jiiintlinfatileparhw.ni = KEEPING BUTTEIL--FlGlElers arc certainly* slovenly . in making and ,preserving ; butter, and much that - comes into market is - very inferior . in_ quality;; but jf a good, - .sweet cleanly article is purchased, it is often spoil led by the ,condition that it is kept by , the purchaser. Butter is a sub stance..e.itrernely . sensitive to sur rounding influence, and any odors in. the vicinity where it is stored are rapidly ; absorbed. even in a closed firkin. Great complaint is often made by the purchaser of the , r '+ gilt edged" butter, produced from the famous (taxies in `the, vicinity of this _city, that the enormous high- priced article is soon spoiled after • dell,verY to the custoiner.. And no Wonder It is often'plaeed in an un- Cleanly ice chest along'-with cooked . or uncodked fish or tneats'i and other . odorons bodies, and it soon tastes or smells -like the unsavory substances . with which it is associated. If not placed in the ice chest, it is often put' in-the cellar with decomposed vege 'tables or meats, and hence the deli-, caw taste and odor are soon changed. - Great care must be used to preserve batter, and it Will not do to trust it to the Midgets' of the kitchen, who know nothing a,nd care for nothin , r. Those fond of the delicate freshness. and sweetness of the butter 'should • have a cool pialle iu the cellar, where it can he kept apart froth everything else. The wealthy ean furnish such a place with a little care and skill,, and few are so poor that they ear,. not contrive to keep butter under bet ter condition . than they Ac).-Jocti•- lial ‘ ! 1 - Chemistry. VALUE OF P01:1411X MANURE.- T Proin actual experiment, we found .r;,hat 111;Sppings from four Brahmas, .tor one night, weighed in one; ease, exactly one pound and in . another more than three-quarters, an average nearly fo'iir: ounces to each bird. IN drying, tads was rduced to not qilitel?; ounces.. Othei breeds make letis'; but allowing I ounce per bird of dry manure, fifty fowls will make iii r thcir roosting house alone about 10 cwt per annum of the best manure in the world. nenee i fifty. good . fowls will make more' than • . enough manure-for an acre of land, , G ewt..being the usual quantity ap plied per acre, and poultry manure . beibg even richer than guano in am inonia and fertilising 'salts. The other stocks will give, an actual re tnrii in this fWayL and. these,figures demand- careful 'attention from the large farther. The in l aniire,-- before using, should be mixed With twice its bulk, of earth, and, then allowed to stand in. a heap covered -with a few inches - of earth, till decomposed tlTingliont,,when it makes the very be,st manure that can be had.-4iiiix icait Poultry Journal, HoW To 411. K.—, Some milkers • seize the foot .of the teat between the thumbund forefinger, and - then drag down until it slips otico . f their grasp. In this way th 6 teat and ml der arc often severely -injured. The proper inoslv of milking is to take the teat in ‘ the entire hand, and after pressing it !upward, that - it may be from foie capious milk reservoir abo‘ic, to tompreSs it first at the base between the thumb and fore finger, then successively by each of . the . three succeeding fingers I until completely emptied. The teat) is at 'the same time gently drawn upon, but any severe traction is altogether' l• unnecessary and highly injurious. The cow should - always be: Milked regularly and the milk entirely drawn ,otil I r the milking is properly and seasonably done there is little danger of disease of thei teats or • udder. More.eo‘i:s are ruined from faults of ;and the rettiler of the Pura/ It - w•ld will Flo well to avoid theta.- ,/://ra/ 11'w./d. PWITEcTION 1 1 3031 con temporary records the discovery of a Fresch; pharmaccual chemist_ who has .discovered a way to protect flu, s frour'attacks of Vies.. .A(;cord•• in to a. London medical paper; his :invention consists of rubbing the . ;hones I.specialtiv the parts mostsub ;e(t: to attack, with a little eoncentra t:Al oil °l lama There is not the sli,f,iitest danger in its u.se,• and the cost is said to. be veryrAii. other iiepellent suggestO by • the ;same person is a solution or fp) I rf.a m mes, l IL. and 407.5. (avoirdupois/ ,of assafi &Aida in two glasses of water, and one of vinegar. If 'horses be well washed: With this not - a fly will setthi upon them, as the .assafo4iiia . drives the tlies away.' This drug has no deleterious qualities as an nal application, and may he used un• hestatingl t'. F ANiux REcipEs.—Fm. Fahsily Jars—Mutual love, well stirred with forbearance, mixed with readiness to forgive, and general zoom temper, is an admirable; cement. It is well ,to let all fainily 'jars be .sh,-Ired at :once. - 7 , :mpee is best I;ept by .fining 'as little vinegar as 1+ Bible :, the Twirl, by. using (jauee In_ the oil of grace : treasures, bti layhig them up wkere neither moth nor rust cloth corrnpt. Piet•b's—Those persiins get into them most who meddle with other pedple's business, or who act on the rule of policy. rather than that of gtrai , ditforward truth and tinswerv ing honesty.- Tqrt--Some think tart rep - ties to lie sthart,\Abut' it is never wise to let - our wit wound other persons' feelin4s. Soit'answers turn away wrath; siieittlies lead to general sourness • I =;I==IEI A •(aooi , : s LINIMENT RE:S.II'II.