pitaferit Neportn Towne.s. Pa., pitred&y, Dec. 26,,3878. W. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, . DeaWin FINE JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, "TOWANDA PA. - • T4wantla, Jan. li. 1.1177. LOCAL AND CENERAL. Reporter Clubbing List for 1879. We bare made arrangements with the pnbliehen of the following periodicals by which - we eau offer any one of them I t connection with the lianinTaft e't greatly reduced rates. We will send the Rs roursn• with any of the papers named lielow s for one year, at the figures Indicated : neys?rlkee , and Weekly Tribune. Weekly Times .. " • " Semi-Weekly Weekly Evening Post., " Semi-Weekly " Philadelphia Press.... 300 Times.....l-.... 2 73 " ";,. A Mcrlcan Agriculturist- 2 30 " ' "! Country Gentleman ' 1 330 floral New 'Sorter 3 23 Harper's Weekly ' 470 - . " • " Buser • 4 00 " . " Magazine Gaiaiy Seribter, " " 4lde Awake " Maity Land • .1 VO " Living Age is 25 The...linrsery - CO Atpleton•s Journal :4 00 Popular Science Monthly.... 5 SO •• Peterscus's-Magazine 3 nO " Greeley's 175 " Lippincott's e• • 470 " Atlantic Monthly • 4 70 MO Sacs; seats,for-the Charlotte _son troupe, at KIRBY'S. MAJ. H. W. BAnnwi:t.t..bas basbce re-ap pointed P. M. at Tunkjilanuodc. Ttin new .unifoinis for Company - H ; were. made by HENRY . HAnnts, of this EOM Cm.. D. C. KITCHEN, a newspaperwri ter of marked ability, died in 'Toughan mock last wt ek. . • No paper will be issued from this (Ace next week. January 9, 1879, will be the date'of our next issue. " Is tour days list week \V. B. DOD GE, agent Central Express : shipped from this place twenty tons of poultry. Tiir celebrated C'harlo to Thompson troupe will perfortn at Mercur DaII 'on . Tu silay evening• next, December 31st. •.liss Cool: b w as closed her 'millinery shire iu this place to fill a more important station in life; as the wia of a prominent New Yorker. .loci ili - cl, - condtictor on the S. L. & S. flabrfinght this a number of Chi trues to this place. The one pieSented to the 'Episcopal Church was vety fine. Mr. MTN:as° shipped six hun dred 'Christmas trees to PhilUdelpia. - 1 1 11-msoxs from a distance who may de sire to be-present at the pesfoi mance . to be giyen by the Charlotte Thompson troupe on Tuesday evening" next, can have seats 'secured by dropping a line to C. T. Min% (,=`" THE pimple announcement that Cuau - LCTTE TUOMPS6S, supported by a star \ company, are billed for Mereur Hal! on Ta4day evening next, will attract, play goers, The, reputation of the company stands high among admirers of the the; terk M. P. Burr, formerly of this place. dictl at Portland, Oregim, On. the.:Cith of November. The i deeeascd was a son of the lak; D. 31: Dim, and learned the triuting business in tlia \ ales. For a number of years past he firsid been con ducting a paper at Pendelton,\Oreg.n. THE 11'yalusini ; ',ite,rwry st: iety will 'give an entertainnint iu the. A adetny Hall, on Tuesday -; evening. Dec: 31st, 11;78, consisting of 'vocal - Wu(' instru uen tal music, speecl.cs, et-says, riettati6ts, and closing with a side-splitting fare entitled "My Turn Next.,' Admission Icn cents. ,THE opening of an insurance aud pen- Or agency at Lellaysville, Must prove -a great convenience to the people of astern' Bradford. Mx. Bt•tx is thoroughl) , posted in the business, and all who intrust their e:oes to him way rest assured died inter ests will not L be negleeted.., .. -- l'EnsoNAL,—Gen." - A. ti. DI% E and his daaOlter Miss ELL.'. - 1)1% - EN were in Own one day List Avrek, the vests of Col. and 31r5..1. F. ME.'.s•. —Mrs. Captain MANVILLE is Spe,taling the bylidays with her parents. in Penn ):an, N. I% W know of no moreAtigefur arnt h:ter e. .ting inagazitti: than the Popular :Feieuee Noi,fiy published by AryLETtiN S: Co_ Nt•w Yit k. It is alWays full of both use ful and cae c a ta'ining reading for the young as well as.thii old. Subscriptions received at this office. TnE Towanda Musical Sociity gave is rp interesting entertainment to a •sclect etimpany 44 friends on SatuOdy evening last, at .the residence of Mrs._ CAtITER. We.regret that we catinot gile a detailed votive of the performance, Vat our special rep , ,rtei has failed to report. nutliec it however, that all who took part ..acquitted - themselves well. _ Itrv. GLonnr. LANDas happened to be in t• ii last week while the jury in .Ihe ea•e Mrs., b.ivTot.: vs. the Railroad svii.s being empankeled, and was conscripted' AS the cause jas not cotn- Ideted Sat tuday be had to remaiti in town over Sailay. fact, being known to Rev. f;E:6I:(iF. c:JoNES,Mr. L. was drnft j id again and compelled to do stivice_ in the M. E. Church in Om evening:\ The house was densely, packed, and er imm is sp iki.m of as one of Mr. LQ;no..'s very ablestpnlpit . efrorts. • 1M VOLTA NT REAL ESTATE SALE. —We are infonii'd that the one-half interest of the late Csian!...Es.L. ANTIIOI% T 4 of New . Yolk, in the large tract of laud and build ingi and improvenients at Sayre, Pa., at - 1 the junction of th . evariousrailroads, own ed in , connection withlllowArtn ELMER and It. A. ELMER, of Waverly, N.Y., bas ven recently purchased by Rt.OI.IENT A. PACKER, of Sayre, - Pa., and Hama PACKER, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., and Iton 'LßT. LOCKHART and E. P. Wllaw . s., of • Betlilehem,.Pa.- It is one of 'the largest trausferi of real estate occurring in this ,section for several years.•atut is of great moinetit to that immediate vicinity. It - cinterti the interest of parties represeniug • great cpital and railroad and inmate- • toeing prOperties in that locality, and the Waverly gentlemeuzare to be congratula ted in having such strengthening part nera.—Etinira . . Vtiertiser. • cued last Week in stating that the restival at the Nail Works Missitin was for the Sunday &hod, and thitt ft word eon* Off on. Wednesday. ilia entertain ment is gotten • by...friends of tlts lion services and will include the congre gation as Well as the EChOO. It will come off Thursday and not ;Wednesday 'eve ning. "' CHAMBER'S CYCLOPEDIA OF ENGLISH LITERATVIIE.—Brief biographies of all noted British_pr .A.mericarlAuthors, from earliest times to the p4sent, with speci mens from their work nottonly thoronghlrentertaioing and use ful to\ali intelligent - readers, but nearly indispeusableitii people of' culture. The newly reised And beautiful ;edition con pins over, 3,000 pages, Ticl the entire wink, in ei ed, free of $2.00 in pal half morocco, to , subscril , to dealers percent. (11 accounts foi Special indi sending ea with full p: postal card' cies BOOK New York. ..ip 50 . 4 00 . 250 . 2 75 . 2 6S .365 ttciarE.— ast. Isgito 4 70 4 70 300 3001 `C'Granger with the S for le - Siting 4is reports, some bellied Imes of ti - , PPea• pint that sonic Past Master of Oscaluwa Grange was elected Win tby Master of the Pomona Grange. It should read Worthy Past Master E. R. I)eLoug. I am not filly satisfied but ad at my manuscript yi'as":right i ,uor shalt I o until 1-see it.'l Ma going to lay it On the printer if- Ucan: l know they made one mistake where it speak's-of Brother 0. Loomis opening the doors of his spacious house and barn to fifteen brothers and sisters for about Ax ty meals. It should re:1(1131.011er O. Zeal is. I have no doubt but what--we shall have to make a similarreport of Brother M. 0. Loomis at our next meeting, as it is to be held in- his neighborhood at his invitation. Sol thiuk it is best to rectify this mistake made hi-his favor. bout p. Yours Fraternally, w. 11. Straw 'I nil Philadelphia ..Voeth. Anzertean re views Mr. MACFIRLAN E . S 1!101j book and pays this tribute.to the work 1: ."Assuming that travel would be light ened to all if hey wire accompalded by a geologist to explain the changing forma tions, and remarking that observation is better than much abstract study, and that geologists will be helped in selecting and observing their routes of travel, and•that business men may gain by knowing the nature of a district having railways; Mr. Macfarlane has clasSified- all placli on American