Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 21, 1878, Image 1
-- L_, : .....:: - -.! . ..;, , ,,:.;';, - .L . ...:?:••:. , , , , f-'2'-'.•-T., ':,;,_ff.i':..V.'.t.r7,_,:t•-'4,-e.,..,.-Alf-z7"c':-.,16,,,r2,-,,,6;';',.gy:fc-,7;4-,7fYpi'zi.7?),,.*-F4,.-:, :: v, ' l . ‘: :: -,'-'71,:.:-.:--i:-.j.:?.0.t..71,[..,,-;,.. ;...74.::',?.?:a..!;::.,' 7 "•-:; . ".'' - :'-ft-T.<"-' ,. . - .r. ,-,. " ; .. , ' , 7 , 1':D A, ' , :Y . : ,-,, . , ALVORD & HITCHC I OCK, Publisher". VOLUME XXXTX., TERMS OF'PUBLICATION. The BRADrono ltEronfan Is published,' evimy Thdrsday meriting by S. W. ALVORp arid J. E. 11111:11CoCK, at Two Dollars per an num, In ad vam. ArAradsertlslng In all cases exelasl,lre ot'sub seription to the piper. : 'Er iAL NOTICES inserted at TEN CENTS per U a^ for nr,t. Insesttork, and EIVE CENTS per Ilao kr caTh suh.equ . ..nt inAertlon. I.oe Al. orw El, FIFTEEN .CENTS a Mee. A DV F. trrpili9tißTS'wlll be lusened accordlag do the f9llowing tublo of rates;: 1 iv: , 1 4w 1 2m I Stu I 6m I Iyr. 1 . 61.60 162..10 115.00 I 17.00:{ 110.00 1115.00 iTtdieo '1 1.50•1 500 1 O.O O I 10.03 $ 15.00 1 20.00 ME 3 I:whes . I 2.50 1 "7.00.1 10.00 I 13,00 1 20.00 1 30.00 4 :1111105 — 13.00 5.50 i Loo I 1r.2i1 25.00 collnit I 5.00 1 12.00 6.1.2000 1 • 24.00 I 45.00 e9l'ouh 1 10.00 20,031 25.00 I 33.00 I 50.00 I 75.00 culunau 120 VS th.oo I .111.00 100.00-110.00 AdtainbstVators and Executor's N . .otieeS: A o.ittor'e Notices, #2.53 ; Itustnesi Card*, five lines. <per year) S 5, additional hies t 1 each. _ - - Yearly advertisers are entitled to quarterly . eltinges. Transient advertlbetnents trust be paid lot in advance. All re.s , lutlons of assoriatiens; communications nd' limited or Individual Intere,d, and no , ices of m.wriages or dcaths.excerding ft c are charg ed TEN CENTS per ' 'he REI•onTEH. having a larger circulation than any other paper In the county. makes it the best - nay:W:4K tnedhem In Northeru Pennsylvania. Jolt PRINTING. of 'every kind. -In plain an. fancy c•dor, ilwne with neatness and dispatch. itandhill, Wank... Cards. PainplaWts, nil:heads. Stat.duents., 2ke..ur every Variety and style, printed at tlac shortest notice, The lELPORTLit onlos Is sreit strpplied with power presses. :a good assort sew type. and ey , r,ythlog in the printith; eau be executed In the tmist artistic manner ,tnd at the loWest rates TERMS. INVARIABLY Cars f • (111 AS. M. HALL., ATT4A:N LY-AT-1. Aty A S'i; Sill E. Or PEACE, TOW kNDA, PA FIRE !NM - RANCE IN RELIABLE CONIFANIES C mee over I Ltytoll's Barrens stole. Nov. 21.'79. L•SURANCE AGENCY. • The followit4; 'ELIABLE AND FIRE TRIED Couip:;%ni,'S reprvsented F..IStEIICTIANTS 3112 ch 111.'7.1 0. BLANK. i F A. D. PAYE, 3i. D., rilti:' , lClAN AND SURGEON ()Mee over Montan yo , • Shtre, oalee hours from 10 to 12, A. at., and from 2 ro Si.,eclat attention given to 111, , eaqe. of the nye and\Ear.-11rt.111,-7nt r W. RYAN, \ A. 3 .• COUNTY SUPURINTENDENT 1:11..e day laNt. Est urthly or each Intontiver Turner Gordou's Drug Store, Towanda\ Pa, Towanda, Juni, TIL' , 'I3II.I;T & SON, • ATTOIINLYS7AT-LAW TOWANDA, PA. N. C. pAISTINGS PORTI{AITS AND LANDSCAPES orki , r n't.aor prte, 'tn.:lli:, to ;in*. f),llatintr, lt,-Tottettcd, or chattroe malt- a< tt,tr. it. . AU Work done In the It izhe,t ,tyle of t .t JOII ANN F. BENDEIf Towanda; Pa.. April li. Itia T 110GrAISK .F.toploy , tl'wtql M. itontlottnan for flit. past four 3 , •% , -. 16 leav , eto Inc tro•ittl•`atot pupa, gototraily that )1.- ha, 12M1iVell 10 I:le jar !MLitt of tlot Ftrst looxt Batik, :It! 1,1”•111.11 a ,11.,p for the tepntr of Watot,s. cou•kTS, Jewelry. kr. All work %vat - rat,ltstl to ;Tiro etitirt , satkractt ,- n. apri76, INT YOUNG, Vi • :17 ' , Pal: EY- '4.T-1..0V, 'rtoW.ANDA. offire—:ernuil t 1. 4. ,mall nt the.Flrtt Ntitional lat.'..Matti St.. ttp aalr.,• KIN:NEY, Ij. A.M.P.NEY•AT-1, AW. fi.riatqly °cl':lo.4ll.3*Y. M. C. WILLIAMS .4 ANGLE,- ATTOII,:t ' :Y.-AT-LAw ° or E.—Fvrlnoy!!.. twcup;ed "Jy.W tn. \Vatklus, l" '77) =I .Aie.PHERSON, Ell TT011El"-AT-LAIC, TI , W A\ VA. Dirt Brad.'Co. 74.:150N c'c ATT~i It ~'r.Y~-.IT- T .A W T.,vali<la, Pa. =I i . F.ll t,,. IMENI ATT..T!,FY-AT;LAW, TUk); ND 1, PA.• trintll-75! F. - Will: 14 • J. • - A TT , 6:: LY-AT4:AV M tint Str , ct (1 'Wald 11rm....), To tc-mtila. v [Apt it ILI, 1,77. 11. Tit()M-I'SON. ATTORNEY T • AT Y.11.1' .. , 1 rA. Win :1: t• - nd 4-4 .:! ... vl.l rt,:.•<l tt. in. 1: .. rtl, '‘,Vyl , :olr.g I 'lran t with • E-9. L. LAMB Si Tk11t7;!".Y.A . 1",!. &w. NV11.1: ES-It l'A pn . ,llNly :Mt.:idea to. ofIN. NIX, AND C. commtssiosmc, ANI)A, ille.):911 a Side Public %.. , :juare D AVIES CAIINOCHAN, ATT”t[NEYS-AT-LAW. T V•.,11`).: o' WA! D ITOrSE. ToWANDA. PA MEN! fAll.` S. M. WOODIIISII, Physi- E rinn and Surgeon. qfficu Aver 0. A. 11,13ntes mnzz REEMESEM AniLi„. 17 A L I IT, lI A TTOUN EY S -AT-I. A W, • TOIVA N !lA. PA. 0111:e itrit"col's Mork, first door sout:t of the First 1 , .11:11 1+:v11: - . up-stairs. H.J. MADILL. rians-73131 ( 1 RIDLEY .PAYN E, Arrol:Nl4 4 -AT-LAce. F•noth 111,.71: (mlnis formerly oeeripled 1.y . 11:171e , 3:'Carooelian), TOWANDA., PA (11'77) I= t i MMES .\\-001.), fA Tfo Kr-AT-I,Aw, rr , 'WANDA, te sTitEETEII, A T ronNEV-AT4.7.w, TOW A 7 4 : D l' A. .‘TTOV.S . EYS•AT:t. A.NV, TOW AN I `.nc.; ovor M. utanves Nn)re. mayr;7s h 'A. ~V cr.T.)N. 1:01)NEY A. MERCUIt Vim. MAXWELL, XT - rwiNEY-AT4.Aw. TOWANDA, PA. , ^',c ovvr,Payt,ni•, Store. • A plf. i t 2. 1 . p.XTRICK AL FOYLE, A 'MOT: EY S-AT -L Tmy A N DA, PA. O Me;,..urt. , "jtloc%. e h AN : DREW WILT, ATToRNEY-AT-LAW 11.)irk 4,114,re, two doors north of ynyt: Towanda, Pa. May he consulted 1: l>• 1.71r%11. A pill 10.1 .! , SFLL'S .ENERAL S 1: RA:CE AGENCY may.u-wt.t. SOWANt)A, fr s. 1.171 irIVERTON & SANDER 0N, .. ATTOUNET-AT-LAW, TOP;*ANDA. PA. Jon* F. SANDERRON, t E. OVERTON, JR. lAT B. KELLY, DENTIBT.-office V . over E. Rosenfleld•t4 Tow anda, Teeth Inserted on Gold, 81Iver, Rubber, and /A gendum ham Teeth extracted 'without pain. , Oct. 1442. DR. T. B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN ♦ND BUT:GT.ON. omce over Dr. Porter & SorVe Drug Store, Towanda. jani-75tf. • 1864. 