II ALVORD & HITCHCOCK, Publishois. IlOttunwel7i3ll TERMS or PIIBLICATION. ,--- -- The Baaoiroatt Ing Baroarau Is pablDled °IV. Thursday rua 8. .- ALTorits lad Ircricoca, a ns t Two by Doll Wars per =am, lo ,d -ranee. NlS'Advertleing lit all eases . exclusive of sub. ocripticm to the paper.. SPECIAL NOTlCESlnserted at Tits states pot lino for Sr t insertion, and Ms cases petite. tar each suftequent Insertion. - LOC AL NOTICES. rirTsatt clans a line. ADV ZRTISEM NTB letWbe Inserted satoedlng to the tolkmtng table ot /Meet iw tai - 1 tm t tm t tyr. = I .lA O 1 PAO I 0.001 FAO I WM Indio7l 1 1.40 1 111:101 8. , .110.06 3 Inches I 2.. M 1 7.00 I 10.00 1 13.00 f MAIO I MAO U=l 6.50 1 ILOO 11&2$ I 11.00 i &SAO =I It corntn MU EMI col'ann 1,19.00 20.00 $ 241.00 1 001012 n I 20.00 140. 1 00.00 I 20.00 1 100.00 1 160.00 Administrators. and F.tecutors Notices. - Ili; Auditor's Notices, "Lae t Busmen Carts, fleelities, (per „year) additional lines gi each. Yearly edeeetisees nee entitled to quarterly changes. Tranalent advertisements must be paid for in advance. s All resolutions of associations; communications of limited or Individual intenest, sal novices of glandless or deaths, exceeding five tined are chMil , ed 'MN crime per Bee. • he ItsronTxu baying. $ larger circulation than . any ether paper In the county, makes It the best advertising medians kritorthera Pennsylvania. JOB PRINTING of every Mind. In plain and fancy colors. .done with neatness and dispatch. Ibndbills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Billheads, Statements,' be. ' of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice, The Rlirtnerun ogiee is well supplied with power pressor, a good assort -silent of new type, and everything In the printing line tan be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TXBMS INVABIABIat CASH.' Business Cards. W RYAN, v. COUNIK tiCPIRINTENDVIT. -Mee day last Saturday of each month, over Turner - Dordon , a Drug Store, Towanda, Pa. Towanda, Juno 20, 1878. ELSBREE AD SON, ATTORNRT6•AT•LAW,_ TOWANDA, PA. N. G. ELSIIREE. PAINTINGS. • poItTRAITB AND LANDSCAPES • Painted to order at any price from $5 to 'SOO. - (111 Palntlop Re-Painted, Ro.Tonebed, or changes made as desired. . AS work dohs ttt thegttchest style Of the Art. doll ANN. V. BENDER. _Towanda; Pa.. April It. 1878. ROGALSHI, 1. Employed with M. Heade!man for the past four yearn, begs leave to announce to his friends mad the pnpllc generally that lie has removed to the Rothe] 99•Cedt Store, one door south of the First National Bank, and opened a shop for the repair of Watehei. Clocks. Jewelry. he. Mt work rear• ranted to give entire satisfaction. (Apr47B, 19IV - J. YOUNG, 7 • ATToIIN ET•AT-LAW, • 'TOWANDA, rA.. Boface.—secon4 doer south of the First National 1 Butt Main St., up stem ' D. KINNEY, • ATTORRET•AT•LAW. • Othre—Rooms formeity occupied by Y. M. C. A Wading Rome. 011113.3)7o. WILLIAMS k ANGLE,f A 2701M Erg-AV/4C. .OFFlCE.—Formorly occUpled by Wm. Waikins, Mx. WILLIAMS. (Oct. 17, 'l7) E. a. ANGLE. T McPIIERSO N, - - L• ATTORNEY-AT-L/IW. ; TOWANDA, tA. I Dket Attu Brad. Co. ' Ffeb.l7B MASON & HEAD, ATTOIIYL7B•AT•LAW, Towanda, Pa. Omen over Bartlett it Tr*y, Matwat. G. F.MAsoNr. Casl73 AnTpun If SAD. V L. HILLIS, ATTORNET-APLAW, TOWANDA, PA. ith Smith et Montanye. Otace . GOFF, 01 ATTOttX£T.AT , LAR, Main Street (4 doors north of Ward flonseh To wanda, ra. [April 12, 1877. Wlf. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY ,o AT LAW, WYALUSING, rA. Will attend to all hnsiness entrusted to his care In Bradford, Sullivan and Wyoming Counties. Mee ‘riiii; Esq. I'orMr.l 1nbv19.71. C . L. LAMB, ' • ATTORNEY•AT.LAW, 1 .WILKF.S.-113 ABBE, PA. 4 . 4 :olleCtl9tla promptly Attended to. July 27,* TOHN W. ATTOBNIU(..IIT-LAW AND U. S. CODIIISST,ORR TOWANDA, PA ; oMce—Nona Stdo Public squarb. DAATIES k CJ9,NOCIIAN, 1 ATTOII - NILTB-AT-LAW, SOUTH SIPE OP WAFT/ 110IISE. • Dee 211-7 S. • TOWANDA. PA, Pte;.a M. WOODBIJRN, Physi cian and Surgeon. Office over 0. A. 11 1 aek's rockery store. Towanda, May 1, 187217•. MADILL & CALIFF, ATTORNITS-AT-LAW. , TOWAN'DA, PA. omce in Wood's Block, first door sooty of the Flrat Nat !anal bank; up-stairs. H. J. MADILL.k ilan4-73131 J. N. CALITY. GRIDLEY 4lt PAYNE, ATTORNtTA•AT•LAW, Synth sldo,M.ereui Mort ( rnonm formerly oectipied by Davies dt Catnoeban), TOWANDA, PA. MIT) = AMES J y WOOD, A TToll!it ET•AT•L aIW, TOW A NDA,,,P4. inch 9-76 CHAS. M. HALL, - ATTONNEN-AVLAW AND NOUN!, give cureful attention to any tantrums entrust e(1 to him. -Office with Patrick 3 Foyle, (over Journal Office), Towanda, ('a. Nune7l7. GEORGE D. STROUD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Unice —Main-st., four doors North at MIA House Practices M Supreme Court of Centmitatda. and United • TOWANDA, PA States Courts.-1Der7.16. UT STREETER, ATTolt NCT-AT•L•W, TOWANDati PA. into. OVERTON 4t, MERCUI, A T7OIINZYS-A 74.. A w, TOWANDA, PA: Mee weir 'Montane% Sum. (mayen. 1.) , A. OVERTON. RODNEY A. DIENCUIL W MAXWELL, ATIVANICVAT-LAW. - * • TOW ANDA, PA. °Mrs corer Dayton's Store. i April 13, 1871.' ATII,ICk k FOYLE, ArtdaNnTs-Ae•LAW, ° TOWANDA, PA. Oince, In Menenrs Block. 357174%. J ; ANDREW WILT, . ATTUaiii-AT-LAW. Oalee OTC, Cross • Stork Store, two doors north of ntovens & Long, Towanda, Pa. Iday 'be consulted to German. (April IZ, •is. 3 C S. RUSSELL'S 0 ENSBAL • • L VRA — NOBTAGENCY, .varts4oti. , TOWANDA, PA. INSURANCE AGENCY. The following T tELIABLE'AND FIRE TRIED . - Companlel represented; ANC 9 IIIitit,PMENIK,UOME.IIIII3ICRAWTA, March 0. R. BLACK. OVERTON & BANDERSON6 ATTOSAaT•AT•LAR, TOWANDA. PA. - E. Dirratoit, JR. .10117$ lI . .SAND=IISON . Gi IF B. KELLY, Dzyrusr.-4Mpe • anir Y. X.-RosentlenTa. 'Towanda, Pa: Guerted at Bold, Silver. Webber, Ihaa AA _aennyigLass. Teeth extracted within pain. • vollorom QUA 'um I sue D. PAYNE, M. I}., - PittlictAx Awl) .Bvitozos. Ogles ewer Roots :wee !Mori. Ocoee boors from 10 to A. and from Zto •,s. rt. Special attention glemito Missies of the lye sod Xar,Cret.lo,97l4. 24.f* 141.00 113.0t1 I woo 1 Ta.eo DL T. B. JOHNSON, • • Puirstewr ►XD SWIGSAN. 