railways which yield useful ma terials olve peculiar productions. Dana's table of • geological . formationll, from the Arcluean to the quaternary,ls so explained that all can understand it, with particular'tl of localities; when, pre fixing a list of geological formations, every railway in every State is followed, and the geology of eacli considerable statinti tin each in marked against it. Numerous notes hold that intelligence which cannot he so conveyed. It is rather interesting for the most casual reader to learn that in) the few miles between West Philadelphia' and Kensington the whole geohigical gamut, from the Arcluean to the quatern aiy. is scaled, and every formation crops out somewhere along the Pennsylvania bi acing plenty of fossils at places. The Louisiana roads, rest almost wholly f_lll alluvium, as ito those of Florida, while all in the Indian Territory traverse coal measures. An index of railroads and ge• ologiCal charts of this country, Canada and Mr xice give more value to ii_work that wilt be appreciated by many and may he 'endured exceedingly profitable. Trav ellers should add this to'their.otherequip ureuts. It will be of more use than a Jo. PROCEF.DIN43B CONTI ED W I:1)N 1i,1 , 13A1*, Dec. 18, 1878: .1 C Va.ner. vs Jolly 0 Ward.—Verdict for 1l14it.1111.$5:13. Jolt!, Uvlau vs Luke Dolau—lssue. .1 Madid, Esq, for plaintiff; I McYlieryi for defendant.• Verdict for plaintiff. Ulysses Mercur use vs C Sanderson, et al.—Rule alsulute, and judgment/for matu of sufficient affidavit of !Jr:fence: Elt DeLong's use vs James Elli and E W Report fil dAnd confirmed ni si. Overton Mercur vs dame's W Mix, r-p q , appoipt.t.a iruliqr to dis trillune fund raised by :Merlins sale of de fendant's real estate. / ;quire vs L F Cleveland.—W E Esq, appointed ;in Auditor to dis tribute fund; raised by Sbei(ars sale of de -1& Mart' s personal property. 1, L Peach vs Henry /Patterson. Rule 'o aspen judgment. I% ilson vs 0 P/Young.=Rnle on plakntiff to enter jtoynent. 01 motion or John l' Sanderson. EN, Cofirt admit Ileum; IV Painter, Esq, a membi of the Luzerne County bar to Traci ice 'u the seVet al courts of Branford County.. 1... / In le the 4 —lngnisit io , wherein they, i lucid intetvals. •,, 1,, In re the,allr,..>, foi 4.-11 tit'Y iitai ' interval.'' Elmer : alleged lunacy .of L K l'eace: filed and confirmed ui si, find Min a luttoic witk.ut Inhootwer. Lithe Knapp %s CIA Knapp.—Sherill dirt ete'd to nctke prctilamati.m. - Con] vs ilitant Klinanan and George Thernas—Abortion. Each defendant scti- teneeti to 4 )ears, and 't; months in the Eastern Penitentiary. ;. Nam: vs Le. Wis Vaigeson—Laoceny. fund:tilt schtvueed to 2 year:, alai 10 inns in the Likein vs I) IV Ilainer- - --Lareeny. sktittneid to two ')'ears and six uk.ilths in tlitt Ea,tt In Penitentiary: The filliming Si:L.6ll's Detrls stere ac klioaledged, : ,To L for house and - lot in To.. wanda bow', tiOld De*eetuter 6, 1878, as tie pinl i etty Lynt To N C Elsbiee, for 7.7:1 aciesof land iii Smithfield twp. S6ld : Deceniberli. 1878-, as the property of James rich:: :32,380. To Wm Hand and Margaret-!land, for 30 acres of land, iu Windham twp: . Sold Nov 29, 1878, as-the property of L 0 1$410: To ii J for 2 lots in Windham twp. Sold Angirst 30, 1877, as the prop erty of James Elsum Hi. • $1,875. fo CS II Mann, for acres and 141 perches in Windham tap. Soldjune 13, 1878, as the property of Franklin Hassell. $•2O. Coin vs Randolph nought, Mendota Rymer, and Philemon McCrackem.---Burg bury. . Rule fir new trial made absolute as to Rymer and McCracken, and sen tence of Rought deferred., • Corn vs E Elliott—Embezelment. Coin vs Benjamin- fail and Il Bail— Forcible enure and detainer. Each case. continued to February Term. Com vs H 8 Ingham—Assault - and Bat tery. Defendant sentenced to pay a fine of and costs of prcsecutiOn. CA/111 V 6 ::me—Surety of peace. Sentenced to•pay !oats of„prosecutiun, and give security to i ep their:ace. •, lf re We alleged lunacy of Eliza. Her-, rick.—J W \Mix, E&q, appointed Conimis-• sioner. P J Thomas\s Anna Thomas—Divorce granted. • • \ • Filiuda V'auFleet vs Gilbert - Van Fleet. A G Hill vs Anna M Hill.. Merrick Og den vs Loretta Ogden.—Alias subpcena iu each' case directed to be issued. H Little . vs 0 W Stevens, et al.— Judgment against 0 W Stevens for want of an appearance. F G Hall.vs.George Fiire. -- 11Vir *Lane vs J II Conemy, et to open judg ment in each case. - E It DeLong's use vs-'James Ellis and E W Report coutimed finally. L S Kingsbury, Trustee, ys J J Griffith,- et al.—Bute mode absolute. - Dumas M Dayton's to :e vs the Pa S N Y Canal 4: R Palmeri Over ton Sanderson and N C Elsbree, Esqs, fur plaintiff. - Davies pS, Carnoeban, .1 A Sittser and H,Streeter, Esqs, for defend. lent.: On trial. - • • - • • Mi. BitiineuiLi6 sa announced that hp was in the luinde oi a Lecture Bureau wliOnsually annexinced; the subject of his leel'ine in advageit. usual experience had : been that seleition of subjeislit were m:uie,'and be .Wiu(noti: fled whialf.etures weiCpriferred.ti7 times hd . spoke Of " Antnsement4 l ! again; upon tlio Ineign of thaCtuntnon and thermion tbe " Wastptaud Iftirdenaot Society." There waslituan in his belad l for several.. lectures. Tti : night he.proposed to spealCon "The Reign of the pcntini-ou. Pcpple. - .• 7 : at is a cause for congratulation_ that the, human met, is, and can be educated. The stilts of human intelligence compel' a ipartnership in socicti; This Cad alarms aiistonitcy. Thp' prpg . ress of intelligence is thO growth of democratic ldeag. After (*And straggles aro past we see what is Leir profit: Fifty Yeitricormoro ago At- . ExiilDE . 'l i oquitylia.z maimed thoirovern- Molts ofDircipe that demoemay. beep over everything. DE.ToqiIEviLLE waspotudemocnit ;he was it noble, an ri49crat. Monarchies grew more facile and; on the whole, more favorable to the common people, by degrees. The shadow df DeMociacy lay behind it all. Democ xacy has come into life ; everywhere Maas found a foothold. The intelligence ofthe 'human race has increased so that all girt. ernments; all philosophies and all religions ire bOriteron the swalFof;the popular -un dercurrent. The imPulan of chisteudom is edncation. This is accepted and de= mended ly the great masses of Europe. In times gone by the ' undercurrents - did not care ; no wEurope cries out Tor educa tion. By suffering they began to find - out the screct of Gon. It is brains,not Mus tthat rule : muscle has power, but not alherity. As long as Gon lives and does not hang,e, intelligence may cruel, but it will 7 W rdo it. With education comes emanei Afton: The crosier and the crown Ile in education. Why - is this? , ernorauc Was once counted necessary to absolute go ernment. Crowd and crosier have footid o t that *education which prof t\ duces iniellige eels more subordinate than ignorance. In a 1 European countries this iit'found to be tru -; in this regard in all European countrit. . there has grown a common agreenictit. ' The drill of the facu ice is the augmen tation of the power of in elligence. It was once declared treason to eddlo with the government.. As the noble began to be educated they' sent the influe coof educa tion. amongst the lower clas• a. Ih;fore . this revolut ien, the children ergt ius were educated and the baser stack left 'n igno rance. Tho education of the toss es is the expansion of the sun' of ImMan t tel- hectic°, Educated .people arc far ni ie easily governed than the ignorant. lie man who marries an ignorant woma i ex pecting he will be able the more ea ly to. manage her makesn mistake. Y a can open the way to motives. in met - minds through the medium of Out, ion, and the more education the more nys there are. Educated men are be er fighting men than ignorant men. his fact has' found it way to. the mind. of European governments. Europe hi s not done with fighting yet: she has O fy just beguitia,„ It takes money to raise mica; war is ex pensive. Invention upplies the Means. There is a ,--conflic of ideas going on abroad. The drea of peace is the' dream Of the future not f to-day. 