• Pspadtt TO wands, Ts., Thursday, August 29,187& W. A. CHAMBERLIN, ' , Doaferia FINE eTE 'WEL 1, - WATCHES, • SILVER' & PLATED : WARE, TOWANDA, PA. • Towanda, Jan, 18, 1877. LOCAL AND GENERAL. SEE the advertisement of S. N. Bnps sox in new locals. • WE were refreshed by . n glorious slotr er on SUnday morniug - lpst. = Tnn students -of the Susquehanna Col legiate Institute hive adopted cardinal as their color: EVERS member of Franklin Engine . Co. ,is requested to be present al :tbe meeting on Monday 'evening. TILE Elmira Adrertiaer says : J.; D. Gil, 1.11:.Tril; of Ilernbrook, Pa., was operated upon for cataract, by Dr. Ur DE QUKFF at the Institute, on paturday. • COURT euiiveues on Monty next, Wo extend alearty invitation .to our friends and patrons who may be in attendance,to give usa KELSO'S PACKARD has-s 0 far recOvered from the effects of his recent . accident as to be,ablo to be out. • He was in attend ance at the Convention on Tuesday. BROTHER HooxEn, of the Noretern Tier Cipzetle, was in tc4n on Tuesday. He -was an interested spectator at the Con vention Dn .. ..ROCKWELL received many compli ments for the very able and impartial manner in which he presided over the Re 'publican Convention. ALLEN TAYLOR, ohe of the oldest -citi zens of Troy township, died while sitting in Lis chair a few days since. He had reached the ripe age of 87 years._ Ai rnvit ilionwAr, of Franklin, who has been at Corning for some time past, has returned home to remain on aceount, of the ill health•of his father, J. C. itino- WAY, Esq. Tun fall term of the. Graded School of this borough op \ tied on Monday morning last. The attend nee was large for the first day. Intereking remarks were made by the new Principal, Prof. 4 131:110.AN, r and. Trnn. ...- WATCH TUE Si Ir.-Th small of yellow paler on which subscriti4s names are inted and attached to thOtironTEn, indicates the date paid to. Subscribers ovinld watch these and\five us prompt notice if there are. any errot: • -\ Te.i.vo'nn, the Greenbaqt date fur Sheriff of Susquehanna Comit, ttwnilast week. Thy, Colon 4, drives a stvl6ll team, and seems confident succci,s,.hut he will probably find the Republicans too much - for him. - ‘tinotioitE TiEitci.., of Canton, who was a.d'•legate to the Republican Cuncanl tht, and who. by the way is an expert lishel man, tried his luck on blick bass on Monday afternoon. In company with W. G. GourtoX he caught a fine string of them. TILE Baptist Cltuteh at Troy, dtich has bt - cuundergoing some c?,:teusiv repair 3 during the past few weeks, will be re opened for public service ou Sunday next. Rev.,W. H. 11. bwVElt will preach the discourse. THERE - we're our quo.: hundred ia at tendance at the Teachers' JUstitute dur ing the two weeks it waSin session. The good effects of Prof. liY.o:'s earnest work in behalf of educational interests is al ready plainly visible-in the ircreAsed inter est teachers manifest in the work. 11.-B. yiEll4, .011 C - of the gehtlemen who aided , in the preparation of Cii , Arr's history of this county, died after a trier illness it ELniea, on Monday last. The deceased formed many pleasant acipaiii= tances during -his sojourn here, and. his death will tie regretted by all who hum . him. • TIIE Chase County (Kan.) Leddcr makes this.personal mention of a former cstee . mcd lady teacher hf this county : We rtceived a pleasant viAt from Miss Ridgway last.Tnesday. ! Ridgway is a new comer to Our county and is winning ptlden opinions as tireccptress cif out-Nor mai Institute. She is a lady of rare ti . !l, cots, fine education, with t:xtraordinary ; • qttaliticat:ons as a teacher. . L. 1:00FINX: D TI:012C1 MING. fully recammend tiniot-Ev & SiiN as honorable- gentlemen who do first-class woik, and . * of the • best 'matetial. A good article always pays best in the cUd. and ig all important in the preservation of both bbildings and 'cellars, We world say that GRIDLEY '& St*: are respon sible, and arc classed among our best b. - Ines men. r 'NATHAN Tinn has resigned the office of Ju.ttiee of the Peace id this borough, and C. M. HALL . lids been appointed by the i;overnor to fill the vacancy: Mr. TIM) "has held the office fot: pearly ten years, dining, whieh time he has transacted a large amount of bUsiness, generally to the satisfaction of all pa''tics. He retires for the purpose of engagiUKin Vasiuess again, and his many friends will- wish him the. success heso justly deserv,q. Mr. Itu ..r. is Well qualifie e sd\\ tic .of the office, and we bay will make A p-pular „justice.. • Ilny. - D. MCAULEY, of P. iladt. ;ila, NN iip is Spenditig a short vacation wit his friends, Mr. and Mrs. JAMES .VAN Drs , hi Ul,ter, occupied the pulpit of the Pres byterian Church on Sunday morning last, delivering,a most powerful discourse from the text, "Who shall lay any,thing to the eharo of Goiis elect." The able and el- otment manner in which the Doctor han tiled his sultject won for I‘im the closesti attention of nudience. He will preach, — dgain next - .Sunday morning. Doctor STEW.kIIT will lilt Dr., 31cAtmE , i's pulpit • in Philadelphia at the same time. noticing. the ; Wyoming-Camp 'Meet ing, the Scikutkon Republican refers to our townspeople tts follows :—Mr. and Mrs. WILSON; of Toseauda,' Pa., whose re markable popularity., as Christian vocal. fists has secured for them•engagements al ready one year in advance, are to spend a • few days, at the Wyoming Camp Meeting • as the guests of 'Mr. PAYNE PETTEBONE. Mrs. WlLsos is a sister . of P. P. ,Buss, Whose sad death at AAtabula has give 4 to his hymns and tunes a fascination bort • 'tiering aimost On thesupernatnral. - It.soN, is takini*,•up her brother's 'milli ished work, has won for li'ensell wherever Mee tuts sung, thu must entliUsiaM at times, the wildest applause. Their ap pearance at Wyoming will be a wonderful attraction to the meeting. • • ~ ~ -Arrotarriatirre far the Bradford Conn ty Teachers' Association to be held Sept. 13 and 14, 1878, t.t Vaughn. Hill : Committee of Arrongenunita a B. Burrrs, I.J.D.Ciramnanita, E.R. Verann, C. B. STRIINE,,MART N. OVERTON. i Committee on l :Resolittions—Cues. CRAW ,43 ED; EARNEST'TnomrsoN, E. B. McKim. , Leeturer—ltev. L. COLE. Paper—E. 8. BUILIGAN. Essay—Mr o. P. C. DAYTON, Miss ALMA POOLEY. Recitation Busts Baur, LILLIE VAUGHN. Declanzatio - n—J. V. KEILLEat, GEORGE L. BLAcx. " Practical Work-W. H. BnowN, ED. A. THOMPSON, Arithmetic; IL E. RAEs- G.W. Ry.ti.r, School GoverumCnt. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE GOOD PEOPLE oPTow.tivra.--,The -Benevolent Associa tion of this town is in pressing need of a place inswbich to hold-„ its meetings and do its work; and accordingly it asks of any person Who has at his disposal a room suitable for such purposes, to consider he should be, willing and" ble- to give its use to this Society. Or, it he'need require only a small rent, the Society: mighz , be able to pay a moderate sum. ln either case, the offer of a free gift of. such "a room, or of its rental' at a small price, Would Merit and receive the ,ficarty ap proval of a good conscience. • -- Let no ode pass by this result as a mat ter of littte interest, who looks with favor ,on a "good work and, labor whreh pro ceedeth of love." • Mits. E. T. Fox, President. EDITORS REPORTER Harvest Home and Sunday School pie-nie was held at Hillsgrove, Sullivan *Co., Pa.,. in the.groVe of Mr. LYUAI SPEAKER, MI .the bank of the swift rolling Loyal Sock, Thursday, August 22, 1878. The occasion was ohe of recreation and plofit to all Who were in attendance. We wore called to order_by WALFACESNCLI„ Sdperintendent of Hills •grovc Sunday School, at 11 o'clock. A. M. The order of excercises were as follows-: 1, Music; 2, Prayer by "Rev. joux VAN KIRK ; 3, Music ; 4, Address by S. BED FQId) ; 5, Music;, 6, Address by I). T. Ilt•O:sa.t.; 7, Music ; 8, Address by J. VAN KIRK; 0, Music. Then a collection to defray some expenses; after which we were called to surround a long table boun tifully supplied with good things. After dinner there was .a season of social visit ing. All seemed to enjoy thcmselves'well: The music was furnished by the Sullivan Cornet Band, who did well, considering the time they have been organized. Quite an amount of provision was-remaining af ter all had eateU, which was collected to :F[ller to be sent to' some poor families. PERSONAL:—CIipt. C s 31 MAxviLLE and wife• returned from the West on Thursday last. The Captain'S trip seems to have improved his health, as he is :oolt• ing vigorous and hearty. —O. D. KINNEY, Esq., who .has been spending the last six weeks in Colorado,. Kansas and Illinois; has returned; —3lrs. Dr, fisCitEat, of Philadelphia, is- visiting her 'mother, Mrs. Beirrot , :' Kixosituur, on Chestnut Street. —Miss .Assn: VAli.A.Ncr., or Beverly, N. J., is the guest of Mr. and 'NIts:AV. N.DorkoE. \L-M. D. SWARTS and family are spend ing\a, few weeks with Mr. S.'s parents at DeekvtoWn, N. J. A. Timm as, formerly Deputy Sher iff of thi\county, and now Clerk of the U. S. Dist`tict Court in Kansas, isvisiting \ - his olij friends iu this county. —Dr, T. 11: 1 / 4 Jouxsuti and 'wife paid a visit to the Doer's parents iu Port Jer-• vis last week. \ • • —W. D. TYLEI4, of the Minncqua House, was a spectat kat the Contention last Tuesday. He was Noking, hale and vigorous, and reports hPa s , house full of guests. —W. B. SHAW and family 113,:e spending the summer at Minnequa. —Mrs. Col. OVERTON is making her parents a visit at Pleasant Mount, Nyne County. -M. J. Nicuot.s, a graduate of this o(- tiee, and now employed in a grain eleva. tor at Minnesota, is visiting his parents in this place: We are pleased that MorT has secured a good situation in the West, and especially thathe appears to be very much Unproved in health. 4—Misses 3LiontF. awl CAnntm drrr, ft Phila visiting it IL PAT-nines. =Miss FANSIr. PECK, of Troy, Pn., is in triiricn viAting Miss FrAnntET • lIAu mn's FOn SEPTEMZER.—Oriening at random, a face' and figure presents it s..-lf so like one (Alen seen, that we .look Tdekly at the name. flat it is only Priaeess CHAR LOTTE. and fronting it is Prince Ills NI AlICI:. There arevarions.oth er royal and princely persous mentioned in the article, " Royal Weisbaden," but they do not seem, in_ this author's eyes, to be more hum esting thi.n common peo ple. S s o one expects virtue among royal- ty. Therefore, the st,ardy uprightness of FOVOCIII of the reigning family is a pleas ure to'fiud, but ti.-e ideas of high qualities of mind or body which wehave been wont to suppose came -of long training ; the I.;enerat ions. of many rft al habits and eel tute, seen, not to be manifest in this Ger man royal family. They are and- they wish to seem honest, benevolent, good people, holding tits:twelves as differing in nothing , from those around them. At least - co it sferns, from - this and othep de scpiptions of them. This, 'however, giveS an account of the change iu the place- af ter gambling had been put down by the law and WeisbAeu had come to look like a new place. . "Sheen, the Beautiful," is a "beauti ful" description of Richmond on the Thames ; poetic—as becomes an account of a poet's home—and ,beginning with some lines from TuomrsoN, mho, as -well as P6PE, lived and" wrote there. This, too, has much in it: about royal' people, their good; their evil, their misfortunes, "Moults BEw-u-K" shows a portrait of him, and many samples of wooden \ gwings illustrating his style. P ir tragedy there is "Mercedes.""We hope o will miss that, nor the quiet, eve , - ry day . gedy of the "Foreclosing of the \ l\ Mortgage " \ - . " A Spri . .aunt .to Staten Island" tintis many be uties in this " unloveliest, unhealthiest, lea t romantic• of haunts," the old quarantiu rautid.