0111 es over Dr. Porter k fSon% Drag Store, Towanda. jaal4l4l. 1864. • 1876. //WANDA INSURANCE AGENCY. Nato Steed opposite the Corr Moose: W. VINCENT, -VANAGICIL. EAGLE HOTEL, , -R-41 '. (Sol= slut 2. utiLic equenz.) . . , . . Thls irell.known house has been thoroughly fen norated and repaired throughout, and the mini& tor hi now prepared to offer first.elasa atieonwupda lions to the putilte, on the most reasonable terms. .-I._ E. A. .IfftiNtlitlS. Towabda, Pa, May 2, 1878. • - HENRY HOUSE, /ON NUB EUROPEAN PLAN,) CORNER MAIN h WASHINGTON STREETS TOWANDA, PA. Th=e, eosnmodlous and elegantly-turaished house has Just been opened to the traveling public. Theproprietor spared neither pains nye espouse In making his hotel first-class in all it appoint ments, and respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Terms do suit the times. Large stable attached, WM. illitNßY, PuoraraTort.. Towanda, June V, 117.tf. L. SLstiaza. . . LWELL HOUSE; TOWANDA, E kA... \ JOHN SULLIVAN • Haring lea tit!' bum, is now ready to amen. midair the trwerthng petals. No pains nor expernss will be spared to re to those who m WO lam a call. Ifil`Notth aldeof to Sip ate, east ' of Yereari new block. . THE CENTRAL uLaTnt, De undersigned hsritu of the those hotel, resprettuti age of. his old friends and the &twat!. SEELEY'S OYSTI atrIZOPEAN the Means Mom, lkoard by resussralble terms. Warm meal Opts* at wholesale and Petal J. L. ;eat. SUMMKR t00v1146. CASH PRICES ! MI Jan. 4 1975, White Goods, \ White Goods, MEL= Buntings, &c. •- Buntings, (roc. IN GREAT VARIETY AT R ERITi'DPAICES. Towitdb, Pa, June s, ATTENTION FARMERS . It Tom wisb fossil your RAT, GRAIN, BUTTER & PRODUCE gezterally tae• BLUM CAM At the blibed Market Mei WI at erbessyss irttt stab tad pr aices welt selected erect selling at Wane . . goods. Wytankleg, Sept. 2S, ten. - ma r i M ' : ll r, Rotel'. EE2I GOODS) Faris and Parasols EMMOI ■ MIMI t ['AUKS WTSAIIKINO, , . , • ... , ,-;.- . -' - - -,,, ;',, -•• 1--- :- . .. , .„ ____ ..... 41 / I . . . k .. .., .. • , ..., . . . . _ . _ • . • . . • . Pothig. • . • TEI3 KORTGAGD ET LIZZIE !DULL; Ten years--and the hair ea my temples , Is turning and mixing with gray, Ard my taco has grown aged and careworn, . - Ma lines deepen day by da,y ; My comrades are want and privation, They've clung to me ciao for years, And the borne them with undinehing Miasma, Though Won with trouble and team . Thte eve, while the suit has been dipping Ills nye down the lair, rosy west, Pre, been o'er the farm I once planted, With hope of serene age and rest ; .But tomorrow a white-covered wagon. On Its long westward journey wW start, And Mary will smile, the' she's hiding % A wesry.and desolate heart, 1 re walked thelast time through the orchard: This autumn Its first frult wilt Yle4: Thli vineyard ls laden with cluster*, ' And yellow with corn is each geld. Whoa full of youtii!S hope and ambition, sty wife and I left dear old Value, With only the blood boughten pittance • I•d saved from a "prtvat'e•a" poor gain. Bat Mary was happy and cheerful, And I strong with vigorous health; With elghty good acres of prairie, We seemed on a short road to wealth. Bo first; for a home sod a philter, . A poor tittle shanty was built; ,Ifow poor, burone.room, and to/ph:stored; So meager Its poverty felt. Then . stables, sad horses, and cattle, And harrows, and among, and seeds, And hundreds etectraa unthought of, That ever a Pioneer needs. ' And — everything came at the highest, And called on my small stock of cash, I found, ire I'd halt dome with buying, My dollars had gone like s . flash. • Tor dye dreary, desolate winters, With summers of labor between. We angered, yet thankful It autumn Rewarded with measures of grain. And there In that kitchen and parlor And chamber combined, onoTwight morn— With poverty everywhere 'round them— Our little twin children were born. And later. our Mabel, our Idol, Conte to us, yet soon fled away ; And we felt there were griefs that are greater Than want—that sad hurlal dap' Hat I built to the house an addition,. And made things nil cozy and warm, And bought forty sores of "Umber And for It we mortgaged the farm. Then,"bard times. , grew harder, and cm .11Ssfortnne has followed algae, - With fAllute on failure of ?wrests,. That no mortal foresight. could stay. The mortgage Is closed, and our honiestcad 1s gone for Its half—and is sold - ; No help, tor Its law, so tts Justice—, And avarice clutches his gold. out, Leaden help us, we wander; yr youth and - our labors are lost ; Ah, tit le Wo &earned when we stencil The an Lush that mortgage would cost. Out over th ,mirth tomorrow • kwldte-cocared wagon will roam, /led eyes that are:misty and blinded Shall take a last loclat. "the home,•• —lnter-Ocean i tT 4 i. Playing for love.- \, They tell me that nowadays, when ‘alressel arrives at Melbourne, the pilot come s oil to, her outside the k uar• lor.Nlf so, I congratulate the adult colony'of V ietoria upon, at all events - , one very'deeided improvement upon , ' the somewhatccentric arrangements adopted. by the juvenile colony .of Port Philip sometime ago. When I arrived there in theyear 1851, in the. good ship Anonymou.k'cthe , fashion was for the pilot to irakt OW the danger was passed, and then Come quietly on board at the band en tertain you, on the way up to the mouth of the Yarra-Yarra, with Play-. MI - chaff upon the narrowness of you escape from laying your bones upon it. In ease there may be any among my readers who_ may not yet have made a "personal conducted" to Australia, and may thus miss the cream of this exquisite pi actical jest, I may mention that the harbor of Victoria is a little island of I forget =how many square' miles in extent, with just one exceedingly narrow en trance. It is, in fact, something like a huge bottle: with a very tiny neck; or, to be more dignillei4 like a minia ture Mediterranean, with a .pro-por tionate gut of Gibraltar. . Now, thiS is all very well with the .Mediterranean,which is an easy-going, cl3t3 e scal old sea, ready enough to ra o upon adequate occasions, but far t 3 3 blase fur the unexciting:exer tion of ; daily tide. But Port Philip is in its 'tivenile stage—that stage when it is a, • hysical necessity to be "doing sometiing," if it be only the truly diabolical bccupation of going to and fro, had of\walk-ing up