—A eorresponilegt of the farm deput went of the Cincinnati Wealy r gives the following : • " I will give onc•whidl is altogether the best I ever used for neuralgia or soreness of the joints: Alcohol, one ounce of -pirits otturpentine, sulphuric ether, flilortiforin, laudanum, - and i.git.zn Camphor, of each half an ounce, .oil cloves ; one-fourth of an - ounee.- This liniment- is also good for ; internal pains, as colic; pain in the stomach, i-te. Take; from ten to thirty drops in sweetenetiventer, and-repeat every twenty to . :thirty minutes- until re: lieved." I=MI . - I -* WARTS ON A. lONSE.—Warts -on a _liorsezil-not actually troublesome' to theLanitnal i are injitrious:in this way, they depreciate his value when offer-- ed for To remove them is not. a (liflietilt opiirritinn; - and theY Shoula. • not he permitted to - remain and bow. ',Tie a piece of twine . around their drawing tightly and repeated t the wart dr6ps off. , . , Tiff:!i:ty grain 4 -1 01)'111 tilitv etiOtt • attar I)eifty, gathere!i, find I.Oth at. , 14 'Want. , ' EINEM ME t --- Yednrafialtal tepartinini = E. E. QurNLAN, 1 .1 J. A. Wwr, Committed J. T. 3teCoi,Loy, , - of G. W. ltrAx, AllOtiage Ecgitors, A. T. LIMEY. , - Cotauttnattals may be sent to either of : the aIMAC C . ..iitUrN, as may im pm/erred, and will appear in the Is of Which he has chirge. .' A. T. LILLICY, Edltat. IRDIICTIVZ METHOD II PRIMARY GE. - The . right of teaching prinutry. pity is one of the, ditties, which vcrely tax the' skill and resource of the instructor. We say right teaching in pri mary geography, in contrast with the pro mss of ,geographiad ertffaciffig, which_ Is unhappily still too much in vogue. • The reason of the difliculty inherent in this'proble:rn is not far to seek.' 'roe, in the first place, before the descriptive go. ography of eotMtries can be intelligently begun, even for primary.,school purpesee, a considerable body of general 'prinfdplea must be mastered. These principles re. late mainly to astronomy arid terrestrial physics—as the shape and inotlens.of the earth, its.relation to the sun, its climate and principal atmospheric and other isru. ? face changes and conditions, tte. They are in their nature complex, being large Or ultimate generalizations of science. 'et they are the necessary keys to . any vital knowledge of geography- . -keys whiC h . rust be grasped if the study ix to ho any thing more than the empty rote-work of inemoriz'ort arbitrary lists of capes and' peninsulas, or the parrot-like statement of the products and peculiarities or the countries, without any perception' ,of con. ditions on which the said products depend, or of the et.useiptences which Make the peculiaritic.s of, countries' signilicanti In this view it bicomes an eduz4lonal problem of no slight moment to determine the reo, , it cl!icion method '.f putting be. ;.; rs i.r puSSCESiOII of 801110 real, even !tieezeplete, apprehengion of those pmlin,inary principles which they encoun ter at the. yery threshold of their gee. eiat , hical studies. . r, . The traditional practice which ha s Clime down to tis , and which -is'•still embodied in 100:;1 text books, has at least tho tire value of marking what, by thought. ful teachers, is deemed nut the . =time method. This is the process of placing before the child a series of &huh cios and principles told point blank. Every teach er v. ill have in his mind the new type of miseaDecirranor ! , , , fre,:gp:l des, in which the most'abstract r.dizations of mai. coop arc marshaled in bristling array meet the tyro at his first step. Here are a few samples of the sort of " indk for babes" to'lyiieli we make refeieu'eo: "Tl:e combined attraction of tit° inn gild moon is' the supposed cattreof ocean• tides." '• The indication and fixed position, Of the esith's axis, during the annual MO lution around the sung cause the variation in the length of day and aud t, temperature of the different scasOUS Of the year." " Lsotherniallines are imaginary Imes passing through those poiiits ori the cartleh surface, at which the mean =nal "temperature is the same.". .tiach are Alio apparitions with naming swords that bar thiNittle one's entraaCe to the geographical p&adise. Truc, it may be claimed that the pro• liminary oral - instruction of the teacher should , smooth the way for the =6O standing of the facts and laws enunciated; in these formidable abutractione. But how many teachers are .:quipped with the knowledge and-the tact needed to unfold thesedillicult snbjeets to the minds of children? And even if the . number of such qualified educators %%Is mach larger than it is, the pressUre of :school work is sueliqbat, as a natter of fae:q the ground marked out by the text hook is, in the elierality of ca:les, the limit of classroom insuthlion; It follows, that to' raise the level of the text-book is to raise the level of tcaCh • It is nut the aim of this :wide to enter upon any detailed discussion of the now and better devices for primary get:graph ie.d instruction but we may be permitted to signalize the fact that it is the opinion of the leading authorities in eoeatiOnal science, that in the f,lnied,biry Ge3graphy, Prof. - Swint, in- has made a most important contribution in this direction. The fea t ur,: :ihelt sets this Nro:li al , ari , from others on the subject. is the sylittoulatie use of the Fa,Oefire 21.0/0.,(/ in unfolding thoz;,:.• faits aivk .plicumccna of nature which form the ba7as of geography. In sten,' of bewii , hring the young learner with 11,-.