Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 28, 1878, Image 2

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wood. Neportet
tvratda, Pa.., Thtisday, MT. 28, 1878.
_ Tor several years; past we have been
rending ihe REPORTER to quite a number
of subscribers without receiving any pay
therefor. Finding that this system is not
a tueee6ss, we have determined to adhere
efrietly tfi ( the advance, system . hereafter.'
Therefore, all subscribers .in arrears on
the 314 of 'December will have their-in
persdis.contluaed; and the amounts due
will be collected„ Those who do not wish
to pay costs Must heed this notice and pay
up before that date : •
l'aril+errnore, experience has taught us
that the lowest price at which the REPOR
TL P. call be furnished is One Dollar and
rift;! Ce-04, in clubs. Postmasters and
others who have kindly intemsteki" them
selves': increasing' our circulation will
le it the filet in mind, and collect $1.50
from ca Ii subscriber, as nothing less than
this sum will be accepted by us.
, After the lit st 'of January next we shall
notify all subscribers two weeks in ad
vance of the expiration of their subscrip
Itei , orts having reached Gov. Nwit
ro.s that a large number of negroes
had been murdered fu Tensas parish
white Dernociats k the Governor
SOlit Cu!. 'ZiNIABIE to • investigate
the 'matter. That chivalroui
tlemail reports no disturbance of any
account. lie says - that despite
all the reports of murders committed
th'e utmost he could find in that line
• wtis that only Omit a dozen* negroes
her ln 'rn 1 ill d. Only a dozen ; they
were all the marders for political pur
poses of schie4olonel ZAcniai be
came satisfied during his
brief visit to Tensa parish, and they
were only ".niggers." Here the coun
try has from an official Democratic
- Gotiree the fact that murders were
'committed in one parish. of Louisiana
by the Democrats to intimidate Re
publicans from voting, and it is im
portant because it is the first admis
sion pf .the kind from native South.
eitn Defiiocrats that, such crimes were
committed. The reader must de
ttrmine whether,. twelve murders
having been admitted by the party
prbliting by 'them in one parish, a
great many Indic, not admitted, hate
or lave not -been committed. In a
paiish near •Tgisas seventy-five ne
groes were ki&d, and altogether in
the States wi Republican majori
ties have been ull-dozed out of exis
through—tli e instrumentality of
shut titer and violence, several hun
drc(l human lives have been sacrificed
in the interests of Southern Demo
,,crat s.
.1s there any decent Northern
Democrat who can affordto say that
until these crying crimes are sup-
'Tressed, there can be too much " wa
; ving of the bloody, shirt? " Suppose
in any one county of pcnnsylvania
twelve or seVentyAve murders had
been eolum:tted by a minority party,
and the offices secured through those
- m-urders, would there be. any MSS
thin of indignation until the perpe
• vrators had been brought to justice?
Not while Republicans have control.
of the State, but where Democrats
bare the poWer in the South precise
ly such situations are Sound, and the
eilOrts of State and county officials
have *been . ‘directed to conceal - them.
Public sentiment at the North has at
last about said tliat this state col afr
-fair; must be corrected, and demands
,tln the prosecutions for election
crimes in.the south be pushed vigor
ous! v. •
Tnom:is CocnnAN, Chief Clerk
of ,the state Senate .during the last
session, is a candidate for the same
position main. Mr. C. is perfectly
familiar with the - duties of the onkel
and is very-popUlar with Senators.
Welidve no doubt he Will be re-elec.
te(l. Th Lancaster Examiner, in
reterrinu to this subject says,:
" There never was a tithe when
liarrisi.urg was not ready to supply
all the Clerkships and offices in the
several departments of the • State
Government, as well as 011ie offices
in both houses of the ,Legislature.
At the present time the capital is
honored with the Resident Clerk and
.iyurbal Clerk of the House, the Pres
, hient o 1 the Senate, the Librarian of
the Senate,
the Watchman . of the
Sk:nate, and the Janitor lof the Sen
, ate, and now want.. 3 the Clerk of the
senate also. We guess not. Thom
as B. Cochran, FN., of this city, the
villei . ent and obliging assistant. to
Errett during
_lite latter's
elerkship,.Was by unanbribus consent
promoted to his chiefs place, and
has ever since been universally re
garded aS - the right man in the right
pinee. 31r. Cochran did most ell
r :s•nt work for his party in the cam
p:6gn just ended; both here-at home
and in Philadelphia as One of the
sveretaries of the State Committee,
:old he will .be.rezelected Chief Clerk
with little or no opposition, as he
well deserves to be." • i I
Thai Chicago Times gives ' some
interesting statistics eiMeerning thOj
pork packing business 9f the west
froni . weeli we make a few extracts.
The whole number. of hogs packed in
the entire west durtng -last winter
1454: - ,,44n, representing an increase
of 1,404,139 head, as compared with
the'preceeding wintei, and at the av
erage Nqight-of 187 G-77 equal to an
increase' of 1,809,117 pounds?- The
largest number packed in any previ
ous printer was in I's 74-75, when the
aggregate reached 5,566,226, For the
rear ending March 1,1878, the whole
_ number packed was 9,048,566 bead,
-_or 1,638, 392 more than the previous
year, which was the largest on record
for any twelve months.: Q 1 this
ineluding-more dm:1250 points,
Chicago packed more than two-fifths.
Or nearly onc-half. Tht averagecost
I of hogs Tor.the past winter: wiS $4.99
per hundred pounds, net ors2.l9 less
than the preceedingyear,and the ag
,T:vgate impact of money Whirled
was $5,672,224 less The total ag
gregate of of mess pork was 728,368
~One' year ago, says the Easton
Free Press, four-fifths of all the car-
shops in the country were idle—pow
they all have orderi more or less ex-
tensive. The P. it R. R. 11... Compa
ny has over two hundred locomotives
that have been Used -for eighteen
years, while a locomotive is only.eal.
culated to wear Meet years'; and
all these must be replaced. What
is true of the Reuling Railroad ap
;plks alsocio an equal or less degree
to the other great roads of-the coun
try,. mid this necessary renewal .of
rolling stock , will cause a very con
siderable home demand for iron. It
is just
. becomingi 'generally .knoin
and talked about that none of the
railroads have failed to economize
during, the panic on cars and locomo- -
tiveS, and as 'a
consequence the raiz
ing stock of railroads generally, witli
scarcely any exception's. has hewn:ie .
very much run down. Rolling stock
must be secured and repaired before
almosLany other expenditure is au
thorized, and theirSde, jonrnalsare
just beginning to J ealcalate
.. the
amount of money that will be paid
out for labor by the railroads for this
replenishment. The figures are large
and the contracts that have already
been made, are being made, arid to be
made within the next few months,
will probbly keep the shops going
on full time all through Sumner and
the following Winter. - These facts
are encouraging, and - indicate some
important steps in-our_gradual ascent
towards -a stable and lasting prosper
ity. With our finances in good con
dition, .with resumption absolutely
accomplished, confidence will come
back and . the natural demand for
manufactured articles, so , long with
held, will enlarge the consumption ;
but no sensible man expects that the
feverish activity in trade and the big
Imargins of 1866-72-. are coming bask,
rand does not want them.; for when
i the aggregate of losses during these
years is subtracted from the differ
ence between the cost and selling
prices, the actual profits enjoyed be
came seduced below what would have
been realized from .a healthy and
paid-for business. What wise men
are looking for is a condition of af
fairs where they will get the muney
I for the goods delivered and where
Ithe margins on salei will be regula
ted by the certainty of payment ; and
this is the only condition upon l 'which
a permanent prosperity can be built
up.. With all the imniense crops and
unexampled, incalculable mineral
wealth of this country, the welfare of
the people at large must result from
industry in the various pursuits,
which v ill be rewarded'fairly in fixed
and definite money value, and the
savings, the foundation of future
wealth, must come from economy,
self-denial and the cutting off of lux
luries until the 'savings have become
suf icient . to warrant them. "
times," as they are called, benefit the
few careful, shrewd individuals, but
only corrupt working people by tem
porarily removing from them the ne
cessity of economy and self-denial,
giving them unwarranted credit for
necessaries, and inducing them_ to
spend their cash for things they could
!get along without. Good . wages are
what labor is worth and not compen
sation in excess of its value to em-
Ayers. With the return of indus
trial activity, permanent prosperity
will largely depend on the ability of
labor to sees and act as though it re
alized that twelve years of uninter
rupted , •
employment at fair wages,ale
worth more to Working people than
seven years of exorbitant wages and
five years of comparative idleness.
THE bounty of the people of the
United• States toward the cities and
towns afflicted with yellow fever, sur
asses anything of the kind hereto
re known. Some millions of dOI
- have been contributed, and now,
t when the epidemic has nearly ceased,
e authorities and the relief socie
ties in Merophis,'New Orleans and
oilier places, have large funds
pended, while in many of the con
tributing cities there are considera
ble balances that could be remitted
if they were needed. All these sur
plus funds should be united, and ei
ther invested for future emergencies,
oriemploy&l to provide against fu
ture invasions of the pestilence, with
a special appropriation to pay the
expense of a scientific commission to
inquire into the origin and nature of
the disease.
"Grant, in 1880," is the radical
war cry. There is little doubt that
he will be nominated and, unless
democracy shows far more wisdom.
unity and courage than we have seen
for yeais, there is just as little doubt
of his election. Then there-is little
less doubt that hell is just ahead of
the republic generally, and of the
south in. particular. [Bentonville,
Ark., Advance.
Row the rebels do hate and fear
GRANT ! They know him; they fully
titidertan , c_l that he will firmly execute
the lavis with a steady hand, and that
under his administration the bulldoz
er will come to grief. "That's what's
the matter with' 'em I "
"IN the death of TuomAs H. Pow
sue Philadelphia loses one of'its rich
est pitizens, and certainly one who
has . fused his vast 'wealth for other
purpiises than his own personal grat
ification and the feeding of his own
vanity. He was a thorough business
man, and — though ttM foundation . If
his fortune was already laid when he
entered the firm, much of its increase
is due to his' energy and foresight.
