pzdfori *porta EDITORS: GOODRICH. $. W. ALVOUD. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, August - 22,1878. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. GOVERNOR GENERAL 1-ONRY - 14. HOYT, Of Luzerne PEUTENANT-GOVERNDIt : HON. CHARLES. W. STONE; Of Warren. SECRETARY OF INTERNAL - AFFAIIIS 1.107. AARON-K. MINKEL, Of Philadelphia! JOGE' OF SUPREME perwr,; JUDGE JAMES P. STEREETT, , Of Allegheny. REI.VIILKA:CCOIINTiCO 9 VIg 3 ITIO N • Pordnant to a resolutken passed by the ltepnbli. ea.l County Contentton,,ln session *ay 9, 1878, 'and coorortl' in by the Ilepubilean County Committee, Cie Convention of the Republican Party for 1878 will convene_ at the Conn House, In Towanda Cor i ough, on TUESDAY :1" AUGUST, 27, 1878, at 1 o'clock F. at., to tnakeithe following nominations, one person for ' Member of Congress of the Unit- . e.I States, for the Fifteenth District, (subject to the approval of the Conference). • Three personfor Members of the Rouse of Rep. r.ventatives of Lthe State Legislature. One person for Sheriff. One perontor Prothonotary. )11C penwn for Register and Recorder. Two peons for County Commi4l7 one prison for County Treasurit ••• * Tn - o*r , ons TOT County Auditors. . One ptrson for County.jporoner. - . Appoltaing Congresalonal Confereea, and for the transaction of any other bulkiness that May come I:foro th , . Convention. The Oilnrotttrfes of Vigilahee of the several cite lion 'districts. will call a primary or delegate elec lion for thoir vsspective districts for SATURDAY A I'o I'ST :4, I.V7S, to elect by ballot too delegate: . 1., represent each district in said County Couven Tito dele, , Tate electloni In the townships will be oiganir.ed at :t o'clock P. at., and kept open coutin. tOdy to the close at 5 o'cloOr P. at. In the bar .:nits the, delegate elections will be - organized at •6 0 ; ;•lock V. 31, and kept open cnntinnonstx until the Kea•, at o'cloCk . I'. ti. The' votes shall then he coMitcd. and.the result certified by the officers to . tie Chairman of the• t.ald Convention, and a copy dellreroiat once to the'l/elegates elect. The Committees of Vigilance are particularly re quested to observe lb^ above suggestions carefully 1 , , conducting the primary meetings, so that no t,,t cause of complaint can arise. 11. STP.EETER, Chairman .Iw.EPII M. ELY; S:Tretary COMMITtFAS OF VIGILANCE. ,armenla-Llninfel •Webh,'Slmon Sherman, An Seward. Alha'—:Geo II Weld', 44 IV Carman, Jeff Long • . heal. ' Athens Boro•--1) AV Tripp. Ii C Hayes, F V It A t. t hen. t wp—F E Weer, Samuel Ovenshire. Frank Brown. Asylunt—Joseph A Hemet, B C Mingos, It It . Ketrici. . • %Bony—Levi Stevens, S S Watson, George AV:ilt loam Barelay, , -C P !Mere, C W Thld, E Eldred".— II nglozi lioro.l V Bice, E- A 'Evarts,John Burlhigion WestJ II McKean, S II Ballard, Blackwell. = Burlington Tort.—A , J Blakesley, G S Travis, An. Ors w Cantein Ilero'—E A Owen,- J S MIX, Theodore Canton Tv' p,•Aratson Freeman, Henry 'Mattison, 6 w Weatherhy. c”in: l it,l3—.ll.) Wolf. II M Ferguson, J It Wat kino-_ . F9inklin—:staitteit (' Itulgewfiy, SeTn McKee, s. m G )1 atom . c.iiinville-+Adatn , Innis, J I. Fergupn, John tetra:it, ickt.,47 L Stuart...lames H Hurst,'E Fuller. • I.slloy—lt.y. Palmer, _II M Holcomb, Wesley I,lll.llfield;—,lnlin 11 31eK.Inney, T W 'Mink, A'l) Chandler. . '1 - I,o , Raysville—M II Coddling, .11' Carle, ,711 Sohn- Monroe Boro'—A Lloyd Rockwell, W Rose, .1-Ain Bunko.. Monroe Twp—ThVigbt Bodge, ? .N`Corthro'p, Jr, G I. null. (tri•ntt Creek—F W Keyes. David Gardner, Al v.ih Mclntyre. T • ()Me I. Case, Thomas' B Smith, Frank Johnsen. ov,;rton—Jaines Molyneanx, Fred Beverly, Al fred streevey.. • eike—l. A Bosworth, S B Canfield. Jan Grant, Ridgehory—ltlley Mead, E A Cooper, Alex - Styr ton. - t iloro*—C,JrYdon Barnes, II Towner,:G . Heine Horton, J E Gillett, S • Sa‘ —E E liuhlnsnu, Jolla A Perkins, Hawley • • . S‘mth Waverly—l) L F Clark, John D Fannn*, . John Post.- sndi hneid—ti W Waldron, Walter Phillips, ir 3lanley. - - , prlngtleld- , -The‘.l(Sre Wilder, Edson Harkness, Frank Ripley. •Soollet reek—D F Hildreth e S L Thompsol, Geo Ilorry. • svivania—Finley Flirman, Geo Monroe, Leander Grew.iy. •- she,hequlti—Win Inyder, G I. Horton, Isaac I. V.'ttsg. - s:t , p ri, .4111 . :4t0ne- T W . in Bostwick, W Stevens, Guy ioo, T Terry—Jonathan Terry', J C Dyer, ,S Bowman. 'l'6‘vaintaTop—JamesT liale, Leroy Bowman, It l'avidton. Towanda ilorn'—Flrst Ward—C Pasgage; Jas vant. II T Stevens ligrro . —Sccond Ward•W Keyser, liar -I.ly (i ray, ti D Lyon. Ton atoTa Moro'--Third Ward—J H Orcutt, W G W S V lucent. - • Towanda Niwili—iteuben peLong, Win Smith, Oliver Newell. Troy M Spalding, I.V"C Lanipman, Win Ntorgati. . 'lrvy Twp—John Hunt, Milton Pierce, M O Lou lalia. To le.amrs—Wm SUumlay, GuyLamoreaux, Da11!77 l!77 $i Inney. Vl,t,•r—llenry Mingo, George Morley, Andrew t•-•:li - rkon. . 'rren—Mlles l'rloce, Howell Howell, J I) Kln -I,y: . ~ Windham—Geo Wheaton, Eben White, Deo L Lawrence, M Clark, Daniel Ely, E Meeks, Jk. Wel!,—.Moirls Sheppard, Win Itelyea, Win John . . Wyaluslng—W K i9Traces, Geo 9 Hornet; A CU Nrro' Wvsox—.ll3 T I.ent, LSllyres i 1 4 11 E New 114rk 'Tribime : The case of President IlAtEs, moreover, is clm..ed forever by the'unexp4eted pro duction of his excellent letter to Mr. SitEMMAN. Written at the very time when! the final action was awaited, written to his most trusted friend, and the most influential representa tive of his party then in New Orleans, A - ,.ritten evidently in the fullest confi ilAee, and in response to a letter ob viffisly of the most confidential na ture, this .letter says: "But we are n.;:t to allow-our friends to defeat one outrage and fraud by another. There must be nothing crooked on our part.. ItILDEN- have the place by. -violence; intimidation and fraud, .rther : than 'Undertake to prevent it ' h meals that will * not bear the se vcrest scrutiny." . There is no room fl)r a Alecent suspicion of the conduct ('r. motives of the man who wrote • thnserybrds•under such circumstan- Additional evidence that -he ' ' .( , (Instantly, and to Al comets, held the same tone, 'saying on this subject .preciiely the same thing to his most intimate riends and to casual callers, may be found in the test;inony of Major BI:RKE' and Colonel ROBERTS, who swear that_ in theft interviews - with him, President EIAYES made no promises; but pointed to his letter of acceptance, and'said that he did not • want the Presidency unletis he wai, . fairly elected. Hereafter, the person who imputes fraud .to President • IlArFs in that matter will only brand himself as a wilfal falsifier. and slan derer. Willi the land filled unem _ played labor—the .Democrats . say three millions, but which is a 'great exaggeration—the free-trade Democ= . racy propose to import more labor-. ers or,. which is the same . thing, to bri f ng the products of foreign labor to supply our market free of duty. . THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. ' No' little interest was manifested piths Demo&die Convention which assembled in the . Court House on Tuesday. It bad been an open secret for some time that was not -har monious, and the different clans were busy for a week pastil . arranging programmes forthe C'ecasum; but we have all along notified thO"Youna Democracy," all their plansni*A; fa vorable to Mogul PIOLLET, cam e to naught. This result was foreshad owed by the defeat of the anti-nolt. LET delegates in this .`borough.. The Convention was called to order at 1 o'clock, .and Col. MEANS called to preside. Just how the Colonel got into the Convention is not known to the public as homes not .elected, but PIOLLET probably ordered thc.young Irisbman who was chosen from the Second . Ward, to "step down and out" to make room for a suitable pre . - siding -officer. Deny it as . much as they , May, PIOLLET'S wil l cratic law in the county. WILs BUCK and Burch Don) were ,elected Secre taries, and 'Major TEREtjlr appeared to be a sulfa " prompter" for thm, as he took.his position directly in \ the rear and frequently. directed them what to do. The ,first resolution After organiza= Lion, was one declarhig Judge. PAR- . soss,to be the choice Of the eonVen tion—fOr Congresstr:an. , This motion was speedily squelched,' and the Con vention proceeded to ISeleet a county ;ticket. After coniderable turmoil, the. Chairman, decided that J. E. PIOLLET, L. VAN HORN and I. 11. SMITH were nbminated forXepresc-n -tatives, but on objection being raised by some one; overruled hit self, and announced that another ballot would be _had in the case of Mr. SMITH. or After several ballots, Mr. E. IlonroN was declared nominated. It was rather amusing to hear PIOLLET or der delegates ho i lv to vote, and in one case compelled WIN- S. MADDEN_ to Lange. . • ! The balance of the ticket was made up as follows : Shgriff, 11. B.IIIoRoAN Prothonotary, EL!AS PARK ; RegiSt, r and Recorder, E 0. WILLEY ; Com missiOner, M. P. iIANSO3I ; Treasurer, ; Coroner, Pr. LEWIS. -After " Brothet JOE" - was nominal.