Xr-2:f4T4,Nr4"..)4.'' 1•1- ' • HEM U MSS ME ENE =3 graafori Neporter. Towanda, Pa., Tharsday, Nov. 28,1878. IV A. 01111MBFAILIN, -Dealer In FINE jETVELEY; WATCHES', SILVER & PLATED WARE, OWAWDX,VA Towanda. Jan..ia, 1877 LOCAL AND. GENERAL, W. A. CITAMITEIII4N is, already receiving his holiday goods. CgARLIE 13nOws, .of Sheshoquiu,. Was out in Sullivan county ast week, and re turned with a fine fat doe. THERE is on exhibition at CUAtillElt ; yttes a diamond set valued at $lOOO. It - -is the property of Joins - 0. NyAltD. i"" • SOCIABLE at the Lecture Rooms of the Church of the Messiah, (Universalist), Tuesday evening, December 3d. All are invited o attend. - - Tim children of C. L. TRACY and HER BY C. PORTER, have, been, very: ill with diphtheria for some days; but we learn they are all considered out of dangei l at present. , THE Ainglutmton Democrat .says the llipliti.eria . is.raging in that city. W. B. ll.tuTt.trr,, a former resident of this place, had two children lying dead in his house one day list week.. , - • TllAniSpli'lNtt day services will be beld in Christ (litirch, this Thursday morning at 101 o'clock. Sermod. by the rector. 1:11-.1 collection will be in aid of the Ladies' Benevolent Society. ; - • \V see it stated in the newspapers that Miss FLORENCE GEEMMAN, the talented and successful 'artiste, whO is a native . of this county, is won to be / married to a 7ealthy gentleman of Brooklyn. FATII6I KELLY" was thiown froni his buggy a few days since and so seriously injured that ho has been .unable to attend services in his church for the past two weeks. . • _ BY Trading STERN Buds. local it will be seen that this enterprising - firm are pre plring to close up businei.s here, and they are offering great inducements to their =. . customers. - UMON Thanksgiving services in_ the Presbyterian Church this, morning at 10} o'clock. , Sermon by „Doctor STEWAILT. Collect ion for Ladies' Benevolent Associa tion. • THAN;IiEGIVING sevices, will 1 e twirl -at the Church of the Messiah, Thursday evi ening, November 28th, commencing at 7 &clod:. Sermon by the . Pastor, Rev. WM. .TAYLkia. A cordial invitation is extctled, to all.' , • . Criuncil of the Messiah (Vniversalist), Rev. Wm: TAvi.on,Tastor. .Subjeet . next Sunday nunniin , at .1O o'cloci:, , ," The Rainbow and its Lessons." At ; 7P. M.— ".luduhlscatiut,llls Crime and its Pun -04/neut." All saleolue. PEnI'LE who intend going West should not rail to procure tlitlir tickets via At lan tie and Great • Western Railroad. That route furnishes gieater'indueetnehts to the traveling public thah-any competing , • line. - • J. 0. WAltu appears to lie rapidly mak ing a fortune from. the sale of the new gas purifying madhim, in which he is iu-, torested. We learn that lie has recently s•!id sixty thousatul dollars worth of ter ritory. ;Tun Orwell Ltbrary Association will give au oyster Supper and Festival— " with all that the term implies "—at Dim tniek'i4 Hall, ou Fiiday evening, Decem ber Gth; IS7B, for '25 cents. All are iu - vited. A full house and a jolly time is exuecn•;i A CiiIZEN of a ilefgliboring borough has an ;lecount 'with a' B iihling Associa tton ulich stands as follows . . Bet-rem:A front the Associatieß.... '., 844, •:.•- l'ai.l t,, the AsFeciatywt . . - 915 Due the Association - .1,-500 _ f'i.er.nte.nt is unnecessary. _ DM?. ItD janitor at the cult ilousu fur the past three year:.• died . a , his residence in this borough on Pt iday last. , Ile had been in feeble health fur sMae time. The deceased NO el one of our oldest citizens, bavinglived in or near Towaiala for about fifty years. r EVANS "& Flrt.niu announce through , • our columns to-day that Lucy are 110 W pre pared to utter their customers great bar pains in every variety of dry goods. The , - reputation of the house is a sufficient guar atitA: that they will do all that they adver Prie , osm.. 7 :-EnwAnn'G..METITUIt rind Wifv. Wilkirte, spent last Sunday in Towanda. Thu icere the guests of IlEsny MEncun, Esq: —H. B. MonoAs, who has been seri- misty ili i u Windsor, N.Y., for several wet;lcs pa,t, we are pleased to.' lcarti, is much better, and will probablyisnon be able to nttend tii business again: 'Fur, young ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give nu entertainment in the basement of the Church next Friday eve- November 2016, commencing at half-paz,t seven, The programme will be aniush , : z as well as interestin..!. Mrs: JAR -1.1.Y, with her Lir famed waxworks; form u part of it. All are invited. Admis 14;m ::.) cents THE MANNA.-.T. G. STAyFFER, Milford .ite;t, commenced publish irga d. citiedly non- ee eta rian, English pa -I.er fory oung nd old, called The a: Subset:9A ion- price 25 cents, with a beatt- Ineine free to every subscriber. Send 1;1 cults fit. an Agents-Outfit, con tainin two fine chromes, sample copies, terms pummun TnE _death of i3u..tltir.: A.v_Epx, St Camp - tow)), on Monday of last_ week, :s moureed b,; a. very large unmber . of ft iends, including 'many of our readers. lie wa-; a ‘ s.on of Major :.VERY,' and was nineteen years of age, Nit :from his in!el- Nene: , and bearing Was generally thought to be considerably older. The cause of bi.s de ,-.111 Wa . st;pulargement the heart. CUII7. I - 011 DIPIITIIERTA.-71G view gof Alic fact i that diphtheria is still prevailing in thi , :isection, the ft - Ale:Wing sitriVle care i puhlishrd.from the Aineaster st d X 4 Apt, the hype that it may be of ben • • at to so . tri t nitro er from the disease : A lady o this city, who has tried it with f.ticeem in her own and severaletber familh s, iubmits the following simple etre f..r tri3Otheria. Half teaspoonful of salt, one teaspootiTui of pepper, three tea . spoonfuls of .vinegar, One-half cup.of w - ter. thrg,le the throat with it ever? 20 minutes Until Tthr patient relieved. Wash the neck with it :a little. If _too strong, add a little water to it for young. tee table salt. ME Z MI maim I= D. 0. DEVrirr IMMVIVV:aeIaPed "Se'' rious accideist on Saturday"-last. : driving Lia team of valuable hereto near ‘Prouxes,. - in Wysok;', one :of the Nita broke, and the hates started . to nut,,mal before they could be brought under zon trol, Mr. D. was pulled over the dash. board and hauled several- rodS through the mud'. Me succeeded, hOweier, in stOp= ping the team.- V.ory few men would have had the nerve to "..hold pa" under the circumstances. Etailt SNEAD, an old man living near Van Horn's Glen, when crossing the up per portion of tho'Glen,some two 'reeks ago, being nearly blind, lost , his footing and fell into the glet, a distance of 18 or 2Q fq seat. Ills cries were beatd and help came., and ho was teseued, but was con siderablyinjared by the fall. On Friday last be was found dead in his bed, proba. bly the result of his injaries together with his old age and infirm condition.-Tr4 Gazette, • •- ' Tan Second Quarterly' Meeting of the Bradford Baptist Association, - Was held with the Union . Baptist Chureb, conr menciug November Friday evening, and continuing over the Sabbath. - Rev. .1. W. PLANETT was chbsen Moderator,' Deacon W.; W. PORTER, Clerk. Sermons., were preached by the following ministers : Revs. G. P.; WATROUS, J. W. PLANET; W. R. 11. Dwvsu, E.Bennoraus, En 1117N WELLS. The Pastor of this Church' was also present, 'Rev. I. B. -- REYNOLDS. I Delegates were,present from the follow ing .Churches :(lanton. Alba,: Armenia, and Smithfield. We also enjoyed many interesting seasons of prayer and confer-: ence, and. altogether the •meeting was - a ;14 Clerk. =EMI TIITI .SL'L meeting of the various committees con nected with the approaching celebration of the Sullivan Expedition, at Wellsburg. , on WedneadaY, was very largely attended; and,ProVed very enthusiastic:. Judge HI RAM GUAM was called to the chair, and S. C. TABER appointed Secretary. The va rious committees reported progress, from which it 'appeared that much is being one to render the celebration a grand success, The Committee on Speakers, etc., reported that 'Rev. DAVID CRAFT, of 'Pennsylvania, bad accepted the imitation to deliyer the Historical Address; Ex- Gov. SEYMOUR to deliver the principal Oration; Judge McM.AttrEn, of Bath, to deliver the principal P:.em ; Ausnutui TOWNERi of Brooklyn, todeliver the Poem of Welcome. The subject of the 3lonu merit was unite.thoroughly discussed, af ter which A S..Tnutsrox, A. s.DivEs and S. I'. AItROT, were added to the com mittee on Monument. Other committees were added to as scented necessary. A .Monument subscription was opened; anti tit,(loo subscribed on th, , spot, which looks like buAness.* Waverly Advocate. I. O. o,F.—The following are the Offi cers of the several branches of Odd' Fed- lugs in this place : Brhdford Lodge, No.111:7 ; N.G.—enAB IliLti:Er. V. G.—G. S. SMITH. Serrekayy —AKAR BEN 1111.1.. &rretary—, .1. A.-:AVit.T. Treasure r—JiatEs 11. Cop- \I-epresentative to Grand • Lodgc— D. W. SCOTT. Trustees —J. A: RECOI:b, J. L. KENT,J:. L. flit.u.s. Bradford tticarapment, No. :C. P. —(' n As. F 11. P.—A. J. Nont.E. S. IV.—D. SCOTT. J. J. Flat- ER. • \V: Treague-- er—JAMF:ti CoolliN6. \ Leali Lodge, Degfee ofllebAah . N.G. —Mrs. (.4. W. RYAN. V. G.