Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 15, 1878, Image 3

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AVianda, Pa., Thursday, Aiignst 154878.
Dealer In .• • .
• • • •-w Anna , • .
. .
Towanda, Jan.lB, 1877.
BOAT racing is becoming quito popular
on the river at this place.
Titenui-svill be a publics entertainment
jn the Het-lick Meting House, on Friday
,e'ven'ing, August 30th, given by the 'Ter
ricklicading Society. All are invited.
nowros, of. Ghent, caught a black bass
on Monday last, weighing one pound and
fifteen' ounces.
HALF a dozen tramps caught upon the
cars of the Pa & N. Y. It. It. Co were
bagged by Policeman Burins one night
last Week, and after -a , hearing before
Jusi ice Tomah they were sentenced to an
inifirisonment of :10 days in the county jail.
AlcoTnpn excursion to the Thousand
Islands will leave this place on - Wedncs_
day, August 28th. This is one of the most
delightful trips anywhere in the eonntry,
and the fare is so low that aft can afford
Tuhl Republican primaries will be held
in this borough on Saturday, August 24tb,
between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock P. M.
do tho l First Ward„at tho hotel of S. N.
Baon - x. SSecoud Ward, at the G.rand Ju
ry ItOorn, Third Ward, at Smrru's Gro
rem .
NOTICE.—Tho Executive Cotinni s ttee of
the Bradford County Agricultural 'Socie
ty, are iequestcd to meet at the Society's
Fair Ground on Friday next, the IGth day
of August, at 1 - o'clock tom. Nr.
Aug. 12, 188
I.'o. 0. F.—The new Hall of Clauson
Lodge, :No. 923, at Sugar Run, Wilmot
township, will be dedicated on Monday,
Septcmbcr 2d, at 2 o'clock P. M. Grand
Secretary NICHOLSON, and others of the
Grand Lodge, will be present to conduct
the ceremonies. All are invited to attend.
'—There will be held a service
of song with.reading.s, founded on "Ca
de Torn's Cabin," next Friday evening,
in the M. EA'hurch..—Tlie entertainment
has great popularity in I London - and •in
other places; bath in this country and
England.. Admission 25 cents ; children
10 cents.
P.tsKET Ptc;Ntc.—ro. IC 12th Regi
ment, N. G., will hold a basket pie-nic
and drill at RrrTv's Park, on Tuesday,
the 20th ult. The Company 'will leave
the Armory at ll o'clock M., and March
tti the grounds and drill until noon—mote
drill in the afternoon. A large platform
hot been erected, anti dancing -will begin
at o'clock P. and •cc ntintie during
the evening. Music by REF:LI - nes full or
- chest my: All are in' ited to attend.
Tar. Forty-Sixth Session of the North
ern, District Convention, I. 0. of G. T.,
will Convene at South ('reek., August 27th.
Let each Lodge be fully represented.
There x( ill be a Te l mperance Camp Meet
in;; at Mount Pisgah, this county, com
mencing -Angust 2: - (th, to continue ova
the fidlo(ving Sunday. GoOd speakers are
expected to be in- attendance at hot':
M, E. Citunntiett,
Dist. Sec'y.
Towanda, Aug. 13
EREN CENTRE,—We were visited
by sn Severe thunder shower last Monday ;
the • lightning
.played around several
houses, but no one was seriously injured.
Miss li.kTE Ivisos; was so stunned as to
he tillable to walk 'for some hours. ,Miss
SAEAIt JONES alsci sustained a slight shock.
The lively trade carried on at both our
stores, would iniii:rite that the times are
Miss JENNIE Thm of Flint., Michigan,
is visiting friends in this place.
The last entertainment here Was a con
cert given by a company of colored pen
' plc. If laughing ti beneficial to health,
notch good must have been done by their
mirth-proKoking songs and gestures
August 9, 1873.
- - - --...
1 Tua Ibowing is the law on 'profanity.
If it we in force it would • fill - the State.
: "If any person of .the age of
sixteen or upwards_ shall Afapely curse
or swear by the maim of GU4!, JEsts
CrttsT, or the Holy Ghost, :my person so
UL:tiding being thereof convicted shall.
forfeit - and pay the auto of .sixty-seven
cents for every such profane curse or oath,
etc.: Mid further, any person of the age
of sixteen or upward who shall curse or
swor by any other name or thing shall
forfeit and pay the.F.l3lll of forty cents foT ,
every such curse or oath, and for any negl
beet to pay, he or she shall lie committed
to the liou:Al . of correction of the proper
county, not exceeding twenty-four honri;
EntronsiNvonTEtz—Sirs; I have been
informed that certain parties (ior I think
motives of their own), are circulating the
report that I was instrumental in making
IliNps a candidate for Commis
sioner, and in. consideration therefor, I
was to be benetitted by the appointment
to a pw,ition_ip that office. I hero say
that all such iiissertiens are crerk
2 ), riirArr: I dia nut It'uom , he ‘i' - asa can,
(hate until some timetaf+ be bad cuter
. ed the tielq, and not one word—either ex
prrsse!l-or Implied—bas ever passed be
tween its as to his courAt in making ap
pointments, should he be elected.'
Yours, etc.,
• -E. R. Coma:Acou..
Towanda, Aug. 11, Is7B,
AT a regular meeting of the National
Greenback ellib.Of Franklin, held August
Isls, the following named persons were
recommeiled as candidates for the nomi
nation for the following offices, to wit :
- Cokir‘ - e.48—1). C.' DE:WiTT, of Towanda,
1? c I) . re-taitatires —E. IL CJIATTON, of
Franklin; H. F; JOIINSON, of Li6Flfield ,
W I LI. lAN CIJAMBERLIN, of Wyalua . , ng.
. Sheriff—Joint H. CALKINS, of Coltmlbja.
Re ster and Recorder—E. 0. 'WILLEY,
or F uljln.
-C in ;
ini4diower—F. E. J'AYNE, Of To
And recommended tkein for suPPoit to
the primary nominating .elections,, to be
held in the several diStricts throughout
the.county en the 31st °August - next.
The club having left several other offi
ces without naming nominees therefor,
hoping that. candidates would be brought
out and named from other district. and
clubs, and would at the same time sag
vest the name of CHAS, F. cam% of To.
%s.uula, for Prothonotary, it ho will accept,
the same, and his nomination be thought
favorably of by our party friends. •
Signed by the.Pfticere of the Club..
Wong on . the new railroad shoptrat
Sayre has been commenced, and row the .
people of that embryo do have no doubts
about their prosperity and spe edy grow&
Pansonst,—Mr. and Mre.•CanSßn, and
Mrs. E. D. MONT/MYR, havo",teturned
from the sea shine. •
• —A. T. MitniAy, Esq., of Hamilton,
Ontario, is visiting at Gmyrrrtis'.
—Mr.. TOWNSEND, of the S. L. & S. H.
IL Co., is enjoying a visit froin his two \
sons, who are spending a portion of their
vacation with him.
—F. E. BARBER and family, of Haile
ton, aro spending this week in Ulster, at
the Van D,yko• House.
_ CRAFT, wife and son, of- Cedar
Rapids, lowa, have been in town several
days. They were summoned' hero to !A
tha funeral of •Mrs. ilooEns, the mother
of Mr. C.
—The•Ref.J; S. STEWART, D. D., ac
companied by hp; daughter, Miss Imam&
STEWAIIT, has left home for a short vaca
tion in the southern part , of this State.
The Presbyterian Church will be closed
of ,Sunday until.further notice,.
LASIOIREUN, have gone to Ocean Grove to
spend a few weeks.
—President 31AYBEy Captain Tnuatax,
and Mr. BARER, Agent of the S. C. R. R ;
Owego, wore in town on Friday'a
c omniitte to invite Lin.Ta Hose Co. to ,
participate in • the Firemen's parade in
that city.
—Miss GLEASON has gone to Chatauqua
Take for a few &vs.
—Mrs. C. L. Tn.tcx and two children,
have gone to Ocean Grove.
CoI.OVERTON, who has been. absent
from town kir severardays is home
.—Mrs. J. TT. STEWART, of Neivark, N.
J., is visiting Miss JEAsiF WAtiri in this
—Mrs. LEIGHTON, of itochestei•, is visit
ing .11r. and=Dirs. E. T. Fox. •
HonToi; and wire, Mrs. E. G.
GOODING, and M.S. 1.7. E. HowroN, were
visiting in Canton at the time of the hea
vy flood, which _visited a portion of that
tpwusbip last week. Mr. ll.'s - wagon was .
carried off by the torrents. ,
Miss•CLNIIA SToCKWELL died in Ham
monton, N. J., on the 2:3d of July.Ss
STOCKWELL was one of the most success
ful of lady teachers, and enjoyed the high
est 'esteem of a very large circle of friends.
She: s was a native of this county, and. her
death \ is sincerely mourned by all . wbo
knew her. 'I he Potter Journal, in uotic_
ing her death, trutlifully.and feelingly re
marks z . ‘q7or over twenty years hail Miss
STOCK wELO!Cen knoWn and loved in this
community. \She came here, a you ng
girl, to assist Mr, llElinurett in the Acad
emy, and, by her earnest work •and high
character, took a place in the regards of
those who canto to know her that can be
attained by few. It is no description of
her to say that she was \eartnst, faithful,.
conscientious. One may be all these, with
a far lower grade of zeal, faith and con
science.; but with her these qualitics were
developed into a stainless honor, so -true,
so high, as to be far beyond a4,common
attainments. It, is this that makes her
loss so great to her friends, to her many
pupils, to-all within any possible reach of
her intlnepet. A character so pure and
noble rarely spreads its beneficient, influ
ence around us, so - it is but rarely that we
can lose so much as we do in her passing
from' thiglife. In the heart, in the home,
in the life of every pupil there aro truer
thoughts, - nobler desires, higher impulFzes .
and better daily walks, because of her
To these..nearest and clearest to her we
have the right of a
. mutual grief to offer
Cordial sympathy." •
Miss STOCKWELL will be remembered
by many-of the students of the Institute
as a former successful teacher in that in
TUE "clam bake" at Weston's Grove
on Friday last, wail a most enjoyable af
fair. At 10 o'clock in the morning, about
one hundred and fifty ladies and gentic
men embarked on a special train provided.
by' Superintendent Juinia, and proceeded
to the grounds where the company
been preceded by Mr. Simr.Ey and.his as
sistants, and everytbiUg made ready for
the enjoyment of the party. The beauti
ful grounds soon presented the appearance
of an old-fashioned pie-nie. The iiarty
was divided into small groups, who were
enjoying themselves according to their
i 'Aastes—some in social chat, others amps
od themselves,by playing croquet, pitch
ing quoits, etc. About one o'clock, a
bomitiful colation, consisting of broiled
.chicken, roast pig, sandwiches, fruit, etc.,
was spread, and aftei all had been well
served, many basketfuls might have been
gathered up, io bountiful was the provi
sion made by Mr. SEELEY for the wants
of the "inner man." No little interest
was manifested on the part of the comp:i
lly to witness the infalmi operande of bak
ing clams, and when everything wits In
readindss nearly all present • gathered
arour4: tine pits to see the operation. Ow
ing to the dampness of the ground a much
longer time was occupied in cooking the
clams than was anticipated; and they
were not served until a late hour, but
when the pits were uncovered the two
barrels s>f clams were soon disposed of.
The company reached home safe and hap
' py at an early hour in Life evening, feeling
well satisfied with the day's enjoyment. ,
Snmintentleut Juni> acted as conduc
tor, and Master-Mechanic Tlini as engi
neer, and to both gentlemen nuch credit
is due for the unallayed pleasure of the
hurry is over ; Sur crops which have been
bountiful are all gathered in, and although
it has caused us many days 'of toil, we
.feel that we have been richly paid for-iir
laoor,' and that the Creator has been Very
.good to us in giving us such a bountiful
harvest. Our motto is-L" Business firsti.
then Pleasure," and now that we have
the first pretty Well attended to, we shall
devote a part of our time at least to pleas
ore. I presume you will hear of some
monstrous bass being caught by some of
us Glients
Our fall term of echool commences the
2.(ith of this mouth. We have been very
fortunate in securing H. S. PATTERSON,
one of the most promising and successful
teachers in the county.
