fflut A dfori /Iquattt EDITORS; a. GOODRICH. - S. W. ALTORD Towanda, Pa., Thursday, July 25, 1878. IIEPFBLICAN STATE TICKET. GOVEIO7OI4 • GENERAL HENHYI M. HOYT, • Of Luzernh. LIEUTENVT-OOVERNOU: HON. - CHARLES. W. STONE, Of Warren. •'' SECRETARY OF INTERNAI , AFFAIRS: LION. AARON-K. DUNKEL, • Of Philadelphia, • JUDGE OF SITPREME . OOI4 , T : _JUI/GE, JAMES P. STERRETT, ' 1 Of Allegheny. WHY. Why 7 should any !Republilan in Bradford county vote the greenback ticket ? It is admitted that the green -. backers will not carry the State, and a Republican : vote . given for their Candidates is only aid for the Democ ' racy. The Democrats hve. been' the bitterest enetnies'of the Oreeback currency. • Thee ' t opposed its first is- sae and sneered.. at it,in every shape I They slandered'' the credit of the GoVernment up on which it rested, and,.betireen 'their armed rebellion ...in the South and their underhanded opposition in the 'North, they at one time 'so weakened' the Government that $2.84 in greenbacks' were only worth one dollar in gold. Nearly nil the financial, troubles of the day come from that depreciation, caused wholly by the Democratic party, and the effort to redeeni the 'greenbacks, :iecording to contract, an effort which the Democrats arc doing their best ...to impede. The -worst enemies of 'the greenback are the men who tried first :to destroy •the Government whose 'integrity was one of the pillars on which -the paper currency . rested, and, secondly, to take away the; - pledge. of a . specie paymerit which was its other support.' An end e my of. the Greenback 'can consistently, op pose its redemption, 'but a friend cannot. RePublieans of Bradford • • county do•you desire to aid, such a party to succeed in this State., Yon can do so by voting the Greenback ticket. ' t GOOD SENSE. i --- although not so intended, perhaps,- . • the' following extract from the letter :of WM. FOYLE, Esq., in last week's fOurnal, •is a pointed and merited rebillee to the demagoguery and cant . of most Democratic . pipers and . • ora tors, who arc continually •chargink the " hard times" upon the Republi- . Cab party.. 'We commend Mr. F.'s 'views to the careful attention of his . late associates in the greenback par -,t3las well as. all who complain about " hard times." The remedy suggest is the only feasible road to renewed activity and prosperity in business : . It is true, the very hard times that - w are passing through, with a large ' amount of labor out of employment, nat urally produces a spirit of discontent end - despondency among a large class of our people, .bnt this we shall overcome—not by wild and chimerical ideas of finance, but by the patience and_good sense of the American people. Upon the wreck and ruin of lost fortunes and the rubbish of inflation, we must mow try to resume ape . cio payment, and if successful, times must generally improve, or else the of other nations which have Imssed thro s ugh similar ordeal is false. We must wait patiently for a,better-state of affairs through natural causes. Money will always accommodate and regulate it self to the wants of trade and industry. --, These views I believe have - stood the test - of time and arc in uccord•with the tinan iial sentiments of Jefferson. the founder of theiDem6Cratis party. The truth nev or 'changes ; what was true in regard to the finances in his day and generation is •true now." IT all of Mr. FOYLE'S political dog . nuts were-as sound as the above dec larations, he would be alvise politi . • cal leader. But, alas L ! he is joined to • , Demoeratic idols, and when the day , of election comes we fear will stulti fy: himself by. voting for Dim., infla - • tin and resumption repeal. Cton ststency, is a jewel.- • - PETER Manic has issnetfa lengthy address to his fellow-citizens of Penn -B)lverna setting forth his views on the financial questions of the day. Of course, 'he takes the extreme in fiction view of the subject and adyo- cites the election of men who favor his views r regardless of old political :initiations, „While we differ with Mr. Hr.itoic, we should be glad to publish his letter, but its great length pre etudes the possibility of , our doing so. Z4l-.11. is entitled to great credit for the part he has taken in building up . the business enterprises of Williarns port and.other portions of the State, and we'regret exceedingly that heis Compelled to suffer great loss from the depression in monetary affairs: direct es*ial . atte:ntion to the vomnitinication of" Three Score " in wtother column. The author is one iof the most unselfish, eadid and pa triotic Republicans in the State. He 13 not a resident of this county and le has never been charged with being attached to the CAMERON, or any oth ,er ring. His suggestions are worthy ut careful attention by the Republi vans of this County. " _ , WHEN Republicans meet together in the several townships and bor • laughs let them talk over the political _interests of_ the district and decide to fiend the 'very best men as dele gates to the convention. 'lt is imt possible to please 'all portions of the enunty, but any ticket fairly nomi 'mated should command the united support of the party. - TUE candidates for nomination on Republican ticket are making a tborough canvass but all seem to be . good-naturetl, and ..the successful eiaL Hates. will have the hearty co:opera ! ' f ion and .atipiakiof all theii• compete tirs 16161ffscuorts LAW. The opinion of the Attorney Gien eral, concerning the eight-hour law,, about which so much has been sai4, l is as follows: Attorney Genera' DEVZNB has furnished to 'the Seqe tary of the Navy his opinion - on the eight-hour law, in reply to an inquiry suggested by_ that official in regard to circular issued from the Navy DeOrtment on March 11,1878. That circular announced' that " The De partment will centract for the labor of mechanics, foremen, leading men and laborers, on the basis of eight hours a day but that all - wcilrkmen electing to labor - ten hours a day will receive a proportionate • increase of : their wages." _ 1 The Attorney General says: " The' inquiry really suggested by you is whether this circular accords -with the meaning and intent of section 3738 of the Revised Statutes, which declares that eight hours shall con stitute a day's work for all laborers, workmen and mechanics who may be employed by or on behalf of the gov ernment of the United Statei." After a careful review of the case, based upon a. recent decision of the Supreme Court, the Attorney . Gener al gives •his opinion that the circular is in accordance with the section above alluded to, and that workmen who perform s ten hours labor