and down. So PorL Philip of _course in= dulges in - a tide ; and his tide has no other means of getting • and out of the big bottle except th ngh the little heck, you may readily bktarn, by the simple means of filling a \bop tic w;th water and. turning it topSY turvy, a fairly-supestive.idea of the way, in which it conducts itself on the passage. I will do the third mate of the Anonymous - the justice to believe that he was not aware of the ingenious regulation above referred to, -by Which it was ordained that a vessel should in all cases run the gauntlet of this pleasant passage before pre suming to demand the services of a pilot. Indeed, there was no partieu-, lar reason why the third mate should have known anything about it.: It was only his second voyage at sea, and the .first had been to Callao and back. You will say, perhaps, that under those circumstances there eras no, particular reason why the chaNe. of the good ship Anonymous should have been left to the third mate. And perhaps there was not. Only", with the second mate deserted in Port Harbor, the first mate with his skull split fairly open twelve hours ago by the fall of. a heavy block, and the skipper what a figuratively-disposed Yankee on board called sopping drunk - "- in his cabin, it was not "ao Cray to say on whom that duty should devolve. And on the whole, perhaps, as a\practical seaman without the slightest knowledge of his where ^abouts --except such as might be gleaned frnm a chart carefully locked up in some unknown drawer of the captain's eabin;\ he no doubt acted forthe best in netnttempting to run his sliip's nose into \ suclLa Very unin viting-lOolting trap is Port Philip Heads without" a-sistaiio. He was wrong, no dOulit, in swearing so free ly as he did when, instead ortiending us a pilot, the li g h thouse : people re ■ 1 lOWitY))/4:..., : BRADFORD : 001IN,TY;;PA, L ., 'T'HURSDAY 14opg+Ta,,:im_iy,:--,245,,„:.-4178. piled by.eignallog in a perfectlinn known tongue too the effect that, un- . 'al .we should have got over our dif ficulties; no assistance could be given: tint I airilvinnd' to admit both that theeirmieitaniei Offered some temp; tatiekto such d OMirse, - . and that a large miSciiiiy both of crew.and pas sengersjeined very beartilyln the per formance. 'itiesnwhile. -- - the good ship Anonymous i)viited`sltiily bit very. surely toward lier,doOm., There , AralL A strongish , breezirblowing straight into the harbor; ankas luck would: have it, a strongish tide4lll:_setting straight out of it. As eve, neared the bar we felt the influence .6fthe. latter most strongly,' and hint, like\kto hatamed's coffin, - betweea wind and tide—only that with • Mohamined'El coffin, wind. and tide, or what answers to them, appear to be fixed. quanti ties ; whereas in our case the tide, as we : afterward discovered,. - would slacken and 'turn in about another. hour; and then,--=•- • . . . "At length; just as the " then " was getting paintullylminent, a small boat was seen struggling toward .us. ;Fortunately the wind had.' compara tively but little effeet'on her low hull, while the full force of the tide swept her toward us; 'or .the one man who rowed her and the one boy Who . steered - her would Wive . had but a !gender chance.; As it was, she just lived to . _ get alongside, three parts full of water, and _ sank from under 1 their feet,-as they scrambled out 'of 1-her into - our mizzen-chains. " • " What the.--," began our irate young actinteommander, more sav age at'the delay than grateful for the help that had come at last. But the man cut him short. ' ".Is she quick in stays?" he asked; briskly and imperatively—altogether disregarding not only the mate's an l gry greeting, but the elibrus of ;ob jurgation from the forty or fifty pas gengers around. •' No 1". he replied, sullenly; "d—d The' man struck his band impa tiently upon his thigh, and _ a look' came intohis face - before which' the chorus of objurgation somehow died sudtbinly into 'silence. The stranger gave one quick glance aloft, another to leeward, where the , boiling surge seemed to thunder over the roof al- most close under our beam, then spoke again briskly and imperatively, as before: " Then fill and wear around," be said. " There's no help for it. And bear a hatid, every soul of you, for it's touch-and-go. " _ And "touch-and-go it was.. The men worked as I never caw. them work•' before, ,and have but rarely seen others work since. Every pas sen7er tno lent a hand at some east- ly-recognized brace, or sheet. The mainyards swung around. 'The ship gathered way, paid off, rushed fora few seconds headforernosttovrard the the other hard upon set under laboring id bending leg to the iad drifted, tour before. excitement intense-as 'et• bad ex= .ouched the _ ie two nien at the wheel were certain that they felt the rudder bump as she swept by. I know that , the spray from Alie hreakers fell in clorids upon the deck, , rrlrett, Just as the two topgallant toasts went with a crash over the side uuder \ lthe pressure of a stronger- puff_ than usual, the face of the stranger, expanded into a smile, and, opening his close-shut lips, he.sang out brisk ly, once inor. Up helm I Round in your weatiter-braces ! - Square away, Mr. • What!a-your-name I and never mind the wreck I" And so the , danger was passeil.; \ ` and with a ringing . cheer we dashed gayly into the smooth water of the inrT . r,bay. The breeze 'still held, and tn kvery' few more hours we were %Art `the anchorage. Half-an-hour more \arid 'the anchor was down ; the saila\--, \ what were left of them—had been` furled and stowed sbmehow ; and the ship's boats were hoisted out without much need of, or regard for, the or ders of the unlucky young third mate, who, it must be confessed, took very good-humoredly the plentiful chaff which rewarded his well-meant but perfectly futile attempts at enforcing something like discipline. Equally futile were the remonstrances of the passengers,who soon discovered that the ship's boats would only accom modate the ship's crew, and that on this occasion,at all events, they were not by any means intended to accom- modate any one else • and, as the passengers were a little more numer ous than the