• u "ondensed array of abstract an*l u statements, the topics are . y a process of inference on the part of the 'midi, aided by suggestive .queries and hints on the part of the teach- As a single example, take the series of steps by , which the difficult subject of diMate tand dependence on latitude are First are a series of preliminary series, as : '• Li our country which part of the day is the cooler—morning or n00n,...n00n or evening? "iVhen is the sun highest,— at noon, orin the morning, or evening?" :Attention is called to the fact thatvin the r. - s.orning ho rays of the sun fall in a slant . • . - ivetion, and that therefore we re c. I.e comparatively few of them, whereas at noon the sunbeams fall more directly. Tins nattirallyleads up to the inference on the part of the pupil that, the teem sun beams the greater heat. Next the schol ar is questioned as to the tithe of the year when the weather is hottest, and the time 4 when it is coldest ; and his mind, moving along the links of afialogy, concludes that since the temperature of the .d.v-periods depends on the amount of sunbeams, the temperature of year-periods is due to the same cause.' The tea.ther is at this same point instructed to confirm the pupil in this ethielusionj and to add that the part ~f e world in which we live is in 811 M• :i:er tipped towards the sun, so that his • heanis fall directly upon us ; whereas in winter it is turned partly away ftent the sun, and Itetice his beams fall upon us in a slanting manner. If, now, the pupil is aske4what meat result from - the fact that there aie parts of the earth which are al vim turned round or very much away from the sun, and other parts that are al. ar t y„ directly,. or nearly under Re re" he cannot fail to arrive by inductive proems. at the notion of the dependence of climate on latitude. I 1 in his mind the idea is still crude, his ietellionee will have been opened.to the thought, and prepared for the endinstaml ing of the definition or statement of prin ciples, and at all events the delbiltion or statement will no longer be balma more form -of words. • \ • \ This plan of developing: .p sabjeot wo I.h:we - styled tiro Ind attire ZWAIM:Mi I jt I tliou;';it in the actual prncetlini of tomit;k 14 . pg tlicie will ziee::.s:,:triiy be swoon at lila: iw:ti•uction::l or anthoritalhoiDetind e yet it ik the proe.m.., :of iliinanns thin .1 »prks Ille cardinal steps of deloompo s Of -toliri-e,' diis piati is tr . () revelation blab. 1 , - -;.;..,:.:ii:5, lue it has long been rtatigdiallull ..:t truth i)flo4ic that the auit,lytio ortoduo. 1 liy;:i.i7ietliod is that' best litnd, for first ',brit:sink a stiNeet before the mow infect t,,is t 41 z lie nuathk4 that bas .T op !, tv - uiat . ,ti:.-aotiOr.,":lFout R 533 EMS _ OGRAPHY - :, ... _ :-c..1.:,-,,,,,!'.:-.-:;,:e::.:'--. Eigie ...... 1,. .... - ;, -; .. - _ ,---,,„ -::::-?..41:7-C.'::r1"4 - 't-',':,.. ',"*.7f3,'-i'-.2-,:....5k.'..i'-?-.77:'.:_:45.,1..grziz.P.c-,.-TiA Pastilk*il; 110114 . Of ell good te,044 -- • - .4 • intnTl soak. 100 r,4 , . • An attractive school room laa benefit tO filth "eacher and icholai: Arhi IMO WAS and Boor, and (hen the unctutained win: dews, grow dull and monotonous 'to the Imam Halo brains, always latent on va* otgr and pleasure. l- It is easy to supple-. , meet these with objects alike interesting to younger and older. Oat of fifty soh& .ars, teal at least could be found who would bring a plant in a pot to stand in the win? dow. If only a geranium, that hardy grower almost swine attention and will ,bear almost any amount of cold. The two kinds of ivy, petunias sown in . August in the garden, removed carefully in pokit in October, will flower all winter, and" the sweet Ileitis taken from the garden will be fragrant and beautiful for 'mouths if they do not grow Much in winter. If the teacher has no permanent home, in the summer,-she.con surely interest some one pupil during the summer to beg au old round pin and pierce a tow hides• in the bottom, fill with earth and plait curled parsley in it. What delight for any boy or girl to watch °Meads during the heat of . summer, preparatory to the winter spent in the school-room. - .Ah I but some will say : "We would never be allowed to hang up such a thing.' Our trustees do notiffm the walls marred by nails; we, aro constantly preaching about dsfaced, woodiork, and what we preach in must practice." -`very good. Let me suggest. Get a stout pfece of lath, three or four , stout nails, a steuboy, a hammer, and a ladder. Let him nail the lath on the Very . top - of the woodwork \ of your sunniest window, and if the lath he twelve inches long your tin.pan will hang•from the end, c7 te, free - to droop its lovely green ,ly leaves OM the sides and astonish as w as de light you.through all the cold we n r. - Some will say, who is to water these plants, and what if a cold snap should come and destroy them all in - one night ? The watering would be gladly performed successively by different pupils, and might be made a reward for gocid conduct, end the extremo cold of winter generally has ita sure commune: in thti day time, and them, before leaving the school-room, co ver up the more delicate planta with a newspaper or your dust cloth, or perhaps remove them from the window nearer the stove or register. - There aro other moans to be, employed in decorating your school-rooms, such as pictures and appropriate school room mot toes. JI room with pictures in it, and a room