• The 'style o'f7 this article is as gay, as - florid as a bed of poppies; bat perhapsr, ~e of the beauties described owe some of eir charms to i that. See this: - "The 31idtiletown trend:4 and plung ed against the incoming, tide and the luminous blue bills protecting in ke haze kr-down the bay. ~.. .*. The bal was genuinely opaline, and the path - of he moonbeams on the quivering water, wbi seemed like somelostrons quilted .fabric, was golden to the verge of orange." Editor's Drawer begins with some ma theniatiO so incomprehensible even to the leatned that-the editor Calls - it "a neat little fairy talt;.''''' Perhaps be has no idea how, many suet: fairy tales itci 0 ale for us poor ignoran t people. But isn't it a gretdelight tosert great maxi —so puzzled?' . . fur the du no do-übt ONE TAZIIII will be preaching at the Prtsby- WWI Church in Wpm', on tWednesdATl, Thursday and Friday evenings of this week ; service to contemned at n o'clock. t3ervices preparatory to Communion - will be heldin the Brick Church on Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock. The Sacrament of the Lord's StpPer will be administered Sabbath morning at lilf o'clock. AN old gentleman known as &mai Russzt.t., residing with ALBEAT IRACY, in Smithfield," was robbed of $5OO in mo ney on Sunday night last. The thieves entered his room and carried off a trunk containing the money. The trunk was found in the morning near the house. An. other trunk in the room containing $lOO was cot disturbed; DlED.—Suddenly in Shesliegnin, Pa., May, 20,1878, Eraz.vJawE, wife of ABU= Gone, aged fifty-one years and three months. Mrs. tionE-was a daughter of JOSIAH Drausnstr., one of the early Citizens of Shesbequin. She was a woman of great industry who lookesi_ well to her own household ; but who, in her devotion to her family, never fordot the sick' and suf fering around her. Mer kindness was proverbial ; she was generous to a fault— ever ready to extend a helping band where needed. She left three sons, who by her death are deprived- of the loving care of one of the best of mothers; and a husband who will sadly miss the counsels -of a kind and considerate wife. The com munity in which she had long-and.honor ably lived, deeply sympathize with the family in their bereavement. , ° ' Or; the first . page to-day we print an in-. teresting account of the flight of carrier pigeons from Tobyhanna to New-York. On Monday morning at 8 . o'clock tWenty three of these swift-winged messengers were sent up from this place by Express -Agent W. B—Ronom. The birds first bent nearly south, but soon started in an 'easterly direction, and in less than two minutes were out of sight. At 9:15 they passed L. &B. Junction. TIM 'pigeons arrived iu New York four hours and twenty-four minutes after their release in this place. The Sun of Toes 'clay gives the following account of their arrival: Twenty-three carrier pigeons, at ten minutes past S yesterday morning, were tossed in Towanda, Pa., by. W. It. Dodge the American Express agent of that place. Ten of the birds belonged to Mr. Oscar Donner - of nut!' Third street, Brooklyn, seven were the property of Mr. John Van Opstal of-4 Bemis street, this city. All of of the pigeons were young birds,, and were :bred by Mr. Van Opstal, uho has dime much, and is - doing much, to intro duce carrier pigeons in this country. The 'pigeons that Mr. Dodge liberated were to tty.a match for a handsome gold badge offered by Mr. Donner. The terms of the match were , that - all the Wrds should ,be tossed together;atd that unless there was a difference of tive minutes between the time of the arrival of any two birds the match should be called tie. When the birds NVCIV free they all rose together, and dueling a minute in the eir, started straight, in a southeast direc tow:ird New York, The morning was clear, and there was little wind, anti that little was from the north-cast. To- I we - tmla is 100 miles in an air line from this eity,;atl 20 miles by rail. It was expec ted that the birds would reach here about noon, meta sharp watch was - kept by the three gentlemen interested. At 12:341 two birds came swo-ping down. One' be longed to Mr. Doutier; the other to Mr. Mtimpten. Four minutes and a half later the other 21 leached their hoMes, each bird going to his own roost... The fastest , birds- had Made the 160 miles in four hours and twenty-four and a half minutes: the slowest in four hours and- thirzyLnine minutes This is good time -liar young birds. When. in June last old birds flew - from Sunbury, Pa., here, a distance of Vitt miles, they 'were four hours and a half in making the distance. According to the terms of the match .the flight yesterday - was called a tie, and another flight is to be made for the gold medal. Ibis Will he on Saturday, and ' t ; e birds will be tossed at, Elmira, which is 200 miles from New York, as the pigeOn flies. Each of the gentlemen will star. two birds, and there Ncil.t be a half hour's diffmenee between the starting time of each pair. In that way the owners hope to arrive at a satisfactory decision as .to the merits of their birds. WOI:KINGM EN.—Betore you 'legit' your heavy spring work after a winter of relx the), your system 'reads cleansing and stt i engthening to prevent an attack of Aglte, Billions. or Sprig Fever, or some uthelt\lip: lug sickness that will Unlit you for s `.son's work. Yon Avill save time, much sh mess *end great expense if you will use on bottle of Bittet s in your Emily this ionth. bon't wait. See oth •er column. NEW LOALS. --.---. 7 --- - M — Experience \ 'C Noyes the lissertion Init.. •• • TheNertical Feed Nwhig 3tachltte"ls the lv-r. \ 13w1. .--alb • \ - lg? ' Miss E.:J. MlNnos ikjust opening a , I , lv P.tic!: or Aitluton'Mtillnery G. tits, to which ,hz.,itivltt..3 the atfrotton of the tides.aur.".3.'' nal is t; ,, ,v for ra!,., at Puwel'.4 Mit-teraw toll, Pa., at plihll,lwr te s.raF. V.ll4‘t, CS' Roeem).)er—The Agent of the neik " Vertlenl Feet' Sewing Machine. challenges cone. 1,11 i ;Or We claim openly and boldly that Siming do iiiaNy Minis of sooltig iivrei,,ary• in every faintly that i;" nih r maiddne dii.. 13w1. " Vertical Feed Sewing Ma emu,. has teks rurt_: , „ clots wort work, does It al a4icr, and more perfect than any ottp,r. lawi. rs 7", Now, !Adios, your. are especially Invited to call at atm Lt.'s CrcTkery Store and oz. and this toooatch of ia•rfec,ll4.ll: or, it you want to hut' and ca :net comp to our Store. :wild us word.. Mori. — "ltte" Ladies, "Tile Vert iCal Feed Sew ing Maehine "4 Is worth as murh more for family use orer and abnie the old style, as they are worth more than hand tnachlues. 18w1. For: 5A11.E . .-1 eight years old 1150 lb. Horse, sound and reilahle : 1 three-horse Thresh Power and belt, recond hard; good order; 1 new and t nearly new Buggy; 1 boss Fanning Mill; I Singer sewing Machine :.1 pair Vol, Sleds. second hand ; 1 Farm 6rl acres, and I Farm i i acres, with Idult:l7r, and in go,tl:4lup. for - farautog. . • °mei!, , Aug. 'l9. S. N. littoNstiN. M . " The Boniii of \ Examiners iu their hist repot t. say of AV•11111N4111311N.ARY : "It af fords us great f.atisfaction also to mak,o mention of the discipline and morale of the S , shool. _A !though .past year hat itsen noted for disgraceful has togs and disorti.:ren many of the chief schools of the land, the goverranent of wyoinulk,sernieary imq commanded such respect from the largo num b,: of students In attendance, that the.standing as to the deportment to iv:tarty even• raze reached the" mtzimtnn number of :CO. First-class teachers are employer' in ail the departments. Normal and Col: tsgo preparatii% courses complete. The total ex. pence to Seminary, for Fell term, Fel. For a four months' course to gook 'Keeping and business idea Next term opens August 25th. Send - to Her. D. COV'EL AND. D. D.. „TOT 3 . le3talir,l, le, Kingston, I'a. aur,79-1 w BUSINESS I.OCAL. £ DRESS GOODS at reduced prices at 3. L. Essx's. - t9a,y2. i-1 Go to SHELL &• FAuxuAm's for best Millinery Goods. . . TABLE ► TI.RW ELS, at J. L.,KE Lir wiz HUNDRED LEM IMPS flail MO up as ems anti. - TRIMMED lENS - AudOer EN_AvrAir it Btu% . lar — EllOMPlOn i e GLOYE, FITTING COHORT sq. - ouoi. , , tar HOS RY ! HOSIERY I -HOSIE RY t All new at J. L. Itiurrs. Comma hls the best wearing %bee lot Men, Days and Iroothr Wear star Glared tit Towanda,"and at prices *Rhin the reach of all. ' ear Straw Work suta,Bleaching a spa. elalta , at 8311.1.1; k Fail:max* ti' PARASOLS and UMB RELLAS at lE J. L. sx T*B • '1111172. yr CLOSING OUT balance \ of Sum. mer Stork of Winer* Goals at GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES at STEEN Rros. \ 7. Cam" L. a . • • DOICRB challenges Re. ItiOn for quality of goods audios' : prices on Saab, I Blinds end I, building ma: (angl•tq, • Pr Mrs. E. 3 TRIMMED lATS for ONE DOLLAR and 'Mardi: Vir Tho Largest, Best and Cheapest lino or Sties - for Ladles'. Misses' and Children. wear Is found at Cousin's new stare. comer Male and Pine-its.. Tracy & Noble's nisch. apr47l . tir Co w es' Bakery Wagon, of the Ist Ward Bakery, will be on. liaadi Bally with Treat, erecters Dot from the oven, Bread,-Ptee, Cakes, de. spill far Den% you forget it. We have an excellent CRACKER MANITYAcTORY la tom at COWLES , BANERY, where you eau bay the beat fresb-baked crackers. lar J. 9 BLUM has receiveitlliEW STOCK Or LADIES' AND CRILDIIEN'S WEAN fer the Summer Vide, which heoffers at prices tar less than heretofore sold, and . at lower figures than .any competitor can duplicate. Call, esamlne and he convinced. Store on Main Street, south side of Bridge,sign of Gilt Boot. In2o. . fir CLOSING OUT SALE of Gold and . Slicer Watches, Chains, Fancy Jewelry, ate. The undersigned haring purchased at Sheriff's Sale the entire stock of %Vetches, Chains, Silver and Plated Ware, In the store formerly occupied by 31. MM. DELSIAN, and not wishing to remain In the busi ness, has concluded to sell the entire stock regard , less of cost, In order:to : wind up the business. Call early and secureharralnr. JACOIIB.. J' By universal accord AYER'S CA-' TIIMITIC PILLS arc the best of all purgatives for family use. They an product of long, labori uns and successful chemical investigation, and their use, by Physicians In their practice, and by. all civilized. nations, pries them the best and Most effectual purgative fill that medical skill eau devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can ariso from their use. In Intrinsic value and curative powers no other pills can be compared with diem` and every person, knowing their virtues, will em ploy them, when [IE4IE4I. They keep the system in perfect order, bad maintain In healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild,aparching and ef fectual, they are • specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus. .(erangcments of which -they prevent and cure, if timely- taken. Th 4 are the best and safest phosic to emplYy for children and• weakened constitutions, where a mild, but -effectual, catharilcis required. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 111310N—DE NC A ti.—At 7.leath. July:, 1878, by ltev. Mor.lB, Mr. Abel U. Dimon and Miss F.llza E. Duncan. M ATT 11 E Ii'S—POTTE ft.—,At Pottery Ille, A nvisi 1. 1878, by lter. Nlorrbk, Mr. Watson U. Mat. thews anti Miss Ella 31. Potter. MEADS.—On Tuesday trimming, August. 20, 1878, .laim.s Allison, son of James A. and Helen Pow -ell Mean , : aged 10 mouths and 12 days. PETTF.SUILY..—In Ylmlra, N. Y., on S!infLay. August 25. 187 e, Phtebe C.. Infant daughter .of Philander 1.. and Mary 31. Pettengtll.. _ The interment took place In plumb Creek. • HENitY E. DRAKE, - Corner Lake and Water Streets, ELMIRA, Y. Elmira, Aprll 18. •78-Iy. TOWANDA MARKETS. REPORTED BY STEVENS.ALONG, General dealers In Groceries and Uroduce, Patton's Block, corner Main and Bridge Streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 18711. • • witox.icsALs. nvrAm. Flour per MI 6 500 650 0 ale 70 0 Flour per sack ' 1 400 160 1 Mal 475 Corn Meal per IGO lbs .. 1 250 Chop Feed-1 70 Wheat, per bush 1 00( - . k io(o ,- ir:Grn 4toi 45 550 nye 5066 ' 00 es flats 25Q WO Buckwheat. :45 'MO GO Clover sced,modium....s 000 Timothy. WC 5 teru....... . . 1 7fo Beans, 62 lbs, 1 0001 1'25 1 500 200 Pork, mess 12 SEO . 050 10 Dressed hogs 05 Hams 14 Shoulders , ' 06 WI ' Lard 00 0 05 . 12 Butter, tabs • 120 16 120 'l7 Bolls • • 1::0 15 150 15 Eggs, fresh 12 14 Cheese IC( 11. 12 Grermittpples, hush - 250 30 4C(& 60 Potatoes, pershushol . .... 4 0 0 - 51€. Ontous 65 Beeswax . 28. _ 10 1 cotittEcXxo lilt DAYTON 4 BRO. ',). Hides 04005 Veal skins , . v .:. - . 40040 I Deaions '.410.30 - Sheering% 10025 fallow 05006 Wool'' 2..43)10 . .. NOTICE.—' --The people of Towanda and vlclulty are iniorined that Miss E. J. ,yOWEI.I. Is now prepared, to mate Switches, Pure, Puffs, made of Conit.lngt. 0111 Switches ant curls, and puffs made to order on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed, No. 15 Lombard Street, Towanda, pa„ • 13-it. ' NOTICE OF PROPOSED _ AP rqi: A CJIARTER.—NoIice la hereby giveMr:f IntenTion lo apply to the Court of Common Plea *.of Bradford County for • charter s fee an m.sociallan to be known as the "IllarArsoci at on of Itradfoill,Cou‘ty.'' The objects of the pro , posed ,Issortatlonoure, the Instruction and Im pr..vcrnent of Its ores here, the promotion of good feeling and brotherly intercourse, the maintenance or professional characterviml the formation of a li brary. IIENJ. M. PECK, Ell, GRIDLEY. N. If. C3ENOCIIAN, W. DAVIES, • Wif..PVTLE. Towanda, Ault 23, ta73.—Ang. 33 3t. TN BANKRUPTCY.—In \ the trlet Court of the United Slates for'sthe West. mu District of , Pennsylvanis. In the Matter of Winfield S. Kinney, Bankrupt.. Western District of Pennsylvania, es: A warrant in Bankruptcy bag been hinted byeald Court against tho estate of Winfield B. Kinney - sof the county of Bradford, and Stattrof Penneylvani In said District. adjudged a Bankrupt tigM peti. lion of his creditors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any rep.rty belonging to said BantrnpU to - blm or to his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by toy. A meet ing of the - cradi ors of said Bankrupt, to prove their dt bts and choose one or moss Assignees of his estate, will be held ate Court of Bankruptcy to be itott'en at Towanda. in said Distort, on the urn day 0' SEPTEMBER, - R. Ir. 1878. et 10 o'clock a. M., at the otliee of OVEItTON & 31EIteDlt before It. A. ISIERCUR. Esq., one of , the Registers In Bankruptcy of said District. FAitzinAm do all lIAWLS in ,gre mar anil Children,: .1; L. KENVF. NEN, NAPlifisTS and L". 1.113Y2. MARRIED. DIED. -- Now Advertisements. JOHN HALL. U. B. Mamba for said District. EEO Tit ITTICS. HOP BITTERS ARE THE PUREST AND BEST nirrEns EVER MADE. They are compounded from Bora, NAN. DitAKZ and DANDELIOIC,—the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines In the world and contain all the best mid most co ratlmproperties of all oth er Bitters, bring the greatest ni.oon LIVEn ttEurVATOR, and Life and Health Restor ing Agent on earth. • No disease or 111 health can possibly exist where these Bitters are used, tore. tied and 'infect are their operation*. They give new life and vigor to the agetrand in firm. To all whose employments cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary oirjralis, or who require an Appetizer; Toole and mild Stimulant, thew Bit tsts are Invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stlmulatinWtrtlOCT tsrtOglcertito. No matter w hat your feelingssymptoms are; what the disease or ailment is , use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick. but it you only feel bad or miserable, use tte Bitters at one.. It may save your lite. Hundreds have been sated by so doing: BrllllOollia will be paid tor a ewe they will not curs or help. - -- Do not suffer yourself or let year friends sullen but use and arge Mein to ale Hop Bitters. Remember. - Hop Bitters is no vile. droned, drunken nostrum. tint the Purest and BUt Medi. eine ever madel the “Invakttoe ratan, AND Hort," and no person or family , should be without them. TUT VIE BITTZUS TO.DAT:\ • , THY 1101 ' COUGH CURE AND PAIN liirmar. \ law" EX tie E o l:3 TroOlßgit to the estate of Daniel Ring;t e te tr u :fi l = township. decd, must make immediate payment, and elf pennon' hating claims against said totals, Must present them duly anthentleated for settle meet. JO - ANNA NINO. Nueellor. _ _ _ _ _ = EZEI MO rIPRIAIi LIST for &pranks? Tenn of Conk irk at Toweada; Its.; 21) 11111011. _ , .. O W Clatipvil 0 X Illaby i" :4 - '. ;:..:ens leAve Hemallow vs Onraellas Ilassigr sleet =lea X Itltebell vs Jams Kelley * eject .A Lewvs Foredaatitre ' ' XS Welsnn* v L s 0 X flawbfas lame Nary Drbeells use vs Mks Donnas 08 84 ._:_____.- 4 = o Named Walbeldge,va W W Deader w....... Midget Oomadly vs Wm X Stern vied Dewy D Shaer admr vs 0 II Welker etal.,.sel to Osell Peet vs Dwtirktaad rignsed ' debt D X Illaeltsma vs F 011weet lame Yard Natidnal BialtAtlieei Dee° W Xmas debt j Pi l d is it Se l l ini r eir y vaVV II TTI=r - W X arm vs J 1 Oortdm . reple l Va lt Adman Panne vs Wain Thompson". Coddles' aad ItapellvaTowaatallecodel Dlst 44 :ll B P X Coolbsae re guar vs Thomas Meredith .appeal Jae X Las vs Cleo Fez Mar appeal Pboda-Mat late Use* villeary A Ilartmak eel fa Chaim Timers me vs .1 Leroy Cortdm—assampt Baas A Park vs Towpsblp of Orwell cam i C VODCO vs Jac 0 Ward debt Meta Dame admr vs 0 W Doane Mover . JosO Ward vs Lebanon Slat Life Dm CO debt F=3l Clams Bask. Waverly vs Coddle! Unroll Villasas Bast, Waverly vs .1 D Mout/Aye. Juana ClllmasllasLWarertyvaelmusetyllltupellsempt Thomas Mathews vs Geo V Myer et II Abet Weller! MM. vs Dinah McMahen es V...asstript Mleglastrey a Childs vs James Man.." rep Alen Dewing aim vs Geo Vox ail' debt Pavia Gardner re Male Reamer ..... wt.: ..asampt L * Rogers sue vs Allen McKean imaipt IP Cllwlaht us vs Schrader Coil Co ' Deems Ileajissltt Wavier re Was 1buta110W......, ..... tor Wm 11Meeler vs KM Keeler asstspt Tredrtek ghat vs E C Herrick - Dover Isaaellsersa 1/ VC! RS Co CM J C Ayres Co n Levi Mone et al appeal Oes C !vs vet[ C Clallls aPPell P W McDonald) re A .1 Layton tamp's* 1S W Lass vs DS Pratt et al T Ts scl ta Isabella asetwell vs Ws and Chas Northrop eueet Janus Gibess vs TOM, McCulley trespass Units a Brows vs Darla Whipple. appeal Ws Justin vs DasslSCossadlne ' Meat Moses II Cerilmeall oil% a a T C! 1111Cm.ease Margaret 0 WM, vs David Luther trespass 'X L Prentiss vs Wm Peet buss Sebessaes 24 week retm fl Ilesday. Sept. 14 kW& eletweessee WI week reawasese Ilesday,Sept. Ills. BIMIAIIIII4 N. IPECL Pretheeouwy. Teem" Pe.. ker.& ISM , Owe Dries Abe:daunt& _ SILVER PLATED WARE! . \ A SPLINDID STOCK Of . .ROGERS 8 BROS' . KNIVES, - ORBS, ' - SPOONS, MUGS, ' BUTTERDISHES, CASTERS, Are, &c. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS A? EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ! CALL AND SEE THEM. T. W. ELMORE, 131 EAST WATER STREET. Elmira, N. T., Aug. 15, IEB. T ROSENBAUM & SONS,' J.J• - Dealers In DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, SUITS, &c.. kc., East. Wirer gireig, EI.MIRA; N. T The Ckaipeat and Beet Place in the Citb, OUR GOODS Ara taught for Cash. and prices are guaranteed to be as low as the !purest. EVERY DEPARTMENT • IS KEPT - surrialqi WITH TUE LATEST NOVELTIES. We elatm to do Ole YOST EXTENSIVE MILLINERY BUSINESS • 1• IN ELMIRA, .- And parties desiring anything In that line will find It to their interest to call and see us. As we conduct no fancy establishment, our prices Are always plain and modenste. The trade 'applied at the lowest wholesale pri• tea. Special Indatements to Cash easterners. Don•t forget the pinee— MR - EAST WATER-ST.. Rathbun House Block. Elmira. N. Y., May 1.3, 0 4 • o - tg 0 `td VI igl •11 v 4 0 H t I'. . tv cn i P Z. 7 -1 S. '4:l O 0 , - . ..=, rn a ; • 41 4 I . r . 6. w .6. •ai ...... 02 . 6 . . = .A rn w 31 a 0 01 , t.. 2 , o ..• 7:i cl a. 0 r ir:'. - PI 0 4- 0 ... ico 0 .., .es ~....om.. K r 4 tw, i ^ t-1 o. v• 0x 1 I 1 eT 1a :r3 . 0 . • # ;, r_ -:. , ! iil • Ili 1., GI _ ad g. ,.. .4 .;., k_ sp V, 'F. •i r, t" LA • g tz . ~, - 1 • , n F. t 4 ,F. . IA a =-i ts gi d H I V 1 V r z, ev el a E Y h . () * a 4 sq._. L • I v fti 0 eai ei or p V. , e 01 to. k I , 0 , , 24 • 0 0 t. R - ri 1 • 7 3 4 tl m —m -0 - w 3 2 4 a • , :1 o a . a .J , • is ' O 4 ''" 4 , ► 0 S 3 . •wii . i E. - 171. % .., .... ,2 A BTONISHIN.G. DISCLOSURES • • PREMIUM HARNESS STORE 1 • \ C. H. WHEADOH & BON Have In acrk the and assort. FARit AN \ D FINE HARNESS That eau be fe a tt i e&l: ni az Illger we betren 4 Albany SPORTING AN 'T URF . GOODS! A large yarl;'tkot TRTINKS e AND SAITHELS I A more complete inoth TEAM AND, TRACK l'`RlP3'l • A larger sad better assartetent ot \ LADIES' AND GENTS' RIDI:I4.O \ , SADDLES, lo y acc. ' . In arminatim. wa say that we Imre everything that 1110 be named connected with a boahooks of this kind, that we are anxious tom% Wake lapsed PULL DOWN YOUR TEST And •em• •p mad ma• n•, sad w• will d ••• What w• ••y. At . IN L WATIR SIIIIILT, - 11L1111/4 4 N.l IS. Sign of Ito Gold CHAS.. R. WHEADON Sr, SON FOR FINE MILLINERY--÷-, TRIMMINGS, AND LADIES• GARMENTS OF ~EVERY DESCRIPTION, • At Low Pares. RAPELEBA I HILL, re EAST WATER, STREET, ILMIRA i apr . Lead all competitory. ibis MN EN 0 Buy! -AT TUE TIBET FANCY. GOODS, M=EMI ~ E:3 HESRItriii.SALEE6-AV Thine etmolty mita Issued out of lb. Conn Of Common Tiesnof Bradford Voooty. and to Ise 'di. iected. I wM **panto_ *We rale esTRI/118DAT. the Mk day of AEGUST.II7II. at tbe d o'clock,the Court Hese; Is Towsada florongli, at 1 V. the follindag described property. to wilt • kfo. 1. Otto lot. place or parcel of land 'Mato In standlas Stone Imp.. bounded as fellows: Being floor undivided minnalf of a certain vi late tot, bounded and deadbeat as follows: On the east, north and west by lauds of James Espy, coo lants Macre monitories; all improved, with l store- 110.2. ALSO—One lot Malin. In Standing Stone twp, bamded and described as folloWs Beginning at the publte highway; thence northeast along the lands of Edwin Beelerto the red rocks; thence 'along lands of Patrick Boil 12 pets to tor; thence month Moog the lands of Patrick Boil to the public highway; thence west along the public highway 12 pers to Lrlwin Keelerclands. the place of begin. pdoureantalns 2 acres more or lin, all Improved, with 1 board shanty, Seised and taken Into omen tion at the suit of Jonathan Unmet vs B 0 DePew and L Nit DePew; • • No. L 'ALSO—One lot situate in Franklin twp., bounded as follows : On the north by lands of Har rison Crane and Moses Vangerder ; on the east by lands of John Wagner. Wm Wagner and James Roof; on the south by lands of Burton Drown. Mo. ses Walters and Elijah Make, and on the west by lands of Jim MeDaniels, contains 120 acres more or less, about 100seresimproired, with I framed house, 1 framed borsch:tit, I other framed barn with cow shed attached, and 2 orchards of fruit trees thereon. ' NO. 4. ALSO—One lorsituate in Franklin top, bounded as follows: On ther north by the public highway ; on the east by lands of James C Ridg way von the south by the ,Towarifin creek, and on the west by lands of James C Ridgeway, contains 3 acreamore or less; all improved. with 2 framed I framed barn, and few fruit trees thereon. il lf u crt. ALSO—One lot situate in Towanda Born, blended as fellows: On the north by lands of J 0 Time, east by lands of J V Means, south by lands of We, Welch, and west by Charles•st ; being about 110 ft front on Cherie:l-st and 110 ft deep, with I framed haul thereon. No. S. ALSO—One lot ablate in Towanda Bore, bounded north by Spntewat, east by lands of Dr. Weston, south by air ally and west by lauds of 0 11 Bartlett, being 60 ft front on Spruceat and 130 ft deep, With 1 framed house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution' at the suit of Ward it Harris vs John Lantz. - No. 7, . ALSO—One other lot situate In South Creek twp, bounded north by lands of John F Oll lette, east and south by lands of Allen S Parsons, west by lands of the Northern Central Railway Co; contains s'4 acres mors or less, all Unproved, with framed barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized - and taken into execution at the suit of NW If Carnahan vs Mary A -.loyal. No. a. ALSO—One ether lot situate In Burlington twp, bounded aorjh by lands of Carey Horan and lasso-Dull, east -by public highway, south by the Barwick turnpike, and west by lands of Carey Ito. ran; contains 67 acres monawr less, about 60 acres Improved, with 1 framed litinse, 1 board house, framed barn and orchard , of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Ed ward Overton vs. Charles Alexabder. \ Ne. 9. A LSO,-Orte other lot situate in Smithfield tip, bounded north by lands of Adam &bill, emt by lands of Andrew Campbell. south by the public highway. and west by the public highway; contains 40 arms more or les., about at acres Improved, with 1 log house, 1 framed bouso,l framed barn, black smith shop and orchard of fruit trees th.-rcon. No. 10. A7.so—One other lot situate In Smithfield twr, boundidetiorth by lands of Adam Schell, east by lands of Mrs. Eliza A Ford; south by the public highway and Lauda of Herman Tuttle and Burton °natio. and West \by lands of I'eter Brady; con. talus 60 acres morwor less, about 40 acres Unproved. with 1 framed hou4. I trained barn, and orchard of fruit trees thereon:, No. 11, ALSO—Oue `Ober lot situate in iSmitti field twp, bounded Hertibby lands ofJackam Wake east by lands of Adam ichill. south by - lands of Teter Brady, and west by lands of Wm Heruenway and David Soper: contalns t acres more or less, slant :0 acres improved, no bididhrgs. Seized and • taken Into execution at the sutt'of William Itussell vs Dorillia Ford. \ No. 1:.- ALSO—Or- -" ine other lot situate in Atlons 'Born, bounded u follows: Being loft Nos 218 and '219„ according to On on pl-n made -by.Orseu Rick ey for the lion Edward Herrick, recoraid in Brad ford Common Pleas. it being the same`N l . deeded to ENI Clark by N Barris and wife by eed da ted Dcc 1, 1873, with t dwelling • house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of\ N C fiat Hs vs E 31-Clark. • \ No. 13. ALSO—One other lot situate in AthNs rtrp, bounded north by lands of Henry:Kirby, twit s and south by lands now or formerly owned by John K per, and west by the public hlghwaf: contains ki acre snore 4.1 - Less, with I framed house and few trees thereon. Seized and.takeu Into execution a: the suit of Friendly Brothers use sa Mary F ear ner. No. 14. ALSO—One otherlot situate lu Wyalor. lug tap,, bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwest cor of S V Taylor lot No. 3, on the cast side of street running no the line of H & Joseph Gaylord laud t' thence south SO east. 71i pets to a stone core thence north 4° east 10i pets to a rot ; thence north 55° west 754 pore toa stone c-ron side of street ; thence along said-street south 4 0 -west to pets to she place of beginning; contains 73 pert of land more or less, being lots NOII4 3'1 . 115, according to Crifrs survey. subject to conditions In regard to fences mentioned In deed from Henry Gaylord and wife to C. C. Burch, dated Aug 20. 1870, and re corded in deed book No tea at page 431 Sc ; all im proved, no hnlitllngs. Seized and Mkt n Into,exe cotton at the stilt of G 1.1:tle, assignee, Le is C C Burch. No. 15. ALSO—One other lot situate in Asylum twp, bounded north. east and south by lands of E J Ayres, and west by the piddle highway contalbs ono acre of land more or less, all improved, vel!it 1 framed hoUee thereon. Seized and taken Into exe cut ton at the snit of J 11 Summers use vs Eilaslk, trick. No. la. - ALSO—One other lot situate in Lltehlteld twp, !minded north by lands of 0 C Everson. east by lands olEugene Underhill, south by lands of 1F; Wolcott, anti west by the i.ublic highway; contains 40 uses lucre or less, about 35 acres Improved, with 1 framed house, 1 framed barn - and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Wm Snyder vs Allen Stanton. No. 17. ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda Boro, bounded as follows : Being lot No 30 on the allotment and division of C L Ward, begh.ning at svelte of lot No 29 owned by John Griffin on Division at; thence south 874. went 58 ft and 3 inches more or less, to a car of lot_ No 37.; thence by the same and lot No 31 north 37ii. east 124 , 4 ft -to an alley: thence along the same, north 674° east .59 ft to lot No 1 29'aforesaid ;thence by thasaloe,-south 4° west 125 ft more or less, to the place of beginning ; twine the whole of lot No 30 aforesaid, with 1 'framed ouse, I fratred barn, and few frull trees thereon, Seized and taken into executioteat the suit of Canc. arise K Cook vs Westley Payne: No. 18. ALSO—One other lot situate in Wysox twp, bounded north by lands of Horton Vanness and John Laluphire. east by lands of Horton Tall ness; south by &ands of BettJ Bennett, and Un the west by lands of John tamphter ; contains-10 acres of land mare or less, about 3 acres Improved. with I framed Weiss, 1 framed barn and few fruit trees thereon.- 'Seized and taken on execution at a suit .. of .111 liesglin vs Josiah Smith. N 0.19. ALSO—Defendant's undivided One-half Interest in one. otter lot situate in Canton Born, anti bounded a. follows: Beginuang at the southeast car of lot formerly owned by.l K Seemly: thence north 6710 west 25 ft; thence south Ili° west 113 8-12 ft to the tenter of Towanda•st ; thence north 711.0 east 137 ft to the lot formerly owned by W J Phelps : thence north 15 0 west 67 ft to the horthwcst cor of said Phelps lot : thence north 71° Oast 32 ft to said Pheiro ,northeast ear; nailed north 15 0 west 120 ft to acor on the Joseph Beams, land ; thence 89t. west along said Beantan's sou line 93 ft to the west line of land formerly evou:d by C A Krim ; thence south gy. west 132 ft t,' - place of beginning; contains ,li acre of land ,- two.stos7 framed lintel. 1 thorned barn and ' sheds, other out4tellillugs, also - a iwo.stsr' store building and out.buildiugs beton& ‘ and one other two-story framed bulldl a meat market, and a few fruit trees t edand taken into execution at the xi r.l • , r a r t e , s I , r ../; 7 .4. t • 0 A t,er 0 IP , n A, rot E. Y 1. A" if n • e . f /the it h ranted 'framed ;thereto. bulllt for rterron. Selz- Alt of Caroline I S. Manley. nate' In Canton the James 'Fox oy Towanda-st. and /x estate. being about, t OO and Sft deep, with a bank, 1 frames! gro ereon. Ater lot situate In Canton / lands of Wtn Owens a Son, s'rodt, moth by lands of A 0 n alley ; contains ti arie mere /d. with 1 framed house thereon. Intl execution at the suit of 0 C taxi Rockwell. One ether lot , situate Smith hounded forth by lands of Adam /by lands of Andrew Campbell, south I,y /(highway : , contaltut - 40 acres more or less. acres Improved, with 1 log house, 1 framed blacksmith shop, and orchard or fruit trees O Manleys axe va S A Randall and No. 20. ALSO—One other lot at Bow, bounded north by lands estate, east by an alley, plinth -Vest by hauls of the James F 26 ft front on said Towanda. 1 framed building used to cery,store, and tin !Mop t hid 21. ALSO—One n Born bounded north b pAst by land~ of.A V Kelly, and went by / or leas, all Imtlrov Seised and take Strait use vs N No. 22. All.. field twp; &tall, easy the. publb about &V bant, A O. 23. ALSO—One other lot situate 'in Smith id twp, hounded north by lands of Adam SchIII. est by lands of Mrs Eliza A Ford. multi by the public highway and lands of Herman Tuttle and Burton (Austin., and west by lands of Peter Brady; contains 50 acres more 'or less, about 40 acres im proved, with 1 framed honse, I framed barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. No. 2+. A'i.SO—Ono other lot situate in Smithfield twp, bounded north by lands of Jackson WaVely, east by lands of Adam Seßitt:south by lauds of Pe ter Biady, and west by lands of Win liemeoway and Mantel Soper ; eontal,ns MI acres more or less, .about :nacres improved, no buildings. • - No. 25. ALSO—One other lot situate In Boiling ton lop, bounded north by the public highway, - east by the public highway, south by lands of r • Gustln, on the west by lands of Herman !Tuttle ; contains 2 acres • more or less, nil 'im proved. I cot er shop' and board shed. and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken' into execu tion at the stilt of William Russell vs Doi villa Ford and C A ):ord. . No 40.. ALSO—One:other lot situate In Canton boro', bounded and described as follows : - Beglne Mug in the east tine of Mix it Whittnab i la ..drug store lot at the northeast cor of the lot. herein dre ss-Tined; thence easterly alsong the south line of lands belonging to Lodge No 321, I 0 (5 F, 300 to an alley; thence south along the west side of said al ley about ltett to the north line of A 0 Kellev's 1m; thence nest along Kelley's north line about 40- ft; thence north along salirMix & Whitman's cam line to the: place of beginning; contains about 3.500 square feet of land inure or less, all improved. • - No 41. ALSO—One other lot situate In ..('anion bore% bnuheted and described as follows : Begin ning In the center of a proposed extension ot t'en ter-st at the northea.# cur ot .1K Wilglit's:. thence scat Mang J K Wright's north , line 163 ft to Bears alley; theuce north along.east line of Beal's alley '6O It; thence east along the south line of other lands of S J Hickok 105 ft to said Centel-ski thence south along the center of said Center-st 'to the place cif beginning; contains 11,100 square feet of land, improved. No 42. ALSO—One other lot situate in Canton ..born', bounded' aid described as follows: Begin ning at the northeast cor of the last above deacrili ed lot; thence west along the same 183 ft to' Beal's alley; thence north along said 60ft to lot of A 44 Kathy: thence east along said alley south Hoe to center of said Center- 1; thence south along the center of laid itreet to the pisceof beginning; con tains l .4 an 'acre more or less, with I framed house thereon. . No 13. ALSO—One other lot, situate. in Canton 'been...bounded and described as follows; Melo tilogin the center of Second-at In the line of lands ...of timeline Lod% ; thence south along the west line of said I.erltt lot 203 ft to Norman Rockwell's larrthence east along sald Rockwell'k lino non to themter of Center-at; thence north along the cents of said street 203 ft to the center at Second s% the • west along the center of Second-st 140 ft e, x6c to the Vice of beginning; contains nearly - I acts all improved.\ . .. , . . No 41. AIAO—One other lot situate la Canton hero' bounded,An4 described as follows 1 Berths - Wag In the emits, of be proposed extension of Center-ett thenetkontlierly along the center of said street 213 ft to the center of flecoad-et; thence nit erly along the center-of the flecondit 130 ft to the lands of J It Shakespetee; thence north alonf the west line of said Ohaltesprare, A J Merrett, a. atter Leavitt. :Soft to the' southeastern -car .of .Horace Vltch's estate; thence westerly along the booth lino of sald Fltelc's lot and Mhz elands at Hickok IVA% contains about 130 of an acroAtore in• less, all Im proved. • No 45. ALSO—Ono other lob E IWO In Canton *awe', bounded and described as folt tai Beg inn lug at the northwest awn. rof lot NO 3 I v.:write:lL but thence webt along the sumo 183% to Real's 'alley; thence north along satd Beat's - .alley 73 t; thence casterly,loft along the first described lot d lands of Norman Itoetwell 1115 ft to the center f said Center-st; thence south alontteulep of saki tweet Taft to the place of berinulag; contains 13,57 S ft of bind more or lees, with 1-framed house, and - . 4 ME CM • • er ontbilidLogs Burnam Seised andtaken Inters.. Swollen at the suitor-Million Et Jayne vs 11 .1 Rich.. off, A 0 Raley. 0 C Strait and J IdS Samar: No 41. ALSO .One other lot situate in Ittdgbary twp, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at estate and stones on rho public road leading from Centerville to John Larrison's residence, and on the Want line of Jim Smith's farm; thence east erly'along said Jim Smith's south line to John tu rbots`, land 176 rods; thence south to west' along said Larrisen't land LSO rods to the center of the creek: thence north 13° weft along the tenter of said creek ZS rods; thence north 36* west along said creek 8 rods; thence north along said creek 32 thenconottls 530_ west along said creek 43 rods: thence north 7tiio west 28 rods; thence north 8° west 21 rods; thence north 68* west 80 rude to place of begleuhri contains 83 litres morn °violin, about „itS imprisred, witn'l plank bouse.l framed barn,i old tog barn. other - outbuilding/4 and orchard. of fruit Loses thereon. Reserving the right of way across said premises, to get the timber of 13 acres of land belonging to Burt on the south side of mild creek; also tbe right of way In the most convenient point to get R C Lockwoors timber across raid premises; said timber situate on the south of said, creek. • - No 47. ALSO—one other lot situate In Bldgbury twp, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a white oak tree. It being the southeast cor of land formerly.or the estate of Danlel Dickerson; thence west on the line of said lands to the south west cor thence eolith along the line of lot .Noe to a post and stones standing in the line of lot No 8, sod thence north to the place of beginning; von t:llns 45 acres more or leso about 51 improved, with 1 framed barn, 1 log house.-ant orchard - of fruit trees thereon. - Seized and taken-int • execution at the suit of John Larrison vs Theodore tartisme. No 48. ALSO—One other lot situate in Columbia twp; bounded and deecrll,ed as follews: Beginning It a stake and stones on the line of lots between T A Andrews and Orville F. Watkina. and running north 8 perches to the centre of wad; thenCe east 20 ft to the centre of the new store-hence: thence south 8 pars to the line of lots of Orville E Wat kins; thence 20ft test to the place of beginnltt: with 1 framed store building thereon. No 49. ALSO—One other lot situate In Columbia twp; bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone on the line of lots betneen t.rvilkc E Watkins and A.ll Austin. and running north 8 pars to the centre of the road; thence west 414 ft; titmice south Bpens to the line of lots of Orvi le E Wat kins and A B Austin; thence east 4, ft to the place of beginning contains 12 pars of land more or lest. the two( iota above described being the same pieces of land conveyed by Uriah Ferguson and wife to Levi,Mourhess, one of the within named defend ants; by deed dated January tB, 1877. - and recorded May 9. 1878. In the Office for recording deeds, me, In and for Bradford County in Deed Book No 153, on page 551, etc.. Seized and taken into exeentloti at the snit of Simons, Sayies & Co vs llourhess & Stewart. .. , No 50. ALSO—One other lot Monte In Albany' , Seep, bounded and described as to - News: Beginning 1 at a beach to the line of lands of John Brown' I thence north 59° west 27 pets to a post; thentie 1 north 2934° east 118 pars In a stake on the bank of 1 the creek; thence north 4314 0 east 20 pers to a stake by the creek:thence seuth 3IW° east 22 pers to a Make on the hank of the creek; thence south 29 0- west t 39 pars to the place of beg - hieing: col - talus 23 Acres and 46 pars more or less. aneut 12 acres Ism', preyed, with 1 plank home anti few, fruit trots thereon. • Seized and taken Intl execution at the suit of N V Thompson is Alreanzo B Allen. Wo 51. ALSO—One-other let situate In Albany two, bonnded north by lends of F N Wilcox and E A Wilcox, east by tan-Is of Vann - Ike Dibble; south by lands of the George 'Hopkins estate; west by lands of Leonard Caryl; rontalne 90 acres more or less, about 85 Indiroved, with 1 framed honer, / log house, I teamed barn. •1 framed grain house nod abed attached, and orchard of fruit trees - thereto,. Seized and taken Into exisenth n at the suit of Jas II Webb's use vs Jolts Mnatch, No 52.. ALSO—One other lot situate In Leliey twp, hounded north by lands of Harvey Holcomb, east by .51arlin Holcomb's testate, south by the pub lic highway, West by Insets of A Hartnett!: being 5 rods trout and 10 rads deep; contains 50 rods of land more or less, with 1 framed house. I (newel barn, and few fruit trees thereon. • Seized and tak en into execution at the snit of 11 A Case, Asalgeee in 111 1) Mooney and B S.Teera - • ' • No 53. ALSO"4Iae other lot:situate In Athens twp. hounded north by lands of N C Hanle, east by the public highway, south by lands of N C Har ris, west by Keystone avenue ; contains j," an acre more or less, all impror,sl, With. I framed house, 1 shed, and few fruit trees thereoti. Seized anti-tak en-Into execution at the stilt of Batt Golden es Jets. emlah Snillvan and Jritnee Lambert.. No fel. ALSO—One other lot situate In Canton brarte,ihounded•and doseribed as nose a: Begins Meg at the northeast tier of lot No 55; thence east erly along the line of said lot No 56 and tot No 57, io7 feel more orlessto the cor at Division-streirt: fle:eee no: therly Wong the center of said street 225 rent More or lesitod lie center of Casson-sit thence westerly along the center of Cos-t:11-st 167 ft to the north Istcor of lot No (0; thence southerly along the lintsof sail lot No 60 712 fi s t° the place of be glum itglsbeite. the same more or less, Same being lots No 59ane50, as laid down 'on the village plot ' of Canton Mesle by tals V: C Orentt for Kingsbury. Newman 3: Col with I steam Mantles mill, e ith' all !machinery - Moist:atm - es belettglert thereto. -1 store house. lumber sheds. nail 1 framed barn ellereen. Seized and taken lute execution at the suit of E V Seymour vs S.l laic \dt. Also at the atilt of E C• , S•yinner vs Jerome E Seynemr. I No 35. ALSO—One other lot sltuste In TuScarora - twp, hounded serth by Nols of Lyman anti Bene dict Coltur•n, east by lands of Benedlet Coleirn, Alonzo Gray, Joshua Cortil\and Benjamin Singer. south by lands of B IV [Seats:: west by the public highway. amt lands of Ada llts>e s !termite and Alon zo Gray; contains Si arras mere, or IPS?, about 75 improved, with I framed house, qnsiner bait! and orelianl of fruit tress tie:rime. Seized anti taken into execution at the suit of Jelin It \ Overfield vs, , W Mime 31art tn. No 56. ALSO—Otte other lot situate lis a fFranklio twit, Mounted north by lands of Jelin L nits east by lauds of Burton Moen, south by lands \t ‘ f- trees Vanness. west by lands of William Rockwell: anti Elijah Blake: coma has 70 acres Wore or - less, about 41 Improved, with I fratu.d house 1 "framed Baru, atilt orchard of In nit trees. thereo\ Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of An- I drew Crane'a use vs .1 B Johnson. No. 57. ALSO—One ether lot situate in T ..y • borough, ICA/filled as fellows: Beg/111111T //./. CP /Ire of Elmira street. thence by sneth bound y of Spalding lot south 340 castle perelies to a c tier In • Sugar creek: thence along creek sonth-4 '•west - 4 patches to a corner! thence north 31 0 s - st 19710' perches - to centre of street aforesaid :- t enee along same north 57 0 east 65% feet to place beginning. cent:LIM:I 77 sqteare, perches of land more or less. No. 59. ALSO-41ne Other lot tuate In Troy borough, hounded as follows. tow.V: Regnante:: at centre of Elmira street, them be lot No. I south 34 0 'cast 19 7-10 perches to a cor cr In erok t theme along same south 47° sweat is• relies to s corner; thenee. by lot No. 3 north - 0 west 2!) , ., - perches to . centre of strent aforesaid : home along same north 57? east GSS - S. feet to place - if beginning, containing SO square feet of land, ore or less. - . i . No. 59. ALSO—On other lot situate In 'Troy borough, bounded en described as follows: Begin / fling at centre ofsEl tira-st,theece by lot N 0.2. south 34° east2oSS perch - ~ to corner It, S:ipr creek: thence along same -sont 170 west 4 p. reties to a corner; thenceby C S • SI • Kean's lot not tit 34 0 west 21 perclses to centre of . .Itnirmat ; thence by same north 57 0 east 65t S fee to the place, of beginnlng, containing 52 squire eches of Med. more or less, with one siwelting once, wagon shed nut hay scale?; and stone ft. .ntiallutt for barn and shed thereon. No, t• , ALSO—One setter lot inmate In Troy lore! Is - bounded as follows: Beginning at centre of F.inira street, theme: along line of C S BeKean's lo South 320 cast 21 perches to a corner in Sugar • cut thence along et-eck south -1?... west 6 9 , 10 reties to a corner: thence by land formerly of D / / ' Pomeroy. decd, north 36}s° west 22 perches to centre of Elmira streets and along same north 57 0 east 6 1-10 Derain,' to the place of beginning, con; taming 137 perches of land, be the same more or less. . No. 01. ALSO—One other lot situate Iti.Troy bor ough, bounded and desert heti as follows: Beginning at - a corner to Elmira street. thence try lot In pes , session of IC Packard :Moth 34%° cast 170 feet. more or less, to Ilse-of land of Nelson Adams; thence by the same to line of F Petnerp,rs lot ; thence try sahl Potnenty north 32% 0 west about. 155 feet to a cor ner In Eliulra street, and thentso along said street 51 feet to the plaee.of beginning, containing one fl fth of an acre, be the same more or lees, with one dwelling bourn and barn thereon. ' No. 62. ALSO —One other lot situate In Troy borough, bounded and described as follows Be ginning at a eorner on east side of Canton street., thence by lands of the Fitch estate south 49 0 east 114 feet to corner In Sugar creek ; thence scrub 4g o west along creek 29 feet to a corner: thence : north 42 0 went St% feet to a corner!' thence .. n it It 45 0 - west 20 feet to a corner; thence by boundary of. 11 IteekwelFs lot 82% feet to a corner; thence along . cast side of ('anion street a Mresal,l 49 feet to the place of beginning. containing 4,900 square feet of land, be the same mere or less, with ototnarket building', ice house and tailor stop thereon. Na 03. At-SO—One other lot. situate Its Troy borough, bounded and (11e90'11411l as follows : Be ginning at a cornett!: Couto!: street, iii nee noreh ittif east 24 4-10 perches along Canal street to a cm , net in Sugar creek ; thence by lands Of B F itedtng ton, and akrog said meek 9 38-190 perches to a cor ner: thence•Pytine of tot No. 9 north 85 0 west 25 8-10 perches to a corner In Canton` street; thence alongl‘ame 7t,i perches to place of beginnino. con : .talning 210 perches of land. mord or - 1e55..1% use , dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon. . No. et. - ALSO—One other lot situate in Troy borough, bounded and described as fohows: ginning at a.corner it I...ittion street. thence be south line of lot No. 8 2; 8.:10 perches to a corner at creek ; thence by lands of It F Itedington and along creek 4%.perehes to a corner ; thence by north line of lot No. 10 24 4-10 perches Io r mite tin thence along sante 44_ perches to the ;dace of be ginning. containing 119 perches of land, inure or less, with a few fruit trees thereon.. No. 60, ALSO —One other lot situate to Troy bocotigit, bounded nod described as follows; glottal( at a-corner In Canton-t n thence by lot No. 9 south 87, 0 east 26 4-10 perches ton corner: thence along cretlitttni 11110 of 11 F Itedingtort 41. pc:chcs to moonier: thence by north Itue of lot N0..11 to rtii 85 0 west 27 perches to a corner In Cantou.st :thence along Canton-at 4 perchrs to the place of begin ning. containing 120 perches of laud, more or less, with a few fruit trees thereon. ' No. CG. ALSO —One other lot situate , Iti Troy borough, bounded as follow.. Regina: ga: a cor ner In Canton.st, thence by lot No. 10 27 perches to corner; thence alone creek and Iltie of 11. Filed log. ton 4l perches to a cotter; thence north s5 O west 27 7-10 perches to a corner, In Canton-Bf. and thence along Cant:m..o;l% perches to thel:::teo of Mug, containing 12.1 pet chew of latid. neat e. or N O Ol2. ALSO—Inn:. Miter Mt sitnate ht Troy borough. bounded omi described. as fotlows : Itr- Inning a corner In Canton-sr. thence by it N0..11 27 7-19 porches to s eortmr, ; throe!: :Mrt.g.ereek and line of It 8' nellinglem 4 12-Ifo pcielles to a chr:er thence along lies of lot No. 13 north Sl'., 0 '2• 3-10 perch, a to a corn, r to Canton-et thetteent..m . ; .Canton-st 4 perches to the plaim of Neginiting. cote Mining 113 perches of land, mere or less, with 011.2 dwelling house.,thercon. No. 68 ALSO—One other, lot situate In Tr.y borough. birundrd and described, as follows: ite ginzdng at a corner in Cattton-st, 111 ..nee by Int Ni;, 2.5 3-i6 perches to a corner ; thence along erect: AI/11 line of it F Romogroo 4 •zi•oOpprches to a ,• or .- rwr : thence by north tine !!:( lot No. 14 reedit west 7.8 9-10 perches to comer in street. a fores, : 1;1; thence along Cantou-st 4 perches to thl , piece e r beginning, Containing 112. porches: oftsod, more. or less, with ' one dwelling hotn.o and framed sheds thereon. Nu. 69. Ar One other tot, situate in Troy borough, hounded , and deserined as hillows 10- ginning at'a'-torner In Canton st, thrice along s4•nth tine of lot No, 13 1:a 940 perches to a eornor throes. Wong creek and line of R'F Itedlngton :1!.: perches to a earner ; then.," north 8.1!4 a eat,t 29 7-10 patches to corner In Can ton,st„ and n)eace along sa lee percl.rs.to p:arr. or Iwginying,tottlarniilf: I GI porches of land, more or lees, ivith one Wang-liter haute thereon. . . No. 70. 'ALSO-0,4i other lot situate in Trey borough, bounded u follows: Deli/inning at 'a cor ner In Canton-st. thence along south line ut lot u. 14 29 7-10 perches to a corner ; thence along creek and lands of R Reitlngton 6 6-10 perches to a cor ner; thence - along north line of land of D Rock well north 5434 0 west JO 5-10 perches to a corner In Center-sti - thente along Center-st 55-10 perstoplace wt beginning, containing 165 pers of. land, inure or tear. No. 71. ALSO —One , other lot situate In Trey townalaip.boundFli as follows: yin the notth by the piddle' highway and lan& of I. Maloney and the' ripaliting lot; on tho east by theublic higlin ay and land of k Maloney, on the eo.it h and west by Inds of the estate .of O P Itallard, decd, CUlltallthig, per deed to said F . II I'ersen,SO acres of land, unite or less. till iniinove4. •' A.L. 1 .0 —tine other lot lituate In Troy I township, bound?d and described as follows: ginning at northwest 'corner of warrant No. (10E- Nu. 135 t) thence by lands Of T Cabo and Whea ler lot east •264 perchhs to a basswood:: thence by C lodge lot south 160 petcbss to rat in north line El of Vanhorn ; thence by sante and lands foretells of J. 31 011rer au4 .01;Marray-west 264 perches to • post' thence hylande of 0 P Ballard and.; id Smith north 160 perches to place of beginning. containing 244 acres of land, more or, less, nearigall improved, with oue &Welling house, grintary, barn'and sleds and few fruit trees thereon. No. 72..ALSO—Onerother.tot situate ID West hurlington township, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at northeast corner of lands of. O Rockwell. thence south 10 0 east 52 perches to a post; thence by NI Rockwell north sr west 136 perches to a post ; thence north 10 0 west by same 142% perches to a post: thence aonth 86° east by Stephen's and Geddard's lots $2 perches to a post ; thence north 144 0 west by Goddard lot 137 perches tea post; thence south 78. West by saws-20 perches 10 a post ; thence north 12° west Velma 24 perches to a white ash; thence south 88 0 east 62 040 perches. is a . post; thence north 10 0 wait 665-10 perches to a* . post ; thence north 24 0 east 16 5-10 perches to a post; thence north 2 0 ..0a5t 34 porches toe post ; thence With sr east 64-perches to corner of Al Ballard ; thence south 2 0 east 366 7-14 perches to a post; thence south 87° west 26 646 perches to a post; thence north 88° west 42 perches to the Place of be ginning, containing. 350 acres of land, more or less, about 7.00 acres Unproved, with one dwelling hoUse. g•tinary, two barns and sheds and a few frail trees thereon. Solzed and taken into execution "at the nun of Pomeroy Bros' ye Franklin II Person. .Bto 74. .ALSG:—One other lot situate Itc..Wysox twp, bc004511 north by lands of E B Whitney and (Mattes Baughert , , east by lands of N N Parks .and Adolph tithes, south by lands of E It 'Wiggins, went ;awls at A L Goviline .tuistlecti It Brown: mut/sips 79 acrei more or less; about 60 Improved. with. 1 framed house. I board shanty, 1-framed hare, other outlittlkiloge,•and 2 orchards of fruit trees th,treon. ~f_toixtul and taken into4execution at the suit of .13nres Moort: vs John Snlltiah. . No 75. ALSO—Ono other tat litoate in Canton; bora% hounded and desetibed as .follows :" Begin ning at the northwest cot of a it:loft:out belonging to 3414 F "Steelollanel. and, on line of lands of the 4 It; thence south SOSo.east Malt to the line of Center-st; thence south 12 Na - west along said street 70 ft to the northeast cor of said r .N 31e- Gotland lot : thence north Stl4 o vest along said F N 3iceleiland's north lino to the line of said Taliroad: thence north 12V 0.5 . .. t along the lime of s:dd railroad to the place Of. beginning: coma): s 8:760 square toot of land more or less; it being one vacant lot of land. Seized- and taken lots execu tion at the suit of P N McClelland vs Ti No 70. ALSO"—One other 102.10D:etc In Towanda twp, bounded and desetibed as follows: Beginning at -a cer en the:lane between S C. antl'J W Means and Miller Fox on the road leading across the To. wands Fiats: tlienee north 71° east 871 2-10 fr along salal Fox line to a post: thence north 26 0 20' west 'lOO feet to a prim: thence south 71°, 30' westren 2.40 feet to a piston the east side of the said road lend- Ing across Towanda 'Flats: 111.nee along the east side of Nald-road 30 0 , 80' east 120 feet 'to the place of beginning; contains 2 Beres, be - the arame or less,mll lint:roved, with fi framed house; 1 fram ed house; .I framed barn, and few fruit trees there• on.. Seize Jana taken IMO execution at the suit of W W Bontnari*.s use vs Patrick Constantine. - Ni, 77. ALSO—Gee other- lot situate fin Wysox twp, bounded north by lots N 0.5 and 8, east by 'Pennsylvanla avenue, south by Vine-st,. west by Brad font-et; being lots No 6 and 7of Block 'No 8., and Being each 50ft front and 150 ft deep; as will more fully appear on map of-Mercur, Morgan.; it Manly's sub-divislou of East Toarabda. Recorded In Deed Beck No 110 on page 13. etc. Being same' land conveyed by Hiram Nichols and wife to .1 C Schoonover lay - afeed dated August 29, 1876. Seized and taken into execution at the suit 'of Win Kings ley's a=i ts .1 C' Schoonover amt.% Schorimayer. • N o 73, ALRy—rato, other lot sitirate in Tuscarora twp, boinstled•north by lands of-George C Atwood,• formerly Albert and Badly Mitchell, N .1 Cogs well. and (.11r.:; Smith, east f,y lands of Wm F Co burn and G mg.! 1)11 n zer, (formerly the 3faxflelal lot), and Wan If ChriStian; and. an unoccupied lot elalaned by I_ 4 anmel Tea ksbury_ south by lands of Wan ll•Clarls' fan analvarant lot - claimed by Sainuel Tewk.sbury, and land* of Dr N".l Cogswell, west by •To=marora Creek and lands 'of George C' Atwood, 'formerly Albert Mitchell: contains 11l acres more . or less, Mem; 90 improved, a ith 1, framed home. 2 f ranted tarns - I framed granary otter outlanll.l - and 0re1;3.4 of trylt treed thereon. Seized `dud tak^n Mtn execution at the suit of George C Atwool vs Bela Cogswell. A N DREW J. LAYTON. Shedd". ShcrilCs,pilice, Towanda, August 7, 1578." SHERIFF'S SALESHIIy virtue nio x • EIM=MCIEVIME \ N o . 4. Al ~str —One other lot situate In Athens. twp, bounded and described as follows.; ileginnlt.g In`llie nibidle,of Center-st at the southeast is of till 0,, being also the northeast cor of lot No .10: I thent\z running westerly along the north line of said 10t,,N0 50 s2li ft _to the southeast cor of tot- No 10 ; pone° northerly along said lot 40 ft to a cor ; thence easterly parallel rith drat described- line 52.1 t ft• to he middle of said Center-A; thence southerly along the center thereett -to ft to the place .of beginning , :tylth 1 framed house and few fruit - trees thereon. Wtizell and taken Into execution at the suit of The Bradford Loan and Building Asso- . elation of Athens Township ys W A Payne. No, 5. ALSOOne,other lot situate fit Towanda Belo; bounded north hy•Poplar-st, east by lands of Cris:wadi!, south by 'ands of .1' F. Means, and west by landsof Holmes \k Passage: being about 50 ft wide atid-130 feet deep,. with 1 sprit:4;of water thereon. Beitt,.l the saute lot contracted \ tei be sold by W. 'Smolt:111M Bradford County. _ NO. G. ALSO—This Undivided - one-half of one other bd. situate - In `Towansirc \Borough, bouml ed north- by lands or-Mary Jatte Shcpatd and John . Posy,- on the eted -by 1:11kils formerly Owned by J W Allen..soutlr,by Peplar.st, and v. - est`, by lands of Isaac 'Middaugh t.heing Shout 53ft wide and GO' ft deep. with 1 fratned.house thereon. Seiz ed and tateminto execution at the suit of Sarah .E.- Setulll vs. IV Brainhall, Bradfsird- County, M 0 Moody and`Phebe Jane Moody.N.- No. 7. ALSO—One rubel-dm - situate In Litchfield twpi, hounded north by lands of JashuiMerrill and. Fred JOhnson, east by lands of George `Lamorerix, smith by lands of A ir Munn. and' west liy ‘ lands of Jonathan ilatithick and A I.! Elshree : contains 59. acres more or less; about 55 acres la:proved:with I_ -f ramed hOuse, 2 trained bans, and sheds, antllcult trees thereon. Seized and-taken ,Into executitOt the suit of -A •C' Elshree vs Samuel Parsons and (leo W Iltuttsling. . No: R. 1 1.50- , --One other lot situate in Smithfield twp, bounded and described as follows : Beginning MA post - and stales In the lute Of E 12 Wilcox lands; thence by the said E 17 Wilcox lands north 3,ti..° salt 122 6-10 rods to a post and stones for a cOr: thence . isv lands of Reynolds anti Manley, south Fio staid 102 3-10 rts.l9 to a post for a cor; thane,* partly,by hinds of James Coitus, and tartly by Wok or T1,,,-ideas -Murphy; scouts 3 1 ; 0 north 122 6-10 rout' to a post and musses for a COI': thence by lands of James FiVie, north SF' AN e,...i10 t reels to the pace of Itttginning ; esti:talus 77'.f ac-es More or less; abi4d 61 acres litipro‘ed, with I framed house, 1' framed barn, I trained burs'-fund, 1 cow-house, and an orchard of fruit I reeS thereon. Seized anti , taken Into ,ixectition at the malt of OveriOn St Els 'tree and ll'Elsttree vs James Fivie .4- (lett Fivie, .Hiram Farnswmthat.ll Wm-11, Scenten, T. T. No. 9. A 1.5. - O.Ciee other lot situate in Ulster t wp, bounded and descriltad as follows: lb-ginning let tlie veldt-cot - the high,* ay, rtinutteg south fti° clod riding the highway 38 'rods; thence smith 50° ea=t 29 rods: thence north 32 0 east - Ity lands of . (leo Lamm.. aa, S.rotts; thence youth:l2 o west by lands et h; it Miller 7 rods : thence south 2° west 20 rods; thou.,: went 61 rods : thence . assert 2 0- erott 45 - rods by lands of I-ald Lanieresti to .the place of begin ning ; I'OLII,JijIS 11 acres and 50 rods of laud more or Jess. mostly improved with 1 framed Leese. 1 fram ed tarn, I framed wagon shop, and few fruit treeS thereon:" Seized anti taken , into execution at- the suit of C 11 Manville; 1.1,Z Ns II A Bralmrd, . No.-50..A LSO—One other lot situate In Athens twp., - .),,ontivd and tlettcribed as follows: Reginni,,g , - In (t tee of South st at dile itorthwest cm of lot 73, and- rotating thence at right angles with South st 112 ft to-lands of D S P Clark ; ill- nee West , •riy along said : laud OG ft to a cur of lot Ni. 7.1: tlienetx aloi.KJ , ald lot 11S f - t. to the et-titer of Sadth-st net it to Ilia place of beginning ; reservirg 12,1- s ft lit width Ott Soitth:st for highway parposes. with 2 f rained houFet; and 1 - f r.lint'll tarts, and . f e w fruit_ trees dolmen. Seized and taken, Into * execution at 'ln,. snit or iti,..vord 1,4 s awl litiljding A'ssoelatien of At hens Tes. - nsitip vs John Curran. . No. it. A I.sit--4 me other lot situate in Rome ' tw in'tuttuiti?_:l and deserihed as follows; Beginning at ilia venter of-the nubile read the 501111.W1224. COT la lauds - or C lit Van-Winkle; thence by the south litic of the 5.3111.1e3,t 79 i.trs lo a. -stake and ;-titiles e .r ot'E. W Taylor:, thence by the, west Bite of the satins south aN ‘‘est 35 8-10 porn to a stake cos of said Taylor and Witt fl t i aras; thence north E6-i' ,l west 79-) era to the center of said public. road ; thence along the centerof the samenort it 81 , 1- 0 east '3l 2-10 per., to the pla-ce of beginning: contains 16 acres antIRG pets !intro or less, all ,Iniproved, Ntr.l2. 'ALSO—One other lot'sltuatc In Rome -twp._hottlided and described as follows: Beginning at the Inters.tetbms of time public road, south cur of a tot of lard" now 'owned by. Orson ,hickey: th,. ne ,, it..riti 47 0 cast 27 pers to a cot of Danford 'Chaffee , theoste Icy ilie tint: of this said Chaffee and ,Mrs . Yo.n.t Smith 6.° east 72 hers to the line of Nancy E Marti:llln ;It. la'a along lice lira, Of the bank: , s AV:: 2. 2 ' 5 west 35 5.10 pets to a cor on the lei I tlic I cm' : . thetit - e aleog-t lie sumo tooth 051 ~° cant n 1,..,r 3 to a tor 0 S Ma e test d's ; thence, altto ; :, Dv lit, of Inc tame :aettli,ll o Sc est. 12 2-Ilt porn to the south:we:4 coy t f :411,1 Maynard: thence al , :tg Ille line of the saute north SO° mat pars Co' the west line of 1: W Taylt.r.: the hoc atleng :he 1111 g of the tame youth 12° west :11 pers to lle , t e'er of E Towner: ;lame , ,out; tlut Sine of the said Teas seer awl C ill . Van Witiklc west,l3: 7-IS per: to the I. 4 mter trf the pub lie road ; theuce,aleng the • enter of the none north e.tot 52 p roc to. •Ilw pl . .ac. of IttTinttiog ; 1 ettl• 'tain,.43 Hell, and 121 pets of land toot., or Ices; ' alutut 3o ...eres I 11,14. A I:II, with t h .. ..Li:112d /1.1111!, I t rill:11,1 :Idle, ::::.1 few frnit trees thereon. seized . ;: u,i'laken in 0 VXl.l . lltil in at hill ' suit of x7l: Da Long Vs I:4JAN - ell Culver. : Ilw4 ;se. ta. A- Ll-0-0 -e other Ittbaltrutte iii Burling Some Mir. bon:tiled tlerill by land. of widow If dight, ea-t by the Barwick tuinpike, south and west 1w lands of widow Notre: contains one-half acre More or letsz ;.iinproi - ed. with. 1 framed - house., 1 frrair.- ed taro, and o. few fruit trees thenvon. Seized and talOto into exe,-at len at the snit of Jet • es .3lceitbe and Will la m II Edwards vs Ceorge Walborn and .M A Walborn. N 0.14. , A LSO—Otto Giber -lot situate In , South Creek top, tonna:tit north by the New York Stale lire:, east by tlettrvellunliatu's land, south by lot . No 3, on a draft made as surveyed by James• A Parma (Cr Kirby & Adams and now owned by them; and meet by Mud contracted- by said Kirby & Ad. sins to Ames Fenton ; this tract' being lot No on said draft, and contains 100 'acres more or less. Being the same piece of land conveyed by Sylves ter W. fail to Frank 0 Allen by deed dated Feb 11. 1473, -turd reeordedin Deed Book N 0122, mine Ins &c; - excepting and reserving therefrom one. halt of all the wood and timber being and standing on said lot, for,the tenn of three years from the date - hereof. as collaterat security for the purchase money of raid nrentisest atstut 4(1 acres, improved. -n It Ii I. board Lace, I framed barn, and young oral :kw of 11141 trees thereon. Seized and take') into eteeutlen at'lho suit of sylvester W Ifall vs Frank li Alton: . - I : - No. Irt.. A LSO-,-Ono , oilier lot situate to Leltoy Imp, bounded north by.tho Towanda Creek. eastil 1 the pultites highway known age-the Mouutain road, i st nth by lauds of the Schrader Coal aild Land Com. patty, and weed by lands of F,A Ifojelmb ; contains 4G acres morn or less, about 33acres Improved. with 1 framed house. I framed ham 1-tramed atop, and fear fruit trees . thereen. Seized anti 111 V .31/ :IMO . LogaL Legal: eveentlon at the Stilt of.o f. Bull, use, vi jartien ?leering. • - . Nu. lii. ALSO - One o t her lot situate IA Towanda -,* Berm bounded north by the, north litre of land sold' . by Enos-Tompkins' to defendant; east by missal ~- ••• by defendant to Carey.. TIMI and others, south by ~ . ' '`. other land of defendant and -by lot now *scripted :•- - by Mrs Wheeler, and West by:Fourth-et: being . ,-- . about 200 ft north sad south, and about -154 It east • and west. - Seized and taken Into execution at the .- -' suit of Walter.° Tracy vs O D Bartlett. . . • No. 17. ALSO-one other lot ettuate In ULM- •, . field twp, bounded north by 'auditor .3 Hunt sad _ 'Win Canner, east_by lands of Win II • Canner and " Inv a private road, south by said private road and lands - . of Jlt Brown, and west by land/ of Owen Park ; - ". contains about 78 acres more or less. about 45 acres Improved. with! framed hot*, I framed bans and sheds, and orchard of frldt trees thereon. Belted . . nod taken Into execution at the suit of AC Hunt ' - ra John Bradley. Also at the stet Of B /Ball, use -- • vs John Bradley. . . • -- - - No. le. ALSO-One other let situate In ,Athent ' - twp, bounded and described as follows: Commene. leg In the center of the. highway leading from Athens to. Waverly, at a point 47. rods north of Ells ' as Msthewson's northwest eor in said highway and" running thence south.2 o weste'along the center of said highway 3334 rods to the : center of Pitney-at . - • no called; thence 'loath 83 0 10' east 81 70-100 rods ' to a lot sold to Charles O' Smith ; theme tanning nortlealoug said Smith's line 23% rods to lands‘of ' D L I' Si Atinyder.; thence east along Said Snyder's lands to the place of begluulng 81 71401 rods: con. s e ' tainel2 acres more or lent, all Improved, with 1. -, framed barn thereon. -Being the same plece of , Inert' cotiveyed by Rodolphe& Brown and Charles • 31.Drinrsp and wife to George Rogers by deed eta- red April 21, 1849, and recorded in Deed Book Nn ftl, at p ge 54, litc. Seized and taken Into-execu tion at the suit of The Citizens Bank of Waverly,. '. e N Y vs George Rogers. • ' No 19. A Leo--One other lot Waste. in 7 Herrick - tali, bounded north by lands of Hamilton Morrow,* . east byeatidi of Hamilton Morro* and John Brats- . yen, south by lands of, James 'Fee and :ands for- • merly owned by Richard Graham, west by lands ` s formerly oarndd by Richard 'Graham and Samuel • Billlngsfeentains 33 acree triore or less, about 15 improved. with 1 Small house and stable thereon, ' Snlzed and taken Into execs:lion at the Suit of John Weliert Ifielenhackeve Cyrus:Avery. • - ' . Nte 2a. ALSO-One other lot situate In Toe- --. we:Ala-Moro and Towanda twp, bounded - east by the read leading from Bridge-st, south by, lands formerly mimed by - William Patton. west by lands ' • of Ledyard Chmthel .forinerly - of William - l'atten. ' mid north by lands of the heirs of David Caehede- . ceased, being 9 rods fronton salt! road leading from . .Bridge-st. and running back from said road on a / • line parallel with the line of the said heirs of Da vid Cash, deceased ; centains 2.te acres roore or less; e --. all improved, with,l framed house, and a few fruit - trees thereon."ming the same piece of land con- • • veyed by Jaineell Phlnney and wife to Jno d Grit- _ - flee by deed dated March 23, 1873, and recorded in Devi Book No 111, at page 208, &c. No. 27. ALSO-One other lot situate In Toweuid , twp, bounded and described as fellows : Beglnnin !. - at a a post by the west side of Rail Road-st r-the .e 1 by lot owned by Mathew Mee, north 8434° wes 150 , , ft to a•post ; thence by lands of 0 _V Mason. orth . SOS° Peet 50 ft to a post : thence- by lot conetacted -. to Mathias Stennis. south 84 y, O east 150 jt to the ' west eide of Rail !toad-st ; ,theete along ber same, • \ south 51.10 west Eelt to the place of . be nolngt It \ : being a lot No 87 of G 9 Itason's pia' f South To- - \ 'wand& and conveyed by Warren HI and wife to . '": Jito .1 Griffiths, by deed dated. Dee 49, 143. and re- - e s' corded In Deed Book No 1;8, at ge 464 & c, with II -- l e 1 framed house thereon. - , No. 20. ALSO-One other lo situate In Athens Bowe bounded -and. describe as follows : Beetle. • lling, at a post -on- the *cut side of Sfainlqk the northeast cor of a lot creme he WII Shanty ; ffeve - aente the north line of tl s aid Shipley's lot. north " 1 7V4 ci west leee pens : ill nee north 12ei ° %Via 3 2 -1 0 - , pees: thence south 77' ° cast 12 3 e pees to a post on the west side oretal et ; thence south 123e° - east `3 2-10 pers_to the pt e of beginning; contains 40 - pers more or less, ithl framed house thereon: It • being the same eee of-land eonveyed by J 1) 11111 - " aed.wife to Ju J Griffiths by - deed dated Nov 18, 1074, stel rec ;led In Deed Book No 123, per 255. 