7.: -- !;" , P,'i , :..l::s•l';T.;t7:::,i'.'";,7l.7:•lt.i.:Vt!;r,*M'eigsfa - P.. Ora jef , 4,1 i,„ tit d4potttet ID:wr.r.da, Pa., Thr.r.iii, Noviii, 1873. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, • " 15•6alur In FINE JEWELRY !rearm, SILVER & j'EA TED WARE, - = TOWAIkiDA l'oivanda, Jan: IS, 1577.. \k• LOCAL AND CENERAL. - THE•Arabelia Runt Company at 31ereur Hall Tuesday; evening, Nov,l.othr. g.' UNci.r. Tom's Cabin" at 31ercur Hall this (TbUr6day) kvening. Hos. JosEra PowE7.L is' in New York purchasing goods tor & CO. / S. W. Rounr.atzt has been elected Super intendeut of the Sunday School at the nail,works. S. BEmis officiated in St. Ste plien'sThurch, WlPies-Barre, on Sundny last. . A 6CCIABLE Will be held on Tuesday cev ening, the .19th. ins;,., at the - Led re Rookmns of the Church of the Metis h. All arc invited to .attend. TUE Ladies or the Presbyterial:olmill will give a'stipperin - the Lecture Room on - Wednesday evenikig next, November 20t1i commencing at 5 I , 'clock. • MISS CORA IjAnTLETT S,:110 has . lven dangerously ill for the past ten days, is now considered - out of danger, and her friends are hopeful for her Eptedy mew:. hope our people will give expres sion to their aplq.cciati . on of 'merit he greetiEg i..Ns KELLOGG I ts.ith a full house oullolisilay evening next. Tickets for Eale 4t KIRBY'S. , ' The many 'warm fi:ientis all over the State of lion. JAS. 11. WEBIS will he pleased to learn that be is recovering from the illness 1-hiel has confined him torthe house for some weeks past'. By the new I iI11 , .! 'fable which went. into elii 4.1 on 3londay last No. 2, ,going north Lyre at 4:33, twenty-live tninwes earlier than 1,1-fore, :Ind 10. 13 goys south M., twenty-eight minutes ear lier. P.vrnoNs will bear in mind drat the Po mona Grange will bold its annual session in IA7 commencing (in tne: , day next. As ol:iccrs fur the ein.uing are - to be oleettil evcry grange Should be I S. R. Tim) has more(' ou to his . farm in FTINI: is one of the I‘,7'.t ;•.! . ielduists In the coliuft:., sp( lit. the gre:ver uitit.o.ll ,:f hi; life :se aie afraid mill iiud fa! i:ulier dull btu THE Athens e“uuttif;'iters were la.Nt st.ntenecd I,y „Judge KETcnnt \VI It It* :Vasacutet:e,d to I.:iy : It title Of II: "Loco, and utt , .,-r).r.nd imprisonmeid i t:f il••• :.e:vs. Ilr.tct;stat two ;vols., at.d C.AurrNTI - 2: flJrce tears. ntrNlEit a hen tit or t h e K. of P.'s of this place, in icur 11. 11. 1'; idly evenin:z, l)ee , r 11th. This. tiz ill Ltr..rd our citi ae 011 i'F.tigit'fhe 4,ll,l•liUllity of Jill liing for..t.thi!!g. ”C the history and 4,1 j, of tlris p,•polar ILLS hea.cd \li" 110( ring says TI • a voic:i c". wcll,3c scmaness . IZoot adds as (.a-y - ai;tl gi:R•k•fal ta.ai ing:auti bur ulocut lOU :.; I.^itt. as la:r sialjng. Tito lady won the: he:lrts of ta‘i au.i 4.l:cc at ()nee, and every t .L• v.:14 CllCOrt it" Ikkets for sale 4t • • T;;E: :Atm er giv( the la(des of the Epi,copal Church 4.n Wednesd A y cver,h, ; :, nuts very liberally star...ling, the it;zl( mer,cy f the welther. So tountiturlly bad they prep:n.(4 La. t however, that they were enahl , d to *spreatl a 110:ch on the fbllowing day from 'h - :o%; they realized a hatid,ume rptit. mos I. CI. or G. T.—Ti.e of Di-tti:ct G, , 01 “1* Wa-4 : r 1,. , ;1 , (- 1 . at. Nortli N.)veinber at:4l ILt. tin. At:::, Wri, G. %V. ( . 1 T. Of tLe (:rend or l'f-nnylv:.l:ia, v. ;II prz....cht.. M. E. D. Si c'y I. 0. of 0. T. re:,: lit n ka , that St•l - iff-( I•ct P. was att7:4:1:«1 by er:.cbp,l s .nn evet:ing and joy s:.ine time is :Ir. , erly Avis cc ni lcr d dl , illll -e has It•lvret et yielded to nodi q:1 4tiN• I on inctit, is flow nitwit iin If he 11:114 no fn r her rnitlxicks ;0 lcad:: to ass , unie th; , . duties 4 ill's oftiee 11n the fast of 4ato;:try: r:iil t ii IA TA li t h. , `P . :c Ilatitie. and Grwt Western Rail •uueedetl by all wtio tiA•et we:4- , be the beet rcute uu . the eunti- ru.iii Itai 1, he? acewunkalations arc ttin•ur nal 'travelers can njoj• all the Me 11 of :tome. wjliie iithag E; tilt it is ccaches. 31r., BAiccouii. tile upper g;4. pot is agent for the sate of tick . - c;.. awl S. M. STRATTON, of Elmila, is MEE gt:leral traveli!.g agent I:EV. 11, S. Jones, of St. Stephen's Church, Wilkes-ll:trre,.occupred the clian eel vi C t hrist Clutch; this place, on Sun * 'day hist!. lu the wonting, he delivered a ill; and'iuteresting discourse on the sin In tlALvtniug leis Ni;,L,: Itelig,ion. spv;iker, and a thoroughly. .1 ) YAintiNt;To.s . , once' ed:tor ';:t, D4hwer4ff,:tiAl a•rnan of o‘doialy liiciary abibjty, but , 61.‘? of bad •ca,litu irvegular ...li2dspent tnost of his time ti'aliip- :.L :ut tI t countly, ft fl ~.1., % vu :Iftils N. 1, s..zne days since. and tip , .:l Lis head ticeived injuries rcsa:tcd ..1 Lis de:..th on the :Stlt ult, W . • 1, Vti. ate in ntek 114 or the first number ti:e T, Miellitnuy County. etlitet'_ and I,l:blishiid LvoN CoNnEY. In the Nalutatory the thie .i..urealis to be •' po iodi rt , .;Nsr.:ll.e - t• of the intit-itt,ndetit fruit. the R. • y f.tt't us the ciiici prise will be aI , UCCe SA. • The se nior editor is a brother of Mrs. M. L. I3ctiNsof t. 1.11 place. IN is a lawyer of pona;• pi yniiuence and ardent van. Wmtritv 3LksTual. c..nferred the fourth Degree Oa' (MClididate at the meeting of Osealuwa Grange on 11,1 y evening last. As usual the goat ters•of the grange had, prep4d4 sunvt- con. trpaht, and after the goon - fit rigs bad bee tl moughly discussed, approlni ate remark. Nieto made l by the Worthy : Mitste4 J. B. Smrru, W: 11; SMITIT, B F. Bow*. C iii Ll.tiLon, QtptiOn MAN- Sillllll EititOrr, 77" -- ' , .I:3tectic tux NoaTeutoP killed a large bear on Sugar Ridge, near the 'Paine Set tlement in Barclay township. Bruin bad been the terror of the neighborhood for years, and carried off bumerous sheep, pigs, etc., besides destroying whole fields of corn. Beieral ineffectual attempts to capture him had been made. 'One day last week Mr. Notrrnnor started out with a double barrel gun heavily loaded, and had not proceeded far when lie Came up the animal lying behind a log. Re dis charged both barrels at, once with fatal aim, as the bear fell dead withouta strug gle. PEnsoNAL,-; - --Miss MART Pxrincx, of Owego, is paying a visit to her brother, 11. W. PATRICK, Esq. •-• ' r 7 -J. C. Vaxf7E, : who has been living in Cawker . ity,'KariSas, for the past few nionthg, waslntovrn last, week. •Ile ex presses himself as delighted with the West; and 'he certainly / appeirs very much iruPrOved in health. —Lour BAnsTow•will spend the win ter with her grandmother, • 141 re. D. F. BARiTow. —Mr. , and Mrs: E: T. Fox arrived home from their western tour on Moniray last. They :extended their trip to St. Paul, Minnesota; 'sand had a most enjoyable time. . —Col. 04rrios and wife .are in New York. ] —Mrs. d. F. Cons, En is visiting' friends in Central New Fork. ,- - -Senator Gionon.b, .T.ensox was in town on Weilnesday. t•is - Timrsday evening next ..futss GER tRUDE liEtt.ocu, will treat the people of 6iis place to a select entertainment, con sisting of , Dramatic find '2liumo \ nuis Per sonations and Readings.' :TheAloston .\ Transcript guys of her readings in\ that city: . , Miss Gertrude Kellpgies debut as 3-rea der in the Music Hall last eveuing,-under the auspices'of the nedpitth Lyceum Bu-- ivuu,..was 'witnessed by an andience fill ing every scat Mille great hall, and evi dently gratification. ller , good qual ities of voice and gesture uere pie opportnnity in a, vaiied plogrannue, comic, serious, sentinnutal, and tragic, . 'which the lady ad thd, fail to in.proce to the point of geueratsueeess. Her Must approvvd ventures were iii the MI iOUS a ud sentimental silections--Arrouls's Edward at Vers!ailles and M ACAUt..Vt's --Virginia" and ' 6 the Face 11g:inlet the Pane on the one thaid, and "A icbte Dean," "What You'll Better Do'," and What I I)id," on-the other. ,ter grace ful btage pretence and well-controlled tia..ugh hardly enough varied Voice are her recommendation-0;o the patronage of the public. LITTLE 'S LIVING AGE.—Tile Last two numbers of Littir'4 Living Ase (bearin g date Nov. 231 and 9th respectively) hlbe noteworthy articles, aniong.whieh are the following The Six:A:emir Century ar raigned before the Nineteenth : a Study on the Reformation," by Right. Hon. W. E. GLA GS ONE, Cut('nipor urg Review:. "Hallucinations of toe Senses," FM n.shtly : " Timing!' the Dark Continent in 1720," iftionilluir: "Sir WALTER St .;TT and the Romantic Reaction," J I'LIA WEGEWOOD, Cofer/To/Wry " Color iu Painting," Cornhtit: "Holidays - iu Earfein France," Part 11, Fraser: "The Tr”ubles of .a Scots fraveller," Mad - - fr,,od: "The Ihrzzing ut Insects'," Pablic ()pinion, &c. In addition to the above are instalments cf "Sir Gilibic ; " h. (luonnt: MActioNALD ; "A Doubting. Heart," by Miss Kl:Anr, and " Within the Piteincts," by: Mrs. OhirtiANT, to gether with "Fred," a Talc from Japan, and select poetry and Miser Ilany. For fifty-two numbers, . sixty-four Loge pages each (or more than 3,00 1•,04es a year!, the subservion - price is low ; or for . :10.50 any one of the Amer- 4 L.an ti 4 monthlies or %%INA:lies is sent with the Lirifis Ase for a - car, both L TELL & GAY, Boston, are the I.4ylish-, ers. A Hall Mt7:41C.11. TREAT:—Tbniti k li t .e elroOs of Mr. C. T. K11:BY, the peo ple of Towai.da are ti, have the pleies.ure ul;listetting to the renown.ll 4 ` eAtiLi.L.I. Pomp Glatal Concert Company," or: I ues day evening next. o .Miss .Itutyr will be as sisted by the follot.i.iltg pcpular. artb.ts.: V.olo.iste ; Mr. A. 1;. Tetuir; ;Ar. %V. F. lIOI,IILs, Bard. tie Buffo ; Sid L'Atii e u TonnIA.M, Pianist. The programme is'an entertaining one, ua vita attract the attention of lovers of 1 , I,IC PART FI4:ST 1. In" 11,040..1m, 11x1 SIGN4)/1 2. 31) /AA 'ft "„t r." 4% I.y Al le n 'tont MINS A LA I. trr. 3. Yoca? Ili. 11,4 \of g , ‘.ry, • ' Frl,lll °,l).:ll.lZ,•tti M'N. A. Ft imoNG AND Mu. W. F. 4: Violin Legeti.iu," • ' MANTr.v. • . , a. p.;ic,, thetwzze do 1 , 4;1:., • Nll•zart .Mr. W. r. 6. I:sal (1 Sl • • • 1/3 ry 1 . 01110 , ,- • Fnau the Op: .:t ••I;jlz ,,s, tzo. — ..Vcr4ll f:OOT. IPALT sr.coN I. Polk nn!,,, I:: I' ' , harp tnl%hr, Chopin SIGNOIL C. ,TORRIANI. '2. (irand At is—":ll'appar.." the Opera .• Mart k totow Mu. A. R. Fut:l.l.M% 3. VloSti Solo—Variation, on a Theme of 1f;;• zart;"....lbsid zr:LiNk 3I.%xrEY. lißalind-- (Th. tuts. ye ft.rget., — W4e and !Lode by Miss Root SI ISS A R A BELLA ROOT., s;lingo Son—••Tli • King's High V 117,..... M olioy )ii:. W. I'. 11••L3u:s. • n. Trli..—Wrs of 111 , night. shine us," 001hp:1113 MInS 1:00T, MR. Ft:I:LONG A.ND HOLMI:4 iss lithyr has reetived the highest plau dits of art critics both iu this country and Europe. REUBEN A.TIVQ6I3 died in Herrick, on the 27,th ult., aged 06 years. Mr. A. came to this county about seventy years ago, :Jl settled in what is now Pike township. lie came with his wife from Connecticut to make a home fur his family in what was then a derlse wilderness. Ile was compelled to carry his corn ott his back to the mill atWyalusing„ blazing trees to mark his course. -The woods were filled with wild beasts, and more than .orce while making his lontily journeys through the woods the was followed by: Wolves and other beasts of prey. Mr. A. was a very quie.kinessiiming gentleman, therefore had but,'n small circle of ac quaintances. Ile was a man of indomita ble industry, and moamulated: a compe tency many years sintie; IRIP-the fact did not. interfere with his iminst dons habits, as Le continued to pet form manual labor up to the commencement of his sickness, which resulted in his death.° With : the exception of rheumatic pains :which af fficted him for some gents previous to hi s d eat h; -he had e joyet 1 exceptionally good health. lie was a great reader; and kept hint Self well posted to the current news )end business affairs of the day. He always attendad to his own business matters, and Vas scrupulously correct and exact jn 411 Lis dealings. lie never traveled much; and it is said never rode upon the cars in his life. During. the last year of his life he read the Bible thrimgh three times. Ills declining years were spent with his son, G. C. -.N•rwoon. who spared no pains to make his aged parent comfortable and happy. Thus one by one. the links which bind the past to the present century ,are being,broken, and sroon the.early pioneers will be gone, and the story of their trials; tokblith wm I>la ergatim •• ' • • - > • - • - I - • .•-•• '"- " EN A TKRIIIIILE tragedy occurred at West Chinangs, near Binghamton, Sunday isat, Three brothers, Jamas, Ham, and.Joni' Tanzn, own and rnn a farm jointly. Jas. and Daviri have, disagreed for some time about a division of the property. Sunday, DAVID went to the barn wheroJaztra husking smut. They quarrelled and DA . - VID seizing a pitchfork knocked Jastiis down and stabbed him - in the chest fifteen or twenty times. He -lived only a few minutes. DAVID then went to the woods and blow his own brains opt with a shot gun: Both were well to do, and both middle aged. DAVID leaves a wife and four children. JA.IIBB was unmarried. UNCLE Tom's CABIN.—It is surprising what a hold. upon- the 'affections of the people Uncle Tom's Cabin has. •Frcim the time Of the ativent.of the book-until . now, the interest in it hai e ;never abated, and. that we presume:mecounts for lhe two,large audiences that . gathered at the Opera House at the Saturday afternoon matinee and at the evening performance., The afternotin attendeuce was probably the largest matinee that : ever . filled' the - Opera House. The afternm)u attendance was of course composed of LAdies and children, and at each rendition of the drama the audience seemed to be pleased and frequently gave audible evidence .of their pleasure. - The infant pred4T-- "Little Gertie,"-onlY four years old, was the ideal "Eva," and .flayed her part so that many heartsrwere drawn to her in, sympathy. " T0p.53),.." who "never leas born but growed," was 'Performed in a very superior manner by- "Little. Dot." Mr. L. E. Barker,,a side splitting &need ian, who has notleen in Elmira„for years, look the funny part o "_Marks,°the Law yer," Miss Mary Barker lerson flu:1 "Aunt Ophelia," to the 'evideti satisfaction of all,. so also Mr. Charles Mesteyer as , "Cede Tom," a simple eh meter, ,yet saoftem poorly cast. The nitiagctnent \ of "Clark's Fifth Avenue must I aur€l2; have been flattered by the,large a 14evidently well pleased audienes.— ' Ebaird Daily Adeertixer, Nov. 4flt. • This Company will play Uncle T u n's I Cabin at 'Stettin- Hall Thursday evening, Nov. 14th at popular prices 25 and 35 cents. The hall will be crowded. ~ 31AKE HOME HAPPY.—In view of the) approaching cold, dark days and• nights of winter, we should like to put In a plea for warmth and light in thehousehold. If economy is necessary; as it 36)1 doubtless he' in many homes, let it take some other direction, and though there be fewer pies and cakes, less trimming fm the childeens' dresses, and pipes are smoked instead of cigars, let there be a goal • the cm the hearth, and let the sitting-room lamp barn brightly._ Economy in these respects —meaning stinting the At—is no economy. Eyesight injured by a slim light may nev er be regained, and shivering over an _in suflieicht fire i;ften causes sickness or death, ten times as expensive as the fuel saved would have been. Fires in sleeping-rooms for young pe6- pie in good health are, we believe,- wholly Hula cessary. Plenty Of cover and a car.; pet, at least at the bed-side, will keep up wholesome warmth even with the ther mometer down to zero. But a good tire iu ;he sitting-room is in cold leather es-' sential both to health and comfort. mwaning.men, who do hot intend to be un kind, often grumble over the quantity of fuel consumed, MA still more over the cost of it, forgetting that to "cherish" a wife sheniust at least. be kept w.t:m, anxitius wives, dreading such graumbling,j shiver over a feW coals, hoping to saws esisluse in fuel. To what good? Their wiek is half dune, with numbed lingers, tu-uralgia probably sends them to lied if . pneumonia does not, the children arp cross and-crying With blue noses and chib• , and the comfort of the family is .wholiy upset. Silt the cinders, save the chips, burn the corn-cobs, which Make a sciendid lire 1 y the way ; be as economi cal as 3on like iu fuel, but not a the cost oflealth.. And men and -boys, see that the wood is hauled and cut. "Ile that prevideth not for •his own - household is worse •than an infidel," and the wood-file is as important: as • eAer the pork barrel or meal tub. There is little choice between being hungry and cold. Even green wood makes a good lire if split tine enough, and the boy who looks out for it rs.an unspeakable help to his mother. hu can tell bOw much of the fascina tion of the conntry tavern or the city bar room is due to th..ir bright light and blaz ing fires. Think of that wives anti moth ers, and "fight the devil with the.'-' 131.711N1N0 01 , •THE NltiNk*.l. HOVSE.- The popular summer resort, known as the "Iliuntqua House," situated la Minim qua Epriugs, in Canton township, was butnNi early on TuesdaY moralog. take the following necounc of the ftoutia gration ft-OM the Elmira Adrertixer of Wednesday • About three o'clock_ yccterdny morning the splendid-summer hotel at Minnequa •ititings,about thirty s south of El mira, was entirely destroyed by fire. Mr. .1. I). TYLER, the steward, and wife, were the sole , occupants of - the building at thie f-tine. _3lls. TYLER saw a bright light. shining on a coal ear, and awakened her husband who immediately started to find out the cause. There were - three wings to the building, and thry . slept, in the welt • end. The fire was in the extreme cast end. By the tine Mr. Tsi.tn. reached there, the flames were under good head way. He hurried back and got his wife and child out of the' building, and saved what clothing ho could, and then proceed ed to bitch the hose to the hydrant. There was . a strong west wind plowing at the time, and . the building, being composed entirely of wood, furnished good material for the fire fiend. There was no one liv-' ing nearer than a half - mile of the wens of the 6min:l'g - ration ; consequently them Was nu one to render assistance for a long time. The station and telegraph race of the Northern Central Railway was situa ted in the same building, but the tickets, 'books and papers, and the telegraph in struments were saved, lu less than tw , .r hours the building was entirely consum ed. Not one stick was left upoir another. The Outbliklings Were all saved ; also a building used as a grocery store, about fifty feet fro.n the hotel. - There were nut over twenty persons present during the tire. The people of Canto% only two miles distant; knew nothing whatever of the catastrophe until moining. gai house and a cottage :used for lodging guests of the hotel were saved. • . Mr. W. D. TYLER, the superintendent, informed our reporter that he could not tell whether the building would be re built. It was owned by a stock company, of which Mr. JACOB Toms, of Port Depo sit, Md., was the largest owner. The in surance on the building is:00AX); loss estimated at $75,Q00. The business was better the pail than any .season since the hotel was opened: It was built by:PETER llEntnc, seven or eight years ago. The Minnequa House was a favorite resort for Elmira people ; but it will be greatly mihs ed by many families at Philadelphia, Bal timore; Harrisburg and Washington, and in genetal by - the whole, country,- jet µs IIbrOOMOMMWiIf. . , Now k the_time When Ronk are think kg about' subscribing for`papers and magar.ines. In toss Connection we beg to Call attention to a new and useful article whielt every newspaper and periodical - subscriber should have. We refer to the latent hinder, pew being manufactured at* the RtroirrEn Bindery. /It is sold very cheap. Agents .wanted in 'every town in Bradford, , Susquehanna and Tro. ga.Conntles. - /1 - Tug, musical and dramatic entertain meat at the Congregational-Tharch, Le- Itm sville, on Friday evening; by the Miss es Hoextxs, was decidedly superior to anything of the kind our people have ever had an opportunity to listen to. The recitation of "Leak in the Dyke" by Miss Bear, was splendidly rendered, and called forth the most earnest expressions of appreciation from the -audience as was also the case in the piece entitles" "The Yankee in Love.". Her rendition of that magnitfeent piece, "Thek of Ages," was exquisite, and could, be. equaled by but very few. Aii an elocutionist Miss Her miss has few equals anywhere. Min 111- MA HOPKINS sang some elegant pieces, among which we recollect "Harp iu the Air," and "'Fairy I Would Be,' which was loudly encored by the audience, and the singer appeared and was received with every demonstration ;if appreciation. The Misses Ilorgues..iire very accomplished yoUng ladies, and" possess superior unlsi. cal and and elocutionary..attainments, mid in point'of merit rank with the first in ability; The Lo Ilaysville Cornet Baud was present, and issistedin r ,making . the evening's entertainment a success. B. TROY ITEMS. — ( gDITOIt REPOIATEIt-- Dear Sir: It is naturally somewhat quiet -here Since election. and'ulthough them is a great deal of good feeling over the re sult, it does not exhibit itself as in some places, in an noisy demonstrations or 'public rejoicings, but nevertheless it none the:less sincere. Every one can scarcely-help being encouraged, and - men May well congratulate each other that the county is not giV6n .over to demagoguei who are little better than conic:l:mists. All that is now necessary . is for every good Republican to keep the ball moving, and to stick to lit.e same honest principles that haVe alway s governed the party, and in MO we shall sBu that then as well as now honesty will win. • Men axe not all crazy, nor dishonest, and the result Orthis election all over the country proves that When men see the l ie; cessity of prompt and combined action for Abe right that there arc enough of honest Linen to do the work. As we predict, d the, .Greenbackers ni de a ridiculously hiilli show' in Troy, ant there is not probably-ono who voted the ticket but is sorry for it to-day.. 'Col. °vim ox, Mr..Dt.AB, Mr. GILANT; and in \ fact.all he candidates of the Republican 'party o the ticket, received handsome majorities tore. ! Items of •ws are very -scarce at :pres ent, election bsorbing everything of mi nor iruportauee Several gentlemen about here have been 'n the \Vest staking visits to friends, and —eiml the country—Mr. A.'W. TuoitAs au ii. THOMAS arc among the number. To-day the body f Dr. FITCU, who died in Southport, IN., was brought here for burial, He I \ el , . many 'friends here, and a large c taro was at the de pot to meet and follow his ran:tins to the cemetery. ~ .., Business is improving he and there are iutl cations of better times a speedy result of the Republican victory „ Troy, Nov. 8, 1878. Onst. rvEn. ' . Tim IIEtINIEL FAMILY.— The - initial ap pearance of-a mit troupe Of public ar ists is of itself an interesting event. The op ing performance of the Ill:5mm Family, which took place at. Mercer's Hall on Wednesday eveniug last, was greeted' by a full and appreciative- audience.; It was an agreeable surprise to the music loving public, in that it afforded evidence of mu sical tra.ning and, ar istic execution rare even in the oldest awl strongest confirm- Lions now courting public favor, The smoothness and ease, the variety and ex cellence of the entertainment, showed careful preparation and - good taste.- The range of selections, both in vocal and in= .. sttumental music was chaste - and - classic, interlarded with humorous elements that passed off with very decided ell'det. I The . overture brought out the full ! strength of the troupe._ Noticeable fea tures in this performance wero the contra base_of Miss MINNIE HUMMEL and the I trombone pinking of Miss lirmo both of whom acquitted themselves to the per- i feet satisfaction of the audience,'aDd won i deciled tipplause in their noel and ex-1 ceedingly excellent renderings on these traditionally; masculine instruments. Fol !Owing this tIM mezzo-sopranii singing of _Miss Sornis brougat, out this new candi• date for public favor in strong colors--; her voice has, fullness and strength, coesider- able Cultivation, ,and possessek marked ' excellence 4n its volume. Experience will eive the young debutant • increased pridi ciency, study-and discipiince will supply i such deft cts as was occasionally apparent in her'opertieg effort, a very pretty bal-,.. lad, set to the music of IlAttsl—defectsi decidedly less apparent, in the final soli), a song from MILLARD. . The dialect 'mks of STANLEY—and espreinffy a piccolo solo of- Mr. YAEocR, an Noplione solo by Miss i AriumA Hummel., and the overture in I the second part b'y the full troupe were ! eniryable efforts and met with .decided I applause. , Altogether it may he fairly said that this troupe offers an agieeable and meri torious perforinance—one which will win its way to popular approval and send a winter's eveniug - witiged with the pleas ant memories of a modest and entirely in offensive enter.ftinment. This crowning excellence, the perfect purity and grace ful simplicity of the performance, should cointnend the entertainment offered by this troupe_ to the patronage of the public and secure the approval and applause of all who Seek enjoyment in the refined and refining atmosphere of music in its sweet est anti most humanizing phasa. Cunid) OF DIZINKIN6. -" A • younm ft lend of mine was cured of au insatiable thirst for liquor, that had •so prostrated his system that he was unable to do any business. He was entirely cured by the use of Hop bitters. It allayed -all that - burning thirst; took" away the - appetite for liquor ; maoe his nerves steady, -mid he has remained a sober and steady man for more than two years. and, and has no desire to return to his cups, and I knoW of a timber of others that have been cured - of drinking by it."—From a lead ing IL It. Official, Chicago, Ills. NEW LOCALS. SPECIAL - • BARGAINS. -*POW ELL & CO, OFFER TVIS WEEK FIVE CASES• STANDARD PRINTS. AS 606 D AS ANYInII: HE MARKET, AT FIVE CENTS PER Y.l RD. Nay. 13, 19. . • rtir litirtgE.—While attending the so. clable held at Th•v. Dr. Stewart's, oh Weduosday evening, t 6th last., the ' Black Cashmere Shawl of the undersigned was ontntentlonalts exchanged for that of some - ottmr person. - The pttrscto •wlth whom the exchange was made will confer a great facer by comiilunleaang with me. •• - . , • 24a2 X_THAN TIDD. rgr Go to NORTIOIVS Restaurant for a Warm Meal or a dish or Oysters cheap. awl. rir Millinery Goods retailed at whole sate price", at Smut Bras•. novt nr. Ladies' Cloaks and Furs in a large variety trim v. 75 up at "%T.V.ItN Bros', 1210V7,, nr A hit of st cAmtl-hand Cooking, Sitting-Room and Se , :-Eunn storl•N tar gale; Ap. ply to E0et.31.3 - 0. U. KINNZi. "' - ":lTi.s. E. J. MINGos leis TRIMMED U Xis for O E DOLL lit acti urrards. r' Miss E. L Mn oos is jte:t opening • noa Mock of Autumn 11.111Inery °nay, to which bhb hrtltte ettlfettowet the hdhe4 Itarf. = 411,7 LW I . )Teauf Trimmings; . th e . 814 awn: at exact; actrauxu airs; stew dans north at Iterrenrs flock.' • .• • Virecittiiß his cle beityrearing Shoes for. Alen, Boys and Youths• vioir eTer edged la Towanda, sad od prleiololftda fin roach of ad. 'or Housu - T.OR- RENT.--Conveniently located In central put of t the boroasti. Enquire *- thin olden. _ - n0v74,. I A fall assortateot- of Fancy Good* at aIcZLL k PAllNilabili4 - &._ few- doors north of IfercOro Block. I E3i' Tito Largest, Beat and • Cbeapost line of Shea for Ladleis'; 111!sees' and Madrona. wear la found at Coaitaa's new atom corner Main and Pinata., Tracy k l'fotdel Block: spr4'7B tF COMM!' Bakery Wagon, of the Ist Wan; Bakery. wil(he en hand, daily with Fresh Crackers hot_ fro *the oven, Bread. Plea, Cakes, ie. • sprit . it/r Don't you fo tit. We have an 'excellent - CRACKER MANUFACTORY la town at COWLES' BAKERY', where you can buy the best fresp•haled crackers. • • -+ • Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale by • Albs, Pa., Oct. la, 187 e. - O. lf. WYDB. • • Cam" For tickets all points -Wed; North and Soath7wett;a the lowest: poses . !hie rates, call on or addrees. H. E. BABCOCK, Agent, at Timor Depot r Towanda. I 17tt Vir.L. B. Romanies ehallenges cornpe ntlon far quality of gocis and low prices on Sash, Dews, Blinds and litoldtno, and all' building ma. lariat. ficgs.m. -EV" J. C. BLUM I has received , a NEW STOCK OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR far the Summel o rrade, which he offaras at prices fir less than here fore sold, /Ind at lower figures than any etnipetttor out. duplicate. Call: examine and be convinced. Store on )tale Street,. south side of Bridge,—sign of Gilt Root. 3a241. . £s" CLOSING our SALE of Gold and Slicer Watches, ChalniOrmicy Jewelry, etc. The , uMierslgned having piircbasedit Sheriff's Sale the entire stock eWatchrs, Chains, Sffier and Plated Ware,ln the suite formerly occupied by M N . HE rolks, and no wishing.te remain In, the Gus - nose, has concluded to sell the entire stock regard- Ices ! of cost, In order to wind np thehu3iness. Call .carly and secure bargain's. ' M JAconl • Cr' HALL'S 3, , - I:GE I TABLE SICILIAN I.IA 111 , ItimaccE4 Is a scientiflci combination of sonic of tire itim,f powerful restorative agents In the vegeta ble kingdom. It restorea gray lialitt; Its original color. ,It makes the scalp !shit° end' cit;an. It cures•dand nil and hum ' rs, and falling-out of the" hair. - It furnishes the ii :Nine principle by setilcb the hair Is•tonrisbed am supported. It makes the hair moist, soft sad g.osay, and la unsurpassed as a hair-dre-sing. It to the twat economical prepare lion-ever offered to the public, as Its eff..lcts remain a berg time, snaking otil , an occasional application ucce,san. It la recommended arfd.iiiied by emin ent medical men, and 4fficialiy e ndured by the Statr , Assayer of Massachusett. The popularity of Ifall'S.lfalr Renewer hau l Increased with the test.of mane years, hulk In thl4 country, and In , foreign lands, and It Is now known and used In all the. civilized countries of the world. FunSALE IIY ALL DBALEUS. I I . .•. MARRIED. -1- ITTTO N-1' RE EIL4At the rebittenee of the . bride. to Rome. oa Wthlnesday. Nor. GM. by A. • 1.. ItteherflA, Esq.. Mn I Luther Dutton. of catch !telt!. to Miss Mary J;Tarker, of t fty-L ANG FOR Sin ithfield. November by Rev. J. U. Na•am, Mr. Atit'ati-iiin (ary. of st florlington, fo Mrs. Martha Laugtord, of Smithfield. 4 l' i iL ~ 4 (I L ~ , f r . A a \ `I ). 1. . ', L , I. ) it. t. •-, f., ‘: \ , . SiII.:ONOVEII.—In Menu.. at the restlence of B. M. Clark, tietobcr 1,11. ICS, of spinal disease, vi Ist: Rhoda" Schoonover, forinetty or Standing Stone, aged 12 years!, 3isnouths and 24 days. ATW.O4ID.—In Iterrleit, at lha residence of his .son, - 13 C. At wow], i•cf. 25, let7s, Reuben Atwood, sig..tl D 6 years. • 1 \ tte AMT WM; T.—in Totvanda. pa.. rev. 5, 1575. \' heart disease. Mrs. Annie M. Sivariwt.att, mile ".. W. Stvartwout. aFed :4 years, TSwartwent removed trent Pittston . te ibis out e e 'ago!. During her tame! stay ' she endeared lierseif to all - with iviutta acquainted, ity her kfittlnest and amts: kt two .1 earsiago she united with the ' 4 .'1 ,51 erhurch, and has aiwaYa `fossion by ad unassuming thit g.l - Ituaband and children do net -ontfOrted by the consciousness la very great, her gain Is MIME among us she heearm, .I,lMy, Atuk 31-x tio:dist 13'1 ado ned her pi deporttneut. mourn luspeleaFlY, that though their iu greater. HE-YRY E. Vi JEW Corner Lake a ENID Elmira. N. April IIST OF LETTERS remal ing in 1.../ Post Offlrr at Towanda. Bradtord C., ~ Pa., for the week etollug N.: ember la, 1 0 37.1: Barnhart. Mrs J, Johnson, Marga et - , (*rutty. 'rhos. • 'Morgan Andrea', conottol:k..l U. . MoNkr, Sindo, Downing. Either, . Scanlln. Molly, Ps. Is, Bornatcl, . Swlth. Mrs Jane M. 6 rek n, l'lL,3 , lrti. Snytt...r, Mt s E.lcti,. 6 ts!gg. Sirs WF, I Toner. Bev rat tick; t: ran t, 4 I.vrit. Town..Mhokrora, Alltlatirant, I.lrzle; I WOO4l, sa:nue!, Ward. Ira ',V A. HELD ICII. rOfiTAGE : - , ' ' Ge. rge Noribrup, Powell, Pa. Persons ratting tor any ot Inc ah •ve Ivlllptease sa) ••at.l.vertlacd," girl n 7 datit".A" Md. t • IS. 8: :,.. .1.1.V(i.t1), P. M. rrOWANDA MAItIiETS.- . F.P. D PORTE BY STEVENS & LONG, •Getieral&leAli_•ll , l4 Groce i rles and Pr.illtire. Patton's Block, corner Maln and Bridge St rer Is. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Nov. D 3, 1879. P.\ YIN , II. SELLING Flour per bid ..... 3lt t 650 6 CO® 7.60 Vour por sick.., .1 1 4r® 1 60 1 r.t® 1 75 ecin 51P31 per 100 Ills ..t .- 1 :50. - Chop Feed 1 2[.® Wheat, per hush • 1 004 I 1 I le® • ' form4s 31( Rye : 50® 0:1® 65 11.:.ts l' ....! 2'65 3r®, Buckwheat • . 3'(p 37ky 4:4 50 Ilnekwilt at Flour . 1 514 IGo 2(0 Clort4seed,medium.... 5 CO® • Timothy. western....... 1 7:4 Beans. 62 1b5..1............ 1 Or® 150 1 5(0 . 2 00 Pork, mess... i.. 12 514 bbl. 064 10 Dressed hogs 1 05 . . . Hams 14 SlMulders....l ~ Chrekens 4.... ..... 6® 8 . ~ 84 10 Turkeys i . fl 4 13 , Ducks • i 5® 10 G.!•tt-e co I Lard Os® 05 12 Butter. tubs.. -K® 20 16® 22 Rolls 4 ~- Mill 16 I t 4 20 . Eggs. fresh :.) • 21 Cheese iro II 12.5. Goren apples, bush 25® 30 - 4e® 50 I'mAtlyes. per hushGl.... a(RO .710, 80 Onions 544 73 7fo • 1.00 Beeswar, .22 25 CORRECTED ET DAYTON i bah. . • 111 V cal skins ' Uea'•one S:keep Pelt% Tallow Wool LA-al pro LAMATIO:%I. WnEREAR, llon Pavt. D. Stout:oW. president Judge of the lS:h et:insisting of the county of !Radford. and lion. C. S. Itesskr-L, Associate Judge In and' for raid minty offilatiford, have is- Med their precept ts•aring date •Mb day of Oct.. ;s7B. In Inc directed, for ht Ming a Court of Oyer and Tertnioer. Gotetal Jail irelltery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace. Common Ptots and Orphans!. Court, at. Towanda, for the rowdy of Radford, ~ o ntmencing un Mupday, Dee. 2, 1878, to continue three weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the ("droners anti Justices of the- Prate of the county of. Brad fmd, that they be then and there In their proper persons, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said daY, with records, inquisitimis and other remembrances to do those things which to th.dr office appertains to he done; and thus., who are bound by reeogni r thei,3 or otherwise, to prosecute against the priso- ners who Cr. or may he lit the jail of said county. aro to be then and there to pros:elate again.t them as shall he just. Jutors are requested to be ?edic t:tat in their attendance: agreeably to their notice. Dated et Towanda, the 10th day of Oct.. In the year of our Lord. one thousand eight hundred and seventyseight, • and of the Independence of th'e • - United States the-oneltiniti rt II and third. A! r .1.. L I'ON, sheriff, Sperill's °Mee, Nov I!,!, •• . • Pil AN'l3 OtkiLTIVPSALF.By N.' Ticino of en order isXtvd nn of the t}rplan's Court of itredlord cony tbe derslgto.d. sa.m utor of the estam or Dault. I Whir . late of .tti,,ge bury twp.. deceased, xlll exisrse o public sate on the premises, ou TUESDAY.: N9VEIDIER 19. 1878. at 1 We ock P. at.. the following described reel estate in said township. • 71.•underi on the north by lands of John Carroll, `east by lands of John Chambers, on tbe by, lauds of Timothy Desmond. ante E. N. Wilcox. and oti the west by lands of Daniel Hayes, and supposed. to contain about one hundred nd Eve aeres,ro be ,the same more re less; about 75 acres Improved. with a frantedilbouse and framed barn, and sheds applet torsi thereon. TERMS DP' ALE.--4011 down. (1500 on cs•ntirmar. flOnLaltrd balance in one year thereafter witliinter est after confirmattm. JAMES H. WEBB, Executor, Exit Smithfield. Oct. /M.. 1878 FXECUTOWs NOTlCE.—Notice Is. Isere! y given --that all perstils In q-loell to ihe estate of Itenlem Ate.... 1, late of deres4.4l, are requested to make taned!. snout. aud-a•l persons having olaltns ag dust oalu estate must preseut them duly authentlO.ted for Settlement. • GODRISE C. ATIIVOOII. IrtFew.• • 1.31 T IKE= DIED. ZAKE, f l 11 7 . er Street% L.L.x.y.• 713-Iy. . . 0 laoZa . 4( 0-0 2'Q it) peon AttailisHounsts. A cam . TO THE LADIEjit. ON A.OOOOST OP TUX OVERCROWDED YASLST FOS MILLINERY .s„ TOWANDA I \ • • I am about to engage in' business ZIAZWHSIII, and two °ter my ENTIRE STORE et NEW AND ELEGANT Millinery and Fancy Goods VOil SALE, AT. COST. PLEASE CALL AND GET MY PRICES - BEFORE GOING •FLTRFIi ER. MISS M. L. COOS, Six Doors North of fost-Office, • UAIN STIIEET, TOWANDA, PA; Dated Nov. 4:11. 1878 T. L. KENT, AOEN'r, tl HAS JUbT RETURND FROM NEW TORS WITH A LATZGE STOCK OF WINTER GOODS ! CONSISTING ble SILKS, VgLVETS, - PRESS GOODS, • L. • SHAWLS, SKIRTS, FLIINNELS, • PIIINTk x AMMOS, TICK INGS, SIIIRTINGS, NOTIONS, Which he Is selling at PRICt 8 NEVER . BEPORS KNOWN J. L. KENT, . Noir. 8, 767,8 BE is an absolute and Dm!stable cure.for • \\. DRUNK- . . enness.. Inlc Terence and the u•e of Oplmn, To. Micro, Nam ics and - Stimu•ants, removing al l . taste. desire au habit of uting.any of them, -ren dering the tastey desire for any of them perfectly -odious and dbeg sting. Giving everyone perfect and 111TM:stable c mtrol of the-sobriety. of them selves nil their fri infs. . it prevents that ab. lute physical and moral mos tration that follows tl sudden breaking off front using et mutants Drum ones. . Package. prepaid. to re one to five persons, 41. or at your Dreg:,Mts. 11... Temperance and Oat \ a _ itable societies Avoid use t. -. lU= harmless and never- Bing. • 1101' liIT f F.IIS MPG. CO,„ Sole Agents. ROCIIESTBIL N. T. . , ~. . . - THE . 'HOP COUG \ R \ CURE Destroys all pain, loosens the coo h, quiets the nerves and produces rest. It neve.' fat eln per forming a perfrct cure where there is shadow of hope. Try it once aild you will find It so. • FOR SALE BY ALL S. MERCUR HALL, TOWANDA. . . UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. A reserved seat feir 35 cents. THURSDAY EVENING NOV. 14 CLAIM'S FIFTIT AVENIT t E COMPANY: OF NEW YORK. Orsnd Realistic Representation of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stosre's sublime religious Drama of 'UNCLE TOM'S CABIN I On which occasion the gifted artist LITTLE. DOT. . WIII appear In Err wonderful creation of TOpsy The Eminent Commedlan. L. E. BARKER, as Marks, the Lawyer, as played by Alm •.ver tit nights at the ath Avenue Theatre and Grand Ope ra Muse, New York. LITTLE GEItTIE, thr Infant prodigy, as E-Vtk. MART BARNEd ' the treat AUNT OPEIILIA, as played by her In Nest York. CIIARLES MESTAYER, The Original 'UNCLE TOM. Tdgether with the , great Nea York Contrny. the original 'Steele. Stage Etieete, &c., a 3 Way edia New York. OBSERVE _THE PR-ICES: Admission, 25 and 35 eLsots. extra eltailge - tot - inserted teats now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store. . A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all personale delded to the estate of Jabez F. Sexton. deceased. late of Orwell township, are requested to •make Immediate payment, and ail per Sous having clAltos against said estate must present theta dulyaut hete Mated tot settlement. C. SEXTON., Adtulat•tratur. Eibeilbequln. Pa.. Oct. 10th lad. IYaO ALA AND SEE DS - ATTHII • DELE VAN HO ql9E,' EL.IiI4A, N.. T. Opposite the Depot. O. T. SUIITH, PEOPUIZTOII,.' Formerly of the Waal House; Towstole.Ds., ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. -Notice Is hereby given that - all pemons In debted to the estate of William R. Itlehards, late of Rome twp, deed, are requested to make Immed iate payment, and all persons having Maims against sale estalemnst present them duly authenticated fct settleibent. -.IIIAHVD.N C. EbILIOTT. • Pillierai, 001% .m.-ew; Allpitniwnprp APPLICATION IN -DIVORCE.- .1 . 4)) Murree Keniek . in the Court of yni omon Plow o f Bradford County. No. 417, Vay Term. DM 'Toe are hereby notified that Martin Herrick. your husband. haa applied to the Court of Common Pies* of Bradford County for • divorce from the bonds of matrimony , and the said Court has aPpointed Xondsy. December 1. Mk in the Court House at Towanda, for heating the said Mars tin fifth. premises, at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. nov7. A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff. APPLICATION -IN DIVORCE.. Nortin Clesrelancl. In the Court of Common Pbos of Bradford County. No. 717. May Term, 1275. You are hereby notified that Bolen . Moreland, your wife. boa applied to. the C•mrt of Common Pleas of Bradford County for fora divorce from the bonds of matrimony. and he d Court has appointed Monday. December 1 , 1171. In the - Court limas at Towanda. for beano, Ilbe lie• len lu the prettifies, at which time ana place you m ty attend . If youtblok proper. nor?.A. J. LAYTON, Shand. IN OI3- RPOR E-- ATION NOTIC Notice is hereby given that in application will be !wide to the Court of Common Pleas Of Bradford County at Its next session. fora charterer incorpo ration for too-Fiat - Herrick Cemetery. • . P: E. WOODRUFF. • S. d. B ARNRt. • B. B. CANYIELD, N. W. BABNEfk • GEO. C. ATWOOD. East Herrick. Nov. 7, ins. ADMINISTRATOK'S NOTICE. —Notice Is herey' glven that lrpersons In. de bted to the estate ot b ellen G. ssdrl a ch Pope: lite of Towanda Borough, deceased, are requested to \ mite Immediate payment, and all persons having cialms - agalnst said - estate must present then duly abthentleated tor settlement. 2 8.,0. GOODRIC,U. 2ws. ; Administrator. ittr\EHITOR'S • N0T1CE...4182.1e - ton a Hartratift to non of Taw:pp-Jon It Tibet yr., 5..1. lllCkolt and U. N. Williams, security. In the Court og Common Pleav: of Bradford county. 114 Dee, errs. 1875. The'undertigned, an auditor appointed by tht Court to distribute money In the Sheriff's bandit arising from the sale of defendants personal prop erty. will attend to the duties of hit-appointment at hit office to the borough of Truy Pa., FRIDAY, the 15th day of NOVEMBER. Bakst ten -o'clock A. at., when and wuere all 'reasons having. claims tiinra said fond most present them, or 01604 m tot- ever debarred from coming lu non ttei-same. A. C. FANNING- Auditor. . Troy, Pa.,tiefi, 7, 7FfB. lase AIM . !TOR'S NOTlCE.—Andrew J. Caine vs J. 11. Johnson. No. 1,188, May Tenn. 8875. ,TIIB. undersigned an Auditor appointed by the . Court to distribute moneys arlttig from the Sher" iff's sale of defendant's real estate, wilt attend' to the Unties of Lis appointment 'at his office 1n To. wands Borough on MONDAY, the 15th day Of NOV EM BElf, 1878; at 10 o'clock A. *hen and where all persona having claims against Said fund must present them, or forever be debarred front coming In upon the same. c PHERSON. . octl7-lir. 4 Auditor. A. VDITOWS NOTICE —Overton & Mercnra iiae Ya. John .1. Griffith. In the Connor Common Picas dt Bradford County—No. 807; her. Term, 1877. . . The undersigned, an auditor appointed by said Court to'.tlistribute the funds arising from th e Sherlft's 88'e of defender t",a real estate, will attend to Ike dude , of his appointment at his office in the le.roogh 'or Towanda, on , Friday. November 15th. 1878, at 10 c'elock A. w. when and. where all per, WIN haying claims against said fund must present Ruin, or be forever debarred front coming In on said fund. O. D. KiNNET, Auditor.. Towanda, Oct. 0, 1878. —4„ TN BANKRUPTCY.—In the Dis x [Het Court of the rated States, Km the West tern Dist let of remetylv:inia. Militate K. Marshall. of Towanda, a Bankruipt, under the Act of eongre's of March 2d, ISM% hay.: appted for a:discltargo from all his dents, and re her claims provable under said act, by order of the. Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors wh • have proved their debts. and Thee persons in terested, to appear on the 21s1 d y of NOVEM- Fit, - 1478, at 10 o'clock, A. n., be ore It. A. KR" CV R. E-q.. Register in Bankruptcy, at his-office, in Towanda..Pennsytvanla. to show cause, If any they have, why a discharge shouldiaot be granted to the said Bankrupt. . 2354.7.- S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. -----,- TNCORPOIIATION NOTICE.- To ail whom It may concern: The undersigned ritizena of Troy Borough, lirad ford County. Sta , e of Pennsylvania, hereby give notice that they In tend to apply to Ms Excellency, John F. !fart. tanft. Governor of the State of."Penpsylvania; for a charter, and to he Incorporated Into a body politic in la wlth perpetual succession ender the Immo and slyleand title of "Troy Water Company o: Troy. Bradford Ce.. Pa.... for the purpose of sup plying the Inhabitants of Troy' liorough and vicini ty with water. E. U. PARSONS, bei3OS ROCKWELL, . C. C. PAINE, E. PoSIEROY. 22wa. E. VAN DINE. AITDITOR'S matter of the estate of Austin Rundell, late -of the township of Burlington, deceased. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by. the Orphans' Court of Bradford County to distribute (mbl') the bands el the Executors, as shown from their irinal Account, will attend to the duties - of his appointment at Mout:tenor OVERTON MER ("UR. lathe Borough orrowaoda, on SATURDAY. the. lath day ofs:NOVEMBEit, A. D., IS7d, at 10 o'clock A. la.. when and where all parties having claims upon said fund must present them, or be forever debarred from coining In upon the Faille. occl7-4w. JAMES 11. CuDDING, Auditor. - ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—In the itstrlet Court of the United States, - for the; Western District of Pennsylvinia. In the matter of R. T. disrshall and W K. Marshall. BaukrumS. Western District of Pennsylvania. In Baukrut Icy. The creditors will take notice that a tnird /gen eral meeting of the. creditors of said bankrupts a iii be herd at Towanda In said district,. on the 7th day of DECEMBEII. - A. D. WS, at 10 teelock A' bt... at the office of Overton tk Mercur. before R. A. merctir. F.:1 4 one of the Registers in Bankruptcy In said Dlsttict. for the pur:.ose named la the 27:11 Section of the Bankrupt Act of March I d, 1,07,, be wit. a final distribution of 'said bankrupts estate: and at that meeting I tll3ll apply fur a discharge from all Bah:Illy as a , isiguee of said, estate. in ac cordance with the provisions of tt:e 25th sec; ion of saidiVankrupt-act. D. A. - OVERTON, To ands, Oct. 31. ICS. Assignee. HOSIERY, &c 11 4 °REIGN Art ACHIIENT . - - Nathaniel C. Harris vs. William - W. Shepard. .'0...-$7l, September - Tet re, les. Foreign:at:mak meat? i . ~..• / Now, Oct: 7, 15784 on notion of Davii d.Car noehan, attorneys Or plaintiff, the Sheriff Is dirite-• tett to nultlbth a copy of this writ for six week• in the BitAttrottri.ff xrdicfmt and In the ain e n a b o . sene.. ET THE COURT. . / - . /• Commonwealth of Pennsylvania '- Bradford enmity. .s. To the Sherif or Bradford Cou nty—Greeting:, . • We command you that you attach Widirm W: Shepard and Charles II Shepard. late of your Corm ty„ by all and singular. their goods and ehatte:s. lands am! tenements, moneys, rights, and credits, In whose hands or posscst•lon SiseVer the !MITI. may be, , so that he be and appear before our Court 0: Commtn Picas. to be holden a: the itorengh of Towanda. in and for said col-a t ty. on the }lest !lou d ry of. September next, fin•re to answer Nair anlel C. -Harris. of a plea of 4let.t 116ei0.00, and that yott - sumnion Job I ePugh and S. S. Pierre, and'all re ams In whose bands or poesesslon . the said goods. chattels, moneys, rightss., and eredlis, or any of them may be attached. so that they and !every of !bun be and appear befor. said (ourt, at the day anti place aforesaid, to answer what shall let Id 'jeered :Against theta and abitte the Judgment of the t'ourt therein, and have you then and Were thlt writ. - . • Witness the -lon. Paul I). Morrow. President, ot our said Court, at the Boni gin of Towanda aforr r aid, the 2lst day of August. A. I).. 1575. • • BENJ. it, PECK, Prothonotary. August 22. WS. By virtue of the Ion:golf:: weir of For. Igu Attachment. I have attached The 10,- 10%1,111g 11. 4 Seelbett lot, piece or imtrel'a laud. site.w .. .. fa Athens tw'm County of Brad totd,mid Stan, Gl' Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou it.. Itorili by lands of .Motto Bosworth and others: Ten the east by lauds of Tim Ilireen; on the south - by :ands of It. T. 'Middaugh : and ou the West by land, rtf Arthur Beebe. ,Contalning •75 acres of land: more or leie,about 25 acres improved. ...t A. a. LAYTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Oct, 20. 1575.--.22w8 TIBIAL LIST for December Term of Court, 1878. at Towanda, I'a.. ... - 21) %%Lea.. . . ... : iia4 Hunsiler vs Cornelius linuslker eject Al.ewis vs L Frceiletilmig. et al '6.103 31 Merrill vs C F Hawkins • appeal M ar: Driseolls use vs El en Dorwoan et a 1..... Pe I, 1) II Backman vs F C Sweet Issue .1 D.Frost vs V Conk as:dant:l. 31 E C•dter vs J Leroy Vorbin sell 31yreti shorn vs Lewis 'kg rep I' 31 ('oollsingh. guar vs Thomas Mereilltn—appeas Clarls , a T v, tiers use vs - Leroy Corblu...assunipt Jim 0 War vs Lehanon 31st Life Ins C., d .l.t Citizens Ran , Waverls vs J I) 31untauye..assint-t Thomas Math ws vs Gee V Mver et al ejet t Llt Rogers ust vs Allen McKean - assintd. D C 1)0% HA use .1. Sehrado:Co4l Co treSpil;s Towanda Eurek Mower COT?. D 0 Hollon assint.tr. Wm SI Keeler vs 111 Keeler - 3•t1,11 1 John I) Kyser vs J hit Heavenor ' -", eject .Isaac Sneil vs Pa iii_.: VC .k It-18 C 0.... ..... case. 1' W 31eDin.nell ts A .1 Layton trespr.:, It W.Lane v. D SlPra. et a, Tv. . Sri Is Lußis & Brown vs Dav I Whipple appeal Fancy I' Damht use vs 3 ary Long (Ire,: 310,e5.11 Coolhangh vs Pa & A. V Cr& It it c0....,e5.., Margaret D Kline use vi, I Luther et al.•..trespars . • .1t) wri: • . : . J C Vance vs JIM 0 , Wald , 31 1. Preut tss vs Win Peet... . . .:. ' Issue P W Mclfunnell - vs A J ;Layton . ttespa*s Wm It stuns., assignee f ;;, Thus I Jordan...asstisilt John tI. lan vs Luke Dolan - ' issue Iroresm 31 Da3 ton vs The Pai& N Y s & It RC. ties Daniel C Dayton vs same. '. tresPa,.. Sally Davidson vs C I) II ro , e' duets Mad I. &-II A or Athens Dv), vs F A 1 00t....,1 to Ellen K 311.chell vs JOIOCA Kelleyeicet Frlshie Kii:nes vs Geo 'V Kdinev ...... .: .... tie'.. sainnel NValtdidge vs W W Decker. ..... ..ovemod W S Pleree, admit vs W Ilrainshall et a 1... „Ira to I. E Wlieo_x, use vs Jacii`b Jon,. 'issue Harry 31Ix's. assignee 41 McCabe & Mlv_ stni, 1.0 A Vincent vs Harrison LI chell ' a pert iebu Conley vs Theo I. rrlson ~..ap ...al It F litliVlll3ll vs Jeremiah Vandetuark.......,.ei'•c! II I) Wi'cox vs PI) Wile x ' f rf:sin s Geo S Peck vs D sight a.'d 31syttard 11 ,- i• Dr W 31 tlieney vs 3lst k Mints' - ......appeni Nathaniel Davidson Vg .1 I,.ene Cot bin wisit.t.! Punkri..y Bros V 4 Jame. Wo--.1., guar • ' att es Alex C rlsbree vs J I) Ryser 'l.•tni t A lez C Elsbree vs J 1) Kyser, et at al•AVOI t • SUillieliaoi. Id week returnable Monday, Dee 9, 1878. . - . Subpcenapir 3.1 week 11.8/flg.% Monday, Dee. ie, 878. BENJAMIN M. PECK, Prothonotary. Prot honntary's . 0111te. Tor:and', Pa., Nor.- I 8: e. TN BANKRUPTCY:—In the Dts i_ 'vie: Court of the rolosi States for the crest . ern District of Itentisylvaola.. In the. matter or At. T.. Shoemaker, Bankrupt. Western Diltrlet of Pennsylvania. In Ilaukrupte7. The lien eredliore ilt tale notice that the un dersigned. a Ilsglster s itt Itankrtiptcy In said Di.f. triet. will so as nu Auditor on SATURI)A.Y, - the .Ist day of DECE3IItEIit. A. D. ISIS, avleteeloek, A at.. at the entree! Overton & Mercur, lathe hors Hugh of.Towaiiila. to distrnotie. the fund arlettig from tho Aisigneses sate of liankrupt's real estate. when and where ail persons having claims, arn.t said fund must . present tbs•in, or tn., forever altars red from comitig In on said fund. U. A. MERCIIII, Jjals_tar 14,411Mintbart Teirr 4 i , t Nun “1 - nflunn \ • • .. En Lem MEE caIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of . suntlry writs issued onto? the Court of Com mon Vitus of Bradford County, and to me directed. I will expose to public sale, at the door of the Court Him" in Towanda. on FRIDAY, TIM TWENTY•NINTH DAY Or NOVEMBER. ICS.. at 1 O'clock sic it.. the following, described poplin. ty, 'tomtit : No. L—One:lot, piece Sr parcel of land'eltnale In Monroe twP., bounded as follows: Commencing at a point on the public highway. the south-east cur .ner of land of Jutla Anglil, thence north 271111 e. east 66 5-10 perches, to lands of Isaac Bobbins: thence south 66e, east 62 perches. to the MAU road running to Frenentown ; thence along ebb same south 44 5 , west 51 perches. to the intersection of said road with another main load ; these. along The same 27 7.10 perchee td the place of teginnlog; -containing 16 acres and 9 per. hes of, land, more or less. all improved, with air orchard , of fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken Into - ezecuttotrat the suit of Martha C. Arnout vs. Hiram Detrick.' N 0.2. ALSO—One other lot of land situated In Attain) , twp.. bounded as follows Beginning at'a point its the Tarrytown road southward of the dwel *lnt-bonne of the tarty of the first part,(3l.l4Moo, thence south We, eastl9 perches to a post 1 theftee north 33G mutt 30 3.10 perches, to a post ; thence by lands tioeveyed this day to Adecesta P. Helms by the party of tbb Brat part, south GA. east its per ches tea post; thence by land of IV. L. Kenyon,. South 36 0 , west 61 perches. to a post ; thence north eke, east 142 perches, to the Terrytown road thence along said road 21 perches, to the place of beg:ening ; containlog 43 /sere. and 41 perches of lantt,'ntore prices, about 40 acres improved, with I framed house, 1 framed barn: and orchard of Milt trees thereon. Seised and taken bat° eXeCUtiOD at the suit of C. W. Scott's nu. Ira. Snag Moon and E. J. Burdick. Also at suit of Henry 11. Corson vs. Silas Moon. . No. 3. ALSO—Quo, other lot of land situated In Warren and Pike Xnes, bounded on the; north by lands of John Morris and the estate of J. bullorrl3 on the taat by lands ..'Reuben Pettes anti gatherine Augusta Davis; on the scuth byflands of E. w; Dail, and Wm. Erana .; and on the west by lands of Philip Darla and DarlJ Daltis- containing .135 aeres of land, Morn less, about ;le acres Improv ed. with one framed house, T plank house.tt ed barns, I framed Log pen, other on buildings and 3 orchards of fruits !hereon. Seized and taken Into execution at at the suit of Evan 11. D.tvli Jidin D. Davis. . • -.. . N . o. 4. A LSO—One-otliter lot of land 41tuated In Troy 'Poem, bouniled'on - the north Viands"! 6.11 . Mason ; on the east by Elmira street; on the south by lands of O. N. Ingham ; and on the west by E. F. 1.1114 : containing one villsgs lot of land. wtl framed dweillog house, 1 - franied barn, r l out buildings. and few fruit trees thereon. rielsed and taken Into, execution at the Suit of Geo. M. Peck vs. 1.. Ir. Bradford. ' • No. ALSO—One other lot or land situated In Athens Borough, bounded on the north by lands of 'J. L... l Corblir; on the east by lands of J. Leroy Cor .ble; orrthe south by North Street ; and on the west - by lands of-Ann Walsh ; containing. ra of an acre. of land,' more or:less:with I framed himst, and framed barn thereon. Seised and taken Into eke eution at the suit of Holmes' and- Passage vis A. A. Prince-T. T. " No. 11 .. AW—One otherlot of land situated In ,Soutli Creek twp., bounded as 'follows: Commenc 4ng at the south-east corner of .Mary Ann Falk land's lands, 'tuning In an easterly direction along . her lands to the highway from. Elmira to, Troy; "thence ,along the highway leadleg lo the county bridge, to the-east line of the Northern Central Hallway thence in "a northerly -direction along said rail' ii to the' lands'of David King ; thence - easterly along said King's lands to lands of Joseph Chace. deed thence south along said Chace es tate about itO rods to a corner; thence east 60 rods: thence rmuth Si rods ;. thence west 11 rods ; thence aunts IGu rods along landsof Heentan Lewis ; thence west 3.1 rods along lands of H. Ward ; thence n o rth 463 rod ; thence west to hlghwater mark of. Dun; ulugts pond ; thence northerly along said pond to the darn ;-thence *est to the west line of h. C. road; thence south along said railroad to the south Intk; of race leading from creek to Dunning's Inuit thence west meng lands deeded to D. F. Drinnln.; to center of highway leading to Elmira; thence smith In center of ;tale highway about d 5 • roils to 1). F. Dunning's corner; thence west to .flies F. Verniers corner ;411-nee west along lands LT G: F. Vernier 53 rods and 4.10; thence north along 'amber Gorden estate abmt 97 rods ; thence west along north line of Gorden and Verld•rs to a corner; thence north along the pact line of O. F. Verniers and David itelyea to E. Voorhees corner; the-nec east along said Vdorhees to his south east turner ; ththice south along the line of JeSse Moore estate: thence easterly along said Moore's land - .bout 97 rods: thence south 37 rods along - sad Moore's estate and lands - of Mary Ann Falkner to plate of beginning containing 210 acres - of laud more or less, about 100 acres improved, I framed hour-e. 1 hog house, 3- framed barn with sheds at tached. and I etch rd of•frult trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the htlit of Union Bank of zteesvilld. Ohio's, use' vir..l). F. Dunning and ; • Etreo Dunning. No. 7. A LSIJ—One other- lot of land situated In Tuscarora Iwp., bounded on the north by lauds of “,q). C., Atwood ; on the east by lands of Jno. W. Ifollenback, Andrew Labar and A. H. Slocum ; on thesouth by the piddle highway and laud's ofof A. Slocum ; and - on. the west by jandet of Joseph Har ris ; containing 91 acres ofland, mole or less, about all Improved. with I log hone, I framed barn awl_ fru, fruit. trees thereon. Seized and Xater. Into ea ecatlon -St the suit of James Slathers Ts James if. Mc Allister. - 'No. 8: ALSO — One -other lot of land .In Canton twp., bounded on the north by lands of James Mc- Mahe', t'on ihe.east by lands orPatrielt Grady t. on thtf south by lands Of John Bairn estate; and on the west by lands of Daniel Downs and. Win. Law reluce emit:doing .61 sterol of laud. mere - or less. Seized and taken Into execution at thesult of John' Hairs pin; vs. Georg,: .Baty. No It. ALS , —One oilier lot of land in Canted.. Alba/buro.), bounded- as follows: Beginntug'ut or near the middle - of the creek where the W Bilatespert and Elmira road crosses the same; th,Thce nearly smith 43° went alorg said road Ss feet, to a stake ;,theuce. nearly north 43 0 West zoo feet to a stake ,; / thence nearly moth 45* east to the ,eztitsr of the ,creek theu-e is an easterly direc Don along sued creek to the place of begiunleg sa'd lin'known as the Foundry - Lot, at Alby with fennary bfillflings thereon erected. No. 10:ALSO—One other lot of landAn Canton township, [now Alba Brifo.l. and bounded- as f t .l. lows :.Iteginningat the center of. the road leading' from‘the village of Alba - to thildral Manley's, at the south east curlier of Silas- Packard's lid; thence south IQ east along the ceneer of said road t 2 rods a - Stake ; thell(T , south SP west 10 rods to a stake; thence north IQ west 12 rods to a stake, it being the south wesreorner of tills Packard', lot.; throe? north 89 0 east 10 reds to the place of beginning: coiltallting .120 square rods, with one new _large framed house thereon erected. Selzetrand taken into execution at the suit of Win. S. Jayne , Err of F.. Loomis. deed, vs. ChaseG. Manly and George H. Webb,-T. T. , No. 11. ALSO — One other lot' o land In West dieslidgtou Xscpz, bbtintied on the north by Sugar Creek ;- on the east by lands of Cynthia Porker; tie the South by the public highway; an d on the west by lands of Slduey Varney ; containlug 13 acres of laud, worn or less, about. nil Improved, with-1 board house, 1 board barn and few fruit, trees thereon. seized and taken intu execution at the suit of Job 51,,riey.s use vs: Mary M. Hemmer, T. T. No. 12.. ALSO—One other lot of land In Leßoy Dap. bounded on the north by the ipubdc highway: on the east by lands Of Mrs. 11. M. Lake ; on the south and west by lands of Henry Holcomb • eon. tatuit.g M of an acre- of laud, more or less, all Im proved. with t framed !Muse and I small framed loin thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of S.'M. Winters Use vs. W. F. Rouinson. No. 13. ALSO—One other lot of laud in West 'Burlington tap., bounded on the north by Sugar ireeli :on the east by lauti.S . of Gorton SW4III on the south by the public highway: and eu r the West by lands of-John .Ballard ; containing — TN 'acre of land, More or less, all Ocuproved. with I water' saw mill, and all milt fixtures aud machinery belong ing thereto, together with said defendant's rights to-the draw across said Su ar Creek, and the right - te flow the waters of said creek for the use of said mill. N0..14. ALSO—One other lot of land In West twp., Mounded tin eke north by the pub tic highway.; east and smith 'y lafnds of Gorton -aalo and west by laudsuD•Joliti Ballard; Con. n le4dug'i of a acre of,taucl, all improved, with framed house. , ,ollter out buildings. and . few fruit trees III:Aeon. St it,(l,au . d taken title execution a. the silt of Job Modr en use Vs. Wiillam Ballard and Malford Williatua,T. T. 11. ALsO—Otte ether lot of land - In Smith ti.': i top., bounded as follows: Begliuting at a post and stoics in the line of E. U. Wlicex's land: them e'bvi he sahl E. U. Wilcox's laud north ay , ea.t. 122 6.10 rods to a put and stones for a corner ; Them,: by la ds of Reynolds and Manley south sea east 10g. 3.10 rods to at post fur a turner; thence pante by land of James etalil.9 , and party by ladds of 1 li.mnis Murphy south nortn 122 6-10 rods. to a post and stones for a corner; thcnce by !and u 1 James Fivlt; north silo west WI reds, tone lOace of b.-ginning ; c ntaining .774 acres, more ..r less. about 63 acres improved wt II 1 framed honse,), fram.di tarn. 1 framed hors barn, one corn housi, an d ~rehA r d of fruit trees thereon. Seized and itle. ken ludo exe c ution at the soh of Overton .k Elslitee and 11. F.lsliree's use vs James Fish:, Geo fillism Farmis - mitt. and Wit. H. Scoutun, T: • No. 16. A LSO—Otte other lot of land in Columbia twp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone ,and stake ell the line or lots between T, "A. An dreas awl .E. Watkins, and running north perches to the center of the road ; thetica eust 20 feet to the centre of the new store house ; thence south S .perches to the line of lots of Orville E.' Watkins; Menet. 20 feet West to the place of begin lug; with one rimmed store If : eliding thereon, • .1 No. 17. ALSO—One other lot of laud In Collin,. Ida bounded as foth.ws; Beginning at a ston e .un s een: ime of lots between Orville E. Watkins and A:. R. A ustin and. running north a perches to the center of the road; thence west 4, , a feet; thence south eight perehes to the line of lots of orriler.E. Watkins and A. It. Austin ; thence east iy let to the place of beginning; containing 12 perct es 01 or less; the - two tots above Beset 1.e.,1 bang_thc. same pieces of laud conveyed by Uriab Ferguson aud wife to Levi Mourbees, one of ibis within named defendams, by . deed dated January . IS, 1 0 77, and recolded Slay Is 78• in the once fur recerding deeds Ate., In awl for Bradford county, indeed Wok No. 133, at page 551, Jac. Seized and taken execution at the stilt of Simons, Sltyles '&-Co. vs. Monrbees St Stewart.. • - NO. VI A L.S.O---One other lot of land in Sayre village. ?aliens lop., bounded as follows: Begin ning In the centre of Lehightst„ In a corner and ronning thence westert, at a right angle w:th said street Ino fee:, to an alley ; thence northerly along said ;die!: E 0 feet, to a corner; thence easterly at. k righ: angle with said strCet 180 feet, to the centre f ; thence southerly along the center of tall ti ere- t feet, to the pace of beginning; it b Yin_ lot No; 174 on a map made I 3 , F. Walker of the • :11aq? or Sayre, wl , ll 1 two story framed dwelling house. 1 3`:l3ii 011(huu.se, and few -fruit trees there -0.11. Seized a,ll taken lute execution at the sultr,l Howard Elmer. et. al., vs. Charles L. Swartwood. No. 19.'A LSO—One other lot of laud in Tuscan tie-tithed as follows : lot N 0.3 of block ..No. 3 of Watts & Noble's Sub-division e -1 ads in Towanda born, as made by Wm. H. Mor gan. cavil engtto er lii the year 1874, is will more f o lly by reference to said map, with mi. najn. ,1 hous... and ft w fruit trees theroon. :Seized and token into. caeca ton at the suit of irralt , .d a .:se vs Amelia Lynch. No. 20. A I.tit)—line other tot of land In Rl44l,ury ,v, p .. lulu ivied on the noir - o'6y 13108 of widww Hammond and Albert Roberts; 014 the t hy lands of Widow Griswold. James equirm thz.,,rge carrl.Art the snuth - by lauds of Annie !tubers :ma Perri nAturtitiam t. and on the west by :.ainuel Green.; containing 17-5 acres t,, mare or ks,, about.lCO acres improved, with I boar , ' house. I irained barn. I hog pen. and ore - ~ d 4,1' fruit tree. thereon: Seized aim taken into •••-e•—lel: at the suit •.f Thomas VauTuyl Ts Wm reiton. • • • 0.21. A I.So—One other lot of loud in Catitot boDt.. bounded as toiletry: Beginning' at .ne alit, . 't irri wei corner o a lot of land deeded toCbarlesKtock welland wife to Baliquon W. Wright. on- the-east Oda u Unio n street, t enc. north , 80 0 west along said st ret 60 feet, to the north-eas corner of a lot of Mrs. Knapp. and thence snotherlyalong the east line of latals of ' Mrs. Knapp and land. of Mrs. Jo-. Iv ph Beellum, 160 feet, to a post corner; thence by a line pant el with Mon sirdet to the west line of Voln'y spat Ing's lots thence northerly along said :finding's w ,I ilue,.and the west litre of a lot of kii.uion W. W':lght,.l6Ci feet to the place of begin ulßg.Lcnntainlng about IMO square- feet of land, more or less. with I framed house, t framed barn, other out-bulldlags and few fruit trees therron. seized and taken into ekecution at the suit of Mc- Kay & 1110 vs 31•P\ Lewis. 'Ne.2.it. ALSO—Ott; i other lot situate to Orwell Dip. bounded and tie ribed as follows: Beglnulng at the public blgnway earlifig from Wysoz to - the Wappasena Creek. knoWn as the Ridge road on the lanitherly lbw between said piece of land owned by reNR , Taylor and the tufitherlY boundary doe of Win H Darling, rirming.tiort: it o ft rt *L e ong lb: 0111111617 1 ,41KZA evurarintv __. .., . .... Saga Legg, point; thence north . 1814° - east along the raid road ea errs to a point ; thence along the said road north 21 0 east 34 pens tna point; thence along Hns said road north 3434 0 cut 12 peers toripotnt : thanes north 633i0 tut 32 pare- thencer along the said road Mao east 24 per, to theft. between Mcleod/ of Cyrus Cook and the said Taylor; thesee 'oath tso east along the line between the meld lands 13 71. in pers to stake and Stones thence along the Ilse of lands of Cyrus Cook, if W 7 Morgan, and the aal4 Taylor south Ml(!_ west 113 4-10 pens to 11 cord, thence north 68. 2 west along the southerly line II 4-10 pens to a cot; thence south ItMo west MI pens to a rot on the , Ine of lands of W H Darling and the said Taylor; thence.slong the southerly line of said Taylor [ands north :41e west rid $4O pen to the centre of raid Ridge road to the place of beginning; roltalns $2 acres and 21 pen, iseAke sae more or No. S 3. ALSO--onisother lot situate la Orwell twp, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the center of the before said Indite wed.= -the southerly line of the land of said _Taper, and the northerly line of the landr of J J Newell, renting along the raid line northing west 111 pen to si tor of the lands of J J Newell, Henry Howe and the ,aid Taylor; thence north I%w east along the west• erly line of the said Taylor's land ice .pens to a ear of the lands of Burton Russell, W Olds, and the said Taylor, marked by a stake and *tones; thence aiong the line between W W 01.2 e and the said Taylor; thence alongibe. line between W W Obis and the said 'Taylor; thence I 7• east MO 540 pers to a nor marked by crake and stones at the public road leading tgom th• said Ridge Mid to James Cleavelandlit Mexico along said road south 5 5 east is CIO pew; thence slow the northerly line of said Olds and $ H WU. son lands, north 81;S• east 131 felg pen to. a tor of said Wl!sm, Cyrus Cook, and sera aylorl lands, marked by a stake and stones; a alny the line of lands of the said Cook an , h U. east 38 pers to the before named HI ; thane sontberly along the said road 19&pers to the plane or beginning ;contains 167 acres and In pens, be the . Fame more or less. NO. 24. ALSO—One other lot situate In Orwell twp. bounded and described as follows : Beginnleg ar a sugar Maple tree at the cot of the loads of D Ii Darling and lands formerly owned by H Champ tarn. now owned by Dr Lewis., sod running along rihe line between those lands north 45% 0 west 59 ' 10pera to a :or of lande of the said Dr Lewis; J J Newell and Taylor, marked-by a stake and stones; tben•-e due east along the line oLthe lands of said . Newell and Taylor 79 6:10 pin to a cor marked by a -take and tunes;S thence, along the lUse between the same, tw west 15 - 5,10. pen to a eor marked py a beach saplin g; thence along the line between the land af - W H Darling and said Taylor 62 0 west 15 8-10 pets to the place of beginning; ccontahis 12 ' -acres and SO pers, be the SUMS more -or less. The above threelbts of land are known as the A G hie farm, with I framed house, a framed barns, sin,di and outbuildings, and archer:hot trait trees th -reon. Seized - and taken into eine:anon at- the suit °LAl:vista T Cook's use vs A G No. 26. ALSO—One other lot of landin Towanda bounded as follows : Beginning at the corner of Locust arenne and River street, thence along the west side of River :street - Si feet to a corner of the James 4..ewls lot ;.thence south 78 0 west along -the Lewis line 112 feet to s corner ; thence north 3 0 west on line of D. M. Turner lot 60 feet to Lo rust avenue ttenice along the same north 711* east 1174 feet to ih.-'llace of beginning. Ne. 25. ALSO—One other lot of land in Towanda boro., bounded f u tiro north by the plank mad! south by Wm.: il, inbln4ou's lot; east by, Third_ - street; aud.sieSti by lot of Patrick McCue; being about 80 feet on plank road, n feet on Third street, ' 75 feet on Robinson's and 55-feet on McCue's. , with a' small building thereon. mied'as a drying house and paint shop. , N0.'27. ALSO—One other lot in -Towanda boro.