without pictures, differ . by nearly as much as a room without windows. Noth. irqr, we think, is more melancholy, partici. ularl)f to a person who - h - aa to pass much time in his room, than blank walls and nothing on them ; for pictures are loop holes of escape to the soul, leading it to the other scenes and other spheres. It is such an inexpressible 'relief to some per gola' engaged in writing, or even reading, on looking up, not to have hiti line of via sion chopped square off by an odious white wall, but to find his soul escaping, as it were, through the frame of an exquisite picture,. to other beaolful, 'and perhaps idyllic scenes, where the fancy of I mo ment may revel, refreshed and delighted. It is winter in your world? perhaps it is summer in the picture; what a charming momentary clAnge and contrast I—Peran. s. bank School Journal. WE are glad to hear some of our teach. ers urging the necessity of District Insti tutes. One of the best ways to prepare teachers ter practical work in the school room, is to meet and compare methods by demonstration, etc. The more such gatherings we have, the more effective will be the labor of the attendants. There is really so little of live institute work done in the county that a Cry has rises to substitute it for the work of the County Association, the constitution of which provides, that "The bueiness of themeet ings shall Consist of addresses, lectures, essays, special reports arid discussions up on subjects relating to the cause of educa tion." • 9N P: thing at a time is livery good rule to apply to the meetingis of the Teachers' Associations. It seems impractical to -have the work of examination for Perms tient Certificates in progress while the As , \ sociation is in session, because the appli il; mln .und the members of the Committee on errieurient Certificates are deprived of ta priviges and benefit to be gathered on such ,ocenaious. It is-hoped that some arrangement Will be effected to have the examinations conducted at some other time.. . , TIM School Directors o f ßarclay town ship are building two school \ houses this summer. Heretofore the schools have WTI too much crowded. WnEna the out-houses are properly di 'Med si.hools should have general recess —but where they are not provid ed each sex should have recess separately. ruler principle of good governimmt— govern yourself. Second—give your pu plis work enough to keep them busy. (Nd proverb with new face—lt's a nil wind that blows nothing to anybody. PASSAGE TICKETS To and front Europo by /NMAN AND NATIO.TAL ByEAMSH/PB. Also, FOREIGN DRAFTS IN ANY AMOUNT For sale by WM. 8. VINCENT, Main Btreot, , •" • • • Towanda, ri; 1 1 RIJTIIS.-HQP BITTERS, (A Medicine, not a Drink) 1101'S, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, Awl the Purest and Bost MEDICAL QtALIIIES of all other Bitters. -THEY CURE All d lames of the Stomaeh, Bowels, Bload, ;Aver, andsidneasandVrinCryOmans, Nervonstriss,Bleep. iessness, Ferule Complathts and 'Datatrotrutss. Will be paid for a ease they will not sore or help, Ur fur anything Impure or injurious . found In them. ulsk your Outlast for Bop Bitters 'and: frett and t r y the Bitters before you sleep, Take no other. THE not. coroH crßn 'AND PAIN RE LIEF IS THE VILEAREST, SUREST AND BEST. . jtunNlanl. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, . . . TOWANDA, PA. " ' C &VITAL - PAID LW insi;4l•• SCUPLUS PUND SOMA \ . . • - - Tiki : ihaakieliors unusual facilities !bribe trans. IN.lti,m'el„,z Laming g & s gcnersliia ing bauet . N. N. BEttB, Cashier. - JOS. COW E1:1 :Proshleat. . Yula.l4,,,leia. , R. T. B. JO SON, it . _ wirsicux AND tan ON. . , Ollscaaver Dr. Potter Is Bosilip Toirea l la. "4= 114 a 1[ ... ‘ ~' , --, .%,,,, , . --. ' ' • ' - , ~,,-- 4 : ~:\ ~, : '.,...:' ....• - • 4•:,'''' : - ~',.:',.: '.'- i'-., , . •-:, ,„ ,L-4tl:;h-at.zz-,-gal.,,+-utitt,.P-.W-=Z;-z5,,5q',7;-.:L4?,-,-:_q=:t. SH RE ConteWs GLOGO IN GOLD . „ . .• - • • FAMP4,4itr i l iii nUMlMity ta titoni II L prleriar' alli : Wiwi at tad& Alio _litalmer i a -.., ........ .._ -:- ' li 11.081114 SLD. - ' -- . • - • InitiILODINCUAND 'POPVILA* 0 1 1 1 3ECIMMO t Ups, earofled bli:asites.tbsroil se, ispeastel ENTERPRISING : WM' his mad nal>leaibuaa mad jaagmeat ma. Itamalload liacpst coaled as lausease stock at SPRING AND.BI7PIXER GOODS. kiellseted with the vastest we; and every article iregamnieod 11.!ssellloielevint SPRING OVERCOATS Si prime pieta/ them la the mei of all. • .- • Duet buy - In the clothing lini: Until yoti • - szamlned 1 , • ]. ItOSENFIELDS 81 1 00 I „ If you do you will regret ji. Apruotsth6 Isle, JACOB'S Islam rocelvlog his Spring & SUMPIee STOOK OF CLOTHING! WHICH 11A8 NEVER BEEN EQITALaixDBEPORE IN • THIS MARKET, . ilthcr kit - Quality Or Low Pr i ces. Every Article First-Claw. PLEASE CALL & EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING. Patton's Block, Main-St. Towanda, ra.,liartli SS, is. 760141&Ma' Gslades. M . B. & F. •11. OWEN, EXELII RED, WHITE, ft BLUE TEA STORE, EftIDOB STRIXT, Are offering *mid Indueements In every meat et the Groeto line. Here are seem At the prices Standard A Briar... Taal 10 coats a 10 60 eo 76' BO Coffees 20 2.V $0 23 " Tobaccos 40 50 60 - Yloar—Bed, .1.00 per sack; beet White car" #2.00 llama - oa 10 tents aboalderi . . VT . 011 " Geese& Codfish . 06 IA . .. . ... es 1 to = O . Pert 01 AG You winged anything you want In the Greenly line, and at prices to a s the times, A liberal die• count given atoritalende.