- ed, PIOLLET took special pains to forestall the Greenbackers, and select men who have been favorably men tioned by that . organization. . Time will develop how far the trick to capture them after refusing to fuse with the - Greenbackers, will prove successful. When the largest por tion of the delegates had departed, the PARSONS resolution was again taken , tip and passed, not so much as a compliment to our neighbor as a rebuke to DEWITT. WREN nuattsiiAmE made bis mous treaty with China, 6y which he secured commercial privileges for the people of the 'United States, in deal ing with the Celestials . , which no other nation-bad acquired, he was recognize( as one of the -ablest di plomats in the world, and the event hailed in this ciiiintry as one of great importance ? And so it' has been and be, if 'not disturbed. by the upheaval of the political passions of the hour. r The people of Caliornia have become weary of the Chinese, and therefore the President is be seeched daily to take steps for the' abrogation of the B u Li NoAMT treaty. It may be seen by this that it ",s diflicult -in times of conflict and riva . ry Stich as those — in which we are no in - Volved, to make anything of this character.perrrianent. No wonder, therefore, that :the,' industries are subjected to great fluctuations. IAN ably written paper printed i the New York Tribune discusses with powerful argument and facts of great interest the" progress of the colored race in the Northern States, reaching theconclusion that all at tempts at isolating the race is injuri ous to it, and invested with great danger' to civilization. It is also shown that the condition of the colored men of Indiana is superior . in Point of cultivation, tkirals, busi ness development and genral quali ties essential in Well organized men; to that of the race in' any other State in the Union. It can with truth lie stated that' no race of eman cipated slaves ever• conducted them selves'with propiitity end to that of the , freedmen. The page of his tory' which describes thati epoCh will be one of , great interest to the stu dent of the future. • .delegate elections come off on SatUrday nest, and we most, earnest ly urge upon every conscientious Re publican the duty of attending. Sinch fault is sometimes found with dele gates because they do not vote in convention as some of their constitu ents desire.. It cannot be expected that every one will be satisfied, .but•if all will attend the 'primaries there canibe no doubt that the delegates, chosen will fairly. represent the ma jority in the selection 9 r candidates. WE notice a paragraph_ going the rounds of the press and credited to R. W. MACKEY, to the effect that Hon. G. A. Uaow•will be elected to Con gress from this District this fall. The error is in the name. Mr. GROW is not a candidate, but Col. OVERTON will be re-eleeted to the seat he has filled with so much dignity and honor during the late session. THE prospects for a complete Re publican victory in this county were never more promising than at the present time, and the tick et l to. be nominated on Tuesday nest will be triumphantly eleete(L 2 PETItOLIA WAS visited by a disas trous - emillagration 111onday laSt: Lose $50,00.: 0111.FOIREIGN TgADE. The report of the foreign, 0m . .. coma. meree of the United gtates forJunei anti for the twelve niOnths - ending June 30, is an exceedingly interesting document. The marvellous growth of: the exports of domestic products, and - the not less remarkable deelific 'of imports; are shown in the follow. • big table, in which the exports and imports of merchandise only are giv: en in specic.values for 12 fiscal Years, ending June 30: Dom. ExpAPts. Imports.- OM 18Ck7 1868 1879\1870 1871 \. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 14137,518,109 I 277,641,893 259,389,900 275;160,697 370,616,473 428,398,908 428,487,131 505,0:13,439 \569,433,421 49 1 .1,28 ; 4,1p 5217,247 589, 70,224 I 680, 3,798 The increase of ex rl tic merchandise since $411,293,808, or nearly and since the same yew of imports has been on; or 22 per cent. Excep 1575 and 1876, the it port's has been • continuous, but more rapid during • the last year than in l any other except 1870. The: imports nearly doubled between 1868 and '73, but since 1873 the decline has been i205,084,677, or nearly .32 per Cent. LN. Y. Tribune. GENERAL HARRY HoYT expresses himself as entirely confident of the' success of the Republican party at the ensuing election. He would be a sorry candidate if he did not. But if any 'portion of the Republican party think that the tight . is already' won, they are laboring- under a delu sion from :Which . they had better awake. We (lid not carry the State last fall, and we will not carry it this unless there is an amount and of. work put into the campaign which last , year was seriously, lacking.. There is a Republican :majority in 'the State, but it is a very luke warm one, and not apt to make itself felt unless forced to do so. It is a little early to set the fires of enthusiasm in full blaze, but it is none to soon to be looking after the fuel. And it won't do to cast aside the chips and the kindling-wood that are not 'of much account when the eonflagation is fed by some vast popular excite ment.—North American. Ir has cost the Government, or more correctly speaking, the .people, for printing "greenbacks," since 1862; an average of $955,024.081 per annum, or, in the aggregate down to 8.77,the large sum of $14,315,379 , 271. Thus the cost of issuing greenbacks is charged to and becomes a tax upon the. pepple: But when the Govern ment issues national bank notes the cost is charged to and paid by the •banks. ThoSe who wish to abolish the national banks should make:- a note. of the fact that the .making of these bank notes costs the people nothing, while the printing of green backs has, up to dater costthe people about $1:i,000,e00. TnE Republicans of Wyoming county • have preiented-llon. F. C. Ilvxxim,. as a candidate for Congress, a~iil Susquehanna has put forward Senatilr WATSON. It is understood that Mr. \V. does not expect the nom ,n; but is, favorable to Col. OM TiriTemoeratic aspirants for office who stakcd their chances on a post ponement `of the convention until after the (kecobacks had met, feel quite cheap but\they arc saved the greater buminatidn of beinff defeated at the polls in NoveMber. congratulate brother TAYLOR Of the lnApenden? Republin Mont rose on bis nomination .by 'the \Re publicans of Susquehanna county \ for a scat in the Legislature. ,TRE Republicans of, this county are as unanimous and enthusiastic for OVERTON'S renomination as they ever were for WILmoT, Craw l and • MERCER. A. P. StEPHENS has been nomina,. ted by Susquehanna county for the State Seratc. We hope he may be successful in the conference. Gold), within a few .days, has sohl as low as ;,!, per cent. premium, and it is probable•it will not go again be yond 1. Within six weeks, at far therest, it is predicted .that it will be at par with greenbacks, when resump tion will be practically .ittained. Thus 06 main plank -of the Green back Labor pirty ; will have. dissap peared. They / Should now, one and all, support the Republican policy • / which has brought about this . grand financial achievement, and which has also, by , ,iisAirrn adherence to protec tive princiiiles, sedulously and suc cessfully • mantained home industy, upon which alone the country's pros perity depends.. • M. S. R. .MAsoN, the Pennsylva nia Greenback candidate for Govern or, addressed a meeting recently at Point .Chatanqua, New York. If it is reported correctly his remarks on the occasion were those of a first class repudiator. ._, 1 ‘f When he touched upon the bOnds, the Jamestown Democrat says, he got wild,. and even to the .Greenbacker's soul, he talked treason. He said be never - expec tett° see the bonds , paid; he did not want them paid ; but he wished the gov ernment to reduce the interest to al per cent. as in ngland. He thought it might be we 2 enough to renew the bonds cvi E for forty y , rs, but he believed they never would be paid, and that was the right way. This gave rise to gyeat excitement, amiirWhich a gentleman in the audience, addressing the speaker, in a loud and de termined voice, said ; "If that is Green back doctrine, then 1 am no G reenback er." Thereupon, without any formal ad- . juin Fucet, the meeting broke up in dis rder, notwithstanding the efforts of the president to secure a hearing to 'other speakers." A TERIMBLE:-ApPATIL' Lightning Otnies it - hider Magazine and Birplodea L2OO iregattPowder—A Party of Plunkett. - Badly Used—Bevaral Killed and Many Meru Badly Maimed—Build ' tugs Tom Down, and Imxnenze Other Damage Done—Narrow . Escapes, dto. I'OTTSVII;LE, Pa., Aug..] B.