'Once it was 0 ought that bone and mus cle furnished V e materials - of war. Now this is changed: the Macedonian method no longer c - (sts. Arms of precision and inventive enius applied to the ini proV-eineu of the machinery of war, have changed/ its methods: The intelligence .of the fidividinil loss grown into an agen cy in /War. Improved appliances of war vet; ire education i the use of them intel lig ce; •inteliigence- depends on ednea., i i n ti ii, - hence the governing power educates )is subjects. Ds:- Toocr.viLLE dwells on ' the power in government of education. War is education, though battle is brutal. in an army there-must be discipline and tliai- of itself is an'educating, force. This kind of education finds its effects in Eu rope more than with us. The pi ooerty producing classes are ill a ratio with the spread of education. Europe wants itio_ uev fur war, and hence European govern meets encourage the education of the lOW er classes. The need of Europa is money ; 'her - governments-promote the education of the masses to obtain it. 1 The &mond for education comes from i the people themselves. 11l this process I ideas, not, things, begin to express theM- T selves. Reason is on the side of educa tion. The climate Of this country is stim ulating and craves .education. Shipmas , ters_ appreciate this characteristic of. our climate : the spirits and stimulants which are used on the other side of the water are not to be used with the same impniii. i ty here. Our climate burns up nerve matter : it stimulates Mimi . . - Every man in New England by a convention Of ideas must take care of himself. Weakness and shiftlessness are crimes in New England. These ideas drive whole masses of people 'to enterprise. Men find themsehtes born to do something. The whole• movement of American society is fervid.—Baseness .men beim up brain night and day,-/ The political atmosphere is- likewise fervid. Business and politics are the heritage lif all men ; and politics is alWayg in a blaze with us. We reach a crisis every four ;ears : both sides give us this asssurance. We are thrown into a -tumult of excite, mcnt by these influences, every election. There ought to be some place in the midst id' all these exciting influences where a imutcan keep cool: once in : seven days we tight to cool otT. The Church is the place, pit that is perhaps, the hottest Plac4 -all. The Church stimulates the brain with those profound doctrines which continually tempt men td know, but uev ur give knowledge. There are charitable' Churches driven with whip and spur. Emotional or ecelesiasticalit is all ex. citement. _ - - al lunacy Of SAnnel Stal= \pn a. lunatic Ns itti lucid gorton appointed Com- EMEIIII All.these things pfotinee a Brain •Age::! What results from a .brain itge? Enter prise breeds doubt. Everything now is sought to be tried by evolutieh : doubts prevail in science: No intelligent man re jects the theory that evolution is the Meth od 'of Gott—that the method of GOD is the Method of the te:•rayueuus earth. Eve rything begins .in the germ—from the lowest forms - : —from germ to form. What is true of the individual istrue of soMety. Society, thus, begins to climb the ladder frimn the lowest rungs. Bearing in mind these changes, what are theireffeets upon The Reign of the Cot:onion People'; The first form of government iy tiiit of the few over the many. The great mid dle class makes its way "amongst the gov erning classes In an aristocracy : tire rest * are coming. Revolutions and evolutions never go backward; From the beginning .popular suffrage_has 'enlarged. The old Massachusetts lan . , provided that no ono Could vote unless he wasa member of the church. The next step forward was that uo one could vote without a property qualifi cation : finally, it came to be that all men could vote, if not born abro l id. This; bar ring sundry objections from: the opposite party, has been abolished in pinctice in New York. Voting is education: the right to vote is a partnership in society. We have base taken' , -bite sauttleaship-4000,000 eliiewpbeer wewiel , 'Deintailiefitetweek -et -Jaintary. - we illa bon ves' nd to ata dea lkiPlilud bittibili Idea ' laige edition of tbe itait ' wisely as their waste* One '..step. ore 41manifc, to be distlilnited , * grata _ and the aglit I nt -t etikrage will be eaten4edk . to our subscribers. A: few pages of - vi .f! '"! rtisenienttWill bet inierted. Persons de la Wonaeo: — ' Ve Now if the end` of goteininent is the perfuet administrutionuf atrairs,lbe-seigul o Cbietuoiti peopleltait beetWalkiriki To `Rut a great country, like this ipAlto; handhof the people fr soleliii to'derif the value of experience and expertneits in' public iitplirs. 'would ritatir your-i watch,. yolk must go, to a watch maker ;• for your cede at law you must go to a law.: per; :How hive theta inillioni 'eV *pie prepared themielies to administer the goy:- ernment. They du not know how the gov- , eminent is ran , -64 . changes and notselsi ties.' Their representuifiesditermine these matters ;but how are Alie people to pick out their "representa6es? If you want thelteektr a - bridge you : must go to. some one, a builder. experienced \ in snob mat tors, tir'Y&A. 'bridge' 'will not sten?' the strain that come tiptukit\When trots comes.upon a country the Liiepple • fall back Upon individuals; when tiker is no need for their services, the people tetsctele power. The poisulai'peliticiail is the In dex of the capacity of the people to golterm -Half :he people vrtmothe time eivote comUS around don't vote at all. Publicists laugh ed at the Plebiscitum of Lou4Naros.r.ox, when the government w a s sustained by 'three-fonrths of, the, vide c a st : it was know that but a -fraction of the people voted at all' If you *ant to revere the yon bad better nets* to the legisla ture to see how laws are made; In this regard I trust you are much nearer to the kingdom of ht.aven than we are in Now In our legislatures , we find people who have not been trained to such 'less, and know nothing-Of what they are doing, The police of the largo townit wißnot go against the uudereurrents.: the under -currents repiesent the bottoth and not the top brain, in sin, age of brain. The genius of government in thS large towns is to fees the animal, and the. governing' Classes are not fit to govern. ,All this shot's that our giavernment is the best government on earth,,, Every ,step in government is education : \ it, utf' folds men. Knowledge is the sum orblun dere : knowledge has found out thinge fay running against them. In the light of this general declaration -we pan not expect , men of vagrant notions fit tre govern. The cominunityis running trough a distinctive through I , growth. Men never have 'government i created for them, they must obtain it by natural growths. Ministers must think on the structure of society : , to make, the millions think you mink agitate a subject.. Opposed to this condition of - things are the European notions of patriarchal gov ermitent. It is the distribution of poWer —the power of that makes 110 result's of natural growth. Living no experience iu finance, there are men who'have determined this and that or us concerning the currency. It. is pro sett to make the govertinient the sole disi user of money. ' This is a dan gerous po cr to delegate—to invest the whole fisca power iu the government is to create a p ternal governMent, and re vive the patri. mita' notions of : Europe. Men-are delude( on the question of me. ney : the science f finance is not their forte. • Money is ho representative of property : property is everything that serves the *ants of m n, or is made by skill or labor. ' Gold a - silver are pot property, but the represe . tatives of pro perty. Having property y u must have something which represents operty, and that is money. It is a historic. I doctrine, live thousand years old. It has be n agreed for five thousand years that gold nd sil ver shall represent" property. You must have something to' represent propert - Mt you have representatives. rnni in govee t. As commerce has grown, we have found f gold and silver necessary representatives. Paper is good so long,':is it represents gold and silver. Gold and silver are of such bulk and weight that, convenience de mands paper : mere ' convenience, there- fore, leads to paper. The best results of the greenback agi., tation is that thereby the. intelligence of the people is increaSed.. When millions begin to think they must think up:higher and higher. Discussion and,agitation are. the natural outlets of intelligence. Let the people keep their months' open and they will never blow up. Plow deep, be patient, have confidence. It is for the in terest of men to do what is right and what is just, and they will come out right in the• end. 