell,
Home, tw'p and boro'. Herrick and Pike.
Tuesday, March 4—Leßsysville, Tuscarora, W
alualnq,Standingx Stone and Wring.?
Wednesday. March s—Towanda Moro', Towatida
Tw'p, Towanda North and Ulster.
• Thursday; Marche—Athens, tw'p and born, Bar
clay, and South Wirerly.
By order of the Board.
Amer—William Lewis, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office; Jan. 10, 1179.4415
Notlee is hereby given of the Intention to ap
ply to the Governor of this Commonwealth for a
Charter of Incorporation for „The Sugar Run and
Wyalusint Wire Rope Ferry Company, ter the
purpose of erecting and conducting a ferry across
the Susquehanna River at or near Sugar Run, in
Bradford County. Pennsylvania. (Signed) .
January SO, ICS.
"The .Richest Blood, Sweetest Breath and the
Fairest Skin in Hop Bitters." .
"A little /fop Bitterasares big doctor bills and
long sickness." •
"That invalid wife, mother, sister or child can
be made the picture of health with Hop Bitters."
-"When worn down and ready to take your bed,
Hop Bitters tswhat you need."
"Don't physic, end Arie, far It weakens and
dejtroys, but take! Hop Btters, that blind up con
.Plryslelans osill• schools ass and recommend
Hop Bitters. Test them.. .
"Health and beauty is a boy—Hop S itters Ores
health and beauty." •
There are more Mei Made with Hop Bitten
than all other niedleinea,,,-
"When the brain Is wearied. the nem . " unstrung,
the muselesweak, use Hop 13Itten.r
low, nervous fever, want of sleep and
weakness, calls for llop ratters.
Fos 'BALI. BY ALL Dzacoins.
030,711 07
653 54 ,
58,114 11