On the.lith we hare a meeting at the
Church, at 2 o'clock r. at., for the 'pur
pose of making arrangements for - a: great
County Centennial celebration in Septem
ber, at the residence of GEORGE MURPHY,.
who will be one hundred years old. We
hope to have a grand time.
The political campaign' has not made
much of an excitement in :this •locality as
yet. - The Greenback club that was organ
izedly GthLErr, the .roaring bull, . and
treacherous CHARLEY, has szled, and
though they may bring 'Tn . NtAs, Brtt.,
am's . , and the , rest f pf 'the -crw of their
stump speakers, and howl and .spit, ;and
foam and froth ;' they cannot revive, the
cause ;it has gone beyond the : reach of
l•ope ; and every iegort • thostS . leaders of
that pasty make to resurrect the cause,.
will only sink it deeper in the mire. . r .- .
.. Yours Truly, .
Aktfgust,lll, 1878. • KEVIIIER.
from Ti
ming of
at tho G
pleto sot
ers beim
the lead]
went from
this pla4 reling over
the A. -.tact, 11,8 imprea
sion of the road'and its ollicialsdn the fol-s
lowing letter
S. I: SnArrec, Esq.,EtatinA,
Sir : feel it my duty to write yon from
this point,' to say that the treatment my
self and friends received at the handi of
the differ e nt lines over which we traveled'
from Towanda to Kansas City, was such
as to leave us no cause Whatever for com
plaint.. On the L. V. R. R. and Erie, we.
were treated"ak first:class passengers on
the , A..4% G. W.R. IL, and on the St. L.,
K. C. and N. R. we wore specially
eared for, and feel finder great obligations
to you'lor the opportunity you were the
means of affording us \to enjoy the 114.TK
-17/ one cannot fail to'appreciate of riding
on the lines you represent.
We feel that it would flot bo exactly
fair.if we did not state,-thetto Conductor
House, ,of the A. A; G. 'W., and James B.
Reach,: of the St, L.; K. C. &\N. R. IL,'
are due much credit, They are \ endoubt,
edly very popular on their resnP-'
roads, and I presume as fully apr
by the companies..
I cannot too highly recommei
sitar!, and shall at all times be -pl
iestifito the superior comforts I
Believa me Very truly yours,
. Wtsox.—The Presbyterian Church of
Wysox'isprobably one of the oldest brick
Church. edifices in Northern Pennsylva
nia. Its Spiro. has pointed heavensiard=
for more than half a century. Its walls
have stood . thesstorms of all these years;
years that have ,wrought many changes,.
even in the community in whose mid'st it
stands. The noble men who devised
means for the construction of this noble
old structure, have most of them, passed
on to that bourne &MI which no travel
ler.ere retu rns." We remember many of
theQts 11101 whose attachment and devo-
tion to this mother Church were of an ex
ceedingly strong character; they loved .
her as•she was in those bygone days, and
on this account the pastor and people who
care for her to-day thought best tiot to
Materially change the style Or capabitYof
the building, but to adorn and beautify
her interior; and make. .her again what'
she was fifty years ago, one of the most
inviting and attractive places of worship
in the country. This they have certainly
done and in a manner that certainly re
flects much credit {won those who-bad it
in charge.
On Sunday last it was re-opened, or re
dedicated as it were to public worship,
the services being ni t a very impressiv - i
character. Long before . the appointed
time the Church way tilled with what
in-oe.d tube a very appreciative congrega
tion. The opening discourse was <icily
'bred by the Bev. Mr. TnaNis, of Spring,
field, and, for nearly an hour lie held the
undivided attention of the vast audience.
Ile is a Speaker of great force and earnest
ness, and at once convinces his bearers of
his thormighness as a Bible student. _ At
the conclusion of his address, Rev. Mr.
MAsoN. pastor of the Church„ in his hu
morous and good natured way. informed
the congregation that of the expense in- .
curved in the repairs, the. amount remain
ing unpaid was one- hundred and forty
dollars ; this lie hoped they would raise :
two or three .gentlemen were asked tore
ceive contributions, and they soon an
nounced the rece,ipt of one hundred and
seventy dollars; and .to see the spirit in
which it was given must have been a
pleasure to the pastor and people.
The tine' music rendered during the ser the Church choir, compoSed of
Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. MorroaN, Mr. S. B.
and Miss Ellen Moserip, LEwts PronnET
and E. tl. Ow EN with Mifis LEONORA
QwEN as organist, was highly compli
In tic evening the Church was again
Hell tilled ; •and Dr. STEWART preached a
powerfnlpermon from the text : John 14
Chapter )and 6th verso. The Doctor's
power of, reasoning wait here bountifully
displayed, and the text was handled with
that ease and grace characteristic of this
eminent Divine.•
Thus.i.assed a day long to be remem
bered by those who took part in these ser
vices, and this Church seems to have en
tered into a newness of life and prosperi
ty, and-with a community noted for its
intelligence and generosity, and a pastor
like Rev. IlExttv F. Id A.S6N, it will cer
tainly be in the future what it has been
in the past—one of the foremost Churches
the land. "And I heard a Great Voice
out of Heaven saying : Behold the Taber
nacle of GOD is with men ; and He will
dwell with them ; arid they shall be His
; anti Geti Himself shall be with
theni and be their Gon."
-Our depot burned on Satunlay evening
about eleven o'clock. Our merchants, and
hose in Rome: lost a light amount of
freight; nothing was saved. Miss_ Ross
V/ NcENT, of this place, lost a trunk filled
With valuable clothing in the fire. The
company we learn, „already will , rebuild
the - F. A.
Wisox, Aug. 12, 18:8.
" liON(i TO WHOM 110:"Wit TS DUE:"
On Saturday, ti d 3d inst., an unusually
interesting company met at the residenCe
of W. E. KNIGHT, Waverly, N. Y. The
occasion was the anniversary of the birth
day of Hon. A.kroN enunnces, formerly
of this place, but new of Nichols, N. Y.,
the venerable grand-sire of Mrs. KNIGHT,
who had reached thcS7th year of his age.
Mr. C. is the oldest of a family of nine
brothels and two sisters. The sisters and
four of the brothers'passed away in ad
vanced life ; They were well known and
highly esteemed citizens of Orwell. NA
THANIELdied several years ago; JAMES
aril JACOB still later t ,and Dr. Jortx, of
.Binghainton, still more recently. Mr.. C.
-was long connected with public life in this
county, and sustained the offices of Pros
thopetary and Associate Judge Serelal
years ago, and was highly respected as a
Christian gentleman. His official Probity
and strength of character Were acknowl
edged by all who became acquainted with
him. • Ile has been fur many years con
nected with the Methodist Episcopal
i:hurch, and has filled several official po
sitions in the Church, with praiseworthy
efficiency. Ile still possessesremarkable
vigor of mind and body for a person of
his advanced age. On the occasion above
referred to, Dr. 'lotus . CHCBLUCIL and
Rev. AUSTIN Cntritntmi," with their wives,
from Elmira, Rev. F. CHUBBUCK, lately
of Vineland, N. J., and now • , of Barton,.
' N. V., - with Mrs. Noss; of Rome, only
daughter of Mr. CHAMBCCI4 and, a few
others were present. The - presence of
these brothers and friends were eminent
ly suggestive of the past. The ruemoiies
of years gone by were called, acd 'free,
cheerful, bietherly -and Chi istian
coarse, enjoyed with the good cheer of
the host and hostess, made the occasion
one of profound interest. And as Judge
Ciwuntivic and companion were thus sur
rounded with his friends, it . Was felt to be
a matter for thankfulness that ho bad
been spared to enjoy a green old ago in
the possession of the confidence and re-
. _
sped of aelaillaidnideliitioquiditanow
All w.bnkno*bbnirill us#n,lP:tika.MY
or, that Abe remainder-of HMI . jimbli
may be limo& .and pleasant, and that bla
exit maybe joyous and teiamphanl•
ly' - removed
in session
is a (*re
wired teach
tractors are
A. W-om DE.tozot.—" DO2OOll Wilder I
want you to tell me how you keptyour4U
and family so wellthe past season, when
all the rest of us have had the doctors run
ning to us so long?" ;
" Bro. Taylor, the" answer is very easy.
I used flop Bitters in time and. kept my
family well and saved • large doctor bills.
Three dollars' worth of it kept us all . well
and able to work all the time, and I will
warrant it has cost you and most of the
neighbori one to two hundred dollars
apiece to keep sick the same time. I
guess you'll take my medicine hereafter."
Bee another column. •
tom' The Grand Central Hotel, New
York, possesses an the requirements:la else,
location and appointosents'of the modern first-class
hotel, sad keeps its reputation as a model house.
or DN. H. H. HAN n igu. who bandied
tbo' Vertical roe(' Sewing M saline so 'ilipertly
bore a tow days ago will be at, Madlll's Ciasksli
Store this week oshlblting this model of perree•
bon, IWk.
NOTICE.--We Challenge any of
The parties handling any of the Drop Feed Sowing
Machines to a trial. We clalni that the 4, Vertical
Feed do work that you cANNOT do on. any of
them: A geniy at
Vir LADIES, are you trying this Sm.
'ger, Weed, American or White Sewing Machinea,
don't ho fooled Into baying nntU you tuiretut leak
tried the ' , Vertical Feed." '
' lns the best. rang manna makes Li* noise
and\loes a onmovrzn variety of work than any
other. Ageneat
1 T. manna:a CROCKERY Biotite*
Vir Towanda was treated to a real son
• \ -
nation irdely \ Piople wondered what the banner
across the stmet meant and were, directed • 10 the
. Feed idly:dap 316eleisge and their wonder
was sill ftirtherkrdesed on seeing the great vari
ety of work tueneff by It. Work naver before
done on a Sewing 31 hint%
The Agents of th -old 'stylsi- tnachtne4 steed
around andsaald "Ohl at's nothing." lint the
orders for Machines and the stpplications to es
change Add styles for the new. candidate shows
that It has truly proved that merit - will ;Bell. The
agency for this county has beeitplaced at Itladill's
Crockery Store and Mr black witc \ r for many years
has handled Sowing Machines will no doubt bo
glad Ito show the 'Nei! Davis Ve \ r" "
everybody who wishes to see it.
Vir DR. BAISN1)10 applied
ten A L far electric treatment, 'and
Hie great benefit derived In the tolloi
TOWANDA, Pa., Aug. 10, 1878
jig Dear Madam should 'feel guilty- were I
to leave town without expressing my surprised
gratitude for the total relief your deft and expert
management of electricity has given to a physical,
uervonti \ and mental prostration In my person,
which had reached to _symptoms - of paralysis and
mental heivildennent, so nearly as to give great
anxiety to Myself and Intimate friends. I attribute
this great result as much to your own peculiar sci
entific management of this elixir," as to the ele
ment Itseironfi s feel sure that only an extensive
knowledge ofyour method is needed to cause you
to he overwhelmed still' applications for relieffrom
(orient sufferers. Gratefully. he.,
11.1'2 E. P. BANNING, JG., 31. U.
SIEUCI AL COLLEGE oircri, first Clete Educational
facilities at the lowest possible rates. (414 pays for
Loan) and tuition for the ) all term. Common
school teachers will anti ornial Course Just .
what they want. College Presidents speak Iti the
highest tenn i s of ibis school as a Preparatory school.
A Berman Professor has charge of the Music de
partment. The school is made homelike and at
t ritenye. It has accommodations for Ilk boarders
and 200 day scholars. The espouses In the-Com
mercial college, are at lout Ally dollars leis than
In city Commercial colleges. Next term Openi
Aug. 2101 i. Send to Rev. D. Copeland,
,lilngston, Pa., for Catalogue containing full pap.
ticulars. • 1w
or DRESS GOODS at reduced prices
st J. L. KENT'S. -
IS - Go to SNEF 4 L FAtt-Nttmes for
est Millinery Goods.
Or Misses SUELI. & FARNHAM do all
kinds or DRESS MAKING. ' .
arSIIETLAND 511 AWLS in great
variety at J. r,. NT 'ti
;gr- Ladies, Misses and Cididrens'
ur.ovEs and 119SIERY at J. L. KZNPF.
ToWELS; at .i. L. KENT7SI_ . may 2.
1Y ! All new styles at J. L. Kim's. twiyll.
rff . COMER has.the best wearing Shoes
. Nlcn. Bops and Yodtha• wear ever offered In
Towanda, and at prices within tho mob of all.