1876. EMI TOWANDA INSURANCE AGENCY. Main St,ed opposite the Com WOUIIO W. S. VINCENT, FI"TaNATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL PAID IN SUIII'LUS FUND-. This Bank offers unusual facilities forthe action of a general banking buslnetts. JOB. POWELL, President,- -'lloteln. EAGLE HOTEL, (SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC KijCAtt 6.) • This well-known house has been thoroughly rem novated and repaired throughout. attd the maple. for Is now prepared to offer tir , t-elass aerommodm tluns to the public, ou the must reasonsble terms, E. A. J ENNINGS. Towanda, Pa., May 2, 1878. HENRY_ HOUSE, CORNER XAIN A _WASHINGTON STREETS This large, commodious and elegatitV-furnished house has just been opened to the traveling public. The proprietor has sparod neither pains nor expense In making his hotel first‘en4 in all . Its appoint ments, and respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Terms to suit the times. Lar ge stable attached, WM. H KNItY, Towanda. June 7, •77-tf. • Mi I LWELL DOUSE, TOWANDA, JOHN SULLIVAN. El Having leased this housk, is now ,ready. to accom norlate the travelling Oldie. No pains nor expense will he spared to give satisfaction to those who may give; him a call. IMIEM Nerth side of Public Sp are, east of Mercar•s n.w,block. The undersigned haying taken .potsefiaton , of the a hotel, res=pectfully solletts the patron. age of hi N , n \ dtl friends and the pnblle generally. augln-tf. M. A. FonttEsT. , • E LE 0 E R .11 - 'ANT) A.. 7 Fir ROMA few doors soulhof the Means llomn. Board by the day or week on rra,.nable terms. , \M arm meals all boors t,',.!,1, , yholesalynnl retail feht,f7. • GREAT BAR \ GAINS ! 6: \ J. D 0 T I.l\C 11,, MERCHANT T A\ l L OR Opprl<lte Park,-TOWANDA, IN FANCI SUITINGS =BET GOOO3 - JUST JRRIYED • Fine e riot s„ Warded " WWI Diaaunals, and Plaids feb.r7 , IiNEItrOATINc;n ME= t6'irrrlsur Scarp, Ilia mlb i erth Odort.(l Ewe, .• • . uspe l'oderclothing, rt. AID:74 inspection of cur stock will convince the .rat; :-,•a .7. DOUTHICII, 7ttain street, Towanda, Pa. liatod Oct. 21, 1s b. 20tt FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. MEM TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH GENTS , FtiIp;iSIILVG GOODS J. N. CALIFF BETWEEN N/W AND JANUARY Ist, 11179, = As. I intend to make a clmp , In ms. bldneas. r. ,11t r my. en:ire st.rk AT CtiST, In, MT go,t ° and Lent acleet-d sic:et id northern ivanta..l Mn'es Mack: tip-top Pvereoets e 3.50 and up MEltetiß, :NI en's fir,t-class Grey Oyercoats a, V.OO and up J iyli-73 Business Cards. \ AIANAGEIt TOW A N DA. l'A. 181'23.000 80,000 N. N. BETTS, Cashier ON TILE EUROPEAN PLAN,) TOWANDA, PA E CENTRAL HOTEL, ULSTER. PA PANTALOONS ovEßcoiTysGs -,- gre.atiarkty, made to order, at the VERY LOWEST PRICE LACIEL MATALASSS ri.OAKINGS, I: NTS Ft IS.NDiDING GOODS, at rotluced p,rlcCe From 52 Li slYv $ 2. 0 , 0 0 0 REA DY-NIAbE! CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, ttc., &c TO BE SOLD AT COST, E: ROSENFIELD'S, • SPECIAL BARGAINS' Thetollowitig great bargains are offered n's' all w{x,l%.,:uits Boy's Sults for 5 yrs old and up . ® ta.Oo and up Antl everything equally ay cheap. Including Gcnt, y un thi t i t ,g Fiat• and Caps, A full Hue of UNDERWEA-B. both for ink) and boy 4. TILLT:s7KS, VAL IC ES, UMBRELLAS, &c., ,Stc: TIIIS IS NO HUMBUG. The above stock most and shall be i , old by Jan. Jet. ma. Every one shonlo take advantage of the preseut.low prices ; quoted; - and ' boy their winter . your. truly. M. F..II.OSEN Main Strew. Towanda, I'a. Dated Oct. 21, 1578. A DIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Is herelly Given that all persons In. u. used to the est' , te 01 Philo F.. Minos, late of )louroe Borough, of:ceased. are requested to make ttoruedla re paymtut. awl all person,, baring Calms against saki st%te.lnust present thou duly au then tleated for settletnqut. ALBERT G. CRAMMER, • Alonruatort, Ost: 17,184w.* Administrator. - • - - • - • ••• - • • ._ - . „ I k';• - • - •• - • - , , mil' i \ • . • . „ r • ( ,00 - . • j -- 1: JP • - • , (I L - I ‘- • • ‘.. \.- • 1- • • • - - t • • . . • . . . . , THREE - 8183ES Or rARSWELL• Three, only three, my darling, ' • Separate, solemn, slow, . Not like the swift and Joyous ones We used to know, When we kissed because we loved each otter Simply to taste love's-Meets, sod lavished our kisses as summer . ' \ Lavishes heats. • , lit as they kiss whose hearts were wrung \When hope and fear are spent, And nothing is left to give. except . • A\saeransent First of the three, my darling, - Is sacred unto pain; We have hart earl, other often, • We shallagain; When we pia because we miss each other, And do not understand flow the writtetrioida are so much colder Than eye and - -hand. I kiss you, dear. foiall such pain - Which, we nia) . glireor take ; Buried, forgiven, l,efore It comes, • For our love's sake. The second ibis, niy darll:4, Is full of Joy's sneet thrill ; We have blessed each oilier always, - We always will. 44. We shall reach until we feel each other, In every place. • The earth Is full of messengers Which love sends W and fm: I kiss thee, darting, for all joy Which we shall know Feb. 14. 1878 The last kiss, oh, my darling, ly love—l can not set Through my tears, as I remember, What It may be; We may die and never see each other— Die with to time to give Any sign that our hearts aro faithful . To die, askfre, Token of What they will not see Wlto see oar parting breath, This °tie last kiss, nay darling, ' • Seals the seal of death. See this yellow. fretted foam. Venice point—like Venice waves, Lashed to whiteness, tossed to lightness, By tome IllachleSS In their caves; And as tnellow them it Ilse As the moonlight, or the noonlight At her sacs. Can you fancy how It fell iiblinmering on a lustrous head? Brown as royal, lips as loyal As you overleap lublead; While tho weaver wrodght and died And this airy weh of fairy Time defied. Here's a cop a conqueror bore Whore It flashed on prlncely.ways, 111,1 the falieht and the rarest Sang the triumph of his days. Bare and s:111 a. bal.quet 6,11, Act the , dancers send no answers To !,our call. A tat tLa eonquator's name is lost But the dainty eup shall hold One undying. through the flying - Of the moons and hopes groan old; For the potter; fashioning Faith awl 4114 Into beauty, Lives, a king. And this portrait when HI. Grace Stood it ln content, All the splendor It could render Seemed his graciou., monument. Telling smiling dame and knight A ml ght. . . sVP only can, ' Forth.. mantle's tint or ttaiar ; And the.m..iisure or sitch tierctrito Is the name..