-Ont netts band shall bo "Quiet tialea. Small Paint/ A Caab or Beady Pay.' CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Cash paid for Boner and Eggs. M. B. dc F. IL OWEIVE, BED, WAITS It BLUILTIIA STOPI• Midge -V., 'Towanda, ra. ApTllll, ICS. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES _Preehato ta calling the +Manillas of ids eneeer. ehat b ns lateen e s and scaling ontinu e er public generally, to the Oct t still c* ' _ GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS 'At Use OLD STAND of NINA A IDINDIELL. In Cartons Block, neatly = a lbs 11(eins Hones, Is &a tend be pre t o SALT AND FRESH MEATS, FRESH POULTRY, • N VEGETABLES AND BERRIES et the verybest qoallty,St se law esteem any other eetablhluseut. 0. Arne 1. MeV `, 77 1 1 MEDICAL ,ELECTRICITYI MRS. W. H. COVERDLAE, to UNA IltAC4lClit If THIS 11081 1 ,14i(111 DUIIINCI•TMS rAtiT Ti/R, HAN ZYPECTED MANY WONDERFUL CURES. Her increased knowledge makes her FULLY COMPETENT to treat Dearly all dtrearce McNutt to our race. SPECIAL ATTENTION IN GIVEN TO PURE LT FEMALE COMPLAINTS. =I Revert, . . sli=lits .- of th e Ties, 9 111 447. . • - . era* . • ~ I ' Pneumonia, • Pleurisy, - Inflammation of the Liver. ' - latianunatot7 Rhemaatiam, • Amaral; Deafness; Apron* . . . • . - . "=, • Droy • • • 4 Chr ps onic Rheumatism, • St. Vitus Dana, - ~ • EPlierrh • Gaiter, - r - Neuralgia, 1 . Sever Sore, . . • Cancer, • Curvature of the Opine. • - _, 1 a. . • Asthm n . - right's Guam* of theßhineys, and other Oman too itinnettn7M to mention. . • . CHARGES MODERATE. natio CASH. . • Paplabst, won of Wows Avetto . if, • Mita as pa togiat ' • - 4 .• • . ME ..,vJm .: 3#,lsitstiowt,, '4-'-''''".'-',l**Pgii,oo.4Wit' 4: - Aff494 PNNA Kittps' a Fait Stark ot Claodiffor tie ratio!, _Bed- Rooms, elttloriloom, Dlalarßoom sad K r - • • itessalsykik • . - SOFAS, LODIIGES, CRAZES, MARBLE TOP TABLES, FINE' WALNUT B,UOO, _ '- AND WALNUT DINING TABLES & CUAiRS. le Commas Goods, there Is BEDSTEADS, BITREAUS, . WORKST:ANDS, CANE AND .WOOD.SEAT CHAIRS, EXTENSION & FALL•LEAP TABLIPh LOOKIN(a-GLASSES, CRADLES, CENTRE TABLES, &a., &c., ie., IN GREAT VARIETY. • We mats u Specialty of BED, - SPRINGS dr, MATTRESSES UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT - COFFINS .011-2 CASKETS-- Of alt Made and 11w. A largo Mich of Trim. mina, sad the latest Improvements la Comae Prot serve,., Pall; he. All tuner-Mr aro attended by a competent, experienced undertaker_ Wo make a specialty ot els branch, and ft OA ANTRIS tiAln ISPACTtON, both as to WORK AND - PUMP. I PICTURE PRAISES made, to ord4 from a hao Attack of Om latent *tyke; of motildl S. • . - . • N. P. II CIES I L • oWA-NDA. Towabde. ll 47 30, 1175 " ) ..FURNITURE iiND .UNDER, TAKIN4 • ir•o.T.itosT'k SONS. 'With the Spring trade we- , have come forward . with . a large line of New .Goods for the - Parlor,' "Chamber nd Library, including all the Latest. Nat.lties in Patent -Rockers; Camp Chtnre, &c.. • • I . . . 1 • • • • 'Our line of Chan4ter Furniture, including , the latest sty,l4.n. (lucen. Anne and Eastlake, is try laqe and at prices that defy, competitiOni`ttliile on . Common Chairs, Spring Bede , Conches, Mattresses and Looking-Glasses we have always taken the lead for Best Goods and Lowest Prices. Our, Undertaking Department is always Complete, and „we keep . in stock Black and White Cloth Caskets, Walnut, Metalic, and. Rosewood Cases and Coffins of every style, and our pices arc lower than the lowest. , When in need of auythintfin our line please call and get.ortr prices, as We are sure you will find them lower man anywhere else. • J. O. FROST'S SONS, Towanda, Pa., May:3, 1878. II Watches, :wary, kc. NEW -JEWELRY STORE. W. A, ROCKWELL • Isrecefeftqg a new supply to ifs largo stock of goods, SILVER PLATED WARE, GOLD AND PLATED SETS CLOCKS, AM wee:thing to the Hie, which will be sold et LOWEST - POSSIBLE PRICES. rhino rive us a callpad puttultte our goods. Nepal ng dpnestt ttic(sliortest notice. :I).‘s4wo' „ , „.. . , ,„ „ _ : IMEMI We have Main Sired. CTEEIM AND RINGS, W. A ROCKWELL. ::;,:';'.';',•:,::-','-'--._,•,-;',. .._.'.:::A.!,•7.kt'.-,,-,::.',,;:',,';.. • • r oy:. wow:1 g ( J. 1. laaliand A d Waantaintaira of r r ° o / I ng WM% 0411.0 M TARNS, /C. • Moil Cloths; Plinnels auA YT S s ' niannfartar. eel by the yard on "harm or Wool taken . In oz. tlonns for oodr. . Yarn taken In the *eh& of customers; lobe Ailed on tenon wave for Blaalusta,. Sheeting or Mon's We acs always prepared todoltoll carding, Pasty P 7941141 ""91 r 4 C C . n a irle W etTa i r BON. _ Ti,/ rn. Nay S o •• N EW FM,* :;41E1W.GocppsIl MOSES ANZLL r FARNHAM Take palmate to inviting UN& Nies& to call at their New Store. A tai► doors north of karma Block, And examine tbetratock of NEW MILLINERY GOODS. Dress Mathis dime: • ' Priem Insult the times. Straw Work and Bleaching a Bppciilty„ Towanda, t'A., April 11, 187 A. 'HARDWARE I AND' TINWARE .sirov.ms, RANGES, ultitrat7 clitiat, at H. T. Juk e's, II IN MERtrUlt BLoCK, TOWANDA, PA May IG, 1679 ATTENTION FARMERS I • . • • it you wish to sell your HAY, GRAIN, BUTTERS PRODUCE mitt' , for HEADY eAfl rt, et the highett market rice roll at SaflTtl & PARK'S WYSAITKING, PA,. where you will also And a well seleetml stack o goods, selling at bottom prices. . Wysaulting. Sept. 20. 