mate, it seeined at• first as though there was likely to be "a row." Our, friendly pilot, however—he was not a pilot, at all, by the way, but the master of a small coasting schooner, doing a fine trade in those golden days between Melbourne and Twofold Bay -- pointed out to us that, even if we conquered our point; only one batch of us could be landed in the boats, and that only on Liar det's Beach; while if we waited qui etly for the steamer which was sure to be alongside soon, a sovereign or 1 so apiece would tae us all right up to the towp,, Sow gave the crew a parting benediction, received an equally hearty comPlinient in return, and awaited the "'steamer with what philosophy we might. In another hour she WAS alongside, and we too departed, leaving ' the captain in peaceful possession of his ship, thro' which his snoring resounded in un interrupted melody. By-and-by, no doubt, he alio awoke; realized—per haps with a little difficulty—the con dition of affairs, and, bailing the steamer, was, "as in duty bound, the last to leave his ship." I caa't spea from personal knowledge, and be may have jumped- or tumbled over board.. All I know is, that wlin, at the cost of a ten - pound note, e got 1? 7 a boat next day to go o ff f Liar det's Beach for our effects, e found the dead chief mate "in f,,, 7 e charge,." . You may suppose tha the interval between our passage o the (anions bar, and the little/iscussion that followed touching t e movements;-of azommagis or! Ditmewnca_nom /air IWARTEtt the crew, had- not passed without some attempt on our part to signify our gratitude to' our rescuers. Two meetings had been held—one' in the caddy, one in the steenge—and a nice little purse of some 04 'over. eigns had been made up and duly paned to the elder of .the twos with a complunentary speech on therivarter deck. For himself, however,* had declined it. ' • " Thank you kindly, gentlemen:!" he said, " all the same. "I'm making money pretty - fast, and - shall get a ood price for this job ont of the agents. So, if-you'll allow me, I'll ust hand.it over to the lad. I couldn't have got oft witliimt him." The boy.'colored crimson through pe tan which browned his honest, open face ;. and his blue eyes sparkled with delight. "Thanking you kindly,gentleMen ! I'm surei" and he took of f his cap and ruffied,up his crisp, brown curls in a desperate. attempt at stimulating adequate utterance. "I'M I'm heartily. obliged, , gentlemen?—and-- and—and to iyou, too; sir, sure— and—and—l ain't nowadays good at talking; gentlemenbul do thank you—hearty !" And as the young fellow \ turned away, it rather seemed to me aiPtho' ho dashed a brown hand across the bright blue eyes a little suspiciously.- " What shall youlki with it all, my lad ?" I asked presently, as we were leaning side by side . over the taffrail waiting for the steamer. The boy colored again, and the honest blue eyes lighted up. " Send it to my sister, air 1" he an ,swered. " The old man's in trouble just now with losses, and ono thing and another, and I've saved up five and-twenty pounds already. There's a mail goes to-morrow, and—there she is, sir—there comes the steamer. I wonder if there'll he a letter in town from Siff." By nightfall I 'was. lodged, not very sumptuolidy as regards accommoda tion, but royally enough in respect of cost, at "The Prince of Wales," and young , Harry Godwin had left me to go up to the post-office in search of a possible letter, promising to look me 'up the nest day, before going on board' again, and tell me all the news—for Master Harry had interested me, and I really wanted to know how "the old man" was get ting on, and whether the prospect was in any way brightening of that future meeting between pretty Sis, working hard to keep a.roof over his head in the little Kentish village sev enteen • thousand miles away, and honest Dick Golding, toiling away night and day - up to his waist in wa ter, at Welcher's river, forty miles . beyond Ballarst. Meanwhile, a less 'romantic, but more practical and pressing, consid eration was—dinner; and that dis cussed, I strolled out fora moonlight walk at "Canvas Town." I have a curious faculty, not merely for find ing my way generally, but for finding it, in the case of any new or unex- plored locality, straight to what will, be for me' the most interesting spot in it. In the present instance, my accommodating instinct conducted me direct to the establishmeht or Mr. 'Hermann Ranch. From an an architectural point of view, Mr. Hermann Rauch's ; estabf lishment could hardly, perhaps, be considered a success. The biiiiding, which was abOut fifty feet long by twenty feet, wide, stolid endwise to the street, if street it - Could be - called, which street was none but an irregn :xi: chasm, of varying-width and un certain direction, between two rows of tents and shanties. , Its original -designkad, evidently been that of a frame boase, with planked walls, glazed via Vl's, and asphalted - salted - roof. f. And so far as . ncerned a considers- We portion of the principal front, this design had been carried into ex ecution: The doorktood, of course, in the centre, with a' indoor, ior a place for - one, on either side. Of these windows, the one on the • side nearest the town was complete—all but the glass— the , wall tfrrough , which it was pierced being also fairly ,fluished in stout deal planks—all but ii\iipace of some four or five feet eqUare s in the top corner, which I at first toe& to be occupied by a sign, but whiel“ found, on examination, to be fillo\4n, for lack of iboards with some \balf-dozen gaily-painted tea-trays. o \ n \ the other side of the door, the plaiik'ng ceased a little more than half-wato the window, lip the remaining porti n`q the facade being eked out with isinge taipaul ing. To a fanciful mind: 41a little, perhaps, under the infin6ac of its surroundings—the house had alook' of having been fighting, and of \ hav-1 int/ come off with a gigantic black fie.' However, the frame-work of that por, tion of the building was perfect\ enough, and for at least a couple of yards back the roof also possessed a fair semblance of the original design, and was duly covered with asphalted felt, neatly nailed down. Then, sud