lin ay le gally receive more .pay than those who perform the eight. TninE will be a chance for the ex hibition of the favorite Democratic virtue in- economy when the expenses of the various traveling committees come to be audited. Mr. POTTER; General P;UTLER and their associates have removed their place of meeting to Atlantic CitY,,where hops and sea bathing will pleasantly relieve the tedium of examining Louisiana su tervisors ; we only regret that the removal was not made a little i earlier, so that the lashionable Jersey water-- ng-placc,. might have enjoyed the company of Mrs. JENIi,S. The com mittee, on the reorganization of the Army - proposes-to niake a tour of the Summer resorts, and to labor alter nately-at the Virginia Springs, West. Point, Saratoga and Niagara Falls. A trip to the coast of Labrador will perhaps afford pleasant diversion if . the hot weather continues ; camping in the A-driondacks may giVe the gentlemen some idea of a soldier's life - ; there is good society at New port ; and excellent clams are to be found at-Coney Island. The member of Congress who franked his soiled linen home to the wash is fairly out. done by the committees, which com pel the United States to pay their hotel bills.- Tribune. JUDGE STANTON, of Scranton, who was elected last year on the Labor- Reform ticket this year is a good Democrat and supports '-DILL for Governor. 'The , RepUblican - Labor- Reformers are loud and deep in their denunciations of his treachery, but it is nothing more than might have been expected. The side-show movements in _politics are always in• the interest of Democracy, and should be avoided by alt the opponents - of that organization. This action of the " A1d0.," it is claimed, is the-re sult of a bargain with certain Demo cratic managers to transfe.the Na tional vote of Luzerng'to DriJ. for a • consideration. This is the ga \ e to be played throughout the State. e pnblicans who have been led to. bon estlY support the Workingmen's_ean dldates heretofore are not likely to be caught in such a trap. Tun Argun and papers Sympathiz with it, already begin to cry "CAM IRON," in the hope to frighten timid Republicans. For our part we do not see what the eampaqn in this county has to do withlir. CAMERON. Our, first duty is to defeat the disloyal Democracy! when this iiLaccamplish ed we shall have, plenty of.-time to decide who the Republicans desire to represent them in tha 'United States Senate. If there are men in the party who desire the success of a Democrat . to a CAMERON, or any nth- er sound Republican, .they had bet ter join the opposition at once. Burizit wants to pay the bonds in greenbaCks. So do we. An honest greenback is as good,as coin, and we mean to make all gieenbacks honest. The bonds are payable in coin. Green backs are payable-in coin. :One- is as good as the other. Both bond-hold ers and laborers can take their choice. When the bond-holder gets coin for his bonds the laboring 'man shall have coin for his greenbacks. We are opposed to one kind of money for the money lender and another for for the people. - THE triumph of the Democracy is heralded by the Confederate de mand for $3,000,000,000 as payment of fraudulent rebel cia4tas, the confis-. cation of the properb of the loyal States, the ruin of their industry,, and the beggary of all ranke and classes of their people, Democrat and Republican. Loyalty must redeem its crimes by the amplest tribute to treason. A cable special, • says General GRANT was . received with great en thusiasm by the crowds of people, when hp hauled at Gothenburg, Swe den, and on reaching Christiana, the capital of Norway, on the 13th, over ten. thousand people greeted him. King OSCAR will come to Christiana to receive the Geneialond give ihim a• state dinner. A NEW CANDIDATE--W. IL §if - ..tw, at Rome, Pa., is a candidate for the cdpeeofCounty Commissioner on the Greenback platform. Tux hot weather produces a hilt the political e4.eitement. A BUGALIIL AST FROM A. 8. DILL's ROME. As 'el 81101010 wt answer to 7 DILL'S assergon, t*P l 4 -1 4 . ,011 1 )libluis; - alre\nitiOnob*'.f#*ii tininetur evils or the tithes, IS eine, publish the following FACTS Fon rat Fkom,F, from the New-York Tribune: The Rebellion was - Dem - mi.:ale:li broke out in Democratic States. It was. confined to _Democratic,States. It wasThatihed by Southern Demo. erats. It was fostered "byNortherii Democrats., Dcocratsotileeredthe Rebel army. Democrats made .up the rank and file. tIlRY .\ HOYT was in hard service, fightincr .. l' the Rebels, and - exposing all a man holds dear in life for the preservation of the . Union and the downfall of American Slavery ! . THESE BE TRUTHS. The Rebels. hope, by earrying - the Keystone State , fpr carry the Presidency in 1880. That must, never be. To pre sent it, we must keep Penn Sylvania in line. Then " rally 'round the flag,- boys," and 'be not deceived nor be trayed. A FREEMAN.. SEITATOR CAMERON TO THUBLOW WEED. The Distinguished Pennsylvaniau Corrects a Couple of Reportorial Errors• Ex-Senitdr Cameron has writen a letter to Thurlow Weed, to correct a misapprehension as to what he said relating to President Linelon's see. and nomination , Mr. Cameron's letter is as follows: DOXGVAL FAIN. 'Lancaster County, Pa., .1131 Y e. 1878.—My Dear Sir : On my way here. ilusve been readiog your letter In the ?law. York. Tribune of Friday last, and I beaten. at once. to say that in the Interview to which you allude I was militates. ly supposed to have said "Weed , ' when I said .i Wade... Of totute r spots of 3fr..Cltsee and Mr. Wade as oppadng a second term for Mr. Lin. don. and not of you, whom everybody knew to be reatously In-favor of it. There was, another error In the rune interview.' in mating UM . speak of is mofement to "ImPeaeb Mr. Linclon," when in fact I was only speaking of the movement top* , vent his renomination. With these two egeepUons, the report of what'll:aid was singularly accurate an these mistakes wire sitsllght that Is - 1. 1 7 would cornet, them for hims - er , or .I e reader .l won d have done so. _ ". . AS I said in referenetrix; kr. LinclOn's Cabinet, and tu regard to the Russian Mission Is literally true, and I do not doubt that what you say Is aqua ' 1y so. And the variance - between us is truly another Illustration of the difference of impression created .by the difference of standpoints. Indeed, It ha that !have a note from Mt. Lincion, In his 'own Landwritting, dated as early as December St, 18604 n which he nant:mums his determination to nomleate too to the Senate "as Secretary of the Treason", or as Secretary of War, which of the two r have not yet definitely decided: , I i,0 , t1 not at , oire you that I r,ctprotate folly the kind aontlments yon express toward mi., or that you are at liberty to mate any use you think prop er of this note.. • ' , Very truly yours,, • 1510.7%; CAMEUON Lonn•IiEACoN,fiFIELD IDD3 just been made aluemberof the Order of. the Knights of 4iii.-.oarter, f: Eng REIL 9Irg ir AF EROr ' smatioy2ii• sma. Alr .4 1 1 0 glist i *,,. OP . '" ae P INS - - Awl ; - , ‘I„ **the sbiglitar; Slid still roman tic cohicident, - -ii--tEit* a brother and 'sister who suddenly became imp. arated in the Wait - Indies some thir ty-five years-ago g and -after- a - con tinued search of thirtylvnlears, .meeting in this city. 13w - the Barthnlonietror .West-IndiesfirlB43, Wadi& 44,11114 nameil Naylor,' ii father; r inother t anditwo - ehildren;Thyliii4 - iiiiil, The son, named Thomas, suddenly difisppeared from home,and the only trace that _could. 'be found of his whereaboUts,*ai of his shipping. at oeal Year!' passed, and still nothing was hard, from Thomas. The daugh. ter eanie north and' was married , in Nei( York to Mr. John N. Bogert, aid, finally removed with her hus band to , this city some eighteen years ago, Mrs. Bogert, well known. in Binghaniton na one of our best music instructors, and in - organist 'of the Centenary eburch t was the heroine of this romantic story, and is the moth; er of five children,. three ,of Whom are married. She had given up all hope of ever , seeing her brother Thomas alive again, , and had been led to believe him lost, at sea. In the meantime her father and mother had passed away in , the old home at Bar tholomew. . • Early last Saturday morning a strange appearing gentleman knocked at . the doc i r of Mrs. Bogert's residence, on Ceda,r'street, and when met by' Nrs.:Bogert afectionately expmeed, to kr- , s he- Mrs. Be- y , ..igk 'dress. Sr. Naylor came directlY to this eity, and was, soon able to see his sister: Ile is now the 'owuer of , three ships on Lake Michigan, , and ; his home in is Chicago. After passing diny . years. on the Atlantic, he re-1 turned to inland waters. Ho is now en route for the West Indies, in or- , 'er to- look after the burial place of, his father and mother, apd to attend to the business loft by them.—Bi:ng hamlon Leader. 141:win) A:004+kii:):41)344,41 The Phenomenal Ohmage that Was Effect ed by a Bolt of Lightning. The Chicago Tribune, in a recent issue, says: Seldom has the electric fluid done a. more curious . thing than on yesterday morning at three o'clock at the residtnce of H. I. Guild'. , Mr. Guild and his wife were ,occupying is bedroom in the second story and Lottie a bright faced child of four years of age with golden curls, occupied a double -cot on the first floor in com pany with her -grandmother, -_llfrS J. J. Ames, aged about fifty years: :This, - cot was-placed under the opening of the main flue of the chimney. The first recollection that Mr.-Guild had -of the. situation. Was ,that he was on the 'floor of the bedroom with his wife clinging to him and screaming. He turned on the light: and at first glance discovered that the patches of plastering in the ceiling of his room and in the room adjoining were hang. - ing over his head, -and the lathing protruding. The shingles in thp vicinity the of chimney were toren up. He then concluded that - lightning had/done the work. The next thought wits the grandmother and his daught er Lottie, below. Upon arriving in their r00m,. - th-e little innocent, her) file; head of, curls, and handablack with the.soot of the flue, commenced to clap her hands at the appearenee of the grandmother, who was also blackened with the soot. Upon ex amination Mrs. Ames was found to bi in an insensible condition and a doctor was summoned. : ale applied remedies. • . . The child, told the story, of how the fire came down the chimney and knocked herself and " grandma " from the cpt to the floor. The child was then subjected to a severe bath, and then was discovered the most remark able feature of the whole affair. The profession ',of curls, which. were of unusual length, reaching almost to the child's waist, and-which had been of a bright golden hue, were of a blue black or an inky color from tfie roots to the tip. A closPr examination ie wealed the still further singular fact that the scalp of the head was also col red, indelibly it seemed the same as tliair.- :Up to six o'clock On yeste ay afternoon, alter a lapse of fifteen _hours, and after repeated washing irlth ammonia and other solutions, every hair remained the same shade as hen the charge was I first noticed, an so with the scalp of the head. The physician said that the \ ,x re markable change migh have been the result of electricity,,bu beyond this he did not venture an \ planation. He'had heaid of one or twoinstancei like it. The vitality of thehair'did not seem to be destroyed, forlt was still as soft as silken skeins. he child seemed as lively as a eric*t, and rather pleased than otherwisP, with the sudden transformation from 1 a brunette without cost. • Tux Boston Herald, a Democratic journal, thus speaks of i President HAYES and the. Fraud Committee: Nothing whatever that scorches so much as a thread of the President's garment has been established by a' scrap ofdocumentsry evidence, or by the testimony of one witness whose oath should carry a feather's weight. According td present appearances Mr. Hayes walked on the Andemon matter with upright circumspection, and brought out clean boots, though the road . was very muddy. in this respectAhe , developments, undoubt, edly, fall far_ below the expecta tions of, the promoters of the inves tigation. Tnu Secretary of the Treasury holds over $200,000,000 of coin and bullion. This will become a part 'of the currency of the . country,,as soon as coin payment, is resumed, carrying the circulating money up to more than $900,00,000. Why should this not be done at onee? It is an penSive folly to..hold so twitch comas acomiodity, when only_; a -word ; -is "wa.uted 'to change it into Inctiey. - : • on: .444 r -r!olliaiiikke.. l4 eiroptiffiti • etimrsairefaisttio. ries fine public buildings, andldin-. new is with its elegant,. videlitnlets, massive douring•mills anti.extensive busi ness, .are situated in the midst of a largo, prosperotureotintry; cities of the 2(orthwost, , and ,artr ; sainples of Abe' thrift, irialth arid industry` of Be_a . -rea---FrOm lik -- PantourrOwizt'brPlort* wari, passing A& ron tifine wooing ; fok O OA °Oak nivo Sault Bapidli , this point reach the liorthera_Pa-L Roaa.l - TEO - Oountry Irian here is rough and uneven, and awered.with .a kind s of *Crab oak and straill.pines,.. Until - Brainard* reached: This is the junction with the road from Duluth, and 115 inflate west:of it,! Mrsituurd is alown about 1,000.. inhabitants, situated on the cast bank of the Mississippi, river, the country sioundleing rough and unimprovekand itsithief inhabitants the Chippewa' , Inds. airs: There is a good hotel there, - and the surrounding country presents fine induce mentkinr sportsmen. The lakes abound in black and rock pickerel and other fish, and the woods afford fide shooting for deer, Partridge, ducks and wild'geese: Atihis points substantial wooden bridge spans•the Mississippi river. , Crossing the Mississippi the country for many miles' is wild and uncultivated, and is tilled with Inimmerable lakes, ranging in size from 10 rods to 3 miles long, • and in ono place on'the railroad five of them takes can be seen from the train at one time.: Now and then the smoke of an Indian camp is seen in the woods, and frequently bands of -Indians -are met out on hunting and fishing excursions. Game of all kinds abounds in this region,and it may be cilled the hunter's 'paradise. Occasionally a hunter's camp is xed, with all the im provements that the sportsman demands, and are in striking contrast to the Indian huts close by The Canvas tent and the birch- bark. Tepee, the Winchester rifle and the bow-and-arrow, the angler's bam boo rod and'equipment and the primitive polo-of the forest are side by side, ' each party enjoying themselves in their own manner—culling from the forest the wild animals, - ,or drawing from the waters .of :the lakes the speckled beautii3s. Leaving these wilds, a little farther on evidences of a more civilized community are bend in the town of Detroit. This ' place' :is situated - near.the shores of De troit Lake, is a town of about 1,200 in habitants, and was founded 'as a colony *by a lot of persons from the New-England States: It is the county seat•pf Becker county, has a fine, large echool-bouse, and surrounding it a good farming country. A ride still farther on brings us-to Glyn don. This place is located- in the., lied River 'Valley, and at this station the St. Paul'and Pacific Railroad crosses, which is now running 00 . miles north te a' point on the Red river where it clnuects•with I with Valley 'riving dace is 1 river, oitants. being ble for thqugh largest up to on the several !s, • and House.- lipping Wheat ter Val ley are brought - - here to be shipped East on the railroad. Its trade is rapidly in creasing,. and these two towuk bid fair to be places of great importance as trade pe.n! ties. Just beyond Fargo is the eelebrated Dalrymple farm of 13,000 acres ; Of thiti amount about 9,000 acres tire under eniti- 1 vatiop, and -7,oooJacres is in wheat this year. Mr. Dalryinide only a ~ f ew years ago was a pool man, and went: into this section of Dakota and took up some land, and by - his industry and pirseverince has added on to his farm each year until he is now one of the largest farmers in the. world. Ills workmen aril counted by the score; his lunges by 'the hundred, and his bushels of grain by the thousands. From Fargo to Bismarck, a .distance of 200 miles,, the land is a rolling pmirie, with a black, sandy loam for top soil, and a sand for subsoil. This vast prairie , is fast set tling tip, and all, over are seen new houses rip and in process of erection. The.crops 'this year are very abundant,. and the wheat, crop thrOugh this entire section - will -average from 20 to. 25, bushels per acre. Tiro wheat raised here is all spring wheat, and the farmers of this section say that they get a': better crop and that it makes better flour than the winter wheat grown in the East. A great many are settling along this line under-the Home stead Act, - which grants 100 acres of land outside of railroad limits and 80 neres4 in side on condition of permanent improve ments, - living on the same for live years, and paying land office fees, which 'do not esiceed $lB. Soldiers can take up these lands and are allowed their time of Ser vice, not exceeding four years, on the live years required residence. Under the laws. in Dakota it.is provided that for every 5 acres of timber under cultivation, 40 acres, with all the iinprovements thereon not exceeding $l,OOO in value, shall be exempt from taxation for a period of ten years frum time of planting ; and under another law it is provided th.‘land' shall be deemed increased in va to assessment purposes by reason of such mber culture, no matter how Much its real valne may be enhanced therobg. Coal, which is of excellent qiiality, is found on the Missouri river near Bismarck, and in some places along lino of railroad. The Red River 'Valley And Northern Minnesota furnishes a bountiful 'supply of wood and timber, and with good saw-mills close - by makes lumber comparativelteheap. The climate in the winter is about like Maine, NeW- Hampshirr, central Now:York and. Mich igan, and in the summer is warm and oven temperature without 'many violent changes, and is said hi ! be freefrom all malarial diseases and very healthy. - The opening up of this railroad opens up a large territory in the Northwest, and one which will soon supply its millions of bushels of wheat for the Eastern market& Bismarck, the present terminus of the road, is about two miles from the Missouri river, and though only a few years old, has over 2,000 population, and is being built up in a .permauent and substantial manner. The Missouri riveris about half a mile wide at this place and quite deep, so that the largest river steamers loac' hero andgo to a 'distance of '1,200 miles North and West. The situation of Bis-' marck on the river,. with the advantages of the water navigation and the railroad running East, makes it a very important commercial point, and it isture to become ono of the principal cities of the North west. The Northern - Pacific getting to be the favorite ratite to the Black Hills, as there is less staging and Miner country . to pass through. A. stage leaves Bismarck •41 and the Black Hills, ges. The Northern Well - built. has a mbstantial bridges it is completed to men up the_fertile iver, Missouri and lion, and the vast test will return its ttili of the world. LEX. 01107RiL1211 A• • :I: Elfaloll3 TUB - tins POlt , ammollp In Ins free country, where (vory voter or his representative in the fit* degree has a choice in tLe selection of. ciety officer, there is little or no danger of Linde° per sonal, lonsl or family influence, or fre quent elections are all poyterful. • . No State in the' Union has had fwer complaints of incompetfint or unworthy men in station, than the land ofistea habits "—Connecticut. 'Wilding its his tory recently, I was surprisediolind, l tliat with annual elections for almost erer 'of fice, the Shitd holds on to good men not -only year Utter year, but sometimes gew oration lifter generation. Thus John Winthrop was Governor eighteen yeam, and his son, FitiJohti, isine•,yeani more twenty-six years iu , the _same house, though scores of 'hungry - rivals de: nounced thorn in unromsured•terms. The people chose to contiune them so long as they continued to servo well. The.‘f Brother Jonathan" of Washing ton; waa'Aiinatlnua Trumbnll,,,whe was Bovealar: of COnnecticut ,fiftecti• roars, solids - sun; ' , Jonathan, - Jr., served • five years more- m akings quarter of a centit _ • ::.- - .7" 'd tiiiiiobiOlmalKima feite two; s a d ,• 1 t aw , ,19kOngs abiaer ill th i a 11 " 1. ' -- itiaeleed - t , eldsitil4Yo346l.l dinieSi 3,1 ,at-itia',Oallai.l7„: ,•, ir .... i - -_, u 4....; !'--:•)- - .:-2 - years au ISM sow* variiria "r`, - 51 - !oil tco, ,thi bJ ~.1 0 4 O urIes- see rs ' re . y ttirq: e te . 4lllre ne tl y * a m r ust iot h ri ci as tar ilac Tri kkle oabso tw rne : or the b g ,I s z i ttiT o b,, di ni d u ld n ii is t ii i g n t i t h k is tiz ar uch k diadtthaeshoclrt er was coming. • The Whitney family had charge of the' l'ireasury sintreight years - in stumeadom' Three Talsottahad it for forty paws,. Mal Ot4ti); Wixom - • ,attouded 1O new& Annuar - scialoina of the ,Asaimbly— over half ¢ury. .1 _ '• Dr. FlisierVotichich with his 'brother Chauncey were' some time in Congress to. - other. • The first was ins civil life from 1703. to - 1822, and made about seventy ,years'. service In °Mee NA Yale College. Honored and useful everywhere, and none the worse for his experience. Thuai'these. good and fair men have been in public °MOM for a- life-time—the same min in the earae_Vaw ~.town, county or SUCtik.-and criruiters chose , their smug or nexplisiirs to the k same posts of honor or. Kat; who should say them nay? John QurneyAdams was appointed to office by Washington, and continued' in a. public service under every administration --over half a century—until his death ha ' 1848. His father was. once President, as be was himself, and his son (Clarice Francis Adams) has every - qualification for the office to which be might hopefully 'aspire were his declared views more clear and decided for the principles which char acterized his fathers. Other New-England States could show. similar examples of men long in power. In Now:England, such men as the Jays and. Clinton& and Livingston, haye been found the most safe and able other,states men. Independent in their circuMstan ce-having the most undoubted attach ment to the homes of their ancestors— they have proved themselvei not the flat terers and robbers of the crowd like , Tweed and the adventurers who land on . Manhattan with only a trilling and tem porary interest in -the real prosperity, of the State. ' Like the rfampdens of Eng land, the long-founded families of New: , York' have the holiest, most patriotic, and ;most abiding motives for administering well all public affairs ; and the most wor thy and competent among - them are kept in office amidst mere party mutations. Newer countries have less of this per- sisteney of honors in office, yet many ex. ampler may bo found among them. Our first three Governors served nine .years each. Many Judges and town and' coun- 1 ty officers are long Continued. Gen. Cameron's term in the National Senate has been the longest of any nian's from thisßiate. And, when, like Senator lfifeen and others, he voluntarily with drew to private life on nearing his four score years—deeming his strength to be comparatively 'exhausted, and younger men better in the Senate lie had the feli city of seeing the swim body which. bad elected him, elect his son as his successor. Others have excelled Senator Caineron In family honors. (len. Dodge, of Wis consin, was Senator at the same time that his son was Senator from lowa. Mr. Ben. ton's son-in-law, (Fremont) was on the floor with him asSenator from California. And who can tell bow many 'Bayards and Salisbury's have been Senators from Dela ware ? Ex-Goff. Findlay, of Pennsylvania, when U. S. Senator,ifound two brothers, members of the lowcnbranch of Congress; and his son-in-law (F R. Shrink) became Governor of their naive State. Wm. Big ler was Governor of Pentusylrania while his brother John was Goirernor of California. Three brothers (Wailiburne,) were not long since in Congress at the same time. Hero are representatives of all past and present 'parties. Iu all these matters the only question of importance to the public hf, ' 4 ls he honest; capable and fit?" Office buyers and office hunters may haie other tests, abut they are of little consequence. When but one can be elected, all the others must be disappointed. We, the common people, only want thn best - man, and the-majority must make their choice and must rule. - I write in view of the fact that the hope of the ex-rebels, the Dill Democracy, just ,now it to carry Pennsylvania through a division of Republicans on the Senatorial issue. * They would 'get us by the ears, and persuade us to say rash and foolish, Ahin g s, by which they may slip in and win the prize: My first choice is for. Mr. Grow or Mr. Scofield in the North, or Mr. McPherson in the South. ' I have confi dence in the staunch Republicanism of Mr. J. D. Cameron, as I found his father to be, although neither happened to be my first choice ash had personal aettach ments to others. But prefer Mr. Cam ron to any and every Democrat that may be named. TR this emergency men are nothing— principles everything. It would be an ev erlasting shame—a going back of the sun on the dial of time—for the' Keystone State, in the year 1878, tee elect a South ern-born sympathizer of the Rebels for Governor, over a true born soldier of Wy-, inning. Elect Dill, and with_him ,would ' be a 15..8. Senator of the, same stripe— one who would (directly or indirectly) in the mad revolt which killed half a million of our yonth, and heaped upon us a moun tain of debt, to strengthen the, foul sys lem'of American Slavery I • Our present duty is to elect Hoyt, and with him a Republican Legislature. Then lot' us attend to.the Sumter question— and whether the majority prefer Grow or Cameron,. or any other man of their good record, I say "Principles, not men,' THREE SconE. STATE VETS. WEST CHESTER hotels serve' ico cream unch. • .iIARTIEITS are" reducing prices in the emaern part of the State. TM:at is an ice hoase in West Chester swarming with white rats. TRAIN Agents on the Pennsylvania rail road are to be dispensed - with. THERE are on deposit in the six nation al banks of Williamsport. nearly $1,000,- GEL. CAMERON bas contributed 1)2,500 toward the soldiers' monument at Sun bury. THERE are . thirty Sisters at the West Chester Cnuvont, including novices and postulates. CONNELISVII,LE coke is to be shipped to Italy. Parties are preparing to establish trade in the articles on a large br.sis. TnEnx are 83 prisonra in the Chester county jail. the largest number celled for many years within the' same walls- • THE aggregate value of church property of the Protestent Episcopal Church in pto dioces of Pennsylvania is $6,500,000. THE price of admission to the perma nent exhibition at Philadelphia has been reduced to 15 eta. for adults and 5 cents for children. • I !Tar. commissidners of Schuylkill eonn ty have offered 2250 reward for the appre hension of the escaped Mollie Maguire Johit Gibbons. JiIDOE ELWELL, of_ Bloomsburg, will tear argUment An the William Cameron, will case on Armed 12th, it hating been certified to Columbia County. FAUXEMS going to Norristown market on Saturday were attacked by four wolves. They have teen doing some damage in the vicinity verbally, and party is hunt- JAR them. • • 'Tug surviving members of company IL Tweith Regiment i of Pennsylvania Volun teers, will hold a reunion in Rogers' Grove, near Niunveh,• Westmoreland county, on A.ugust,loth. • A party of laborers on the Ligonier Valley railroad recently came upon a den of copper-heads and succeeded in killing thirty-tmti of chem. •• The laboring men Of the State am preparing to go for a much larger den of the same reptiles, and they will crush them too.. Tax New York Times having p_roposed 1 a s c ubaciption to reemburso - Mr.*Ross for the\ money expended in his fruitlesirsearch for his son Charlie, that genlleman de climiasthe oiler; : but suggests that the press of\the country, call satiation to. his hook.which gives a full and true history of the loss al i search.for Charlie Ross. TA Clixid dar lodge 4 Warren re %,t rari Costly split en tl 0 subject of a carpet. It was a threli:flt y a a two-ply di ff erence. They must have a w carpet - of some kind. OttO set - con tied a two-ply car pete would do and cant the day. The three-Ayers seceded aml tnp a new shop where we'prigramei they I have a three- , .ply:carpet and all the et. ee . z. -- , - .•. . . ~„.p -A" KINIMMOIV fig szaturrxiix vio !hold retitlit tWweeleibEiVaabinglow:! , \ TEN deaths 'inane" in•NeW ITEEktwif , urday, addcleven pnittrationi frees hint: : NaqEttoiltrintaw iteadily oa4bo improve. He '-took marriage drive Sat- Tanails reason to believe there will —b.ainteill9s44,leMent between Turkey TnE Nation Woman's Rights Assoc. ioation was in 1:0.a at Rochester, N.Y., week. • \ ilidn.'Br.ann, the new collector has re. - ahead the expense's of the Boston Custom llousell2,ooo a pear. \ HANNtnAL HAMLIN livein a plain buff frame house at - Ranger. • When at home be works in his garden. \ Tun trial of the Oringemen arrested on Suly 12 came up at Montreal and was ad joarned-to the 30th inst. Miss CELESTINIC WINANs, daughter of the late Thomas Winanas, is probably the richest heiress in America. THE New Orleans - Piersynas says Speak er 'Randall is what may be waled a Protee;. tionist In favor of Free Trade. Da. PAYNE, President of the Ohio Wes leyan University, formerly pegged shoes fora living in Providence R. 1., GEN. tIIARI.EI K. GEANAM, of Nei , York, has been appointed Surveyor of that port, vice General-Merritt. - A member of the Potter committee says Senator Conkling will testify before the committee at Atlantic City. AnuANmextrrs are under consideration• to transport gold and silver bullion in the postal cars to save expressage. THE camponeeting at- Shelter Island, N. Y., is a failure this year as the wealthy cottager& there are opposed to it. LErrens 'from a missionary at Labra dor, state that reports of the recent fam ine there, are greatly exaggerated. FULLY ton thousand persons participat ed in the funeral services of East man, Mayor of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., SFNAroit DAWES, of. Massachusetts, does not believe that General Grant will be a candidate for the - Presidency again. Is the United States - .4here are 530 women practicing as doctors, 420 as den tists, sas lawyers and 68 as preachers. 'The. New York Tribune says.: "Near ly everybody gets nominated for the Pres idency except Charles Francis Adams." ALL but fourteen men in the construc tion department of the navylard at Ports mouth, N.. 11., were discharged.Satuiday. Mn. Wu. GRoESBEcK, of Cincinnati; delegate to to the national monetary coo femme, will' sail for Europeon Saturday. A reception to Minister Noyes at the Boar's Head Hotel, N. H., last, Friday, was attended by a number of distinguish ed guests. Two seamen were taken down with yellow leaver Friday on board the Receiv ing Ship Vermontat the Brooklyn Navy- Yard.. TOM BALLAMD, the counterfeiter, who atterept,to.coreinit suicide recently in the Albany penitentiary, is Slowly recover- Men plaeer,diggings• have been discov ered on . the - Colorado ,river in- Arizona, about twenty miles above the town of Aubrey. . Tor; bobbin spool - factory of 3tses Pot ter, & Son, South Scitbrate 11. :1., was burned on Wednesday night.. Loss $7OOO, no insurance. THE jewlery store of S. F. Coles, at Coventry' Falls Vt., was robbed on Wed nesday night of watches and • Jewlery valued at $1,500. 7 Tnomss D. CRITTCHER, iron merchant, of Louisville, has filed a vollutarrptitition in bankruptcy, with liabilities of. about $65,000 and assets $'6000.: GEN. GI:9MR k...Shusr.F.A . Judge of ' the United States Circat Court for- the that district of Maine,' died at Portland' Saturday, aged 59 years. • . _ Tiio.llear - Pa - w Mountains gold excite; meat is carrying many restless gold seek ers fronk Meadwixid. Twenty men left Saturday for the new Eldorado. LAiVILENCE BARRETT is ROW entertain- Mat hisvannher .residencO•at'Cohaaset, ss., the Iteir - . David Swing and daiight 'or, of Chicago, and Mrs. General*Custer. ITtfE Advisory. Committee and Trustees :of the. Sagamore mills at Fall Diver Mass., .decided,•to .Mart up on .Itlonday s This 'causes great rejoicing among the opera-• tives.. r ROI3EAT W. GItEEVE died on Thursday night , at hisfirm in South Kingston. R. in consequences of being bitten. by a steep.killing dog on the 10th of April last ; . ' THE attorney for the Chinese six Com panies at Sari Francisco reports that the Chinese emigration is decreasing ,and there are now but 05,000 on the Pacific Con*. llsnTncnstx, aleatling Republl - of Indiana, and editor of the party organ in that State; says the - Republican party of .Indiana is for Grunt for a third tern!, TUE President has appointed General Badger ,Postmaster at new Orlenits, iu Place elf .1. A. G. Parker, suspended. Mr. arker is • the brother-inlaw of General li. P. Butler. .EiMovcnNon FF.N.rox, of New York will saiV from New York on .board the steamer Bothnia ou the 24th, inst., to at tend the international. monetary confer ence Paris. • Vat Catholic clinch afßrampton, Ont., was burited to the ground on Thursday night, supposed by an incendiary. The church- contained some very • valuable pictures.. ~ • • . GoYEallon'llontsolv, , of New York, bas refused to give up John Monanan, who is indicted for murder in Massachusetts and will hold Lim for trial in Now York on another charge. THE torpedo experiments for the bene fit of the Secretary of the Navy, at New port were.very successful. After they were concluded. tho party sailed on the Tallawosa for Boston.' IN the Democratic Convention at Aus tin, Texas Saturday, on the 11th ballot for Governor, Hubbard received Sffil, and Devine 693, not the necessary two-thirds The convention then adjornca. owtxt; to the reduction made by the last Congress iu the appropriations for the Patent Office, it was found necessary to dismiss 53 clerks connected with the various branches of that bureau, Satur day. A clerk named Charles Dalkswiez, in the Quartermaster's office at Fort Leaven worth, disappeared last Wednesday, hay ing been detected in forging checks per prHo ting to have. been signed by Colonel y t. • Tun regular miscellaneous bids fort carrying the mails on over 700 routes were closed by _the- Post Officer Depart ment Saturday: t3ervice on these lettings commences October 15th, and the awards will be made within a week tn. so. EMMA Cott nis; the young lady whose father sues General Nicholas. Cassino, of the Spanish army, for dainages Tor his difighter's seduction, has unaccountably disappeared from. New York. The case has caused considerable Sensation. • A dispateh from Inspector Watkins at Cimrearron, New MexicO ' received at the Indian Office says that the Utes -and Apache Indians have started from that point fbr their respective reservations, no trouble or opposition 'having occurred. Ax7DltEw J. Kimwrs, a well-known bnilditr'ot New York city, has been ad. judged'abankrept on his own petition. Hid total liabilities amount to nearly $2,- 000,000, most of which is vecured, by mortgages.• His meets are reported to be very small. Artgit t tbree hours' argumeht by coun sel for the prosecution and defence the Norwich • City,, , court committed Wesley W. Bishop and,. Mrs.' Kato M. Cobb to await-theaetion of the grand Jury on the charge of poisoning l the late Charles Cobb Jr. . . • Sim 'Sea s , the noted train robber, enter ed the townof Round Rock, Texas recent ly, with two accomplices, to plan a,irk mltery. Tho' sheriff attempted to restr thcitn,, and was shot dead. The were pursued ; . by a deputy. who su de.d in killing ne Ofthem, but Bass es Aped.. • • A, committee of seventeen embers of the Grand Orange - Lodge of . British America were in tession.at ltintreal last week. They will drect e :proeveffings . on behulf of those a don the 4f2th, and a fundof•ten thou nd dollars is to be raised for the purpose f testing the legal ' ity'vf OniOninge . Onler. ;'. • " • • BIDDEN 1483 Or SPEECH. liEwebasid iurd Wife Deprived of the rower 4#l.lcolagion• OINCINNATiI, July 1 1.---A singular case has just been brought to the no tice of the medical' professionhere. Peter Lavelle and wife, waiters in a Central-avenue dining-room, retired Wrest - few nights's:Wino:o"W — idea health. _Nest morning Xrail 4 melia. awoke amlatteml4 4 : l co §Pgiik,kker , liusband, iiien she found herself totally deprived of the power . of Pliee9ll,i effoKts aia a physician was sent for. The only. symptoms of disease apparent were a thick dark cnating . on the-tongue and a higlavr upliear+ ante of the eyes. On the same aver-, noon Lavelle, while' sitting in front of his employers establishment, was ' observed to fall bank, in, his chair; another Waiter • undertOok tc•__,azpfse kim;wen it . was found that lie, was unable to4peak divord.: Sin that timeneither man nor wife have spoil. , en, anre — pliyeicititili afr:. uakblk accoun for the loss of speech. 'l'be patients •kave been removed to • the residence 'et Mrs. Lavelle's sister in Covington, Lavelle is' very- ill . ; but will probablY'reeover. His , WCfe is growing w6ker daily\ and RI: hopes, of her reeac The theoiy has bi poison had been u which caused par: Si? ear, no . physici have investigated . „ THE Treasuiy sued a circular of State banki. United States lega,. standing on the' 30th of June in e,411 year since 1860. -Fronl this' it . ap-. pears that the total, amount of.notes l °tall kinds outstanding on that date' in 1860 was $206,104177; 011 the , .30th of June, 1878, the total arrAnnt, was $688,595,275.27.: The larick amount outstanding in •any year was in 1865, When it reached. $980;31 - 8;- 685.76, but the coin valve of the notes at 'that time in circulation_ exceeded that ot • the notes in circulation this Year IV only .$7,796,663.15, The men who demand-More paper Money as, a I necessity of,biisinesa prosperity. can 1 -study this ( cireukr 7 . 4 h profit;; Colorado : Democrats hOtlfde, 1 nounco "the monstrous. ( rands" which the Potter Comm; tree. ts trying to prove.; hut. they .bave-nottOlgtet say about the monstrous fraud I.A which the DeriicierWe OnSe' of App regentatives •tvtiv l,h6COgraclo seat to : a Mau whO never • was . elected. They have done something, however, %Odell is more effective thaft:anithlng they could say.- They haze venom:: lUtited , the Mau' wile was not elected. Nawirt - the pc.oplo• something to fAy':atiout frauds; 'andld them' say it so emphatically at the . polls that this particular - fraud will not be repeated. TTIE workingman's great, :din is obtain "iu return ;lot a xlay`4, • work the jarg6St amount or purcliaie , able comforts—raiment, shelter and food. During the war, at inflated prices, it required a month's wages .of axOtkiivririan to * purehase a dc - - cent snit, of_ clothes: Now a better suit can be•had for a. week's . wages! Which then is the best for the work ingman? Inflation'or honest rates? POVEIITY ANI) SUFFEIZIN(t.— "I was dragged doWla With deht, poverty and suf fering for years, caused. by a sick family and large bills for doctoring., which did them no good. I was completely aged, until one year ago, by the advieo of my pastor t I -prOeneed r , lloj., Bitters aud commeheed tl,leir 'lie ' Mid ;11 6 - 11.! month we were all well, and none of us have seen a sick day since; and I want to say to all pobr. men, you can. keep yoneilies well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor's visit. will cdst, I knoV,' it. A Workingman.'