1877. • FOR THE WEST I And the best thing In the West Is A HOME IN THE ANNANSAS VALLiY, Tp?ough !hitch tune the Atchtson,Topeta3 Santa Fo R. It. R,500,000 . ACHES OF LAND FOR SALE ON ELEVEN YEARS CREDIT WITH 7 FEU CENT. INTEREST.. The abundance of excellent Water in Spitags and running Streams, combined with Cheap. Land of Superior Quality anti tim Finest Climate In the World, make It the must desirable In the West. Before locating elsewhere, apply for (Inttar Mops, tie., to E. k:. DOANE., Agent Atchison Topeka 4 Santa Fe it. U, Canton, Pcnn'a. Canton, 1878 WESTERN TICKETS. Per sons preparing to •• (10 West" can par chase tickets 10 all Wan; Month and West at as low rate. a. at any other Unice. and have lemma 6ElO[Ol, bye:Ming on nio tit the Wyaluslng I W. 11. KINTNER. Wyalusing, March 21, igs. G REATLY REDUCED PRICES !. The andersivied Is doing PLANING, MATCUING, AND ICE-SAWMG, And all kinds of I'laning•olM Work, AWAY DOWN! DOWN!! DOWN!!! So far you can't we R. I have) also on hand a largo stuck of BASH AND DOOItS Whkh I am selling at paces to salt the times,. WINDOW,ELINDS 'Made promptly to order, at a loar,prlec, for CABII IF T.OU WANT T. GET RICH QUICK, Can and ace my Goods and Prices. Luntlx4 brought kere to be milled, will be kept tinder corer and perfectly dry until taken away. Good Weals for your kora:s t and a dry place tabled. Towanda. Jan. 18, 1877 CREAMERY BUTTER ! The COOLEY PROCESS of meting Butter is fast sipercedlng all other systems; • • ; Tho Butter l FINER FLAVORED, and brings a blgher price In the market. The YIELD DI GREATER than from any other way of totting. The sales now *verve mei ONE HUNDRED CREAMERS PER VEER. NO OTHER 'SYSTEM can allow ouch iirecord Reed the TESTIMONIALS— 011D14N VALUE, NEWPORT, IL 1., / • March 24. 1819. - I Vermont Farm Xanatactarlag - Gentlemen—We aro more and more 'pleased with the Cwiley Creamer as we continue to use It, and we feel,' ,confident that we shill produce abetter quality Of butter this suremer by moms of It than we ever bare before. We are now getting ILOO a pouhd for our butter. Very truly yours, MELVILLE BULL. [From Editor of the American Agrlculterist.) Nnw Tonic, Jan. a, 1811. Vermont Farm . Machine • Dear Sirs—l have set up the No. Cooley Creamer which I procured of you, and have now had it Ili use on my farm in New Jersey several weeks. I And that It does all you represented that It ',mild do, and that besides raising au. of the cream from the milk in teas than it hours, and keeping the milk perfectly sweet ;, it ooEuples very little space : may be kept anywhere In a kitchen, or a barn If desired, because being closed completely against aceess.of air the cream can imbibe no odors: also that It produces more cream from the Milk than I can procure from shallow pans, and Is a great labor pn saver. I strongly recommend Ii to every batter. maker. lam sure I have pine In both quality and quantity over any Wei of I have yet used for setting milk fur cream. • Yours very truly, . MERRY STEWART. . • Antettnusetuat, LancasteiCo., Pa. Vermont Farm Machine Car Slr—The.Cooter and Cans I ordered arrived the foto part or June. I am confident from repeated reeitsuringt, eelgbdngsandcomparlsom, that I get more butter. fd an fine a quality, from the' same amount of Milk by your way of setting than by an other heretofore pursued. fie much no. that I am changing ruy.anUre factory, and shall soon require more cans. Yours truly, VEMIONT MANIViCTUIIING COiIPANV. ,lIICLLI?WiS FALLS, VT. • •_ May 23,1874 BUTTE) MAY NJ' be slide by Ming the Bithmorged or Cooley Cans for raising crrem. Theundersigned le agent forselling 'Cooley's Portable Patent Creamer in Braaten! County. All commanicatlons from Dai rymen promptly attended to: A circular giving full descriptions sent, free by , writing to - WM , ILOT Ctwitityr. • mayaelm. /Hiram, Bradford County, Pa. ei! a week fn your own town. 46 Outfit free. "Ill) No risk; header, if -yea want a hurtnesa at which pavans of. either Ash can make gleam all the time they wort, write forpartlrubwr iiht.Latr Cu, bartland, MOW agaedy. -• • • • ..:3. , :,..'..-',:-. -, OR & C° ' F DITTRI E. 1• Tho a i m rtiposated !Inn has jug ()lofted, at the old oad Woll-knowa stall of C. 11. PATCH, Groceries and Provisions, which baring Won purchased elnce tburecont hear tali In micas we are uttering. to our cuatomera AT (IitEATLY RZDIJCIEL) RATES. Our stock of /roods Is complete, and the hest In the market: We respectfully Invite the puldk to -exalt - dile our gouda and prjecs. and we ate coundent that they cannot he boat. All orders will. receive prompt attention. Theltdeded market prim paid for country pro duce. Towauda, 111arcla 1, le7S, &•3 • CD - fa 41 ' E. t"2 Ousts r c. te 1 .7 CA A P. 1 0 O •-• ( M a , tq al' el ) . 41 ;" SD 17 )11 4 a I S 5 1 g.. - •cow - 'T .01 -ei tie 2 Pc S _ 4 " M = g . a I g .2 =l 15 . "vj w :41 O . ,4 V i 7, E *m g a pq - (4 a 5. ° B /. g 3) ov aj . • r 17 . 0,) • i g fa. 5 .3 oi .14 2- .14 o'' l ' 26 Er : 4 ? tz 114 $ 6 . 0 el cn p STEVENS & LONG, WUOLES.ALE ILETAII CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, ' s ? COUNTRY PRODUCE, - L. B. IiODOEBB. Or taken In exchange for goods, an lowest cash pri ses. Our long experience In the Grocery Trade gives us peculiar advantages in purchasing, and as we are not atabitious to make large profits, we nat ter ourselves that we can offer - Buyers tbaa any other ostabashruent W Northern Pentuillrani& - mayl:S. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS GROCERIES. &. PROVISIONS. COLIN CAIIERON. ONE DOOR NOETO OP CODDI N5l eq, UMBEL!, 141 nnN1M . %i 1 4:23, V 6 ES = New Firm, NEW GOODS, Nets -Prices. A FULL LINEOF Wood, Wllllrne anti Stow Ware, TEAS, COFFEES; SPICES, E 4. P. DITThICII . 