Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 15, 1878, Image 2

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r.. Goonsicitt. .s. W. ALVOND.
Tzwands, Pa., Tluirstay, .618ui 16, 1878.
Of Luzerne.
Of Warren
' Of Philadelphia.
Of AllegYeny.: 7
Pursuant to a resolution passed by the P.eputl!.
-can County Conventton, to session May 9, 1679, and
t eoneured in, by the ILepubliean County Committee.
t!u. Convention of the geribilean Party for IC&
will enliven.. at the Court House- in ;TOWllndbllo7-
ough. on TrESDAY. AUGEST, !7, 15.79; at -1
r; clerk p, 71., to make the !Whilst:it nominations,
to-wit: . .
One person for Member of Congress of the Unit
o: •itate.. frr the Fifteen'ti DlitOct, OmileXto
the 6pproral of the Conference's . •
Three persons for
. Members of the Mouse of Bert
. r:-.-entattres of the State Legislature.
One person for Sheriff - . , - .
One persen for Prothonotary.
(flue perria' , tor Register and.Reortier. , s.
Vsro persons for Courity Commissioners.
on, person for County Treasury. " - .
Two pe rhonsfor County Auditors.
One perann for County Coroner. ';
Appolntiag Congression . al Conferees, and for the
'transsetlon or any - Other bogness that may come
fot ,, th,"Couvention.
The Votr.mitteem or Vigifance of the several elec
tion distrieta.ylll rill a primary dr delegate elec.-
ter their re*ective dinticts for SATURDAY.
AUGUST 24.1478, to elect by ballot fa o delegates
t. repr.. , ett each dlstrirl ICaid County Coriien
The delegate elections In the townships will Ile
'l,;:anized. at 3 o'clock - r. m., and kept open contip
n,, to the. C10y... at T. o'clock P. M. In-the bar
‘4::::bs the delegate.elections - will be organised at G
.-c•-!ock, P. x.. and ki•pt open continuously untirthe
at n L clock T. m. The co Ts shall then he
.•,ented, and the res ! ult certified ITy the ‘Acens to
the Chair - manor the said Conveptlen, and a copy
.t-;irer.•d at Are tri'the Delegates elect.
Th.• Committees of Vigl'ance are particularly re
,tue, t•NI to ol..err@ the ahore suggestions carefully
In eglift , l , ttrig primary mcetings„so that no
yi-d cau-e of - complaint can arise.
IL : STREETER, Chairman.
Er.r, !it.cret.:%ry.
costal:Mr , nr VIGILAscE,
I,rmenta—Danlet \'ebb, Simon Sherman, An
Alta—Geo II Webb, G W Carman,_ Jeff Lang-
A thenn Itoiri—D W . Tripp. II C Hayes, F V
Athena t.l-1 , F. NVe , ler/ISsmuel.,Ovenahlre. B
Frank Drown.
A Ilvtnet, B C . 3llngoi, It Ft—Ceti' Stevels, S Watson, ,George
MooFX. C C +Md. E J Eldred.
Itoro'—.ll:cct 17; A Evarta
7i! • "
I:,,rlidatc. NV e 4
.ti .1
=- it It c Kran, S H
1:1:1 1 thrt ,, !1 Twp—A .1 Wakesley, (. S TrarlA,
BilV-I^* A Owen, J S )fix. Theodore
4 :44.t0n Tiol4---Watstm Freeman, Henry gattlson,
t.,q' 1)44 rj 4y.
• 441 u to MA-4 1.1 Wolf. H M Ferguson, .1 It
Franklin—James C Itnlgerray, Steam McKrt.,
in'ttrslll4 , —Adatn Innis, J L Fergtoon. John
r.,lnan, 2(1. " • ' •
llvrilrk--4: T. Stuart. James H Hurst, E. Fuller.
I.• Palmer, 31 Holcomb,. Wesley
t.ltchfl,bl.—John II McKinney. 1' Nt Brink,. A D
I.•l:ayevfL:—M II Coddling, J P Carle, J H John-
Monroe Boro'—A Lloyd Rockwell, l M W R(011,
.1, hn Duntee.
rmroe Twp—rinight Dodge, - Nliorthrop, Jr, G
l)relitt Creek—F W Keyes, David Gardner, Al
Case,, Thomas B Smith, Frank
Overtmi—JamesMolyneana, Fred Beverly, Al. f:; Istreevey.
A Bosworth, S B Canfield, Jas Grant,
I:l,lw:bury—Riley Mead, E A Caper, Alex 4tur.
l.•nme Potw—Coryclottllarnex, M If Towner,
Run , Tw•p—Jnnlalt Horton, J E Gillett, S
F. .I,Ain A Perkins, Hawley
, iifit Wm erly—D I. F Clark, John fl i Falkue'r
Po , i, •
W Walelrypn, Walter PElllllint, F (1
...spri;gll , l.l—The.sloro Wader, Edson }tartness,
F, ail": Itiph.y. . .
Crovh-1) F lllldro Ui, S Thompson, Gen
I: , try.
S V leV Fnrman,,Geo Monroe, Leander
G r.:Gro v.
- , l,..blieguln—W in Snyder, f; L Horton, Vmse T.
..%wattreg stone—Win Bostwick, W Stevens, (:try
"I" , q ey,.lotintlinn Terry, .1 C Dyer, 8 Bowman.
T.lYhtula 'Ca I,—Jarues T Hate, Leroy Bowman, R.
noro•—Pirxt Ward—f. 7 Pamage, Jas
1::yan:, II etevene.
ttoro - -Seenn4 Wartl—W Heyser,
:ray. I, I) Lyon.
1,-.sao.lA KotOs—Thlrtl Ward--. 1 H Oreutt, W
W etVlneent. .
Tow:1114a North—Renbon DoLong, Wm. Smith;
‘llll, NeU • Pli. •
Tr. y ttoro'—y M FpalJing, I) C Lampe:lan, Wm
Tr ll4..igarr.
~y Twp-•Jhhu Hunt, Milton Pierce, MO Loo-
I' ,e.)rori—Wni Stilanway,(;uy Larnorenui,
1 "1- , trr—Fterrry Mingo, George Morley, Andrew
/11 , 111 - '4/.
Vl,ta rren—llllecPrince, Howell Howell, .1 a Kin
Wto•lbam--4.Wheaton, Eben Wb M e, - lieu L
M Clark, IJanled Ely, Meeke, Jr.
Wel's—Mon-ls Sheppard, Win Melyea, Wm Jobn
Wyte.ll , li,g.,Al' K Segraves, Geofi itognet, A Cul-
Wyma—,l Bsrs, L? Lent, AV L Stinreg.
Tun Alacon(Ga.) Telegraph and
y,:s,ren gf;r calls for the repeal of the
fourteenth . amendment, that the
southern People may extort payment
for their liberated slaves. It ,says:
" Those slaves were not cannon and
basqinetsand armed- foes in the late
so called rebellion, and - in nq sense
•ontraband.' They were our prop
ci-ty solemnly specifically recognized
ai as such, and duly protected and
rtiaranteed by that Constitution . and
Which our adversaries alleged
thi y' fogk up arms to 'maintain intact
awl defend.- •,trioreover they took no
p•iit in that fratricidal struggle, save
viu : n forced to join the ranks of the
113 vader, and wage war against their
b.-,t friends and benefactors. On the
b•►miitj principl that '4
might makes
zind . to the victor belong the
spoils ' only, .therfore, - can this - rob
-11;:ry of an impoverished people be
j u4ified." Again : ".,We cannot-but
indulge the:hope that when we have
helped to extinguish the public debt;
tin l •tima has healed .the gaping
wounds of the past, when reason and
. brotherly love shall have fully regain
e4l -the .ascen dency over preclujiee
awl hate, even thonghitshill be the
next meneratiOn i a brave and honor
able people - of the. same blood . and
lineage will see to it that, the value
of our property in slaves shall be
'returned to tlioie from whom it was
wrongfully wrested: It will do no
harin to: keep thlis question before
. the, people, that they May "preeserve
the record's and proper - memoranda
of their 'former slaves,. in the event
• that a returning sense of justice' on
the part. Of-the,Federid Government
may compensate
.them, .at least in
part, for the loss of this portion of
their, rightful property:"
NOT a .doll'ar of the revenues of the
Connnonwealth of Pennsylvania was
ever wasted or inisakiligd by any
Republican Ladle head Of the . State
Treasury. ..
. .