denly, the felt also gave place to ter pauling, which again, in its turn, was 1 -replaced by a heterogeneous collec tion of old sails, reefs-poihts, bolt ropes, and all, just as they had been cut away from the yards—and with every here and there an. irregular opening, hastily slit with a knife, to let out the smoke and, foul air. Ap parently even this materiel had run [ rather short after a time—for the roof, which at the ~street-end must have been qui eighteen feet in height, made ' sudden. dip about twenty feet b ck, and from thence ) continued i downward course till, at the fard,the ridge-pole was with in easy ch of my umbrella. .lilr. Rauch, who was a philosopher, though . this a decided artistic , ad vant4e. It helped theithershbectiff," he said, and made tbii building look longer. It was the sound 'of music which first attracted me to the place; and, on entering, I' found 'albite a harp, and a cornet-a-piston in full blast. I don't think they , were ,all playing quite the , same tune. Indeed, _the cornet—who; f course,had it all his own way,and who had evidently ab sorbed quite as many nohblers "as were good fer him—was a little . un certain as to! both air and key, and,' even as I entered, ' glided from one , tune into another with a ;rapidity i►hich must a: little have disc:cm:wiled his accompanists,, .Outside the build ing the more penetrating tones of the instruments had.irmie themielves heard sharply enough. Within; the babel of sounds, the clamor of a hun dred vole* the - click of tin pmini kint and pewter-pots, the shouts , for beer and 'brandy and a sham,"' the tattle of dice, the banging of rough deal tables with letti7 fists, and the stamping of bege t hobnallet:l boots on the loosely-imarded ItOpr, made up among them a volume or noise which, for Utmost part, fairly domhutted the musical portion of the entertain ment, and left the performers free , to follow their own sweet wills in the. matter either of time or tune. Round this ‘randemonium I bad been • "loa fi ng ' quietly for-half-an• hour or so, taking an occasional "nobbler," for the benefit of the house and lotting , or winning a half-crown or so here and there, just to avoid singularity, when my attention was arrested by a sight which at that Mo ment it' grieved me not a little to see. I'm not strait-laced in the matter of gambling, while I. confesseit has always appeared to me at least 48 in nocent, I mean for losing—or, for the matter of that; of gidning—money as a good many others on which the "Mrs. Grundy " of the period looks with anything but disfavor. But I was sorry to see young Harry God win item There was something In the boy's face,..tdo; which only too quickly as sured'ine 'that he was not at Mr. Her mann Ranches establishment in any character of mere ' visitor like my self. It was air \ honest, open face enough still; but itliad lost the- mer ry, careless look which I had never yet seen absent from even when the laboring ship was illatelp on the breakers, and any moment might find us struggling for - our Hies in a whirlpool that would drown a Whale. Now, it had a heavy, anxious, and, at the • same time, eager look—the look I have seen so often since, and had even then seen- more than once, as the face of some young and begin ner at the deadly table. ' This, then, was the end of all his good resolutions:of the evening; this was to he the Tate of the money which he had earned so gallantly, and which was to have been sent off by to mor row's mail, to help the struggling father, and good hard working sister at home. It was no business of mine of course ; and in such an atmosphere as that of a gold colony, who - could expect a lad like that to steer clear of all the.thousand temptations around him, and: with his pockets ' full of money too? If he were not here, he would very likely be doing worse. And yet I couldn't help be ing sorry for it—So sorry- that I was on the pont of making my way to his side and trying if I could not rescue poor, pretty •Sis's' fifty pounds for that night at all events, when the opportunity passed. The boy who had been hurrying about from table to table, looking now at monte, now at euchre, now at cribbage, but not venturing yo try his luck at games of which, as -I afterward found; he knew absolutely nothing, had at ' length arrived at one where the play was confined to simple betting upon the dice, and from which a man was just rising with a goodly spoil. The boy hesitated a moment, then set his teeth close, and set down on the va cant cask. Before I could make my way to the - table he had already won twice ' and the blue eyes were begin ning to sparkle. 'Then I knew that I was too late, and that f Ahe fester fit must run its course. - Poor Harry t It did. not lake. long. For about half-an-houi he held out, now winning a trifle,-now losing a trifle more. Gradually the little pile of sovereigha diminished in bulk then vanished altogether, "and Harry Godwin's last stake lay on the beer-stand table. The great, .shag bearded digger with whom he was playing gave a huge horse-laugh and, rattled- the dice-box triumphantly over his head. " Last chuck, mate ?" he roared. pleasantly, ' "Ha ,!ha! here 'goes ! Sixes again, by - the living Jingo I Cleaned out; my lad, oh? Ha! ha! ha !" And the Jovial winner swept pcku. Harry's last sovereign into his well=filled leathern purse, and shout ed aloud,' like an amiable- Goliah, for a new antgonist. The boyaat.quite quiet for a mom ent or two, looking with vacant eyes at the place where- his money bad. lain, then, without a word, he flung his arms upon the table, dropped his head upon. them, an4l, burst into a passion of tears. \ " Hallo mate !" roared "the merry giant oppoiite half amused, \ ltalf dis gusted, at this' A - ery unorthotiOx pro cedure; "that last _shot started a \ water-butt, eh !" \lhere was a laugh among the by=. standrs, and a (loser' or • two disen \ gage ci players came crowding around with 1141entiful supply of jeering chaff foikhe poor spirited creature who coal - civil : Apse his money without crying over itlibe a great child. " Here! • come\out of this, you howiing .young whelp!" cried - one seizing him roughly b y the neck, "and make room