'or Straw Work and.Elloachin,g a ape
daily at Sxm.a. & FARNIIA4II3.
rem r..ort up M. STERN
EN AWAY at Stets' Bru. 7.
• tW" Thompson't; GLOVE FITTING,
CORSET at .1. - niay2.
J. L, KEN VS, msy2.
rgr-Mrs. E. J. Mn aos is selling goods
this spring; CHEAPER THAN tvi.n. Call and
examine before purchasing. aprl .
Dr CLOSING OUT. balance of Sum
mer. Stock or 3lMtnety Goc;ds at GREATLY RE
DUCED PR teES at STEEN Rms. 7.
Or L. TE noDoEns. challenges . comps
Minn for quality of goods:and low pre on Sash,
Doors, Blinds and Moldittis, and all building ma.
Mrs. E. J. Dlncoos has raturped
liiun the City, and bag decidedly the FINEST
this town.
rgr Mrs. E. L'Mumos has TRIMMED
HATS for ONE DOLLAR awl upwards.
re -I+! ; t9. 3liNGos has the best ;Skirt
Supporter, also the Skirt Elevator.
or The Largest, Best and Cheapest
lino or Shen for Ladies', Moses' and Chlldreus ,
. 18 found at Conann'ef new ,tore, corner Main
and l'ine•oto., Tracy & apr4lB
egr Cow Lea! Bakery Wagon, of. the
Ist Ward Bakery; will be on band •dally with
Frrsh Crackers hot -from the (wen, Bread, Plea,
Cakes, &pal '
Cam" Don't you forget it. Wo have an
excellent CRACKER 'MANUFACTORY In town.
at COWLES' BAKERY, whore -you co buy the
best fresh-bakcd crackers.
STITUTE, Franklin, N.Y. Twenty-fire Irin,knta
itdmOted fur Fall Term on Free Tuition. :line
Initruetora. College Preparatory and Norval
Courses of Study. 'allude a apeclatty. Send for a
catalegne. Prof. CILIIIILtB H. lititn LL.
\ Principal.
ti' .J.-C. BLUM has received a NEW
WEAR. for the Summer Trade, which he offers at
prices far less than heretofore sold, and at lower
figures than any competitor can duplicate. Call,
examine and be convinced. Store on Main Street,
south side of Drldge,.-star of diit Soot.
N tar CLOSING OUT SALE cdVold and
Sliver Watches. Chains. Fancy Jewelry, etc. The
undersigned, having purchased at Sheriff's Sale the
entire stock of Watches, O s hilos, killer and Plated
Wan, In the store formerly occupied by NAIRN.
DILLNAN;Iind not wtshlng to remain In the bust
nets, has concluded to sell the entire stock rlvirdf
less of cost. in order to wind up the business. Call
early-and secure bargains. JACOB. ,
re Nothing\ short of unmistakable
benefits conferred upon tens orthnesandanf suffer
ers could originate andmaintaln tIM reputation
which Aven's Sauttagantat.a. etii.ys. It is a
compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with
lodides of Potassium and Iron,' and Is the most
efrectnat of all remedies for scrofulous, mercurial,
or blood disorders. . linifortuly successful and cer
tain lu It, - remedial effects, It produces rapid and
complete cures of Scrofula, Saes, Bois, Humors,
rlmples, Eruption,, Skin Dlscases, ind an dbar.
ders 'thing tram Imperil of the blood. By 1t
istigorstlng affects It Shim relieves end onto
swiss Um eslipliibits. Tomb Weaken's* shit
IssegshrWssishd IS ; ib potel4 risre of- shaft.,
rot Pinfitatal hkOotilt has Di, 'lr toils
up the "On, miskiese sod *owes cM he 11h,
and hops *vigor forty years It
Wheat to extensive ssos s and is today ths mot
eshable iseidkko ths4straiing mkt, swig.
where; For We by ah Sakes,
ROGERS—In MU borougb, at thainaldenee of ber
aon•tn•taw. Rob!. McKee. on Friday. Aug. fib,
. Uro, Morgan' Roger. egad 611 seam
• • is sf , s iksr s s• \
Corner Lakeland Water Streets,- :\
7GLMIRA, 21. T. •:-
V., 111;7114y. -
, .
I E. F. Kurrizzes BITTER Wirtz oir
Inca gives tone to the stomach, le:wore* the ap
petite and eaglets digestion. excites the bowels to
healthy Milani expelling all the font humors that
contaminate the Wood, corrupt the seeretkma and
offend the breath; It excites the liver to a hubby
action and strengthens the nerves, imparting that
glow to life that proceeds alone from perfect health.
Thousands Mall walks et life, testify to the virtues
of this eiceellent mhatelue In earrecting , the de.
rangement of the digestive organs. ' Get the getta
ble. Sold only In one dollar bottles. Ask Neff. F.
KultxxVe Birrsa WIRE Or Altos, 'And take no
Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia;
N. F. Kankehililliter Wile of Iron, a sure curs
forthis disease.. It has been prescribed daily for
many years In tee practice of eminent physicians
with nnparsielled success. Symptoms are loss of
appetite,.wlnd and risingof food,dryness in month,
h.sidache, dizziness, sleeplessness anti low spirits.
Get the genuine. Not sold In bulk, only one dollar
bottles.. `
Do you want something to strengthen you? Do
you want a good appetite? Do you want to get rid
of nenrcutaness? Do you , want energy? Do You
want to sleep well, or be cured of dyspepsla, kidney
or Over disease? Try N. F.' Husocs.t.'s BITTZU
Wlliz or luox. Every bottle guaranteed to do as
recommended. Depot and °glee; 219 North Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Get the genuene. Sold
by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Hunkers anet take
no other. All 1 ask is a trial of this valuable' !med.
!eine. One bottle will convince you. GeP six bat.
ties for Sire dollars, one dollar for one.
Tape Worm Iteaseved
Tape Worm, Pin, Seat and Stomach Worms re.
moved alive In from two to four hours. No fee un
tit hood of Tape Worin passes alive -and to one;
Ask your druggist for Knukel's Work Syrup. Sold
only in one dollar bottles. Used for children or
grown venoms. it never falls. Or send for circu
lar to Or. Kunkel, 259 North Ninth Street, Philo ,
delphis, Pa. Advice by mall free. Semi three
cent stamp for return of biter.
E. F. Kunkel's Lastest and E. F. Kan.
here Shampoo for the Hate.
The besrand cheapest Hair Dressing and Hair
Cleaner In the world. They remove dandruff, allay
Irritation. soothe and cool the heated scalp, prevent
the hair from falling off, and promote the growth
Ina very short time.. They preserve and beautify
the Hair, and render it soft and glossy. They Im
part a brilliancy and a silky appearance to Wald
and wiry Hair, and as a hair dressing they are en.
rivalled . ; eradicate dandruff and prevent baldness.
The shampoo cleaans the Hair. removes grease,
seam itching, eruption. Cureeheadache produced
by heat and fatigue. Kunkel's Shampoo and Loa.
teal restore Hair to a natural and s glossy color, re
store faded. dry, harsh and wiry hair. Price per
bottle tr. Ask your druggist for them, or send to
E. F. Kunkel.. Proprietor, No. 259 North Muth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tAlay2-3m.
' \ •
General dealers In Groceries and Prodnee, Pattah's
1 BBick, corner Main and Bridge Streets,
Flour per bbl.. ... ..... 5 50(4 650 _ 6 000 700'
Flour per sack ' 1 40(4. 1 GO 1 5Q4 1 75•
Corn Meal per 10011 is .. : 1'250
•Chop Feed 1 2C (4)
Wheat, per hush ... ... 1 00(4 1 104
Corn \ 4V4 45 .5(40 •
Rye . . ....\ 60(4 6ttd 65
()MS • "*:\ 2344 lII®
Buckwheat 4
Clover seed,niedium— . 5 (r(4
Timothy, western . 1 77t?i
Beaus, 62 Ms, 100 125 1 Se(s. 200
Fork ; mess .......12 5 , 0 0i 10
Dressed hogs 05
Barns 14
shoulders in\ . vS
Lard - I - OF(4 09 -111
But ter; Inlrs 12(4 10 MO ,16
Bolls, I.i 14 114 16
Eggs, fresh 10 \ - 12
Cheese ' 100 11 12
Green apples, hush • 25(it 30 4oca, so
Pot.stoes, per bushel.... • 40(4 50 • SC { e 6 60
(Minim `mss _\
Beeswax ... .
Vim! Aldus
She tinge
Is s hereby given that. all persona in
debted, tolthe estate at Ebenezer Rogers. Into of
Ulster i'vrp., decd. are requested to make immed
iate payment, and allpersons having claims against
saiii,estate must present them duly Authenticated
rot settlement.,
UneItWELL; Administrator. ';
Ulster, Pa., Aug: 12, 1878. ' 11Al8
Court of Common Plem;of llrmlfor.l county,
To. 0, Sept'. T., 1677. In the matter of the Won-,
tau tmlgnment of Moses 6 ustln to John hat.sbury,
for the benefit of ctedltors.
Notice is hereby given that John,, Salisbury, as
signee bf the estate of Moses finstholled his tine.
account May Mb, IS7S. That said account will be
presented to the Court for allowance on THURS
DAY of the first week of September TerM next,
unless cause shall be shown why the sane ought
not to be allowed.
BENJAMIN M. PECK, Prothonotary
Towanda. I'a., Ju ly 30, 1878. Ova
—To George El k tor. In the Court of Common
Fleas Of Bradford County. No.llo, Feb. T.. Int,
You art' hereby notified that A ntlonett - 211._Elktor,
yew wife, has applied loth*. Count)! Common Pleas
of 'Bradford County fora eilrorre from the bonds of
matrimony, and the said Court has appointed Mon
day. Sept. M. 18;8. in the Court House at Towanda,
for:hearing the said Antoinette lit the premises, at
which time and Waco you may attend'lf you think
proper. 6*4 A.. 1. LAYTON, Sheriff.
To .Sarah Washburn. In the Court of2Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County. No. 7=. Feb. T.,
1577. • You are hereby no - titled that Silas H. Wash
burn, your bust and., has applied to the Court rif
Common Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce
from the bonds of 'patrimony. and the laid Court
has appointed Monday, Sept. 2d. Ma, in the Court
Bowe at Towanda. for hearing the said Silas In
the premlsos, at .tibich time and place yon MY at
teud if yon think proder. .
Bw4 ' . .A. JAATTON, Sheriff.
And the best thing In the West Is
Through which runs the Atchtson,Topaia & Santa
. Ttr Fe It. R.
• The abundance of excellent Water In Sprlnga
and running 'Streams. combined with Cheap Land
of Superior Quality and.the Finest Climate in the
World, make it the most desirable In the West.
Before locatingl• elsewhere. imply for Cirular
Maps, Lc., to E. I)OANE.
Agent - Atchison Topeka It Santa Ye R. It.,
Caidon, Pentea-
Cant,on, Pa, May 2, 1878
- - -
Malin Street,
And 01 kinds of - Pinning-will Work,
I hare also on hand &largo stock of
Wbtehi em selling at prices to snit t i e Hines.
Mule promptly to order, it stow price; for CASH.
Lumber brought here to be milled, will be kept
ander eater and; perfectly dry until taken away.
Good sheds for your horses, anda dry place to load.
TsrarandB. Jan. 18, 1877
pgLsvAN HO USA.ELAttR 4 I, N. Y.
C. T. SMITH, PAontrron.
lornucrlyol ths Ward Boa" T•motts, Pa,44.711.
DIED. `,
New Advertisements.
To and from. turciul by
For rale by
yowanda, Pa.
The undersigned-is doing
So far you can't nee It.
Call and see' my Goods and Prices.
L. B. noDGERs.
Opposite the DePot.
SA if sundry 'wind isimid Ot the tart of .