There is a wide-spread ",prejudice
against National Banks, and \ the
bor reformers make opposition to
these institutions one of the cardinal
prinCiples in their platform. These
,gentJemen seem to have forgotten
,that it tiaoargely due to the Nation
al Banks that the Governnient was
indebted for fuitds to carry on the
war for the presefvp.tion of the Union;
that they stepped forward and took
millions of dollars of the Govern
ment bonds and. pafd for them when
a portion of the Nurth - was denonnc
ing them as not wlith the paper they
were'printed opott
It is boldly asserted by this new
party leaders, _that - Nacional Batiks
are getting something for nothing,
and that they are a - privileged class,
notwithstanding the fact that *c ha%e
a free banking law, and any number
of gedtlepen who procure the bonds
and - depOsit them can engage, in the
- The National Banks bank upon I
Government securities so far as Os
culation is concerned, but we hope
few people need to be told ,that a
bank that depends upon its' circulat
ing notes for its profits can never
make its stockholders very riph. A
bank whose circulation can never rise
above nine-tenths of its carotid de
posited to secure Its. ciretila4on can
not, on the average capital 0 invest
ed, oppress anybody,... The cf P mplaint
is that thebovernment pays he bank
interest on its capital E° deposited.
It seems to have escaped the notice
of these fault-finding, financiers that
the Government must pay the-inter
est on its bonds any way, and that it .sort of difference to the
, public who may be the owners.- Every
bank pays back '6 the Federal and
. •
State Governments in tates every
dollar that the privilege of circulat-'
ing its notes' is worth. Some pay
more than the privilege is forth ; and
some, indeed ninny, banksi are reduc
ing their capital for that reason. 'The
advantages of the National system
Is the absolute security of the bill.
holders for one thing, the uniformity
Of the currency fOr another, and-the
Office they perforM as distributors of
the 'currency for
... still - another.. But
perhaps a still greater advantitge is
that the system secure; the active co
operation of an
immense . interest_for
the maintenance of national credit,
whicliin emergencies is of the high
est-importance. .
- .
In-the days of slavery, the South- .
ern States elected a large majority
of the Presidents, and monopolized
the money and honors of government
in an undue degree. Since slavery
was struck down through rebellion,
we have elected LiNcoLN, GRANT and
lIA.vEs from the North, and only
want to elect half a dozen more from
the majority to 1)e even with the ini-
.nority. . ' •
And so the old counties '•in the
south part of Pennsylvania have con
tinued to get all the Governors, from
the first election in 170 to the last,
GEARY. linitTßANFT—seventeen Gov
ernors—ha all from or southward
from the West Branch
There was no northern Pennsylva
,`niii worthy of a contest, in former
years. . But now, - with ,nearly one
third of the territory and one-fourth
of. the population of the whole State,_
it may Le well to say ThERE IS' A
NORTH! and to ask that the first elec
tion in our second century \ a,s a State
may gite us a Governor. •
'Citizens of the northern counties,
talk this up. It is our right—to our
honor—may be to our great' advant
age—to have one Governor. And,
very appropriately, the largest county
offers- the man—HENRY M. HOYT—
and.the locality, the famed Wyom
ing, of which he _is an honored na
tive !
DURING the last dm.,
is power, under the ni
Gowninent was obl
per cent. interest and
in borrowing mow
Now, after W great Wr, and with ,an
enormous Nation i debt, both the re
stilt of Donn ii
e atic imbecility and
treason, the Ilovernment, under Re
publican rule, can get all the money
it wants 7i four and four and a half
per c,t. Would any • citizen who
desires the welfare of the country be
willing to restore our financial affairs
,t ) 9 Democratic control ?!.- Haven't we
,had enough of twelve per cent. De
mocracy`? '
IN determining bow to cast their
rotes this year,-- Republicans, and in
fact all sober-minded men should bear
in-mina that it eis possible, indeed
highly probable, that the Congress to
be chosen this 1 fall may be called
upon• to deeide who shall be the
next President. With a Democratic
'majority in the next Congress there
would doubtless be chosen an ex• Re
bel for President.
Ma Gaow opened the Repuplietin
campaign. by • an able and forcible
speech at Titusville on Satuday night
last. The speech is published and
will be circulated as a campaign
" Capital may be produced by in
dustry and accumulated by economy,
but only jugglers *rip propose .to
,create it, by legerdermain tricks with
paper.'—Thomas Jefferson.
The election in Luzerne count on
Tuesday resulted in a
.majority of
Seven thonsiutd for the now county,
and Scrantioans are happy.
:, ..7..-...- - . .I. ......- . -:. : ‘.: s• - ..-. 1 - .2:-
5 El
- ; •
Mr._...Dembestic tam*
dates' fot\Governor, ; baying *en
member or Ole: HoMie and: of the
Senate for many, years,;rind'ibeing
ration:need iri,:tholorkin z g'meriiship- :
pelts and traniporfersOi" Pennsylva-
uiaj as an Anti , ! corporation Candi
date, the following is presented as -
brief record of his Legislative strug
gle in behalf of the'yeople. , against
theTennsylvania Railroad Company
. and kindred corporations :
Mr.1:41. being a metnbert of - the
House bf Representative:is:voted for
the Nine Million Steal—a \bill pro
posing to take nine million\ dollars .
from . the seeurities, in the.. Sinking.
fund for the bene fit of the Pennsyl
vania Railroadeoinpany and
iary forporations.—See Hotise Jour
nal ot 1870, page' 97. .
At the same session a. bill was
presented to authorize railroad com
panies to lease or becOnie lesiees, - IMd
to make contracts with other railroad
companies, corporationsiand parties.
Under its provisions gigantic combi
nations took life, and by merger and
consolidation of corporations, indi
vidual enterprise . was crushed . .., Mr..
DILi voted "AYE."—See House
Journal 'of Is7o,.page 325. - r •
The Act to incorporate the now
notorious Milford and MatamOras
Railway Company being pending,.
Mr. DILL voted "AYE." See House
Journal of 1870, page 725.
A supplethent to the Milford and
Matamoras Railway bill having af
terward been introduced—diverting
$10,060 paid annually ,by .the.. Erie
Railway • Company . from the• State
Treasury to the treasury of the• Mi
lford and Mataruoras Railway Com
panp—Mr. DILL voted AYE." See
House Journal of 1870 page 1119.
This naked theft of slo,oooannually
from the State Treasury having been
detected and brought to the attention
of the Executive, Governor Geary, at
the session of 1812, by special mes
sage recommended a repeal- of-the
law. A bill for that purpose having
been introduced, Mr. DILL, then a
Senator, voted " NO." See .Senate
Journal of 1872, pages 795, 796.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany desiring a sort of Credit Mobi
lier Charter to enable it to operate
its western leased lands, an Act was
introduced to incorporate
. the Penn
sylvania.. Company. This Act was
the forerunner of a series of bills
passed fluring, the session of 1871
and 187.2 in the, interest of associated
capital and in hostility to the inter
ests ofthe working man and the bus
iness comMunity. Mr. DILL voted
" A 1"." 'See House Journal of 1870;
page 083
Mr:BILLING FELT, Senator- from Lan ,
caster, having offered the following
resolution, viz.: "Reso/ved, That the
Committee on Railroads be instruct
ed to report a bill fixing the maxi,
mum rates of freight and fare • to be
charged by all railroad companiesin
this Comnionwealth," a motion was
made to indefinitely postpone the res
olution. 1.7p0n ; which motion Mr.
DILI. voted " AYE." : See Legisla
tive Journal of 1871, page. 8411
Upon the Act to • incorporate the
-...,. .
infamous South Improvement Com
pany, which corporation was the pre
[ cursor of the Standard Oil qtYmpany,
Mr. Diu. voted "AYE." See Senate
Journal. of 1871, page 1078: :
The Act to incorporate the Laurel
Run Improvement Company,ter
-ward the Reading Coal an Iron.
Company, übder which M ~Gower
acquired control of the ; c al fields of
Sehuylkill county, bei g befOre the
Senate, Mr. BILLI NGSI ELT offered an
amendment which / destroyed the ef
fect of the vital cause of the ',bill.
This clause was as follows : "And it
shall not be lawful for any railroad or .
mining company existing underthe
laws of 'his State to subscribe , for,
or pur lase, or - guarantee the -bonds
oft company hereby incorporated.",
M . BILLINGFELT'S amendment hay
) g prevailed, and being fatal to the
purpose of Mr. GOWAN, the vote Was,
on Motion of Mr. DILL, reconsidered,
anda V
the original section reinserted
of Se ,L egbdative Journal of 1871, : \
page 1022. - -
The original "Free Pipe Bill" hay
ing been introduced under the title
of " A Supplement to the Act of
A pril•29, .1874," extending_ the - pro -1
visions of said Act to embrace within
the provisions of the same the 'trans
portation of oil and the natural gas:
by means of
.pipe lines, - Mr.- DILL
made a dilatory motion tp commit
the bill to the ComMittee on Finance.
