Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 07, 1878, Image 3

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    padfoti, Ilepotitt
Tdiratia, Pa., Thursday, llov. 7, 1878.
Dealer in
Towanda., Jan. ta, 1877.
QUITE a heavy'snow storm prevailed all
day Wednesday.
Dn. F. W. BROWN llas `purchased the
NuGENT property in Athens borough.
THE. gray team the late EDWARD
Oviamos, Were purcbased by 3. M. WARD,
Da. cLINTiON U. SCOTT has opened an
office at the Drug Store in Sayre, and will
spend each Thursday forenoon there.
• REGISTEn and Recorder Axnnvs sig
nalized the Republican Victory by firing
a salute 'early on Wednesday morning:
Print ANENT Certificates were granted;
by State Superintendent Wiestitsnsit.
I last month to E. A. and F. A. Tnostrsox
of this county.
Tui: election in the stveral wards of
this borough passed off very quietly on
Tuesday.: Friends of, the several candi
dates were earnest, but not boisteious, in
advccating-their favorites. .
TIM Pennsylvania Bible Society has
presented twenty-live handsome copies of
the Scriptures to the Mission near the iron
works, and on motion of Mr. SWARTWOOD
a Vote of thanks was tendered the society.
THE Tunkhannock and Sayre chess
clubs played a game by telegraph on
Thursday, night of last week and the Sayre
club came but ahead. The Tunkhannock
club has been in the habit of beAting eve
rybody heretofore and this defeat was
slotnething of a surprise to them. They
will have to look to their laurels.—Tunl:-
JOHN SULLIVAN hag sold his lease of
the Elwell House to OHNAL KELLOO, of
31onroeton ) . The change in proprietorship
took place on - Tuesday. Mr.• SULLIVAN
has been eniag6d in business in BrOford
f,cr same tillie, , Htd will now devote his
peisonal attention to his interests thire.
He ha's conducted his "Elwell" well, and
ice commend him to the confidence of the
oil region. Mr. K. is.aia experiencedio.
ttl keeper, andlwill undoubtedly maintain
the huh reputition of the "Elwell
WITH the NOvember issue See beer's
31:91ctli7y commences a Lew volume. In
its bierary departments we thal waters Of
th; Ihiest ability, while the engravings in
point of artistic merit cannot b... excelled.
Mrs. IluaNETT's " Haworth's," a serial
of great prOmise, Is commenced ; a sketch
of Prof, LoNorm.t.ow, beautifully illus
trated, including a fine portrait, occupies
the Ibst pages. We leave also si.veral oth
er illustrated p: pers, storik. , s, poems,
able edhorials and ruic(ll.neons depart
s Copt:Lining a variety of ~hint arti
cieslpon 'almost every topic of interest.
Tut: tiungladies i,f this borough have
orglUtized a cooking club. They meet
semilnontlily at theihouse of some one of
the members, and either sew or conduct
literary exercises. The flitferent dishes
arc provided by the young ladies, each
furnishing something. I The young gen
tlemen are invited in and pass judgment
on the culinary accompAshments of the
ladies. St the last meeting Miss SestE
Mull was voted an elegant bnquet, as a
proniarn for coffee. These gatherings
afford the ',toys" an opportunity of
learning who trill make the best house
WITH the November issue St. NA',lak
commences its sixth volume, frith seven
ty-two pages and fifty-two pictures. The
boys and girls have each new scriids,
promising rich entertainment for months
to come. Mrs. Dom - li , , the editor, herself
contributes to this number a 'mem as well
as au illustrated prose article about mon
keys and dogs, - both of which are worthy
of her pen. There are aye complete stn=
ries, all illustrated. We alsorthierioems
by LIiTY , LA ItCO3l, C 1:.%!SCII and others,
beside=s reading matter - for very yotnig
talks, and jack:in-the-Pulpit " and oth
er depaitmotits full as th - ey can -hold of
good things.. tS CO., New Yolk.
Dr. SELI ti, of Atlan
Georgiii, is visiting her ,sistcr, ,Mrs
dodge. MEncua.,
—A. J. EAsi•Anuotni and .1011 N 11
KiNwita:in - are Lome vri a
11A•rilEit, c.f Wa•Lington, was
a NN .au' caller at - the IlEroßTEß\office
yet ei (1 )y
—E. T. Fox was called west on 'isi
wsslast cceck. Mrs. F. accompanied
—tiii•s CRISWELL, of Cumbeilantl,Cp.,
is vistilogat ; W. 11. DounE's.
—Mt''. MANNY, of Rockford, is visiting
fr:enils in this county. She is the •nest
of Mrs. Dr. PORTER.
-3lrs. of Titusville, is vie
itiag her daughter, Mrs. W. 11. EUWARI):
Tut:Gm:AT Moitm..DukmA OF " Uti cLE:
Tom's CABIN."—On Thursday evening,
November 14th, the celebrated Fifth Ave
nue Company will produce the great reli
gious drama of Lode Tona'.siCabin" iu
Towanda. This Compact) have tle. great
"t Tiresey ever known. The most won
t!. inn child actress, Little GErettri,' as'
-va." 'The peat cowedian, .mr. L. E.
Bic.% " Marks, the La nyer," as
. 4 idin one bunched nigh s at
.Ih - ciitie and the Grand Ovcra
:t,w 'Yolk / MilsiT-
Tio'vra, Ow tniginal ``.l . ..'nele Tom." This
( , italiany loodnee this - great play in a
vLry :inter ior manner, and they have hit
the vein reducing the prices to
25 cents. ..jt) extra charge for re
served :eats. liemember, next. Thursday
evening. N.overnber 14th, at Mereur
itf.". C.
Trios ITEms : Ent+on RE:roam:—
Dear Si,: This has been a busy week in
Troy. Court opened on Monday, Judge
P. 1). Motility's, of Towanda;. presiding.
A full quota i: lawyers, clients, witnesses
and jurors twin • iii attendance. The an
cient "Inns of 'mirk" could not have
been more hateri.s, *rig than :buns of the
present if both "in and outs" could be
considered. For anim ng the many doubt
tut questions of the da -, there is uothing
mine uncertain than t - " verdict " of
one cf our modern jui ies. Their deliber
ations arc generally long e ough to give
the questions a good cousi erasion, but
seldom is.a, verdict given will .li exactly •
reaches the merits of a case. I lfc plain
t iff sues for a Thousand dollars h may, if
his case is well pleaded, if; his. awyer
states.forcibly enough to the "jury. "the
facts of the case " lie may -get a dolla • or
possibly a dollar and a halfr But such *si
life. We are all doomed to disappoint
mints and surprises, and no one can ever
say that modern Courts and juries do not
TRACT and family- arrived furnish their share of these. However
at t_'oie on the morning 'of oe, the business of the Court in Troy this
Wier ('.h, after a pleasant journey of week kali passed otr quite rapidly and a
Lumber of cases have been - disposed of.
t w e ' it -v - twn daYs front New York, having
We noticed men in town from all arts of
estape . d- the rough usages of ocean travel the county. -Among otters, Mr. FiIiSDIE,
to a great extent. On ihe same d a y and of Orwell, ;elm is the Republican c,oadi
l'e'ft eleven )ears ago,!. Mr. TRACT and date for' Register and Recorder. Mr. F:
w:fe: Linda in the same city as new re
appeared like a gentleman-and talkettlike
• a true Republican. During his shunt stay
cruits . for the missionary held, ignorant in Troy he gained many friends, and if
of the language - and co*untry.• Now, with - any "cutting" :should be. done_ on ! the
large etp2i knee. and recuperated energies tickets nest Tuesday Mr. F
slam will
they enter
upon their work full of hope I not be the man to suffer lay it.—
Miss DeltrissEAO, from England, gave
a:el In on, ise. May ; their fondest expecta. readings in the Opera•HouSe on Thursday
!loos be realinzed? Turkey to-day
.in its evening, but as we have had quite a nnui-
LoYitutal expectations is ten years in rtd- ber of tnis-class of entertainments of late
her audience proved very small, and after
!..ance of what ii was then, extending pro- t reciting a few .piCces she was-excused from
iteetion in life and property, and bringing a full rehearsal of the programme.
the peopie nearer to Christian influences, Mr. C. C. PAINE has been making some
tieffelf) affortiing ampler opportunities for imprOvernents on his awelling on Elmira
evangelical efllirt. The Christian world i Street. From an old-flishioned village
iook for much fruit in that land of sha-, he has changed it into - a handsome
(14'w' and an ignorance. Si) binding that: modern cottage. it does credit to Mr.
the darkness is iilmasi. impenetrable even PAINE, and also-adds greatly to the look
In;l:" , terd influence& )lay their expecta,, of that portion of the place.
tionsimirvallia—Meift Mina - ‘ 7 Troh Nov. 2 1 , ME . - Dumanati
• ~ , ~
Wide.4wilke for Ifinember given- an, one,
of its . chief attractions tbs. pathetic old
story of "; The Babes - in the WAxod," ver
sillici by Mts. CLARA, DOTY BATES, and
illustrated charritinigly by MARY A..LaTa-
BURY. It is safe to say that none of the
modem rhyme-RWoas will, ever win the
immortality that belongs to these "Class
ics of Babyland." Mother gem, with a
beautiful illustration, is l 'ilLs4easaurr J.
PuisToN's art•poem of " GrottO.'and his
Sheep." Wan PLy: . :irrox also ',,has an
amusing bit of illustrated vetse, "The
Grown•up Clock." Mrs: L. C. WHITON
an HOWARD Gmcncis also have illustrata
A ong the stories is an amusing 'one
by the Editor, ELLA FARMAN, entitled
" Betty's Tramps," accompanied by a
frontispiece. LAURIE Lonroa has a goad
school-story, "Down a Water-Spout."
" Topsy's Thanksgiving" is a dainty lit
tle Thanksgiving story for the shutter
children. Miss LII.LIE'S Engli:4l Litera
ture-paper treats entertainingly 04 " John
Dryden and His . yimes." - There is a
bright instructive "article by MABEL S.
EMERY entitled "In the . Gas Works,".
,and the Poets' Homes Series has a paper
on Nona PERRY. • A very interesting pa
per in "The Child Toilers of Boston
Streets," series about "The Chestnut
Roasters," and the usual Departments,
make up an excellent number. '
$2.00 a year. ELLA. FARMAN, Editor-
D: Lo or & Co., Boston, Publishers.
. •
nouneement.of the death of Miss ELBA'S.