• For Ll.e worker. lose . their'llves Glv z:g purely, kno% IN; surely Work survives. ,41ii4e 1 / a utionj'. NU - ER SEVENTY NINE. \liA • anksgiying Romance. - . Rhoda. - .r fee sat alone by the lor window in he dim November twi lig'tt, watching he flicker and flare of the gas in the\street lamps, as the cold sweeps of the"inter wind came surging round the eo ner It-was Thanksgivin \ ter a day of busy papal . , morrow's festivities, ever:, settled down into quiet at I. Rhoda had heartily enjo -, excitement of helping her aun „ 1 Whom she lived, arrange rooms the expected guests, and .prep. flotvcri for the tabies, and mantle putting graceful, girlish touches upon all-the adornments. Towards night; aunts, and uncles, and cousins had poured in from the different trains, and Rhoda's brother Ralph, her es pecial admiration and adoration, ha.d surprised her by comingfrom his col ege to spend the holiday with her Altogether it had been a happy day and was a joyous prelude to the hymn or praise and thanks, which Rhoda felt sure she.should sing out gladly on IhVmorroty. But it was just a trifle dull - alone in the parlor to-night ; Aunt Carry had taken the girls, her own daugh ters, elf up stairslor a confab, and others of the aunts athi cousins were singing lullabys in their rooms to protesting babyhood; Uncle Boyed was smoking up in the library with the husbands and brothers, and Ralph, after a little confidential con verse with Rhoda, had . rushed down to the Continental to thee!, some of his chums. It looked very pleasant over the way at the Welden girl's house ; the gas was lighted in the parlor, the blind 4 up, anti iliey seemed to be hay... ing a jolly time. Some one had told Rhoda that Lelty Welden's bean was coming on from the West, to spend Thanksgiving with her, and Rhoda tlkseried him in the group. Heigho-ho !" sighed Rhoda, "he dpn't rush off to meet a - comrade :cs soon as he has arrived. I wish I had a lover ! They milnt be very nice. wonder if I will have one next Thanksgiving ?". • ' • Just then, a voice in the darkness made her start with the words. " 1E- you love me, you'll do some thing 1 want you to very much." EU it was only Cousin Gilbert who had spoken, and as he was but fourteen, and only up to her shoul der, even a cousinly flirtation was out of the question. " Well, what is it, Gil ?" laughed ' Rhoda ; "' faint heart never won fair lady,' you know; ask and see if will not grant your favor," . • " Rhoda, dear, it's awfully stupid up in the library, they're talking stocks, and if I go where mamma is, she'll want me to go to bed ; and ,Rhodie comingcloser and coaxing in rough, boy f;shicin, " I never saw a great city lighted up ;- I wish you would take me down the street a lit , tle ways; please ? " ' . "Certainly lit 111 ," replied Rhoda, a , 14.80 and up godly. —raze Holm TO TEE WORKERS —/-'annie E. Robing ere; and :te flon for the thing had TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, BOMBER 21, 1878. jumping up . ; "get Into your over coat quickly, and wait in the ball un til I come down then, running - up stairs, atter her own seal-skin jacket and cap, Rhoda hurt into the nurse ry with an incoherent sort of expla nation that she was going out a little ways, and would take' Gilbert as ea cort. • . " Poor fellow I " she'Said to herself as she tied • her cardinal cloud tight down over her ears, and wound it arond her throat; " he -lives a hum drum sort df life.up in that little- vil lage; how grand the city hy night will look to him ! I'll walk a little ways down Broad 'Street, and then. return ; he will be protection enough, if he is only a boy, and I shan't, feel at all timid." •- • • A brisk walk, with (kilbett's, con stant boyish chatter and seeing the - long continuous line . of lamps, that seemed a - band of light along the straight stretch of streets, soon brought them down into the more central portion of; and almost before she, Rhoda found herself in a crowd of men and boys, who appeared to think that keeping Thanksgiving eve consisted in shouting and jostling and pushing every one - with whom thek . came in contact. Presently a loud clang and boom rang Out upon the rtituidthen a rush on the part Of the crowd, fol lowed .by a rattle and clatter of noisy engines :Acing the street, and a whirl of harrying people, with cries of "fire, fire !" s opon their lips, flew past. " o,\lthoda! I never sllw a ; come letos ge !" and Gilbert caught her by the hand, had she obeying a wild sort of \ irnpulse which -she could scarcely understand, and felt power less to control; followed, him until they stood .at last in the midst of a shouting crowd, far down in the city, watching the raging flames that'now burst forth from the \ building from whence the alarm had sounded'. • There was a _fascination ,in the' sight of the' long . eurling, \torigues of fire that licked the wOls of\he house caressingly, and . a terrible grandeur in the final topple and the crash of the mighty fortress of flames... Rhoda stool as spOlb,ound in the sight` i\ as was her companion, until some one rudely pushed by her, peering into\ her face and laughingly addressed her as "Little Red •Ridingliond," then. she suddenly became aware that it was.night, and that they two were far from home, and alone. n "Come, Gilbert, cone," -she whis pered, quickly pulling him away; "We must go home;" and hurrying through 'the nerowd,she discovered, upon reaeh ing the first Open street, that :they were at least two miles from home, and from a clock in , a store 'near by she saw Viet it was couSiderrbly af ter ten. " Have you any -money, Gilbert, we must ride home at -once ?n" she asked, after feeling in her own po let and finding her purse was not there. " Ten cents ;. butt:hat' isn't enough, is it? Can't we walk, I'm not tired ?" " I don't believe - wecan ; I. am cold and tired, both!' 0 Gilbert! why did we come ?" and there was a a slight, suspicion of ..tears in the trembling, frightened