Comma Pleas of Bedford Caddy, and to me dl.
meted, I trill espaseto palate mate sailltatliDdY.
this UM day of AUGIIIIT; rite;' as the door of the
Court Bosse, to Towanda Borough, at 1 o'clock,
it., the following described property, to wit s
No. Ilag. thie lot, pleetepareel -land iftssts In
Stand Btone twp.. bounded as Balogh: Being
the nathwestulldltlf rattalityll•
lags lot, bounded and_usesrinew enfollcun: Ou the
eastotaillai audirest try Iseds- of .Tentes rspy, ceci•
tams M acre thorium less, all improved, with I store.
house thereon. -
Ito. 2. ALSO—One lot situate fn fltandlnglitone
twp, bounded andl described as follows: Beginning
at the public highway; thence northeast along the
lauds of Edwin - Reeler to thts led nets; thence
along lands of Patrick 801 l 12 pets to ear; thence
south alontise lm lands of Patrick 801 l to the public
highway ; west aloeg the public highway 12
pers tb Zd Reeler's hinds. the plea of ;beets
fling; eon tales acres more or lest, all Improved,
with 1 baud shanty. Belted and taken Intoexems
'lion at the sulk, of Jemstbut Hornet vs/ II Bare
nad r. tor Dernr. --- '; . .
No. i. ALSo—One lot Situate in Franklin
bounded as follows : on the north by-lands of Har
rison Crane and Woes Vangorder; on the east. by
lands of John Wagner, Wm Wagner and James
Roof; on the south by lands of Barton Brown, Mo
ses Walters and Elijah Blake, ant on the west by
lends of dna McDaniel:; con tains 120 acres more or
less, about 100 acres improved. with I framed horse.
I framed horsebern. 1 other framed barn with cow-
shod at tubed; sad 2 orchards of fruit (tees thereon
No. 4. ALSO One lottiltusto in. Franklin MP.
bounded u follows : On' the north by the public
highway ;on the 'east by lands of James C Ridg
way ; on the south 'by the Towanda creek. and on
the west by lands of 'James C Illdgeway. contains
3 acres more or tesi. all Improved, with 2 - framed
houses, I framed ba rn. and few fruit trees thereon.
No. 6. ALSO—One Int situate In Towanda Dem
bounded as follows: On the north 44' lands of J 0
Frost, east by lands of J F Means. smith by lauds
of Wm Welch, and west byCharlea-st7 being about
50 ft front on Charles•et and 'l4O ft deep, with
framed house thereon.
N 0.41. ALSO-One lotettnate In Towanda Dom,
brmnded north by, east' by lands of Dr.
Weston: south by an silly. and west by lands of 0 D
Bartlett, being 50 D front on Spruce et and 138 ft
deep; with I framed house and 'few fruit tress
thereon. Seized and taken' into eseention at the
suit of Ward k Danis vs John Lantz.
No. 7. ALBo—One other lot Wale in South
Creek twp, bounded north by landeof John F 13111-
mar, east and south by lands of Mies 8 r 2 / 1 1Ong,
west by lands of the Northern Central Railway Co:
contains 83 acres more or less. alt Improved, with
t framed barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seised and taken into evecullon it the melt of W
Carnocitan vs Mary A Joys!.
No, S. ALSO—One ather lot situate in Burlington
twp, bounded north by lands of Cirey Horan god
Isaac Dull, east by public highway, south by the
Barwick turnpike, and west by lands of Carey Ho
ran ; contains 57 acros more or less; about 60 - acres
Improved, with 1 framed house, 1- board house, 1
framed baru and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Ed
ward Overton vs. Charles Alexander.
No.—One other lot situate In Smithfield
tarp; hounded north by lands of Adam fichlll, east
by tands`of Andras Campbell. smith by. the public
highway. and west by the public highway ;contains
40 acres more or les , about 3S acres improved, with
I log house, 1 framed house, I framed barn, I black
smith bhop and orchard of fruit trees tto reon.
No. 10. ALSO—Ono otherlot situate In Smithfield
two, hounded north by lands of Adam Sehell, east
by lands of Mrs. Eliza A Ford, south ty the public
'highway and lands of Herman Tuttle and Hinton
Gustln; and west by lands of Peter Brady; con
'talns 50 sterna more or less. abont4daeres Irapmved.
inns I framed house, t framed bani, and orchard
*of fruittlies'thereon:
No. 11. ALSO—One other lot sltnate In Smith
field twp, bounded north by lands oflacks6n Wake
ly. east 14 lands of Adam Sebtil, Fount by lands of
reter Brady, and !rest by lands of Wm Ilemenway
and David Soper; contains 50 acres more or less,
about 20 acres Improved. no bulldlegs. Seized and
taken Into execution at the Suit of Russell
is Dorrtila- lord.
• N 0.12. ALSO—One other lot situate In Athens
Born, bounded as follows: Being lots Nos_ 2le and
99, 9CCordillf to plot ou suede by Orsn Rick
-1 for the lion Edward Herrick, recorded in Brad
ord Common Pleas, It' being the same lot deeded
to E3l Clark by C Marls and nibs hy deed us
ted Dec 1, 1875, with 1 &telling house thereon
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N C
Harris vs £ M Clark.
No. 13. ALSO—One other lot situate ,In Athens
twp, bounded north by lands of Henry Kirby, east
and south, by lauds cow or formerly owned by John
1) Ryser, Dud west by the puldle highway :contains
if acre more I r less, with 1 framed house and few
trees thereon. Seized and taken into-execution at
the suit of Friendly Brotherd use Y 3 Mary F Car
eer. • --
No. 14..m.80—0he other tot situate In Wyatits
log tap, ',entitled as follows: Beginning at the
northwest cot. of S F Taylor Int No 3, on the east
stile of street running on the, line of it a Joseph
Gaylord land: thence tenth SO east' 71i pees to
stone eor ; thence nerih 4 0 east 10 pens to a cor ;
thence north +ss° acst pers ton stone on side
of street ; thence along said street south 4 0 west IC
rrs to she place of beginning ; Contains 75 istrs of
Moil more or less, being lots Nos 4 aidliiq according
to ('raft's survey. subject to ~ ,nditlflus In regard to
fences mentioned In deed from Henry Gaylord and
rife to C. C. Boni, dated Aug :a. 3570, mid re
corded In deed book No 163 at page tit ao ; all Im
proved, no buildings: Siclrcd and taken into exe
cution at tho'stilt of 14 1" Little, assignee, dm vs - C
.0 Burch.
No. 15. ALSO—One other lot situate In Asylum
twp, Imuntle.l north, cant and south by lands of E
.1 Ayres, and west by thepublic highway; contains
cue acre of land more or leas, all Improved. with 1
framed hous.. thereon. Seized and taken Into eke-
rut inn at the suit of J fl Summers use vs Eilas De
No. 16. ALSO—One other lot situate In Litchfield
twp, bounded nortli by lands of 0. C Evers6o.' east
by lauds of Eugene Underhill; south bylaw's - Of E
Wolciftt, and west by the public highway; Contains
.lltacies inore-or less, about 35 acres Improved, with.
1 framed house, 1 framed barn and few fruit trees
tberSti. ttired and taken into execution at the
sett Of Win Snyder vs Allen Stanton:
No. 1 . ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda
ltoro; b untied as follows : 'Being lot No Soon the
atlotreen222 and division of C L Ward, - beginning at
a eor of lo No 29 owned by John 1/Oration Division
sit thence . uth frii° west 58 ft and. 3 inches More
or less, to n cor of lot No 32: thence by the same
and Int No 31 how.' - oast 124 , ,,1 ft to an alley:
thence:drug ,riti 87% 0 east 59 ft to lot
No 2o affireeal by the same. Winn 4 0 west
125 ft more or r place of beginning; being
the thole of II aforesaid, with' 1 framed
horse, 1 frame fli few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and tat ectfflon at the suit of Cath.
at hie E Cook Payne.
:tea ado
Ni.. 18. A1.5i...0 other list situate lu Wysoz
two, bounded north by laildi of Horton Vauness
and John Lamphltr, east I, , lands of Horton Wan
ness,south by lands of Benj Bennett, and ,
ro on the
west be lands of John Lampli r; contains Macs
of land more br less, about 3tun' s Improved, with
1 framed house, 1 framed batn it d few fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taken o k exi. u r\tion at a suit
of J ttpaglin vs Josiah Smith.
c ,i
No. 114 A I.SO-17efendstIt'S and! ded one-half
interest In one other lo ‘ ti situate in Canton
Burn, and bounded as. folios s: Regina nF St the
southeast cur of lot formerly 'owned by J Seem's:
thence north S7S O west 25 ft; thence so th IS°
west , ll3 8-12 ft to the centerof Towanda-st ; thence
north 71;4° cast 137 ft to the lot formerly-owilcd by
W J Phelps ; thence north 'ls° west 87 ft to \ Kie
Ilorthwest cur of said Phelp's lot :, thence north 1°
east 32 ft to said Phelps "' northeast cur ;_then 'e
north 12! weat 120 ft to a eor on the-Joseph Belmar\
land : thence 80 0 west along said Bean tan's south
line 93 ftto the west lino of land, formerly owned
by OA Krise ; thence south 2 S o .west 122 ft to-the
plactisof beginning ; contains S acre of land with I
two-story framed hotel.-1 inane! bunt and [roofed '
sheds, other out-belidings. also a two Story -framed
store building and out-buildings belonging thereto,
and one other two-story framed building behill for .
a meat market, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seiz
ed and taken into execution at the stilt - of Caroline
C mantess use'ys S A Randall and d 8 Manley.
No. 20. ALSO—One other lot situate In Canton
Bore, bounded north by.lands of the James Vox
estate, east by an alley. south by Towanda-st, and
west by lunds of the James Fox estate. being,abont
38 ft front on said TOwatdast and 1001 ft deep, With
I framed bbildlng used for a bank, I framed vu
eery store, and tin shop thereon. - - .
?so. 2t: ALSO=One other lot (innate In Canton
Item, bounded north by lands of Wm Owens & Son,
east by lauds of A V Trout,`ronth by lands of A G
'lielly, and west by an alley ;' , Contaltss,S acre mere
or less,-all Improved. with 1 framed house thereon.
Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of 0 C
Strait use es 'Norman Rockwell, 1\ - -
N 0.22. ALSO—One other lot situate in Smith
field twp, hounded north by situate
. of Adam
Schlll, east by lands of Andrew (taipPlwil, south by
the public highway ; contains 40 acres' 're or less.
about *3 acres improved, with 1 loglionse, I framed
barn, 1 blacksmith shop, and orchard of fault trees
thereon. - • . \
No. 23. ALSO—One other lot situate in \Smith
field twp, bounded north by lands of Adam &tin o
east by lands of Mrs EUza A Ford,. south by \ the
public highway and lands of Herman Tuttle and
Burton (Justin, and west by lands of- Peter Itrad - ,;
contains 50 notes more or less, about ao acres int=„
proved, with I. fronted itonse, 1 framed barn and,
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
N 0.24. AJ.5..0.-4-One othertot tilt:tate In Smithfield
twp, beended north by Janda of- Jackrorr-Wakely,
east by lands of Adam Satin s south by lands of Pe
ter thady, and - west by lands of Wm- Hemenway
.ond ltaniel Soper ; contains 90 acres more or less,
about 20 acres improved, no buildings. '
No. 25.. A 1.50, -One other lot situate in Burling
ton twp, bour.ded north by the penile highway:
east by 'the public "highlsay, tooth by lands of
S P Gustin, on the west by lands of Herman
Tuttle ; tentains 2 acres more or less, 'all im
proved, 1 cooper shop and board shed. and few
fruit trees therepn. Seised and taken into execu
tion at the suit of William Russell vs Dorrilla Poid
and C A Pool.
No 40. ALSO—One:other lot situate In Canton
born., bounded and deserttall as follows: Begin
ning In the east line of Mix &' Whitman's drug
store lot at the northeast cur of the lot herein de
scribed; thence easterly alsong the seed; lino of
lands belonging to Lodge No ni, 1 0 O'F, 30tt to
nit alley; thence south along the west stile of said al
ley about 100 ft to the north line of A G Kelley's
lot: thence neat along Kelley's north line about 40
ft;thence north along said Mix & Whitman's east
line to the - place of beginning; tontains about 3,500
square feet of land inure or less,, all improved.