for man. We don't want any blubbering gals here." But the rough' rasp on 171 . God win's collar, collar did him good, an i Zrous. ed his spirit again. . Shaking oft Is assailant's band, be smog . fTom ht. seat; and faced around with clenched fist and sparkling eye. • "Don't 'lay= your band on me, mate I" he Said briskly enough ; "-I Im a fool • know,;,but I an't no coward, and—Oh t sir I" ht broke oil suddenly as he caught sight of me, "only see here!" • ' I took the letter he held out tome, and ran my eye rapidly through it. It was short enough and clear enough —only too clear. The last sentence will be sufficient. ' "Soit is .use, Harry," it ran " Unless the two hundred pounds can be got at somehow before Christ mas—and that I know can't be—l must many Mr. Pickering, or father mist go to prison: • Tell Dick Gold ing—poor, darling. Dick--" . ,c01d then there, was great blot, and the letter ended abruptly vrithout even a signature. Butl there . was no need for any signaturei - nor for - any expla- nation now for Harry Godwin's pres ence in that room. It was already September. The mail—the only mail that could posrubly reach Eng land by Christnurit—eailed the next morning, or, -rather that morning= for' day was already beginning' to 'dawn.- Dick Golding- 4 poor, dar ;ling Dick "—was many a mile away. {lf fortune would only smile, the seventy-flve pounds -the boy already had in hand -might- even now be turittrd into the two hundred pounds Which alone could save: Dick's sweetheart—his own pretty Sig— from the fate that - hung over .her. That was the story of -Harry God win's visit to Mr. Hermann Rauch's spielsaal in Canvas Town. ' "Don't bother the lad," I said and I felt something very like a tingling in my-own eyelids, and following the impulse of the moment, I held out the letter to Harry's late antagonist. Ile took it, looked at me, then at him then slapped his great band upon the table and sprang to his feet "Harry Godwin I" h 6 shouted. " Why, if I didn't think I knew his face ! Areyou Harry Godwin, of Twofold Bay ?" The lump in poor Harry's throat was stiilto big to let him speak; but he. nodded assent, and dashed the tears angrily away with his hand. The next moment the big digger was standing on the table which creaked and groaned under his weight. • "Halloa'there, mates !" he roared, at the top power of his stentorian lungs. t Halloa there! Winners, I ahoy !" There was a - lull in the clamor which filled the room, and turned toward the speaker; who pulled his battered billy-cock from his head and held.it out at arm's length. 44 Look here lads!" lie cried; "you've all heard of Hairy Godwin, the boy as jumped rightin among the sharks to save Billy Curling's little wench?" "Aye! aye !" said one hoarse voice, answering for the rest ; " We've hearl. 'What - about he?" \‘ Why, he's down in his luck— thatis what •he is. His fancy gal " —the 'speaker was making a slight confussidn of persons here; but it don't signify 7 . his fancy gal's got to marry another One, if' so be as he can't shell out 'two hundred pounds by this thunderingsmail ; and darn me if I aren't been and\rooked him out of every blessed shiners!" "..More shame for yon 1" growled the hoarse voice again.in reply. "Give the chap hls quids haCk again, and be hanged to ye I" . " Give 'em back !" roared the first speaker as he dashed a huge handful of coin into - the hat which he still' held out oratorically. "In course I will I Here...they be--and & dozen more to the back of 'em! But that aren't enough, boys—nor half enough. So. now, then—winners, ahoy ! Who'll shell out a few shiners to save plucky tfal Godwin's sweetheart ?" l_must confess that, as a rule, I should not expect an appeal of this sort to meet With much success in - a ganibling room. But an Australian or &California digger "on a spree " is a very dfferent animal from the busi ness-like habitne of Hamburg or ,Monaco. He plays not so much .for the gain as for the excitement of the game; and his great empty -heart is often but the softer for the little calls that is surroundings allow of being made upon it. The . battered billy cock made its round, and made it by . no means in vain. Withirk ten min utes it was back again, and its con tents were poured out in a shinning heap upon the table. There was enough in it to free pretty Sis and to lerire Harry a ten pound note over, lute the bargain. ' 1 must have been in- a terrbly didatin Mood that morning ; tor, as we linr.r,ied oft to the post office to dispatch' the precious remittance, I could not for the life of me help ex pressing a hope that the present sue scess would not lead Harry into fre quenting Mr. Rauch's establishment. " Never again air I" he answered, with earnestness. " And, after all, sir !" he added, looking up in my face with his broadest and merriest smile, "after all, " you know air ! I . was only playing for love " They say, alr: welt, suppose they do, But eau they prove the story true? Suspicions may arise from naught But malice, onvy,rrant of thought ; . Why mount yourself among the "they," Who whisper what they dare not 'say They say—hut why the tale rehearse, 'And , help to mate the matter worse i NO good can possibly seems From telling what may be untrue, .And is It not a 'noble plan i n *cat of all the ,bent you can P A 'useful, moral deduction is, to drawn from the above stanzas. The spreading of false slanders is one of \ the greatest curses to which human beings are subject. M.nny a- home ha been made wretelied*d many a bright \ and promising person big been broken,in spirit, bereft of peace of mind, and their usefulness'in life destroyed'by the venomous slander er, and_ his equally guilty. though, perhaps, thougf - who repeats the sh 'They say" principle. )owl edge comes 1 ioble minded_ womai ae or he is• the victit lender , which isd'aily ► Innot belnteed to its town, that the greatest then he weaker victim is blighted, ed\and broken down for the ro her 4i7. , •his natural life; whil stronger nature has to contend with the rankling of the vengeful passions of the huirukn heart, and their contin ual goadingsto desperate deeds. If there are any rsons that desitrve scourging and degrading, they are the foul-and blackhearted- progeni tors of base slanders and the basil lanimons curs who b&ornii - cesspools and conduits for the circulation of such slime and filth. -\ - AA he came hesitatingly into our . pres ence, an uncommonly slinky. looking yel low-dog slut& in between his Master's legs.' "Mr. Editor," said the visitor, "that there dog may be homely, • brit he is the hest cattle dog in this country,; yes, sir, he is the best cattle dog I ever . , saw. Bat he has one fault—just ono fault; sir— 'he won't look at. the cattle :tilt - they are ENE TREY BAY, I=:=Z! A BM'S 1 saT Where Is the soft and sheltered Rest : My birdie linnet Malt his rest, - Here on a mothers laying insist. My train, birdie?. Nor biting fiesta s nor winter Mows, Nay, pot the fiercest. wind Out Mews. Cut chill or Might tay pearly row, My April blossom Nor harm nor danger, grief nor rear, No earthly Me can resets thee here, For angettor*ste intehlng near Minove•eyed,darling I Itnew well, by _the seraph smile . That playa about thy lips the while, That angel-blues thy dreams beguile, My sleeping beauty: Thus Is It now, nil precious one _; But whrt a few short years are gone, My baby nestling will hare gown, • My winged nestling:, Ah, then, - when manhood , / cares are - come, And tar away_ thy feet ma) ro a m, - - And happily and another home, My 74Ouny lariumg— of the faithful mother-breast On whieti.tby baby bead found rest, ‘- 'rlte airo-Ilned,and the heart-warmed nest • , ' Of linnet birdie: —Mrs. J. G. Ettrisett, Chrtitean Weekly. FUN, FACT AND FACIETIEr As the twig is bent the boy is , inclined. ' How to . acquire a - short _hand—Fool around a buzz saw. DtssoLuts youths are called "bloods" because they are living in vein. On greatest' naed—statesmen—Roseen Globe. Ourt,money.—Woreester Press. Ica is companionable. If left to itself on the sidewald it will go away. WITETSOICEB are not themselves able to cut, but make iron sharp and capable of cutting. • . . Tllits?.. are the days of evolution. Eve ry man is becoming a little 'otter— : so says a Cockney friend. Gururr or not guilty ?" asked a Dutch justice. "Not guilty." . " Den' what you want here ? Go about your business." A DETROIT poet mourns beCause there is no word to rhyme with .Jenks. A new song has been strangled in the bud. Tan song of the Elmira Gazette is to the effect that "There is a -land hotter than this" in the sweet bye-and-bye. Tim Southwestern Christian Advocate says kindling 's fire with coal-oil is B°l'llll df dangar that its practice becomes posi tively wicked. STRIPS of lead are used by many irls in frizzing their hair, as it does the, t ling better than pieces of newspaper. §tep by step the press is losing its grip.. • • _ WHEN young Jenkinsoh told his lather he had been out on a little "lark," ;the. old gentleman 'muttered that he guessed them was-more swallow than lark. Ale• irreverent friend suggests that in stead of the inscription now stain ir up on our coin, " In God we trust," t ere be substituted .the words, " The G we trust." Hr guard Have you seen ama id walk-, ing Ov here with one eye of th name of Walker? "No, am ; I iiun no . I ay. What was the name of the other eye, lur ?" * - 'WE intend to purchase a microphone and apply to a few of our 'delinquents. They are.the "deafest" mortals on earth when yonquietly remind them of the ex piration of.their subscription. "DoEsier.Boston Harbor remind you of the Bay of s liaples?" asked an enthusi astic yachtrnaii. \ -, Yes," was the answer, "'at least in one respect. 'They are both full of water." \ A WESTZTIN man 'attempted' suicide, first writing a note to the effect that he was a blasted oak. HesUrrived, and the impression has been revived:that he is a blasted nuisance. . • A-nr.s.vrn journal says : 4_ 7 The clothes of differentlamilics should, for sanitary reasons,'be washed apart," Ourlaundry man goes -still farther; lie mashes onr shirts apart, especially the buttons. TUE fact that George Francis Train is about to lecture in several Pennsylvania :towns, inspires the 'Chicago Journal with the exuberant hope that - the Mollie Ma guires will.do their duty. - • Ir you can't kill tl.e fleas on your dog you can get a good joke on them by kill ing the dog. It always makes fleas mad to kill'the dog that they have become at tached to. ..T it. niimiaraz OF D)= May it not safely be asserted that P clothes.are even more dyspeptic over the moral feelingsthan over the in tellect of man, foicing upon him very intensively the character of the class to which the garments he Wears, are more peculiarly appropriate? A whole genus seems to press upon him with the combined weight of all its individuals, to stamp 'and assimilate him, to compel him to make himself worthy of its cloth.- Take an indi vidual ordinarily conscientious in his dealings and humbly solemn in hislashions, invest him with a light green cut-away, rather the worse for wear, cover hia feet with some of the high-low kind, 'and plant jauntily aside on his head an indifferently shabby white hat. Does the reader imagine. that the moral tone of the individual in question would not un dergo a gradual deterioration ? 'the. other hand, let the. " party 7 to whol the green cut-away, ete., origi nally belonged, be compelled to adopt our sober friend's suit, of decayed black, his scant pantaloona, his shoes and gray worsted stockings, and the hat, - the, hinder part of its rather broad brim being 'turned down and gently repbsing on the coat collar. The transmuted scampi.. after a 'month's uncomfortable experience of his new costume, will begin to feel himself gradually oppressed by a compulsory gravity, will receive less and less enjoyment from' his penny cigar, will begin to think his old slangy and bullying / kind of, talk at first questionable, and then decided ly out or character ;_and, if still re claimable to the pathi.of virtue, will lay down the blaCkguard and perform a kind of semi-homage by taking up the hypocrite: A man does not like to. be unfaithful to the character of his clothes, and perhaps feels some deliCacy about disappointing the ex pectations of his fellow-ereatbies formed,upon the promise of hiti outer Than.. It would he difficult to imam foe a n fore perfect image of inconsist ency and unhappiness, of a more sha ken and'yavering morality, than.that of being'Compelled every month to draw blindly a-fresh suit from a sec onn-hand clothes' warehouse. "We must not judge a man by a word or single action, Life is com posed 'of so inguy inconsistencies, that we would take the excepticin for the . . .