=—During a - storm yesterday • afternoon, the powder magazine of Welds it Co., on the outskirts of . this place, was struck by lightening. There were eleiren hundred kegs . powder. in the building, and a e. terrible explosion ensued, completely wrecking the magazine. and scattering the - debris with terrific force in an easterly di, rection, making. a gap in the woods fifty feet wide. A picnic party was assembled id the woods a short dis• Lance below the magazine, and sever _al of the' party were more or less in= jured-bY flying stones, timber, &c•— John Waster, boy named Vaughn, and a son of Andrew Gallahan were killed. A daughter - of 'Wm, Brazier haeher limbs crushed so badly that -iputation was .necessasy. Richard , rens; a leg badly Cut David 2434,812,060 . 395 763, 100 • 357,436,440 417,50.5,379 435,958,404 5202,23,632 629,595,077 642,136,210 567,507042 533,005,4.36 • 569,741,190 451,323,126 437,051,543 s of domes comas, . foot crushed ; Henry ones, braised about the body and gs broken ; Wm. Reese leg crushed, iputated. The house of Henry , :aley was nearly torn down and and Mrs &Raley received wounds . \about the head. Many cattle were twity injured. They bad to be after wa 1 a killed. & Land's maga zinenear by, containing several hundred kegs of bowder, was badly shattered,, but fortunately escaped further damage. Fisher's coal break-, er, a hundred yards west of the . Weldy magazme, was also badly damaged, a portion of the engine being demolished The ,explosion was heard eleven miles,, and caused great excitement in 'the city The large plate glass windows of the Pottsville Batdi and th.Motintain City Bank were broken, as 'irere also many windows in..the courtouse., The celings'in a number of resigen, ces were thrown down.—The house of James Galbraith, at Mt. Hope, a complete wreck. Total loss, esti mated, $.45,000. The .effects. of the explosion of 1,200 kegs • of powder, 'Saturday, were felt all over the city. People were thrown out of their chairs in distant parts of the_ city: Twenty- , five houses were Crushed to pieces and torn to kindlings. Hearthstones and pianos were hurled luiles away. -The scene.at the picnic% was fearful, it being in the path of the.explosion, Huge masses of stone and fra,,atnents . of trees were hurled among the pie 'deers. A horse attached to a buggy driven by two young ladiesovas torn to pieces, but the young ladies es caped. THE. PLAGIIHSTEMECEN SOUTH: CAtao, 111., Aug: 19.—The Boar of Health adopted - a resolution this morning, prohibiting the lauding of steamers at this port • from nny direc tion, except by special . permit. No yellow fever het* NEW_ YORK, Aug. 19.—W illiam Wogan, of Dykeman street, Brook lyn, reported to the police of that city this morning, that Wm. Stultz, stopping in the house, had developed symptoms of yellOW fever. The San itary Department sent physicians to the house to learn the facts. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 19, 1:45 i).11. —New cases, 129. Maths, 42. The presiding officers of the Cotton Ex change and Chamber of Commerce. addressed a .communication to the- Postmaster General, protesting against the interference with the mails by the quarantine authorities in Arkansas, Tekas, Tennessee, Lou isiana and Mississippi. Great losses and inconvenience have resulted to the merchants. In ,reSponse to the appeal yesterday, the Howard Asso 7 elation sent twelve more nurses to Grenada. 31£311'111S, Tenn., Aug. 19.—Up to noon_eight new cases of fever have / been . reported. .Of these, six/ are within 'the infected district.. ln ad dition to the above, one death 'and one new case is reported in / Chelsea, an, indication that the feveris spread ing. The citizen's committee is :ac-' tively employed getting' persons to remove to camp .Joe south of this city, end a train leaves this afternoon with aboUt two hundred families. The teat's are all being giV en to persons with families who wish to flee from the plague, but are un willingto go nto a common encamp ment., These persons will camp out at points along the railroad. . 'SAVANIAII, Ga., Aug.:• . 19.—The 'Health -BOard issue a statement to thc etr9o / t that no-case of; yellow fever has\len here thisstimmer. Ifjt ir A inyts , Oar& Ong re: peared has pa , merele receiv. since J vete( are bei ductio, ed fro, or Tex: NAS, City Council today rejected- a bill to establish quarantine against South ern cities proposed by the Board of Health. • Mont LE; Ala., Aug. 19.—The health officers ollicially.certified that there is no yellow fever here. the quaran tine at Montgomery against'- , Mobile his been raised. • • \ • - ST. Louis, Aug. 'l9.—Some mem bers of the American Association of Science, decline to attend the annual \ meeting here Wednesday, on account of yellow fever runiors. l'he - Board of Health and several , physicians positively declare there-is no fever here and no apprehensions are felt: Iv the workinginen will take the trouble to overhaul the - career and the record of some of the men who ate now conniving to get their votes as independent candidates and par ticularly to seduce Republicans from their nobler party adherence, they will discover that they are of a class of political bummers who are ready to seize-any opportUnity in politics to supply their immediate needs. Foar-fifths of the men who assume to lead in indedendent political• move ments are always ready.to sell them out, .regardless- of whethei or not they can deliver the gOods. DO not allow local issues:or per tonal prejudices to.prevent the-nomi nation of. the beet-ticket on - Titeethiy next , • Ravages of the Yellow Fever SWAM NEWS: .- FRANKLIN * Venango Zounty r : talks, - ot irea(akkg: a pu blic fcltal#:.q A: itiiaTAmr - . lbompan't with 11244 lie members,' has been organized :at, carlislei Oymt two. hundred men are at work on t'.o new insane hospital at Norristown. FRANCIS PARSONS ' Or_Criwfurilbouuty is 'la years old, and yet ha is active o his feet. Tut: -woolou'and cotton mills or Choate County ate funning on full time tnutufa. . • - - turin!.; jeans. .. . Fr will take relir weelii for the Tteadin Cost and Iron (ionutuy to till Its mining all•AmeLts Tor tliLi moat. GYMNASTIC petformances reaulted In the death of Charles N. Boillet, aged elev en year:=, of Schuylkill County. • , • .41..CAxAntmi lynx, which measured sev en feel, o.lmo - inches in length, has been killed near Sharon,.Afercer County. Tut; ['unlace far making steel froni raw Ore at Brady's. 'lend, has started up and s yowling with great. success A. D. (turia), of Emporium, will Ewa .cvmmence the pablicatifm of an right col unto Wr:Vkl,): p.,..perat Eldred, IsleKcau Co. Mils: E. - W. BELENAr, aged fifteen ears, of Edenburg, Clarion 'Count); re cut:ly ateng,tAid to commit suicide with and.lnurn. 'A W 12:g V.IOR ND • Codaty fat tiler has discqvcred a process.. for malting sugar from, Cornstalks at i cost of three conts'a pound.' Pnorngsott AnsoLo is lecturing on the management of the." dairy " in the north ern part of the State to large audiences of MED . . Tub: Pit tdnirgli Chamber of Commerce IS now trying to stir up enthusiast - it and money enough to build a railroad into NortliwcStcru Ohio. THE liev. Dr.. Moffett, of MeColinas- - ville, who ran .away from his wife sumo time ago; taking a lot of her fruiney; 'has been ' Ind in Kansas. ••• , tr. otc for Lackawanna County was il,hll;.a ainst, 1,9.`30, giving a majority of 7,(21) for .ackawanna, votes more thin itsmest sanguine ft iends anticipated. , Lasr fall William Princ4. , ,. an idiot, dis appeared from Lock Haven. A faw days ago the Irke:oton of a man was found. It beli.. , red that twig is all that retnnius of the idiot. Mits. O'illitth, aged about eight.) years, was caught Udder the tender wheels of au 'engirr.: and horribly crushed, %%TB.; attempting to crow Ito?, t•ailri.?ad track at Planuix Pat k, , near Pottsville., • Mir:3. tkutaft J.italticomntitted Suicide in Itutfalo township, Petry Cbanty, re e 1. ?, n Illy by droxiiing. A few years-ago she attt\. ipted . to end her exihteucq !.yjump ingrt7n -a second story window. dosErit M. \Vinyl:, of Farmington, Ti oga Coutil‘v; was feud dead .in his ha n on Monday d" last week, lying lA-side one of his horses. It is supposed that he died frima, a kiek fro a the poise or in an ape pketie.fit. - MaJon JAMES It. . \\\ burg, and l't hill li. _ ton, Greene County, t -i. chants, had a quarrel re ~• terminate. fatally. Lindse • . Lippeneotit with a cane itENRY ALLEss, of, Pittsb,n•gb, was found hanging to a rafter by hi, mother, who cut-him down betbre he had' lone to ' die. lie bccamelndignaut at the inter ference and \ was about, cutting his throat when a policeman arrived. lie was taken to tho police stiqion, whera he made the second attempt ro bang himself. Tits: Ere flint, .74f,- published at Frank lin, alleged that a ceriain gentleman hail entered a married latly ‘ 's chamber at a camp-meeting at an miseasonable hour and under suspicious cirCtunstanees. A prominent citizen of. Franklin considered himself the party referred to\mul threw pepper into the eyes of the eliitor and horsewhipped him. MARK A. Dorm - . of Plythouth,\Lii.: zerne County, met his death,l,y a •siag\u lam accident on Saturday last. Ile was arotn.ed from sleep at ahotit three o'clock -by the crying of his children, and went to see what'll'at? distufee4'them. By some mistake he Walked out of the window opening on the porch, and falling to the pavement bmeatb, a distance of eighteen • feeti-was i atanily killed. 