Mct.!At.L was received here on Wednesday
morning, and was a sad and sudden blow
to her many warm friendS in this village,
but few being aware of her sickness. Her
death occurred at Sayre, Pa., that morn
ing, ishen she and her mother and broth.
er had removed there a little over 'a year
ago. Her death was caused by heart dis
'ease alter an illness of only a few days.
Eew ladle's were ever more willing and
• ready to%assist in pa:ate, or public acts
fur the iknetit of needy individuals, the
Clirol), or society than Miss 111cCALt.,
and her removal from our village caused
feelings of regret. Mcr death iS the more
keenly felt, and her vacant place in the
home circle and in society Will never. be
tMed. The !grief-stricken mother and
brother have the heartfelt ympathies of
nu: -entire community in this their smi
tten and sad bereavement.
Her remains were brought to this vil
lage for interment; here on the
evening train ThurAay in a special car,
which Was-kindly provided .free "of ex
pense by Assistant Superintendent R. .P.
tioonmax, of the , Pa. & N. Y. R. R., the
company for whom Joirs Mccia,r, is train
dispatcherat Sayre. A number . k)f* friends
accompanied the mourners, amohgwimm
was the Rev. G. P. RosExilumatn, Rec
tor of the Episcopal Church in, hat place.
The funeral, services took ace Friday
morning from St. Paul's ie
Church, and
were largely attended.,— zford (N. Y.)
:Miss MCC ALL wits s'ster of Mr. JOHN B., tram disp. cher of the L. V. It.
11, rece tly of GIL place, but now resid
ing in Sayre. .
is known as
time Mint r
ettrioliS • •
tilt` do. •
/bleb the heathen met together in
mystic circles. Still later ; ace , yding to •
the old Itomish calendars, it was called
the "Feast - of Fools'," and even td this
day-there is a superstition it, some Catlio
lie count`fies that upon this night the Evil
Cue and hiS sate•lites scour around in
search of souls. There was a time, and
that not so very long ago, when the young
folks made Hallow E'en a sort of " Devil
bloke-loose" day. The youngsters pa-,
railed the streets at night tearing \lown
signs, wriuching bell band's, unhinging
gawk and perrorming numerous other acts
of mischief. With the march of civiliza
tion, however, these pranks dare passed
away, and now it is the fashion for the
_older members of the family to assemble'
social intercourse around the fire-side,
'while the little ones break into the 'wee
j.sma' hours of the morning in the search
':for innocent recieation Und amusement.
hallow E'en is largely " observed in the
' country districts of Great Britain. The
yOuog people regard it as a day of love,
' and resort to strarge devices to fortell
their future lords or ladies. One of these
is tor.the lasses to phiee two nuts in the
tire in the belief that • they burn
together their eimitsbip will be propi
ti nts, but that if one cracks or pops
their engagement will either be broken off .
or the marriage will •l "rove anything but a
conger...UM , one. In Wales the boys and
girls go out in parties hunting for even
leaved_ sprigs of ash. The tradition is .,
that the first of each sex who are success-
NI are matched to wed. The Scotch la>ses
go out in 01(3 fields olindfolded and pull up
c ibliage. If it is long or short their hus
bands will be ditto. Sinile of them take
a lighted candle and Oise before the look
ing glass, with the full idea that the face
uf_their future husband, if they' are to
have one, will appear in the min )r' as
though peeping over their shoulder. ho
day is observed in a sacred manner in t e
south of-Germ:thy. There, on the eve. o
A.ll-Saints day, each family decorates the
graves of its dead with lightej lamps and
flowers, and in the morning the priests
visit the cemetery and sprinkle holy wa
ter upon the mounds.
_ „~,:
tight of -last week was what
IlolloW E'en, which from
7morial has. been observed .by
astoms. Thousands of years ago
was the "Fsa . gt of Ponema," up.
... .~,~-,:=y~"~y*','~i,_ . yam ~~- .~:J;^E~~: ,~,~'~~~-
._ _... _~:S _ ice; -__.:. ~ __ ,' r-- , _._-
Svionne — Cos: ikw,.-Aitasy Of the
Eater boys of . this +meaty made the , so
enalntance last winter of Col. - ,Retettaitto
RaeLe, and Will Mild Stith 'regret. the fal
lowing notice of his tnelatitcholl. death
with sinciri sorrow. " -.. .The item is taken
from aeldifornia paper :
The suicide - of Coketel Richard Rolf
Oakland,-,C4, on the 28th itestant y has
revived ageriat many, interesting'-,memo
rime of Ins exciting but unhappy-, career.
He was an" Englishman tritarth, who had
been in relitions with -Lady Byron and
other distinguished persons- of the old
country, but who mune to this country In
1854, where personal beraity and fine
talents ac.qtrared him Many idmirers and
friends. At first he devoted himicif toe
literary career, in which be Sias not- snc
cessfnl ; be then engaged in charitable en
terprises for the improvement of the con
dition of the poor ; he wrote essays and
delivered lectures in that behalf ; but in
1836 migrated to Kansas , in the interest
-of anti-slavery and free soil. -In Kansas
he was arrested by Governor Geary, and
subsequently bqcame active as a writer
irmg the political contest as to the char
acter and forniation of - the new State.
There he made the acquaintance of Jobe
Brown, whom be accompanied to Canada,
where the platis for an Invasion of the
South were laid.. He was to be Secretary
Of State of the provisional government.
The movement having been ILlayed for
two, years, Melt' visited Europe and then
'reveled through the South on a tone of
observation. Ile 'was in Texas when the
attack on Harper's Ferry was mole, and
was there arrested and sent to Washing
ton. On the outbreak of the war he en
listed as a private in- the Eighty-eighth
Illinois volunteers' early in 1862, served
with that regiment until its term expired,
and was then transferred to the Fiftieth
(colored)-Infantry. He was mustered out
in 3larch, 1866, after four years of active
service., with the rank of captain and bre
vet lieutenant-colon - el. After the war he
led a precarious life, holding a small office
for a time in Wishington, but depending
for the most part upon the exercise of..bis
THE following paper was read by Rev.
-N. S. DE WITT biltiro a -Meeting in Le-
Raysville recently :
LE RATSVILLE tN 11344.-111 July. 1844,
Oneida • Conference assembled in Ithaca,
No. Y. Rev. J. L. HastmeE, who had
recently been elected one of the Bishops
of the M. E. Church, appeared before
that body as its President. He was about
fifty years of age ; of a commanding pres
euce, scholarly, and deeply pious. He was
received by the preachers with great cor
diality, and his management of the Con
ference business together with his preach
ing, was in a high degree satisfactory. At
this Conference I *as received bn trial hr
connection with fifteen others. The Bish
op at - the close of the session announced
the appointments, and I was sent to Pike
circuit with S. B. Tarrington as the
Preacher in charge. I
.had labored the
year before on the Montrose circuit under
the direction of the Presiding Elder. And
parting with my colleague, who is now a
•member of -the Presbyterian Church, I
repaired to Le Raysville, then the head - -
quarters of my new field of labor. It a - as
then a small ;village of about a quarter- of
its present size. The charge had no par
souage ready fur the oceupancY of the
rireacher, but a small one quite out of the
village was iu course of constraction. Un
til could be finished an old house was
rented, and into thiSmy colleague moved.
He was so anxious, however, to . get into
the new abode that he moved in before
the walls were dry. His wife, a most ex.
excellent woman, Ufa a sudden cold, and
in about-three weeks was on the bed of
death. While,dying she was asked of the
state of her mind. She replied,, "I lie
here in the arms of Jesus" Fur the rest
of the year the parsonage was unoccupied.
My colleague was a man of rather more
than - ordinary intelligence and pulpit abil
ity. But his health was impaired, and
about two years' ater he follOweel his wife
to the land rest t His closing hours,
like-that of bie'companion, were marked
by great spiel ual consolation. Ihe charge
.nine appointments, vii : Le
.Raysville, Prattville, Middletown, Ste
vensville, Rush, Union School Hous
South Warren, West 15 - wren and War
reehaim. These eppointmeuts were sup-
plied with ~ .prcachiug once in two weeks,
except I-Maysville, which hada sermon
every Sabbath. This „field furbished"!
work enciugh for two preachers, and
pay enough according to the scanty esii.
mates , of those timcs. Three hundred and
fifty-dollars were alloweffto the preacher
in charge, and one hundred to . the junior
preacher who was expected like the school
, teacher to board around ; getting his lodg.
big and breakfast iu one place, dinner in
anotber,, and supper in another. This ar
raw-remeut had the advantage of variety
and large acquaintance with the- people
for the pre:retie', although it was . a little
deficient . in affording opportunities fur
I study. This latter work however could
be done on horseback and in the early
meriting hours. As on other charges BO
on this there were some excellent Chris
taus-and mentors of the Church ; many
and most. of whom have already crossed
the flood. But some remain lingering-on
the margin of the river; ripe we trust for.
the heavenly garner. Wilson Caufield
lived just east of the 'village of Le Rays
vide with his excellent wife ' • Father Beeis
just, south the village with his la ire and
children, all on the way to licaveu • one
-son was 'an itinerant in the New ' York
Conference, and-l 3 now in the great ren
dezvous Of Methodist preachers above.
A son-in-law, ,Brother Perkins, was a
faithful and Godly local preacher now in
glary. Brothera Abner, Platt and Aaron
Wood, all at that time burden bearers of
the Chinch lived, near the village. At
Prattville was Russell Pratt, whose wife
was a sister of Rev. Jewell Towner, and
a host in prayer and exhortation. Jere
miah I•antield and Bother Lewis resided
in the same place. A local preacher of
com,iderable celebrity resided at-Leßays.
vile—Brother James fitalge. For borne
ten yeah.: he bad been in the regular Wu.;
eratit work,,but health had corn-
poled him to locate, and for many years
lie did good service in the local ranks.
Many of his sermons were marked by
great ability, and his Gouly life was a
constant recommendation orthe geispel
which be preached. Some years since he
crossed over the river to the itinerant's
home. While he lived !bill house was a
kind of beadquhrters ofiPithodist preach
ers and Methodist people; :llis old friends
• 'Air
small, but large enough to contain, like
the Temple of old,_many 'manifestations
of tile Presence of God. In the great day
it will be found tbat many souls wear
irn there. Sister Pratt used to deliVer
th re exhortations that would touch any
ea t, and send up prayers that would
tali wu the power of God. Dear old
places f teen Ship, the echoes of songs still
linger in our ears, and the images of thy
worshipei as a fond relic of the past re- ,
main iu ou memory. The other preach
ing places w • e school hoilses which serv
ed a good pur iu those days of small
things. in seve al of the places •on the
charge revival meetings weivneld during
the year and with good effect, . as many
were gathered into the fold of Christ.
Rev. 31.. Snyder was Presiding Elder
of the old Susquehanna District in which
Pike Circuit was .lien embraced. He Was
a model Presiding Elder; able as'
preacher; prompt in attending to his'ap
pnintments ; of unbending integrity ; of
rare judgMent in selecting . men for the
various charges of . his. District ; looking
with a kind of paternal tenderness after
the welfare of the preachers; careful and
judicious in administration ; and thor
anghly attentive to all the duties of his
office. His coming to the charge was al
ways hailed with joy ;,and the quarterly
meeting etercbies were seasons of_ great
rtfrisbint fiord the Votive work pt the
t,;uf •
sat 'ranks; holgitertill o WWI
ersty until some two - yeant ohs* whets ,
a most triiitephant'ilframeCtinird/owratit
up to his reward. - . < •. Pswerebilo his Inea4
Ty ; rest to his soul, A Alinfiniitrinstitty.
tion _existed' Deity- Leftlysville. wris
called ".The PhadarrrO• It was. a sort of
rammer : sties arrangement. Property was
mergedin a calmest 'Rind with the - tut-)
derstandiag that each : family: Or ..Poilm•
composing the community bate
his proper share of the proceeds of the
rioncerai.Anite number of families were
induced' to place their, means at thir dis
posal of the corporation. The whole war
under the principal management of Dr.
Belden, :r• man of Considerable', Oility:
The religions praeliiities of the'managers
were Swedonborgian.. But the institution
did not work well. Like most affaim of
the kind it languished , and' finally :failed
altogether. *, The failure, howeVer, as in
many other similar macs, involved large
lasses to many peupie, Whatbasbecome
of the large buileings once owned by the
Phalanx .we do not know. Atone of the'
appointments, a , number of people were
dissatisfied with the old Church as the M.
E. Church wark United, and Mad* consid
erable trouble. Oa staking the Presiding
Elder whatever should do with them, he im
mediately replied, - "Give them a terrible
letting aloue. ' This we did, and the dis
satisfied ones soon came to naught.- The
advice his been of service to us' in many
similar•cases - in , many times. Often,. if
not always, it will work well to let tnon
blesome parties entirely alone. They will
often break their own heads,? and thus die
by elind of self-martyrdom: A little in
cident occurred at the 'beginning of the
year that has also been of service to as
ever since as inculcatiug-trust in God. It
was this : The official men were displeas
ed because two men were sent to them in
stead of one, as they had requested. They
were inclined to reject oar , on the ground
that they could not support 'too. Of
course the juniour preacher must leave if
'either. W hap considering with very de
pressed feelings what it was beet to .do
under the circumstances, a verse of Scrip
ture which I did net remember to have
read, came with `
great force to my mind.
It was this : "Trust in tbe Lord and do
good ; so shalt thoo dwell in theiand. and
verily thou shalt be fed." It was "a word
iti season. I resolved with divine help to
obey the Master's mandate. About thirty
four years have passed, and I have been
fed according to the word of the Lord.
Let ministers trust in the Lord and do
good and they will be fed. Well may , the
Lord bless the old Pike, now Leßsysvillo
zharge. It has greatly improved since
we were permitted to labor upon it. It
, -I.uts been favored with a succession of
most excellent ministers; and none bet
ter probably than the present incumbent.
The old parsonage from which Sister Tar
riegton went to heaven her, given Plage to
a better abode. The Churches havelbeen
improved. A more liberal salary has.been
allowed' the preacher. A better member
ship—rhoie active and spiritual we' trust,
uphold the hands of the-Pastor as be pro
claims the "message of Salvation. ° Larger
Sabbath Schools gather on the Lord's day
to learn the Holy Scriptures. In all this
we rejoice ; and if the old members of the
Church, now in heaven, arc permitted to
know about the affairs of earth, they will
rejoice also. May the future of the charge
be not only-better than, the past, but most
glorious; and from its bounds may there
ultimately be found a great company in
heaven saved by its toils.
Mss. M. L. BURRS is suffering from an
attack of rbentnatitm.
A. J. Sit.vanin and his good- wife cde.
brated their silver wedding on rfhuisday
last. The occasion was enjoyed by about
ono hundred of their neighbors and
REV. J. S. BEEns; Renter of Christ
Church, has arranged exchange with the
R. Mr. 'JomEs,"of Wilkes-Barre, on Sun.
day next. Mr. JONEBI# not altogether a
stranger in this parish, and will have °large
audience. Mr. J. will also preach at the
nail works in the afternoon 'at 4, o'clock.
Dr. N. .1. COGBWELL, of Silrariacille,
ba.: just completed one of ,the linest and
must artistic residences in the county.
As the Doctor paid for the work and ma
terial as the structutc progressed, he and
Mrs: C. occupy it With more than ordina
ry pleasure, having no fears of mechanics
liens or visits from the Sheriff.•.
THE followil3g named officers have been
'duly installed into their respective , offices .
fcr the term commencing 0ct..1; 1878, by
D. 31. D. W. SCOTT. Burling on
Lodge, No. 904, I. 0. 0. F.:
4V. 9., It. M. Pieur:ir,; Y. G., IsA.ic
DULL; 8 4 -11. li. ! S., 1. D, So-
PER ; Treas., S. 31. DICKEIIMAX ; R. 8. `to
G., P. P. BURNS L. S. to .21". G.. Molt-
Ins Witco's.; H. C: SPENCER ; Cot,
R. P. DILL ; .9. 8., - N. L. RuNDELL
9/10., L. M. RI:II:DELL ; 0. G., C. B.
to V. G., ELI BOOTH ;L. Sto V. G.; S.
WE 4re-plcasdd . to roe that . some of our
Sheslicipiiti farmers are making' improve
ments iti Hieir stock. STEPHEN BAItNER
-has a yeti , fine . Holstein calf, isnd LLOYD
Ftsit has' a three-fourths Jersey six
months -and twenty-seveddays old r weigh-
Mg 010 pounds ; dark fawn color t • ;With
every'niark of a thoroughbred. Such ef
forts should be.encouraged and supported
by all enterprising fanners.
►' Go to NOILTRUP'S Restaurant for a
Warm 'Ural or adl of Oyhtera Chem th,r7.
. Or' Millinery Gonda retailed at -whole
tale prices, at STruts Bros•.
tir Ladies' Cloaks and Furs in a largo
Variety from r 75 up at STIIIN Bros'. soma.
"Ar" A tnt of second-hand. Cooking,
Slttlog4footo and Bed•Rosm Stoves for' sate. Ap
ply to t0et.31.7 0. D. KIN T.
nrPowELL & CO. offer this week
to ah Calera, at FIFTEEN:CENTS PER YARN,
are - the GREATEST BARGAINS In Dress Goals
ever ()Vied In this market. eett7.
Ems" If you want to see the finest assort
111Cht nr Millinery Goods over offered In this mar.
ket. go i0 . .3115s Cog's, 6 doors north of 31Oreur
bloc it.
•ar Go to Miss
_Coos's and get a flat
Er Elegant Felfs and Straws for'so eta
and upwards, at Miss Coos•s.
Plymonth Rock For' for' sato by
Alba, l'a., Oct. GI. 1878. G. U. WEBB.
rirThe largest variety of Fasbionabk
Anuozery Goode at Snots linos. N. Y. Store.
ti' govelties in Ladies Bonnets and
T 3 at STSIIN BROS. N. Y. Store.
The trade supplied with ..11fillinery
.!..New.yc'ikrates. at STIMN-81103..
New York St
from 25ets. up at STEnx Biwa
variety at STERN e
CIEr Flowers and, qumei in all thn bah
jonable shades at BURN ; ROS.
oar For ticket 4 to
North and Southwest, at the to ,
WI on or tailless, U. L BARU
Upper Depot, Towanda,
Vir -Mrs. E. 1. Mrsoos has '
HATS for ONE DOLLAR aad upwards.
!$ 'Miss E. L.Mrsoos is just npe ."ng
new stock of Autumn Millinery °aids, to whi
sbe Invites the attention of the IQdtea. anirbli;
car Ladies Dress Trimmings, all the
New Styles. at Barr.t. 4 Fausuares, $ few Coon
north of !firearm Block.
Vir CONS= has the best wearing Shoes
for Um Hoye snd Youths!' wear ewer 'offered la
Teatlpft NNW pfcba wlttan Claa nialS atilt
and Lace Goode in endless
1 points WeAt,
it passible rates,
31,911, Agent, at
WOIPI! 1 4 1 k,
fir4fousi. Rairre—Conveniently
lebTlift ti
A filn - asioitineit of iPi6 Good
or .
'st Saris& litasittiers, I tow doors. soot' or
Meresr*ltAlid - - • '
"Be6L Choi
I r st * Pr l
die of Sties cur caller, liissms• and Maidens'
'westistSanda t scossza's seer store, ro t * mos
aid rfig itincilstagi k sOek.
•L. Caw Lie, Baker! Wairtr of the
lit ',aid Salmi.
1, D e _ ask bind daily - sins
Presik,Cnictas bot Mint .
tar Don't you forget ft. We have an
excellent CRACITMANOTAITkIRY In teem
at COWIeIItAK ET, where you eau boy the
beartresbibeked erseken.
L. 11; Itcmogus challenges eompe
Litton tar quality of =bolo and low pleas Oa Flub.
rtuora,illinda aa4 Molelfuti.r, and till building ttua
or Real Ostrich. Tips for 75 aids at
• , -
lar :Y. C. 13141 M.. has received a NEW
WEAU fetotha ilinntseiTratleY whleNbe *tiara at
;oleos far less than heretofore bold), ;Id )st lower
agoras than any competitor ean r du rose. Call.
anti:toe aid be conetnewl. Ntoro on Main Street.
south side of Brittge.-)410 of Oils Boot. , in2o.
Silver Watch", Chain , fancy Jewelry. etc.,. The
undersigned havlogyitircbased at Sbertirs Sale the
'entire stock colv Altaic% eludes, Silver and Plated
Ware, la the more formerly occupied by If. flux.
DILLMAR, and ko wishing to remain in the busi
ness, has conelided to sell the entity stock regard.
less of cost, i 4 order to wind up the bartness. Cal
early sadsecure barpins. M. JACOIII.