voice, as Bhp da realized their uncomfortable i•Osi tion;_two miles from home, after ten o'clock, and not enough money to ride ; it was not a pleasant state 'of surely. Rude men passing uov: uegan to notice the girl, and boldly her pale Face. "Gil bert.;;•she whispered, shrinking froth their gaze, "Gilbert, we Must get into a ear; I will explitin to the con ductor, and we can pay the rest of the fare AO-morrow." • But there were .no cars in sight, and it was growing colder every mo-. went. After waiting some time upon the corner, ,Rhoda cried : There is a policeman, Gilbert, I . will ask him how soon•the car will be along; ", and, timidly accosting the I lacer who stood, near by, and who i appeared to be noticing their evident I distress, Rhoda was informed that I in consequence' of the tire„ that line of cars was stopped. t But," added the ollieer politely, ; ‘5 )11 can take an Arch street car. and xchange with one of the north- I tiouni - fines.'' "0, 'hoda, two c7:chang(Fs, sigh-. teen cent. and we've . only ten ! 2 ' i cried Gillx t, pathetically; " we'll have to walk, nd you are shiverin with the cold, : ill it's all my,.faul in bringing you on " The otlicer cam nearer no , and; speaking to Gilber but lo - trig, at tile tired, pale face • n ti o-searlet hood and seal-ski,n cap, aid -kindly : :: I f you will allow me, my lad, I will arrswe all thati" an 1m took from his vest pocket ,a sil 4 - :r piece arhi put It • into -Gilbert's 1:a. , ad \ din 7,••• your sister is not able to. elk far thi, cold night, phase accept t is !lute ioan.. " Rhoda4:owed and said: - "'You, are very kind; I do not think I could walki - backond you see we . -haven't any money ;.but I will recollect your station,: and.," looking up at his' cap, " oh, .yes 1 I see your number is 79. Remember, Gilbert, policeman No. 79. Thank you, very much, for the loan !" and; taking her cousin's arm, Rhoda hurried on tw ward the car. . 1 . " I - tell. you, you've got first-eltss policemen here, Rhoda. Wasn't he a stunner ?" cried - Gilbert: . as they reached the ear,'and he paid their fare but of the silver piece. " - I'll re turn the money the first thing in the morning ; it will be a real Thanks giving, won't it ? I don't know when .1 ever felt more grateful; why, we might have been arrested as tramps, and talii:n to the station-house." . Upon , reaching home the two rtin- rd the with aways found • that their htay had oc casioned much consternation in the household. • Rhoda's brother Ralph, stood Upon the door-step, anxiously awaiting their appearance. not a lit tle disappointed and alarmed to find : his sister gone-upon his return from,'' the hotel. "-Why, Rhoda! how imprudent to be -out so late! :Where in the world" '=he began, but Gilbert rushed into such . an enthusiastic _description or the great • fire they had wLnessed, that Ralph was forcedi4o, laugh off "the little -brotherly scolding he had Ibeen preparing. , " And it . was just awful ! " said Gilbert; " and we would have. had to walk all the way back, two tiles in REGARDLESS OF 'DENUNCIATION, FROM ANY QVARTER. the cold, if"—a look 'from Rhoda; whOtlid not„reprciced fur tber,changed his finishing - plb-sea-- *vice "if webad not hire rude." -" That is an indisputable fact, sure ly," laughed Aunt C:4ry; "hut allY think it is abouttime we all had_ some. rest now;, you, Glilbert,qtre sipating . too freely,' and Rhin - la,' I want you to get some beauty sleep, for Ralph tells me hi's friend; Captain Hardy, willi . dine with us to-morrow, and . you certainly will want to ap pear at your best." • , Thanksgiving morning dawned bright andclear. and directly ! after breakfast. after a little whispered consultation with Rhoda, Gilbert started down town to find the officer with had- been so kind the night be fore. Ile Cad not return in - time to aceompany his cousinh. to church, and Rhoda felt certain] qualms of anxiety over his delay. • . I ought to have gone with.ltim," she kept saying over and over to her self.. " Oh, dear, what a bother boys are It is all his own fault for in ; gisting . upen.running to the fire; and now, perhaps, he . has 'got joit, and I shall be blamed! " Ralph Bruce wondered what made sister so absent-minded and quiet all4lie'Morning.; but : as he, too, was feeling 'annoyed arid, anxious over the non-appearance Of his friend Captain Hardy, he'did not question her dui onsly silent manner. Walking .from church, as the two turned the corner. of the street on their Way, 'home, what was ;their as tonishinetlt to behold both delin quents fate to 'face. Gilbert merrily laughing and talking with a hand some young gentleman in full uni form, the gentleman as interestedly listening to his boyish chatter. "'Why., Hardy, my dear fellow, what--who-.-where—" cried 'Ralph, looking from the Captain to Gilbert, and from Gilbert back to the Captain in t e greatest surprises ; • -1" Hem he is,RhodaOtnti he isn't a policeman at al; he's a regular ; but I found him there at the place, you know, and he wouldn't take the mon ey, and he knows Mph, and I brought him right. along ;." and, quite out of breath, • Gilbert pauSedat - length in his explanation. \ Ralph now included his sister in hisi scrutiny: • "'Why, really, Hardy," he began. . • Rhoda blushed afid• looked .cen faked:\ • " Shad I explain things a little more ?" asked the Captain smiling and \ looking at Rhoda, who podded afiirrnatively. " Things do lookeumplieat4 don't they Bruce ? he said, turning 'to Ralph but the solution of the mystery is, that last even lig I met your sister and this lad in the crowd nears, the tire-down town.; and they, suppcisirigipe a po lio: officer—l wore a fatiatie 'cap— asLied- me a question concerning, the • ear, and—" " And we only had l ten center "• in terrupted Gilbert ; hand fie loanA \ me altiarter :to ride home, and I went down town to pay him back ,tidy, morning, and—" - ' . " Ali. I begin to see light dawning at last!" said Ralph. "It. is a com plicated ease. as you arty ; but Lthailk I you, Hardy, for your kindly persona tion of a policeman. I doubt it the genuine article would have dealt so. f.,ientl4.manly with such a pair o 1: gree diorns. But now let the intro due youto . the damsel toward whoma you