1 / 4 . CO = P co 0 cs oq CD 413 Dealers In GRAIN, ttp. Having &lame and can medians story we are prepared it all times to carry °A Lange stc.ek. TANI PAID FOR BUTTER, GRAIN AND PRODUCE GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO STEVENS it LONG. CORNER NALN a IIUIDGE ST., TOWiA.NDAPA'; -- McCABE 4 EDWARDS, Cash !Isaiah Ina %Inds of . im i .iizit-,,Ca!!iNNO.; .;' T I E EMZM Carriages CilgAT'F,' forta Warms sit a GUI Proprietor of the Old Carriage Manufactory, rot. Mein and Xlizaboth streets, -mreuhl call the special situation- of Y41101E1113 and others _to Ida large and complete assortnentof _ • OPEN AND TOP . BUGGIES • AND PLATFORM WAGONS, Al! of his own manufacture, and warranted In every particular tu be equal to thu must OirenSivn city Wort.• NOW IS YOUR, TIME TO BUY I rout at 'the figures, 'and remember thaiortkry vehicle is warrauted : PLATIroItM WAGONS.... . OPEN BITG(4LF.S' 'TOP )II7GGIES The klees are fa,y IKAUVI the cost of maoufaeture and wtti not b maktaitted after thelirtmOst stuck Istltspeoed of, so yOu must make belectiuus . . . .... - t• Don't be imp id ;lima by Whitler wort and poor materials. but . poreliase at the establishment which has limn lc 4..potatlim Sortie= ly ball' a con• try and Is permanently located. - . .. UNPAlltlst, PRO3iPTLY ATTENDED TO °Mee and Factor) , cor. Main and Elizaboth streets. Towanda. Juue 21, Ibl7 NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY! llespeelfuliy anfloilnev to tho public that they are prepared.W 'Julia all M:1,16 Tor AND OPEN BUGGIES, PHAETON & PLATFOICI'ItO.OO TROTTIMI SULXUEfi lc SKELETONS, M . atto of tho best material- ae it, thehet style All wet k ivarraut...il to glve perre,:t. satibfac tun. - . I'AINT/SG A SPE . ClAd;ir We have ono .f the best- Can lagelater.; to the country, awl Uu all wurk Su this flue at the lowest rates. l'ceatly.atal i.romptly dour 3i reduced siTICCS .liticing new ai,rlngs and cep:arcing ones a All work gnaranteea. 'lncase give.us a call. Towauda, April 2S, In: N EW 14.114 114.1 lined up the uOl , 'storu„,.of . 4.2. A. Luck viitft . a full !Ulu of . CROCKERY, CHINA, CHINA', CUTEER SILVER PLATED GOODS, STONEWARE! - BABY IVA GO,N 8, FANCY GOOi)S, TOYS, TOYS! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! LAMPS, LANTERNS, CIIIMNES Sewing Staehines nf the leading makes sehl lot Cash at store. at wondorf ully low pekes. •, MAC/UNE NEEULE:i & OIL LADIES, GENTS AND CIIILIMEN Are invited to lad: over our aFsuriment, v.v. arc determined to do all li, our powei to please: HO member the place, . - ToOtanda. lay 10, 1377 L. B. _POWELL, zzs Wyoming Avenue; has a large stock of .seCond Itand PTA NETS and OftITAAN., which he offers so hj7177 no one C.lOl AFFORD to • buy att imtru ment cl.tewhere witimia first getting prie from him 'During the past Te'-V ,211r, - , he tins two' duir!! au extele:lve rent; o l ; husiness, in eonsolueutvof the , till.rtasolentol , l of the times, utat4 of these iustr:llutins lave been returned. As sot:u as• „ 11 , 1.1N0 or DUG IN is returnol., it is inocts.:ab.:iv. .ut in iiiiironith by his :put. offered again, is in fl , I (111.,1 it flail aSIBI Ftmeof the , e lie run - warrant :lir ;lee years. the Faille as new ones, an oproniiiiitytiving - th is 'given to atair. a THOP.OU(IHLY , COOD Instßumpir at a very moderate talre. Poii - r.I.L has I 1011; fn stuck une 5 -oehi..ye our 6 isetai e Portable :kteknlcoik, sfl,i; Um , .7 , -; , cl..uvv Organ, 6 itiniq, oue 5-oi•tave New•Ezieliort- Orgun, 6 stark. , : 1 6 ,1 -- irith 7 e,'!th it One 5-octave Muzon I lath il arc an; 5 stops, ;76 - , ;,• „one s.iii'luve Mitiqii Organ, 117 . 7); one Li . .;lite, Plano. 74 , etave, one ITeinem I:ll..then; Piano, 7-octave, :1110; one Chickerhig Piano,* 7-octave, 4round, 675; one Chiekering - Plurio. 7-oetave, rciund.'M: one ILizelton Piano. ' 7-octave, $..175: antl,many. other , : ofirli fian no: be sTeeificiii here, ALWAYS IN STOCK. the Celebrated 4.'1514% AM ti 11. t %NOM and the nurivaied ?;ANON 4: II A3l 11.1 Olit6G.. whiizinTt e turtrar EZIA! . at BOTTOM I.BICE;. 115 Wyonaintr .A.vonno, `..3c.retnturt,la H. DODGE, FIRST - NATIONAI. BANK. TO NV A 14, - .1) , PA U14.1:111) FIRE CO., of ridlala • ii.UTUAt'LIFE IN§UICANCX CO ME Over 1120,0e0 Insurance on lives lu Brinifera Ce. Towninin, rahlrel.l:l; 477. • , " OLD J47IP , RRY/LNIt ..i..100 to Ili° 80 :a. 100 J.IES East Of .ttioThoporter.Ofpco. Mclntyre a Sponcor FAMILY CAICRIAGEs, All kinds o! ItEL',IIIII\G. ticStiTtitl.: $t Sl'EticEit Crockery Ware. AND NEW GOODSt H: J. Maiiiii GLASWAIIE groat var:ety"t A NEW .I)EIARTIT4I "OLD 'CROCKERY STORE." 21nsicsi Instr=ents. SCRANTON, L. U. POWEI..t,, 114:Plt leffTS of Hai [IOW 10111%imil - A PINBI EHIGVALLIX AND PA.: & ij W N. Y. KAM ,lIOADS. —Arrangement *IP 'anger Traitor, totake eruct June ; Iy7L. W ,8T41.1710)li3, • Niagara Palls 'lluff*lo • •••• , 1••!•••• ••,• itocbeittr4 • ••• • ••! • •'••• i• • • r• • • • Aubtiro Gentara. .. theca .0 e El-to • • Way ly . _ "kttlan I - I Miter • Wyptauklng.... gtamlinaStellitt. - .4, Ritunnertlerd - V runcbtown . ; .. WyAluelng likinneells'Eddy _ Moshoppen ,Itelloopany Tunkhnnnock • Latlrangn Ratts... I. & It Junction VVllke,c4tarre ' Maim!' chunk:2 7 :—. 'Allentown: - - Easton - • " .• •t. Now ... . . sTAt.IOI:B. New York ..... Enswn liethlehera A ileutnwn -. Mauch Chunk....e :.; . ....... ... L. Jr B. Junction Yalta LaGrange:. 