• •
By universal accord Atzn's CA
tilativin PILLS are the best of all purgatives tot
family use. They are the product of tong, 'abort
our- and Successful chemical; investigation, arse
their use; by physicians In their practice, and b.
all clrilised nations, proves 'them Abe beat Imo
most effectual purgative NU that Medical Skill ca - i.
devise. Being purely vegetable' , no barbs can art e
from their use.. In Intrinsic Table and virally.
powers no other pills can be ceteparid with them•
and every peratm, knoWing their virtues,- will em
ploy them, when needed. They keep the system
perfect order, and maintain in healthy settee t it
whale machinery of life. Mild, searching and el.
rectum', tbey'ars specially adapted to the needs of
the digestive apparatus. eerangements or whicb
they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are
the best and safest phusic to emplyy fur child/en
and weakened clonal : Buttons, where a Mild, hut
effectual, cathartic Is required SOLD BY ALL
You cardnE you will stop
all your extravagnut and wrong notions
in doctoring youiself -and families with
expensive doctors or humbug cure-a i lls
that do harm always, and use only kia
ture's simple remedies for all . your ail
ments—yott.will be wise, well and happy,
and save great expense. The greatest
remedy for,this, the great, wise and goon
will tell you, is Hop Bitters—believe it.
See "Proverbs" in another column;
age, In East.Smltheeld, Ort. 30. 1876, by Hey. W.
Statham, Mr. D-witt Miers and Miss Ida Sins:,
• laugh, both of Uibtr•
ICIIO4S—TAYLOIL—AL the M. E. Parsonage.
lu WinOtsan, Oct. 30, 1.76. by- ter. A. W. Loom
" lu, Mr. Albert Nicholls of Wysuxi to Wu Base)
T. Tayiur, of Windham. • "•
MILLEII--CROWLEY.—At the house of Mr. Jr...
avph 1a liloitrontou t Novel:awe 2. 1878, 14 . }
Ilalluct Armstrong, Sir. A rllO3 31Iller aou
Miss Ella Crowley. lAith of Wysoz.
MeCALL.—In Sayre, Pa.. Oct. 80, 1878, of hears
.1111$9 Y.llza breath McCall, aged 13 yawls, former.
17 of Oscar/. N. Y.
strt.LocK.—ln Towanda, Bnnday wornlng. Oct, of diphtheria. Wii:ko, ion or Mr. and
Mn.t Theodore 3tunuck, aged 8 yearn and• 6
Towanda, , Wedneaday. Oct. 23, 187*. a
the re;blence of axe Soo. Wm. K. 11111.. Mrs. Sai
ly 11114 - aged 1%, Teaza, 9 mouths and 1 day.'
• ,
Corner Lake and Waler Stieets;
Elmira. N. Y., Aprll 18, '78.17
General dealpinte Groceries awl Produce, Patton
Block. corner Alain and Bridge Streets.
53( 6SO 6_0(44 7O•
14C 160 l 31(4 173
. I 204
1 0 4 54 1 le/4
43 53®
500 6G(q) 65
3::413 374 31'
1549 160 2 PO
5 04)(4
173® •
Flour per bbl
Flour per sack
Corn Meal per MO lbs
Chop Feed
Wheat, pet bush
Buckwheat F10ur....
Timothy. ,western....
Beans, e 2 lbs,
Pork. mess...
Dressed hogs
Shouldera. - .:
Boner tubs
0014 ISO 1 Sco':
We bbl. OBEII - 10
"Eggs, freed •
Gref n apples, lr4b
l'•,Latoes. per bu5he!....6.5
Beesvrax ..........
Veal *kips
Sheep Pel IS
C. Atwood vs Bela Cogswell. In the Court
of Common Fleas of Bradford county. No. It.).
February Tetnt. 107 G
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by sail
Court to distribute money In the Sheriff's hand,
arising from the sale of defendant's Iva' estate
will attOul to the duties of his appointinent at ht.
offke In the borough of Towanda. Pa, on TIJE2
DAY, NOVAMIIIItII iab. 1878. at 10 o'clock A. L.
when and where all persons , having claims upor
said funds must percent them, or else be forever
debarred coming In upon the same.'
JOHN W. MIX, Audits:ll.
Towanda; Pa., Oct.:, 1878. .18w4
matter of the viduntrify assignment of thy-
Towanda Eureka 'Mower - Company, for the
of creditors.
In the court of Common Pleas of Bradford coun
ty. No. 1185. February T 1877.
The final account of E. T. Fox. assignee In Ih.•
above case, filed Aug. 8. 1878, and said arconnt.wll
- prew•nted to bald Court for final confirmation
nu•t allowance, on Thur.-day, the sth dayof Decem
ber nett, unless cause be shown why sad account
should not be finally confirmed and allowed b 1 tbe•
-!" BEN'.I. M. PP:olt, Prottonotory.
Toteanda, Oct. 30. 1878.—=w4.
—Niutlee Is hereby given that all prisons In
debted to the estate of William E. Ittchsnts, lateor
Rome twp., decd, are requested to make Inued
late payment... Snit all persons having elaitim again
sale estate must present them duly authenticated
Vet settlement.
Rome ra..60. 9, 287$ :—a ir. Aduliul9o:9tOr
10atter of the estates -of Jeremiah Stealer
and Egbert !Metier, in the Otpban's Court of Brad
ford county. ••
- The underaigned an auditor appointed by said
Court to distribute money In the bands of the ad
ministrator of the estate, or Jecetnialt Stetter. dc
ceased. arising from the sale of real estate and also
to distribute funds in the hands of the adnaloist m
tor of the estate of Egly.dt Siekier; dee..ased, arts
tog irons sate of po;sonsi properly, will attend to
the duties of tale appointment at tali oMec lit To-
Wanda !lona, on MO S DAY, the lith day of NO
ITEMBEC, A. D. 1878. at 10 A. when and where
all persons having claims on odd funds must pre
sent the same or be forever debarred. .
E. F. GOFF; Auditor
Towanda. Pa., Oct. 10. 1878. .
trDITOR'S n NOTICE.--In the
matter of the voluntary, assignment of Jason
S. hmith to Wm. Snyder, for the benefit of credi
tors. No. 1407. May Term. 1877. 1. •
The undersigned. an auditor appointed by the
Court to distribute fonds In the hands of said as
signee, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office In Towanda Moto, n SATURDAY.
the 911 day of NOVEMBER. A. I). 11l & at 10 A.
w.„ when and where all persons having ;claims ou
said funds must present the same or be' for -ever
debarred. It. P. GOFF, Auditor.
Towabda, Pa., Oct. 10, 1078.
,E3L, %Intim, vs E. - R. Williams. No. 1,490, May
leZet w , 10:4. -
Pe'undensigned an Auditor appointed by t• o
rt to di/11.164N mom ys arising Wan the Sher
'ale of defendant's real estate, ettll attend to
lee of his appointment at his elliee In TO.
unmet. ou TUESDAY, the Plth day .of
Ell, 1678, at 1 o'clock #. It" when and
rsons Interested moat attend. or fort*.
4 train coming In upon said fund.-
jAass wopp, Auditor.
itt, ,
the di
NrIV Eel
where All
er be 0 01 A
Ot tlo4w.
„CV —To* Karma. Iterrirles. in the Cook as
nommon Pleat ot linnitord County.-- No. 417.
Term. ia77. Youare hereby notil that Martin'
Kerrie,. your intabauLtuot itityliterta the Court of
Common Pima of lirstitard 'County for a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court
has appointed Monday,- December 3, DM In the
-Court nouns at Towanda, torbearingt the pal 4 DID
- tin WU peentlees. at which "tinwraid .plitee you
marattend if you think proper. -
• IL J. LAYTON, !hart!.
wafthr.Ckeveland. la the Court of
Common Mai at
Turl l .. l / 7 a.10U a ß eh fo rredb C o a u u nt t yN tOh.a 7 ;
7 M
. ello
Clesvpland, your wife; Itsolppllod to tbe c,±nrs of
cfPouletr Pteauat Bradford amthry for a. invorm
from the bond, of matrimony. Iliad the mid Court
has appointed Monday. December 7. Jill In the
Court Room at Towanda. for hearth,. the said Me.
len In the premium, at which time and place . you
t 7 attend If yon gothicproper. .
.nov7. . • ' •A. J. LATTON,lharlb.
• Notice to hereby glued Diet an *Natation • will
be made to thelflourt ot Coltman Mara Drapiford
County at Its am eassion, for a charter of Incorpo
railoa for the East Derrick Cemetery;
•• - N. W. BARNES.
. .
East Derrick. Nos. 7, lan.
*- •
'—Notice Is hereby Oren that all persons in:
dented to the estate ofteta 0 outlets Popo, late
of Towanda Benumb, deceased. are requested to
mate Imtnediate psytAgrit.and all persons . having
claims against said estate mud present them duly
authedtleated for settlement..
- .E. 0. GOODRICH,
k Thrtrantt to WM of Thompson & Taber
fl. rt. 4 Hickok and U. N. Williams, security. • In
the C rt or Common Pleas of Bradford -county.
So. 80* Dec. Term. 1875:.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
- Court to distribute money In the Sheriff's hinds
arising from the sale of defendant's personal prop
-.sty. witl'attend to the duties of his appointment
at Mani ice intim borough of Troy, Pa.. FRIDAY.
the 15th day of NOVEMBER. 1878, at ten o'clock
'when and wuere all ptrsons baring chilies
upon said fund must present tit m , or else be for
sver debarred from coining
. C , A N NING Auditor.
AI.tDiTOR'S NOTlCE.—Andrew
Craine vs J. B. Johnson. No. 1,188, May
m__, 1875.
dedersigneq an Auditor appointed by the
;noun to distribute moneys axle ing from the Sher.
Ws sale of defenda nt ' s
, teal estate, will .attend to
the tint les of his appointment at his otlimi in Tn.
rands Borough, on MONDAY. the 18th day et
'NOVEMBER...IB7B. at 10 n'elnek A. It. when and
where all persons haying :hams again st said fund
must present them. or forever be debarred from
coming in upon the same. L mernEnsorri- • •
oar-4w. Auditor.
& Mercura use vs. John J. Griffith. Iu the
vourvottioraftien Pleas of Bradford County—Na
307... Dee. Term, MT.
The ainderslgned,,an auditor appointed by said
Ce - firt to - aistilbnin the. funds arising from the
iberlft's sale of defender Vs real estate, wilt attend
'o the dut le aof his amicdut ment Ms office In the
borough of Towanda. nn Friday. November lath.
1615, at 10 "O'clock w. X., when and where all per.
,ons having claims against said fund must present
'hem, or be forever debarred from coming In on
said fund.
0. b. KINNEY, Auditor.
Towanda, Oct. 1 , 111. • .
trkt Conn orthe United States, for the West
, rrn Ittst let or Pennsylvania.
AVilliam K. Maishali. of Towanda, a Bankrupt,.
under the Act of Congress of March lid, 1887, hav
ing applied fora disehargo from all his drots, and
other claims provable under said act, by order of
, he court, notice is hereby given to all creditors
who have proved their debte. and other person. , In
tere.sted. to appear on the 21st cloy of NOVEM
BER, 1878, aisle o'clock. A. st.. before R. A. MER-
Cl.; R, Esq.:. Register in diankreptcy, at his Mitre.
la Towanda. Penn.ylvania. to show. (WIMP. If ant
• Ml' i 5..••.., why a dlscharge'obould not he. granted
'co the said Bankrupt. ,
23w2 S. C. AftiCANDLER•, Clerk;
To alt may concern: The undersigned
Athens W Troy:Borough. Bradford County. Stare.
Pentifylvanta.licreby give notice that they in
,end to apply to ills Vlseellenty. John, F., Bart
ranft, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania. for a
-barter. aiyd to be lororporated Into a body politic
to is., with perpetual succession tinder the name
end atyle and title Of ••Trity Water Company of
Tr..y. Bradford C0..Pa.." for the purpose of sup
14.flue lho Inhabitants of Troy Borough and vicini.
iy *ith water. E. B. PARSONS.
PAINE. • -
Ef 52
District Court of the United States, f4r the
Western District of Pette.iylvania. In the matter
of C: A. Fowler,' tinnkrnp4 in bank uptyc. -
To whom it may cone.en:,-The undersigned
herel4 gives no: lee of his altpolutmenf as kadgnee
of C. A. Fowler, of Mit*roe township. In the
county of Bradford, and State of Pennsylvdnia,
within 'sold District who has been adjudged a
itankrupt on his-own petition by the District
Court of said District.
JOSEPH R. SMITH, Assignele.
konrootort, Pa., Oct. Gib, A. D, - Is7& , 19wa
AuDIT \ OR'S, NOTICE,— Final
account Of the Adifiluistrator of the . ,estate
rite undersigned an Auditor appointed, by the
Court to (11 , 1 , 0:e of exe-jnton. and mate distribu
tion of taoneys In the hands of the Adniinist,ator,
- will attend to the duties of bit rippolntntent at his
Mee. in Timanda Borough, ou WEDNESDAY,
•he 6th day of NOVEMBER, 187 s, at 10 o•clork A.
.ii.. when bud where all porsons interested roust at
tend, orlurevor be debarred :!runt conitine In upon
~•rbi fund. 1 E. L. HILLIS. .
octiO-De. Auditor.
mailer of the estate. of Anstin Rundell, late
of the township of Burlington, deceased.
The undersigned an Auditor • appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Bradford County to distribute
hrds .t he hands Executors, as - shown from
ilndr Final Account. altrattend to the duties Of
hit appointment at they'll:lce of ON ERTON & MER the Borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY,
the lath day of NOVEMBER., A. II.; 1878, at 10
o'clock A. H., when and where all parties baring
elation mwin raid fund must present them, or be
forever debarred from coming in upon the same.
octl7-4w. - JAMES 11. CODDING, kudltor.
Diotrict Court of the k rnited !Mate; for the
Western District of ronnsylrattla. In the matter of
Orrin D. flartlat. bankrupt, in Bankruptcy. -
.To 'whom if ?any - coy:cern: The underolzned
ncryby glees notice of his appoint tut-nt a'.olgnee
of Orrin D.,ltartlet t, nr the Borough of Towanda,
iti lipi.enunty of Bradford. nod State of iennsylva
nia, within said District. who has been adjudged a
bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court
of Pahl District.—Dated at Towanda the 2341. day
of f tefol,r, A. D. 1879.
2UtT.I JAMES H. COPPING: Assignee.
G4s * 5 B(3 10
. 10
rt.o 09 • 12
120 20 16 :2
b(4 10 150 :
160 20
Ito II 12%
250. Z.O 4f'l 50
070 7[4 50
5i 0• 75 7 1.00
District Court of the United States,,for the
Western District of 'Pennsylvania. In the matter
of lVillians Griffis bankrupt in Bankruptcy. '
To whom it may concern: The underAgaed
ha mby gives-not we or his apnol..t ment ar assignee
or William Calais, of the. Ito:l:nigh of Towanda, in
the county of Bradford, aed State of Pennsylvania.
within said DiAtrict, who has been adjatiged a
bankrupt en his oven petition by the DlArict Court
of said District —Dated at Towanda the 22d day of
October. D. 1ti7 . 8.
20w3 J. V. KiltltY, Assignee.,
ki virtue of an order Issued nut of the Orphans'
Court or Bradford conntw, the undersigned, admin.
ball/tor of the estate of 'Allen Winslow, late of
Wilmot twp., deceased, will expose to public rale
on the prmilses. on SATURDAY. the 9th day of
NOVESIIIEIt. 1878; at 2 o'clock p. lg., the follow.
Mg described property, to-wit:
Bounded on the south by ?ands of J 1' Shasta and
josltph Morton , , on.tho west by the Susquehanna
river. on the north by lands of Witlistn Barton,
now owned by E. S. Conant. and on the east by
lands of Allen Wlisorits heirs, and contains 100
Acres, be the same Inure or leas. being the name
land convet ed by Eddy Winslow to Allen Winslow
by deed dated August the 27th, A. D. 11163, and re
corded In deed book. No. fS, page 109.
Tltitlivi OF Sale :--t 1 MO upon property being
struck down ;s&u-on COI/ Grmatton, and the balance'
In one, two and three years, with Interest from
J. S. QUICK, Administrator.
District Court of the United States, for the
Western District of remiss'Tanta. Itt the matter
of R. T. Marshall and W K , . Ilarehall, Ilankrupte.
Western District of Pennsylvania. In Bank rui tcy.
The creditors will take notice that a Mini gen
eral meeting of the creditor?' of said bankrupts
will bicheld at Towanda In said district, on the 7th
d~yuf DECEMBER. A. D. ISM" at to o'ciock A.
M., at the niece of Overton & Mercur, before. It. A.
Merton'. 'Esq.. oue of the Registers to Bankruptcy
In ?Md. District, for the puogne named In the 27th
Section of the BaulOupt Act of March 24, 1867, to
wn. a final distrlbutflou of Intl,l bankrupts estate,
and at that ineellittl shall 'apply fur _a discharge
from all Ilabtlits avam-Agnee of said estate, In ac
cordance with the licorlslons of the 20th see Inn of
call Bankrupt act. I . D. A.9I"EnTIiN;
Tos•and.t, Oct. 31.578. - Assignee. -
Nathablei C. Harris vs. William W. Shepard.
Nu. fin, September Twin, ISM Foreign Minch.
Now, Oct. 7, 1.678, cn motiOn of Davis & 'Car
net bait, attonteys for piaintilf. the Sheriff Is direc
ted to publish a copy of this writ for ale week. In
the LIJIADYOItI.) I:EV . OI4.'I*ER slid In thai Athens op,.
- sate. BY Tits COURT;
Commonwealth of Behnscleania,
ftradkrd County. ts. ,
To the Sheriff of Bradford County—Greeting
We command you that you atutelt Widi sot W.
- Shepard and Chariot II Shepard, late of your coun
ty, by all and stugulart their goods anti Chattels,
'ands and tenements, moneys, rights, and credits,
lu whose hands or POKSeg'ooo soe‘er the taut • may
to that he' it, abd appear before our Cotut of
common. Pleas. to be. hoiden- at the Borough of
ToWaletl3. In and for.said County. on the '[rat Mon
day of September, next, there to answer, Nakaillel
C..liarria, of a plea of debt f 6000.00; sod 'that , you
summea•Job i ePugtraud S. B.Plerce,•and all per
sons to whose heads Or possession the said goods.
chattels- moneys, r•gbis„ and credits, en arty 'of
them may be attached. so that they and Ilevery of
them be and appear before said Court, at the day
and place aforesaid, to answer what shall be ob
jected adatnid them and abide the judgment ot the
Court 'therein, and bare you then and there this
Witneus the Hon. Paul D. Horror, Pn.bldent of
our val.l Court. at the (tore Ch of Towniela afore
raid, the 21st day of /tem.?. A.
BENJ. AL PECK, Prothonotary:
August 1878. .Dy %lone of the feregultig Stilt
of Yore lan Attachment. I have attecbed the Oa.
lowing described lot. piece or Falco! oloind, situate
in Athens twap. County of. Bradfoid; and State 01
Pennsylvania, hounded as follows, to-wit: On th 3
north by lands. of John Bosworth and others on
the east by lands of Tins Hires n ; on the south by
lauds of IL T. Middaugh: and on the 'kest. by lands
of „Arthur Beebe. Containing 75 acres .of land,
more or Iva. about *A acros Ituknoved.
d. LAYTON, Sher d..•
Nhedril Mete. town IN
dot t." .
* ir k
MEM & Co.
14:Alva E.
Tbese prmeuts are
'We otter theta 4n ritous qualities
. ..
• • / • . 1
. .
and among them will be , found many
Decided Bargains: i
- /
WO also Invite attention to our stock of
Ladies Shawls.!
- which embruTs
awl to our stock of
Ladies' Felt Skirts,
which will be-
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 10, ICS
Ides, that ladles can bay their
-any where but at
It ban old truth that
will out, and you will And upon examining the
that you eon Do. utrtr.ft than and other place to
tall Assortment of
NZW STYLE 110 - pD for a
to be
The new shade In
C 323
Gold, now In such demand, you can purchase at
31189 !COOK'S,
place of Inane a Hati-Pin, bay one of the
sold bi
It is always
tole where you can trade the cheapest,
Bach a place you cau dad
Six Doors North of Nit' Oflke,
Alm am. sh
SALER.By. - : virtue
k,) of Inuits, writs Issued out of the Court ofeoto
mon Plea* of Bradford County, d tometitrected.
/ will , expose Ati publics, sale, at the door of th'e
Court "flonse.' In :Towanda. on rninAir;: THE
lit I O'clocktr. K., the following described proper
ty', to-wit: ' - • •
pleie or pineal of And nitrite to
Monroe twit., bounded As follows rCommencmg at
a Point on the public highway, the anslh.east coy
net of land of Julia A. Artiont, therice north 27t °.
eatil- tilt 5.10 perches, to lands of Isaac Bobbins •
Mende south 66°. east 32 Perches. 10 the main road'
running to- Irnmehtown trhence along the same
son 114 43(0. west 56 perches , to the intersection of
bald Told with, socktner rosin .road; thence along
theoatne at Z.lO perches to the place of t egtnnlog ;
containing. Acres end ff per hes of land, more or
less„ - all.linproved, with an orchard of 'fruit trees
.thereon. Seised and taken . into execution- at the'
salt et Martha C. Amoral vs. Hiram Detrick.
N 0.2. ALSO—One other lot of land situated in
Albany twp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a
point in the Tarrytown " road southward of the dwei: ce the-party or the ant part,(ll,L.ltuon)
thence Booth 60° ' east 19 perches to a post I theorO
north 33e vast 303-to pavhes, to • post ; curacy by
Lands conveyed tuts day to Adecesto
the party of the litst part, south 6.e. east 'tls pi , r•
ekes toe post; -thence by land of W. L . :Kenyon,
south 20, sett 51 perches, to a post; thence north
60e. ea,t -142 perches, to the Terry town. nod ;
• thence along said cowl 21 porgies, to the place of
beginning cmtalaing .43 acres and 44 perches of
land, more or tess„about 40 acres Improved. with 1
framed house. I framed barn, and orchard of fruit
trees thereon: Seized and takes Into execution at
the snit of C. W. Scott's use vs. Silas Moon and E.
J. Burdick. Also at suit of Henry n. COr ooll vs. -
16115, Moon.
No. 3. .IVl,So.—thos other lot of land situated In
Warren and pike tvrre,lionunded on the north by
landsXitiohn 3lotrls and the estate ot J-tin Morris
on the eastby lands et Reuben Pettes and Catherine
Augusta Darts; on the south tq landi of E. W.
Davis and Evans:; and on the west by lands
of Phillit D ieli and David DAVIS; containing Ma
acres of land, more or less, about_ite acres
ed. with mei framed • house, Iplark hoarse, 2 train
ad barns, I , framed hog pen, other nu . buildings .
and 3 orchards of fruits thereon. " Seized and taken
into execution At at the suit of Erin IL Dials we.
'John Davls. - •
No. 4. AL43o—One other lot sof land situated In
Troy Bore., bounded on the north by lauds of 6.11 .
•Makon; on the east by Wailes screen on the south
by lands of G. fugharn ; and 'on the west by E
F. Lilly . : containing buO vlllag3 lot of land, with 1
trained dweillog house, 1 framed barn, min r
buildings, and few fruit trees therAun. Seized and
taken lute execution at the suit of- M. Peck
vs. L. 11. Bradford. •
No. 5. other lot of land situated In
Athens Borough, bounded on the nortlaby lands of
.1. L. Corbin ; on the east by lands of J. Leroy Coy.
btu; on'the south by' North Street ; and on the west
by landi of Ann Walsh ; containing 3.5 of an acre
of laud, more'. or less, with I framed 'l4onso, and
frauwd barn thereon. .S. land and taken Into exe
cution at the suit of Holmes and Passage vs A. A.
Prince. T. T. •
No. 6. ALS' ) —One other lot of land' Situated in
South Creek twp., bounded as follows: Commenc
ing'at the south-east corner of Mary. Ann Falk
land's land 4, running in an easterly direction along
her lauds to -- the highway front Elmira to Troy ;
then .e along' . the highway Wallet; to the county
bridge, to the east line of the Northern Centtal
Hallway; thence Ina northerly direction Meng'
said raft road to lands of David Kfug ; thence
easterly along said• King's lands to lands of Joseph
Chace. dei'd 'thence south . along said Chace es
tate about IGO rods to a corner ; thence east 50 resist.
thence south M rods ; thence- west II rods ; thence
touch iet)rodsarung, laudsof Ileeman Le wis . ; thence
west zu rods along lands of If . Ward; thence to rth
169 rod ; thence west to highwater mark of Dun
ning... pond ; thence - .northerly along said pond to
the dam; thence west to the west tine of A. C. R.
road ; thence south along said railroad to the south
bank of race leading from creek to Dunning's
pent! ; thence west - amug lands deeded to D. I'.
Minnie,: to center of highway leading -to Elmira;
thence south In center of sald highway about Is
rods to I).- F. Dunning's corner; thence treat to
Vernler's corner; th-tace west :eking larols
of G. F. Vernier 52 rods and 4-10: thenee north
along lands of Gorden estate ate:nt 97 rods • thence
west along north line of Gorden and Wertil- rs to a
-or-11;r ; thence north atoug the east Hu e o r G. I'.
and,Verubeti David Itelyea to E. Voorhee's corner;
thence east along said Voorhees to his south east
corner,; thence south along the line of Jew., Moore
estate ; thence easterly along said • Moure's land
- about 07 rods: thence south 37 rods along said
Moore's estate and lauds of Mary Ann Fattener to
place of beginning ; containing 210 acres of lano
more or less, about- 100 acres improved I trained
house. I hog house, 1 .framed barn with sheds at
tached, and 1 orch rd of fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken into execution at the suit of Union Dank
of g tm•svilte. 'Ohio's, use vs. D. F. Dunning and
- ,Eben Dunning: ; -
- Su. 7. A Lrit i—One' other lot of land situated In
Tuscarora iNvp , bounded ou th - north by lama - of
- Gee. C. Atwood on the east by lands of J no. \V
llollenbnek, Andrew Labar and A. H. Sloctinkon
the south by the public highway and lands of A t ' If,
Slocum; and on the west by lauds of Joseph Hat ,
contalning.44 acr sof laud, mute or less, Wimp
all improved. with I log house, I -framed barn and
few fruit trees thereon. Seized and [steer, Into ex
ecution •t the suit of James Stutters vs Jautesll.
No, 8: . .I.I,SO;One other lot of land In Canton
twp., bounded Otr ttot north by lands tfr James M c _
Mahon ; on'the,cast by lands of Patrick Grady ; on
the south by lands of John Italy's estate; and on
the west by lauds of Daniel Downs atul Wm. Law
rence; containing al acres of land. tn. re or less.
.S.Axed and taken into execution at the suit of John
.oaq - scar's vs. George Baty.
Nu. O..ALS• —One other lot oU land In Canton
township. (now Alba born.). bounded AS rUjiot :
Beginning ator near the middle of the creek where
the Williasevort and El mix a Geld crosse. the same;
thence nearly south 40° west, along said road os
feet, to a stake ; thence nearly norm .10° west :tan
feet. to a make ; thence nearly math :no east to the
cent. r of the truck ; thence In an easterly three
tton along 'aid creek to the place of beginning ;
sad lot known as the Foundry Lot, at Alby with
foun.lry bulidlugs thereon erected..
No. 10. A LSOtlne other tot of land In Canton
township, now Alba Born.). and 'wended as fol
lows.; ft-ginning at the center of the read leading
from the village 01 Alba to Hobbs,' Manley's, avow
suutn cast coiner of Silas Packard's let • Mimic,
south to east along the center of said rna:l,'i2 rnds•
To.a stake ; Thence south 80 0 west to rods to a stake:
thence north 1° west 12 rods to a stake, it. being the_
south west corner of Silaa zPackarTl's lot ; therm- -
north Sr east .10 rods to the placeof beginning:
containing 120 square rods, with outs new law.
!mined house thereon erected. Seized and taken
luni execution at the suit of. Wm.. S, Jayne Err 01
E. Loomis, deed, vs. Chas. G. Slaneiy and licorge
11. Webb, T. T. • .
No. ii. ALSO—One other - lot of land In West_
Iturlington . twp, bounded on the north by Sugai .
Creek ; ou the east by lands of Cynthia Parker ;105
the souib by the public highway; anti on the nes:
by Wads of Sidney Varney • containing 15 'acres of
latal r ludre or lees, about ail improved, with 1 It:turd
house, 1 board barn and few fruit. trees thereat.
seizettand taken into execution arthe suit of Job
]limey's use vs. Mary M. HetiSou, T. T.
No. 11: ALSOOtie miter
.lot of laud la Leltoy
twp, bounded ou the north by the potpie highway;
an the east- by hinds of Mrs. H. 31. Lake veu . tttc
south and west by lands of Henry Holcomb; con
taining Si of an acre of land, mor.for less, atl ina
brcived. with Efrarned house and 1 small framed
arn thereon. :Seized and taken hito execution at
the suit of S. 31. W..odere use 'es: W. F. Itooluson.
No. 13. ALSO—One other lot 01 laud Ilf West
Burlington tap., bounded on the north by Sugar
creek - : oh thut east by lands of Gorton Swain ; uu
the south by the public highway; anti en) the west
bp'tandr John
. 11allard ; containing. acre - of
land, more or less, all improved, with Lwater. saw
mill, awl all mil: fixtures and machinery belong
ing thereto, together with add cleferiaut'stights
to'Lltetiraw across said Sul at - Creek, and the right
to flaw the waters of said meek for the use of said
No. 14. ALSO—One Whet - Int "of. laud In West
Burlington flap.. bounded on thu north by the phi)
:ic: ; east and nut!: by lands' of linttou
; and went by lands of Jolla nal:alai; con
taining 14 of an akre of mud, all Improved. with 1
, fratned house. ot her out lail.ding.; and fow fruit
thettson. neized and taken Into execution a
the stilt f.,f- Job 31orley's use V. ISilliaur Ballard
and. Mat ford Widlants, T. T.
No. 15,...A.1.?+0—0tte other lot of Land In-Slnlth
(l,ld two bounded as follows: klegtuulogat a post
and stones In the }llno of E. •V. Wilcox's land :
thence by lhu said= E. V. Wilcox's laud a. 4.0 o
ea.l tT.:11.10 rods to a ptot and stones for a corner :
thence by la, .1 Reynolds and Manley south
cant 1021-10 to a post fur a corner; thence
par'ly by lan•t• of James Collins and part , v Lout,
of 'hums Murphy south ay north 122 - 640 rods.
to a and stenos fora. corner; tnei,er by. lard of
. .
James Elsie north 86° west ',Aid rods, to the owe
f to ginning.; C utalttlng 77 , 4 acres, mire • r less.-
alsmt 11 acres nallidrived al 1. I Tramed house, 1
•fratued barn, 1 framed hors- barn, one corn house
and orchard of fruit I rZ•rs thereon. Seizedand ta
ken into cxecut ton at the suit utOvertou & Elsbree
and If. Elsbree's use VA j3llleS FtViC, Deo Fine.