liave, so gallantly playtd knig,lit4 Rhoda,rmy friend. Captain.HardY, of`- the. 9th Regiment. Hardy, my sis ter. Miss RhOda Bt nee ; and Gil, this: 'II -41 v ',era Lo address her :brother's friend as Captain Hardy. . " Only' think, Gilbert4--she salt:, " I en led him number 'seventy-nine' that f!i.tht; and I shall always think of hi as number `sevPnty-nine,' and I am o. afraid I shall address him by that name." But with the Captain'ti frequent eaßs at the how,e., during the rest of the winter, AlniTia gradually over._ Mime her timidity, anti before spring she had learned not only to call Idni "Captain," but to qualify' that title in het. mind Anil thoughts with the ;t:ndifrest of adj , eetives; and in due' sa • MiCIIAEL 311 - SI.EY, a Carbondale Loy, and a iine aspires for the g.),hion .f School Superintendent of Lack,:Walina County. THE Tuulhanuock Democrat t. , ays that wild dupls. were never known. to be so rilentiful at' Lake Carey as 'they are the present season, and banters have already eiljoyeksynie rare sport there. A Ilextuatxx servant of Gen. Kilpat rick, of Deekertown; N. J., has fallen heit to an estate valued at $75,000 native country. The letter informing the foFtunate man of his goint sluek, was ac companied by a draft for if,5000 to pay his expenses to the old country. • _ ON Sept. 24;.a monument to Frederick of Prussi .; father of the present Emperor of Germany, was Unveil ed at•Cologue. It is a celossel equestrian statue, 22 feet high, representing promin ent persons . and events. It weighs 34,850 kilogrammes and cost 1:i0.000 thalers, A STORY of Twurrg YEARS AGO. 'Mr.--as a great merchant in Baltimore.. One morning as he-was passing. over the. vessels that - .lay at the wharf, he - stepped upon the deck- Of i one, at the stern of _which he saw negro, whose dejected countenance (Tate sure imlizations of distress. He accosted him with : • _ • • "jli'ey ,niy man ! What is the mat ter . " . . The negro lifted up his eyes, and looking at gr. IL, replied : Ah I mitsa,•l'se in a great deal of trouble." - • r 0 What about ? " • " Case. Use fotched....up here to be sold." .1 • " What for?' What have you been doing ? Hate you beim:stealing, or did you run-away; or what?" - 0 NO, no, massa, none o'llaV It's bekase I don't wind de. orders." ' " What kind of orders:" " Well. massa - stranger, I will tell you. Massa Willuoi worry strict man, and eberybOdy on the place got to mind him, and I break Frew de rule'; but I don't care to break de rule; doe ; I dun forgot myself and got too high." ; " It is for getting drunk, then, is it ? " "Oh, no.sab, not dat pother" "Then tell me what you are to be sold fur ? " " For praying, sah."•. " For praying ? That's a strange tale. • Will not. ydfir master permit you to pray ? " " Oh, yes, he lets me pray easy ; but I hollows too loud." And why do you halloo in your rayers ? " • " Kase de sperit comes on me an( I get happy ?fore I knows it; den gone; can't 'trole myself; den knows noffin 'bout massa's rule." And do you sill - y(oe your master will sell you for that '?'" " Oh; yes; no help for .me now. All de men iii de world couldn't help me noW—klse when Massa Willtitn say he do one tine he no do'noder. - " "What is your name? " " Moses." . ; • ." What is your-Masterls name ? " ".31assa's,name is Colohel William • • ". Where does he live ? " • '" Down 4,11 de Easin Shoah." • . • • "Is lie a:good master and treats yon q 7 ,1 3 19 e15 ' .; no better man in de wuliiJ" " Staid up and let me look at you." ti • And Moses stood up and resen ted a robust frame ; and as Mr. B. stripped up his sleeve,, his arm gaVe v cnce of unusual. muscular stre igtl Where is your master,? " " Yander he is, jeS''Comin' to de .whaf." - ; As Mfr. B. started for the`sligte lie heard 11loses give a heavy sigh, fol lowed by a deep groan. Moses was not all pleased- with • the present phase of affairs.. He was strongly iinpressed lw;th the idea that Mr. B. \ was a tra ler and intended to buy im, and it was this that made him so' \ nnwilling ; to communicate to Mr,. B. the desired intorinatiOn. Mr. IL reachCd the wharf just as Col. C. (lid. Ile intrsOuccd him Self and sai.r "I understand you Want to sell that negro izm the schooner."' Colonel C.\yeplied that he did. - " What do You ask for him?" -"I expect to t $700. 1 • " 'Tow old do \ you reckon him to her, "Somewhere about 10:". "hs be ihealthy? " \ " ''cry'; he never had any sickness n his life, except one or two spells if ague:" " Is he hearty ? " \ " Yes, sir; 'al will eat as mtieli as man ought, and it will do hini,as !ti ! , 00 , 1." Is he a good hand." Yes, sir; lie is the best hand on my `place. Ile is steady„, honest, and industrious. Ile has - been my foreman for the last ten years, and a more trusty negro I never knew." " Why do. you wish to sell him ? " llecAuse_he disobeys my; orders. AS I said, be -44 my foreman ; and that he might be -more available at any moment I might ant him; - 1 w_ any Lli Ui built his but within a hundred ,yards of my own house, and I !iae, never rung the bell at any time in the night or motning that his horn did 'not an swer in live minutes. But two years ago he got religicm, and commenced what he termed family prayers—that. praykg. in hiS hut every moinin ,, and evening, nd when he began his prayers, it was , 'impossible to tell when lie would' stop, especially if. (as he termed it) he,;, got hippy. Then he we'd() sing, add pray, and halloo for an hour r r two together, that you might hear him nearly a mile off. Au l 11u . would pray for int and my wife burl children, and our whole &te lly connections to the third genera tion. and sometimes when we would have visitors'„Moses' prayers would interrupt the .conversation of the' whole 'company. The women would cry and the children would cry. and it would get,me almost frantic, and even after, I bad retired; it would sometime , e almost daylight before I could go to sleep, for it appeared to me that could hear Moses pray for three hours ,iifter he had finished. I bore it as long as I, i•ould, and then forbid his praying any more—and -Moses prornised, obedience, but,soon transgressed, and mi. rule is never to whip, brit, wheneveila negro becomes incorrigible, I sell Ir. This keeps thetia in better subjection, arid hi less ble tt whipping: knd I par- and will givelou the $1400., Mr. B. and \Col. Ch then went .to B.'s atare„ drew \up Oa irritings and closed the sale, after which they re turned to the vessel, and Mr, B. ap proached the negro, who sat with his eyes fixed upon the deck, wrapped ins the meditation of the most asvful fore bodings, and said • -1". Well • , Moses, I have bought you." Moses made a bow, and every mus cle-of his face worked with emotion as.he replied : "Is sus, massa Where, is I gwine, mesas? Is I gwine to Geer- • , gta ":No.;am a merchant •in this city. Yonder is my store, and I have purchased your wife and: children, too, that you may not be separated:" • " Bress 'God for dat ; And massa, kin I go to meetin' sometimes ? " -". Yes Moses, you can go to chureh three 'times on Sabbath and every night in the week, and you, can pra. as often as you .choose, and a. long as you choose, and every time you pray,_whether at home' or in the church, I want you to pray for me, my wife and all! my children ; for if you - are . a good man your prayers will do me ncr harm, and kneed them' 'very much ;.and.if you wish to, you may pray for everybody of my name in the State. It will not injure them. . When Mr. B. was dealing out these privileges to Moses, the .negro's - eyes danced in their- sockets and his full heart laughed outright for gladness, exposing two rows of as even; clean ivories as any African can , boast ; and his heart's response was, • ' Bress God, 'Rep' God all de time, and bress you, too, massa ; 111osei.neber tinks 'bout he gwine to bah all dese com modations; dis make me.tink "boa ; :Joseph in de Egyp'.” And after Mo ses had poured a few blesSings Upon Col. C. and hidden him a warm adieu. and requested him to give his love . and farewell to his mistress, the chip/, dren and. all the servants, he followe'd ' Mr. B. to the store, to enter upouthe functions of his new office. The return of the schooner brought to Moses his wife . andlchildren. Early the next spring. as Mr. B was one day standing ,in the store dbor, he saw a man leap upon the wharf from the deck ,Of a vessel, and walk hurriedly towards the store. He soon recognized hittras Colonel C. They exchanged salutations, and to the Colonel's inquiry after Moses, , Mr. B. replied - that he was up stairs measuring ; gram, and invited. him to walk up and see him • Soon Mr. B.'s attention -was arrested by a confused, noise above. • He listened and heard an unusual shuffling of feet, some one sobbing violently add some onetalk ing very hurriedly ; and when he re flected upon Colonel C.'s movement and , the peculiar expression of. his' countenance, he became alarmed and went up to see What was transpiring. — When he reached - the head of the stairs he was startled at seeing . Mo ses in the middle of the floor, down upon one knee, with, his arm around the Colonel's waist,and talkin - g most rapidly, 'while the Colonel stood weeping audibly. So soon as the Colonel could sufficiently control his feelings, 'he told Mr. B. that he had tieveibe'en able to free himself from the influence of dose's prayers,.and that during the paSt year he . and- his wife and children had been converted 'to God. Moses responded: " Bress God, Massa C., dee I way up 114,1 neber forgit you n my prayers; I olles put do ole massa 'side de new one. Press God, dis make Moses tink 'bout, Jo seph in de Egyp' again." The Colonel then stated to Mr. B. that his object- in coming to Balti- More was to buy Moses and his fam ily back again. But Mr. B. assured him that was out of the question, for he could ,not part with him; and he intended to manumit Moses and his wife at forty and his chilaren at thir ty years of age. \ Moses was not far- wrong in his reference to Joseph. . For when Jo 7 sepli\was sold into Egypt, God over ruled 'it to his blesslings that were far beyond\his expectations-; so with Moses; he\ eventually proved the in strument. ilk 'God's hands, of saving the soul of the-man who sold . him. Old Moses \ is still living, and 'at pieseht occupies`a comfortable house of his own and. is \ doingwell for both worlds. HEIGHT OF SEA WAVES. 1 . • The height of sea waves , qnes- Con - that has been much 'and not always satisfactorily discussed: \ One . ditb ulty arises from a .misunder• standing., of terms. Some - mean liy the height of a wave the actual el& \ ration - above the surfacefof the sea in smooth weather, others mean the distance between the bottom of the hollow-of a wave to its crest;- and that seems to me the only rational, practical way to arrive at any sdre data. Taking tlial, then, as the mode of measuring Iv - Ise-heights, it. may be said AtlantiOvaves in a gale otter ; rise twenty-five feet ; thirty teet'is by' no means uncommon in mid-ocean, and the., second wave sometimes heaves . to a height of thir!ylfive to forty feet. Storm-waves have a curious rhythm of 'motion,' At intervals three waves larger than usual rush .by, of which the middle one is the highest. At-longer inter .vals five large waves come together, and very rarely .seven. They often conic just as a squall begi::s to mod erate, springing up elastically. from the pressure of the wind. So.ile times the fury of the wind rarely beats down the sea, and lashes and tears it into foam or spoon-drift, that sv.-eeps-over the ocean a- white mist, like snow blown over a frozen lake, and, when- such a tremendous squall lulls, the waves instantly rise . to enormous dimensions. The length and form of waves depends upiin the room in which they have to run, and the direction of the tides. They-ate short and small seas or lines. Among the Channel islands counter-current • tides sometimes raise the WaSEES to over forty feet in . height:, These • estimates, the result of long . and careful - observatioiis, WS been confirmed by tbe.cOmpar ing them with the . experipntal of others 'who have also given th sub ject. careful study, among yrlom may , mention the captain of one of the Canard steamers. • 1-1 ES In hurricanes of course the waves are -far more tumultuous and broken and near the storm-center, pyramidal in form, owing to the contrary forces or cross-seas, and 'their height is greater. It is not uncommon, - off the Cape of Good Hope, to see be waves sixty feet high ; but they come such a distance they have a long, easy ascent, which renders them gee.: erally, less dangerhus than the more rugged waves at the Atlantic. On the Shetland, isles the breakers, rolling from a distance -of Several thousand miles, have a perpendicularheight of sixty feet when they heave on shore. In the hurricane of 1: , 66 the sea broke completely over Hog island in the Bahamas and Alie_foam-crest was repeatedly on a level -with the top of the lighthouse, sixty-eight feet above the sea. There are photographs of rollers at Medeira whose s vertical-ele- vationls nearly forty feet above the beech. Nor is it difficult to` ascertain the • length of waves : one :way of measuring Ahem is when an ocean steamer over four hundred '‘feet , long is head oh to the sea, ithd is rising to meet a wave Just as another 'one • rashes from 'under the quarter, a vast, -roaring/mass, ruining over thirty . miles / an hour, and leaving behind a long y streaming main or foam.--Appleion'B Journal, .• TittrA. .. . . . Trite to the promise of thy / youth, When allovlaJloved..thei, for thee prophesi l ed A grand, full life, dented to•the truth, ... A noble cause by suffering - sanctified. ' . 'True to all tteautiS of the.poet-thought Which made HI youth so eloquent and Sweet ; . True to all duties which thy manhood brought to take the room of fancies light and Ilect.:• ` True to thtr steadfast walk and narrow way, ‘l7ltileit.tity forefathers of the covenant trod ! True tit thy friend In foul or sunny day, True to thy home; thy country, and thy God ; .. TrUe to the Woritt; which still 13 faisito thee, /- M ‘nd true to all—as thou art true to e. ' • True tope vow that bound us in the lane, That summer evening when the brown bird . sang Piercing the silence with sweet notes of pain, While echoesover all the woodland 'rang. True to the trod; we plighted on that day, Each telorsakst all others for the one ; Cleaving together through the unknown way, Till death made sold thennion that begun. True to the loie brought by a little hand : f riae,- - th4ugh' the patter of the childlsh feet Have passed from earth Into the silett land;" Lose . hall-ws love; and love Is Still complete ;- -1 can lift up mine eyes from teardrops free, . For thou are true to all these things—and me. —All the Fear Round. . "DON'T Grit IT AWAY." From the simplest flowers by the wayside, Fair wi.dom may cull a Ixquit A_ street:phrase may oft point a Moral.; 'There's sense in—" Don't give it away." If yob hear a cho'co bit of scandal, Be it "spicy " or true aait may, • Boni :eagerly hurry to spread it. 1./o better—. Don't give it sway." When a gossip persistently boles you, Tour fellows or friends to betray, Be polite as you can, but remember Be Arm, and—" Don't glee it away." When a confidenceresta InYour: keephag When a friend to your ear cloth convey Some secret trusts to your Manor, A! &rake care you Don't give lt iivray:A7 A MINISTER ON DANCING. • _ The Rev: Matthew Hale Smith, in a sermon ti) his congregation in New York, said there was not .a single amusement on the face of the earth which has received the ban of all na- loons to so great an extent as dancing; To illustrate this be quoted from the Bible.' "This girl, Berodis'a - daugh ter,"' said he, " was a professionai ki-saver.- Dancing was consistent with riot. murder and immorality. • The first - chapter of the book ,Of Esther relates how the king made It feast for his male friends. The Wine-cup passed around,songs,'Wer*e sung; stiiries were told, and when • all 'were drunk the King commanded. that the Queen should be brought in. What for? Ordinary amusements -would not'suf- . flee. Dancing was in order. The Queen refused to appear before.such a com pany-and the King divorced hell from . hiw because she refused to do what thousands of Christian women in New York to-day would. do if tpey had a chance: From the time .of Cain down to the present day,thincing has always been a world's amusement. A boy cannot leave his Sunday-school to to a dancing school with any less clan. ger than he would incur in frequent: ing . gambling bells.? ."You would not want a- Christian, woman," continued: the ,pteacher; dressed in ball costume to Tome to the -bedside of your dying wife to speak words of good- cheer. .The wildest savage is not fit to murder the settler and take his scalp .until he has A danced the war dance.., particular dress is required for the; dance. The lady who received her guests at- a dancing party in. ordidary attire would be ostracised. At- the same time, her dancing-costume would be scandalous On the street or at adjunct =The, plea that you dance for exerchse is :insured.' You 'never loOk yourself in your room and dance for an hour. Dancers must" have the ex citement of \ being in public. -Any has \ passed the summer at - Saratoga for the past five yearg . ean :see how public dancing has !alien of since the' publie\halls were There is comparatively little dancing.' because there is noticly now tolook• on except at great irdl4: \ When slicrimin entered "her protest aginst round - dancing she did riot make-it' a religious woman. She is a fash ionable woman and. a womaa\of the •world. She made the prote't in behalf of the morals of her Chil n.' Mrs. Polk banished dancing fr m the White Muse • because it , was an amusement unfit for. the n h ills. The most dreadful place in Paris to-day."