7ll7lkllannucli Moltoup.alir 31ashoppen Skinners Ed(iy,. Laceyvillo Wyaltning ' Yrcncltiown . St waling litono:".. vrAtt): I lig - Towanda Ulster • Milan kthess tisyre. l Waverly Elntira .... ent , t-t ' A uto u ochtm fee. :.. Euffalo. L,; Ir. °falls ME ~ 2 is , 16 45 4 4 6 5.11. 4 001100 .4 55, 7 !a ftl.l4 b os , :; • •Il 21 5 17 7 25 .9 2:11 3.3' 1 26 7 35 4 3811 28 . 42 4 45 11 H) 5 4017 7e. ...... :512 40 6 151 850 G 24 6 31 0 9 :A i 3 1 .11k-15 , g 5. 4 . 1015' X"!.0 ; 55, 45 t ' 1 14 . 58 6 10 11 :0' 6 10 /1 Ldi 8 20 12651 6 I - , 1 00 65 6 IS S and 15 ruhAntly.laning c2ra ti and 15 netwowl Niagara Fa r and rhita -1,-IFllia and Letweeti Gengra - and Now York with enango., Vance darti •Oh tinitds 2 aild'9l.etlrecu Falls and P.lll.4. , :delyhta wltiont change.. tt. A. PACIiEr. P. Y N. Y. U; It. 43:;7 . c, ra,;„ 3, In d notes. F i NGTE 'HOTEL, E 5.31711 SLOE. 1.1:1:1.14.;.EQC,11:1;.) This has been therukagld 7 run nuvau:.4l aco. repalr,3l throoghont, suit tl i i.ioprie• proan.ri to offer Ltuus to the uu the ismt tern,* E. A. JEN-NCS.IiS, - • Tev.lu:.l3i Pa., Mby TI.[ENRY llol7sll, (C•ti E X l'itor ;'LAN.) CORNER MAIN & \VS§IIINGT6N STREETS TUWA SIJA, PA. Tl,l:<iarl;,:, coutniodions and elegautly-fitcnish,e4 hot:so-has 'not be*”, opened to the traveling public, The pr , Tri j etor has spared ;Wither phis tioTexpenso In making lets - hotel drat-chiss in all Its appoint miits, and Cespoct fully solicits a Share :id piddle patronage. 311.:A Ls AT ALL 1101.11 i's. Terms to :oat the times. staide'attached„ ' CNI:A, l'hpentETOn. Towanda, June.:. ELWELL HOUSE, TOWANDA; . . jOITN:g r ULLI.V.6 Havingleased this hnnse, ie now imuly tn accoln twain-Le the travelling public. - No ivtins nor caI . WILSO will Dr-spared to gltin ?natishieliou to titnso Who way give him a call. a 1 North slat, (.4 PubllC ST arc, cast of Stercurs new T UE .CtNTILAL HOTEL, ER, PA. The undersigne4 haring taken, fmasetssion of the above hotel, respertfuny solicits the patron age old friends and the public generally. augir.-tf. JI A. FOltliEsT.. QEELEY'S OYSTERBAY AND Ktsuopkit. I{4)l.7'SE.—A few doors soutbot ikra 3leart, thuo.e. day or week tql re:e.Ttat,le Wrlrni ljlenla served at al; hours oyswrs at w holt:gale awl fuhll7. Coal and Lime. AIERCUR, Dealer 11. t ANTIOZACITE ANT) bULIAV ANT.III:AI3TE COAL, rIltK Atilt la kat STILLISTS: TUWSN 13,A, Coal srrevne,l, Al! , l'6llVVrell tO any vart or the Itnne, ;Wang; cartage to the abovei.tices. 0111)Z.ILS XUST AI.:I.74.OII'ANIED I,lY'Tlti: CASH Towanga, San !s, 1577:7 com,, COAL, WA keep an bud at our yard an Sizes of Pittston and Wilkes Barre coal, and Loyal Sock , coal, from tlm Fofillran County Mines. Mso, parclay Linn, and. Smith. . Peep the best qtellity of Idea, lists 'amt leont, :trick and rhwter, all et which - wu•-will at - bottom ptieeg. PIERC,E & SCOTT .Timantla May Ist,' I,S7C CHEAP. COAL AND LIME Fret au.l aftirJuly 1, I. will soli coal,-111 , 1P, for ca,ll ouiy, awl the price ii.it will be corrected • Vltlclf. UV COAL Full dIiLY S VILIt T6l( OP ;00011,24 AT TRli, TA itin• Pittitnil Stoi . e, Cheotnnt and yurnace ti 00 -- Pon 2 SO . (tartan 1?..1111 t,t m ti th ' _ 4co - 300 arty Monntalty'Llunp 3 W Suiilth 2 7S Allen:Own Limo • 'ft hitott2l - • 32 . Lath t':? M . 2 25 . . ITair 111.. , 1::}ter,... ' 40 . . Brick ' to at I ant alc.rtys prepared to deliver purcliAses on short !toffee at the usual Klee (4 delivery. 1 also toider my thanks:to my many friends and customer! , for their, very - liberal pot rtmago In tth) P3' . 't Witt nnpo - 11:/tlek.tho new departure to make It to their ibtere.st to. continua' to buy where they can g et the hest goods for the least money. - Those who tire_ Indebted to - mo wilt tato notice must have money or 1 ent l;: t len , for cash and j(ly freights. They ' must settle by the first of Au gust next. • : V4iry Itespectfully Yours TOwand4, Jn171..1975. • lA( . lfr business you caw engage. t 3 to f 20,1). AO I day made by any wor)cor of either &sr.., 01;4 in their prrn localities. Particulars and Flllll - worth r). !Too.- Improve,-your mum time at this 'lniSinnss. IlltlrussSTlNnOri 8 Co„ Portland, 3thltro. • .usayao ly. :SURE ..REWARD. .01 YEARS .TO PAY VORA YAW% $4 to Sla Per Acre. Beech and Biopic ; Laud hi Pllithigalt In the Ai IL LION iACKE GILL NT or - .itho Wand Arkapsdrt and Indiana ItailroodiCompnuy. - TITLE' 'pEIIFECT. . Strong' soill—A ore oropu—pleiztyorthum iber—no.drouOit-no ehhich bow"—' uo hotip!es.” 'tannin= sireannit-pure water—ready markets-- P eliools --liallroad vom "Dieted through centre of the.grani. Stiltl fur pamphlet, English or V. 0. lIIITGUART, • r • Latta Conimieudioner, . GUAWII; !Ds, 101t11. . 9 7 A. 31 P lat, 741,.. 4 R 00 9 00, MT an 10 5o 1 17, 11 1 IS 900 1 5i5; 9 19 2 01, 1 3 20 I ns 9 40 230i1000 ••••• 10 6U! 6 211 , 6 261 6 ; 64 UZI 10 39 DO 491 1 3 0:' 10 42 '39.41111 ....111 14 3 19 . 11 33 [I 28gl 11 40 ••• 1 11 44) 4 1 0 1: VI MIMI ..... 40 •••• • :12 W1 ,• 4 40! 1:0 5 . 14: :W :10: 4 111 3G 8 00, li ix :11) 4 41 .5, 4448 n ;olio t; 1214 12 511 2 OS, 9 9 , JO 2 0) 6,30: • i 6 2U; 100 80d . .6 15 230 20 S 9 an; 3 . 60 0511 .10 (I 420 10 10.1:.-1 34 sll 635.....11 i b bo 1 , 16: 7 20. 1 6.4 1:3 3 - 03' 220 Ain 821 E 2 44. 2M 844 2 32 1 29 8 3 ix 9 91 4 9 14..3 :13 9 3 40. ' 943 s33' i 3 01 11:43 1 3 38;-- 10 0:. 4 15 , 10 20 4 2.3 :10 30 4 32 •10 38 . 4 34 EREEIE It. MER.CUR COAL. I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers