Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 26, 1878, Image 3

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    p afford, Ittportet
Towanas;ll,., thursday,;opt. l ,2o, 1871
_ waacrss,
Toiranis, Jan. la, 1877.
Aran ms are Ainusually large and very
abundant this year.
Joust ADAMS is supplying hiazustomers
with ice from Athens. •
Bsss fishing has subsided. We don't
hear of any more largo ones beingseaught.
CoLE's Circus, and Idenaget:ie will ex
hibit in this place to-day, (Thursday).
17 !arrows at the fair will not e , fail to look
at the decorations of the-Grange building.
REMEILBEiI the Murphy Centennial .to
be held at Ghent, Monday, 8014. 30,1878:
PRESIDENT PIOLLET, of the Bradford
County Agtieultnral Society, attended the
Troy Fair:
JUDGE JESSUP, of Susquebauna County,
sentenced four prisoners to the', penitentia
ry last week.
I. H. LATEROP has become local editor
and publisher of the Sullivan Comity Dem
Tom.s are to be at half price during the
fair. Stock and articles
will be passed free. ,
Youa ladies desiring to learn niillinery
will find an opportunity by calling t..3liss
Coax's new millinery store.
the Towanda Fire Department is to
be judged bi.tbe parade on itVednesday
last,.it is nearing its last days.!
Mn. STERN has returned ,Ifrom New
York and his store is now the most attrac
tive place in town. Call and See - him on
Bridge Street.
Mn. and Mrs. RonFAIT Bnuk'E, of this
place, have been sorely afflicted in the
death of three children, front lthat terri
ble disease diphtheria.
EnwAno OvEnkos Sr.,; has; been dan
gerously ill for some days pagt,. We are
pleased to announce however, that his
physician lloNti consider his symptoms more
REV: G. J. PORTER, pastor of the Uni
versalist Chur i ch this place preach
his fare Well discourget s en - Sunday evening
litr. I'. has won many warm friends
during his residence here..
County Superintendent's notice
of holdmr ; examinations, as printed for
• the lastitwei weeks the words "at Camp
tOwn •-;
mere omitted in the appointment
for Wyalusing,, etc.
Tim Grand Army boys have made ar
rangements with the Bridge Company to
pat4Tosts, Compades and Organizations,
with one team for each, free dtiring the
Jikams C.ll4iawas, one of the• oldest
and bc:i.t knowln citizens of this county,
(lied at his residence in Franklin on Sat•
Imlay morning last. lie was,7l years old.
IVe shall publish an obituary next week.
WE direct the particular attention of
our lady readers to the advertisement of
Miss Coox in another column: ;Miss 'C.
comes frcin Neiv . York, and is prepared to
work in the latest style, and his a large
assoftmeut of new and fashionable goodg.
Tiii Pair will be printed;Jail! during
the exhibition; Every visito and,exhibi
tor should procure a copy =of ea h issue.
Advertisers will find it a valuabl medium
, through which to bring their 4iratnodi.
ties to the notice of the public.
Tim publishers of the New York Week-
ly T;h1( ? 4 affer to send that journal to sub-
scribers from the ISth of September to
Ist of ;January -next - for 25 centa. Any
persons wishing to avail themselves of
these terms can forward the amount to
tl e
Oun old friOn
a splendid displ:
Trey fair, and of
whims. .We nth
cattle at our fail
to iliepftrtieulal
IT pains us tr
senior editor of
at his resider,ce
lovig illness,.on
13 ti^s one of t
in Nordic' n P,
identified with t! p.
.over forty-eight years,
WE are pleased 6 - learn that Mr. Thu
= 311 . x is meeting with great success in
introducing the,neir edition of the Bible,
for mitich he is solo agent in this county.
We have examined the liork and have no
hesitancy in recointhending it as an inval
nable aid in the study and understanding
of the Scriptures. '
NOTICE Presbyteriafieburch' of
Monroeton, which has.been closed several
weeks for repairs, will be re-opened next
Sabbath, Sept. 20th. In the morning! a
historical sermon will be preached by the
Vaster. Rev. J. S. STEWswr, DI, D., of,
Towanda, will preach in the everting.
Tiir. ladies of the Presbyterian Church
of sox are preparing for ilk Oyster
Supper the fore, part of October, for the of the Church. ,The society are
potting in a fine pipe organ, and i hopeto
bare it in readiness for next Sunday's ser
vice. r -
I' MisoNat..-111nj. A. li. • MASON and
family,. are in town visiting their many
~rriendß ti • -
• —3IiES LlZzlf: 3litticrit is visiting in
this place.
i-Csntir: Fox is suffering front an at
tack of fever, at the residence - of his un
cle, E. F.- Fox, Esq..
—Senator DArts is in Philadelphia. •
—Mrs.. Wit..soti, who sang atithe enter.
Minnie:tit for the benefit of the yellow fe
ver.sufferets,eand won so much' applause
rom lovers of music, is...a 'sister of Mr.
• H. E. lixococs, of this place.
—J. E. BAncocK, of Norwich, IN. Y.,
has paying a visit to his sort IL - E.
HAl:cock, Station Agent Pa -, it. N,! - Y. H.
Co., at this place.
—Sheriff LSrrox - was a spectitor at - the
Wyoming County Fair last week:
-7-Senator . Ti.tvi ES paid his Wyoming
County:cetistitOents a visit last week.
—Hox. HcKstEn. Luxtv - is spending
this Week. int Towanda. Nearly forty
-,*ears ago he edited th„--Arvus; and has
beet.a prominent pOliticiau ever since,
having served as "County Commissioner_
and Me:abettor the Legislature.
REV. G. W. Cusurmautand MusCuis.
warm have written to say they will spend
Thursday and Friday of this week in
Towanda. A sociable will be held for
their reception on Friday evening, In the
M. E. Church parlors. Refreshments
day School Convention for the 'Western
part of Sullivan Co., Pa., was held at:Be
thel, September 11,1878. in two sessions,
at 2 and 7:30 o'clock r. at. Both sessions
were opened with singing and Prayer. At
the Convention held last May a commit
tee wan elected to draft a constitution for
a permanent Sunday School • Associaticin.
This committee reported a constitution
which; with some additions was adopted.
- The permanent organization' was form
ed, and officers were elected to bold office
_for one year from the second Tuesday. in
next October.
The Association 'takes the name of
" The Sunday School Association of the
Western part of Sullivan County," and is
to include all evangelical Sunday School
workers within its limits. Members are
to sign the Constitution and pay ten cents
,into, its treasury. The assOciation is •to
hold Coe - annual meeting on • the second
Tuesday in October after this year. '
The attendance at the above convention
was very good.. .The occasion was enliv
ened with with good vocal and instrumen
tal music. Several good essays were read,
and a number of questions were dismissed
to some length. We think much good
will result from these gatherings.
Mil'view, Sept. 23, 1878
OW TO KEEP CLEAN.—Onto or twice
-week-is often enough for any decent
• bite man to wash hiinsalf all over, and
'bether in summer or winter that ought ,
to be with soap, warm water and a bog's
air brush, in a i room showing at least
seventy degrees Fahrenheit. itaths should
e taken early in the morning,',: as it is
then the system . possesses the power of
reaction in the highest degree. Any kind
of bath is soon after a meal, or
soon after:fatiguing exercise. No man or
woman should take a bath at the close of
the day unless by the advice of-the family
physician. The best mode of keeping . the
sun face of the body clean, besides the
once a \ week washing already mentioned,
is as fi • As soon as you get out of
bed in -ring, wash your face, neck
and bi o the smile basin of water
put be once for about a Minute,
rubbing tuet,. ariskly all the time; then
with-the'towel, \ which has been dampened
by the face, feet, \ e' "pe the body well,
fast and - hard, w' la shut and chest
projecting. Let le thing be done
n less than five At night when
you go to bed, ienever you find
yourself wakeful or restle\3,
, spend from
two to fire minutes in rubbing your whole
body with your whole band, so far as you
can reach in every direction. \This has a
tendency to preserve that softness - and
mobility of the skin which is essential to
health., and which too frequent washings
will always destroy.—Thars Jourittif
Lackawanna Presbytery which embraces
the northeastern portion of our State, and
contains eighty-two churches, 'which are .
presided .over by seventy-one ministers,
met with the Presbyterian church of Can
ton, Monday, September Mb, at 7 P. t,
The opening sermon wits by the Modem
tor., Dr. LoGAN, of Scranton, from Isaia!!
55th chapter and Bth verse. It was one
of the 'ablest sermons the writer ever
lislened to. After the sermon Piesbytery
was organized and proceeded to elect a
Moderator, Rev. 3lr. PLurr, of Kingston,
and was congratulated by_Dr. Log, &N, re- .
tiring Moderator.