31r. Dutly was prominent Democratic politician, and was well known thioughout the county. Ile was twice a candidate for Recorder of the county, but was defeated both times, and during the last two sessions of Con gress he was #ist:ant doorkeeper of the House. lii /was abOut thirty-five years of age. / ' • . - - . GIZAITINGS. rgESIDENT RAYMOND, of Vassar col legi, is bilter. /Tim Czareviteh, will visit Paris early in September. ' TUE health of the British troops in Cyprus is satisfactory. • ' Mu. PACEARD has arrived at LiverpoOl and assumed lus cousulor duties. Two Russian Corps are being. 'conceit. Irated between Kosteudji and Sophia. -Mn. Jon:: W. S.‘x v. and' family artiyas sing the summer at Sekoon lake, in the Adirundacks. LIEUTENANT GLADSTONE, or the British navy, son of ex•l'rcrnicr Gladstone, is at Ottawa, Ont. SUSAN B. A.Yruo.NY has been addressing a meeting of Ivorkingmen, but only- talked, of ft:male suffrage. THE West. End bar at Long Branch takrs.in $15,000 a year, • and has received $B6O in .one day. SEvEnm, millions in gold will be ship ped from San Franctsco to New York as third class mail matter. , Oven twenty thousand cabin passengers have sailed for, Europe form the port of New York this summer. •T. L. 3LucsriEi.n of Winter's, Foie county, Cal., grain (baler has faked; liabilities a quarter of ~million. i DAN Rirr., the famous circus manager, sufierrd;an attack of sun4troke during the recent hot term in Minnesota. THE Canadians have considerately starttd a schc.;rne'to preF,ent the Marchion ess of Lorne with a sleigh and robes. TILE man who edited the infamous Perc Duehcsne dirAg the Paris Commune of .1870 is to be guillotined for murder. TIIE charities of Sir Cowasjee Johan geer, who died in Bombay, the other day are estimated at $2,500,1;00. .. Gin oar J.' TUCKER, in a brief _informal letter accepts the nomination of judge ship by the Nationals of New York State. TIM semi-annual statement of the Kan as Pacific railroad for the first six months this year Shows net erniugs of $35000. . ti Ewill of Whiting Street, of North ampto , Mass., who was worth $.'500,000, leaves a ut $125,000 for choritable ob jects: - CAPT WE 'L seaman on a '6l, and saved mauy board: TuE Princess Lou ''l da,The Canadians ho . • ,tioniug at Ottawa of a . I. tare's. Is, I. old times whenever .. Government negotiated a loan , Isabella would treat - herself to jewelry.\ , . THE hishep of Orleans has sttbeee din raising over 3,000 for the restorcati hf the expiatory monument to Joan of Arc I . : ' 3ln. Ink D. SAIiKEY, it iasrumored will go abroad next rnonth, and - spud the coming winter_ iu England With his am= j)3l ,:' 1 ktoECRETARY EVART'S viSited the torpedo station at Norfolk. ou Saturday, and was_ received with a salute.of seventeen torpe does. \ • • Tilt Swiss National Council voted $l,- 800,000 as the cOntlibntation of Switzer land towards completing the St. Gothard Tunnel. . \ 0 1: the - swimmer, was once a \Ansatlande stzamship line, Ives of men falling over= . -THE King of Bttrma h recently oned ail his ministers for several hours': because they were not punctual attend- inglt council. A neetociation styled the National Modam edau Association hw been re 4 ecutly formed at Calcutta for the iiromo tion of Mohammedan interests. THE Chinese Embassy arrived at Hart ford Ct., on Saturday and -vrt7re received by Hung Wing,. Resident Chinese Com m isgioncr. - Tnn resichnice Of- Dr. Pletcher of Wcst Troy, pastor of the Baphst church was robbed during the absence of the owner. Loss estimated at $1;500. WELT, , '': • ' .' • PbLO, „lmps& 1 ; 1675. jai** Santa City la the morning, .att tbe .A.tchisoN'Tepeka, . and Banta Foe train, we . arrived at •Topelui• for "dinner . about tiro o'clece, ' After twenty minutes spent in eating as much as possible, in a , short the cry " all aboard ' 1" was given, I and:desert in hank we rtishedlor our car arid Were soon Steaming away through a most. beautiful country, thickly settled in the land. The land is bey'ind.a doubt the best in the world- - --level and rolling— well timbered and watered, sure to pro. duce heavy crops for the sowing. . - iT , e corn. Wks verlfine, and . promises h abundant barve4. The corn stallis Othibitecl at the Centennial, ha the Kan as: and Colorado Buildings, :were fair spceinachs of the average , height here. There is no ii,o . untry here on the globe where farming can ho so profitably and easily carried on as in Kansas., The farm ~ er h: king; he rides in his chariot over his broad acres, and plants anti tills, and reaps by the guidance of the rein—for here vdry little is done without the aid of 'machine ry ; such as the sulky plow, heade+, reap er, mower, cultivator, ete.• Tho land it self has been prepared and cleared for use by Dame Nature vultures age, and awaits with -flattering inducements_ rho antbi-ticus thousand: that. are daily set thing upon it, and are thus securing a home for the present, and certain riches for the near future. Thickly interAperacd throughout these fine farm lands are rich veins of coal eve ryday being dis-eoversdmines as yet in their infancy—are very frequent along the railroad ; the hoisting of coal being done by horse power instead of sttam ; but the time is near when things will be, done upon a large-5 1 'We. fur. - the West is going forward with a rush. Near Empo ria, Kansas,. recently, a man was digging a well on his place, and struck a vein of coal. Two dayS after, his farm that le paid nothing fur—having homesteaded it —he sold for eleven thousand ,dolhfi-s. This is only one of the many.instances of a like nature,- that are accruing hero fre nuently. The towns and villages passed through, although.small exhibited an all peambee of thrift and enterprise quite re markable. A large portion -of the most 1 . valuable and desirable, and finest hand in - Kansas and Colorado, is, owned by the -Atchison, Topeka.and Santa Fee Railroad Company. They . sell very cheap; and are houorable, upright and courteous Men to -deal with ; persons purchasing of them, are sure to be satisfied in every respect. The A. T. -and S. F. -Railroad cannot be surpassed in point of comfort, and elegant steeping and drawing,.room coaches. Ono very noticeable feature is the politeness and courtesy of the employees,of the road fact we were well pleased - with our trip. We reacbca.Pueblo about five o'clock in the afternoon. To-morrow we leave be -o for the. nanintairt4, of which place you will hear in jay next. E. 11. 31, . MWANDA, Ps ! , Aug. 15, 1379. EDITOR OF 1:111.: 811 1.)1 , 0111) MEN:Mar:I4 Sir : As there is a wide-spread belief existing in- the minds of the people of Erthifortl county, that nearly all the coun ty 4n:cm ate elected from the borough of Towanda. I wish, by a simple statement -of facts, to disabuse their minds on the subject. The borough of Towanda was incorpo rated.°in the year • IS2B—just fifty years ago—and in that time the people have elected 59 members of the] Legislature, two of them from this borough ; 16 to the office of Register, not - one of them from Towanda ; 17 persons' to the °flied . of Sheriff, three of them from Towanda; 17 persons appointed and elected to the Office I of Coroner, one front Towanda ; 26 per , sons appointed and elected to the (Alice of Treasurer, two from Towanda.; 54 per sons en the office of County Commissioner, ono from Towanda ; 66 County Auditors, two front - Towanda. I have not included Judges of the Court and District Attor neys, as they by law must be menibens of the Bar, and cannot be elected from towns where they - do not exist. Neither have I t 'Mentioned members of Congress and State' SiMator, (of whom one of the latter and several of the former have been residents `of TOwatitla,) as they are representatives of a Oist-ict composed of several counties, and are only chargeable by one county to another. Waylies rxrilsA,tt, of. New prominent incr. imtly which may having struck • Now, taking into consideration the fact that Towanda polls one-fifteenth of the votes, pays one-eleventh of tho taxes, at least one-third of the legitimate expenses incurred in political canvasses of the coun ty, and furnishes a very; large percentage of the speakers who address the people on the political issues of the 'day, it will be acknowledged by all persons - who can di -vest themselves of petty local 'prejudices, that Towanda has not had an undue pro portion of the political patronage I estow ' ed upon het citizens by the people cifthe county, and if I saw lit to.runelocalities, , I c,nild show that some other towns haVe I hail a larger proportion of officers accord Ito population, taxes, etc., than has To ; wanda, and that -their modesty does not prevent them asking for more of the same kind. There is one singular fact about the., men who have filled the offices above men tioned, via.: Only two of them, Francis Watts and Col. J.T. Means, were born and raised in Toivanda ; all the others have conic hero from the surrounding _towns, staid long enough to get acquaint ed with the people, and then offered their services to the public ; have been support ed by the citizens of the towns from 'whence they earne, also -by surrounding or neighbining towns, avid as a mutual consequence, by the people in the towns of their adoption, and thereby attained to good positions Which they have generally tilled with credit to themselves and to•the 7o's coming to Celia • involve the sta ,reg,ixnent of the lie Spanish ex-Queen set of o 001139$1401*: VIOL AMMIRE ? QII EI: I PF'S -SALES.