---and. sorry to Avery one goes there, even min isters and deacons—is a danCi.u,g ball and scenes are enacted. there that a .Mohawk. Indian would , not tolerate in his kingdom, unless his braVei were on. the eve of going into battle. Dancing adds nothing twour enjoy ment. A dancing hall is as mis=- chievous as a dram shop: would be in the 'vestibule of a' church. I haVe seen men Sit/'smiling in a dancing ball, looking at their wives in the embraces of other men in the round dance, who would shoot the , couple if they assumed such attitudes in any, other placp. ,The world *odd sus tain them in .the shooting, too. •It is disgraceful fur 'Christian women to dance. Dancing •is not only , lib, but it is sin . . • SWper -Annum In - Advance. NUMBER 25. NOVELTIES IN ?MIMI The time approaches for the yearly articles to appear regarding fashions. Here is what, we can assert to be the latest : . L-The latest style of ladies' hats is called the" Seldo:u," it is so called be cause it is seldoin seen on the head. It is generally placed directly over ear or nose, according to the taste of the wearer, and, gives her a ." What d'yer say ?" sort of ,a look, which is very enticing. • A new thing in pockets is pocket books. The ladies generally - carry them in their hands; but this fash ion is being rapidly_ done-away with' as the pocket-lxmk population is rap— idl der - ng (vide police statis tie! .he writer alternates he ,Onsidemtion • of ladies' n's clothinghemust* ex , . / ...0eu as he"writes as the thoughts msent "themselves; it must also be understood that he is now refer ring to male habiliments) will be worn as, usual. This . must 'be borne ',- in wind, for a gentleman would ap pear extremely ridiculous with. - his arms shoved throtigh the legs of a pair of pants. The pockets will,be builVon either side; so that the wear- er, in default - of an overcoat, can bury himself up to his shouldeni in - them._ , - 1 , - - , Suits for little 'boys can be con structed from the. absolute pants of their papas. This will elevate their noses and give them a .high-toned appearance. Ladies dresses will be tied back, it possible, more than .ever, and those who don the latest style will be eern pelted to start two - hours before church time in order to arrive in time to hear the last prayer. When returning from evening Par ties the hats of the gentle Men will ' 13e S worn on the back of the head.;By pulling - the hair over the eyes a very pretty - effect is engendered. -The latest style of silk hat is called, the " Concertina," because when return ing from a ball or party they general- ly resemble one.- -To those who consider themselves unable to Purchase overcoats a red • pepper worn in the buttonhole of the undercoat will answer the same.pur pose. Sonic paint stoves on the back Of the vest, while others sprinkle mustard in their shoes, but. the red leper is said to give more warmth. _ To the gentlemen who have decid ed to wear their straw'hats all winter,, the writer would suggest that very earhortable ear-muffs' can be -put - - chased for 25 cents. The cold weath er will have no terror for those who take advantage of this suggestion: The nose may also be sand-papered, and this will give additional warmth. A very pretty walking 'dress is made of silk, with - two rows of paper - muslin artmnd. the back i_stoop,"eand the beauty of the dress is greatly - eni l harmed by placing-rows of yellow au' revoir or bon soir down the - left hand; • side tucks., Should this not suit, theL taste of the fastidious, small strips of lace curtain may - be overhanded at suitable intervals around the pol lynays, with hic jaciti plaitings from - the teller to the roof and backhand- edAver the shoulder, will probably look"as well. A blue gingham um brella scraped to the left waist pro duces a , veyy handsome effect. • - _ Gentlemen's — c - ollars are still going • up. - They hav'e already reached tbe. rim of the hat, and before the winter is over it is'pos.sible that hats may be suspended .by roofs built over the collars. - A- report has (Tallied. currency that siriped Stocking; are going out, of - fashion,, but a more decided knowl edge can be gained when the ,streets get a little slushy: The new style of Derby for young men will be very small, and will give the members of the elite the appear-t ance of a-pimple on an - egg. Nineteen-button kids -are suitable for evening dress, but of course mem bers of the first families will provide, themselves with other _ articles . of dress. FUN, FACT AND FACET , gra. Etunilives were lost - in Philadelphia during the tempest. oughtest to leave thy-beloved td the Beloved ; for Jesus will-be hived alone above all things.. Mu:Ovrett, of New York, Mentioned his name to thei bystanders astir) car door jammed his fingers recently. BuordEit TAYLOR,. Of the Independent Republican, Montrose, was defeated-for Representative atthe late election. IT is not until we have passed - through the furnace that we are made to. know how much dross was in .our composition. Love him and keep him for thy friend, who, when all go away, will not forsake thee, nor sufferthee to perish in the end. • - HE that eleaveth TuOto creatures shall fall with that which is subject to fall ; he that empraceth Jesus shall . stand dimly forever. • - • THE people of : God are united in their faith ; not in the - opinions, about which' men strive, but in the faith which saves the soul. KEEP close to Jesus both in life and death, and :commit thyself unto this faith fuluess, who, When all fail, none can help THE Beloved'is of such a nature that he admit of no rival ; but will have thy heart alono, and sit on his own throne as King. , , . THERE is no reason why .2 man should humiliate himself for having, fouglit bravely in.a cau.wlitch be believed f k ,to lie, right. • . TliEltE is not a stream 'of trouble so deep and swift running that- we may not cross-safely over if we have - ourage to \ steer 'and strength-to pull. • TuE scoffer dying with a sneer on his the swearer with a oath,. and the. saitit \ with a prayer, wake to. meet thedr revessa\ble destiny which he 'has chosen. In, most quarrels there Is a fault on both' sides. Both dint and steel are ne cessary to the production of a spark. Ei ther of tbe e m may hainmer on wood forev er, and no tire will follow. TittNs not that a, pleasure which God hat la tnreatened, nor that a blessing which Heaven bath cursed: True spiritual joy and pleasure come only by following that which Is good. - THE believer goes to bis crown and his kingdom; the sinner to unending remorse. l'he gne goes to a bridal scene, the- other to a funeral. A bridgeless gat lies be. tweed them forever. _ r Secretary of State has received from the Aniericau Consul at Canton $BOO in gold, being the amount of yellow:fever subscriptions raised in that city, and from the 31inister of the United States in France $4,000 in'gold, being the third instalment of Patis•subscription. l' i •. ~• Ell lag Mil -,-='''. _ ~, ~ al