7 No. 30. AI _O-Om' other let situate In Towanda Born, born eel and described - as follows : Begin- . Ling at ti uoithwest net of William l'atton's brick _- block ; t epee north 2s- ft along Iflallilet ; thence - ' eaet ti lie Susquehanna river; thence down - and by sa river se ft to lands of William Patton; - the 'n along said Patton's land to' the place of bee - el rung. sr 1: itil 1 framed ailtlingused for thee stores in Sialtest. 1 cooper shop and I blacksniith's shop hereon.' .Excepting and reserving therefrom the ' right of way of the Pennsylvania and New• York Casual and stall Road Ceptpanyehningh said lot as • It Is now loeateil : It being the.same piece of land ~ conveyed bre 11 Patch and wife to Jno J Griffiths - • by deed dated March 3, 1065, and recorded in Deed_ - Beak No 70 at page 170. Also all the right, title e and Interest of said John .1 Griffiths in and to a certain brick wall standing on the north side of ' said lot and weir-thing se - W.l framed building used for stores. ise.. an set forth In a - contract frnm 31 E se:lemon to said .Ino .1 Gritlithe, recorded in Deed Beek No s 7. at page 413, Nes, and dated. Ang. 8.18418. • .. No. 31.. ALSO-One other lot situate In Leroy and Canton twps, bounded and deseriled as fol lows : Conn - tient - este at a post ; thence by . land in the warrantee frame of 'Witham Bell north 71° east - ••• 22losers to a sugar tree cot: thence teveland in the warrantee name of William Wister, south 22 0 cast * tee pers to a beech cor on or near eswanap ; thence . • wo=t- 313 pars by land In the warrantee name of - JllO Singer MO pot:: thencu• north by land In the war ranees statue of Hulbert Shaw, 28 pers to the u place of le-glinting: contains 417 acres more or fem. (re s.-sling therefrom 8t acresand 150 pert thereof wild to. A Bloom.) it being the equal undivided one,- • half ,if eatd tract after tiedurting said 02 acres and lee pers' as aforesaid and in the mete tract that was purchased by Elias Rockwell at Treasurer's sale of unseated latuds in and - for said county of Bradford, :Owen the Year 1834, and who conveyed his Interest ' - e in tire carte to the said Niram .Rockwell who - has l• al ss Parthased the onestandine claims thereto of and from Edward Overton. W el'attone and the heirs of John N Weston. and being the same piece of had conveyed • y Strati Rockwell and wife to .the .1 Griffitbs by deed dated- August 2, 1845. -and - recorded In Deed hook No 87. at page 55. he. - . No. 32. ALSO-One other lot situate In Leßoy < , Iwo. bounded and described as follows:. All the right. title and interest of them the said Abraham Martin and Semi , Ills wife and their heirs and as- . signs In and to all the said balance of the land re. mainieg :insole try said Abraham Martin and Susan • iris wife. which is contained or embraced in all tboee several itracts of land . respectively ; In the . werrantee names of Jehn Barron Jr. which was • ' . • preenteueto Jelin Barron. Frederick Bates, paten- ' „ tent tci Frederick Bates, lienee Beek, patented to ' - John Barker end George Pfeifer, patented to Wit loin Barker and !Beate to - Leltoye formerly Can- toe twp. Bradford county, State of Pennsylvania - aforesaid.. the title to welch aforesaid several •tracts atone' named by sundry eonveyances duly Accented according to laws became duly and - legally vested-in fee simple In them the aforesaid Alin, lain Martin and Susan his wife, said lands remain- ~ ing unsold as aforesaid, and -herein intended to be etetveyed by the said Abraham Martin and Susan Iris wife to the said John .1 Orblithie in fee, simple anerforesald, issupposed to contain or embrace the quantity of 406 acres more oriess; being the same _ plusee of land cenveyela by Abraham. Martin and - wife to 'No .1 Gri ffi ths by deed dated Oct 4, Illeste - end recorded In Deed Book No 102, at page 331,, &c, , - • no itnprovements. No. 32, ALSO-One other lot situate In TS:weeds •Ilero, hounded tend described as follows : Begin- - nine at a post on State-st at the Intersection et said , etreet - with an alley ; ebence southerly along said • alley too ft : thence westerly and parallel with said street 30 ft: thence noitherle and, parallel with Feld alley ICOJt to State-st ; thence eastfrly along said street to the place of- beglnnleg : with I fram ed bonne thereon : being the same - piece of land , conveyed be H 11 McKean and wife to Juo J Grif fith:4l)y deed dated Jan 11, 1571, and recorded in ' Deed Book No 103: at page 139, he. ' , • No. 33. ALSO-One other lot situate In Asylum twp, honnuled and-described as follows I Beginning sat a stake at west cor of Vandermark - slot adjoin- , ' ing lands of John Westbreoks: thence south , 02 0 west ell ivre tea stake corof John Westbrook and , . Chines Zntru : - thence north 2 4 west 64 pets to , :.take In car of highway: thence north 58 0 east 34 - perelo a stake in said thee; thence south 68 pent to place of legineing; contains 111-: acres more or e tete. partly improced, with I Icehouse thereon: he log saute land eonveyed by B F Borman and wire - by dent reeorded in Deed Book No 109,41: p. 331, Ac. NO. 34. '% I,SO--One other lot situate In Wysox hvp; blnuteled and described es follows: Itegielllifff at a stake rind stones near the turn of the road lead lee towards Towanda Eddy; thence south 75 0 east el pars to a stake and stones on the bank of the ca. .' ins!: thence bounding. upon the samee south 34 0 Wecb;thollit 55 pees ; thence en the west line of the -Shepherd Pierce farm. 'relining north -7 0 west 55-' . pole to the place of beginning: contains 5-acres and 137 se•rs Of laud more or less, with I framed 'house and few fentt trees thereon. e „. , No. 35. A I.SO-One other lot situate in . WysoX - • twp, honteled and described its follows: Beginning an a eret en thecnst bank of the canal,. and run- . :ling south 27 0 east 3.4 pers.! to. the river: thence tourer 21° east 2O i,efs to a cor: thence north 37 0 W,-et 40 pees to the east bank of the canal t - thence • .nth said venal andeAnnuling the same. te the, place . or begi n ning; contains 4 acres and 23 pees more or - less. all inguroyed. ' The said last two plj'ees alewo - described being the sante land eenveyed by James, - - etelnlerry and e Ire to John .1 Griffith by deed dated. JIII:V It, le7 2 _ end recenied in Deed Book N°••111,. at page 391. ..te. e. - - No. 36. ALSO-Two other lots situate in Towan da Bore and Towsnulettyp. hounded and deserWd as MICAS'S: The first of said lots cornmenute at e . the northeast cor of the let intended to be costx4.. et,: at the casters terminus eff the • line fence gold when the reljettring tot was occupied by Mrs iteetiett ; thence southwurully along the west side 1 of the road new known as Briulge-st -Extension. 20 ryes to a ear: thence wuedwardly and- parallel with - the semi line of the lot - lately occupied by -Mrs ' lemeett as aforesaid. and now owned by William Se:pek, le ain, aetor on the line of lards lately - e m owned by Leilyare Chaapel : thence northwerdly . et:mug yettl Chaapel's Ilse and parallel with said • Bridge-et Ettensien. 20 rods ton cor: thence eest nen-My along the south line of the lot lately ocen• pled by the said elrs.Bennett and now owne.l by William Norconk,s4o rods with-the Jog thereafter • menthe:cit. to-the place of beginning; reserving. however, to the said W. Patton, his heirs and as signs forever,' the spring near the north line of said • lot, and which Is soniele rods from the aforesaid road. now Bridge-et Eitenstons together with - one . rod square of land embracing - the same, and also the right to convey in pipes into and from said spring:tete -water of the two other -springs above 'and etettloycnt of said spring, so as to connect the three retinas In one, or to such other polnter place is thn sald Patton, Lis leen; or aseigns may choose.. , he lot Shen: described contains 5 acres o land. ' .street nem:eine 'teethe one red square yeserved as afer,e;the all Impreveut. The other me second lot Iyitee; and being south of' and adjoining-Said lot eeieby conveyed to the party of the second part, alai legintthug st-the southeast cor thereof ; deuce seethe ardly sleep sale lirldge.st Extension 100 ft :0 to tort thence westwardly and parallel with the line of one Cortnya let 1544 ft to a curt thence north wavily met par allel with said Bridge-st Extension I erect to a cor ; thence vietwardly along Li:aline of the Cermeet lot 110 ft to the plate - of beginnin': be .ine the same two lists of land COMC:rtid by William tee :On :11111 Wilk', to ,7ohn J Griffiths by deed dated Dee 26. 1574, end recorded in Deed Book Noi74.at page 115. Ac. No. e 7. A LSO-One other lot sltu4o ° lll Ores ton the. bounded and deecrilted as.fotlowe: Cegineing ' a; no post at esr of-First-St MAIM 1 .thelre 311,4i 0 east r pee to a post; thence entith along the lino of Wlls • osu Streevy's lot 10 pers to a post; thence west S • pets-Co a peed on First-t; thence along said street el pent to the piece of. beglnteng; contains 50 pore orland mote or leer., With the privilege of sufficient eater front the spring fur family use, with - i small_ framed house thoreen : being the same .piece of .:OnCl - I•oltVeyeil by SOlOlllOll Viewing and wife to Jun .1 111tifiltlis by deed dated Sept 25, 187 L and record ed iu Deed Hook No 121. at-page 2ae, Mt.. • .' . No, 33. A lee.o•-tnef other lot sltuale in Towanda Bore, tee - tutted north be lands formerly owned by . C F Sla ' ves east by 'Bridge•st ExtenAms, south Slid West by lanes of .1 0 Patton: being_ 40 ft front - on Bridge-st and 150 ft deep, witisri framed halite - theretan.. . . No. 39. ALSO--One other lot situate In Toiranda Bore and Towanda tarp, bounded north by lands of ' 0 F. Harris, east by lands of E W Warner. Joseph. -Doll, George Camp and Johanna Crate, south by lands of .1, CI Patton, and West by 'made of: the Moody & Morgan estate ; contains 3, 1 4 ikeres of land more or less, all improved. Setae.. and taken _into execution at a suit of Overton & Mercur. use, vs John J Griffith, Joseph 41 ',Patton, liable' Sweet - and Bridget Seeet,. T. T.' Also at suit of B W Lane tn`Jolitt .1 Geinithee -• , ll ANDltiletie J. LAYTON, Sheri'''. ;--- Sheriff's effice, Towanda, Pa., Aug. 14,1875. QTRAYED BULL stray n - oloars old rod Bull canto onto say prentlscs about ,tour weeks ago. TlO owner plaato rail, pay charges, and tato Mtn away" w 11.1414.11 AvELoll• Towanda, twp., 4u5, =,.187t4,- . - 3 4 ,1w,2 • U A