Illiam -farmworth. and • Wm. 11. nconion, T. T's.
N o. La ALSO-Our other lot of .and In Columbia
twP.... - tstnateal as fellOwa: Beginning at a sterna
and stake o u the line of lots between T. A. Ate
. chews - anal Orvllle.E. Watkins,and runningparift a.
perche, to the center of the road ; thenco. teed, 20
feet to the centre of the new .store house ; till-bte
tuanaff,„3 perches tai.that clue of :ots of Orville E.
Walk Ina ; thence 20 feet west to the place of begin
ning; with one fronted store building thereon;
.7..4 17. - -Al.B ll —One ‘ ,.. : .i t , 1 , 1 lot of laud in Colum
bia t p o bounded as tot . vs; !legit:nun:ad. a stone
On t
11, 0
tql.? of PAS betaceu Orville E. Watkins 31111
A. B.- Austin and running north S .perches to th ,
testier of the fowl; tiletlCA aest• 43. , „: feet; them.,
son;it eight perches to the line of lots of Orville E.
Wit! klos and A. B. Austin: thence east .I', teet ta.
the place of laegintalbg; containing 12 pm cite; of
wore or less; the two lots above ahem - heal
• belog the SaIIIO4,ICCZS Or land conveyed by Urlan
Fergueofanal wife to Levi 91ouriwes, one of the
Within named defendants, bY deed dated January
18,1677. and recorded May 0, 1578. In !b;" firtaCe fad
re(o r diag deedS &e., In and for Bradford count y.
'in deed hook No. 133, at page 151;.&c. 'seized and
taken luto exectitlon at the suit of Sanous, Sayles
"&. Co:va. alourtaets & ntewart. . ...
N aa.:14,, ALSO—One other lot of land in Biyia
vit'sge. Athena. top., bounded as follows :. Begin-
Mug in the centre of Lehigh-at., an a corner and
running thence we.terl, at a right angle %eta, ta n'
smet iso feet, to an alley ; thence _north e rly al o ng
1 ~, ,1., a ;„„ y 10 f e ja, to a corner; thence cask-1/y at a
right angle with said street 190. feet, to the centre
' thereof; thence southerly along the center of said
str•c: ':.O feet, t , , the p ace - of. beginning; It bent,
lot No. 175„ en a *nap niade•hy Z F. Wacker of tit.
a /nage of Sayle, ufhitall story framed duelling
house, 1 smad out house. nod few fruit trees there
ani. .Setzedued taken Into executlnafat the cult of
'toward Elmer. et. al., vs. Charles I. nwartweod.
No. 19. ALSO—Oite other lot of land in Towan
da , described as follows: Being' lot N 0.3 ill '
!dock No. 3 of Watts & N'oble's sith-alieladon ay
I nits In Towanda bore, as made by Wan. 11. Mo. ,
gas, civil engin. cr In the y, or MI. as %%ill more
fully ithicar by reference- to said map, with on,
ft anted•hous- :and few fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken Into exeor lon at
. the suit of T. D.
Brannal:s +I:;() vs AlllCiia. Lynch:. ....
No. 20. A I..tta_i,—(hae other 'of of hind In Rid loot'
;o1,„1.e.nol. dun the nor tit by.lands of w,,1..w hi l l,.
wok'. , Illaultnend and Alnett Roberts; on
the east by'lituals ad W NO% Cirlswohd. James nquirt.-
311, , George Carr ; OH the south by laud; of , Autale
Roberts and Perrin Burnham ; and, on the west by
'Wins of nartmel Gitt.ll Z contaltilog 175 acres ag.
land. more or Ina-, about leo acres improved, a all
.1 Weird lumse."l framed barn. 1 beg pert, and ore ;-
aril of trult trees thereon. Selz, at sod taken into
"5 r'1t , ..11 at the snit , IT Thomas VataTUyl vs V. lt,
.1,:.. Tenon.
ts,',.;:i.. A...SO—One other lot of land 1U Canton
taino:,.bounded as follow';: Beginning at she noel •
meet Corner o a tot of laud deeded to Charles SLOC
wen and wife to Solotnou W. Wright on 'the Caat
aide of Union street, t' Coen north Sao west stung
said street to feet, to the not thwast corner of a lot
of airs. Knapp, and thenee.southerlyalopg rho cast
line Of lands et Mrs. Knapp and lauds If Mrs. 6.11.•
septa Beeline; ICU feet, tea post corner; thence 1.1.
. a line parallel with Union street to tits vies, Itne'o
VOlury Spahling's Mr; thence northerly' along. said
- npa:aling's we-tline , and the, west line of a hot of
Soodnon W. Witglit. 160 feet to the place of begin
ning; cot:tattling about 0400 - square feet of hand,
wore or leas. wit() Ifratned house, 1 framed barn.
miler ;ait-Inilldlitgs and few fruit ilretta ilieri!on.
Seized and taken into ekecutloti at the stilt of &le.
lit. & 11111 v. M. 1'..1.0w15.
- N.... &I:all—Otte other tot situate in Orwell
two. Z "^ uttion and cle.erlhod 'as to:tees; Beginning
at the public talguway leading fruit, Wysox to the
Wappasena Creek. known as the ltialgoro3.i (amp,.
- as,-;hefty line between said piece of land owned b:
'aid Taylor and the northerty 'boundary Me of
I'in if - Darling, ruontok north hi° inn Wang the
add lidie road 46 penile:a to a pond 1 ;ileum wilt
7::4 0 east along the line of the ul4 road 43 pen to
apolot ; thence north east' Wog the said
toad &I pars to a. point; thence. shrug the said road
north Ito..ieist &Inert tce a point ; thence aloe the:...
sald road north 54 se imsc-12 pera to point t co
north &kV east Slt , pers ; thence along the said
toad Me east Up** to the hue between, the" lands
of Cyrus Cooltand the sold Taylor; thence 'oath'
Wont along the line between the bald land. -la 2-
10 pets to s staltwand clones; thence along thellne
o• lands of Cyrus Coult,}N W Morgan, and the mild
Taylor south 12140 wed 1114 410. pen to • cor ; -
thence north &V . west-atong the southerly line 13
440 pen to a cor ; thence bomb Ss° went 30 pers to
1 cor oa the tine of lands of W 11 Darling and the
said Taylor; thence along the southerly line of sold-.
Taylor lands north Sas° west SO 2-10 pen to - the
centre of said Ridge road tothe place of beginning;
contains $3 scree and :rpers, be the same loons or
less. .
No. 2.3. ALSO—One other lot 'gloat° In Orwell*
hoandedand deserlbedas follows; Beginning
al the tenter of the before said Midge' road on the
sodtherly lino of the land of said Taylor, and the
northerly tine of the lands of J J Newell, Sunning
along the said line north tiS9 west 222 pen to a cos
of the lands of J J Newell, Henry Howe and the
salt Taylor; thence north 254° out along the west,
erty line of the said Taylors land 106 pars to s tor
of the lends of Burton Hassell, %V W Olds, antlithe
said Taylor„lnarked by a stake and atones; thence
along the line between W W Olds and the said
Taylor; thence along the line between W
Olds sud _ the said Tay/or; thence .31,2( 2 east
110 510 pees to a ter marked ,by stake and =
stones at the public road leading from.. the
said Ridge road •to James Cliairelands; thenttr
along mid road south 5 0 east 11l 640 persa • thello
alo ig the huitherly line amid Olds
, son lands, north 69;5° east Ist 340 pers to a - car of
said Wilton, Cyrus C ik, and said Taylor's_ lands,
matted by a stake and stones; thence. along the
hod of lands of the said Cook and Taylor, south ,
cast 23 pert to the before named Mee road;thenen
southerly along the said read 193 pers to the place
:Jur beginning; contains 167. acres and 2E; perry be
- s.
he Lame more or less. _
.ti O. 24. - A.LtO—One other lot. situate h Cirweit
wp, Winded awl decrlSed a follows:, Bei;lnning
at a fluor maple tree at.the nor of the Muds of
15 -
11 Darling and lands formerly owned by 11 Chanig
lain, now owned by Dr Lewis, and running along.
the line between these lands north 4e. to west 1:9
10 pens to a cor of lands of the said,Dr Lewis, J 7 -1
Sewell and Taylor, avitlike and atones;
limpets du, east along the line of the lands \ot said '1
Sewell and Taylor .9 3-10 pars t6a eor marked by
s :take and stones; thence along the line lietweb n • -
the same ionth 1° west 162-10 pars to a cur marked
by a brach sapling; thence along the ilne between
the land of Wit Darling - and said Taylor 517 3 west
At 9-10 to the plaite of beginning; contains .12
acres and SO pen, be the same more or less. The
above three lots of land are known .the A -
Ode farm, with 1 framed house, 3 framed barns,
sheds and ontbuildlngi..and orchard.ot fruit trees
h mon.;Seized and taken Into ze . cutton at, the:
suit bf Augusta T.Coek's use VA Ali Frisble.
No. V. ALSO—One Other lot of lend linTovisitita
bounded as follows : Beginning at the corner
d Locust avenue and Rider street, thence along
be west side of liver street , 51 feet to s coiner of
he jSuies Lewrs lot; thence south 78° west along.
ho Lewis llne112"i feet to a corner ;.thence north
wet on line or It M. Turner lot '5 . 0 feet to Lc-
rust avenue ; thence Wong' the same north 78 0 . east
117 S feet to th.. p:ace of beginning. ,
No. 26. - A LSIJ—One other lot of land hi Tomato:l*
boron, bounded on the north by the plankroad;
,ouch by Win.. 11. Robinson's lot ; east •by Third
street; and west by lot of, Patrick Maine; being
Myatt SO feet on plank road, .70. feet on Third streiit,
15 feet on Robinson's lin. and 56 feet on McCue's,
with a sniall building thereon used" as a drying
iiipise and paint,,hop.
No. 27. ALSO—One - other lot In Towanda hero.,
bounded as follows : !legit:Laing at a "stake on the
plank road. a corner of the Ann Meehan lot, thence
along lino of same north 23.4 0 east 94 feet to a
.white pine corner of Win. Mix's lot; thence along
line of the same south 57°15' east 2.31;i . feet to the
plank road; thence along the Zama about 2to feet
CO the place of beginning.
No ZS. ALSO—One other lot In Towanda tare..
-bounded as follows ; 11egionifig on the sonth - side
of Chesnut sitter at the northwest corner of E. T.'