'Great a g itations are necessary. Science is playing its' part, and, in some houses, making\ mischief. Everything has got to go up higher : We ail- in the labor throes. Thought itself is unregulated. There is no great interest in the land that does not bow down to - the reign ,of the common people. 'Learning bows down to the common people;. Learning must aban don its sesquenetlalian tendencies. Dr. DRYASDUST illidOitimself on the platform before small audiences ; ha must come down ; .he must abandon the pride of exclusiveness to make a living. The war wasa revolution 3 it touched human na ture on every; side men were inspired by its glory and its pnrpose.• Art alone wasun inspired. 'toms:HS did something for art out of the war ; he has Made a fortune by 'his workit. The old masters are at a dis count,; something in art that touches the popularpulse is what is wanted. Aid is coming down gradually in its needs. If any man would be a servant among you let him be your' slave ; . art is your slave. Learning should be like the mother of Gott. Look at the effects of the reign of the com mon people ou the Professsions. That which was the special to the professions— the exclusive fitovince of a few, is now the possession of the common people. Distri bution, liberaliz It ion are going on. Profes- - sions must Le leVelled to the common peo ple. Wheteunto all this may tend no one can tell. What has been begun ages ago will go on and on: . Where it tends no man can tell. The race is On a voyage of des tiny brighter than,the sun, more beautiful than the \ stars. . - • .• VETIYTIII.Im—No parents know whit their descendants may come tu.. The cliildren , and grandchildren of tile million aires of to-day may be, paupers in the next or following generations. ' Rev. Jo sErn_Coot:, in a recent lecture before the dile of Boston, began by saying, "your daughter is not at the looms; but her granddaughter' may be pacing.thought fully to aud•fro in the city slums, for.your descendants may live there." These facts are a constant Warning to those who swell themselves with family pride, or isnagina they stand on a solid rock when they have wealth at. their command, forgetting how very often wealth takes to itself wings, and flies away, • leaving :dieapPointment and utter sadness and . preSsitig poverty [ behind. . ' THE steam mill at Skinner's Eddy, which has been laying idlb fJr some time —and was .somewhat damaged• by the late high water—has been purchased and tir For tickets to all points West, put in running order by. Jos. E. FRENCH, North and Southwest, at the lowest posits le rates, call on or address, 11. E. HARCOCE, Agent,' at of Laceyville, which : opens up a good • Upper Depot, Towanda'. market for those having hentlock,logs on _ or near the batik of the river ; for which t L. B. RODGERS et he will pay the market price either on thentititin fa otes, n z L quall ,..,, A t7 o t i g „ w ,,„ n , s a .. nd hankitedelivined at his MM.— . • airing space must give immediate notke, aswe eapect.tabaye the work tray for distilbutiOn the weekti /aorta*. _ Ulsrza.—The diphtheria is raging at Ulster with terriblei,effect., Sunday after noon 'three -were interred"; two -of Mr. Kline's children, (he having four more at oree sicked% the*liid fllsease), acid ite,koreol k iy!sonr, 14kfilittlif dettb from diphtheria Sunday night Mr. Roberts' eldest daughter. In consequence of this epidemic the school has closed. Some thing morwthan w dozen deaths f are re ported from the same disease' 4ithin a year, and.many are still {suffering from the-saniti disease, and new, :eases arti ported almost every day. ' MACCOBOT. MEM TROY IvEits.—Mr. L. Eigbmey who, sold his business in - Troy some time ago, and went to the Bradford district to ope rateiti "the Oa business,- b tends spending the holidays with his fam ily. Mr. Eighmey bas I five wells in activitoperation in • Bradford, avenging about a hundred barrels of oil per day. Mr. E. has Many friends in Troy, and all vougratulatO him on hisimeeess tibia new, field of business. . . Last evening Miss Annie Ponieroy, only daughter of E. Pomeroy, was married to `Mr. G. 0; Mplcomb, ticket agent and ex pressmatfatlbis place. The - well wishes of \all her friends( and acqutuntances go with Mrs. Macomb for her life-long hap pine 4. She w-as ono of our most respect.; ed ancLiceonitilished young tidies. ' - Mrs. \ B. in W. "Pomeroy lately returned from a so ewhat lengthy visit to friends in-the Easto, She. visited both Connecti cut and .111aiihachusetts, and reports things there much the same as we see them every day at ht. On Sunday t o congregation of. the Presbyterian Chnrch listened to two ex cellent sermons delivered by Rev. Mr. Lowell of Canga, Y. I think they were both enjoy,ed and appreciated.. \ • Mrs. Buckbec, from wego, iskin town visiting her friends, Mrs. S. W. Pomeroy and others. \ . Troy, Dec. 20. 1878. `OnssitvEn. EASTERN' BRADFORD.-" C ange " is \ written upon all things earthl and we are soon to say good-bye forev rto the 'rapidly waning 18113. • - , • Substantial improvements have been. made in our village - during the past ar, and business changes- have • taken pl. ce that may be noted. Mr. F. E. Case h exchanged his hotel for property in Sag naw, Michigan, whither he expects to re, {uove•in the spring. Mr. Case has been a popular, landlord, and be goes away withlbe best wishes of all. Mr. P. C. VanGeldei• has piirehased. the drug store of J. G. Bensley, which is now neatly fitted up and the familiar face of our old friend J. F. Bosworth is to be found behind the counter as in days gone .The prospectus of the newspaper, (the Le.l{Sysville .4 dcertflter), is to be seen upon the Counters . of our merchants,,and a con siderable number of . sUbscribere have al ready beeh obtained. A job press is ex. peeled to arrive this week a9d the publi cation of the paper is to commence May Ist, 1879. I . ' , • - The Grand Army Post at :this place is llouriEhirig condition, and old corn radce 'of the "tented field':'' are "ntus- tered !' at almost every regular rrieeting-- longilife to the boys who wore the bine 1 . they should ever be honored by every truelArperican patriot. Mrs4ll. "INT. Brink is visiting friends in Montrose, and Mr. 0. IL I:linkwater, of liansals is visiting relations In Pike. Wyosttso. Leltaysville, lieo. 24, 1878. BOrs CERTIFICATF-S;--It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending to he made of wonderful foreign roots, barks, &e , aud pufled up by • long bogus certificates of miraculous cures, but a simple, pure, of. fective medicine, • made_of well know* valuable remedies, that furnishes its own certfleates by its cures. We refer to Hop Hitters, - tbo purest and best of medicines. Sed " Truths " and Proverbs," in an other column. • NEW LOCALS. NEW YEA.R'S PARTY ! There orlll be.a New Years party at th.:llarilett House. Wysauking, Pa, on Ilie.evening of Wednesday, January Ist, la7a. Mu.tc by McDonald & Ideacrs_ band of Waverly, N. Y. 11111 f 1.50. • • BARTLETT IMO'S; 1 \ • . . Proprietors. ..' - 747 WO NV ANT ED.