—'llq4. S. S~iirn. I?etording Secret', ry ‘ r. 11. 3.V.tit.- Finane'l See retary Tre,igneer—Mrs. A.. 1. Nont.E. At a'xneeting of Maggie B. Lod;; o. 117. Degree of Rebekah. the following\of ricers were installed for the ensuAng by Special D.ll G. M. 44. V. DL A cKm AN N. G.— .11.tc.cli:411.4cm.i.xx. "INYMIS. )107()?:,!litlf] Ser'y—\F. 13.11,%E. El.sr.tt -SATZ All 31AltSIli.i.4. Jrarden—J. P. Roc E. 31,% 'Con. —H. K. 01.:;1301c:.T. IV. G.— G. T.•FELDEN. L. 8. to X, • WM. SNYDER. 0. G`ol.tv:llitALL. 1. G:—F. S. Aytit3. ro\r.. G.—G. W. BLAciorAN. L. 6 1 - 7 Eurm; C'llaplaiNJ. P. lii.AcKm.vs,. Miss GERTItUPE ICELLGCO, or the lios ton state.' and, niOro recently, a .pubii \ e\ reader or the middle ei:ettit, so to speak, —well known and hiolly praised in the New Etigland States and tho neighboring cities of New York, gave an entertain, meat on Wednesday evening. the 20th instatit,;:tt Mereur ii.tll. Miss KEttnou expited the liveliest appeoliatioa in heratt— dieneO end will be sine, upon her return, if that good fortune, (as we learn it is) is in store for us, of a? still more numerous attendance. -Miss KELLOOO'is repfrtnire Includes a number of tecitatlous seinewhat familiar to the reading stage, and in all of these she proved herself a thoroughly disciplin- , i. PRI KG fiat MR: E n t T° D B' r the we artiste. The range of her readings, as ; Ve - ry little is heard ft:ooi l mr l g corner-ofortthewe have heard them, is not of the higher 1 county. "Alpha Beta" is silent; he has and-stronger cast. She will Scarcely pre.: I.long since lain aside his "-nom de pl6me." tend •in her present . "fern] " to reach j We venture an item : - Notice has been given by W. C.Rey- Krntritot and . CUSHMAN, and liaS - not nos; of a meetin,g of the people n Sat catered smelt topics aslirs. Sary-Sionoxs; 1 Irday evening nex , for the purpose of • but in the lighter examples of her art site 1 stirring t singing school. ".Blr. Reynolds is worthy of a .good support., and no doubt shows a greater accuracy, - if not a finer .1 he will be successful, as ho seems apar insight, than the same peices as given by { ticnlar friend . of thelittle folks. His good Miss ~ I:AIM A ti, a better characterization I nature and jovial face will always prove a and a mimetic art more perfect in its way I weleOrrle. • ' than seems possible to the last of the M. L. ACKLEY, Agent"for Osborn 's sal ks -p l ow, notwithstanding the winter artists we have mentioned, though such _aweatherther and frozen ground, still insists comparison may not he, ad things consid-1 that it is the best and cheapest. ered, altogether in point or place. ' To . at. 1 In July last a tier of sheds at the M. E. Chureh blew over. They were rebuilt. tempt an entire play of SHAKESPEARE in 1 • , The last blow—a few days past= roof the manner of Mr: KEMBLE—to put a dis- t o f a i s ,a r i, . was aga i n blown o ff . I t h as taut, but intelligible limit to the posstbili- I been -repaired a second time, ready for ties of this artiste's-wet k—is probably be- I blow No. 3. The Chinch itself would re ! t credit upon ebr o youth Miss KELLOGG , altogether. But iu 11.tecSabbath after th Sabbat ga h bynization a coatccupy- of everything, with searci.ly an exception, 1 good substantial paint. shedid attempt to render, st , e attained a 1 It would do well to view : the cemetery 1. perfection of realistic accuracy that lacks 1 and consider its needs. If not out of re r 't occupants, „then -out-St a stronger. phisique and the hightr I t' trVtig t i n i th i e ts sertish n motive engendered by power of a passionate:and profound imag- 1 the knowledge of Our owe mortality."' It illation. • What she ha, seen and knoWn 1 is worthy of a little thotight, if not enough she has mastered absolutely, insomuchl to lead. to a . proper appreciation of the benefits of a proposed caange in itacench that it world be bard . to tiud, in the lower , lien, - and lighter range of her performances, a 'I lie weedsgrowing, the grass unmown, phrase or a word, au intonation or exprcs- 1 thl untrimmed trees, the leaning fence, sion out of place artd.not in harmony with 1 e rapid growth of little brush, the bro. , kcu totabstones, the uukept state of 'the a thormigh.conception and vivid presen. , ! t na•ves, the broken-down , gates, _touether talon of her Subject. - ibis was notably 'Zia h the inconvenience of getting tbrongh, ' the case in "Miss Maloney on the Chinese , are suggestive of a disregard to our i friends whose last remains we . placed Question," f‘ Old Shrion D de," and "The thee. We speak with all duo. respect FaccAgainst the Parte." '. - . - _to-Mir people; but - its present condition This humorous qua i litya something - is far from flattering, and to say . the least our Yankee compatriots might call artistic it indicative of the existence of a 'state of . " 't iety t t ru hat e o n f or ottr tN CO os are will t - ""'cuteness" is Miss • li*Eid.oao's especial i ' l Z ' excellence. C LtARLES MATTHEWS used to - Some of our neighbors feelkeenly the= to do it 'in hiit way and Liosua in his, and , loss they sustain through the sale of thAr! it is said MiSi HELEN POTTER, a readerl season's butter to - irresponsible parties. au , article Of the rank of Miss KESLOGG, can do it in I we ePrcr . 80 -sUPPerY ~ as hotter to Ind any other tharko.slippery her way — though of the latter, artiste i b n3. ni ., ? .. - - we know nothing. It is the blending of 1 The people" of this vicinity are often] taimiekrywith an excellent and trained called-out to shovel snow in the -winter. elocution rind the faculty of losiog herself , f i lre Inn"- suggestibMwi n g 4 4.1 w° Um ences where practieible, as a means of in the characters she portrays, with, such I prevention, and a convenience with - no command of facial- eipiessiota as may be t risk and'. little' annoyance-'-` c a stitch in .needful for the. tout ensemble, that conk'. 1 titan saves nine."- - , ~ - tate hliss•Kv.t.t.ooo's business ;and, esite- i - On Saturday morning of lag Intik.' about I o'clock A. st., an attempt was chilly in monologue, she does - it admire-'.--made to break into' the - both* of: 8. F.: ; MY.. .: It. • was a - pleasing entettain 1 Ackley ; a taisel . witlt the dog _ nterrupted meat sand exceedingly: : Well 4 piil a ud. i the parties, - ani - they' lied. .mr...A. - eras not attoine. .-•- • •• - -•- •! ,- - , e4ll/-4 - received,.' -What ,341 :" . I C 'ELCI I v` o . riu; Black iiauttarina' extremely froth: can do iailigher and more, seriaas:ll4l%* .: a fil a a .oo - hia bah& : - .. .1% 1 4 . 1 014 14' !.,.., fumg , we yet AO. kitalr 1 ::-.' -; - : , :-- - . 7 : - - ::' : ' l' - 'l 3 Prisiit gin; 14 0v.' 10 1' ‘.1 01*':' , 01.0 v. - -1`71194.4,- .„ • AZ* 4! -" ' ' . At?' ~_~•...,-,.~fi+l~-.:':<:> ^. - • - X.:4Q Pilaw.' ilirrOliiliaß.m*i Crotnili , , The &iny Hiatcwirldalisniaptitilhitid _ .,, last winter basinet with severe oritichmi _ not more perhaps thiiii inch 'worhtigimii ally receive—brit - re aders ; diairdeteitee .. , . abroad aonsider , tbCyolutne 0.1, wort ~:.: qf ' ' .. . _ _ great Merit. ' STREW= JIFSKINN: :et Lir , . • zone County, who hisiglyen the subject" • • of local history a large O amountr often. • Hob, says of CRAVYB bistory r , , - " It appears to mo that the History 'Of Bradford County has not: been fully,' at least duly appreciated by your_ people. It may not; wad probably does not suit . a Blass of people known as , readers of fie-. tion, but to historians, to - those who de. sire au the facts relating to the history of your County. it is everything than can be desira -I have met - with nothing in •the 'way of local 'history, that. has Diet my. views of what a local history should be, ' so pompletely as does this work. , Bo fun is t of material and so rich in its, variety i au completeneas that. r never open it wil hout commencing to.read at the place of opening, and so interested dorbecome, that I continue on from that place till I lay it down again. - I have never taken it up to read in coarse.' Have frequen - ly referred to it for information on _certain 'subjects and never without being agreea. biy.snrprised on finding all I sought. _lt - is .a treasury of facts which future histm runs will avail that:666lva of with grateful pleasure." Dt kn. at Stockton,- Kansas, October 13, 1878, of typhus fever,- DAVID 4. ELISARKE, of Smithfield Lodgeil4o., 928, 1. 0. 0.1 . . At ; a-. regular meeting of Smithfield Lodge, held at their Hall November .10; 1878, the following' preamble and resoli tioaa,Were unanimously adopted: . I • • • WLlEilEktly . It - has pleased Almighty God it His infinite wisdoM to remove by death our beloved brother, D. A. Elsbree; therefore, . Resolved, That in the death of. Brother Elsbree the Lodge Millers an irreparable loss, and the community lose a useful mid respected citizen ; and while we meekly submit to the will of an Minim PrOvi denee, we would also extend the hand of sympathy to the family, of the deceased brother, in this their hour of affliction. Resolved. That -the unanimous thanks of this Lodge be extended to Brother S. W. Allen, and 'other members of the 'Or der whose privilege it was to administer charity to a sick and destitute brother in a strange land, and-thereby carried-- out the principles of true. Odd Fellowship. . Resolved, That as a mark of special re spect to the de'parted brother,-the charter of the Lodge ,'be draped, and- that the nitanberS wear the usual badge of mourn ! ing for thirty days. . , Resolved, bat this preamble and repo: lotions be entered on the book-of records of-the Lodge; that a copy be presented to the family of the deceased ; that a copy' be soot to S.. W. Allen and others, of Kansas, and also that they be sent to the • county papers for publication. • A. E. BI.A.Ki*SLEF, - D. tt. PIIELPs, . • J. L. Vilie,ENT, • Cummitte on Resolutions. Al. Tnov torrost :—There re times in the livei of all of us when we FCCM to be as it Were under a cloud—eve ry thing is dark and dreary, add as when a dark and stormy night settles down• up- on us : we are apt to think—"bow long it seems till morning," never thinking_ how bright and beautiul the morning wid be whim it comes. As It is with men so in communities—there are times of .almost universal sorrow, and all is sadness and teleaks only of disecinragenieut. Some times one single event is sufficient to cause a feeling like - this to cover a com munity. We have felt something, of this in Troy this week, though not, to the ex tent that others .trobably have, yet sor row no doubt reaches farther-fir the world than - joy. Yesterday a most excellent mother was taken froin her family here, and we trust •hiagone to swell the number of those who having done their duty here, gather in a-home above and wake a : family there: Her name 'was Mrs. Cosper. She was taken sick alittie more than a week ago. and. after a shed but painful illness died. Her son, Charles Cosper, who was at school in. Indianapolis, was telegraphed for, and arrived a few days before her death. The sympathy of all is with him, and his brother younger, who are now left alone-4110k father having died some yenrs ago. Mrs. Cosper also had a *laugh er,-,who is new Mrs. Timerson. Mr. Absalom BaXter also died. very ' suddenly of typhoid fever at his home, tii!;. Troy, nit F riday of . last week . Ho w about sixty-five years of age, • and leaves a wife and tiko daughters to mourn his C , 'eed , " 'mess has prevailed be of Mr. S. W. Pomeroy beiv4-a dffirers. Though I be lieve ali well, and are in a fair way to • y siton. Thor. like to write elf these things, "faithful historian," I innt.t speak of the'sad as well as of ' , the bright sale of our tile here, .for it all goes to make up the gratubtotol, and prepare us all for another - existence whether it be one of happiness Or of sorrow.' Oce.isional rumors teaclus here from 'trier lauds. Mr. Horace Pomeroy has'a daughter, Miss Jennie, atolls traveling at fiesent in Europe; we unde`rstand she is Te he at home in April. Ilev: , ;S. L. Conde is to ext.tangehulpits with the \ Presbyterian minister of Penn • \ Yall next\Sunday. • \ flay. Mr. Hamblin returned on Wednes day from Brooklyn, where belied-been to attend the funeral of his brother, • George Hamblin.• t Another week I t hope to be able to write you a inuch more encouraging account of events and peophrin Troy. Till then I am your truly, • OnseuvEß. Tioy, Nov. 22, ISM 1112 Art Brooslboiaoile t OW Oel_the 41: - Theraridikiindre*Ahi inoonientunee of doomicitreituk'iphimi the oinOnifwliiiiiirlir4the suet Or*),, It has lintocesilbie get about after dark-14_ believe 'that,' taz-payers generally are In faint of light . log the' Ras;' souk - jt the rinty. ,of the Connell to carry into effect tide deelr of their -constituents. Dastr.OLD.Movny.a.l—Tes i iti!e, : as the' old-fashioned Mother. Away with. your mincing -!mammal," suggestive. Of only kfine httly, who deputes -her duty to. a muse; Wdrawing room maternal: parent, -who is afraid to handle her offspring for Sear of soiling her Mak i ~new,gown. Grim us thelemeltmotier, the NIBS ot whose' love are all etauraciog ; Who "is beautiful always; whether aid or ytittug ;' whether arrayed in satin or modestly attired in calico. The dear . old motheMl - Heaven bless themT • • - . Tar.' annual inciting of . the Geneva Indio" and Sayre Railroad / was held at the First National Dank of Waverly, N. -Y., Thursday, Nov. 21, 1878. Direcuna ed—Asa PacxEn, E. A. Rican, • cats HARTEHOTINE, HOWARD ELMER, JAMES BTILLUAN, 11. E. PACKER', WIL. ELLIOT, Joim Eraser, 0, PAIRE.uo, F. W. Placa, E W E. 13. 31ORGAN, ILLTAII - STEVENBO32. Tho President appointed as Executive Committee Asa Picsan, Ron't 11. Sian% EIoWAED ELMER. WILLIAM STEVE:CEO*, SttpEttnteodapt. ' &some' CLAss...—The first session_of the class in vocal. music will be held at the Court House, Saturday, November 80th, at 2 o'clock P. The course . trill be fifteen lessons, one each week, (Sitar :day probably) of two hours Bach, at a'tu ition of 50 cents: The object to bei in the main, to learn thoroughly the rudiments and also for the cultivation .ot more ad_ vanced vocal music. Let all, Old or young, who desirclo advance in this important science, ind at all:nail expease, be pros ent,Saturday,, this weak, at 2 r. M. Runic Nams.---Tlie following from the Harrisburg Patriot is very valuable if true, and will be 'hailed with joy by all . ' who aro afraid of ever being afflicted with lock: jaw :-" Eveiy little While we read of some one who has stuck W'rusty nail in his fool - , or some other portion of his per ; .son, and lock-jaw has resulted therefrom. AU such wounds can be healed witbont any fatal consequences - following 'thorn. ,The remedy is . simple. ' It is only to smoke such a wound or bruise that is inflamed with burning wool or woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke of wool will draw the pain out of theworst case of in !lain mation arising from any wound weever saw." ROBBERY OF AN AGED ourt.t.—Thir teen years ago Wu. KEEN, residing near Mercur, in Wysox• township.' had a few hundred dollars deposited in the bank in this place, bUt becoming , suspicious the bank might:break,,drew it out, and has kept - it secreted in his house' ever since. The . fact appears to have been known to some of 31r. K.'s acquaintances, as on Monday night, .Nevember ASO, las house 'was entered by burglars, while the old gentleman and his wife, slept, and a portion of the,inoney stolen, The thieves -must _liawe'Veen quite well acquainted with the premises, as they took a key and unlocked the chest which was - sup.' posed to contain the treasure. Fortunate ly only seventy-five dalldrs were • found, although there was about $.300 more lb the house.. Mi. and Mrs: , Keen are seven ty-five years old, and both quite deaf, so that they were not disturbed. Mr. KEEN has come to the conclusion that'the bank is a safer place than his house, and has again deposited the balance of his capital in the Citizens National. A NF.:%T..VIEW OF THE MATTER.—This is the way a brother ki - urriall - t — pnts it.: "We suppose that many people think that the newspaPer Men, are persistent dens . ; lot a- farmer place hirkself in a siin • liar business position and see if ho would not do the same:. Suppose he raised 1,000 buShels of witeut,,and his neighbor should -come in to buy a bushel, and the. price was%t small matter of two dollars or and the neighbor says, 'I will hand .you the aunt in a few day.' As the farmer did not want to be small about the mat ter, he , says, "all. right," and the man takes tlii wheat. Another comes, in the same way, tit.til,the whole of the one . thoneand bushels 'of wheat are trusted put to one thousand different persons, and net one of the- purchasers concern hiniSelf about it, for it is a small amount he owes the farmer, and „of course that woald not help him and: Ile does not re alize that the farmer has frittered away all his large crop in wheat and that its' Triltie is due him in a thousand little-drib lets, and that he' is seriously embarrassed in his business because his debtors treat that as a light matter. But if they would pay hint' promptly, which - they could do as well es not , it would be' very large amnintito the farmer, and enable him-to carry on liiit‘business without difficulty.". WE are in daily receipt of -complaints from teachers, dirctiert and parents, that school book agentsate traveling over the county, urging the Change of text -books to the great it.coyeuience of all concerned, who in some instances, we are informed, misrePresent the views of \ the County Su perintendent, in order to accomplish their purposes. ' 'Before Making chabges of text books directors should carefully examtne Abe different series now printed. The State .mattes it tbedutyof the directors to.idopt such books as they deem best for \ Ole . schools, and they should . be allowed to discharge this duty.' without interference' from interested parties.. Directors should also understand the law governing this question. For the information or such officials as have, not Ogled themselves, we give the : sections of the school law . touching the -subject, together with= the ruling of the Department Snc, 02. That immediately after tbe. an nual election of teachers in each school district - of the State, and before the open ing of the schools foe the ensiling term,' there shall be a meeting of the directors or controllers, and teachers of each dia- Itrict ; at which meeting the . directors. or Controllers shall decide upon a series : of scbool books in the.ilifferent branches, to' be taught during the ensuing school term; which books', and no others, shall be used. `in the school of the district during said period. 1, SEC. 63. Provides that text 'books shall, not be changed more than, once in i every i; urr.. period of three years. ' Friresset, . SEC. 64, Provides that directors violat- 1 Hauls 1 lug the, l provisions : of this 'act, shall •be i trillitenr: .. guilty of a misdemeanor, and on COUViC- Tiateye... Lion be sentenced to pay a fine not to ex- i i'. — .. , teed two hundred dollars, and be xlcpriv- I .: 'ed of his odic°. ' •• • - , - „ . The' following decision has beCtL receiv- I . , l ed from the Department in explanation of the sey ons given above : - ri - , ~OCIIOOI. L e EPAIITMENT,, . HAnniationo, Pa. _ v. N0v..18, 1811- I :. To Hon. Geo-'4foseriii, Towandfif :. , ' - •• , , Books ,cannot -legally bo changed mil - adoption by IL:raids, after opening of the- - full term of school. , 11. Dorms. '' ' _ Dept. Stat 4 Supt. 1 We understand that intone . or; two in-' stances-lately, agents have i n d uce d dirree- 1 r_ tors -to,make a-change iu violation of law. i Whet:e4his bas been done parents ihould 1 x refuse to pArelliao the,books, anii,ee that ,;• - 1 . : ,-,-- .. ~ ~.--1- , , the law it, enfortied agahnl directors wbo'l ~.,- , t ... _ - "!E:t . 'iltr 11 -ki 3 ri Y. i ...' , grit` it. it. - ... '-: ' ' -'- - " t, $41415; it. Y 4 4441.1 liikti i'....'- - f- :,,- . - , c, • :c-.....7:."' ; ---::-;;,-:::= , -Z7.,i .. ; :,i_'..i,:::, : , -,,; ::. - 4.,:-''...F.'_ . .".'-i'..'-';`,.',7.•,''-4".=.!-•_.'=.:;`'.---.}-';'::::^z7i.;:t7:::';:!'-',..,,;:;,5,1-r * -.;: :.. ~ _;_s~~:. _ tountitrichaibei-Opet4, ed Art**FAC-ittot &silt gr. 1 0:j0 4- 11-10 1 1* - r)* * ffiso t g - thetge• bell* sat is tostiinisnitiiries Awing tiie p?it tat "him 19,r rionthigliisimiiipsticiirprosidik maker. nil 1'144 influenced Colonel Ovi4tioit is **tine 1 0 2 .0 1 4.;the many worthy apppUs, position : for osition. 1111 Nors ttsvmtaun.—" They are. not kiss**. but ii - Ifiediaine, with pn*Per# 4l of the MOH* 081 V, =contain. g, *Ammons" droggs.:They do - not tear down en rdready system, but build it Up.' pne bottle contains more hops,' 64 is,- mars _real hop otrengtk than_a barrel 'of ordinary beer:._ Every drugist in Rochester sells them, and the physlaimm , prescribe' them."--Ittichestea [ Metall/ SaPress on Pop -` ; COY d young man -,desiting attend 'aelieol WI pay Ike way n Part . lij doing chores, caw, be imieinsiodated by taring once ad Kg. QC11 , 1.. Lax; atYhe Ottiqueltinni Otnica..nr,,BiZiama.4l3Tawi: Baon, eipeeilogtogl a up t 4 ielistole 101,1g , flitreet.. will eUise out .melt erre gait- of geode below cart: Cali early and aware , cm= <1 1 ~., 13122 1122 MEI OMR :.MESA► =3 IMES Sir Cid Hestainrant for - i Warm Meal oi a disk o 0:361111 cheap. nov7. A Int , of • pntl-band .Cooking;. Slttiog-Roooisad Bed4Loom Stares for ease. Ap ply 10 • t0it.111.3 • 0.1). XisirsT. tar 3int., E. J. Mrscios has TRIMMED Atli for owe DOLLAR and upwards. Mbni•E. J. moos is just opening a oew stook of istutsi 111111net7 Motto, to which oho MINI:4U fie attentltO of the Mks. aorti!." ' P.* Ladle* Maio Trim:pings. all Ma Nei Styles, at awing. VABINUAIM a few doors non? of .!S *wears !lack. rir COWER hasi the beet wearing Shea for Men, Boys and Youths.- wear -error offered , in Towanda, - and at Orient wltMn the *each of • Mr }Joust I+OR RENl . .—Cotiveuiently located In central part of the borough. 'Enquire at thin 'office. . nov7-I,t. . . L r A full assortment of Farley Goodi at SPELL & few doers uortb of Mereors'aloek. , . - - , rir Tl e Largeit, Best a nd Cheapest line or Shea for Ladles', Misses'. and Children. , weenie found at Cons En's new store, corner Mans and ilnasts., - frrsoy 4 Noblei /BPI! • +PHIS Cow Le s. " Fakery. Warr., of the Ist Ward Bakery, will be en halal dally ‘llll 'Fresh Crackers hot from the oven, Bread, ries; Cakes, /ie. aprll . . . . • Or .Don't you . forget it. We have.: : in exeenent CRACKER MANUFACTORY in tiovril at COWLga , BAKERY, where you eon be); the bear tresh-bahed creators. - , Plymointh , Rock Fowlit for sate by Albs, pa., Ott. 16. :1 - 11 - 78. G. It. iVstla. Virrnr tickets- to , all, points West, Korth and Southwest, at the lowest possible rates, cats on or address, 11. E. BABCOCK, Agent, at 'Upper Depot; Towanda. 171 t ' • ar L. B. liprogns comps tition for quality of goods and low grim s on Sash, Doors. Winds and Wallows, mid al building ma. Emma-In Nothing 81160 of unmistakable benefits conferred upon tkns of thotmann 4 of suffer ors could originate and maintain tbts repuratbm which. Acits'a SARSAPARILLA •erijoy , . It is si compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with lodides of Potassium and Inni._and is the l omat effectua: of all remedies for scrofulutut.mercerlal, or blocsialsorders. Uniformly sucessitil attd ter tabaln fti remedial effects, It prudiees rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, &reit, Ilea:, 'Humors, Pimples, Frnptions, Skin Diseases, and all dlsor dere arising from Impurity of the , blmsl. fly Its Invigorating effects it always relleives and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weak, melt' and Irregularities, and Is a potent renewer vi Forpurifylng the weed It has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves the health, and imparts vigor and energy. For forty years It has been la extensive use. and Is today the most 'vallable medicine for the suffering nick, every where. For Tale by &Ideates& MARRIED. ' REYNOLDS—FRET:MAN....At the bone of the . bride, Nov. 6. by 8er..11. H. Hayden. Mr. Mah. Reynold.. oy A ustlnville. and Miss Marge. ret E. Freeman, of Alba. . • MILLER—W.ARREN.—At the home of the bride, Nov. 6. by the lbw. B.l4.llaydeu4'Alr Frank W. Miller and Mlss Sarah li. Warren, both of Alba. CASE-41HEENLAW.—At the hottitt of the bride, Nov. 13, by Rev. li. H. Hayden.. Mr. Eustace L. Case and Miss Carrie Greenlaw, both e r 'Alba.. MYEILS—CLARK.--At Cantort,'Nuv. 16, by Rev. • 11.14. Hayden, Mr. D. W. Myers, of Grover, and 311ss Myra Clark, of East Burlington. tie residence of Sir. 11. If. Junes. of Grover. Nov. 2u, by Rev. B. 11. 110 , ton. Mr. Lewis N. Smith pod Miss Luc) E. rolen, both of Grover. - , WILLCON—SCOTT.=At the home of the bride's -Parents, November 8, tB7B. by P. S. Everett, of %.41shurg, N. Y., Mr. James Willcox and Miss -MaryScott, al of Smithfield. ARNOLD—WAKEFIELD..—At the Baptist Par. savage; Wellsburg, N. y.,, November 21. 1875. 1 , 3! P. S...Etterv4t. Mr. Alvin Antra. of Smithfield, ' anti Mrs. Minerva Wakefield, of SPringlleld.. COLE—WALHEIL—At the M.'el. Personage. Or. November 13, 2878, by Rev. J. Hitib4 Mr.Charies L. - Colo, of North Rome, - and Miss traneffll3 A. Wacker, Of Herrick. . • WA I.IIIOII.N . —ToWN E.—At the parsonege, Mon reetutt,'Ncvetuber 14, 1878. by Rev.lisllnak Arm-i strong; Mr. Clarence Cr. , Walborn. of Highland. ond'3llss Cure 3f. Towne, of Stnithfteel. HAIR—COOKE.7--At the home of the i.r3He, No. veniber 71. 1878, Bet. G. It. Hair. Paster of tin' M. E. Church, Waverly, N.Y., Mr. 8.-Stan lea Hair, of St. Paul, Minn., to M lad IL-tta Cooke, of N. J. DIED. GILLETT.—In 14, infant . dingh, ter of D. Y. Gillett. • , linzletott:Ps., -Sendai, Nov. .l. Sarah A..tylte of fey. Ilr. A. RarlN r, aged as 3e48 ant.( months. The remains were taken to Livonia, N. Y., foe nterment. • WILCO:C.—In forth Towanda, Ncivem , ,er 15, 1878, of dtphthe-la, Lnlu, daughter of B. B. and Jells Wilcox, aged 8 years and 8 month,. ' Plati,lCE.-4n Warren, November. 144178, of' eon butuptton. In hope of a glorious resurri 4 diell. Miss Emma It, daughter of Myron and AlMira Prince, aged 17 years and 6 months:, , Many tears were shed by a Mire nualher of rela tives and friends Who attended thi? f l u:lora). and followed the remains from the home of her ;youth to the "client tomb." _Berman by 11,1 D. Brown from Psalm .116th,118th verse: "Preerms, In the sight of the Lord i the death of His stlints." thou wrist trilid and for ly. 'Gentle as the' morning dew: .„ :Nature; with religion blendln Medd thee perfect to our slew. Long we saw the rove tint tacit From the taco we loved an dear;[ Boon, too pima but Own been haat- Fronithlne eortbliiojourn berel. `Tie past:with thee. the journey.endell. By faith we bee thee safely there Crownk with peace. with love and honor . .aed we hope to "meet you" thee,. NDA MARKETS. T OW. -_-\.,- _ -. REPORTED BY - STEVENS-it LONG, • Oenesat dealers in On:merles and Frodnre, Patton., Block, corner3laln and Bridge !Bleats. ' irEONESDArEVENING, NnV.Z7.1.678. -- - i \raitnen. : WELLING Flour per bb1....... 11\30(5) 850 6 °CO 700 Flour per spelt.. 1 4c4011 60 . . t 30)(d. 1 73 Corn Meal per too The .. ~ -i. 1.^,..g Chop Feed ' 1 V@ . Wheat, per bush 1 00a3 ! 1 104 - Corn r - 550 Rye ' ' 2 0511.' \ - 600. .65 Oats.... ' ...: • ‘ls4' . - ..,-\ • 36151 Buckwheat V@ 37,4 \ .it@ AO .Buckwheat rip!!! 1 660 1 6u 2 00 COtij I chner seed.inedltu— Tlmothy,-westerti Beaus, Gi lbs. • i Por'. mess - I- Dressed: hogs, 1 fl outs ' 1 Shoulders • . Chickens ea '8 ' 84 10 Toriceye • 5 3 to uo If D i. ucks • 9 t it 12 Lard...'. - u - . Tams , - 70, a ',' - 1 0 4 Butter, lava - . 120 .20 164 .12 ' 144 .IS" 150 20 ELIN Troth : .._ - 1 1 0 --..' -• •• . 2 : 4 .! Cheese -1t 11 • 12)f Green apples, bash ."250 20 450 20 i patoes. per bushel.... 610 'lie 'llO stuns'+.o ' HO •60 - Tt(it ;SO Bee,trox - , ,:t , . :COIIII9CTIti BY DATTO2 .11. SRO. Veal•skins • SbeipPelts ' . _ 2,NRY_E. DRAKE, 5w -1 Oomr' Lfac•arta 'Yager kUlts, ,^. i•owirrit - -4.-CO • - . , Offer, this . ' week &ISES T*ALE.6= - edisitlithis' in all colOrS at 0/fE . • . . . ii•AIV,P.EIII'ARD,SoIit up 1 • - to : - this, tfnu3 RO ' cents • . • . , iheseioOels are the GREA EST- BARGAIN O.P - THE ,SEASON; -$.0;%=18418.4. EVANS HILDRETH :itATTEL - AS.F; CLOTH; .COL,ORED A coo -.. I`7sot olio 160 • IMe 2 061 12.31.46 BLI. -• 4r.4§1 - 10 , 4@ - 41 y -' altos. .."40040 :0030 wow . 0F4406- =3 : P iA IA MIN are this week opening SPECIAL LINE-OF BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, COLORED , CASHMERES, .EMPI7ESS POPLINS, BLACK ALPACAS, LPA A'S, MS INCLUDIN 'ARIETY ENDLESS . LOW 1' DRESS From six and a quarter eta. upwards EVANS.& HILDRETII nda, Pa , Nov. 26, 1876. 1111 hDWA,RE HA A 4 GREATLY - lICED PRICES RE H. T. JUNE, AHEHT, Is no , opening a large and general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery. Stoves, Nails. Iron. Glass, Paints, 9ils. Varnishes, Tinware., House Furnish ing Goods, ste.. purchased for cash and offered for sate at Hargalus to these who pay cash for goods. GES and Cool ing Stoves, for ONO and Wood. at low prices, at .1 rpH E Graphic and New Jewel, the x mein perfect and ornamental heating stomata -the world. at JUIYE'S. Tat: tiossip, the best law;prieed stove fur ofllees a ad , chambers ever made. at • JUNE S. 104. Horse-Shoes and Horse-Shoe liana, g t o o JUNE'S. h—a large and general assortUent at I.•w pricef, at JUN E'S. A LARGE stook of, Bar, ! Square, Round, Half• Round, OTIO. lialtAlval, Baud, and iloop tton, it - JUNE'S. .OR. Paints, Oils, and Virniabes, INDOW GLASS, froin 7.x9 to W 2isaa,a4l - JUNE'S. QGREWS :and Tacks, direct frpin +0 the manntaeterera, toi .eale at Wbuirealet and attedneed prices, at JUNE'S. LAMPS,Lamp Burners, Chimney Shades, aud Wicks of every variety, at JUNE'S. OPE, Sall, Cord, Twine .and Wick, all sizes, at • _JUNE'S. ANTERgB-- 7 a great variety .a tow prices, at - ' JUNE'S. OCRS, Latches, and Bolts, every LA variety and kind , at JUNE'S. _ AST and Toe Corks (Steel), at JUNE'S. • D ISSTON'S Celebrated Sam,Eatl ABLE and Pordwt Cutlery, at JUNE'S. OUSE , Furaishitig Qoods,•at JUNK'S N AILS and Spikes;all sizes; at . - . • JUN E'S. NORWAY and Sweed's I ron at_ • . attsrws ECHANICS will find a rood as rartinent at fools at ' JUNE'S. LA - 141E stock of Philadelphia Carlini and Tut+ Bolts. at . jUN ws. WIRE Cloth, UNDER, Stiot alai Caps, for sale LASTING Powder, at - FILES Bra! Rasps, a NI ass° • . . - E. • - JUN EV. EIIMERY Cloth and Paper, an Saud Paper. at JUNWS. BItASS _Kettles arid Hollow Ware - , at toe.; rislearat . JUNE'S. - Towanda, NOV. NM. • 'CECUTOR'S_NOTICE.--Notice , to " 4 -betecy- Oita i - that- all periods la de JOAO ostate. ar !Reuben ' , Atwood. late •et Iliterkhz deemed.; argyagmeatett to makelutatedt• atac:llll4laapenoes havtnithlataialtr‘hist as tatauttaatt ptatetstaktia duly autbeattaated; tar 1111.:::. , - ,..6201.4int Ci. ltritlingt* . . ..., , ,IlltaittlalrOW;14.311111111a!e. , .44=4". wittilalWri. , ._.:::::--V-?..1. , ' ; :` ,'-, ..._ ; ---,::-.:!., - `4-...;''': --, '.72 . Z.-1, 2 t';''• - ,::: -,'-''.-: • - ' 4. V:" 1.;. ' • .:''' . . - '''' ' .s. , itie , ' . 7"4 ,- . - -%' _.:40',• , ,,,,, ...1 , • ' . ..•L : : n'- ' ;•• ..±,.?::;. : ' .l-.1 ' ' ; ': :::: '''.7.4.-ii`2:Y'•!".:%Z."--r;:•4.:-;'..ia-‘ ISII = ME ME j ;.'W KENT,Aas*i liatlM REV:IR - ND FROM NEW YORK - WITH .11: LAHOHSTOCIL OP WINTER GOODS ! SILKS, VELVETS, SKIRTS; FLHNNELS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRICFB Navn, Biro KNOWN! Nov. 41, 1878. TNCORPORA.TION NOTICE.- .1_ Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Otwernor of Pennsylvania. for a Char ter incorporating the Eureka, Mower Company. 'weer the general Corporation 'JAW approved the 22:h day of April; 1874. Ssfd corporation to be for Med for the purpose of carrying on the mann itieture of Mowing Mae - blues, and other ultimata rat implements. and also the general business of a Foundry and Machine Shop. , DAVIES k CARMOCHAM. • Topmda, Stre.'2o; 1878. w 3 • &Melton. VOTlCE,Whereas nip wife, 01;• I ire, has left my bed and board.leithout 3ust cause or provocation, I hereby caution all persons against• harboring or trupting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting atter.this date. • • . ALBERT B. GORE. nheshequln. Nov. 28, 1878. lw . APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —To Martin Cleaveland. In the Court of common Pleas of Bradford County. N 0.717. May Term, 187 s. You are hereby notified that Helen Cleaveland, your wife, has applied to the C. port of Cemtnon Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the arid Court has appointed Monday: December 2, 1878, In the r:c.ort House at Towanda, for hearing the said fie• len in the premises, at which time' and place you m ly attend if youlifinit proper. nov7. • A.. 1. LAYTON, Sheriff. TNCORPORATION NOTICE.= Noticed.' hereby given that an applicatton- will be Made_to the Court of Common Pleas of.Bmdford county at Its next session. for a charter of Incorpo ration for the East Herrick Cemetery. . P. E. WOODRUFF, J. J. BARNES. - 5 N. B. CANFIELD' •a N. W. BARS. • ORO. C. ATW NE OOD. East Derrick. RIM 7.1878. TNBANKRUPTCY.—In the Dig trt;t Court of the tufted States, for the West ern-District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Al len K. Artell, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. Men , era District of Pennsylvania. . The Heti creditors ...Vl' take notice that the un dersigned, ',Register Mt Balikruptcy in said Dis- Wet, will sit As. an Auditor on MONDAY, the 30th day of DECEMBER. A. 1)., MR, at 10 o'clock A. 44., at the Troy House, In the Borough of Troy, to dlAribute the fund arising from the Assignee's sale of Bankrupt's real estate. when and where all per sons having claims against said fund must present thorn, or be forever debarred from • coming in on said fund. Towanda, Nor. 19. 2w A 'DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Lci.. —Notice Is hereby given, that all persons in debted to the estate of Edward Overton, Br.. Esq.. late of Towanda burg deed. must auto Immediate. .payment.tld all persons having claims against said estate must present them duly antbenties ed for settlement. to the undersigned. Tile Administrator may be seen personally at hts Grace near his residence on Mondays. in his ab s2,nce persons having business with tam will please call on Overton h Sandersonahis attorneys. • J. If ACV AELANE, Towanda Oct. 90. 1875. =we Administrator. ICE OODS ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—In the matter of the voluntary assignment of the Towanda Eureka Mower Company, for the benefit of creditors. In the Court of Common,Pleas of Bradford coun ty. Eo. 1105. February T , 2877. The final account of E. T. Fox, assignee In the above ease, Mod Aug, 8, 1878, and said account will be presented to said Court for final confirmation ant allowance, on Thursday, the sth dayof Decem ber next, u n less cause two sboan why add account should not he finally confirmed and allowed by the Court. 'BENJ. M. PEI 'IK, Protl.onotory.. Tow•anda.•Oct. 30. 10713.-22%" 1 . • • TRIAL LIST for December Term I . of Court, ISM at Towanda, Pa.; 2D Nb EEIC. Ells) Thinsilier vs Cornelius flumilter eject A.- Lewis vs L Frinderiburg. et al - - Dime 31 U Merrill vs C V Itswitins ' ' appeal 311ry Driscolls use vs Ellen Dorwoan et al....eject I) U Disekman vs F C Sweet .1 0 Frost es V Cook .assumpt M E Captor vs .1 Leroy Corbin Myron Osborn vs Lewis-G01f... . _ . P M. Coolbaugh. guar , vs Thomas Meredith -. ap peal Clarissa Tourney' use vs • - Leroy Corbin...assumpt i loo 0 Ward vs Lebanon - Mut Life Ins Co debt 41t Dens Ba - nk, Waverly vs J D Montanye..assmpt Thomas Mathews vs Geo V Myer et al eject 1,.8 Rogers lu t e vs Allen McKean - sump , ' D C Dawn, use vs Schrader Coal Co trespass Towanda Euro& Mower Co vs D 0 Holism assmpt Wm M Keeler vs 11l II Keeler wmapt -John D Kysor vs John ilearenor . eject Isaac Snell vs Pa & N T C 4 Kit Co case P W .McDonnell vs ..& J Layton trespass 11 W Lane vs .D S Pratt et RFT T's eel fa Lewis k: Brown vs David Whipple. - appeal Fanny P Dambt use vs Mary Long eject yy;iNes M Coolbaugh Vs Pa & Is ir C k it It Co..case Margaret D Kline - use vs D Luther of al...trespass C Vance •s Jno 0 Ward.. 31 L Prentiss ys Wm Peet... P W McDonnell vs A J Layton ttespass Win U btorrs, assignee vs Thus II Jordan...assulpt John Unlan va'Luke Dolan Issue Dorcas 31 Dayton vs The Path If C k It RCo trey Daniel C Dayton vs same trespass Sully Darldson VA C ti II Cole doucs Brad L k 13 A of Athens iwp n If A 1i00t.....el fa Filen K Mitchell vs Junes Kelley eject Frlsble Kinney vs Geo W Kinney - debt Sctnuel WalbriAge.vs W W Decker - - covenant . W S Pierre, admr vs W Bramshall et a1......5cl fa L F. Wilcox, use vs Jacob Jones Issue Garry:din% assignee vs McCabe k Mix...uscopt 0 A Vincent vs garrison Li , chell appeal lobe Conley vsCrrinjaksarlsou ' appeal It F Bauman vs arrigfilah Vaudemark eject II D Wilcon vs P D Wile- 1 trespass ilea S Peck vs D a lght a,d Maynard debt Dr W II Cheney vs Mirk Mints appeal Nathaniel Davidson vs J Leroy Corbin aisimpt Pomeroy Bros vs James Wood, guar Mt ei Alex C Elsbree vs J D , KySer - arsmpt A!er. C Elsbree vs .1 D Kyser, etal • asampt Subpcennes 2d week-. returnable - Monday, Dec. 9, . . Subpcenaes 3d Week returnable Monday, -Dec. 16, 1375. BENJAMIN M. PECK: Prothonotary. Prothonotary's OW*, Towands; Pa., N0v.2.1171 FOREIGN AfrA HNIENT. Nathaniel C. Barris vs. William W. Shepard. No. .871, September Term. 1878. Foreign attach. went. tl.sw, Oct. 7,1678. on motion of Davis & Car to‘chan,lattorneys for plaintiff, the Sheriff Is dire°. pobilqh a copy of this writ'ffor six week- In the-BRamrotto Itzrouttu and in the Athens Ga zette. 4 • by 511= COna?. • _ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Bradford County, fs„ • . To the Sherif ft/ Bradford Cottaly—Gredbag : I We command you that you attach William W. Shepard Mid Charles IL Shepard.late of your roam ty, by all and singular, their goods and chattel*, lands and tenements, moneys, rights. and credits, In whose hands or possession snorer the sam , may Or. so that he be and appear before our Court of t`otomon Pleas. to be holden - at the Borough of Towanda: in and for said Cotmty, on the first Mon day of September next, there to answer Nathaniel C Harrls..of a plea of , debt 16000.00, and that you minmoisJob 1 erugh and 8. S. Pierce., and all per s. ns In whose hands or possession the said goods, Etattell, moneys, rghts„ and credits, or any of them may be attached, so that they and temente( them be and appear beer , . said Court, at the day Ina place aforesaid, to answer what shall be jet•totl against them and abide the judgment of the' Court therein, and bare, you then and there - this writ. . , Witness the lion. Paul D. Morrow. President of .mr said Court. at _the Born• gh of . Towanda afore -I,ld, the :Ist day it August. A. D.. 1873. BENJ. 3t. PECK, prothonotary. - August 1878. By virtue of the forrgoiffirritit , o' Von lot Attachment. I have Attached the iot ;an ng d: scribed lot. piece or pi eel or land, situate in otthens tell). County of Bradford, and dude of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, 'omit : north by lands of John Bosworth and others; on the east by lands of Tit Hlrern,fortthe south by lands of B.T. Middaugh i and 4M the west by lands t.ribur Beebe. Contatutug 13 acres of land. mote or less, "about 1.3 acres hoproleti. A. A. LAYTON, Sheriff.' - Sheriff's °Mee. Towanda, Oct. 3D, 11178.—Thi8 " JUSEV JUNES .:cdtAnistritar, with .itil I - annoNiti, of the estate ,4" 4'4 /11 , a..... Nathan I% mutat,. late of Watres tstp., iteo'd. nil.), one year, ppshpild, 11,r 8916 .., Any one sending . with _lice is hereby given that an per s ons indebted to chis °en subscription the. name of NEW sulocabere. the ' 414 estate% . " he" , rrqueiliel to mate °°-- i Ann -here. commission allowed in propottlon to the mediate pas:omit...and all -persons lasing claims. , , ram a.* : keas , .. iro , pirib m us is , tem , if ,. th e ob . auatast said estate must present theandaissintheit-..., 07 ,, m , : !. . . . , , ,„, , 1,..' dosind tor vittlement. i. '- • -.: , :._ - - s • .._ 1 ( a _•,-, .- , .., . . .- 7 O.,II.EIWIKL.L. - --- - -- . Aunia IN4 I ur.' A filts, --- : . : ' :.: '' l 7 ‘,"- -:Atitainbifatakietth war Ingei'aiW.i. , ... - •-..._...-",' , 2. - ,:- 1 :., .- ::-- ssw :1(04 Passim i* ' ~. :,lifistrasi-.1%.,, Atm If, aft1..0,8.1 - - 5 y_., , ..,:,:: ,-,. , "4 ,- - - / . . 1 . 1110,2 1!:' - .----",-• f -4,-`--_titlhllllAai4l!Cow 410 L, .I ‘ -.....,." : - .0 ' ' . .=7 - .=1;:; - ': . ~,,-;-.,!...'. ,i == ::: , •; , ....;`-',,, = ' 1 f.. ..1' ' - 'S. ' ,.' =i . ::•71- 4 -:.-„,- ,:'‘,:,' . .-.;:':! . ...,,-,-,1., ,,, ,j., - ;', ..im..,•,,a , : i . , - - .f ,_ 1 7,.. i ,,, : „. , .., ; ,...--, : ;:.•., r a,„... , ...,„: 4 ....:„:...;:t. z ,„:f r :7. t .:t.4 . .... 5 .... ,, zr ',Lr .-- ,r;.ii'sX , s,,Ai. - ::?i•-•-.3cIT .'.'..r,-42'.'i!.-:,4'.;1::.t.fi1'5.V.4-4:;•Zt.:;7*-1'..,.--i.'?:-tAc.**Z:114.44?%::7.1.ci-1•'21i°2:67,1;,....7.10;.'F'5.1.4-:;tk.-.'"'' UM 3V!? 11E1 CONSIfITIIO.O7 DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, PRINTS, _ MIISLINS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, Am Which he Is selling st J. V. KENT, Aossr. Legal. E. A. MERG'u Itegistcr in Banir.rdptct 3D WEEK A DMINISTRATOR'S .sNOTICE. I:lL t :. : Tbe szadi T itorl-havlttg. been sppolnttd ?;q - ;: - 4 . i.:;-?..f'''-''' - -- t Y?:-;',. -- ,,'::, .`,f,.:-.. - '::. 11:`:•-:.....i : •:.',;.,: . ....,, :,'l‘: , - . , '. -. r.' - - MEI ;j' , ' 7--';,:-..'', "liilCll6ll/DiNG i3111110101111.11M41.Pgrt: THS NEW;YORIE TRIBUNE. Tor isle -Mai TaintrulMqwe to continue with lamming Meeess, the work and the - methods _which through the year now ending have won such popular approval and Wee each ample fruit. - A years/1071ra Tingles pointed - ma the - dato 'get to the tranquility of the - tmantry to the Treas. ury. the mammy. and the national' honor, tram the alliance then fanning between the Solid Smith and Tammany Itell. It derived that spinet this danger the old party of freedom. still the party of the Churches and' the Sebeethouses, was the only bulwark ;And In behalf of that patty. It renesed the old hlTealla lhe Mated'sl eonscipseeisad the enlightened self interest of the taz .- - , In ail this events him justi fi ed i t. Mae has I disclosed the danger Tan Tiularnit. predicted. I and brought the ddiverenee it prevailed,' Itoow asks tboss•who think well of what it did In this eventful year to help widen yet farther Its /1111 g. la X ge= teti. Repu blican nlation the neat. ; o d i l ,! 4. Republicans from attac ksupon each other to ks upon theL comma enemy: It exposed Southern claims. It denounced the Southern rut* 'pression of the negro vote. It Misted debasement of, the currency. It..eadesVored toltastain Treasury in advancing to specie payments. It arty/ to promote a practical reform in the Civil Service. It vindicated the legithnacyof the Re. 'publican Administration. It crashed assallants.by demonstrating the Infamous etartscif the Dana' , cratic leaders to buy the. Presidency this 7 had fair ly lint at the polls.- For these services a distin guished member of the Administration has declar ed that the Republican party and the country owe Tat Taisoirs a debt ot gratitude engreatthat. despairing of fall payment linmediataty, they must imitate thrr Treasury and fund it ! Re publicans °inside of and oven MOW' to the Ad mtnistratton. are everywhere' heartily expressing similar opinions. Tun Tempts now wants Chi country that, ire spring as the lataelections have beets. they do:not end the danger.. The Democrats and the Owen backer% if united, could have reversed the verdict. They may be united next time. - They already have the Solid South to begin with, as well as the evi dence of the control their union would give 1n many of the Western Slates. To prevent such a union from sweeping the country. we must keep the Republican tarty in ice . highest state of disci pline and einclency, and must educate the voters. If friends know soy better agency for such politi cal cdfication - Vous Tint Tatauas, by an means use it If not, they surely ought to make every ef- fort to push Tan Talncies's cireulation. Tan Tarawa& is now spending more labor and money than ever before to deserve the distinction It has long enjoyed of the largest circulation among the best people., It is the ouly ne w s paper h In the chants'y maintaining a special te le gra ph - wire wire of its own between its office . and the N ational Its Washington , dispatches are much the fullest ' anywhere published. Its I.ondon correspondent, George Smalley. Is recognised as tho foremost in that held, on the American Press. Its other foreign correspondence ranks exceptionally high. -Its scientific, religious and literary intelligence is often fuller And generally more newsy than that - furnished by journals expressly devoted to these specialties. Its critical departments. all conduc ted by the old heeds, remains the acknowledged authorities: ' . New Book, GEORG& RIPLLY,' LL. D. music - Jotter R. G. HissAnD. WINTILIL. ~.CLaarmcs COOK. THE SEMI•W HELY TRIBUNE ?he Drama Art Is specially adapted to the large class of intelligent readert too far from New York to depend on its papers fcir the 'daily news, who nevertheless want the eiLttorbis; correspondence; book•reviews, set. entitle 'matter, lectures, literary miscellany. etc.. for which Tur TRIBUNZ Is famous. ,This is the cheapest, and, for remote country readers, the best edition of Tar. Timmer. published. It containS 'sixteen pages. and Is in convenient form for bind. log. It is far the must successful Semi-Weekly In . the ceuntry—:baidng four times the eirculation.of any other in. New York. ' THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE - Remains the great favorite for our substatial coun try population. A high authority has said of It that WitxXLV TILIDUNZ has done more to make good farmers and good citizens than any other sin. gle Influence'thao has ever existed hinds country." It Is now larger than ad y of Its rivals f its new form (sixteen pages. carefully indexed and suita ble fur binding); Ina proved exceedingly popular, and Its large, clear typr, so different that of most papers of its class, lea special attraction. Its agricultural department, under the special man agement of an 'experienced agricultural 'editor. with a staff of several assistants, and a large corps of special contributors, Is more carefully conducted than ever, and It has always been eonsidered the best. Its market 'reports are the official standard for the Dairymen's Association.and have Mug been the recognised authority on cattle, grain and gen eral country produce. There are special depart ments ror the young, and for household Interests; while poetry, - littion„ and the humors of the day are all abundantly supplied. During the ensuing year there may also be expected. among many - oth er features; (1 ) Some Persostatßeministences of Early 11.04/areell Work, by OLIVIM JOIINsoN II.) Further Contributions on Southern .kgricul lure. by SOLON ILOBINScH (I.) Occasional Pa pers on Current Topics, by Rev. JOHN HALL, D. D.: (4) Occasional Contributions. by GAIL HA M. and other attractive matter from Miter. - of equal note. _ TWO PAPERS IN ONE. • Tar,Wirxxv r•Tatpmez Is now so arranged at to make two complete and separate pa. per* of eight ; pages each, the Ctrs t containing elicnews and pa nte,: the second, the corm:l,o4- dence.fietion, poetry household departments, etc. Both sides of . the family can than .enjog the paper at the same time.' purisy the past year readers haretiound this a specially at tractive and eoneentent feature. • • , tiO RIVALS TO COMPARE IT WITH. " • Both Weekly'and deml-Weekly Tribune are now entirely unlike the corresponding Issues from any other daily office in New-York—wholly different in form and. appearance. with larger type, and only menrarable to the threeand Nor dollar religious or literary jou: nals,' The price, however, remains so tar below theirs as to defy competition 1 sod the premiums are more valuable and substantial than have ever been offered by other newspapers. TERMS OF THE TRIBUSEI Postage Free in the United States. atei. '- - • . , DAILY TRIBUNE. 1 year...., . CIO-on SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. 1 year a e 0 Five copies. 1 year, to one post office 14 110 • 'Pen copies. 1. year, to one post office, and one tree copylS 00 WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ' • . - One ropy, 1 year..l2 001 Ten copies, 1 year. - . 4114 00 _Five coples,l year 525 20 copies, 1 year..., 25 00 Any number et copies above 20 at DAS same rate. Additions to clubs may be made at any thee. Re mit by P. O. orderor in registered letter. Address simply THE TRIBUNE; New York. THE - GREAT PREMIUM. WEBSTER•arx RRIDGED FREE Last year 'tilt "TRIBUNE offered to live years single subscriber , the unprbcedented gift of Webs ter's Unabridged Quarto Pictorial 'Dictionary, which retails in all bookstores for 111 The offer proved probbably the greatest success In the histo ry of newspaper premiums. Ten Thousand of these huge Dictionaries were and not one single subscriber complained that be was dis satisfied with his .premium. We have at last suc ceeded in renewing the very favorable contract with the publishers (which alone enabled us to offer this magnificent premium). until April 1, 11179. The publishers positively refuse to let It extend beyond that time. We therefore urge all to. 'ran thetwelves of the offer at once, and to advise their friends and neighbors of the opportunity. We are extending the terms of the offer, this year a little, as follows: We will send Wester's Unabridged Pictorial Quarto Dictionary (edition of 1579), ass Rift to any one remitting us 10 for a single five-years' Sul . scriptiett, in.advance, or. Tux Waxy; • et 6 for eight t-year Titters& • glees to .. . 415 for a single five-years. subl .. scripelon,' in EINEECO. or, a 111 SIMI-WREN. rso for ten One-yea r aubscripLT TAIRUNR. • • * . llOlto 1 . 0 f fr for a single' three-years' t Tits DAILY sabuription, in advance. to 5 TRIBUNE. WO believe this to be the most valuablii and lib eral newspaper premium ever Mimed. We cannot mike it any-more liberal. and to avoid useless cor respoadence we give notice that the dictionary will only be sent on exact compliance with the above terms It is not offered. -• tide' any circumstances. to persons reurtting for clubs at regular club rates. We . do, however, make the following liberal offer .debt Issue RESIIUmS TO riturc D 8 _ SENDI NO LOCAL - - Zoe a'Club of 5 Weeklies--Any fire Tribune Nov -41 ) • Volta C ut) of 10 Weeklies—An extra copy of The Weekly, or a copy of th, Greeley Memorial Willow: in cloth, or any eight of The Tribune Novels. For a flub of 0 Weeklies—The Send-Weekly Tti-. • . lame. or one extra .Weekly, and either Mr. Greeley's "Political Economy." or ".What I Know of F:rtnlng." 01.50 each at retail). For a Club s of 30 Weekluss—The Seml.Weekry Tri bune and any eight of The Tribune Novels; or • Mr. Greeler's "Ilecollecti•ms of a Busy Life," • in sheep 111.50 at rebel). and the same Novels. 'For a Club of 50 WeekilmerThe Daily Tribune one . year. and either of the above mentioned books; or the series of Tribune Novels." [one Semi-Weekly will eount as two - Weeklies In the above... Double numbers of. The Tribune Noy- tlx count as two.] Inst , vni of any five If preferred. pamphlet ,coples, In gond tYpe. of the Tribune's verbatim report of The Prophelie Con ference, and the Tribune's fulinxp.rute of The Ci pher Tell:frame. The same, In .sheet.fortn, in place-of any three Tribune Novell. . Further Information, posters, and specimen eo . p. ler, sent on application. Address simply \ THEY ALL WANT IT, . .. Beeauee it le I family newepaper'of 'pore, Pound rind inz for .441 and • young. sod, It contains a reliable and comprehenairelummary of all tbs.luvrtant litres.' 1 1 THE I'Vetv York * Observer TII - E-.11103Y FAMILY NEWSPAPER, • t'utlinhes N'th the , religoua and secular news that (leArrtt Sn auy family, while: all that in' likely ludo Ilwro to shut out- It devotes four poet to religions news, and foir tharcolsr. Thp New York Observer was first published in 1823 snit Is believed to he thy only Imtanee,ofa Religious COnlinning to. even minus for fifty-six yr.ir% without a change of narne,Auctrioe. inteut, or pledge from the date of its birth Ta E 571 b VOI.UME willeontain all the important news that ran interest or {unmet ; so that • anyone who reads it will be thou. sliii.je) tett.- - • , ~We do not run ri berierolens institution, and we de 0.4 'Ludt - for the support of charity. We • propose to mak° the Itert ,Newspaper that Is publblied. acid we pr o poselo sell it as dimply as-it can be alforled.• -Let deer who want pnn ,, , mound. ownsible, truthful reading, st,te•rmib. P,r it, and let them (mince them to do the ware.. 'we are now Uublistilok in the . °balker tb• Stott of • • . • • JOAN THE. MAID. . by Mrs. Charles, author of "Chronicles of the &bon tieue-Cutti . • - send no Premiums. We.will send Jon the . NEW YORK OBSERVER . a =EI EN2 THE NE.W, the politkos of it* fOnsiCot Ropoblicact sowsboioll in tie WOW Slab* will too surtaliod by **Now To* Thom by do cum policy is This. et irbleb dist pod iioa bao boss attained. - Thes Times will continue to phom fidelity to the i* Meseta of the Repoblicati Asir above the permit of passim' alms or pirate madden, sad will atessi - :mist that the neefaimas of any poly aimt tat mesa , lad brae extent of its detotlem to the baser sod . relfitw of lb. manta. In - the Muth, the attitada of The Timm will be that of I widths the Republican Pasty. The nalatteance national credit; the purilication of the ma& itereice tae Strawy of all seuxibl• pralecte of fiscal sada= rigid ecatwor la palate espenditoree; oppontion I. • - subsidies and corporate Jobbery in MI Id forum and '. the preserratiou of equal rights to all thins:4llNQ sod &alb, will be the anent points Mike policy of , The Times, ' The Times will cations to be dlatinmdabed as an ' • "idefrldeg„ accurate, and carefully edited newspaper. - The acknowledged mgcelleoce- and fullness of its Ca. eespondeotae by min and telognipb, fro all pettier . • the world, till be adequately maintained, nal Its : • - facilities for collecting domestic mud foralgs seas will we expanded to most the Inareadtig •demuids of our . • time. In the sphere of literary and artistic , aitkati, of Jielentilic, axle, and general diectesion„..The .. • sill address itsolg as heretofore, to the mtaimistion of • - the educated sad latelllgent Awes -of the Anserlaut people. It will be lively without befog lei aggreadee without being coatis •at all thail • • With to be fearless and ladepaidisit la the champion. - Alp of the right.-Ito. theories subvendur of the pets. - .lples on which the mmedoess of !amity ties, and the - - . - Iditeme of satiety alike repose will be panes:lotted . , In it* column". • • • The Times Meade all advettleemente of lorterfer, of ; • • - qoacks and medical pretenders, and of all other • Agencies by which the indiums pollen of Timis din , ' emulated throughout society. It will be in the Mum, ,/ • uto the .Pa's nemPaget•esperially adapted lot • ,Z• • tautly Terming. .• I .. The Weakly Times, containing selected antedate on/ 'opts of national and general interest from the/ columns of the • daily issue, m well as a tondos aniM miry of poUthaloncial and foreign news, besides other &atone which recommend It to ail cisme of readers, is • paper admirably Sited to circulate In every ,portion -4 the United States. It will be th e aim of its uct- ' .re to use every maw, not only to manta ' its well. gulled supremacy; but hi make itspopularity dill - more decided., - . TERMS TO MAIL !WSW MILS • Postage will be preset dby the publishers , on all Onions of TUE TIRES sent/ Sabetribers In the United States. • . . The DAILY TIMES, per num, Including tbelltisday ..... 00 The DAILY TIMES, r annum, eXelmte• of • tie Sunday gditiee. .... lie Sunday Edltion;per Annan ono 2( Fire copies, ono. 12 00 Ten Copt's, sod one fees for Cra - . 22 X. .abeerii4lons fur six months,2l 60; trreTr..ogrutlis.7sc. single Cop*, one yearll 00 ' Ten Coven, and one free for Club . 10'00 4nbscriptions for six months. Coc.; three monnthe, 40c. These prime are invariable. We have no traveling agents. Remit in .dretra on New York or Post Money Orders, if laidtde; and, where neither of these can procured, send the money in registered letter. Address • TMle NEW I ORIC TIME, New York Qty. FOR 1878. CLUBS netedtclte tend, Tribm THE TRIBUNE,I.:VW-TONE. MEE =SI ': . .l'Efitighalis , - -. r: .. , .--, FOR 1878, inAstasinco 1831. THE BEMI-WIEKLY,TIMEB ME le Copley , THE WEEKLY REDUCTION IN TERMS. THE PRESS. " THE BEST PAPER." The Proprietoreof THE PRESS, announce that hey have strengthened, lei force In every depart. went In order to meet tho demands of business. politics and the general Interests co r pse coming year. adding largely to Its editorial and stag correspondents, and extending the range and ef &fancy of its business machinery. Al they have. .tone In the past they will steadily continue to do, And they promise for Itin the same reinter pro gress which has marked the work of IST& Resting the solid basis of substantial return they are In noaltton to systematically add to and strengthen In &wry direction the various departments which go to mate up arrest Daily Paper, and shall do so. FIRST IN THE FIELD. EARLY MORNING EDITION. EARLY MORNING EDITION. EARLY MORNING EDITION. EARLY morestNG EDITION. EARLY MORNING EDITION. EARLY MORNING ERITLON. We have successfully achieved the issuing of an Early . Morning,Edition, which leaves thb city_ in •dvance of any Other Philadelphia and all the New York Morning Dallies, and gives THE PRESS -oromand of Pennsylvania nlll the entire South. ••he exclusive control for.several laws (sometimes., wholodayl of this wide-range of territory _ls an achievement which the advertisen of Philadelphia mut the general community have been' prompt to recognize, and make use of in their own Interests. This edition leaves Philadelphia before any New cork paper can possibly get here, and the corn• manding position attained by THE PHD'S through ibis etragetic move in the held of journalism is thus secured to It permanently, • LEADING REPUBLICAN JOURNAL OF PENNSYLVANIA. Now, as hi the past, THE PRESS stands In the front of the ,Republican column. Independent In conduct, but Republica/11n faith, It represents the whole party, and Is the -organ or instrument of no one faction, section' or element In it. Itleotitenda to-day' for honest money and good administration. -nd will ever defend the right, &Ott -the future, new Issues of potty are developed the tdstort; cal and political development of the country. natty Pressil.7s per year, postage inettled. Tit-Weekly - AO per year, postage Included.. Weekly —OO per year, postage Included. THE PRESS COMPANY (Limited), SEVENTH it - CHESTNUT &fit PHILADELPHIA. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, CONDUCTED BY J. 0. HOLLAND The. Handsomest Illustrated Magazine in the World. The Anted= edition of this perkxUeal le now MORE TIIAN7p,OOO MONTMLY,, And it Mina larger circulation' in England than soy , ether American magazine. Every aumbh contains ibon• one hundred and fifty pages, and from any to .eventy-five original wood-cnt ilinattrions. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1878-9 Among the attractions! for, the coming year are the •f " HAWORTH'S," a serial tweet, by Mrs. Frances . Hodgson Burnett, anther of "That Lasso' Lowrie's." , foe scene of Mrs. Burnett's •new novella laid in Lan wade, ; the hero is a young inventor .of American - !mu,. o Haworth's is the longed dory:Mrs. Runlet* use yet written' It will run through twelve numbers • 1 the Monthly, beginning with Nueember. 1878, and _• • will be prolusoly illustrated. - FALCON BERG, a serial novel, by IL-H. %yawn. inthor, 9f "Guonas," "The Mari whp Lost his Name, " cc. In Owe romance, the author graphically describs the pecnludities of Norse immigrant life in a Western _ settlement. A STORY OT NEW ORLEANS, by George W • i:able, to be began on the coucloaton of "Falconberg.".. • This story will exhibit the state: of society in Creole Louisiana about the years 1803-44. the time of the •.!esaion, and a period bearifig a remarkable Likened to • the present Reconstruction period. - P9RTRAITS OT AMERICAN POETS. Miseries ; beginning In Anguer,arith the portrait of Bryant) • o ill be continued, that of Longfellow appeasing 'in - November. These portraits are drawn from lite by .7 - Wyatt Eaten and engraved by T. Cole. They will be • minted separately en tinted paper. as frontispieces of • four different numbers. Illustrated sketches of thel _ lives or the poets will accompany these portudts. STUDIES-IN THE SIERRAS,—A eeriest of papers mostly illestrated) by. John • Muir. the . California Ti4tnralist. The most graphic and picturesque and.at the earns time, exact and trustworthy studies of " The California Alps" that hie yet been made. The series will sketch the California Prism, Liked!, Wind Storm* and Torrent. A 'NEW VIEW DT .BRAZIL. Mr. Herbidt M. Smith; of Cornell University. a companion of the late • Prof. Hart; is • now in Braxlll, with Mr. J: Welts Chainpney (the artist who accompsnied Mr. Edward - Ninths hie tour through "The Great South "), pre paring for Sousa Ca a series of pipers on the present • ' condition s —the citiee, rivers and resources of the great empire of South Arnelieri. THE "JOHNNY IMO" PAPERS, by en "ex-Coco , - federate" poldser,Wili b 6 among the - rarest midribs- ' tip ato Scsisexii during the criaing year. They are written and Illustrated by -Mr Allen C. Redwood, of Baltimore. The fint'of the series, " Johnny Rob at _ "lei." appears in the November number THE LEADING EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES. We are now having prepared, for Scussiaa, articles on the leading Univereitiee of Europe They will be written by an Americo Odle.° Professor, lir. IL H. - llosesen,of Cornell (anther of ", alconberg." t 4). and will include sketches of the leading men in mho! Oa. most important Universities of Great Britain" and an - • Continent. -Among the additional aeries of pipers to appear may be mentioned those on HOW SHALL We. /WILLI.. (two papers by Prof Loonsbury,) THE 8 W SOUTH. . LAWN-PLANTING FOR SMALL PLACES (by Sarno nol Parsons, of Fishing); CANADA. OP TO DAY, - SMRRICAN ART AND ARTISTS. AMERICAN ROII2EOIO4IY, MODERN INVENTORS; alio Partll - 'nf Travel. History. Physical faience, Studies in Liters. • tom Political and Social Science,Stortex Admit "Topics of the Time," by Dr. i; G. Mellon ; reseed of. New Inventions - and Mechanical Papers on Education, Decoration. te.; Book Udall; '- fresh bits of Wit and Homo:, itc.. . .. . • \ Terms, $4.00 a year in advance ;85 cents. N., -- • ' number. •‘: ...-:. Steeri°l4TeedTed bYth•PibUdior of thk , \,, iwnd J r 10E481410n and postasstali * 4na to ipobscribe'direct with lb. pablidi *Add ,_ lir alto mum Port,4llle N .Coonti, and Ow, I sail '- . goittla with rnnittsuos'to chmas. P. 0. otiloi. sr ~.• . _ ccoglitered. leturOololMo4 - , 0 00. _#simprao - A .XOI!IsIM . - '. ,:' -- .; "_, -, '!' , ,;,---: -.„,,!-:: , •- i , - '-':- "_. -;:-.--.." --- ,-' ', - '-, ‘‘'' ''•- , 4 ' -.--. -.',- ,--,. .., . ' • : ---- __rr" .I.', :-J" --`. ',"l-: `,-_'' - . -k.. - 4-.:‘ -_ - _,l,' , `,:': s• • ~ - - , - - y l- " ; 'i; * !•, - .• ,, ,,- 7. -: - ::,'2 , ---" ~ : e.- : •.,' , • ..., - .. , "1 , ,-,'—',.. - )„ , , ~y": ' - ..„-,."..' .7; , ......,..,=. - ',:- . i.t:,,",-,...,",„4-,y,;, - ,::::::,, .:_4,,-,._9•k '-'1 4 1*%'„ , : , ,i t-§..fF.:-'47,..z.:51:,-:;Ifa--"F:fi....:::;:i;kii:li,,it,:a.54-4"-:f;„,!)...:::',-.,'. , _ „., iNS =I itE BM IRE MI 4 • r. ME ISM MEE ME M EMI ....... 10 00 ..... 2 00' 12 ad