No 41. ALSO—One other lot situate -in Canton
hero'. bounded and. described' as follows; Begin
ning in the center of a proposed extension ot Cell i
ter-st at the northeast cur of .7 K Wright's:- thence
west along d K Wrlght's north line I6sft to Bears
alley: thence north along east line of Seal's alley
110 ft; thence east slung the ;moth line of otievr
lands of. .1 Hickok 153 ft to-sald Center•st; thence
south along the center of said Center-st to the
place of, begliming; contains 11,100 square feet of
land, alt improved. . •
No 42. ALSO—One other lot' sltuato lu Canton
Isom', isinuded.and described as follows: Begin
wing at the northeast cur of the last above describ
ed lot; ttence west along the same Is3ft to Boat's
alley; thence north. along sold non to lot of A (1'
Kelley; thence east along said alley south line
to center of said Centbr—tahence south along the
center of said street to therm& of beginning; coo
.44 o-
tains t. an . acre more r less,. with I framed
house thereon. - '
No 13. ALSO—One, other lot, sltnate In Canton
born', bounded and del:related as follows: Begin
ning In the center of 4 1 34;:itbst. in the line of lands
of Emellne Levitt; t south along the west
line-of said Levitt lot 205 to Norman Rockwell's
lot; thence east along said Rockwell's line 130 ft to
the center of Centerit; thence north along the
center of Odd street lift to the center ol Second
at; thence west along the center of SeeonOt 140 ft
to theplace of beginning; contains nearly I act e all
improved, I .
Nel . '44. ALSO—One other lot situate In Canton
bombbounded and described As follows: Begin
ning In the center of ho proposed extension of
Center-st; thenee southerly along the center of said
street 213 ft to the center of Second-at; thence east
erly along the center of the Second-st 130 ft to the
laudsOf J . ll Shakespeare; thence nrth along -the
west line of said Shakespeare, A .3 3 erten - Matter
Leavitt, 2,5011, to the southeastern km of Horner
Vitt:Wart-tate; IlKnee westerly along the South line
of said Fiteh's lot and other landau( Hickok 178 o;
contains about 13a of an acre more or less, all Im
plored. • .. . . . .
No 45, ALSO—One other tat situate In .Canton
bons', hounded and described as follows ; 15,,glindi.g
at oho northwest cornertillot No a described; but
thence west along the same 185 ft to Meal's alley:.
thence north along said Seal's alley 75ft; thence
easterly 18lift along the lien described lot and lands
of Noonan Rockwell 186 ft to the center of said
Center-.t thence south along tenter of said street
75ft to the place of beginning; contain 13,578 til ft
of land more ot left with 1 fk j Imam and inn
or aaibuitlings thereon.' Seized and tsikenlntoex
earths: at Use suit of-Willhata jaym Vs 8 Met.
elt.llo Selby, 0 C *matt and' 12807MOUL
- Spa 46, other ledlituate in Eidgbdry
terp, bounded tn 4 described folleirs:
IWO stake and stones on the Sl
public road leadingßeginning
frem Centerville to John tauvrson's residence, and
on the Mutt Use of Jim Smith's (UM; thence east
erly bloat said Jim Smith's Muth line to John Ler
risou's land 176 rods; thence math to west along
said Lard:ant lands 156 rods to the, center of the
creek: thence north 67° west along the center of
sald-creelcUt rods; thence north 36 0 west along said
creek E rods; thence north along said croak 32 axis;
thence north 6)4 0 wad along laid' creek 23 rods;
thence north 71S° great Zi rods; "thence north 6°
west 21 rods; thence north 68 0 west 60 rods to plate
of beginniu; ; contains MN acres more or less, about
116 improved, with 1 plank house, S framed barn, 1
old log hug, other outbuildings, and orchuti of
fruit trees thereon. Reserving the right of way
across said premises, to get the timber of 12 acres
of land belonging to Burt on the south side of said
creek; also the right of way In the most convenient
point to get 11 C Lockwood's timber across Said
premises; said timber situate on the south of said
No 47. ALSO—One other lot situate In Ridgintry
twp, bounded and described as follows: flegluning ,
at *white oak tree. it being the southeast cur - of '
lend formerly . of the estate of Daniel Olekerson;•
thence west on - the line of sold lands .to the south
west comthence south along the line of lot No 8 to
*post and atones standing In the line of lot' No.B,
and thence north to She place of beginning; eon
tains 45 acres more or less about 80 Improved 4 with
I framed barn; I tog house, and orchard of fruit
trees thereon. Seized and taken int • execution at
the snit of John Lartison as Theodore Earthen.'
No 4L ALSO..One other lot al taste • ItOolumbia
twp, bounded and described satoliews: Itegimilne
at a stake and Monet no the line of lots between T
'A Andrerrs and Orville E Watkins. and running
north - ti perinea to the centre of road; thence' east
xt ft to the eentroof the new store-house;
south 8 pers to the line of lots of Orv il le. E Wat
kins; thence 20ft west to the place of beginning,
with I framed store building thereon.
N 049. ALSO—One other lot situate le Columbia
tope hounded and described as follows: Beginning
at a stone on the line of lots between t.rvllle E
Watkins and A It Austin, and running north Bpers
to the centre of the road; thence west 4N ft; thence
south 8 pers to the tine of lots of Oreille E' Wat
tles and A It Austin; thence east 436 ft to the place
of beginning; contains 12 pars of land more or legs.
the two lots above described being the same pieces,
of land conveyed by Unlit' Ferguson and wife to
Levi Mourheas,bne of -the within named defend
ants, by deed dated January 18, 1877, and reelmded
May 8, 1878. in the office for memding deeds, etc.
In and for Bradford County In Deed hook No 133,
on rage SSI, ate. ,Seized and taken into execution
at the suit of Simons, Sayler; & Co vs Mourhess &
Stewart. •
Noso. AE9,o—One other lig•sitnate in Albany
twp,.bounded and destribed as follows: Beginning
at, a beach the line of lands of John Brewer
thence north 59° west 27- pen to a post;" thence
north:alio east 118 pen+ to a stake on the hank of
the ereekrilience north 42.4 0 east 29 peps toastake
by the creek; thence south 344 0 east 22 pore to fa,
stake exitho bank of the creek; thence south. 29% 0
west 138 jars to the place of beginning; contains 23
acres and 513 pars MOM , or less, about 12 acres Im
proved, with 1 plank housa awl few fruit trees
.thereon. Belzoni and taken Into execution at the
suit of N'C Thotimson vs Alin:lnto 11 Allen.
Nosl. ALSOlne other lot situate In Albany
iwp, bounded north by lands of F N Wilcox and L
A Wilcox, emit bylapts of Vanwhke Dibble, south
by lands of the.Gtorge lfopkins estate, west by
land+ of Leonard Caryl; contains 90 acres snore or
less, about SS Improved, with I framed house, I log
bou+e, I (mould barn, I, framed grain house and
shed attached, and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken Into execution at, the suit Of Jas
11 Wetiles use vs John Nforieli.
. No 52. ALSO—One other lot situate In LePuiy
twp, bounded pooh by lands of Harvey. Holcomb.
east by Marlin hfoleomb's estate;,south by the pub
lic highway, west by lands of. A Hartman. '
rode front and 10 rods deep; contains 50 rods of
land nioreiw less, with 1 framed house, 1 framed
Corn, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and tak
en Into exeent lon at the suit of 11 A Case, Assignee
vs 3171 Mooney and ri S Tears. , • ,
. No 53. ALSO—One other lot situate in Athens
tap. bounded north by lands of N C Harris, east
by the public highway,. sedth by lands of N Bar
ris, west by Keystone avenue; contains ans acre
wore or leas all improved, with 1 framed house,l
shed, and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and tak
en into execution at the snit of Batt Golden vs Jer 7
muLah Sal'Kau and JaMes Latiirrert.
No 54. ALSO-43ne other lot situate In Canton
born', bounded and deseribed as foliose: Begin
ning at the northeast cur of lot N 0.56; thence east
erly along the line of said lot No 56 and lot •No 57,
167 feet more or less to the cur of Division-street:
thence northerly along the center of - said street 22.
feet More or less to the center of. Casson-st; thence
westerly aloieg the center of Casson-st 167 ft to the
northeast cor of•lot No CO; thence southerly along
OES line of said but No 61 212 ft to the place of be
ginning; being, tht same more or less, same being
tots No 55 and 55, as laid down on the village plot
of Canton made by 0I) COreutt ar Kingsbury,
Newman Lk Co. with 1 steam plaiting mill, with alt
machinery and 113312a0; belonging thereto. 1 store
house, lumber sheds and I framed barn 'thereon.
'Seized and taken Into execution at the milt of E C
Seymour vs S.l Hickok. Also at the suit of- E C
Seymour vs Jerome E Seytnoar. • •
No 55." ALSO—One other lot situate in Toss-acorn
twp. lemucled north by -lands of Lyman and Bene:
diet Coburn, cast by lands of Benedict Callum. -
Alonzo Bray. Joshua Corbin, and Benjamin tino2r.
south by lands of G W Beater. west by the public
lilglintty. and lands of Ada floseneratitz Mid Alon
zo Gray; contains 56 acres mare or less, about 75
improved. with I Irani:ll house, I framed barn and
orchard of frnlt trees thrrco". Seized and taken
Into execution at the. suit of John B Overneld vs
William Martin.
• No 56. A—One other lot sltnate In Franklin
twp, bounded math by lands Of John Lantr, east
ler lands of Herten Brown, south by lands of Eons
thinness, west by lands of William Rockwell.
and• Elijah . Blake; contains 50 acres more
or less. about 45 Improved. with 1 frann.d house, t
framed, barn.,And orchard of (toil trees thereon.
.Selzed and tarn into execution at the suit of An
-Sitew.emne'swie vs .1 It Johnson .
No. 57. ALSO—One other lot situate lii Troy
borough. bounded as follows: Beginning at centre
of Elmira - iiirec.t. thence by 'sontil boundary of
Spalding lot month 34 0 east Ittperrhes to a corner In
Sugar creek ; thence along creek south 47° west 4
perches to a corner; thence north 31° west 19 7-10
perches to centre of street aforesaid ; thence along
same north 57° east 655 feet to place of beginning.
containing 77 square perches of land, more or less..
No.. 59. ALSO—One otber . lot situate in . Troy
boron-% bounded as follows, to wit 1 Beginning at
centre-Of Elmira street. thence by lot No. 1 ',mutts
34° cast 19 7-10 perches to a corner in creek ; thence
along same south 47° west 4 perches to a corner;
th•uce by lot No. 3 north 34° west 20'a perches to
centre d -strefit aforesaid ; thence along saute north
57 0 east 65 1 4 feet. to place of peginniug, containing .
SO square feet of land. more or less.
No. 59. ALSO—One other lot situate in Troy
borough, bounded and 6scribed as fol!ows: Begin.
Ong at eentreof..Elmira-st,ahNice by lot Noi2 south
:Ito east 20.1 i perches tocornerin Sugar creeks t hence
Wong same south 47 0 we s t 4 19• reties to a corner:
thence by 4: S'AirKean's lot north 2 to west 21 perches
to centre of F.ltutra-st ; thence by same north 57 6
east 6114 feet to the place of beginning, containing
112 srpottro perches of laud, more or less, with ant;
dwelling house, wegon shed and hay scales, and
stone foundation for barn nod shed thereon.
• No. 60. ALSO -One other let situate In Troy
borough. bounded as follows : Beginning at centre
of Elmira street, thence along line of C S McKean's
lot south 32° east 21 perches to .a corner In Sugar
creek; thence along creek south 42 0 west 6 9-10
perches to a corner; thence by land formerlAf P
F Pomeroy. dee'd, north 311li° west 22 'perches to
centre of Ethilra -street, and along saute north 57°
ast 61-IC perches to the place of beginning, cen
t thing 137 perches of land, be the same snore or
.1,7%, 81. ALSO—One oilier lot sltnnte In Troy bor
ough, bownsled and describes! e. 9 follows: Beginning
at a c thee In Elmira street. thence by lot in-pos
session) 1 C Paelcatil south 34S° east 170 feet, more
or less, t flue of land of Nelson Adams; thence by
the same t line of E Pomeroy's lot ; thence by said
Pomeroy n th 32! , ,° west about 155 feet to a cor
ner in Eimir street, and - thence along said street
51 feet to the. lace of beginning,eontaining one
fifth of an acre, be the saute more or less, with one
dwelling honse a d barn th ereon. . •
No. 62. ALSO — , \ One other lot situate. In Troy.
borough, bounded And described as follows: Be
ginning at a corne'r east side of Canton street.
thence by lands of th Fitch estate south 40° east
114 fe..t to corner in Su ar creek ; thence south 48° '
west along , creek 25 feet o a corner: thence north
42 6 west 31 LI feet to a e ner: thence south t h e
west 20 feet to a corner ; It 'sine by boundary of I)
Reel:well's lot 82'4 feet to a .usher: thence aleng
east side of Canton street a resold 49 feet to the
place of beginning. contalnin 4,950 equate feet_of
land, lie•the same nu-ru or less. with' ore market
building,lee house and tailor silo thereon.