„' bounded as follows : Reginning at a stake on the. plank-road. a corner of the Ann Meehan lot, thence along line of the kime north 210 east 1114 feet to a • white pine corner of Win. Mix's lot ; thence - along line of the saint sotlth.blol IS' east rag feet to the plank road.; thence along the same about 205 feet to the place of beginning. . No.:S. ALSO—One other lot in Towanda borM. bounded as follows; Beginning on the south side of Chesnut Street at the' nortbwest corner of E. T. Fox's lot., thence south 2ls• west 252 feet to a cor ner of the Ann. Meehan lot; thence, westerly by - latelt of said Meehan and by Kirby, Overton & Els 'lmes 208 feet to • - corner ; thenrelfaoutherly by lands of said Kirby and ethers 50 feet-to a corner ; . thence westerly along lands of the same 100 fee: to Third street ; thence northerly along the east side l of Third street 17 feet to a corner of S. W. At vard's lot; ti e easterly by lands of said Al word and rands of Mary Marshal -- and - Parser, feet to the s utb,east t oruer of the - Corker lot ; thence. northerly along tine of the same 130 feet to the south side of Chestnut street; thence easterly along the same 75 feet to the place of beginning ; with I dwelling honSe, I carpenter shop. 1 lutnher shed and several fruit trees thereon.' Seized and taken Into execution at the *suit'of Elyssea Meteor vs : Mahlon C. Mercur: • - - . No. 29. Al-ell—One other lot of land Towanda beta., bounded on the - north by Court street, east and south by lands of J. 0. Frost, and• west by Main street. being about 3:1 feet front on !Lain-at., and about 54 feet deep, with I three story brick building thereon, known. as Montanye's corner. Seized and taken into eiecetlou at the suit of J. F. Kirby's use vs. J. D. Miintanye, .Co. 3.1. ALSO—elne other lot of land in Athens twp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine stump. thence north 52' 2 0 east 62 perches; thence north 43 0 3! east 32 perches; thetiee north 45 6 3' east 33 2-10 perches ; thence north 3 1 , 9 .3' east 531.10 per. ehes to the State line ; thence on the State-tine si 6 42' west 154 perches: Seta' west 2 perches : thence south 81 0 42' east 15 11-10 perches; - thence south 2s*:l'xisat le perches; thence eolith 1327' east 10 perishes: south 2 - ,°33P west ldpersh es-ethencs entitle 61 0 33' west 6 9-10 perches; thel*e south 39°33' west 14 2-10 perches; thence-south 20 0 33' west 9.4-10 perches to an elm tree ; thence south 13 0 i S'ef, --- est 44 pereLes to a point on the rock on the dam thence south 7 0 31' east 20.t - 1 10 perches ethence sntith 74°s'' east 21 75-100. perrli, to ; dm north-east o crnwr of ft.. Cartners - lot ; thence south 17 0 west 3r-100 erches ; thence north 44 0 .west 15' feet; thence south 17 0 west 3 65-109 perches to the center .4 the road: thence north 7714 c. west In the road 3 65-1000, perches ; thence south Its west 5 5,4•1011 perches to a white oak sapling; thence south 74 6 east 7 5-10 perches t:i the place of begin:deg; con taining 79 acres and 116 4-10 perches of Mild. more. or less, about 72 - aerea. improved,witla 1 'framed house. I wagon house, 1 framed barn with sheds at tached and au orchard-nf. fruit trees thereon, with the privilege of the water as set forth in the deed to Horace Shipman; also the hydraulic ram be. longing to said Home- Shipman, constructed un der the still, with the privilege of ingress and egress fur the purpose , of repairing the shine, and the proper enjoyment ef the prerliegeas'' reserved and set forth in the deed of the said Horace Ship lll3n. et propery ; being the same piece of land conveyed by said Horace Shipman to Joshua Cieckendall by deed dated Starch 20, 1860. and corded In the °nice for recording deeds Ic., In'and for - Bradford couroyeiln-deedhook No. 55. at page 240. &c. Fxcepting, and-reserving therefrom four _,• acres deseribedas _follows : Two acres of land tone et- - ed by Susan Coikendall et. al. to W. H. wiz. • lams by 'deed recorded lAu deed. hook No. 124, at ogee 590, &c.: aho two acres conveyed by said.Su. - sari Coy kendall, et, at., to R. Canning. by deed re-. corded in deed book Ne. 125, page 309, dc., to which - deeds and record reference is made-for a more . pea „tttu:ar drserlption. Seized and taken into cactus tien at the :tilt of Alfred Bennett vs. Harriet Coy. kendall. • . 1 No. 31 . . ALSOOne ' other lot of land In Sayre . , Athens twp.. Raid - lot being known as lot Wo.lo, being situated at the corner of Thomas avenue and on the east side of Thomas avenue, on the south side of Sayre avenue being 110 feet In width on Thomas avenue, and extendivg easterly the sonic width 150 fret on Sayre avenue;, contain leg 7500 square feet. according to a. map and sur vey made by Z. F. Walker. June 23, 11e73. Belted and taken r in to execution at the suit of Reuben H. Farnham vs. Charles Ciowley. No. 32. ALSO-,One other' lot Situate-In Towanda bcro , , bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a corner of a lane on the west aide of Main s% aroma 20 feet south of a lot formerly owned by . Perrin Wens; thence westerly ob a parallel' line with said Wells to: to the center of an alley, which alley being half way from Main st to Second street; •, hence southerly along the center of said alley to . got S.Cd by .1 F Means and wife to Robert Mcln tosh-I thence easterly along Font:Mclntosh line to the west side of Ma' n st; thence northerly -along said line of Main at to place of beginning; being anent i4O feet trent on said Main et, and about 1110 feet deep, with 2 two-story framed buildings, 1 ones .Ind-whalfsfory framed home. 'and other oatbuilds• logs therCon. -Being the sante piece of land de'edad. nr J - I•• Means.and wit.: to J 'W Means, by deed_ dated April 1, 1875, and recorded In deed book No 129, pane US, rte- Selz, dot d taken Intoexecationat , he suit of Me3:ab & Harlan vs s lohn W Means. No. 33. ALSO—Our other lot situate In Warren lwP.'hounded Mirth and west by lands of Noteware Mayhew andmin rs. east' by lan .• of Thomas 0 Doud sod AYoz, gouth , by lands of E Griswold; contains.l22 acres and 129 per/. of land more or leis; .being the same piece of land Conveved by deed to Maltitt Riley and wife by Jehret; Morris and wife; about 30 act-cO improved ;.no 'Seized and rakeninto execution at the suit Of Martin and Jan: lia Miley vs I,ll'o Dona. No. 34. AL"O--one other lot aituate In Spring field twp, bounded-north by lands of.Dudley-bear gunt and Levi Dickinson, east!"by lands .of Frio* Catlll and 1) U Bailey, south by lands V. James Iletherlegton, west-I'y lands of James Hethering ton and Ralph Toungsteoritains 1&3 acres. more or ai.out 140 Improved, with t framed' house, 2 ream. d barns and orchard of frnit trees thereon. seized and take,. Into execution at the suit of Lew is L Beach vs Henry Patterson. • No. 31. AI-SO-Moe other tot situate In Towanda iminded north by, Court at, east and south by lands of J A Frost. o est by Main at, being about 22 feet front ou'llain st, and about 54 feet deep, with 1 three -V.ttry back building thereon, known es Niontanyes corner. No. ZS. AI.SO-4rne other lot of land In Orwell twp., bounded as follows': Beglnnlng In the south west :renter of Mrs. C. m Allyn'ti land, 1n the eon ter of the highway, thence south fillte east by land of said Alll n, IM perches to a stake and stones; thence south 43 9 east by land of C. Washburn. le In perches; thencedtouth 53 9 east 31 p,rrittes to • -take and stones: thence south 52, 1 0 west by lands of Chaffee. Arnold and Pickering. 135 perebea,to • stake and stones; thence north 25 9 east by land of .k. Robinson and 0.11. and G. W. Hardy; 71 per- - ches tit a stake and stones ; thence west by land of George Hardy. 100 perches to the center of the first mentioned highway: thence north 16 9 west along the center of highway 7 3 10 perches ; thence north 3 1 4 0 east 47 5-10 perehe , c to the place of beginning; -Oatainlng.7s aces of land, more or less, - about 60 acres improve.i, with 1 frs ed house, 1 framed barn and orchard of frOlt . trees thereon. Seised ana taken into execution at the suit of I'. Z. ,Wood ruff's use vs. Wirt. H. Hardy. ANI.ItEW ~1. LAYTON'. Sheriff. - Sheriff's Office; Towanda, Pa., Nov. 7, 1075. A SSIGNEVS NOTICE. - --In the t District Gourt of the United - States, for the Western District of 1' nnsylvania. In the Mattel: Elias W. Ellis, bankrupt, in Bankruptcy. To tchont it may concern :—The undersigned ticrebv gives notice of his appointment as assignee r Elias W. Ellis, of the township& Asylum. In ho county of Brstifard, and State of Pennsylvania, lithln said District, - who has-been adjudged a imitkrUpt on hisown petition by the District Court if said District.—Datedst Tooranea the 23,1 day of October A. D. 1575. - , r.oes -- JACKSON P. rKEENET, Assignee ' AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the tuatter.or the estates_or Jeremiah Staler - ma Eghert Stcktpr, In - the Orphan's Court of Brad ford county. Thu undersigned an auditor appointed by said Cmtri to tibtrlhute money In the hands of the .ad mtithtrator of tho egtalo of Jeremiah Slekler, arising from the sale of real MAW* and also •-• diNtribute fund., In the hands of the.adtniuLstrao •.or of thu estate of Egbert Slekler, deceased, , arts •,,e Into sale ofproperty will attend to the duties of his appointment at his Once in To. wands Boro, on MO DAY, the 11th day of Ni). V EMBER, A. D. 1878, at 10 A. x., when and where all persons having claims on raid fonds must cal. - sent the saute or be forever debarred. o • , E. F. DOFF, MLitt:et. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 10, 11470. . ;11‘11 A UDITOR'S NOTICE.-4ebrge rt.. C. Atwood vs Bela Cornrell.. In the Court .t Common Pleas of Bradford county: No. U$ February Term, 1878. - 'The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by maid t'ourt to distribute money 111 the Sheriff's hands -arising from the , sale -or defendant's real estate, ..111 attend to the duties of his appointment at his • 411ze in the Wynne' of Towanda. Pa., on TUE& i'AY. NOVENBEIt tab, 1878. at 10 o'clock A. it., whet; nd where all persons having claims neon -aid funds must present thetu,lW else be forever debarred from coming In the Mane. J W '7" a