He was unostentatious but generous
in his charities, and many a pt•pd
work will feel the last-of his eantest
1 - %
~._~_; :.
' ~... - j. ~'~
mritoviED isirsia;Ess psepzers,
Giold(itiya.4he` Tribune,
sieady at a pieptiam of one.aightli,
and imports fifinr:Europe are nosy_
thought not improbable at in early
day. Our grain,and provisions have
been going forward freely: The cot
ton crop 'begins to go abroad large
ly ; the experts last . _ week were 7s,-
443 bales, and during ten weeks since;
September 1, ttie exports of the 'new_
crop have amounted t 0.493,88; Weti;
whereas only 344,75 i bales had, at
' the corresPonding date, gone abrOaa
; from the crop of 1877. There is no
longer a 'dOubt that the crop is the
• largest ever grown ;in this country,
and the prOspects - in Great Britain
and on the Continent are decidOly
more favorable for large purchases
than they • were a month ago. Mean.
while, no material increase of-imports
has occurred, and the London market
is searched in vain for United- States•
blinds to send back in settlement of
jiallances. There is some, reason to
, .
'kuppose that considerable sales of
American . ' shares formerly held
abroad have helped of late to Meet
the merchandise '.Valance in favor of
this country, but the prices:of stocks
. • biefly held in Europe are 'generally
so low that a viovemest to realize
can hardly become imPiirtant.
der all the circumstances some re
mittances •af . specie seem not impro
bable. ",
Business. throughout the country
is recovering strength. At the South,
the long prostration caused in - the
Valley States by the yellow fever has
nearly passed, though transactions
are still somewhat smaller than they .
were last year, and collections from
that quarter
. are- naturally slow and
difficult. At the West, the political
campaign has interrupted business to
some extent, but ka greater activi:y
will now be stimulated by the in
creased confidence of dealers and
lenders in the financial future. The
crop movement continues larger on
the whotnthan that of last year, and
the shipments of grain from the west
ern ports have amounted' from Au
gust 1 to November 2 , , to 89.397,217
bushels.this year, against 75.317,149
bushels during \the corresponding
weeks last year. With No. 2 spring
wheat selling in 'Chien° at 81 cents
per bushel, the tact that the move
ment continues so large at a time
when the farmers - have been for sev
eral 3 ears reducing their debts, and 1
when no especial stress for pay s ments
is itii4iew to exist, is sufficient 'roof
that the . crop still in reserve is extra
ordinarily large. All the *tidings
from Europe appear to favor an in \•
crease in the demand for American
grain. The supply thus far, since the
seasoii began, has been less than at
the same date last year by about
410;1,000 cwts; scarcely .any wheat
was being shipped for Great Britain
frOm South Russia; the exports of ,
grain from Hungary have . almost
, wholly Ceased because of the itiferior
ity° of the crop ;
,France is importing
largely, having
,taken in September
1:• - '32,440 quarters, againt 89,853,quar
t8rs in September, 1877 ; the old
crop .of Australia is reported to have
been nearly exhausted, so that only
-about 1,200,000 busbeissemain mail
able for export; and the exports of
wheat from Bi itisk India, from Jan
nary 1 to September 27, were only
4,103,100 bushels, against 10,485,151
bushels last year, the mice being
such as to prevent shipments to Great
Britain.. The new crop will not, be
harvested until npril f Apparently;
Great Britain will lit any 'case be
obliged to depend on this country for
a supply of grain materially exceed
ing the enormous exports of last
year, and other supplies will 'be still
further reduced shoulT difficulties be
tween Great Britain 'and Russia be-
come serious again.
Confidence in the success and ease
of resumption has been strengthened,
not.only by 'the elections, but by re
cent statements of Secretary Slim
:gam.. If he he uses his power, there
is no doubt that he has power enough.
Pear of interruption by congress is
at an end .for the present, and the
plan of substituting silver for small
notes indicates that it is not intended
to let the silver legislation defeat 're . -
IF the government
.can greate mon
ey simply by stamping what theyare
pleased to call its st , vereignty upon .
a piece of paper, why should it. waste . '
that sovereignity upon a -one dollar
bill, why not create 'a ten dollar bill,
a hundred, a thousand, a million ?
Why should we stop ? The other
day I'had a conversation with one of
the principal • &entleman upon thfit
side and I told him. "Whenever
yo» can • successfuly palm off on a
maid a bill - of fare fora dinner, I shall
believe in your doctrine and when
I l ean satisfy my pangs of hunger by
reading a• cook book, I shall. join
your party." Only that is money
which stands for labor. Only thA
is money which will buy in all other
directions the result of the same In,
bor expended in its production. As
a 'natter of . fact, there money
enough in the country to - transact
the business of the country. Asa
matter of fact, there , is more money
than is needed to transact the busi
ness. Never was money so. cheap,
that is to say, was . interest so low,;
never. g . There is plenty.. of - money,
and we could borrow all we wished'
had we the
. collaterals. We could
borrow all we wished if there' were
some business in which we couldem.
bark that promised a sure and rea - -
minable - return:, •If we should come
to'a man who kept a ferry, and find
Ins boat on a sand-bar and the river
dry, what would he think of us should
we tell him thathe had not. enough
beat ? He would probably reply . '
that he'had plenty of boat but not
I - enough water. We have plenty of
'xiieney; 'but not enough business,
The reason we have not enough bus-.
mess is wa have not enough confi
dene, and. the reason we have not
'enough confidence is because .the
• market is slowly filling:and the rea-''
san it is slowly fallibg islhatit.bas
f not yet . quite resnmed t tlat have
rIPV9. I *-lOucliell - •
: the --140iite.ted .
I :~~ul~`.k3.'
The Cora . erop, which is the most
important single Mop grown: in the
United §tates, this year is one of the
largest - end hestekme grown. Con.'
siderable districts where corn is the
leading crop s suffered from excessive
rains in June, and at the end of that
month it was reported tobe extreme
ly backward, and' there were dismal ,
prognostications of the result. - But
the fall has been dry lard frosts have
been late, so that the fields planted
latest—some in Illinois 'near the end
of June—have matured perfectly, the
latest being the best;.anff the crop
-was never in better conditionto har
vest so early in the season. And
when corn has once become fully
ripe and hard and dry, there is little
or no anxiety about - the gathering of
it. The work -maybe more 'or less
disagreeable or costly, but with al
most_ any imaginable weather, the
whole crop can be •gathered with
comparatively little damage—in that
respect .being very different from the
small grains, which must be gathered
within a few days, and suffer very
greatly if the weather is wet in- har
vest time. The abundant corn crop,
however, is not marketed to any ex
tent for some months after the Bath
cring of it is begun; but it has an
immediate effect upon shipments,.be
cause ,n any event most of the grain
is consumed .on the farms, and the
producer is able to market his old
crop as soon as
_he is sure of a sur
plus from the new crop. And 'this
assurance has been having an effect
ever since the middle of last July, ,
which is stimulated by the favorable
maturing of the crop. The largest
crops of the country have been about
1 ,300,000,000 bushels, which is four
times as niuch . as the largest crop 'of
wheat previous to 1878; and this
year's corn crop is probably equal to
the largest. In value, this is equal
to twice that of the cotton crop, and
to about one-fourth more than that
of-the wheat crop. In weight it is
equivalent to about 36,000,000 tons,
against 1,125,000 tons of the cotton
crop, and 10,500 of the wheat. For
transpOrtation, however, corn is not
nearly so important as these figures
would make it appear, but, a small
portion of the crop being marketed.
But a good crop has a great effect on
transportation, as a comparatively
small percentage of surplus gives a
very large bulk to be carried. The
effect of an'abundant crop at a time
when wheat is abundant and cheaN
is reflected in 'the very low price of
corn, and will be seen later in great
supplies of well-fatted hogs and corn
ed cattle. When corn is so cheap,
however, only very low rates can be
had\for carrying it, and it is, not like
ly to\come foiward very freely this
winter; at least not for export, at
rates which will much more than pay
the cost Of \ hauling by rail.
Timso s _o \ f \ another terrible marine
disaster cornes\from Folkestone, via
London, the result, prestimably of a
dense fog, in . which a bark ran into
the Hamburg atearneqomerania,the
latter sinking in less 'tan ten min
utes. Among the ‘pasSengers lost
were ,Mrs. W. B; Ct.vmma \nd son.
The family were on their 7ay . to.
England where they expected to
make their future home. The mother
and son perished, while' two daught
ers were saved.
WILMINGTON, Del.,Nov. 21—Early
yesterday a n gro, covered with
blood, dragged himself to a house.
near Tandike station. Ile said two
unmarried daughters of a woman
na-nied Dobson, at :Chestertown, Md.,
recently gave birth to children, which
were murdered, and he was compell
ed to bury -them, and warned not
to reveal the crime. He told the
story 'to a colored woMan, and on
Tuesday was seized by the cousins
of the girls,named Vincent and Jones,
who, with Mrs. Dobson,took him in a
carriage to a dense woods and pre
pared to kill hith. Re begged hard
'for - life and promised never to return,
but the-woman told them-to kill him
and have done with it. Theylired two
bullets taking effect in the negro's
head, and then dragfed him to the
woods and let him for dead. He
canna live. The two men have been
arrested ; and the woman will be ar
rested to day.