-By virtue $0 of stn olry writs Issued out of the Courtof Co:u m:el Pleas of lit adft rd- county. and tome direct d, I wilt enose to public sale on FRIDAY. lb. eat day of SEI'T E3lll Ell; 1073. at the door of the Court Moist , . to Towanda Itorougin at 1 o'clock T. M., the following described property, to wit.; . No. 1. The 'tlefenitaitt's interest In one lot, Wee • or par• el of land situatein Towanda Borough, bounded north by liuston-st, east by land , of- r: F Nleirals, smith -by an alley, and west by lands of Mrs linsteicor C F' Nichols; being about-. 50 ft front on Ilustonest and 22.1 ft deep, with . ,a two-story framed house thereon. No, 2. ALSO-The defendant's -Interest .1i; one' Bother lot situate. in • 'Towanda itorrugh.• bounded. north by Ilniton-st, east by lands of C F S Weds, steals by an ally, and west by lands of .1 it Chaapal ; being about 75 ft front On said -Hus ton-St n04.2131t deep, with 1 framed barn thereon. Seized and taken into execution ;a the suit of G I' Taber use vs C F Nlehbls. • Fn. :1. ALSCOne other lot situate In Towanda st'i-o, bounded and described at- folloes: Begins Tang at a point on th6 - nr.rti; line of Huston-FA, 458 7-13 fl west front the west line of Y, rk ave; thence northerly to the southwest cor of lands In the po..tt7 session of George Stevens'l2s, ft; thence easterly ' along the south tine of said Stevens' land OStti ft to a`cor; I.llenca'southerly to the north line of II ust on st to a point seventy-live ft easterly of the place.of beginning; thence westerly along the north hue or iluston.st 75 ft to the place of beginning, sup powd to contain plat Equare ft. more or less; all Improved, - with I trained house, I framed . coal house, other out-buildings, and a few fruit trees 'thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of II Elnbree use vs H T 4 ttne. No. 1. ALSO-one other tot situate . in Athens tai,, bounded and described asiollows : Beginning, In the middle of (enter-st at the southeast cor of this.lot, ledng also the northeast roe of lot Nu 30 : thence running westerly alnog the north nue Of - salt! lot No 34) WV i ft to the southeast cor of lot No • In; thence northerly along said lot 40 ft to a for: thence easterly parallel with first tie,cribmt line 82!i ft to the middle Of said ('enter-st ; thence so:utterly along the center thereof 40 ft tent,. place of beginning ; with 1 framed house and few' fruit trees thereon. Selred and taken into execution at the suit of The ilrmlf ,, rd Loan anti- Ituildi ng - Asso. (-tattoo of A them; 'Township vs W A Parne. No. 5. A I.Stt-One other lot . situate lo Touanda Boro n houtelmi north by l'optar-s4 cast' by lauds ot - tilistrold, south by lands of .t F: Means. aud west by lands of noltens - Nt Passage : being alseit 55 ft wide and 130. feet deep, with 1 spnitg of seater thereon. .seine they same lot contracted to be so.d by W. Branthail to Cr alit ril C...a • inty. No. 11, ALSO-The end ivid,•,l one-half of one other lot situate. in Towanda Borough. bound. ‘t north- by lands of- Mary Jane. Shepa r d and d~hn ' Posy, on the east by lands f.•rtnerly owned by .1, W Al:ml. soMli by Popinrtst, and acs: by linds.otl haat: .1f tildatigh I being about 55ft wide and ftC ft deep. wiiii I framed house- thereon. Seiz ed and-taken into execution at the edit of Sorely E Setylli vi• 'll - , Bramliall. Bradford County,: M 0 :11eoly and 'hebe Jane Moody. . No. 7. A Lso--tlie: other lint situate In LI t ell thf.sl twp, Inttroled illilt by lantlS Of .Itethita Merrill and Fred Johnson, c: M , t be lands of tleorga Linnoreax, , south by laud. of . I \, l l l M rain, andl west by lamts of Jonathan Baddnek. ad A c Eispree ;-,,,,:talins 3s ' acres more or tee. :i'‘ ,. .lt 5; :wren ittiornred, ait 61 ban 0 iInUSC, 2 ft a'int-arit, and 50.e.1, and fruit trees Ilmeemi. Seized an •taker. Imo execution at the suit of A C Eishroo % Samuel i'mions mid Ciert NV linfitallog. . No. If. A LSO-tine other lot :Bit:sit , In Smitlitle'd twit. bounded and desert's:ad as fellows : Begliming fit a post anti stones in the line of F..l;i . Wilcox lands: 'thence by the said E IT Wilcox lauds` orth 3'Oritst 122 . 6-10 rods to a post and stones for .. cur: thence by lands of Bey - olds and Manley, 8011 b S: 0 east U 2 310 rods to a post for a cor; thence \ partly by lands of James Collins. and partly by lands of Thomas Murphy, south 3% 0 north .12" 51.10 rods ton lost and sttinetettr a cur; thence by 't of James Fivle, north Ss° west 101 rods to the p!ate . of begloning t remains 77"..1 acres more orlestle, about CI acres improved. a nth I framed house„ 1 flamed barn,. 1 -framed :horrti.bern, 1 enw.linese, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized nt,tl taken into eveentlost at the snit 010v - et:et k Eis. beets and it Elsor.o , 11A; .13111e:1 Fryte & Geo Fivie, Hiram Farnsworth.and Wm il Seeoten, T. T. '' No. 9. ALSO-Ono other jot situate to ,Eb , ter two, bomolcd and 111,wr11.11 as follows : 'Begin:dog tu Bo...center of the' Meta ay, runnlog smith Gl° east along the highway as rods; thence south 50 0 east 20 rods; thence north at ...east by lands of Geo Lamoreau s s rrels • thence south 32° west by lands of F. 11 Miller 7 reds ; thence south 2° west 20 rods; I thence west So roils; tingle:, north 2° east 48 rods r by lands of said Lams:wan to the plate of begin :Mg ; cOntatus 11 acres and 50 rods of land more or less, mostly I mproved with 1 framed tiotc , e. PlMtil ed 1:11111.1 framed wagon shop, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and Innen Into execution at the snit of C M Mails - 111e, use vs II A Itraltmrti. Nn. 10. ALSO-Ono other lot alinare lit Athens twp. 1,1711,10 and described as [Mina,: Beginning In the confer of Smith ct tut the unrthwest Cu,t. of lot 73, and running thence at right angles with t,ellih -51 112 ft to lands of OS F Clark : ;le nee westerly along said land 00 ft to a cor of lot No 78 • thence along's:Ott lot 113 ft to the center of Sputil-NilX. ft to the lilacs of beginning; reserving 12li ft In width on. Sonth-st for bights - ay purposes. with 2 Trained houses aid I framed barn, and few fruit trees thereon. 41Zed and taken into execullatt at the suit of Bradford Loan and Building Association - of Athens Township Yr, .101111 Curran, , No, 11.. AI.SO-4 1 km; other Int sitnato In ratite twp, bounded anti tle.kerilitol.as follows: Beginning , at the center of the public road the sontl.w 1 est to,r of lands of C 23 Vat, Winkle ; thence by the south 1 line of the smile cast 73 pees tots ',take and stones cor of E AV Taylor; thence by tho west line of the same sbutli 3ti° west. a; 94 t;. p;•, in to a stake' cor of said Taylor and Wm 11 Parks; thence north 36.!•i° , . west 79 Lets to the zee', ter of s.thi public road; ' thence along the center of the same toirth.3% o east !"al 2-10 potato the V.v.° of beginning; contains 16 acres and 36 pars more or less, all Improved. - I No. 12. ALSO-floe other lot situate in Bruno twp, bounded and described an follows : Beginning at the Intersectlonsof the public re:111;80Mb cor of a tot of land now owned lay Orson Rh key ; .thence north: 47° cast 27 pets to a Om of Danford Chaffee, thence by the- nue of the Paid Chaffee and Mrs e Touts north 60° east 72 pates to the line of Nancy E Maynard; thence along the llneof the same south 2! s c' west 35 5-10 pets to a cur on the pni•lle road ; thence along the same 'south sttY. 0 east 6 pets to n cor D S Maynard's; thence albs; the line of the saute south 11° west 12 2.10 pets to the southwest cor of said .Maysiard ; thence along the line of the. .satue north Suc' east per.; to the nest line of E W Taylor ; . thenee along the line of the same south 2 0 1 west 34 pets to (tie cor of ElTowner i thence along the line of the s.alti Towner and C SI Van Winkle west 1527-lope-is to The center of the pule • lie road ; Moneta - along thus ;cuter of the:awe north 2. , , , , ,1 east 52 psd's to 1116 place of beginning; con tains 35 acres and 121 pees of laud Inure or less: about 30 acres improved, with I framed house, I framed barn, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and tnken infaexecution at the salt Of E It' De Long vs Roswell Culver.. liw.l No 13 . ALSO-One other lot situate In Burling ton twp, hounded north by lends of widow Haight, east by the flurwlek turnpike, - south and west by lands of widow Netter ; contains one-half acre more or less; Improved, pith 3 framed house, 1 tram, ed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into exeeation at the snit of da t es McCabe. and 'William H Edwards vs George Walborn and hi A Walborn. . . . No. 14. ~ ...LSO-One other lot situate In .South Creek twp, bounded north by the New York State line, cast by George Duntiam's land, south by lot No 5, on-a draft made as surveyed by James A "Payne for Kirby a Adams.andnow owned by them, and west by laud contracted by said Kirby ik Ad -1 'aula to Amos Fenton ; this tract .being lot No 6 on said draft, and contains 100 acres more or less. Being the same piece of land convoyed by.Sylies. ter W Hall to Frank 0 Allen by deed dated Feb 11, 1873, and recorded biked Book No 122, at page 333, &e, excepting and reserving therefrom one .. . it Tilt•D FOn POSTAI:R. half of all the Wood and Bother being antritantling • Geo MeCten, Canis:deo, N Y. - on sand lot, for the term of three- years front the - . - I.'