Second Evening.—The subject present.
ed for this evenina, Woman's work,for
woman in foreign missions" was pre.sent
e+l by the Rev. Mr. Miller, of "Montrose,
followed by a " returned missionery
Rev. Mr. Wykoff, of India. Miss Lor
ing. of Scranton,. formerly a missionery to
Syria, prepared a written addressou the
subject, read and presented by Dr. Logan
immorens and interesting manner
Third Evening.—The subject present
ed, "How shall the membership of the
church uphrdd the pastor in his work."
Bev. N. G. Parke, of Pittston, Pa., spoke
on this subject presenting . and discussing
it. in a scriptural and interesting manner.
The second subject, presented "What
is the work of the eldership in
. our
churches? was presented by Mr. Belden,
of the, second church of Scranton, - in a
very easy style and persuasiire manner,
making a fine impression. .
The delegates went away deligeted
with Canton, mid - especially the church
and its future Prospects: This church is .
.ne, of the most united in connection with
le church at East •Canton, May Gml
speed them eh their w ay - with their effi
cient pastor wte-Jas presided over thpu
for thirteen years, Rev. S. Gates.
YARD T nount:. —The entertainment given
in Mere= Hall, on Thursday eyeninglaSt,
for the benefit of the yellow fever suffer
ers, was well attended and well received.
The singing by the 31m,t,ocK Brothers
v,-At.; Most heartily aalauded and encored.
Mr. of Waverly, has a fine tenor
voice that only needs further cultivation
to make him rank high as a singer.
Mrs. KATE s , of N'ewterk, gave
. ome soprano solos in a manner that won
tl meed of admiration front all , who lis
ten ci to her. The modest grace of her
wall er enhanced the effect of her finely
cal:s t i e l d m 'v N °i t e s; e• PArrxusox, of Waverly,
I l i - s r
has aVo ce of rare promise. She needs
only to peksevere in the thorough, course
of study a d practice sbe has commenc
ed, to becom a superior vo.Nalist. . There
is an entire la k of self-consciousness in
her singing tha is as charming as it is
• Hs_xiti STULEN - ith his.wonderful vio
lin, or rather a "Min from which he
evokes wonderful uric, - assisted by a
'part 'of his orchestra, ave some - fine in
strumental selections:
The most interesting 1
the evening was the dram ti
Pirunix COLE, of,Pitiladt 1p t
ebrated recitationist brings t
sitar the results of .a icing an
course of training under the bes .
The conscientious labor of preps A
already won for her a brilliant rep . 1
as a dramatic reader. "By nature
nius ; by earnest study and practiceat _
List," was well said of her when she ma t.
a successful debut in - .N ew' York som
three years since. The selections were
varied in style, but her rendition nf Ma=
STUART, by SCIIILLER, probably gave the
strongest proof of' her varied talents. The
entertainment netted about $1;i0. -
On Friday evening we had the pleasure
- of hearing." Bric-a-Brae," as pLlyed by
by an admirable company. The playwas an
amusing .caricature-,of. opera singers and
opera managers. It . furnished the setting,
in which the prima donna's superb voice
was the sparkling jewel. .
Itterrixos is a woman of .-queenly, pres
ence ; and every motion is replete; with
lease, gr-cee, arid dignity. Her dress was
a magnificent ecru silk. profusely trimmed
t with rich, black point d' aknon lace.
1 'Ter ornanients of dead gold s and rubies,
I well became her bright brunette complei,
i ion. Her Singing was simply enchanting. •
The large but select audience pronounced
it a treat, the like of which is not often
enjoyed by a provincial town. - -
- PIERRE BERNARD was. irresistibly
amusing to the "Professor of Solfeggi-.
1 tuns and do-ra-me isms." • ffe, has an ex
eeptionally fine tenor voice,. and 'excels in
i opera brill.. ' • • . .
. • Mrs. DRAYTON
. WRi eharMing. in. the
;,light, sparkling stine.she sang, • and_ :was '
warmly - applauded. The • others. of. the
--: company-were equa lly good in. their par--
1 tieular rules. . ' --- - '' •:---- - ii 1413. --
- •
,- " ,d4 "4",e—S
Mikan Onin4 ion of
tonna." 4)f thin Plane, , his leg,
so badly crushed by'the 4 . 16 it' • 'alio%
t redn re esday hot, that pam
neeessary. We learn that one tub
was a off above- Ole knee, and e
other above the ankle. The tnoVier of
the young man who"resides hero went to
Addison, on hearing Of_the accident and
writes her friends here that he is doing as
well as could be expected.
WAS TttEatz A Mumma P.-4n Sunday
hat, as a boy named JosEru FuLvottu,
living about a mile below Standing Stone
village, was leading his horses to the Bug
quehanna river to drink, be saw the dead
body of a man floating in the water. lie
gave the alarm; and, as decomposition
had already begun, the 1 ody - was taken
to Rumnierfleld and buried.
Suspicions being Aroused that there"
bad been, foul playa the body was, ex.
_bunted, Coroner D.: p. s AvALFER, f Ul
ster, being notified , 'Wait promptly on
band, a jury summoned, and an inquest
beast Rummerfield the 24th inst.
The body proved to . be that of a man
apparently 40 or 45 years of age, 5 feet
inches in height and weighing 165 lbs.
lle bad a high forehead, dark complexion,
black hair, very slightly tinged with grey,
full dark wiskers and moustache.
Ills coat was of dark woloen. goods,
black pants and vest, a white . shirt and'
- paper collai. Oier the pants Were over
alls of striped, butternut colored cotton
cloth, His boots were Kip, No. 8.
The Jury returned a verdict that the
deceased came to his death by means un
SentaNEn FOR OcronEtt.—The October
&ribner opens with a twenty. page paper
on "The Art-Schools of New-York," by
W. C. BROWNELL; the art editor of tbi
New-York World." Among the ilhistra
tions are specimens of drawings from the
cast and from life by pupils of the three
schools, viz : thotie of the National Acad
emy of Design, taught by L. E. Wu,
.ItAnTlt ; the A rt Students' League, taught
by' ALTEIL SHIRLAW ; and the Cooper
Union, taught by — WVATT EA - TON and
SWAIN Gies-emu ;—the design of - both
text and pictures being to reflect, as far
as possible, the different methods of the
three schools. " A Company of Actors,"
by J. BRANDER. MATTHEWS, iS au account
of the leading theater of the world. The
Comedic Francalse, with much anecdote
and personal gossip, and :with cuts of
NAY, GOT, COQUELIN AME, nod others:
"A trip with LINCOLN, CHASE and STAN
YON," in 1862, is described by Gen: En-
MET L. VIELF., who gives some. new sto
ries of the President and tells amid what
stupidity the capture of Norfolk watt ef
fected. " AltTEllltS WARD at Cleveland ".
by C. C. RETHRAUFF, shows the kindly
as well as the eccentric side of the humor
' ist, who was also a good deal of a practi
cal joker. A laughable sketch of "A.
WARD and his Grate Show," and a slew
of him at Work (both by Gt:onen Horr
in 1859), and his portrait and autograph
are given with the piper. "Lao MART
/ firs, the Sea-King," by HENRY W. ELM
! OTT, is an account of the sea-lion of Alas
ka, whose capture and driving (by aid of
\the blue gingham umbrella) are made vi
vid by the illustrations:. ..,« Dow Uncle
Saved the Levee," is a story of the
Mississippi River by W3l. L. MunritEr,
Sr., With an illustration by ALLAN C.
itt:nwoOn: "Miss CAL.DERONN German,"
a society \.tory by 'W. IL Ili -snot., has
drawings by, the author. The serials are
illustrated : \Bovt:st.:N's "Faleonberg,"
by Mr. DiEtztN, who(the author' says),
has cleverly caught tha Norse physiogno
my ;, and " Rosy (which comes ton con
clusion in this number), by Mr. SIDMAN'S%
The unillustrated Material comprises a
second posthumous paper by Ron Eur,
DALE OwEN; on "Texas \and the, treaty
of Guadalupe Hidalgo," which is chiefly
in defense of the part of the United States
in the Mexican War.and a history of the
extraordinary illegal negotiatidua of the
treaty by which the war was encle \ d s ; a pa
per on the "Nephonography," by the in
ventor of the system, JAMES HICiIARIiSON,
a short-band writer of lung experience 'a
sketch of "Cottege Journalism" in Atue-,
ica;by (71tAttLEs F. Tiiwixo, and an es
say on "Socialise.," by Prof. W. G. SCR
NKR, of Yale College, who considers the
historic origin and the aims, fallacies and
methods of the
_new movement. The po
etry is contributed •by BIIETE IJARTE,
In "Topics One time," Dr. Ilor.wgro
mites of "The Premier at a Premium,"
"Our Garnered Poets," and "The Capi
talist and the Laborer." "The Old Cab
inet" is about "The Dominion of Cana
da!? There is a:" Communication "about
•" Points in the Copyright Discussion."