.' TOWANDA MA ilk [.Ts BEI•91:TE1) BY ST1 , 11" F \s , F LON ii; . Getwral.l,-alorAn 17rocenes mut Protlttr;•.l',..Ltoirs • Block, rumor Muth itml:Bri , lge St reet , i: WEDNEspAy svzsi Nfl, JULY - Zl, 167.1. Flom' per 14.1 • • • • Flour l•e•r Corn neat per , Chop Feed Wth•at, per :Ao.ll C.O bye ltuckw•heat Carterieed.thedituu.... Thamhy.Aturit Itt . 7lllS. ti'Z, Pot it. 1114".., • Ilresmed 11,,g4 !lams Shoulders tara Itnlt,r, tubs Rolls ' Eggs. fresh.— I Cheese 'Green apples, buxh.... Potatoes, per bushel... °along Beeswax tointEcrnn TIT DATTOS' 3,11110 Inlet Veal skins Deacons Sheep pelts Tallow • • Wool • _ • New .A.ivertisements. • If you aro a Mau of business. - weakened by the strain of your duties. avoid . stimulants and take lICIP BITTERS. If you aro a man oi , lettata..doltlng - oven your tr 44. night work, to restorelfrain amtmerve waste, fake • 110.1', BIT TERS. • - • . . • It Yon aro young.and suffering from any Inalsere 'lion or dissipation, talcs, 110 1' BITTERS. • • • if.you are married or single. old or young , suffering' • from User health or languishing on a btut of sickness. take • I'ol' BITTERS. • Whoever you are. wherever yen are, Whcuolcr you „feel that your system nerds cleansing. tobillgt or stitottlatiog, without iatoxi,/fFny, taku • 110.1' 1311 " rEILS. Itaro s s•iosr itykprpila, ii , /o.y or orbior.o voOt igatot,, disea..e of the elooolch. . !Orr ucrrfa 7 You Will be cured if you lake • • . \IIOP BITTERS. ./f you aro stnittly ailing, aro weak and tow aplrited, . . try it : Buy it. Insist upon It. Your druggist keeps It,• , 110P-281TTER43.•: • It may save your life,. It .hat saved Itutidrefta. 8 , 4 • VAINTSAS! IC.A . SSAS! • • •• 'll4 a Home In• the Arkansati th ough which runs 11. e Atchison, Topeka, St Santa Ire R. R. 2,660.e00 acres of land:for save on 11 years cretin, trlth Inter. st at 7 per cent:\ • . ' Iwo Excursionfe to Kaasae .Vonth, F.XCVIIMIPS IntiliETS A 7 REDUCI;',D It ATI.:S . For Information as to Tleliot.i, liontes‘mul LAM'S, al ply to .I°IIN NV: MIX. Agt..Atchlson, Top t :itu & santa Fe it. 8,, as, 1878. , 7ivl• IIE FOR THE WEST i And the bed thing In the Wed Is I[0.41; IN TIIE ARKANSAS VALTAii, • • Throte , lt. utilelt rem the .%trtilsolgTeirka& 'Santa re L. I. • - .. • 2,50[1,[160 A('IIES OFI.AND volt - SALE 4.),N • .E.I;E:VEN VEAlts ['Ili.11)1'1 WiTll. I'l iG [.:ENT. 'INTER F::"T. . . .. ~,., "' The Went;tattoo of excellent Wafer In SprIM,, , A i- • \ and relining »Imams. roinletlocl mill' Cheap-La/el " Lumber brunght here 0-1'" milled, 11. M b°- ' e l or Snpvrlnr quality qua tie Vinf•A Cifinal. , In Ilia ~ ender rev.er and - perfectly dry until taken away. 'World, make It 'be most dr.,,i mot, In sue: 1\ - I Good climbs for your hOrbus, mei a dry place to load, Beton} locating clsowttobi, apply for eillll.a. • ' " '. • Maps, Sir:, to. . E. F:. DriANE. -.-- •4:4, ~. , Agent Atehleurt Topeka & Smila're R. IL. • • . . Canton, Pcno'a • - • .. - TowaUda t JAM 1N1877. paatva, Pa43iay 2, 1976 AS: it B. H. WALKER, PRACTICAL' PLUMBERS; STEAM Ar, GAS FITTER& ilealdenees and Public flandlinga tilted *ll4l lint ree rtalEf biCArtt en. rikiat.s llama Mating Httect—or twit- „ of Gas Fixtures. Opal Glohe% Patent itnwaita; latotra,AngbaatkiCtwak Valve* Water and 15taattfontties, Iron: and , !Arad ripr, • `- and a fulrefirlar at , t , ftM Fittings: " • Estimates Pmwily liken . . Etnilra,Y St • •• AY/10,87w L. 4 ,5. k .ABluAr& SONS, pity GOODS, MILLINERY, SUITS, The . ,Cheapest and. Best Place is U (ii Are bought for Cash. and prices are gottrant , .:ed tt , • - be as low as the lowest.; EVEUY. DEPARTMENT tg KEPTISUPPLIIIED 'Wait TIIE3 LATPT MOST EXTENSIVE MILLINERY BUSINE.SS *ties desiring anything in that line will thel • it to their interest to.eall and see 01. .rAs we conduct no f ant!, estabilstituent;our prices ere alrrnis plain and mordent& The trade' stippllPd at the lowest wholesale pri ces. Special Ind UCCIIICIIIS to Cash customers. Dou•t forgot tho.placc•—: f:C.T011.. - , 5 :sOC'i :0 G e.0(77 50 I Fo'f;f•l 1 25 , 4 1 •2.•6'1; . - 1 OCC4II 10 1 if '2O bid L 5;4, . IStA • I;p6Vl . 40 . 54.04 GO - -• SCO • BEM 1 000:1 23. 1 '3i 0 , 2 00 12 3 , , (%,.,i . t . 4 I 11P 13 110 1- I]:=111 50 610) 711 , 65, . PTaos . acam) . r . all 6 . = Emirs. Livathemma. 330 gag Water Street, ELMIRA, 11. Y., Deroiers la 201 East Water btreet, ELXIIZA; N. Y. tab Buy 1 OUR GOODS wocEvrt ES. We claim to do the' IN ELMIRA, POI EAST WATER-BT.. Rathbun Howes Ukck N. Y., May rsk ins ...., . .... • Cll 1 , ... •'- vo \ " 8 '4 I:4 • C ‘•••••P tO: !V l."' • . 5 • . 0 0-3 " ~• t .,. . 1 . 4 i '''. \ 0-0 V ' ' •CIJ : 0 \ • CI; - • . ..—. Z ....1 O' -'•• \ -''." . , L . :.: F. • \,, - ' d r.: ...7, r i , \ . :.;•- '-z..r.• P- - - • 4.7 1" ...-,' .0' ' ti \\\ kr. w ..., ~,.. ti ---- r"- 1. C . F.= rr " • co 10' 070 • ' • 74. g • r-:" • `. tit _ - et CS ' " M / 1 5 1:4 v .~ 'r y .: r ~_r ASTONISIIING DISCLOSURES =I PI o tEMICM .11ARICESS STORE! c: IT: WITEADON & SON Have In stork the largestarsal most complete itsso.rt- IMMO FAME , . FINE HARNESS That can to tounl In any sft.r , bein - cen Albany •, • and Eill)113. - SPORTING AND TURF GOODSI A large variety of TRUNKS .AND SATCHELS! A ,more ccrkpletc stuck of TEAM AND-TRACK M111PS! A.larger ruot better assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' RIDING SADDLES, .Vc., kc In C(171r11181011, we sal' that we have everything •thief can be mullet, :eotnieete•tl, wtth a hnsitn6alof this kiwi, that we are allY.itnli tOSCH. Wake up and PULL DOWN ,YOUR VEST And come up and see us: and we will demonstrate Fhat we say. At 206 R: WATER STREET, ELMIRA, M. Y t.n.. Sign or the (4old Collar.Vl cIIAS. I.I.OV.I.IEADK & SON. FOR FINE FACT 643iiDS, TRIM:MS(4S. AND I.4DiEii , 4:ARMENTS OF EVERY - 11 ESC It PTION, Lim ItAPELIEA I H LL, Z 7 EAST. WATER STREET, 'ELMIRA, N. V., apr _ .Lead all Cprapetllors: • IS IS CALL AN.D SEE US 13 33 23 DELE.VANHOvsE, FILAR., N. Y. Oppostto tho C. T. SMITit, Formerly of the Ward Rouse, Towanda, Fa,-i4lB GERITYA, MORR a gL, • Eetabli.yheq 1547.1 W 110-LES A L.E IST DnuatasTs svinitni.::‘,'r..tly.vr ueutcixts &O. 4:c. MI, LAX" sanxsr, • N. Y re% 21. IL GREATLY REDUUED PRICES J Vie said/Mr:led Is dohs, PLANING, MATCHING, AND RE-SAWING, Awl all kinds of Planing-mill Work, AWAY DOWN: :DOWN!! 171:0W101tt2 So far yOn can't ace It.. I have also on hand a largo stock of SASII AND DOORS Which t sm soiling at prices` to stilt the times., I \ , • *INI . OW-114INDS Made promptly to'order, at, a low price, 'for CA§II, ' • • • IF 1'',0 . 15 \ WANT TQtIET RICH \ • Call and sen my Price's. , t. L. B. RODGERS i 4-- I P florin ETQR