•}-laWeaver, Sunbury, Pa. . \ dat e It:icor, as collaterat security for the purchase Ripley- &'Co,'Llatiale,\N V.! ' . 'money of said premises; about 40 acres, Improved, W ilt 1 boonl hence; 1 framed barn, and young arch- A:1111Lit at 31 , 4n0e10n, Pa. Tille & CO, Augusta, 316:„ . • - 'ii or fruit trees thereon. Seized and. taken Into ' , ' ' exec Hon at the suit of Sylvester W Hall vs Frank Pei - sons calling , for, auraf the ab . nre will plealle ' G All say .. advertised, • giving date of list, : • - l• 't N0..1 . •. I •S. W. ALFORD, 15 U. twp, bout . . . satisflction of those who placed them there, and it is as much a source of pride to the citizens of the towns from whence these men came, as to the citizens of To wanda that they are thus honored and at the same time peenniarilyttcuelitted ; and their old neighbors have an :.dvantage in it, it does not detract from the claims of those among them who may at present or here after aspire to the same positions. • It is time that the attempt, persistently and systematically. made (by a set:of men who for the good of the party have too long controlled Cur nominating conven tions,) to piditlcally ostracise any Man liv ing in Towanda, - who presumes to ask for an office that is coveted . by one of these rulers, or by one of their friends. The Ileputlican party cannot afford to rqeet the claims of auy man to be elected, to of fice, simply because his business interests have caused him to locate in Towanda be fere he set forth his claims. Coulumt-SeNst.t. Tim Tiny IlousEwwn.—The tidy housewife, when she is giving her house its spring cleaning, should 'bear in mind that the dear inmates of the house are more precious than houses, and that their systems need Cleansing by purifying the .blood, regulating the stomach and bowels to prevent and cure the diseases arising from springimalaria and miasma, and she should knew that there is nothing that will dolit so perfectly and 'surely as Hop Bitters the purest and. best of all medicines. See other column. I • • . . THE manner. in which Dounms was , slaughtered in the hotfie of his friends'on Tuesday will be his real friends for long remora- . t. bered 4: time. Men who had voluntere I sup port deliberately sold him out. ' DE Wiir was no larger than any else! after PIOLLET put his foot in the convention. . 11 0 ( 1 1 1 11 DURING 1. BMcil Sena 1. 'as one of the t or rather, in th ho recent, visit to Rehoboth •rr Bayard was looked upon -st swimmers on the . beach, sea. I • . . . T IST 'OP LET *S remaining in 1._4 Post omen at Towan W Bra4toril Co., Pa., . fur Um week entAing Auguseal, 187 S: \ Parke, James ' Hem u, Lorenzo _ - '• ' /torte. Annie . Hall, elr 11Mund, Owen . Hall, Nap, ' ' Cawley, Martin • , • 111bber, Alhert W Conary; Lizzie Martin, And cl \ , ,i - . C0a.:1.1, Adella . Myer, Franc I Cole, Hattie • MeHarg, 11 lie on . Carl, !mei \ Pierce, Annie '. Cry. Mrs \ . Tyler, JC ' -. Donald, Emma \N' White, Lovinla . . New Xdraetliemear-'' '" •• SQTRA.YE - fi' B171;1;. • - A stray twoloors old rod Bull tame oatuTs . 4- premises about four weeks ago. The owner trut p l ea se " il l pay clUSrgeit and take dim arAl Towanda. tail., Aug. SS; 187 L 12.w3 NEW ARRANGEMENT IN TUX COAL .BUSINESS.I . The undenslgned haring purcbasq.4 from . Yr, McKean 111. COAL YARD AT TIIEFOOT OF P RT INE STREET, MEAN TIIE COU lIOUSF., Invites the piOrnnage.of It:cold friends and 'tie public generally. I shall keep a full avortmeut - - , of all sir s, PITTSTON, • NifIGIIESBARRE AND - LOYAL. &ICH- COAL, . . . • AND SIIALL ST.L.L, AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CA SII. NAtITAN TI UU Towai.da. Pa., Aag.2l, Prat. " 1271 •Zcgl. "*. • - 1 - 4 130 - TurrolvsNOTiCl3.—NotiCe I licreby gleen.that AU perieins talelded ,to the estate°, Jauics Finnerty, late of Towanda hrp, are recni.stnd to make Immediate payment, and all persons hs:lng claims ng.klost said estate must present theta duly ailthenticated fur settlement: • E,-T, FOX, Executor. Towainta, Pa., Ang..22. 1 8. l2a TN lIANKRUPTCY. -'District (Mart of the United States. futlho Western Liitrict of Pennsylvania. This Is to give notice, that on: the 14th day of August, 6.- L. ICS, A 'warrant In bankruptcy was Issued ugliest the crate of 4., A. Fowler. of Men roe twp., in the county of Bradford and State of 'Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition : that the : payment of any debts and the delivery or: any property belonging to Puth banicrupt, to hint or for his Alta the tranfser of any property by him are forbidden •by law • that a meeting of the creditors of said bank rupt: to move their debts, and to choose one or mote asslgnecir of his estate; will be held at a Court o. r.abkruptey, to he holden at the °Mee of Overton & Mercur, Towanda, Pa • :before It. A. •111nrcut, E..l 4 .ltegister, on the 2:Lse day of September, A. D. 11.1 S, at 10r:clock A. M. JOHN HALL, U. Q. 'Marsha!, as `Messenger. pitt.Nirgt, Fa., Aug. 15, -1578. .12w2 . • A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE.—In the rs_ District Court of the-United 4tates, for the Western District of Penn‘yirania. in the matter of .hid: ca S. War kruan. !mut rupt. ht Inlnlatiptye. To whom it mop .mmeern:—The undersigned hereby notice of his appintment an /i&signee of Judfon S. D'arkman, of Monroe top., In the county of Bradfotd, and State of PeonsylvaMa. within said District. •who has been adjUliged .o bankrupt on creditors petition. by the District Vourt of said District. • ! W. A: PARK, Assignee Monrooton, Psi . Aug. Pi. ls7S. RPII AN 'S COURT SALE.—By A.i.,t,toe of no tAmied out of the Orphait's I rourt of Timid ford connty, the undersltzt. , l. eXt`Cli• tor of thoentate 01 Daniel 'White. late of bury MIL, deceased. OXIIi1St• to public t , a:e. on the prenthe: , . on till DAN - , sr.rT 2d, I s 7 s. at 1 o'clock .1.. M.. the following des:Jibed real es tee 1, said townihip r,,unded on the north by landsad of John Carroll. cm-4' by lands of John !'.:l:2ntbers and 1.2.,1•. and oil the Post by landg of Daniel. clay=s, and 4ml to contain about one hundred and five acres, to be the-sante more or less; about 77, acres Improv ed, with a framed inane and framed ham' and Eihr.l. , and aridetrees thereon. TV.1:31.1 SM,K..--,1100 down, WO on conttr- MACWII. sed balenro In one year thereafter with In. toot after cbn tit mat lon, J AMES U. W_Erat, Exerutt,r. ;.,'t O u u uinrld, Ang. e 2, tS7S. . ALBo—One other lot' situate In Leßoy fed north by the Tottanda Creek, east by Legal. tho public highway known as the .Iforintaln road, uth andans of the Schrader.Coal and Laud pany, west by lamb of P A Holcomb; contains •411 acres more or less, about &Stores Improved, with I frantod house, I framed barn. I fnunadshop, and tow fruit trees thereon. Seized and ^taken Into exerution at the suit of U L Sull, net, Vs James Ifer ,cerancy. _ • No. 111. ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda. Moro, bounded north by the- north Hue of land sold by Kneel Tompkins to defendant. east by lots sold by defendant to Carey, Tidd and °them south by other land Of defendant and bylot now occupied by Mrs Wheeler. and west by Fonrtli-rt• being about 200 ft north and south, and:sheet BA:ltem& and west. Seized and taken into execution at the trultrof Walter 41 Tracy vs() Is Bartlett .-- ." -11e,17. ALSO—One other Jot Minato In Web-, field top, bounded north by lands of d• Bent and Wm Calmer. east by lands of WWI II Calmer and sprivate road, south by said private road and lands . nf It Brown,•and west' , by land 4 of"Oscen. Tait ; contains anent 7A acme more or less, shone toi acres . Improved, with? -framed house, 1 fruited barn and sheds, and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken iota execution at the, suit of A C Mint vs John Bradley. Alto at, tit e stilt of B P DV, use vs •Jolict Bradley. _ No. 18. ALSO--One other let situate In Atlient twp, bounded and described as follows: Counuene log fa • the center of the highway leading' fermi Athens to Waverly, at a point 47 rods north of Eli as klatliewsmea northwest err. In end d highway and running thence south 2n west along.the center or said hlghwaYW-4 to , h , to the center of Pitney-3C so called ; thence south .82.° 10' esral. At 70-100 rods to r, lot 8014 to Charles (1 Smith ; thence 'running ixoriti.along raid Smil Ws line 741 S rods to lands of 11 L 'K '' r & A Snyder ; thence east along said Snyder's, liras fa the place of beginning St 71.104 rods: con talus 12 acres mere or less, all Improved, with 1 framed barn 'thereon, Being the same piece of laud conveyed by Itodolphes Brown and Charles If Dunlop and wife, to George lingers by deed d. 22,an dos ted - Aprif 1859, d rerimleil in Deed Book NO. at p gb 54, &c. Selzkl and Laken Into excels 'tien at the null of The Citizens Bank of 'Waverly, N Y TS Georg. Mogen. ' No 19. ALsO—One other lot situate In Tferrlci twp, bounded north hr. lands of Houlihan Morrow, east by lands of ilamlltmt Morrow and John Mau you, south by londs of James Fee and 'lands for merly ONVONI by Itkhard Gratttn„west by lauds formerly owl:4d by Richard Graham and Samuel Billings: enatalus as :toes tome or less, about 13 Improved. with 1 - antall house and tunble therms. it , lzed and taken Into execution st,the guitar John Welles Ilblienbaelt. vs Cyrus Avery. NI,. 2a. AL Ohio other lot situate In To- irmila Unto and Towanda rwp, bounded east by the road leading prom ilridge-st, south by lands formerly owned by William Patton, west by lands of Ledyard Chaapel formerly of William Patton. and north by lands of the heirs of 1/avid Cash. de ceased, being 9 rods front on saldlsiad leading from Bridge,st. and running bock from said road on-o. Ilim,porallel with the hoe bribe said heirs of vBl Cash, ileccaSeda.:. costa! us sh acres more or leas,: all Improrud. with !.framed ixntnt, and a few fruit trees themon; Being the ramirplece of land con veyed by James If Phlnney and wife to JuoJ Grif fith, by deed dated March 25. leg, and recorded In Deed hook No 113. at page. 209, de. No. 27. A 1.0--Otio other lot situate in Towanda tap. bounded and d , l.seribed as follows : Beginning at a a toed on the west silo of Ifall Hisad-st ; thence by lot owned by Mathew like, north 81,y 5 west 139 ft to a past t thence by lands'of Masan, north al.: 0 east Si. ft to a post thenri •by lot - contracted to Mathias itiannlx, smith Sty , east 1:41 It to the rest ante of hail froml-st Cite:mlc along the some, a. - outh St. n wcat. to ft to plaee of beglnnin,„ 4 : It being a lot No S 7 of F Masotti.; plan of gouth To wanda, and conveyed 14 Warren !tilt and wife to .Ino Orlffdlis, by deetLatr l lief! 19, lii7a, and re. coid..d to Peed hook No 118 at page 4(4, &r, with 1 fllllll, d bnin.n , thnrirnn. . . . - No, ^a, ALSO—tile other lot situate in Atlystas Born, bounded and fhassrildtt as follows : Begin- Iflng at a post on the west •slde of Maln-st, the northeast cur of a tot o1.77,•11 by W H Shards' : thence aping the forth lino bribe said Shiphy,es lot. north 77Y,. west 12 y pairs: tlyince u%srtli.l2.Yfic , west 32-t0 psis; thence south 77!_ 0 east 124. pers to a post on the West side of Maln-st ; thence south 12!-C1,east 3 2-10 pers-t° the .place of beginning; contains 40 pers tonre or less, with 1 framed house_thereon a It helm; the same piece-or !and mod,oyed try .1 11 IEII acid wife to Jim .1 Oriel. hs by defal tlatt.fl - Nov IN, 187 1 , rid rofforfled Ili Deed Bonk No 123, p;age-2r,s. No. 30, AM-iv—floe other tot‘ituate In Towanda Born, bounds d and described as follows : Ilegin alog at tb' northwesi. oft of Wiiii;Ml Patton's brick block ; I hence north 25 ft along 31a.in-st : thence calf. to the iin pleb:ulna river :-I 101 w down 'anal be said river `25 ft an lends or Wilt lam Patton: thence along, sail Pattoll*, 1:1,111 to I!. s p:sios of i.e. ginning. with I framed bonding as .fl for twa storf.'s on Main-at. 1 cooper shop and 1 t:: fckf•raith'i. slii. - p thereon. I:xceptind and res .- ening t iterefrom tho right or WRY of the Pennsylyania and New York Canal add nail Iliad Complitty through said lot as It Is now lcwnted ; It Ding the salmi piece of laild conveyed by C 11 Patch and:wife to .Pao .1 Griffiths be deed dated March it, 1833, and recorded in Deed . }f—f, Nh'7o at page 170. Also all tile right. titles and Interest of said John .1 Griffiths In :sad to - a certain brick wall.stattillifg on the,, north side of silltieft and adjoining sadfl, 1 fraturiholldlng ir.c4 for stores, Ste- W, set forth to a contract from M. 1.: Solomon to said Jno .3 Griffiths, recorded In Weft . ,Book No 67, at page 113, Ste., and dated August 8. , Press, . No. 31. ALSO—One nth: - r lot sltuate In Leroy and Canton twp,S, bounded and flef,Crilied as bil lows: ‘,:fitifineneltig at a p 0.71,.: Dolma _by land In the warrantee name. of Witham Bell nurth 71 0 east 220 pers ton sugar troocor : thence lay' land in the warrantee name of WPllatn Wister, -ngth-229•east 3;0 NI , to a beech cur on or near a swamp:Thence 1 west ala pet... Viand In the warrantee name of -inc Singer to a post : thence north by land in„. the war ! ramen name. of Bobert Shaw. 22s pens inr tlm Piave, 1 of toiginning; contains 417 ao.fes mon, or less, (re sf-rVing therefrom 8? acres and 130 porn thereof sold to J A Bloom.) it being the eggal undivided OM , . letlf of Paid trif.d. rifler dedget log said n.aeres and 136 - 1 - if.rs as aforesaid and in the sante - tract that scan porehascil by Illlas ltcei;well at Treasurer's ...ale or `unseated lands In and for said, enmity of Bradford, i abant the year-15.14, and who conveyed his interest In :lba same to the said Niratit Alochwell who has,• also pnrehased tit:. outstanding. , clain3 thereto o f from Edward Overton. W 'Pat lim, and .the twits et John N Weston, and being the same piece of hind conveyed f y Nirani Books:mil had wife to. his .1 Ortnitits 1.7 deed olf.tefl August 2.1.:•;1, aiid reciirded In Dee . d Book No 87, at page fftl. tze.-. - No. 32. AT.SO—One other lot ylfuate In. Leittiy 1 551 , hnonded and described, as. follows: All the right. itttle and interest of [Sem th's snit' Abraham' Marlin and SIIFO.I , Ills WI re and their hell 4 and as signs In and to all the said baltince of the: land re maining nnulit by,salf.l Abraham Martin and Susan LI: albs. a Idris is contained or eml.raced in all dliose several tracts of land reffpectively : in the F.:Trau.° mime: 0! 4'04;1 Barron Jr.'whieh 'was Niter:oft in John Marren, Frefieriffk hales, pan 11- -Mil to Frederick Bates, henry iteek, • patented. to John Barker and George Pfeifer. patented to Wil lett] Barter and situate In Leßoy, i formsrly Can . ton tsp. Bradford courtly. State or 1 , ,,,y1,,inin oboes rid. the tile to -which' of several inlets above named be sundry conveyances duly_. fr.cocuted accigiling to last'; bee:lllW 11:1 1 y and legal vested In fee s 4011.1.• in them the aforesaid Abed ham Martin and Slis -, ,t0 Ills Wile, said lands remain ing unsold as aforesaid and herein intenficd in be conveyed by the std Abraham Martin and Sasan his wife to the said John .1 Griffiths. in fee simple' 31 areI.CKIIII. In F111110,..`11 10 contain or embrace the quantity of tra acres more or less; being the:fame. piece ot land cony: yea try. Abraham Mart In :rad • stile to Jiff, .1 Glifilths by deed dated Oct 4,- 1503, _and recorded In Deed Book N 0102,31 page 331, Ste, no improvements. . No. a 2. ALSO—One other, lot sift:ate it: Towanda Bons, boamlod and 11.. .11sel as follows : Ilegin- Dill g at a psi on Si ate-st at the int , msection of said str,iet with analley : 'Le: ce ssfutiferly along :said, alley INt ft; thence nester's' 31V1 parallel is tilt f...:11.1 streel 341 ft: thence northerly and. par 3.11,1 with i f'aift alloy 100 ft to 313 . 10-st : .1 hence eiodfrly . along' said street to the Face:of Iwgitoinig : will. I fram ed Ifolifet thereon: Ifelfig Jhe '.lOlO piece of land c'' aVf - yeil by It it 'llelic:Ji4 4 ,l %I ile to Jno .1 Iltir fiths by steel dated Jan 11, 1011, and ref , frilcfl In D. ~,, 1 linok Nn lea. al Fag* 138 . 1 :e. ' . '. NO 31. A I,SI/—lsne.otherint sittinte 1:. Ant Min iwp, ',winded aril dem." l'oitt Vl., t e n,,, , Brg! n nlag at a stak , at wost for of Vanilermaik'.4 lot ,til.leitt lag lands of John Wen.thr mks: ty,,,, ) , , , ~,,oh c...:0 went ao pers to a stake err nt . John Westbrook unit .1 - Charles Zorn ; 'thence north ,2 0 weft C 4 pers to stake In CPT of highway,: thence north 55° east 31 . pers to a stake In said road : thenisa south 63 pen: - to place of beginnlng : contains lila: aeres more or I less, pulls'. Improved, with I leg house th-reon : be- DT 5r..1111 land cc rosy-eel iy B F lioroman and vs Ire by flood rcrerthd In Deed Book No lull, ai. page 331.-' ye. . . ~ N n. 34, ALSO—One other lot situate in Wysex asp, henntled and ilescrilfed as follows: Beginning at a stake aryl stones to cc the loin of the road mad log`bswa rids Toss ands Eddy: thease smith 75 0 Cant 51 per„s to a stake and stones not the bank of the ca. - sal; tihmee Loam - Ong mein the- same. smith 31 ° urst anent Si pers ; thence en the welt line . of the. Shephard 'Pierce farm, running corgi 7 0 west 35 •mfrs to the \ I 'ace of beginning: contains 5 acres and 137 piers o‘f land more or ion's, oath I framed Min iie and few , {nit trees thereon. N0.:15. ALSO-fine , other hot slteate - In Wysox I tam, bounded and Ileser(bed as follows: floginotog at a pest on the eastitik a the canal, and 111 M. - fling smith 27° east 3S pers to the river: Omar. north 21 0 east 20 pent to,a tor:. thence north 117 0 . west 40 pars to the east bank or, the canal a thence , up said e.leal andliaantlim) , ,dhe F.:1111e, to the place of hest contains 4 acre's and 23 pent Moro or . r leg:, ail iniprtived, The raid beat .two pisses a!ove dessribad being fire S:•111 , .! 1:1..,Z1 t'onvoyed by Janie* I •Sablfury - and Wire to 401111 4 Gritilth by Eked dewed • ,1 June 13, 1572, and recorded in Dred Infok No tit, ,at nag, last. ..tc. \ . ' - Nn. alt. ALSO-Two elher4res situate, in Towan , da tinro...and T0W,11 , 13 Mr. boutfiled f.ttd\fle,erilted ' as foPows: The flat of ::11 , 1 lots 1`11:11Me)0111.! at the northeast cur of the I,d Intended to be csesvey . sal, at the e,stern terminus of the Ilne fenef\r, it stood whet: this adjoining lot was occupied - by slra iteunett ; thmce southwnrilly along the, west side ' of the react now known as Bridge-at Ex tensloo.. - 211,. . rods tea for; thenise westwardly and par.sliel with ' the south lino of the lot lately °coupled. by Mrs' , Bennett za aforesaid. and mins owned Isy.Wllliam . Norrook, 40 rods to a con on the lino of lamb:lately owned by Lent and eh:lapel: thence northwardly along raid chasinds r t line and parallel wltli:said Ili Iflge-id Extension, go rods to a n-or; thence east ' x.c.rilly along the south line of the lot lately °ern- pled lir the said 'Mrs !Sennett and now owned by ' William Norconk,Jo rods wills the jog hereafter mentioned. to the plate of. begluning; rz-serving,: however, to the sold W. Patton. his heirs and as sigas tin rover. the sprit ;Timor TM-north line of said ' lot, and which Is moue IS rods from the, Afflrefflld , road. now Bridge-st Extension. together with one rod square of land embracing the same, and also ' the right to convey In pipes Into and, trent said spring, the water of therm) other springs alitive and sonthwrst of said spring, sir as 10, connect Ibn three springs in 011 i., Or to such Miter point or place as the said Patton., its heirs or aadguadnfYclux ,- se. - The lid above dencribed contalas 7, acres of land, strict measure, less the one rod square reserved as aforesaid, all Improved. - Ths other or secledi to: lying and 'being south or , And adjoining said lot' hereby conveyed In the'. party et the sevond part, 11101 begluidlig - at the luililicast cor thereof : thenen southwardiv along said Brlfige-st Extension 100 ft toll cur; thence westwardly and parallel with the line of one Cormya lot 150 ft to a cur t thence north= woolly:1nd parallel with isalll Brldge.st Extension KO ft to a tar: thence ens:wavily along the line of the Cormys. lot 15 1 1 ft to the place of bog:ln:Mg : he ling tbe.fatoo two lota et land convoyed by William Patton and wife to John J Griffiths by deed dated Dee 24,1074. and recorded to Deed Griffiths. No 124,at page 115. &e. ' . . N0..37. ALSO—One other lot situate In Overton tem. bonnticd and doses - Theft as follows: Beginning at a post at cur of First-51, south . ; thence tig.So cast 5 per - re a pont ; thence south along the 11110 of Wil. Sou Strecry's lot lepers to a•- , post; thence. west-5 pars to a pf - oton First-4a thence along - Bald street lepers to the place of 'beginning • contains 50 pers, of land more or leas, wtih the pas:liege& suffictent eater from the spring for family use, with I small trained house thereon; being the same piece of land conveyed by Solomon Hewing and Olio to duo J Griffiths. by deed dated Sept 25, 1671. and record ed in Dotal Book No 12R. at page 2 , 3, , ,ke. ' N 0.33. A LSO-41ms Other lot sltuates in Towanda Boto. bounded north by lands fortherly owned by. 4' I , Nichols, east by Bridge-st Extension. south and west by lands of J O Patton: being ht ft front on Itrldfre-stand 150 ft deep, With I framed house thereon. . . No. 30. AI.SO—One other lot sit lintft 111Torranda Coro and ToWniott lisp, bounded north by lands of 01 E Harrs, east by lands of E W 'Warner, flmfeph Dolt. Getrge Vamp and Johanna Crulits, -4multi by Innds id J I: Patton, a;111 35 1,,t by 11111,15 I'l the Miserly Sc ar o :ga l , nstate ; contains 3 ,- ; amos of land mote or less, all Improved. Setz,n". and (alzon - Into eterutlon at a Suit of Ow-rtes & Mercur,. Oa-, vs John .1 6 rttlith, Joseph ti Patton, Daniel Siveut and Bs bigot Se cet, T. T. - Also at suit of 13_ W Laue Vs Joint 3 Griffiths.• - - Ati DISEW .1. LATTOLI, Eibe , !T: Sheritra Office, Towanda, Pa., Aug. 11,1574, .- TRIAL LIST for September Term . • at Court, 18711, at Towanda, Pa.: W elspp . 7o G Elias ifulisillei vili Cernellas - Hunalkor elect Ellen K Mitchell vs James Kelley - ejec - A Lewis vs L Ireedeninwg issue.' M Ii Merrill vs C F Hawkins appeal liar, Driscolls'use vs Ellen Dorman et al....rleet Salnuel Walbridge insW W Decker covenant Bridget Connolly vs Wm It Storrs eke/ Henry D Elmer admit vs D B Walker et al...sci• la GOO 9 Peck vs 0 eiglit aid Maynard debt D X Mittman Vs F_C Sweet •,lastie First National Bank,'Athens vs Geo W Morse debt Josiph Towner vs B W bane , eject Philip Berry's W T Gardner. L ..... . ... «....ilebt SI F. Cuyler vs J L Corbin .1 al, replevin E Ashumn Parsers vs Wm H himipsou..;.spvem Coditlng and Raven vsTourand Reread Dist debt - PSI Coolbangh guar vs Thom Meredith...eppnt Jno SI Lamphere vs Geo Fox fulmr . appeal Pi:rents Mat Life Inset, vs henry A Burbank act fa - Clarissa Towners use vs I Leroy Chrbln...assumpt Isaac A• Park vs Township of 0rwe11.... elm, . .1 C Vanes vs - Jnofr Ward ` 7 i..slebt Petit Doane admit vs C W Doane . troves Jut' 0 Ward vs /cleaner' Mut Life Ins CO d. 44, . - 3ii wpcs: . • . . • , Cltizeni Bank, Waverly vs Cl:Ailing & linpell Citizens Bank. Waverly is .1 D Siontanye—assmnf Citizens Bank.WaverlY VSChAtilineYS gliPoliaemid Thomas Mathews vs Cleo V Slyer et al eject Weller & Ellis vs DennisSteStahenses•r...assinpt lieltinstrey & Childs vs # alhet3Mairr rep Alex Dewing 1111131rYli 1340 Fotin'r debt David Gardner vs Daniel Ileasiir • wield , I. It Urgers use vs Alien McKean -- rump', D C Dwight use vs Schrader Coat Co trespass Benjamin Waltzer vs Ella. Beastlier, My Wm SI . Neater vs It B Keeler watent 'Fredrick Shad vs E C Herrick ' tmver Is Snell vs Pa & PI Y C lc lilt Co' ewe J C Ayrea& Co Vs Levi Morse etal, appE.at . Oen C ETi11101) VS M C Clalllis apiwal P W McDornell va A.l Layton • - 4e3p.144 - B W Lane vs DS pratt et al IVs • scl fa Isabella Rockwell vs Win and Chas Northrop eject James Gibson ye Pater McCulley ..... .....trespr...s Lowis'& Brown vs Dsvid Whipple appeal • Wm, Justin vs Dennis Coups:llin. _appeal Moats SI Cooibaugh vs Pa ik B Y C& It it Co..ea,e Ifargaret D Kline vs David Luther - trespass. SUL Prentiss vs Wm Peet _. 11tUld Subixenies 2il week returnable Monday, Sept. v. 4878. Subpsaaes ad week - returnable Monday, Sept. IS. 1878. BENJAMIN St. PECK, rzothonotary. Towanda, Pa., Ai;f. 2, 1878.• • •-, 10w4 Elmira hi.dvertisemaats SILVER PLATED WAItE! A SPLENDID STOCK OF ROGERS d; BROS' KNIVES, - - ? VORK.S,• •.! • . SPOONS, . MUGS,- - . • .. 13UTTERDISHES; CASTERS, kc., 4e. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS EXTREMELY LOW PRICES! CALL AND SEE THEM. T. - W. E14,1011F,, 131 EAST WATER STREET -Elmira, IN.:. Y.,.Avg: . 13, 1875. T • ROSENBAUM & SONS, Dealers In DRY 'GOODS, "MILLINERY, SUITS, ke., 201 East Water Street, - ELMIRA, Y • The Cheapest_ raid Dot Plifre in the City to Buy!. • OUR dOODS Arb.bought for f L, arid prices are guaranteed to be as low as the. lowest EVERY. DEPARTMENT ' TS KEPT SUI'P.LIF.I► WITH THE LATEST NOVELTIES We ;Joint to do the MOST-EXTENSIVE MILLINERY BL•BINESt IN ELMIRA, • And parties de.iring anything in that line witrtintl It to (bar interest to call and see ; an. As we cond act no fancy establishment,our prices are always plalti mil moderate. . . The trade supplied at the lowest whpleiale prl- J.-.. cm ; Special litilticemeats to Cash ettstoiners. - . . DOn't . forget the place— 201• EAST WATER -S T.. Rathlluo House Block Elmira, N. Y., Ilay 23. 1873 MI GIB 1 .... ..., Z • •-• r: = 'X .13 RE A sT 0 NIS HA G DI'SCLOSURES I=lsl PREMIUM HARNESS ,STORE! C: R. WITEADON At 'SON' • Havel In stock the lamest:lml most complete assort ment of FARM AND FINE IjARNESS That can be found In any store Ntlveen Albany and Elmira.„3lore SPORTING AND TUill , `" GOODS! it. large variety of TRUNKS AND SATCIIELS.I A more complete stock of TEAM AND TRACK .wrttrst A larger and better assortment of . • LA DIES' AND. GENTS' RIDING SADDLES, &c. In conclusion, we' say that we have evedthinir that can be named connected with a business of this kind, that we are anxious temp. Wake upend PULL DOWN YOUR VEST And come op and set as, and„we will demonstrate what we say. 'At 206 E. WATER STREET, ELMIRA, N. T. IM. Sign of the Gold Collee.lak CHAS. -WHEADON at SON. FOB FINE MILLINERY, FANCY t1001)8,: TIMIIIINGS, AND LAIiIES' GARMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, At Low Prices, RAPELYEA h DILL; 827 EAST WATER ATBEET, ZLNIRA, N. Y., apr Lead all Competitors. _„ 18'78 =!!!Ml== El 0 ,7'. sir IHN ICI I=4 .;• 0 N .4