WAsunktoTos; Nov. 21. -In pur
suance of the instructions from' the
Secretark of State, Minister Welsh
today tendered to the British . Gov
ernment $5,500,000 in gold, accom
panying the payment with the fol
lowing communication : (Receipt of
payment was acknowledged by Lord
Salesbury in due form.) •
M. LORD : I have been instructed by
the President of the United States to
tender to Her' Majesty's government the
stun 0f'55,500,000 in gold coin, this being
the sum named by two members of the
Fisheries Commission (lately sitting at
Halifax under authority imparted thereto
by ‘ the treaty. of Washington) to be paid
by the Government of the United States
to the Government of Her Britannic Ma
jesty. l'am also instructed by the Presi-.
dent to say that such payment is made
upon the ground that the Government of
the United States, desires to place the
a.aintenance of good - faith in thn treaties,
and the security and value of arbitration
between nations - above all question in in;
relations with Her Britannic Majesty's
Government, as with all other govern
- \ •
Under this motive the Government of
the United States desires to seperate the
question, off - withholding payment, from
considerations touching the obligation of
this payment, which have been presented
to Her 31ajest!,'s Government in corres
pondence and which it reserves and insists
I am; besides, instructed by the Presi
dent to say that the . Government of the
United States deems it of the greatest im
portance to' he common and friendly in
terests of the two (overnments - in aU
future treatment of any qiestious relating
to the North American fisheries, that her
Britannic Majesty's--Government should
be *distinctlyadvised that the Government
of the Unita Stateseannot accept the re:
suit of the Halifax commission as furnish
ing anylust measure of value of partici
pation -by our citizens in the inshore fish
eries of the Betistr Provinces; and its
protests against actual payment - now
made, being considered by Her Ma
jeste.stilovernment as in any sense_an
acqualence hi mach meaanni• or as war ,
f an* any inference to that - affect.
- A ltqrlf MAIL -
' - -
+e - :
LONDON, N0v..21, 1878.
\ I
Earaail inlet; 7spositatbeir died atthe'
affil T
bridd eralr AratOtediry: .:,l ' amed: to
biallM 4
Dn*x %%NIX, worse band
than Horace Greeley did. •
46 114 ii Bituriwort Leland' has steady
employment on the London , Press.
• 11 H. 13E0DIMED, the poet, writer' with
his left hind--tee other is pandyzed. -
Tue. bodies* of the cotton and Troika
mills of the eastas impstrring.
Two illegal medical establishments have
bLen discovered in New York.
Tint reasiphi otthe New York Catholic
Cathedral &dr thus far are $105,000.
Tux House Committer on Appropriam
Lions in making geod, headway on the
several appropriatitni -
Tag grand jury in NewTork, has thus
far ind ict ed over fifty liquor dealers for
violation of the excise law. \ '
veyor General of Washington \Territom
died in Washington, Saturday night.
J. Names & Co., of West Tr4,N.Y.,
have _recently shipped twenty horse-cars
to Minneapolis, Minn. , • \
MINNEAPOLIS, Is to have cer
manufactory located there by Pittsburg
parties. \
s Uercit (N.Y.) Steam Cotton MiUs Com
pany is shipping large orders of goods to
South America.
SzilitTon BAYAUE
and SenatorEd mu nds
live next door to each other in Washing
ton. . _
Donn► GOODALZ, one of the regular con
-to Scribner, is only eleven years
Tait most eminent 03 , 81418ns in btew.
York makes from $40,000 to $70,000 a
GREAT numbers of Americans are visit
ing Mount Vesuvius, which is in opera
Ex-GovEssou Join T. 110VFMAN Sod
family, of New York, have. arrived home
from Europe. -
.TEur. widow and childNn of the late Dr.
Ayer hive gone into court for their rights
under his will.
THE Catholics „Ream says : "Mr. Tal
mage, whether he knows it not, is doing,
the work of the deviL"
GENERAL &moll CAMMION is enjoying
remarkably good health in Washington
where he is spending the week.
Mn. Baacnorr recently presented' the
lady who read the.proof of his work with
$5O for discovering an error in a Latin
quotation. *
Tau New York Pilot Commissiimers
complain that they cannot prevent the ,
dumping :of , refuse. matter in the' ship
Dm C. H: TERRY, of Brooklyn, fi;rmer
ly police surgeon, has been missing since
Tbnrsday. Be is suppoied to be derang
NINE "convicts, six blacks. and. three
whites, were publicly 'whipped .at the
jail yard in New Castle, Del., Saturday,
and five piloried.
TEE Cleveland Rolling min Company
are atm emidoying 3,500 men. Ninety
days ago they had but 3,2oo—thus having
increased their Ririe 300. , • . •
Tea Leb.,hton Bridge and Iron Works
at Rochester, N. Y., are running over.
time, chiefly on orders from. New Eng
Tax Indianapolis Rolling Mill has the
contract for the rails for the new exten-`
sion of the Havana, Rantoul and Eastern
Road., -
Tux Ohio Falls Car Company of Jeffer
sonville, Ind., has a contract for 220 box
cars for the Pekin, Linden and Decatur
Road. '
Ma. WILLIAM TYLER, of 'Whitehall,
Mich., has been left $lOO,OOO on , condition
that he marries before he comes twenty
one years
MAJOR WILLIAM - H. Dons, of New
castle, Del., who was bitten by a small
dog some weeks ago, died of hydrophobia
-Monday morning.,
Miss, Axmit DEVLIN, daughter of
Charles Devlin, the wealthy' contractor,
formerly. Tweed's bondsman, has eloped
with Wm. H. Craft, a young builder.
COMMANDER Arthur R. Yates, on duty
at League Island Navy-yard, has been
ordered to the command of the Alliance,
on the European station.
Tax cast of Portugal was visited by a
heavy storm Saturday. At the mouth of
the Tagus three vessels and eighteen lives
were lost. 0
A cant.,Z dispatch has been received
• from Colonel Thomas A. SCott, President
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
stating that his health is very much im
• THE Mayor of Barrow;÷ in Furness,
England, has called a public meeting
to adopt means to relieve the distress
sprevailing in conrequence of the depres-
sion of trade.
'Mils. Laßan, daughter of Commodore
Vanderbilt, and contestant in the pending
will case, will be married soon to Francis
Berger;\ Consul General from Luxem
Arromt.,\ the fugitive secretary of the
Pullman Pallace Car Company,. is confin
ed in civil prisec. The, $BO,OOO which he
stole were found‘deposited in his name in
the Bank of Portugal.
GARIBALDI dcies not like Lord Beacons
field or his policy. In :a letter to an Eng
lish friend, the old. Italian patriot says :
" If they do not: send him away, he will
ruin England and the
member of the California ConStitutimual 1
Convention from the IdatiPosa and
Merced district, and the .pinneer(:ctton
grower of that State is dead.
AMONG the students in the Classkal and
Biblical College at Binghamton, N. Y., is,
a Russian'Jewess whose birthplace was on
the top of Mount Trois, half-way betweer
the houses of David and Solomon. ,
• I •
AT a meeting of prominent , military
officers in New York Saturday, it was
'resolved that an executive committee
should be appointed to arrrnge e plan of
military service reform for the 'different
GENERAL JoinisTatt, the newy-elected
RepublMan from the Third Virginia dis
tnct, is represented as' expressing views
in, favo of bard money, and hrlding the
opinion! that long before 1890 the solid
South will be forgotten. I •
Ex-CANDIDATE MASON found,himself
at the feather end of the finaneial scales
'tbe other day, and the Rev. Plealant W.
-Bishop, a prominent Greenbaik orator.
and advocate, of Bloomington, EL, is now
adjudged insane by the county Court. •
AT a - meeting of the Workingmen's'
Club of Boston last 'Wednesday; Kearney
was advised to go back to California and
attend to his waning cause in his •own
State. The —workingmen of Boston ;re
pudiate his \interference in I their af
fairs. 4
A mem. to the New York iiournoi
Commerce says that the commission of
Dr, Linderman, director of the Minf, will
expire next month; and it is understood
that Secretary Sherman is opposed to his
reappointment. Colonel , Snowden and
lion. James Pollock are said to be the
most proMinent competitors • for the posi
tion. - -
As. a matrimonial agency the White
House has gained the front rank. Miss
Cook, Mrs. Hayes" niece, who was mar
ried the other day, is the fifth of the
young ladies who haire visited there and
who have married within eighteen months,
The others are thetwo Misses enllivant,.
Miss Platt, and Miss Macfarland.
Tan discovery of a new gold region
in India Is described as follows: "Within
an area of twentS-five by thirteen
miles - ninety outcrops were, discover
ed -of 'auriferous 'quartz, from two to
four feet thick, - yielding from a few
pennyweights to two hundred ounces per
ton. The richer stone shows,wben broken,
fine and course: 1103111111 and Jagged pieces
the site of a pea. In some of the reefs
much of the stone will probably not pay
for workhig, but, it is believed that, on
the whole, a very hap and pnalltable
dustry will be ensured with the aid of
capital and good - management."
Tan Teachers' Institute of Lancaster
Pa., last week held its melon in the
Conrtlouse. Nearly all the teacheni of
the county belong .to the association.
The daily 'attendance was one thousand:
Among the leetunns fnim a distance
were Rev. Dr. Willets and Rev. Edwin
I B. Itailenspirger of Philadelphia. Dr,,W.
gave the teachers "Mental Dyspeheia,"
and Mr. IL gave them "Humors of the
Pulpit and te. Ate " and them
. SUM Orgy, 1
Jtestkeorthe I ! l 4s4‘;'
ala anceeiikettairclnrice in
-000nEg Ott Wednealat
__,,Taitt-oll'buslilesi Wirt itandSill•,ln
Warrencennty. . . I
THERE has already been neighing
in, parts, of Erie county.
TAZ'Gaysport furnace baa been started
up - ' -
• •
• Tits Reading Terra Cotta works. are
very busy. -
• - • .
,LEsi leather was =Win Peausy — !rani*
thus this year than for live years past.
TnE Rending. Sheet Iron Mill will soon
giinto operation, and give employment
to 250 men and boys. •
„ Tug Varity Iron - Works - 4 Pittsburg
are building fifty tanks to be used for
shipping oil to California; : . ”
Tni manufacture of insulated teligzapb
wire ling been commenced attbeNatiOnal
Tube Workti; McKeesport. •
Tint Pennsybania Steel Company. at
Bald*in, turned out in October 0,715-
tons of rails and 500 tons of other steel.