No. 63. ALSO—One other lot' Nate iii Troy
nee by
bounded and eileserthed as fol l ows: Pe
ginning at a corner in Canton street.hence north
e9 O east 24 4-10 perches along Canal sty wt to a cor
ner In Sugar creek ; thence by lands of R Reding
ton, and along said creek 9 88-100 perche% to a cor
ner; thence by line of lot No.9north 115 west 2.5
8-10 perches to a corner In Canton street . ; tenet,
along same 7.ri perches to place or beginning, con
taining 210 perches of land, more or mesa. with ne
s dwelling hense and a few fruit trees thereon.
\ No. ill. ALSO—One other lot situate In Tro
lio s rengh, bounded and described. as follows: 114:-
ginglng at a corner to Canton 'street, thence by
south line of lot No. 8 25 8-10 perches to a corner it
creek ; thence bytands of It F. Itedlngtrm and along
creek 4S perches to a cornet; thence by malt line
of lot Nil. 10 26 4-10 perches to corner In Canton-st ;
thence along same 4.15: perches to the place of be.
glnnltig. containing 119 percbes of land, more. or
less. with a few fruit trees thereon.
No. 65, .A LSO—One other lot sltutite in Trey
borough, bounded end' described as. follows: Be
ginning at a corner In' Canton-st, thence by lot No,
9 south BS° east ea 4-10 perches tea corner: thence:
along creek and line of it F Redington 43 , , peri•bes
to a corner: thence by mrth line sit lot No. II we'll.
85° west 27 perches to acorner In Canton-s!: thence
along Cantou-st Vi perehes_to the place of begin
ning. containing
.120 perches Of , land, more or less,
with slew fruit trees thereon. •
No, 66. ALSO—Ono tither lot situoto In Troy
borough, bounded as follows; Beginning ,
al a cor
ner In, thence by lot No: 10 27 perches to
corner :thenoe along creek and line orl: F Rediug
ton &b.' 'perches to a corner; thence berth 85 0 west
27 7-10 perches to a corner In Canton-st, and tbenee
along Ceettoiwst 419 perches to
the place of begin
ning, containing 123 perches of lend. Isere or less. '
No. 67. ALSO—One- other let Monte in Trey
borough. hounded and described as fellows: Be
ginning a corner in Canton-st, thence by lot No. I t
27 7-10 perch - ea to a cereler ; thence iileng creek Anil
itlle of It P Itcsllngton 4 12-tee porches to a esolwr :
thence-along lino of tot No. 13 nail!, tin ° west 2 ,
11-10 pereh-s to a Com, r In Canton-st 2, t hence a!,,pg
Cantos-s:4 perches to the place of begin:dog. COI.-
' talnlng 113 perches of land, fliers or less,-alp 'one
dwelling house thereon. -
No. 68 ALSO—One other lot situate In Troy
borough, bounded and described. as follows: Ile
ginning at a corner in Caubln-st, it.. nee by lot No.
12 28 3-10 perches to a corner ; thence along creek,
and line of It F itollngton 4 21.1 f 0 perches te a cor.
• ner ; thence by Borth line of. lot No. It north BPi 0
west 28 9.10 perches to corner In street aforesaid :
thence along Canton-st 4 perches to tho place of
beginning, containing 112 perches of 1-Ind.-mere IT
lose, with one dwelling -honev find fronted sheds
thereon. -
No. 69. ALSO—One other lot situate in Trey
borongh, bounded and described as follows: L's
ginning at a corner in Canton at, thence aleng south
line of lot No; 13 239.10 perches to a corner; thenco
along meek and line of It
. F Retilngton 54i pen-Len
to a corner; thence north 4434 0 east n 7-10 perches
to corner in Cantotost, and thence along same 0%
petehes to place of begl mil neontainlng 161 perches
of Mid. more or less, with one slaughter house'
thereon. ....._ . . .
No. 70.-ALSO—One other fat : Situate In Troy
borongh, howled as 'follows: neglnnteg at a cor
ner In Canton-stn thence along south line of lot No.
14 23 7-10 perehes to it corner : thence along creek
and lands of R Klttelllngton 5 5-10 pet - rhea to a coo.
tier; thence slong north tine of land of D Rock
well north 8 P4 o ,west de 5-10 perches to a corner In
Cent er-st ; thence among Center-st 5 Selo pees toplace
of beginning, containing 161 pets of laud, more or
less. •
N 0.71. ALPO —One other Int slotate in Troy
township. honnded as follow::: On the north brthe
piddle highway and lands of t. Maloney and the
Spalding letorn the east by the pnblie highway and
land of 1. Mniuttey, on tine stesili and west by iatl<i%
of estate of l' Ballard, th•e•tt, cent:olonm 0.1 •
Tdeed toted :I.r Person,6o acres o: land, node
or less.. all Improved.
72. ALSO—Ono .otber let situate In Troy
township, bounded and desetibett as follows:: Be
ginning at torthwost corner of warrant litr'. - 092,
(lot No. lab athence by lands or T Vase atudWheo
ler lot east 284 perches to a basswood; thence by_
0 Dodge lot south 110 perches to postriii.uOrttrUne
of Vanhinu lot ; thence byname and lands fOrtnerlif
of J M Oliver andiLlturray west 264 perches to a
post ; thenee bylands of GP Ballard and,/ M Smith
north 1110.perefts to place of beginning, containing
264 &cresol land, -more or lets, nearly all improred,
with oue dwelling house, granary, ban 3 and sheds.
end few fruittrees thereon. ; - -
N 0.73. At.Bo.—Ono other lot situate In -West
Burlington- township, bounded and described as
folkorstilesinning at ncertheest corner of lands of
el Rockwell, thence south 10° east 52 perchee to a
post; thence , by II Rockwell north SP west MI
perches to a post; thence Perth 10° west by same
1421i'perehes to a post ; thence south 88° east by
Stephen's and Goddard.' lots /12 'perches toe post ;
thence north 14410 west by Goddard lot 137 perches
toe post; thence south 78 0 west by same 20 perches
to a post ; thence north 12° west byname 241 parches
to a white ash; thence south 88° east 82 040 perches
to a poet ; thence north 10° west 665-10 peres to a
post ; thence north 24 0 east 16 540 perches to a post;
thence-north 2° east 34 perches to *poet ; thence
south 850 east - 64 perches to corner of GM Ballard ;
thence . south 2 0 east 386 7-10 perches to a post;
thence south 87 0 -west 'l6 646 perches to a post;
thence Math 88° west 43 perches to the place of be
ginning. containing 330 acres of land, more or less,
about 300 acres Improved. with one dwelling haute.
granary,, two barns and Sleds and a few fruit trees
thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the
suit of. Pouter( Bros' vs Franklin H Person. .
No 71. AI e other lot situate In Wysox
twp, bounded north by lands of E. B Whitney and
Chat les Dangherts; east by lands of N N Puke
and Adolph lifinel, tooth by lands of E H Wiggins,
west by lands at A L'Oorstine and.lteed R. Buren:
contains 79 sores more or less, 'about 60 improved.
with 1 framed house, 1 board shanty, 1 framed
barn, other outbelldings, and 2 orchards of fruit
trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution et
I the suit of Jetties Moore vs John Sullivan. '
No 75. ALSO--One other lot situate in Canton
bore.", branded and described as follows: Begin
ning at the northwest cor of a lot of land belonging
to said F F McClelland, and on line of lands of the
NC P. It; thence south .911!4 0 east 158 ft to the lino
of CritteNet; thence south 12.0 west along said
street 70 ft to Gib northeast con of said F N Mc-
Clelland lot; thence north so,l4 o 'west along said F
N Mceleltand.s north-line 159 ft to the line of said
railroad; thence north 12S 0 east along the line of
sabl.ratiread to The plate of beginning; contains
8,760 square feet of land more or less; It being one
vacant lot of land. Seized and taken !nth execu
tion at the suitor F N -McClelland vs H 3lcelel.
land. ' • '
No 70. ALSOo4One other lot situate in Tioranda
ttvp, bounded and described as follow.s: BOginning
at a ear on the:line bet Ween S C and W Means
.and Miller Vox on the road leading across the To
wanda Plats; thence north 71 0 east 871 2-10 ft along
said Fox line to a post: thence north -30 0 30' west
100 feet to a petit; thence south 71 0 , 30' west 871 2-10
\ feet to a post on the east side of the said road lead
leg across Towanda _Plats; thence along the east
aide of said road 30°, 30' east 100 feet - to the place
of beginning; contains 2 acres, he the same more
or less,. all intnroved. with 1 framed house, I fram
ed house, 1 framed blrn, and few fruit trees there•
on.. Seize J awl taken into execution at the suit of
W ilonnum% use vs Patrick Constantine: '
N 077. ALSO—One other lot situate In Wynil
twp, bounded north by. lots No. Saud 8, cut by
Pennsylvania - avenue. -south by Vl,ne-st, west .by
Bradford-st; being tots No 6 and 7 o 7 'Block No 8,
and being each 50ft front and 'lsoft deep, Its will
more , fully appear on map of 31creur„ Morgan, &
3ltiody's sub.division.or East Towanda. Recorded
In Deed Roble No 110 on page 13.. etc. Being same
!awl conveyed by Hiram Nichols and wife to .1 C
Schoonover by deed dated August 29, 1876. Seized
and taken Into - execution at the suit of Wm Kings
one vs .1 C Schoonover and T Schoonover.
No 78. ALSO—One other lot situate In Tuscarora
twp, bounded north by lauds of D'eorge C Atwood,
formerly Albert and Emily Mitchell, Dr N J Cogs
well. and Chas Snitch, east by !midi of Wm Co
burn and ftiorge. Dnribinzer, formerlythe Maxfield
lot), and Wm 11 Christian, and ail unoccupied lot
claimed by.,Sainuel Tewksbury, south by lands :of
Win n Christian and vacant lot claimed by.Samitel
Tewksbury. and lands of Dr .1 Cogswell, west by
Tuscan ra Creel:sand lands of George C Atwood,
formerly... Albert Mitchell: contains 110 acres more
or less, about 10 improved, with 1 trained house, 2
framed Imfris, t framed granary other outbal!d
lags, and orchard of : fruit trees thereon. Seized
and taken Into execution at the suit of Ot)rge C
A [woof Fe Bela Cogswell.
AN Li trr.w T.AYTON Sheriff.
*Sheriff's Office;Toutuda, August 7,. I S7S.
- •
SHERIFF'S SALES.—By . virtue
, of sundry writs Issued out oftbo Court of Com
mon Pleas of Itradfccd , connty, and tnmeAlreet et,
. .
Twill expose to public sale on YICII)AY, the. Bth
day of SEPTEMBER, 16:8, at the door of the Court
Molise, In Towanda Borough, at 1 o'clock r. the
following detcribed property, to wit.l,
No. I. The defendant's interi'st •In one tot,
pieces or„ . par , el - of land sittiate in Towanda
Borough,', bountl , d north by Ilustomst, east
by lands of-,67 F Nichols, sunlit by an alley: and
west by lands of Mrs IT uston or C F Nichols; being
about to ft fro n t on II uston-st anti ft deep, with
a two-story framed house I hormln.
N 0.2. •A t„St,b--The defendant's Interest to
one ether lot situate in Towanda Borough.
bounded north ba , liustomst, east IW. 1311115 of
C F lehols, south, and west by lands of
J II Clirmut; being about 75 ft front on said Ilus
tott-st and 2ft thmit,' with framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of GF
Taber use vs CT Nichols.
No. 3. k1,, , 3 1 1-L-Pne nth , VIM situate In Towanda
Bore, Mutinied and d,•scrtiot as lotions: Begin-
Wog at al . oust on the north line •of iinstomst,..lsB
7.10 ft west from,thr west line of Yrrr aye ; thence
northerly -to the t,outhweit tor of lands In the pos
session of 'George Stevens 120 ft: thence easterly
along the soutlttlne - of said Stevens' land G 9 'r - f t to
a cor; thence smitherly to the north lino of Huston
st to a pointseventy-flve ft easterly of the place of
'beginning; thence westerly along th4s. north line
of Ilustomst 70. ft to the - place of begiunink, sup
posed to contain 9184 square ft, more or less; all
Improved,. With • I framed house, 1 Trained coal
house, other out-tillalngs, and a few fruit trees
thereon. Selrsd anti taken into execution at the
s n it. or. F.lshree time HT. J nne..
No. 4.'ALSO—Ono other lot 'situate In Athens
tap, bounded and described as follows : Beginning
In themitidle of Center-et at the southeast cor of
this lot, being also the northeast cor of lot No 30
thencwninning westerly' along the - north line of
said lot No 30 szti ft to the southeast cur of lot No
; thence northerly along said lot 40 ft to a cor ;
thence easterly parallel with thsit deserlbed line
02' ft to the middle' of said Center-et: thence
southerly along the center thereof 40 ft to the place
of begihnlng ; with 1 framed house and few fruit
trees thereon. Seised and taken Into execution at
the suit of The Bradford Loan and Building Asso
elation of Athens Township vs W A Payne.
N0.,5. ALSO—One other lot situate In Towanda
Dom bounded north , by Poplar-st. cast by lands of
(triswold, south by lands of .1 :F Means, and
west by lands of Holmes fir Passage being about
50 ft whie"and 13;' feet deep, with 1 spring of water
thereon.- Being the same lot contracted to be Sold
by W. Brandiall to Bradford County. -
No: 4. ALSO—The undivided ene-half of one
other lot - situate In Towanda Borough; bound
ed north by lands of Mary Jalie Slisipaid - and
John Posy, on the eat by lands fortderly
• owinet by .1 W Alleth'south by Poplar-st„ and west
by lands of Isaac Middaugh : being about 55tt wide
and re) ft,fleel), wlih I framed house thereon. Seiz
ed and taken Into execution at the suit of Sarah E
Scothi vs,AW. Bramhall. Bradford County, Af 0
Moody and Pilot* Jane Moody. "
-No. 7. A I.s.o—one other lot situnte In Litchfield
twp, bounded north by lands ofJOshu.a Merril! and
Fred Johnson, east J)3. 131,1t15 of George Lamoreas,
by - landard A D Munn, and west by lands of
Jonathan oaddoek and A C. Elsbree; contains. 58
acres more or less: about i 5 acres linptvved, with I
framed houie, 2 frattied harm and sheds, and fruit
trees thereon.. Selzeil and taken Into execution at
the milt of C Elsbreo vti'Santuet Parsons laud
Goo \V iloftt3ling; ;
8. A LSO—One 'other lqt situate In Smithfield
twp,bonntied and described its follows Beginning
at a post and stonesin the llne of E U Wilcox lands;
thence ity the said E U Wilcox lands north 3S O east
122 0-10 rods tan post and stones fur a nor; thence
by lands - of Reynolds. anti 'Manley. south 84 0 east
1V x• 10 rats.-to a post for a cur: thcnee, partly by
!anis of ',largos Collins, in•l partly by Wilts
of Thoblas Murphy, south 3%.° north 122 6-10
rids to atpost and stones for a cur ; thence by lands
of James lolvie; north 86° west 101 rods to the place
of beglnuingi coatatbs aces more or less •
about OS acres ImproVed, with 1 framed house, 1
framed bans, .1 framed horse-barn, 1 cow-house,
anti nu orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and
taken into execution tit the stilt of OvertOn &
brae ahti it EibbAte V. 3 James Flvle & Geo Flsle,
Imin Farnsworth anal Wm II Scentem T. T.
,NO. a. Al.A.)—ttne other lot situate In Ulster
twp, boutolotand described as follows: Beginning
In ilk. centerof the hlgliwity, naming south - 81°
east alovg the highway as' ; thence south 80°
east 25 rods . ; thence north 32° east by lands of Geo
Lain or. an, S rods: thence sou 32° west by landsof
It Minter 7.rods ; thence :truth 2° 'west 20 rods:
thence west 60.r0i14; thence. north 2° east 45 rods
I•v lands of said Immure:ln to the place of begin
nit:; ; contains 11 acres and 50 rods of land more or
icss, mostly , llnproved with .l framed house, I trams
41 harm I framed wagon shop, and few fruit trees
'thereon, Seized anti taken into execution at the
suit of C M Manville, lISC VS II A Brainard.
No. 10.. Al,so—One otherlot situate In
Dep.:hounded and described as follows: Beginning
In the center of - South st at the nerthwest.cor of lot
13, anti running thence at right angles wiHt -South
st 112 ft to lands of I) S F Clark: Dunce westerly
along SSW land 611 ft to a cor of 16t No 75; thence
along said II:1 11/1 ft to the center of South-st 66 ft
the place, of beginning rese.ming 121 i ft in
w dub Sonth-st for highway purposes, with 2
fro lied houses and 1 framed barn, and few , fruit
tee thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at
Dv , suit of 11ittlfurd Lout and Buthllng Association.
of .Itheas Ton whip vs John
No. It. A I.So—:lue. oilier Int siteabi in Tome
twit, bvuti.k.r-arrit desc,rll.:.(l as ("now-: 11 , •gltinItig
at.the center at thv public mad the 'ltoutt.wesecor
of lands of 6Y. Van Whatle ; thence by the '1.01.,th
line of the siTht:t - eait 79 twra to a Make and stones
e.t . of E W ; thence 1)y the we., fin , of the
sante south.. 3. f . ° weti: :35 571. to a stake. rot of
seld Taylor told Wm parks; thence. north Sti:i °
wea 79 ers. to the center" of
. pahl puhge,
tbeore along :be crater of the sante port!' 3'l° east
31 '2-10 pen to the ',law of bestaetng ; eontaltitt•l6
aires and. M pus ntare•ot . Its", - all treprov,..l. -
'No. 12. ALSO--ofie other lot situate In Rome
Itep. hounded and described as follows: iteginning
at the Intersections of the piddle mad, south car of
a lot, of land now owned by I)tvon Rickey ; thence
north 47 0 east 27 pets to a car of Danford Chaffee,
thence by the lino of the said Chaffee and Mrs
Youlz nor th.fito east 71 I.e.ri to Menne of Nancy E
Maynard ; ttwitco along the line of the same south
:,;;°. west 35 5-10 pers to a Mr on the poblic road,-;
then4 , e along the 1 ante south SO y , east. El pers to a
cm' It 6 May artrd's; thence along the line of the ,
same suutt 11 0 w ,- .t 122.10 pers to the ::.ontliwest
rot 4;f sal 3 • N ward : thence along the lino of the
teor, (4 0 ete r t pen:to the west line 07 E\V
Tavt, - ,r ; thence along the line of the same south
no - west 31 pers . to the ear of E Tmvner : thence
along the lire of the said Towner and C M Nan
'Winkle west 152 740 pers to the'conter of the poi.
lie road ; thence along theA enter of the same north
21• 0 easead p , ..ra to the piece of beginning; con.
tatt.42:i acres and 122 pers of lainl more or less;
about 30 aeres imprevcd, with, I framed house. I s
framed barn, and few frult - trees thereon. Seized
Sad taken Into excel:tam at the suit of E It Do
Long VS Ito-well Culver. 11w4 ,
No. 13. A 1.4. - .)--.0, a other tot situate In Hurling
ten top. 1 ounded north by Well of ',blow Haight,
east by the Iturwick turnplko, south and west by
lands o srldew :Voice : contains one-half acre more
-er less; Improved. with I framed. house, 1 from
ea barn„ and a few fruit trees thereon. Solzedind
taken intoexecritten at the salter Ja , co McCabe
and - Willtam II Edwards vs George Walborn and
'3l A Walborn. . . , .
N`o. it. ALSO—One other lot situate In, South
Creek top, bounded north by the New. York State
lino. east by George Dunliam's land, south by lot
No A. on a draft made as surveyed by James A
kayne for Kirby &. Adams and,now owned by.theni,
and west by land contracted:by said Kirby & Ad
ams to.A mud Trenton ; this tract be irtg lid No son
said draft, and. contains 100 artris more or less.
Being the name piece- of land conveyed by Sylves
ter IV -Hall te Frank 6 Allen by deed dated Feb
tt, 1573. and recorded In Deed Book No FA at Ng . °
135, tte, excepting null reserving therefrom one,
half of all the W01:41 and timber' being and standing
ensald lot, for the term of . throe years front the
ate hereof. :is collateral micurtly for the purchase
[ mr.ney-of 'sabl.premlies : about4oart's, Improved,
with i hoard house, I trained barn, and youngarch
' act of-fruit treesJliereon. Seized, and taken Into
execution at the stilt of Sylvester 'IV Hall vs Frank
I: Alien. -
No. IS, ALSOLi - me oilier lot 'satiate IC Leßoy
- top, butimled uortlrl-y the Towanda ece,d,-, emit by
the pul-lie highway known as the Mountain road,
I 81 tall by lands of the Schrader Co:dead Lend Com
pany, and west by )duds of 1' A Holcomb; contains
45 acres:more or ices, about 15acrett Improved, with
i trained;bonse, 1 framed lorti.4 trained atop.; and
teirfenit -trees 'thereon, Seised end taken into
'execution at the nit of G L Still, p i t; n James
No. ls. ALSO—One other lot situate in Tow* ditt
Dom, bounded north by the north line oflaatl sold
by Enos Tompkins to.defendant, east by tots sold
by defendant to Earn, Tidd and others, south •
other land of defendant and bylot now ocemde by d
by Mrs Wheeler, and, west by flout/tilt; being'
shoat 200 ft north and Muth, and about lati ft mat 1
and west. Seized and taken Into =mutton at the •
snit of Walter_O Tracy re 0 17.1lartiett: • •
No. 17. ALSO—One other lot situate. In Web.
held twp, bounded north by lands of j liens and
Wm Carmen. east by lands of Wm it Canner and ,
private road, south by said private road and lands,
of J R Brown. and west by lands of Owen Tart
- contains about 7t scree more or leas. those Mittens:
Improrcd,wlth 1 framed home, 1 trained barb and
sheds, and orchard of frolt, trees them*. Seized
and taken into execution at the suit of A C
re John Bradley. Mad e& the snit or B rata, nse ;-
re /oho Bradley. -
N0 . .18. ALSO-70ao other lot situate In Athena;
twp,hounded sad described as folio's's: Commence :
log in, the center of the . highway leading front'
Athena to Waverly, at a point 47 rods north of Eli.
as Mathewson% northwest for in said highway and
running thence 'tenth 2 0 west- &lengths tansWr of
sald highway 23% rods to the center ,of Pitney-a
so called; thence soutb,ar 10' cast at 70400 rod*
to a lot sold to Charles 0 Smith ; thence rennin., -
north along said Smith's line 23A rods to lands of
D L F & A Snyder; thence eseVaisng saidlinyder".,
lands to the place of beginning U 71-100 rods; con- .
talnad2 acres More or less, all improved. with 1 C
framed barn thereon. Being the tame piece of
land conveyed by Rodolphe. Brown and Mules*
U Dunlap and wife to George • Rogers 17dt:rad do
ted April 22, 1669, and recorded In Deed Book No
91, at p go 64, ke. Seized and taken into ezery-' . •
Hon at the salt of The Citizens Bank of Waverly,* .
N Y vs George Rogers.-
No, 2e. ALSO—One other lot situate in To-.
Wanda Borg and - Towanda - twp, bounded east by.
the road leading from Bridge-et, south by lands
formerly owned by William Patton; west by lands
of Ledyard Chaapel formerly of William Patton.
and north by Hinds of tho heirs of David Cash, de
eenvd, being 0 rods front on said reed leading from
Bridge-0, 2nd running hack from said road on a
line parallel with the line of the said
.heirs of Da-
vid Cash, deceased ; contains 2'4 acres meteor less;
all improved. with I framed house, and a few fruit
trees thereon. pang the same piece of land eon
+(eyed by James 11lmsey sod wife te Jae JOH&
flth, by deed dated March 23, 1973, and recordedln
Decd book No Ilk at page 'AM, he;
No. 27. ALSO--Onfy,other lot situate In Towanda
twp. bounded and deSeribed as follows : Beginning
alias pent on the west able of Ball Haid•et ; thence •
by lot owned by ,Ifathewitlee, north 84Stl , west ISO
ft to apost ; thence by lands of U F Mason. north
5!4° east 5o ft to a post thence by lot contracted
to Mathias Minntx,.mmth 01454. 2 east -ISO ft to the
west side of Sall Itoad-stl thence along the Rose,
. .
south 5349 west SO ft to the place of beginnin: It
beings lot No 87 of 0 P Masonl.planiaf Sout h Tor
wands. and conveyed by Warren Hilt and wife
Jno J Griffiths, by deed dated Dec 19, 187.1, and re
corded In Deed Book No at page 464, 4ie, with
1 fralned house thereon.
ii:l3 - 0--Otie other lot . situate In_ Athetui
Bore; bounded mil described as follows; Begin
ning at a post on the west side of Stain-at, the
northeast cor of a lot owned by W II Simply ; thence
along the north line of the- said Shipley's lot. north
77% ° west 12'i pens: thence north 1234° west3.l.llo
pars ; thence south 7.7%0 east pens to a post on
the west side of Main-st ; thence south 12)4 0 ..east
3 2 1 40 pets to.the place of. beginning ; contains 40
pers more or less, with I framed house thereon: It
being the :tame piece of land conved by J D
and wife tai'jno J GrlMths by deed ey dated Nov Is
1871, and recorded in Deed Book No /= page 255 J!
No. 30. ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda
Rom, bounded and described ainfollows) Begin.
ping at the northwest ocr of William Patton's brick
block ; thence aorta' 25 ft along - Main-st.; thence . •
east to the Susquehanna river; thence down and •
by said river 23. ft to lands of William Patton •
thence along said Patton"s land to-the place of be:,
;Tinning, with 1 framed building used for two stores • .
on Main-st. 1 cooper shop and 1 blacksmith's shop
thereon. Excepting and reserving therefrom the
right of way of the Pennsylvania and New pork
Canal and Rail Road Company through said lot as
It is now locited :It being the same piece of land ,
conveyed by C R Patch and wife to Jno Griffith*
by deed dated March 3, 1885, and recorded in Deed
took No - 70 at page 170. Also all the right, Wks .
'and interest of I.MA John J Griffiths in and to a
certain brick 'wall standing on the north side. of
said let and adjoining said. 1 framed building used •
for- stores. ike.„ as•set forth in a contract from M E
Solomon to said 4no`J Griffiths, recorded In Deed
Rook No 87, at page 413, kc., and dated August 8,
No. 31. ALSO—One other lot situate in temy
and Canitin tops: bounded -anti described as fo
lows : ConMienelng at a post ; thence by land in
the warrantee name of William Bell north 71° east -
220 pars to a sugar tree Tor ; thence by land in the
warrantee name of William 'Whiter, south 22° east
310 pers to a beectecor on er near a swamp t thence
nest 313 per. by land in the warrantee name of Jno..
Singer to a post; thence north by land In the war?
ranme name of Robert Shaw. 223 pars to the place •
of telftrialtiZ i contains 457 acres more or less. (re
-B.,rylog therefrom +32 acres and 150 pees thereof sold
to.J A lileoni.) It being the equal nndlvhled ono,
half of said traist after deduei ing Pala S 2 acres and
[tiers a, aforc•sald and 14
. the same tract that vas
, rilta?4 , ll,y via% norkwe'll at . Treasurers tale of
'seated tat 1 In and for silt, county of Bradford.
about the rear Bat, anti'Who conveyed his Interest .
ln the same to the said Ntram Rockwell 'who has
also purcha,.•d the outstanding claims thereto of
and from Edward' Overtorr, W Patton, anti the '
heirs of John N Wt stem; and being the same piece ..
of land conveyed . y Nirant Rockwell and wife 'to
.Ino J Griffiths by deed dated August 2, 1993, and
reeorded in Deed Book No S 7, at page 56, he. -
No. 22: A I,SG--Dne other lot situate In f.elfoy
twp, bounded and described as follows: All the
right. title and interest of them the said Abraham
Martin and SninT , his wife and their heirs and a. -
signs in and to all the saltrhalanee of the land re
maltiin g unsold by said Abraham Martin and Susan
- his rife, which Is contained or embraced in all'
'those several tract: of land respectively: In the
' warrantee names of John Barron Jr. which was
patented to John Barron, Vrederici: Bates, paten
ted to F,rederiek Bates, Henry Beck, patented to .
John Barker and George Pfeifer, patented to WU- . ,
'loin Barker and situate In Leßoy. formerly Can-
ton tsvp. 'Bradford county, State of Pennsylvania
aforesaid. the title' t which aforesaid several
tracts above named', h untlry conveyances duly
executed according tots , came duly and legally
vested in feeslmple in then the aforesaid Abe:,
ham Martin and Susan his w ~ said lands, remain-
lug unsold asaforciaid,and herein Intended to'be
eon eyed by the said Abraham 'Martin end' Susan
his wife to the sahl John J Griffiths, in fee simple
as aforesaid. is supposed Cu contain or embrace the
cjeantity of 406 acres more or less ; being the same
piece of lantLcotiveyed by. Abraham Martin and
lie to aloe .1" Griffiths by deed dated Oct 4. 1868.
and reeorded,ln peed Book No 102, at page 331,11 c,
no improvenients . -.
No. 32. ALSO—One other lot situate in Towanda
Pero, - bounded and described as follows:
.ntng at a post on. State-st at the intersection of said
street with an alley thence southerly along said
alley lee ft :thence westerly and parallel with said
street 50 ft; thence northerl3 and parallel with
said alley 100 ft to State-st ; thence eastfrly along
sabi street to, the place of beginning ; with I fram
ed house thereon / being the same piece of land
conveyed liy.ll 11 slcKean and wife to Jno J Grit.
flits by decd dated Jan 11„ 1871, and recorded fn
Deed Book N 0.103, at.psge 139, dtc. •
No 33. ALSO—One °thee lot situate in-'Asylum
twp, benntied and deScribed as follows : Beginning
at a stake at west cor of Vaudermark's lot adjoin- ;
ing tallies of John Westbrooks: thence south 62 0
west 30 pers to a stake cor of Jelin Westbrook and II
Charles Zuni ; thence north 2 0 west 64 pars to
stake in cor of highway thence north 58 0 east 34 ;
pers to a stake in said road; thence south 68 pens ,
to place of beglnnlng ; contains IV": acres more or.
less . ; partly improved, with 1 log house thereon;
log same landconveyed by 11- F Be e roman and wife
by deed recorded in Deed Book No 109; at page 834
&e. *
34. ALSO—One other lot 'illnate in Wysog
twp, borinded`and described as renews: Beginning
at a stake and stones near the turn of the road lead
ing towards Teseentin Eddy; thence south 15e - east
55 pars to a stakeand stones+. on the bank of *the ea
nal: thence bouneleg -upon-the same, south '340
west about 55 pers ; thence en the west line of the
Shephard Pierce farm, running north .7 0 west 85
pers to the place of beginning: contains 5 acre.'
and 137 pars of land more or less, With 1 framed
house std few fruit trees thereon. '
No. 35. ALS O -I—One other lot- sitnale in Wysoi
twp., bounded and 'deeeribed as follows Beginning
at a post en the east bank of the Canal, and run-
Mot; south 27 0 east 38 pers to the river; thence
north 2.1 0 -eeSt 20 pers to a eor : thence north 37 0
west sio pets to the east bank of the canal; thence
up said cabal and hounding the same., to the place
of beginning; contains 4 acres . and 23 pers more or .
less. all Improved. The said last two pieces above;
deScribed being the same land conveyed by James
Salsbury and wife to John ,1 Griffith by deed dated
June 13. 11 7 2. anti recorded in Deed Book No 111,
at page 391 ; 3e. -
No. 3e. A T.S - 0-Two other lots situate in Towan
da Bore and Towanda twp, bounded and described
as follows: The first cf said; iota commencing at '
the northeast cor of the lot intended to be convey- .'
ed, at the eastern terminus of the line fence as It
_stool when the adjoining lot was occupied by Mrs
Bennett thence southwurilly along the west side
of the road now kliown as Bridge-st Extension. 20
rods to a car; thence westwardly and parallel with
the tenth line of the lot lately :occupittl by Mks
Bennett as aforesaid, and now owned y William
Norconk. 40 rods to a cos on the line of land:stately
owned by Ledyard Chaapel; thence northwardly
along said Citaapees line- and parallel with said
Bridge-st Extenslian, 20 rods to at-or: thence east
wardly along the south line of the lot - lately ecru. ,
pied by the said Mrs Bennett and now - owned, by
Willinin Isawcoulc, 4e rods - with the jog hereafter
mentioned, to the place, of beginning; reserving,,
however, to the -aid W, Patton,-his heirs and as
sigas the spring near the tiortlsllne of said
lot, and which is sonic 15 reds from thS aforesaid*
read. now Bridge-st Extension, together with one
rod square of land embracing the same, and also
the right to convey in pipes ludo and from said
spring, the water of the two other springs above
and southwest of said spring, so as to connect the
three springs in one, or to such other point orplace
aathe said Patton, his heirs or assigns may choose.
The tot above- describeeenntains 5 acres of land,
strict ineasure,less the one rod - square reterred as .
aforesaid, all Improved. The other or Second lot
lying and being- south of and adjoining said lot
hereby Conveyed to the party of the second pait,
and le-ginning at the southeast cor thereof ;.thence.
sonthwanily along said Bridge-st Extension 100 ft
to a me; thence westwardly and-parallel with the
' line of one Cormya lot IRO ft Micas; thence north
onriliynetd paralhil With said- Bridge-st Extension.
100 ft to a cor thlince eastwardly along the line of
the Conitya lot 150 ft to the place of beginning: be
teg the same two lots of land conveyed by William -
Pat i tie and wife to John - J Griffiths by deed dated •
Dec le. 1874, and recorded in Deed Book Nottl, at
Lease 115, ter.-
No. 37. ALSO—One other lot situate' in Outten
, twit. bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at a post at cer of First-et south; ,thence 58S 0 east
5 per to a post ;thence south along the line - of Wu.
son streery's lot to pers to a post; thento west $
pers to a post on First-et Cihence along said street
in pers to the place of beginning : contains 50 pots
or land more or less, with the privilegeof sueletent
eater from the spring use, with 1 small
framed-harems thereon; being the came piece of
land conveyed by Solomon-Hewing - and wife to Jno,
".t Griffiths by deed dated Sept 25, 1871, and record. ,
oil In Deed tlook No 128, at page 242. &c.-
- N 0.38. ALSO—One other lot situate In Towandel
Bare, bonuded north by lands formerly owned by
C F Nichols, east by. Extension, south,
and west by lands of J-Cl.Patton s being 40 ft front]
on Bridge-it and 150 ft deep, with 1 framed-tom'
Foe so. thereon. .
ALSO—Oneother lot situate In Towanda )
Rom and Towanda twp, bounded north by lands of
0 E Harris, east by lands of E W Warner, Joseph
George Camp and Johanna Croke, south by
lands of J 0 Patton, and' west by lands of the
Moody & Morgan estate • contains 3S acres of hint
mom or less, all improv ed. Seize!. and taken into
execution at la suit of. Overton & Norm, ese,
-vs :folio J Griffith, Joseph G Patton. Daniel Sweet
and Bridget Sweet, T. IS Also-at suit of Ir W
Lane vs Bohn J Getflithe.. . • ;
ANDREW J. LAYTON, Sheriff. •
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Pa., Aug. 14. 1878;
Court•of Common Pleas of Bradford county,
o. 1.07, May T., 1877. in the matter of Um - vol.
notary assignment of Jason S. Smith to William
Snyder, for the benefit of creditors. . -
Notb•eis hereby given - that William Snyder. as ,,
Hi1;11e0 et the estate of Jason S. Smith, tiled his final
account May 1878. That , itaid.wromot trill be
presented to the Court for rdlowanott ott..THURS-
ItAV.of the first week orlteptehtber Term, nett,
unless .cause shall be showd - why_tbe same. Ought*
not to ho allowed. .
BENJAMIN M. PECK . , ittithmtetilq. -
Towands, Pa., July ON WS! -