See ' Senate Journal -of 1875, page
339. The bill haying been again re:,
ported on Match 3, 1875, was defeat
ed on March 4, 1875. Mr. DILL
DODGED on the -call. of yeas and nays.
A bill.having been introduced to
authorize' and- direct ithe Attorney'
General, upon complaint made . by,
parties whose interests are thereby
affected., Toliistitete - preWeilitrgVte-- -
cording against. corporations
alleged to have Violated duties im
posed upon- them by law, Mr. DILL
voted "NO." See House Journal of
1870,-page 1042.
A bill having been introduced en-'
titled " An Act to prevent gambling
and lotteries in this Commontrealth,"
Mr. DIM. voted "NO." , See House
Journal of 1870, page 502. . _
An act. being pressed at the session
of 1877 by the Pennsylvania Railroad
.Company: to prevent strikes by their
employees upon trains in tmnsitu, :
known as, the Engineers' Bill, or. " In
timidation" ; Bill, ,entitled..." An Act
for the Protection ofl i assengers on
Railroads," Mr. DILL voted "AYE."
See Senate ' journal of 1877, page
. 452. . • . - • .
ty 12
. •
Suffice - it to say, his vote in the
Legislature hos.. always been at the
service of the,l'.ennsylvania Railroad
Company - and kindred -Corporations
when it . uceded. ;V hen Mere
wall a stop/its/4 votes 11e 'tees
„ tom e.
times excused.- ' -
Oosucrnouimintiiiir STORM
111113111,111110 =MOE MID
Ityteitity PersiaillgiUsailimadl Twice that
Number .Wesiskded-410mies of ilbe
L 311oit llarefirttiglDesniptlon. . •
WALtrsoronn, Conn., - August
terriable tornado pased over ;Wall
ingford about six o'clock this even
lug and blew over houses, uprooted
trees and caused the greatest. devast
ation. It is estimated- that the killed
will number at least twenty, while
the wounded 'reach twice that num
ber. • The telegraph wires and poles
were blown down, so that it was im
possible to communicate directly with
-Nevr - Haven or outside points.
After the tornado 'had passed it
was found that it had-been confined
to a belt or 'territori about -half a
'mile wide and the whole damage and
loss of life had occurred on the sandy
plains about a quarter of a mile north
of the railroad-Station near the line
of the New York, New Haven And
HartfOrd.railroad, At G o'clock while
the.mea were testing the - several fac
tories in\the vicinity, it began to rain .
gently. In a few minutes the rain
increased to p ,perfect deluge,. while
the lightening illumined the darken
-ed sky as bright as day and the thun
der rolled a continuous and. deafen
ing roar. „-'
Without a second's warning a tor
nado of wind mingled with rain and
hail swept across- the northern part
of the town from west to east and
everything movable i its track -was
swept - away. It smiled to last but
a moment, but its results, were fright
ful. Afterwards lightrainS, fell, which
soon passed otl; and at"ss o'clock
'when - the,train arrived witliaid, the
heavens were clear and the moon
shone brightly. By actual count
forty dwelling houses were demolish
ed and at least fifty barns. The 'fol
lowing are the killed, nearly
all the houses falling upon them. In
the Plains school house 'on the chil=' ,
dren's desks lay the dead bodies. of
twelve persons—four men, six worn
en and two children. Besides these
one man, three women and three
children and probably one or two
more are believed to be killed and
still among the ruins. •
fT he
: list of wounded, many of
whom are dying, reaches at present
above forty, and increased as
th'e reports come in. The victims
are of -both sexs, their ages ranging
from two ..years upwards; and •in
same eases - four or live hrone family
are 'killed or badly wounded. •
The serene was a heartrending one.
The.- wooden houses were carried
clear off' their forindations from a
- few feet to an eight of amile. In, the
line of the tornado -nothing - Was lift
standing, -and ou side: of its
track lesser damage was done, chim
neys especially suffering:
The Catholic church
- and the . new brick school were total
ly •dernolished. The top of the brick
factory of the Wallingford company
was carried away. Fires were com
municated to the ruins in many cases
by lamps and stoves, and but for the
rain the horror of the affair would
have been greatly increased.
There were many accidents. A
youth who Was stanch on the rail
road tract- when struck by the -full
fr yhe - -as picked up
)st beheaded.
ld in - her arms
were dead and
!d Littlewood
'imbers as he
Four female
on were buried
ise when' blown
ig while to get
led they were
two were in
jure& slightly,. the other two escap- .
Dwelling houses were swept
away out of existence and' barns lift
ed clear - of the hay contained therein,
the latter being left standing and the
roofs' of innumberable' houses. were
taken off. • The railroad tracks were
not disturbed and trains. are running
as -usual. Physicians have arrived
and the selectmen' have telegraphed
to governor Hubbard asking that
the Ipeal militia company be called
Out to render aid.
If the wounded die, at niost the
death list will not exceed thirty.
The loss to property is about $100,;
000, '
ALL the - normal schools of the State are
opening for the fall term.
fuE assessed value of real estate in
Lancaster county this year is $81,933,24:1.
Font - tomatoes on one item, gathered
in: West Chester, whighed over four
11.. F: second crop of hay. ill be as large
as an ordinary crop in many parts of the
MAErKED burglars arc operating very ex
tensively amon the drmers of Crawford
THERE are forty-four criminal cases.he
fore the present - term of the Lehigh
county court.
. TIIEIu are seven hundred and eighty
one male and nine female inmates in. the.
Western Penitentiary at Pittsburg.
Po to Titusville, school marms. The lady
school teachers of that city aro in demand.
A dcizen have been married in two years,
W. W,,...HAnonco, of the; . Philadelphia .
isquiii'r, is in financial straits, but hopes
to effect a settlement at twenty-five zents
on the.dollar,
Titz body of Robert Lee, an old soldier,
was found in the canal at Harrisburg. It
is suppOsed he. committed suicide, as .his
body was loaded witn stones. ' •
}"IPTY;TIMIIE tons of iron wore produc
ed at the blast furnace of the Warwick
Iron Company, at Pottstown, in ono day.
The largest product on record. •
TiVENTS-FIVE horses were stolen in
diana_ county during the last three months.
But live have been recovered and not a
single one Of the thieves arrested, •
JUDGE WILLISTON announced himself
as a candidate for • the State legislature.
from Tioga county, but the greenoackeri
put him On the ticket for Congress.
A. K. McCr.unit, of the Philadelphia
Time, is to deliver the annual address at
the exhibition' of the Pennsylvania State
Agricultural-t3ociety, at Erie, on Septem
ber Nth... • --
:TUE trial of Peter Mellianas,. charged
with being one of tho Mollie illaguirea
that killed Coroner Messer at Shamokin,
Pa.,in 1874 , was pometioed atSiinbtuy
A. citizen of Emporium whoidoes not
kill at lout one rattlesnake on the streets
of the. town every morning before break
llist -is regarded as wholly - deititute of
CoLoNst.s THOMAS A. t3corr, J. N. Du
Barry, James Young and James "Duffy
have been on a visit to Senator .1 Donald
Cameron-at Barrisbnrg. ' They spent one
day at hiti residence: '
A Tun three years old, at Altoona, at
tempten to drink at the hydrant, and was
strangled to death. • lb -put his mouth
over the nozzle, turned on the water and
was unable to let go. '
Tim employes of • the Empire Mine at
Wilkesbarro have accepted the reduction,
anti rrsolve that the work for the Lehigh
and Wllkesbarre Coal Company at that
mine obeli eontlnue. •
Maxta Wesimr, - of Watiatrutiatrt,
little girl, 'attempted to get - imt -a boat
by grasping a,Fals; bat the craft behvg .
tarried rapidirjhaeurthi:iirmun alto yea,
thr "" l „.._ ta.,13 _wa ter 00!/-driOned;
..usnr-, L. - DE LHI T, • aged
. iesenterm
yoarst after - baring slept &gnat time ".at
the Canntion'irott works. widked -,, toward
rbovietriabeel and, fell.. between two of
the spokes, and Was carried around;with
the re4olution. His body was torn \
pieces. • '
Jut Ltivis. a notodowt.zharacter, . at.
temped to commit suicide at Petrolia on
Wednesday by shooting himself. The ball
entered his breast above the heart, 'passed
Out back of the left arm and lodged in
the foot of a boy named. John Reale,
dering amputation necessary.
* BE•rwrm 2 and 3 o'clock - Friday morn
ing burglars entered the business office of
the Daily Gazette and Builethi a William.
sport. They attempted to force the safe
open, but failed: One of- the' safes con:.
mined about two hundred dollars. A few
pennies found in a money drawer and ,
several other light article:3 • were taken,
when rtho burglars dicanaped, leaving
their tools behind them. - '
A boiler in thersteam saw mill of John
Gross at Shamokin dam, a milo and a half
from Sunbury, exploded on Friday last.
A number of ruen.woro_sealded and ruuti-
laced in a shoekitigtuanner, some of thorn
being blown
.to a great distance. John
Gross, the proprietor, Charles Elliott, the
engineer, and a boy named Charlei Frey
tneyr, were lustantly killed, Wes. Frey/
meyr and Isaac Fedder were seriously
hurt and will 'Probably die ; and another
man was severely injured. The accident
was caused by thomrelessness of. the-
gineer, who on returning-front dinner and
-finding :the boilers emptY, allowed ; cold
water to run into them.. •
Tun Pottsville 3fin9s' Journal says:
"The coal trade of the Schuylkill regions
was never duller than at prscnt, A visit
to the 3[ahanoy and - Shatuokin , districts
i yesterday and a talk witii-a rutmner of
prominent operators - ,there, demtiustrat
ed that the business is in a very depressed
state. Some . ; coteries: are entirely idle'
for want of orders," others are able to
work only by Sacrificing their coal, and
all the operators seem agreed in declar
ing that whatever the Coal anti Iron Corn.
patty might be doing, no iuditidual over- -
ator in the region had Made a dollar of
profit this year; and •be who was able to
make hill sales ply his expanses was a
lucky Man. tie far front beftet ing as the
feasou advances the trade is growing
Is an article on the petroleum outlook
the Titusville gerafel says . the European
demand promises to equal if not exceed
that of last year. - The home trade has
not yet commenced, and Will help to swell
the 611pments when it does set -in. • The
average daily production .bears no -evi
dence of any excCrsive increase - for the
next ninety days. The Bradford territory
is being rapidly developed; but, like all
other oil fields the more that is drilled after
reaching . tim apex the less will it yield.
The arep of territory. is constantly being
extend but that gives no reason to ex
pect t
.e average production to increase
in proportion. The number of wells
which can be profitably drilled at one dol
lar per barrel is extremely limited and it
is simply a goutla:l - of. time when air up
ward reaction In . priezis must, according
to natural laws take place.
Yimrsa - fever has broken out at Gren
ada, ,Miss.
Es-SF.t'rif:TAn Bovrwr.ta, wants-But
ler's COntressional shoes;
Tim North Caeolinn election insures
•eeketiou of Senator Merriman.
Tom SAvnus, Kim of tho Lite English
pugilist, is a Loudon comic vocalist.
DOM PEDRO is reported as saying that
America is twenty- years ahead of Europe
in civivization. . .
SUSAN B. .:...N't
.rnOrif IS a greenbacker
she made a stump speech at liocltester
the other evening.
Tnr. Crown Princes of - Denmark is the
tallest princess in the world. • She meal
acres 6 feet 2 inches.
TUE Atlanta Constitntiowthinks Grant
will want to ride Barns in_ the nett Piesi
dential campaign.
Tut: Spanish mail tit - chiller which arriv
ed at Havana ou Saturday brought $2,-
000,000 in specie.
. .
TUE condition of ex-Qucen Christina is
regarded as almost hopeless. She has re
ceived tbe last sacrament.
A BILL providing for the closing ot pub
lie houses in Ireland on Sunday lutS pas
sed the Ilouse of Con-nails.
THE 1101 gnarrantine against New
Orleat..s has brought business almdst to a
standstill in that city. . 0 •
Co.:ART'S defalcation 'at the
Elliott Bank in Boston i§ placed at 65,-
000 the Bank Examiner.
Ilex. C. L. Coat: is inmounced as the
Greenback candidate for 'congress from
the First Noith Carolina district. r
THE members of the Chinese Embassy
wili•remain in Hartford at the Chinese.
headquarWrs for two or three weeks.
lIAN- t +un TAYLOR, our Miukter to Ber
lin NC ntes anti-theological ballads, sub
stantially tho same. 'u those of Goethe.
lb*. Evil:NEI II Mat- lias been rennin i;
nated by acclamation for Congress by the
Republicans of the 'fifth district, Maine.
l'iloYmomumr :BLAIR thinks the Na
tionals of Maryland 4.911 draw more from
the Republicans than from the Demo-.
Join HANCOCK'S _ grave in the old
Granary burying ground on Tremont st;,
Boston; is unmarked by' either tablet or
probably be a member of the next Con
gress.. Ho bas begun an active canvass
of the Richmond district.
Is Baltimore. on Saturday ni,,ht, a col
ored woman quarreled with her husband
and struck him on the head with a pitcher
causing Ids death.
TnE Paris -Con4litationlel reiterates
and maintains its .former statement. that
the Prince ImPerial. will espouse the
Princess Thyra of Denmark, •
FRANI,: G. Oils, commander of the
Grand Army Of the Republic of the de
partment of Connecticut, . died in an ap
oplectic fit at Moriden on Saturday.'
A Madrid dispatch s3y. - 4, the Republican
callers have formally disowned the See.
alistie organizations, .awl they will ear
aiuly bo broken : up almost immediately.
.TR: river Nile. is now higher than at
any time last year, and 'the prospects for
the crops are excellent. It is estimated
-that the cotton crop will yield 11,00:1,000
Ttr greenbackers now have candidates
for Cougres in all the districts of Maine:
The istue SOMA to be fairly made fu that
State, and the Democrats are the tail of
the kite. . •
JEFFERSON Davis is a candidate 'for
'United States Senator from MisSissippi.
His disabilities have not been removed,
but he thinks he can safely trust to a Dem
ocratic COngress to do it. .Next
THE A/to Californian thinks that Bes
sie Tnrnor has been eclipsed by a Bans. -
woman, who-claims to have been carried
four miles and married to a man she hates,
while in her sleep. ;
' Cans LEN PIN, the new Chinese Am
bassador, lived in .11aAford a while smite
years ago, and ; tusde a
,most favorable ini
preision by his fine appearance,
.Ith pleas
big .manners and his scholarly attain
PRINCE BISMARCK is living very retired
at Kissingen, and is rarely seen by the
frequenters of that celebrated spa. King
Louis, of Bavaria, has placed some of his
royal servants and carriages " at the dia.!
posal of the Prince. .:
- Miss EMILY FAl'fliktGl. is lecturieg in
England on "The Elaravagance of Mod.
ern Life." The Duke of Devonshire pre.
sided at one otthe recent Lectures, ..and at
the close gave his emphatic endorsement
to the views of the lecture. . '
BEssvon BRUCE doesi not pirPose to
leive Mississippi and settle in Ohio Lathe
expiration of Isis twin in the,Seriate. On
the contrary,. he will return to the former
State, and devote, is time and energies to
,the interests orthe . colored people:,
- A max named Hanks, and Ls collection
agent for a Boston house battled Gilliam);
who have been making cellectioffsi'. iu
.towns about Medfield, 'lass., - left. the lat
tin place in a buggy on Satunlay'morning,
When in a piece of: thick, wookts; . near
West Dedham, a number
.of armed men
stop pW and compelled them to Surrender
;fun& amounting to $lBOO. ! --
=AT orin coinsi romoirkimat
tomiliaggrisanalapicitatios Piaii
,jam( lialantirlatils Orr!be Rusident
sd Romprlbe lusal &kit= Va.
• inglintatolit, lA:C4Atir. IiT,S..
The vote of the Detnoctitio .Jackson
AssociatiOn is again heard in. the land.
As. the electioni approach it issues its
grand annual proclamation, warning all
Government employes to abstain from
any participation, by vote or otherwise in
the political issues of the day, or tin*
?Will be Marked and their .names, enrolled
speedy destruction by the destroying
" - .oe of their- 'Association. 'Filed away
among,the archives of this venerable body
of vermin, we suppose- are many lists of
fated ones, who now, as in the past, don't
I stare ivortsh a cent.