—I desire to loan 'Po f.o• hue or p five lirs. Beet of mai estate se entity, ' A.,11. SMITH- I , ITISIO', I. , Dec. 16, 1878 • tr" B. . PETTIS of this place lie agent „,.. fdr.r. w.co ?I TON . t.4,dying establiebutent.of Pitts_ ton, I' , and an, person wishing anyartlcies color ed, N ch is 1.a.11 \ !Shawls. dresses, _or any other attic! sof Ladles wear—Gents coati pints or vest or any article of naerl7ear. ran leave therrth _him and they will be °mulled and retur dto them frre of charge. P yes fur colorlog.at reason ahle rates. EmAdence. to .door north . of Dn. rnArrs. BUSINESS L • CAL. Or You . will 4 jlml handsome gift books. Wpirromn S SZIACT'S. UCERS, ts, Ilandsonie CUPS and 8! DISIIC3 and To; , sat WitticOxtD SHALT NEW YEAR'S PARTY.—There New Tears Party at the Union Ifatel,ltome. AVEIINEOAT EVENING, - JAN. Ist, 1879. Invitation Is extended to all.. Musk : findth a Par Band, Owego, N. T. • • a' . ( Io tt W lIITCOMII s MAUI'S fur year Jr ve.l , :it.t: and FANCY tiOOKS. . rfr M. I F.:4I)I.E3SAN, Agent, esires to Inform his rimy customers that he ni y still 1* found at the old stand 'and has a full st k of new and destrske goods, su.tahlo for Mild' y gifts, al r•r l y lute prier*. j i• -.4.- . We have got them l Whiit ? The .1 o1,:.1 tOt of tioltdav ohm. --- . finpg Ipt of lloilday goals ever received In Toan da. Ctinfetionery, Fancy litotl4, Books, Toys, Cutlery, Fraines, Boa Papers. Japanese ; Goods, Toilet Bottles, Pocket Book!, Cigars. Pipes, Bivin res. &e. Come In and look. CLASS B.PORTER, Ward Illpuse, TuWalltill, ea. • Ca — oto XORTRI:P2S Restaurant for a Warm teal or a diskor oyMers cheat,. ncni. - ~r Zgr A Inttof secOnti-band Cooking, 9ttling-liovta and Ited-Ito"tn Stoves for sal6, ply - t5. 13. KINNEY. V6 - * Mrs E. T. MiNnos has TRIMMED HATS f'irwit. DOLLAR and upw• Dr e liss E. J. 31 - taos is jut opening a new 61. k of Autumn Millinery Goos, to' which 1110 Intl 6 the attention of the.indies.l ape% pr Ladies Dress Triratning4, all the New Styles. at SNELL & FARNHAM'S, i tel doors north of Mercur•s Block. ryr COMER has the best wearing Shoes for ?Alen. Boys and Youths' wear ever offered to Towend and at privms within Om tenth of all.. `a"Housp Fon RENT.-Convenieititly located In centkal part of the borough. .Faniulre at this ornee.., I nor7-tf. Mr A full assortment of Fancy Goods At k FAIMI.111*&, & rest doors north or Stereurs flock. . . ir GIVING. LP - BUSINESe.:11:111V ,13G013., :peeling to give up thdr shoe 01 lirlilgL: Stmt. . ILI 'clove out their eutlie !stock of girdv &elute oat. Call early and secure Bargain.. - or The Largest,' Best and Cheapest, pne of Blies for Ladles'. Misses• and Children' , wear Is found at Cosssa • e new store, corner Main and Pine-Mi., Tracy k Noble's Block. -anrelll VW' CowLss' Bakery Wegon, of -the I also keep dressed; White and Yelk2w Plus on let Ward Bakery, will be s tet hind daily with 1 hand, seasoned . ready for use. at Reek Prices. Fresh Crackers hot from the oven, Bread, Piet, I , ilirtilve me a call. satisfaction guaranteed. Cakes, he. aprll. 0. If. AYER.' -.....-...-...- • - ' Sheshequin, Pa., Dec.l3, MM. . =mit tom' Don't you for g et it. We have a! n' IN BAN K RUPTCY.— ! In the Dis, excellent CRACKER If ANCFAC-TORY in„tourn tr.et Court of the totted States, for the West at COWLES' BAKERY. where you can buy the,eru District of Pennsylvania. best fresh-baked crackers. Winfield 8. Kinney, of /tome bonrough, Brad - ford county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Centimes of March 2d, MO. having applied . for a discharge from all Ms debts, and other claims provable under mid Acb r ,by order of the Court, notice Is hereby glvin Joel creditors who hove proved their debts, and ter ' persons Inter ested, to appear on the lathd -d *j of JANUARY. ' 19 7 ,5. at to o'clock. A. w., blieflatei . It: A,. Nercur, rallenges doulPe- Req., Register In Bankunw i y. It his once. In l ow . v i on , on . s as h. Towanda. Pa.. to show cause ' if any they have. r whys discharge should, not be ;Canted MIMI said ling'S-UN. id 1! baudipit wa..,,b,.. 4436,14. q.,NCANDLVISL . . ' ' - - tisiihri - t - .. Mit. - rr'Plymoath Rook ?owls for aile by Ans. rah, oeu , .0 ! or TOIIII6 or In .tbe whole 'history of Idedielni ms preparation base/or peetorsedeuebschnslions curet or Maintaleff ers, n 440 e terffedell. as ATMS'S Cannier rearintAmlarbich U recogaised as the weriChremedy heel diming of the throat led tangs; ..tes sersesor Insulted erre. to all cilmateil bite asadet k enhere as a sate and tenable ,agoarieveepbot. 'Against ordinary cold., wide' rte the terannners of more serious dime/M.' helm Readily and surely. al- VIP 401%714 Meering.. , and often saving Ulm The 'protection Itaffords, 14 its timely use in the throat and lung disorders at children. makes it an Imolai/4e remedy to be kept time= band in every home. No person can afford to be without it, and those who have once used never will. Prom their kiowledge of Its comps tite and d ices, Physicians me the Clizarr-Pneronm. ettethively to their praettoe, Clargymen rec ommend It. liabsolutelytertain In its remedial effata, and will always cure where cures are pose Me. For sale bytil dealers. MARRIED. PADELYOIM—SVOLVE—AL She boss* of the bride near Towanda. pee. tn. b the Row Rat\ lark' annsturiur. Mr. ~ E noeb ,W. P, of East Taunton. Maso n and Mtn Ural 31. Wolfe_ DIED. acconn—bi ulster,- Dee. - 40. Of diphrber% Georgie, dray son of Almon and Mary Record. aged la years. • HENRY E I DRAKE, J,SWS,LBR I Corner Lake and Water Street., YLMIRA,.N. Y. . , • Vint* N. T.. April 18;`711.17. TOWANDA. MARKETS. . pOUTED BY STEVENS & LONG. Goneral dealers I n Groceries and Produce, Patton'. 'fitoet, corner Main and Bridge Street': TUESDAY EVENING, DeC. 24, MS. EMI - - PAYING. SELLING dour per bbl 5 bi* ti. SO . 0 000 7 7 00 Flour per sack ' 1 40441 00 1 3001'173 Corn Meal per 100 lbs .. • 1 25 . cbopareed ...... ... ...... - IWO - - Wlu3at rn . per bush P. 400 41003 ILS 330 1 000 Co . Rye ..... 4Si3 . , 60 00 Oats .... 234 3 Buckwheat Buckwheat Flour Clover seeitmedlum... Timothy. western, Beans. elt 1 5(11) bbl. 46R) .84i0 Pork. mess ...... ... Dressed hogs Haws Shoulders Chleteus .... s@ f 0 IC. 12 9® 9 10® 12 Turkeys... Ducks ' Gewe 1 64. 4 Lard ' . 2. 8 7 to 104 Butter,l4ubs . 11. HI lie 20 Rolls. 344 15 ISO 20 0 L s ;Z esli . .T 24 • 24 104 11 12% 11 u apples, bush 25. 30 404 SO Poll o;s. per bushel.... • aff 7:4,. Owo .. .......... ~... M. 60 - 254 40 Beesw 22 , . ORIZZCTZD BY DAYTON, k IMO, Bides - • ' Veal skins. earons - \ ibeep Pelts... \..• Tallow • \ Wool HOLIDAY GOODS. Theie is nothing' that will giue•xo teh. satisfaction and remain fresh One's viiod so long as a nice PAR LOR or CHAMBER .SUITE, and 'ender that all ' , nay purchase, we have decided to sell our ENTIRE STOCK of these • five goods at 'ROLES:ILE PRICES, until qt- er the HOLIDAYS. Be•imre. and COME AT ONCE, and bring the be a I'a.. CASH to our . MAMMOTII S r wifo has been afler for a - / / long 'time, i d ronember z you will ' SAVE MO,NEY to paying CAM and buying before Chri i NS. \ liain St , where yOu will find just chat yo J. 0. FROST'S Towanda, Pa.; Dee. 12, U 7& ..AI,L_READY Thankful for put patronage. and hoping for an Increase of Indnese. L have pat In increased row er, all sin prepared to . SAW SHINGLES. AND LUMBER.; AND PLANE AND MATCH an Wads-of Lumbei.- RE-SAW BOARDS into S/DIN.G. is chespasiu t*Te Wets Nina*, P04 . 077,..t 47, co. Offer.. 4iB " week 2:.,6ISEAS ; TWILL .D C4SH)IIERES in alt colors OXE 8111 - , D, soktwi to this tinte_ at LI.VG PEE Y These goo& aretheo ESZ BABGAIX 01# SPECIAL! 350 373 1 506 456 50 2 00 300 1750 1 Mg 1 30 1 506 2 00 OW 10 A SPECIAL LINE OF 64 10 61 1 2/ R 04303 400.0 V 4140 28&475 04106 .:5628 thus. xNr:ed. EslSo.7le. Nov. 18., 187ar,,,'(;‘ . . EVANS .& HILDREf4 are this week ope Sing BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, COLORED CASHMERES, MAT TE LA SE CLOTH, EMPRESS 'POPLINS, BLACK ALPACAS, COLORED ALPACAS, INCLUDING AN ENDLESS VARIETY PRICE LO DRESS GOODS From six and a quarte'r cts. upwards. EVANS & HItDRETIT. Towanda, Pa., Nov„ 26, 1878. HARDWARE ' AT GUEATLY REDUCED. PRICE-S! H. T. JII.STE, AGENT,' Is now opening a large and general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Stores, Nails, Iron. Glass, 'sluts, 01Ls.. Varnishes,. Tinware, House Furnish. i \l.. I Goods, 3c„ „ purchased fot cash and o ff ered for sai at Bargains to ilmse who pay cash for goods. t NOES and Cool ing Stoves, for 1j cial and Wood, tt low prices. at JUNE'S. rlMlE\Graphie -and New Jewel l the ..1. most •rfect and ornamental heatintstoves in 1.110 world, at JUNE'S.. '' 'lliossip; - the best low-priced stove rut offices and chambers ever made, at JUNE'S. VOR'llorse 7 Shoes and Horse-Shoe I. Salle, go to JUNE'S. . . . _ __—________ _______ TINW A RE--.a large and general assortment at low Prices. at JUNE'S. -- A - 141t13E stock of Bar, Square,, Round, Hall-Round, Oral, Half•ural. Band, and Hoop Iron, at ' JUNE'S. OR Paints , Oils, and Varnishei, . go to JUNE'S. NDOW OLASS, from ix 9 to 24:36, at; JUNE'S. CREWS I and Tacks, direcilfrom the manufacturers., for sale at wholesale and retail at reduced prices, at JUNE'S. LAMPS, Lamp Burners, Chimneys, Sbages, and Wicks of every variety. at JUNE'S. I • OPE, Sa U, Cord, Twine and wick. all aim, at - JUNE-8. A N TERNS---a great variety at low priors. at JIINE-8: CKS, Latches, and Bolts, every riety and kind, at JE'S. CA 'T and Toe Corks (Steel), at JUNK'S. D 1 S 1 \'S Celebrated Saws, at JILTN.E'S. T ABLE a , dPoeket Cutlery, at JUNE'S. OUSE F ishing Goods, at L JUNE'S :NAILS and Spies, all sizes, at N oliWS:Vind-ST-eed's—lrodat JUNK'S IVIECHANICS will id a goc a a i. •ar t ment or Tools at LARGE stock. of. P • iladelphia Can lan and Tire Bolts. at JUbi IRE Cloth, at 'J 'Ell. 10IVDER, Shot and Caps, fo \ sale at J UN 113 B LASTING Powder, at JUNE'S. - PILES and . Rasps, a full assort nava, st JUNE'S. ESIMERY Cloth and Paper, au Sand Paper. at • ,JUNE'S. BRASS'Kettlea and Hollow *are, at loW tvleea, at JUNE'S. Towanda, Nov. 20, 1575. . EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.;—Notice Is heresy Oren that all perscMa In attboxl to the estate of. Reuben Atwood, Late of Herrick; deceased, are requested.to make immetil. ate paym-n4 and all persons basing claims actinst . salt estate must mount them duly authenticated Var t AaiArbl es 4T Ege • ' TEE BRUNIE STREET \ `FURNITURE STORE, TOWANDA, PENNA., - Igeepa s. Sioelret Goods for the Parlor, Bed. Moto. illuing-gross,llititaknotan and Kitchen. AOPAS, LOUNGES; • IMAMS, MARBLE TOP:TABLES, FINE WALNUT CHAMBER , SUITS, • , AND WALNUT • DINING TABLES & CHAIRS. cents:: In Common Goods Uwe Is BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, JMT- CANE AND WOOD-SEA'. : CHAIRS, EXTENSION. FALL•LEAY TABLES. LOOKING-GLASSES, CRADLES, CENTRE TABLES, Arc, &c., kc., IN GREAT VARIETY. We mike a specialty it D SPRINGS &MATTRESSES BM lERTAKING DEPi4It TKENT We bare . • COFFINS . AND CASKETS Of all kinds:and slaw. A large it ak of Trim mings. and ttte (Vest Improvements In Cotipse Pre: , @anent, Palle. AA All funerals are attended by a competent. expetiimeed undertaker. •We mate a apec•alty of this brahcb, and GUARANTEE SAT ISEA.CTION bath as WORE AND ruler. PICTURE fluxes, made to order from a aloe Idea of the West. styles`of moulding. • . N.P. RICKS, • BRIDGE T.; TOWANDA. • • Tewtusla,koy 30, 187 a. . ' . • A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. — In - the \ 1 - 1... District Court of the United Btat for the Western District of Pennsylvania.. In t e matter of Winfield 8. Kinney. Bankrupt. In Ban rig tcy. Western District of Pennsylvania. . • The creditors will take notice that a second gen eral meotlng.of the creditors of said bankrupt will be held atTowanda in saki district, on the lath day- of...JANUARY. 'A. D. Ina, at 10 'o'clock \A. 31.. at the office of Overton k Mansur, before R. A. Mercier. Esq., one of the Registers In Bankruptef In safi2Dlstilet. for the purpose named in the 27th Section of the Bankrupt Act of March 24, 1867, to. wit, a Anal distribution of said bankrupt's estate; and at that meeting I shall apply for a discharge "from all liability as assignee of said estate, In ac cordance with the provisions of the 25th section of said Bankrupt act. . _ . • JOUN W. CODDING, Tovanil•hilee.l.7. Aolgnee AUDITOR'S NOTICE.In re the Assignment by the kureks Moser C 0.,. for the benefit of creditors. No. 1105, Feb. Term, 187 V. .The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute money in hands of E. T. Fox, Assignee, will meet ,the claimants on said fond at the omen of Williams k Angle, in Towanda Dom., FRIDAY. JANUARY 17. 1879,, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons baring claims on said fund must present them, or .be for,vei debarred from coming In upon the said fund. R. N. WILLIAMS. Towanda, Dec. 15, 16713...Z52 Auditor. O • RPRANS' COURT SALE.-By virtue of on order issued out of the Orphans' Court of , Bradford County, the undersigned, Ex.. ecutoref the estate of George A: Garrison, late of Wilmot twp., deed, will sell at public sale on the. premises. on FRIDAY, JANUARY 31. 1379, at 1 o'clock P. 31., the following described property, to. , wlt.r.• One lot of land sittuitrd In WilMot twlx. bound. ed as follows: Beginning at an oak stake on the old Frevy lot; thence north 13° east '302 , . perches, pi , a stake and stotios: thence south 67° west 62 perches, to a corner of stake and stones on F. W. Froutch era la-.:1; thence south 13.*east Si perehes, to a to a stake and Mimes; thence north 77 0 east 10 per. chic to place of Beginning; containing 20 acres., more or less. . . ALSO—One other lot of rand in Wilmot tiv•p. bounded as fallouts: Beginning at, a post and stones nearly 2 perches south of the north east corner of lot So. 3, Springfield; thence north 30?5° east 96 perches, to a post and stokes set for Kintner and Frutchey lot; thence south 77° east 122 perches. to a stone heamthenee south . 135 a west 66 perches, to a stone heap; thence north 77 0 west 122 Ferches, to- the place of beginning; containing about 50 ticres. TERMS OF SALE:-4100 to be paid upon the striking down of each lot; thirty jper cent of the balance upon confirmation of sale, and the balance In two equal 'annual instalments, with interest from continuation. Wilmot. Dec. 17, 1679. THE I\DEPENDENT. - 7 z, Well and favorably known the World over as the. RENT.Religious Weekly 'Newspaper It retains all Its Most desirable features and adds new ones. We shall continue to print articles from the beSt writers and thinkers in the country. The Depart mentsof Religious News. literature, Sunday-schoe Fine Arts,selencr, Missions. iichnol and College. Markets. Farm and Garden, Financial, and luau ranee will, os heretofore. be contributed to by sped alists In each branch.. These departments are la mous because they are able and trustworthy, • Th4se famous Lectures, delivered In Boston ev ery Monday, by the !ter. Joseph Cook. will be pub lished In full, together with the introductory re marks. EX-PI ES'T ,THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D AL. D., Will contribute .10 to 30 article's on Socialism and In \ CO munism, the most Important questsons of the day. SER3iO;%7S by eminent clergymen In all parts of the country. will Continue to be printed. . We offer Rev. Joseph Cook's valuable new vol umes, entitled "Biology." "Trancendentallsrn.• "Orthodoxy." "Conscience," "Heredity," and "Marriage," embodying, In" a' revised and correct ed form, the authors pgevions remarkable Monday Lectures. They are pubissited In handsome b .ok form by Moughton, Osgood & Co., of Boston. We will mail a copy of any one volume, postpaid, to any subscriber to TAE INDEPENDENT Who remit% us, ea for a year, in advance ; or any subscriber may remit 1150, and we win send him THE INDEPEND eta for two years, in- advance, and two volumes. Postpaid; or . any three volumes. postpaid, io ,any one subscriber who remits IRI.OO for theme years, In advance. PICTORIAL. grAiiiro DICTIONARY. Bound In nbeep, MI pages. over 1000 Illustrations. Issue of 1878. - • RETAIL PRICE.I I M.OO • We have made a' sseciaLcontract with the great priblishing house o' .1. B. Lippeneott h - Cu., of Philanelphla. by which we are enabled to offer . the must desirable premiam ever gilts% by say, newspa per lu Ibis country.. -We will send MIN the b st -Dictionary publit-hed, to sty person who will send us the nnmes of Three New Subscribers and Nine' Dollarr; or who wilLoir renewing his own snbscrip tion,ln 'advance, send us Two, New Names addi tional and ft9.oe; or who will renew his own sab scrlptlon for three yeats,in .advance. atici send us '9J 0; or for a new subscriber for three years Inui t/A.)O. The great Unabrl'dged Dictionary will be delivered at our office, or in Philadelphia. free, or be sent by ,xpress or othenvise. - as my be ordered from Philadelphia, at - the expense or she subscri her. The subscriber under this offer will not be entitled to any other premidm.• SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Per annum In Ad vance, Including any one; of the following premloms: Any one volume of the Household Edlam of Ccarles Lichen's Work•. hound in cloth, with IG. Illustrations each by Sol Eythige. 111.Oody and Sankey's Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs No. II: Lincoln and his Cablief; or, First Reading of the Emancipation Procla.nstion. Flue large steel engraving. By Ritchie, Sire 281.311. . Anthers of the United States. Fine large steel engraving. 44 portraits. 5ize,24:38!5. Charles Sumner: nue steel engraving; by Ritchie. Gran or Wilson; One steel engravings; by Ritchie. Edwin 31. Stanton; steel engraving: by Ritchie. The linter Life of Abraham Lincoln. By-Frank B. Carpenter. Bound In cloth: 36 0 Palles. It lllve s a Letter insight into his *lnner li t •• than can be fonnd elsewhere. and is altogether one of the most fascinating. Instructive, and .useful .books of the loin ever puhllshed. SCRE6iIPTION PAWL .3 PER ANNUM IN AD VANCE. _ . /Fit Specimen copies sent free. ' ..I,ldtess . THE I.NDECENDENT, P. 4). Box Vs; - . New York City. /Er Cut out tblikuctrertlsoment; as It will not ap pear again. - THE OLD MARBLE YARD The undersigned having pnrelisied the MAR ULF: YARD of the late GEORGE MccABE. de sires to intorm the public' that hating employed experienced men. ho Is prepared to do ail kinds of work in the line of • • • MONUMENTS, In The very best wanner and at lowest rate.. Perseus desiring anylbtrig In the Mathlt; line are Invited to call and examine work, and save agents' Commission. JAMES McCAUE. • Towanda, Pa., 'Sor.lll, 18t8. 2-itt • ATTENTION FARMERS! If You wish toren Jour • HAY,- e RAIN, BUTTER A; PRODUCE generally tbraltatm Cram, at the highest tnariet rlcea tall at, \ SMITH k PARK'S WYSAU-KI:0, PA,. ',beret oe tit alw nd a sell ael'utedateck tt "1 . 1 4 1 V e1. • El It coodats of WORKSTANDP. lo tho M!!KIIIIIII THOMAS E. QUICK, Execittor Prospectiales. COOK'S LECTURES PREMIUMS 'WORCESTER'S C:CABRIDGED STILL IN OPERATION. HEAD STONES, MANTLES and SHELVES, E=3ll CH . ERIFF'S BALES:- - -By viitue of Pawky writs issued oat of the Court of Common Pktait of Bradford County. and •to Me di reeled.' win expose tib public , sale at .tho door of the Court House, to Towanda, on .11117118 DAT. gibillany ad, i572,..at 1 o'clock r. aL, the follow tag described property. to-wit I , -, . . .10.1 ONE- Lot of held, In lonsada borough, being the. - -uedlrkted one-eightb 00 Intesma of defendant In the following described 401: dad on the north by lendkof N. If. Betts; seat Main- t. and N. N. Setts; touthbylltatost., and on the west by Second-W.; containing one woof laud; mom or law, with a large frame dwelling house; a huge Irma barn. a number of grape aloes and. fruit and ornamental tires theme. ' No. 2.. ALEIO..The defendardn equal and midi Tided 34 interest in one other lot of land, striated partly to Towanda bona; and partly In Towanda , top.. bounded as follows On the north by the row. ell farm, so celled; on the east by lands of the Bar. . stow estate; on the south by Me public hlgh_lri ly eand on the west: by the public highway anClande of the Ward estate' ' containing SO serener land, more or less. Monet alt Improved with a, Dented - Awelling home. framed turn and orebard of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken into execution at the snit of WYd Mallory vs Charles liercur. Also et cult of James Mercer vs Chattel Slerentr. ' N 0.2. ALSO—One other lot of land hrTowanns nom., boarded at follows: Beginning at the south. , " - east corner of lot No: 18. thence along the south line of said lot in $ westerly direction 124 ft, to .Ist Ave; thence along said avenue south 400 ft to cos Of lot No IS; thence along the north line of said lot lo an easterir.direction .124 ft to an ally; thence - along said alley north 10011, to.place of beginning; being lotallos 16*17 is plan'ed lot alaid om by B. S. Russell, with a large framed dwelling home a framed barn, other out buildings and few fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Seized and, taken into - execution atthe suit of W. N. Math:my - vs. Charles Meteor. -- - No. 4. ALSO—One other lot of - land. In - Canton twp,, bounded as follower Beginning at a corner in the center of the main read leading from. Canton bore. to Towanda, anCon the line between said - Rogers and Hubei Manley. adjoining on the west, and running then& raprth 234 0 east by a present bearing along the same 4t perches to &poet said stones on the north side of a small stream of water running to the , right; and thence north 8134 0 east 56 540 perches, to a post on the north bank of the main or mill creek, and in theta of Solomon Lindly adjoining on the east; and thence south 234 0 west ass cannoned bearing along said Llnd.• lye line to Me center a the Cannel and Towanda road ',crate mentioned, a distance of NI 4-10 perch. PE and thence by the center -of said raid north., 8534 0 west 541-16 perche,s to the place of .beglaning; containing 16 stressed WI perches, strietntemure, be the same more of lesi, all improved with 2 fram ed houses, framed barn and orchard of fan treat thereon._ No ft ALSO.-Ons other lad:WM/141n Canton bounded as follower beginning ate corner in the the tenter of the main road leading' front the Ta _ wands toad to the born of Albs, and adjoining - lands of Horace Webster on the north, and ran. tring thence south 11734 0 east by a corrected besting along line of said Webster a distance of 2,540 per. chea, to a corner in the ltne of Solomon Lindly's laid adjoining on the east:4nd Menge along said Llndly's line tooth 24 0 west by a present bearing 30 perches to a corner adjoining other lands of the grantor In reservation for Minerm Bogem, - .widow of ft. R. Rogers, deed, for and during bet life time. and thence by and with the same north Me west 32 peribes to the center of the Albs toed; and thence by and with the , same along the Center north 7;4 0 east 30 perches to the place of begin ning; containing 5 acres and 120 perches. IdrlaL m•asure; all improved, no buildings. Seised and. \ taken into execution at the nit-of Mrs. B. G..BM. k's use vs John (1. Mason. \NO. 6. ALSO—One other lot of land In Wilmot twit. bounded on the north by lands of A Waltman and\M lehael Carl: eastby lands of A J Stone; south by lands of A.B Mc Kinstrey , and west by lands of Jamer \ Leonard; containing 72 screant land, mom - or less,4bmit 35 acres imported, with I board house Ito barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken Intnexecution at .the Salt of Small H Bat ley's b-irs vs Elmer W Scott. No 7 ALSO—One other lot of land. In Towanda bon), bounded north by Pop tarot, east by Third. 63, south by landtril Win Gr1012.-and west by an al le: being abaf 165 ft front on sai. and = y 1-ft back on ea t td Poplarst, with d Third-at 2 story gothic brick dwelling bonse, framed barn, °thereat bull& Inge arid-few fruit `and ornamental trees ther eon Said lot known as ' the boniest -ad lot of the David . Cash estate. Seized 'and taken into execution at the cult of Alex Dering's ezr'x vs t A Cash and - H L Scott. TT. . . • No.B ALSO=Ontrothelot of land in Albany twit, bounded north by cemet.ty lot. east by lands of S W Hatch, south and west \by lands of Li L 8011, containing. I acres of land.;,more or less, all Ina. proved, no buildings. nelzedund taken _into exe. - cotton at the snit of J O Frost's Sons use v 49, W • Hatch. lan • No 9 ALSO—One other lot-of d In Towanda ' born, bounded north by lands of ',I O Patton, east ' by public highway, tomb by lands Of 0' R Vincent, and west by lands of 0 E Harris, containing lam of land, more or less, all Improved, with a framed , home the.con. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of .1 A Record vs Ransom Bennett. No 10 ALSO—One other lot of land hi Overton top, bounded north by the public higbwav\, past by lands of Manning Matkewe, w oth by lands of Jotin Mathews. and west by lands of Eli Haverty estate; containing 15 acres of land, more or less. about 12 acres Improved, with 1 framed house.. barn and ,sheds, and few fruit trees thereon. "Seized and ta ken Into execution et the suit of -J U Hortotes use rs B J Ilouseknecht. No 11 ALSO—One other tot of land In Gran Ville twp, bounded north by public highway and lands Asa Andrews. east by lands of Jane Graham, south by lands of .robn, Bayles, Asa Andrews and Cha's ' Clark. and west by lands of RebeccaMorrison. con taining 103 acres of land, more or less, abOut 90, acres improved, with 2 framed houses, 2 framed barns, 2 sheds, other out buildings - and few fruit • trees thereon-. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Poineroy•Bros vs Chester Monroe. - NO 12 ALSO—One other lot of land in Windham . , twp. bounded north by lands of Win Cook , east by ' . lands of Jacob Griculey. smith - by landker , Nelsoo _ Crandall. and west •by lands of Win Cook sad • Boardman Jakeway, containing 105 acres of land. more or less. about no acres impecved with 1 tram. -- ed house, I framed barn, 3 framed sheds, and or. _ chard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and - taken into execution at the suit of Barstow k Kirby vs Orrin 11l Nichols. ' ' No. 13. ALSO—Ode other lot of land In Albany and Monroe twps.. bounded as follows; Beginning at a fallen oak, thence south 32%)" west .212 4-10 - perches to ast and stonen - thence 'north 873,i• west 317 perc hes to a post and stones; thence north • 37 IS° east 21_4-lo perches to a corner; thence smith s:?s ° east 317 perches to the place of beg,inning; containing 420 acres of land, mote or less, (being: . the Joseph. Anderson warrant), exceptln. and serf serelng from this conveyance all that‘wtfon there , - • of heretofore conve - yed-to Daniel Peckham A Chas. - Brown, by said Lyurm Blackman; this conveyance is intended to include only that portion of the Joseph Anderson Warrant - lying we of the creek. (excepting and reserving therefromdllßV about 23 acres heretofore conveyed to Daniel Peck• hail)); containing 525 acres of land; more or less, no imtirovements.- NO. 14. ALSO—One other lot of land in Monroe top., bounded as feller-a : Beginning at a post In the road leading from the Berwick turnpike. to Illackirsais's mill, and on the west side of 8.•& S. 1... It. It.. thence along the line of said railroad south, 14.4 0- east 20 rods, to a post; thence south 1° east - - along said railroad 10 rods, to a post; tlience south west along said railroad 41 roto a post; thane* • north 8.3)4 0 west 24 rods, t oJa stake; thence - -2S' '2..Sl;° east 13 2-10 perches, to a post; thence north 3014° west 16 3-10 rods to a hemlock stump; thence . south 77))° east 16 4-10 perches, to south corner of bridgeuterit abutment on the east side of the creek; thence north 17° vest 26 32.100 perches, to a fog; thence north 519 east 6 92 100 rods, to .place of . be. ginning; containing 5 acres and 159 perches of land. more or lessovith a dwelling honse thereon. Seized - and taken-into execution at the snit of Mercy B. Taylor vs. Lyman Blackman. , .Na 15 ALSO—One-other lot'of land in Tasearons twp, bounded north . by lands of John and Joseph Nigh, east by lands contracted by Peter Nigh to Jacob Bought, tenth by lands of B W Edwards and now in possession. of John Bought, ant west by _ • lauds of said John and Joseph Nigh, containing 20 acres of land, more or less, about 16 acres improve ed, with 2 framed houses, 1. framed barn. 1 black. ' - smith shop, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. 'Seized and taken into execution atthe snit of Wm. - S. Vincent's use vs-Jacob Rought. No la ALSO—One other let of lead imitated la. Athens Bora, bounded north by lands of H W Patrick, C east by lands•of Mrs osier, south by . lands of Mrs. Myra Tracy, west by Main street, being 50 feet front on Slain street and 149 feet deep all luiprevel no'buildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W H Canner vs Jl. Corbin. . . • A. J. LATTON,-Sheriff.. Sheriff's Opice, Towanda. Pa.. Dec. 11. 1878. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.-S. Owen , (F. S. A. Randall and J. S. Manley. In the Court of Commou Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 613, February Term. but The urdersigued, an -Auditor appointed by the Court. to distribute th-• fund arising from the She- ' itt's sakfof defendants' real estate. wall: attend to the ditties Of his appointment at the office of Over ton &' Met-cur. in the Borough of Towanda. Ott -Tuesday, the '',2„Sth day of January, A. D., ISIS, at to o'clock A. If., When and where alt persons hav ing clainte against said fund must presentttefai, or • be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. •, J 31E5.11. CODDING, Auditor. Towanda,. r Decomber lOth, 1878.4 w TN BANKRUI'TCY.—In the Die trilt Court of the United States, for - the West. ern District of Pennsylvania. • In the matter ot Eu gene Underhill, Charles E. Noble and Thomas L. Small. Debtors. No. 3431, In Bankruptcy. Nolice Is hereby given that a Resolution of Com. position passed by the Creditors of said debtors, to gether ulth a statenialt of said debtors , assets and debts has been presented to the Court; and that a hearing will be had before the said Court. at Pitta burgh, on the 31st day of December. 1678, at In o'clock A. 31.. for the purpose of Inquiring whether such Resolution has been ;tamed in the manner di rected by the 17th :section of the Amendment to the Bankrupt Act, approved dune STA. 1374, at which time they may appear and show cause, If any they may have, why tile said Resolution of Composition should not-be confirmed and recorded. and eald sialement of- assets and delis be filed. as melded by said section. S. S. MCCANDLESS, Clerk. • Pittsburgh, Dec. 6, 1376 -Ityr TIIEY ALL WANT IT, . Because It Is a family newspaper of pure, sound . reading lot old 'and young, and It contalna a Fella 1.,1e and con3ptelienslve summary of all ate 'lnver: tart news. THE NEW YORK _-OBSERVER, TIIF REST FAMILY NEWSPAPEE, Publishes both the religions and seenlar news that Is desired In any fatally, while all that Is likely to do harm Is shot ‘ out. It devotes four pages to iv, ligimis news. and four to secnlar. the NEV.' YORK Onskytrza: was flrst published It, 1523; and It Is telleved to be the only Instance of a Ilenetoms Newspaper continuing its: even course for fifty-six years, without a change of name, doctrine, intent, purpose, or pledge from the date of birth. THE 57TH VOLUME Will contain all the Important news that ran Inter. est or instruct ; so that anyone who reads It will be thorobgbly posted; We do not run • benevolent Institution. and we do dot ask for the support of charity. NS e propose to make the bast newer...per that is publisbed, and we propose to Sell It as cheayly ss It can be afford. ed. • Let those who want pure, sound,• sensible, truthful reading, subscribe for It. and let them in• duce others to do the same. -We are now publish. lug In the Dustman. the Story of JOAN THE MAID, .by .Stri. Charles. author of "Citronfele* of the S. hanberpaCetta Family." We'eead nu premium a. We will send you the NEW YORK OBSERVER outs year, post•pald, for .3.15. Any one sending with Ms own subscription the names of New Bnb. snifiefs. Shall bass commission allowed In propor tion to the number sent.. For panleolars too I ems - In the Onsmittatt. Sample meta tree. A deem . - irvohr. X V* • New • Eli el