• Neverwas -a sindere- wont utterly lost- Never a magnanimity fell to the ground, but there is - some heart- . to gremt and accept- it imexpeetedly::-- Enierion.' ': . • : •. ,:- . - _ - - "s. 112 per Annum' In Advanne. E s. A MOTHER'S DEATH There is a. sad, solemn sweetness that gathers around a motherVdeath bed. 'The experience of a. life-time is crowded - into that silent moment. A . thousand kind acts of the past - come tripping home —with Winged messengers to departed glory ,ne er to return on earth again. Who can fathom that mother's love, that, for • long, long years, has only found utterance to the throne of God in supplication for onr good, and whose every act has been but one mom tie - that has bound 'is inseparably to- t,t, gether ? Now that good mother lies dying, there is a hushed stillness about the house. Every one moves lightly from room 4 room. COn versation is in whis with an oc. _ casiOnal sob that it is impossible to repress. The eyes of all are dimmed by the unbidden tear. -None seem. . so calm and .collected as the dying sufferer herself.. Through the'eye of faith she is looking far, fir into that better land that is sow-to be tier.' future home. She thinks of Him who Came upon earth, and taking upon himself the similitude of man, ascended the cross of Calvary, and poured out his life's -blood, that poor,, bruised ,end crushed humanity - - might have anipenueof escape. Why should she not be ealm,even within the grasp of - the king of ter rots? Hope has fastened its anchor in her heart, and as she 'nears the dark river she hears the voice of angels calling from beyond, and sees their white banners waving her on-- ward to the bright land - above. The eyes grow dull „ the hands grow cold, and the breath goes out to, re turn no more. The lease of , life has been foreclosed,- and the suffering of the flesh can no-longer be endured. The season of probation has ended. The joys atursorrows of this life are things of the mighty past: Hope and fear, and joy and sadness will no lon ger hold high carnival in that . lump of clay. The purposes for which- it ' was called into existence have ceased, and "like an old clock, the weights having fallen, the machinery stops." Who can -fathom the depth or . measure - the breadth• of the sorrow that has fallen upon that household, and of those dear 'children that turn, away from.that death-bed, to realize that they are orphans, and to face the cold charities of an unfeeling world? , How true it is that we do not air . preciate a ,mother's worth until she is in grave 1 Ton CORWIN AND THE RUNAWAY StAvt--Dr. Graham; in 1852, ,was the proprietor of the Harrodsburg, (Ky.) Epsom Springs, since purchas ed oy the Government a a Soldiers' Home. He, had a favOrite negro named -Pierson, who when not in the ball, room or pavilion, walked about in faultless broadcloth and kid gloves, and it was said, would ' seldom .talk to a negro woman not four fifths white and never to a negro" the height of the season, when he looked scorn upon the donor of a halNollar, and only smiled when the eagle shone in gold, he ran away. Being educated he had no difficulty to write his pass es and go to Ohio . , as'he had often been there before. He went to Columbus to amuse the L e gislature, and there he met the lion. TOM Corwin. I do not remember the date when he was Gov ernor.. . _ . Tom said : "Is Dr. Graham here, Pierscin "No sahl am alone," he said. • • " Give my love to the family, and especially : Miss Ella, when you go back," said Tom. - ." I am not going back, !ash; I ma ned away." • " Why Pierson, did the doctor strike you ?" • - "He never" so forgot himself," said' Pierson.. "Did you get in any tronblsit' • ".I knows how to take eare/otimy self," said gierson, with di' ity.r "Didn't you get enough to eat or wear?" Pierson snapped a dust mote from .his shining broadcloth and consulted a gold watch hut never deigned to reply. • • Said the Hon. loth - Corwin, sol emnly, "Don't you know, you mis guided man that a thousand of•white men .would look with envy at a posi tion not half so easy and safe as that you fled from r You bad no cares; you were fed _and clothed ; and if the doctiSr lost his fortune; you would be just as easy with anothep rich man, •make money always, with no need to spend." • Pierson replied gravely; 1 ‘ Marsa Tom, that situation, with all its ad vantages are open to you . .if you would like to go and All " The byatande; ie roared and Toth suddenly reme red business in the State House, it was the only time in. his life thatte had no reply to give:—N: Y. Star. Tug FRUITS OF • iNTEMPERANORr-.. The punishment of vice and i ntern- penance does not end with the vicious and intemperate, but the, hu man family is so constituted that one member cannot shi..WitliOnt'tpulling. down others. Timis, in an appalling degree are, parents . answerable for . the weakness and vices- of their children. - A man drinks moderately and steadily all his life, with no apparent harm to himself, but his daughters become nervous wrecks, his sons ep ileptics,libertines, oc. incurable drunk ards ; the, hereditary tendency to crime having its, pathology. and un- varled laws, like scrofula, consump tion, or any other purely physical disease. These are stale truths with medical men; but- the majority of .parents, even those of . average -intel ligence and culture, are apparently el ! ther ignorant or wickedly regardless Of them: - When our peeple are brought to - remove gin-shops and gin-sellerslor the same reason that they would stagnant ponds or un clean sewers, there will be a chance of ridding our jails and ahnshouses of half their tenants: We have urged this point until it. has become hack neyed and tedious; bat how can we be silent so long as , a fresh murder or suicide every day exemplifies-.the ghastly peril anti its cause ?--.Nete- Itirk robing. El II ISS