There are, however, not a few who
seem to cherish the fon di delusion, that a
strict neutrality is just the thing ; and .
hence, to any appeal of a political chat ac
ter, t heir pockets as well as their mouths
are not - effectually dosed ; while there are
Ain another elass,\ who,- like honest Jack
Falstaff, say they would gladly contribute
to the success of their party, but not up
on compulsion. _.Seeure in the shadow. of
the prdtecting wingsaf s Civil Service Re
form, they seem quite be num
bered among its enmsetilated non entities.
While they arewilling to accept office
and its emoluments, they have no aid to
render 'in defraying the Cipenses. , But
mill is Civil Service Reform.
'The Deinocratic Jackson Association
may, however, rest from its labors. Its
manife,stces and pronunciamontoes, will be
as idle as a "painted ship ou a painted
ocean." The day will never come 'when
Bourbon Democracy, with the consent of
the people, will be allowed to assume`the
reins of government. The dissatisfaction
so universally expressed over the , recetit
legislative acts of the Democratic House,"
is sufficiently co wincing. from mutter
ed disapprobation it has grown into 'owl
condemnation. The people have had
enough of the" political demagogues who
walked into the halls of Congress on no.
other virtue that the shot-gun policy, anti
as their recent acts have shown, turned
legishition into :a farce. The Democracy,
however, have shown
.themselves not idto
and arc already in the field preparing for
the coming Presidential contest. Through
the Putter Committee the lit:y.ll4de .has
been sounded. The cry of Fraud wilt be
their chief stock in trade, and .will be the
battle cry that will - be borne upon every
breeze, , and will echo iu every bar-room.
But something more than the mere cry
of fraud will have to be added to. their
stock iu trade. qrant and a third term
may lac included, but as time passes the
admibistration of President tirant be-
comes I/tighter, and suffers none by corn
parisou. The cry of C/iPiariSIII has lost its
potency. The ghoSt of the third term
haS been laid ; and although it may be
deemed premature; -yet the indications
are unmistakable that the masses are
preparing to place again to the- front, in
the protection of their rights and liber
ties, the soldier statesman who has beet
trusted, tried, and found not wanting.
The Potter Investigating Committee,
however, is so far a failure ; and foe, all
the Democratic capital it is going to lark°
it may as well put up the shutters and
close the shop. Over twenty thousand
dollars of the people's money has already
-been exeended in its fruitless search 'for
fraud; yet nothing has conic, to. light, or
ever 'will. -Yet is doubtless pleasant te
the Democratic palate to wander- by the
sad sea waves,—where the 'committee
have taken thenuselves—to cat and sleep
in the cool sea lreezes, to sip iceclpunch
es awl to suck sherry cobblers through a
straw, so long as it\is at public cost. But
them WC . 6111)1)05p this ii,' the Democratic
idea of Reform. While business is pros
trated, the public workshops closed, and
. the laboring man leftte'starve, thousands
of dollars can be squandered in the vain
endeavor of attempting to, enake a martyr
of the - Democratic party, ant he apotheo
size the . great Tilden with lb§ barl of
Money. . \,.
In the West, the political campaign for
the fall has commenced. The Democracy
have entered the field with the old cry of
`Reform. and Retrenchment inset ibed upon.
-their banners ; but that dodge will hardly
go down again with the people. There
were too many deficiency bills which had
to be, passed during the last session, in
order to . pay the ordinary and legitimate,
expenses of the Guvernment ; and hence
4he Retrenchment gun has 'exploded,
Making appropriations that Would only
cover a, part of the -general expense' of
goverument—well knowing that detleien
cY bills-must inevitably follow—and then
eating Mal retrenchme-nt-:is it laud of legis
lation that Will not mislead a great while.
It cannot be said, however, that the
Democratic House did not make lit-,
the progress in the way, of retrenchment
dining its last session. Throughout all .
Um Departments here in Washington
they succeeded in reducing the pay of
many of the poor employes as they possi
bly could, but taking good care to keep
their own pay and that of the Democratic
employes of the House up to the old fig
ure. In this way a few thousand dollars
have been saved; and befice we have a re
trenchment which the Democratic stump
-orators in the West are now prating about
with about as much satisfaction as if sumo
great and glorious feat of arms had been
achieved. .
The President and family, instead, of
seking some fashionabo resort '' on Moun
tains wild, or by . the sea shore," have
taken up their residence in one of the Cot- .
tages°longing to the • Soldiers' Heine.
This an admirable choice, and is cer
tain] a most desirable place to pass away
the arm days of summer, as well as be
ing but a short distance from the execit-
Bye mansion. The grounds belonging to
the Homo embrace about live hundrdift
acres, and are laid out in drives . that are
finely shaded, and are always in perfect
order. At a very convenient distance, it
has of late years become a popular resort,
with every one desirous of escaping, for a
few boors; from - the brick and mortar •
and the beat and dust of . the, city. Al
though quiet, and to a great extent se
chided, yet the visitor will, on any fine
evening, find hundreds of people enjoying
a quiet drive through these most delight
ful grounds. The carriage ways are about
twelve miles In extent, and, in their set
pentine'course take their way through
many interesting scenes, by gray old
frowning rocks, grand - in their solitude,-.
over . deep and wild ravines, through fine
ly. wooded, lawns, and aro4ndi breezy lakes,
beautiful with their "wild and -willow'd
shores." Well"may the impecunious Bo
hemian exclaim, "If I had but a thous
and asyear," low pleaSantly. in such a re
treat ono could slide down the deCline of
life. .
. .
The cottage' whir' the President has se
lected is.the same -that was occupied by
'President Lincoln, and is noted for the•
pleasing prospects with which it is, sur
rounded. From its vine covered porches,
a vlist expanse of the surrounding coun
try stretches out before you.; while, at
the same time, a magnificent view of the
city is at on&; obtained; with the quiet
waters of 0,8 Potomac floating lazily by,
Apngton with its green fields .where are
setting the bones of thousands of. the,
"boys in bine," stands forth in full view,'
tile not far in the distance, on the-west
/ ru bank of the Potemae;'may be seen the
ancient city of Alexandria, noted for the
fact that it was long ago finished,
.but is
nevertheless rather picturesque iu its low
liness.' Tlfe entire scene which is pre
sented from this stand-point is grand, and
certainly a more charming place about.the
'Capitol could not have been - selected for
the purpose to which it is devoted. The
. liome is a granite building of
vast propertionS, and is provided with ev
ery COUVeniellice necessary for the coo.
forts and enjoyments of the Old . worn out
veterans, who may choose. using their
remaining years, to make its quiet shades
a resting place and a home.
" Oh yes, we all will he dar44
Once more the voice of the Sungerbund
is lifted on high, and once more is the at
mosphere redolent witli-the aroma of bo
logna and limberger, Rhine wine and la
ger. The grand annual festival of the
WashiKton Belleutzen -Verien commenc
ed on Monday last, and as usual, it was
the signal for a grand rush" to the park of
that Association, where the customary
preparations for the feast bad been made.
From the very hour of the commencement
of the festivibei, the streets 'and avenues
leading in this direction have been con.
stantly crowded with people of all kinds,-
classes, and conditions in life, frog the
portly and well fed Justice "with belly
with good . Pat capon lined." down to the
ragged b.'ot-black, who jaitles biro on the
street with "black S'er boots, shine 'em
up for five cents," gyrating and ebouting
at the same time i-
Ob. yes, we allwl9 be due.
• Aunt aunties, she will be tlaz's,,
amigo heti and so;ort.
. Grand Parades, with eisd
and ribbons, AM wreaths; have wZ: the
week been in: ardor.; bras" band,
without number, - aU 'nasalised like - so
many Major Generals, have been march
ing and counter mar6ing to the inspiring
notes of "Blue .Thinnbe" or "Die
Wacbt am Ithebn."
Crowd , upon crowd, rich and poor,
grave, frau and fraulien, jostle
hurriedly on till, once through the gates,
where at last ie haven, of happiness is
reached, and - the fatigued and dusty so.
journer commenced at once quenching his
- thirst with copious draughts of sin :icor,
and often vier lager before he feels that
such is fully accomplished. -
A, svondrous thing is this German (esti- I
val, and wondrOur is the display of the
various kinds: of amusements,. one meets I
with on every hand. But strange and be-1
wildering as it is, there is noticeable
above all in this grand social
ling, an absence of all distinction's in so
ciety. On ono common level all seem free
, to enjoy themselves to the fullest extent.
The most peculiar of tastes, no matter
how fastidious. need not here want for
enjoyinent., f The most 'stoical of tempera
ments, nd matter how cold, cannot help
but let iu a little soft sunshine on his bil
lions breast, while beholding the gay scene
of happy faces, listening to the dreamy
music of the waltz, or , to the wild notes
of the still wilder gallep. -
There is something too in the sounds of 1
the broken ice as it rattles against. the 1
sides of tlip foaming ttimblbrsin the hands
of the, waiters as they hastily hurry along;
and notwithstanding the Murphy move-.
went and the blue ribbon in the button
hole, with the thermometer at, ninety in
the shade, an.irresistable desire seems to
come over one to indulge also in a "schoo
ner'" or a "stove pipe."
The Seheutzenfest—in Washington at
least—his indeed become a great institu
tion ; and-its annual recurrence is looked
forward to with eager anticipation for the
good time that is always sure. to follow.
The prejudices and objections which have
existed . with regard to these festivals, are
evidently ;living way, and the American
is slowly learning the fact that it is possi
ble to rind recreation and enjoyment at
home, without seckii for the same in far
away and expensive p ces.
Mu. Entron :—The citizens of this usu
ally quiet little town were last week.sfart
led by the announcement mace by Elam-'1
Mg posters, that on the coming Saturday
night we were to haie a Greenback meet
ing, at which D. C. DeWitt, Esq., of To
wanda, wasto officiate as speaker. Hav
ing a &sire to heat an exposition of the
principles and aims ',sf . the new party, we
Wended our way on Saturday evening to
the plac,e.,of meeting, - where a number .of
our citizens were congregated together.
The speaker announced by the . posters
failed to put in an appearance. and in his,
place came Thompson and Johnson, - or
Johnston, to elucidate the Greenback the
ory. The meeting was called to order by
the election of 31. F. Terry, M. D., as
Chairman.. Mr. Thompson, of Towanda,
was then introduced, who read the princi which Greenback club&; are expect
ed to subscribe, making a few remarks
thereon. Taking his seat, the other speak-
er came forward and announced his inters
tion of making a speech. For a longtime
ho had been speaking in Massachusetts,
and he was brim full of paper currency
ideas. He denounced gold and silver as
a failure, and said that we must look to
something better, which something better
was nothing more nor leSs than a green
back dollar, bearing on its face no miser
able promise to pay, but an irredeemabli
full lega.l tender greenback dollar! Ac
cording to his theory, it is 'an . easy thing
to make money. All the Government has'
to do is to put its stamp upon a piece of
paver, and it goes abroßd as money, sand
is t..) performdll the functions of money,
just— the same as the greenback dollar
which bears upon its fitce -a 'promise to
pay. withsthe addition that it shall be full
legal tender for ail debts, Unties on im
port?, etc. Hut .hold ! We came near
forgetting that we arc to have no imports.
For the'gentleman said that he had often
heard the objection raised-that the kinds
of money ho advocated would not be tak
en of us by foreign countries, but. he did
MA want to do business with other couu-
trim So then'there wil .be-no imports,.
since foreign countries are to be left out
of consideration when the Government
goes to-work issuing irredeethable.,green
backs. That respect which other nations
have hitherto bad for the United States,
is to be lost, but then what we lose in rc
.spect aboad, will be more thim compensa- -
red for by plenty of cliettp currency at
home, with which to stimulate our lan
guishing industries; and stop the mouths
of blatant inflationists.
In regard to the. hard. times the speaker
end.!avored to make it appear that some
! how or other the leaders-of the
the party were responsible for the depres-.
sion of busiiiess, ; but his head scented to
be enveloped in a' fog, forledid not make
the thing very'cicar.. He referred to what
he "called "the terrible contraction of the
. currency," as one of the causes, ,but for
got to tell his hearers, that despite this
"terrible contraction," the purchasing
powet of the volumd of currency is great
er to-day than it has been with the single
exception of one year since 180. He ht
bortul long to discover causes that do not
exist, by drawing dxtensively upon the
imagination, but his efrortSWere attended
with little success, soil after depicting thi3
terrible woes which the policy of_ thi :
publican party inflicts upon the country,
he brought his remarks to a'cloe.
One of .our, neighbors who \ studies
finance for a busitteiss, also made little
speech, in which he made known \,"
views upon the subject." "Let the Gov
eminent, ' he said, "issue money and fend
it to the •people for a period of twenty
ysars at four per eentum. taking in s& \
curity mortgages on their real estate, and
abolishing, the, 'national banks. At a
glance it S will be seen that by this means
the Gove?nirmnt will be able •to get into
circulation an enormous amount of green
backs, everyldollar of Which would add to
the. Nation's indebtedness. After two
hundred - millionS or more of this stuff
has been issued, what a greenback dollar
will be worth, only the man in the moon,.
who in all probability will be Secretary of
the Treasury in those days, will be able
to tell.
The speeches all made,2the next move
ment was to organize a Greenback Club:
Six enrolled their names as members,
elected a President and Secretary, and
the meeting adjourned:-- This ended the
first great greenback rally of Terry.. But
we suppose.that more are to follow:. How
ever we advise the County Cominince to
send along a different class of speakers.
The citizens of this place in general, :do
not propose to gulp down seeceless asser
tions and sayings, mistaking them for po
litical facts, and they have yet to hear a
greenback speech composed of anything
&Ise, • **;"
Terrytown, 4.n. 12, 1878 • c •
I promised you that I would give you a
description of our village. At that time
farmers were just completing their
seeding; now they are just_getting
through with harvesting. Four weeks ago
everything wasioncourag,ing for the best
crops known forlears, but excessive beat
with heavy rains• has interfered, - and in
some localities much damage has been
done. In this immediate vicinity we have
had but little to Complain of, except in
hay; the quality of that article has been
damaged to some extent. Corn promises
well, and a largo yieTd is expected—this is
oar most reliable crop ; very little is ever
slipped out, of the county; it is fed .to
hogs and cattle.
•. Oar village is situated in 'Winnebago
County within four miles of the north
line of the State, and is surrounded by
one of the finest farming districts in the
West. • •
Our merchants derive their custom
wholly from the farming comninity; We
have our manufacturing interests. The
rrile school is theTride .of a large ma
ority of the inhabitants, and a large num
have graduated that were residents of
other towns. • We employ four teachers
whose salaries - range from $3OO to $750
per year; the number,' of pupils is about
200, about equally divided in the different
departments, which are primary, inter
mediate, grammar and high school. For
Churches-we have the Methodist Episco
pal and the Roman Catholics. They are
largely atteded `when they have the right
kind, of pastms-•;-as in all other towns
there are some that will not be satisfied,
•and of eourso are ever ready to condemn
others that do not think as they do._
We have two dry-rxla and grocery
.twat hardware and grocery, ono
clothing and groceries, one . millinery and
-D n. 116, Aug: 7, 118'78
EDITOR REPO:LTER :—Some time since
. .
one exclusive grocery and pra-
I groceries'
vision store, one drug and variety, and
one exclusive drug store, two harness
shops, one boot and shoe, one millinery !
One bakerf, one hotel,' and ono book and
sistkuiery store. Then there are three
blacksmith and wagon shops, and one
meat market. - The mercantile business
will..probably reach one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars. -
There is gringo amount of stock ship
ped east from this point-;one firm having
shipped more than ona.htind red and fifty
cars since last November—while probably
fifty more cars, are shipped by otherlar-
George U. Joslin; forinerli a citizen of
youf county,' is a member of the •firm do
ing the heaviest business.;
he is ' also en
gaged is the grocery. and , dothing trade
in connection with his son H. H. <Malin,
under the firm rustic of G. IL and H. H.
Joann. They aro doing a fair business—
; that is, steadily increasing.
Our citizens are generally industrious
and bononible ; I am sorry to say that we
have some that are intemperate, but think
the time-is coming when a large majority
of these will be converted to the cause of
temperance. Very Truly Yon*
Faciont •Ftcrs.—Close confinement,
careful attention to all factory work, gives
the operatives pallid faze!, poor-appetite,
languid. miserable - feelings, poor blood,
inactive liver, kidneys and'arinary troub
les, and all the physicians and medicine in
the world cannot help , theth unless- they
get mit of doors or nseilop Bitters, made
of the purest and best remedies, and es
pecially for such cases,. having abundance
of health, sunshine and rosy cheeks in
them. None need suffer if- they will use
them freely. They cost but a trifle. See
another column.
Elmira. Abertisements.
• .
• , W. ELMORE,
• Elmira, N. T., Aug. 15, 157. n.
Dealers In
201 r.a4 Water Sirrts,
Tht Chfapest .and . Best :"faro . in the City
• 1 to Buy.! •
lre bought tot, Ca, h, andltaits: , s am guarauhoet to.
1.2 as luw ;ulnas lowest.
Are . clatm to do the
And parties dtidrinz anything In that line will and
It to their interest to call and see us.
As we conduct no fancy establlsfuneirt. our prlcei
are always Vain and ruodcrate.
. The trade 'supplied at the loweet wholesale prl
ces. Special inducements to Cash customers.
Don't forget the 'place—
' Rsthl.un House Block.
Elmira, N. Y., May 23, 1978
o to , 1:71 - C
..-. It 'A • , • l k
C..' .: e , . . •
Z . : V 0 , • • ‘..3 . ,
SI 1 7'3' \ s t : 4 4 ' J .,...,t , 1 t b •
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10 •-' e•
cp z.,, = r .
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= P • - ...., •.../
el. . 61
...=. tr. 44 •I:j
ti. , teJ .
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\: eq.
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•f.. 5... • b
• .. ✓..-- •
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P '
rave In stock the largest and most cOtnplete assort
ment of
That can be found In any slam betwcen Altuiny
and 'Elmira. Morn '
A fargu variety of
A mono complete stock of
ME A larger and better assortment of _
• SADDLES, 'la., &c.
In conclusion, pro say that we have everything
that can be named connected with a •11111•18411;of
this kind, that we ate anxious to sell. Wake,upand
-Awl come up And see us, and we will den:imitate
'what we say, At
Sign of the:ColkeollawliS,
• At Low Prices,
RAPELTKA a num % -
ape Lead, ail Competitors.
tier Di haebrgtven that all persons todibtett
to the estato of Dassiel fling. Isle of Warren
township. deed, mutt make Immedlater Omen;
sad all persons haring claims against said estate
must ptesont them duly authenticated fur settle
ment._ ..JOANtii.i. RING, Extentpr.
Warren, Pa., Aug. D. 1878
j rA.—Aunts Is hartby given that all pertans
delitcd ;athe rstateor JotephAtklut.,:etent Tura.
r* salicp,.. deceased, are requested to make Imme
,payment, and en ,pen is hAtteit tithes
gigabit:told ostate must pr seat them duly iutheu
tlcatt.-d for settl•meet.
, ,
.- - •
JOHN litratn. . Adminfstsatur,
Tuscarora, Pa., Aug. 8,167 x. lows
PUBLIC virtue of an
ji • order Of the- Board of Directori of the3luteal
Isalliting and liaviag Fund leasoetation, of the
Borough of Towanda. made at a special' tre,‘..tihz
held August ails, DAS. there erposed -to
yeablie sale. to the - bigivart . bidder. for melt, at the
Orand Jury Recta to the Cohrt House, Towanda,
ouIiOND4.Y. AVGLTST 19th, tele. at 7:3oJer{ock
Fries Shares of Stork of the Aciotiatiofi,
transferred by V. F. Nichols to the Association, to
accordance with the Coosiltuttoo and Ity•Lawr.
. N. N. BETTS, President.
W. a. GORDAN. Seey.
Tmranda, Pa.. Angola 7th. 18711.
'Notice Is kterisy glveri that all perems In
debted to Ite estate or Illrawkt. Wa:lbe re. tan of •
Wyaketing tower...tap. deed. are rislterte4l to make ,
liumedlate parneet f and Ail...perseas Lvitrit
arallist said extate jmunt. pressnt lletn duly a3:4ch
ticated rex &niter:lent.
JOHN F. CIH.VMHEIIT.IN, A4inlnl,tralor
Wyaltuilag, Pa., Aug. 8, 14:8. . SO u 6
heresy giren that I hare aptal , d to the Co;itt.
t:enitauu ?tear, of Bradford cuttnty, for ri
charge front ail ray debts, under the iniadventLus
of the State. mid they hare appoliitc4
-riE'll:lll4E It 24, fur a hearing of the rase. W1.,,71
and wherelutt are it:Aided to attend if you think
proper. If I Mt 31 it.
Springtield„ Pa., Aug. I, UM 10w4
of Tonawila Born. Schul tilstalct from June
Ist, Isll Mliny 31, It7d
Juno 1, 1877.,
Clash on hand.,
A.. Wick ham, collector..
L T. Hors , . -
S. W: itLdgera
State anpropriathm....
W. J. Young. Esq.. tiosa
Tuns nchool room, 01 school hoosk
0. W. Ryan, on n.sident-setMlars. '
Tea Hears salaries
coal -
tier. lare and Treielur , r
Cash oia hand
• • - . . 13119 AS
TIDD, Treasurer.
Towandri, Pa,, Aug. 7, IS7:1.
TRIAL LIST for September Term
of Court,•lB73, at Tuvrapda, P 3::
C W Clapp vs G M 8ixby...... Case
cF.lia; Hunsiker vs C•i - oeltus lluusiker eject
Ellen K. Mitchell v, James Kelley eject
A Lerls vs 1. Frl-e.le . o , terg... . Issue
M It Merrill T; C I Ira - pains - appeal
Mary Driscolis vs Ellen Dorss eau et al....eject
Samna IValbridg , vs WW Decker covenant
-Briaget Connolly vs Wm It Storrs eject -
'retry D Eimer adult - vs 1) B Wallier et'al...scl fa
Geo Isr Peet vs losAglit'at.ii Maynard...i. debt - I
Ii It Iliackman vs F C Sweet .4 Issue
First .! , .:ational Bask . . A thes s v, Geo W Morse debt
Joseph Townei vs It W Lase eject
Philip Berry is W T Gardner data
.3I E euyler Vs J L Cvslilil..... - repldvin
-E Asliniun Parsons v. Win II Tbniopsoa....appeal
Codiling and Iluvoll vs TlAValitla Lord SCI Dist delis
P M Coolbaugh gnat vs TnornaA SlPreditli.:.appeal
.1110 NI Lampher , vs f;se Fox altar • sp;eat
l'lesla Mut Life !Ilse° v- lielley A Palrhank kl fa
Clarissa Tow ilc rs it..- vi 1: Leroy CorlPlLL...assnini.l'
1 , %t. , ,. A Park v:. Township of 4ifweil..... 4Laso
.1 (' V.t . ae.• vs .lati U, Ws. ' - debt
winkr V 6 V Deane
41i0 0 Ward v .it :k.tht Life I¢o Cu
c .
ei:ir.ens Ilank, Waver: l' AY. o-blir,:r .S.• Rapell , ' '
Cilktprm- 1::::n):. War<.rli x; .1 1) 3.lindraz,ye..assinne
C4717-,asltank.Wav,ri..:vsi'llannr , yilltuiellat'mpt
Thouns Ma , !l-ws Vn )4c, V mv,r et al elect
Weller Sr Ellis - vs I),llfir Mcilall , LI , esr...a.ssinpt
Mel: in , :rey & Childs vs anines M-rs - rep
tal , 2x Dev:lng admr vs G..,,Y,,s,ex'r debt
David flqrnner v:;ll..niel 1) , ; , r - • assrnpt
1. I; . l:og,rs 11,.: v; .3.;',:n 3"..e1i.,..a' qs , rpt.
1) C 1),<11411: use v, :s.<.7 t .r.;.der Cietl Cu Ise kpas.s
!ler:Jar:On Wan.-f-r.vs Ella,; Ilans.ll:r coy
Wni 31 lie1:1-.1. vs 1: I; Reeler • - 1. ,, 1.upt .
Fredrick Shan' vs E C Herrick - trover
Isaar. Stle:l V% Pa & N . Y C .t. I: 11 Cr , ease
.1 CA vres di Co v, Levi Vers.:. c! - al .......... appeal
Ge(4 C . Everi.m, vs .31 C Cl., appeal
1' W 31,4)4b0n, , i1v":\ .1 Lay.c,a trespass
II W Lane N . li S 1 . : . 31t et nl'' Vs - eel fa
!sal. Ila Ruelmeti vs Wrli and CMS Northrr.p eject
aunts fld,s,:a s Peter Mrl'ett!eT ' truSirl , i
•..r , is Zi. Urf,Wll vs David Wl,lpid(• "appe,,l
Wm Justin v., Denrds Cent-407m. ap;,
• 31 . .eie:.; M. Co.dl:augh , vs Pa .k. \ Y . O ..t I:I: Cn..ease
Margaret 1) Kituts vs Durl;l Luther trelass
\1 L Vreatiss 'vs Wm 1 . .. ,.• 4 ...r.-s,ue
S:2l3 . rivrvaeg3.l ,'cols roturnal , l4. onday, S.T.t. 10,
1570. 111 , .N.TAMIN at. PECH. I'rothormtary.
Tuwanfla, Aug.=. 10w4
lion. ' , Au t. 1). 3D., r.‘ ivr; Pre:el 1. Tit Jiltige of
th. 2.• lath coi:,l , Ena; of the (!aunty
of LI radfor4.
drlg , In and for Said Cra•lforil.
sued their prrrop,t loth tray of
July, 1575. to. in , iiina trS, for holding a .Court of
Oyer ay.! ,Tall Delivery. °dar
ter Svs:iolls of IL- ant or-
Coo it, at Ti•INV•.II`.., for tlr• manly of Dna
rornattrznly. op Monday. to roll
Notice is thct,fore her•ehy given to the C,rin'.rs
and .1t; tees of th , Peace of-the county of Riad.
ford, that they la, thmi and th , ol; In their pr,per
nor:ohs, at le we:Lek in tho fort floor or said day,
with records. Mgt:VA:lens and other remembrances
to doEthose things which to their Mike appertalnc . -:
In be done .and those wt o are ls.und hr reeogol.
ZalkeeS or othtqlri,e, to nroseeute a,a,tn% - .t the primo
ners Who are or may - he In the jail ct said county,
arc to he then and there to ptos , :cute against them
as Phall bo just. itipn, arc r•clitosted to he punc
tual in theirationdanee, [hilt ter t;ce.•
Dated at To r v.zoola,th.. len/ day of Jnly, in the year
tt T. 0
= " •
74 ?
F•-• 0
ti ,
w• - •
of Our • I.ord - onft thouktad t Ight liu o and
41 ,',..rvvuoy-t•ltzd. and of. th- IndtTondonce t:f Itu
tate% tilt_ C.IIU rod and third.
, A ..J. L.\l TON, E.:), - "riff.
F'.tt•rtft'= Mire, Aug,. S, ii.7d, 10w4
--To 'Fred. 3f. Tingley. In the Coart of Coin
mon Pima of itralf,rii Comity. No. Pet. T.,
Ton are het thy notified that Mary G. Tinoriey.
your win... has applied to the Coin . : of Common
Pleas of Cinnity for a divorce. fro the
bends of matrimony. and the said Court has sp.;
pointed Monday. Sept. 2d. IS7S. In the Court Mouse
in Towanda. fir heating the said Mary G.Tingley In
the prnuises, at which time and place you may at
tend if you think pepper. -- •
13.v4 ' A. J. LAYTON. Sheriff.
,~ N
.a -
n cr Ili
c 'o>
r Q
...._. /..3
' 0
by virtue of an order Mined out of the (Jr. L
phans* Court of It: adft:rd_connty, the undersigned
administrator:lof I. N. Fanning, late 'of Spring
field twp.„ incased. will expose to public sale tm '
the pimnises at !tone, Lt sald trap.. on FRI DAY.
AVG FsT :snit. - 1578. at 1 o'clock P. xt.. the folltm
lt:g real estate : Beginning at a llassiroNi Isaplhig
ruing the trertlr-east corner of lands new:owned by
' Athos Fannlr g t. thence north forty-five and three-
tenths perches to a pest on lands how owned by
Win. Young : thence west four hundred and thir
teen perches br the sttle - of lands belonging to Wtn.
Young and Fayette Leonard. to a post: thence'
west fi fty-two'pet chc s to a post Ind he road: thence
south by road it ailing to Trey eighty-its perches
to a post -; thence cast thirty-five and one-half -
perches along the side of lands belonging to C. tf.
Canipthsh. to a hendoek tree ; ;Ilene(' ;north along
the stub, of lands belt - Sight:. to Amos Fanning. fur
-1 tymne ',I-kilos tfi a rut ; ThC/ler Pll9erly one bun
tlrml mot twenty-five perches., by the side-of lands
- li-tougtok to - Amos Fanning, to a stake and stones
lathe toad; I hear .': :it the road -sixteen .perches
tor: li to a'r.talo and y+zomu;-111,mte multi eh:My
th:Tr rl• gins ea it sixty-cm,' i+errhes to a pine
1-:tint. : I 11 , 1, - c. Ill:rth rl xty.rix d, green ea.t.tvt-enty
seven a^ .d his •-tenth,perches to aa oa: - . tine; theaN)
Med ahmg the lands of Amos Fanning twohttmlnal
and thirteen parches to dire plate of ismlimlng.
contahrlirg ono hundred and seventy acres of land,
In, the syno - 7:,n1,,, , r 1,•%?. The 'farm is very pr...
thtetive, Well atiamett to either grass, grain, or
Alai!, tog pitria:,es and extends across a pleasant
incalley 14, odgtt which gocal`Strtllll of water.
4- 1 - 1 is abundantly watered and well supplied with'
- timber : is on two eaterr•tvety.travelM - roads, um)
leadln^ to Eaqt Trio a rt 4 the' °Myr to Troy, and
only ilirv.4 miles front the latl named place. a:ol
is; over two teller; front two:good steam Pottring .
mills. It to tens than ofri,ltair Mile , 0 a silmol, and
I hme,fourtlts of a mile to a. (March. - Tim in:WM.43 r
, consMt of a ~,...1•Od frame dwr:lltrg„ a . parse-born and
'three Other barns. There. Is an abundance of frill t,
and 1113: be 11:Ante:las a very desirable property.
Also i'llat 'it.:. piere•or parcel of land lying and
I , lng -In ,tlie tap. Lf Springfield aforesaid.-and
Imunded aS follows : It: ginning at a pest the south
west s corner thetcof :.. Orm l:
outs by lnds, I'm merly
owiretiliy Ezra Long, north elgirty-threm porches
. nr an cork" tree.; t t caer; oast Olin hundred anti thirty
eight p , rttlies to a pox and stones fu the Mitt • line
of the Unit-au: survey : thence, south eighty-three
p; trues t-. Mhtunioch. tier south-east corm:jot Me
- warrant survey ; - and thence by lands formerly
owned by Cletitent Paine. west one hnnured and .
thirty-eight Inl - ches to the place of beginning
aforesaid, containing seventy-erne heres and nine's - -
four perches; being the south-eastern part of - II
large tract originally surveyed on warrant No. 1056,
and bypatent dated the' first day of Oct.. 17:15,
corded'liLPateut Book, N0..30, page 40, Soul grant- 1
by 111:! efimatrittwealth of Penn.ylvatda auto Henry
Drinker, in fee, and- being Mt No. 57 of Samuel
StrUit's re-gurvey, and snl.dlciiion of the sald Hen
' fy Minkel's Sugar Creek.iinds . About 45 arms of
this farm which ailloins this property above de
'seethed, and improved. the balance being heavily
timbered with valuable titnher, oak and chestnut.
Said fartir. being located about Or Gaud shall miles
from ! riy.
TERSIS :—One hundred dollars \on each lot on
day of sale, fire hundred dollars on confirmation,
and the balance Intro equal annual payments with
interest front confirmation. \ ' .
A, C. FANNING, Admintstraim
Leona, Pi., Ans. 1, lea. • • On 3
account of N. W. Terry, administrator of the
estate of tlbtn(l. Terry, deceased.
The Undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
Court to MSS upon the exceptions tiled to the Mal
account of N. W. Terry, administrator of Ebel' tl.
Terry, will attend to the duties of his appointment
on FRIDAY, the . '23d day of- AUGUST. IPA. at 10
A. 31 , When and where all person , : interested moat
attend. F.. 1.. HILLIS, Auditor.
TowANDA, Ea., July 2t, is7s. seri
—To 0 - mar Wbeoz. In the Court of Common
pleas of ifradtent county. - N 0.546, Doe. T. 03 7 7.
You are hereby notified that Mary E. Wilcox. your
wife, itas applied to the Court of Commourlem of
Bttutfonl County fur a divorce from the bowls -of
matrimony, sod the nald Court has appointed Mou
tlay, September, a, -1579„ in the Court Donee at Tc.o
whichr hearing the said Ma!) . in attendms.
et time and pleat you may If you
think proper. ewe A. J. LAYTON, eherill.
10117 03
37 4 1 62
11% r 4)
EM 23
VD 5-
. 23 .00
/Mil 63
44Yiro n'.
I :51' 1:3
114 01
313 IR
e. .11:r .
2 - 9 IG
.. 21 1 1 24
2.-.1 43
IT an`