I' Tu l u Reading Hardware Company is
more stetively engaged now than at any l
tprevious period during the past year.
SMITH Styrrow & Co,-of Allegheny, are' '
putting in two steam hainmers—one ton
nd three and a half tons. • ' '
\Tiire second Paxton furnace, near Har
risking, bail just blown in after a rest of
I over \ four 'years..
! - Tait
\ Lebanon manufacturing works are
runningb . n full time, "with a" fall force in
all departments.. . -
TnEnskeems to be a 'fair revival of
business when all the steel works in Pitts
. burg are anneunced as running in double
turn: \
A NEW line of\telegraph is being built
through Potter county to 'operate in con
' Election with the pipe lino. -
' THE effectaof theßlienandoah Hirald, - .
which 'suspended publication last week,
-Wrere sold by the• Slietilf.. 41,298 _being
_ EMPI,HTEEB of the Rea Reading Railroa d
Company sell their time to brokers at
I five per cent. disconat, in order to get
money before payAay. \
WEiT CriesTencitizena are organizing
tramps. 'The police force,
,is to
be dotibled and persons who prowl around
, nights are to be arrested.
Tuts iron ore minors of the Messrs.
Brooke, at the falls of French Creelc,,
Berks county, are run day and night to
meet the demand upon them.
; Tite \ car shop, rolling mills, and other
Manufacturing concerns;-of Erie, Pa, are
said to be employing 2,500 more laborers
now than at this time last year. • 1
AT the Beaver Falls cutlery works a
large force is working ten hours a day.
Myers & Co., have
,put in a five hundred ,
pound steam hammer. • -
J. FERRAN MINH, of ' Bellefonte; has
received an order" from Brazil for his
"Red Mann" axe.' He has also sent-a
few goods to Mexico. .
H. E. PACKER; son of Asa Packer, has
heen • elected a director of the Lehigh
Valley :Railroad in place of J. Gillingham
Fell, lately decased.
THE Lebanon .Manufactoring Company
works aro busy. On Wednesday last the
first lot of twenty-five cars, under the
contract, were shipped to Newark, N. J.
131tanvoen is already building up the
ruins of- the late fire. A handsome brick
hotel will be erected on the sight of the
Old one; and, other- buildings are already
started. -
, ~ ,
Joint Coen - tax, the embezzling Tax
Collector of Mahanoy, Schuylkill county,
will spend six months iti jail and pay a
fine of one bun ,red dollars for:his 'irreg
AT the expiration of the tern of Gover
nor •Hoyt, January 1, 1883, the Republi
cans will have had au unbroken line of
Governors in this State, covering a period
of twenty-two years. ' I
i -
CIIMIP of Police Sullivan, James Bern
and Frank Marley, 'who were :arrested at
Pittston for the murder of Michael Walsh;
have been admitted to bail in the sum of
$3,000 each. • .
Tut; striking glass-workers of .Pitts
burg flow so signs.of yielding. At many
of the factories the fires are being drawn.
There is little prospect of resuming busi
PATRICE CONNEL . L . Y, who tiled a man
named . McCarty several ye Is, ago at
Mount Carbon in a light, and who has
been en trial at Pottsville, was convicted
of manslaughter. •
THE Ditbridge Chimney Company,
limited, at. Allegheny, lia.te 'commenced
the erection of a new factory, it being
their purpose to enlarge their productive
THE furnace of the Reading Iron Com
pany,. which was, out of blast several
years, is in full operation, and turning
out pig metal at the rate 'of about 25(1
tons_per week.
DURING the past forty-one weeks 13,027
tons of iron were made at_ the •blast fur
nace of the Warwick Iron Company, in
Pottstown; being an average of about 317
tons weekly. •
THE Hollidaysburgb rolling-mill and
nail factory are running day and night,
add the several foundries and machine
shOps have all the orders theY? can till for
some months.
"LIES ! . 1310 LIES !"—Not so fact n)
friend ; for ! if you would see ~the strong,
healthy, blooming men, women and OW
dren that have been raised from beds
sickness, by the use of flop Bi.ters, you
would say " Truth, glorious truth." See
Truths, - " in another column,
A cm
I,I4'SHET pqn
I am about to engage' in b
aad noir offer my 'ENTIRE BT4*
Millinery and Fancy
!'tll SALE
bErollt GOIRG
Six Doors igorth of PostaMce,
TOW-;iND4 - PA.
- , .
Ostia Nor. din, lb% 4
41 4,
"rik.....sfft.l"‘l, •
3, "!. , 1.1; " , - Ef".‘" •
"" •
- -
_ "
Aeriairou4rxi or
- ROGERS...4 BROS: :
-F9R SIdONS - • , .
CASTERS; Am, &c. •
. • -
• A?
Minna. Ant. 15, UM--
C. 11. WHEADON 41; SON
Have In stock the largest and most complete assort
meet of
That eau . be found In any store between Albany
- and Elmira,. More
♦ largo variety of
A mate Vaaptote Mock of
SADDLES, sze., Ae.
In conclusion, we say that ire .have everything
that can he named connected with A business of
this kind, that we are itnalOus to sell. Wake upend
And come up and see us, and we will derionstrate
whill — we say. At
20,6 E. WATER- STREET, EL3tlfeA, N. Y.
IE6 Sign of the Gold Collar:VI
: 0
r•••• 7,2
0 •• • s
- c*
r rn
t • : 4:2 ;
F 1:1 -
_ . sz
t- 3 '.g .=
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i A - F' . I' M 1 "..: ' i • lii
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.11 ; g g . 0.3 "o' -r; le!
II i
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m .1 g . mi . . - '
„g 1 :. — 2 f; - tt
g Eri t'l hi
(I) • ~,,* . " • 4 . *g ' m
10 ..; ...,• • p...3
9 ;,•-„, - • x . .t. i
0 ez
-% 4 t"
... 0.0.! .-0
7 1 , 5 ix
• :71 n
DRY 'GOODS, MILLINERY, 4.11T5., ic.. duo
201 U East• Water Street,
The' Cheapest and
_Best flare in the City
- to Bair , -
°us Guous
Are bought for Cash; anal prlrrs aro glut ranteed to
be as low as the lowest
Are claim to do tho
Ati4 parties desiring anything in that line win End
it to their interest to tall and see us.
At we conduct no fancy establlsliment,onr vices
are always plain and moderate.
The trade supplied at the lowest wholesale piS
ees. Special ludueetneutsle Cash customers.
Don't (met, the ptaeo—
intikMin Hausa Block
Elmira, N. Y., May 23 . ISIS.
Opposite the.Depot.'
Formerly of the Ward iiool.o. Towanda,Pa.,
The undersigned having pnrehasitd the MAR
BLE YARD the late 0.1:01IGE McCARE, de
sires to inform the public that having es toyed
experienced men. he Is prepared to do an - kinds of
weak in the line of
• . •
In the very best.roanner and at lowest rates.. •
Persons desiring anything In the Marble Sue are
Invited to call and examine wort, and save agents'
ToWanda. Pa., Nov. 18. Ib7B. 2411
Hon. Paul. Honnow. President Judge of
the 18th Judicial District, consisting of the county
of Bradford. and lion. C. 9. -Ituseatt.„ Associate
Judge in and for said county of Bradford. have is
sued theirprecept b-aring date lb •Mth day of Oct,'
:11118,30 me directed, for hdding a Court of- Oyer
and Terimner. General Jail Delivery, Quarter :ses
sions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphans'
Court, at Towanda; for the county of Bedford,
commencing on Monday, Dqc. 2; lilts, to continuo
.thred weeks.—
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Conners
and Justices of the Peace of the county of Brad
ford, that they be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day,
with records, Inquisitions and other remembrances
to do those things which to their office appertal os
to be done; and those wbo are bound by recogni
zance) or otherwise, to pthwernte against the priso
ners who are or may be in the jail of saldscounty,
are to be then and there to prosecute maraud thorn
as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be Oune
teal in theleattendanee. agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda. the 10th day of MC. In the year
at our Lent one tiunuane eight hundred and
sevenb‘eight.. and of 'the: Independence or the
United States the one hundred and third.
J 4 J. Larrois.
" mews Olice,*ov:
Deal .r. In
. .
Q,IIERIFF'S SALES:-13y vtetue :,
of Unproved., with a ffsined - hmma and few tru• -
g,.:30f attn;lry , 'elite baited out. of the Court ; tbereon,';. &Axed and taken Into fve:011ml - at the
'lDetnuifitt Mello,. nradfOrd County: and•Vt me di ' t suit Of Goo. C. 'Atwood vs. Bee. W. Hendrick*. •
reeted. I will expose to public sale at the door oft ..K0.25. ALSO ()needier lot of land, in Towanda ss
the Court I.loutie, to Towanda, On FRIISAY, DE-
' born • belie the mullyltled enii.efghth (30 Inter,ei ,
'fit:MOM eih, 1878, at 1 o'clock P. it., the fellow- lof defendant In the following deseribed lot: boon '.
,fiatt.4eserlteld property . to-wit! ", ,P 4 on the, north by lands of "N. N. Tietts: east by ,
- :co. 1. ONE lot of land In Towanda hero., boon- Main-d. Mal N. Ti. Bette; south by State-at...and on .
:gad as follows: liogluntng at a corr,er of alone on - tie west by Seconded.; containing One acre of lead, •
the - weat side of Mein street, about 50 feet south of ;_mere or hem, with a large franm d„n wg , imm . ,2,
a lot formerly owned by Itorritt Wens, thence West. ' lames frame barn a nernher. of grape vines and
erly on a parallel line - .with 'said Wenn futtorhei ot a bae d tromaretat mei thereea. ,.
centre elan alloytivhielt . alky being halt from N 0.7.1. A LEO-The• deb.:afar:Vs equal and undt•
Main 'street - to Second street; thence souther - 1v
f Yided ,ll,lnterestins one when lot ot land. altnated
along the center of said alley to lot
. Wed by:J. I- t , "paritylietTowarela bolo „ and partly In ' Totintrola -
Means aud wife to'ltobert Mclntosh; thence rait- 1 twp.„ hounded as follows,; „On t iter.orth by thel'ow• -
erly Mont slid Melntestes line to the westside ,
-- - of 'ell farm. in railed on the cast 17:ands of tbA Bar. •
•Main street; - thence northerly .along said - line of I .a „.„ eiato; ea the watt ,
-by Cite 04u/to highway;
Main street to place of begloulug I tieing about 14 0 ;: ee d ~a, the west by the public blggway Ater lands
feet front on said Main ' treat, auel aim " ISO feet ' of the Ward estate: 'containing- 50 attract land:
deep, with 2 two story trained buildlnis thereon ;:. more „ .1 ,, w . a b a „ a u trapreyrd wi th a Geared
being the liamagilece of land deeded by J.P . Steams, km how ,. framed barn and orchard or !not
and wife to J. W. Means, by deed dated April 1 . . i trees ,bereym, Senzed and taken foto exeentlon at
J 575, a•-41 - tecorded In 'WA -Amu/ \ o, 129 , it pag e ' the sett of fames Msrenr vs. Charles Merely.; •
106. Seized and taken into execution at the atilt of - No. 7.7._ALSO-One other lot of land. in Albany
Brown Brothers vs. J. W. Steams. •
~,.. ~ t op.. Tainnded ou - he north bylstals of Wm. R - 10g;
~ - ..
No:2. '.11.r.150-- 4 Mte othei tot or land iate ...- east by lands a - Frederick ' l'urchs: :south by beds
Sayre tillage, Athens tap.. bounded on the north 1, or o n .„J am i e ,plr i e h; aro} west by - lands of Widow
by lands of /toward Eliner,& f'u.: on the teat by- ; .;...._......-..-; containing 74 'acres of ;ands.. more or -
the plibilc hlghwpy ; on the s'eath by lands of Da,
' l less, about 50 aeres ItliprOVcd, with a log home. a -
yid Reeves:
on the west by an alley; bring lee r---, i futruml barn and few !lett trees thereon. Sel.-01
trout on said pahlic highway, and Ibo, tent deep.
; and taken Intoexecutlon at - theattit of Clark Swot:n - 4'
witlt.t framed building :: storks high, toted for two , estsn vs. F. F ..y .yo „. . .
.stuns.(, a nd I framed 2qory hathling used' Jolene • No. 28. ALvO-4.ine Other. lot of bed. in ;tome
store. and 1 trout( :I barn thereon. Nero, bounded on the north. 17 the academy tot;
N 4. O. ALSO-One other lot of land In Sayre,
,east by lands of B."Tc.Adame: tooth by tie, Odd
village. Athena twp.„ bounded ou the mirth by lau d ;1 Folki'S lot; and west by Mahn-st.: being about ))In - -
of Howard. Elmer •& Co.; on the east by the ratline . ; , .
feet trout on 3111 n-st.. and 150 feet deep, with a -
hi g "n Y;' . et ; the eosin 11 laid of William "19; '•frairicti Ifouse, framed barn , framed shop and few
and on Lie west by an 311( . 1;1p:tug 160 feet trout,
I lirnit trees titerCim. '. ,
anti 150 feet deep, with': tramuil 11WellIng luilgita 1. NO. 29. ALSO--0•45 other lot of land, In norm,
th e reon„ seized mortal:et: into execution at the two. . bam , ded nort h by a t wat, teat.; east b y n th
suit Of Wm. IL Lyon & Co. vs. Adonljah Hunt- I
1 IVysox creek; south by lands of Wm. Coctloatigh; '
No. 4._ 4.4..b0- 4 .tue other lot of land situated 10.1 and west by lan •s of br..11.1e,?: containing an acro ~ •
Towanda twp., hounded on the north by lauds of J:
„,, of. band, more or less. all itnprorel. no hii.iding,.
P. / 06 1 ; on the east by the Shiite highway; - ---
No. W. ALSO-One ether 101 Of .Land, In . flrwell •
the south by lands of Mrs Lyman Blackman; and
twp . bounded on the north inl lands. of Manson -
in the west fly totals Of 11... W. Nohies' and S. C. I Log: ram by bed, of ..p . w . part, and L. Halo ,
Means; containing Si of au aer. of laud, more or 1....
soft; oath by , lands of. J. Si. Parks and C. S. Da
less, all I.B*ml:a d, * iii 1 framed. house. 1 framed i vise, aim „„ the west. by taw! , ..4 . 11 . . W . p ar k . ,
~, , i
barn, corn crib, hog pen, &c - I - . titeretea.• Selze!l and-1
taken Into executi at the suit Almond Taylor:"ccutalning 120 acres of land. wore -
on ~ f Jiro,. J. Hackles ' +,
or less,..ahenit 85 acres imprievd. with a I=o-.1 -
mu t ro• Dello 4 PoMlauttLe en'l Patrick Ce- 1 Pinto. framed barn aad 2
. orcharda of troll tie. a
tine. - - 'thereon. Seized and taken Into exl ll l. - I :it the
No. 5. ALSO-One other lot of laud sltuatod In ; snit of Sfephen ElWell ys. Ateiandur Keefe and IL
Monroe, twp.. bound , d us follows: Beginning' n
-s. • I - L. 'Parks. -- - . .
the aunt{ bank of ilie...tient run, at a tdrco, run-.
No. at. ALwO--one othsr ins or-land In Albany
Mug; north 141) perches to the north-east corner - of
and 3totiroe twps.„ bounded as' thumbs: Itegentifuts, ---5 s
.A. Johnstoub land to a pest corner:. th ence , east 25 at a fallen oak, thentm south 32 4 4 0 west 212 Id. •
ptreLcs to a post .torner on the Ellis line: thence 1 perches to a pool am , at - oar , : owner , torth ~.7 ?.. 0
south ••::: perches to a pine stomp corner ; tiles
n'a 1 west 317 perches to a post awl fito/1.111: thence tioritt
east 35 larches ton post corner; thence south Ile ,
I 37.'"0 east 21 2 4-10 perches tea metier: thence ',Ann .
'perches lo ale maibuin the south hank of fient'run't Lb' _-,!„, ca st __
at: perches tn . the 'Mice, of Ir.-ginning;
tliesice'rrest along said road 63 perches to the place' ~.„--1 as o l o , z , 4,„, metes or taw!, mire or t „, „ ‘ . , ,,,. i0 ,
of licgint.lng rcontalning 50 act Cu of and, more or 1 '
the Joseph Aliderstet wareatit I. excop ire' and re.
inks, about 3.acres Improved. with I - leg house, 1 . .
1 r from ihlsemtv,•Vatiee all that portion the r,,.
cow -tied and teW fruit trees tin-ream Seized and I str ` n • -, -
' of heretofore e(Atreyea to !Mole/ Peckham & C4;as.
, taken Into exeemiou at the suit of Lovice Sharp VS. I Drown. by said Lyn in 11 , ...-ci , .lnan; thl.corre ,4 yarnai
Moses C.Jolin•mh . . Is intended to Include only that portion Wog west
N o .a. Af,so-one other lot or land situated : ln } -.
.. , ... of the cresdc. (excepting and res. • •rving therefrom
Wm rett twp., bound, 4
ls f6 r"' w "' ..ile g laa ' a g a `. a 1 about 25 aeres heretotOreconveye Ito Welled Peet- ,
"ate ami stones
wrote "r
lot 3"j'l lit 31an.""' E. ' '. ha re): emit:Jibing:32s acresofl 111 or, r !es:, Ti')
ain , i o .. ... t
.bree by party of the test parr. N. C. Mania"'
hr.w .,,, myats.
• thence to.rth" igs,ly° east Ib4 foils to a -stake and
\o, :1- ALSO-01M 'other int of land In s.lorirei.' •
.tours for a coiner, eta. -a twilit rOf lots Nos. 10 $ t l tys b0a ,,,, b , 1 as r0 ,,,,, a5 ., I .,.. gia . sing 2 , a is.i . , , 11 , •
12 of the Lukens tract; thence north 21 t o east 12.0. I th e ?"
rand : leading from the Bern lek tutuolke tol
rods to a rock In the creek; thence w nth 57° east I
' • ' llrackniuM's nil' I, andoutl the er s t side of s, & ; , t, L. .
- 121 rods to a corner ;- thence smith 2,1 0 west 52 bats 1 It,a,,e sling ,
•tne line of sell railroad south '
ton- pare of bogie:dug: containing 55 acres and 1. ,,, , ,, „ a.. ., 20 roil'. to. a
.p unt; tne tu t.,, south to east -
141 roils of land, more or tess : excepting
. and re-
I some said railroad lo rods. tn a post; thence south •
serving to the party.of the 01,E parr. his heirs tioil I .
: 1 W0..1 . :flung said railroad _4l Tads, tea post; - hew e
aisign -, 1 he tight of way across the aboVe deSCiilied -7,,, i ,„ ~,,,,, . ‘ ,... 1 23 ~,1.,, t o i suel4-: 111.-,,i: .
ptritliees Irvin the road ton the other half of lot. No. '
~„ t'ati° east Ii .5-10 perches, to a Est. t; ihonee north
12. in the tonst t,iiicectlent [dace ; 1 0. -- gliilg' 1 - 1 . 1 1 ( 0,0 w u,,t ic 3-to rods id a lientlo-k stump: thence
said party , t the seeniid part tlie ,fight of way wherel t
tnuth,77l, o east - I5 4-10 pi-relies , to south corner of
hesecy gets 'on said 1.4 ; partlylinproved, no build- '
bride:en:mit abutment oa the east ,lite o f the ereejr.
logs. ..
10.7. ALSO-One other lot of land situated ltr 'theoeteuorth 179.. , -esz 20 52.410 ,pert 1, to g._ 1 06'1;•
. 4tatreu twp., bound. d'a. foltow ;On the weat by thence '''r th 51° east 692 l'rs:' roil', I° err
~"1 . a''' '.
lands of M. 'Bon El. ? l,ree. oh the, north by lands t.1: , 1 1 ," „ in 0 1,V . - „ , ,, mt . t e i l l ' h i " . s o n a e w t "a' . ;n i d a i ,' , '' . l l ,l7..' , " . ',7 l s , , ° ' u nl o n li . ..., -
held by the Lai ens estate. on :1,.. ea'st by lands for- ,
south- th'et:con. • Seized and .talon Int.. ere . e . ist I, ,L a g t nt tho
welly owned. by Thonnts Calm Waller, on the south
western corti..r of said ti3et, t h roe i.orth 45° east ' •" • ''• ' ' • ,
lsi perches to r. post ; thence north 8 3 'a° east lii -
sii ‘ it n ot a chr ,k lit c or , h_ 4 er m ia o tt q l . .s .r . l io y t ni t. a f it ia li , ,.a d els i n it ia ti. n l . 4,, , ,
twp ; bounded on the nor th by lands of hate 1..01,
, Aleut cast he the swelnehanna ricer; inutli by lanes
v.:reties to a post ; th ence south 45. watt 21;7 3.10
.. irr, Ors to a pest: litenee tior , h, 45,v,', 0 'west_ fl 7-10'l nt 7.k1: S. Si and wotd by punlle bigh.. - ay Awl
. • Fwd.; of - Co., lit w.rtainlog ICo•acres of land ,
prrclie to the begliddirg ; vontalnlng - 50 3in - es am t ' , "
~- • i -
ST p•-rellw , ituf laud. pion. or to-s, nue, 1y iniproved, more or less. al, improved. a. rain -.1 nweuliw.:'
whit I trained lion,", 1 - franied barn with altees at- Immo, (caned tiani;hrt; rem other out Inildings
taelsed, other outbuiltllto•S :Vol, orchard oft fruit and tan orchards of fruit ?fres thereon., sndz.s.l. s
tree-. thereon. So 'zed and taken into execution at' '''.."'i• t ak" 0
" 1° ""e' ll t"" . at the '"lt orW. S. -
the snit of Manson Etsbrees - sonavia Wilson. -, P ierre's ailm's vs.•ll. V. Khmer and . it. B. Minter,
No. 9. A 1..ft , 0-0:le other lot of laud situated in I N" , 31 - A 1 -$ O- Po•••t - t I 'l 1 ' 1 " labs'. lit Canino
Athens twp., bounded Ott the Dort. by lands of bin., bout: Mal as fo w
llos: 17 -gltinicg at a . one r In
Georg., Ereanbeck ; ont the east by land; or Albert the rent.'r of the Main r.a.E.leaning from cabton
- C 3,,,,,,,,, „., „,, the- ,„ th b y la i„i, of N . C. Mattis,; .boro . .to Towanil3.-aud on th e line be.ww.a sail
-a...1 on the nest- by lands of itorace Wiiiisuln es, - - - Rog' 1-5 and "'lb° - 11 onie.y. l'orl'i - hioa ° °ll " 0 ' ‘ r "'...... .
late : containing 125 art - es of latul, more or fess and rintniog thent•c• nortki Vs° e vs , 1.7 a f.r.......1it
about 90 acres improved, with 2 emoted litalsco, 11 hearing along the same -13 PArebes toe post ws u i •
framed barns, 1 hog house. 1 cure bouse, othe'r out- Stone.. on the north tido of a. • mill st remit of w ater
buildings and orchard .4 fruit Ireits thereon. ' , funning to Iho rigid': am! 1111.11(, bort ft ....I ',....t0.t '
Nu. fl. A1.:45-011e ~'her lot of laud :limited in 7, . Tow Pert -11, 4 11 3 pot ,ti the not tit bank Ls' the .
Athens twp.„ bnuoled on the tenth by lands of Her- main or titlll creek. 'and In the I la. of SO.1)11111
a , trilli s i., a estate; east by lands of Jam, it ',b et 1.17011,r adjoining On th.• ..-tr. I; and :li-•l'a 'Aolth
south by lands of J. G. - filth awl putole 'highway ; 42',1,0 w' ct as a eorr,"leo to-sting l'l'-' l .lt "t* 1,1 4.:r• - t•
. and nest by lands of Sedni Kirby: containing 55 i Li's lire Lo the center of the ('bites, 1 1 -.. d To ~Oda
acres of land, taorwor less: no linprolenients. welz- I 1. "'"/ . er"re 1 ""o'''"" °•"" e l " ; '"'"'e t't 55 44 ' P n rcl' - •
en and taken int.' rareivion 'tt . the suit of- A C. ''
''' zu'l it , " ,, OLc the. eett' r of , h 1.1. mad north -,ree ;loci .1. 61. Pike c-4, Abram ilunsiclo ' 51 '._, ° w" 1 "1' 51 "-1 , li , icht sto th e Pisci. of beghttling;
. Ni'. 10. A 1.:-4 t-One of er lot to land sit L in. cootiiiiteg IC :.e: 0 , and la 2 po , rches. e:ri.-t 111 , 11'111 , ....
the tonal of Parton. State ~ 4 New lark, airy tots u- /"' n''''' ,l ""'Pl'e" " 1 '‘''" , _" t i:' "'T`r i 'v e d * ith a tran
ship of Athol:J. State- or ronosytNaola. known as ett t''l"'" cud trano-'1 'a:- ii t'....."'"n
-villngs le; No. 5. tea map recorded Jan. 2 , 1.068, A t e other-lot or other-lot'! In ('ante-ti IriT.„
Its the other for rectnyllog of dcedi for. Bradf o rd lultinded a. follows: l'egibblng at a- corner in the
. county. In book 14 iLeds No, 7-h at 'l;age . l t a, and I the c-nfer of! .i be main road Jeadlog Crow the Tot
ilailbdod as follows: liegintillig in the sunlit tine. o f We.'";a r.. . ,../ 'to„ . ..che nom of Alea. and enjoining
E Rahway - the Erie Raua ßahway - Co.'s lat ast - Amt .
ul. at the north - e- lord' ' l '
iStors!„ - tet.• W-loter on the ',or; h. awl 1111/.
tier or lot N0..1. foirtu•riy ,L,1,1 to J. li. Murry. awl 0t0.L." th'•l , '''' s ' - lith S T C' ° '''''' tee a ''`laa'S'''t l'at log.
room tiiftlierasi :motherly along said lot 174 It. an d 9 along tine or •al,l w e t, u e r t ,11,t aa ,s, o r . '..., •, r .,.,..
Incites to tho emiti,r of Rm.:ford street; t he-nor I, clo:F', In a owner in the . this of -Schnin.ll Litnity - a,..
a'untug ins center of said sirs.-1' 50 feet to the sollib-:11t.l. a , toftultlg un the Jest; and th., , ..,.• aim::: ....‘i,t
esst cornet of lot No, It, Lehigh Valley 110115 e let:; tibil::..'s thie south 2'_° %est by Si Pre,r-111 . 10.'1:T.:lig
throe. north, , rte a ;o n g f , a t,t tot IN r,,, I fott,,, to :4 - / p , rehes to a etbtior 'Colo trg oib--r iaroi4 or the
' he - Err - ltalixtt . 'y Co.'s-aiol : thenee west.,,ely a:oi.g ~, t rentor in rose - fa - alien for Minerva Ili,gers. is blow
rsa..l land TO tee', nettle place of beginning: er.yori.. ..f It. It Itot;"re. Ilee - .1. - Tor tam! .1n: trig her I Ifs. -
log 12 feet In width aloug the Ele hallway Co.'s Moei atoll lowee by,tutolm - Itlt tin- salve north :.•'/A '
land for a highway. Seized taken into ex:eel'. f'.' , , , .t 22 Perches to Ile` center of Ile•- , ..Cha road: and ...__.
- ilori attn.,' salt Lit Charles (1, Ilaiii, i zoo' t.„..aiat,,r. ttonce 1•Y cod vela, the eellle :110i1g the, center -
Welter, Et.r*; bf lieertze W. il..inba. deed. is. Juts. u9 ll l l t r'S d east 2 5 perehos to the pear.,of 1,, zip.
tirlok atat Jetniaia it 'nat. • f1!' , 7.: containing 5 ,fe , e• mid 122 perches. stilrt
No. 11, A 1: 4 0*-inte other lot of laud sltliAted Irk au' e'er . ..! Al: 1111 r . ....." 1 : t o l'el!'i pigs. .
A iii.iny twp„ bounded on th e north 'l.y huff of F y A Lat , ..4 , tt, .s t ns ` : ',I - id . .1111.1 in e t unton tw p..
N. Wile-o, :mil E. A. Wilcox; east bYtamis of Van. b'oftoled as fulitf'f. ,, 11 " p til t at 3 I.'" , e 1.1,, i ‘'f - ---
wit,. Dibble; :-otiili by kiwis or co - ore;-, 11o; kills es- land before deeded tr. s-r:tl ,I:dill It Ma•v:•. ~.,„1 in
tate; and west by lands of_LeonartiCarye: cold:tin- it.,- 1111 " of 4 ' 114 ' l'i.'.',!.":ZT:'' the 'ors'''' ..f, it ''''''t -
leg so cares of lard, noire ur Ics..". :stand - 5. - 1 acres Marlir'Y.- deed, I eing Inv ti , corner of :aid
haltered, with I (saw: a house, 1 log elenve. 1 t'il`toa 1,--t 0- el i t '''° l-- ""rn 9'_° 'tart " 1 ” :13 ' l ' - '' l
framed barn, I Pruned grain home stint st,",-.1,i at- I Ma :ley's due a ill<ii , o••• of los ~ , ,,L •le p-r..1t.-s, t,, a .
utel,-.1, and
. orolwr.i of troll (lees ',hereon. stelzed 1 ow-nu-rt . :mil th ew- s'ontl: 57 , ,a- ea,: ....f. 9-t 0 twr I t -,
awl 'att. Into eleetilln oat the suit of .itti t ,,„ IL , t Ili- ven l or or no main roNl. t'ettl't tt' to .I,ba: a tl , l
Weit , l'ti a"..e. u.s..lsht: Stanch. -4 . u • ' ((uric; t i`orug the same in a smite' - :: .t:rCr- le% :50
•N o .AT, t •,•, [ ,,..t .h. ,, t n er 1„i a b au ,d i n G m „ ise•N•ii•••,'lL , a oo:coc of t,, -1 :, r -t. •.•:- • ,:•,, /1;(1 . 10
'.laic twp., 100,101,..i north by lands of Asa Ai.eros the gral , .. ; it el,onee eel' I, st,''',...m.t aleeg Lie
owl Widow Ito kirk: eaer , y 'awl, of Jane MOrrl. ll' " .- 1 'lt" a" ...on per.' ti's to I ti" ""ra-'r o. il" 3
see: south by Lin(l , of chester Moult,: and nest ;lb.- of s. ',mom Limit) , im..l; and IN we eo:alt
-by lands of'lleeetu Met risunt: c , :ut aiolt,g fie tole'. of 'lV' ''''' , r,'ll 1.
1 a I'' l, ' , I" ''''' 1•' tai's sits Cr''t
13,1. 111 , `in I r i,,-. about t.ll itoproved with 1 tram- •'I .aid M.- • .
~• •• .•• -- • , - - •,••• • • s - -2
. iphottse, 1 barn 'with sheds attacnid awl • l'•',"11'-', to tl l -' l' t -i , "' if i'• 2t , • 1 -i 1:: ,- ot ts•illit r. t:9 -
few fruit trees ife•recatt it .1..-114 the' north Dill of t .' t'''l' 3 1, 1 t": liet'ol - •• • r 1 , - .2 1 . m
, 01. • : : -c. an lin
ti„. D a „1..1 m,, b ,„... , sz. 5 t ,,,.....„ 1 an d.,,,,,, 0 moa, cv. I,roe.yd. N. fat: 11 fr...1....,1 i.,•11. I' :11A1 !•ti.l.:'tt.l 4-r !roll
ennttluutu at the suit .1 31a - ty Barrett, %%lie of Lewis • rev, , 1,.-re.'l , - S li.-.I• 11.1 d 11i . rr-11 1,,, , • \ ~,I, i •:/: ,4
Ilan ett. es. An:v.l,4as L. eantptun. • the snit. yf Sfr ,. . 0, 1i..111ttf....c4 - t. 1.••• -.,. .1-.llli. G.
N•... 13. A Lac'-4 we other lot of land In ti, r e„ e .. 7.1 0. 1,. ,
ton tort,. twinoted on the ton'lli 1 , 2, !awls of Job
Molloy awl 11011b.ter.Conroot rash by let former
ly tun tied by, 'll ..1. Lan , : -, 16111,3. tilt- 11,11 die 1, UV/.
slay: 2,1 , , St 1.5 1:t1:11 of Job Slorley; c' . .ntt.:;:in. ,
I, en sere' f la ri, wore ..r Ins., v.i,11 1 0 - dine d
U -we, 1 fram e d ;et n ,1 1 ,1 row fruit trees tio-non.
, No, 14. a4.8t1- , Ili? - t !it-L. tot of 1:11, , 1 Itt finrilng
t. u Lou , ,, twuntten .11 the 111, ::1 -'5 :bed, of floto.-
ter rowpton arid lot formerly tn,.. :led ,by It, u,,,..”
: , 1 ,-T; 0 y ; , a ,:l. the p. 1.01, 1,.: g .,,..y.: ,•”i t h 1:y 3.„1,.
~ 1 l e oat: lc- don:: awl NV t: >l. 1 1. y lauds 01 1.e., Il• - •rt,-y;
,•,,,, at, '.g 7. ef an-acre 0' boo, I,ooe or tes... ad
inti iye o, e i.te , 'le.; r.,,,.. ,1 Seidl. , { used for :.: ,a
'won :her, on. .S-•i.,....i .I'l , l t,1: , •11 /WO 4-X,.. , :i101 - I ;It
ti, salt ,Y -I , titt it. else vs. Jolla A. Catkins:4nd
NI. 11. Valk:us. .
S'. 1,. A 1,1.. , ' f -One . tier lot or land in fiverion
1.5. boatalen , il Cl,! tectli n:... lands el the Edword
Niel tu ,
n.- to ...bac: t as: l'y ,ands of tharle Strevy
duet Alfred z'..iery; south by t. c public highwai;
alai .
wt , t by late.. of Ain-a.„llevet iy awl Punnet
Meter;}: cot,twnivg -II aere....4 had, mute or 1,-so.
I ail twi,roce,l„ in 1/11i1.111,g.1. but sew link. trees
(her, en. 5.12. Li and toiteit Into es, ,-oasts at the
stilt ud WlttLint Dint lei's us, os. Malin. 31. Chase.
No. Itt. AI-Sit-One ililwr lot of laud. In Slte'slie-' ,
epd•l 11 , p., I, lit - ' •tt berth :mil east by hoof; of „tolut
CalbAll . ; south t y lands of rat rick Mark nod Wirth
1 1 . Stbres; and tarsi !1) - 13 .lb of . IlairY rsbores,
ii aMic.: Shiites. - L. 11, Pi,,,t and Clmsici Childs;
contaming 53 art es of laud, more oi t.-:s; aia:nt to
nens inipitivcdt ulth 1 leg l'. 'mac with !tamed ad
dition, 1-4-F.ttned Mon Wu: otehard of fault tree.
:het con::. Seized and taken Into eleention at the
soil of 11. II . tiiliett 01,4 1.. 11. Vos: vs. w imam
No. 17. ALSO—One other lot of l aid.fu Towati
da boio bounded as follows: Beginning o'. the
soul It side of 441:cr-st.. at a corner of a r2;-fi a o
ley, thole,Sl 111 erly at, rig west litie of , said alley
21 f , er . :l Inehes UP a corner of John tviiii-t• us-es.h.te
1,4 ; thence we'terly 13 feet to a curittfr flieun'e
along line of same s,nillierly -t9 feet dud 3 tonnes to
•cortior of lat,d of Wm; Cluttn,crilti ; the: cc along
Chlmberlin's north line neon ray 13 ft. and 9 In, to
•-fotita Hose" but south-east nor.; thence atom:dine
of -Lima noose - lot !tort tiers 73 feet anti 6 bottles
to the south line td•Poplar-.t hercto;one mentiouPd:
tio , nce along sou. it line of salt Poplar-st.„ ea s terly
26 !net 11 Inches. to the place of beginning; with I
three story brick building with basement, com
monly known as the ••Vance II ouse.'-'llwrtote Be-
In;;- the same Wet' of land -CO veycti by C. M. Mali.
vine to said J. L. Mellalion by deed dated DK-. IS,
1:174, and recorded in deed book No. 124, at page
tu..A:O. Also all the right, title and Intmed of sold
L. Mc3lahon in and to a certain Mick Wall on
the treat •tile of said bd. being the east wall if the
' said' LI to Bose CoMpa building or engine
nonm, as set forth lit of agreement ti .i6d
Angust 1576, and recorded in deedlst;t ..„ ,k No. 132,
at hire 1. •
• No; is. AiSO—One other . lot of land Itt7towatitia
horo., hounded as follows: Iteginning'at a
0. 1, Bartlett's line, the center of att,alley, and
running west along bald Baillett's BIM to C. L.
Ward's line; lb nee along - silt! Ward's line math..
, mar,by 6 feet ; thence on a flue parallel . to O. 1):
Ilartlett's,,to the, ceoter of said aliey; thence along
the neuter of said alley to the place of beginitlng ;
ills lug the sane piece of laud unineyed L0y..1 no. J.
I.:rt/s and unite to J. L. 31tditalion,' by deed -da
ted July 4, 1875, and recorded An deed - hook No
itn, at pays 347. SIC. Selied aMI take., into e lven_
lion at the stilt of Ilia: National Bank of - Towan- I
dab use vs. J. L. 3teMalion.
No. 19. ALI-11—One other lot of Isla, in TOA an- I
flatuvp:. boun4e.4l I.ottit lay lauds of E:.W. Bale;
east by a milnie not 501 opened; south by
-lauds of Par. ConstunCtit ; and west by public
highwgy.:- being 30 .feet front on said, public !ugh
way, and 300 tees deep; with a (mum d.honse the" e•
on. :seized ann taken Into elocution lit the suit of
P. L. Ward'i use vs. linen M. Crania/et'.
At .Sti—One other lot Of ;and, in Arme
nia :tsp.. (ottiolu.ti not iii by the, pribite highway;
:east by lands of and Peter Monroe; booth by
Lauds of Alfred 'Ripley; and west by lanils of Riley
Hawkins; containing 25 acros of land; more or
acres improved, with a trained "building
used for b..rti. and few fruit tress thereon.
-Nor 21.-A Lhli—One other lot of fatal, In Armeatta
tap., ianindkd ew.t by the public high Way;. south by
lands of John Smith; north by lands of Alfred Itip
ley; and West by lands of Nancy.Bullurd; contain
leg 1 acres of land, fibre or lest, about 6 acres Im
proved, with a board shanty. all - anted barn and or
chard of flak trees thereon. h tart' and tat e n
Into exact:ll44k at the suit 4/. Franklin W; PeaS,ee,
to use of Jewell er Pomeroy rs L. E: Cleat:eland - Ind
Lucy P. Cloaxeland. .
No. 22. A Lsi )—tlate other lot ol landin Pike twp:,
bounded as folitAysa Beginning. nt a post on the
warrant line of thu Kingsbury 13111.1, at tile corner
of lands of Miner Itrlster and Theodore IL Brad
shaw. thence
.on sand warrant line c0nt6.7. 0 was
perches to the wetter of Miner dlrlsterand lands
thrned by Sanford and Childs White; *hone,: north
4 6 west 26 ',etches; theme north 46 6 _east 32 per
chesL to the price of tiegliming: containing 214 antes
of land. more or he-is. at improved. with.a mimed
house, dc., thereon_ Slant and taken Into exec*.
1 lino .the suit of Alkel 'roma es. Theodore It.
I Bradshaw:. ,
•No 23. ALF-O—One other lot of latill. Staialling
S ono twp., b , ended :is follows: BM:lonlog .at a
bondock swim, corner. formeny an hemlock stub;
thet et. along tends of G. tiaras northlnow %. 2 E.)
2S 7-1111:erclies to a at tie corner mid land of ilat
no) , C.ark; thence west (now N. 87 W..) along lands
of said Clark and estate of ttyrea Stevens 17 perch
or to a comer to creek; thew,' 500111 23° west down
Said urea of purnm,zrfirld 22 5-10 perches to a cor
ner; thence south JOS* oast-aloug said crook 3e-10
perches to a corner and lands of tireggs; thence
along the 5..1t1 Urreggs awn It 87 0 cast 24 7-10 peter:ea
to tile place of beginning; coutalubly: "aiii acres of
laud. more or less, all Improved. will) au old framed
bulldtpg awl few trait -trees thereon. .Solseti and
taken In ai eiecution at the butt of Geo. C. Ittwoo
use tr. John tirang - Er. ..- • .
.N0.'7.1. • A1.551.-I.)ne other lot of land, In Tusca
flora twp.,bounded north by lands of 4.4:Conner
land tyro ht.. NI. Mattison; cast by the public hlgh
,way called the county:Hue road; situ d by /ands of
Jerro If all and V. L. Halls estate; and went. by
Math of Williams' Pierce and Ed. alarbalter cod.
%slain Owes of land, !west less, atom; N'aeres
. . .
1 • - ,\,
~ I). I. 1:41: I V of
1.1 , • I•s.• 1,1 J:ou•ts
1:4'0 You'.:
1 :‘ , tar Cn . :ITnnir Vi
41:'!: 0"a1r , 4 Jr.d
and t:11,-.:1
n at 4:1.- -tl!t 0t tit.ach
ti nry '
;;.: 0'1; • r ;or 4,1 'llFul,
tr y..
t:::"r• of .r• 7,r Al
irn;,1,•1•:!. %lit% a'
:1114ro.:t ti' ;a. Sorz taketilizto
•-•;,•ooion at tli Ast ti r!:6•) N cwroar, Goo.
K. :51:11 , , , it
1,50.-4vp, lt , htl. Tot..-1-
t•ra t ~ ,,n h p. tjt:t trt•tth t•trlntl.l ,- ttt
Ittltzt•t: 1.•: th,ptt:. hr.:II%I%AV: OA
:11 , - SOW, by li n g at:rl 1•: ter
Ixarn; and on ,` by :tt:ltltt or. Pt , ter Learn;
rttntnlt..4l.nt.r . 4 . cif f t t•r.• tp,.. all
Itil.t,vt!. NI I th . a llWCillag h,u.e ar a 'reW ftuic
o. otlmr lot of Fula in TRFC.I•
rut a twm, ti minted on tlto north !.y of 7%12.4hi
cu Lt.;1711: (.:1 UV: watt Limits Thlger,
decd: on the motilt",l.:: Milf,is of Arin Jayne!, mid
rry, ive,t nf Airs .I.ryn,t , Cintaining iii
1,, , , , b.-zof land. more or ationt
m•ros imprtivtl, ty ',tit a plank Itont.o. a frJuurd iturn;
other 1,0. :mil few fruit Inn.% thereon.
-proVpii With In houses and their out boolfeti. and an
orebard of ft nit treos theretoi. avol :a1 cU
Infu exocutioa at the suit of Dantol lte::,h•y
pr !awl U:
• ...I,trz`l.o col tto• Leid. 1),I41-
AL!•tt--4)ne oth,r lot of !tot
ra hip.. tonniPtl on the Lot th l v 110,h,0f
huger: .•r . to• eas,t7 by !lib! of -- Wtber: Gn
s.nt.h iy 1:41,1d+ Ar.eii Joyne al:d I•Pa.• e r:
trflt,h the we-t I.y the pti4ilehTghwat-z-N.7,:;Litkilig•
Netts d'and .117[•n into evtvallota Ir. the
suit ilt Atorn.l.earn'f.;4l , e V.. Isaac Boger,.]?., ex.-'r
of Isttr at-rhit of sante vs. wu.e.
No. 46 A LSO—One, other pi , •re of land in Athens
bor.,. ai; ino
e.noiwc pr. 11: NO. ti,l'or tht. Herrick iiiot st•
11,;00 by S , ll an in the sngth Har of-
ztrt , te tilt ....awl.% small
tr,st 9 f-et 41.!! os cor... of Ili: No. 249;
of ISte coat yaro.l.l
ti:enee• st.t)th 5, 0 .71,'1re.i '226
feet to try. rust hank of no• (Iv moog river; then , e
along . .river back
,not tit 45 0 400 feet;
th,nee rorM :1.. 0 11' wt.:4 rktot It) Iht• t,outh
nv4, tor t,f. Vranel. Tyler farm, or,v;
0w.,,t lir rfp: sc Itrit. CO.: thew ell
z o mv .r, orlgiftal F. fylor farm
not lb S‘ts 5 • ••::2 fi•fq . to trx 0,1%
.0! Of ttforor,ll.l4lot: thence t,ottllt 0 ,1 -
'west 11 11.10 foot to th.: seal 111.wro r I..Rsabt
tI.OOIC nttrtlf fto o . f.O" east 212 1-10 feet to
tto, we,t - 110 , - of It 11:11 v nt strrett'Ut..lice along the
,anu.•• soith 45 ,1 1 0 t:tt , r ISO 340 feet to the port lovn at .
eor. of hit NQ. trat Moore ivoth St.° 511'(39
50a.11113.1 0 east 20!'. S , lO feet - to the
suuth-wet.t e',r. of lo; thence north
eat 110 fee: to the %•`•••1 E'intrm.
thrneaWong thq. oattie -outh .1174° .'0? , 1 62 1 6.10 feet
to th , to;rth.;asit eor. of lot No: 12.3: 1 hon . re o:mtth
r.,tt 114 fort; 1117:1100
1,4 to the beffluttintz... Colt:0111h g ill 77-100 a... 1
of cling to r. survey I' N. F. V. at her .fitho
14'1.. more or Wing and relerr ;lig 09 . 100
gotll 11 01 treat l ho hoi 01+4
~4 0. 0. the.rro , _ as cim..
ops,l horetoroto to the its. r - e - .ILA it. it.
rO. Also. ex , eptlnn•, th.!.• toliow!o4
h0h4211,„.• to I ' l7. OteNel 0N!a1.., to wit: Lots
No. 1 1 2. 16 . 2. 172,102. 192. 2i.t. 212, 222,212. 31/,tr21,.
7,11. and 371. Ir!ing I h., :..ato, pttrt•ha,tol.
Noble at an: A.intlolotrator'o , l,ol,, a: the
estate of Jolvt Saqinart.h d• 50.31., and %Hell
i•oottrined ;said porettor hy tad llttat ttoo '
Court o; ikract fold Cutinty..Srpf. to, 1071. Alt loi• •
Chuleg E- N4ble
A. J. 1. VYTON; :h. r 11:
SherlVA VAlee, Towanda; Pa.. Nov. 13, is7l,
- triet , nurt of the United States for the West
ern Dtm r et of Pennsylvanta.
Mahlon Merydr. a Bankrupt, of Tt.wande, I'a..
a I.:eel:n:111 undeillte• Art of tganrret“ nr Ittarett 2,
1' , :•7. It:vim: applied or a ditc•bal frqa all Ida •
4 , •rds, and ot.L r eb,lnas pr , rable ta,d.)a /4.ligt by
of In-! court botlee Is tolr.-by Oren ti•all ore
dit9ta Fbu have.jireved - thr I r 1): MA Otivs:
o (1% , vittpletr or, the 12;11 (133: of 1)E
--eV:MUER; .87$, at IC otelt.rt; A. at., bPfore. V. E.
Smith. Roirfeter Irt_itaptiritptcy. at the t•Zeo
Overfon 1 M:tour, Its Towanda. Irvin. strattl3,
eart,e, IL gny :110kb:tee. why a dlsellargo
should not be grat.ted m tlto Bald bankrnia.
novl4-2w. ' • . tit C. 'NICCANW.F.S.S, Clerk. •
—To Margaret HerrloV. in BP .Court' td'
common Mas of -Brad to .1 County,- No, 117. Niay .
Term. 1677. Voil are horoll too`Med that' Martin
lierriett, your Intaband, has rppliod to - the Coati of
Ctsllllllloll PirS4 of Bradford county for a tliv. , rim
from !I l bond• of matrimony, and the t : aid Court
ha:. appointed Motniar, IMe-ettther 2, IS:3. in II
Court ilotme'at Towanda. for bearing the I•ald„ . Mat ,
tin In the prentl.seA, ;it %Odell &Imo - and placw yon
may attend if yell thenk proper.
noes, • • A. J. L ATTON..sllriff.
—!.iotteesls. hereby qtyrn thit all per,ons In•
detited to the e;stat9 of kntera U. enrich tate
of Towanda Bor9ugh, deceased, nee requested to
mats immediate poynient, acid aft penouis having
claims lizitnyt SAM eAr:atts must preseht tbeut July
authenticated for settlement.- •