Veils lot, thence south 2;4° west 2112 feet to a cot- •
nor of the Ann Meehan lot; thence westerly by,
feuds of said Meehan and' by Kirby,.Overton
:0S feet to a corner; thence southerly . by'
lands of said girby-aud others 50. feet to a corner ;
thence westerly along. lands of the same 100 feet to
Third street thence northerly along the east side
of Third street ill' feet to a corner of S. W. Al
vortrs lot; thence' easterly by lands of said Al
word and lands of Mary Marshal and • Corset.
3.37 feetto the south-east • oilier of the Corser lot ;
thence northerly along line of the same 130 feet to
the south side of Chestnut street; thence easterly
along the matte 7$ feet to the place of beginning;
with 1 dwelling house, 1 earpentel shop, 1 lumber.
shed : and several fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into ex...en - hen at the suit of _Ulysses Mercer
vs. Mahlon V. Mercur.
• No. 29. other tutor land in Towanda
bolo., bounded on the north • by Court street, east.
and south by hinds of J. 0. Frost; and west by
- Sain street, being about 32 feet front on Main-+t..
and about 51 feet deep, with 1 - three story brick
building thereon, -known a..) 3fontauye's corner.
4 eized and taken Info execution at the suit of J. P.
_ . .
lilrhyS use c 5. J. 1/. Montanye.
No. 3u. A f.S6--One other lot of land In Athens
twp.. bounded- as follows: Beginning at a pine
stump. I hence north 52' east Cll perches ; thencb -
math 43°3' east 32 perclie ; thence north 45°3' east
tt-10 parches; thence north 35°3' east-53 0-10 per--
ac-s. to - the State line ; thence on the 'State line .
31 0 42' west 100 perches; thence tooth s°l4' west 2
perches ; heneo south 81°42' east 15 8-10 perches ;-
th-lice south east 'lO, perches; thence -south -
;3°23' east 10 perches; south 23°33' west 10 perch
es; thence south 61=33' nest G 0-10 perches; thence
south 30°34' lve , ,t 14 2-10 perches; thence south 2?°
tt3' west. it -1-10 Ite:rehei to an Om tree ; thence south
;3°l3' west 44 perches to a point on the rock on the
Taut ; thence tout h 7 0 30' east 20 3-10 perches; thence
south 74 0 east 20 75400 perches to he north-east
oorlo•r of S. Carrner:'s lot; thence south 17° west
4 32.100 perelres ; thence- north 74° _west 15 feet ;
thence south 17 0 3 S 5-100 perches to the center -
.f the road thenc , , north :7'.a° west In the read
3 65 , 000 perches: thence south 16* west 555-100
i.erches to a white u.. 11 sapling; thence south 7P
a‘tt 7 5.10 perches to the place of twennisg; con
. raining 79 acres and HS 4.10 perches of land; more
less, about, 72 acres Improved, with - 1, framed
honse, 1 w . iip.rt horne. I framed horn with sheds at
tached and an orchard of fruit trees thereon, with
the priVilegi! of the water as sotJorth in the deed
to Horace Shipman: also the hydraulic ram be- •
hinging to titid constructed am
the mill, with Mir privilege of ingress and,
egress for the Intro , se of repairing, the sam-. and
cue groper enjoy:wint of the privilege as reserved
sin! Set forth in the deed of the said 'Horace Ship
titan.; of the mill property ; being the same piece of
1 1nd:conveyed by said llorare Shipman to Joshua
Coyhendall by deed dated March 20, Itlao.,and re
corded in.the office fur recording diteds &c., in and
for f tratifortt county,lit deed hook No. ss, at page
ar- Excepting and reselling therefrom four
-texts gescrthed as follows : Two acres of laud con
veyed by Susan 011:er:flail • et. al. to W. If AVM._
by deed i recordect in deed book No. 12f. at"
p•ge 355. stc.: also two acres conveyed by said So
sws toyketidalt, et, al.; to it. Canning. by deed re
corded in deed nook No.l23,page 309,
deeds andrerord reference is made for a more par.
Ocular dirdiription. Seized and taken into execu
tion at the cult of Alfred. Bennett VS. Harriet Coy
N... 31. ALSO—One other Int:of land in ;Sayre,
Athens twp.. said lot being knt wn as lot -,No. 20,
be it.g situated st the corner of Thetas aretine and
on the east side of Thomas avenue, ..n the south
side of Sayre arenue being 50 feet in width
on Thomas avenue, and extending easterly
the saute width 150 feet on Sayre avenue; contain
lug 2.500 square feet, according td 'a map and sur
vey made F. Walker. June 23, IS 23. Seized
and taken into execution at to suit of Steuben
Farutoun vs, Charles Crowley.
• No. 32. A lISO—One other bliVkittiate In.Towanda
letro.„ - Mtunded and described as follows: Begin
ning at a corner of a latie on the west side of Main
st. about 20 feet south ota lot formerly owned by
Perri,. Wells; Meneo westerly on a parallel line
with said Wells lot to the center of an alley, which
bein half way from Main st to Second street;
thence se - 4'u herly along the center of said ailey to
tot sold by .1 F Simms and wife to Robert Man
tosh thence easterly along said Mclntosh line to
the west side of Ma'n st; thence northerly along
said line of Main st to place - Of- begioning ; being
.bout-140 feet root on. said Main el. - awl about 150
'feet deep, with 2 two.story trained buildings, I one-
And-a-heti story framed house, and other outhuild- •
Ines therein'. Being the saute piece of land deeded .
F Means and wife W Means, by deed
dated Aprll I, 1070, and recorded In deed book No
in. page 106. ere. Selz. d at titaken intoexecut ion at
Its sett of Me Nall 5: Harlan vs John - W Means.
*No. 23. ALSO—Una' other-lot Situate in Warren
two, bent:ilea nerta and west by lands of Notewere
Sinybew and refees, east by lan a of Thomas 0
Dotet ond A Fox, remit by lands' of- E 11
eentains 122 aert , s.and 129 pers of land more or Tess;
being the same piece of eyed ,Ouvry . ed by deed to-
Sisson Riley anti wife by John C Morris still wife;
almut 3,raere4 Improved ;no bulidiegs. Seized and
taken Into execution at the salt of 31artin,and Ju- •
ea Riley ve 1. IT 0 Dinol. • .
s.s . A Le, p—sine other lot situate in Springs.
field two. betinded north by lands of Dudley sear.
gab; and Levi Dieklusen, east by lands of• Foos
C.dilf and D Si Battey.. south by lands of James .
iliitberiogten, west by lands of James iletherlng
ton and Balph Young:; contains 153 acres more or:
tes, about 140 Improved, with 1 framed house, 2
framed, barns aud orchard of Fruit -trees thereon.
seized and talCet. into execution at thestrit of Lew-
Is L Beach ye Henry
. No. 35. ALSO--One other lot situate in Towanda
bores bounded north by Conn st. east and south-by
!veils of .1 Cl Frost; e cut by Slain st, being about
32 feet front on Main sf, anti about 54 feet deep,
- with 1 three-story brick building' thereon, 'known
In Mentanves Corner. .
No.-ae. ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda
borie, hounded not ilk by lands of Dr H C Porter e -
tate, east- by Math et, south by lands of Mrs P
Griffith. west by S st; contains 1 acre more or
-ens, with 2 large framed dwelling houses, - 1 fraMkt
barn and, Other. outbuildings, and a few trait trees
thereon. ' ' •
No 37 ALSO -clue other lot situate in Towanda
!!n, o', bounded north by !ands of the Ps A NT - Y C
A It It Co. east by the Susquehanna River. south by
Janis of John F Means West ley West at : being the
saute piece of land leased by Montanyes to Dewers
St Lan3oreux. Seized loot taken Into execution at.
the suit of Lewis . Zvi:Or vs D Montanye.
No. 3S ALSO4One other lot of land in Orwell
twp., bounded as follows: Beginning; in the south.
west corner of Sirs. C. H. Allyn's land. In the cen
ter of the highway, thence south Stlsa° east by land
of said Alban, 15s perches to a stake and stones;
thence smith 43 0 east by land of C. Washburn, 19
2.10 perches; thence south 53 0 east 32 perches to
stake and stones: thence - south 3 . 2.!a° w-st by lands.
of Chaffee, Arnekt and Pickering. 133 perehe3 to&
stake and :tont s; thence. north s east by land of
'A. Robinson and G. 11. and G. W. Hardy, 71 per.
ekes to a stake and - Stenos; thence west by Imola'
George Hardy, ICO perches to the center of the first
ineotioned highway; thence north 18 0 west along
the center of highway 7.3 10 perches ; thence north
:Pi° east 17 3•loperches. to tne.pisceof beginning;
sontaining7s apes of land, more or less, about 60
acres Improve', with I tea etl house, 1 framed
hare and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized
11,1 t ak-sn into execution at the suit of P.*E. Weed -
rug's use vs.i Wm. H. Hardy.
'A N T‘REW J. LAYTON. Sheriff.
SheriftWOßlce. Trweittola, • Pa., Nov. 7, ISM
District Court of the United States,, for the
Weetern.Dlstriet of - P-dinsylvania. In- the matter
I;tlas W. EMS, bankrupt, to - Bankritptcy.,
To whi:r.nt ft may concern:—The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appeintnaent as assiguee
• f E - das W. Kilts of the township of- Asyluot.t
;he county of Br,:dforil, and State of PenneylVaida.
- ithin eant_Disttict. who has been adjudged a
ban tenet kill his own petition by the District Court
said Distriet.—DateiVat TOWSWeaI the 7.34 day of
Octuher A. D. 1576.
20w3 JACKSON P. 'KEENEY, Assignee
virtue of an order issued out of the orphan's
Court of Bradford county. - the undersigned. exec
idoref the 'est9fe. of Daniel Whlie, late of- Wage
bury two.. deceased. will esteem to public sale on
the premises, tot TUESDAY. NOVEMBER: IS.
,4,ai I ~'rock I'. at.. the - following described
real- estate In mid toWnship.
11 muted on the north by lands - of John Carroll.
east by lands of .1(ohn - Chambers, en the south by
lands of Timothy Desmond, and E. N. Wilcox. and
oft the west by lauds of Daniel Hayes, and supposed
to contain aboutsmo hundred ‘nd five eferes, to be
the same more or teas; about 75 acres, itupfs , :ed ,
witha framed house and tram -Wu. end eheds
and applettece thereon.
T Eli MS OF SA LE.--01C0 do 1443000 n eendetna
thin, and balance In one year thereafter With later.
est after eentirtnati..n. . .
JAMES H. ixecator..
Ent Snattldlejd, pcsas, •