"Home and Society " has advice to "The
Beginner in Journalism." "Culture and
'Progress " bas:the usual quantity of book
notices and some information about "For
eign A rtJournals." "The World's
Work" deali with ",Portable Railways."
"Improved Steam Engine," " Desilver
ingclead Base Bullion by Electrolysis,"
ett,.; etc. "Bric-a-Brat" completes the
THE following supplicatory lines were
written by a Towanda, lady on the eve of
her departure from Germany for her
•Tts night fall nn the sea."
Lord or the tempest, I come mite thre
Tossed on the ocean, beloved ones thole be
Wll4 wanes are dishing
LLlghtnings are flashing
Ave sanettssima, look upon me.
God of - our tuiliors., who boldeth like sand •
}'en the wil' waters In thy hollow band ,
Etunthly appealing
Low we are kneeling .
Guard our beloved ones and bang them to land
rferrnance or
is readings,of
This M
iler profes
, thorough
tion has
I ge
Sacred Head wounded, oh Jestorwe plead
Listen in mercy, lore, sore is our need.
Here the hearts! 'sighing
-Thrturttlio once dylOg
Intercedes for us—Help Lord, ee believe.
Depths stir within us, like billows that roll
Wild waves of anguish encomiums the soul—
Dark, darkly groping
Faithlessly summing .
Storm clouds and darkness oar being enfold.
Type of my restlessness, unquiet. sea,
\ le not I pray thee, unfaithful to me—
„False to thy keeping
Hopelessly weeping
less never again should I see.
Stilt our e
eetucia and charm.
d, sore oppressed,
11 ay breast,
Haat thee,
What I co)
Sacredly guard
Dear mother ocem.
Keep our hearts tree
. • Cease thy ei
Take got from life all Its
Earth's weary children are
flock theist to sleep on thy byla, \
Bld the Ptorut dying
Cease its defying
Sing them sort lullabies. woo them
rote, troubled spirit, nor . Veld to dt.
Red's lortroistreachlag, la ham kreryw:
' Trust to itis . keeplog
- . r pray thee heseechtng
Trust all thy darlings to Ills tender rate:.
Calm are the waters. and pejo:end the skies,
The stoma clouds have Bed, the !led gently:sight,
• ikeitotaor. zo4orrow, _
Tbat meta. ague ter thee shen NUL
"Itig i ne AW*". 11714 ' • A-11k Sis
iVe -4• 4te: l- 4S?
. 11;1,424,t2r,t3- 4. c. , *- '• •
forgotten. oh 'changeable sea
`tided to trust unto thee
`ate In thy keeping
ray the beseeching
\ it as then dtd`st agree.
be restful. be calm.'
Fetes frurrilanger, from harm,
- &Karr Psixarmias CoirnmaK—
Acreacepmr, 13,30. , :
Com %II John DOan--Alsoul!- sod ,
tery, iiitent — to 'in** :do
foOdant wit '
Com vs Beni Ball and
Attoruey.MoPhers" Evans & May
nard Stark ir Pisitrick, Esq, for Com
onwealth ; Elluinan Smith, Esq, for 4e.
fendants. Jury find defendants guilty.:
Csr vs Samuel Jordan and Emma Lay
ton—Toreiblearitrianddetaliter: 'District
Atbrirn4 McPherson for Commonwealth ;
Madill 6.:\Califf for defendants. Jury find
defettdantctioi guilty, but that Samuel
Jordan pay ,sso-thirds of the costa, and
the prosecutor, S 0 Whaling one-third.
Cons vs Ina Deeker—FelonioUs as
sault and battery." District Attorney Mc-
Pherson and Evans Maynard, for Com
monwealth ; Madill Califf for defend
ant. Jury, find defenditut not guilty, and
the prosecutor, Isaac Thkmpson, for costs.
. Com y 3 S C - WhalingSurety of the
peace. District Attorney lierson and
H. J Bub for Comm onwealth ;no
counsel for defendant. Court adaudge de-
fendant guilty, and senknice• him\ to pay
the coati of prOsecution, and give security
for his good behaviour.
Com vs S C Whaling—Carrying Con
cealed weapons. Dtract Attorney ?to.
Pherson and H J. cMadill, Esq, for Com
nmwealth. No counsel for defendant.
Jury find defendant not guilty, and the
prosecutor, Samuel Jordan, for costs. •
Com vs Michael Cangloyelling,
quors withoUt license. Defendant pleads
Com vs Lake Dolan anti Thomas Dolan,
24—Assault. District Attorney McPher
son, 11 J and W T Davies,_ Esqs,
for Commonwealth ; Elbanan Smith, Esq,
and Patrick ik Foyle for defendants. Jury
find defendants guilty. -
First National Bank of Athens" use vs
Hyman VanDuzer.=-Auditor'sleport filed
and confirmed ni si. • •
J N Hollenbackys Cyrus Avery.:—Au
ditor's Riiport tiled and confirmed ni si.
Exceptions filed by Mrs M E Avery...
Joseph Conklin's Administrator vs E R
Mycr. Autiitor's• supplemental report
filed and confirmed ni si. Exceptions filed
by E R Myer's Assignee and F Ed
Hiram Sweet vs C A.Fowler. Pomeroy
Bros' vs David Palmer.—Hule- to open
judgment in each case.
Rockwell tt - Titus vs Dennis Constan
tine, et al. 2 cases.—Rule', to open judg
ment in each case as to Dennis Constan.'
To G C Atwood and E J Angle, 4 l lot in
Tuscarora tWp, property of Aaron Bump;
consideration, $.1.42 7
To E J Angle, 1 lot in Armenia twp,
property of Mike Boyse, consideration,
• To E J-Angle, 50 acres in Arrne;qa twp,
property Of G Jones, considerationaS.lB.,
Tod; J Angle,'ss acres in. Terry - tap ;
property of John and Patrick Dorilin; con
sideration, $12.53.
To E J Angle, 1 lot in, Wilmot twp,
property of Michael Dodo van • considera
tion, $3.82. • . , ,
To D C DeWitt, 75 . acre's in Overton
twp, property of Dennis Keefe, 2ntl, con-'
sideration; $14.01.
To - wn, Foyle, 1 lot in Towanda born,
property of Michael 31cNnIty ; considera
Lion, $0.02.
To N C Elsbree, 1 lot in Towanda ha
ro', property of H I. Scott, Tiiistee ; con
sideration, $10.42.
To N C Elsbree. 400 acres in Overton
twp, property of Sarah A; Keene ; consid
eration, $00.02.
To L Elsbree, 1 lot in TOwauda bow',
properly of Daniel Sullivan ; considera
tion, $18.19.
To .T P Kirby, I lot in Towanda boro',
property of J lY Allen ; consideration,
To .1 P Kirby, 1 lot in Towanda - boro', ;
property of Mis John Meehan ; considera
tion, $17.56.
To .1 P Kirby and It A 3tercur, 40 acres
in Overton twp, property of. James liar- '
'nett; consideration, $7.!:0.
To J. P Kirby and It A 3.tercur,',2 acres.
in Athens twp; property of Hall 4:
mings.; consideration, $2O.
\To J,r. Kirby and it A Mercur, acres
in,Overton twp, property of W.O Cahill ;
To \,l P Kirby and RA 31ercur, 1 lot in
Towatitla'boro', property of W Hermitian;
consideation, $9.62.
To J P ic#by and It A Metenr, 50 acres
in Overton twp,. property of John F Ca
hill ; consideration, $12.71.
To 1.1.. W Lane,,) lot in Towanda both',
property of Holnks and Kirby; Consider
ation 53.50. \
To Joseph Mizisbncier, 1 lot in Armenia;
tarp, yroperiy Ileory , „,lVard, cunsidera. I
. ,
tion, *25.50.
To Geo V Myer, I.lot in Towanda. bo
ro', property of C E Ilaight ;:onsidration
- To II A Scott: 1 lot in Tow . an\'a boro,'
property of 1V brarnhall ;• co nsicleration,
To II A SCott, 1 lot in Towne& boro',
property of J Hosford ;consider4tion,s7„-
To J E Spaidhig, 57 acres in. Franklin
twp, property of Robert Stewart,_ consid-
eration, $4.28. • - • .
To H Streeter, 1"lot in Towanda boro',.
property of Mrs Martha Ward, eondsider
atirin, $B.lB. • . ,
To James Wood, 1 lot in Towanda bo
ro', property of I? A Cash,
$9.08. . , -
To G C. Atwood, 100 acre's in Tuscaro
ra twp, property of Job Hutit, consi<lera- I
Lion $13.82.
• To Bradford County, 84 acres in Alba
ny twp, property of Wayner and Haines,
consideration $15.83. _
To E T Fox, 29 acres in OVerton - twp,
property of Samuel North, consideration,
$B.Ol. •
- To E T Fox, 400 acres in Overto*
property of Castator, considera
tion, $64.82. _
To E T Fox, 363 acres in Overton twp,
property of Herman Castator, considers.
tion, $59.20. _ • . -
To E T Fox, 400 acres in Mofiroe twp,
property of George Sbotts, consideration
To E T Fox, 60 acres in Monroe twp,
property of I Moore, consideration $6.80.
:To E T Fox, 400 acres in Monroe twp,
property of Peter Shotts, consideration
To E Fox,- 180 acres in Monroe, pro
perty of II Woodruff, consideration $13.30,
To E T Fox, 303 acres in °Overton tap,
property of John . Moore, consideration,'
To E T Fos. 400 acres in Monroo tarp,
property oflFrederick ' Shotts, considera
tion $25..4i "
To T Fox, 172 acres in Monroe tvip,
property of. Maley Ellis, : tonsidenition;
To E T Fox, 400 . acres in Overton twp,
Property of Stephen llillinsgrove, cowl&
eration $64.82. - . _
To E T Fox, 200 acres in Monroe twp,
property of Robert lliunpton, considera
tion, $14.42. - -
To E T Fox; 87 acres in Monroe twp,-
; roPert3r, U 'cintepr, Innasideretkon
$0 7 2.11
13IMMal Atmlatici, eousidita. -
AR, . *roCii,KPlitat tivior
prOpettir' Joftib Noitii,conakiew
tion, $2B. 7.1
E Fox; fl7f ions twp,
pOupetty of Samuel North, umalderatimi,
$23,60: • , , , _ ' _
To NT Fox, 80sunes to proton twp,
'property of Jonathan North, coruddera.
ti0n40. 60 .
To. B T FOX, 896 acreqn -Overton tarp,
VmPortY , of Ann liarthit. ""iderath=
Th. 7 '- P I Cirbir 257 WA -PI OvertS,
twp, property of John Fritz, considera
tion; $42.99. ' ~_ ; , .
To J'IP Kirby and It A. Moreur, 265
acres in Barclay twp; iniperti of -Debo
rah Stewart, consideration.s3l.oo.- _ 1.:
To James Meet:ml34e and Wm,T Ham,.
ilton, 400 acres in .twp, property
of. Patrick Barnes: consideration
_. $4942.'
To Jameskacfariene and Wm T Ilini
ilteri, 400 acres in Overton twp, property
of lames White, conaiderationl64.B2. ' '
To James Macfarlane and. Wm T Ham.
ilton, 155 welt iia Overton' twit, - property
of James White, consideration $5l. '
To John F,Means, Means,' of 22'8
acres In Orerten twp, property of Hugh
Ladley,.consideraticsi $31.53.
To John F 1 Meant four•ti ft lis of 172
acres in Monroe twp,, property of Hugh
Ladley; consideration, $11.05. '
Ttsepk.Mosbacker, 57 acres in Over-1
ton t property of Henry Cooley, con
sideentien $12.28.
TO C i Myer, 64 acres. in -Monroe twp,
property oPeter Bars, consideration
$7.07. \f\
• ~... .
To J G Patten, 139 acres in Terry twp,
propertrof•George Pfeifer, considtwation,
. .
To C B Satterlee7s acres in Monroe
twp, property of Davld Rose,. considera-
tion $B. \
•To James Wood, 143 acres in Monroe
t twp, property of Walter Stewart, consul
leration 211.35. 1
To James Wood, one-fifth o 228 acres
; in Overton twp, property ' f Iliti Lad
} ley, consideration $9.47. •
To James Wood r one-tift of 172 acres
in .lionioe twp„ property of Hugh Ladley,
consideration $4.85.
To James Wooid ' four - fifths of 304,
acres in Barclay twp, property of Andrew
Ladley, consideration $28.46.
_ To James WOod, for four-fifths of 400
Ores in Barclay twp; property of Peter
Ladley, consideration $70.80. '
To James Wood, four-fifths of 320 acres
in Barclay twp, peoperty of Jogeph Lad
ley, cousideration $30.-94. I
To .latices Wood, four-fifths ono acres
in Overton twp, property of Andrew Lad
lev. consideration $15.86.
To -Tarbes Wood, , four-fifths of 212 acres
in Bard twp, property of Walter Stew
art, conside ration $21.17.
To Ja es Wood,. four-fifths of 96 acres
in Barclay twp, property of D H Cunning
ham, consideration $11.57.
ITo Howard Elmer, 1 lot in Athens twp.
Sold Sept 6, 1878, as the property of John
Curran. $351.
To Howard Elmer, 1 lot in Athens twp.
I Sold Sept 6, 1878, as the property . W A
i Payne. $4OO. )
i To T F Madill. ,10 acres in Wysox twp..
! Sold. Aug 29,,.1878, as the property of Jo
sith Smith. $251.
To W W Bowman, 2 acres! in Towanda
i twp. ' Sold Aug 2 9, 1878, as he property
1 of Pat rick .Constantire.; "$1 O.
: To .T P Kirby, 2 iota in ysox twp.
[Sold Sept 6,.1878, as the property of J J
Griffiths. $375.. . .
. .
1 To Pomeroy tiros', 6 lots in Troy boro':
I Sold Sept 0, 1878, as the property of
1 Franklin II Persons. $1,610.
To Pomeroy Bros'. 5 lots in Troy born ' .
t Sold Sept' 6.. IS7B, as tho property of
I Franklin II Persons, .$790.
To Pomeros Bros', 4 lots lq Troy twp.
Sold Sept 0, 1878, as' the property of
Franklin 11 Persons. $285: • >
To W II Caruochan, 264 area in Troy
two. Sold Sept 6, 1878, as the property
of Franklin 11 Foram's. $136..
To,E Pttnero'y. 350 acres in West Bur
lington'twP. Soldßept 0, 1878, as the
property of Franklin LI Persons. $5OO.
To the Citizens' National Bank of Wa
verly, N T. 11 acres in Athens twp. Sold
Sept 6, 1808, as the-property of Geo Ro
gers: $1,700.
To W 11 Tracy. 1 lot in Toivamla born'.
Sold Sept 0, 1878, as the property of 0 D
Bartlett. $7O). . .
• To Bradford County, spring 161' in To-
Wanda boar'., 'Sold. Sept 6, 1878, as the
property of W' Bra mlisll, et. sl . $406.
To A o.Elsbree, 58 acres in Litchfield
twp. Sold Sept 6, 1878, as the property
.Samuel Parsons. $2OO.
Corn vs Robinson alias lobo Williams. .
Larceny. „Senntenced io 1 year and 6
Inbotlts in the Eastern Penitentiary.
Corn vs Charles Conner—Cruelty to an
imals. Sentenced to 30 days in the coun
ty jail. . " ,
Corti vs E C Penny and Julia Penny—
.. .
:Maltreating an infant. Sentenced to
months in itin• county jail. - • •-
• - •Coni vs• Benjamin Ball and B F Ball—
Forcible entr. and detainer. Sentenced
to 2 inofitlis i i the county jail. .
t ...M
.ten vs chael Cangley.—Selling li
quo's without:license. Sentenced to pay
a fine of $2OO and costs'of prosecution.
Com vs IsAlson Palmer—Larceny. De
fendand pleads guilty and is sentenced to
1 year and ti months in the Eastern Peni-'
J. B Harris Vs Matilda - Harris—An aline
subpama in di' orce directed to be issued.
S W Chapman vs Elizabeth Chapman,
---G-31 Hall, Esq, - appoin ed a commis
sioner. . •
' . B W Dunn vs E W Ellis, et al.—Rule
to open judgment.
Alex i Ennis vs G 11, 4 3at . n tL a i ltule ts to on r
Judgment .* I Frost's Sons award
1 v w s 1 . iirs u t National
Bank of Towanda.—GarniShee. Rule to
entei'judgment against the Garnishee on
answers. •
M M Coolbangh.vs Pa &NYC&R 11
Co.—Rtilkon defendant to pay laintiff's
bill of costs
First - National fret
Hyman Van \Ouzer.—Auditor's report
confirmed finally, .
- J M'Williares 'vs E B "Williants.—Jas
''Wood, Esq, appoihted an Auditor to dis-.
tribute:the' fund raised by the Sheriff s
sale of defendant's real estate.
Court adjourned en Monday to October
7th. 1, \\
• Sr. NicnoLt i s FOR Ocrontn.—Tke Oc
tober number of St. Nicholas openi with
a very interesting story, "ThetielinVil
lege " i which ca.ries us away to thelnoun
talus of the and tells the. vried
adveniures of a bright young, goat
-13°7 of
that region. '
• The two serials , :" Under the Lilacs"
and "Dab Rinser," are brought to a hap
py close and-there are several good, short
stories; ono of which, "Mrs. Prlmkins'
Surprise," contains some additional ex
ploits of Nimpoo whose "Troubles" in- -
terested the readers of St. Nicholas some
ears ago. , .. .
The long-proinised paper on "Parlor
'‘iagic " is given in this number, and the
oys who wish to get up lively evening
ntertainments will be glad totee it. It
intaini plain and. simple directions for
the performance of many curious export..
lientiht • 1, • 1 . .
The . ' French Alphabet," With twenty
.ix:olc.4inal pictures, alsol alips re, and
ltnong the other useful papa if; one en
titleil ." llow to Keep a Jou 1." "Cut..
'lig the Pie," a, humorous m . by Ito:1.i
i i
OMER JOUNSON, in juice e older boys
net girls, while 'Happy Little Froggy" .
will males every ody laugh. " A Tale of
Many Tails," "Prince i Cucurbitii"
aro lively skete es, with pictures of novel
, ,• ign; and there are several very funny
s scattered through the number. '-The
'•''VerY little Folks"_ have 8001011 poem,
'"HanisodllOuids" ill* is floe .t.iiistiii•
ii‘ff ix t
...*-44 1 r- ~ • *it * ,- .-.•:- : ~ , '7i-,-_-1,.g.
Ineennon - 'onrienr- 410inctainten
tleenten.-rThe hllonW too the 1110114 4 '
ulna fb t awls/. AC
tiodtand noaewlentie WOW* to
held on the Mb, Sib and 117th lota
So. irillood Stantosit.
- Oad 41 00 • ts Ors
years obi and finder a, 600 1,4 09
I 7sOrs olansd.uod ‘1•0 4
limed ismtdiered bawdiesnonsitro.
• No;'Y.-4Witiidd or Atka arganpf:44 - -
"s rears old sad over, Os 3 4 di 00
4 remold aad under I, • _ Oa -Ai SO
3 sous old end under 4, 400 200
In deciding upon the merits of this dirisitst. , no
01111 polar.- la the for diMsemi. lane
slur or speed—will be a criterion. but eetiMMftg
the most good points width go- to make a perfect
horse fat Lusting ar dinagits motors, •
Slues eat cores
over ,
Mares. 43rmws old and r with cott, 00 13 SO
years old colt, o 4
200 .1000
yearseigteolt., . MP
yearold colt, ' 200:1 10
Sucking colt, • 100 10
Colts to be ezblblited by walking' Oa the track,
not as a match or nee,' but to slum motion tind
1t0.4.,--Mateked anis Binglo Horns or Miles for
Far Um
Draft hones or mare,, • , • - 48 00 81 00
Matched buses or morel, . 8 00. 400
Slagle horn., . 11. 00 . 800
Single mare. .. • . " •00 XOO
Matched males,. 4 00 800
No. G.— Xateked Gad B(ngk Horses kept for
Matched team, - • 1 1 01 11 0 0
Stogie gelding, - $OO 200
Single mare, 610 260
Stallion for pmenl purposes. 10 00 6 011
• : Matched team emitting ot geldtdg and mate
may compete. - Matched and single hones will be
eabildwd on the tract. - . ~
Xo:lSrHorn*Xo► An Work, '4.e.
Stallion 4 years old and over, , pa 00
,SI 00
Stallion under 4 years, . • 400 • 200
Slagle gelding 4 years and over, 400 200
Single mare 4 years and aver,, - - 400 200
Single mare nailer 4 years. • - 300
Single gelding under 4 years, 309 '
' No. T.—Driving as Mang Morsel. •
Pair carriage hams, ,113 00' $s 00
Pair tentage mks, ' 11 00 aOO
Pair colts under 4 years, . . ' 300 100
Gelding for saddle, 300 : 100
Stare for saddle. • 3 00
To best lady Equestrienne. _ 300
To/. et/ boy Equestrian under /01, t• 300
No. 8.-8* it H.M.
Bull 3 years and over. 0, 00 31 00
Bull 2 years and under 3, :4 00 200
Ball 1 year and under 2, 300 . 100
Bull calf, l te
Caw, , 400• 200
Helier 2 years . 2 - 00 -
Helfer 1 year, .. 1 00
Helfer calf, 1.00
No. D.—Devon...Ayrshire'', Jerscys'and Hoiriefes.
Same prises as short horns .
. The Judges will sward no prizes In these two
numbers unless satisfactory evidence be presented
of pedigree and purity of, bleod. .
N0..10 * ...-Grade and tours Cattle, .
Bull 3 years and over, ' - PI 00 .1 4 00.
Bull 2 years and under 3, . ) 400 200
Bull 1 year and under 2, • . 300 rr
Bull calf. I 1 00
Cow for milk and butter, . -• ' 3.00 400
Heifer 2 years,r ' . . OO 3 00
Helier 1 year,o l , .. , 200 .. ,1 00
Spring calf, • .1. 00
\ Best pen of calves,, not less than 11, 300 -3 00
Milking 'qualities rather than coaditlon are to .
governo Is. tWanumber. .
\ r i No. 11.—Fat Cattle.
Pidi , ,3 iears and over; _
Fatted +x or steer, •
..cteilm ..
. 2l'o 12.—Trurking Owe dad Steer/.
Yoke 1 Yeats and over, • •5 00 .#3 00
Yoko 3 year and under 4, 300 3.. r
. . \ CLASS 3.--1511EEP. • . '
'. . ..Rh 13-Flue Wool. - - .
Burk ; years aitover, - • 1:5 00 r OO
Buck I year, \ ' 2.00 100
tuck lambs. 31a pip. ' . 200 100
Ewes, 3ln pen, 2 years and MOT, 200 3 3
Ewes, 3ln pen, Lyear and under 2, 200 ...1 00
Ewe lamb. 3to pen, \ 200 100
'No. 14.-ctsseold. .
Beek, 2. years Snd•over, \ 300 200
'Buck, 1 year, 12 00 100
Buck lambs, 2ln poi, . \ SOO kOO
Ewes, 2 years'and over, 3ln pen, • 300 3e`
Ewes, 1 year and under 2. 3la pen, • . TOO 100
Ewe lambs, 1 ~ co 100
So. 1, 1 ,-Leicirstr
Same prizei as No. 14.
1 . .
No. 14.—Ehropskfre
Same prlzeit as No. 14.
So. 17.—Chater While.
1 Baur, 1 year or over, • .
Ruar,less than 11 months,
Ureeitlng sow;I year or oier,wlth plirs.2 002 . 00
pip leas than 9 months, 2-00 - 100
Sow over 0 months. 200 7QO
18.—dame Premiering for Berkshire - Bases,
Suffolk and Poiasid china.
Trio llght bralonac
• dark brabman,
partridge coettin.s,
black cochlea,
white curbing, .
buff cochins;
white Irghoriss,
brown legborcls,
white-faced black Spaaish,
Pair turkey's, . I, 1 00 10
1 00 00
ducks, . 1.00 50
BP$ t tol'en of Inwls,nuriber a quality, I 00
'Fowls to be Judged according to the American
standard of excellence.
Those not possessing instil and worth are not en.
tied to prizes.
20.—Farni , Dairy Rutter.
June firkin,
Package. not less than 50168 400 ,3 00
Samples in rolls, not less 6165. 2 1:10 100
IFb.:ll.—Farm hairy Cheese.
Sample not less than 10 lbs,
tt—Graln and Recd.
Crop corn, not less than 1 acre, 13 00 91 00
unite winter wheat, 1 acre, , 300. 100
red winter wheat, 1 acre, $ 00 1 00
spring wheat, 1 acre, !'OO 'l OO
barley, 1 acre. -, 2 00 1 00
oats, 1 acre; N. 200 100
buckwheat, 1 acre," ' •2 00 100
peas.'( acre, 2 00 1 Co
beans,'( acre, • . 200 . 100 '
clover seed. 1 acre, , • 2 00 1 00
timothy seed, I acre, 2 00 1 00
lax seed.,l acre, . • 3 00 1 00
Best same I bush either above varries 1 00
sample 10 ears seed corn, 1' F
A written statement Will be required to ,
the en
tire process of cultivation, the previous state of the
_ground. fhb kind and quantity of Manure applied
the preceding year, and also the prtlent year, that
produced the crop; the manner of Plowing end
hoeing, the, tints of seeding and harvesting, the
process of cleaning, - and the particular kind snd
variety of grain: not less than one bushel must be
exhibited, with the address of the owner, price,
kr., fur the purpose of tamping 'there seed may
be obtained. Grain to be threshed and ground
measured. . . .
. _
No. :—V eildab les
Bushel early variety potatoes, F F # 50
late variety potatoes. P F 50
Col of potatoes, not less 5 varieties, P 1 • SO
Best samples id beets, contour., tomatoes, turnips,
parsulps..caulltiowers, cabbage, celery, lettuce,
radishes, squashes, pumpkins. sweet corn, water.
melons, citrons, carrots. sweet potatoes, peppers,
egg plants, tins beans (t-quart), not less than. 5
each. 50 cents each..
Each variety to be conectly:named.
re4.—Prti (Correetly Named).
12 vedette& apples, 4 each, - . • ge 00 111 00
Collection of varletiet; 4 each, ' 2 60, P
Varieties of winter apples; 4 sub, 1 Co P
6 vedettes tall apples. 4 each; . - 1 00
6 varieties winter apples. 4 each. 1 00
Specimen, (attested (nain - y . 000'10nel!)
not less than a petit. .
6 varieties of pears,
Sample pears.,
Collection of peaches,
Plate peaches.
Specimen quinces, 4 or core,
Dish pintos;
Collection grapes,
Cluster .grapes,
to clas - se. - of grain. vegetables and fruit, the art!.
cies exhibited must be the production of the ex
hibitor, and not collected from different sources,
lu order lobe entitled to a madam:
feat and Bread. • -
Wheaten flour, not less than Nibs, Dip
Eye Soar, not less than 50 Ma, Dip >
Corn meal, trot less than 50 lba, Dip
Buckwheat flour, not less than SO lbs., Dip
Loaf domes* wheat bread, hop yeast, P Y . 50
domestic wheat bread. mLt yeast, F 50
domestic grahatn bread, F F so
domestic rribread, • P F . AO
Lost made by . girl 15 years or under, ,P F 100
Plate raised biscuit, P F 1 00
Pumpkin, apple, peach or custard pie, . P F 50
Card gingerbread, -P. r
80. 0. —eosin ed and Dried Praire, Honey, Sugar,
Best sample dried apples. 8 Ms ; peaches. = IW ;
, plums, $ Ms; cherries. lbs; currants. 1 rasp
, berries, 11b ; blackberries, Ilb ; pickles In vine
\ gar, process to be stated; - sample box honey by
\Me colony. present year; *trained or extracted
henry by one colony, present year; maple sugar,
Ms. present year ; domestic grape wine, rani
`berry wine, currant wine, $ bottles each ; eollec
nun - domestic, jellies, quallticaand varieties to be
considered, each 50c "
Best & greatest vartedeleann'd fruits, 1 00
varieties canned fruits, P P
The Judger may recommend prenihuns for dif
ferent valigea of ginned frail, not' exceeding 11
each' for e, ety,
• .
/ro. tr.
Best display of anochlnery, fa 00
Best combined mower imd reaper, mower reaper.
grain drill, hay redder: \ Masking machine and
self-eleaner,horse.pawerlever,tread horse-prnrer,
field roller. cultivator corn cultivator. harrow,
icon plow, 'WO plow, suti4oll plow, fanning mill,
. corn shellhorne rake, V*ll cradle. 6 bay
forks. I rakes, 8 manure forks, • straw
forks. 8 acyth4 and smiths, straw. corn and stalk.
cutter, ox yo o, hay rigging made , by exhibitor.
corn hasten-horse cart, farm gate; \ dog or sheep
power foe churning, lawn mower. Weans engine
forose dairy purposes. steam engine for , far lp m lour.
ps. D
The Judges In this dim shall mainline\ articles
not enumerated thereta. sad for meritorious ones
Wall award a Certificate of Merit.
xo. a.
Best dozen pales merge beats, One boot& ladies ,
boots:hen bermes. Idolibte.sinte). bean farm
berms) (double ). 'singlekarerso, pelt One
boots. coarse boots , ladles -, boots cif Owes, ill sides
sole leather., f olden emir. testbez.- *ldes Galt
- alas. ' • Dig,:.: _
est and 'greatest dtspleYot ' - • -
swam. 'nimbi/Wm. ace
birn 4 ,44,l A la rtrr-V l l l,* -"ur , t •
i s tinipirn. eater,
lard I** reMpristor. *au (
Wok art wind batter plait 2 cors•basteta
AIM sad% dui anus. - sad qalekesuirstbal
ft, rabbi gm" sew. isma improved cbara.
ogle preie,..22lbltios of stew and esithen
vow ' lisnine. clothes
Intippr wWee s tna. c Dip
Jelps Mrs as seise posit as is Clan S -
-Pelt carpet offetiel. rag carpet, 10 yards;
glees of tassel sot km than lo yard& pair wool
es bias pkge tow dont. 10 yards; piece
per Ham, pteesgttled counterpane. knit coon-.
pateb-work qui% sample woolen yarn,
angle ; pair knit siockimp or socks, wool.
cones es Hum each; uilt. yarn snit.
tem. Iseadb-rug, Iran hoed , d aubn. bed-quilt,
white bedquilt, home-made linen, pound Minn,
woolen gimes, Inett spread, lot of pure wool cu.
• simere. - blaskets, flannels. stoeldneyern ; cotton
and woolen tolled flannels, blankets, esealmeice,
fancy knitting '
auk toggling, bente•insde rug. each I OD.
She Judges aro sotborleed to sward diametiona
et premiums to meritorious articles In this class,
not exceeding 50 tents each.
All alleles to hare been fiddled within 2 years
last pest.,
- IPo.OI. •
Best millinery exhibition. best man.
tau.making. each , - Dip -
Best specimenembroldery, ' ' #1 00 50 -
Worsted embroidery, 1 00 50
crochet work, , - 1 00 ' 50
worked muslin, 1 00 50
ottoman cover,. - 1 00 50
Pair lamp mats, • • .100 . 50
fancy chair work. - 100 . GO
chair tidy, specimen hair work, children cloth
ing, stitching by band, bead work, chenille
etubmidery, bureau cover, toilet mats, curtains,
band and machine made shirts.' each ; boy's and
girl's shirts, each ; yoke and sleeves, collar and
cuffs, display of tatting, ll9c
carriage or sleigh afghan •1 00 Ed
• sofa cover, tufted and netted chair cover, each ;
chair cover. In pattern or stitch ; . sofa pi110w,...
slippers,, crocheted zephyr shawls, silk embroi
dered-child's afghan, k pitted lady's hood, child's
.cap. child's Boas. • needle-book or housewife,•
eatch-all. embroidered tidy, 50c '
Judges have the Fame power as In Clad 11.
Best specimen leather work, picture frame Made
by lady, wax work, ornamental shell work, col
lecttuion ell
pain ing
tings, water color paint,. agri
culral wreath, _ II 00
specimen oil painting. specimen painting. sped
men crayon drawing, collection artificial flowers,
monochromatic painting, II photographs, speci
• men ornamental penmanship, Dip
watch ease, work baker, display of burr work,
. single specimen burr work, specimen hair work,
: display wax fruit, display wax dowers of leaves,
display leather flowers, display was work In do
display shell work in design, display bead work
In design, moss wart in design, , 50
display - hair work, . 100 -
Discretionary premiums for meritorious articles
nat named, subject to decision of the board. If the
display be considered_ unworthy the premiums of
fered, the ,
board reserve the right to reject.
..Vo:43.—Arnateur LW. ,
Best floral ornament, table boquet, from 1 garden ;
band boquet, from! garden; collection of dablies,
collection of roses, of verbenas and pansies, dis
play garden flowers; of cut flowers, f 1 00
Best and greatest ditrpily of house plants sad flow
ers, of plants in bloom, of greenhouse plants, of
cut Bowers, -6 00
• .
CLASS 13.—STOVES, &C. .•
All persons desiring to exhibit stoves, furnaces,
fire grates and articles connected 'therewith. will
be, furnished ample space to exhibit and display
their Wares.
X°. '
DeSt fourth of an acre plowed,with
horses, mules or oxen. . • 14 00
Second best fourth of au acre *plowed
with arses, mules or oxen. 2 00
Beat fourth of an acre plowed by tmy
0 4 00 r- 00
4 00 2.00
3 00 2 00
under 16 years of age, - 400
Persons competing for the above premiums must
plow the ground selected by .the committee in a
straight, unifUrps manner, not less than 6 Inches
deep. -
ThMe who intend to compete should give notice
to the Secretary, Wm. S. lucent, at Towanda, at
least one week prior to the Fair. -
• Competitors must be on the ground for the
match at 9 a. w., on the third day of the Fair.
Time not to exceed one and one-half hours.
Best collection of saws, of augers, of Mddnet work;
piano, organ.. sewing -machine, specimen wire
work, sprg bed bottom, dor. brooms, Dip
Other articles not hereinbefore named will be
entered in this class, sod the Judges will examine
all meritorious and particularly such as have inter
esVor Table to the farmer, or pertains to rural life
and . economy, and they may award such Oertilleate
of Merit or honorable mention as they deeni,proper.
subject to revision by the Board of Managers.. The
Mmexiatlon P. Y." In the foregoing for the
Practical Farmer Newspaper. 1
Vi 00 41 00
s 0 iOO
The Executive Committee have resolved to offer
a premium of $2 00 for the best specimen of hors
shoeing and +l'oo for the td best. the blacksmith
doing the work to receive the premium. '
CO.-TOWANDA, Sept. 25, 1578.
Genera? Order 210.
• .75
- 15 50
• The interest manifested by the Posts of
the G. A. R. and soldiers of the county,
gives us assurances of the success of - our
Second Annual Encampment and Reunion.
Posts, companies, and squads, are urg
ed, to be as thoroughly. organized • and
drilled as possible, and to report no later
than 2 o'clock r. st., of the Ist of October.
Watkins Post, No. 68, is hereby detail
ed as artillery, and will have charge of
all cannons during the Encampment. -
Comrades are, requested to appear
unit:arm so far as possible, members of
Post with G. A. R. buttons, and badges
appropriate to their. rank.
The following are the officers of the En
campment, and will be- respected and
obeyed accordingly_: •
75 50
74 50
75 50
75 50
75 50
75 50
73 50
73 50
73 X 5O
73 50
73 60
73 BC
Int P. 241'.
.4 00' =- $t 00 It (.0
12 00 ft 00
Commander—C. E. ANDRUS.
S. v. Commaner3l. E. WARNER.
J. I. Commander—:-NEWTON LANDON.
Otartermaistee—GEo. - W.• KrLiitat.
Surpeon—ll. M. MOODY. •
Chaplain—DAVlD CRAFT..
Officer of the Day—FRANK AILNIERMAN.
Officers of the Guard—CitAs, FORBES,
S. ANDREW WILT, Adjutant; H. C.
Hans, Sergeant Major; J.tatEs TERRY,
Q. M. Sergt.
The order of exercises will be .as fol
lOws: . •
Grand mounting at 3P. at.; Dress Pa
rade at 4P. 31.; Speech by Gen. H. M.
florr'and others immediately after dress,
parade ; Supper at 0 r. at.; Reheat at i r.
at.; Tattoo at IMO r.
. Firing gun at Sunrise ; 'Revile at °A.m.;
Ilreakfast at 7 A. at.;. Sick call at 8 A. at.;
Fatigue call at 8:30 A. M.; Guard Mount.
ing at 9 A. at.; Squad and Company .drill
from 8:30 to 11 A. at.; Dinner at 12 m.;
Drill from 1 to 2 P. M.• 4 Speeches and
songs,from 2 to 4 T. at.; Dress Parade at
5 r. at.; Supper at 6 T. It.; Election of 0f5...
cers for the ensuing year at' 7:30 r. at.;
Camp Fires, speeches and songs 9 to 9:30
19. m. - -
Firing gun at sunrise i • Revile at 0 a.m.;
Breakfast at 7 A. 31.; Sick call at 8 A. 31.;
Fatigue call at 8:30 A. M.; Guard Mount
ing at 9 A. M.; Company and Battalion
Drill from 9:30 to 11 A. it.; Speeches and
songs from 11 A.*. to 12 it; Dinner at
12 31.; Speeches, music, songs, etc., from
1 to 2 o'clock P. II.; Sham Battle fthm 2
to 3:30 P. M.• Dress Parade at 4 P. M.;
Dismiss antebreak up camp at 5 p. 3t.;
Courts for the trial. of those committing
offenses will be convened each day at 7:30
A. M.
aoo ' ao
1 00 - 00
2 00 1 00
1 00 •
Tho signals as used in the United States
Army will be exhibited each day by Com
rade C. F. Cams.
Military discipline will be observed dur
ing- the second and third dap.. •
An admission of 10 cents-will be charg
ed on the second and third day only, and
the proceeds Will used for a Soldiers' Mon
ument of Bradford County.
Excursion tickets will be sold on the
Lehigh Valley Railroad October Ist, 2nd.
and Brd, at Waverly, Sayre, Athens, 'Uls
ter, Wyalusing, Standing Stone, Rum
melfield and Wysauking, and good until
October sth.
Tho Sullivan and State Line Railroad
will also, during the Encampment, sell.
excursion tickets, and hold the train - in
the afternoon of each day for the accom
modation of those attending the Encamp
Meats can be procured on the grounds
for 25 cents. By order of
J. A. WILT, C. E. Always,
Adjutant, Commander,
, Philadelphia Times will hereafter
be printed every day, the publishers hav
ing concluded to issue a Sunday edition,
and the first copy is before us. The Sun
day Times is double the size of the zegu-'
tar issue, and is gotten up With the great ?
•est care. ' We have no doubt it will prove
a success. , The undertaking gives
deuce of the prosperous condition' of thi
concern. The Sunday Times will be mail
ed to anbscribers at $1.50 per annum.
IT seems impossible that a-remedy
of spch common, simple plants as .
Hops, Buchu, 2 Mandrake, Dandelion, &c.,
hot/0 make so many and such matyelous
d*oMe Kul cures us - Hop Bitters 'do,
ut mtun old AM young, rich*and* poor,'
' sad'Dikt' Lanefund --Editor s '
hlo.lflg -been cu
I faliC -
3V.V. - •
No. S
No. 32.
No. 37.
or The largestvazieti - of litishionable
klfiliftery Goods at BMX BiOs. N.Y.Store.
rirNoselties in Ladles lionnets and
Hass at *MIN 8806. N. T. Nom_
. ,
FIRST PREP for ".13estIta
chine sa4 greatest variety of work "at Troy Fair
187$, to the "New Davis verticis Teed Sewing
Vir The _trade supplied with - Millinery
epode at New Yak rates, at Hums Bane, "
tr! NO MAPIIINE in market can doi
the variety of work we do on'the "New Davis Yeti.'
Iles! Teed" sewing nesebtne. -
KrHata from 25 ctB. op at BTW Blum.
New fork Store.
1 We CHALLENGE any . opentfor
on any 13ewing Machine to do the work we do.
Agent of "Now Davis Vertical reed Sewing
Machine." ' 1 wk
tvr Hosiery and Lace Goods-inendless
Talley at STEUN 81108.
IlifF7,oteisis and Plumes in all the faab.
lovable a i lades atSizalt BuoF.
iVei . propose. to sell yolt good goodis
juo'iuslow se they can be sold. Try us M4ntr.r•e
Ciockery Store.
I" For tickets to all points West
North and Southwest, at the lowest possible rates,
call on or address, 11. E. BABCOCK, Agent, at
Upper Depot, Towanda. 17t1 '
is' If you are keeping ho n e oF 7
ially It You are just about commencing you can.
not atlerd to 'miss a visit to Mama:a Crockery
Store iirTowatLa: •
NancE.—Owing to the fact that .my
agent, Mr. I,,swis; who was in Towanda tatt
ing orders 'for ray Deying establishment. some
weeks since, has engaged in other business, I. sm
compelled to delay the delivery of goods until next
Wednesday, Oct. 2d. J. W. COMPTON,'
- . Pittston scam Dey Works.
Pittston, Ps., Sept. VI, MS.
Itge This fact is undisputed, we do on
chine a variety of wort. never before accomplished
on any underfeed machine.
far G 45 to • SNELL & FAurnuat's for
best Millinery Goods.
RATS for ONE DOLLAR and upwards.
ar.Misites SDELL .st; FARNHAM do all
kinds of lIRESS BAKING.
Ilr Now Fall and Winter 'Millinery
Goods at S . NELL & FAILNIIA3I 4 B, a few divrilorth
of Mereur's Block. , .
rigr Miis E. J. Bins - Cos is just opening
a new stock. of Autumn 1111Inery Goode, to which
she Invites the attention of the Indies. - ' angZ,
_ Z:3s' Ladies Dress Trimmings, all the
New Stylei. at Sisata. k a few doors
north of Mercurs Block.
ar COMER hati the best wearing Shoes
for Men, IlOys'and Youths• wear ever:offered In
Towanda, arid;at prices Within the reach of all.
• .vir A full assortment of Farley Goods
at SNELL... I ! a.few doors north of
?demur's 15 ock.
llonnEns challenges compe,
tttton ft;rtPuility of gcxxis and 'io;/g prices on Sash,
Doors, Bl!fats and 3feltllnk,s, and all building n
terial. . . (atiga-tf).
inr The Largest, Best and Cheapest
line of • Shea for Ladles`, Misses' and Chlldrens'
wear Is found at Conazit's new store, corner Main
and rlne-Sts., Tracy & Noble's Bloch. apr4'7B
Lam' Coirr i ns' Bakery Wagon, of the
Is Ward Bakery, will Le on hand dally with
Fresh Crackers hot from the oven, Bread, Pies,
Cakes, &c.
Don't you forget it. We :have an
excellent cIIACKER )lANUFACTORY In town
at COWLES' BAKERY, where you can boy the
best tresb-baked crackers,
' Zir J. C. BLUM has received a ! NEW
WEAR for the Siinuner Trade, which he offers at
prices far lcia than heretofore.sold, and 'at lower
figure/4. tharr any competitor can duplicate. Call,
examine convinced. Store on Main Street,
south side of Bridge,--sign of Gilt Boot. into,
M. L. COOK, of Now York, hat leased and is hair
log elegantly fitted up, rooms . in the building for
merly occupied by B. S. Russell k' Co.. bankers,
north of Post Office, on Main-st., where she will
open the most ,complete stock of Mittaxenv
Goons ever exhibited in ToWanda. Grand open-.
lug on Thuriday, Friday, and Saturday of . neat
week, Sept. 26th, 21111, - and 2Stii. All are incited
to call and examine goods and prices..
Silver Watches, Chains, Fancy Jewelry, etc. The
undersigned haring purchiSed at Sheriff's Sale the
enure stock of Watches, Chains, SiMeeand Plated
"Ware, in the store formerly occupied by 31. riEN
IYELMAN, and not wishing to remain In the busi
ness, has concluded to sell the entire stock 'regard
less of cost, in order to wind up the businss. Call
early and secure bargains. . JAcons. '
Or Various causes—Advancing years,
care, sickness, • disappointment, and hereditary
predispesfihm—all operate to turn the hair gray,
and either of them inclines It to shed- premature
ly, Ayitt'sHiitt VIGOR will restore faded or
gray, light and red hair to a rich brown or deep
black, as may be desired. it softens - and cleanses
the scalp, giving it a healthy action, and, removes
and cures dandruff and humors. ily Its use falling
hair helmeted, and a new growth will be produc
ed In all eases - where the follicles are not destroy
ed or glands decayed. Its eff i ects are beautifully
shown on brashy„ weak, or sickly hair to which a
few 'applications will 'produce the giosi and fresh
ness of youth; jlarmless and sure !kits operation,
it is incemiiarable as a dressing, and is especially
valued fertile . soft lustre and richness of tone It
,imparts. •It contains neither oil nor dye, and will.
I not soil or etrinr white cambric ; -yet It lasts tang
on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOIL
_ _
General deale'rs In Groceries and Produce, Patton•s
Block: corner Main and Bridge Streets,
wEwszspAy EVENT:OO, KEPT 25, 1878. •
Flour per bbl
Flour per sack
Corn Meal per 100 lbs
Chop Feed,...
Wheat, per hush
Clover seed,lnedlum..
Beaus. 02 - lbs• • • •
Pork. loesS ... .
Premed hogs.,
Ofd 09
Butter, tubs
Rolls ' 4.
Eggs,. fresh
Cheese icor -ii ' His
Green apples, bush 2 30 - ' 604 60
Potatoes, per bushel.... we) ' -goOD
°norms . 50 ' 63
Beeswax •• • 4.; ; 22 . „
Veal skhW.
I:ret Pat.,
. .
corner Lakc and Water Streets, -
• El.JilltA, X. Y. .
e •
Elmira, X, Y.. Aptil 18, •754 y.
BORE—ACE the parsonage in Ulster.
Sept. tOth, Ina, by Rev. N. N. Beers, Mr. Albert
(bee. of Sbeshepuln„ l'a., and ..1113.4 OIiVID Ackley,
• of Athena, Pa. •
ItilliflES—llltOOKS—St the resldenCe of the
bride, In Ulster, &pt. 18th. 1818, by Rey. N. N.
Beers, Mr. Franklin S. Brooks and Mrs. C. A.
Mono. all of Ulster.
lIECE.EII—SMITH--at the resldeneelof bride; In
Ulster. Sept. 18th, 1878. by Rev. N; N:lleers, Mr.
Theodore Decker. of Ilontellsville, N. Y., And
Miss Ella C. Smith, of Ulster, Ps. ;
• I , OI.ET—FITZGEgtALD—In the Church of Ss.
Peter and Paul, on Tuesday, Sept. 241 b, by Rev.
Father Kelly. Daniel - Foley and Miss Annie Fits
' plaid, both of Wyaluslng, •
ScitOoNtWER—PARK.—At the M. E. Parson
age. In Rants borough, Ser.l2., 187 S, by tier. U.
b. WittlattiA: Kr. Austbl P. Schou:lifter anil Miss
Maligaret J. Park. both of !Monthly Stone. '
• - PUP-
` riß ~'
Elmlrs. N. Y.. Aug. 13, 1373.
The Cheapest and Bed . Place in the Vity
• to, Buy! .
Are bought for Cash, and prtees are guataistiod to
be as low as the lowest.
' , IN ELMIRA, • .
And patties desiring anything In that linetarin
It to their Interest to call and see us. •
As , imeondoet no fancy establlabaseat, war prtiona
are always plain and moderate.
The-trade eapplied at the kimeat wholesale
. Special inducements to Cub =Monsen*
Don't forget. ttol-place--
- 401 EAST WATEE-ST...
Babb= Howe Block.
Elmira, N. Y., May 23, - •
d I
W r.
) *
Nave In stock the largest and most complete assort
. •
meat of.
That can be totind- . ln
.any store between,Altani
. 5 500 850 ,'6 000 700
... / 40@ / 60 , 1 . 50(4 1.75
1 7.50
. .
1 Val
.. .
. 1 004.. - 1 10(4
. 10a 45 ~;', 5 4a
. 54 . 0:6 '- -60 W 65
. 2.50 ' 3 00
15 500 . 60'
• .... 5 000
, 1 75a
. 1 000 1 25 , . 1 510 . 2 00
.12 560 '4 , ' oi4gl 10
17. 1130
ltY4 I 8 15@.
2 54 0 0 .
Dealers la
201 East Water' Street, -
We claim to do the
trJ 0
r _ t/J
1:11 r t o , ,
tzl • .
. '
' 'Pt
I F.
.• '0
tS P
=. 6 *
" co
7 r
67 " 1 .
a V,
15 • 0
e -
g .0A Er
; 1-3
and Elnilra. More
A largo variety of
A more complete stoeref
A larger and better aas4 rrlanentot.,:-
SADDLES &c., &c
In conclusion, we ay that we have everythlig
that can be named connegted with a buisineaa ot
this kind, that we are anxious to sell. Wake op and
And come up and see nil. and-we will demonstrate
what we say. At
206 E. WATER BTBEET, XLltlitA., X. Y.
ea. Sign of the Gold Collar;61
I •
The undersigned having pnrebaied from Kr.
'McKean the COAL YARD
Inrites . the patronage of his old trlends and tha
-publtegenerally: I shall keep a MI assortment
of all sties, .
Towanda. Pa., Aug. 1878._ 1.4/
Opposite the Depot,
Formerly of the Ward Rouse, Towanda, Pa,.♦M
The anntud emunlnatlon of teaehera for Brad
ford county, wlll be held for the Moral townships
as follows:
For Atbeneand Litchfield twp.. at Atbensalltd.
ed School,Sept. 201 th ; for Sheshequin and INN% at
sower Valley school, Shea/sequin. Sept. 25th ; for-
Monroe; at Graded School, Nonreetoo, Sept.t4;
for Overton and Albany. at School No. 1.
Sept. :Me; for Terry ant Wilmot. at New Its.
Sept. 27th ; for Granville and L. key - Le Bod b a
lage, Sept. Seth : for Canton , at Graded
'Oct. Ist; for Armenia and ?WI. at Graded Scheel.
Troy. Oct. 2d; for Wells and • South Critiklt. at 011.
lett'. Station. Oct. tel ; for Syringlieid and Cohost. -
Ota, at Columbia N Needs, Oct Sal for Nftebeig
and Smithfield. at Smithfield Graded ScMo; Out.
fith ; for Asylum and Standing Stone. at SOW=
Stone school house. Oet. - 7th; toe Wyain
Tuscarora. at Camptown. Oct. ; for N l =
Landon school. Oct. Mb ; for Plite. at Le
Oct. 10th foe Windham and Wanew. at West War.
run. Oct. 11th; for Orwell and Ems. at Ems WO,
Oct. 12th; for- Burlington sad West ihmilagaso
born, Oct.llth fur Franklin dad DNA.
Waste, Oct. 15th ; tor Wpm Toward& as• Me*
Towasda. atToustidd entdot didldoildtll6.
rack modastkavi# l eximincsilomaNat